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Truth For Hire---Chapter Five: Pish Posh Tic Tock
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:14 pm    Post subject: Truth For Hire---Chapter Five: Pish Posh Tic Tock Reply with quote

Truth For Hire: Preview

Maddie Broomstick used to work for M.L.F.A.T., or Misunderstood Legends, Fairy Tales, and Tall Tales.

The agency of M.L.F.A.T. was supposed to help misrepresent legends get over there bad or incorrect reputation and give the legends they represent a new, more accruate reputation. M.L.F.A.T had the pysho doctors, the editors, the Hair Stylist, and top runway desingers to help you do it.

But M.L.F.A.T. did everything but. Instead the charged those poor legends like Frankstine, Medusa, Tinkerbell, and many more thousands to blame it all on their mothers, respell their names, give a bad hairdo, and put them in a cheap plastic skin clingin suit that scarred more people than it helped.

Maddie Broomstick was just a Secratary for one the head pysho doctors and she watched this happen everyday.

And Quite Frankly she's tired of it all...

So she decides to set up her own Agency, Truth For Hire, dedicated to spreading the truth about the misrepresented legends of a world for a fair and reasonable rate that just covered her cost alone.

It all started off well. Too well in fact, and with Legends on her doorstep Maddie begins to relize it's too much for her to handle.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:18 pm; edited 11 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This sounds really interesting. Can't wait for a real sized read Duel
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Truth for Hire-Prelude: What was I thinking!
Truth for Hire-Prelude: What was I thinking!

In the Land of Fairy Book, yes book. You know those things with hard covers, titles, and pages in the middle. I'm sure you've read one. If you haven't read one then you have at least seen one....and if you haven't ever seen a book, I suggest you either go to a Library, that is if you know what a Library is, or go to your eye doctor immediately. Seriously, you should go now. Go on. Get.

If you’re still staring at the computer screen, you probably want the narrator to get to the she will.

As I was saying, *narrator clears throat* in The Land of Fairy Book, towards the back of the book was an area called the Appendix's.

Now if you’re anything like me, you read the book in your hand and skip the Appendix altogether. If you do anything, you skim idly pass it, letting the pages ripple through fingers so fast you can't see them, just incase something interesting jumps out of them.

This habit is probably why you never discovered that in the back of your collaborated Fairy Tale Book, the Appendix's actually contain several fact a country in itself. A country that lies just outside of Fairy Land, and is called rather ironically Appendix.

Among cities of Appendix there are, as you may have noticed in the Table of Contents most books contain, there is the Index, the Dictionary, and the several mini Appendix's known as either A, B, C or 1, 2, 3.

However, take it from someone who spends a lot of time in her local Appendix...there is much more to the Country of Appendix than these minor distractions. Distractions that, if I might add, look like small one-dog towns to the rest of the place.

Big Cities also lie in Appendix. Cities that include the San Fresco of Appendix...Artist; the New York, New York, Publisher; the Buffalo....Printion; and Finally, the Philadelphia...Editorial.

Of these, Editorial was the largest and most highly populated with historic districts. In addition, it is in the city of Editorial that our tale begins.

~ ~ ~

Editorial is the known residence of strange creatures called Editors. These pale, white, thin creatures with large appetites for a black liquid called cafe have a fetish for searching out and destroying grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Editors can be seen at all errors of the night, and their strange screech often echoes through the darker parts of town as they find authorial mistakes of the weak and helpless.

However, Editors are not the only inhabitants of the city. In fact the reason Editorial was so highly popular with the Fairy Land Tourist was that located in Editorial was the headquarters of M.T.F.A.L.

M.T.F.A.L. or Misunderstood Tall Tales, Fairy Tales, and Legends as it was otherwise known, was the organization dedicated to helping misrepresented, overused, and frustrated Story Creatures. Their goal supposedly was to assist this Story Creatures, specifically Fairy Tale Characters, in improving their 'image' in the larger scarier land of Real...a land, which Editorial had close relations.

Their services, among other things, were Character Makeover, Physocialogical Damage Renewal, Public Misrepresentation Correction Institute, and Over Publishing Free Demion Fatigue Relief.

Nevertheless, Maddie Broomstick...actually her family last name had originally been Vunswick but centuries of misnomers and a family broomstick business had given them their name, knew better.

Ms. Broomstick as she was known worked on the Third Floor in M.T.F.A.L. in the comfortable position of being a sectary for Dr. Pumplickile, a doctor who was the leading expert in Physocialogical Damage Renewal. Ms. Broomstick who even now sat behind her desk gloomily had worked for M.T.F.A.L. for five years, having entered the business in hopes of earning enough money to enter college in Authorial U. Although her time had been brief, Maddie had seen enough to know that M.T.F.A.L. did everything but what they would do.

In fact, all M.T.F.A.L. seemed to do was charge large amounts of money for bad makeovers and expensive whining sessions with the 'Doctors'. Our tale lies with her.

~ ~ ~

Ms. Maddie Broomstick knew very well she was not anything to look at. A plain average looking face, pale from lack of sunlight or sufficient exercise. Brown eyes covered with a thick pair of cat-eye glass, colored black and dotted with rhinestones thank you very much. A matron bun made of limped, frazzled, and split ended brown hair had a pencil stuck into it that bobbed every time Maddie moved. Her clothes, Maddie thought sadly, was equally stained, boring, and pale as she. Brown tweed skirt and jacket set with a cream sweater stretched from her throat all the way to her black flats. One word could some up Maddie...Boring.

Which is why she could not figure out her boss stared at her every time she entered the room.

Dr. Pumplikile was a balding fat man with all the grease and charm of a fifty-year-old man that still believed he was sixteen.

Maddie stood at the back of the office as Dr. Pumplikile finished his counseling session with the graying bearded man in a tight green suit and pointed shoes that was or once was Peter Pan. In her hand a notepad was jotted with an important message was jotted down.

"Now Peter," Dr. Pumplikile said while Maddie fidgeted conscience of his stare, "Why don't you want to grow up?"

"I told you doc, I've told you a hundred times" Mr. Pan said half rising out of the coach in which he was firmly entrenched, "I am grown up...I want people to stop thinking I will never go up. I did. I am I mean. Grown-up that is. Why can't the Publisher's stop writing about Peter the boy and start writing about the Man? That's why I come to you doc."

"I see," the Doctor said in his usual I haven't heard a word you just said tone, "And when exactly did you realize you were attracted to your mother?"

"I never had a mother. I was an orphan for Tinker bell’s sake!"

Dr. Pumplikile humph wisely and scribbled some scratch on a piece of paper. "I see. Peter, I think you are suffering a deep anxiety over losing your mother as well as a bizarre desire for that Pixie of yours. Deep inside you don’t want to grow up. You still very much the boy who wants his mommy. That's why the Publisher's keep writing about the 'boy'. You're still are the boy."

Dr. Pumplikile looked at the clock on the wall, and stood up ignoring Peter's muttered..."Bizarre desire, please I married Tink, I think I can desire my own wife for Hook's Croc."

Continuing as if nothing Peter said mattered, the Doc finished, "Come back and see me next week, eh? There's a good boy."

Shoving Peter out the door without another word, the Doctor turned back to Maddie.

Maddie noticed that he was not exactly looking in her eyes...before shutting the mouth that had opened involuntarily. "Sir, don't you think that you miss-read Peter. After all, he has grown. He even has kids."

Dr. Pumplikile smiled smugly as he sat in his swing leather back chair. "And that my dear, is why I'm the doctor and your not. You see Maddie," the Doctor said as his glance strayed further, "It's not really what those people think, it's what we make them think. As long as they are desperate and misunderstood, I make money. Money my dear that pays your checks."

"That's dishonest!” Maddie cried.


Maddie burst. She had enough of this garbage. "I have had it up to here with you criminals. Years I have sat behind my desk and saw millions of fairy tales come here for help. Help they never receive may I add! And if you don't stop staring at my chest I'm going to shove my broomstick where the sun doesn't shine."

"Maddie, my dear," the Doctor said smiling yet again his gaze staying exactly where it was. "I think you’re angry at the financially advanced for their success.” The Doctor said pulling out his schedule, "Why don't you come in next Tuesday around ten, I can fit you around then. Now go back to your desk my dear, unless...." the Doctor said, his gaze traveling down and then up without reaching her eyes, "You want me to play 'doctor' now and not later."

Maddie's eyes narrowed, and pulling out the second-hand wand her grandmother gave her, Maddie let a burst of magic explode. There was a small blast and when the smoke cleared, the Doctor had been hung on his coat rack.

"Not exactly what I wanted but it will do. Grabbing her weekly check from the store box, Maddie walked out the door, only pausing briefly to stick her head back in the office. "Oh, one more thing, I quit."

As she walked herself to the Elevator, Maddie heard the Doctor laugh, "And what exactly are you going to do for Magic my dear?"

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:22 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Looks back at No Good Deed done by the Stoat a year or so back*

Why do I get the strangest sense of deja vu? Wink

Anyway, the choice is obvious. She sets up a rival corporation that actually helps fairy tales in multitudes of ways. For staff she'll prowl around her old offices looking for people that are like her: Fed up with the corrupt system.

