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The Hangover - Completed!
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Honorable IFian

Joined: 12 Dec 2006

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:04 am    Post subject: The Hangover - Completed! Reply with quote


Welcome to The Hangover. Very Happy

What you read here is an experiment in Co-Authorship. The original story was laid down spontaneously in This thread. However, the writing style was very much Role Play to begin with, so the story needed some heavy editing to bring it into a more easily flowing, chapterised format, in this Final Version thread.

During the experiment, a discussion thread was set up, where we eventually learned to plan each chapter before writing it, and write co-operatively from a single point of view. By Chapter 25, the writing style had evolved to the point where each contribution could be transferred directly to this Final Version thread, with very little alteration.

The material from each co-author is identified by their own symbolic icon, the key to which is below.

On behalf of all of the co-authors, I hope you enjoy the journey and evolution of The Hangover Very Happy

- Crunchyfrog

Chapter 1 - The Labyrinth and the Well

It had been a marvelous New Years party. The skies above the City of If had been ablaze fireworks popping above the decorated streets, the great spires of the municipal buildings shimmering in the light. Throughout the evening long and tall tales had been told from the vaults, grand speeches had been given by the King, Mayor, and many of the normally quieter citizens had come out into the streets, to party the night away.

But that seemed a distant fuzzy memory now, as Crunchyfrog dangled dangerously from a tree root that protruded near the top of a cliff face, some distance from the city. Hanging by both hands, he stared out to the horizon, where he could see the spires in the mist, as the sun began to rise. Something didn't look right. He thought he could see smoke hanging over the whole city. Everything looked dull, not gleaming like it did when he came upon it for the first time a month ago. Something had happened after he blacked out at the party.

He had no idea how he'd got here now. Looking down, there was a narrow ledge about 10 feet below him, then a sheer drop of several hundred feet below that. On the ledge lay a figure, which was beginning to stir. He recognised the groans as coming from one of his new IFian friends...

Above him, he could hear scuffling, and the cries of some mythical animal he was not familiar with. Presently, a dark hood peered over the edge of the cliff.

"Crunchyfrog?" called Masterweaver. "Is there any particular reason you're hanging down there?"

Crunchyfrog craned his neck upwards.

"I'm not really sure," he answered weakly.
Masterweaver sighed. "Hold on, I've caught a Pegasus, I might be able to get you out. Careful now, it’s not very tame-"

Crunchyfrog listened to more scuffling on the clifftop above, wondering how Masterweaver was going to achieve this.

As Masterweaver took hold of the makeshift bridle, the Peg turned around, lifted its tail and dropped a load over the cliff, narrowly missing Crunchyfrog and the unconscious IFian on the ledge below. Masterweaver attempted to cajole the animal into allowing him to mount it, but it reared up and shook its head menacingly.

"Wait... This isn't going to work! shouted Crunchyfrog. “Whoever it is that is lying on the ledge below me is barely conscious. If I let go of this tree root, I may land on him/her, and possibly make any injuries worse. And I can't get both of us on to the Peg's back as it flies by, not from this position. The ledge is far too narrow, and I'm not confident about lifting a person who may even be heavier than me.”

Masterweaver stopped.

"Hmmm." he said. "I see what you mean."

Masterweaver stared down at Crunchyfrog hanging from the tree root, and the other IFian, lying on the ledge 10 feet further down.
"Maybe a bit of rope might be more sensible... I could get the Peg to help pull you up instead..... "

Masterweaver paused, and stared over the cliff at Crunchyfrog.

"Hey, Crunch, why have you got a huge piece of rolled up parchment stuffed down the back of your pants?"

"I don’t know, I didn't put it there!" yelled Crunchyfrog. "Now, you were saying about that rope..."

"That parchment looks really long! Can we use it as a rope?" called Masterweaver.
"We could if I could reach it!"
"Ok, stay there!"

Crunchyfrog rolled his eyes.

The black leather robe let himself fall onto the ledge below Crunchyfrog, accidentally nudging the unidentified IFian closer to the edge.
"Right," said Masterweaver. "You drop, I'll catch you, and we'll use that parchment as a rope, agreed?"
"What about the Peg?" asked Crunchyfrog.
"It flew off." grumbled Masterweaver. "Now I'll have to catch it all over again. Ah well. Ready? One, two three-"


Crunchyfrog let himself fall, knocking Masterweaver over. They scrabbled to safety away from the edge.

"Sorry, was I supposed to wait until 'go'?" grinned Crunchyfrog.

"Oh, no prob," said Masterweaver, dusting himself off. He pulled the scroll out of Crunch's clothing, and unravelled it.

"This parchment is certainly long enough to use as a rope. You got a grappling hook?"

"No..." Crunchyfrog shrugged.

Suddenly, they heard a groan, as their unknown companion stirred. Crunchyfrog and Masterweaver gasped as he rolled over, causing his legs to flail over the edge.

D-Lotus groaned, fluctuating between consciousness and a deep ensnaring darkness. He could detect shouts somewhere above him, but they seemed distant and dimming. He was now holding on to a protruding rock on the edge of a ledge, using all his strength to persevere. He could feel a biting cold around his dangling legs and feet. All his muscles were tensed and tired, but he mustered a cry of help towards the heavens.

He couldn't remember why he was here, or who had placed him in this precarious position. The last thing D had contemplated was his office, and grabbing his coat to join the celebration outside. He remembered the oaken door with a fuzzy rectangle of glass incrusted in it's middle, and the words reading:

Private Investigator

What case had he been working on? D couldn't remember. The only memories he could hold on to were of leaving the office, putting his coat on, and then a white flash- that's all.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:07 pm; edited 34 times in total
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Honorable IFian

Joined: 12 Dec 2006

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crunchyfrog and Masterweaver inched their way across the ledge to pull their companion back to safety, but just as they did so, a huge red dragon soared past, with a large lampshade on its head. It could only be Kalanna Rai.

Upon landing on the cliff edge above and behind them, she pulled the lampshade off her head, and, reaching down with her tail, neatly lifted the figure back onto the ledge.

"Don't party if you can't hold your own, " she warned, condecendingly. "I've got to be going gentlemen, and robe. Enjoy the day."

With that Rai launched herself upward again.

As they stared after her, Masterweaver and Crunchyfrog considered that they were evidently blessed with some luck; whether it was good or bad, neither were quite sure. After all, they were still stranded on the ledge, with an unconcious companion...

The shafts of morning light slowly began to move onto the ledge and finally Masterweaver was able to get a good look at their companion.
"Hey, it's D-Lotus!" he exclaimed.
Crunchyfrog nearly toppled off the ledge in surprise, but Masterweaver pulled him back.
"D-Lotus, are you okay?" asked Crunchyfrog.

D-Lotus groaned, opened his eyes momentarily and closed them again. Was that Crunchyfrog in front of him? AND Masterweaver? What was Masterweaver doing to one of the parchment scrolls from the City Council Hall?

He tried to point and tell Masterweaver to stop mangling the precious scroll but was still recovering his senses.

Crunchyfrog stood up and put his hand on Masterweavers shoulder.

"Wait, I think he's trying to say something." he said.

Masterweaver leaned on the cliff wall, as the shafts of sunlight continued to move across it. Then he simply fell through it, as a section of the rock slid downwards, revealing a tunnel within.

Finally the world was becoming clearer and sharper. In front of him, D-Lotus could see Crunchyfrog and Masterweaver. Something red and scaly had answered his call to heaven and somehow dropped him to safety. D tremblingly got up and rested against a tree while the two Ifians started raising their voices.

"What is it?" Asked D, extenuated.

A muffled cry reached out from a black hole in the cliff wall.

"I found a tunnel!"

A tunnel? Didn't D's investigation have something to do with tunnels..? And what about the City Hall parchment scroll?


Meanwhile, BStheGreat stood in the distance, his figure hidden from view behind a large willow tree and his solid black eyes grasping the scene before him. He was kneeling down with his right hand resting against the staff of his bow, and his left hand tossing feeling the soft soil beneath the root of the tree. As silently as a cat about to strike, he stood up and grabbed an arrow from the quiver over shoulder. It was a simple wood arrow made with an iron head, although a violet colored ribbon lay tied to it.

"Your life is safe today D-Lotus," BS said to himself. "But you are a marked man, and I shall not forget what you did to me. Your life may be over sooner than you think."

With that BStheGreat loosed an arrow, and listened to it whistle as it soared through the air. With near perfect accuracy, the arrow landed just in front of the crowd of three, and before the assailant could be identified, BS disappeared into the retreating shadows.


There was something like a sizzle in the air or an angry whistle and an arrow burrowed itself at D's feet. D looked around, but there was only a dead silence everywhere. Suddenly a change overcame D-Lotus and he sprung to balance. A plot...tunnels...arrows... it was something he had been investigating, except he couldn't remember what.
“What in the world is going on?” he thought to himself. “Is this connected to my last case?”
He warily made his way closer to the other two for protection, although it seemed the assailer had left. Well, better find out where that tunnel led to- maybe it held the answer to this mystery.

"Let's get a torch." said D.

The tunnel was dark, earthy and scary; in addition it was filled with spiders webs and scurrying sounds. Crunchyfrog was holding the quickly manufactured torch in her hand. It consisted of a piece of garment rolled around the end of a branch lit on fire. Consequently, there was a large rip in Masterweaver's undershirt.

"Where are we going?" asked Masterweaver.

"I'm not sure. Here, let me see that parchment." said D-Lotus.

Masterweaver reluctantly handed the brittle paper to D, who held it under the torch light. There seemed to be some kind of magical quality to it, as it wasn't defined by any size- it kept changing. The picture that D opened up began changing as well. It slowly transformed into the map of a myriad of tunnels. A red arrow began creeping through the map, indicating a path towards the convergence of all the tunnels.

"This way." pointed D, as Crunchyfrog and Masterweaver followed him speculatively.

Presently, they came to a junction, and a new tunnel.

"I don't think that tunnel's on the map," replied Crunchy.

Masterweaver glanced at the map, then at the tunnel.

"GET DOWN!" he cried suddenly.
"What? It's not like there's going to be a cave-in??" said D.

As if on queue, the tunnel imploded. Everyone fell to the ground.


Meanwhile, back at the Council Hall Rai was surprised to find it a flurry of action. Grabbing one of the small, furry orange things that Chinaren had hired to do the fetch and carry work, she demanded to know what was going on.

"It seems that sometime last night, an unknown person, or persons, stole the Master Map of the City. The Mayor and King are both rather upset about it, since that Map is the only one with the location"

Rai had to take her time with the creature to get it to divulge exactly what the map showed. Her eyes went wide.

"Sweet DM in the sky! They have the location to the Soul Well?"
The creature glumly nodded. After the Mass exorcisim that expunged the soulless IFians the excess soul power had to go somewhere, thus the Soul Well had been created. Now, some mad Ifian had that info. "I've got to do something." she said.

Taking flight over the city, Rai searched, almost frantic to spot something that would lead her to the map, even though it was a billion to one that she would. She was gliding over Games when an explosion boiled upward from below. Twitching a scaley eyebrow she plunged downward, switching on a momentary intangibility spell. She found herself in a rubble filled tunnel confronting a very odd bunch.

Masterwaver, Crunchyfrog, and D-Lotus stared back at her, covered in dust and rubble. Rai shook her head, she'd just left them! "I'm gone for a moment and you three managed to ruin a major section of the city." Only then noticing the parchment held in D-Lotus's hand she reached out and snatched it up.

"What! You stole the map!?"

"I didn't steal it. He did!" said D- Lotus, pointing at Masterweaver, since the first time he'd seen it was when Masterweaver was trying to make a rope out of it.

"I didn't steal it. He did!" cried Masterweaver, pointing at Crunchyfrog, since when he had first seen it, it was stuffed down the back of Crunchyfrog's pants.

Kalanna turned on the newbie.
"And how exactly did YOU come by the map?" she asked.

"Er... uhhh... well.... I have no idea.." Crunchyfrog replied. "You see, I was at the New Years Party, in the City, and then all of a sudden there was a flash, and I blacked out, and then I was hanging from a tree root at the top of that cliff, with er, this parchment stuffed down my butt..."

"The same white flash I experienced?" muttered D-Lotus. "I ended up here several feet below you. Strange. What about you, Masterweaver?"

"I didn't go to the party." replied Masterweaver. I was a good boy, and concentrated on my storygames. I spent the night out hunting for specimens for my Mythbiology game. I caught a Pegasus, which I have now gone and lost trying to rescue you guys...."

"But did you see anything unusual?"

"A huge flash of lightning from the City, and then just about everyone running from it, towards the gorge, on the northern side of Fantasy Forest and out to the southern side of Jester Park..."

"And what about you, Kalanna. What were your experiences?" asked D, as he picked up the arrow, with the violet ribbon, which had amazingly survived the explosion.

Rai glared at them. "Oh do you mean Smee's fireworks? I know they got a little out of hand but really...running in terror?"

Of course Rai had had a lampshade over her eyes for most of the evening. The flash hadn't really affected her. "But now come to think of it...Smee was finished by that time...humm." she thought to herself.

Still she had the map, although thinking of it as froggy toilet paper made her handle it with talon tips, her job was done.

"Well I think that the three of you have been...hey lemme see that."
Her tail flicked the purple ribboned arrow up to her eyes for closer inspection. Taking an unabashed sniff she growled a bit.

"I'm afraid one of you has a BS problem," she announced.
The entire party instantly turned their gazes upon Masterweaver who made a defensive gesture. The dragon sighed.
"Not that kind of BS problem," she explained. "I'm talking BS the Great, although what you could have done to him is beyond me. If I were you I'd watch your backs for a while."

Remuttering the intangibilty spell Rai turned one large copper eye on them.
"I've got what I came for and had better return it to the Council Hall before China has a coronary...remember, watch your backs."
With that she took flight, leaving the three puzzled Ifians to figure their own way out while she returned the Map.

"Watch your backs? Is that it?" said Crunchyfrog incredulously, as he watched Kalanna disappear back towards the rather lifeless looking city centre, still enshrouded with a strange fog of smoke. "She takes away the one piece of information we might need to get ourselves back to safety, and tells us to watch our backs?"

"Something tells me there was information on that parchment we were not supposed to see. Something privvy to moderators and other City dignatories." mused D-Lotus. "It's return to the City vaults is obviously much more important than our personal safety right now..."

"Something tells me that whoever swiped that parchment, thought it would be very funny to plant it down the back of my pants, and then place you and I in a predicament from which we could not escape, for whatever reason. And right now they think we're still there, incapacitated. And if it's that important a document, they're going to be coming back for us, thinking we've still got it." said Crunchyfrog.

"BS The Great?" ventured Masterweaver.
"Maybe." replied D-Lotus. "Who knows. We'd better move on"

They climbed over the rubble and headed further into the labyrinth.


Meanwhile, Rai winged her way back to the Council Hall and returned to her Lair there. Depositing the map on a table, and covering to keep it safe, she tapped her Crystal wall and settled back. Soon enough a familiar face swam into view.
"Lordy, you owe me this time."

The demon smirked at her.

"I trust you got it back?" he asked.

The dragon inclined her head. What kind of fool did he take her for?

"I did although I'm not going to explain to China what you were doing with it in the first place. That's all your mess to sort out." she replied.

"I trust you haven't returned it."

Did he think she was stupid?

"No, but I'm also not letting you have it back," stated Kalanna. "Like I said, you've got to clear this little 'excursion' with the higher-ups before I'll have anything more to do with it. I've got enough invested in the Idearium mines that I don't want you fooling around with it."

The demon grinned.

"Trust me," he said.

Terminating the connect Rai decided that maybe she had better keep a good eye on that map after all.


Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:09 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Guided now only by their memory of the map, and some good guesswork, D-Lotus, Crunchyfrog and Masterweaver slowly made their way further into the labyrinth under the cliff. They noticed that it was getting colder as they moved inwards. They had been travelling down the same tunnel for nearly an hour, when it

opened up suddenly, into a large cavity full of stalactites and frosting. D tried to cover himself from the cold with his arms. Crunchyfrog's hot breath turned into steam. Throughout the cavern there was an innumerable number of small pools, large enough for a man to jump into. They seemed shallow, but it was impossible to tell the depth because they were covered in a film of cloudy swirls.

"What is this place?" asked Masterweaver, staring around in bewilderment.

"It's obviously the convergence of all the tunnels." D said, pointing at all the other tunnel openings throughout the cavern.

"That's strange. I was sure we got lost and weren't following the red arrow in the map at all." Crunchyfrog reflected.

"You're right." said D, furrowing his brows. "Which means either of two things: one, that there is more than one path to this cavern, or two, that the map is wrong."

"Well, the map only showed one possible path, so it has to be wrong anyway in case the first option is true." Crunchyfrog elucidated.

"So the map is a phony! A fake! That is why it was planted in your pocket, to lead us to a false route. We need to tell Kalanna about this urgently..." D was concluding, when suddenly Masterweaver began yelling and scrabbling back from one of the pools where he had wandered to. But it resulted ineffective, and he was suddenly yanked into the pool where he disappeared while D and Crunchyfrog stared in amazement. Not just because Masterweaver had disappeared into the pool, but because the last thing they saw was his hand, attempting to hold on to the floor of the cavern before it was swallowed by the cloudy pool. Masterweaver was a robe with no apparent body within it. How could there have been a hand? They were beginning to wonder how much of what they were seeing was real...

"Now what?" asked D.

"We get the hell out of here." said Sasuke as he came out of his hiding spot behind a spire by the pool where Masterweaver had been sucked in.

D and Crunchy stared. In the darkness, a young kid emerged. There was something strange about his calm manner.

"We'll need help to get him back," Sasuke continued. "Has anything changed in If in six years?"

Crunchy and D stared for a moment as they took in the question.
D was the first to speak.
"Uh, where have you been the last six years?" he asked.
Sasuke was appalled, thinking: "He can't figure that out?" but then spoke quickly and calmly as possible.
"In here," he replied.
"Well... what did you do for food?" asked Crunchy, surprised.
"Mushrooms." replied Sasuke, smiling, indicating clumps of curious looking mushrooms, growing in the damper corners of the caverns.

Before they had the chance to come to terms with Sasuke's appearance on the scene, the waters of the pool started bubbling ferociously, and suddenly, exploding from the pond came a grey seven headed hydra with the wet cloth that was Masterweaver, held in the rightmost maw.

Slowly, the middle head intoned an ancient spell.

"Blard Gaes Incrorted Woldf arcaf."

Spinning from the the caves, a portal zoomed closer. Crunchyfrog and Sasuke jumped away. D, however, appeared to be consumed before he could turn around.

"Niteo gast eroid uion."

Anthor portal twirled hungrily forward,

and in the confusion, Sasuke tried to push Crunchy out of the way, knowing that Crunchy wouldn't escape this, but his attempts were in vain.
They felt the portal sucking them in, as the hydra appeared to throw Masterweaver straight into it.

"What's going on???" screamed Crunchyfrog, as he struggled against the suction of the vortex.

He glanced at Sasuke at his side and noted the continued calmness of the young Ifian, staring into mid space, to a point beyond the portal, as if it didn't even exist.

"Just don’t believe it's there." Sasuke said calmly.
"Huh?" shrieked Crunchyfrog.
"Because it isn't."
"Have a mushroom." replied Sasuke, pulling a mushroom out of his pocket and slamming it into Crunchyfrog's mouth.

After almost choking on the mushroom, he finally swallowed it, and after a moment reality began to take hold again. The pool was quiet. D and Masterweaver were quivering wrecks on the floor, D believing at the moment that he was somewhere in the realm of World of Warcraft.

"What about the hydra?" gasped a perspiring Crunchyfrog.

"The hydra was hallucination - a property of these caves. A power of the ..... souls..... "


"You have not seen what I have seen." said Sasuke distantly.

Crunchyfrog blinked. This was too much.
"Okay, explain everything right now, Mushroom, boy!" he demanded. "My friends are taking a bath with a hydra, you're talking cryptically about souls, we were about to get sucked into portals ending up supposedly in giant fantasy computer worlds, and I want to know what's with these frigging mushrooms!"
Sasuke stared at him calmly.
"Where do you want me to start, Crunchy?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.
"Explaining how and when you got stuck in here, would be a good start..."
Sasuke stared at the ground.
"My mother locked me in here..." he replied.

Crunchyfrog took a deep breath, and let his anger pass. This was getting weirder by the minute. Carrying on this line of interrogation probably wouldn't yield anything of use, he thought, and he could do without childhood sob-stories right now.

Although he was thankful that Masterweaver was still with them, he didn't quite understand the sequence of events that had just passed, with the portals, and was amazed at how someone could survive six years in a cave on mushrooms alone. But he had to admit they were very tasty, and probably quite nutritious, and if they possessed properties that counteracted aberrations in reality, then he was all for that.

D-Lotus, who had been unconscious on the ground regained his senses with a start, and was surprised too, to see Masterweaver lying next to him.

"Dont get too excited." said Sasuke. "Masterweaver is alive, but he's been in there. He’s been in one of the Wells. How his physical form got spat out again I don’t know, it doesn't usually happen..."

"What does that mean for Masterweaver? Will he be ok?" asked Crunchyfrog.
"His mind can still be rescued, but not from here. It will take time to get where we need to be, in order to reunite that body, with his soul." replied Sasuke. He stood up and began walking towards one of the tunnels.

"Follow me, we'll need Key. He is still king correct?
"Yes..." replied Crunchyfrog the newbie, naively.

Crunchyfrog looked back at D and Masterweaver, still laying, quivering by the side of the pool. Masterweaver could not be helped for now. But without the aid of the mushrooms, that he, Crunchy, had eaten, would D still be hallucinating? He saw D rise to his feet and try to follow.

D-Lotus stood still, encroached and surrounded by three or four pools. The child that had suddenly appeared from behind a spire was walking away with Crunchyfrog towards another tunnel where bats were emerging from. Why was he leading towards that path? It seemed more dangerous than any of the other tunnels. Did he have some sort of control over Crunchyfrog? Who was he, anyway, and how had he been here all this time? There was something fishy about this kid's story. He had said he'd been here for six years, yet Key only became king last year- he was mayor before that. So how could the kid know Key was king- furthermore, six years ago, Key had been called Keavney; he changed his name when the site moved from Interfable to Cityf of If. D made a note not to trust everything the kid said from now on.

D turned around and saw the hydra staring at him.

"Help!" he cried to the two who were leaving without him. They both turned towards him, with smiles on their faces. What are they laughing about? D attempted to run, but the pools were all around him, shimmering with their cold veil.

"Mushrooms!!!" yelled Crunchyfrog, pointing to a clump growing by D's feet. "Take the mushrooms! Eat one! TRUST ME!!!"

D froze, gaping at the hallucinations the pools were throwing at him.

"EAT ONE, DAMMIT!!!" screamed Crunchyfrog.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:12 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 2 - Mayhem in Jester Park

Masterweaver came to in the shades of a thick forest. He felt different. Although he could not explain how he got here, he strangely still had an awareness of what was going on in the caves that he had just been pulled from. He could hear the voices of Sasuke, D, and Crunchyfrog echoing in the deep recesses of his mind. He felt almost like he could communicate with them.
As he sat up he realised what felt different. Looking at his form he gasped.
"A chicken? I'm a...a giant chicken?" he squawked to himself. "And look at these wings! They're useless!"

Masterweaver paused to think. He was an anthropomorphic--no, partially anthropomorphized fowl, in what looked like Fantasy Forest. He'd best get out quick.

He took a step, and promptly fell forward, as he was unused to having a body.

At that same moment, back in the cave, Crunchyfrog had looked down at the limp robe on the cavern floor, by the pool, and asked of him:
"Masterweaver. Why don't you get up?"

His words drifted through Masterweaver's bird brain clearly.

"Because," replied Masterweaver the chicken out loud to the trees, "I'm in the body of a large fowl, in a place that looks like Fantasy Forest, some distance away. I can't see you! I can only hear you!, in my mind!"

Back in the cave, D-Lotus, having recovered from his hallucinations, thanks to the mushrooms, looked at Crunchyfrog and shrugged, hearing Masterweaver's voice coming from the robe, but not understanding what in IF he was talking about. Clearly, they both thought, he had gone quite mad.

"Well then," said D, "Maybe we should gather your body."

"Maybe you should." replied Masterweaver. "Don't put the robe on, though! I'd hate to be 'on' any of you-"

In Fantasy Forest, Masterweaver (or the chicken that contained his mind) suddenly dropped silent. In front of him landed the Pegasus. The one he had captured before.

It looked at his partially prone body, then poked it with its talon.


”Great,” thought Masterweaver. “Just perfect.”

Meanwhile, back in the caves, D-Lotus wandered off to one of the cave walls, and stared closely at some etchings, obviously carved by Sasuke. There were pictures, and some markings, obviously counting time. He made some calculations. Since the boy had no idea when the sun was up or down, D-Lotus understood how easy it could be to lose track of time. Looking at the markings, he estimated Sasuke had been in the caves for just under a year. It explained a lot.

He asked Sasuke:

"Tell me, boy, have you actually seen anybody come through these tunnels recently? Someone who survived?"

Sasuke shuddered as he remembered.
"The pools were not always dangerous like this. Once, an evil, horrid, little orange furry fellow, with horns, carrying pockets stuffed with money, and with a strange instrument, he came, with some companions, and a map..." he began.
"He had a box, he unleashed terrible power from that box which he unlocked with that instrument.... he made the pools as they are now with that power.... He is evil. EVIL!!!" The terror on Sasuke's face was genuine.

D-Lotus nodded. He began to understand what the boy might have witnessed. Things were beginning to get a little clearer now...

Crunchyfrog gathered up the black leather robe and draped it over his arm. He looked down at it and sighed. Whatever realm Masterweaver's soul was in, he must be having a hard time. Crunchyfrog hoped that they could do something about his predicament soon. It was quite clear that coherent conversations with Masterweaver were going to be difficult for a while.

The threesome, with the limp Masterweaver still over Crunchyfrog's arm, and a supply of mushrooms, stumbled on through the labyrinth, looking for a way out.

As they did so, D's mind raced. Had Sasuke really witnessed the Ceremony of Release? If so, he could understand why the event might have looked so terrifying.
D remembered the day of the Mass Excorcism, the soulless IFians being rounded up and taken from the city in a container specially built for the purpose... had they really been taken and released here, into the pools?

He then had a chilling thought. If that was the case, why would an IFian want to steal the map and find his or her way back here?

D-Lotus and Crunchyfrog, having finally decided to trust Sasuke to guide them throughout the creepy tunnels, braced themselves against occasional rumbles, and the earth shaking around them.

"It's only the guardian troll on the east side." Sasuke said.

Crunchyfrog twitched nervously, remembering that the phony map could have easily led them towards the east side of the tunnels. In fact, that was probably the plan of whoever planted the map in his pocket.

"D," Crunchyfrog said, as Sasuke guided them in the dark, "Don't you think that someone was trying to kill us? I mean, they placed us right next to a cave full of monsters and evil pools and gave us a map heading right towards them!"

"It's lucky we escaped, although Masterweaver didn't." lamented D. "Who knows for how long he'll be trapped in a dual world?"

Crunchyfrog was right. Somebody had wanted to kill them without dirtying his/her own hands. Someone had given them a weapon with instructions to kill themselves, but he/she'd failed. D remembered the arrow- could it be BS the Great? Naw; from what he remembered, BS wasn't the kind to hatch plots of this kind. BS liked to make his prey feel hunted, but he wouldn't go to all this trouble. There was something greatly sinister, and D-Lotus knew he had the answer hidden somewhere in the recess of his memory, but he just couldn't dig deep enough. What was the connection between the Mass Exorcism and this mayhem?

Sasuke punched a hole through one of the tunnel walls and a ray of light filtered into the gloom.

"The tunnel you came through the first time is brimming with giant spider guards, so I'm opening my own door through the wall at it's thinnest point." he kicked the earthy wall again. "Help me open a hole." he asked D and Crunchyfrog, who immediately began helping the boy until a large hole of light blinded them, and was big enough for them to crawl through.

Crunchyfrog was the first to crawl outside and breath in the air with his eyes closed- oddly enough, the air smelled like toast. Crunchyfrog opened his eyes and frowned.

"Sasuke, are you sure there's no other way out?" he said.

"None." said Sasuke, as he too crawled outside and contemplated the immense wall of fire surrounding them and creeping around burning trees towards the group.


Meanwhile Polokin was perched on a seat in Jester Park.

He had been sitting there for hours, it was getting late and he needed to make a decision quickly. He had recently found out about a plot, a sinister plot which involved a well known IFian, D-Lotus.

BStheGreat had asked Polokin to help him get revenge, yet he wouldn't reveal what he wanted it for. Also a few days before that encounter, D-Lotus had asked Polokin if he would watch his back, for he had a feeling that somebody was out to get him.

Polokin was about to make the decision to stay out of it, when suddenly a figure emerged from the mist.

"Who's there?..." Polokin called out anxiously.

"Out of my way!" shouted Masterweaver, crashing through the under brush and toppling over the Ifian crouched in front of him. Polokin had just finished dusting himself off when he was knocked down again by a low-flying Pegasus. He could smell burning, and thought he could hear his friends through the crackles of fire. But they were in the caves, surely?

"Crunchy! D! Kid! Where are you?" he squawked.

"Weaver! We're surrounded by fire...somewhere,"

Masterweaver the chicken looked around anxiously. Yes, they were definitely nearby.
"I think I see where you are. Hold on." squawked Masterweaver, seeing figures amongst the burning trees, and with great skill, the fowl leapt up and came down upon the Pegasus, to be carried majestically over the fire, and land gently beside the captives.

Or that was how it was supposed to go anyway. It was a miracle they had both survived the manoeuver, though the Pegasus was now knocked out.

Hobbling away from the crash, Masterweaver-chicken stated,
"Help me get back into my own body, guys."
"How?" asked Sasuke.
"I'll probably have to touch my body to get back in it. Prop the robe up so it's standing, okay?"

"Alright," said Crunchyfrog, holding the robe by the hood. The chicken trotted up to the robe, and jabbed at it with it's wing.

As Crunchyfrog and the others stepped back and watched, the robe and chicken started moving in perfect sync.

"Did it work?" asked D doubtfully.

The robe held its hood and the chicken its head.
"No, it just made things worse." they groaned in unison. "Now, I have two bodies."

Suddenly, the chicken went into convulsions. Clearly, the proximity of the temporary host of Masterweaver's soul and it's rightful owner was too much stress for it's physical form to take. It danced and clucked around the park bench where Polokin had been sat, like a, well, demented chicken. And then it exploded.

From within the explosion came a tiny light, presumably Masterweaver's soul, which zipped straight into the hood of the black leather robe, with such force that it caused the robe to whoosh about like a long thin balloon flying from the force of the air expelled from it's neck. And like the bespoke deflated balloon, the robe finally flopped limply onto the ground. Presently it raised itself, and Polokin, D, Crunchyfrog and Sasuke looked at it expectantly.

"Wow, what a trip." said the now complete Masterweaver.

The Pegasus, having been shaken back to consciousness by the explosion, took flight over the burning trees, never to be seen again.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:14 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

At the same moment as the Pegasus flew off, a rhythmic thundering noise in the sky gradually grew louder and louder, until it drowned out the sound of the roaring fires. Kalanna Rai appeared above them once again.

Rai had been returning to her original hoard in Jester Park when she noticed the small explosion. Looking down, she was livid. Yes, Jester Park was supposed to be messy but in a wacky sort of way. What presented itself below her looked like something straight out of Skiffy.

She landed with a thud that knocked them all flat. Her eyes narrowed to red slits, magical energy gathering like shadows on her red hide, the dragon stuck her massive face down at the motley bunch.

"I want this mess clean, CLEAN!, you understand before I fly back over you. I've got something to take care'll take me five minutes. If this isn't looking funny and park-like by the time I get back I'll see what happens when we splice all of you together."

"B...b..but.." began Crunchyfrog.

"I want this fixed, you miscreants!" she thundered. Then, without receiving an answer or assent, she flew off.

"How the hell are we supposed to do anything?" thought D. "We might even die here!"

Why had Kalanna scolded them, intead of helping? There was something mysterious about that too- or maybe it was just a lack of interest.

D looked around him. They were surrounded by the outside walls of the tunnels and the fire. They'd regained Masterweaver, but it seemed he and the rest were doomed anyway due to the blazing inferno.

Yet the cliff wall wasn't so high at this point- a tall ladder would relieve them from danger and the burning valley.

Meanwhile, there was a possibility of reaching the lake a short distance away. Of course, the problem was, the adventurers would need to bliezkrieg through the burning woods to reach it. But if they hurried enough, they could jump into the lake without suffering too much from burns.

Was it time to split up and try luck? At least, if one method didn't work, the other would, and not all the adventurers would die.

Having left the group to clean up their mess, Rai landed by the old aHEM guildhall...walking inside she found her hoard and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. With a chuckle, after verifying it was what she thought it was, Rai decided to nap.

"Give them a little more time," she thought.

However, the moment she settled and closed her eyes she saw the whole of Jester Park going up in flames. Sighing, she thought better of her nap, and left her hoard.

Winging her way back over the Park she saw the entire group surrounded by burning forest. Lofting herself up she beat her wings with a fury, turning the area immediately around the group from fire to smouldering ashes. At least the worst of the fire was out.

Landing with another sigh Kalanna shook her massive head.

"I suppose I was too harsh on you...after all you are traveling with Masterweaver. I should have dealt with it the moment I saw the problem, since this is my district and all, but I've been a bit stressed lately. Other concerns on Council Hill..."

Making sure the damage was limited, she nodded to them.

"Speaking of concerns, once again I've got to be going." Dropping a small red disk on the ground she took a running leap and went skyward. "Use that to call if you need me."

Polokin slowly crept away from the group without them noticing.

"Phew," he thought to himself, "that was close, I'm glad Masterweaver didn't come any earlier or everything might have gone wrong."

He spied a place where the remaining fire looked thin. He jumped through the flames with his hands infront of him and braced himself for the pain. But as he jumped through, the pain he had expected never came.

"Strange..." He thought, "There's something bigger going on than what I expected. I'll think about this later, right now I'd better get to BS and tell him what I've decided."

Polokin turned back and looked at what damage the fire had caused. Some large trees had burnt down and a lot of smaller ones had been charred black too. Most of the grass was black and there was sparks and ashes flying everywhere. Well, that was what he saw, but if the flames didn't hurt him... This had to be some sort of illusion.

Polokin remembered the object in his hand and quickly slipped it into his pocket. Nobody could find out about that... Not the D and the group, nor BS.

Unaware of Polokin creeping away, Crunchyfrog noticed something strange about a section of fire to their left. It seemed to be waving at them.

"You see that?" said Crunchyfrog to D-Lotus.


"That section of fire," said Crunchyfrog, pointing hesitantly. He did not want to seem foolish if it was just his overactive imagination.

"It looks like a body made out of flames, or something," said Masterweaver.

"Wait, if you listen closely, you can hear the crackling and hissing of the flames modulating into something like speech," said D-Lotus.

They all listened intently for a couple of minutes. Then they clearly heard "Follow me" from the apparent flaming female at which point a gap opened up in the walls of flame where she had been as she ran away from them.

"This may be our best chance to get out of this place without being dipped in BBQ sauce for somebody else' feast," yelled Crunchyfrog as the flames drew nearer.

Without any further hesitation, Crunchyfrog leapt through the hole in the flames, closely followed by D and Masterweaver.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:15 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Wait a minute, Where’s Sasuke?" said D, whirling round, trying to account for everyone.
"Here!" yelped the youngster, as he leapt through the closing hole in the flames, clutching the disc that Kalanna had dropped on the ground.

"Give me that..." D demanded, holding out his hand. Sasuke shrugged and tossed the disc over to D, who deftly caught it in his left hand.

Crunchyfrog caught D's eye, as he examined the disc. Even though Crunchyfrog was new to IF - and did not know anyone that well, he saw doubt and worry in D's body language. It was true that Kalanna's behaviour of late had been self contradictory. Was she hiding something? D knew her better than Crunchyfrog did...

D-Lotus would be lying if he'd said that he wasn't extremely suspicious at the moment. Everything he was surrounded with seemed untrustworthy. He jumped out of surprise when a tree went down, consumed by flames. Kalanna had managed to turn the fire down so as to ensure its death in time, but for now the adventurers were still partly trapped. He noticed Crunchyfrog observing him.

"What?" asked D testily.

"Well, are we going to tell Kalanna about the phony map or not? Now we can call her whenever we want, thanks to that red disk you're holding." Crunchyfrog said, gesturing at the object in D's hands.

"I think perhaps...perhaps we should contact another council member...Kalanna's been acting somewhat strangely of late." D said hesitantly. Crunchyfrog, however, understood his meaning and assented in agreement. There was a moment of mutual understanding and then they turned towards the rest.

Masterweaver was speaking to Xansta whisperingly in the middle of the smoldering forest. Masterweaver was summarizing their adventure's events for the fire-covered entity; knowing Masterweaver, that was likely to confuse Xansta.

He approached the pair, and introduced himself, Crunchyfrog and Sasuke to Xansta.

"Thanks for rescuing us... But who are you?" asked D-Lotus.
"I'm Xansta," replied his new companion. "I'm supposed to be your everyday normal denizen of IF, but that all changed during the mass exorcism that made the Well. I've been stuck down in those caves since that time and only recently was able to get out. I've had no interaction with IF folks during that time. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised to spontaneously combust upon my exiting the caves. That's what I call a destructively-non-terminal case of BO."

Masterweaver looked at Xansta quizzically.

"Dont worry. This flame thing is not painful, but I'd like to figure out how to undo it and attempt to get back to what passes for normal for me in IF." continued Xansta.

Sasuke, meanwhile, was looking lost amid the subsiding fire. He was waiting uncomfortably for somebody to take direction away from his natural habitat.

"All-right, everybody!" shouted D above the crackling fire, "Anybody know how to get the hell out of here?"

He noted that the lake could still transport them to safety, but that was probably not a viable path for the fire-creature who seemed to have joined their group. On the other hand, the group was becoming too large. Perhaps they should split up- one side to investigate whomever caused the forest fire, and the other to contact a City council member other than Kalanna.

A sudden creaking noise startled the party and they looked up in horror to see another nearby tree, completely consumed by fire, start to fall. They stood helplessly in its path, with nowhere to run, except into more flames.

On her way back to her hoard, Kalanna heard the screams of the party of adventurers. Figuring that since they were in her section of the city and it was her duty to keep things 'slightly' organized, Rai turned towards the party. The blades on her tail lashed out just in time to split the falling tree down the middle.

"I give you people a direct line of communication and you won't even use it to save your lives...figures."

Crunchy shrugged.

"Well being an 'assassin for hire' doesn't really inspire much confidence in you really. It implies that you're more likely to serve our heads on a silver platter than you are to save our skins." he replied.

Rai tapped a talon on the ground.

"Depends on how much I've been paid to deal with you. Besides, I can't kill D...I'm enjoying Confession Box too much." She flicked a talon causing gooey custard to dump onto the raging flames, smothering them flat. "Besides...if I'd wanted to kill you all you'd already be dead. Comforting thought isn't it?" Flicking custard off themselves the rest of the party only stared.

Rai sighed. "Since I think you've caused enough problems here in the park, Din's going to have a field day with her cleaning tools, I'll offer you a lift back into the Open Forum. I'm headed to the Council Hall anyway so it's really no trouble." Extending a massive hand Rai thumped her tail on the ground. "Let's get moving...I do have things to do."



BStheGreat stared at the small arsenal of weapons lying in the closet of his IF City apartment. There were frag grenades, smoke grenades, flash bangs; there were hand guns, revolvers, and automatic handguns; there were various assault rifles, and even a rocket launcher. He cared little about these, they were the weapons he used to hunt normal people. Who he was about to go up against was D-Lotus, whose power was unimaginable. But fate was on BS' side; D-Lotus did not even know he had any power, his memory failure consumed much knowledge of his past, including the two's previous battle.

No, the weapon needed by BS was hidden in a trap door under a rug. He lifted the trapdoor and picked up the beauty; at first sight, it seemed to be nothing more than a normal sawed-off shotgun. But if you looked at it real closely a slight aura surrounded the gun where the magic inside of the gun let off its steam. The shotgun, nicknamed "Ludesa" by BStheGreat, had the ability to shoot bullets that were hotter than a blacksmith's furnace. And even better, the gun had the magical ability to never run out of ammunition. All he had to do was point and shoot, no reloading. What BS did to receive this gun was unthinkable; because of it he could never step inside a church again.

BS grabbed the gun and left the apartment, the real hunting was about to begin...


Polokin made his way towards BS's house, when suddenly he saw a figure in the distance holding what looked like a big stick. As he came closer, he saw what he was really carrying. Polokin dived to the side of the path as a small ball of fire came towards to him.

BS was about to fire another shot at the young man with Ludesa when he realised who it was.
"Polokin!?" He yelled.

Polokin took the bow off his back and notched an arrow to it in the same movement.

"He has to be drunk... Who else would shoot a fire ball at someone...?" He muttered to himself.

He heard him call his name. He loosened the arrow and lowered the bow.

"BS?!" hissed Polokin. "Is that you? Why in IF did you shoot a fire ball at me!?"

"Sorry about that, thought you were somebody else."

"Well, that's alright, at least it missed. Anyway, I've made my decision."

"And?" inquired BS expectantly, raising an eyebrow.

Polokin took a deep breath.

"I've decided to join you, whatever D did, it must deserve revenge." he replied.

"Well, come with me, Polokin, I'm heading to the gorge, where I saw D up on a cliff ledge, earlier."

"A ledge?" replied Polokin, surprised. "I saw D half an hour ago in Jester Park... He said he was heading to the Open Forum."

