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9000 words: Unexpected warp: buy or edit

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:02 am    Post subject: 9000 words: Unexpected warp: buy or edit Reply with quote

Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Richman Poorman Beggarman Thief

How would it be to live in an age where fears didn't exist yet fashion was a must for woman and men in high and mighty societies? Thieves on the loose and myth was the worst to fear in small towns. Old wives' tails repeated frequently. And the words for better or worse had meaning to some.

The story starts at night. The myst made the crew look ominous and made the captain nervously look over his shoulder, only to see the royal family's children climbing the nets; which hung down from the flagpole.

They where racing to see who would come first at the crows nest, but as the eldest boy came there and he saw it was already occupied by the lookout; the lookout was clutching the telescope and a empty glass bottle in the other.

The boy pulled the bottle out of the old man's grip and seriously said to him, "Wake up Crow you'll doom us all if you don't look out for rocks and ships" Crow opened his eyes and looked at the boy, he then took the bottle and threw it away.

Crow looked through the telescope to the nose of the ship, he then buried the telescope into a bag and saw the two princes stare at him, they where clinging onto the side, "It is impossible to see through the mist. I'd advise you two to find your sister and go to sleep, it's dark"

Produis the eldest then answered. "We three can't sleep. We haven't played for some time" Damian answered, "We have rested enough." Crow frowned at Produis, he was disappointed, and said "Boy this is not the time nor the place to play games A ship is dangerous at night."

Damian the youngest shouted as he saw his sister climbing up a rope; the rope hung loosely over the sea. Anna-belle's scarf was tied at the main pole and she was reaching out for it, "Look where Anna-belles at"

The scarf was priceless to Anna-belle, she had the scarf since she was born and she wasn't going to loose it now. She grabbed the scarf's corner, holding onto it. The rope made it impossible for Anna-belle to hold onto the scarf.

She grabbed a handful of her scarf, tugging the knot loose and after pulling it free she quickly climbed down. She jumped onto the deck. Tania her mother took Anna-belle by her arms, "What where you thinking?" Tania continued, "You could have died. What where you doing up there?"

Anna-belle hugged her mother, "I'm sorry mother, my scarf was tied up there" Tania looked at Anna-belle, "How did it get up there? You could have asked someone else…all that trouble just for a scarf your father got you" Tania then saw the boys coming down from the net, they where amazed that Anna-belle didn't fall.

Tania called the boys and while they went down the steps Tania held onto Anna-belle's hand telling the boys to never climb anything they where teaching Anna-belle mischief and that is not a way for a future princess and princes to act.

As Tania said goodnight to her children she also added, " no more barbaric monkey business"

Anna-belle hid her scarf under her cushion. The boys were wide-awake talking of the map they stole out the captain's cabin. Produis opened the map and showed the direction they were going.

Damian snatched the map and Produis started chasing Damian around the room. Damian shouted, "It must be put back or well be going the wrong direction" Produis grabbed Damian around the waist and threw him onto a pile of rice bags.

The map flew from Damian's grip and Immediately Damian started to tackle Produis, pushing him against a wall. When the fighting came to a end Produis turned around to see Anna-belle out of her bed and the map missing.

Anna-belle ran with the map in her hands, she dodged into the captains cabin ran up to a table and pinned the map to it with a dagger.

She silently slipped out and went back to her bed. Seeing the boys throwing rice at each other, she shook her head. She climbed into her bed turned her back to Produis and Damian and she took out her scarf.

White silk embroidered on the scarf was her name in Russian diamonds; the diamonds known to be fought over in Russia.


At a crossroad was a woman wondering the road a cloak dragging behind her, two cutlass swords at her side, hanging from a belt. Tunic clothes, gloves and sturdy black boots for fast travelling on foot and a sniper and pistol in her hands.

Somehow she ended up in this age, but she had no memory of how she got here. She could remember the year she was born and her Memory of her name was blank for now.

A travelling sales man said it was the thirteenth century, she was panic stricken. After taking in deep breaths the travelling sales man saw the guns, he was fascinated by it and as he asked her what it was, the names of the guns just jumped into her head and she explained what it was and she left the sales man boggled.

He exchanged two cutlass swords for one of the guns, she then looked at the rounds left, the pistol was full and so was the sniper. She gave the pistol and said, "It is the only ammo I have. You could ask someone to make a -pistol round--a smithy" The travelling sales man took the pistol and was happy with what he got a silver pistol.

He could see that she had no money on her and he tossed a small bag filled with coin. She hesitated and wanted to give it back, but he refused and said, "Where ever this came from it is fascinating. You look like the good sort. Honestly I thought you where going to kill me after telling me what it does, but as long as it can protect someone. So how do you use it?"

She took her sniper stood in front the carriage and pointed it at a far by tree and locked onto a coconut, "You point toward your enemy. A point blank shot or a far shot, but you have to practice for a long time. So you have to pull the trigger-" she pulled the trigger and a loud booming sound echoed through the small forest, a small peace of her memory flashed back…families running in terror.

The travelling sales man held his two carthorses steady. The coconut dropped from the tree to the ground and smashed into bits. Another peace of her memory came…a child fell and hands grabbed the child by the collar.

The travelling sales man looked at the pistol. She answered, her head feeling dazed and light-headed, "Pistols can't shoot that far, but it penetrates just as hard, it is lethal when into the head and if you only want to cripple someone shoot him in the legs or shoulder." The travelling sales man nodded and asked her name.