How to make this difficult? Choosing the fairy tales you'll help, of course.

Personally, I vote for the Three Little Pigs, to be followed by Little Red Riding Hood and Humpty Dumpty.

No spelling errors that I could see, but you've got the occasional misplaced apostrophe and your tags don't line up quite right. As said and paraphrased by the great Smee from another thread:

Run it through Word, read it a few times slowly. You'll catch most errors that way.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks IM. *smiles* Glad you noticed the simalarity to No Good Deed.

This story was actually inspired by the following sg's:
No Good Deed-Stoat
The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever-Tracia Alba
Charming in Life-Rai again
And finally but definetly not least,
Cauldron-Idea Master.

*Duly notes mistakes and swears to kill the editor, clears throat, the spell checker for not catching that*

As for making this interesting, don't worry *smiles mysteriously* I have plenty of ideas of how to make this an interesting read and a challenge to write.

Including, but not excluding any other ideas: Readers choose Fairy Tales Maddie helps, Readers decided the problems of Fairy Tales that I choose, and basically loads of other reader's choices that can either get me in trouble or make this story great.

First chapter will approximately be out next week...or sooner depending on my RL schedule.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*grins* Glad to see you got this up and running Din. I'll be watching, reading, and adding oddly specific comments that tell you nothing. Until then...*settles back on massive pillow munching some sheep*
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 1: On the Corner of Maple and Drive

After suffering dreaded elevator music and staring at the depressed faces of some many fairy tales that crammed in after her, Maddie knew what she would do.

She would set up her own agency, by herself if she had too, but unlike M.T.F.A.L. her agency would actually help story characters in any way she could.

Slipping into the coat room to secure her jacket and umbrella, Maddie exited the M.T.F.A.L. headquarters with an unusual spring in her step. As she opened up her umbrella, Maddie twirled it experimentally. Striding down the streets into downtown, Maddie made her way to her banker trying to ignore the pelting rain and the temptation to take the nearest Broomstick Taxi.

Twenty blocks, fifty mud splashes, and a broken umbrella later, Maddie spotted her bank across the street.

Pulling up the collar to her jacket, Maddie dashed her way across the dangerous street to the brick building that looked more like a pawn shop than a bank. Tilted windows securely barred with iron rods, shutters that never did hang properly, and a firmly locked door with a small slot told the state of Maddie’s poor magical savings and her equally poor and unpopular bank.

Knocking on the door, Maddie waited patiently for the slot in the door to open.

“Name and Business,” came a sonorous voice.

“It’s me Uncle Max let me in.” Maddie said pleadingly, “It’s cold and wet out here.”

“Oh Maddie,” said the voice followed by the click and slide of many locks, “Come on in, but be sure to wipe your feet.” Footsteps echoed as the person who opened the door went back behind the teller’s desk.

Maddie entered carefully, making sure to wipe off the mud and shake of her umbrella before she got all the way in the building, and then firmly locked the door behind her.

Wringing out her hair with a squeeze, Maddie took an idle look around to see what new crazy objects her eccentric Uncle Max had brought from the land of Real. Max, although not really her biological uncle had a curious nature which drove him to explore and examine all evidences from a land which most other people would have thought just plan boring. A stuffed Parrot Uncle Max swore could tell the weather stood on a birch next to a large bookcase stuffed to the brim with objects like ‘calculators’, ‘fake flowers in vases’, ‘a mouse trap’, books from many subjects varying from ‘The Center of the Earth’, ‘The Illusionist Handbook’ to ‘Discover what you look like Inside!’, and oddly a few live caged non-talking rats that were Max’s pride and joy.

“Hey Maddie, What can I do for you today?” Uncle Max said from behind the teller’s counter which was genuine replica of those they had in Real. Uncle Max looked very much like his voice sounded, stoat, and plump Uncle Max was round in the middle but skinny on the bottom, always dressed in a suit he swore came ‘straight out of the twenties, now that was a golden age”, gray hair confined all to the sides and none to his top, a large round nose that seemed to take over his equally rounded face, and a large mustache a walrus would have been proud to wear.

“I came to cash my check, among other things.” Maddie said walking over to the bookshelf to greet Uncle Max’s rats.

“But you don’t get paid till the Friday of Next month,” came from the confused answer as Uncle Max’s nose wrinkled to display his puzzlement.

“I know. I quit,” smiling weakly, Maddie went over to the teller’s desk and leaned her hands against it so they wouldn’t shake.

“You did what?” Max’s nose went up and down turned red, and plumped up even fatter then usual in shock.

“I quit. Uncle Max, you know I never liked it there and besides it’s not like they paid me well or anything.”

“I know, those crocks, only paying you 3.25 grams of magic every other month. Cheap Warlocks,” Max swore, “All of them!” Taking a visible breath that caused his nostrils to swell, shrink, and then swell again, “But a pay check is a pay check, and jobs around these parts are sparse with those high and mighty M.T.F.A.L. people controlling the work around here. You quitting is like saying, no thank you, I don’t think I want to work in Fairy Book any longer. It will be simply impossible for you to get another job unless you have their approval, which I highly doubt you have now.”

“I know, Max. I know.” Sighing Maddie looked away from Max whose nose had turned purple in worry. “I don’t want to work for them any longer. Their worse than corrupt, and I just couldn’t take it any more. I’ll just get into a business they don’t control.”

“Yeah, like that’s possible.” Max said looking incredulous, “What are you going to do? Start your own business?”

Glancing back at the man she knew lovingly as Uncle, Maddie’s eyes turned stubborn, “Actually, yes I am.”

Explaining her idea to him, Maddie found that her ‘Uncle’ agreed with her plan. Obviously he thought it ridiculous, but Maddie knew that no matter what old Max would support her.

“So Max how’s my magical savings? Can I do this thing?” Maddie said her eyes turning hopeful behind her glasses.

Looking over his books, Max’s nose began to twitch then wrinkle as it always did when he was running numbers. Shaking his head, Max looked up from the books, “You don’t have much I’m afraid. Your job didn’t allow for anything fantasy while you worked there, and now without you getting your monthly pay it’s going to be even harder. Plus you are either going to end up paying extordinary prices for everything as M.T.F.A.L. tries to make your life miserable. Although I’m sure, our little ‘family’ will help,” Max said indicating the network of small business who although barely got by, didn’t work for M.T.F.A.L. and co. Mostly downtown business, the ‘family’ Max spoke of would do all they could to help Maddie in her new endeavor, but it would never be much. “I’m afraid your office won’t be any to fancy either, and location probably won’t’ be great as you’ll probably have to be further ‘downtown’ than even I am. You’ll have to do with burglars too, which won’t be pleasant, and you’ll probably have talking rats and blood sucking spiders for company…”

Waving a hand to end the tirade, Maddie stated simply, “Cut to the chase Max. Can I do it or not?”

Heaving a hefty sigh that caused his mustache to ruffle and fluff in its own personal breeze, “Barely, but yes, you can. Of course you’ll be broke magically for the first few months before business picks up, but you can do it.”

“Great Max.” Maddie said giving him her famous smile and a kiss on his plump nose, “You’re simply wonderful. Be prepared to wire Magic my way when I find my office.”

Swirling on her jacket, and opening her broken umbrella, Maddie ran out into the rain with a “Thanks.”

Running down the streets as passing broomsticks, feather duster motorcycles, and flying buses rushed past her splattering her with even more mud, Maddie took a sharp right into the old town district. She simply knew the perfect spot.

Walking down streets where laundry was cleaned by hand and then hung on wires stranded between buildings, Maddie kept a sharp eye for gangs, spiders, and rats. The rain had stopped a few moments before, but Maddie still trudged through mud puddles through unpaved streets.

Inhaling deeply, Maddie’s nose told her were she was…and sure enough, just ahead of her on the corner of Maple and Drive was her favorite bakery and across was a small deli. Maple’s Bakery known for it’s fine bread, inexpensive hand pies, and beautiful cakes that received orders even from the more rich and famous types, was one of Maddie’s favorite places as she grow up just a block further in and up. Marbella, know as Maple, among the locals, was much like Max in so much that Maddie called her ‘Aunt’. Many a time, Maddie had brought a thin slice of bread from Maple’s Bakery and took it across the street to Harold’s Deli for scrap pieces of meat and cheese. Harold’s Deli was the origin of many a fine sandwich produced this way, and while old Harry as every called him, didn’t speak much, Maddie still knew he was her friend.

It was the second story just above Harold’s Deli that Maddie hoped to purchase her new office. Striding across the way to Harold’s Maddie went down Drive Street and looked up. Sure enough in a broken window pane was a sign….”For Rent, Orb 212-5678 ext. 34, Calling Cards Inside”. Grasping the rusty railing of the stairs, Maddie made her slow rickety way up to a batter red door that hung slightly off the frame.

Pressing the door bell, Maddie watched as the door opened to a voice saying, “Please be advised property is under 36 hour orb watch.” Looking around, Maddie knew there wasn’t much to be impressed by in the small space.

