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Chapter Six
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject: Chapter Six  

Let me make it clear that I am not proud of what happened next. I mean, I suspected there was a possibility that Trudy might be ever so slightly…impaired by the cement she’d, uh, well, whatever it was she’d done with it. Aw hell, who am I kidding, she was high as a kite and I knew it. Plus, I had no intention of actually running off with her and a ship full of the stuff. I had a large vision in my head of the two of us sitting at the bar in that cantina from Star Wars as she slurped? snorted? smeared? applied the last bit of cement, turned to me and said, “I need another can, Frank.” She didn’t look good. Her eyes were sunken deeper than my spirits and her skin had an unhealthy sallow tone, which could have been a problem with her simsuit settings but I didn’t think so.

“That was the last one,” I said. “You’ve gone through our whole supply. Except for the hundred cans you gave to that Frtznrple guy.”

A lascivious smile played over her pale wilted lips. “Mmm, yeah, Frtznrple. Oh, don’t look at me like that, he’s just a friend. You’re just jealous because he has a huge dreklop.”

“I am not jealous!” I snapped. “All I know is that that friend of yours has the last of our supply and we’re stuck here on this hellhole with no ship and no money. And…and I don’t think you really love me.” My eyes teared up as I choked out the last words.

“Don’t be a jerk, Frank,” Trudy said, coldly waving off my anguish. “Just go find me some more cement. I need it real bad; I think I’m crashing.”

“More cement! Have you forgotten where we are? This planet is crap. It’s literally made of crap, a big steaming stinking crap dumped out by that same, whatchamacallit, Brobdingnag that used our ship as a toothpick last week. There’s no cement here, you crazy drunken wh--”

“Hey, pretty lady,” said a voice by my ear, “is this guy bothering you?” I looked around to see a huge menacing furry apelike thing sitting at the next stool, brandishing some sort of scary-looking weapon in his tiny little T. Rex arms. He came up close, leaned over me until his nose was less than an inch from mine and whispered in a surprisingly sexy tone, “I want to lick your skin, Frank. I love having a tongue, and I’m going to use it.”

I shook my head, blinked several times and looked around in confusion. I was back in my home, the reverie broken, and Trudy was crawling over the bed toward me. From this vantage point, I could see deep into her incredible cleavage. The view was mesmerizing.

Walk away, Frank. Nothing to see here, said the voice of reason in my head. I ordered my body to turn around and leave the room, but my legs staged a mutiny and stayed put. My hands joined the uprising (so to speak) and unbuttoned my shirt. Trudy wrapped her arms around my hips and pulled me toward her until my stomach was pressed against her face. Then, true to the apeosaur’s word, she licked me, starting at my navel and working her way up toward my throat.

Now as it happens, I am an extremely ticklish person, always have been. As soon as Trudy’s tongue touched my skin, I started wriggling. I bit my own tongue to keep from laughing and tried to hold still, but I couldn’t control myself. My body convulsed and I tried to push her away. Strange little squeaking noises escaped me. Trudy, apparently mistaking my reaction for passion, went faster, lapping at me with the ardor of an overeager puppy whose owner has just returned after a long day dealing with crazed aliens. I writhed and squirmed until I couldn’t take it any more. I grabbed Trudy and threw her backwards onto the bed. She sat up, with a look of surprise on her face that slowly transformed into something more like a leer. She said, “Ooh, Frankie likes to play rough, doesn’t he!”

I paused for a split second and said (look, I told you I’m not proud of myself), “That’s right baby, he does.” I jumped on top of her and kissed her roughly on the lips (which were thankfully full and rosy, not at all like in my daydream). She responded in kind and we played tonsil hockey for several minutes. Then I worked my way downward, passionately kissing her neck and breasts.