She couldn't answer she was still suffering from memory loss. He then spoke again, "Look I'll take you to the nearest town, then you'll know where you are and then maybe tell me your name" She accepted and climbed into the cart. The travelling sales man introduced himself, "By the way my names Lorak"

She smiled and said, "I don’t remember my name… my memory is vague"
Lorak sent his horses into a trot, "I hope you don't mind me naming you then"

She frowned, "No. Just nothing horrid" Lorak smiled and gave her a name by the intelligence of weaponry and excellent shooting skills.


That afternoon the ship had just anchored at the dock. Produis and Damian was first off the ship by sliding down ropes and swinging onto land.

Anna-belle and Tania took their time to come down and didn't hesitate to take what was necessary. Anna-belle quickly grabbed her scarf and a rug sack and rushed after her mother.
Each year they would come here. It was tiresome for the children to be on a days voyage, but Tania would not let them out of her sight, so they had to tag along, if they liked going or not on a willy-nilly voyage.

Three carriages stood at the side of a road situated close to the dock. The drivers were especially waiting for the royal family and the knights had horses waiting for them, the horses was kept close to the dock just for such an occasion.

It was almost impossible to get twenty-five horses on the same ship, so the queen had sent a letter of asking for the right amount of horses.

White horses pulled the black carriages and the knights rode behind and next to the carriages, escorting the family safely. They turned right at a crossroad and Anna-belle was looking out a window enjoying the view of trees and the wind blowing softly on her face.

They road through a town. Singing was heard in the tavern. Then the sound changed to guns.

A black haired man, blue eyes and tanned face were tossed out the inn his mantle was covered in sand as he hit the ground.

The horses skidded on the path and stopped so not to trample the guy. Then a blond haired man came striding out and pointed a silver pistol to they guys head.

A woman came running out with cutlass swords hanging at the side on a belt, brown hair and eyes and a cloak blowing wildly in the wind. She pulled the attacker away saying, "Don't…don't shoot him"

The attacker answered, "Why? He tried to cheat a travelling sales man…"

She answered seriously, "You'll become a murderer and lose your job as a sales man" She took the gun, "You don't want to waste your life or his." She continued putting the gun into a bag, "but heck he already wasted it with drinking and stealing…so relax… and thanks for your help, Lorak"

Lorak took the bag and saw the carriages and the knights' weapons seethed and the black haired man named Morgan lying in front of it, "Get up Morgan you scoundrel," growled Lorak kicking dust his way.

Morgan scrambled to his feet and threw the bag he stole to Lorak and ran into the woods for hiding.

By the looks of it the knights had over heard everything, some wanted to chase Morgan, but they couldn't leave the carriages unattended.

The leader on his Gary mare road up to the front carriage and nodded to the driver.

The driver then whipped the horses and road on and so did the others follow.

Lorak shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Well…he'll be back," Lorak looked at her, "Viper, do you need a lift somewhere?"

Viper was her name, for now until she gets her memory back, and to what she must do in this place, "Yes please. I'd first want to buy a few things in the inn. I never did finish buying it.

Anyway where are you going?" Lorak answered truthfully, "I'm a traveller I go where ever there are good places to sell stuff for a higher price and with that I can see sights I've never seen."

Viper went back into the inn and grabbed her sniper from a table, she knew it was careless for her to have left it there.

She walked over to the bartender and asked him where the north road led.

The bartender cleaned a beer mug continuously and answered settling it down, "It leads to a castle. The rumour I've heard is that there is a monster on the road killing any traveller…not that it would scare you."

Viper asked, "What castle? What sort of creature?" the bartender leaned forward and looked at her, "You're not from these parts are you? The creature is a horrible animal, mutated between a mix of a wolf and a bat. After it finished with you…you'll be only bits of meat… you'd become one too if your body is intact. You'd be lucky to survive and not become one. But I doubt there is a way to kill it"

Viper was horrified, "A werewolf…" The inn fell silent and all eyes and ears fell on her even the bartender was silent. She then thought again, they never heard the name or wasn't it a werewolf, "Is it then a daemon or the devil?"

The bartender turned to a cabinet and took out a tooth as large as his hand, "This is a canine I found in the forest, it killed Vix or it might as well be Vix." Viper looked at the canine and took it out his hand she scratched it and amazed that it wasn't wood or fake she saw dried blood in a opening, "There still blood on it. Did you see the creature" The bartender laughed, "Yes, with my own two eyes. It had his kill and the tooth was left in the dead body of vix's wife."

Viper took a cutlass sword and settled it on the bartender's table, "Do you have a brass dagger, rusty or copper I want to see something" The bartender reached into his coat pocket and gave a rusty dagger. Viper laughed, "Who knew a bartender with a rusty dagger in his pocket…" The bartender looked seriously at her.

She then took the dagger and cut the tooth. The bartender hesitated wanting to stop her. Viper then amazingly saw the tooth heal. She then took her silver cutlass sword and cut to sharp side of the canine right off, it didn't grow back, "This is a werewolf. It heals easily and can die when near silver, what works best is that when it's blessed"

The bartender picked up the tooth pieces and looked at her with one glance, "I tell you it's not a werewolf. Its then maybe the same but that creature had curtain-oily-like wings growing out its back"

Viper then walked out the inn and Lorak asked her what took her so long and she answered that she listened to the bartender's stories. ,"What story?" Viper answered putting her sniper down into the cart, " about creatures killing travellers…But it rarely attacks in daylight" Lorak was undisturbed by it and he helped Viper into the cart.