The space was partially divided by half walls creating two rooms but windows to the west and north provided ample light. A thin layer of dust covered everything, and glancing upward, down, and too the side, Maddie saw that talking rats made their home here.

“It’s a good thing,” Maddie reasoned talking to herself, “At least they keep the spiders away even if they are annoying little things.”

“We heard that,” Came the united protest.

Walking further in Maddie saw that the second room already had a small desk, but no chairs, and no filing cabinets. Yet, glancing past the broken glass, the dust, the rats, and the flight of stairs her clients would have to climb; Maddie knew that this was the place.

Tapping the calling card on the desk, Maddie contacted the seller, an older woman who sounded like a local. The woman agree to a temporary rental agreement that could perhaps lead to the sale of the place, and it wasn’t long before Maddie signed the zapped in documents to become the proud owner of the Suite 322 at the Corner of Maple and Drive.

~ ~ ~

Maddie with the help of family and friends had made quick work of the clean-up. She had even managed to obtain with little trouble, some chairs for the wait room, a desk chair from ordinary from Uncle Max, a filing cabinet from her Aunt Sue who owned a furniture store on Indigo Street, a second hand orb from her Grandmother, and finally a sign for her door that she could paint and hang herself.

Sitting down, Maddie deliberately painted the name of her new form, and with a hammer, a set of nails, and a few whacked thumbs, Maddie hung the sign, and went back inside while it still swung.

The sign read, “Truth For Hire.”

~ ~ ~

Business had started off slow as no one came to her agency besides the rats, but after some difficulty and having managed to spend the last of magical savings, Maddie had purchased a small add on the local Yellow Orb Book.

The add read, “Feeling Misunderstood?
We can help….
Truth For Hire.”

Small she knew, but it was all she could afford.

After posting the add, Maddie settled down to wait for the next few days when suddenly a knock came at the door.

Now who could it be?

((I'm up for any ideas, including who it is (character or otherwise) and feel free to include what they want.))
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sure Peter Pan must have heard something about Maddie quitting and might be interested in showing up.

Or, perhaps, the Loch Ness Monster is there to explain her name is really Winnifred, not Nessie, and that she's sick of people poking about in her loch looking for her.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Umm, the Tooth Fairy comes to mind for some reason. However, I will think some more and see what else comes to mind.

A couple of your usual typos Dinny, but pretty enjoyable otherwise, it's starting to warm up. I like the pay with magic idea.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I allow a few more days for more input, run this thing through word check three more times, and after that I will go request a poll from the usual place.

Please note than any addition ideas not used for this poll will be noted and saved for later keep the idearium flowing.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The tooth fairy is a good one and the lochness monster too. but since this is fairies we're talking about.

I say let tinker bell come. she feels misunderstood because she cannot speak and she whishes for a voice. then broomstick goes to fairy god mother and asks her to be her help around.. or you could leave fairy god mother and still take tinker bell. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Poll has been requested.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

excellent plot, din! It really shines. let's see, hmm.... what about the various wolves from fairy tales wanted to be represented in a nice light when there is not really much luck helping them! could make for an interesting and funny twist!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polls up! Please Vote!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2: Wings with Attitude

Chapter 2: Wings with Attitude

Opening the door, Maddie found herself being nearly fun over by the rather oversized pair of butterfly wings attached to a very rude fairy all dressed in black.

Her 'guest' seemed to have invited herself in, and made herself at home too in Maddie's one and only padded chair behind Maddie's desk.

Long legs draped casually over the arms of the chair the fairy obversed Maddie closing the door while loading chomping on a piece of gum. Twirling her blond hair that had been heavily died in purple and black streaks, the fairy blew a bubble with her gum causing her blacked lips to pout temporarily as it exploded in her face before reaching an adequate size. Sticking the gum back in her mouth with her long fingers nails, Maddie watched as the girl stuck the gum behind her ears, "So, I heard you starting a new agency for Fairy Tale people. Is this true?"

"Yes, now if you mind, that's my seat you’re sitting in?"

"Oh?" the girl said innocently fluttering her tattered wings that had been died black like the rest of her assemble, "Is it now? It just so comfortable I think I'll stay here, thank you. You know what they say costumers first."

Frowning a little Maddie took the seat across from her desk from her new 'client'. "Ms. Broomstick at your service, but you may call me Maddie if you wish. Now how may I ask your name, and what I can do for you?"

This question made the fairy cringed, "Call me Lexie, and I'm looking for a job. Well, actually I want you to get me out of my present job and into a new one, pronto."

"Well, Lexie, if you would just tell me exactly who you are, what your problem is with as much detail as possible, I would be glad to help?" Maddie said pulling over her pad and quill pen over to her side of the desk.

"Look my name's not rather Lexie."

"I gathered that." Maddie said looking over glasses sternly at the girl....this pixie was hip deep in attitude, and if she didn't stop it Maddie wasn't sure if she wanted to help you.

"It's Toothaline the third, and I am the granddaughter of the current Tooth Fairy. As you may have heard, my grandmother intends on retiring by the next full moon. For the past three weeks I have been doing everything I can to get out of being trained, but the Full moon is next week, and my grandmother is running out of patience. Now, you now as well as I do that the last thing you want to do is anger the Tooth Fairy, not if you want all your teeth that is. The problem is, I don't want the job. I hate it! And if it comes to it, I will refuse to do it even if it means loosing all my teeth."

"I see," Maddie said as she walked over to the shelf to pull off the largest of the three books she owned in total. The book was entitled, Rules and Guidelines for Popular Legendary Real Realm Creatures, or the Dummies Guide to Mortal's and their dumb ideas about Us.

Flipping to the section entitled, Seasonal or Special Occasion Myths....

Or Six Fantastic Occupations in The Land of Real.

Maddie skimmed her way till she found the pages dealing with the Tooth Fairy, and held her place there before once again looking at 'Lexie'.

"Lexie, could you tell my why you don't the job? I mean it's a pretty decent job as far as I can wouldn't bound to one realm or another but would be able to cross into Fairy, Appendix, or Real as often as you liked. That privilege I expect would be exciting to a young fairy like yourself. You would be paid well enough in Magic to spell your way to a comfortable home, plus you would have the added benefit of special magical abilities that go with the job that you wouldn't have to pay for in blood and sweat. What's not to love?"

"What's to love?" Lexie spat, sitting up and glaring at Maddie, "I mean the very idea of touching someone else's teeth! Gross! Who knows where those little mouths have been! Why you asking anyway, I thought you were supposed to help any happy fairy tale creatures, and I'm telling you I'm not happy! So are you going to help me or not?!?"

Maddie smiled, 'Well at least she's passionate,' Maddie thought to herself, 'I was beginning to wonder whether she really cared or was just plan lazy.'

"I only asked because I'm gathering information so I can better help you get where to want to be. Now if you were just plain lazy, or didn't want to the job because you rather being partying with your friends, I would have shown you the door. But since you have expressed a sincere genuine dislike for the job...I will help if I can but only if you agree to help me in return. Now, I'm just one I'm going need you to help me as much as you can. In addition, once I've determined if I can help you or not, you will be required to sign a small contract to guarantee you will pay me once the job is done. If I am unable to finish whatever service necessary for my clients, in your case relieve you from your current job and into a new one, the contract will free you from having to pay me a single particle of pixie dust. If I finish the job, you will pay me with my predicated fee to cover my cost in helping you, if you can't pay me for some reason in pure will be required to perform services for me at some latter date, Understood?"

Lexie nodded her head obviously relieved, "Thanks Miss Broomstick, I know I may look rough but I easily get queasy and having to do a job so gross would not exactly be healthy for me or the kids I bond to throw up on."

Shaking hands with her new client, Maddie read over The Tooth Fairies job description....only to shake her head once more.

"Lexie, I don't think I'm going to be able to help. It says here that the Tooth Fairies job is passed from daughter to daughter along your family line. It is also says that if the Tooth Fairies heir, marked by the tooth birthmark I see you bare, no one else can take the job, resulting in major consequences...mainly children will stop loosing their teeth. In addition it says that your specific type of Fairy (the unmarked butterfly wing genre) was chosen because in order to survive as any thing but mortal must perform a service of some kind for others. Specifically gathering objects such as teeth and replacing that object with something else. Others of your kind collect seeds in exchange for flowers, bread or other offerings in exchange for blessings...etc"

"In other words, if I don't do the job my family says I'm destined to do, not only will I bring doom on children's mouths everywhere, I will cease to be a fairy, and become, Gulp, a mere mortal."

"Essentially yes, but we still might have a way out of this....Is there anyone else in your family that bares the trade birthmark?"

"Well, my mom only has half a one but she's excluded because she has children under the age of eight and is pregnant...again. Personally I think she keeps getting pregnant so she doesn't have to do the job...." Lexie said the resentment clear in her voice. "No other girl's in the family have, no wait, My brother's got it."

"How old is he?" Maddie said eagerly, excited she might be close to finishing the first part of her task.


"And how long has your grandmother served at as the tooth fairy?"