You have to understand the situation I was in. In that simsuit, with those settings, Trudy was quite possibly the most ravishing woman on Earth. Add to that the fact that I’d been completely celibate since my divorce several years back, as long as you don’t count that time with Peggy Paisley in the closet at her lawyer’s office after we’d signed the final settlement papers (that suit was ridiculous, by the way: the boy looks nothing like me), and can you really blame me? I mean, really, could you resist if you were in my place, with Trudy’s tongue in your ear and her hand slowly, slowly working its way down your stomach and diving under your waistband?

With my face still nestled between her breasts, I shifted my hips to allow her easier access and started working my hands under her back to undo her dress. I had the zipper halfway down when Trudy suddenly yelped and shivered. For a second, I thought she was ticklish too, but the yelp turned into moans of pleasure and the shiver changed into a rhythmic, incredibly erotic rolling motion, broad enough that I was almost thrown off her at first.

Stunned by the aggressiveness of her reactions, I stopped what I was doing for a moment, lifted my head and just watched her, curious. Initially, this had no effect on either her gyrations or her exclamations. “Oh Frank, yes! You’re amazing! Wha-wha-wha-oh yes yes yes! What are you doing? Oooh, oh, wait, aaaahh, no, wait, wait, how. Mmmm. Human…ooh!…not…possib….No! Wait! How are you doing that?!” Suddenly, she stopped moving. Her eyes snapped open wide and fixed on my face. Then, very fast, she reached over and seized my left wrist. She yanked hard, trying to pull my hand out from under her, but something was holding it fast. I yelped in pain as she tugged again, even harder this time. There was a wet squelching sound that I don’t like to think about very much and my hand came free. The sudden release combined with the force of Trudy’s pull to flip me off of her and over the side of the bed. I fell awkwardly to the floor and half-lay, half-hung there with Trudy’s hand still clamped to my wrist.

“Hamentashen!” The word came out as a strangled whisper. There was a slight pause, during which I realized what Trudy was seeing. Then I screamed in pain as Trudy yanked on my wrist again, pulling me back up onto the bed and nearly dislocating my shoulder in the process. She climbed on top of me, effectively pinning me down, and shoved my hand into my face. The tentacle, slick with some strange alien bodily fluid I’d never seen before and never want to see again, was trembling uncontrollably and seemed to be hiding from Trudy behind my palm.

“You’re not Frank!” she screamed, her face inches from mine with only the offending tentacle between us. “You’re a Hamentashen spy! Why are you here and what have you done with the real Frank?” She seemed perfectly sober now as she twisted my wrist painfully. “Answer me!”

“It-it’s not what you think!” I gasped. “It’s me, Frank, really!”

Trudy shook her head. “Oh, I’m such a fool. I should have realized the moment you took your shirt off. All that flab, just hanging there like that – that’s not normal, even for a human. That’s one crummy simsuit you’re wearing, spy.”

“No no, I’m Frank! This…thing,” I said, jerking my head at the tentacle, “it was an accident. It’s what I needed to talk to you about. And hey! I’m not that flabby!”

“Shut up! Stop lying to me! And get this ridiculous suit off so I can see you as you really are!” With her free hand, she grabbed a fistful of my chest hair, twisted it and pulled with all her might.

I screamed out in pain yet again. “Aaaaaugh, stop, please God, Trudy, I’m begging you, it’s me, Frank, really it’s me!”

Trudy looked confused. She gave one more small experimental tug on my chest hair and then let go. I fell back to the bed, still groaning. “Frank?” she said quizzically. “It really is you, isn’t it?” Then her eyes lit on my tentacle again and she let out a dejected sigh. “Why are you working with Hamentashen? Didn’t you trust us? What do they want from you? What can they possibly offer you that I can’t?” She spread her arms and leaned back, giving me another good look at her magnificent figure.

“Trudy, I’m not working with-”

I was cut off by a loud ringing sound.

“What’s that?” said Trudy, grabbing the eight-ounce can of cement from the bed and looking around, poised to launch it at any intruder.

“It’s the doorbell,” I said, wondering who it could be.