"Right, to the Open Forum it is then!"


Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:18 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 3 - The Fog, the Mage and the Dream Chamber

Breathing in the cool sea breezes, sipping the milk of a coconut, while laying in the shade on a hammock, Lebrenth felt completely disconnected from the rest of IF. In the giant satellite dish of Skiffy, that cast its shadow over haunted mansions and graveyards, Lebby found a perfect place to move the Fabled Island. In the middle of the large dish, he could see none of the rest of the city, and was able to blissfully conduct his storygame in peace.

For a while he watched his airplane circling like a seagull over the island with its large banner in tow reading “SHAMELESS ADVERTISING”. Then Kalanna Rai flew over the edge of the satellite dish and into his sight.

“Oh, not again.”

With a tremendous breath, Rai consumed the plane in fire, which spiraled with its banner aflame and crashed into the sea. Lebrenth sighed. He also noticed she was carrying passengers. He pulled out his telescope and focused in.

“Wow, that’s a lot of people,” he said to himself, counting everyone. “D?”

He could tell they were heading toward Open Forum, but what they would want there was beyond him. He put on his moderator’s ring with the 6 swirling gemstones representing the 6 principle parts of IF. A flood of summonses and warnings overwhelmed him.

“Oops!” he blurted and scrambled to find the remote. It seemed the lava from Fabled Island’s volcanoes was flowing off the edge of the satellite dish onto Jester Park…. He laughed uncomfortably as he pointed the remote in the air and pressed a button. The satellite shifted and the lava stayed where it was supposed to.

”Now, to answer the summons,” he thought.

Donning the 'Cloak of Forboding,' a little something he found in the city when he first came to IF, Lebrenth headed for the ancient abandoned library of Skiffy.

Wearing the dark tattered cloak, Lebrenth appeared much taller and his voice grew loud and malevolent or else just a whispering murmur that seemed to come from all directions. His face and body was mere shadow, protected in the illusion of the cloak. And that was all it really was, illusions, but it was effective for traveling through IF without appearing to be a small mortal an inch away from Death’s sickle.

Lebrenth entered the library, and passed through it easily with the cloak, ignoring wraiths and creatures akin to zombies.

In the center of the library, there shone a green light. The source is a T-shaped object that resembles a push knife. The protective field vanished as Lebrenth pointed his ring at it. Then he stepped forward and took hold of the Index.

Rings of yellow light washed over Lebrenth’s form, and when they were done, he was gone.

The power of the Index could teleport him to the his choice of several designated locations, but when he reappeared, he was not where he intended to be. He had attempted to teleport directly into the council hall, but the index had malfunctioned somehow.

Instead he found himself standing beneath the starry sky, surrounded by rolling mists. He nearly lost his balance as the ground rolled with the mist. Taking several steps backward he bumped into something… someone!

Laying on the ground as though in a peaceful sleep, he saw a furry white stoat. Her features were unmistakable.

“Shady!” Lebrenth said, his words echoing as though in a large room. As the clouds rolled, other figures appear, such as the lion-like form of Reiso, the twins Raven and Wing, and a figure covered in mounds of soil, Solomon Birch (gasping between holding his breath, even in his sleep). “The Dream Chamber,” Lebrenth says aloud. He had heard of it… these were the lucky ones. Too beloved to be eradicated, they were spared the fate of the Soul Well, but none of them awake at the sound of Lebrenth's voice.

Perhaps they never will, he thought. He covered his face with his hands, trying to contain his sadness, but not only at the sight of lost friends. He did not need to search to know that his brother was not amongst the sleeping. Composing himself, he realized he must be inside the palace… but why did the Index take him here?

He began looking for a door, but could not see one. As he yawned he realized his eyes were beginning to feel very heavy…. The startling realization did little to combat the weariness…


The view from Kalanna's back was impressive. The Open Forum, indeed, was not enclosed by any walls. It was simply a beautiful valley surrounded by trees, lakes, flowers and draped by a gorgeous sun. Only a mile away, the waves from the sea crashed onto a beautiful white-sanded beach.

Throughout the entire valley, however, there were hundreds or thousands of small stalls, big stalls, shops, restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, clothes shops, ice-cream parlors, video-renting, book stores, etc. The green valley was mottled in large splotches by the brick or wooden commercial buildings. And surrounding these buildings, was of course, a huge tourist population- a mass of people sifting like sand back and forth throughout the street, shouting and laughing and making a big racket in the peaceful valley. They seemed like ants, scurrying everywhere, carrying their souvenirs or bags with them.

Finally, Kalanna began descending. As she did so, one of her Mod gems began to glow. The glowing light was pulsing quickly, indicating that one of her fellow moderators was in distress. The signal went unnoticed as she continued her descent.

As she did so,
the people below pointed at the sky and laughed or took pictures. But as Kalanna came speeding down towards them, a large space quickly formed among the masses. The buildings on both sides of Kalanna shook and wobbled. The shop owners or clerks ran outside worriedly, but retreated into their shops again when they caught sight of the group.

Everybody descended from Kalanna's back quickly. But as soon as they had, people began walking all around them again- women holding hands with their husbands, children enjoying ice-cream, fathers consulting the map as they marched. They had seemed to forgotten about the dragoness and the group- only another tourist attraction to them. D-Lotus began to find this a problem. People were streaming all around him, pushing and nudging. He was trying to speak to the group, but he kept being pushed away by the crowd. He tried to push against the stream, but he was only carried farther away from the group. He saw that everybody else except the dragoness and Xansta were experiencing the same problem. He shouted out towards them, but received no answer except the rumbling of the crowd.

Finally, he managed to jump into a side-street without people. Then he suddenly caught view of Crunchyfrog being carried much in the same way he had. Rushing in, he took CF's hand and managed to pull him back to the side street. D-Lotus noticed that they had left the red disk with the group, and were therefore unable to call Kalanna, who they had completely lost sight of.

"Now what?" asked D.

"Are our friends safe with Kalanna? Maybe we should try and rejoin them..." ventured Crunchyfrog.
"I still think we should alert another Councillor about the phony map." insisted D. "Even if they do decide to tell her, we should be wary."
Crunchyfrog nodded in agreement.
"This way." said D, and he beckoned to Crunchyfrog. They started at a brisk trot down the sidestreet, until they saw a horse drawn taxi. D hailed it, and the pair climbed up onto the cart.
"City Central, please!"
City Central was where the Council Hall, Mayoral Mansion and many of the more up market residential areas were located.
"I aint goin' there." said the driver, flatly. D and Crunchyfrog exchanged glances.
"Why not?" asked D.
"I aint sayin'..." the driver said, shaking his head.
D waved a 50 fable note at him.
"Okay, I'll take you part of the way." mumbled the driver, and he shook the reins. The horse moved forward. The ride to City Central was quite a distance, so they were glad of the lift.

As they left the buzz of the Open forum behind them, and moved through the narrow streets of the residential areas towards the City Central, they noticed a strange fog thickening. They also noticed an eerie silence around them.
"I aint going much further..." warned the driver. "It aint been right since last night... since those fireworks... Everyone ran. And they aint come back. An' there's this smoke. Here's where I stop..."
He snatched the 50 fable note from D, who then climbed down from the cart, followed by Crunchyfrog. They thanked the driver, who turned the horse and cart around, and hurried back to the Open Forum.

They looked about them.
"This place is deserted!" exclaimed Crunchyfrog.

Back in the more crowded area of the Open Forum, there was a sudden disturbance. Men with chains ran through crowds, carrying makeshift weapons and shouting, "Down with the tyrants! Down! Down!"
The otherwise peaceful crowds shrieked and backed away as more of them assembled.

"It would appear we've encountered some sort of slave revolt," commented Xansta wryly. "I vote we run!"

"Seconded!" replied Sasuke, whirling after him.

"This is why I never wanted modship," cried Masterweaver, as the angry slaves engulfed him and the pyrokenetic.

Sasuke thought quickly. His companions were in trouble, and he had to help them. Ah well, he'd have to show his true nature, at some time or other. Nobody had noticed his scales up until now, as they were mostly covered with clothing.
Mustering all the strength he had, Sasuke, the half-breed dragon, bared his fanged teeth, and breathed a small flame from his mouth. But sadly his powers were not yet mature. He was too small, and his efforts did little to scare off the mob.

"Oh dear," sighed Rai in a sarcastic tone. "Whatever will I do?" With a thump her tail landed between her charging companions and the charging workers...both sides skidded to a halt.

"One moment," she said to the other party members.

Turning to the workers, clearly Idearium miners, she cleared her throat.

"What can I do for you ladies and gentlemen?"

The revolters looked around completely confused by the fact she was being polite and solicitous. There was a bit of shuffling and finally one dirty worker was nudged forward.

"Iffen ye please yer Modship...we've been working long hours for little fables. There are greater demands than ever on the Mines and, well, we're being strained to the utmost. It seems all well and good for, erm, some of youse but for us it flat out stinks."

Rai nodded her head.

"I see your point. I suppose I've been a bit taxing on you myself."
There were many nodded heads. Rai knew she was notorious for having many SG's running at the same time. "But I recently made a donation back didn't I?" Again some nods.

"I can't really say how many new members will create new SG's but I suppose I can at least offer you this...I won't start anything new for, oh, a month." Smiles beamed.

"Thank'ye, yer Modship. But what about pay?" Kalanna gave an evil grin.

"You'll have to talk to the Mayor and the High Lord Chancellor. I don't do funds. And you'll need to fill out a petition...none of this revolting."

With that the workers grimly filed off, determined to fill out forms.

Half the crowd, mollified, dispersed. The remaining started chanting, "No more slavery! No more slavery! No more-"

Rai whirled back around. The crowd went silent.

"...And what do you want?" she asked ever so sweetly.

A haggerd but still pretty young woman shuffled forward. "Well, it's just we attend to all yer palace things, marm, and yer kind and all that, but you kill us at a whim, and we don't like that."

"I think you have Rai confused with Chinaren," volunteered Masterweaver.

"Be quiet," murmered Xansta.

The lady looked up suddenly. "Yer right! It is that orange beast! KILL HIM AND WE STOP THIS WHOLE THING!!!"
"He lives right down the road," said Masterweaver, pointing. "Not the big palace on the corner, but the one next to it."

"Come on, my good fellers!" yelled a voice from the crowd. "We have a fuzzball to kill!"

Shouting and chanting, the crowd ran off down the road.

Rai shook her head. "Chin's going to have his hands full..."

"Why did you do that?!" cried Sasuke. "They're going to kill the mayor!"

"How'd you know he was Mayor?"

"Never mind that now," said Kalanna. "Where's D and Crunchy?"

"They went towards city central," replied Xansta.

Rai walked off, leaving the companions to do whatever necessary.

After a moments hesitation, Sasuke followed her. There was something on his mind, and he needed to talk to her.

Masterweaver and Xansta stood together, wondering what to do next.

"Right," said Xansta. "My newfound flaming ability seems to be acting strangely as well." The flames shaped themselves to look like the cloth of a yellow, orange and red dress. The fashionably flaming frock flattered Xansta's figure. She twirled fetchingly.

"Hey, weren't you male yesterday," said Masterweaver.

"Probably," said Xansta. "I'm either male or female depending on the number of stars I count. The switches can be disconcerting, so I avoid counting stars whenever possible. Sometimes, it just happens, though."

"What gender were you in your former IF life?"

Xansta thought about it intently. "I don't exactly remember," she said at last. She climed the spiral stairs back to street level. "We need to investigate this fog more closely," she said heading towards the quietest part of the fog.

"Wait," called out Masterweaver as he hurried to catch up to her, "don't you think that's a little dangerous?"

"Maybe," Xansta grunted as she found that the fog seemed to be pushing back. She reached a point in her struggles where she appeared to be leaning into a tornado by looking at her combustion-inducing clothing. Masterweaver a few feet behind her moved to the side to avoid the licking lace. He, too, seemed unable to penetrate the fog any further.

With a loud crack and a bright flash, Xansta staggered through the invisible barrier. Her flames no longer burning brightly seemed rather to have become simple clothing. She got slowly to her feet, examining herself inquisitively. "The fog apparently removed my flaming ability," she said wonderingly.

"Don't leave me out here in this hostile fog," pleaded Masterweaver.

"Seems I have little choice," said Xansta. She turned and headed deeper into the fog. A trap door opened underneath her and after a fall, slide and a tingling sensation, she found herself in some sort of palace or castle dungeon.

Not wanting to head to Council Hall just yet Kalanna tapped a talon on the sidewalk, debating her options.

"Humm, maybe I should just go elsewhere for a while...lay low somewhere I'm not known."

She glanced down at the small gem that hung on a chain around the base of her neck. Of course by small she meant something the size of a small Volkswagen.

"Then again I could just dump this in some little corner of the Internet where it's unlikely to be found." Walking forward the gem caught the light, drawing glimmering replies from the matching jewels on each of Rai's feet. She bobbed her head to a few citizens as she passed, heading toward Fantasy Forest. Something darted between her feet.

Looking down she recognized Sasuke who was trying to get her attention.

"Need something?" she asked.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meanwhile, back at his mansion, IM sighed. He would need a whole truck's worth of cleaning fluid to get his traps working properly again!

Ever since those bloody fireworks, all sorts of strange things had been happening. Fortunately, he was sober enough to come home and activate the traps AFTER he'd gotten into his mansion's main control room, but drunk enough to collapse without hitting any particularly devastating buttons.

"Clean these as well as you can. I'll fix up what's left," IM said to his mutated servants. He then began a long, slow plod through the Open forum to the Games sector to make sure it was still tidy. Maybe on the way he could ask Key or Chinaren why he had acquired moderation powers over City Central in his bout of the RL's. What he hadn't expected was to see D-Lotus in the distance. "D! What are you doing here?" IM asked while waving.

"Hey, IM!" D yelled, waving back at him.
"Who's that?" whispered Crunchyfrog.
"Idea Master." explained D, beckoning to IM, to get over to the quieter, foggy side street.
"Cool!" said Crunchyfrog. "He was listed in the Auditorium as a City Central mod when I first signed up, that means he's a Council member, right? Can we tell him about the phony map?"

Before D could answer, they were pushed against a wall as an angry mob of respectable citizens rampaged past them, yelling "Kill the fuzz ball! Get his orange pelt, yeah!!!"
"Whoa, who are they?" asked Crunchyfrog.
"To me, they look like an angry mob of respectable citizens out for Chinaren's blood." replied D, detatchedly. "It appears they are off towards the Mayoral Mansion, where they are about to turn Chinaren inside out. Excuse me..."

D casually tripped up a mobster as he passed. Picking him up by his jacket, D demanded:
"Since when have you been under the impression that Chinaren deserves a good thrashing?"

The man looked haunted.
"Since the party last night." he said. "He can kill us - get rid of us, just like that! At a whim! We'll get him first, though!"
"And exactly what makes you think that?" enquired D.

D let the man rejoin the mob, who were busy smashing their way into the Mayoral Mansion.

"Something isn't right, Crunch." said D. "This fear of Chinaren has something to do with the Mass Exorcism of a few months ago, I'm sure...There was never fear before. Why now?"

Presently, the mob charged past them again in the opposite direction, yelling "Find the Mayor! Coward!!!"

"Chinaren's evidently not at home." observed Crunchyfrog.

The eerie, silent fog swirled in the wake of the crowd.
The way it moved made them all feel uncomfortable. Crunchyfrog understood why the taxi driver didn't want to drive this far. He felt he could hear whispers from within it... It was so eerie. The three of them stared at one another...

IM walked towards D and Crunchyfrog.
"So what are you doing here?" IM repeated.

"And for that matter, why can't I do anything about this blasted fog?" IM raised his hands and attempted to use his newfound powers to mod away the fog. If anything, it pressed down harder.

"You? Do something about the fog?" CrunchyFrog was bemused to say the least.

IM sighed. "Long story very short, I somehow have mod powers over all of City Central except this newfangled PPP area. So unless we're in that, then I don't see why I can't get rid of this...It makes finding my way horribly complex, and I didn't have a good sense of direction to begin with! Now, remind me... what are you doing here?"

"I'm investigating." D-Lotus replied to IM's initial question.

"As always." replied IM. "But be careful. I heard BS is after you. It's your business, you should know."

"This is different, yet alike." reflected D-Lotus.

"Whaddaya mean?" inquired Crunchy.

"It's like I've lived through this before," D said with a faraway look in his eyes. "Like Dejavu." he laughed.

"How do you plan to get rid of BS?" IM asked while leading D and Crunchy towards his strangely crooked and somber house. "Are you going to use your powers again?"

"What powers?" asked Crunchy.

"I don't know. He always keeps them a secret." IM said.

"Ah, yes, I might." D answered, somewhat puzzled but silent. IM opened the door to his house and one of his servants lopsidedly shuffled towards them. "But first, IM, may ask you if I could have your assured secrecy?"

"Naturally, one Mod to another and all that. Although we should go to my inner chambers, so that we can’t be overheard."

Thus saying, IM pushed a hidden button, and the floor beneath the group of people shook and began to slowly fall.

"Not to worry, it's just the elevator."

After about two minutes of a careful descent, they came level with a small drawing room. IM pushed another button after everyone was within the room and the elevator began to rise again.

"Now. What is it?"

IM indicated for them to sit down.

"Things have been strange since last night." D began. "Both Crunchyfrog and I have been afflicted by several hours of amnesia following a large flash of lighting, after Smee's firework display."

He hesitated at this point, he had the feeling he was making a severe understatement on his own account, but went on, anyway...

"We came to at sunrise, at the entrance to a hidden labyrinth, high up on one side of the gorge. Crunch discovered a map had been planted on him. The map turned out to be of the labyrinth."

"Go on," said IM.

"During our adventures in the tunnels, and with the help of Masterweaver, we think we stumbled upon the Soul Well, and deduced that the map was a fake representation of the Master Map of IF.

"How did you know you found the Soul Wells?" asked IM.

"We found a young dragon half-breed, who claims he was trapped in the tunnels for six years. From his story I believe he witnessed the Ceremony of Release, when Chinaren committed the exorcised souls into the Wells... the description he gave of the event seems accurate enough..."

Again, IM nodded.

"Later we met Xansta, claiming to be an IFian since before the Exorcism, having escaped the caves very recently.... I have a theory he was once an exorcised soul, but have not questioned him to verify..."

"So where is the fake map now?" asked IM.
"Kalanna took it. She said the Master Map was stolen, and she our map and returned it to the city."
"Of course, you've told her by now that the one she has is fake?"
"Why not?" asked IM.
"Kalanna has been acting strangely of late. We don’t know why the fake map was planted on us in the first place. It was like someone wanted us to follow the map part of the way, get lost in the tunnels, and then she snatched it from us. She saw us on that ledge and even nudged me back onto it, and did not rescue us from it, as if she wanted us to go into those tunnels. Weird, really. And then she was less than friendly to us later on when she encountered us again in Jester Park, although more recently she's
been ok. To be honest, we don’t really trust her, and felt that someone else ought to know what is happening."

A cloud of concern passed over IM's face....


Polokin and BS stuck close to the shadowed parts of the Forum, searching for D.

"Soon... Soon I will have my revenge..." BS thought to himself, "You can't hide D, it will only be a matter of time before you're found."

Polokin tapped BS on the shoulder, breaking the trance he was in. Polokin pointed to a certain person in the crowd.
BS nodded...

"They could help us find him..." BS mused. "But we would need to make them an offer they couldn't refuse..."


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back within the safety of IM's mansion, IM sat quietly, contemplating the story that D-Lotus had just told him. There was something not quite right about D, and he was sure it had something to do with his inexplicable appearance on the ledge earlier that morning. Their story of the Soul Well, the map and Kalanna's behaviour deeply worried him.

Finally, IM looked D and Crunchyfrog in the eye. "This is serious," he stated. "Where is my direct orb line to Key?"

IM rummaged around in the drawing room's many cabinets for a few minutes, tossing sheaves of paper around, along with other...erm, items. Needless to say, he used the drawing room for entertaining people other than the ones currently seated in it.

"Aha! Got it!"

IM pulled out a dusty sphere and blew carefully to remove all the dust from it, making CrunchyFrog cough a few times. Then IM made a few gestures at the orb. After a few seconds of blue swirling smoke, the orb printed these words:

'We're sorry, but the orb you requested was not found.'

"Argh. Key probably sat on it again."

IM once more rummaged about in his drawing room, withdrawing a huge tome-looking thing.

"Cool!" said CrunchyFrog. "That tome contains all sorts of ancient spells that will protect us on our quest, doesn't it?"

"No, that one does." IM pointed to a smaller book that he had already picked up and set down on the table. "This one contains something even better."

IM opened the book and withdrew three Stupidium-fueled guns and passed one to D and the other to CrunchyFrog. "Careful that you don't keep your hands on the fuel chamber for too long. We ought to be safe now. If it looks threatening, shoot it and it'll evaporate." IM pocketed his gun and book of ancient spells and gestured towards the elevator again. "I'm off to find Key. Anyone care to join me?"

D-Lotus and Crunchyfrog both rose from their seats, and followed IM through the crooked corridors of his mansion, and out through a side door, into the foggy outdoors.

The path from IM's house was relatively quiet. Once, a lost Idearium miner rampaged forward towards them, but IM pulled out his gun and the man turned around mid-way. Surprisingly, D-Lotus also reacted by expertly withdrawing his gun and immediately aiming at the worker's head. He couldn't remember ever having done that before, but there were a lot of things he couldn't remember. For a while after, Crunchyfrog walked in wondering silence besides D. The instinctive drawing of the gun, like an expert, had caused shivers to course throughout Crunchy's back.

"We're going to have to borrow a car." IM finally concluded, without noticing CF's thawing coldness.

"What do you mean?" asked D, "Don't all mods have cars?" A vague memory surfaced in his mind, from when he himself had been a mod. Slowly and with effort, he remembered; he'd been a mod, but then he'd quit, or he'd become destitute.

IM smiled uneasily. "Well, mine's in the garage for repairs. It was a dark night, and the light post seemed to come out of the darkness. But...let's not inform Key, will we?" he grinned.

"Who will we borrow a car from?" asked CF somewhat nervously.

Just then, they reached the deserted house of Saxon215, the Ify co-host who had recently lost his life in an epidemic or RL. His house was trashed and littered with broken alcohol bottles and syringes. A broken window revealed a dingy cot. Of course, it'd been that way when he was alive, too. IM withdrew his gun and blasted the garage door. To the astonishment of D and CF, inside the garage waited patiently the most beautiful car in existence. A red and yellow and blue fire design covered the front and backside, stretching out around the whole car. A smell of expensive perfume lingered still under the removable top of the sports car. The seats and wheel were covered in soft leather, and the wheels gleamed hungrily.

"Let's go." IM said.

IM turned the key, which had been amazingly left in the ignition. The car roared into life, making him feel like he had suddenly won a trip to outer space and was just now taking off.

"Awesome!" CrunchyFrog said in the back seat through chattering teeth. "Hey, what does this red button do?"

Before IM could say "No" "Don't" or "Stop" there was a small 'beep.'

Instantly, the radio slid back to reveal a weapon panel. IM grinned insanely.

"D, I'm in love with this car already and I haven't even left the garage yet. I think I'll be keeping this one." And with that, the band of adventurers roared into the otherwise quiet IFian night.

Finally Sasuke had attracted Kalanna's attention. It had taken long enough. Now freed from the caverns containing the Soul Well, he had the opportunity to question a dragon about his parentage. Before he could speak, she peered closely at him.
"Wait you're Maiyasa's child aren't you...? She said that you had..... " she stopped mid sentence and changed her approach. "Where have you been? " she asked suspiciously.

"My mother locked me in the place that apparently contains the 'Soul Well,' " Sasuke replied. "And I only just escaped. I want to know why she did it..."

"Odd behaviour. I have no idea why, either. Unless she was covering something up. Your father was obviously human. Do you remember him? Maybe he would know..." replied Kalanna.

"No, I've got no idea. I've been in there so long I cannot remember much of him at all... just a vague memory of what he looks like..."


"He looked kind of like D, in a way. But of course, that can't be possible..." Sasuke answered
Kalanna shook her head, slowly.

"Show me the inside of your shirt." she demanded.
On pulling down and turning out the neck of his shirt, Kalanna noticed a tiny motif embroidered on it, in the shape of a lotus.

Rai looked at Sasuke and shook her head in disbelief. It seemed that the son of the Lotus had just walked into her hands. Whether that meant it was actually D-Lotus or not, she had no idea, but whoever his father was, it was clear that he was still going to be in danger around her. It was then that she finally noticed that one of her mod gems had been glowing and pulsating.
"Sweet DM in the sky! How long has that been flashing?" she wondered.

"Sasuke," she announced, "I've got something to do that I can't do with you. I'm going to have to reunite you with Crunchy and D.... the hard way. Brace yourself..."

As soon as she had magically banished Sasuke to his destination, Kalanna took to the air in response to the S.O.S of her mod-gems. Whirling through the air, she followed the signal, until she landed in an unfamiliar part of the city. In the failing light, she found an opening in the ground, and, assuming her human form, climbed into it. A short, unlit tunnel lead her straight to the Dream Chamber.

Staring in wonderment at the sight, evoking memories of happier times, she saw the sleeping forms of many lost friends...among them Reiso, Rave, Wing, Shady, Muaddib, and....


Already feeling the effects of the mists of the Dream Chamber, she held her breath, and dragged his inert form out and up the tunnel.

Once free of the tunnel, Kalanna returned to her dragon form, and rose into the sky, dragging her unconcious passenger underneath, in her talons. Finally, she set him down by the dock at Gadiri harbour, in the Skiffy district.

Lebrenth was completely unconcious. All she could do was wait and hope that he would recover.

....And so the sun set on the City of IF, as it reeled through its first day of turmoil, and was about to plunge into its first night of sinister suspense.

The strange, smoky fog began swirling more thickly through the streets, like a serpent, and spread to greater areas of the City. It seemed to have a life of its own, almost sighing as it slowly wrapped itself around the buildings, and up around IF's city central spires.

The tourists left the Open Forum for the day, the market stall holders packed up their wares. Masterweaver and Xangsta stood in a shadowy side street just off the Open Forum, having just witnessed the sudden disappearance of Sasuke, and Kalanna taking off. They were unaware as to why.

Polokin and BS stood in the shadows, somewhere nearby, watching, and waiting.

The rampaging mob of respectable citizens continued to stampede about the city streets, looking for Chinaren. But Chinaren was so far nowhere to be found.

In the back seat of Saxon215's car, Crunchyfrog was examining his Stupidium gun. Bored by the Mod talk going on between IM and D in the front seats, he wondered what it would actually do to someone if he fired it. Make them stupid?
Suddenly there was a lot of bashing and clunking coming from the trunk of the car...
"Hey, what's that noise?" he asked, turning to look behind him.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 4 - Terror at the TI!

Deep in the many numerous sprawling labs of TI a blonde haired, slim figure in a cream suit and dark sunglasses bent over various bubbling test tubes when a red light began to flash a steady alert.

Someone wants Information from the Tourist Info booth? JezSharp thought in some shock. Silently he moved through the maze of corridors and up some stairs into a small room with a microphone and one way looking glass. Peering through it he saw a large mob waving placards and yelling, ‘Where’s China! We must know! We must kill!’ Frowning JezSharp sat down and turned on the mike,

“Ahem…attention numerous and ahem…important folk of IF, I believe you wish to know where our exalted Mayor has gone.”

With one voice staggered into many separate parts the crowd bayed ‘yes’! JezSharp sighed, he hated mindless violence and the temptation just to knock the group senseless with the special nerve gas placed in the enquiries area was becoming increasingly tempting. Brightening up an idea struck him,

“Ok people listen up, unfortunately I cannot divulge the Mayor’s location…(a chorus of boos began to rise and some began to hammer on the glass)…however just say a hypothetical Mayor had recently entered here and had used the handy portal link to say…ummm…Skiffyville it would be completely inappropriate for me to tell you that.”

And completely incorrect, JezSharp thought with some glee as he watched the crowd rush for the Skiffyville portal. Wait is that heavy fog outside?!?

Meanwhile, in Skiffyville, Rai drummed her talons on the timbers of the dock at Gadiri Harbour, splintering them ever so slightly, as she waited in vain for Lebby to sleep off the effects of the Dream Chamber mists.

"Come on Lebby, this is no time for a long nap. We've got things to discuss...namely why the hell you sent me the message you were in danger." she muttered impatiently.

It was true, when her gems had flashed it had been Lebby's last ditch effort to call for help.
She wondered whether she had inadvertently intercepted his call to someone else.

Hearing the shouts and screams coming from beyond the SG's walls, Rai stuck her nose out to investigate. "Oh damn..."

Rai saw a portal open and dump the rampaging miners into Skiffy. One of them spotted her. "YOU! Where is the mayor! We know he came this way!"

Rai shook her head.

"And what moron told you that?" she boomed.

"The elf in Tourist Info." yelled a filthy miner.

Rai smiled. Jez was up to his old tricks again.

"Um folks if you haven't noticed Tourist Info only gives accurate Info to tourists," announced Kalanna.

Their faces fell.

"However,” she continued, “I can open a portal to China and let you all go through."

A massive cheer went up as each of them chanted 'Rai, Rai, Rai' over and over again. The dragoness smiled.

Opening the portal she watched as they glanced around. "Hey this really is Chi..." Then she shoved them all through with a tail sweep. Behind her Lebby groaned and Rai decided it was time to move him...

"I'm thinking it's time to pay Jez a visit,” she decided, and clutching his unconscious form in her talons, she rose back into the sky.

When Jezsharp responded to the call at the TI booth, he was surprised to see Kalanna gazing at him from the other side of the booth’s glass. She grinned down at Jez who glanced from unconcious Lebby and back.

"Would you mind watching him for me?” she asked. “Besides dealing with rampaging miners appearing through portals in Skiffy, I've got other pressing business to attend to."

"What's in it for me?" asked Jezsharp suspiciously.

"Not getting eaten," came the reply.

Jez looked at the unconscious Lebby then at the dragon. He’d have time to escape into the TI before Rai could reach him, he reckoned, but she could make rather a mess of the Info street shop.
“Oops,” he thought. “What happened to him? Maybe the miners I sent to Skiffy landed on Lebby. Perhaps I should send them further afield next time." He shrugged his shoulders, and from behind the screened glass he spoke through the mike.

“Fine, why not, guess that makes things even,” he replied. He watched Rai flash a mean smile before turning and flying out into the dense mist. Then he slipped to a corner of the booth and pressed a secret button that opened up a narrow doorway in the wall. Walking through, he stopped to observe the dense mist outside, everywhere looked unusually deserted as well. He dragged the unconscious Lebby through and into the depths of TI, shutting the door behind him. There he laid him out in one of the many spare rooms waiting until he recovered to hear what on IF was going on outside.

Winging off Rai knew what she had to do. "It's time to pay a call to Lordy," she decided.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Daemon Lord in question was bent over a map of IF and its neighbours, studying it intently. As usual while in the mortal realm, it was His human form he wore, and His long black hair fell down over His shoulders. Pale skinned and bare-chested, it was obvious visitors were not on His agenda, though He gave little sign of it.

As His moderator ring let out a single chime, the red rune inlaid across the black gold glowed with a sudden piercing light. Lazily, He reached for the moderator’s tool, slipping in over His left index finger.

"Yes?" Kalanna Rai's face floated into view, the draconic features clearly visible. Evidently she was in the process of traveling, from her constant movement.

"We need to talk," she replied, glancing over her shoulder, almost as if believing someone could follow her even there.

"Is it about...?" He started to ask, but she cut Him off.

"Yes, and it's important. Where can we meet?" The Daemon's black pupils traversed the interior of his chambers, more elaborate than the other moderators’. One of the many privileges of being Lord High Chancellor - He was able to extend himself a budget from the Treasury purely for interior design. For one thing, the blazing orange that featured so prominently in all other Council areas was no-where to be found.

"Not here," He replied, unwilling to let her into His inner sanctum. Or to let her see the other plans He was in the process of putting into motion. "The Archives - no-one ever goes there. Not even the few tourists searching the Hall of Legends venture that far into obscurity."

Abruptly He severed the connection, banishing the image from before him. He gazed around the room once more, motioning at various maps and diagrams spread around the walls, which swiftly changed to designs more suitable for a high-ranking official. Shrugging His shoulders, He willed clothes onto His body, before disappearing in a swirl of dark light.

Rai snapped her jaws in irritation.
"This is what I get for dealing with daemons..." she muttered.Shifting course in mid wing beat she headed for the Archives.

A few moments later the dragoness, in a semi-human shape, wandered into the massive dusty building. Lordy stepped out of the shadows.
"Well? You dragged me away from something important."

Rai snorted, it wasn't his life on the line out there.

"Well Lebby has been hit hard by the Dream Chamber, Sasuke has been telling everyone about the Ceremony of Release and the Soul Well, and Masterweaver has managed to whip all the Idearium Miners into a frenzy over China's blood. Why do I get the sense you've planned that?"

Naturally Lordy didn't reply.

"However, I did bring you this." She tossed a roll of parchment onto the dusty floor between them. "It's not the fake but it's also not the original. A copy is all you'll get from me at the moment. However, what I wanted to warn you about is D-Lotus. It seems that he has a case of amnesia, convenient indeed. But I warn you Lordy...if he suddenly remembers I'm not going to be the one under suspicion."

"He won't remember."

Rai chose to ignore the self-satisfied smirk. Lordy continued anyway. "Was this all you wanted to tell me? These are trivial matters."

"No..." Enclosing them in a bubble of silence the dragon told the daemon of the things that concerned her. Things that could cause possible threat to his plans - how she was worried that D-Lotus may have stumbled across the Soul Well, the fact that Sasuke, who had lived much of his life in the vicinity of the Well was in D's company, and that...*shudder* Masterweaver had somehow got himself involved.

When she had finished, the Daemon Lord paused momentarily, as he absorbed the facts.

"Three, hmm?" The devil-spawn spat. "Why is it always Three - can't they ever use an original curse?" Shaking His head ruefully, He considered the options at hand.

"Hmm....the IFians you mentioned - MasterWeaver," at which point the daemon shuddered, His palms clenching, "Sasuke and D. Is there any chance they're still together?"

"No, D parted company with MasterWeaver some time ago. He is now travelling with one newbie, Crunchyfrog." replied Rai. "A short while ago I banished Sasuke to their side, Sasuke should be with D and Crunchy now."

The Daemon Lord smiled.

"Excellent. It seems we already have three perfect...subjects. Though I'd prefer not to use D - someone might notice if he goes missing," He mused. "Regardless - by the time anyone realises, it'll be far too late to stop us."

"Here's what we're going to do - you left Lebrenth with Jez correct? I'll go to him, and try to get him up and about - we can't have people sleeping on the job, no matter what I'm doing in the meantime. You go find our test subjects, and try to steer them in the proper direction."

After a few more moments talk, the pair separated. Rai shrugged her shoulders, her human form slipping away like water. Great wings burst from her shoulder blades, and the dragon took off, flying back into the direction of the Key's Palace.

The Daemon watched her go with interest. A smile twisted across His face, and he knelt, picking the copy of the map up from the ground. Unfurling it, he looked at the areas Rai has marked, before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meanwhile, back at the TI, Lebrenth tossed in his sleep, as though dreaming of a fight. For a moment Jez thought he could see a pattern, as though Lebby was performing some sort of somnambulant game of charades. The moment passed, however, when Leb propped himself up on his face like an inchworm. He stood to get himself something to drink, but stopped when he heared Lebrenth mumble. He moved closer:

“World of Warcraft?” Lebrenth mumbles. “That’s a red herring. What happened to the Wuidum... mibbity.”

Then Lebrenth rolled onto the ground with a thump.

Jez bit his lip. He had continued to check at irregular intervals how Lebby was doing, but there wasn't much change. Funny, he seems almost delusional...

"Perhaps I should try using one of my experimental potions..." wondered Jez to himself. "Maybe it would have worked, but the side affects of such potions were relatively untested...still..."

As it happened Lebby was spared any such happenings by the red light flashing again.

"Popular today" muttered Jez, irritably, as he left the snug roomy confines of the TI and walked back into the Info Street back room. There through the glass he saw the creepy human form of Lordy.

"Er...hi Lordy...?"

"I hear you have Lebrenth," Lordy replied, not missing a beat, "I came to sort him out." JezSharp wasn't sure whether to trust him, but decided he really had no choice, considering he was in charge of the City's Budget.

"Sure," Jez replied, opening the secret door that led from the public to the private section of the Info Booth, "he's right this way."

Jez was careful not to let Lordy see the full size of the TI...actually he was very careful Lordy should see as little of the TI as possible given it was only supposed to consist of a few underground laboratories and not a riddled maze of complex tunnels and rooms, hidden behind panneled doors, that ran beneath the chaotic city overhead.

Quickly he led Lordy to Lebby who was still lying unconscious upon the floor.

"He keeps waking up and muttering about 'World of Warcraft and some Weedum stuff', sounds rather delusional to me," said Jez as he stepped back to let Lordy examine the stricken Lebby. "I wasn't quite sure what he needed. I thought about a dosing him with a reality drug made by creating an antibody to some of the more exotic fantasy forest plant life - but I don't quite know what side affects that may there an easier way to cure him?"

The daemon gave an elaborate shrug, and knelt, examining Lebrenth's prone body. Taking hold of the Skiffy moderator by the chin, he pulled the unconscious body upwards, and dangled it off the ground. He peered at the rapidly fluttering eyelids of the illusion given form, before turning to face Jez.

"To be honest, I was just going to hit him until I got a reaction. I do have better things to do with my time after all." Before Jez could raise a protest He continued. "Your way does sound more practical and efficient. Less fun though."

"It will take some time to prepare," the Elven moderator explained, but was cut off with a wave of the Chancellor's hand.

"Take your time - he's not going anywhere." Returning His gaze to Lebrenth, He stared for a few moments longer, before allowing the councilor to drop to the floor. "Do you know what happened?"

"Do I know what happened?" Jez asked incredulously, "Rai just dropped him here unconscious and flew off...Anyway I guess I'd better start preparing the're welcome to stay of course, but I'm guessing you have more pressing concerns at the moment..." Jez's eyes narrowed, "Has this got anything to do with the sudden appearance of thick fog over the area?"

"Oh, that's a sea of dispensed souls who've escaped and are spreading anti China sentiment about the city...I think China may have gone into hiding." replied the Daemon Lord dismissively, his eyes examining every inch of the room.

"Really..."said Jez in a voice infused with deep thinking, "well I'll only be a few minutes so you are welcome to stay and watch."

"Wouldn't miss it," Lordy replied, a malicious grin touching the corners of his mouth.

It did indeed take four minutes, then Jez returned carrying a white ceramic jug filled with a light purple liquid with the aroma of damp moss, it looked as though pieces of grass had lived their for some time. Slowly Jez gently poured the mixture down Lebby's throat and stood well back looking anxious.

As they watched, Lebrenth's body began to twitch. His fingers trembling, the shivers continued up his limbs to his chest, until his entire body was shaking.

"You were right," spoke the Daemon in amusement. "This is fun." It was mere misfortune, prehaps, that at His words the unconscious moderator's twitching became more violent. One of Lebrenth's nigh on flailing limbs came crashing against the Chancellor’s leg, Jez leaping away just in time to avoid a similar blow.

"Perhaps I gave him a bit too much," the elf commented with a studious interest. "The potion is designed for elven-kind after all, and a mortal body may suffer slightly modified effects."

"Really?" the Daemon replied, His voice dripping with sarcasm. "I assumed this was supposed to happen. Why administer potions to someone without the expectation of such a mishap?"

With the state his unconscious body was in, one could only assume what was happening within Lenrenth's mind, the initial target of the medicinal potion.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lebrenth convulsed several times and turned green. On the plus side he had been jolted out of his far off RL coma. He sat up and blinked, staring at the smooth grey walls, lit by ever burning candles.

"Where am I...and why am I green?" he said incredulously.

"Oops" muttered Jez, "side affect of some of the fantasy plant matter, don't worry I have an antidote somewhere. Everything will hopefully be ok." With that the elf slipped back into his laboratory and started to rummage about for the antidote, returning within a minute with a red vial which he handed to Lebrenth who sniffed at it depreciatingly,

"It smells of rotten flesh," he said as he drunk it,

"Not far off," Jez replied, "it's made from the squeezed skin of a deer amongst other things, I think it was still within the sell by date...but I haven't checked for a while..." Lordy's grin increased slightly as he observed Lebrenth half-choke on the liquid, but it had the desired affect - within minutes Lebrenth was back to his usual color (assuming that is pinkish...).

"Ok," said Jez, "so in summary, a sea of souls has descended on the City stirring up anti Chinatic sentimentalities within the local populace with the mentioned target of such anger having temporarily vanished to an unknown which case I have places to go . . . either of you is welcome to join me but you'll have to decide now, or go and attend to whatever you need to do, is there anything else going on we should know of Lordy?"

The other two just about caught the last part of the speech, Lebrenth still letting the last of the first mixture clear away strands of RL from his head and Lordy still standing there like a grotesque statue, carved from chalk, of a medieval goth - the same half smile fixed upon his lips.

"From what Rai told me, MasterWeaver is causing trouble again. Apparently he's the one causing riots in the city. With the Mayor missing, and his Highness Kinky mainly away from the city, I suppose it falls to me to go and deal with them." The Daemon paused, as if considering His next words.

"I've had word that China might be away longer than expected. As the City Council members, it's best if we show a united front under such circumstances. Jez - could you and Lebrenth call a Council meeting?"

Still dizzy from the potion, Lebrenth stared blankly at the Daemon. Jez, on the other hand, nodded his consent.

