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Name Description Restrictions Uses Frequency Cost
Adamantine Shield Adds +1 Power when defending to equipping creature. Requires hands  Unlimited  Common 2
Charge Pod Adds 1 Power to target Machine-type creature. None  Common 4
Crown of Agency Makes any neutral creature able to act without a creature mounting it. That creature is under the command of Crown of Agency's controller. None  Unlimited  Uncommon 6
Death Blade Kills a single creature of Power less than 4 in the same hex. Used in place of combat (when attacking or defending). Requires hands  Unlimited  Rare 25
Flamethrower Kills all opponent-controlled creatures of Power less than 2 in creature's hex. Used in place of combat (when attacking or defending). Requires hands  Unlimited  Rare 22
Grenade Adds +3 Power to the creature it is equipped to, once. Requires hands  Uncommon 5
Holy Pendant Adds +2 Power when in combat against a group that includes at least one evil creature. None  Unlimited  Rare 5
Horn of Bravery Adds +1 Power to all your non-machine creatures in the hex it is used. Requires hands  Unlimited  Uncommon 12
Horseshoes of Speed Adds +1 Land Speed to the horse they are equipped to. Horses only  Unlimited  Uncommon 12
Jets Increases the Flight Duration of an equipped flying creature by 1. None  Unlimited  Rare 3
Keen Blade Adds +1 Power to the creature it is equipped to. Requires hands  Unlimited  Common 4
MXK-15 Deadshot S Kills target adjacent creature with Power less than 2. Used in place of combat (when attacking or defending). Snipers increase the strength of MXK-15 Deadshot S's ability by 1 and Sniper Elites increase it by 2. Requires hands  Unlimited  Rare 11
Poisoned Spear Adds +2 Poison bonus to equipping creature. Requires hands  Unlimited  Common 4
Potion of Firebreathing Gives the user a magical ranged attack of Power 2. May only be used once. None  Uncommon 2
Potion of Speed Adds +1 Land Speed for 1 turn. You may not use more than one Potion of Speed per turn. None  Common 5
Ring of Regeneration Creature equipped with a Ring of Regeneration cannot be killed in combat unless retreat is impossible. Requires hands  Unlimited  Rare 13
Sniper Rifle Gives ranged attack, Power 2 Requires hands  Unlimited  Uncommon 6
Stun Pistol Stuns target creature of Power less than 5. Stunned creature do not contribute to combat this turn. Used in place of combat (when attacking or defending). Requires hands  Unlimited  Rare 7
Surestep Ashes When used, Surestep Ashes allows bearer to travel their land move over any terrain, including water. None  Common 2
Wings of Flying Gives flying, Speed 1, Duration 3. No effect on flying creatures. Size 2 or less  Unlimited  Common 7