“The doorbell? Oh! It’s your Hamentashen friends, coming to kidnap me! Of course, this was all a setup. ‘Meet me at my place, Trudy. Come alone.’ How could I have been so blind? Well, you’re not going to take me that easy!”

She dove to the floor and started digging around underneath the bed. “Come on, I know it’s here somewhere. You thought I wouldn’t be prepared, didn’t you? Well, you thought wrong! I never go out without a Boominator.” The doorbell rang twice more.

“Trudy! Be reasonable! I’m not working with the Hamentashen. They’re my enemies too. And if they were coming here to get me, they certainly wouldn’t be ringing the damn doorbell!” My voice got louder and higher with each word, until ‘doorbell’ came out as an ear-splitting squeal. I hadn’t made a sound like that since the day I hit puberty in the middle of my solo at the junior high Christmas concert.

Trudy looked up at me from the floor, her arm still buried under the bed. “Really?” she said. “Are you telling me the truth? Because I want to believe you, I really do…”

“Ahem. Mr. Brill? Excuse me.” The strangely familiar voice came from the doorway. “The front door was open, so I let myself in. I hope that was all right.” I looked around and groaned, my voice reverting back to its normal gravelly baritone. Framed in the doorway was, undeniably, a Hamentashen, its llama-eyes surveying the scene in the bedroom. This particular Hamentashen looked strangely lopsided somehow, for reasons that eluded me at first. “Mr. Brill,” the creature continued, “I have urgent new information to share with you about our plans for taking over the rubber cement trade.”

“Aha!” screamed Trudy, jumping up from the floor, where she had been hidden from the newcomer’s view. She carried something that looked like a rolled-up woolen sock in her hand. “I knew it! You’re a lousy liar, Frank, I didn’t buy that sorry line of yours for a second.” She turned to the surprised Hamentashen and said, “You thought this would be easy, didn’t you? Well, I bet you weren’t ready for this!” She hurled the object, which flew straight and true and slammed dead center between the alien’s two llama-eyes. I cringed, expecting, well, something worthy of the name ‘Boominator’, but the thing just bounced off the intruder and fell harmlessly to the floor.

I glanced down for confirmation and said, “Hey, I’ve been looking for that sock.” Trudy cursed and dove down to look under the bed again. Just then, something whistled by my ear and splatted against the wall behind me: a huge glob of spit, clearly intended for Trudy.

“It’s a trap!” said the Hamentashen. It started lurching about awkwardly and I realized what was wrong with it. Almost all the tentacles on its left side were missing. That part of its body was now supported by two in-line roller-skates. It was trying to turn around, but every time it got the skates rolling, it overbalanced and fell over with a thump. No sooner would it pick itself up again then the whole process would repeat itself. Meanwhile, it was saying, “A trap! I should have known – it was you that taught me about deceit and trickery, after all.” It was turned around now and half-scampering, half-rolling back toward the front door. I realized who it was and opened my mouth to speak, but I was beaten to it.

“Mitzy? Is that you?” Stunned, I turned around to see Trudy standing and calling out to Mitzclom. She ran around the bed and down the hall after him. “Mitzy, wait!” she called. I shook my throbbing head in disbelief and trailed after them both. My heart was pounding an arabesque in my chest; I was sure the syncopated beat wasn’t normal.

The scene playing out in my foyer didn’t help me relax. Apparently, Mitzclom had heard Trudy’s calls, because he had stopped and was now – skitter, skitter, thump! skitter, skitter, thump! - trying to turn and face her.

“Who are you, human, that you know my name?”

“I’m not human, Mitzy silly, don’t you know me?”

Mitzclom peered at Trudy for a long moment and let out a gasp. “You! What are you doing on this soggy little planet? Wait a minute – you are Trudy McMahmoudski, Claimholder of Earth?”