"I can't do it now though - I've got places to go first," the elf replied, unwilling to explain the reasoning behind where he was traveling.

"That's probably for the best. Does five hours suit you? It'll also give the other members time to prepare - I need to know who started this, and what's causing it." He looked at the Skiffy councilor, who was still slightly out of it. "Lebrenth - you stay with Jez. I don't want you taking yourself out again."

Jez nodded as Lordy left and headed back up to the surface, and towards the Tourist Info portals.

When he was sure he had left Jez turned to Lebrenth,

"Right, ok. We need to alert the Council that there will be a meeting in five hours, given that most council members are too busy dashing about to check their mail we'd better send out urgent messages at once...follow me." Lebrenth slowly got up and carefully followed Jez up the flight of stairs into the back of the Tourist Info booth. They walked past the mike to the far wall where Jez put his hand on the wall and mumbled a word, a trapdoor opened and a ladder fell from it.

"Can you make it up?" Jez asked Lebrenth, who nodded as his strength returned. It took a few minutes but he finally made it, stumbling into a cozy wooden room, with computers, a fridge and an assortment of games and sketches.

"Ok, you'll need to log onto the IF network as a guest," Jez yelled up from below...he waited a few minutes until he heard Lebrenth call down,

"Right I've written the messages, where should we meet?" Jez considered the question thoughtfully..."Given the anti-China sentiment I'd suggest Key's Palace or the Fantasy Forest - your call though, there's food in the fridge by the way."

"Food...why would..." With a hiss the ladder retracted and the trapdoor shut, as it did so Jez's voice echoed up from below,

"As I said I have somewhere to go, but you should be safe up there until I return." Then, swiveling on the spot Jez headed down into the depths of The Technical Institute, sealing the impenetrable door shut behind him, before heading to collect a very special object.

He wandered down into the basement and along a series of tunnels until he reached the main room of the TI, filled with its bubbling simmering sprawl and passageways searing off left and right.

Ever since he'd taken control of the TI it had been a permanent job of first tidying the place up and then expanding the tunnels. First from the fantasy forest to the basement, then to convenient out of the way places...of course those were hard to find unless you know where to go...which is why he had needed the Master Map.

He took it now from one of the many hidden compartments in the walls, and wandered down a varying maze of tunnels and secret doors until he came upon a troll workforce, recruited from the depths of the fantasy forest (who were responsible for the tunnel from there to the TI and then the subsequent tunneling). The trolls looked up as he arrived holding the parchment.

"Break now?" Grunted one of the brighter ones, Jez sighed, the amount of fungus he'd had to pick recently was annoyingly inconvenient - but it was the only way to motivate them to work.

"Yes," he replied, "you can have an hour's break and the grub is in the usual place." Staring at the map again he tried to estimate how close they were to breaking through - a couple of days perhaps....

Rolling up the map, Jez wandered back into the main TI laboratories. As he did so, he found himself wondering whether or not anyone had yet discovered that the one he'd left in the place of this one that he had er... 'borrowed', had been a fake...

He also realised he hadn't thought to take copies of the Master Map, which he proceeded to do, backing them up into his computers hard drives, and onto a set of disks which he hid away.

'It's time to release the original now then...' he thought, and wondered where exactly it should turn up. Chinaren too much danger of it being trampled by the mob, Key's Palace...a little creepy and he didn't have a tunnel leading directly in there - and he felt uncomfortable about giving it to Rai or Lordy...

"I know," Jez thought to himself, "The City Council Hall."

Jez slipped away into the tunnels, soon emerging from the basement of a run down house a street away - wearing a dark hooded cloak over his suit. Quickly he slipped unnoticed into the hall and, wiping the document of any fingerprints, left it lying on China's seat. Then he slipped away into the fog, holding his ears and focusing his mind away from the whispering mists as he descended beneath the town to obscurity.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 5 - To the Palace and Beyond!

In the failing light, Saxon215's car could be seen screeching through the fog laden streets, which were empty except for isolated groups of revolting citizens and minors, hunting for Chinaren's pelt.

The occupants of the car, IdeaMaster, D-Lotus and Crunchyfrog, were headed for the Nobs district, where Key's palace was located, in their quest to find Key, and hopefully some answers and direction on how to deal with the strange goings on in the city. They had been driving for a while now, and Ideamaster was enjoying himself immensely at the wheel at the insanely powerful car, and he and Lotus were chatting about the good old days of Inter Fable.

In the back seat of the car, Crunchyfrog was examining his Stupidium gun. Bored by the old timers talk going on between IM and D in the front seats, he wondered what it would actually do to someone if he fired it. Make them stupid?
Suddenly there was a lot of bashing and clunking coming from the trunk of the car...
"Hey, what's that noise?" he asked, turning to look behind him.

The others took no notice, continuing their conversation, but the thumping from the trunk got louder, and was now being accompanied by muffled shouts.

"Er, guys," said Crunchy, with more urgency in his voice, "dont you really think we should get out and find out what's making all this noise?"

"No need!" IM said. "I'll just pop the trunk open and..."

IM's words were drowned out as the top of the trunk went FLYING. It peeled itself from the car and flew down the street, bisecting a rampaging miner. On the greater upside, though, IM could see that there was, indeed, somebody in the trunk. "Whoever you are, climb into the backseat!" he yelled.

"Hey, IM, what happens when you shoot people with this gun?" asked CrunchyFrog, waving his gun about.

"Don't! Stupidium is the antithesis of Idearium. The two, when mixed, detonate. Almost everyone and everything in IF has some Idearium about it, and that gun seeks it out and obliterates it."

IM kept driving. "Hey, which way is it to Key's palace? Is it left or right?"

Sasuke's head rose from behind them, his face expressing complete confusion. Moments before, he had been in the Open Forum talking to Kalanna, and she had told him simply to 'brace himself'... now he had woken up in the trunk of a car. How long he'd been out cold there, he had no idea, but when he saw who was in the car, he relaxed.

"Hey Crunchy, hey D!!" Sasuke grinned as he clambered into the back of the car. He paused, wondering if this was the right time to ask, being as they were speeding like maniacs through the darkened streets of IF in a fog that reduced visibility to almost zero.
"Hell, go for it." he decided.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmm, D, I've got a bit of a question. Have you ever had a child?"
D looked stunned at such a question. Sasuke stared at D. He wished he'd had more time talking to Kalanna, before being sure enough to ask. He had never met D before their encounter in the cave.

"Where did that question come from kid?" D asked.

IM glanced momentarily from the road to D, and back again, almost losing control of the car.

Sasuke leaned forward and showed him the emblem inside his shirt, one similar to the emblem D often wore on his own clothing.

"Why is there a Lotus here?" D asked. "Are you trying to imply something?"

Sasuke shrugged. Somehow he couldn't imagine D with a dragon. The Lotus symbol may have been a coincidence after all.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"The best thing for you to do is talk to Key." said D. "He would have access to birth records and interbreeding, which will answer your question for sure."

The car swerved and bobbed erratically across the street. Bystanders, if they were in possession of a single brain cell, jumped out of the way and silently cursed. 'Female drivers.'

Policemen not on the job would say that the car was being driven by drunks. But the females discerned the real issue.

There was a man driving, a man riding shotgun, and at least one man in the backseat. Needless to say, nobody was pulling over for directions.

"Look, is that the Palace over there?"

"No! That's the manor!"

"I swear they look just alike...Hey! MOVE!" IM honked liberally as he drove down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road.

"Shouldn't this thing have a GPS in it?"

The weapon panel rotated to reveal a directional panel. "++Please state your destination.++"

"Key's Palace."

"++Now taking you to Key's palace. Please hold on.++"

And with that, two rockets on the rear end suddenly flared into life, sending the car and the occupants skyward. A few seconds later, there was a splat of vomit travelling the opposite direction.

"AAAAAGGGGG!!!" they all shouted as they saw the huge scaly red form of Kalanna Rai hurtling straight towards them. She was not fully concentrating on her surroundings, still wrapped up in her thoughts from the secret meeting with Lordofthenight where she'd just come from, and had to swerve to narrowly avoid being hit by the flying car full of puking passengers.

"Damn drunken flyers!" she yelled, shaking a massive scaly fist in their direction before realizing who was in the car. Doing a mid air loop she pounded her wings until she was flying above them.

"Do you gentlemen need help...or barf bags at least?" She smiled sweetly the passengers, since it seemed everyone but Crunchy was looking green around the gills, Crunchy was always green. As the rockets petered out Rai watched the car plummet from the sky headed straight for the massive dome that jutted from King Key's palace.

"You know if this was where you were headed you could have asked. I knew a short cut."

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sasuke was sick of puking. He squeezed out the window on his door and started flapping about in mid-air next to Rai
"Teenage wings, eh?" Rai yelled over the noise of the rockets at the back of the car.

"Yep and there very useful and fast" Sasuke cried proudly, trying to concentrate on keeping up with the car and speaking to Rai at the same time.

Rai soared closer to the car, and called to the passengers.
"Well you guys have two choices! Take a crash course in flying into walls or jump and hope Sasuke or I can catch you"

The passengers instinctively parted company with the car just before it crashed into the dome at the top of the palace. All were caught by dragon and half-breed dragon, and they glided down towards the gates of Key's palace.

Kalanna landed gracefully, carrying IM and D on her back. Sasuke banked, wobbled, and slammed right into the gates, flinging Crunchyfrog 20 feet along the railings.
"You need to work on your landing." grumbled Crunchyfrog ungratefully, rubbing fresh bruises.

Rai dropped her passengers; she was becoming a regular pack mule, at the gates to Key's palace. With a flick of her tail she pulled Sasuke out of the bent metal bars. "Well I'm off before Key attributes the damages to me. And next time Sasuke...don't volunteer me for baggage duty."

They all watched suspiciously as Kalanna flapped back into the air, and disappeared out of sight, although for the first time, D began to feel a nagging feeling from somewhere inside, that she remained close by. He couldn't explain this feeling or why he was feeling it. Maybe it had something to do with his amnesia... he did not know.

Happily, the buckled railings had created a gap large enough for all of them to squeeze through them, and quickly, IM, D, Crunchy and Sasuke ran across the forecourt towards the impressive crystal doorway to the palace.

"Ready, guys? If it shoots, move it...err...wait. Damn dyslexia."

IM kicked at the door. The door remained firmly shut, and there was a small crunching noise. IM then reverted to hopping on one leg while looking for the proper healing spell. Then, in a fit of revenge, IM turned his blaster to full power and blasted the door.

The whole front of the palace disappeared. IM smiled casually and began to work his way towards the inner chambers of King Key, his friends following.

IM quickly looked through the room he was in. If his memory hadn't failed him, then the button he was looking for would be right about...


Lifting a rug on the floor, it revealed a button, which IM pressed. A wall slid back to reveal...

"Another wall." sighed D.

"Yes, but it's one of the walls exported directly from the old aHEM guild house. Quickly, touch this briiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccckkkkkkkkk."."





"Ugh, what have I landed in?"
"What has who landed in? I can't see a thing. "
"It's pitch black in here.... OW!! that's my toe you're standing on you moron!!!"
"Who you calling a...."
"Ideamaster, do I take it you touched the wrong brick?" suggested D.

The foursome stood in complete and utter darkness.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" ventured Crunchyfrog.
"Will do as soon as I find a light switch... Errgh!!! These walls are slimy..." exclaimed IM as he wiped his hands on his clothes. Of course nobody could see him do it, it was pitch black.

"No light switches in here, I guess..." said Sasuke, helpfully.
"So does anyone have a light?" suggested Crunchyfrog.


*Cough cough*.... *Splutter*... *Sniffle*

And then there was light. Well, not much. A tiny flame about the size of a small candle burned steadily from Sasuke's left nostril.

"Cooooooool!" said Crunchyfrog.
"Shnerfluntblabldahlditlong..." grunted Sasuke.
"What did he say?" asked Crunchyfrog.
"He said Shnerfluntblabldahulditlong." replied IM. "It's obvious. He shan't be able to hold it long. Good grief..."

They looked at their new rather damp and smelly environment.
"So is this the Guild house?" asked Crunchyfrog brightly.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"No, this is the passageway to Key's inner chambers. I don't remember them being so...slimy though. Let me find my normal spell book..."

IM rummaged a bit in his robes, then pulled out a small book. "Sasuke, could you bring your nose over here?"

There was a small shuffling, a cry of 'watch it, that's my foot,' and then, there was light. A small orb of light hovered over IM's head, and with a gesture, the orb split into four other orbs. Then the group examined where they were, and they almost wished they hadn't asked for any light.

The walls were covered in green slime. If there had been no slime, they the walls would have been lined with corpses. A tunnel lead them onwards where there were odd skittering noises. IM pulled out his gun. "Well? Shall we?"

The four shuddering figures huddled together as they walked along the clammy tunnel. The dripping slime uncomforted them.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" asked Sasuke, who was having problems cramping his slight wings below the tunnel ceiling. He had ceased his flame; instead, four revolving light orbs led the way.

"Of course," said IM, averting Sasuke's gaze, "I've been here thousands of times."

D and Crunchy ignored the doubtful reassurance, focusing instead on what was ahead of them. The slime, green and viscous, was resuscitating unclear memories in D's mind.

"I remember something about this tunnel." said D, clasping the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember. The tunnel walls had been constructed with cheap mortar, in a circular shape- like those of sewers. It certainly smelled like that. As they walked, their eyes searching beyond the orbs, the smell began to subside.

"See? I told you we'd be getting out of here." IM said smartly, as the signs of an expanding route increased. But D-Lotus' memory told him otherwise. There was something sharper in the air, that he could almost identify. Suddenly, they reached a large open area surrounded by high rocks, over which iron crossbars acted as a ceiling. You could observe a large chair above looking into the cage-like arena. D-Lotus was suddenly overcome by the memory of the arena, and he urgently grabbed IM's arm, but it was too late; Crunchyfrog was already staring beyond.

"Oh, Dear God." he whispered without averting his eyes.

From behind the shadows, a giant slug emerged. It was wearing an enormous saddle over its back, and it brayed pathetically, yet terrifyingly. Slime dripped from its body as it slid into the middle of the arena.

"Ethereal Fauna..." gulped D, as the monster, one of Chinaren's GREEDy creations stumbled forth. "That accounts for her disappearance."

IM waited no longer- he pulled out his gun and shot at the creature. The creature reared on its hind suckers, in agony, but then it began advancing towards them again.

"It doesn't have enough Idearium in it to harm it enough!" yelled Sasuke, who seemed nervous, due to the flying limitation that the bars on top of them created. He'd probably be nervous anyway, all of them were.

"Crap..." murmured IM.

"Wait, the mushrooms!!" cried Sasuke.
"What about the mushrooms?" replied Crunchyfrog.
"The mushrooms we took with us from the caves. They help you see through deception, right? So they'll be packed full of Idearium. C'mere Crunchy" Sasuke said. "How many mushrooms do we have left?"

As D and Crunchy took out all the mushrooms from their pockets and counted them, Sasuke stretched his wings trying not to let his claustrophobia come to the surface.

"Around, ten" Crunchy answered.

Grabbing D and Crunchyfrog, Sasuke lifted them both and hurtled along, flying just below the cage ceiling.

"Errgh, slow it down, please Sasuke" moaned Crunchy as he puked again. Flying wasn't his thing.

"No time!! Throw the mushrooms at the beast!!" ordered Sasuke. "D can get a shot at it... This may be our only chance..."
As the mushrooms made contact with the slug they started to dissolve in the slime, fizzing and making the beast squeal.


A single shot fired from D's Stupidium gun vapourized their foe.

Dealing with the danger in such an interesting manner, D couldn't help a tinge of sadness taking over. Ethereal Fauna had been a friend before her monstrous conversion.

But such thoughts were interrupted by a voice, coughing and mumbling. The shadow of a hunchback stood against the arena wall. He stared in from above and moaned.

"We're sorry for the damage. Is Key around?" asked IM after his hurried apology.

The unknown IFian only moaned again, giving no sign of his intentions...

IM was now slightly shaken. Ignoring the hunchback for the time being, he gathered himself. "Okay guys, hang on a second. I'm going to try opening a portal..."

The others watched with interest, as IM tapped his fingers together and a spark of magic appeared, hovering, doing nothing just yet. He pinched the spark and tugged, pulling it into a line, then rotating it into a disk. Finally, he spun the disk so that it became a sphere of pure magic, blue and white colored.

That is, it looked like that to any mage trained to see magic.

"IM? Could you do the portal thing today please?" D was impatient to say the least. All he saw was fancy hand movements.

IM bent his thoughts towards Key, and then let loose the sphere. What he got wasn't what he wanted. He got a Key-compass.

"What is that thing?" D asked.

"It's a Key-compass. And Key is...just up ahead, hopefully. Come on." IM held the compass in one hand and his gun in another and bravely led the group onwards.

He didn't even think about his ancient spell book that he had accidentally dropped back in the battle with the Fauna Slug...

Suddenly an oppressive feeling took over D-Lotus. It was as if he could feel something creeping down the tunnel behind them. Perhaps this was part of his powers, as IM had mentioned? The more memories he regained, the more he felt in control of himself.

"I think we better start moving, guys." D said, accelerating his pace.

"Why?" asked Crunchy.

"I have a strange feeling that someone is following us. I don't know who, but considering the slug we just met, this could be it's mate." D extrapolated.

"Trust him." IM spoke without doubt. He had heard of D's 'sleuth senses'. As they all began walking steadily and quickly, the tunnel began compressing. The ceiling wasn't getting any lower, but the width of the tunnel soon forced the foursome to walk in a line, one after the other. Sasuke was complaining about his wings again. At one point, the width stabilized, but the height began shrinking, until all four were forced to crawl on their knees. At this point, the tunnel started heading upwards. The crawling was tough, and everyone shouted encouragement to one another. D still felt like he was being followed, and whatever it was, it was catching up. Finally, the walls turned into hard aluminium walls, and they found themselves dragging their bodies through sheets of hard plated metal.

Sighting some light, IM scrambled as well as he could towards it. He punched in the light's general direction and more light streamed forth after a brief clattering sound, as of a lid falling to the ground. IM pulled himself out tiredly, and fell to the floor in a thump. The others followed him and soon they were all contemplating a giant, deserted kitchen. They had just crawled out from some old, inactive vent. Sasuke stretched out his wings happily.

"Where do we go?" asked Crunchy.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 6 - Assassination, Domination and Sado-Masochism Shocked

Rai had been about to go hunting for IM, D, Crunchy, and Sasuke, when one of her gems flashed alarmingly.

"Someone's using my tunnel," she thought.

Rai didn't know who had found out about her secret tunnel from the old aHEM guild house to Key's Palace but they'd not only be traveling very close to Chinaren's arena, and Rai Corp.'s Deathmatch ring, but also close to her Hoard.

She flashed to Jester Park as fast as she could, scooting past an irate Dinranwen, and let herself into the guild house without a sound. Traveling down to her Hoard she slid in past that into a room where horror upon horror had happened...all thanks to a pencil called Stubby and a strange teleporter/cloning chamber.

"Well it's not my passage they're must be the other one. I should never have let Key have that wall," she muttered to herself.
Stepping through her private passage Rai noticed the signs of a battle that had recently taken place. "Looks like they ran into Flauna...oh and isn't IM getting careless."

Reaching down, Rai picked up the spell book IM had dropped, leafing through it casually. "Humm, naughty boy. Where did you get the Seven Curses of Dralico." For a moment Rai uttered several draconic curses before slamming the book shut and tossing it into secure magical storage. "I'd better hang onto this. Who knows what would happen if a mortal attempted to use this."

Walking confidently down the tunnel, tracking them by IM's magical aura and Sasuke's odd half-dragon scent, Rai shook her head. "Oh I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. Next time they use anything from Jester Park they'd better make sure they've got a guide...or at least a how to use manual."

Unknown to Rai, Dinranwen had been following closely behind. Din was curious, as well as irate. Why was her co-mod in such a rush? And where was Rai going anyway?

Too frazzled, frayed, and frustrated to even care what would happen to her in Rai's precious treasury room, Din had stormed into the door barely catching it before it slammed with a loud bang.

Catching a glimpse of Rai's departing tail, Din vainly try to yank her hood over her face. Her efforts were in vain. Her hood was in the same state as the rest of her cloak, more hole than fabric. To make matters worse, Din suspected that with the tears her cloak was doing more harm than it helped hid her face.

Giving up with a frustrated toss of her hand, Din lifted up the hem of her dress to reveal her patent leather no heel boots and ran after her co-mod.

Forgetting to look where she was running, she lifted her head a minute or two to gaze in front of her. Snap! she thought, as she dug her heels into the floor. But she was too late, she was already skidding across the too slippery floor and was sliding...sliding. Smack! Right into Rai's hind leg.

Landing her backside, Din rubbed the tender areas she probably just permanently bruised.

"Din! What in the world are you doing here? Go back to the office right this minute young lady." Rai said beginning to shove Din across the floor with a spare talon.

"Where have I been?" Din foamed standing up and straightening her cloak. I have spent the last ten hours warding off a group of mass murders who tried to bore me to death with tales of RL, Manic Miner Rebels who are frantically looking for Chinaren's immediate demise last I checked. I had neutralize a batch of stupidium that managed to mix with the Local Jester Park Cotton Candy and then tried to consume everything it touch into oblivion. I’ve had to manage the mass panic as even the Lab rats freaked out at the sight of intangible mist that seems to be made of out Dead Souls. I was forced to cram L.A.N.D.I. in a box because he declares himself as the new mod, tries to kill me, and turns out to be the leader of rebelling clown group who are trying to take over Jester Park. Clowns, that I have spent btw pelting with ordinary cherry pies because they managed to get a hold of the Storygame Cherrie Boomer 2000 Factory. And you ask me where I have been!" Din finished panting nearly screaming now.

"Where have you been instead of in Jester Park where you could have helped me?" Din accused waving a finger at Rai, "I am only a half-shadow you know, there's not much I can do against the armies of Jester Park."

"I have been busy okay." Rai said raising an eyebrow at Din's ranting and not losing her cool for a minute. "Now go back and play with the clowns dearie, it's not safe here."

"No." Din said setting her foot down with a slam. An effect which was ruined by what Din stepped in....ewww, gross… Just what was in this tunnel anyway? "This time I'm not crawling back to safety like a scolded child. I am no coward you know."

"I am not arguing with you,” retorted Rai. “Now go back before I spell you back there and chain you to you chair."

"No, you are going to take me with, and willing too." Din said pulling her cloak tight against herself as if it could actually protect her from what could be ahead. "Or I am going to tell everyone where your Real Lair is."

"You wouldn't dare."

Din raised an eyebrow, "Try me."

Rai looked at Din, grinning nastily.
“If she's going to threaten me well then...this changes things a bit,” she thought to herself.
She set off briskly down the tunnel.

Out loud, she said - "Fine, fine, follow me. I do hope you can handle it though."

Rai sighed as she walked down the tunnel, Din gliding along a few paces behind. Rai muttered quietly to herself.
“My real Lair eh?” She's got no clue, none at all. Still I don't like it when people try to blackmail me like that.”
Rounding a corner she came upon a set of stairs that led upwards. Following them she found the party she'd been tracking, minus D-Lotus, attempting to put IM back in his right mind.

"Hello all, once again we meet under strange circumstances. Where's D?" They all pointed to the doorway and Rai shuddered. "Oh sweet DM, you sent him in there! The last time I went in there I turned white for...well I suppose you took precautions."

"We blindfolded him." Rai shook her head.

"It won't be enough, not to withstand that." She swallowed hard. "I'm going in."

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once again, as D-Lotus stepped into the room blind-folded, he had a wave of apprehension pass over him. Ignoring this now, D advanced through the room, his arms outstretched. The first thing that battered him was the horrible smell, as of rotting flesh. He grabbed in the air for the wall, to guide himself along. Secondly, he heard grunting and the sound of smacking, although it wasn't anything like Akon's* song envisions.

D-Lotus retreated against the near left corner of the room. On an impulse, he opened his blindfold, only a crack. What he saw... it was of a level of degenerate visual that cannot easily be described. A man was spanking himself with what appeared to be a paddle in the hand of a stuffed witch, Stoat. Shuddering, D-Lotus realized that the man, most probably General Powers, from a Greed story, was so involved in these...motions, that he hadn't noticed D. Looking beyond the enormous bed where these actions were being carried about, D spotted the door leading, he sensed, towards Key, or at least someone else who could help. The key was dangerously balanced at the edge of the bed, titillating in accord with the bed's motion.

Putting his blindfold on again, D rushed towards the bed and instinctively grabbed the key. Powers suddenly stopped and shouted something at D, but D had already reached the door and was unlocking it. But as he was pulling the door open, the other entrance door burst open, and Kalanna Rai poked her scaly red head in, searching for D with her eyes. Some primeval feeling took over D again, and he ran through the door, locking it behind him. He heard Powers begin to shout at Kalanna violently, angrily. Kalanna's silence seemed to indicate that she was somewhat intimidated, especially after having interrupted the privacy of his leisure.

D immediately began to look for a way out, before both the mods agreed on something.

"Hello." said a voice.

D looked around. Then he looked down at the key he still held in his hand. "Key?"

Outside the room, IM looked around at Dinranwen, Crunchyfrog and Sasuke, as he could hear a strange knocking noise. At first he thought it might have been Kalanna banging at the door to come out. Then he realised it was Crunchyfrog's knees knocking together. The howling and shouting coming from within the room sounded terrifying.
The fact that Kalanna could no longer be heard was now even more terrifying....

…And rightly so, had they been able to see the sight inside, of Rai, lounging quietly on the large bed that had belonged to Key until a few minutes ago. Bringing a talon up to her fangs she fished around a bit until she pulled out what was bothering her...a rubber mask that had until moments ago adorned the head of General Powers.

"A bit of a let down really...the man behind the mask really was quite bland and flavorless...unless you count the lingering taste of rubber." She sighed. Rai rose off the bed gracefully and towards the door where D-Lotus had disappeared moments before. Assuming semi-human form, there was no two ways about this, she tried the knob.
"Why do they always think locking it will keep me out?” she wondered. “Don't they realize that you've got to have at least twenty levels of Rogue to be a decent assassin?"

Pulling out a set of custom lock picks from one of her mod jewels Rai inserted several into the lock, humming a cute tune as she swiveled them around. After only a few delicate motions she was rewarded by a soft click. "Bingo." Replacing the picks from whence they came, Rai walked into the room...and had to duck as D-Lotus swung down at her head with the massive key.

"Take that!"

Reaching up and catching the unbalanced D in a rather nasty immobilization hold Rai hissed in his ear.

"Idiot! I'm the freaking rescue party!" After all she was going through to save his life...was it really worth it ?

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There was a thumping noise, and the door swung open. Kalanna Rai triumphantly dragged D out from that cesspool of a room. IM noticed that D was completely out.

"Was that absolutely required?" he asked wearily.

"Probably not, but it made me feel better," Rai answered.

IM shook his head. He had finally managed to get his mind in the right order. It had taken some doing, but there was nothing one perversion couldn't do that another perversion couldn't undo. Mind, even that one second of seeing Powers was enough of a solvent for most of his issues..

IM sighed and said, "Well, we're no closer to finding Key now."

"You called?"

Everyone looked about, seeing no additional people. IM hesitantly asked, "Key?"

"Down here."

Everybody looked at the prone figure of D. "No no, not D-Lotus! Me! I'm in his right hand!"

IM carefully picked up the key. "Key? Is that really you?"

"No, it's the invisible man! OF COURSE IT'S ME!"

IM frantically checked for his ancient spellbook. "Oh no. This can't be good."

"What?" CrunchyFrog asked.

"I've lost my ancient spellbook. If someone else picks it up and reads from it, then who knows what could happen? Plus, it's the only book I know of that can undo a transformation spell this powerful. I need to get it back!"

Doing her absolute best not to grin, and succeeding, Rai slowly looking at IM. "If I'm not much mistaken you did file a copy of that book with the IF Hazardous Items department." She grimaced; those damn gremlins in IFHI had been after her for months asking for permission to poke around in her Horde for contraband. Of course there was contraband in her Horde but that was beside the point.

"I'm also pretty sure those tunnels lead right under that wing of the Council Hall." They descended the stairs, and squeezed back through the shaft into the tunnels, dragging the unconscious D behind them. When they were in a large enough area, Rai transformed back into her dragon form. Looking around Rai sniffed the air a bit and consulted her mod gem before finding the tunnel exit she was looking for. "Ah here it is...this way please." Picking up D in her jaws she headed off, the darkness bothering her not one bit.

Din who was beginning to wonder if she really should head back to Jester Park, obediently followed IM, Rai, D-lotus, Crunch-Frog, and a key that was claiming to Key himself. When Din threatened Rai, she hadn't really meant anything by it. Of course to really fulfill her threat she would have had to have known where exactly Rai's lair was, and of course Din didn't actually know that.

But then again, Rai didn't like to be threatened, blackmailed, or any such things. On the other hand, if Din hadn't threatened to do exactly what she couldn't do under any circumstances, Rai wouldn't have let her gone anywhere. In fact if she hadn't have threatened her co-mod, Din imagined she would be chained to a chair in her office, locked in a closet, or chained to a wall if not all three. Rai never let her have any fun.

Rai thought she was harmless, helpless, and the completely unable to harm a fly. 'And she's probably right,' Din thought to herself, 'but how is I am supposed to learn if no one let's me have any fun?'

Making a mental note to apologize profusely after this and perhaps giving Rai one of the rare objects Din kept in a secret hoard only she knew about, Din pushed off her thoughts and strode up the lovable frog known to her as Crunchy.

"So, Crunchy you mind telling me what has been happening in the city lately?"

"You don't know?" IM said raising his bushy eyebrows.

"I know a few details, but I am afraid I have been a little busy dealing with Jester Park rather than keeping up with city events, besides I was talking to Crunchy not you."

"Well, Din, this is what has happening....." Crunchy said as Din walked and listened to where ever the group was heading.

IM tuned CrunchyFrog and Dinranwen out, as Crunch brought Dinranwen up to date. He jogged to catch up with Rai. "Hey, Rai, wait a second!"

He huffed and puffed and caught his breath. "Have you had dealings with these little gnomes before? Can I actually get my book back from them?"

"Sure you can...They'll give you a copy I'm sure. But you'll have to warn them you lost the original." Rai snorted to herself, well it was not lost really, she knew exactly where it was.

Rai led them through a maze of underground passages, stopping every once and a while to check her mod gem and sniff the air. Finally she spat out D on the ground. "Right, IFHI is right above you guys. Din and I, however, are off to clean up Jester Park." Din nodded her hood. Turning, the pair headed down a tunnel to the left.

They twisted downward through places long forgotten until suddenly Rai came to a halt. "Great my tail's stuck. Will you head through that archway up there? Jester Park is just on the other side. Go grab me a crowbar so I can get myself out." Din looked around a bit before scrabbling through the glowing archway. Rai felt bad for all of six seconds as a horrible scream filled the air.

Slowly stepping forward, her tail had never been trapped; Rai entered a place long forgotten by IF. There was no sign of Dinranwen. There was, however, a vial of something red floating in a column of light in the center of a round chamber. Reaching out and snagging it Rai chuckled to herself. "Sorry Din but threatening a dragon gets you nowhere."

Putting the vial into her gems Rai gathered herself up and quickly teleported back to her Council chambers. "Blood of the Beginning...check."

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 7 - The Realm of Dead IFians

A dim silhouette of a hunched figure shuffled along after Din and Rai. The figure stopped, wheezed, and continued his slow waddle forward.

"I'm getting too old for all this running, hiding and getting lost malarkey, I'm telling you."

He started advancing after the cloaked shadow and the giant dragon.

This is Smudger. The unknown linear mod who basically wrote one linear story, retired and spent all day in the tavern chatting.

When it was New Year he still stayed out the way. Not very sociable is Smudger. Too grumpy.

He saw the things happening and knew the best chance of survival was to follow the shadow and dragon. Simple.

But no. They had to vanish after the scream of Din. Smudger sighed. "Why did I follow a dragon and a shadow? Safety? Rubbish, they’re gone now!"

He bowed his head a dragged his foot along the tunnels in hope of finding a friendly IFian face, or at least a face anyway. "Wait, I have that ring too!"

Smudger thought hard about the Council Hall and being inside it. The ring glowed, got brighter. And brighter...


The ring and gem exploded on Smudger's hand. The hunchback hobbled in a circle screaming at his flaming hand. Linear always gets the duds...

Smudger beat the ground repeatedly with his burning hand until the flames went out.

“This is NOT my day,” he grumbled.

Smudger got to his feet, staring at his charred hand, mumbling to himself. “I should be screaming in agony right now. Well, why don't you? Well I'm not in the mood, I'd rather be shouting at the Council on testing prototypes on me.”

Smudger trudged forward, heading for the exit to get to the Council Hall. He suddenly remembered the scream. Din's scream. And Rai muttering something.


Smudger looked down the giant hole.

“Damn that's deep. Shall I go all bravado here? Yeah...why not!”

Smudger started clinging to the rock and began to descend, crying at the top of his voice," The bells! The bells!"

He grabbed hold of a rock, slipped and started falling.

"Oh F....”

During her own fall, some moments earlier, Dinranwen began thinking as she screamed in that blood curdling way that people do when they fall down bottomless pits. She made a few mental notes to herself, most of them to never, ever, ever, threaten Rai again.

A few her thoughts however were about the next time she wanted to do something adventurous...she would go clean Solomon's Birch's Old place. Now there was an adventure.

A few quadrillion, million, thousand feet later, Din landed with a resounding thump onto something hard.

Sparring an soft ouch, she lost all consciousness.

~ ~ ~
Groaning. Din opened one eye weakly and took a look around. Although her vision was somewhat dark, spotted, and fuzzy, Din made out a room very similar to the Chat room. A tavern filled with unending barrels of varying liquid substances, soft couches, stools, and tables was filled with a mixed group of characters. The people in the room were unfamiliar to her, but Din got the vague impression that these people were once from IF, although she didn't know why. Maybe it was because the Tavern Sign was labeled Ye Old IFian Tavern unending drinks for the rest of eternity!

Licking her chapped lips, Din eased herself off the floor and onto a stool. As she placed her hood in her hands Din muttered, "Somehow I don't think Rai is going to accept an apology."

"Um excuse me," said a voice Din vaguely recognized. Turning, Din realized it was indeed a familiar face. Well, two faces actually.

"Rave, Wing!" Din shouted standing up and giving the black and white twins a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages. I so glad you're not dead. I am so glad that I am not dead."

"But Dinranwen," Wing said,

"That's what we want to talk to you about."

"Your not supposed to be here."

"Your status is very much alive."

"But you have been untimely killed by Rai."

"So you're dead."

"Only you're not."

"So you're not supposed to be here."

"Only you are."

"Girls!" Din shouted, "One at a time please, I have this huge headache, and feel like I'm bruised all over. Now will someone please tell me where in the world I am?"

"But your not in the World."

"Your in the underworld."

"And your dead."

"But she's active." Rave argued.

"But her body's dead." Wing returned.

Din sighed this may take awhile, and decided to go around in the bar in search for someone (preferably not drunk) who could tell her where she was, what was going on, and how she get out of this place.

She found her answer in the most unusual of places. Sitting in a corner with two wenches on his lap in all his mummy wrapped glory was a user named Muaddib.

"What's up Din?"

"Uh the ceiling!"

"Very funny," Muaddib chuckled, "Welcome to the realm of Dead Ifians directly under the Soul Well. May I congratulate you for coming to the Tavern?"

Din who had been soothing her sore spirits and even sore body with the giant bottomless cup of tea the bar tender just knew was specially made just for her. Of course it didn't help that the cup was marked in Din's own personal signature in her own personal runes...but still.

Well, anyway she had been drinking her cup of tea when all of a sudden she heard a thump that sounded vaguely familiar, and puff!! there was Smudger right exactly where Din had been moments before.

The barkeeper, an IFian from the way old days, given that Din didn't even recognise his name signed on his apron, hastily checked his notebook.

"Smudger, aka Greame, hunchback, Grumpy, socialist/communist...wait a minute he's not supposed to be in here! Active Guest everyone, on their feet."

Rave and Wing hurried over to Smudge to explain in their confusing way how he wasn't supposed to be there. Gazing around from her seat, Din decided that as much as she was enjoying her cup of tea, it was time to do something about her situation.

So, looking around Din spotted Muaddib emerging from the back with his two wenches after doing whatever exactly he did with wenches...Din shook off the unwelcome thought and slid off her stool with a grace that only came with being familiar with shadows. Strangely, out of all the outcasts and ingrates in the Bar, Muaddib was the only that showed some sense...which was saying something.
Slipping up the hood of her cloak, which seemed to have repaired itself after her unfortunate demise, Din slid onto the stool across from Muaddib.
"Muaddib." Din purred. "I think we should talk."

Din after several hours of sweet talking, threatening, and allowing time for those drops of Verific Tonic (Truth Potion) she had carefully placed in Muaddib's tankard, was finally able to get the answers she needed. Glancing over at Muaddib whose eyes were glazed over, an unfortunate effect of the tonic, Din kept her voice soft and low. "Muaddib," Dinranwen whispered her voice as sweet as honey laced with arsenic, "there is this heavy fog on the surface. What I believe is that is most likely made up with the souls of the deceased IFians. What I don't know is why the fog is whispering to the Citizens above and starting a rebellion against Chinaren?"

"Hey look, my dear," Muaddib said swaying and stuttering like Jake Sparrow, Captain Jake Sparrow, "I don't think I should be answering that question. It's questions like that get people killed for answering."

"Okay," Din said correctly guessing that the potion hadn't yet taken full affect, "Maybe you can answer this one for me. How do I get back to Life in the city and not as a spirit in the fog either?"

"You want to know how to get out of here?"

"Yes, now will you answer my question?" Din said keeping her breaths slow and steady to keep her from loosing her temper.

"No," he said. But then Muaddib leaned forward his hand sneaking under the table. "You want me to show you the back room? I'll be happy to answer your questions there."

Desparation was rising in Dinranwen, and there was a blur and a flash as she moved so fast that her movements couldn't even be seen. Grasping the wraps near Muaddib's neck and pressing the dagger she had positioned in a very uncomfortable place for Muaddib, Din looked like she was going to kill Muaddib and she probably would have too if he hadn't already been dead.

But then something changed her mind, and smiling so sweetly it almost hurt, Din purred, "Maybe we should do that. Show the way."

Muadib cocky, arrogant, and excited wouldn't know what hit him.

~ ~ ~

Emerging from the back room, Din wiped her daggers clean with a piece of cloth that looked like a piece of Muaddib.

Lifting her head so her cheery lips could be seen, Dinranwen's lips curled in a smile that almost froze half the room. She had got her answers, and she had just unloaded weeks worth of anger and boredom on Muaddib's unfortunate head. As for Muaddib, let's just say he would be very sensitive for the next few weeks, have very vivid nightmares, and would probably never get over the scars....

Spotting Smudger from across the room, Dinranwen nearly floated over to him. Physically removing him from the bar stool were the hunchback was muttering something about "Nothing's ever easy...", Din pulled Smudger up on a table, and pulling down what appeared to be attic stairs Din spoke downwards to Smudge. "Come on," Din said pulling the very drunk hunchback along, "I found out how to get us out of here but if your not going to co-operate..."

"I coming...I coming" Smudger muttered.

"Hurry, if we don't get there in time it may be too late."

"Too late for what? New Years..." Smudger muttered some more, "Sorry, already missed that."

"No, silly. Too late to tell everyone what is really going on." Din said as climbed up the ladder, "Apparently, the spirits didn't plan a revolt all by fact most of them don't want to leave the Tavern. Someone in IF is controlling them all."

"What! Who?"

"No time to explain," Din said, yanking Smudge up the last couple of steps into what looked like a colourless void, "We have places to go and people to see, and I don't about you but I would like to get back to life."

It turned out Muaddib's instructions weren't as clear as Din had thought.

"Your status in If is active...but because your former 'form' (avatar) is dead, you’re going to have to take on a new one." Muaddib had cleverly said.


"Go up onto the roof of the Tavern. The Tavern's roof is roughly located on the bottom left of the Soul Well. If you go straight and slightly to the right, you should see a faint light coming from above." Muadib said pausing for a moment, "There are two ways you can get back alive, one is to climb through the cracks near the well, but you won't return to your form and will only be in spirit under the control of 'someone else'. If you don't want that, you have to find some way to get under the dream chamber...somewhere near there, I don't know exactly where there is a computer room. Enter your name, city key, and go to profile. Once there, choose what/who you will be it's called an 'avatar'. I warn you though, don't take your original form...if you do you'll only end up back here."

Muaddib managed a smile. He was not about to direct her right into the Dream Chamber where she could have easily reunited herself with her body and get her life back after the pummeling he’d just received from her. That would teach her to come down to the peaceful Realm of Dead IFians, and start getting violent.

Din had tried to follow those instructions but apparently finding your way through absolute darkness was now easy task, not even for a former half-shadow.

Somehow, someway Din had gone a little too far to the right and was now facing one of the many doors in the realm of Dead Ifians.

The door in front of her and Smudge was labelled, "Channel If broadcasting, Enter if you dare."

Muadib, Rave and Wing, and many other dezins of the Tavern had warned her about this room, if she dared to enter and made it past the gang of If characters that ran it, she would be able to see what was going on in If.

Deciding to take the chance, Din entered the Broadcasting moved and then ducked, dodged and made her way to a large area where several former citizens of If were watching the events in If unfold with large barrels of popcorn. Four screens were showed the City proper, focusing mainly on Crunchyfrog and Gang. Another showed the confrontation between D and Leb. The third was showing IM and Key in their dream state briefly before flipping to the channel where Rai was featured eating sheep with her denizens. The final one showed an empty screen of a computer room...positioned just below the dream chamber.

