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Election Time!
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:16 pm    Post subject: Election Time!  

Yes, it's election season again in the City of IF! :D

Mayor Chinaren's second term is coming to a close, and it is time for us to elect a Mayor from the citizenry to serve for the next six months. Chinaren has decided not to run for re-election, so we give him a hearty thanks for his service...

:clap: :cheers: :drunk:

and then throw the door wide open for anyone else who wants to be the City of IF's fourth Mayor...

Here are rules for the Mayoral Election:

1. Anyone who wishes to run for Mayor must announce their candidacy publicly, in this thread, within the next six days.
2. Please do not run unless you are serious about being Mayor. The list of Mayoral duties is posted below, and as you can see it is quite long. I am not going to disqualify anyone by age or past history, but I do require that anyone who runs makes a commitment to take their office seriously and serve out their complete six-month term.
3. For at least one week after the end of the announcement phase, voters will have the chance to ask candidates their views on any issues related to the governance of the City. Candidates are welcome to respond as much or as little as they want. You can see the election forums from Spring 07 or Fall 06 for examples of possible issues or questions. If the discussion is still active after a week, I may extend the time. At some point I'll call for the vote.
4. Assuming there is more than one candidate, the first round of voting will go for four days. At the end of that time, if one of the candidates has a majority (>50%), that person is our Mayor.
5. If none of the candidates have more than 50% of the vote in the first round, there will be a runoff between the top two vote-getters, for four more days.
6. Anyone who has posted on the site at least once (including the candidates themselves) is eligible to vote.
7. No person may vote more than once. If you have multiple identities in the City, you can only vote with one of them. Anyone who violates this rule will be severely punished.
8. The Mayor will serve for a term of six months, at which time we will have another election.
9. The Mayor may be removed from office only for high crimes or dereliction of duty, at the discretion of the King.

Below are a list of all the powers and responsibilities of the new Mayor:

- Creating a new forum for the SGotM winner each month.
- Disbursing fables for all prizes, including SGotM, linear stories winner, completion of storygames, etc.
- Setting tax rates for the forums
- Forcibly collecting taxes from those who don't pay voluntarily
- Moving storygames to the Hall of Stasis when finished or when they go on hiatus, and back when they're back off hiatus
- Warning, banning and deleting inappropriate/spam comments and users as needed
- Bestowing custom ranks when paid for
- Creating new groups as needed
- Selecting new City Council members and moderators as needed
- Setting configurable forum options, such as inbox and signature size
- Managing the money supply, including setting how many fables are awarded for what activities.
- Being the path of escalation if a citizen is unhappy with a moderator's actions or decision.

Please ask if you have questions about the election process or what the Mayor's job entails.

Happy electioneering!

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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:07 pm    Post subject:  

I'd just like to point out that a variety of the every day tasks are also now done by various mods and the Treasurer, just to lighten the load a bit. ;)

I've also added some 'How to' notes on various tasks, mainly SGotM promotion, which can be a bit fiddly.

And don't fret, I don't plan on going anywhere, so you can always as me (or Key of course) for help.

Good luck to the new mayor whomever he/she may be!

~Steals various valuables from the Mayoral mansion~

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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:00 pm    Post subject:  

Hey China, a big pat on the back. Awesome job during your term! :D
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The Meaning Of Fear

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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:53 pm    Post subject:  

Well, you did a really good job, C'ren. You kept everything in order, and you didn't use your enormus wealth and power to indulge in your various hobbies... too much ;) .

I wish luck to all those foo- er, responsible members of the city who plan wish to be mayor. I certainly won't. I can hardly... no, scratch that. I can't even manage my own mind, much less an entire city filled to the brim with other numerous people who cannot manage their own brains...
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Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:42 am    Post subject:  

i would be interested in running if certain other parties are uninterested. i spend enough time here i might as well do something useful with it :D

anyways let me know what you think... I am also away another two weeks (obviously i got online again) and will pop in as much as i can to see how this process is running/going.

loves to all,

(hmm maybe if i want to be a Mayoress i should start being more dignified and ren-esque... though i realise the two are some what unrelated. :P lol)

so scratch that and make it - um, peering down my nose at the lesser mortals...