“That’s right, it’s me. Gosh, how long has it been? Nine, ten years? Oh, but you’re hurt! What happened to you, Mitzy? You didn’t--”

A loud smash from above interrupted her. I looked up in time to see the skylight in the vaulted ceiling explode into a million shards. A body fell through the blizzard of glass and a voice screamed, “Eeeeeeee-yaaah!” I threw my hands up to protect myself just as the thing crashed directly onto Mitzclom and knocked him down flat. When the tinkle of falling glass subsided, Mitzclom was knocked out cold and pinned down by a slightly squished Rugelach.

That was the moment when my body and brain said, Enough! My vision blurred, my knees felt weak and I started shaking all over. My legs gave out from under me and I fainted dead away. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Esmeralda’s small voice saying, “Did I do good, Mommy?”


I spluttered and choked at the water splashing on my face and mouth, reviving me. Trudy stood over me, holding a glass from my kitchen. I’d apparently been out only a few minutes, because I could see Mitzclom’s still-unmoving form surrounded by glinting bits of glass.

Esmeralda was talking to her mother. “…saw the Hamentashen breaking in, I knew I had to do something. I didn’t want to mess up my simsuit, so I took it off and put it in Mr. Brill’s garage. Then I got up on the roof and tried to see what was going on. When I saw it down here turning around to attack you, I didn’t really think, I just jumped him. Oh, hi Mr. Brill! Sorry about the window. I’ll fix it, I promise. Mommy, what’s a Hamentashen doing here anyway?”

“That’s a very good question, Esmeralda,” said Trudy, looking down on me with her lips tight and fire in her eyes. “I’m hoping Mr. Brill can explain.”

I tried to sit up, but I was still too weak. I tried to speak, but all I managed was a croak: “Water.” Trudy went to the kitchen, filled the glass and returned. I sipped the water slowly until feeling came back to most of my body. I sat up and started talking. I told Trudy and Esmeralda about my encounter with Mitzclom and Clazpho and my daring escape from their ship. “So now I’m stuck with this horrible thing,” I finished miserably, pointing to the tentacle.

“Hey, that’s so cute,” Esmeralda said. She moved up closer. Her Twinkie-body was speckled with imbedded bits of glasss, but she didn’t seem troubled. My tentacle meandered this way and that, looking to escape from Trudy’s intense gaze. “Mommy, can I keep it as a pet? I mean, after we cut it off of Mr. Brill?” The tentacle gave a quick jerk and wrapped itself around my wrist again.

“Darling, we’re not cutting anything off of Mr. Brill…well, not off his hand, anyway,” Trudy said, still glaring at me. “Right now, we need to figure out what to do with Mitzclom over there. If what Mr. Brill is saying is true, Mitzy’s here to help us – wait a minute. Ezzy, if you took off your simsuit, why are you speaking in Earth-talk?”

“Oh! Well, I was in Mr. Brill’s garage and I thought I might need to be able to talk to him. So I took a couple minutes and built a translator. See?” She disgorged something from her creamy filling and held it out in her little tentacles. In the strange mish-mash of stuck-together junk, I recognized a spade, one of my work boots, a couple spark plugs, and assorted bits of wire and string. “I hope I didn’t use anything important, Mr. Brill,” she said sweetly.

“No no, it’s fine,” I said, amazed again at the little girl’s prowess. A grunt drew my attention over to Mitzclom, who was just now waking up. I dragged myself to my feet and stumbled over to him as he scrambled upright.

“Why are you here, Mitzclom?” I asked. “What ‘urgent information’ do you have?”

“Yeah, you better tell us everything you know,” said Esmeralda. “Mr. Brill here’s crazy; there’s no telling what he might do to you if you get him mad.”

Trudy and I turned to Esmeralda with quizzical looks on our faces. “What are you doing, darling?” asked Trudy.

Esmeralda’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s called ‘good cop, bad cop’, Mommy. I saw it on a TV show yesterday. It works great, really.”

“What did I tell you about watching that Earth entertainment? Now go on out to garage and put your simsuit back on.”