Swinging around before she saw any more, Din drug Smudger out of the Broadcasting room and went in the exact opposite direction of the computer room where she and Smudge could return to the City. "Uh, Din" Smudger puffed in-between bounces, "Aren't we going the wrong way."

"Yes, we are."

"I thought we were going to go back to the City of If."

"We are, and we're going to bring a few residents of this Realm with us too...."
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

CHAPTER 8 - A Spell at IdeaMaster's Mansion

IdeaMaster stood in the tunnels at the spot that Kalanna had told him was directly under the IF Hazardous Items Department. Along with Sasuke, Crunchyfrog and an unconscious D, he waited until Kalanna Rai and Dinranwen were out of sight. He had heard the blood curdling scream from Dinranwen in the tunnels, and the odd little explosion, but he was not concerned with that now. He needed a new copy of his spell book, and he needed it quickly.

Pointing his hands upwards he let loose a small blast. The tunnel's ceiling exploded upwards, showering the occupants with a small coating of dust. IM pulled himself up and helped everyone else up through the hole he'd created, and looked around. The IFHI reminded him very strongly of Gringotts bank. IM walked over to the head gnome's desk.

"Are you the one who demolished our floor? You will fix it, yes?"

IM sighed at the wheedling tone of the gnome. "If you're lucky, and I'm in a good mood, then yes, I'll fix it. Otherwise I'll demolish you before I leave. Now. I lost a spellbook and am seeking a replacement."

"Really? Which spellbook of yours is lost?"

"It has no title, its cover is made from the blackest charred skin I could find, and it's held shut by an intricate locking system made from mythril."

The head gnome trawled through a massive tome. "Ah yes, we do have a copy of that particular book. I'll have it sent to you. In the meantime, I suggest you all go home."

IM sighed and turned around. "My house is safest, you all can bunk with me."

Looking down at D-Lotus, who was still unconscious, he motioned for Crunchyfrog and Sasuke to pick him up and carry him.

In the darkness of his mind, D-Lotus suddenly saw a light. From that light poured forth images, millions of images flashing by, creating a movie, a realistic animation. They were pictures of his life. His mother smiling at him tenderly, his childhood, playing with a ball among the high grass. There was a brief image of a dragoness, but it went by quickly. And then, D saw something that frightened him. And he knew the truth.

Somehow, being knocked unconscious for the second time was bringing all of his memories back to life. Everything was streaming before his eyes. Everything, including the terrible secret he had discovered, and his emnity with BS. He'd asked for Polokin's help to face the ordeal, but he'd never explained. He'd wanted to tell Polokin about the horrible secret, but he feared his friend would become too involved. Then, before New Year's, D and Polokin had an argument that distanced them... D suddenly realized where he had been going to on New Year's. He hadn't been going to the celebrations; he'd... if only he could tell his companions.

Specks of light began swirling, until D thought he could see Crunchyfrog's worried face. He remembered the truth about Crunchyfrog too. But then it all blacked out again, submerging him in a dismal torrent of thoughts and darkness...

Tendrils of darkness surrounded D-Lotus yet. Sparkling words and gleaming pictures ran in circles inside his head against the dark background, etching themselves into his memory, never to be forgotten. He watched the vivid stories and flowing emotions, once and once more again. The cycle continued, never tiring. But tiredness did grip D in its unyielding fist, and he struggled to be free from his prison of truth. A chair came into focus, and then dissolved into blackness.

If only, if only...

~ ~ ~

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IM sat in silent contemplation, in his private study. In one day he'd found an old friend, heard of the disaster, issued near-illegal weaponry, stolen a car, and burst into Key's mansion, all to find a key that was Key transformed. It all seemed familiar somehow...

Everybody else was safely in the guest wing of his mansion. The traps had been recalculated so that nobody would lose an arm or a leg. IM, however, was in his secret room that functioned as his lair of plotting and brooding. He tapped one liquid crystal computer screen, and it came to life.

"Search Archives."

The Archives of the City came up with a list of stories, most of them completed.

"Find any instances where Key was transformed. Cross-reference results with City of IF references."

The computer whirred a moment, then came back with only one result.

"Hmm... The True Story of the City of I(nter)F(able)..."

IM greedily read the story, absorbing every word, every plot nuance, every detail. When he was done, dawn was breaking.

"So. Key's been transformed again, and someone or something is playing us for fools. But who?"

IM cast his mind back to what CrunchyFrog's (or was it D's?) words from long ago...

We gave the map to Rai. She seemed very upset about it...

"No," IM said. "It couldn't be. Then again, what does one expect of an assassin dragoness? Computer, lock down mansion. Complete seal from outside world. Unauthorised access to be punishable by death. Only authorised people are ones currently inside it. Open tunnel to the Dead Ones and the Dream Chamber."

The mansion's many doors and windows slammed shut, and laser turrets sprung out of every hallway and every room. On the outside, turrets sprung up as well with only five feet between each one. They crawled along the walls like some infectious disease.

In the very room where he'd left his guests, two sections of the floor opened up, one going straight down, and the other curving away to some unknown destination. Five sets of bungee rope and five gas masks dropped from the ceiling as well. IM could only hope that none of his guests were panicking right now.

A screen flickered on, with the head Gnome. "We can't deliver like this, you know."

IM tapped a few buttons. Now delivery gnomes could enter. He then said, "Now you can," and snapped the connection shut.

Before checking on his guests, IM pondered. He knew that if his book would have been found, his mansion would be penetrable. He hesitated, his hand over the one button he hoped he'd never have to push ever again...And then did so.

As the Mod over the Games district, IM had various devices at his disposal for calming down the inhabitants. The reverse was also true in the sense that he had many devices to flood the forums with the inhabitants of the Games district. What IM had just done was push the button that would knock out the walls of the Games district, allowing all and any characters free reign over the city. That ought to distract Rai long enough so that she wouldn't be looking in his direction.

IM then rushed to his guests.

"Don't panic, we're completely secure here, and nothing of mine will kill you. We only have a limited time. Sasuke, I'll need your help. CrunchyFrog and D, stay back, you don't want to inadvertently interrupt this."

IM steered the young half-dragon to the centre of the room. "What are we doing?" Sasuke asked.

"I am going to be casting a Finding and Replacement spell at the same time. I may need your innate power to help me achieve this. I'm going to find my book and give whoever has it a nasty surprise."

IM placed another book in front of him and began the spell weaving. The others looked closely at the book in question and Sasuke gasped. "Not...the Necronomicon!"

"Shh! And I've enhanced it. The poor sap that reads THIS will be forced to read it aloud until their untimely demise, which, considering the nature of the book, could be rather quick."

IM once more began the spell weaving.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To say that Crunchyfrog was frightened would have been an understatement.

To say that he was about to crap his pants would have been a lot closer to the truth. He felt hopelessly at a loss as he watched the spell weaving go on in front of him.

Not only that, his feeling of general unease had been mounting quickly and without abatement throughout their adventure under the Palace. The slaying of the slug and the rescue of Key was heightened further by the bloodcurdling scream of Din echoing through the tunnel. The scream still resounding in his ears even now... he couldn't get it out of his mind.

Now, the sudden automatic security lockdown on IM's mansion, and the release of all manner of creatures from Games to roam the city... had perturbed him even further...and what of D-Lotus?

D-Lotus was only partially conscious, he was murmuring, none of it making any sense, but he seemed to be dreaming...having a conversation with someone....

IM seemed resolute about what he was doing. Crunchyfrog took a deep breath and tried to contain his terror. After all, he was in the company of a mage. Nothing could go wrong. Could it?

IM thrust his hands out through the fabric of the spell. A small portal opened up and he grasped what he hoped was his book. Then he carefully left the Necronomicon in it's place, and drew his hands back with his book. As he did so, he could hear a bellow of rage and felt a jab of magic in his direction.

All went black. IM knew he had his book, but what did that magic do to him?

~ ~ ~

After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, IM woke up. He was in a huge room, much larger than he remembered having at all. He brought his hands up to cradle his aching head with when he realised something was wrong. He checked his hands and figured out what it was.

They were no longer hands, but paws.

Quickly twisting around, IM realised that the curse had transformed him into a fox. He attempted to access his magic, only to be met with an invisible barrier. IM looked about to find CrunchyFrog and Sasuke still untouched by whatever curse was upon him. D was unconscious and moaning, and Key...

Key was still a key, but now Key was on a small leather necklace around IM's neck. IM looked up at Sasuke and was surprised to find that he could indeed speak intelligibly. "We need another wizard."

Crunchyfrog looked first from the burbling D-Lotus, to the transformed Ideamaster, to the two recently opened holes in the floor, to the bungee ropes and gas masks dangling from the ceiling. The most logical and decent thing to do at this point, he thought, would be to faint.

But he remembered Sasuke, who was quite young, and judging by his recent quietness, also rather overcome by recent events, so Crunchyfrog mustered what bravery he could, and stayed standing up.

"Now then, Crunchyfrog," said Ideamaster. "You must be my hands. I need you to check my messages before we go further. "

IM the fox trotted over to a small screen in the corner of the room and pointed his nose at it.

"Touch the yellow button underneath it, there's a good fellow."

Crunchyfrog obeyed, and a small square appeared on the screen with the words 'you have 1 message' written on it.

"Open it..."

It was the notification of the Council meeting in Jester Park.

"Hah!" chuckled IM. "Well if Kalanna's not contained the escapees from the Games forum within the next 3 hours, that meetings going to have some very unexpected visitors."

"Are you going to attend?" asked Crunchyfrog.

"With that lot out there? Are you crazy?"

"No," IM said, "I'm not going anywhere near there. Instead we have to wake D up somehow.


Meanwhile, outside IM's mansion, two figures stood in the fog.

"Where did he go?" Polokin asked, looking around, "Wasn't he there a second ago?"

"Yes," said BS with an odd expression on his face, "Oh well."

"Never mind that, I have a plan. How about I go undercover? D doesn't know that I'm helping you. I could be your... spy." Polokin said mischievously.

"Good idea... I have no idea where he could be though. You'll have to ask around. Anyway, you'll need this." BS threw Polokin a small, blue, luminous ball. "Use it to call me here." He turned to leave.

"Wait," Polokin caught the ball and looked down at it, "How do I use this?"

"Just throw it against the ground and say 'BStheGreat'" he called.

Polokin looked up from the ball but he was gone. Polokin put the ball in his pocket and set off to find D and the group.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 9 - Takeover!! Well, Nearly...

Rai snoozed gently on her massive pile of gold. It had taken a lot out of her to cross into the Blood Sanctum...even after Din had been so kind as to take the kill hit for her. A chime sounded and she cracked open an eye blearily.

She was still angry from when she had discovered, on her way home, that inside her gem IM's book was in the process of being replaced by a Necronomicron. She knew she had been compromised, and had sent a curse back with the book - she knew exactly who the perpetrator had been, and smirked when she considered what effect it would have on him.

Getting off her Horde, she went to answer the chime.

"This had better be good," she muttered.

As she did so, she accidentally crushed a small glass bottle that had been nestling there. A puff of purple gas escaped from it into the air. The broken glass did not bother Rai's hardened scales, and, not even noticing it's existance, she took care to scrape off any stuck on gold coins, and walked out into her living/dining room. Opening the door she found a small PM had been left on a silver plate. It was bent and squashed as if it had come through places it shouldn't have. Scrawled on it were two words in Lebrenth's handwriting. 'Help Me.'

Flipping it over to see if it had any valuable information Rai discovered that there was to be a Council Meeting in the confines of Jester Park.
"Oh excellent. I wonder if anyone will notice Din is missing...Oh Drat! I told them I was going off with her to clean."

Rai sniffed the air, and felt strangely invigourated, the feeling she got usually just after a kill. Shaking her head, she left her abode immediately for Jester Park. Upon her arrival, she looked around.

"Well this isn't going to get done if I just stare at it," she thought.

~ ~ ~

It wasn't long before Rai was sitting back against a stone wall in Jester Park cracking a whip as several Oompa Loompas finished tidying everything up. The fog swirled around the place, and for the first time, Rai began to wonder at its composition. She could hear whispers, but she was not sure if they were in the fog, or in her mind. Shaking her head vigorously, she yelled,

"Right then you lot...back to the Guildhall." The small orange men, having completed their task, gave her a few glares but stomped off cheerfully enough...the dragoness had let them out into the open air for a few minutes after all.

Her gem flashed and, looking around to make sure she was still alone, she put up a privacy shield and answered it. The grinning face of Lordy met her gaze.

"Taking a risk aren’t you?" she replied.

"I trusted you'd have the discretion to take the necessary precautions."

She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face but instead waited for him to tell her what was so important. "I've just happened to find the Master Map in the Council Hall, just lying on Chinaren’s chair."

Rai's crest raised high.

"Smooth your scales. Everything's going according to plan...”

Rai snarled at the arrogant demon.

“Do you have the Blood?”

"You stick to the plotting. I'll stick to guarding the things we need. That was the agreement was it not?" The demon inclined his head. When the time comes it will be available."

Lordy glared at her.

"Remember who you're dealing with dragoness."

Rai glared right back.

"I do, every second of the day demon. Forgetting is not something I have the luxury of in this particular case. You take care of your end, I'll take care of mine...Oh and it seems Lebrenth is in trouble."

"Then go fetch him...and stay alert. Whoever copied the map is going to try and use it." Before Rai could say anything else the connection broke. Fuming the dragoness tapped her talons together.

"Now where could Lebby be...ah yes I remember."

~ ~ ~

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jez returned to the main chamber of the TI, and switched on the computer, looking again in close detail at the map and the various places marked upon it. One place had stood out like a sore thumb...which was exactly why he wasn't tunneling there for now. There were far more quiet and peaceful places to open out tunnels into...currently for instance, the Archives; a treasure hoard of lost books. Who knew what one might find in such a forgotten place - and he should arrive any day now.

He looked again at the map, that other place has definitely been added in recently, and the way its marked, and the fact that it's description includes words such as 'powerful, important, no one must approach', all highly persuasive - as though someone wants that place to be uncovered. I'd make such a place insignificant if it was really so important Jez shrugged, as info mod he liked info, but such a love had allowed him to sense that sometimes info must be gleaned more cautiously. I think I have a reasonable plan, he thought as he edited a copy of the map so that it showed only directions to the 'top secret' place, adding in the words 'treasure' for added effect, then printed out a dozen copies. Then whistling he moved silently upstairs to the Tourist Info booth.

Reaching the inner booth he heard the sounds of someone moving upstairs, shoot, I completely forgot I left Lebrenth up there, Jez thought as he hurried over and released the ladder down.

~ ~ ~

Rai was winging her way toward TI through the fog. She was beginning to enjoy herself, feeling a new thrill of ruthlessness course through her body. Rai grinned to herself. Jez was going to have kittens when she got there. “The TI is going to be mine,” she laughed to herself.

Landing, she knocked on the Plexiglas shield of the TI booth, and waited. Jez was taking rather a long time. Hmmm. Why was that? Surely the TI was not that extensive. Tapping a talon rather more sharply on the glass, she accidentally cracked it. A few moments later, a breathless Jez arrived.
Scowling at the damage, he said, “Yes?”
“I’ve come to collect Lebrenth. I trust he’s well now?”
“Er, well, sort of,” replied Jez, letting her in. “Wait here, please, I’ll go and get him.” Jez carefully locked the impenetrable outer barrier behind her, so that nobody else could enter. Then he made sure that Rai could not see the code he punched into his inner security barrier. To his surprise, just as he opened it, he was flattened as Rai pushed past him into the depths of his secret tunnels.

Sniffing the air, and using her mod gem, Rai wandered through the twisting hallways. "Hmm... this is all rather recent...Jez has been busy." She rounded a corner, and discovered Jez’s computer displays with the map clearly shown on them.

“Oh, so you’re the Map thief!” Rai chuckled, as Jez scrambled to catch her up. Her eyes looked somewhat glazed as she said so.
“I'm very interested in these clearly doctored Master Map copies...and I'm sure you're going to be interested in what I’m about to do with you…”

Pulling Jez by the hand that wore his Mod ring, she pressed the ring into a small socket in one of her gems. The copying of the calibrations of Jez’s mod ring were completed in a matter of seconds, and imaged inside the gem.

“Now I have control over the TI as well!” she giggled maliciously. Looking to her left, she noticed the ladder that Jez had pulled down earlier, Lebby was teetering at the top.
Pulling Lebby out, she shoved Jez into the lofty room and locked the trap door. Then she shut down the power to the TI.

"Have a nice day," she remarked.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cursing under his breath, since his mod ring would not work without any power, Jezsharp pressed his ear against the door, listening for sound outside. He held an empty bottle in his hand. Apparently Lebrenth drank another one of his concoctions from the fridge. Must have thought it was a root beer. Anyway the reaction should be interesting.

Rai was very pleased with herself as she burst out through the wall of the TI, Lebby settled between her shoulders. "At this rate I'm going to work off all that weight I gained during Christmas for the past ten years."

"Was that really necessary Rai? murmured Lebrenth. Locking Jez in like that?"

Rai took a moment to glance at her passenger, but said nothing.

Just then the crystal about Rai's neck dissolved in a low scream and a puff of choking smoke. "Damn", Rai thought as she remembered that she needed to obtain authorisation from China or Key for its use to take over sectors, or else the enchantment failed. The TI's power was instantly restored.

Rai looked at the small pile of dust that was her main pendant. "Oh no you don't." Biting her tongue she allowed several drops of blood to fall on it, speaking a few words as they did so. There was a flash and a puff of vile smelling smoke, but when it cleared her gem gleamed back at her. "Now to reset the parameters and..." There was a slight charge that told her things were working well again.

Shaking her head violently again, she wondered what had come over her.

"I've got to pay more attention or I'm going to do something stupid."

As Rai rose into the air and flew back towards Jester Park, with Lebrenth still on her back, Lebrenth looked back at the impenetrable door to TI standing defiantly beside the gaping hole in the wall where Kalanna Rai crashed through.

But something else seemed to have shaken Lebrenth up. He wavered in a Captain Jack Sparrow sort of way. She wondered if she could believe anything that he said. He had a strange scent on his breath, a mixture of unusual ingredients... a potion of some sort.

"Sorry for the rushed message… I got the creeps. I was browsing... nothing unusual, but I found a program protected by a time-sensitive password, a retinal scanner, fingerprint analyser, DNA coders, and a riddle.... I wasn't going to even try, but then a window popped up and words appeared on it: 'Let me show you,' it said."

Rai waited for the punchline.

"I started feeling chills, and kept looking behind me, because I felt someone was in that tiny wooden room with me.... Whatever it was, it bypassed the protections and started the program. More than a hundred screens appeared of different places in IF, a vast network of cameras spying on citizens and moderators everywhere....

"The words on the window wrote: 'Here.' And a recording enlarged and showed me New Year's Eve at the palace. It was nearly midnight and everyone was there... well there were a few people missing, I wasn't there of course... and I don't think I saw you...."

"No I wasn't there, you know that. Just tell me what you saw."

Rai snapped her fingers in front of Lebby's face a couple of times. "You don't look right sure you okay?" She again caught the scent of something sickly-sweet on the wind. Landing back in Jester Park Rai watched him collapse in a heap on the ground. Taking a good whiff she pulled back.

"Great, not only do you really need to wash that Robe of Foreboding but someone has gone and poisoned you with Nightwing juice...I'm putting my money on Jez." She'd seen all those bottles in that room..."And I don't happen to have the antidote on me. Oh well desperate times..." Rummaging in her gem she pulled out a tacky green liquid which she rubbed into his scalp. "This should help until I can get something more effective. I'll be back in a little while."

And with that, she left Lebrenth to sleep fitfully on the ground.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 10 - A Murderer Discovered

Oblivious to the precautionary actions, spells and preparations going on around him, D Lotus lay unconscious in the Guest Quarters in IdeaMaster's mansion.
The gloom in his head began condensing. It began to cool and encroach on him...then it suddenly exploded in a wave of heat. D reeled inside, stunned and confused. Then his mind started to clear and he found himself in a room, a small wooden room. D stared at his hand, and found that it seemed hazy, as if his molecules kept rearranging, as if he were in a dream. And he was.

The room had no windows, its walls being covered in innumerable screens instead. D watched the constant motion of the people inside the screens, yet he could find no pattern. It vaguely reminded him of a Matrix movie.

D's eyes kept searching for something familiar, until he stopped when he saw a figure standing in front of a large screen. The man was wearing a white-T and jeans. He seemed intent upon the screen, but he kept flickering on and off. D guessed that he himself must look that way too, flickering in and out of consciousness.

Suddenly the man disappeared for a few minutes. D sensed him speaking to someone in the real world. Everything in the room was amplified; even D's feeling of fear and surprise at the man's disappearance. He felt lonely, strange, and afraid to move from where he'd awoken, and the room noticed. As D stood up, suddenly the man reappeared, this time on D's side.

"Leb?" D exclaimed, as his feeling of gladness echoed around the receptive room. He knew Lebrenth could feel everything inside him. For a few moments longer, they spoke silently in this way. Then Lebrenth tried to break the external silence...

Before Lebrenth could say anything, D suddenly felt himself pulled out of the room by something which tasted unpleasant and acidic. Lebrenth could feel D-Lotus' distaste, but was incapable of doing anything. The strange force pulled at him, and D resisted. He knew that there had to be answers in this room- it couldn't all be a delusion. He had to share his secret with Lebrenth.

Eventually, he felt the power of the mind overcome science. D reappeared as Lebrenth had done. Yet he could feel his body somewhere else, like a sleepwalker. His true presence was in the astral world. He glanced towards Lebrenth, sure that he was experiencing everything the same way...

Laying on the ground in Jester Park, Lebrenth stirred in his poisonous sleep. The potion, for the poison was not its only effect nor even its main effect, had separated mind from body, and caused it to shift in the layers of the superconscious, sometimes referred to as the Astral Plane. He found D-Lotus, quite to his delight. He'd been looking for him.

"You look clearer," Lebrenth said amongst turbulent grey shrouds of a shifting plane of existence. D-Lotus did not exactly understand the words at first. Then he remembered what happened to his memory.

"No. I feel clearer there," D-Lotus replied.

"What do you mean?"

"At least there I know which side I'm on."

"I've wanted to ask you about that. What made you change your mind?" Lebrenth asked, his image shifting in clouds of thought.

"How do you know I did?"

"I saw a recording...."

"I don't understand, what did you see?"

"You were investigating, I could see that before I was shut out of the system for unauthorised access..." Lebrenth said ironically with a brief shower of yellow light tickling the realm of thought. The cloud of secrecy continued to billow around D-Lotus.

"Then you didn't see everything," D-Lotus said, his words turning the black clouds into a dark hue of red.

"What did you do?" Lebrenth asked, as the uncurling of his thoughts scatter with confusion.

"What had to be done. But I didn't do it for you or Rai or Lordy," D-Lotus said, the clouds of red glowing like coals of a fire, then dying away into grey smoke which floats away.

"What did you do? And if not for us then who?"

"For the city," he said and marvelled at his hands, now glowing like moonlight. Still there was hollowness to his words that made him feel like he was melting away. His hands dripped away like tears. "... I murdered him."

"What have you done? It has already begun, we can't send them back!" Cracks of thunder amplified Lebrenth's fear.

"You don't know that," D-Lotus says, watching his arms drip away as his hands did. "There is a way. That's why I called for you. You have to help me. We need to use the Soul Well."

"Do you know what you're asking me to do?"

"I do."

"Then return to your body while you can still retain some of your memory. I will do what I can."

"You have to do better than that."

Then a storm of violent and hateful thoughts swept across them, obscuring their vision and tearing at their consciousness. It was not their storm, but the storm of rioters and mobs, and lost souls ruled by enmity, and they feel carried away by it. But they would not become part of it. They retreated to the only places they could.

Lebrenth's eyes opened, and slowly focus on Rai standing over him.

"Don't move yet," Rai says. She didn't bother to explain why a large spider had its fangs buried in his neck.
When he saw what she's done to bring him back to consciousness, he did exactly as he was told.

~ ~ ~

D sat up, sputtering, trying to get a terrible taste out of his mouth.

"What was that?"

Crunchyfrog stared at him, holding a vial of liquid, which he had just administered to D, on IM's instruction.

"A very powerful cure-all for anything save physical wounds, or so IdeaMaster says." replied Crunchy. "You've been out for ages."

D tried to take in his surroundings, but they were too blurred for him to make any sense of. There was no sign of IdeaMaster, and he thought he could see a fox nearby. Sighing, he closed his eyes again.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Okay!" announced IM. "Everyone put a gas mask on, and Crunchy, stash that vial somewhere. We have to go through this tunnel, through the Dream Chamber, and out into the city. Rai will never be expecting that. Crunchy, it'll be your duty to wake me up when we're through, seeing as there are no gas masks for foxes. Just pour some of that potion down my throat. We'll need to find another magi, I know just the person..."

Crunchyfrog pulled three gas masks down from the ceiling, placed one over his head, and helped D-Lotus with his. Although D seemed to be conscious, he was still not completely coherent, his mind seemingly still connected elsewhere. But physically at least he was good to go, standing, swaying, sort of. Well, kind of Jack Sparrow like.

The third mask he handed to Sasuke, who had a little trouble fitting it over his half human half draconian snout, but he managed after a little struggling.

"Which hole do we go down?" asked Crunchy.

"That one," replied the fox, indicated the one that curved away. "It takes us to the Dream Chamber."

"What's the other one?" asked Crunchyfrog.

"That is the one that goes directly to the Realm of Dead IFians."

Crunchyfrog shuddered. He didn't particularly want to go there.

Crunchyfrog then threw three bungees down the hole that curved down and away. After helping D onto one of the ropes and lowering him down, he hoisted the fox that was Ideamaster up under his arm. Then he picked up the spell book, the vial, and the remainder of the chocolate chip cookies that they made in Key's kitchen, and he and Sasuke descended into the hole.

As the tunnel levelled out, Crunchyfrog put the fox down, and the foursome walked quietly into the darkness. Behind them they heard a rumbling noise and a clang, as the hole sealed itself behind them.

IM sniffed. What was that? Dream vapour up ahead? Oh no, this wouldn't be good...He could smell something more sinister trying to mask it's own scent with the vapour. By the time IM realised who it was, he was out like a light.

D snapped back to reality, in a cold sweat, not knowing whether his encounter with Lebrenth was a dream or not. But the memory he was left with chilled him to the bone. It wasn't so much the conversation with Lebby, but of... of... what he had done at the New Year's party.

He felt a sudden wave of claustrophobia as he became aware of the gas mask he was wearing, and struggled to remove it.

"No, NOO! Dream Chamber ahead!" yelled Crunchyfrog's muffled voice through his own mask, holding up the completely unconscious fox by the tail as an illustration.

D breathed slowly and deeply, trying to calm himself down.
He stared through the glass panes of his mask at the curved redness of the tunnel ahead of and behind him, the swirling white mist rolling in from the front obliterating sight of everything below his knees.

"Crunchy, I did something terrible." he said. "But I did it for the good of the City. You were there when it happened, but you don't remember it...nobody does. I didn't, until now... That flash of light... But I think I know why that map was planted on you now. It has to be you that fix’s' it.

"Fixes what? Why me?"

"Because you were the only person at the party that was not around before the Mass Exorcism... You are the only one that will be unaffected.... "

D-Lotus, Crunchyfrog and Sasuke continued cautiously on through the tunnel towards the Dream Chamber, unaware of the sinister being up ahead...

D, Sasuke, and Crunchy ran breathlessly, the fox limply swaying in pace by the tail. Thoughts blazed through D's mind, causing him to tighten his jaw as he tried to justify himself.

Murder, Murderer!

No, no, anybody would have done as I.

Murder, Murderer!

But I saved so many...

BS will exact his revenge, and you cannot refuse it to him.

Finally the fog began to thin, then clear completely. Just as D removed his mask, Crunchy suddenly stopped, dropping fox and key with a dull thump. D looked in the same direction as he. There was some kind of monster standing there, perhaps escaped from the Games forum and wandering aimlessly, although it had the appearance of one of Rai's henchmen.

D met the stare of its yellow, rotting eyes. It was humanoid but it looked like an angel- a travesty angel. It spread its huge wings and bounded forward towards Crunchy. Sasuke, paralysed with fear of the demonic angel, stood back, paralysed. Wordlessly, D shot out his arm and caught hold of one of the wings. The creature snarled and swiped at D-Lotus, who fell back against the wall, clutching a handful of feathers in his grip. He could feel the viscous blood dripping down his face from the cut on his forehead. He got up just as the creature sprang at him, its arms outstretched, and its dirty, jagged nails reaching for D's heart. D-Lotus dodged, and the pulsing fist sunk into the wall. Moving quickly, D held his hands together, in a fist above the creature's monstrous head, and brought it down with strength. The thing arched back in pain, like a cat, and just as swiftly pushed its massive leg into D's stomach. He crumpled onto the floor. The creature cackled victoriously and prepared for the kill. D turned to face the monster for the last time. Unexpectedly, the creature's eyes rolled back and turned white. It dropped onto the floor with a rumble that shook the whole room. The falling monster revealed Cruchyfrog's figure, holding a bloodied rock, and shaking badly in the knees.

"C'mon, let's get out of here,” said D, as he got up. He was too tired as to comfort Crunchy. CF nodded, still stunned at his own behaviour. He picked up the fox and key and followed Sasuke and D, who were already leading further down.

Presently, IM came to. Wriggling out of Crunchyfrogs arms, he fell to the ground, his fox-body striving to get from a lying to a standing position. Quickly, Crunchyfrog took out the vial of liquid he'd brought from the mansion, and trickled some into the mouth of the fox. He was not sure how many drops an animal that small should take...

IM sputtered as he could to get the taste of the potion out of his mouth. Then he closed his eyes. His magic was blocked, but not his skills and powers as a moderator. He reached out throughout the city...feeling the whereabouts of all the RP characters he'd released, but found Kalanna's characters curiously absent from anything that he could touch.

Hmm. Deciding that the idea of releasing them might not have gone according to plan, IM used his new-found powers over City Central to aid him, and suddenly the majority of the characters that were freed from the Games district that hadn't yet escaped to other parts of the city found themselves sucked back behind newly-appearing walls.

[i]Two more monsters appeared further down the tunnel, and began to approach.
D raised his gun instantly.

"Relax, D, these are mine." D looked, to say the least, shocked by a fox speaking in IM's voice.

"These two are my own assassin and warrior. You two are to find whatever characters that escaped and toss them behind the walls. If you find Kalanna or any of her characters, kill them, but only if you're together and they're alone. Never underestimate them."

IM then sat. "The council meeting is in an hour by my reckoning, and it's in Jester Park. I don't believe we should go, though, seeing as some of the council members are either compromised or corrupt. Wait, Lordy is always corrupt. Hmm...Anyway, Smee will be reconstituting half a mile north of us if he can, and when he does, he can break the curses on Key and me. Personally, I'm tired of being a fox."
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 11 - The Smee Factor

IM's body was asleep, but his mind and soul were mostly free to wander, as long as he left enough behind to keep his physical body operating. It was a classic mage ability, one that he had practised multiple times, and it didn't require any magic at all, only mental discipline. It was even usable by those that weren't mages.

IM had, fortunately, brought Key along by mistake.

"Hey now, what's all this then?"

IM turned around, seeing Key in all his rotund glory behind him. Whatever had transformed his body hadn't yet got to Key's mind or soul. IM looked at his own hands and were relieved to see that they were indeed hands. "Key, just stick close to me. We're going to see if an old friend of ours is even alive."

Thus saying, IM began to float towards Smee's mansion...

"Smee?" IM hesitantly asked.

There was a moment of silence. Then, "IM? What are you doing here?"

"Smee! Thank goodness you're okay!"

Smee's form flickered, then solidified in front of IM and Key. "Actually, I'm not okay at all. My body got blasted ahead into the future until tomorrow."

"That's still better than me at this moment in time. Do you remember anything that happened at your party?"

"Yes," Smee said grimly, and began to tell his tale.

"I was making my routine checks around the manor when I entered the basement. I saw somebody casting a spell, and only caught the end of it, something about cracking open an entrance to the Soul Well. Needless to say, I tried to stop him by throwing a fear spell at him. It only got entangled with his spell, though, and now everyone fears the entrance to the Soul Well that is directly where my house used to be. In a fit of revenge, this character cast a spell that would disintegrate me, but I outfoxed him by time travelling. These spells also mixed to kill me now but revive me later. He let off a magic flare afterwards, to signal his work was done, probably, and then ran as the effects of our earlier mixed spell began to take hold. Fortunately everybody in my manor ran before they fell into the abyssal hole."

"Listen," IM said, "We really need you to reconstitute where the fear isn't so strong. You've got a lot of catching up to do."

"I'll try," Smee said.

IM considered the tunnel from his mansion to the Realm of Dead IFians. Hopefully there would be help coming from that direction, otherwise the stairwell he'd spent so long installing would be wasted. Whoever did come couldn't be shot by his security, seeing as they would be dead and all.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 12 - Revelations and Alliances

Whilst she watched over Lebrenth, Rai again bristled at IM's attempts to catch her out with a Necronomicon. She cursed a blue streak.

Checking her gems to make sure all relevant objects were still within she had more reason to curse when she noticed the TI was no longer responding.

Eye twitching as she watched Lebrenth on the ground, Rai knew that she'd overstepped herself.

"I'm not the mastermind here...and yet I'm ending up doing all the work. Humph. I've already had to replace my gems once and..."

Rai was cut off by the thunder of wings as a massive black dragon with blood red spines landed in front of her cloaked figure.

"Rath? What are you doing free?" The dragoness hissed at her.

"IM has released the denizens of the Games forum." Rai wondered for a moment as her Games characters all grouped around her. Did IM expect her to go corralling them? Not bloody likely. Rai snorted to herself, doing a quick roll call to assure herself everyone was there.

"Rath, Spite, Ryuu, Rhys, X, Dove...good. Spite, X...I want the pair of you to head over to the Council hall and keep watch on my chambers. Rhys, Ryuu, Dove...keep watch on the aHEM guildhall. Rath you're coming with me."


"Only one thing to do." Drawing the shadows about her Rai's form slowly faded out.

Rai grinned, forgetting Lebrenth.

"We're going to spring Cami and then sit back and watch the City tear itself apart. I got onto this for it's just work. Time to get the fun back."

Polokin watched as Kalanna flew overhead with her RP creations, towards the Storygame where Cami would be.

"Great..." Polokin mumbled to himself, "Kalanna has bodyguards and she's about to free another one of her characters... I'd better find D quickly..."

Polokin looked around.

"I really hope I find a clue soon... Walking around aimlessly hasn't helped yet..."

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Freeing Camwyre from her storygame in Jester Park was easy, after all Rai was the HEM mod. Carving a small glyph next to where Lebrenth lay on the ground where the Council meeting would take place, Rai gestured to her two guards. "I think it's about time we leave this City. It should be much more fun to watch it fall apart than it will be to actually help tear it down."

Winging their way to the all but forgotten Mage Mountain, which still loomed over the city from the edge near the Archives, Rai landed and knocked on the door of the den of the dragon of the mountain. Angel poked her snout out grinning. "Ah, bout time you come visit me."

"Care to watch the fun down below with us Angel." The dragoness, another of Rai's cronies, bobbed her head and they all curled around the mountain, settling for a comfortable, yet good, view.

"Anybody bring some sheep to toast?"

Rai settled back and lounged with a huge grin on her muzzle. Good food, good company, good didn't get any better than this. Glancing around she chortled at the way the Games characters were bringing total ruin onto some parts of the city, watching with interest to see if any mods attempted anything. Naturally none of them did.

"As long as they stay off the Mountain...not my problem,"sniggered Rai as she glanced toward Jester Park. She stared down at where she had carved the glyph, where Lebby was still lying, with the spider firmly attached to his neck. He did not know it, but time was running out for him.

The poison of the rare Crypt Spider, with red and blue chevrons on its back, has a strange effect that makes it truly unique. It possesses anti-venom that can dissolve many types of poison, and to some extent even nurture the recipient. The purpose of this quality is likely a measure to help keep a victim alive and juicy for extended feasting. A Crypt Spider can keep its victim alive for a month without food or water. Even dead, it can feed upon for several more months.

But of course it wouldn't be 'poison' if all of the effects were favourable. After the victim is purged of foreign poisons, the anti-venom's effect immediately reverses and paralyses the victim. That's when the feeding begins. Of course by that stage the council members should arrive for the meeting and be able to assist him.

None of the Councillors had shown up yet, but it was early still.

At that point, Rai's gem flickered. Sighing, she opened the connection.

"What Lordy?"

"Why aren't you tailing the others, hmm? Or have you forgotten we still need the other things."

Rai sighed.

"You know I think I've done my part. I've got what I need and right now I'm pretty sure there are several plots against my life."

The demon laughed.

"So you've cut and unlike you Kalanna. I thought you were an assassin of quality and courage."

Rai nodded.

"I'm also an assassin of opportunity and prudence. I've got no quarrel with several people who are now firmly entrenched against me, for their own reasons. I'm pretty sure IM is after my blood." Lordy cocked his head at her.


Slowly Rai withdrew a dark black book from within one of her gems and Lordy nodded. "A didn't read it I trust?"

"It might have been a while since I've seen one but, having a copy of my own, I didn't really need to open this one. It reeks of death curse a mile away. Here I planned on returning IM's book at a safe time and,"

Lordy interrupted.

"Wait. You've got a copy of IM's book?"

Rai was wary now. What did Lordy want with IM's book?

"It was switched for the Micon. So no."

Lordy looked vaguely disappointed.

"Ah, well. Can't have it all. Still I wish you'd come down off that mountain and,"

It was Rai's turn to interrupt.

"Not a chance." She broke the connection and twitched claws for a moment. Her dragonesses looked at her expectantly. "Alright, alright."

Slowly she called the communications orb at IM' house, half expecting him not to answer. When he didn't she left him a message. "IM, its Rai. We need to talk. Even though you are a fox. Lordy's after you and if you don't call me back I'll expect the worst has happened..."

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

IM the fox, who had been trotting ahead of his friends in the tunnel, suddenly stopped, and cocked his head.
A mental call, how interesting. IM's mansion was paging him. Quickly IM went into his trance again. IM's mind and soul once again freely wandered, this time to enter his mansion and listen in on the message.

"IM, its Rai." played the message. "We need to talk Even though you are a fox. Lordy's after you and if you don't call me back I'll expect the worst has happened..."

IM was shocked. Then, the orb at his mansion automatically opened a mental channel between IM and Rai. "You rang me?" he asked, his spiritual presence flickering like a ghost over the familiar terrain over Mage's Mountain.

In the tunnel, a similar ghost-like image of Rai appeared in front of the fox. D, Sasuke and Crunchy stepped backwards.

"You may be in deep shit." she said. "Here, this is no time for you to be running around as a lower class mammal." With a flick of her talons Rai recalled her earlier fox-curse.

A gradual glimmer of magic surrounded the fox, as IM's familiar form replaced it. IM looked down at his hands and waggled his fingers and smiled.

"I picked up your book earlier, you dropped it in the tunnels. I was planning on giving it back to you when we had a quiet moment since it's not exactly the type of thing you want lost."

"So why did you send me to IFHI then if you had it?"

"I had reason to believe we were being followed. I'm not entirely sure Din wasn't sent to spy on me...which is why I had to get rid of her for some time. She was making threats after all... "

Her apparition paused, but IM did not answer.

"We need to meet and we need to do so soon. I'm staying one step ahead of Lordy for now but that won't be for long, knowing him. I do, however, have a bargaining chip for myself, and I know what he's going after."

"Really? And you're so into sharing all of the sudden because...?"

Rai grinned at IM's sarcasm.

"Because I know he's after you...which means I can assume the kind of measures he's going to take when he encounters you. I can handle those kinds of threats well rather than be blindsided. Plus, the Necromicon that replaced your book has your spell signature written all over it. So why don't you join me here on the mountain? It's safer than Jester Park, I assure you."

Rai's image shimmered a little, as IM stopped to think. Sasuke, Crunchyfrog and D looked at him expectantly.

"Seeing as it IS my storygame from ages ago, I know the caves and crevices better than you, so I'll feel fine about joining you. However, we still have Key to restore and Smee to find. Tomorrow Smee will reconstitute, and hopefully he'll join with us. It's always better to have multiple magi on your side. Then together he and I will break the curse on Key so that neither one of us will be unduly drained."

IM ordered his more loyal servants to recalibrate the mansion security so that Kalanna would not be at risk, nor any of her characters or any of HIS characters.

Rai's image faded out, and IM turned to his friends.

"In the light of this new information, we've got to get Smee and get to Mage Mountain. We can hold out there for days if we have to. I'm going to see if I can't accelerate his reconstitution. "
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 13 - The Parting of the Ways

"Come on, Smee...Just come together now..."

IM was weaving his hands about in a complex fashion, hoping to break the spells Smee was under. If he could break the mixed spell itself, then all would be well.

There was a sudden SNAP in the fabric of reality. A flash of lightning struck at IM's feet, and Smee was deposited safe and sound.

"Smee! Thank goodness you're okay!"

Smee looked around for a few seconds. "I'm back early. Several hours early. Thanks, I guess. Now what?"

IM yanked Smee in one direction. "Now we get to Mage Mountain before Lordy or anything that reports to him finds us."

IM looked back at D, Sasuke and Crunchy.

"Here's where we part company." explained IM.

"I thought Rai said that Mage Mountain was safe!" protested Crunchy.

