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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:40 pm    Post subject: Re: Annoucement  

misterbiz wrote: Vikas Muralidharan wrote: PopeAlessandrosXVIII wrote: I would like to make an announcement.

Through mutual agreement, Misterbiz and I have decided to run together in a coalition. What this means per our agreement is that if either of us is elected, the other will take up post as High Lord Chancellor along side Anolyn who will have the post of Co-High Lady Chancellor. We feel that this would be the most beneficial towards helping IF to move forward.

*Bows* Thank you for your time.

Wow.. Nice :/

Never. Give. Up.

Still running for your votes.. Any more questions I need to answer?

We didn't give up...We are BOTH still vying for the top prize...all this means is that the loser will take the "vice mayor" type it happened in early american politics where the winner becomes president and the loser becomes vice president...

I know that, bizzy. That was a note to self. ;)
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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:43 am    Post subject:  

Misterbiz, wouldn't it be better if Pope and you just decide who wants to be mayor right now? I'm no electioneering expert, but it seems to me that if you contest against each other even though you'll end up working together anyways, you'll just be splitting the votes and lowering both your chances.
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:46 am    Post subject:  

F5 or F4 there, Muaddib
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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:19 am    Post subject:  

*puts fingers to lips and lets out a whistle*

Well, it looks like my decision of who to vote for has been made all at once. Thank-you, Biz and Pope for making life very easy.

With that said, I have no more questions!
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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:06 am    Post subject:  

I think I have one final question. No one has quite the views I was hoping to see, but I am starting to lean in one direction.

With the creation of the guilds, TBird also created a lot of offices and council positions. When you consider the sheer number of guildmasters, on top of positions like IFquier editor, treasurer, awards, ect... that's a lot of people with power. Over half of the active membership, I would wager. What do you plan on doing with all of them/us? These were not elected positions, and I don't recall that there was any expiration date for these offices.

Will you keep them entirely? Will you keep the offices, but reassign the positions? If so, how? By application? By vote? By mayorial right? Or will you close/combine most of the offices?

And, as a tiebreaker, I'm curious how you, personally, feel about forum layout. Do you like to categorize everything into small units so that it's easy to find what you want? Or do you like to have wide, open categories so that all of the forums look full, if messy?
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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:22 am    Post subject:  

Muaddib wrote: Misterbiz, wouldn't it be better if Pope and you just decide who wants to be mayor right now? I'm no electioneering expert, but it seems to me that if you contest against each other even though you'll end up working together anyways, you'll just be splitting the votes and lowering both your chances.

You see, Muaddib, it's quite simple:

1. Both of us wanna be mayor. Only one of us can get it. Sure, we will be working together but one of us will still be in charge. The Boss. The Head Honcho. The Big Cheese. The other, while still being in a higher up position on the IF totem pole, will still be a sub-ordinate. If I win, Pope would be my adviser. He would ADVISE me. Will I take all of his advice? Hell no.

2. I'm a proverbial second placer. In anything I do, I tend to place second. Usually at the final seconds too. So, when I see an opportunity to lose but still possibly come out ahead, I take it. I'm greedy. Plain and simple. Hell, if Vikas wins, I'll still offer my services to him, due to the fact that he needs a vice mayor as he has just said. Again, I'm a greedy little opportunist.

3. If Pope did decide to drop out to simply be the High Lord...Vice-Mayor...whatever...then I would proceed to drop him as a running mate. Why? Because it would be a sign of weakness. It means he'd be willing to roll over to make things easy. I'd need an adviser willing to stick things out when things got tough.

4. And finally going back to number 1. I want to be the top dog and don't want Pope to be. I think I am more qualified than him. After all, I have been in charge for several things here in the real world that required careful planning, thinking and mediation. I was the chairman of my youth group, the Captain of a writing group, and the head of a gaming group. I really don't know what Pope's qualifications are nor do I know Vikas's but frankly from what I've seen. Boom, me. There are only a couple other people I would consider better for the role: the main three being Tika, Andolyn and Lilith.