Lorak pulled the horse rains and the horses slowly moved backward and he turned them right and then made the horses go in a fast trot in the same direction the royalty went.


Anna-belle, Damian and Produis ran up the steps of the castle, while the others were taking the luggage and going to the stalls.

A few knights and the leader were late and they were having trouble with the crocodiles in the mote; the crocodiles were snapping at the heels of their horses as they trotted over the low bridge.

The leader dared to hit a whip on a crocodile's eye and the crocodile snapped the whip right out his hands and sunk underwater. The crocodiles were golden salt-water crocodiles are really rare.

Produis swung the front door open and Damian pushed through. Their voices echoed in the room as they walked in with their sister and mother, paintings of royalty were mounted on the walls and next each painting was swords crossing each other, engraved into the silver blades were the royalty's names.

The queen was a beautiful black haired woman, painted sitting in a garden and a purple flower in her hair, brown eyes. The king was painted leading his army, he was wearing his royal armour and his silver shield and sword, riding on a black stallion.

The Hall doors opened and The king and queen of the castle came walking down the steps and hugged Tania. The king ruffled the boys' hair and Anna-belle giggled. Leo the king looked down at Anna-belle and smiled. "Your children has grown. Unfortunately our son still lacks ears."

Tania answered, '" So does my boys. By the way where is Prince Lorak" Freda, the Queen answered, "He wanted to catch some fresh air. Honestly I think sometimes the boy doesn't like being a prince. He sneaks out and stays missing for one-two days. Leaving us to send our ranger to search for him"

Freda pointed the luggage barer into the right direction and led the royal family to each room. The dining room, the children's rooms, guest' bedrooms, kitchen, Bathroom, halls, gardens, stalls, barracks, dungeons; where the children weren't permitted to go with out a guide.


Lorak rode over the low bridge at the castle and Viper hesitated wanting him to turn away, but she didn't have say in what he was doing. So she asked, "What are you going to do here? And are we allowed to just come in?" Lorak smiled and stayed silent, he was hiding something from her and that made her take her sniper and hold it close to her.

Lorak stopped the cart on the open courtyard and looked at Viper she wasn't at ease but tense, he then spoke. "I didn't tell you why I turned here did I," Viper shook her head at him. Clutching her sniper as if her life depended on it, "I am the prince of this castle. I went for a day's drive to get away from my tight schedule and I wasn't so sure about you at first. The first time I saw you walking aimlessly on the road I thought you would probably kill me."

Viper listened and she loosened her grip on the sniper and took a deep breath before talking, "You know you were just as strange to me. Just tossing money my way made me uneasy. And insisting in hearing my name for a lift. Then just giving me a name. Then trying to kill Morgan. You looked like a killer instead of a travelling sales man. But I could see that you actually knew how to handle a gun…" Lorak grinned, he had a winsome smile.

He jumped off the cart, "Well you scared me with that machine you've got at your side, but I believed you that you had lost your memory. I could see it in your eyes. And you weren't that bad a person you told me how to use guns only to protect my self, and the selling of your own weaponry for two swords made me know you’re a friend and not a foe." Viper climbed off the cart and Lorak took the gun out her hands and then the luggage.


Around the corner was the stall and the leader had just closed the stall door where his grey mare Sheryl was. He casually walked on the lawn. He then found an empty cart parked on the grass with tired horses still tied to it, and the castle's gates unclosed.

He unsheathed his sword and walked past the cart and as he turned to look at the castle doors closing a ranger ran over the bridge, ran past him and then up the steps dogging into the castle, shutting the doors with haste.

As the ranger came to the dining area he saw Freda, Leo, Tania, Lorak and a stranger standing next to Prince Lorak. Freda was relieved that Lorak was save. When Freda set her eyes on Viper for the first time she didn't frown or ask what she was doing here, she sincerely asked the girl's name.

Sadly Viper answered that she had loss of memory. Freda greeted Viper with a hug, "Poor child. I hope your memory returns soon. Your family must be worrying sick" that made Viper smile and yet made her think who her family was. A piece of her memory returned… A knight protecting a young child…

Viper shook her head that confused her…A knight, but she was from the modern age. She then smiled broadly, thinking Freda and Leo were such kind parents, and that Lorak was lucky to have such parents. They even gave him a pardon for leaving the castle without protection, but warned him never to do it again.

The tired ranger gasped. "The prince started trouble in the horse head inn…Sire"

Leo combed his fingers through his hair, "What was the fight about?" His eyes sternly looked Lorak's way, Leo never looked at his son that way. "A thief tried to hoodwink--swindle me"

Leo was disappointed, "What did you do?" Lorak looked Viper's way as if waiting for her to tell the story, "Son…" Leo waited.

Lorak told him and hesitated at the part of pointing a gun to Morgan's head. After telling what happened, Lorak lowered his head. The punishing eyes his father shot his way made him feel small and made him feel like the lowest scum.

Viper then spoke feeling guilty, "King Leo. It is my fault I sold the gun to him and told him how to use it." Leo then looked at her, then he saw the sniper in her hand and the black gloves. He frowned as he saw the gloves; he had seen it before. Leo looked at the guard standing at the door and signalled him of the gloves, by pointing to his palms.

The butler came into the dining room, "Sire. We have minor problems in the kitchen-" The King interrupted, "It is fine Greg. We will not dine tonight" Greg then went back into the kitchen.
Freda then showed Tania to her room and the children almost got lost in the castle, but they soon went to bed without an argument.