"We dont know that for sure." replied IM. "Besides, there's going to be a helluvalot of magic going on, and we still have to be wary of Rai, until we're absolutely sure she's telling the truth."

"He's got a point, Crunch," said D thoughtfully. "Besides, I have investigating to do. And I have a job for you, too."

After Sasuke, D and Crunchy nodded their fairwells to IM,
Smee waved his hands around in just as complex a fashion as IM had done, and suddenly the two wizards vanished to the base of the mountain itself.

D, Crunchyfrog and Sasuke continued, until the tunnel began to give signs of widening into an open field. D turned to Crunchyfrog.

"Crunchy, we need to get to the soul well. You need to get to the soul well."

Sasuke stood nearby. "Sasuke, you know the way to the soul well through the tunnels, right? In that case, you and Crunchy don't need any map."

Crunchy waited for D to explain his plan.

"Crunchy, you have to dive inside the original well and find where the souls are being released from. There must be a fault of some kind. When you find it, use this on it." He withdrew a strange object from a secret pocket nobody had noticed before. D grinned. "I didn't know I had it either." He gave the object to Crunchy.

"Sasuke will help you. I'm sure you can do it. Meanwhile, I need to settle something personal. I'm sorry."

D began to walk towards the end of the tunnel as Crunchy and Sasuke watched him go.

"D!" shouted Crunchy. D-Lotus turned towards him. "May the soul be with you."

Crunchy waved goodbye. D nodded as his figure diffused into the distance. Crunchy and Sasuke began to follow, taking the strange object with them.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 14 - From the TI to the Archives

It had taken some time for Jez to complete patching up the mess Rai had left from her intrusion into the TI. He had had to recallibrate some of the barriers to compensate for the gaping hole in the outer wall, to ensure that whilst they could get in so far, nobody could enter his laboratories and study. When he had finished, Jez donned his cloak.

"I think now that the place is completely secured, I'll let the trolls have an extended break and head out into Fantasy Forest for a stroll," thought Jez to himself.

With the TI and Tourist Info now fully working, completely secured, and under his permanent and complete control, Jez was able to continue on through the passageways and out into the lush confines of the fantasy forest.

There he spent some time exploring and studying the beautiful yet treacherous surroundings as usual, as well as picking more fungi for the trolls.

When he had finished, he returned to the secret entrance to his tunnel and echoed out a whistle to signal the trolls back...and back they came more than before.

"Great, now I'll need to come back and pick more fungus..." Jez thought wearily, but at least they might be able to dig the tunnel a little faster. He watched them file down the tunnel making their little panted muttering speeches to each other and sighed. He hardly ever went to this amount of trouble for something - he only hoped it was worth it.

Jez returned down the narrow winding passageways, holding his nose to block out the smell of ten sweaty trolls shouldering picks and shovels. Eventually they stopped by one of the locked doors which he opened for them, and they continued on to build the tunnel.

Then Jez strolled back into the main laboratory of TI and ran a system check. The Technical Institute was well defended (chiefly because Jez very rarely left it, and tended to be more than a little paranoid, given the number of creepy and scary figures that were to be found lurking amongst the darker corners of IF). Looking at his mail he observed the PM Lebrenth had sent,

"Oh great, the meetings in less than three hours, and at Jester Park..."

He decided, in his wisdom, to waste no time in re-securing all the defences yet again; luckily Rai had only glimpsed a small fraction of the tunnels from the Tourist Info booth.

"Last time I bother to go to the trouble of getting involved in maps," he thought angrily, "well I may as well send out the copy I have to other Council members - then I'm not the only one with such specialist knowledge."

Quickly he PM'ed all but Lordy and Rai (given one made him suspicious and the other wasn't on his Christmas card list for some foreseeable time) with copies of the map worded:

'Dear all, came across a version of the Master Map which I copied, and I wondered if it would be of any use to you. One place looks very interesting, but I would approach with care.'

Then he sent it.

"Good, hopefully that will stop people raiding my home for a while..."

Checking the time, he decided he had enough time for a doze.

~ ~ ~

An hour or so later, Jez was interrupted from his nap by the grunting sounds of a troll speaking over the intercom.

"Hit soft soil, should be very soon..."

There was a 'whump' and sounds of earth falling to the floor and groans. "Ah actually about now in fact."

Jez smiled and stood up slowly, there was still time before the Council meeting, assuming he went. Quickly he strode off into the TI maze to his destination.

The trolls stood aside so that Jez could go through and inspect the newly completed tunnel exit.

Acknowledging their hard work with some fungus, which they grabbed with glee and ate loudly and hungrily, Jez stooped under the soft earthen hole, then moved swiftly up through the hole in the stone wall of the underground vault of the Archives.
Shelves spanned out in all directions, musty, containing hundreds of unwritten secrets, most fairly useless. But among the ordinary may lay treasures extraordinary, Jez thought happily as he took a glowing lump of lumonosis (phosphorous light green glowing reeds) and slowly stepped forward amongst the dusty corridors - searching for a promising book.

Jez did not notice the slight golden glow of a candle flame illuminating a thin pale hand, which was lying on what looked to be an old piece of parchment. The figure to whom it belonged seemed alarmingly still.

The floorboards under Jez's feet creaked momentarily.

"...Solus..." sang the voice softly but menacingly inside her head wake up - someone is here..."
The hand twitched slightly, then withdrew from the light.
A pause.


A longer pause, then the hand reappeared and hovered over the small flame. Fingers closing around the fire, the light went out immediately, leaving the corner in true darkness.

The swish of a cloak could be heard, and then the soft sound of bare feet on the wooden floor.

The room smelt musty, which seemed to suggest that the parchment that was seen before isn't the only paper there.

A little way away, a luminous green light could be seen. Eyes which adjusted quickly to the dark, a figure wearing a black cloak that looked slightly too big for her slipped in-between two bookshelves.
Peering through a crack in the woodwork, she allowed herself a slight smile.
"...Jez!..." she whispered to herself.

Rounding the bookshelf, Solus stopped, still shrouded in the shadows.
"Brother..." A pause. "...Long time no see!"

Stepping into the light just long enough to give him a quick hug, Solus retreated again. Fully cloaked with the hood up anyhow, it didn't really make much difference.

"Solus! I didn't know you were here..."

"No, I've...been... ...working..." She replied quickly, although sounding slightly unsure.


"I'm fine - I just...feel a bit out of it at the moment..."A slightly awkward silence ensued. "-'s hard work." She consented with a sigh.

"You look different..."

"...He is suspicious of you, Solus. He's not sure you're you anymore... "
"...stay out of this. He. is. not. your. Brother..." thought Solus angrily to the voice, trying to block it out of her mind.
"Just a bit paler...not much different..." it continued, ignoring her response

"Solus!" said Jez. "Why won't you tell me what's..."

"Sh! You wanted to find a book? I know this library almost off by heart by now...I've been here quite a while."

" pains you, doesn't it? - Not being able to tell him... - I feel for you..."

"...SHUT UP!..."

Jez looked up. Oops. Had Solus spoken out loud?

She tried to control the trembling of her pale hands, hoping that he would not probe further.

Casting a glance at Solus, JezSharp nodded.

"There is some information I need, information about the city, and hidden 'treasures'. I need to do some research. Show me to the right place."

Holding the candle, Solus led Jez deep into the maze of book laden shelves.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 15 - The Ascent up Mage Mountain

Name: Bridgette Saliva,
Status: RPG Character
Creator: Dinranwen

In the Computer Room just under the Dream Chamber, the Undead Dinranwen called up the information, and hit Enter.

Din liked being a shadow, and liked her cloaks. But there was no way to go back to the City from the Realm of Dead IFians as herself as her form was broken...and the only way she could harvest her shadow half was to be someone else. At least until she could weave what remained of her former self with new shadows.

And that was why she had decided on being Bridgette Saliva.
The City of If was over run by Rpg characters...why not be one of her own that wasn't currently in use...

All of a sudden a gentle light enveloped her form, and when it faded, she found herself in her new body, Bridgette.
There she stood, with flashing red hair that seemed to flame and spark, green eyes that seemed to burn, a clingy red garment that would have been a dress if the skirt was buckled to form a split skirt, and constantly swirling tattoos that glowed red in any light. Around her neck she wore a necklace, with a gem set into it.

Bridgette, Din in disguise, grinned from ear to ear. Thanks to her, thousands of Dead Ifians were arriving angry and all to eager to help the City...Din wished she could be there when whoever this mystery controller was found out his/her creation was turning on them. After all who didn't enjoy free live television, endless beverages, and pleasures for eternity?

Having already sent Smudger back up through the Soul Well into the city disguised as a striking young man in military uniform, and with most of the Dead IFians also already gone to the city disguised as Tourists or Guests, Dinranwen was the last to go. Stepping out of the computer room, she climbed the ricketty stairway upwards further, until she was out on top of the roof of the Tavern. Catching her breath, she felt herself being sucked upwards into the yawning hole in the sky, that was the crack in the Soul Well.

~ ~ ~

The first thing she had noticed upon returning to the City of IF was that it was pre-dawn. The second thing she'd noticed was a burning desire to find Rai...a throbbing passion that kept pushing her even though something of her conscience told her something was quite right with that the desire. It was like there was something wrong, but every time she tried to figure out why her fingers slipped off the problem like oil on water.

Having felt drawn towards Mage Mountain, Bridgette had set off towards it's foothills, deftly ducking and avoiding the guards IM had sent out, presumably to herd back RPG characters to the Games section.

Now, standing and looking up at the mountain she sighed. The mountain was beyond her skill to try. There was no guarantee that even if she managed to climb it she might find Rai there...although why she had the insane urge to find the Dragoness was beyond her.

As she stood contemplating the Mountain...the back of her was on fire, screaming at her to climb the mountain, to find Rai....

She did not notice two figures scrambling up the rocky path ahead of her, the figures of...

...IM and Smee, who were making quick progress up the slope of Mage Mountain, pausing only to shoot a spammer that lurked in a hidden cave.

Below them, Dinranwen fought with the urge to find Rai.

"Why?" she asked herself. "Am I suicidal or something? After all Rai did kill me in the first place?
Doesn't need to find need to talk to Rai...make her understand...apologise...and follow Rai...
No." Din told her mind. But whatever it was wouldn't stop, and Din weakened from Death as she was...couldn't resist.
But she could talk to Rai...which is exactly what the back of her mind wanted to do.
Maybe, Rai could help. Or IM... She couldn't help feeling somehow that he was somewhere around her.

Sending a P.M. Rai's way, Din sat down at the bottom of the mountain and waited for the answer.
The message said,

"Rai, I think we need to talk...X and Spite will know who I am.

Signed Bridgette."

~ ~ ~
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unaware that they had left the disguised Dinranwen at the bottom of the mountain, Smee and IM continued to climb. As they gained altitude the fog seemed thinner, and they could see that the sky was beginning to lighten on the horizon. IM knew that the Council Meeting was iminent, and they had to reach Rai before then. Gathering their strength, they pushed on up the slopes, until they finally reached the cavern where Rai was hiding.

They stood tentatively outside the cavern mouth. IM reflected that it probably wasn't wise that he'd left all of his moderator adornments in his other robes. Listening carefully, they could hear Rai inside, talking to her cronies.

"Rath, I'd like you to go give the other's a little protection. They may need it. See to it that they make it back here safely. I'll send word that I've sent you to help him...and I suppose I'd better tell the others that they shouldn't kill IM or anyone with him. Otherwise they might get overzealous..."

Rai, seated between Cami and Angel, paused with what she was doing, as she spotted movement outside.

"Never mind Rath, it seems they've already arrived."

Slowly IM and Smee walked in, both looking as wary as well...mages in a cave full of dragons. Rath settled back down before Rai's feet, looking at them calmly.

"Gentlemen," said Rai courteously, "good of you to arrive."

"Well, you did send for us. You said Lordy was after me...why?"

Rai shrugged.

"All I know is that Lordy became very excited when I mentioned I had a copy of your book. He shrugged it off when I said I no longer had it but...well when Lordy expresses interest in something it's generally not good for the current owner."

IM nodded, he could understand that.

"You were working for him, weren't you." said IM accusingly. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Rai snorted.

"Working with him, not for him. As for the change of heart...when the death threats started in I realised that if I wanted my heart to remain where it was I had better start choosing my steps wisely. Lordy isn't likely to threaten me. Send hordes of Raver Demons after me sure, but not threaten."

"But why suddenly start working with us?" persisted IM.

Rai raised an eyebrow.

"Was I ever working against you?"

Legalese, double-talk, politician, IM understood it all. He'd make a great mayor one day, if he ever got off his fat arse. But Rai's story had a ring of truth to it. She was, after all, an assassin, and they were known to be loyal only to themselves. IM must have factored in somewhere in her plan; otherwise he'd be dead meat in a few different bellies at this point in time. IM nodded slowly.

"You do realise, of course, that once their services are no longer required, your characters will have to go back to their places in the Games district, yes?"

"Ye- wait, their services are required?" Rai was puzzled.

"Of course. With your and their permission, of course, I'd like to see if Smee and I can break the curse on Key right now. We're drained, but you lot aren't."

Mages and dragons had a history together, and in many tales it was written in shed blood. IM could only hope that this animosity would be put aside temporarily in light of the crisis upon IF.

Rai looked at her ladies. "Well you lot, willing to pitch in and turn a Key into a King?" The dragonesses rolled their eyes. "Very well and good then."

Rai pulled the gem off her left hind leg and each of her dragonesses let a single drop of blood fall upon it. Slowly the gem began to glow with power, purple from Angel, red from Rath, and golden from Cami.

When the flow of power had depleted itself enough Rai deftly plucked the gem up. With the tip of a talon she laid open both Smee and IM's left palm, placing both upon the gem's surface. "If you're ready to proceed gentlemen, I'll anchor your attempt." After all, nothing could ground magic like a highly resistant dragoness.

It was about this time that Rai received a PM it couldn't be. But it was...dinranwen...

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 16 - Explosion!!!

IM and Smee flung themselves into the spell weaving like nothing before. They didn't immediately move their hands about moulding energy, though. This was precision work. If they only hit a few aspects of the curse, then Key could be stuck like he was forever. IM unconsciously pulled out his tome and opened it so that if he needed information, his body could look it up for him.

Power. Raw power and hatred. Smee's thoughts flickered across the ether.

Hmm. Emotional spells are always harder to break, they're infinitely more convoluted. IM was busy tracing the spell itself; it seemed like one thread fed back into itself constantly, like one of those darn Mobius strips.

But find the key thread and tug it, and it all falls apart. What is the source of the anger?

...It seems similar to the fog of souls hovering over the city...but it's coming from outside the wall...

Spammers, flamers, and trolls, then. Makes sense. But what mage in their right mind would aid them?

...It wasn't a was a daemon.

Oh dear. This will be interesting. Wait, I've found something, it looks to be the core of the curse.

Hang on, let me look...Yeah, that's defiantly it. All the loops pass by that point. Ready?

Yup. Let's do this then!

IM and Smee focused their thoughts and wove power through the intricate weaves of the curse to build up in the core of the curse. More, more...then there was a deafening, mountain-shattering BOOM.

The force that was used to break the curse caused Mage Mountain to explode in a brilliant flash of light. Key was restored, that much IM knew. Then IM hit the ground, and knew no more.

The explosion on Mage Mountain shook the city.

In the rooms of the archives that had not been blown to bits, the books had toppled from their shelves, burying Jez and Solus.

Somewhere in the streets, Masterweaver took cover as falling masonry crashed to the ground.

In the dungeons of the palace, Xansta gripped the wall as the very fabric of the building shook.

D stumbled as the ground beneath him swayed.

Bridgette fled the falling boulders as they tumbled down the disintegrating mountainside towards her.

Polokin watched for flying rocks as he scurried through Jester Park, unwittingly running past the motionless Lebrenth....

"Whoa!" Rai flapped as hard as she could, reattaching the gem to her hind foot. Luckily it hadn't vaporised in the flash that blew Mage Mountain and half the Archives out of the city. Hovering in position she scanned around her, watching as Angel, Cami, and Rath all shook their heads and stood on wobbly legs.

Sniffing about Rai managed to locate IM but not seemed he'd been knocked into sometime next week. Checking the mage for injuries she could treat, Rai muttered to herself about the fragility of mortals and thanked every power she was willing to admit existed that she was a dragoness of some toughness.

"Although I could do with some sleep soon...I've been stretching myself way too thin." She snorted. That had to be the understatement of all understatements... She felt strangely torn, as though a part of her was missing. Putting the feeling down to tiredness, she decided she'd be fine...for now.

With the injured IM on her back, she and her ladies winged their way to Jester Park. Landing next to her glyph and Lebby, Rai set IM down next to the skiffy mod, and then checked Lebby closely, ensuring that the Crypt spider was still firmly attached to his neck.

Rai finally admitted to needing some sleep, she'd been stretcing herself way too thin. She turned to her dragonesses again.

"Rath, I understand you'll be returning to Games'd better grab the others to go back with you. Cami, stay here and guard me, you belong in the Park anyway. Angel...since the mountain has been destroyed you may take over guarding my Council Hall Lair."

The dragonesses bobbed their heads. Slowly Rai walked over to the aHEM guildhall. Opening the door she made it all the way down to her Lair in there, curling up on her mounds of gold. Setting the formidable guildhouse defences on high alert, and locking down the Lair just for safety sake, Rai finally dozed off...
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 17 - Through the Soul Well

Sasuke and Crunchyfrog had already made good progress out through the city and into the burnt trees near Jester Park when the explosion happened. The ground rumbled and a crack opened up with wisps of fog rising from it. They found the hole that they'd emerged from when they'd escaped the labyrinth that morning, and crawled back inside.

Keeping his hand tightly closed over the object D had given him; Crunchy followed Sasuke, as they pressed onwards through the tunnels. After an hour or so they noticed the tunnels rising slightly - they must be inside the cliff now. Crunchyfrog remembered the damp cool air, and the strange mushrooms.

Finally they arrived in the cave where the tunnels converged. The pools were still there.

"It's over to you now, I guess." said Sasuke, settling back on his hind legs.

"Yeah, I guess..." replied Crunchyfrog.

Approaching the pools, Crunchyfrog stared at the one that Masterweaver had fallen into, almost 24 hours ago. He looked over his shoulder at Sasuke.

"If I'm not back in 12 hours, go and find D." He said.
Sasuke nodded bravely.

Crunchyfrog turned back towards the pools, one of which now swirled like a whirlpool, glowing softly, as if it was expecting him.

Sasuke watched as Crunchyfrog took a deep breath, shut his eyes, and walked towards the pool like someone condemned...

In one second he was grabbed, stretched, warped, twisted and sucked down into a glowing vortex... In the next, the pool darkened and was quiet - and Sasuke was alone.

Crunchyfrog's stomach churned as he fell through void after void. He tried opening his eyes to avert the nausea, but the swirling clouds, light and movement that flashed in front of them made him feel even worse....

As he continued to fall through the Soul Well, Crunchyfrog began to feel his body being bounced from one rocky wall to the other, collecting bruises to be proud of. He scrabbled with his hands and feet every time he felt something he could hold on to, to break his fall, until finally he lodged himself in what seemed to be a rocky shaft. Feeling the blood rush to his head, he realised he was facing downwards, and, alarmed, he opened his eyes to see what kind of abyss awaited him.

Incredibly, he saw light... a whole world stretched out below him. It looked beautiful, tranquil, a small village, fields, forests... but how could he be in a cave... in a hole up in the sky? He craned his neck to get a good look at the sky from his position - it was angry, with great vortices swirling in it.

He had no idea that below him was, in fact, the Realm of Dead IFians.

Crunchyfrog lost his grip and fell towards it.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 18 - In the Archives

Deep in the Archives, the dust was still settling after the huge explosion on Mage Mountain, that had shaken the city.

A pale hand and arm shot out of the pile of books, followed by a second. Then Jez's head emerged, looking slightly dazed. Panting he pulled himself out and shouted.


There was a muffled reply nearby and the sound of sliding books as she emerged.

"Ok," Jez said relieved, "what on Earth was that...?"

Solus didn't respond, and she too looked rather confused. "Never mind," Jez said as he stared disconnectedly at the jumbled heap of books, reading the titles with some despair, 'The Adventures of Goth...How to clean a sewer - Wayne Pipe...Treasured Secrets of IF by Keavney...What to do if you're accosted by the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Troll by... Wait a minute, that sounds promising, he thought as he scooped down and picked up the Treasured Secrets of IF. Turning to Solus he said,

"Perhaps you should head back to the TI, I'm not quite sure how safe it is here."

Dust was still falling from the ceiling...besides it's not exactly healthy spending so much time in here anyway, he thought as he awaited her response.

..."Well, that rather spoilt the opening"...hissed the voice inside Solus's head.
..."like it wasn't already..." she retorted silently

Solus quickly reached up to pull the hood back over her uncovered face, then stopped. What was the point? Jez was her brother after all...

"Why should I go back to TI?"

Deep black eyes peered at him curiously from beneath long white hair. This appearance on a teenager of age roughly 14 - 17 looked unnatural - but what didn't in this place? It was obvious that Jez was surprised at this new look.

..."So he has noticed you've changed"...
..."It would be hard not to - but that doesn't matter"...

"What's going on?" Solus finished.

She had heard the unspoken words in his tone of voice.
..."Yes, it is unhealthy - but that's my problem - I've lived with it this long"...
..."He is just trying to help"...
..."The books"...

Solus looked around in horror at the jumble of books lying on the floor as if she had just realised.

"I should sort out the books..." She muttered softly, almost to herself as she bent down and picked up a book. Placing it back on the shelf, she bent down to pick up another but a restraining hand on her arm stopped her.

"It doesn't matter - it would take ages to sort out these books," said Jez. "How about you just go to TI and wait there?"

"Wait for what? Where are you going?"

Jez hesitated, then shrugged.

"I have a council meeting."
..."I don't want to leave here"... Solus's silent words drifted inwardly.
..."I know what you mean - but maybe it is better if you go to TI... "
..."I don't like TI. It's too light...why can't I just stay here?..."

"Can I come to the council meeting too?" she asked suddenly. "I'll hide so they don't see me if you want - I've done that before!"

An annoyed frown crossed Jez's face for a fleeting moment.

..."I thought you didn't want to leave here..."
..."I don't know why I said that!..."
..."Well, I suppose it can't do any harm..."

"Well..." Jez started.

"Really, why is she acting so strangely?" The elf thought, puzzled. Sighing he replaced the frown with a smile,

"Ok, sure," he said as he dived into the tunnel. Once Solus had slipped in after him he ordered the trolls to try and sort the books into alphabetical order, something that a few of them could just about muster.

Quickly he strode along, his eyes scanning the first few pages of the book. Flicking over a couple more he found an original sketched map of some of the key places in IF. Nowhere near as exact or precise as the original, but each with a ream of information hidden within the book.

As they reached a door, Jez adjusted the lights so that they were far dimmer, and behind he heard Solus relax slightly.

"She really does spend way too much time underground at the minute, I thought I was bad... " he thought to himself.

It wasn't long before they once again reached the heart of the TI,

"Ok, we can travel there by tunnel or by car", Jez pondered out loud, "which do you think, Solus?"

"Tunnel." Solus replied without hesitation. As she did so, she frowned slightly.

..."Are you annoyed that he hasn't commented on your new appearance?"...
Solus was becoming irritated with the voice.
..."He has hinted at it..."
..."Hardly worth the effort..."
..."It wasn't meant for that, anyway - It was so I could prove it to myself..."
..."To me?"...
..."To myself..." she repeated under her breath.

Solus frowned slightly as she followed Jez through a door, absentmindedly wiping her hands on her robes as she did so. She hoped there wouldn't be anymore trolls in this tunnel. They really did disgust her - and the thought of them touching all those beautiful books...
...she shivered.
She wished she had stopped Jez from asking them - now that she knew that the trolls had fingered them, she would have to think twice before picking them up.

..."They're all ruined..." she said inwardly.
..."Not all..."
..."Oh yes - there is that one..."

Hand moving to a concealed pocket in her long black robes, Solus fingered the top of a small book that was hidden there.
..."Just this one..."

Seeing her brother striding ahead down the tunnel, Solus hurried to keep up with him. He hadn't said when the meeting was about to start, but judging by the urgency in his step, she guessed it was soon.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 19 - The Gathering of the Council

Editor's note - This part of the chapter has been presented differently from the rest of the story. The reason is because it was too difficult to get the story to flow easily without some serious cutting out of text. Therefore, I decided to rewrite the entire part of this story from one perspective, using as much as the co-author's original material as possible. My sincere apologies to the authors concerned, but it was the only way it could be done.

This part of the story is credited to the following co-authors:

Dinranwen, Kalanna Rai, IdeaMaster, Lebrenth, CrunchyFrog.

The sky began to lighten over the City of IF.

All over the City smoke swirled pink and gray. Dents, Scraps, and several blasts peppered the city, much of the damage done by warring RPG characters IM had let loose earlier.

Mage Mountain was no more, reduced to a pile of rubble.

Wigs, parts of clowns, gaudy garments lay about the park, sorched and some of them still smoking.....piles of melted wax from rides lay across the scene. the flicker of smouldering coals lit up the remainder of the night. Even the mighty ferris wheel of Tempting Fate was distorted in a odd way by the heat of the earlier fires.... Jester Park was a mess, and it would take more than the duty moderators to clear it up.

In the centre of the park, there was a glowing glyph, signalling where the Council meeting was to be held. Currently there were only two members present, Lebrenth and IdeaMaster, and they both appeared to be lying on the ground, unconscious.

Presently, a small, punkish looking woman, looking more like a RPG character than a regular citizen, approached the prone pair. Kneeling between the two of them, she screamed momentarily.

This was not because of the fact that she had discovered two people unconscious on the ground, but in particular, one of them, Lebrenth, had a large Crypt spider settled on his neck, it's fangs firmly buried into his skin.

The woman hated spiders. However, she pulled out a dagger from a concealed pocket in her clothing, and set about carefully prising its jaws out of his veins. Then, using a two-by-four she squished the thing until it was flatter than the ground it laid on. Turning back to Lebrenth, she blinked... was it her imagination, or did he just blink as well?

She was so focused on his state, that she did not notice IdeaMaster coming to. He rose up on one elbow, and looked around, with a confused expression on his face, as if he did not recognise his surroundings. He stared momentarily at Lebrenth lying next to him, and the small woman kneeling over him, her back turned to IdeaMaster. He seemed not to recognise either of them, and edged away slowly, until he was at a safe distance to get up and wander off into the fog.

Still focused on Lebrenth, the woman watched curiously, as he began blinking for all he was worth. What was he doing? What turmoil could he be going through inside?

The truth was, Lebrenth wanted to hug the woman as she removed the spider. He would have been happy to do about any action if it meant he was no longer paralysed. When she noticed him blinking, he felt a wave of relief. It was rough, but he could communicate. Then again, how the hell do you blink: "Find Lordy Now!" ?

Carefully thinking up his own version of Morse code, Lebrenth started blinking. Surely, with a pen and paper, someone could decode a message. However, the only message she guessed was that his eyes must be dry.

"Paralysis sucks." he thought, giving up for a while. But he hoped that the woman would not go away just yet. At least not until some of the other Council members turned up for the meeting.

But just as he was beginning to give up hope of seeing any of them, Rai appeared, bleary from a very short sleep, that had been interrupted by a timer set for a few minutes before the meeting was due to start.

She stood over Lebby and the RPG woman. The woman whirled around, spider-gut covered 2X4 in hand.

"You..." she began.

"Good to see you again, Dinranwen. I knew you'd find your way back."

Lebrenth blinked quickly. The woman was Din? "But how...?" he thought.

Through his mod ring he had been able to hear about some of the events of the city. The news was scattered and confusing, but most of all frustrating. There had been nothing to make him suppose that any of the councillors would be going around in disguise. What had been going on? He stopped blinking, and instead concentrated on listening to the conversation going on over his head.

RPG character Brithil Cirya, or rather Dinranwen in a new disguise, smiled at Rai.

The advantage of being an escapee of the Realm of Dead IFians, was that generally, being buried in rubble from exploding mountains didn't affect you that much. Din had felt herself being zapped somewhere in the back of her mind, but reconstructing she simply became another of Rpg characters.

So, with nothing more than a slight headache and a few bumps, Dinranwen, having shifted from the form of Bridgette Saliva, into that of the ever punk-ish Brithil Cirya.

"Yeah, but I need to get my form of right now, I'm stuck my various RPG characters until I can harvest my shadow half...which by the way was only thing that survived after that nasty little fall."

Pausing a moment, Din looked at Lebby, "I would ask...." shaking her head Din decided against it, "But I won't prove the saying of Curiosity Killed the Dinranwen twice in one day thank you." Cocking her head Din decided to take a chance...after all there wasn't much worse things that Rai could do other than kill her again. "I suppose I owe you an apology though...what can I say I'm insanely curious and sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me."

"Curious my tail." Rai growled, "Curiosity I can forgive...but it's not like you to threaten. Beg maybe...but never threaten."

"I know," Din said as she knelt next to Lebrenth with a bag she had conjured from Rain's possession, Din knew she could return it soon enough. Working various herbs into a mixture, Din went about making a potion whilst she talked, "I'm curious about that myself...In the tunnel it was just curiosity that drove me at first but after I came back...." Din shook her head and added a dash of something else in the mix, "It was like my curiosity had doubled itself...quite unlike me. If I am correct enough to guess, I would say someone placed a spell on me to get me to spy on you."

"I wonder who..." Rai muttered. "No time for that now, the meeting will be starting soon."

Din poured the green goo into a chalice she pulled from the nearby shadow, and using the same shadow sent Rain's healing bag back to it's owner.

Prying Lebby's jaw open she forced the substance down his throat.

Responding to the curious look from Rai, she muttered:
"It's anti-venom venom taken from the spider over there, quite harmless in this form."

Whilst they watched for any change in her temporary patient, Din said:

"That reminds me...could you help me with..." Din gestured over her current form helplessly, "I would like to appear as myself at the meeting...I can't get to my Council Chambers in time to weave together my new 'form'. Can you help? I am afraid the only thing I can offer is some priceless information about the fog in the city, and maybe a valueless ancient antique from another plan...but would you do it for me, please?"

Rai sighed...if she could just...nevermind. With a few quick movements she pulled a few shadows from around the park, stretching and pulling with tendrils of magic twisted throughout. Holding out a shapeless shadow-form she raised an eyebrow.

"Hopefully this will work...I don't do shadow-weaves much anymore." With a massive yawn the dragoness curled up on the ground and closed her eyes partway. Still alert, still keeping an eye out, she settled into a half slumber.

"Tap me when everyone gets here?" she asked, drifting off to sleep.
Din nodded, and sat down, watching Lebrenth closely, and waiting patiently for a change in his paralyzed state. There seemed to be no difference at all, when suddenly -

"LORDY!!!" Lebrenth bellowed loudly.

Neither Din nor Lebby expected the surge of energy that sprung him to his feet.

The sound of it was quite unsettling to those who heard it. Even Rai, who was used to it, was jerked out of her slumber in alarm. Then Lebrenth's body went into overdrive; as though all the time spent holding still was charging up suddenly exploding.

"Ah! Thank you Din, I owe you one Rai. What's going on and why did you put that nasty spider on me and leave? Do you even know what it feels like to be paralysed? But wait, I have to find Lordy before the Soul Well implodes I have no time to explain goodbye!"

Lebrenth ran away before his words were fully understood.

"What's in that green stuff?" Rai asked Din sleepily. Then she snapped to a higher level of alertness. "Wait a minute, I knew something was missing when I got here. Where did IdeaMaster go?"

Dinranwen looked about her, and realised for the first time, that IdeaMaster had disappeared without her noticing. Damn! Where could he have gone?

"Well I think if anyone shows up here at all, it will be a miracle." muttered Rai. "There would have been four a few moments ago, and now we are two. You may as well use the wait time wisely, and go do what you have to do with that shadow."
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking from the sleeping dragoness to the lifeless two-dimensional shadow form Din held in her hands and then back, Din sighed. It wasn't much to work with, but she knew sunrise wouldn't be far away. The Sun would bring council members to Jester Park and the resulting Council Meeting. There was simply not enough to be fussy....besides the Council Members would probably be curious if they saw a RPG character and not Dinranwen, HEM Cleaning MOd at Large.

Folding the shadow form neatly, Din grabbed a drain pipe to scrabble up the nearest roof. A few falls, bumps, and scratchs later Din sat trimpuphantly on the roof of a nearby building that gave her a very nice view of Jester Park.

Settling down, she pulled out a needle and thread and began her work. Stiching here, pulling there, twist that, and tugging this, Din widdled the little that remained of the night working on the shadow. Holding up the finished article Din look at the shadow, it was still flat as a piece of paper but at least it looked more lifelike than before. Still she could have done much better work if she had her loom.....ah well.

Stealing a link of chain mail from Brithil's regaila and a couple of gems from a braclet, Din hurriedly stiched a quick cloak tie. Swirling the shadow around her shoulders, Din sighed contendly as the shadow swirled and conformed to Brithil's smaller frame. It was a long shot from being returned to her body, but at least now she partially looked like her oldself even if Brithil's form was under the cloak.

When she had finished, Dinranwen quickly returned to rejoin Rai.

Sitting down next to Kalanna, Dinranwen peered through the fog, and waited, as finally some shapes came into view. The first she could see was Smudger.

"Hey, Smudge!!" she yelled, relieved that he was still around in the city. Kalanna narrowed her eyes, and snorted.

"That's Smudger?" she asked incredulously, looking at the tall uniformed man striding towards them. He looked nothing like the little hunchback she knew of old. "What happened to him?"

"He fell down the bottomless pit to the Realm of Dead IFians, after me." replied Dinranwen darkly. "Like me, he is borrowing a body to appear in IF."

Waving at Smudger, Dinranwen asked of the whereabouts of Muaddib and the others.

"They are all waiting on the edge of the park." replied Smudger, as he approached the meet point, and touched what was left of his Mod ring on the glyph, to confirm his attendance.
"When I told them I would be attending a Council Meeting, they decided to hold off any action until afterwards. They felt that they needed to learn more. Besides, they no longer want to be here. They want to be back in their Realm."

"Well I intend to reveal everything I have learned at this meeting." replied Dinranwen. "This is going to be interesting."

"Indeed, " added Kalanna. "It will be very interesting, looking at what I'm seeing over there..."

She pointed a talon at a figure running full pelt, sort of towards their general direction, although still some distance away, calling out for Lordy at the top of his voice.

~ ~ ~

Having realised that the council meeting was about to commence, Lebrenth now expected Lordy to be back at the place he had just left. He'd turned heel and was running for all he was worth, dodging the piles of melted wax and scorched clown bits, back towards the meeting point.

"LORDY!!!" he bellowed.

The panic and adrenalin levels within him were rising. He had to tell Lordofthenight NOW about the iminent danger of the Soul Well imploding, and its likely repercussions.

Unfortunately for Lebby, he ran straight into a tree. The collision took the wind right out of him. He was showered with apples, and then unexpectedly flattened by one very confused Ideamaster, who lost his grip of the branches.

"Ideamaster! What were you doing in that tree?"

"I was hungry." replied IM. "Care for an apple? Who are you anyway? And who's Ideamaster?"

Before he could answer to these unexpected remarks, Lebby thought he saw a figure looking very much like D, ducking behind a tree.

"D-Lotus! Is that you?" he hissed. But there was no reply.

Hearing Lebrenth, D-Lotus hid behind the large oak, gnarled and hollow. He leaned against its rough surface carefully, without making much sound.
He turned his head towards the ominous Ferris Wheel in Jester Park. Searching his body, he discovered to still be in possession of the Stupidium gun. Why was Lebrenth here in Jester Park, when he'd promised D he'd assist at the Soul Well? Hmmm...

If he hurried, he could make it in time for the council meeting. Indeed, what better time to expose everything? Yet, how much good would that do, if seemingly Lebrenth could not be trusted? At least D-Lotus trusted in Crunchy's ability to close the breach in the soul well. After all, the sacrifice was made so that the soul well would not go beyond control.

He felt fully comfortable with his abilities now. It all seemed funny, that he'd been wandering around IF like an unwitting fool, when in reality he'd possesed such stealth. But there hadn't been the painful memory of his actions then. When he'd killed it, D-Lotus had felt as though he had murdered a part of his own self as well.

Through the swaying leaves he caught view of Smudger and Rai, and others converging under the glyph...

...and watched as Lebrenth dragged IM to his feet. Again, Lebby cast an eye towards where D was hiding, but was more concerned at the moment with the state of IdeaMaster.

"Come on, let's get you to the meet, " groaned Lebrenth, and he guided IM towards the glowing glyph.

"Meat?" asked IM hopefully. His stomach was growling.

D was worried about IdeaMaster too. Having been unaware of what happened on Mage Mountain, D did not know whether Key had been successfully reconstituted.

Stealthily, he crept closer to the meeting point, stopping to hide behind a huge rock on the ground, that had once been a part of the mountain. Now he could see them a little more clearly.
He counted the council members. Strange, he did not recognise them. Who were the others with Rai? Her shape was obvious... the two next to her he couldn't make out. There was a shadowy one... could it be Din? He hadn't seen her since he'd left Key's palace many hours previously.

Two other figures emerged from the fog, coming from the opposite direction. One of them was obviously Jez, he could tell by the tall, slim shape, but he couldn't make out who had arrived with him. He wondered what tale Jez had to tell.

With Lebby and IM approaching the meeting place, that made seven. That was more than enough council members to constitute a meeting. He knew that when at least five had confirmed their attendance on the glyph, the chairperson would arrive.

He had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be Lordy.

~ ~ ~
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meanwhile, Polokin sat quietly on a bench in Jester Park, surveying the chaos around him. Oddly, it was the same bench he'd sat on just 24 hours ago. He smirked at the irony. He'd gone on a journey around IF hunting down D, and really if he'd sat on that same bench all the time, D would have eventually come to him.
Still, there was much in store to see for this spectator, and he waited hopefully to see the Council members converge at the meeting point, for the Council Meeting. Although judging by what he was seeing, he wondered if they were even capable of doing that...

~ ~ ~

Rai yawned and stretched, eyeing the glowing glyph to make sure it was still sending out it's signal. Sitting up she put on her poker face and flexed her wings. It was interesting seeing her fellow mods acting like novice spammers...but it also troubled her.

"Has everyone lost their minds?"

"Humm?" Din looked up at her.

"Nothing...nothing at all." Narrowing her eyes the dragon wondered if this sudden outbreak of erratic behavior was the cause of her earlier power-grabbing behaviour. That was unlike her, she preferred to be an intimidating, figure lurking just off screen. "Now who could benefit if we all went crazy?"

Rai could think of only one person...

She watched as Jez and Solus arrived at the glyph, followed by Lebrenth and IM. Each touched their mod ring on the glyph to confirm their attendance, except IM, who had left all his mod regalia in his other robes. IM instead took his seat around the huge glowy thing inscribed in the ground. He wondered now, whether he was going to get something to eat. He stared at the huge red dragon, next to it a tall man in uniform, and a woman in a shadowy cloak. Next to them was a tall elf in a cream suit, under a dark cloak, and what appeared to be a barefoot female enshrouded in a black cloak, that looked far too big for her. He looked at Lebrenth, who looked dishevelled, his own cloak stained with some sickly smelling substances.

And who was this Idea Master they were talking about? Why did that name sound so familiar?

There was a flash of flame, and suddenly a red, green, and blue jester hat appeared in the middle of the glowing thing. There was a piece of paper attached to it, but it was the hat that started the triggering.

A sudden chink of light broke the oblivion in his mind. For a fleeting moment, all his memories were there, in all their glory.

A memory of a conversation, one that was recent, one that he fancied had taken place during his spell of unconsciousness, wandered through his mind.

"Ah, IM, I see you restored Key. This sets my plans back, but not irreparably so. I have already dispatched some interesting characters to 'take care' of that problem, but seeing as you're still around, I figured I'd teach you a lesson.....

Ah, yes...I'll just...wipe your memory, shall I? Don't be worried, you might gain it back, D-Lotus did the same, after all. Farewell..."

The feeling of enlightened realisation, however, was shortlived, as the curse snapped back over his mind, and the conversation, along with the rest of his memory, was taken from him again, and he was plunged into an unfamiliar world of unknown people and surroundings once more.

IM reached out for the hat, but before he could pick it up, Rai swiftly swiped it away from him.

Rai raised an eyebrow when Lordy's bloodstained Jester hat popped into existance on the glyph. Snagging it she cleared her throat and read the note aloud. "Sorry all, will be slightly delayed. Don't start without me." There were a few groans from the assembled mods who, without a doubt, had better things to be doing. Like getting the city back in order.

Still it was the tiny scrawl underneath that message that caught Rai's eye. She didn't understand it, nor did she repeat it out loud. Had she been capable, she would have paled.

"I'll do all my talking at the meeting." she muttered. "He can just wait..."
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 20 - The Council Meeting

Lordy was going to be delayed at the meeting?
This was enough for Lebrenth. Too much time had been wasted already. The Soul Well was about to implode, and he needed to find Lordy and let him know about his recent contact with D-Lotus, before it was too late. Perhaps it already was too late, in which case, Lordy might be in deep doo-doo, even too deep for himself to overcome without help from the rest of the Council. Perhaps this was the very reason why he was delayed.

This, was serious.

"I have to go!" Lebrenth cried urgently. "I have to find Lordy. We can't stand around and wait for him to arrive, not after what I have learned."

He turned to leave, but Kalanna's tail thumped down in front of him, blocking his path.

"And what exactly is it that you have learned, Lebby?" smiled Kalanna sweetly, playfully dangling the jester hat above his head, slightly out of his reach. He could see Lordy's note, and he could see there was some other scrawl underneath the note, but the hat was swinging about too much for him to be able to read it.