There's your it or not...there you have any more questions?
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:10 am    Post subject:  

Shillelagh wrote:
With the creation of the guilds, TBird also created a lot of offices and council positions. When you consider the sheer number of guildmasters, on top of positions like IFquier editor, treasurer, awards, ect... that's a lot of people with power. Over half of the active membership, I would wager. What do you plan on doing with all of them/us? These were not elected positions, and I don't recall that there was any expiration date for these offices.

Will you keep them entirely? Will you keep the offices, but reassign the positions? If so, how? By application? By vote? By mayorial right? Or will you close/combine most of the offices?

And, as a tiebreaker, I'm curious how you, personally, feel about forum layout. Do you like to categorize everything into small units so that it's easy to find what you want? Or do you like to have wide, open categories so that all of the forums look full, if messy?

Umm.. there definitely has to be a change somewhere, seeing all 3 of us running already hold positions. Once any one of us get elected (especially if it is me), I do see changes coming up.

Specifically, my response is this- My 1st task would be to appoint a vice-mayor/ High Lord Chancellor. By application purposes strictly. No, not here. If I win, I'd probably start a thread and ask those interested (and above 18) to post there. If no one posts there, I'd invite people who Im looking forward to working with to take up the role. Im also planning to put a few offices like maybe the IfQuirer editor and Awards together. No final decision taken but I can assure you that atleast 2 offices would be combined.

Secondly, There'll only be one guildmaster per guild unless the interested guildmaster is below 18, where (s)he can ask for an assistant. There'll be sometime for the current guildmasters to set their plans in motion ofcourse, but if it doesnt work, or if someone wants to drop out, Applications have to be made. IF Im elected, there'll be a vacancy for The Humor Guild. I havent yet decided whether I'd give it to Tavanesh (the current co-guildmaster) or have an application for that too, but its most probably Tav. Im plannning to keep the guild offices and the guilds intact to see if there is ANY way we can increase their popularity. If not, the guilds will have to go, but the selected reps will still be the moderators of the forums of their respective genres.

Lastly, PERSONALLY, I like this layout of the site. I understand that a few have some problems with it but I as an IFian would like it to be easy for me to find stories I like or I'd like to read. However, if there are issues raised, they will be discussed.

Hope that answered your questions.

And yes Bizzy, IF I win, looking at your qualifications, you'd definitely be a probable if you want to help me. That would be really useful ;)
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:42 am    Post subject:  

Umm.. no more, I presume?
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Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:47 am    Post subject:  

How do you, as candidates, view the role that being socially active plays in effective leadership on the site?
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Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:20 am    Post subject:  

@Shille: I plan on trying to find some way to cut down on the amount of people in power. I think there are just one too many cooks in the kitchen. If this means cutting out the guilds then so be it

@T: I think that the most effective leader for the site is one who is totally active on the site.
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:49 am    Post subject:  

Thunderbird wrote: How do you, as candidates, view the role that being socially active plays in effective leadership on the site?

Im not sure I get what you mean by "socially active". But I'm guessing that you mean "socially" active on the site as in chat, PMs? (pardon me and correct me if Im horribly wrong)

Im pretty sure that you need to know a few people around and how they may/ may not respond to certain acts. This would help in solving disputes and keeping everyone satisfied, though it is not necessary or possible to solve every single dispute without leaving someone dissapointed.

Again, Im not really sure what you meant by socially active. If that answered your question, then well and good. If it didn't, the I beg you to rephrase.
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Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:27 am    Post subject:  

Yeah, sorry to be vague.

I did indeed mean being socially engaged with other IFians via chat, MSN, the Inn, PMs etc. What role do you feel that plays in the effectiveness of the mayor?
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:36 pm    Post subject:  

Oh.. good then.

Well, being socially active might not necessarily improve your leadership skills but I see being a social person as a good quality of a leader. As I said before, social factors might influence a mayor's decision in solving disputes, lead to favouritism, and we dont want that to happen. That problem can only be solved if the mayor talks to and interacts with everyone. It would be better if the mayor was a socially active person who contacts others and more importantly, respond asap when others contact him.