Leo sat on the dining room's chair and motioned, Lorak and Viper to sit.
"Ok you lost your memory… What should we do with you? Find your parents" He didn't sound sure, " Or let you stay here until you get your memory back."

Lorak nodded. Leo saw it and answered, "If I find out your lying girl, its off with you" Viper thanked and said. "Sir, I do only remember pieces from my memory. It's vague and confusing. My name… isn't Viper your son gave me a temporary name -- until I find my real one"

Leo stood up, "Indeed…" he laughed, "Viper…Don't try playing smart" The king then walked away from his son and Viper. He walked up the steps and glanced back at the guard at the door in the dining room and he disappeared around the corner walking down the halls.

Lorak showed Viper her room, between his and the children's room. He bid her goodnight telling her that down the hall to the right is the bathroom, if she ever needed it.

That night Viper could not sleep in the bed, it was all too new for her, everything was and her head was paining from thinking of the memories that seem to play over and over in her head.

She threw the covers off her and she walked out her room, she felt better as she walked down the hall heading toward the bathroom.

She opened the left door and as she saw a candle light and a lord writing on a parchment, she noticed that her mistake had just made her stumble into one of the knight's rooms. He didn't hear her open the door and she had the chance to quickly close the doors, but hearing him reading the letter out loud made her only leave the door ajar. She listened in silence, in shadows…It was a poem of love and war, he was a poet and a knight.

She then casually walked back to her room and she stopped in front her room door. She looked at the children's door and then to Lorak's room door, she sighed and then the hall seemed all too familiar as if she saw a hall just like it.

She heard walking in the hall passing her, but no one was walking in the hall. She strayed down the hall her expression on her face dumb and blank. Suddenly the hall changed, lights went on and everything was bright and clouded, she saw two children running past her playing tag, they were skipping about down the hall.

She followed time felt like it was slow, her heart-skipped beats as she followed the children. A young boy and young girl. It was she and her brother. Viper followed them further down the hall and she saw the two children rushing toward their father, he was wearing an army suite and two toys for his children in his hands. The children clung to their father, he bent down wrapping them in warmth… Then the father figure and children joyfully hugging their father disappeared and the lights went off.

She stood facing a door, but it wasn't her rooms. She turned around and leaned against the door shrinking into despair she cried softly, tears rolling down her cheeks. She heard the doorknob turn and the door moved.

Quickly she sprinted down the hall and dogged into her room.


Anna-belle opened the door she looked up and down the hall but saw no one, but she had the idea it was someone, but she wasn't brave enough to venture out the children's room alone.

Produis and Damian was sleeping like logs. Damian talking in his sleep and using a cushion for a wheel driving a ship, "No Produis wait your turn…your going to let us crash"

As morning came Anna-belle shook Damian trying to awake him from his nightmare. He awoke with a fright saying, "Park there!" Anna-belle giggled answering, "Yes, sir…come it's dinner time"

Anna-belle jumped round on the wooden floor, "Come guys wake up…" Then she had an idea, "I'll tell mom who stole the map." Produis fumbled out his bed and dropped onto the ground, "You little brat…" She laughed and immediately Produis and Damian chased her down the hall, down the steps and into the dining room, and they came to a rest as they saw everyone eating and they sat keeping eye contact.

Produis glared at Anna-belle, then the wizened Greg settled a cup of soup and a plate filled with rice and vegetables in front of him.

Produis slowly sipped the soup, looking at each and everyone at the table. Damian was finished drinking the Soup in seconds as if he hadn't had food for days. The rest took their precious time.

Viper was uncomfortable, she was glad she didn't have bags under her eyes or they would have found out that she had cried last night. Leo was looking her way, she noticed he was looking at the gloves covering her hands and palms. Leo finally asked, "Why do you wear those gloves so frequently?"

He got a wistful expression from her. Vexatious as the question was she had to find out for her self, she never did take the gloves off when she went to bed.


She pulled off her gloves; the inside of the gloves was made out of a red dragon hide. She was amazed so did dragons live in the Middle Ages? The dragon scales didn't seem to wither and it wasn't any near the dragon.

The scales changed to the colour purple as her mood changed. Where? How did she manage to get these gloves? Leo amazed watched the scales change colour and he looked proudly her way, "You’re a dragon-hunter child…a Jule must have knocked you out, there most known to start fires and wipe memories" Viper was astonished at what he said, "What's a Jule?" Leo laughed, he had heard many ask the same question and he answered briefly, "Have you heard the rumour of the creature out in the woods? The so-called creature that attacks travellers…"

Viper had almost forgotten about it, "Yes I have heard of it" Leo spoke gently explaining of how the towns usually mist take it for attacking, and truly it's a wolf attack, "That creature has been living around here for ages. He is harmless…He has never killed anyone, he had wiped memories trying to let humans forget of him, but it seems useless the rumour spreads faster than a sickness."

Viper asked confused, "How do you know that it is harmless" The king answered, "I found the creature's lair with in I found no bones of humans but I did find something of interest I found runes carved into the ground.

Unfortunately the creature returned he wasn't pleased of me being there. It spoke and told me of his missing mistress the rest of the conversation is missing from my memory," Lorak laughed and joined the conversation, "A dragon harmless…ha…A missing mistress. Can it be true that viper is his mistress"

Leo answered with a nod. , "That can be so" Lorak spoke in a hushed tone, "If she is the mistress. How did her memory get wiped?" Viper felt light headed as she stood up, she said she was going for a walk and she added, "Alone".