Jezsharp's eyes narrowed. This was not the Kalanna he knew. Or rather it was in a sense... in as much as she usually had her own motives for whatever she did, but... the Kalanna who had breached his TI and imprisoned him in his own quarters the previous night, the Kalanna who was menacing Lebby now, this was not right. She normally had more respect and loyalty towards her friends. But looking around at the rest of his fellow Councillors, he had to admit that none of them really seemed to be 'themselves'. Din and Smudger had taken on different guises, for reasons he was not aware, Solus looked strangely different, Lebby was uncharactaristically panicky, and Idea Master appeared to have lost his mind.

Jez stepped forward.

"Kalanna, we'll all do our talking at the meeting. At least until Lordy arrives.
Because one thing we can be sure of, is that chaos rules the city right now. We dont know why Lordy is delayed, or even if he will turn up at all."

All the moderators nodded in agreement.

"And for now," continued Jez, "I will chair the meeting, if everyone is happy with that. We will start by each of us sharing our observations with the rest, so we can all understand the whole picture. From there, we can decide our plan of action. Okay?"

"Okay, but make it quick!" said Lebrenth. "All those in favour?"
Solus, Lebby, Din and Smudger immediately put their hands up. Idea Master watched them, and thought it would be fun to put his hand up too. Reluctantly, Kalanna raised the tip of her tail.

"Okay." said Jez. "Who wants to step up and speak first?"

A momentary silence enveloped the mods, like a sudden lack of oxygen that made them all hold their breath. Then someone stepped out from behind one of the blown off rocks from Mage mountain.

"I'll speak first." he said, as he stopped in front of all the surprised mods, except for Lebrenth, who quietly assented to himself. If Lordy wasn't here, then things would have to be done without Lordy. After all, there wasn't much time left.

As D-Lotus stood there, his face conveyed a sense of absolute seriousness. His hand was composed, close to a large holdster that bulged with a protruding gun. Kalanna suddenly reared herself, but the others shot curious glances at her and she returned to her reclined position somewhat tensely.

"D, what are you doing here? You're not a mod." asked Jez.

IM giggled. Some memory of something was causing ticklish sensations in his mind.

D-Lotus furrowed his brows significantly.

"I need to tell you all something very important. But before we begin, does anybody have any objections?" He spoke in a grave tone and glanced directly at Kalanna, his hand close to his gun.

Rai's eyes narrowed at D. "If you're threatening me D you're making a very big mistake. I guaruntee you that if you turn that gun on me it will be the last mistake you make." She growled very softly. "Plus think very hard what will happen if you fire Stupidium at me."

Everyone blinked once. It was well known that, next to Chinaren, Rai had more real SG's going than anyone. Firing Stupidium at such an Idearium laiden target might well vaporize a good sized portion of the city...and while it was certain Rai would be wounded there was no real assurance she would die.

After all, Dinranwen had been dead, Rai was rather certain of that fact, yet here she sat as plain as day. D's hand slowly moved away from his gun.

"Good. Now speak your piece D. Mod or not I'm curious to hear exactly what you've got to say that you fear you'd have to kill me to express. But then I wouldn't be the first...would I?" Watching D-Lotus's shocked expression Rai grinned. "Go ahead. I've got less to lose."

Polokin hid in the bushes and began to watch the council meeting.

What could Rai be talking about, she wouldn't be the first? What did D do...?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How could she know? wondered D-Lotus. This only confirms my suspisions that she has been working with Lordy all along. Up to now he had no real proof, but now it was definite. Recovering from her comment, D faced the council and their unusual meeting place.

"I feel it is my duty to inform you," D said, speaking with caution, "That Lordy is attempting to take over this city, and that Kalanna Rai is in association with this dastardly plot."

Various gasps escaped from the council members, and the wind began to pick up, whistling madly.

Sweat dripped down IM's forehead and immediately dried as he attempted to regain his perturbed knowledge.

Rai didn't twitch, she simply smiled smugly and continued in her non-challant stance. I know she is affected, she just isn't showing it, thought D as he examined the eternally cold-hearted dragon. Her manipulation will have to end.

"Continue." she said, almost laughing.

"It is true, I was investigating the case. BS had somehow gained knowledge of a network of tunnels, and he also had somehow found out about some ceremony involving the wells." D-Lotus paused, then continued genuinely, "I tortured the information out of him, that's why he's looking for revenge."

Everyone in the council eyed D, with newly appraising eyes. How much of what he was saying was true?

"I learned from him that one of his employers was planning a ritual in Smee's basement, that same night, the night of New Year festivities. I rushed to my office to grab suitable weaponry, and departed towards Smee's. When I got there, it was almost too late."

Everyone was listening now, fully immersed in his story.

"Upon arriving, I found the house in a mess, as if some explosion had racked it. I descended to the basement, because it was there that the epicenter seemed to lead, due to the increasing levels of disarray."

D-Lotus paused again, as if to give himself courage to proceed.

"With its back turned to me, there was a shadow, an evil presence greater than any encountered before. The darkness of its laughter consumed the air and immersed everything in a monstrous sulphuric smell.

It was chanting and pouring its blood onto a horn, into which it dipped its thin and callous finger. It purred as it wrote cryptic symbols on the wall from its own blood. I knew that this thing had killed Smee, or worse. Instintively, I knew that it was trying to release the dead souls that Chinaren had enclosed. Perhaps it was too late, but I felt I had to stop this inherently sinister being. I unsheathed my knife and stalked behind it. As I crept up behind it, it gave no sign that it had noticed me. Precisely as I brought my knife down onto its back, though, it cackled most evily and horrendously than before, as if my actions were its personal victory.

My knife reached into its heart, and cold, dark blood issued forth, staining my clothes and body. I reeled back from the yet laughing being, and felt myself faint as it suddenly burst into pieces and dissappeared. I felt as though part of myself had died, as if the natural evil inside me had been ripped out and accompanied the evil presence to its death. I felt that all I had left was tainted goodness, worthless without its counterpart."

Up to now, D-Lotus had been deeply enthralled in his own tale. He looked up from his clutched fists.

"When I woke up, Lordy was there. I had had strong suspicions that Chinaren's dissapearance was related to him, but then I realized he was also trying to gain advantage from the strange occurence that had just happened. I was tied up in a chair. He told me that he planned to continue the ritual, when he collected the necessary items. He had obvious admiration for the being that I had slayed, and told me that I had destroyed a great source of power. He scorned me for my actions. He even told me his plans to fully open the well and take over the city before he wiped my memory."

All the council members were still listening attentively.

"But none of that matters now. Lordy doesn't realize that it won't make a difference whether he opens the well completely or not. Lebby and I have journeyed in our dreams to an astral plane, where we have learned of the city's imminent destruction. All I did was buy us time, the process is not on a stand-still, the souls are gaining more and more power.

I've sent Crunchy to try and delay them until we can figure something out. He is not affected by the souls as much as we are, because he is a newcomer to the city. However, now is the time to unite. We need all the help we can get before the souls explode in the well, before everything goes out of control- beyond Lordy's control, even. And we need to stop Lordy from fulfilling the ritual, or then all will be lost without hope of return. We all need to unite now, or face utter destruction."

Even Kalanna seemed somewhat shaken. Perhaps she hadn't known all of this. But what would happen now? Would the councillors overcome their differences and work together to stop this 'greater evil' that menaced the City of IF?

During D-Lotus' revelations, IM fought inwardly. The story was tugging away at the effects of the curse, until, suddenly, momentarily, again something snapped in IM's brain, then almost unsnapped. The memory curse was beginning to become undone. IM discovered that he could, for example, remember that Lordy had wiped his memory. He could also remember that he had attempted to restore Key with Smee and Kalanna's help, and the small mental conversation Lordy had imparted just before IM's mind was lost. IM could also remember his own name. But that was about it.

Getting to his feet, IM wavered, his hands clasping his head, his face twisted in complete concentration as he clung to what little memory he had found.

"He's telling the truth," IM stated. "But for the life of me, that's all I can remember right now. Rai may have started on the opposite side, but she has helped me earlier."

More gasps as heads turned to him.

"I had conversed with Smee, who, it turned out, was not quite dead. He had merely been blasted forward in time. He told me some strange figure was in his basement attempting to crack open the Soul Well. Smee did his best to stop this person, but all he accomplished was making everyone fear the entrance that is now where his house used to be."

There were whispers as the validity of D's story was confirmed by another council member.

"I accelerated his reconstitution and brought him with me to Mage Mountain, my old Archived storygame, where we met Rai. She lent us power so that we could attempt to break the curse on Key. He had literally become a key."

IM gestured towards a piece of rubble.

"All I know is that the curse was broken, but it seems to have had quite an adverse effect upon IF."

Rai growled. "I couldn't find Smee or Key, you were the only one that managed to stay in the present time." She clutched the jester hat closer to her as she said this.

IM nodded. "After I landed, the person who cast the curse invaded my mind and wiped my memory." IM paused for dramatic effect. "I think it was Lordy."

People all around the circle nodded. IM held his hand up to his temple, a bolt of pain had lanced through his head, as Smudger helped him sit down again.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rai recovered from her shock quickly. Some of those details she hadn't known. Blast the demon for keeping her in the dark. But Lordy wasn't the one she was actually mad at. A very evil grin split her muzzle.

"It's true I worked with Lordy for some time on several projects the first of which was this." The gem on her left forpaw shimmered and a 3-D image of the Master Map was projected into the air.

"When I first became a mod Lordy approached me with an offer. It didn't seem like much at the time, just a quick copy job of some old documents one of which turned out to be the Master Map of IF."

"So you stole the map!" cried Polokin as he emerged from the bushes.

"No I didn't. I copied what Lordy brought me and recognized this for what it was so I made an advanced copy for myself with my mod tools. When I'd finished Lordy put them back again. The real map theif was none other than Jez Sharp."

Everyone turned to look at a fidgity Jez.

Solus looked at her brother, aghast. So Jez had stolen the mastermap?

To be quite frank, she hadn't even realised it had gone.

She had not known anything of what had happened during the New Years party, let alone whether Lordy had anything to do with anything

The fact that there was a Greater Evil she had become aware of a while ago for her now, but the description was not unwanted. The ones she had recieved had been shady and contradicted each other.
..."But you knew something was wrong..."
..."It was hardly something I could ignore..."
..."Yet you didn't go to help..."

No, she hadn't. Afterall, being able to hear the lost souls didn't seem to help anything, did it?

Brushing her long white hair behind her ear, Solus turned deep black eyes to look at Jez as most people were, waiting for him to give an explantation...

... however, Rai thumped her tail on the ground to get everyone's attention again.

"But now's not the time to dwell upon the past! Now we need to pull ourselves together! We're not acting like ourselves which means we're acting according to this things wishes. I, for one, am fighting this change in myself as hard as I can. Maybe when the rest of you decide to as well we'll actually get something done!"

IM nodded quickly, he could feel the curse beginning to reform. He screamed out, "MY mansion! I must be brought to MY mansion!" Then IM collapsed.

"We need to stop Lordy and convince him to join us against the greater evil." D-Lotus said to the council. "It doesn't matter what anyone did in the past. We must forget our differences."

"So what will it be? Are we in agreement? If you are, proudly raise your hand and say, Aye."

D-Lotus raised his own hand and said "Aye." He waited for the council's response.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polokin was about to raise his hand and be the second to say Aye, but held back due to the fact that D had been lying to him all this time.
"He could've told me..." He thought, "I could've helped him before it came to this."
Polokin sighed, "Oh well, we all have to work together anyway."

It seemed as though nobody wanted to be the second, so Polokin raised his hand and said, "I'm with you, D."

Before anyone else had a chance to vote for D's proposal, a rumble, followed by a high pitched whistle and a deafening thunderclap resounded through the city. What windows hadn't been broken so far, shattered.
A giant flash split the sky momentarily, as a plume of dark green smoke started rising from the direction of the gorge and the cliff edge, where D and Crunchy had found themselves stranded at sunrise of the previous morning.

The fog sizzled with energy momentarily, then stopped swirling and whispering. It hung silently and heavily around them.

"Solus!" cried Jez, as she cried out, and crumpled to the ground.

Solus's eyes opened, glazed. She whispered unintelligably. The councillors turned their attention from the explosion towards her. As D crouched down beside her, she gazed at him.

"...D... I sent Sasuke to find you after twelve hours," she whispered. "Where is he? Was I too late?"

"What is she talking about?" asked Lebrenth.
D-Lotus went pale. No, it couldn't be. Could it?

"Is that you talking, Crunchy?" he asked hesitantly, looking closely at Solus.

"...I jumped into the pool, and left Sasuke to wait for my return...I fell...then I found myself in a world, of rolling hills and fields, small villages, a tavern, but everyone had gone... Except one, a wraith, who spoke of the impending disintegration, and the exodus, lead by one named Dinranwen... I have learned a great deal..." Crunchyfrog's words came weakly through Solus.

"She's describing the Realm of Dead IFians! " cried Din excitedly, nudging Smudger, who had been very quiet. Din turned to the others.
"Smudger and I have been there, we met many individuals, named Muaddib, Rave and Wing, Reiso, Shady.... I brought everyone out of..." continued Dinranwen.

"That can't be right!" cut in Lebrenth. "I saw them all in a deep sleep in the Dream Chamber..."

"Shhhhh!" hissed D. Turning back to Solus, he whispered - "Crunchy, are you still there?"

"...I was told how I had fallen out through the biggest of three vortices in the sky - and how Dinranwen and the rest were sucked up through it earlier. They must come back here, D... They must journey from this Realm via the Dream Chamber to unite with their bodies if they wish to return to IF properly as Live Citizens..."

"But did you find the fissure from where the Souls are escaping?" asked D.

"The Soul Well is cracked open. Supernatural power from the souls is seeping out slowly, weakening its walls and fueling the hauntings in the fog. The fog itself comes from somewhere underneath the City, but not from the Well. The fog is just a conduit, a medium for the Souls to inhabit...

I stood underneath the vortex, holding the crystal shard you gave me, above my head, its sharp end pointing towards the centre. Lightning from the centre of the vortex connected with the shard, and I buried it in the ground. The hole in the sky has become smaller... the sparks continue to connect the vortex with the shard in the ground."

"Well done, Crunchyfrog!" applauded D-Lotus.

"....Wait! " Solus's eyes quivered again, as more words came from her mouth. "It won't hold for long. The soul power has only been diverted downwards, instead of out into the fog. The ground is here breaking up due to the opening of the Well - soon this Realm will be no more... I fear then the Soul Well above me will explode..."

This further confirmed Lebrenth's fears, and Lotus's story.

Solus's eyes then flickered, and refocussed.
D watched Jez take care of her as she sat up and came to her senses. Crunchyfrog had left her, and was still in the Realm of Dead IFians.

D looked around at the councillors, as more hands rose, to indicate their acceptance of his proposal.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Din rose her hand immediately. It wouldn't be easy, she thought, trying to convince Lordy to help them when he could just as easily help or be the greater evil. She puzzled over Crunchy's words for a moment. It was true that since she had returned to If she hadn't been completly herself, with only half her mod powers, and a quarter of the half of her shadow skills, Din had not even been able to use the Near Shadowed If transportation system.

But as long as she was using Brithil as her body, she could access all of Brithil's skills, as well as what little remains of her own since death.

Swinging off the rough shadow-cloaked she made earlier, Din heard a loud gasp followed by whispers behind her. Watching the shadow fall and fly away to the places from where it had been taken, she smiled.

"Dinranwen," D said his voice adoubly shaking and his eyes the size of sauce pans, "You don't have a cloak on."

"Chill, D" Rai said, "It's just Brithil. Din's borrowing one of her rpg forms to appear in If until she can get back to her body. Sheezz. You think they never saw a girl before."

Reaching back to the expandable staff Brithil perfered, Din twirled it experimentally. "I'm in complete disguise, and I have the skills of my RPG character in place of my own. So, what do you want me to do? Point and I'm there," Din finished her smile expanding wickedly.

Looking around the group, D counted the hands raised. Dinranwen, Smudger, Kalanna, Lebrenth, Ideamaster.... he noted that even Polokin had indicated his agreement. He turned to Solus and Jez.

Neither had put their hands up, and neither had yet spoken their piece at the meeting.

Jez, however, was more concerned with the welfare of his sister, who still seemed to be murmuring incoherently to herself, or perhaps to someone...something else... she seemed agitated, defensive almost.

"...What happened to me?.....but you do....tell me now!....What? I thought, How?...Permission?.....I'm still your superior...."

Jez could make out some other occasional words, but none of it made sense.

Suddenly, Solus shivered, then stiffened abruptly, looking up at Jez.

"Hey Jez - I'm fine," she muttered, shaking his hand off her shoulder. "What - what did..." She stopped, and started murmuring to herself again.

..."No!!...He's my brother...I dont....I....Just go away, leave me alone for a bit...I need to rest...."

"Solus...?" Obviously Jez was having doubts about whether she really was fine.
"Yeah. Don't worry about me." The question about what had happened during her being used as a medium between the Realm of Dead IFians and her friends came to mind again, but she pushed it back. She would ask herself later, but she really wasn't in the mood right now.

"Well?" asked D Lotus, still waiting for Jez and Solus' decisions.

Jez snapped back to the Council Meeting agenda.

"Wait - Solus may not have been aware of the conversation you had with Crunchyfrog just now..." he said defensively, clutching his book "The Treasures of IF" even closer to his chest.

"Um..." Solus hesitated and glanced at everyone around her.

Right now, she just wanted to be alone, in the archives. Right now, she wanted to sleep.
But then again, she had just sleep recently. Lately, she had been becoming more and more insomniatic, hardly sleeping. So this much in such a short time?
She shook herself.
/Stay awake, Dammit!/
Concentrating to stop herself from shaking, Solus stood up and leaned against a nearby tree. Somehow, she felt more comfortable here, and not so nauseous.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kalanna pushed her huge head through the group and got right into Jez's personal space.

"It's a majority vote." she said. "Either you both say your piece now, if you think it is going to change things, or we close the meeting now, and act based on D-Lotus's revelations. Which is it to be?"

Rai glared down at Jez, about ready to rip his head off, when she noticed her own irrational behavior and throttled the urge to kill back into her psyche. Shaking her head she snorted, what was happening to her to them? It dawned on her.

"The fog is charged with the power of the souls and, to an extent, manifests their will. Supposedly this power is being siphoned off but...we're all beings sensitive to magic here. What if we're all being affected by the wills of the dead?"

Realizing just how dangerous the situation was about to become Rai decided to lay everything she had on the table.

She took the massive gem from around her neck and gazed at it with a sigh. Was she really going to do this? Looking back at Jez and the book he was hugging like a baby, and back at the rest of the council she extended her right forepaw. "I'd like to shake all your hands goodbye."

"What?" D looked like he was about to explode and the color drained from several faces.

"I'm afraid I cannot join you in convincing Lordy, nor can I aid you in restoring Idea Master."

"Why?" asked D again.

Rai again gazed into the depths of the gem.

"Because now I know there are suddenly two gateways that have been momentairly opened, gateways I need to go through before they shut. If, by some miracle of cosmic humor I survive, I will join you in the assault on the well itself."

She looked around the circle of mods, realizing that even should she succeed they would probably kill her later. "Good bye, and good luck."

With that the dragoness faded out of existance....

D-Lotus stamped his foot in frustration, pulling at his hair as he watched powerlessly the dragoness dissapear. The waving leaves seemed to mock him.

"Always! Always the same! She always leaves with absolutely no explanation, off on her own thing..." He exclaimed, exasperated. He turned towards the somewhat preoccupied mods.

"I guess we'll have to trust her. We have no option."

Jez raised his hand to speak

"What if its all part of Lordy's plan?"

"I don't think so." said Leb, "The truth is too troublesome for plots of that kind."

"Well, we'll have to divide the mission." said D-Lotus, calming down visibly. "Half the group should deter Lordy, and the other half should journey to the Realm of Dead IFians, to see what can be done. Any volunteers?"

Grabbing Smudger forcefully, Din raised her other hand. In her Brithil disguise, dressed in a green dress overlaid with silver chain armor, Brithil didn't like anyone to mess with. If, of course, you ignored the fact that not only was she bare footed, 4 foot 7 in, and ridocolously slender. In fact Brithil looked like someone who could easily become someone's lunch.

"Smudge and I," Din said looking pointedly at Smudger, "Will take the Dream Chamber. It's close to one of the major openings of the soul well so if anything goes wrong in that district, we will be close by. Besides, the Dream Chamber will place us closer to our bodies."

Beginning to walk off as she dragged Smudger behind her, Din paused after only a few steps and turned.

"Would someone please remind what I'm suppose to do again?"
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

D looked around at Din, and indicated for her to wait.

"You need to journey to the Dream Chamber from the Realm of Dead IFians, if you're to get reunited with your bodies. " he replied. "That is what Crunchy's words were. Besides, you are most needed in that Realm, right now - there you will have access to the Soul Well, maybe get those displaced Dead IFians back where they belong, and you will be in the right place to journey back to the Dream Chamber to reunite your soul with your body."

"D is right." added Lebrenth. "If you go directly to the Dream Chamber from here, the body you are borrowing will succumb to the mists, and fall into a deep sleep. I know, I've tried it."

"Indeed." continued Jez. "I had to revive him using my special tonics at the TI. And it was not pleasant..."

"What about getting me to my mansion?" asked IM.
"IM, you turned your mansion into a fortress, and unless your memory curse is broken, there's no way you'll remember how to pass that security." replied D. "There is only one route in that is unguarded, and that is the tunnel I took to get here... Only it goes via the Dream Chamber."

Everyone groaned.

"However..." continued D, "to get out, I used a gas mask. There are three gas masks at the tunnel entrance. Sasuke, Crunchyfrog and I used them when we exited IM's house, some hours ago. So three people can go safely to IM's house through that tunnel that takes you via the Dream Chamber. From IM's house there is a hole going directly to the Realm of Dead IFians. I vote that Smudge, Din and IM should travel that way. IM can then do whatever he needs, and after that Din and Smudge can travel to the Realm of Dead IFians through the hole in IM's drawing room floor."

At that moment, there was a sudden scuffle, and the sound of a glass bottle being kicked, and a winged figure could be seen running away.

"What was that?" asked Smudger.

They were unaware that the figure was, in fact, Christalnightshade, a relative newbie, who was very much struggling with her own problems related to the Greater Evil.

The bottle rolled to Jez's feet. It had a stopper in it, and a label. Scrawled across it in hurried handwriting, it said 'Greater Evil Gas. Beware, split personalities.'

He read the label out loud. Everyone looked stunned.

"Looks like this needs analysing..." he announced. " the equipment back at the TI..."

D nodded his agreement for Jez to return to the TI. He turned to the rest.

"Lebby, Solus, you're with me. We're off to find Lordy." As he said this, D picked up the jester hat, that had been forgotten by Kalanna. He looked at the two scrawled messages attached to it, and scratched his head. "I only hope that we can find him in time"

"Can I come with you too?" asked Polokin.

"Of course." replied D. "Okay, let's go!"

"Wait a minute!" shouted Lebrenth. "Everyone - synchronise your Mod rings. We need to be in constant contact with each other throughout this..."

Lebrenth, Jez and Solus synchronised. Smudger and Din were without theirs, but where they were ultimately headed, they would not be able to use them anyway.

And with that, the group split up.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 21 - Journey to IdeaMaster's House

Nodding to D, Din or rather Brithil gently took IM's hand. She wasn't sure exactly how much of his memory he had regained, but the last thing she needed was to lose the holder of the games district and subsequently the Idearium Mines in the city with half-a-memory.

"Don't worry IdeaMaster, we will get you back to yourself no time," she said, as reassuringly as she could.

Using the other hand to corral Smudge, Dinranwen led the group through Jester Park, on the start of their journey towards IdeaMaster's house.

Keeping a firm hold on both Smudge and IM was no small task, but with Smudge more often absent in mind though present in body of late, she couldn't afford to lose him either. Besides, Din had a feeling she was going to need all of the help she could get.

However, the itch on the back of neck that had been bothering her ever since before she'd been 'killed' by Rai, was getting worse and the short cut Din planned on using through Jester Park was turning disastrous. Apparently something had gone terribly wrong in aHem with both her and Rai missing from action.

Mysterous creatures in odd shapes, colors, and worse horrifing clowns beyond imaginings were bombarding the tourist groups attracted to the heat-warped rides in Jester Park.

"Oh, Din," Smudge said from behind her, "Aren't you going to do anything about this?"

"No, why?" Din said, pushing past an orange fuzzy thing with purple spots that had only one eye and a giant horn on it's face.

"I mean aren't you curious about what's going on?"

"Strangely, no." Din said pausing as she waited for a mob of two legged pink elphants to pass. The creatures were heading for the breaking-up council meeting, but Din didn't bother with that. "We are going to IM's house. We have more important things to do than to explore or clean right now. Besides, isn't this chaos just a wee bit fun?!?" Din said laughing loudly.

"Yeah, but oh Din?" IM said looking in front of them as Din turned to idly watch a group of men dressed as women explode a sweet tart.

"Yes, IM dear?" Din said idly looking towards the Idea Master.

"We may have a problem." IM said pointing in front of them.

In front of them a large hole had been blasted in the old Laboratory, and even as they watched monstrosities with horrible senses of humor were pouring out of the hole. Smiles split across the monsters faces as they saw the group of mods trying to make their way through Jester Park.

"Ah drats," Din said as realized to late that she was going in the wrong way after all, "There goes my short cut."

They were suddeny taken by surprise, as a feisty IFian suddenly landed from nowhere, on the ground in between Din's party and the oncoming attackers.

"Well, isnt utter chaos a bitch?" she smiled. "Could I be of some assistance, mistress of shadows?" Lilith smiled, turning to face the party of monsters. She then erected an energy barrier, which appeared to be impenatrable to the likes of these foes.

"What are you doing?" Din asked, a little perplexed.

"Holding them off so you can get away! Now go, and hurry! This is very taxing!" Lilith replied, sweating a little as the monsters attacked the barrier.

Without hesitating, Din took off with Smudger and Idea Master. Once they were off to safety, Lilith released the barrier and conjured a quarterstaff.

She smiled menacingly. "Let's dance, beasties!"

Meanwhile, Din, Smudger, and, IM reached the entrance to the tunnel where the masks had been left.

"Okay, guys. Here goes," said Dinranwen, and with that, she applied a mask to each of them and they travelled off together towards the Dream Chamber.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Through her mask, Din looked back and waved at Lilith, who continued to singlehandedly fight back the monsters and abominations that attempted to follow them. Grabbing Smudger's hand with her left, and IM's hand with her right, and making sure that their masks were both secure, she stepped into the grotto at the edge of the park, and found the hole in the ground that led down to the tunnel that led towards the Dream Chamber.

The gentle white whisps of mist swirled around their calves as they walked carefully along the dimly lit tunnel. It was quite wide, and serenely peaceful. The mists became thicker, until they could see it billowing out from an opening on the right, and some greenish light glowing.

"This must be it..." came IM's muffled voice from inside his mask.
Smudger nodded, his footsteps hesitating.
The diminutive figure of Brithil led the way, pausing at the entrance. Dare they look? With the masks on, they would be safe.

From the entrance, she could just about make out the white furry figure of Shady Stoat, curled up in the corner. And Muaddib...Reiso... RavenWing... familiar figures of people she had seen down in the Realm of Dead IFians. And then she gasped.

A small, hunchbacked figure could clearly be seen in the shallow mists lying on his side... and beside him, in an area not as well lit by the green light, her own familiar cloaked shape...

"Smudger, its....its us!"

IdeaMaster pointed to two other bodies, just behind those of Dinranwen and Smudger. One, a young half human, half dragon, sleeping peacefully, and another, of a small, round bellied greenish figure with long thin limbs, dressed in loose green clothing.

"Crunch... and .... Sasuke?" said Dinranwen. "I thought only Crunch went to the Realm.... Maybe Sasuke got caught in that explosion with the green smoke... hmmm."

"And the only way we can get back into those bodies is to go back to the Realm of Dead IFians and go direct to the Dream Chamber from there?" asked Smudger.

"Somehow, as Souls, yes...I guess...." shrugged Din. "I guess it will all become clear one we're there."

"We must keep going." said IM, turning away from the entrance to the Dream Chamber, and continuing down the tunnel. "D said that the entrance to my mansion was this way, and that there was an entrance from there, directly to the Realm of Dead IFians."

They continued along the tunnel, until it began to rise. It gradually got steeper and steeper, until it became too steep to climb. The ropes that had been left by D, Crunchy and Sasuke on their exit from IM's mansion many hours ago, happily, were still hanging from the opening in IM's floor at the top. They each grabbed hold of one, and began to climb.

As they emerged from the hole in the floor, IM looked around the room. It all seemed so familiar, and yet, so alien at the same time. He saw what could be a computer, so he went up to it. "Computer," he said, not really expecting a response.

He got one, though. The liquid crystal screen lit up. Voice analysis confirmed. Iris match confirmed. Please place right hand on screen.

IM carefully put his hand on the screen, which flashed quickly. Processing...Fingerprint match confirmed. Thy bidding, master?

IM was vaguely shocked, but plowed on nonetheless. "I have lost my memory. Help in regaining it would be appreciated."

There was a whooshing noise to IM's left. A section of the wall rotated to reveal a small cylindrical chamber. The screen lit up again. Memory restoration pod now active. Please enter.

"Also," IM said, "I have two friends here that must get to the Realm of Dead IFians."

Two sets of over-the-face glasses were ejected. Place these over your eyes and you should be able to see the installed stairwell.

IM handed the glasses to Dinranwen and Smudger, who obediently put them on, and then faced the memory restoring chamber. "Here goes nothing," he muttered, and entered the chamber.

Just as he was about to close and activate the memory chamber, there was a buzzing sound, coming from inside a cupboard on another wall. IM stopped, and curiously went over to find out what it was. On opening it, he found that it was a robe closet, with another set of robes hanging inside. The buzzing was coming from within the robes. Quickly, he located the source of the sound, and pulled out from the robes, a ring... his Mod ring. On it was an image of Jez's face.

IM froze, "What is, whatsyourname.... Jez?"

Jez voice was sounding urgent. He had found an interesting thing within the bottle. "IM I found that the bottle does contain gas as written on the paper, the half of the bottle is scorched by fire and I found Chinarenn's fingerprints on it"

"But Chinaren is not about. So how did the bottle find its way to the Council meeting?"

"That you'll have to find out some other way IM"....

IM looked up, and he noticed a gas bottle stuck into a pipe. It looked almost exactly the same as the one found at the meeting...

"Jez we have a problem, there seems to be a bottle of that gas planted in here... One wonders where else these bottles might be lying"...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Holding Jez, stepping on Pad to regain memory." IM stepped on the pad and there was a bright flash but when IM immerged he looked just the same except for a evil sparkle and the smile of revenge planted on his face. "When I get to Lordy..."

"What's that?" Jez's voice crackled again.

"Never mind." Im said quickly, "We have to deactivate and remove these bottles before they go off. I may not know what they do but I don't want to find out."

"And how exactly are we going to do that pray tell?" Jez said sacrasm rining in his voice.

"Don't know but I'll come up with something," IM said before shutting down the line of communcation between him and Jez. Turning toward where Din and Smudge stood, IM jumped in surprise, "Din, Smudge, what are you doing here? Why didn't you go down to the Realm of Dead Ifians?"

"I had an odd feeling you may need our help, and blast it if I wasn't right." Din said pushing up her sleeves. "It seems to me what you need is some assistance."

"Yes, No." IM stuttered uncertainly.

Taking that for a yes, Din frowned, "Stand back, I'm not sure if this is going to work. I haven't exactly done it before."

Striding over to the nearest shadowy corner, Din reached in and twisted and twisted again, then pulled. Nothing.

Reaching further into the shadow, Din stuck out her tongue in concertration and repeated what she did before this time muttering something under her breath.

There was a pop and a bumb as Din landed on her backside, and two figures sailed across the room barely catching themselves before crashing into the far wall.

"It worked. It really worked." Din said clapping her hands exicedtly in between rubbing her sore bum. Her enegy soon vanished however as she turned an unbecoming sickly pale color. "Man I'm tired. But it worked."

Across the room rubbing their bruises, Lilith and ChristalNightShade were looking really confused.

"Well, we're off." Leaving IM to figure out to do with his new 'help'. Din and Smudger began to descend the long stair to the Realm of Dead Ifians.

As they watched Dinranwen and Smudger descend down the stairwell, IM opened a panel on the wall, and pressed a discreet button. The two holes in the floor, the one curving away to the Dream Chamber, and the one leading directly to the Realm of Dead IFians closed without a trace of ever being there. He looked around at his new companions.

Lilith looked to be friendly, but Christalnightshade appeared to be insane. One minute looking quite demure in her demeanour, the next looking completely deranged. He vaguely remembered seeing her at the New Years party, and she didn't seem to have her head completely screwed on then.

"So what's your story?" he asked, warily.

"Umm, well..." Crady's eyes rolled a little, in different directions, "My name is Crady. Or Nightshade. Or ChristalNightshade. Whatever you prefer. I remembered the New Year party, and the amazing light show...the drinks...mmmm...."

"Yes, yes, get on with it..."

"There was an explosion... I got sent crashing through all the walls of Chinaren's mansion and then through a window... I found myself lying on this mound, and...well, IF is a complete state. What happened? I am not sure what day it is, really." she giggled, slightly too manically for IM's liking.

"Mmmm, but methinks something has come over me, I have been doing things I don't normally do, sampling drinks, cigarettes, I set something on fire in the ruins of Chin's mansion ...Accidentally of course, and I suppose it didn't matter seeing as Chin's place is pretty much toast already...Ah, why did I wake up? Why am I so bored to go in search of missing people? Where is everyone? Why am I speaking to myself? Aieeeeee!!"

Lilith and IM glanced at one another.

"Mmmmm, then I noticed this glass bottle, that said Greater Evil Gas, warning, side effects, Split personalities! Woohoo!"

IM shook his head despairingly.

"Anyway, boredom took over, so I went to look for some people, and discovered your meeting going on in the Park... But I kind of felt a bit out of place there, so I left again. I took the bottle with me, I dunno why... Anyway, I seem to have lost it now."

She pouted.

"Then I went off in search of more people, and all of a sudden, I dont know I am!"

IM sarcastically thanked Din under his breath for this. What had he just been landed with ?

He opened communication with JezSharp again.

"Jez, how close are you to completing your analyasis of the actual gas itself?"

"Um, well, so far, I've exposed it to two rats, a hamster and a lizard, one of the rats is playing poker with the lizard, the hamster is pole dancing, the other rat is threatening to sue for cruelty to animals. "

"Yeah, but what about the actual gas itself?" inquired IM.

"Something parasitical. Seems to leach something from the brain. Dont know. I have it under a microscope now..."

Jez's face appeared on the mod ring screen in a bright pink full anti-contamination bodysuit.

"Well, be quick about it," said IM. "I'm locked in my mansion with Crady. I do believe she is under the influence of the gas, and it doesn't look good..."
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 22 - Rai's Sacrifice

Rai padded down a long hallway, tounge flicking out to test the air, periodically stopping to consult her map. What she was looking for was dead ahead. Noticing a subtle difference in the taste of the air, Rai stopped peering into the noon bright darkness. Another round chamber much like the one that had sent Din into the Realm of Dead IFians.

Rai stopped, nervous for a moment. "If I'm wrong about this even the slightest...I'm so dead." She closed her eyes for a moment of mental preparation. Then, as they snapped open, she lunged forward. There was a slight pop and it felt like every nerve in her body was frying but she made it...just barely. "Thank all ye powers...and thank you Crunchy and Sasuke. Without your sacrifices none of this would have been possible."

Reaching out she took the hunk of silk wrapped flesh from it's space on the plinth and placed it in her gem. "Flesh of the present...that makes two."

Rai forced herself to stay on her feet, her legs wobbling under her like never before. She laughed. "In this condition a half trained stable-boy with a moderately sharp kitchen knife could deal me some serious damage." Luckily no such person was anywhere near her present local...nobody was near her present local.

Looking at her gem she ground her fangs. She'd have to fold IFspace once again to shave enough time off of her journy to make her next destination in time. "What a bitch." Here she was running low on sleep, low on power after restoring Key, low on paitence, and low on time. The only thing she still had plenty of was tricks up her sleeve. Still, thanks to the mod gem's power, she managed to make the necessary fold and get through it in one piece.

Reaching the other side though she was panting like she'd just been fighting off three Terrasques. "Hell...that would almost be easy at this point compared to this shit..." Another circular chamber, much like the one she'd just come from and the one she'd shoved Din into, waited for her.

It seemed to be mocking her own weakness...laughing at seeing the dragoness laid low. That sparked an anger Rai harbored in her darkest heart. "DO NOT MOCK ME!" With a roar that turned heads all across the city and shook the unstable ground, the dragoness lunged forward. There was a flash as the defensive spells tried for their kill. Scales were stripped from Rai's skin, spines cracked, feathers tore free from her wings, and blood spattered the stones under her as she landed in an ackward heap with the crunch of splintering bones.

Just before her lay another thing on a plinth, a shard of ivory bone encased in crystal. With the shaking talons of her right forepaw, her good forepaw at this point, she plucked the thing free and consinged it to join the other two items in the red gem around her neck. "Bone of the end...finally I've got them all."

Summoning what might well be the last of herself, Rai ripped open a hole in time and hurled the gem through. Collapsing in on herself the dragoness could only vainly hope that her future self was around to catch it...if not...well at least it'd be safe. "As long as I'm actually there...please let me be there..."

Blood pooled around her form as the time hole closed. Giving a long sputtering cough Rai stared in horror at the bright blood on her talons. A darkness rose up and her head hit the floor...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 23 - Chinaren Hall

Lebby waited patiently, as D-Lotus closed his eyes and concentrated. Now that the Private Investigator's sleuthing skills had returned, he was giving D as much time and space as possible to reach out with his spider senses, trying to locate Lordy, whilst Lebby kept watch for trouble.

The two of them, along with Polokin and Solus were huddled in a side passage between two tall buildings on the edge of the Nobs district, not far from Jester Park. When they had left Jester they had seen Lilith assist Dinranwen, IM and Smudger escape the rampaging monsters and clowns, and Lebby hoped that they had reached the tunnel to the Dream Chamber safely. He had not heard from IM yet. Pulling his Cloak of Forboding around him, Lebby looked down at Solus, who seemed to be weakening with every moment, whispering, seemingly to herself. He was concerned with her condition.

Looking around him, he noticed that although the swirling fog of souls had become still, coinciding with Crunchyfrog's temporary 'plugging' of the Soul Well, that had stopped more souls seeping out into it, he could still hear shouts of rioters echoing in other streets not far away. There had to be more to the cause behind their behaviour than just the fog, he found himself reasoning.

D-Lotus drew breath, and opened his eyes.

"Well?" asked Lebby.

D shook his head.

"Nothing." he sighed. "I cannot locate Lordy anywhere. Maybe I'm not up to full strength yet..."

Lebby tapped his mod ring.

"Jez?" he muttered. Jez's face shimmered into view.

"What? I'm busy!" came the reply. "I'm in the middle of analyzing the Greater Evil Gas. I heard from IM. They got to his mansion safely, but apparently another bottle of the stuff was discovered there. Who knows how many more of them have been scattered about the city. From my analysis so far I would bet that it has had a LOT to do with Kalanna's very overbearing behaviour recently, and maybe even the rioting..."


Polokin, Lebby and D listened intently.

"I'm doing some final tests, before working on an antidote." continued Jez.

"Jez, we need your help, with finding Lordy. " said D, into Lebby's ring. "You had the map, right? We need to find the most likely place that Lordy might be... "

Jez appeared to be racking his brain. "I recall a certain point on the map that seemed to significant... now what was it?"

"Well, come on then! We're running low on information at the moment and we need to find Lordy before his plan commences!" Lebby shouted at Jez through the ring's image of him.

"Gimme a minute!" Jez's face shimmered and wavered as he tried to recall the area on the map that had been marked important... it had been originally so insignificant...what was it? Maybe he should tell them about the fake in the repository and then placing the real one in Chinaren's chair...

"Okay, I can't exactly remember at the moment where that spot is on the map but I do know where you can find the REAL one." Jez stated, looking nervous. "I placed it in China's chair back in City Council Hall...."

D-Lotus looked down to his left, and noticed a familiar looking bottle laying on the ground nearby, the glass cracked, and a vapour escaping from it, and noticed a strange look coming over Lebby.

He grabbed Lebby's hand, and spoke into the ring.

"Jez, we've got to get out of here. We'll head for City Council Hall and look for the map, but that's a little way from here. If you can, please give us some ideas on where we really should be headed.

The city is too dangerous to be in for long, and we may not have time to go snooping about City Council Hall looking for a map. This gas is clearly starting to have an effect on Lebby..."

"Okay okay!!" came the reply. "I'll check the copies I made on my computer when I get a moment, and I'll look up some references in this book, too. But right now, sorting out this antidote to the gas takes priority..." replied Jez.

"Understood." replied D.

Facing Lebby, he jerked his head in the direction of the next street.

"Come on." he said.

Polokin helped Solus to her feet, and the foursome moved on.

~ ~ ~

A purple coloured hole opened in the steaming remains of what was once Chinaren's public trophy room.

After a moment a dishevelled orange figure shot through, to land on a charred beam. After a few moments the hole in IFspace-time wobbled and collapsed in on itself.

"Ouch," said Chinaren standing up carefully and looking around. He sighed. "Seems I can't leave anything for five minutes without it all going to heck in handbasket. Good job I'm insured."