Im always open to PMs that suggest actions and offer/ask for help with a certain issue. And I can only give you my word that I will respond.
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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:01 am    Post subject:  

Vikas Muralidharan wrote: Oh.. good then.

Well, being socially active might not necessarily improve your leadership skills but I see being a social person as a good quality of a leader. As I said before, social factors might influence a mayor's decision in solving disputes, lead to favouritism, and we dont want that to happen. That problem can only be solved if the mayor talks to and interacts with everyone. It would be better if the mayor was a socially active person who contacts others and more importantly, respond asap when others contact him.

Speaking from experience, being wonderfully socially active doesn't necessarily mean a better leader. Indeed, in some cases it can mean a worse one.

I do agree the mayor should be on IF a lot though, and as an active member.

One reason I think that Thunderbird was a good mayor is that he actually did things. Some mayors in the past have talked the talk and not walked the walk. Fair enough, others may not have agreed with all the actions taken, but you're never going to get everyone to agree.

Of course, I probably liked T's style because it was similar to my own. Others will say otherwise, but let's just agree to disagree, even though they're plainly wrong.

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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:13 am    Post subject:  

Chinaren wrote: Vikas Muralidharan wrote: Oh.. good then.

Well, being socially active might not necessarily improve your leadership skills but I see being a social person as a good quality of a leader. As I said before, social factors might influence a mayor's decision in solving disputes, lead to favouritism, and we dont want that to happen. That problem can only be solved if the mayor talks to and interacts with everyone. It would be better if the mayor was a socially active person who contacts others and more importantly, respond asap when others contact him.

Speaking from experience, being wonderfully socially active doesn't necessarily mean a better leader. Indeed, in some cases it can mean a worse one.

Not necessarily, yes. But Im of the view that it is a good quality to have.

A mayor choosing not to respond to PMs, Not to get on chat, etc., is not really good IMO. Thats what I was getting at.
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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:30 am    Post subject:  

Chinaren wrote: Vikas Muralidharan wrote: Oh.. good then.

Well, being socially active might not necessarily improve your leadership skills but I see being a social person as a good quality of a leader. As I said before, social factors might influence a mayor's decision in solving disputes, lead to favouritism, and we dont want that to happen. That problem can only be solved if the mayor talks to and interacts with everyone. It would be better if the mayor was a socially active person who contacts others and more importantly, respond asap when others contact him.

Speaking from experience, being wonderfully socially active doesn't necessarily mean a better leader. Indeed, in some cases it can mean a worse one.

I do agree the mayor should be on IF a lot though, and as an active member.

One reason I think that Thunderbird was a good mayor is that he actually did things. Some mayors in the past have talked the talk and not walked the walk. Fair enough, others may not have agreed with all the actions taken, but you're never going to get everyone to agree.

Of course, I probably liked T's style because it was similar to my own. Others will say otherwise, but let's just agree to disagree, even though they're plainly wrong.

Aww... thanks C'ren!
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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:26 pm    Post subject:  

Chinaren wrote: Vikas Muralidharan wrote: Oh.. good then.

Well, being socially active might not necessarily improve your leadership skills but I see being a social person as a good quality of a leader. As I said before, social factors might influence a mayor's decision in solving disputes, lead to favouritism, and we dont want that to happen. That problem can only be solved if the mayor talks to and interacts with everyone. It would be better if the mayor was a socially active person who contacts others and more importantly, respond asap when others contact him.

Speaking from experience, being wonderfully socially active doesn't necessarily mean a better leader. Indeed, in some cases it can mean a worse one.

I do agree the mayor should be on IF a lot though, and as an active member.

One reason I think that Thunderbird was a good mayor is that he actually did things. Some mayors in the past have talked the talk and not walked the walk. Fair enough, others may not have agreed with all the actions taken, but you're never going to get everyone to agree.