"A hundred next week." Lexie said adding, “I know she keeps loudly announcing it to anyone who can hear her say it.”

"Shoot." Maddie said slamming down a fist, she was that close. "Tooth Fairies can only serve a hundred years, and your brother has to be at least eighteen to do the job."

"Come on...there's got be some way, some loop hole."

Maddie shook her head sadly glancing over the pages of her book again, " says here and quote, 'The Chosen Heir of the Tooth Fairy must perform their duties or be returned to mortal form. If the heir refuses to do the job, they will have until the completion of the previous Tooth Fairies hundred years term to either find another specially birth marked family member with the requirements or be resigned to being mortal."

"That stinks...." Lexie said, but Maddie ignored her, reading on aloud.

"If the Tooth Fairy has a legitimate excuse for unable to complete the job however, she can present in her excuse in Mortal Realm Court, with appropriate proof. He/she must also some other pressing service to perform of equal weight of their destined position. If they do so, they will be requited from the position and the old tooth fairy must serve until the next likely heir comes of age." Maddie read excitedly, "That's it, that's our loophole."


"Don't see, your mother would have been the next Tooth Fairy, but she found another service to perform instead....being a your grandmother had to wait for you. We can, I mean you can, do the same thing. Not become pregnant of course, but surely there's another job that needs to be done!"

"Like what?" Lexie said looking at Maddie.

Maddie's brown eyes intensified with the same look they had just before her former employee ended up as a coat rack as her lips slowly smiled, "Oh, you'll see, you'll see."

~ ~ ~

"So you see your honor," Maddie said speaking to the Giant Owl dressed in a black coat and a wig that stood as a judge for Lexie's trial, "My client has proven to be unable to perform her job as her unstable job prevents her from approaching anything related to the human body such as teeth or blood. Our doctors, test, and personal testimonials from the clients have proven that these statements are not only reliable, but true. We therefore, move that our client be removed from her duty as Tooth Fairy, and that the old Tooth Fairy continue her job until the defendants brother can take over the family job...which he not only is able to do, but looks forward to doing."

"Who?" The judge snored before being nudged by the bailiff, "Oh, yes, Who, um, of course, so moved, and decided," the Owl said raising his hammer to struck the bench only to be stopped once again by the Bailiff who whispered fiercely in his ears....

"Oh yes, who, um, excuse me, but What services is the client willing to offer in exchange for her release?"

Maddie nooded gesturing for her client to stand up.

"Sir, I would like to become the Truth Fairy." Lexie said with confidence.

"The who? I mean the What?" The Owl Judge hooted.

"The Truth Fairy. I will be working with Maddie until I repay her, but after that I intend to collecting falsehoods about the land of Fairy and replacing them with one Truth about us in the heads of the children of Real."

"That's impossible!"

Maddie stood up and approached the bench smiling that smile of hers, "Now sir, just because something hasn't been done before doesn't mean it's impossible. I mean before Jack not a single giant was defeated, but Jack did it when it was considered impossible. Besides my clients request is not only completely by the books, but also is in accordance to her needs as a Fairy. I demand that her request be considered seriously."

((DP, well will it pass? Remember, Maddie's success counts on this one....and so does the story.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmmm... good chap. Din! as for what to do.. hmmm.. maybe she could do the seed collecting thing? I am not sure.. this one's a toughie! But I really look forward to the next chap!

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hurrah, chapter 3!

First: Quite a lot of typoes and things that could be cleaned up a bit Dinny. Not up to your usual standard.

died -> dyed
bare -> bear

observed, adequate, consequences, losing!! Mad , chosen, specifically... quite a lot more!!


"And how old is your grandmother?"

"A hundred next week."

Tooth Fairies can only sevre a hundred years, and your brother has to be at least eightteen to do the job."

If her grandmother is only 100, then she must have started the job when she was born?!? Wacko

Well, she could get pregnant!! Shocked
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for pointing out the those errors...and trust me I'll fix them as soon as I can. My computer is down at the moment so I'm without word, or any spelling checkers, and have been forced to using the Libary computer temporarily until my computer gets over it's fit.

As for the Dp...I may or may not lengthen the chapter...the orginal chapter I had had the job I had decided on for our dear Lexie...but it didn't have a DP so I shortened it for the sake of one.

If this doesn't work out howeer, I can lengthen this chapter for more interest.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I liked this Din. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Ok i think that she should take the services of being a caretaker of children. anything connecting to children and being like a mother like figure. or lexy should adopt a child and take care of her/him. Very Happy
and after that there might come another problem, in helping her out. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I added a few paragraphs to spice things up a little and to make for a tider DP. Please re-read and tell me what you think.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After having reread the edited parts... cool! I like the idea of the truth fairy and it helps Maddie to get her job done AND it will attract more clients because while Maddie's old workplace just said that they were going to help, Maddie's agency will actually get the job done and done correctly! Therefore, her business will grow and eventually, she maybe able to buy out her old company and therefore become a business tycoon!

I like people who start out from the bottom and buy out the big businesses. The business world is littered with enough sharks as it is! GO MADDIE! (btw, nice job Din!)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So far this is a very interesting story. I look forward to reading more of it. I think that it should pass. Lexie could possibly help with adverstising since she would be working there and was a former client. Also it is, as you said yourself, very important to the whole story for this to pass. If it doesn't it would reflect badly on Maddie. Her first client is her most important.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the idea of the truth fairy

Ah well. I say it passes din. and she has done a good job in helping her out, and well if it would not have passed the judge would have probably dismissed the ideas. hehe.

I say that lexi gets it good, after helped out she could spread the word and maddy's old job will loze clients and they'll come like zombies down the roads to her. Very Happy

GReat I'm voting passes. Very Happy Razz
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is closed.

New chapter should be out in a couple of days.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a great story! I hope I was not too late to vote for the poll, if only to increase the unanimous vote. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although I had all intentions of posting the new chapter today, Chapter 3: The Assistant, will be slightly delayed.

This is because I have just discovered that this thread is being taken for review...*jumps for joy* therefore I am going to await the Boards decision either way before I post the next chapter.

P.S. If Flattery helps,

All the Reviewers are kind belovent beings who only want the best for the city and thus deserve the highest honors world wide as heros and benfactors of this age.

P.S.P.S If Flattery doesn't help,

I didn't say a thing. Very Happy Very Happy Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Note: I have recently gained back my spell checker and have run this story through it through twice.

I hope the changes I have made make the previous chapters more readable.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! Ballons for Everyone!

Truth For Hire was passed by the horrible...I mean the extermly beneficial and clever Review Board.

However, although I ment to have it placed in Jester got placed here in Fantasy Forest by mistake.

Of course this was enterally my fault because I was a ditz and forgot to say were it should be moved.....

I will post the next chapter when this is fixed...shouldn't take long though! *crosses fingers*
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 3: The Assistant

Inside the headquarters of M.T.F.A.L. a very hairy, very angry, one horned, three eyed, orange monster wearing a tie fumed inside his office nearly causing the whole building to shake.

Presently, an older man wearing a black suit and tie knocked on his door, who in contrast to the other looked quite normal except for the slightly greenish tinge to his skin and hair.

“Come in Mr. Franklin,” the orange monster said after letting out a sigh that set nearly half his office on fire.

“You called Mr. Milton Fairhorn Alexander Llyod?” Mr. Franklin said standing at attention before the Owner and Creater of M.T.F.A.L.

“Yes, Mr. Franklin, I did.” Mr. Milton Fairhorn Alexander Llyod said sitting down in his cushy seat behind a desk the size of a whale, “Mr. Franklin, are you aware of why I called you?”

“Not exactly sir, but I can give a pretty good guess.” Mr. Franklin said adjusting the shorten staff attached to his belt loop.

“Honest, I like that in an employee,” Mr. Milton ‘ ‘ Llyod* picking up a stack of papers that represented Mr. Franklin’s file. “I understand you are apart of one of our less known departments. To be specific, the Complaint department, which I created to ‘silence’ any and all complaiments made about the company.”

“I am well aware of my position in your company, and if you look at your file, I’m sure that you will find that I one of the best in that department.” Mr. Franklin said frankly.

“Indeed,” the orange long named monester said raising all three shaggy eyebrows at once, “That is the very reason I called you here. From what I hear and have seen for myself, you are not only one of the best, but the Best in the company.”

“Thank you sir, Do you have a complaining customer you would like me to satisfy.”

“No, actually I have a very, very special assignment for you.” Mr. Milton ‘ ‘ Llyod** said sliding a folder across to Mr. Franklin.

Mr. Franklin opened the file discreetly to find a picture of one Maddie Broomstick. Looking at the date Mr. Franklin saw that the picture in question had been taken on the day Maddie had won her first trial in the Fairy Tale Court for her client Toothline aka Lexie.