(gah that doesnt fit)
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:26 am    Post subject:  

Good for you, NeNe!


I'm sorry to see that Chinaren is not running for Mayor again this time. He's done a wonderful job. Well done! :clap:

OK so NeNe needs some competition then.

*bravely throws hat into the ring*

I'll give it a go... :-o
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Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:51 am    Post subject:  


Two excellent candidates! Both of the fairer sex too. The plumbing in the Mayoral mansion will have to be fixed! :shock:
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:18 am    Post subject:  

Hmm...should I, shouldn't I...that is always the question.
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:56 am    Post subject:  

I'm not going to run, yet again, though I am interested to know what bribes... erm, I mean, completely-unrelated-gifts the candidates are offering.
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:47 pm    Post subject:  

the gifts of ourselves of course!

Crunchy and i have chatted and we are both on the same wavelength so i think there wont be too much difference between our answers to your questions lol.

but then again maybe there will be... should be interesting!

and btw i didnt know i needed a hat.....

*wanders off to find her hat....*
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:06 pm    Post subject:  

The main question that always surfaces for me is: which will be the differing aspects between the two candidates?

Usually, neither candidate promises to do anything differently from the other, and in the end, it comes down to respect and popularity. Then again, that's how most elections work.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2007
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:49 pm    Post subject:  

*looks between Crunchyfrog and NeverNeverGirl*

How in the hell do you expect me to chose between these two?

*wails* I can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:14 pm    Post subject:  

D-Lotus wrote: The main question that always surfaces for me is: which will be the differing aspects between the two candidates?

You should wait for the next stage to ask questions D. This is just the name in the hat stage.
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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:51 am    Post subject:  

Well as much as I'd love to run my time comittments atm are too great; besides I kinda like being in the background and quietly observing ;) . Good luck to those who are running, I'm looking forward (as ever) to the election stand off. :clap:
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Idea master

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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:14 pm    Post subject:  

I would. I really, really would. However, it's tough writing two stories, going to work, and going to college at the same time. Being Mayor? I respectfully decline this time.

Doesn't mean I can't saba - er, I mean, pay close attention to everyone else's campaigns.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:11 pm    Post subject:  

Chinaren wrote: D-Lotus wrote: The main question that always surfaces for me is: which will be the differing aspects between the two candidates?

You should wait for the next stage to ask questions D. This is just the name in the hat stage.

It was a rhetorical question. It was only a rumination, I don't really need anybody to answer that question. It would be better answered through the actions of the candidates.
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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:45 pm    Post subject:  

Of course, some people are simply unsuitable for Mayorhood, for one reason or another. Myself included. ;) I would very much like another candidate. There's so many Citizens out there, I'd feel somewhat cheated if only two applied...
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Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:11 am    Post subject:  

WHOA!!! :shock:

This is a very tough choice, I must admit...

So to keep everything in it's order I think I'm...
*dramatic scene in which he rubs his hands nervously*
...not going to vote this time. :D

They're both very good, but for the same reason I can't choose between them. I simply can't... :oops:

EDIT: I think that now I've finally gathered some strength to decide. Now I have to wait for the elections.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:49 pm    Post subject:  

Great, looks like we have two candidates: Crunchyfrog and Never!

I'll give one more day for anyone else to declare...
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:50 pm    Post subject:  

All right, we have two candidates for Mayor: NeverNeverGirl and Crunchyfrog. Thanks to both our candidates for volunteering!

This forum is now open for anyone to ask questions of the candidates, and for the candidates to post any statement or reply they wish. Please use a separate thread for each discussion topic. I'll post here when it's time to vote...

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