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The Technology Issue

Use Bus

You go to the bus stop and start reading their schedule sign. You were trying to figure it out when a bus stopped. You look at the bus but you cannot find what bus is this. “Anyway, I don’t have much time” you say while walking into the bus.

After some time on it and around three more stops, you think it should already be on the area you were supposed to be. On the next stop, you get out of it and start looking into the schedule sign trying to figure out where you are. You look around and see some people waiting there so you ask them “Where is this?”

They look to you a little indifference, so you decide to show where you want to go. You show the paper and one of them look at it. “That is that way,” he say pointing. “Am I near?” you ask. “Nope, you should start walking” he answer.

You follow his instructions. Every now and then, you stop to ask for directions, as you still do not know where you are. You arrive at the client store tired and angry.

As soon as you enter, they were waiting for you with despair on their eyes. You present yourself, as Musad taught you, but they are not in the mood for your politeness. They just push you to where the server is without any word exchange.

You look at it; you check the hardware and move to check the operating system. You found out that the server appear to offline even with the network cable on. You smirk and remember that you cannot solve it without the tools. However, you know that the problem is in the network cable.

You try to explain to the client that you found the problem but do not have the tools to solve it. Now the client is mad at you. They say a lot of stuff to you, none of them good, and almost kick you out of the store.

Once you are out of the store, your mind start racing. What now? Do you return to the store to buy the tools? Do you go to lunch? Do you ignore them and forget about it?

Return store for tools
Leave it like that
Go to Lunch
Return store like nothing

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