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Welcome, Colonel Sanders, to the Well of Infinite Possibilities. Here you can adventure on quests to gain Fame to increase your level, and Possibilities to buy things.
Colonel Sanders has been captured on a Medium quest! Rescue Colonel Sanders and gain double fame!

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Crafted Quests
Title Owner Completed Rating Difficulty Fame Poss
The Temple of Rak64.5Extraordinary9745
My Cousin the Ratk74.14Hard6820
The Great OnceGreg184.07Medium5320
The Othersk154Medium4010
Killing Time, Taking NamesSkitty the Malcontent164Medium4937
Settle an ArgumentUsoki84Medium5427
Brew a good CuppaSkitty the Malcontent153.92Medium3825
The Great Cheddar Huntk83.88Hard7420
Changed and challengedMyopic Nonepic333.77Easy2925
The First StepRuneDarkGod83.75Hard7335
Basic TrainingDood103.7Hard6160
Attend the Tea PartyUsoki173.67Easy3216
The Caravank133.67Hard6830
Be the best Battlestorm93.67Hard7095
Advanced Initial TrainingDood63.67Extraordinary9080
The Impossible DreamRen63.67Heroic1089
The Water CaveAqualunar173.54Medium3825
A Bucket of waterKK73.43Medium4120
Traversing the TomesSkitty the Malcontent123.3Medium4025
To collect a magical kiss.Ren93.25Hard645
Crazed and cursedMyopic Nonepic423.24Easy1610
The Great Wise Micek73.14Hard5620
Be the Best #2 Battlestorm62.83Hard7070
Find Lost TreasureColonel Sanders82.71Medium4018
Flaming CocksCatally C.32.67Extraordinary8225
Hungry for a StarTavanesh0-Medium3432
Banglement's RichesUnknown0-Medium3612
The Futon that Knows No BoundsSkitty the Malcontent0-Hard6250
The Vengeance of BehlnurasUnknown0-Hard6320

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