While his employee looked over the file, Mr. Milton continued, “As you have probably heard, Ms. Broomstick has been gaining favor ever since her success with that scandalous Truth Fairy Trial. Ever since that day, several of my more profitable clients have been going to her for her help. Her popularity with our clients, and other fairy tales, has caused quite a stir among the residents in Edition. In fact, I have received more and more compliments about our services since she went into business. Plus the local retailers are starting to get spunky, saying that we have no right to control them like we do.” Mr. Milton paused looking at Mr. Franklin, “I hope you understand that it is my belief that if a certain young lady was ‘taken care of’ these complaints would be taken care of.”

Mr. Franklin smiled slowly his fingers brushing gently against the face in the picture he held, “Such an assignment would be my pleasure to complete. I assure you, Ms. Broomstick is about to go on a vacation from which she’ll never return.”

This time it was Mr. Milton’s turn to smile, “Oh, no, a vacation would be too good for Ms. Broomstick. I want her ruined. I want her reputation ripped to shreds. Most of all, I want everything she loves and has worked for to be ripped out from right underneath her nose. After that, I give you permission to do whatever you like to Ms. Broomstick as long as I never hear about it.”

Frowning, Mr. Franklin licked his lips twice. Such a proposition appealed to a man of his taste, but it wouldn’t be easy. “How do you propose I do this?”

“Any way you like,” Mr. Milton sneered, “I won’t get into specifics, as I’m sure a man of your brilliance will find the perfect way to do so. However, if I could make a suggestion, I would place a spy near Ms. Broomstick until you form a plan, I don’t want her doing anything more to destroy our Company, understood?”

“I understand completely,” Mr. Franklin said straightening his tie as he pulled out the day’s newspaper. Looking down it, Mr. Franklin’s smile widened, “And I think I have just the thing for Ms. Maddie Broomstick.”

~ ~ ~






~ ~ ~

Maddie sighed as she watched her latest applicant go out the door. Looking around Maddie wondered if an assistant was worth all this trouble.

Her self-asked question didn’t take long to answer. Maddie needed an Assistant.

Between her twenty older cases she had to check regularly, and the five news ones, Maddie felt like the preverbal chicken with its head cut off. There was no question, she needed an assistant!

Now if only she could find an assistant who was over ten inches tall, didn’t have a criminal record, and a memory that lasted longer than five minutes.

Standing Maddie went about closing for the day when she heard the door open, and she turned only to find her mouth hanging open like a frog catching frogs.

(Dp is pretty open...suggestion welcome to what and who the person applying for the position.)
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First a few...

Inside the headquarters of M.T.F.A.L. a very hairy, very angry, one horned, three eyed, orange monster wearing a tie fumed inside his office nearly causing the whole building to shake.

Drop the nearly here, it doesn't scan well, and you need to look at comma use in this sentence.

Presently, an older man wearing a black suit and tie knocked on his door, who in contrast to the other looked quite normal except for the slightly greenish tinge to his skin and hair.

You don't need the 'who in contrast...' here, you've already described what they look like.

“Come in Mr. Franklin,” the orange monster said after letting out a sigh that set nearly half his office on fire.

I think the 'nearly' and the 'set' should be swapped around on this one.

Llyod said sitting down in his cushy seat behind a desk the size of a whale

Is the desk or teh seat the size of a whale?

“Honest, I like that in an employee


... employee,” Mr. Milton ‘ ‘ Llyod* picking up a stack of papers that represented Mr. Franklin’s file. “I understand you are apart of one of our less known departments.

* Where does this go? (And the ** later).


less well

The whole sentence is rather confusing too.

Court for her client Toothline aka Lexie

Need a comma after 'client'

I have received more and more compliments about our services

I think you probably mean complaints!

A couple other small ones too.

Anyway, DP. It is obviously a 'Mary Poppins' type of character. Of course, she may (or may not) have been sent by our bad man in the story. Shocked
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Last edited by Chinaren on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm....... How about a reapperance of Lexie with someone who could apply to be assistant and unbeknowest to Lexie, this someone (possibly cute male that Lexie and Maddie are both drooling over) was sent as a spy by Mr. Franklin...

That's all I can come up with... for NOW. Muahahahahahahahaha!

*sits back and awaits next chapter*

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saw a few spelling and grammatical mistakes there, other than the ones pointed out by Cren. It may be wise to run it through a checker one more time. Wink

As for the DP?

A troll.

More specifically, the troll that lives under the bridge that those 3 billy goats gruff keep trip trapping over.

And trolls are often misunderstood. Equal opportunities and all that... Laughing

He's big, green, hairy, warty, evil smelling, has disgusting habits, but besides that he has the credentials to make a damn fine assistant. And he gets the job done well.

Whether or not he is the spy? Who knows. But he'd be good to have around in the story. Cool
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speeling checks are noted...and I'll run the story through Checker again, as well as give it a good read.

Any other input before I put up a poll?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Come on people...give me more than just one vote!

I'll run this for a few more days before I close the poll.

*mutters* And I was really looking forward to that one option too...
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Figures y'all would make me use the one option I didn't really want to use! Lol!

Poll's closed and a new chapter will be out soon...when I don't know, but soon.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Din! We still love you! *hugs din* besides it's the most interesting and funny choice. You should have some fun with it.
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 4: The Truth, the Troll Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

As the door opened, Maddie found herself looking up very hopefully. “Are you here for the position of sectary?”

“Yes, mam,” Came the sickly sweet voice of the visitor. The applicant was wearing a hooded cloak with the hood pulled far beyond their face.

“The coat hook is next to the door, you may hang your cloak on it if you like,” Maddie said standing momentarily as she gestured toward the cloak hook.

“I’d rather not. I am rather cold.” The visitor said in a tune that almost made Maddie shiver.

“What’s your name?”

“Al`zbeta Malcquist.”

“I see,” Maddie said writing down the name.

“As part of your duties here you will be taking care of filling, making calls to clients, processing court orders, helping me with my field work, and scheduling our appointments. Do you have experience in any of these areas?”

“Yes, I have a very large family,” the stranger said their Scandivian accent coming slowly apparent. “In my homeland, as was responsible for the care of our younglings. Organizing our borrow chores. Cleaning, cooking, and general making sense of the chaos were also my duties. Working for you would be a piece of cake compared to that.”

“Have you ever been employed before?”

“No,” the accent was all too prevalent now in the stranger’s voice as well as the anger in her tone. “No one would give me chance.”

“Do you know why?”

“Prejudice. Pure prejudice. No one likes the old country. No one respects the old ways anymore.” Sighing the visitor tugged pulled down the hood of their cloak. “But most of all prejudice against me and my kind.”

The stranger was a woman as Maddie had expected from the visitors voice. Al`zbeta wasn’t really all that terrible to look actually, except of course for a very large broken round nose that seemed to have moles on its moles. Al`zbeta’s a pretty face despite her nose, and two intelligent green eyes gazed at Maddie almost sorrowfully as Maddie looked at her guest in shock. Her applicant’s hair as well was a little unusual. The girl’s red hair had been forcefully shoved into a ponytail where it puffed out behind her hair like a giant ball of yarn. One strand of her hair however seemed to have refused confinement as it daggled to the left side of Al`zbeta’s face. This strand was horribly matted, tangled, and knotted in a way that would have made any ordinary bad hair seem like a relief in contrast to having to sort out that tangle of a strand.

“You’re a troll!” Maddie said declaring the obvious.

Al`zbeta smiled as she tapped the side of her gigantic nostril, “It’s the nose. An unfortunate family resemblance that I’m afraid comes of being half southern troll and half northern troll. It must come as quiet a shock to you to see a troll in your office. Especially since female trolls have been outlawed from exiting the land of fairy since 1924 when a mischievous fairy tale troll mistakenly stole an actual human child from the land of real instead of the fairy tale version in the cradle next to it. But before you report me hear me out, surely one such as yourself who stands for justice to all Fairy Tales would be willing to do that.”

At a lack for words, Maddie simply nodded gesturing for the troll to continue.

Nodding her thanks, Al`zbeta continued. “First of all, I’m not here illegally. It is a little known fact that after one of our kinds performed an act of bravery of saving a human boy from giants invading his home, there was a council called to debate the rights of the Lesser Kinds. That’s what they call us, the lesser kinds,” Al`zbeta snorted in disgust and Maddie frowned her agreement, “Anyway, it was deemed that Trolls, giants, ogres, and other beings normally betrayed as villains would be given a chance to prove they were good. 15 hours of charitable deeds are required to certify goodness, and these certificates are awarded on an individual biases. Those who receive the certificate can gain a pass into your lands, and I worked very hard for mine I’m afraid.”

“I’m now allowed free reign over here, but I’m afraid without work I cannot stay for long. No would hire me however as southern female trolls are known to be conniving, and by our mere appearance we attract men as servants even unwilling. Why even I attract ten male suitors who fought over who could clean a shoe that I had gotten muddy when I walked down the street the other day! Ridiculous, really, but we can’t change our natures no matter how hard we try, and believe me I’ve tried. This is why I came to you. All I want is a chance. Just a chance to prove that all trolls aren’t evil terrible nasty brutes who wouldn’t know a rock from a bird. So what do you say, will you give me a chance?”

Maddie smiled as she extended her hand to the troll, “You’re hired!”