“Ok, Mommy. Hey, that’s a neat dress you’re sort of wearing, can I program the same outfit in mine?”

“Go, Esmeralda!” said Trudy, pointing sternly to the front door with one hand while trying to zip up her dress with the other.

Mitzclom watched Esmeralda make her way out. When she was gone, he turned – skitter, skitter, thump! – to Trudy and said, “Is that…?”

“Yes,” said Trudy. “She is. But she doesn’t know, so please don’t say anything.”

Mitzclom made a grimace that I took for a smile. “Wow. She’s so big. And smart, too.”

“Can we get back to business, please?” said Trudy. “Answer Frank’s question: what’s going on?”

“I will talk only to Mr. Brill,” said Mitzclom, the smile evaporating from his face.

“It’s ok, Mitzclom, Trudy’s on our side,” I said.

“Our side? Our side?” sneered Mitzclom. “Your side, you mean. To me, she is the enemy. And so are you, for that matter. Have you forgotten that Clazpho and I are here to take over from ‘Trudy’ and her family?”

“Wait a minute. You came here to help me. I don’t get it.”

“It’s very simple, human. I came here to make a terrible, most unfortunate mistake, one that will no doubt force her to punish me most severely.” Mitzclom winked at me and indicated his left side. “This messing up is really working great, see? Thanks again!

“Anyway, I may be incompetent, but I am not a traitor! I am loyal to my race and loyal to my Captain and I would never intentionally do anything to harm our cause! I will not speak to you in front of this Rugelach! Now, we have wasted far too much time. Do you want my information or do you not?”

I thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Trudy, please give us a couple minutes.”

“Oh, no,” said Trudy. “This is a very nice story, Frank, but…actually, come to think of it, this is a stupid story! It makes no sense at all. If you think for one minute that I’m going to leave you two alone to plot against me and my family, you’re crazy. You can just get out of here, Mitzclom – you’re lucky we’re old friends or I wouldn’t be letting you go so easily. You know I could turn you in to the GCP authorities. Next time, I will.”

“All right, have it your way,” said Mitzclom. “If you don’t care about learning how to foil Clazpho’s latest plan, that’s not my problem. I need to get back to the ship soon anyway, so I can be there when the life support system breaks down. Terribly sloppy of me, that. So if you’re really not interested, Mr. Brill…” His voice trailed off and he started slowly for the door. He snuck occasional peeks back at me, as if hoping I would stop him.

I was just about to say something when Esmeralda burst back inside. She was back in human form (thankfully wearing appropriate clothing). “Mommy, Mommy!” she said. “In all the excitement, I forgot why I came here in the first place. Daddy sent me to get you and Mr. Brill. He said it was really important and you needed to come back to the ship right away. He’ll pick us up in the back yard.”

“Oh Ezzy,” said Trudy. “Why didn’t you say so earlier? And why didn’t he just call me? Never mind, I know why. If that man doesn’t get over his fear of telephones soon, I’ll kill him.” Trudy and Esmeralda started down the hall toward the back of the house.

I was still standing in the middle of the foyer, swiveling my head back and forth between Trudy and Mitzclom. They both stopped and looked back at me. They spoke simultaneously.

“Come on, Frank, Rudy’s waiting for us.”
“I’m leaving now, Mr. Brill. Goodbye.”
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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject:  

Hmm, tentacle sex huh? And is there a decision point?
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The Powers That Be

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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject:  

lordofthenight wrote: And is there a decision point?

Oh dear. I was worried that I spent most of the second half of the chapter just clubbing the reader over the head with the decision point. Is it really not clear?
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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject:  

Oh, I think I get it now. My apologies - too tired, too late.

I'd go with Trudy, mainly because she actually appears to care about Earth, as opposed to Mitzclom, who is merely trying to make a huge mistake.
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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject:  

I f5 lordofthenight.
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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:00 pm    Post subject:  

Yes, go with Trudy. If you go with Mitzclom, the Rugelach's will never trust you again, and you'll be on your own in a very dangerous situation. If you go with Trudy, at least you'll have allies.
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:21 am    Post subject:  

:lol: I loved the 'visions of a future with Trudi' sequence. Exactly how many cliche-es did you manage to cram into that one, anyway?