Leo wondered what was wrong with her she acted like she saw a ghost, "You better follow her…"said Leo. Lorak shook his head and Leo frowned, "Well… I'll be stalking…"said Lorak walking the same way Viper went. Leo grinned, he was sure she was hiding something.

Viper strolled in the gardens smelling the roses. She sat on a bench. A small fountain was erected in the middle of the garden. It was just the place to rest to do some thinking…Alone. Yet she felt eyes was on her. A shadow past over her, it must have been an eagle.

Not soon after the shadow passed over her again, she looked behind her and saw Lorak running down a few steps and he hid behind a big willow tree. She stood up from the bench and walked on a rocky path. Lorak followed her thinking she doesn't know he's stalking her.

Viper swung round on he heals and confronted him with a smile on he face, Lorak jumped almost loosing his balance, " And do you always follow people." Lorak answered, "No…My father thinks your probably hiding something," Viper answered, "Yes…I am" Lorak stood up straight and turned all his attention to her.

She told him that last night she stumbled into the wrong room and that a peace of her memory returned and she told of the other memories too. Lorak was smiling, "anything ells you're hiding…" Viper answered, "No…" she lied. Lorak walked away and entered the castle. Viper stood on the same spot she turned to look back and Lorak was away. She then looked at her palms and turned her palms around. Tattoos was drawn on it, it was tattoos of dragons, a dragon tattoo on each arm. She pulled her sleeves up and there were more tattoos of dragons.

Thousands of small dragons, each dragon must be for each she killed or the other way around, for each dragon saved, but it could mean anything.

She pulled her sleeves down and settled her hands into her pockets and she went back into the castle, taking her gloves from the table she quickly pulled it on and walked out to the courtyard ignoring Leo and Lorak talking.

Viper felt pressed together in the castle, she loved it more to be outside than inside, maybe it was true that she was the dragon mistress, but what of the boy she saw in the vision? Was it her brother? Or a close friend? She shook her head how can it be she was from the future and not the Middle Ages.

Unless you can have two lives, meaning when you waste your time in the Middle Ages then the time in the future might be paused for you. Or you'll be in a deep sleep.

A memory flashed trough her mind…she was lying on a bed and machines and pipes where the only thing keeping her alive…a man with black hair sitting next the bed…a doctor looking at a monitor of her brain waves…a scientist at work.

Viper snapped out of the memory, She was looking through someone's eyes in that memory. As the sun set Viper stood on a hill over looking the town. A bag hanging over her shoulder and the bag hanging loosely. Her sniper tightly gripped in her hand.

She thought that she had to find the creature kill it or run. She was standing there as if to contemplate to sacrifice her self if the creature had a hart it might bargain, but one thing bothered her. Is the creature killing a citizen one by one to find her? For now she had packed everything she needed and put her mind in leaving the castle.

She had to somehow get her memory back and fast. The darkness crawled in as she walked down the slope and not soon after the blue sky was replaced with a black void of darkness and stars shimmering with in the sky.

Lorak casually walked in the hall. Burk the poet walked down the hall heading to the barracks to inform the leader that all is right and undisturbed.

Lorak nodded as he walked past him. Burk answered. "Everything is in order prince" and Lorak replied, "yes…thanks…everything is just great" Burk stopped as he heard a difference in the prince's voice, "Prince, is anything bothering you?" Lorak turned to look at Burk and he was ready to close his room door behind him, "No, Burk there is no problem" Burk looked at the prince and spoke, "If anything is troubling you then tell me"

The prince nodded and closed his door behind him. He leaned against the door and looked at the parchment lying on his bed.

He snatched the paper and quickly read; I can't stay I have matters to attend to I don't want you to worry about me I am fine. I have gone to look for the Jule dragon and somehow to regain my old life…if I'll ever find it.

One thing I kept from you is that I'm not born in these times of tragedy and war. I hope you will understand one day that I have done this for the good of the kingdom, your family and the citizens. You helped me regain some of my memory.

I thank you. A deep heartfelt thanks for your help. But I might be a threat to you and I won't let you or anyone ells die trying to follow me. So I'll be off. I might not know what the future holds for me, but I have a feeling it might hold death or life well lived.

If I ever return I shall tell tales of what happen and my real name. For now my journey had only begun, and keep your eyes peeled at all times. I have a strong feeling we shall meet again Prince Lorak.

Your friend

Viper the unknown


As Viper walked in the distance on the road snaking in to the woods, she had tears running down her cheeks thinking that she was the one responsible for the deaths that happened so often and the tattoos showed everything was true. She was a killer.

She had found that out after she discovered the tattoos on her arms and as she looked into a mirror to her back she found faces of innocent screaming humans, running in terror. The memory of a girl falling on the ground and people running in terror returned as fast as a lighting bolt would strike, only one minute and the lighting had struck the earth a hundred times that’s how her memory rushes felt like. But with each memory flash she remembers more and even grew wiser of what she was doing.

She silently said, "Be ready dragon… your end is here …your end will stare you in the eyes" Those words were silent but the words were spoken from someone determined to end the dragon's life. Yet a fear still lurked in side her heart, the fear of doing something wrong. She plucked up her courage and darted through the forest not daring to look back. Something then burned her ankle. She stopped abruptly and she furiously pulled her short sleeve up to see what was burning her. She saw a tattoo appear of a woman, tears running down her cheeks, vengeful eyes and a sorrowful expression. A black rose lying in front her, withering in the woman's palms.


Far from Ireland. Was the veteran Joan at an inn called eleven's, after saying the password; Dread disaster, he was accepted to enter. Joan casually walked in, the inn was as silent as death and the only thing he could hear was whispering.

