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Sheba of the west

Wait for more

You wait two hours and a thin young Gaurd drops a loaf of bread on the floor, when he sees the other two breads, you quickly grab the bread before he takes it away.

You make sure your food is still there, You check that the food is ok, and it still is.

The gaurd sais, "You should eat."

You crawl into your corner and turn away from him. He opens the cage and shuts it behind him.

you sit with the three breads infront of you, suddenly you know something is going to happen. The Guard takes the bread and smells it, "It's drowse powder. Lice did it. You should watch out for the other gaurds, they don't know the reality of things."

You turn around and you see he is human. You turn away and just sit there.

he introduces himself, "I'm Roy. I hope in all sanity that your ok with me. I sent Lice away toward the kitchen."

"Why do you call him Lice?"

"Because he's a bug on the bloodhound, he sucks the living life out of you and even if you get rid of him you make no mistake of thinking he is gone. He'd poison you if you don't watch out, your a woman infact, how old are you?"

Choice: Speak the truth, shoo him away, tell him to go before something happens...

Speak the truth
Shoo him away

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