Who to run after now, though? Trudi or Mitzclom...

Rudi isn't exactly the brightest light-bulb in the pack. He could be asking Trudi to come back and admire the latest piece of Ikea furniture that he's finally managed to cobble together. 'Very important' is a relative term.

On the other hand, Mitzclom may have vital information that may save Frank a good kicking later.

The trouble is, Mitzclom is still on the opposing side. He wants to get into trouble - so he'll tell Frank all about Clazpho's evil scheme... then go directly back to Clazpho and report back what he's done. After all, she has to find out about his mistakes if he's to get properly punished for them.

So: Clazpho has an evil plan.
Mitzclom tells Frank about the evil plan.
Mitzclom tells Clazpho that the plans have been leaked.
Clazpho changes plan.

At best, we end up with a short time delay while Clazpho has to dream up a new scheme.

And there's always the chance (no matter how tiny) that Rudy actually does have important information to impart. If we're still rooting for the Rugelachs to take the rubber cement off our hands, we might as well throw in with them yet again.
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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:10 am    Post subject:  

Excellent chapter Powers - I enjoyed it. :D

I have to agree with the rest though. As appealing as knowing the plan is, Stoat is right with the sequence of events.

Let's get the Rugelachs together, make sure they understand the situation, and our danger. Appeal for some protection if they want to secure the deal on the cement.

Happy Writing :)
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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:51 am    Post subject:  

looks like I have to agree with everyone else. Much as he'd like to know what the evil scheme is, Frank needs Trudi to trust him, So he better go with her.

However, there may be a way to do both. If Frank can convince Mitzclom to write the plan down and "accidentally" leave it at his house. Then he can leave with Trudi and hopefully come back and pick up the note in the near future.
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The Meaning Of Fear

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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:15 pm    Post subject:  

I F5 everybody. :P

BTW, great chapter Powers. Personally though, i would've perfered the sex scene to last longer. :P
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The Powers That Be

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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:19 am    Post subject:  

The Meaning Of Fear wrote: Personally though, i would've perfered the sex scene to last longer. :P

Frank feels exactly the same way.

Ok, it's looking like a landslide. On the off-chance this will make it more interesting, allow me to make a case for the other side:

The Rugelachs have no choice but to work with/depend on Frank. They're out of options. The worst possible scenario for them is that the Hamentashen are successful in denying them the product they need at the end of the month. Trudy's very upset right now, and still full of cement - is she thinking clearly? If Frank goes with Mitzclom, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot Rudy and Trudy can do about it. Given that, how can Frank so easily pass up an opportunity to foil Clazpho's latest plot (and keep Mitzclom wanting to help him in the future)?

Understand that if the landslide were the other way, I'd be advancing the case for going with Trudy. But I'm interested in hearing comment/rebuttal of the Mitzclom case. And I'm definitely interested in hearing alternative proposals, such as the one Argo suggested.
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:46 am    Post subject:  

The Powers That Be wrote: The Rugelachs have no choice but to work with/depend on Frank. They're out of options.

Well, they have the same options for dealing with Frank that the Hamentashen do - they could start to get nasty with him. So far they've been nice, but it's best not to push them. Maybe they couldn't kill him (yet) because no one else knows how to make the cement, but if he wants a good relationship with them in the future, he's got to start out on the right foot. Which means telling them everything and planning his next move with them (and getting them to get rid of that tentacle, if they can).

Plus, now that Miztclom seems to have gotten the idea of messing up on purpose, it may not matter if he tells Frank the plan or not. Miztclom is certain to have a chance to mess it up in the future.