In the corner of the inn was a crusader waiting for something to happen, so were all the others. Their heads turned to the veteran as he walked up to the crusader and handed a package, "He struck again…" The crusader pulling the ropes off from the package said, "Where?" Joan answered, "The northern woods…I have also heard that the royalty took a stranger into there midst" The crusader was silent as he took out two teeth.

He looked at a sharp tooth splitting into two. "It seemed to have come from the back of the upper jaw" Joan answered, "Yes, but do they loose teeth when feeding?" The crusader answered, "Most likely they do…but this one looses teeth so easily, it's not made to kill." He continued, "Of course this one is searching for something and we better find it before he kills any more"

The crusader wrapped the teeth in a cloth and stuffed it into his coat pocket, "Tell me who is the stranger the royalty brought in?" Joan answered, "I don't know her name, or where she comes from, but I heard she had lost her memory" Joan frowned, "Another victim to the dragon" Joan then said, "But she survived, isn't it odd." The crusader then went into deep thought and sat on a chair close to the bar.

Putting his hand on his tanned face. His dark blue eyes looking around the room, looking at each and every citizen. It was their hiding place from the dragon but they could not stay for long, each and everyone knew that. He then motioned Joan to sit down and he called the bartender to bring beer for two, "There is only one that can survive it,"

Joan asked, "Whom?" The crusader answered, "The mistress…" Just then an Irish man slurred over to the crusader saying, "I heard that’s what the Jule dragon's looking for…"


As morning came Viper had not rested for hours, her legs were aching but it didn't stop her from going west. A half an hour later she came to a burned crop. The farmers could only get a few bags of what was left during the fire, the beast attacked as dawn approached and the farmers were out harvesting.

Only two bags was collected, vegetables and fruit. It could barely keep the farmers alive for a couple of days. It didn't take long for the farmers to notice Viper coming through, since the hectares of land were burned to the ground they could see almost anything and anyone coming from a distance.

A stout woman came toward Viper's direction, "Honey, what are you doing here…didn't you hear of the attack on our farm" Viper answered, "No…I did not." The lady continued, "Well. The darn beast attacked, the brute scared my children half to death, It burned our crop and worse we're waiting for reinforcements that hasn't come and my husband's arm was burned badly by the fires."

Viper asked, "When did this happen?" The woman answered, "It happened last night…come would you help us?" Viper smiled, "Oh yes I would gladly help" She felt like she was doing the right thing and the same time she had the feeling that she was paying with kindness to help those who needed the help most,. Guilt was like a weak flame ready to start a blaze, starts small and grows bigger in a matter of seconds.

She started helping them by raking the burned leaves up and tossing it into a leather sack. By the time the woman returned with something for Viper she found that the girl had finished half of the job and she was sitting on a scorched boulder, resting her aching mussels, "Yes, dear. Rest It is best" The woman handed two fruits and water from the well, "This would help you gain some strength"

Viper smiled as she took the fruit and water and said, "I have been travelling some time. Tell me of how the creature looked like. If you feel like it, no pressure" The woman then looked at Viper, "The creature was huge, black tail, scales that changed colour as it saw my husband holding his burned arm. It was horrid, I thought I almost lost him there, I was hiding in the bush very near the boulder your sitting on. The creature landed on the ground sniffing my husband, he was sitting as still as a board. I was about to scream and pop out of the woods."

"Then my children sneakily came out the front door of our house and went in hiding in the stables, calming the horses at the same time. The dragon then flew up and away. Leaving us to repair what was left of this ones beautiful farm" Viper buried the fruits in her bag and she drank the water.

The woman looked at the job Viper had done, "Good job, in no time this scorched place would be good as new" Viper thought how long do you expect me to be here? And Viper asked, "Which way did the creature go?" The woman answered, "Honestly I don't know it was too dark to see and the flames was still burning. Mostly all I could see in the flames was the dragon, my husband and my children, but I have an idea its going south, because it's near winter. It's no bird I know, but dragons that blow fire can't with stand cold, I think" Viper spoke, "Unless its lungs filled with hot fire keeps it warm. Maybe its not a good idea for you guys to stay here," The woman looked pitiful her way, "This is our home. We lived most of our life here, but I shall think about what you said" Viper nodded stood up and said, "I must be off. I'm going top slay the beast" The woman encouraged her, "And slay you will. May you fare well in your journey. Gods grace with you child" Viper then said before she went south, "Take care of your self and your family. I might return with a head of the dragon or great news." As Viper disappeared out of sight the woman hoped and whispered, "My he watch over you child. I wish you shall succeed with your effort, but it is scarce you might win, but with your heart that strong you might just win and claim what you seek"

The crusader stayed inside the inn and Joan went out, he was now on his way to the castle it wasn't far only a few hours of running and you'd be there, he had to find out about this guest the royalty took in. Even if he had asked his friend to come with it wouldn't have made a difference. He had taken the crossbow and arrows out of the small shed thinking if he was going he might as well be prepared for the dragon. Who knows a bloodthirsty creature like that could be anywhere. Joan ran across the road and immediately dogged a horse-cart, the driver didn't stop he just kept riding on, and he had come from due west. Joan then kept running in a straight line passing through the forest, looking at each passing tree, until he came to another road that read: East, Halo hill. West, wolf territory! He then kept running north.

