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The Storyteller's Dilemma (Complete)

The Evil Dragon killed the guards and took the Beautiful Princess by force.

“The Evil Dragon killed the guards and took the Beautiful Princess by force.”

Prince Harold’s interest grew. He looked amused.

“The guards put up a feeble fight, but they were consumed by the Evil Dragon’s fire. Their armor could not protect them when the Dragon lashed them with his tail, and their weapons could not pierce the dragon’s scales. Every guard that moved, he murdered with delight. The ones who were paralyzed with fear, he left alone so they would live to bear the burden of shame.

“The dragon laughed as he clutched the princess with his clawed feet. A whirlwind tore through the palace as the dragon flapped his wings, and as the dragon rose into the air, he called out to those still alive below,

“‘Bring the gold to the place you call Old Valley. Let there not be a single piece of gold left out or the princess will only be the first to suffer.’

“Just a moment too late, the Brave Knight arrived. The dragon heard him swear vengeance, but the dragon merely laughed, knowing the knight would never find the secret cave. The dragon flew higher and higher with his prey, back through the thunderclouds, to the secret cave in the mountains, where the dragon dropped her like another piece of treasure on his enormous pile of gold.

“The dragon said nothing to her, nor did he prevent her from looking out from the cave. He knew entrance of the cave was surrounded by cliffs and that the princess was too weak and pitiful to climb down them. It was the perfect prison, as even if the princess did manage to descend the first cliffs, she could not get far before the dragon would find her again. The dragon slept soundly, soothed by the sound of the princess crying helplessly.

“As the days passed away, the kingdom quickly offered up all of its gold, and the pile grew higher and higher. It could hardly compare to the horde that the dragon already had, but it was a good start. Even after this kingdom was bled dry, there were other kingdoms, and other princesses. Undoubtedly, the Brave Knight would be looking for the cave now, which was a nuisance the dragon would love to be ride of. The dragon kept a careful eye on the mountain and soon found the knight had somehow guessed where to look.

“Whether by fate or by luck, the knight soon stood very close to the secret cave, but he still could not see it. Then…”

Prince Harold really enjoyed the last part. Bridget paused to considered the direction of the story. Then she began again, telling Prince Harold about how the Brave Knight discovered the secret cave.

The Brave Knight prayed for strength and guidance.
The Evil Dragon lured the Brave Knight into a trap.
The Beautiful Princess began singing.

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