“That’s all right, I understand,” Al`zbeta said making as to leave before her head suddenly snapped up as she realized what Maddie said, “What! I’m hired!”

“Yes,” Maddie laughed, “After all why not. So far you’re the only one to apply within even some experience to vouch for you and you seem just the person who would appreciate the importance of my work. Of course there are some things will have to see too, like getting you a working visa and seeing if we can come up with some solution for that natural attraction that female trolls have as most of my clients are male. But still, I’m willing to take the chance if you are.”

“Thank you. Oh thank you miss!” Al`zbeta said shaking Maddie’s hands furiously as her knotted tail snuck out from it’s hiding spot to wave like a cat’s tail behind her. “You won’t regret it, you won’t!”

“I’m sure, I won’t,” Maddie chuckling a little at the troll’s enthusiasm. “Why I don’t show the ropes so that you can get started first thing in the morning?”

“Why yes, what a great….” Al`zbeta’s enthusiastic voice dropped off mid-sentence as the troll’s eyes took on a concerned look. “I have to be honest without you Ms. Broomstick, there was another reason I came here.”

“Call me Maddie.” Maddie assured the troll as she turned to look the troll in her eyes.

“There has been trouble in our local troll community in the southern scandavian district of Fairy Land. I’m afraid it’s a little too delicate of a situation to be explained here, but we really do need your help. Will you come to my village to help my family before I start working here official?”

Before Maddie was able to answer, the door once again swung open to reveal Lexie who was tittering at the person she dragged behind her.

“Maddie I have the just the person for the job,” Lexie exclaimed proudly as she gestured towards her companion that was hanging on Lexie’s arm.

On Lexie’s arm was a young gentleman of 6’4’’ with brown hair that swept over a pair of sea blue eyes. A pair of broad shoulders, biceps that made Maddie’s mouth water, six pack abs, and all covered in a professional business suit that would have competed with Richard Greer’s any day of the week.

Maddie’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she resisted the temptation to fan herself with her hands. “I’m sorry Sir, but the position has been filled.”

“Such a shame that I could not weary myself beside such a gentle blooming rose as thee,” Lexie’s guest said in a voice that depicted the charm of a southern gentleman, “Yet if thy wouldest do me a favor to make me my heart swell, what would be the gentle maidens name’s? Praytell.”

Maddie was pretty sure her knees were knocking at this point, and she reached out to the chair behind her to steady herself. “I am Maddie Broomstick, and this is Al`zbeta. She will be my new assistant, Lexie.”

“Surely with much skill that didst beat me too the quick to slave from the lovely Maddie Broomstick,” the young man said to Al`zbeta but his blue eyes remained on Maddie.

The heat had been turned up. Maddie was sure of it.

Gulping, Maddie try to manage a smile without melting in the sight of those gorgeous eyes. “I’m sorry again, but the position has been filled. If you could see your way out,” Maddie said tearing her eyes from this handsome piece of man flesh, “Lexie, gather your things we’re going on a trip.”

“Where are we going?” Lexie said as she held on tight onto the guys arm.

“To the Trolls land,” Al`zbeta said speaking for the first time since the young man had arrived. “My family is need of Maddie’s assistance.”

“Oh, really?” Lexie said with her eyes glued on her companions face. At this point, Maddie was so jealous that she would probably break the chair she was holding onto if she didn’t loosen her grip on it. “Will it be dangerous?”

“Very Dangerous, I’m afraid,” Al`zbeta said looking pointedly at Lexie’s companion.

“Then perhaps Michael can help,” Lexie said introducing her gentleman friend for the first time.

“I’m afraid not. The business is strictly confidential, only need to know.” Al`zbeta said giving Michael a glare that could have plastered paint.

“If it is dangerous, fair troll, then perhaps I best go. I would hate to see your fair companions get hurt while they help you. Maddie’s work is too precious to see it endangered or impaired,” again Michael was looking straight at Maddie with those deep blue eyes.

Maddie felt herself swaying and as she heard Lexie say, “Troll country is surrounded by beings who are not known to be friendly to two human girls, perhaps Michael should come, just for our protection, you know,” her will gave way.

Pulling Al`zbeta aside she whispered in the troll’s ear, “Why can’t he come? Lexie’s right you know, we may need his help on the way.”

Al`zbeta whispered back in Maddie’s ear her troll voice filled with distrust, “I don’t trust him. He hasn’t even looked at me once, and I’m telling you Maddie that isn’t normal for a mortal.”


I have given your troll! Just don’t sue me if the troll wasn’t what you expected, I have even have the research to prove that Al`zbeta Troll is perfectly legit. *

So we have one Troll, who is too nice for her own good.

One handsome Shakespeare speaking southern boy who has knocked the sense out of both Maddie and Lexie out of their senses.

To add to the trouble, one of them, or both of them are the spy that the Complaint Department sent over. Which is the spy? Which one does Maddie Trust?

We have one dangerous mission with an unknown goal filled with unknown threats in an unknown territory.

The following decisions need to be made?

Does Maddie take the mission? *It has been assumed she will, but that can be changed at any moment.

Does Maddie trust Al`zbeta’s advice? Or does Maddie take the handsome Michael alone anyway?

What awaits Maddie when and if she arrives at the southern country?

What is troubling the Trolls?

What dangers lie in wait?

Speculation about who is the spy is welcome and encouraged!

*The misbehaving Dinranwen giggles* Have fun with this one!

* Btw, if even if you are a little disappointed, know this. Female trolls in Southern Scandivian Folk Lore were known to be the most cunning, conniving creatures on the earth. They were even sometimes even worse then their male counter-parts, if such a thing is possible. So you just chew on that for awhile.

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed May 02, 2007 2:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*fans self* Ow! Very nice and yummy, Din. I approve! Okay now that I got that out of my system, hmm.... Of course, the sweet, hot guys are never the trully good ones. He's gonna sabotaging the trip the whole way (and of course Maddie's gonna bring him along, man flesh he is)

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lol. *smiles at Lily* I thought you would like Michael, as when I wrote his describition I had you in mind.*

*However, if you spot a guy matching that describition you are to send him my way immediatly. I promise to be nice and share. After all, even good girls (ie. me) need some eye candy every now and again.
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scandinavian trolls, eh?

Well maybe the southern scandinavian country (I am guessing this could be Sweden) is in the grip of a serious attack of the bad taste ABBA dress sense. And the Troll people are very badly hit.

The mission is to rescue the entire troll population from looking like this

and restore their normal cultural habits and costumes. Very Happy

Or something along those lines.... Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does Maddie take the mission? *It has been assumed she will, but that can be changed at any moment.

Does Maddie trust Al`zbeta’s advice? Or does Maddie take the handsome Michael alone anyway?

What awaits Maddie when and if she arrives at the southern country?

What is troubling the Trolls?

What dangers lie in wait?

Speculation about who is the spy is welcome and encouraged!

*The misbehaving Dinranwen giggles* Have fun with this one!

Intersting twist of events to address each of them.

Maddie does take the mission but She keeps very cautious. She may have a notion that there is a spy around her Maddie could take the advice and Michael too and she can spill the details to Michael ( which if he is the spy would make an interesting plot twist ) as for the souther country could be war or famine or something worse as for dangers I think being ambushed a few times would make for an interesting choice ( especially if it is the spy ordering the the attacks Muahhh)
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

geez Din! What a list. Michael would be the obvious choice for the spy but i think that the troll should be. Then she could report how good of a job Maddie does at handling the troll situation. Michael should go along though Maddie is a bit suspicious of him. Who can resist a knight in shining armor?
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up.

Note on the Poll.

Your options are basically deciding who's the spy, and wheither or not to take the Hunk of a man along.

Option one takes the Sweet Piece of Eye candy along, and it will make him our hero....eventually. *smiles evil*

Option two also takes Micheal along even though he is the bad guy and will therefore subtigue the whole trip.

Option three doesn't take Micheal along, and makes Al`zebeta the bad guy.

Option four takes Micheal along, and it makes Al`zebeta and Micheal work together as bad guys.

Option five presents the option that even if we don't take Micheal along, Al`zebeta isn't neccesirly the bad guy.

Psst. A little tip: Even you don't take Micheal along willingly he may just 'follow' the girls anyway.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Five: Pish Posh Tic Tock

((In which the author tried to come up with a great title and failed.))

“Oh hush, Al`zebta,” Maddie whispered fiercely to the troll whiling trying to maintain a flawless smile towards the gorgeous hunk of man flesh that just walked through her door. “You’re probably just jealous. Besides we may need a man on this journey.”

Al’zebta the troll just shrugged, and said in a monotone with a look of suspicion towards the handsome Michael, “It’s your funeral.”

“Michael,” Maddie continued in a voice that suddenly seemed all squeaky, and with knees that refused to turn solid from their Jell-O state, “We, the Truth for Hire Agency, would be more then willing to accept your help for the journey ahead, as I think that a strong man…” Maddie cleared her throat and blushed, “I mean, a man,” clearing her throat, Maddie finally said, “What I mean was…”

Michael smiled a perfect flawless smile with a glint off of white teeth that nearly blinded Maddie, Lexie, and Al’zebta, “I understand perfectly my dear,” then making a bowing motion, Michael once again clasped Maddie’s hand and gave it a tender kiss that nearly made Lexie explode as she turned steadily greener by the moment. Maddie seeing the fairy’s jealousy couldn’t help but smile over Michael’s head, “I’m afraid I require a day to prepare for a long journey such as traveling to the old troll country.”