The sun was ones again starting to set on a normal day at the castle. Normally Burk left the prince in his room, but the prince had been for quite some time in his room. As Burk knocked on the door, a voice from in side said, "Yes" Burk then spoke loudly, "Sire, you've been there for some time, is anything a matter" The voice then said, "No, I'm sleeping you just awoke me." Burk then didn't dare to speak again and he walked down the hall. Inside the princes room was Damian and Produis, they had been asked to help the prince out, he had given them the message that Viper left after a struggle to who will read the message first. Damian asked what where they getting if they helped him. Lorak then answered a tour in the dungeons and anything ells. After that was done he had left them inside his room, but they were beginning to grow tired. Produis then said, "Why didn't you ask him when he'll be back!" he continued, "You and I are going to be in so much trouble when they find out the prince is missing again," Damian answered, "O! Shut up! You’re a pain in the butt" Produis then laughed, "Me! You’re the pain in the butt" Damian shouted, "Oh! Yea I'll show you a pain in the butt. Look in the mirror you might crack it!"

Viper had travelled for an hour and the horizon was orange-pink and the day was almost over. She had stopped next to a river, having no clue what the river's name was she didn't care, all that she knew was that she was going south. She sat down and pulled her coat off, settling it down next her as she sat under a Christmas tree's shade. She took her bag off her shoulder and threw the strap over a branch and tied it so the wind won't blow it off. One thing she was thinking of was getting some rest. The river's clear water was slowly running over rocks, It made her relax and think of something ells instead of the dragon, but it seemed useless as she looked at her tattoos on her arms. She closed her eyes resting her tired bones and aching back.
Whilst in the woods a bear was blundering through the forest hungry, his nose leading him to a free meal. Viper turned onto her side, her eyes closed. Moments later she felt a cold nose on her face, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a brown-bear cub. She sat up straight. The cub backed away bleating. Viper stretched her arms out to her bag and opened it and took out an apple. She held the apple out. At first the cub bleated. Then bear cub waded closer to the apple. The cub sniffed at the fruit and hit the apple out of her hand, biting chunks out of it, "where's your mama." She patted the cub's head. The cub bleated backing away and started to bleat for some time the voice echoing through the forest. Viper jumped up as she saw a brown bear trudging up a hill, not far from her. She took hold of the tree's branches and climbed the tree hastily. The bear crossed the river roaring as it saw Viper hanging upside down on a branch. The bear came to her cub and then turned to the bag hanging on a branch. The bear stood up on hind legs and clawed at the bag tearing it with its nails, tearing holes and making the bag into rags. The last fruit fell out followed by makeup and a towel. The bear gobbled the fruit up and even the lipstick tube. The bear then walked like a human and started scratching the tree and leaves. Viper clung to the tree clinging upside down her legs around the middle of the tree and her hands clinging to a branch bending one way. She then saw her sniper was hanging from in-between the flimsy cloth, she pulled herself upright swinging the tree and her body so she wouldn't fall off and she watched the bears lying down. The mother roared at every move Viper made. "That must be me down there" Viper then looked for a branch that can hook in the sniper's trigger. But there was no such branch. This was a Christmas tree that was too flimsy.

Joan didn't take long to reach the river, he heard bleating from a distance and then not long after he heard a bear roar. As he arrived he saw a tree unnaturally bent a bit, because a woman was clinging onto it. She would have been bear bait if he hadn't come. He loaded his crossbow and from a distance he aimed, "Don't It has a cub" He then looked seriously her way, " Lady. Do you want to live." Viper nodded, she closed her eyes. Joan released the arrow and it shot through the flank of the bear. Viper started to feel a burn on her neck. The bear roared and started toward Joan, the cub bleated hysterically. He then shot the bear in the neck. The bear lunged forward but Joan moved out of the way and quickly loaded the crossbow and shot the arrow into the bear's head. As it turned toward him blood dripping from the arrows and fur, the bear dropped onto the ground breaking the flank arrow with its weight. The burning on the back of vipers neck turned worse as Joan shot the cub, It felt like a hot pin needle being imbedded into her skin, a hundred times over. She screamed and clutched her neck, with out knowing she left the tree. She then slammed into the river, luckily the river was deep. Her whole body was sub-merged in water and Joan grabbed her by the collar and pulled her out. The way he held her shirt collar almost choked her and she pulled herself free. She stumbled forward and fell all fours onto the ground "Ouch!" she said rubbing her neck as she got up again to face him. Joan picked up her coat lying on the ground it was untouched by bear blood or claws. He held the coat out for her, "Count yourself lucky that I was coming this way" Viper spoke, "Thank you." She took the jacket and pulled it on. Joan remarked, "Nice tattoos" She answered, "Thanks, I'm Viper…" Joan introduced himself, "I'm Joan De Telmerand, a Veteran of the league" She then smiled and turned toward her sniper dangling from fetishes and ripped the cloth off it. He asked "Just Viper… No title?" she then answered, "Nope…Nothing I know of-so far" Joan spoke, "You sound unsure. Why so" Viper then answered, "I have no memory before yesterday" Joan then asked, "Mind telling me where you came from and where your going?" Viper was silent for a moment looking at the river and then the sniper. She thought if she should tell him that she was going to kill the dragon, was it a good idea, She said "You first?" He raised his eyebrows surprised that the girl was afraid of him.
"I came from the inn called eleven's. I'm going to the royalty castle" she laughed, "I come from the castle and I'm going south to nowhere" Joan answered, "Incorrect you'll reach the eleven's after crossing two roads" Viper asked, "Is there anything ells I should know of?" He then answered, "Yes, the Jule dragon is killing everyone just to find his mistress…" Viper sighed, "Tell me something that I don't know" Joan wanted to speak but Viper had butted in, "No! I know of the dragon. I'm actually going to kill it after I find it. Do you know by chance where a dragon would go?" Joan shook his head. "What is beyond the inn?" Joan answered, "Woods, Roads, animals, mountains" and he continued, "a few towns. I could accompany you in your quest to slay the beast" Viper was surprised, "What of your journey to the castle?" He faintly smiled, "Well, I was going that way because mostly everyone in the inn found out that a stranger was being taken care of there. We naturally think only of the best interest to keep this town protected. Well I think I've run into the stranger" Viper nodded, "Yes you have and I'm no threat to this place, but I'd rather choose to fight alone" Joan asked, "At least have a rest at the inn, you look tired." She wanted to say no, but the bear attack that came from nowhere made her think again, he helped her from being bear food. Her journey was going down hill and she'd rather not sleep outside, it is freezing. "Yea. Sure. I wouldn't want to spend another hour in this spot." Joan then said, "O! Good. Well, lets start walking" he sighed, "Walking back to the inn, at least I found you half way to the castle, so It won't take long before we're there"

