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The Storyteller's Dilemma (Complete)

The Beautiful Princess willingly surrendered herself.

“The Beautiful Princess willingly surrendered herself.”

Prince Harold’s interest dropped. He looked very bored.

“Seeing that nothing could come from a battle except more death, the princess ignored everyone’s pleas and ran to the Evil Dragon. The dragon laughed as he clutched the princess with his clawed feet. Tears fell down the princess’s cheeks as she looked back at the loved ones she may never see again. As the dragon rose into the air, he called out to those trembling in fear and grief below,

“‘Bring the gold to the place you call Old Valley. Let there not be a single piece of gold left out or the princess will only be the first to suffer.’

“Just a moment too late, the Brave Knight arrived. The princess saw him crying out, but she was already too far away to hear. She was lifted higher and higher into the sky, back through the thunderclouds, to the secret cave in the mountains, where the dragon dropped her like another piece of treasure on the enormous pile of gold.

“The dragon said nothing to her, nor did he prevent her from looking out from the cave. The entrance of the cave was surrounded by cliffs and she knew she did not have the strength or skill to climb down them. She knew she was trapped. The dragon slept soundly as she cried helplessly.

“As the days passed away, the kingdom quickly offered up all of its gold. Even wedding rings were sacrificed to bring back the Beautiful Princess. Meanwhile, the Brave Knight sleeplessly continued his search for the secret cave. He could not trust the dragon would keep his word when the princess’s life was at stake. If he found the cave, then he could fight the dragon, and if he succeeded, not only would the land be free of its evil, he could also marry the princess and keep her safe always.

“Guided by fate or luck, the knight soon stood very close to the secret cave, but he still could not see it. Then…”

Prince Harold clearly did not like the latest part. Bridget paused to considered the direction of the story. Then she began again, telling Prince Harold about how the Brave Knight discovered the secret cave.

The Brave Knight prayed for strength and guidance.
The Evil Dragon lured the Brave Knight into a trap.
The Beautiful Princess began singing.

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