He walked around, kicking a few burnt items to once side and staring at the floor. Eventually he bent down and pressed something hidden. A trapdoor slid open, revealing stairs leading down.

Taking one last look around, Chinaren climbed in. The door slid closed behind him, as he hurried down the steps to find out what had been happening in his absence.

It took some time for the last 36 hours or so to play back, but at last
the recording Orb fizzled out, and Chinaren sat back and took a deep swig of Gungle Juice special reserve. It seemed that IF really had been going to heck in a handbasket since he had been gone. Ah well, the warehouses and other Chinaren Inc. structures damaged were insured with a top OF insurance house. Might even make a little money out of it.

He stood up and waddled over to a cabinet. He typed in a code, whispered a passwork and put is eye to a tube for a quick retina scan. A drawer slid back, revealing the True map of IF. Poor Jez. Did he really think that he would leave this around to be found by anyone?

Sure, the backup copy Jez had taken had certain sensitive information on, but at least it didn't have the Dark Zone on it, or, well, you know. The Other place.

Chinaren closed the cabinet again, and watched it slide into the floor.

Sighing deeply, Chinaren decided there was no rush. No doubt someone would find out that a good proportion of the councilors were infected by Lost Soul parasites soon enough. The creatures affecting memory, thinking and actions, but were easy enough to get rid of once you knew how.

In the meantime, a shower was in order...

~ ~ ~
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The progress that was being made was slow and methodical. Slow, because Polokin had to support Solus all the way. D-Lotus cursed under his breath, but reflected that Solus might come in handy in case someone decided to speak through her again. Methodical, because the foursome had to constantly dodge the crazed men and women who rampaged through the main street. As soon as they heard cries, they slipped into some corner or side-alley.

At least Solus seems to be good at hiding, thought Lebrenth.

Eventually, they came upon the once-glamorous Mayoral mansion through the swirling fog and gas. It was a skeleton stripped of its flesh, with its windows smashed in and wooden boards barely held on by loose nails. Pieces of wall lay on the ground, and the gaping holes in the house evidenced of their place of birth. Liquids were spilt across the withered grass, giving it a strange color, and pieces of fiberglass and wallpaper floated in the wind. It was a ruin.

And there were guards, placed there in case Chinaren returned. There were six of them, standing on the front doorsteps and drinking alcohol while laughing racously. Ocassionally, one or two of them would get the urge to do something violent, and they began hitting the doorframe or some window with their shovels. Obviously, they'd been there all day, without bothering to enter the mansion. The group stood concealed behind a shed, watching them.

Lebby started speaking into his ring, "Jez, how's the gas coming?"

Jez's voice came across, "I think I have final proof now. The gas has a similar effect as the souls, it makes people violent, although it isn't as powerful as the souls themselves."

"Do you think this was also planned by the evil creature D slayed?" asked Lebrenth, at which D unconsciouly shuddered.

"Maybe. But it could also be Lordy, in his attempts to create further panic. Who knows." said Jez.

"Incidentally, do you happen to have any other kind of gas, to get rid of the thugs standing in front of the Mayoral Mansion?" spoke Polokin, as he held on to Solus.

D-Lotus faced the other three. "Should we take them by force, or does anyone have any other subtle plan?"

As D's eyes shifted first from Solus, to Lebrenth, and then to Polokin, Polokin shuffled from one foot to the other.

He patted the blue luminous sphere in his pocket, the one that BS had given him when they had parted company several hours ago. All he had to do, he'd been told, was to throw it on the ground, and say 'BStheGreat'. He was not quite sure what might happen when he did it, but he supposed it might summon BS somehow.

Somewhere in the city, he knew that BS was still out hunting for D, and probably armed to the teeth, knowing him. And with this gas about, who knows how violent he had probably become. He'd be a perfect ally in this situation, but he'd probably pulverize D before anybody could get an explanation as to what had been going on.

Deciding that enlisting BS's help might not be a good idea after all, he bit his lip and remained silent, staring at the ground.

It was at that point he stood on a loose stone, and slipped, yelping as he grabbed D to regain his balance.

"Shhhh!!!" hissed Lebrenth.

They stood as quiet and as still as possible. But the guards had stopped their alcohol induced laughter.

"What was that? " they heard a voice say quietly.

"Ah, nothing. Probably just rats..." slurred an inebriated second voice.

"Best be sure." said the first, again. "Hey, you, and you. Go and look... Over there, by that shed..."

D-Lotus looked around desperately. “Come on, over here, behind those bushes.”

They scurried over, crouching down behind the shrubs as one of the guards poked around unenthusiastically. After a while he shrugged and looked back. “Mustav been a rat or sumthin’” he slurred.

Safe behind the shrubs for now, they collectively heaved a sigh of relief. Lebrenth took the opportunity to check up on Jez again.

"Any more progress?" he asked.

Jez's face looked down at something out of view on the tiny screen on his Mod ring. He appeared to be doing something... Had Lebrenth known, that Jez was
tipping a few liquids into a grey mixture and releasing it into a tank, for a further experiment, he would have left him alone. Jez tightened his lips and shook his head. The rat playing poker had just cashed in his chips.
"Hmmm, looks like I need more gegin weed and less essence of fungal heervite," muttered Jez, and the display on Lebrenth's Mod ring jiggled about as Jez quickly prepared another mixture. He only had the lizard left. After a while, the expression on Jez's face looked more one of approval and satisfaction.

""Yes I think so, I'm going to start pumping the gas out into the City now, it should counteract the poison...however there may be a slight risk of side effects."

"What do you mean side effects? How many of the test subjects survived?"

"Well one," Jez admitted reluctantly trying to ignore Lebrenths gasp, "but it should be fine, the lizards back to normal now...well almost," Lebrenth's voice was almosta whisper as he repeated the words, "almost?"

"Yeah, he's grown a beard and an extra set of arms...but the side affects probably different for Ifians...anyway there's no more time unless we all want to go mad so I'll take a large batch of the stuff to the ventilation station and feed it across the City."

"A... beard? An extra set of arms!? Are you insane already, Jez?" Lebrenth queried.

"Hey, it's all we've got at the moment! Do you want to stop this madness or not?" Jez retorted, already busily working away.

Lebrenth bit his lower lip. This could be catastrophic! On the other hand, it is our only weapon at the moment!

" I know I am going to regret this later, but proceed, Jez and then meet up with us later. " Lebrenth took a deep breath.

"No problem," grinned Jez. "There are some vents across the city that are used to take flood water from the streets. Since it's not raining I'll get my trolls to release them into the network from underground. Seems a a good way to let the gas out into open spaces where it is most needed. As for the side effects, well, they should be minor, and I can deal with finding an antidote to later. Meanwhile..." he waved a rolled up piece of paper in front of the ring so that Lebby could see it ..."I'll bring you a map. And maybe some gas masks too. You're near China's mansion, right?"

"Yes, Hurry!"
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"What's up?" D-Lotus asked, who was more concerned about the guards around the remains of Chinaren's mansion, and had not paid any attention to the conversation between Lebrenth and JezSharp.

"Well, he has a gas to counteract the effects of the Greater Evil Gas, but.... it may have side-effects. And, I don't think they're going to be pleasant. I could be wrong, you never know.." Lebrenth trailed off and focused on Polokin contemplating a blueish orb once again.

D sighed and leaned back. His hand knocked on the ground with a thump. “Hello,” he said. “What’s this?”

He scrabbled about, pushing back the earth, to uncover a trap door hidden under the soil.

“A secret entrance!” Exclaimed Polokin. “Of course, Chinaren would have a bolt hole.”

“Keep an eye out for the guards,” said D as he fiddled about with the lock. “Help me here Lebby.”

D and Lebrenth tugged and twisted with the hidden door, and eventually succeeded in forcing the lock. The hatch pulled open with a hiss of air to reveal a narrow staircase hidden in the earth.

“Come on!” Said Lebrenth.

One by one, carefully and slowly they descended. Polokin closed the door gently behind them.

The stairs wound down for several minutes, a blue light illuminating the way, making it seem they were under water.

Eventually it leveled off into a passageway with a single door at the end. They approached it and looked at each other.

“May as well,” said Lebby, and pushed.

The door swung open onto a sumptuously furnished room. At the far end, next to a large leather chair and near another door, Chinaren stood with a large orange bath towel wrapped around him. He looked up startled and then dived through the door with a squeak, slamming it behind him.

D-Lotus looked at Polokin, who shrugged.

Various curses and clattering noises emanated from beyond the door. Finally it went quiet and Chinaren’s voice issued forth.

“Ah, excuse me. You are early. I don’t suppose you would mind going out and coming back in again would you?”

D looked around. Polokin sighed, Lebrenth pointed at his temple and moved his finger round in circles. Solus stood and looked at the wall blankly. They shuffled out and closed the door in silence.

After a moment of standing in the hallway, Lebrenth opened the door again, and they filed back into the room.

All appeared to be the same, except the leather chair was now facing away from them. Smoke curled into the air above it.

“Ah, gentlemen, and lady of course. This is a pleasure. Come in do, I have been expecting you.”

The chair swiveled round, to reveal Chinaren enclosed in the folds. He was wearing a bright orange silk robe with the Chinaren Inc. logo embossed on it. In one hand a cigar was revealed to be the source of the smoke. The other hand stroked a white animal of some kind curled up in his lap.

“Chinaren!” Said D. “Where have you been? Key is missing, Smee is time traveling and IF has been going to hell!”

“Indeed my dear D, indeed. It seems that things are a little further on than I anticipated.”

“You anticipated?” Lebrenth repeated. “Do you mean this is all your plan?”

Chinaren lifted a finger. “No, no of course not. It seems that during my unexpected excursion to places strange and bewildering* things have become a little… disorganized. Never mind, I am sure everything will work itself out somehow.”

“You mean you knew this was going to happen? For the love of IF man! Why?”

Chinaren stroked his animal and puffed on his cigar once before answering. “Elementary my dear Lotus. Fables.”

“Fables?” Polokin stepped forward. “You mean this was all about money?”

Chinaren held his finger up. “For the good of the economy. Admittedly, some people would be slightly inconvenienced, but think! What comes after chaos? Rebuilding. And rebuilding means jobs, work. Fables re-entering the city. People would profit. Things would be built, IF would be revitalized.”

“You let the souls out on purpose?”

Chinaren made a tutting sound. “I didn’t let them out my dear Lebby. I merely set a chain of events in motion.”

“Look at the anarchy it has caused!” Shouted D. “This was your plan?”

Chinaren waved a hand. “Oh, I know. The plan wasn’t for all this to happen. Once some of the Souls were loose I planned to step in and seal the gap. However, I was sucked into another place, and everything went too far.”

“Great,” said Lebrenth. “So, what is your plan now then?”

“Well, I was rather thinking of a light lunch, followed by a nap. You seem to have everything under control. There is no need for me to go running about like a loony now, is there?”

They all stared.

“Hey, is that a stuffed cat?” asked Polokin.

Chinaren blushed, though this couldn’t be seen under his hair. “Ah.. Well. It’s just easier you know? Cat’s need feeding and everything, not to mention the mess.” He changed the subject. “So, is there anything you need from me? If you would hurry, my soup is getting cold.”
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lebrenth regarded Chinaren with distaste.

"When will you overcome your greediness, Chinaren?" he asked.

Chinaren laughed, as his orange fur shook in rythm. He took another puff of his cigar.

"Well, what are you going to ask of me?" he said in a condescending tone, instead of answering Leb.

"Look here, China, I think there's something very important we need to know." Said D, grimacing as the mayor continued slowly petting the immobile cat.


"Where is Lordy, and how can we reverse the effects of the souls?" finished D.

"Hmmm..." meditated Chinaren, as his hand finally relented from his grotesque pet.

"I have no idea where Lordy is," replied Chinaren. "I told you, I was whisked away and things seem to have got out of hand. It's really a bit careless of you, losing all these people."

He took another drag of the cigar and blew some smoke rings. "As for the Soul Well. You need some Soul Salve. Idea Master was keeping it for me, just ask him where to find it. Surely that can't be a problem, can it?"

Lebrenth was not one to give up so easily, they must find Lordy. He opened his mouth to say something profound but stopped suddenly. He drew his Cloak of Foreboding open to reveal an abysmal hole that seems as limitless as oblivion. Of course, it’s just an illusion. He put his hand in the large pocket and pulled out a small manual entitled, “So you want to be a moderator?” He thumbed through it. Chinaren coughed and tapped his claws on the arm of his chair.

“Ah ha! Right here,” Lebrenth said, holding the book open for him. A trail of cigar smoke curls out of Chinaren's right nostril as his brow contracts and looks down. It’s open to the “Moderator Ring” section. He was able to read the large chapter heading anyway. Chinaren’s vision was still a little intoxicated, so the rest of the page was rather blurry.

“Understood?” Lebrenth said smugly.

“Er… of course, but what does that have to do with me?”

Lebrenth looked to make sure he was pointing to the right section… which he was….

“Um… well, every moderator was given a ring or similar item when they took their duties, but with the understanding that as long as they possess the mod power, their location would show on the Master Map of IF.”

“What of it?” Chinaren acknowledged in an aura of smoke.

“We need to find Lordy now! You hardly need to lift a finger, just show us the map!”

Chinaren chuckled malevolently.

“You think it’s that easy, do you?”

“What do you want? Money?”

“Sure, I can be bought, but some things are beyond price. Even I couldn’t afford what it’s worth.”

“We don’t want to buy it!” D-Lotus insisted, “Just borrow it.”

Chinaren shook his head.

“Ah come on, just a peek?” Polokin asked, though hardly worried about Lordy… there must be a lot of interesting things on that map. Chinaren stirred only to light a new cigar. “Don’t make us get unpleasant!”

“Unpleasant!” Chinaren repeated menacingly. “I don’t believe you really know the meaning of unpleasant! Perhaps you would like Security to give you a lesson?” he threatened, his finger an inch away from a disguised button. The air burned with intensity as the standoff began. Chinaren’s fierce breath flared his cigar like a demon’s eye. They could feel its heat where they stood as it burned down to a third its size, when suddenly Chinaren lost grip on it, and like a pigeon into a jet turbine the cigar shot into his throat.

For a moment he just stared straight ahead with his mouth open like he was hit on the back of the head. They could see the burning end of the cigar in the back of his mouth. Then the scorching and suffocating really kicked in.

Chinaren ran around like a madman, banging his head against the wall, punching his stomach and throwing himself onto a chair trying, unsuccessfully, to give himself the Heimlich.

The others looked at each other as he raced around frantically.

“What?” said D-Lotus. “Even if we save him he probably won’t give us the map.”

"There's something kind of familiar about this," replied Lebrenth.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lebrenth's Mod ring crackled to life again. This time it was Idea Master's voice, sounding quite distressed.

"I got some shocking news. We've been following traces of magic from the Mage Mountain explosion, trying to find where key went. Well we didn't find Key, but we found Kallana. There's no way to get close enough to be sure, but it looks like she's dead..."

"that's bad!" exclaimed Polokin.

Before anyone else can react, Jez's voice come across the mod channel.

"The antidote has been released, and it looks like it's working. I've reached the streets near Chinaren's mansion, and the rioters are dispersing."

"That's good!" Polokin yells.

Suddenly Solus snaps back into a trance-like state and emits a strange croak.

"If anyone can hear me, listen up." she says in CrunchyFrog's voice "Dinranwen and Smudger have brought the dead IFians back, and they say the lost souls are draining out of the fog. But Muaddib says the realm of the dead can't take much more of the soul well's energy. If this isn't fixed soon, even the dead will have no place to live."

"That's bad."

"Um, guys?" D-Lotus speaks up, "Chinaren's not breathing."

"that's... um," Polokin starts uncertainly.

"That's bad!" Lebrenth yells, snapping into action. He and D-Lotus run to the prone form of Chinaren, leaving Polokin to prop up the still entranced Solus. Together they lift the furry orange mayor and give him what is perhaps the most powerful Heimlich maneuver ever performed.

The still burning cigar flies across the room as Chinaren coughs his way back to life. One small crisis averted, and several large ones looming, Lebrenth, D, and Polokin look at each other in a moment of indecision. The moment is broken by JezSharp bursting through the door, waving a piece of paper over his head.

"I just remembered the map copies I sent out earlier. I pulled this one out of Chinaren's mailbox, it's got the 'important' place marked on it."

"See," Chinaren stands up, pretending for all the world that he had merely chosen to lie down for a while and had never once choked on anything in his life, "You gentlemen have things well in hand, no need to bother me with the details. Besides I doubt using the map to locate Lordy's mod ring would do any good. I have reason to believe it's been separated from him."

"does anyone even know what's important about this place?" Lebrenth asks, "How is this going to help us?"

"I don't know." says D, "But right now it's our only lead."

Lebrenth spoke into his mod ring again. " By the way, Idea Master? Can you get us some Soul Salve for the Soul Well? Chinaren said you were holding some for him AND that it would help with our Soul Well issue."

IM frowned for a moment and began to rummage around for a bit, muttering. After several minutes, Idea Master held up an orange jar that said "Soul Salve". "Yes! I have some! Why didn't I think of that before...Soul Well needs Soul Salve..." IM rabbled off.

"Never mind that! Half of us need to get that to the Soul Well and the other half needs to track down Lordy!" D-Lotus interrupted IM's half-concious comments. "Now who's going where?"

Polokin ventured his opinion, "How about Solus and Lebrenth go to the Soul Well." He put his hand on the blue orb in his pocket at this point... Me and D can track Lordy down."

Lebrenth and D nodded in unison. Polokin let Lebrenth carry the still entranced solus down the tunnel. He stopped near the end and tried to get solus up the ladder. He stumbled and cursed a few times but finally succeeded. He looked back at chinaren, D and Polokin.

"Good luck!" D said, the words resounding off the walls.

"You too!" Lebrenth shouted back.

Lebrenth climbed out of the tunnel and he was out of sight.

"Well, I'll be going now, I have to finish some... Business..." chinaren suddenly said with a smirk on his face. He turned and left, closing the door behind him.

D turned to Polokin. "Polokin, is there anything you want to talk to me about? You've been acting very strangely since the Council meeting.

Polokin flinched. Had it been that obvious?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polokin sighed. He guessed at some point he would have to tell his story.

"...The morning of New Years Day, BStheGreat approached me with an offer I couldn't refuse, to assist him in tracking you down and killing you," he began.

D raised an eyebrow, but motioned for Polokin to continue.

"Ever since, I have been following you through the city, until hearing your revelations at the council meeting, I decided to reveal myself, and offer my assistance to you, understanding the reasons behind your torturing BS."

The expression on Polokin's face then darkened as he went on... "However, the more time I have had to think, the more fantastical and ridiculous I think your story is. And now, upon hearing Chinaren's version, that it was in fact HE that started releasing the souls, and for a totally different purpose..."

At this point he raised the hand that was clutching the blue orb...

"...I have decided to summon BS now to finish the job. Lotus, it was good knowing you... "

He threw the orb at the floor, ready to call BS's name.

Before it had a chance to hit the floor, Jezsharp, who had just entered the room with a map under his arm, assessed the situation, and, in a manoever of immense swiftness and grace that only elves are capable of, lunged from behind Polokin, and saved it in one hand, sweeping Polokin backwards in the process.

D-Lotus quickly overpowered Polokin, whilst Jezsharp contacted Lebrenth and Solus, urgently asking them to return to help out.

"But I dont understand!" D protested to the struggling Polokin. "You heard my story backed up by IdeaMaster... I saw the evil manifestation attempt to crack open the well with my own eyes, smelt it, even watched it disintegrate as I attempted to slay it... How can you believe Chinaren's story?"

"Because both are true." replied a pathetic little voice from the corner of the room. All three whirled around.

There stood a small, orange furry creature, a minature version, almost, of Chinaren, save for a strange bald spot on his head. He was one of the many servants that worked very hard for a pittance in the mayoral mansion and around the Council Hall.

"Who are you?" they all asked in unison.

"My name is... Oddlybalding." the creature muttered. "But I think I can explain a little..."

D nodded for him to carry on.

"His Masterfulness Chinaren indeed wished to cause a little havoc with a few of the Souls that he excorcised to allow some rebuilding and refurbishment to take place, particularly around the Newbs quarters. For they are, lets face it, slums, and it was a good chance to try out his new Chinaren Inc. Prefab housing." began Oddlybalding.

"He went up to the Soul Well himself early in the evening of New Years Eve, to the pools where he originally cast the Souls. He took one of Key's blitzing tools, and with it, made one of the pools just a little unstable. Not much, but just enough for a few souls to leak out.

He always intended to make sure he reversed it again, but just in case he was unable to, he wanted to make sure somebody else would have the tools to do it. So he told me to find someone called D-Lotus, and give him the Master Map of IF and a crystal shard. He also told me D-Lotus would know what to do."

The others stared at the orange creature, who continued.

"It was just as well, because, after his Masterfulness Chinaren returned from the Soul Well pools, he went to the Party, during which there was an accident at the Mayoral Mansion, and he disappeared. There was also a massive explosion at Smee's house, and Smee and D-Lotus went missing.

So I had to find D-Lotus. I eventually found him, or at least I think I did - I found two people on the cliff ledge outside the labyrinth containing the Wells - I didn't know which one was D-Lotus, so I put the crystal shard in the pocket of one, and stuffed the map down the pants of the other... he was clinging to a tree, you see..."

"Well I'm D-Lotus..." said D. "And the other guy was Crunchyfrog. We lost the map, but I gave the shard to Crunchy and he used it to made a temporary fix on the Soul Well for now."

Oddlybalding visibly relaxed.

"So His Masterfulness Chinaren won't beat me then?" he said hopefully.

"You tell him our story, and he should be pleased you did what he told you." D replied.

At that moment, Lebrenth and Solus re-joined them.

"Problems?" asked Lebby.

"Not any more." replied D, letting go of Polokin, who had also relaxed.

He looked at the map Jez had given him. Sure enough, as Lebrenth's 'So you want to be a Moderator?' handbook indicated, the location of Jez, Solus, Chinaren and Lebrenth's mod rings, could all be clearly seen together in the Nobs district. IdeaMaster was in the vicinity of Mage Mountain, still. Smudger and Dinranwen could not be seen at all, and nor, worryingly, could Kalanna. But Lordy's was clearly visible, and it was right out of town, a mile or so north of the city, and not so far from the place marked 'important'.

"Do we go there?" asked Jez doubtfully. "Chinaren suggested Lordy was separated from his ring."

"It is our only lead." replied D-Lotus. "We may find a clue there. I think we should stick together for now. I have a bad feeling we're going to be up against something very powerful, and we need the power of 3 moderators among us. Come on."
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"To the IFmobile!" cried D-Lotus subsequently, and upon his invocation, the magical energies of IF began converging. First came the sudden, fast-paced music, which was followed by some noises outside. Everyone climbed out in time to watch a car begin to materialize out of nowhere.

"Woah! How'd you do that?" asked Polokin, his mouth hanging open.

"One of the tools of the trade." D hurriedly explained. Lebrenth and Jezsharp furrowed their brow somewhat suspiciously, especially when they began to climb onto the back and spotted an empty license plate. Polokin helped Solus as she struggled inside and sunk into her seat next to him. D inserted the key and the motor revved up.

"Let's go!" shouted everyone except Solus.

The tires screeched and the streets began to move past in a blur as Jez and Lebby calculated Lordy's position.

"To the right, to the right!" yelled Jez. The car made a sharp turn and lurched everyone together.

"Down two streets..." Lebrenth whispered tiredly into D's ear. D stepped onto the gas pedal and the car began to hum with power.

They quickly left the Nobs district, and zoomed out past Jester Park, and through one of the low rent Newb district on the outskirts. As they did so, the fog began to thin, it seemed to be confined to the city itself.

It was at this point, Solus chose that moment to 'wake up' as it were, pulling away from Polokin with a hiss before seeing where she was and blinking suddenly in confusion.
"Solus?" Polokin asked, wondering why she had hissed at him.
"Oh, errrr." She blinked again and looked about her, confusion still showing on her face. "...How did I get here?"
Before anyone could answer though, she shook her head with a sigh.
"I don't suppose it matters. But..." Here she turned to Polokin, "...I think I can manage by myself."
Glancing around Solus pulled herself up in her seat, and slumped back again, rather disproving her point. For a moment her eyes glazed again, but then she blinked and they returned to their normal piercing black.

"Ok, we're getting closer!" shouted Jez excitedly from the passenger seat, as he unfurled the map.

"Get that out of my way!!" yelled D. "I can't see where I'm driving!"

"Head North!" instructed Jez, as they left the city boundary, and went off road now, and bumping across hardened terrain for a mile or two. Ahead of them, and to the east, they could see a forest. "Well, according to this, we are very close to Lordy's ring now..."
A few moments later, the car stopped, smoke trailing after it.

"Wow, what is this place?" asked Polokin.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 24 - Curses Curses!!!

Meanwhile, right underneath the spot marked 'Important' on the master map of IF...

Lordy paced back and forth in his inner sanctum. Damn, damn, and double-damn. Everything was falling around his ears. As the old daemon saying went: The best laid plans are often undone by mortals. He'd just never believed it until now.

IM had not only recovered his memory, but also went out to find what remained of Rai. Fortunately, she was dead, killed off by some old spell or other, but she'd sent her necklace to her future self. She'd somehow gotten herself entangled with Smee's time-travel spell from earlier. All was not lost, however, as her gems would take time to retune themselves to her after her apparent 'death.' If he could nab them soon enough, there was an off chance they'd retune to him instead.

D had found Chinaren, and learned the truth and also recovered his memory. Polokin had almost finished him off nicely, but then more truth had come out. Bah. And now they were on his doorstep, albeit a hidden one. He couldn't just sit and wait for them to find him. He'd have to eliminate them as well.

And then there was the matter of the Soul Well. It was being haphazardly patched up, but if the citizens of IF continued in this fashion, then their metaphysical duct tape would do the job that the fancy magics were supposed to. There had to be something he could use to retake control of that situation.

Control. He had to regain control. That was key here. He took a few deep breaths, and realized what he had to do.

"Servile minion!" Lordy bellowed. Quite quickly, an impish figure appeared in a small flash of flames. It bowed to him, awaiting his orders.

"Set loose the Devourer upon Kalanna Rai. Tell him that any jewelry he finds is to be brought to me outside his stomach. Release Smauna in the outer antechamber-"

"Sir, IM, D, Crunchyfrog, and Sasuke already destroyed the Fauna Slug." The imp quivered as he contradicted his master.

"Then supplement her with the Destroyer." The Greater One had given him many cool minions with names like that which had abilites to match. "I do not wish to be found until I have completed the essential spell-weaving. Let loose the ghasts and shades into the Realm of Dead IFians, seeing as they are the only ones that can safely enter that realm. That is all."

The imp bowed. "I obey your will, master." It vanished in another puff of flames.

Lordy considered. He needed to get away, and he needed to harness the power of the Soul Well. There might be a way to do both, and he carefully flipped through an old spellbook that moaned softly as he turned the pages, looking for an anwser. tying the Unsummoning ritual with the one that would give him total dominion over the power of the Soul Well, he might be able to drain the power directly home.

IM would be tricky. Lordy pondered awhile, and then realized that IM would have been cursed several times over by now. He quickly did a scan of IM and reactivated the most potent curse he could find, carefully recalibrating the area of effect to also nab whoever was near IM at the time in a similar curse, and set it to go off when he was surrounded by people. That ought to be interesting.

Stopping D would be easy, he would just unleash his secret weapon once D reached him. There would be no escape...Lordy allowed a small evil laugh to escape his throat. As he finished, dust billowed down from above, and he realized it might not have been so small after all.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back in the tunnels of the city, somewhere underneath the remains of Mage Mountain, the air was charged with a sinister magic that was not familiar to IdeaMaster.

He, along with Lilith and Crady had traced the remnants of the spells from the explosion at Mage Mountain, and were now standing in a pile of rubble in a tunnel, still aghast at the sight ahead of them, Kalanna Rai, dead.

She lay at the rim of what seemed to be a huge hole, that stretched down into the ground forever, in a circular chamber, behind the remains of an archway. There seemed to be the remnants of some kind of plinth in the chamber, whatever that was for.

Having given Lebrenth the sad news earlier, IM began to reflect on the events that had passed since the party, the utter chaos, the loss of a significant councillor, and wondered whether IF would ever be the same again.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice Lilith starting to pick her way through the rubble towards Kalanna's body.

"No, Stop!!" IM called suddenly. It occurred to him that whatever had happened to Kalanna, could still have an effect on someone else. "It's too dangerous!" he explained.

"I was only looking..." Lilith murmured, her voice echoing strangely in the enclosed surroundings.

"Hey, IM..." Crady said suddenly. "Is it just me, or did Kalanna have a large amulet with a gem in it she used to carry with her?"

"Huh? Yes, I suppose..." said IM.

"Well it's gone, now."

Not realising the significance of this statement, IM nodded, still in a haze. He looked down at the jar of Soul Salve he had found in his robes, and wondered how in IF he was going to get to the Soul Well now, and what he should do with it when he got there. His thoughts were broken by the buzzing of his mod ring again.

"Lebby?" he responded.

"We've got to where Lordy's supposed to be."

"Uh, well done, um, but exactly where is that?" asked IM.

"Remember your Mod training, IdeaMaster, " reminded Lebby, waving his book So you want to be a Moderator? in front of his own face, so that IM could see it on the screen of his ring. "The Master Map shows the location of Mod Rings."

"Well, describe where you are, then!"

"There's not much to describe, IM. We're out of the city, to the north, near the edge of a forest. Probably not far from the place marked 'Important'. There's a few trees, flat land, that's it. No sign of Lordy... but there seems to have been a scuffle of some kind. There's blood on the ground... uh, wait!"

IM saw Lebby's face jiggling about, and a faint shout could be heard. Crady and Lilith crowded in to look at IM's ring, to see what was going on.

"Lotus has found Lordy's ring!" Lebby announced excitedly. "Lordy's been here... we can start tracking him!
But that's not why we contacted you. Take a look at this..."

Lebby waved the jester hat in front of his own Mod Ring screen. "Can you see the handwriting?"

"Lordy's. " replied IM. "That is the note Kalanna read out at the meeting."

"No, no, this smaller writing underneath..."

"Hold it still so I can get a good look at it..." said IM. "That's Kalanna's!"

'Kalanna, you must destroy yourself, within 5 hours. Something happened during the spell weaving on Mage Mountain which ripped a part of you away. You absolutely must not survive long enough to meet yourself. Take courage now. Your future self, Kalanna.'

"We cannot make any sense of it." said Lebby. "Can you?"

IM looked over at Kalanna's body.

"You mean, she sacrificed herself?" he said incredulously. "For what?"

"At the meeting she said there was something she had to do." remembered Crady, suddenly. "She said that if she survived she'd join us in the assault on the Well. She kept looking at the amulet gem when she was saying it..." she continued. "The amulet has gone now..."

"I hope she knew what she was doing..." came Lebby's voice sadly, shaking his head.

IM looked resolute, and gazed back at Kalanna.

"I'll try a little forensic magic here, and see what I can find out what happened to her." he said.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"You do that while D and I track Lordy with his mod ring. Stay in touch." And with that, Lebrenth broke the connection.

Idea Master took one step closer to Kalanna's body and held his hands out, feeling for any unusual energy traces. As he stood there, Crady and Lilith picked their way around and through the rubble and debris, saddened by the loss of a friend and a great warrior-assassin.

Suddenly IM opened his eyes and said clearly, "If you value your own lives, you won't get any closer to Kalanna's body than you already are!"

Crady and Lilith both stopped moving. "Why, what's wrong?" Lilith asked, giving Idea Master a calculating look.

"What do you think killed Rai?" IM repilied, backing up away from the center of the pit.

"Well, whatever it was it had to be really powerful and dangerous, right?" Crady suggested.

Lilith nodded in agreement. "Kalanna is-.... was a fighter. And a good one at that." She added to Crady's comment.

"I concurr. There had to be some powerful spells here and I think they could still be active." IM stated, still backing away.

Christalnightshade went pale and she and Lilith followed IM's example.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The girls sat down in the rubble, whilst IM searched in the folds of his cloak for his spell book. They watched, as he leafed through the book, and studied one of the pages. Then, inching forward towards Rai's body, as far as he dare, he extended one hand, waggling his fingers about in the air in a strange way, as he mumbled some words under his breath. He withdrew them sharply, as if he had been burnt, and sniffed them.

Crady and Lilith exchanged glances, but said nothing.

IM repeated the forensic spell, each time, daring to take a few steps nearer. Then he stopped, and studied his book again.

"Well, it's safe enough to approach," he said. "The spell that killed Rai is spent. It was designed to guard something - something that is evidently not there now. Anyone getting close to whatever object it was, would have their innards crushed to dust from the inside. But it was only designed to kill one person, and then become inactive. Looks like Rai was unlucky enough to be that person..."

"But what was she trying to get?" asked Crady. "And whatever it is, who has got it now?"

IM shook his head, as he inched nearer, repeating his probing spell over and over.

"There is something else here.... it smells like.... Odd, it smells like the time curse that was cast upon Smee by whomever it was that tried to crack open the well in his basement! But I thought I'd managed to speed up that spell and break it...unless it was stronger than I thought, and reactivated itself again, so that he would reconstitute somewhere later again today. Hmmm, that would explain his disappearance again during our breaking of the Key curse on Mage Mountain... and possibly Key's disappearance too... It was a big explosion - but why am I finding traces of it on Rai? Unless... somehow, a version of her got ripped forward in time with him too!"

His face brightened for a moment.

"I think that's a little far-fetched." replied Lilith gently. "It would be nice to think she's still alive, somehow but... well, you shouldn't get your hopes up..."

Before IM could reply, his Mod ring crackled to life again. Jezsharp's face shimmered into view on the tiny screen.

"Go North!!!" he said urgently.

"Jez! You found Lordy?"

"No, but we've got a good guess," replied Jez, waving his book The Treasures of IF in front of his face, so that IM could see it through the Mod ring. "I wish I'd had time to read it earlier, instead of messing around with that gas... There are magical lines criss-crossing this land. They are Ley lines, IM, and where they intersect one another, there are places of intense power. The book instructed me me how to make the Leys show up on the map... Anyway, there are intersections at Smee's house, the Soul Well, but most significantly, at that place marked on the map as 'Important' - 3 Leys converge there, and we are betting that this is where Lordy is."

IM could then see Lotus's face pushing across Jez's.

"IM!" said Lotus. "Are you listening? We believe that Lordy is going to make a powerful spell to fully open the well. Just as he told me back at Smee's basement the night of the party. We think he has already collected the necessary ingredients, called the Blood of the Beginning, Flesh of the Present, and Bone of the Last... They are mentioned in Jez's book. We think Lordy has them all at this place marked Important, on the map. We have to stop him, IM, and tell him that the Well is about to implode!

"Lotus, how do we get there?" asked IM. We don't have a map."

"No matter! Get Transport! Go out of town, and go NORTH!! Stay in touch and we'll guide you..."
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Alright, we're on our way." Said IM into his ring, as he climbed out of the secret tunnels and back onto the surface streets of IF. "It's going to take a while to navigate the city, with all the destruction and this new blue mist."

"that would be the antidote to the Greater Evil gas, sorry." Replied Jez.

The streets were eerily quiet without rioters, as the three companions got their bearings and started north.

"something's coming!" Crady called out, pointing to a wildly flailing figure in the mist.

"Looks like he's got four arms and a beard." Said Lillith.

"Oh no!" Cried Jez's voice from the mod ring, "I thought the side effect wouldn't take to IFians."

Before the Three of them could fully grasp the meaning of 'side effects' The figure came stumbling to a halt in front of them. His extra arms revealed to be nothing more than the sleeves of a long coat hanging from his shoulders, and the beard to be nothing more than mutton chops. He cleared his throat and straightened his bow tie as a blue bird alighted on the brim of his hat.

"Not the best entrance by far." he halfway mumbled to himself, "You say your not going to do these things but sometime you just have to..."

"What on US are you mumbling about Argonaut!?" IM snapped.

"Right, right on to the point." Argonaut addressed the puzzled adventurers, "I'm here to lend a hand, you need some transportation out of the city, and I have just the thing. Follow me!"

Still slightly baffled, the group broke into a run, following the still babbling Argonaut through the streets.

"It sure was hard to find you," He continued, "What with all the accounts of forged and or copied maps. Not to mentions the near infinite amount of secret tunnels. You know I think there's not actually any ground left underground, it's all tunnels."

"Wait, how do you know all this?" Lillith interrupted.

"What? oh... um.. I've been reading. Aha! We're here."

Argonaut stopped abruptly to lift a wide rolling door on a strange hanger-like building. The door slid on tracks into the ceiling, and revealed a complex wood and cloth mechanism that looked like a schizophrenic's dream of a Davinci flying machine.

"One of my older projects," he said with obvious pride, "you'll need some magic to keep the winds in your favor, but it should get out out of the city in a hurry."

"I can certainly handle that." said IM, cracking his knuckles.

The four IFians quickly pushed the contraption out of the workshop. IM took the controls as Argonaut offered a hand to help the ladies aboard, then pulled the pin from a huge spring in the back, setting the gears in motion.

"Bon voyage!" Argonaut yelled as the flying machine began to lift off.

"You're not coming with us?" Asked Crady.

"Oh no, can't be needlessly weighing down the story at this point. I'll be rooting for you though."

"What is he talking about?" said Lillith.

"Oh I almost forgot..." Argonaut's words were lost to the wind as the machine finally gained the momentum to jump skyward.

"What did he say?" Yelled IM over the wind.

"I dunno, something about Lordy." Crady yelled back.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Oh, shit! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" IM yelled back down at the top of his lungs down to Argonaut. Argonaut yelled something in return but his voice was lost as the three in the flying machine rose steadily higher.

"Damn!" cursed Lilith. "Now what? That could have been crucial information!"

"Oh well," replied Crady. "I guess we'll just have to wing it! Haha! We are winging it! Literally!"

IM's mod ring made an inconspicious noise and Jez's face appeared on the screen, again. "IM! Where are you? Are you moving towards the point we told you about?" Jez urgently said.

IM looked around quickly for a way to steer the machine north of IF. Finding none, he came up with an idea. IM quickly adjusted his control over the wind and had it be his tool to steer the aircraft.

"Now we are! Can you give me some exact coordinates Jez?" IM asked.

"Hmm... give me a few minutes to pinpoint the exact location." Jez broke the connection and the screen went blank.

"Uh-oh," IM said, a frown marring his brow. "I think we have a problem."

"Why what's wrong?" Crady and Lilith replied in unison, looking around for signs of trouble.

"I feel kinda funny. Kinda like that one time when...."
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"...back at Mage college we tried out a Curse on ourselves... being irresponsible students we thought it was quite funny at the time... But not now, really, I could do with out it happening to me again right now... You can both hear and understand me okay, can't you?"

Lilith and Crady looked at one another, shrugged at such an odd question, and nodded at IM, and then peered over the side of the airbourne gondola, down at the vista below them, as Argonauts amazing machine majestically travelled northwards through the sky.
Its sails billowed above them, as IM continued to let loose a stream of magic to harness the winds to fill them. Underneath the contraption, paddles and propellors slowly turned, and gears creaked with a gentle rhythmic sound. It was a welcome respite after a fraught time. They too, felt a bit odd, but put it down to the after effects of the Greater Evil Gas.

At last, after what seemed nearly an hour, IM's mod ring crackled back into life. IM smiled. That would be Jez with the co-ordinates.

"Yako, uoy deen ot eb 3 selim throm fo eth ytic, dna a tib tsew, no eth egde fo a tserof." said Jez.

IM went white.

"Oh no... I was right..." he thought quietly to himself. "The Mirror Curse..."

"What was that? What did Jez say?" asked Crady.

"He's talking a different language!" exclaimed Lilith.

"No.." said Crady after a moment. "Sounded like he was talking.... backwards!"

"He's not talking backwards, Crady." said IM, scrabbling for his spell book for confirmation of his terrible realisation. "WE are. We've been hit by a Mirror curse - a very potent one, that I played with in my youth. If you are cursed by it, you speak backwards, and write backwards. Everything else to you will look, and sound backwards. Look..."

He picked up his spell book, and thrust it at the girls, who stared at it. The text, to them, looked backwards. It was unreadable.

"Somehow the curse has been reactivated... by whom, I dont know. And it has affected all three of us..."

"So how will we understand Jez's co-ordinates?" gasped Crady.

But IM had no time to answer. Argo's magnificent airship began to list alarmingly. IM's sudden realisation of the Curse that had afflicted them all, had meant he had broken his concentration on controlling the magic that filled the sails.

Crady ran to take the helm - and struggled with the wheels and levers in vain.

"Lilith!" cried Idea Master. "Go to the lookout post! Keep watch on the ground for Jez, Lebby, Lotus and Solus... They could be anywhere!"

"Dont worry Jez," he said into his mod ring, to a very confused looking JezSharp, "We'll find you!"

He fell across the swaying decks and slammed into one of the seats.

By this time the machine was lurching dangerously to port. The wind had gone out of the sails, and the gears were grinding and squealing. They were losing height fast.

"We need more height!!!" screamed Lilith, as they plummeted towards the ground a little too quickly for everyone's liking, as IM tried to gather his wits and control the winds once again.

The flying machine lurched upwards again, listed the otherway, and then took a nosedive.

"Where's the life raft on this thing????" shrieked Crady.

~ ~ ~

Shading his eyes, Lebrenth looked out towards the city, a few miles out to the south. He saw a strange object coming into view, flying low and losing height rapidly.

"What is that?????!!" he yelped.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"What did it say?" D asked Leb looking very very confused.