“Certainly,” Maddie said somewhat breathlessly as Michael released her hand after holding onto it several moments after kissing her fingertips. “How about the day after tomorrow say around 7 am?”

“Perfect, my dear, simply perfect. My eyes shall fail for want of thy beauty my dear, but my valiant sacrifice shall be worth my efforts if I can but see your face for however long the journey we take,” Michael’s voice practically purred and Maddie’s knees threatened to send her crashing to the floor in a faint while Lexie could have reviled a cucumber for it’s greenness.

“Until then,” Maddie replied sadly both sorry to see Michael go, and sorry to see the way he comfortably wrapped his arms around Lexie who regained her color a little too quickly when Michael turned his attentions to them.

As she watched the pair exit, the door with Michael’s arm around the smug Lexie’s waist, Maddie silently steamed and somewhere inside her, a small voice was shouting for her attention only to be silenced by a louder voice that was counting down the hours to the next time she would see Michael.

“Maddie,” Al`zebta stated in a far off tone.

“Hmmm…” Maddie said tearing her mind away from a mental image which involved her dressed in white and intensely kissing Michael.

“You’re steaming…”

Snapping to attention, Maddie realized that indeed, her hair had begun to smoke in the beginnings of a full fire. Hastily putting it out by slapping her head violently, Maddie’s only thought as she heard Al`zebta laugh was that Michael wasn’t there to see.

~ ~ ~

Later that night:

A lone figure dressed in a trench coat and a wide brimmed feather hat sat in the back of a local coffee shop quietly listening to some a figure dressed in black pounding out lame poetry to the sound of a drum.

Bubbles poured from the sulking figures lips as he slowly raises his head to withdraw a colorful plastic bubble-blowing pipe. As light hits the figures face, a slightly greenish complexion, and slightly green slick hair, revealing him Mr. Franklin, head of the complaint department of M.F.T.A.L. Idly playing with the bubbles from his pipe, not even a half interested glance is sparred by Mr. Franklin as the bell above the door of this shabby place announces a new arrival interested in purchasing bad coffee and equally bad poetry.

The sound of jeans on a leather cushion was heard as the newcomer slowly slid onto a stool next to Mr. Franklin.

Mr. Franklin is very careful not to look at this newcomer as a waitress comes by to take the jeans wearing newcomer. Mr. Franklin listened as the person next to him ordered a coffee, black as tar, from the waitress.

“That’s a dangerous order sir,” Mr. Franklin said out of the side of his mouth carefully looking everywhere but at the person next to him.

“Who said I was going to drink it,” came the pointed response of a voice that bore the trace of a southern accent.

“Wise decision in this place. And your late 017-9.”

“I’m never late 1-A. I had to escort my date to her house.”

“Are you in?”

“As in the door as the proverbial camel was in the tent.”

“Good. Do you have your orders?”

“Down to the last dot and period.”

“So why are you here? I told you to come only if you had trouble,” Mr. Franklin said in an easy tone as he blew another set of bubbles from his pipe.

“One of them doesn’t like me.” The southern voice said as his seat announced a nervous shift in position.

“So, should be no problem to one of your, shall we say, Charm?”

“She’s a troll, sir?”

“What a troll! Blast! How she get in?”

“Had the good-doer certificate sir, all perfectly legal.”

“Double blast those ‘give the bad guys a second chance no good do-gooders!’” Mr. Franklin swore turning the air around him temporarily pink. “The troll suspects then.”

“Yes. In addition, she’s resistant to my charms to boot. There is good news sir…”

“Go on, get on with it,” Mr. Franklin said with some impatience nearly looking at his visitor, a deadly mistake in his business.

“The Troll is taking Miss Broom on a trip to save her country from a trouble she could only describe as horrible.”

“Ah, and your going with them?”

“Do I ever not?” Came the smug reply from the jeans wearing.

“What do you need from me then, a monster or two? Perhaps arrangements to send the Troll on a vacation?”

“Nothing of the sort, I intend of fulfilling my mission. And the best way I can see is to make sure Miss Broom,” the Jeans wearing said in a low menacing tone while using the code-name for Miss Maddie Broomstick, “Is ruined is to make sure that she fails this mission. I will take care of making sure she fails, but what I need from you is a monster. Something I can easily defeat without making it look to ‘easy’ if you know what I mean. Once I gain these ladies trust, I’ll have them eating out of the palm of my hands.”

Mr. Franklin tapped his chin as he listened carefully to the name of the next poet who was to perform, an irate fairy godmother by the sounds of the name of Miss Periwinkle. “I think I can arrange that. Anything else?”

“Not at the moment, no. I think I can take care of a fairy, a troll, and a human girl by myself, thank you. After all, I am if nothing else, Charming.” The jean wearing laughed an otherworldly laughed threatening to send Mr. Franklin twirling at the speaker with a glare that could have penetrated walls.

“Hush, 017-9! Do you want people to hear? Nevertheless, despite your confidence, I’m sending you with a wristwatch,” Mr. Franklin sliding a silver Timex to the southern accented jean-wearing person next to him.

“A wristwatch? What I am supposed to do with it? Keep time?”

“There’s an imp inside it ding-bat! Simply pull the pin and twist it counterclockwise for three full revolutions counter clockwise to unleash the hatch. I’ll wear a similar one, and if you need to send any messages to me, simply give your imp the message, and I’ll see you get whatever you may need.”

“Very well,” the southern voice said putting the wristwatch with a snap. “One last question, what are my ‘limits’ on this mission?”

“None, save that Miss Broomstick remains alive to experience the humiliation and any lawsuits that may pursue her for the rest of her life.” Mr. Franklin smiled as he heard the tale tell ding of his associates smile, “And do enjoy yourself, old chap, for my sake.”

“Oh, I will,” the southern voice confirmed as he slid off the seat and walked out the door his coffee untouched, “I will.”

~ ~ ~

That Friday, two days after Maddie met Michael; Maddie was beginning to have her doubts about this trip and her new male associate. Several cups of tea, one giant barrel of chocolate ice cream, several crappy musicals, followed by a brief obsession with a tread mill, and a magical shopping spree that left her pockets empty and nothing useful in her closet for the trip had a tendency to turn a person to the retrospective.

For example, was it wise to be going on this journey anyway? As much as Maddie loved her new sectary who made handling clients like Peter Pan and Dr. Frankenstein’s monster so much easier to handle, not to mention the paper work that troll could do given an hour’s worth of quite and peace, Maddie still had her doubts. For one thing, despite the pestering, the nit-picking, the coddling, the pleading, and almost down right begging Maddie had done over the last day, Al`zebta had steadfastly refused to tell Maddie what was bothering her home village. All the troll would say was that it was simply too horrible to tell. If it was too terrible for a troll, what made Al`zebta think that she can handle it?

Another thing, was all this trouble over Michael really worth bringing him along? Maddie had spent the last day glaring, fuming, smoking, blazing, melting, boiling, going, and generally making a fool of herself in public over the southern spoken Shakespearean Michael. Not to mention the hair splitting, the glares, the all too polite smiles, and near misses that involved Maddie and Lexie barely managing not to strangle each other out of jealousy. I mean, was it worth losing your best client/worker/friend over a guy?

Then, Maddie saw Michael coming down the street as she leaned out of her second story office to gaily obverse the sunny day. Her heart nearly stopped, and a whistle involuntarily escaped her causing Lexie and Al`zebta to rush to the window.

Sun glinted over off silver chain mail tunic that covered Michael’s gorgeous chest overlying a light blue long sleeve tunic edged in dark blue that brought out the color of his eyes. Traveling downward, Maddie’s eyes greedily took in the tight pair of black breeches Michael wore, the bronzed edged breastplate, the blue edged calf-guards, the knee high clinging black leather boots, and the double edge broad sword that swung unsheathed against Michael’s thighs from its position in his belt. A shield bearing a single fleur-de-lies on a green checkered white field completed Michael’s apparel as it hung on his left arm by straps that only a accented the buff muscles Michael possessed all over his physique.

Maddie could practically feel her mouth watering.

What made this picture so awe-stopping perfect was the gorgeous white stallion Michael rode. The steeds neck arched high and proud as it step high clearing showing itself off to the crowds who had gathered to stare at Michael’s appearance. The horse was all tacked out with a light brown leather saddle trimmed it a light blue. All along, the beautiful tack was blue ribbons, bows, and tassels that bounced of the stallion’s steamy white side. The horse was almost beautiful as Michael, and that was saying something.

Yet what made Maddie’s heart stop its track and her mind cease from its anxious worrying were the steeds whose reigns were tied to Michael’s saddle horn. Behind the male stallion, decked out in simple lady like tack in the English saddle, four mares trotted submissively. A dark almost black quarter horse, a rich brownish red roan, a dabbled grey, and a hazelnut colored chestnut stepped politely down the street.