As far as alternate possibilities, we could try to convince Mitzclom to come with us to the Rugelach ship. ("No, of course you wouldn't betray your people. But suppose you were accidentally caught in the transportation beam and captured by your enemies? Imagine how angry Clazpho would be...")
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:03 pm    Post subject:  

i applaud key's idea of "accidently" getting caught and agree wholeheartedly with the general consensus
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The Meaning Of Fear

Joined: 06 May 2006
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:58 pm    Post subject:  

Yes, me too.

Just remembered, do any of you guys get the feeling that Trudy and "Mitzy" have had.... *ahem*.... a relationship before?

Here are some of the things that help my theory:

1. Trudy knows when Frank had the tentacle, so she possibly could have had "it" with a Hamentashen before.
2. Mitzclom asked "Is she?" and when Trudy said yes he smiled. So Esmeralda could possibly be the result of Trudy+Mitzclom.
3. Trudy calls Mitzclom "Mitzy".

So there. Can we start a debate now? :P
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:30 pm    Post subject:  

The Meaning Of Fear wrote:
Just remembered, do any of you guys get the feeling that Trudy and "Mitzy" have had.... *ahem*.... a relationship before?

Yeah I thought that was quite plain. Although being human, my perceptions of the matter could be flawed.
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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:40 pm    Post subject:  

Another nice one Powers!

I was going to say go with Hamabnadandad* anyway, even before your comment. As you say, they have a lot to lose, and that way maybe you can wring more out of them! ;)

*Or whatever it is!
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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:16 am    Post subject:  

Ooooo - I think we're missing something here.....

how about....

Tell Mitzclom to wait just ONE minute - you want to hear his plan, but you just need to get your mumblemumblemumble

Then rush off after Trudi, and suggest to her that, so she knows _exactly_ what's between you and Mitzy err Mitzclom, she adjusts her simsuit a little - it won't take much, and comes back in with you as your secretary - to take notes so you don't miss a single detail of the feindish plan.

That way, everyone is happy :D
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
Posts: 545
Location: Santa Monica, CA

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject:  

All right, it's late and I'm punchy. The poll's up. I think I captured all the suggestions. I just hope you can figure out what they are, because I'm not sure I can...
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:41 pm    Post subject:  

I voted for Stubby's idea.
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Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject:  

Yup, I voted for (deep breath)

Tricky Trudy tries transforming to take a transcription of the treacherous transaction 'twixt thyself and the traitor.
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
Posts: 545
Location: Santa Monica, CA

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:07 pm    Post subject:  

Very nicely done, Stubby. One point deduction for 'thyself' (it ain't the letter that makes the alliteration, it's the sound), but a very solid 9.
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Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:41 am    Post subject:  

-chuckles- This is too cute. Looking forward to reading more.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2005
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Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:12 pm    Post subject:  

Very funny story Powers! I voted for going with Trudy, even though they don't seem much more trustworthy than the Hamer-whatchamacallits. Rudy is not to bright and Trudy is a...well, never mind, but they at least are the lesser of two evils.

And maybe Rudy could get suspicious and blow a fuse, I'd like to see that.
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
Posts: 545
Location: Santa Monica, CA

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:16 pm    Post subject:  

All right, every option has at least one vote now!

And welcome aboard, geek_girl! Thanks for joining.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2005
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Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:02 am    Post subject:  

Voted for the transportation beam.
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
Posts: 545
Location: Santa Monica, CA

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:20 pm    Post subject:  

Ok, I'm going to close the poll in a couple days. Any last minute votes?
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The Powers That Be

Joined: 19 May 2005
Posts: 545
Location: Santa Monica, CA

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:31 pm    Post subject:  

Poll's closed. Thanks everyone.
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The Meaning Of Fear

Joined: 06 May 2006
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Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:50 am    Post subject:  

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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:39 am    Post subject:  

Awww you mean I can't vote on this latest hilarious chapter? :lol:

Great job Powers. I'm looking foward to the next installment.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:28 pm    Post subject:  

I'm watching, although I didn't get a chance to vote.
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