As night came they were still walking through the forest. Joan had started to tell a story. "It started on a night just like this. That was way back when I was only a soldier, a hard-headed one at that time. We were hard working. There wasn't a day that passed without the Sargent shouting at our backs pushing us in training. Until one day he pushed us too far… Zack had found out that he was giving us false orders, the Sargent had him hanged for falsely accusing an officer. Zack was the only one brave enough to stand up to the Sargent. Heck, he was the bravest in the knight's army. Instead of being rightfully thanked for telling the bloody-bare-boned truth he had been hanged for telling a lei that was actually the truth all along, and on the parchment signed for hanging was the kings signature...It wasn't the kings it was a fake signature. I jumped out of the crowd and confronted the Sargent in front of the whole army, After that one by one it was like a vast spreading sickness and all came forward spilling the truth… Some had been beaten to stay silent the moment they over heard the Sargent and the Corporal speaking of misusing, exploiting us for to settle their own problems. Some had been threatened, some had extra punishment and some where hanged…That was the last we ever saw of the Sargent, we gave him a swift kick in the buttocks, a cut on the arm and lastly wanted to hang him. It was no fun in that so we left him to rot in the castle's dungeon. The old man never had the chance to stay in the army after all the truth had been spilled. He had been forgiven after all he had let the Sargent do. The rest of the corporals told that he was tired most of the time and he was turning blind…no wonder he missed hitting us in our practises.

The prince returned. He climbed up a vine and jumped into his room window. Damian relieved said, "He is back. Can we get the tour, prince" Lorak hushed him by grimly looking at him. The prince took out a parchment and an ink pen, after writing a note he took candle wax and then stamped the letter. He handed it to Produis saying, "Don't get too close to the prisoners"
They ran out of his room, down the hall and steps and opened a door leading to another hall, the bricks were grey and the torches lit the room. A guard was standing in front of the dungeon doors. It must be the boring job a guard would normally get, usually the guards would only stay for five hours and swap with another to get some sleep, but this guard seemed to have stayed up all trough the night and it didn't look like anyone was going to swap. He looked at the boys approaching and asked, "What busyness do you seek here? Maybe a tour?" Produis nodded and handed the parchment. The guard broke the seal and read, his eyes moving along the writing. He looked at them and buried the letter. He took down a torch turned to the dungeon doors opened it with a turn of a silver key and walked in, for a moment they stayed outside until they heard the guard call them, "Are you coming" Damian ran in after the guard. Just then a hand grabbed him and pulled him closer to bars of a jail cell, the boy screamed. Produis ran in and started hitting at the hands. The guard heard the boys' cries and quickly pulled Damian away from him. "I apologise. Stay close and they won't lay a hand on you. You hear me boy" He took the boy by the shoulder and led them further down, "How far do you two want to go?" Produis answered, "Till the very end of the dungeons" The guard grinned, "Then I shall take you there and back" Damian asked just to be on the safe side, "How many prisoners is in here?" The guard answered truthfully, " In these jail sells is three people. Where we're going is where about fifty is locked up, the one who grabbed you is Harold the one that was formally know as the Sargent" Produis asked, "What is a Sargent doing locked up?" The guard answered, " He gave orders that wasn't given to him from the king, for the knights. I'm glad his there. He has to suffer for what he did to my brother and the rest…Shadow and Joan, they have been missing for the past two years, heard a rumour by a drunkard that their in the Mischief's bunch." "Who is Mischief?" asked Damian. The guard had no answer to that.

To be continued
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your friend

Viper the unknown


I got this far. I just could not keep going. It was, however, far more cohesive than usual and was worth reading. I just have to break it up into a few parts over the next few days is all. Anyhow, surprisingly entertaining... there is a real story here!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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Vikas Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its too long :/
I need to force myself to read the whole thing one day.
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thunderbird wrote:
Your friend

Viper the unknown


I got this far.

That's amazing, I couldn't get past the first paragraph.
Neil Hartley Books.
My Amazon page.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks a lot Chinarenn. I couldn't get past your Run's chapters because if your not about to reada anything, I might aswell stop reading anything that your writing. If you ever want readers you should atleast have the curtesy to say why you didn't get past reading the first paragraph. The first paragraph was an introduction. Plus This is not meant to harm you, this is just a kindly way to say you'll lose readers this way.
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