Clearly, Michael had thought ahead, Maddie thought, suddenly looking with some disappointment to the supplies they had brought.

Al`zebta had simply brought the colorful carpet bag she had brought with to the city of Edition, and Maddie was also simply packed with a saddlebag’s worth of clothes and a couple of saddle bags worth of supplies as Al`zebta had claimed it would only take two days to reach her home land in the far off old country of the trolls.

This was in serve contrast to Lexie who had brought large bags stuffed to the brim. Maddie had a sneaking suspicion that Lexie had gone shopping yesterday too, and that unlike practical Maddie, Lexie had brought every alluring article of clothing she possessed. Maddie fumed over not bringing at least one of those nice, if a tad sheer, dresses she had bought, or perhaps even that new nightgown. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

Turning back her attention to the road, Maddie found Michael had stopped in the middle of the street below. Doffing an imaginary cap, Michael gave a graceful half-bow in his saddle, “Fear not my ladies, your companion has thought of everything save that which you need to cloth yourselves for decency sake, though I have no doubt that you would be splendidly dressed in naught but your skin and beauty to save you from red checks.”

Maddie blushed. If only she had brought that nightgown, that tattered black one or that red one with the straps. Blast. Blast. But boy, was he gorgeous. Maddie found herself slipping downward until her chin was on her hand and she leaning out the window in a hopelessly girly way.

“In addition to food to satisfy our bellies, I have also brought you steeds upon which you can ride, and a dabble grey to bare your stuff. Bring only what you need, however, my pets, for I do not wish to over bare that gentle mare. I await your descent, my ladies”

Maddie noticed with some satisfaction that Lexie was casting a backwards glance of dismay at her stuff.

Waving a hello and goodbye, Maddie shouted, “We’ll be down in a moment….Michael.” Maddie’s voice lingered over Michael’s name almost unwilling testing it, tasting it, and pulling it out to its full extent for just the pleasure of saying it.

Walking into her office, Maddie grabbed her saddlebag and found her hand hesitating over the foodstuff. Michael had said he had everything. Glancing towards the window once more, Maddie’s hand snatch the bag of food without a second thought. It never hurt to be prepared. Sometimes what men thought of as food…well, yes it was better safe then sorry.

Minutes later saw the ladies stuff on the grey, and the ladies seated rather precariously on their steeds. None of them save Al`zebta had ever ridden before and they were less then assured at Michael’s claim that it was easier then ridding a bike.

“Which way, my dear troll?” Michael said in a low but commanding voice.

Al`zebta could not help the snap in her eye nor the low growl in her throat at Michael calling her a troll, but said nonetheless, “South out of the city. I have faster means of transport awaiting us near the south gate.”

“Faster,” Michael said unable to disguise the slight panic in his voice, “How so?”

“Portals. My cousins, some rehabilitated trolls, have set up a portal outside the city to the south for trolls going to and from Edition to the Old Country. The portal should dump us out within one or two days journey from home.”

“Should?” Maddie’s voice quavered as she vainly tried to steady herself on top of the flighty roan she had mounted her legs gripping the barrel of the horse in pure panic as her hands tried to find a grip while trying to maintain the hold on the reigns that Michael had assured was the correct position for this type of saddle.

“Portals are never accurate unless all the people going through them have a very accurate picture of the place they are going to. Yet, I have traveled this way before with an agent from M.F.T.A.L., a completely incompetent fool who had no idea what difference there is between a southern troll and a northern troll. I had no trouble with him at all save that, we did travel a little bit more to the west then we should have. Still I confident that I can do it, and this time I brought pictures for everyone,” Al`zebta said kneeing the quarter horse she rode with confidence towards the others horses. Handing each of them a either a badly taken picture or a very accurate watercolor, Al`zebta finished by saying, “If you study them while we ride, and memorize the picture for the portal, we should be safe.”

“But what about the horses,” Michael said hastily, “I’m afraid that the horses will not cooperate about going through a portal. Is there no other way?”

“Several, actually, but the portal’s the quickest and most accurate. Not to say the least painful. I can also cast a minor flying spell on the horses, although I don’t know how long it would be before I tired out in the casting with the four horses to carry. At best, I can save us a day’s worth of travel, perhaps two, but we would still have a weeks worth of journey ahead of us if we traveled that way. And of course, there is always the Book. All major cities have one, and although the system is a tad bit outdated, I’m sure we can find where the Book is located in Edition and take advantage of it. A small matter of looking in the index and appendix to make sure we head to the right place, year, date, and country would all that would be required. The Book would almost be able to dump us right where we’re going, leaving us only a mild walk. But I’m afraid we would have to leave anything we can’t carry behind.”

“And the disadvantages?” Lexie creaked as her wings fluttered furiously to maintain the balance she tentatively held.

“Like I said it is an outdated system. People stopped using it a long time ago as it is a slight discomfort to have your body separated into parts to the size of a single letter on a page, having them sent through time and space, and then resembled together again at an eye watering pace.”

“Is that all?” Maddie questioned nearly slipping out of her saddle this time to the satisfaction of the roan that was nickering in what sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

“Yes, but it is the quickest way besides using a portal,” Al`zebta said with a glare that should have wrinkled Michael up on the spot.

“Ladies,” Michael said with deep concern pointedly ignoring Al`zebta heated glare. “Let’s not be so hasty. I have prepared for a week of travel. Considering the horses’ discomfort that would arise in the use of a portal, the horses fear in flight, and the discomfort we would experience using the outdated Book, I say we take the long way. It would be much safer and perhaps a more comfortable journey despite being long.”

Batting her eyes, Lexie finally managed to find a way to control her horse through twitching her wings in the way she wished to go sidled up along side Michael’s stallion. “I’m sure whatever you think is best, Michael.”

Maddie could feel her face turn red and start to steam, but taking a deep breath turned away from the origin of her jealously towards Al`zebta. “What do you think Al`zebta?”

“I think,” Al`zebta said slowly her accent coming through clearly as the troll spoke slowly and carefully as if to do otherwise would cause her to burst. “That we should take the portal. It is the safest way. But it’s up to you Maddie.”

“Yes, Maddie,” Michael purred batting his eyelashes as he idly fiddled with one of Lexie’s purple curls. “What do you think? The Editors know I’ll faithful stick to whatever you decide, and where ever your beauty leads.” This speech though directed at Maddie was said while Michael looked directly at Lexie causing Maddie to reach hastily up with a wet finger and thumb to extinguish the flame that had begun to burn on one brown end.

Taking a deep breath, Maddie made her decision.

((Sorry about the Delay. I had a lot of trouble writing this one when inspiration hit to speak along side the head.

As for the DP: What route do they take? The Portal? Flight? The Book? Or the Really, Really, Really long way?))
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*drools* The really, really, really, really, really, long way... so as to ascertain that the hot hunk is actually the bad guy.... but still hot. Cool

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*decides to give Micheal to Lilth the next holiday, If-day, Christmas, or her next birthday which ever comes first*

I would give him for you to play with Lilth, but I sort of need the guy.

I'm sort of loving every minute of this. Instilling my own view of love, which that it sticks totally revolting and gut wrenching horrible, by distorting the opposite end of the exterme is kinda becoming fun.

Thanks for the suggestion. Any others before a poll.

Btw, Lily, Abousutely Love Your New Avie. All she needs is a pair of really cool fair wings and it's you babe!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only one vote....seriously. I think I need to take a vacation or something....

Poll will run for a week or so more. Feel free to vote.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dinranwen wrote:
*decides to give Micheal to Lilth the next holiday, If-day, Christmas, or her next birthday which ever comes first*

*squeals in joy* YAY!...

Oh and duh.. the really, long way! OF COURSE!

(sorry I kinda forgot to vote until now.. *winces*)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it's a tie! Anyone care to break it for me?

Or do I need to break out a jackhammer?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i voted the really really long way too as this gives us a chance to check out the rest of the land. there must be heaps of exciting characters to meet and heaps of ppl to help (or colledct) along the way thus building up the bad ass rep.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeNe raises an interesting point.

Poll's closed, chapter will be up in a few days.

Any suggestions on who and what our characters should encounter?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They should encounter Sirens, Pirates and religious velots... no really i dont know - i leave it up to you DIn
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmmmmmm..... I'm sorry that i missed the poll. though my choice won anyway. I can't wait for the next chappy.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[color=darkblue]*frowns* Is this thing still here, I thought I asked politely if it could be escorted to rust, crumble into dust, and fade into oblivion in the Achivies.

Oh, well, I see what I can do to this thing......
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Which way should the group travel?
The Portal. Not the quickest, but most reliable. Dumps them within 2 days travel of desintation.
 25%  [ 1 ]
Flight. Possibly unreliable, uncertain where the crew will end up.
 0%  [ 0 ]
The Book. Quickest way to the city. But it's also the most painful.
 25%  [ 1 ]
The Really, Really, Really Long Way around because Micheal is just well...a hunk.
 50%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4

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