Of course, I probably liked T's style because it was similar to my own. Others will say otherwise, but let's just agree to disagree, even though they're plainly wrong.


:off: Ah but nothing is like Cren's old reign. How I miss it and wish the good days would return once more. *nostalgic*
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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:54 am    Post subject:  

good luck! :)
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:07 am    Post subject:  

Oh.. yeah, I will walk the walk, trust me.

Unfortunately, I wasn't around to experience C'ren's leadership :(

Just so Im not off topic.. Any more questions, please?
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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:46 pm    Post subject: Post  

Well, to Hero-kun, I can't say I'd go for bribes :P

Next to Shelle-kun, I agree that there are too many posts of power right now. Personaly I'd like to disband the council and put it back together withless people who not only want the posts, but can uphold them and do them justice. I can't say what all posts are not working right now, but stuff like the treasury post has not been upheld properly as I've seen. So yes, less council, and positions held by people who can and will uphold their duties. As for layout, I like it. True, some sections seem neglected, but I'd rather have them spread out and ready for a more active IF, then compress them and have to re-seperate them later when we have an influx of members/SGs (Positive thinking).

To Muaddib-kun, all I can really say is I feel that both Biz-kun and I would make a good Mayor. Also, I trust him to be a good IFian with IF's best interests in mind, so if I win I feel his backing would be of great value. Or, on the flip side, if he wins, I know I could support him whole heartedly and that he would do things here on IF in such a way that I could back him with confidence. So,in effect, while I myself feel I would make a great Mayor, I'm willing to acknowledge his skills and drive to be one as well.

On to Thunder-sama. Being socialy active, and knowing your fellow humans/IFians is an important part of any form of leadership. If you want to be a good leader, you not only have to lead, you need to know the people you're leading, and their wants and needs so you don't end up with a rebellion on your hands. I know it sounds midevil, but there you have it. Getting to know those around you, as a leader and fellow human being, not only helps in leading, but in becoming a better human being yourself. So, I believe it very important to be socialy active as a leader, not only for leadership purposes, but to be a better person all around.

I think that's all the questions put forward since last I posted. . . .Just a note, I have checked this thread each day, but I was waiting for the others to answer first. Sorry if my replies seem late. I try to hear all sides first. It's just how I am.
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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:13 am    Post subject:  

Similar question in reverse - why shouldn't we vote for the other two? Not what makes you better, but what makes them worse candidates?
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Vikas Muralidharan

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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:16 am    Post subject:  

LordoftheNight wrote: Similar question in reverse - why shouldn't we vote for the other two? Not what makes you better, but what makes them worse candidates?


I cant give a specific answer to that without being offensive to anyone. PM me for details ;) Im not interested in starting a trash talk session here and having arguements flying around between me and someone else and lose a valuable friendship just because we're rivals in an election.

I think I can say that I don't find anything "undesirable" or "bad" in bizzy. Why shouldnt you vote for the other two? Simple.

The best answer to "What makes them worse?" would be a reverse to "What makes me better?"

They would be more prone to RL commitments. I read and comment on other's stories more than both of em combined. I feel I have a lot more time at hand and I feel Im more active. I feel Im a really good leader (though I cant say any of them are "worse" than me..). I would just like to re-iterate that we're all different. Read through the actual policies we've thrown up earlier and decide which one of us is the best for you. We give our policies. Deciding who's better and who's worse is not our job. Its yours. Which is why this line bugged me a lot:

PopeAlessandrosXVIII wrote: We feel that this would be the most beneficial towards helping IF to move forward.


Thats the limit in a public forum really.... I think I might have stretched it a bit there... No offense and no fights please...
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Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:48 pm    Post subject:  

OK, it looks like discussion has wrapped up. I've posted the voting poll in another topic in this forum.

Great discussion, everyone! It's wonderful to see so many people care about the City of IF and want to make it better. As you know, I'm not taking a very active role in the site at this time - I'm pretty much letting the citizens of IF make it what you want it to be. But if you need anything from me (for example technical support/site changes), I'd be happy to work with the next Mayor on that.

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