"Don't know." Leb shrugged, "Hey isn't that IM?"

"Yea," D said gazing at the crazy machine IM was driving, "I think that vechile is from Argo's hold, been down there once or twice, nice stuff but not cheap."

"Ow...I guess he took it literally when I told him to get transportation, any transportation," Jez said crossing his arms and watching the flying vehicle coming rapidly towards them at alarming speeds.

"Um guys...." D said backing away as turned pale.

"What?" Jez and Leb responded simultaneously.

"Run!" D cried, scrambling rapidly out of the way as IM and crew grew larger by the minute in their flying vehicle.

"!evoM" Crady shouted waving her hands at the group.

"!nuR" Lilth cried despertatly as IM lost complete control over the group.

Confused and puzzled D, Leb, Jez, and Co didn't even pause to figure out why IM was spouting nonsense as they hustled to get out of the way of the lurching contraption in the air.

Aboard the flying machine, Crady pouted. "Think they understand us IM?" she asked.

"No, but somehow I think they got our point. Now everyone hang on I think we're going to......."

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With the sound of screeching metal and splintering wood, the flying machine hit the ground with force, and bounced back up into the air again, the sparkles of IM's magic still in its sails. It descended once more, and scraped along the ground at high speed, the aft propellor breaking free, and spinning wildly through the air towards Solus, who gazed calmly at it.

Polokin dragged her away just in time as it slammed into the ground inches from where she had been standing.

Giant sparks flew up from the bottom of the machine, which ignited one of the sails. Mixed with the magic, the fire quickly consumed the cloth, sending multicoloured fireballs in all directions.

"RUN!!!!" screamed Lebrenth, as he continued to pound as fast as he could away from the scene.

As he fled, D accidentally dropped Lordy's Jester hat, and started back and retrieve it. But before he could get near, a huge orange fireball landed on the hat, vaporizing it.

The flying machine continued to slide for some distance, taking trees with it, until eventually, it came to a rest, the sails burnt to nothing.

Lebby, D, Polokin, Solus and Jez caught their breath, and converged on the crumpled mess.

"Ooops!" said Jez. "Argo's not going to be pleased!"

"Look! They survived!" pointed Lebby, as three dishevelled heads appeared over the rim of the broken gondola, and a ladder began to descend. He waved at IM. "IM!! Are you okay?"

"You know, I'm not sure they are," muttered D, as they watched IM help Crady onto the ladder. "They appear to be talking to one another in gibberish..."

The first to get on to solid ground, Crady rushed over to D, and started to explain what they had discovered about Rai.

"Retsamaedi sknith Iar saw gnikool rof gnithemos, dna sawdellik yb a naidraug lleps." she began. "Tub eh osla sknith esh yam eveh neeb tghuac ni s'eemS emit esruc, dna yam eb evila tey..."

She was met with blank stares from D, Lebby, Polokin, Solus and Jez.

"Are you okay?" ventured Lebrenth, as IM and Lilith alighted on the ground behind Crady.

This time it was IM, Crady and Lilith's turn to stare blankly. Lebby turned to D.

"What do we do with them?" he asked. "They can't understand us, and we can't understand them! What happened to them?"

"No idea," replied D, who was already looking back at the map. "But we'll have to take them with us to find Lordy. We can't leave them here to fend for themselves without being able to communicate with anyone. And this wreck of a flying machine is a dead giveaway of their whereabouts."

"How do we communicate with them?" asked Polokin.

"Allow me..." replied JezSharp, stepping forward.

Looking IM straight in the eye, Jez pointed in the direction that they were all headed, and then beckoned.

Lilith, Crady and IM understood, that they were to follow D and the others, and nodded. Then, all eight of them, began their long walk to the place marked 'Important'.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 25 - Invasion!

The party was in full swing. Snatches of music could be heard coming from Ye Olde IFian Tavern Club, entwined with peels of laughter and singing. Inside, the drinks flowed freely.

The Dead IFians had returned home, thanks to the efforts of Dinranwen and Smudger, and they were celebrating.

Din and Muaddib, their differences forgotten, sat together swaying to the music, as their tankards magically refilled themselves each time they were emptied. Crunchyfrog sat woozily in a corner, listening to tales of the Good Ole Days recounted by some of the revellers.

Smudger, back in his hunchback form, delighted anyone who cared to watch, with his unique style of dancing. This principally involved shuffling around in circles, yelling 'The Bells! The Bells!!' at carefully planned intervals.

In one corner, a ricketty set of steps extended from a table top up to an open trap door in the ceiling. Beyond the trap door was a cluster of rooms, one of which was the 'Channel IF' room. There, a very bored Sasuke sat in front of a bank of monitors, keeping an eye on events in the City.

"This sucks," he thought, listening to the merriment below. "It's not my fault I'm under age..."

He gazed at one of the screens that showed the world through Solus' eyes, and saw that she, D-Lotus, Lebrenth, Polokin and Jez had recently been joined by IdeaMaster, Lilith and Crady. There was a wreck of some kind of flying machine in the background...

Tapping the microphone that was set up in front of the screen, he toyed with the idea of scaring the pants off them all, by talking through Solus, but thought better of it.

An hourglass attached to the wall turned itself over. Time to make the regular check on the Soul Well.

Sasuke left the room and clambered up another set of steps, and out through a skylight onto the roof of the Tavern. The sky above him boiled. There were 3 spinning vortices directly above. Two were quite small, one being the exit to IM's mansion, the other the exit to the Dream Chamber, which he, Dinranwen, Crunchy and Smudger should have gone through by now, if it wasn't for this blasted party. He was beginning to think that the other three didn't want to leave this Realm...

The third vortex, by far the largest, writhed about in the sky, sucking up anything that it's lowermost tip came near. This vortex had appeared as a result of the crack in the Soul Well. Even though the energy from it had been diverted downwards by Crunchyfrogs crystal shard in the ground, it was still growing. The Realm of Dead IFians was becoming unstable, cracks were appearing in the ground.

"Hmm, perhaps that shard needs relocating..." he thought, as he climbed back in through the skylight. Sasuke headed for the party downstairs, to alert his friends.

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sasuke trotted downstairs and went over to the barkeep Bronu. After explaining the situation to him, Bronu nodded and called the tavern to order in a loud booming voice.

"EVERYONE! STOP!" The decibels of his voice shook the entire tavern to silence. Dead IFians stopped their merriment and almost immediately sobered up.

Bronu stepped to the side and allowed Sasuke to get up on the bar and speak.

"Fellow Dead IFians! We seem to be having a problem with the crystal shard that is keeping the Soul Well under control at the moment. It seems the ground is breaking and cracking around it! I propose that we relocate it!" Sasuke paused after his long speech, looking a little unnerved at the almost hostile glances from the merry makers. He did stop their partying, after all.

Din, Crunchyfrog, and Smudger, (two of them realising that as mods, they should be setting an example) stood up.

Din spoke. "The boy's right! If the shard doesn't hold long enough for the others to stop the Soul Well permanently, we may never be able to patch it up!"

Sasuke jumped down off the bar and lead the now cheering (and sober, for once) crowd of dead IFians out of the door towards the the biggest of the three vortexes.

Little did they know that the shades and wraiths Lordy had sent were about to strike.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

....For they were already lurking just above the roof of 'Ye Olde IFian Tavern Club, biding their time, waiting for their moment to attack.

It would not be when the young half-dragon was idling about near the Channel IF room.

Nor would it be when he went back inside the pub, which abruptly lost it's noise and good nature as he informed them of their need to relocate the object that was patching up the Soul Well.

When the Dead IFians were far too far from the pub to safely have all of them get back, that was the time.

As the Tavern emptied, its patrons hurrying over the cracked ground towards where the shard was half buried, they gathered themselves. Then as one, the wraiths howled and the shades moaned. They all swooped down upon the Dead IFians, not only scaring the daylights out of them. Anybody the wraiths could pick up would become possessed by the shades, and then delivered to their master, Lordy, for 'entertainment.'

The Dead IFians tried to flee. They even turned about as they screamed in terror and ran to the pub.

Not all of them would make it.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In the midst of the terror in the crowd, Muaddib shouted to Din. He could barely be heard above the howling of the wraiths as they swooshed above them.

"Half-shadow! Get yourself, Sasuke, Smudger and Crunchy back up to the Dream Chamber, whilst you still have time!" he yelled. Drawing three other Dead IFians beside him, he said bravely - "We'll take care of the shard..."

The wraiths screeched as they swooped above the threesome, as they, along with the rest of the crowd ran for all they were worth, back towards the pub.

"We have to alert D-Lotus! He won't have much time!" puffed Crunchy as he drew alongside Din.

"We can do it on the way up to the Tavern roof - We have to go up there to get up through that whirly thing to the Dream Chamber..." panted Din, indicating one of the smaller vortices in the sky.

The wraiths swooped in front of the crowd.

"Hey, they appear to be herding us..!!" somebody shouted, as everyone swerved to the side of the Tavern.

Smudger, who was not as quick on his feet as some of the others, was starting to lag behind.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Running hastly to the Tavern despite the wraiths, Dinranwen only paused to look back in search of Smudge.

"Where's Smudger?" she shouted above the shreaks.

"Don't know!" Crunchy said looking back too.

"There he is!" Sasuke shouted pointing back the way they come where the hunchback was being picked on by some wraiths as the spirits sang, "The Bells, The bells," in glee with their merriment.

Looking around Din saw the chaos as the wraiths tried to herd the residents away from the tavern. Shoving up her sleeves, Din placed a hand on her hips looking like a shadow version of the poster declaring, "Ow no you didn't!"

"Go on!" Din said shoving Sasuke and Crunch into the Bar, "I'll handle this."

"Dinranwen," Crunchy said frowning, "What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Wraiths and Shadows are made of the same stuff. These things can't hurt me. But I can sure as Phang-fire hurt them," giving the pair another shove into the tavern, "No go, and warn D before it's too late! I'll met in the Dream Chamber with Smudge."

Watching to make sure the pair obeyed her orders, Din turned to survey her work. "I think this is going to take a little bit more than my feather duster," Din muttered as she reached into the black shadows of the Realm she stood in to pull out a sword Rai had recently given her as a present saying it would come in handy.

Slicing through a wraith easily, Din grinned as she rushed to aid of Smudger......
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was seriously time for a fight scene.

Chunks of wraith, bits of shades, and the severed limbs of ghasts dropped to the ground in a path behind Din and her shadow sword. Dead IFians cheered as she hacked and slashed her way to Smudger.

Some wraiths, however, knew danger when they saw it coming. Two of them grabbed Smudger by either arm and lifted him into the air. Others followed suit, snatching up those that could not fight and carrying them towards the central vortex.

Dinranwen was mad, she was sick and tired of getting pushed around, dealing with monsters, and just being dead in general. Casting about for a way to get airborn she took the head off a ghast that was to stupid the get away.

Using the still standing body of the ghast she vaulted onto the back of a floating wraith. It rose, shrieking a writhing in panic until she slipped off, catching hold of the leg of another IFian being carried by a wraith.

For this vantage point she could see Smudgers captor prepareing to hurl him into the vortex. In the distance Muaddib lifted the shard, his wrappings glowing like lightning, while others kept a defensive circle around him.

There was no time to lose. Swinging once to gain momentum Dim launched into a spinning backflip. The shadow sword blurred with speed, like a whirling buzz saw with Din in the center. She sailed through the air, straight through wraiths and shades too slow to get out of the way. Her aim was perfect, slicing off the heads of the two wraiths holding Smudger.

Now free, the hunchback plummeted toward the ground along with Din.

"I hope there's more to your plan, those rock don't look soft!" Yelled Smudger.

"Can't talk now... very dizzy..." Din replied weakly.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The air was cold as they plummeted down. Smudger grabbed Din’s cloak. A couple of Wraiths and Shades twisted like a tornado after the falling bodies of the two Mods.

Taking a deep breath Smudger grabbed a branch of a very large, conveniently placed tree. It felt as if his arms wanted to rip away from his body, “Din, the wraiths!” Smudger shook the body of Din while holding onto the branch in the other hand. "Wake up! Those protruding rocks on the ground don't look good" Din's head lolled to one side and her hands stirred.

Din cried weakly her vision returning “My sword!” Her face grimaced seeing the silver fall away.

The sword struck the ground between two shards of rock and sand. The sword reverberated and sended a sound that was high pitched. The Wraiths and Shades screamed floating a few meters away from the mods, their mouths wide like the plains of If.

Down below the two helpless mods a small figure emerged from the Tavern, and leaping between openings in the ground picked the sword up. He looked at the sword and then up to Din and Smudger.

Smudger watched this small figure. Smudge wasn’t that strong his arms were not going to hold out for long on the branch he was clinging to. Din was too much weight to hold.

Din’s senses came back she screamed seeing the figure, “Help!” She waved her arms madly about trying to pull attention.

The tree bobbed up and down and Smudger said, “Do not move Din. We’re going to fall soon” While strain on his arms heightened din stopped.

Din looked at the distance to the ground. “Let me go!” She swallowed trying to breath.

Smudger gasped, “Your brain must be rattled then. Take the branch” He frowned seeing Din moving her head; blue hair.

Din made a small attempt at trying to take the branch, but it was to far for her reach. The tree bobbed again and it snapped off. This time Smudger and Din fell screaming. “Help!” There was no branch to cling onto now.

Din watched her last seconds of life as the small figure of the boy jump from the ground. A very sharp rock on the ground loomed close, and she shut her eyes.

Smudger saw a glimmer of Din's sword in the boy's belt. He clapped his hands over his eyes seeing the ground approuch rapidly.

The boy flew in mid air and he held his arms out to catch them. The Wraith's attention was pulled by the sudden movement and they flew twisting in a formation none had ever seen ...
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the ground lurched away from them once more, Smudger took his hands away from his eyes, and feeling a wave of motion sickness flailed about, his hands instinctively grabbing the first thing they felt, for safety.

"Get your hands off my face!!! I can't see!!!" yelled the boy, his voice instantly recognisable to Din, as being Sasuke's.

"I thought I'd sent you into the bar!" cried Din.

Sasuke did not answer, but tried his best to stay aloft. But the weight of both his rescuees was too much for his small frame to cope with, and they went into a spinning freefall.

"Let go of me, Sasuke!!! Let me fall!!!" cried Dinranwen. "I'll be okay!"

"You're mad, Din!!" screamed Smudger.



Sasuke lost his grip of Dinranwen, and as she fell, the immediate loss of weight meant Sasuke could regain some semblance of control. He still knew which way was up, even though he couldn't see.

Din thumped to the ground amongst the panicking crowd of Dead IFians, some of whom were taking the opportunity to flee to the Tavern, whilst the wraiths and shades were distracted.

Moments later, Sasuke landed nearby, almost bursting with asphyxiation as Smudger had now moved his white-knuckled grip from Sasuke's eyes, to his neck.

Feeling solid ground again, or at least as solid as it was going to be with more cracks appearing every moment, Smudger let go of Sasuke, who gasped to regain his breath. Smudger stared at the flat shadow on the ground.

"Din?" he murmured.

Behind him Sasuke drew the sword from his belt and whirled it around his head. The wraiths and shades seemed to have developed a wariness of it, and kept their distance.

Smudger stooped and touched the shadow on the ground, and was surprised that there was form to it. Shrugging, he picked up one end of it, and rolled it up.

"I hope this is only temporary..." he thought, as he looked around. He could not see Crunchyfrog anywhere. He hoped that he'd got into the Tavern safely with some of the other Dead IFians.

"That's enough heroics for one day!" he called to Sasuke, and pulled the sword out of the young half dragon's hands. Then, handing the sword on to a rather large looking Dead IFian, he said, "Keep us covered - we're going to contact the outside world!"

The Dead IFian nodded, and began menacing moves at the wraiths and shades, whilst Smudger, with the two-dimensional Din under one arm, grabbed Sasuke with the other, and dragged him into the safety of the Tavern.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As they plunged through the door of the Tavern, Smudger and Sasuke glanced around the bar. The handful of Dead IFians who had made it back inside so far, were cowering and peering out through the small, dirty windows at the scene outside. Crunchyfrog was not among them.

"What's happening out there?" asked Bronu, from behind the bar. He, sensibly, had been the only Dead IFian not to leave the Tavern, knowing that drinks would be required for anyone returning.

Smudger paused, as he looked down.

"Muaddib is taking care of the shard," replied Smudger. Although with the way the ground is cracking up, he'll be hard pushed to find a safe place to anchor it. Wraiths and shades are everywhere, but one of your number has Din's sword, and is keeping them at bay. I have Dinranwen with me - we've got to go upstairs and warn our friends in the City to hurry about closing the crack in the Well. There'll be no ground left soon." He took one more look around the bar. "Have you seen Crunchyfrog?"

"He just went up there a few moments ago. You'll find him in the Channel IF room." replied Bronu.

At that moment, Rave and Wing almost fell through the door of the Tavern, along with three or four other Dead IFians.

"The ghasts, wraiths and shades are starting to retreat!" Wing shouted. "Muaddib is struggling to ground the shard... the Soul Well vortex is twisting all over the sky!"

Smudger hesitated.

"Go quickly!" cried Rave. "Get yourselves to the Dream Chamber! Your help is needed from the City side now. Hurry!"

Smudger and Sasuke disappeared through the trap door in the ceiling.

In the roof void it was pitch dark. They had to feel their way to find the Channel IF room.

"OW!!" cried Smudger, as he felt a sudden weight on him, knocking him to the ground. "What was that?"

"Me." replied Dinranwen. The shadow nature of her form had drawn strength from the darkeness around them, and had suddenly regained its three-dimensional shape.

"Din! You're okay?"

"Of course I'm okay." replied Dinranwen. "I wouldn't have insisted on Sasuke dropping me if I didn't think I could survive it. Mind you, if we had been any higher up than 100 feet or so, I probably wouldn't have. Geez it's dark in here. Even I can't see anything. Anyone got a torch?"
There was a coughing noise, a sneeze, and a splutter, as if someone was blowing his nose. Suddenly a small flame ignited and burned steadily from Sasuke's left nostril.

"Great trick!" commented Smudger.

It was enough for them to see the door to the Channel IF room, in the gloom ahead.
"Come on. Let's go and join Crunchy. We need to warn D-Lotus and the others before we leave for the Dream Chamber" she said.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The shades and wraiths, or what remained of them, suddenly retreated from the Realm of Dead IFians, to the cheers of the crowds on the disintegrating ground below. Returning to Lord of the Night they howled - "Master, master! We failed, we failed..."

Lordy casually disintegrated one into so much ash, sending them into renewed bouts of howling.

"Very well. Your next task is to find the half-dragon that is called Sasuke and bring him to me as soon as the opportune moment presents itself. I have waited far too long to use my weapon, and I will not be denied. Fail again, and you will cease to exist, and I shall entrust the matter unto my brethren..."

The shades howled and fled, the wraiths quickly following them. They would watch and wait for the half-dragon to be alone, they would wait until Sasuke wandered a bit too far...and then, they would strike, they would kidnap the half-dragon and take him to their master.

Until that point in time, they would lurk and hide in the shadows.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Come on!" Sasuke urged, opening the door to the Channel IF room, snuffing out his nasal flame as he did so.

They greeted Crunchyfrog who was a little perturbed as Din brushed past everyone else, sat down in the office-like chair and leaned down towards the microphone, in front of the Solus screen.

"D-Lotus! Anyone! This is Din in the Realm of Dead IFians! Listen up! Crunchyfrog, Sasuke, Smudger, and myself will soon be returning to IF through the Dream Chamber in our original bodies... but it may be too late! The shard has become displaced and shades and wraiths have been attacking here! You must hurry!"

There was no response - the screen was black, although they could hear some background noise and familiar voices. Damn, Solus must have her eyes shut.

Crunchyfrog stood up.

"Come on, we have to go." he said. "We haven't time to wait about for a response."

Dinranwen bit her lip after her long speech and hoped that the message got through, as Crunchyfrog led the way to the top of the roof, directly under the vortex that would take them to the Dream Chamber. As they felt the power of the vortex tug at them, the wraiths and shades made their next move.

"Giiivee usss Sasukeee...... the masterrrr waaantsss himmm!" The wraiths and shades' voices haunted the IFians ears. Dinranwen and Crunchy lifted Sasuke and Smudger, who were sucked quickly into the vortex.

"Oops! Sorry! Did you want him?" Din gave the shades a smartass grin and she and Crunchyfrog leapt upwards, and were swallowed by the vortex that flung their souls into the Dream Chamber, and simultaneously, into their own bodies.

Each IFian stretched and twisted, enjoying the feel of their own skins and, holding their breath, they quickly left the Dream Chamber and climbed out of the tunnel into the city, before the mist had the chance to affect them again.

"So, where is it we need to be again?" Din asked Crunchyfrog.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 26 - Time Flies...

Rai blinked several times and shook her head to clear the fog of death from her head. She flexed some talons trying to discern if she was fully meshed into her new body. "Hello Rai, plesure to see you again. Have a seat won't you?"

Smee grinned as the startled ghostly dragoness turned a surprised face toward him. King Key waved a lazy hello in the direction of the ghostly mod before turning back to gaze at the time zipping past. "Smee? Key? Where in IF...why arn't I in flesh again?" The wizard chuckled.

"Well you died a smidge too soon. Looks like you're just going to have to wait around with Key and I until we catch up." Smee watched the dragoness look around. "Lost something?"

Rai spread her claws in a gesture of futility and nodded. "You wouldn't have happened to notice an amulet with a magical ruby the size of a small imported car whizz past would you?"

Smee and Key shook their heads as Rai sighed. "Oh least it should show up when we get there."

"It's probably just a little further along in the time stream." Key mused. "Speaking of which, heads up Rai."

"Huh?" Twisting her head to look around the dragoness had a moment to get the perception of something large and red coming at her at mach speed before she and her future body impacted with tremendous force. "Ouch. That's a rather unplesant sensation. Remind me not to do this again."

Smee chuckled. "If the situation ever arises where you've inadvertantly sent a copy of your body into the future and yourself, Key, and I find ourselves zipping through Space Time again...I'll try to remember that."

Rai, Key, and Smee had been reduced to playing I-Spy while whizzing through Space Time to pass the time, no pun intended, when they were suddenly spat out with a thump. "Ouch!" Key groaned. "What did I land on? A rock?" Rai untangled herself, her head was caught under her wing, and gave a short snort of joy.

"Nope just me." Quickly the revitalized dragoness stripped her body of everything important in a few quick seconds. "Hang on, my mod gems have gone cold. It'll take me a few minutes to bring them on line again." Smee glanced around apprehensively, at the scene where Rai had previously 'sacrificed' herself at the hands of the protective wards.

"Is it safe to stay here while we wait for that?"

"No place safer. The wards should be back online by now. Going out's no problem, coming in requires somebody with a deathwish."

"Indeed." Key murmered one pudgey hand on one of his chins. "I'm astonished you found this place." He glanced at Rai with narrowed eyes. "Just how did you accomplish that?" Rai quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I had a good copy of the Master Map." To this Key made no reply other than a long 'hheerrrm' which might just have been his breathing. Smee poked at the wards a bit while Rai stole the essences from her former flesh.

"I still say we get moving...we need to find the Soul Well if what you told us in transit were correct." The dragoness didn't argue, she had to find her red amulet after all and she was pretty sure she knew where it was going to materialize. Quickly scooping up Smee, it took a few moments for her to lift Key and get them both comfortbly situated on her back, they looked around. "Why aren't we moving."

"My gem's not back up yet. I don't have a map until it is...unless you do?" Smee shook his head. It was at that moment Key fished around in his massive belly rolls and pulled free what looked like a much abused lunch napkin.

"I happen to have one right here...."
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover

Chapter 27 - Better the Devil you Know

Lordy sighed in his lair. Everything, positively everything was going wrong. It seemed as though nothing could be done to salvage the situation.

A smile slowly crossed his face. No, that wasn't entirely correct. The Destroyer was in the outer sanctum, the Devourer was on his way to Rai to recover the Bone, Blood, and Flesh he needed, and he still had his secret weapon, albeit untested. Things were just hanging by threads now. If the Devourer proved to be no match for Rai, and the Destroyer was in turn destroyed, then the situation was hopeless.

The spell to harness the power of the well was almost done. He wouldn't say the key word until he had the Bone, Flesh, and Blood, otherwise it would all go wrong, and the Greater One might wake up...

He really, sincerely hoped that none of the so-called heroes of the story would find his secret lair's entrance.


Meanwhile, IM was leaning against a tree for a short break.

"Do you think they can understand us yet?" Crady asked.

"Dunno," Lilith replied. "Hey, IM, pull out your book."

IM sighed and pulled out his tome and flipped through it. "No good, it's still backwards to me." He sighed and flopped against the tree. This was not a good idea, as the tree was not really a tree, but a concealer of a secret button that opened a trapdoor. IM's mirrored yell reached D's ears, and he ran over to the source of Crady's and Lilith's fervent, albeit mirrored, shouting.

"He went down there somehow!" Lilith said while pointing at the ground in front of the tree.

D looked at her oddly, and Lilith slapped her forehead with her open palm. She had forgotten in her excitement that she was cursed still, so pointed and attempted sign language of the mentally defiant ape-dog sort. D just looked even more confused.

"Like this!" Crady shouted, and thrust herself at the tree in a vain attempt to get it to repeat what had happened. Unfortunately, it worked, and she slid down a long earthen tunnel to land next to IM.

"Followed me, did you?" He asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" She asked in kind.

"Oh, no reason at all, just stating the obvious so that my mind doesn't implode from fear due to that thing standing over there. I'm also babbling to distract it, I don't think it's working very well."

Crady looked over and saw the most horrible thing imaginable...
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"What is that thing?" Crady said her voice audibly shaking as she vainly attempted to hide behind IM.

"I don't know...." IM said, "And to be honest, I'm not sure I want to find out either," he said flipping through his book hastly in the vain hopes that something anything would make sense despite the book being written backwards so that he could find out what the thing was and how to destroy it very, very quickly.

The Thing....if it could be called that...stood before them breathing as its rotten breath filled the chamber where they stood.

What IM and Crady could see of the thing was disgusting. The monster was consumed by it's overly large mouth. A mouth so large it looked like it could swallow even the giant Rai without even chewing.

Huge teeth dripping a greenish looking poision stood row upon row as its victims starred down it's dark gullet where two glowing eyes blinked at the eargerly. Currently it's massive purple tongue swept up to lick the pink lips that surrond the mouth of the monster.

Clearing his throat, IM gave up his hopeless attempts of sorting through his book and gulp as the monster began to approach them as two minature claws pucked from under what must have been the monster's belly. "There is only one reasonable thing that we can do in such a desperate hopeless situation."

"Which is?" Crady said her knees shaking threatening to send her crashing to floor.

"Scream." IM said wisely.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, a large buzzer and flashing light began to go off just approve Lordy's giant TV monitor.

Putting down the large blueprint Lordy held in his hand, Lordy looked up at the monitor and pressed a botton.

"Well, well, Looks like I won't have to worry about the heros after all," he said as he watched the Devorer approach IM and Crady. Whistling, Lordy approached his well kept not so secret liquor stash and pulling out his finest wine, Lordy pulled up a plushy chair and took a drink. "Now, this should be entertaining."
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As he swilled the wine languidly around his bejewelled goblet, Lordy frowned. Entertaining though this interlude was, what was the Devourer doing in the outer antechamber to his Inner Sanctum anyway?

Unless it was returning with Rai's gem, containing the Blood, Flesh and Bone, it shouldn't be there at all.

He peered at his monitor. No sign of the gem. Had that stupid monster devoured the gem and Rai? Not likely. The Devourer did not look like it had eaten anything recently.

Lordy grimaced. More likely that dratted servile imp had got his orders crossed, and released the Devourer into the outer antechamber, and sent the Destroyer to Rai instead.

His heart sank. The Destroyer was not really a good match for Rai. It was flightless, and lumbering. Equally, whilst the Devourer would have stood a good chance with conquering Rai, its eyesight was not good enough for spotting creatures of a size comparable to human beings, and therefore did not pose as great a threat to the likes of IM and Crady.

However, its hearing was good, and provided that IM and Crady continued screaming, the Devourer was in with a chance of a small snack. Especially as Lordy could see on his monitor that some more of IM's friends descending into the antechamber... How many of them altogether? Six? Seven? Eight?

"Good grief..." he thought, shaking his head.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A minion of Lordy's rushed in and began to babble incoherently. "Master! ... She's here!." The minion was soon squashed by an ancient, red talon.

Lordy spat out his drink. "Rai.... how did you get in here?" He asked, rising and noticing Key and Smee on her back.

"Very carefully, Lordy. By the way, the next time you send your Destroyer after me, we will be having a long discussion, involving you hanging by your hamstrings from the ceiling and me languishly enjoying a stress-free day for once.." Rai gave Lordy a grin, showing every single draconic tooth.

"Key, Smee,.. Greetings to both of you.. Can I ask why you are here?" Lordy surreptitiously made his screens go blank; the only one who had even seen the chaos begining in the antechamber was Rai and she was currently doing something with Lordy's jester hat.

"Actually, Lordy, I could ask you the same thing. What's all this I hear of an overthrow?" Key replied, giving Lordy a searching look.

"Just the usual rumours as usual, Key. But I do believe that Chinaren was searching for you the other day.. you as well, Smee." Lordy hinted, hoping that Key and Smee would believe him; China was indeed searching for them.

"Ah, yes! I must consult with China on a few things myself. Rai, would you mind..." Key said, stopping as Rai ripped a hole in IFian-Space-Time and threw the jester hat in.

"Hmm.. What? Oh well, actually I have something I need to discuss with Lordy. But I am sure he has some transportation to get you to Chinaren.." Rai said, giving Lordy a significant glance that said, Hurry up! This is important!
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Of course," Lordy supplied smoothly. "Right this way." After ushering the ex-mayor and the king into a trasport tube that whisked them away the demon turned to stare at the angery dragoness. "As much as I'd love to stand around and chat, you don't happen to have the Three do you?"

Rai reached up a talon, and deftly snatched the red amulet out of the air as it winked into existance. "I'm not some feeble-minded whelp Lordy. I can get things done when I choose to." Quickly she spoke a few words over it and the three ingrediants appeared on the floor in a flash. Before the demon could touch any of them, the dragoness's tail thuded down and cut him off. "You owe me Lordy. Big Time."

The demon snarled. "Yes yes but can we settel debts after we've averted this whole 'crisis' thing." Slowly the tail lifted and the demon took up the three objects, beckoning to the dragoness. "Come on, I'm going to need your power too."

The dragoness shook her head. "No dice demon. I'm sitting guard on this one incase you screw up. You do it with your own reserves because my scales are still itching. And that means we're still in danger..." With a sigh and a grumble about never working with dragons again the demon began to cast the needed spell.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the daemon chanted in some ancient tongue, the air before him began to ripple, shimmering waves spread from his outstretched hand. Slowly, the distortion grew in size, a small tear in the fabric of reality. An ear-rending screech filled the cavern, high pitched and penetrating. Both dragon and daemon winced at the sound, forced to brace themselves against the torrential wind that rocketed from the growing abyss.

“This is the last of them,” Lordy shouted above the racket, his words muffled by the screaming. “After this, there is only the Soul Well itself to open, to release the Greater Evil.” Abruptly the sound died away, the wind fading to a mere breeze. Rai delicately – if a dragon could ever be described as delicate – placed one of her fore-arms to her head and rubbed her ear. Before her, Lordy sank to one knee, breathing heavily from the effort.

“It is done then?” Rai asked. “We are ready?” The daemon nodded, and rose to his feet once more. “Yes. I have opened the way-points all around the city, releasing the essences trapped within. Even now I can here him stirring, growing in power. All that remains is to open the Well itself, and perform the Final Ceremony.”

Rai gazed around at cavern that formed this Sanctum of Lordy’s, the stone walls daubed with symbols and mystical patterns. The few trickles of light that shone down from above barely illuminated its outermost edges, and the network of tunnels that led to the world outside. She stared at the hole that was now in the room’s centre – a small rip in space – only visible through the fact that it was not. No light shone on it, or through it, and if she hadn’t known it was there, in all likelihood she wouldn’t have noticed.

Her thoughts were interuppted when she noticed Lordy looking at her. “Just how did you get in here Rai? I wasn’t expecting you back for nearly half an hour.”
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Well, actually," Rai began, when a large amount of noise came from the entrance. D, Crady, Lilith, Polokin, Solus, Lebby, and Jez began to file into the room, noticeably either impressed or repulsed by the daemon's choice in decor. It was hard to say.

"Once again, Rai, I must thank you for getting rid of that thing," D said. Rai quickly tried to hush him up, but Lordy had heard and wasn't pleased. And when Lordy wasn't pleased, things tended to happen quickly. Very bad things.

"Traitor!" Lordy hissed, and threw his hands up. Bindings of what looked to be white cloth appeared around the gaggle of adventurers, and promptly did as their name suggested; they bound all present besides Lordy into quivering heaps. Before they could speak, gags of similar white cloth forced themselves into their mouthes and tied themselves behind their heads.

"Congratulations, Rai, you've just earned yourself a first-class ticket to the end of the world!" Lordy threw his hands up and concentrated, saying the needed incantation and teleporting the group to the Soul Well.

It is probably a painful thing, to be systematically deconstructed, forced through a tube the size of a paper clip's wire to your destination, and reconstructed into your original form. However, since the nerves - and brain - are the first thing to go with teleportation magics, nobody knows. All they can describe of the process is 'tingly'.

In an instant, nobody was left in the chamber.

"Hello?" IM's voice rang out.

Well, not everyone had been in the chamber to begin with. IM had passed out shortly after finishing his scream of horror as Rai killed the monster. Everyone had forgotten about him, seeing as Lilith and Crady were in no position to inform D of their misplaced companion, seeing as he was after the fleeing Rai so as to question her. IM had come to just in time to get to the chamber after everything interesting had finished. IM looked around briefly.

"Hellooooo?" IM inquired again, just in case somebody had been lurking behind the bean-bag chair waiting to yell 'Surprise!' at him. When no such thing happened, IM began to probe the room with his magical senses. Someone had cast a big teleportation spell here. IM could easily hook onto the spell and go where whoever had cast it had gone, but he looked around him first to see if there was anything worth taking with him.

Something twanged in the room, something that set the hair on the back of his neck on end. IM went towards the source of this disconcerting feeling, and found a small vial holding what looked to be a mote of dull gray and brown metal. IM instantly recognized it: Stupidium. Though it seemed more...potent than usual. Magic was suspending it from the glass walls for some reason. IM picked the vial up, stowed it away, and hooked onto the remnants of the teleport spell.

After having appeared atop a high mountain-peak, IM recited his hook-on backwards, remembering that he was still reversed of speech. He appeared in a small cavern that was adjacent to a large one. In the large cavern, he could make out a huge pool, glowing white, blue, and green, and the light reflected off the figure of...


This wasn't good. IM hunkered down to hear what Lordy had to say, as he was clearly monologuing to someone...
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Dratted curse..." he muttered to himself, as he listened, he could not understand a word Lordy was saying, since everything to IM sounded backwards.

In the dim light, he could make out what looked like seven giant pupae, lying on the ground. One of them was much larger than the others. They appeared to be wriggling and moaning slightly. IM edged closer, dislodging a couple of small rocks as he did so. Lordy whirled round and spotted him.

"My dear Idea Master!" he leered, raising a finger towards the mage. "I..." but he stopped when he heard noises in one of the labyrinth tunnels leading towards the pool.

...."Are you sure this is where we were supposed to be?" Smudger's voice could be heard echoing faintly towards them. "I thought we were supposed to be finding the others, not coming back to the Well."

"Think, Smudger," Dinranwen's tones could be heard in reply. "The Realm of Dead IFians has very little time left. By the time we find ourselves a decent map, and get ourselves to the point where everyone else is, we may already be too late. And I thought we'd agreed, our plan was to second guess Lordy, and come to the pools at the Soul Well itself. The chances he'll be there are quite high."

"Besides, the only likely way that we can find Sasuke is..." began Crunchyfrog, as the threesome emerged into the chamber, but he didn't get a chance to finish his sentence. They stopped, their jaws dropped in horror, as they saw the sight before them.

"Ah! Dinranwen, Smudger, Crunchyfrog! Glad you could join the party!" grinned Lordy.

"Lordy, you cannot do this!" said Dinranwen bravely. "Whatever you want with the Soul Well, you have to stop! The Realm of Dead IFians is being devoured by the crack in the well beneath us... When that has gone, the Soul Well itself will implode from the power within, destroying the City."

Lordy shook his head.

Crunchyfrog took in a deep breath. He could see IM edging around towards their bound and gagged friends, and fiddling around with the bonds of one of them, it might have been JezSharp.

"Why, Lordy, are you doing this?" he said bravely, trying to stall for time. It worked.

"Well, " replied Lordy, "Since my plan is almost completely executed, and you are all going to die soon, I may as well tell you."

"Go on," encouraged Smudger, as IM released one of Jez's hands. Jez fiddled within his wrappings and produced a small blue glowing orb, and nodded towards Polokin, who was laying next to him.

"My first goal was the revolution of the City," began Lordy. "My various allies and contacts around IF (which include several prominant moderators, whose names I won't disclose now) were all told certain portions of the plan, so no-one else knew the full story. I'm just canny like that.

The overall, final, outcome was to be the complete takeover of the entire country, and the near en-slavement of the population of IF, OF, AHA etc. Of course, the population wouldn't realise their enslavement, as that would merely lead to discontent. And that's bad kiddies. You should always do what your overlord tells you."

Din feigned a gasp, hoping that it would encourage Lordy to continue.

"But how did you do that...?" asked Smudger.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"It just so happened, that I chose to carry out my cunning ploy at a time when China was away," resumed Lordy. "This was, of course, deliberately chosen, as with China away, and Key (soon to be) incapable of action, I have the most power in IF."

He grinned maliciously around at his captives at this point. IM held the blue orb tightly in his fist as Lordy's gaze briefly fell on him.

"Binding Key was ridiculously easy," Lordy went on. "The King is seen rarely in the city at the best of times, though I knew he does keep watch over us. I simply removed his power, and left him unable to function without aid. Killing him would have effected the balance of the City, so I was forced to leave him alive."

IM cowered, and looked over at Polokin. As he inched towards him, there was a commotion from above as something limp fell from a crevasse in the roof of the cavern, and landed in front of Lordy.

Recognising the limp form as Masterweaver, Lordy growled in exasperation.

"Oh, this is going to heaven in a wastebasket. Why doesn't everyone just come down here and join the party?" He plucked Masterweaver from the ground, then threw him against the wall, narrowly missing IM, who accidentally dropped the orb which rolled away on the ground, a little out of reach.

"timmaD" said IM to himself. He had no idea what the blue orb was for, but Jez obviously did, and wanted Polokin to have it. He wondered how he could get to it without Lordy noticing.

"You were about to tell us your plan for world domination," Crunchy said hastily, and breathed a sigh of relief as Lordy turned his attention back towards them.

"Indeed, the next part of my plan was fiendishly clever, and was executed perfectly." boasted Lordy.

"My contacts in OF are well known to vetern members of the city, as is the on-going tension between the two neighbours. My agents within OF have been infiltrating to higher levels of power and authority. Famous OFian generals, such as Mal-Fait, are actually nothing more than pawns and allies of me, and my insidious plotting. For a several month period, I had one of my IFian agents systimatically eliminating key members of the opposition of OF, allowing my OFians agents to take their place.

Tensions were reaching an all-time straining point and diplomatic measures were going downhill fast. There would only be a matter of time before all-out war was declared, something I have been pressing, both in the council, and with my agents in OF, for some time."

"Uhh... so what happened next?" asked Smudger.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Quite simple, my dear hunchback, quite simple indeed. With Key, Smee, and all the other important mods gone, or otherwise...indisposed, I would be the most powerful person in the city. I would have my OFian agents incite the masses into a blood frenzy in both cities, and then war would come. I would lead IF to victory, with the power of this Well bolstering my own."

IM was ever-so-carefully inching towards the orb and stopped. Why bother with doing it physically, when he could do it magically? He whispered the words of a levitation spell backwards, and the orb flew into his hands. He then resumed his careful trek to Polokin, hoping that the duck-obsessed man could do something with this orb.

Thin, shadowy forms came from the crack in the roof then, carrying an unconscious Sasuke with them. "Master, master! We have him, we have him!"

"Ah, excellent. Set him down behind me, there's a good lot of minions."

Sasuke was unceremoniously tossed behind Lordy, one hand-paw in the Well itself. Lordy took no note of this and continued on his speech.

"Of course, all I knew was that I would need more power than I had, and I was planning a raid of IM's mines to get at the lost souls, but then China did such an act for me, mucking up my plans. When the announcement was made that the lost souls were 'gone forever' I knew they were still around, as China rarely speaks the truth on any given day, especially when he has a bottle of Grungle Juice in hand. So I trawled through all the archives to find where in the world he could have placed them, and found...this."
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"This," breathed Lordy, "this is a small object, one I have produced, in my hand, that is tiny, and round, and spherical. This is called the Orb of Redundancy, for the Orb's use causes repition of the obvious, but also, repitition of that hidden, and of that unseen, and of that unknown, and of that mysterious."

"We get the point," said Masterweaver. He shut up when Lordy glared at him.

"This was hidden deep within the dangerous tools of writing section of the archives, where were kept writing things that could easily kill a storygame. I fought, past much danger, in the dangerous tools of writing section, to get this tool of writing. Then, I came here, and used this on the Soul Well. And lo, the spell that Chinaren had cast was cast again!"

"But wouldn't that create two soul wells?" asked Smudger.

"No, for this is the Orb of Redundancy!"

"You've said that already," quipped Dinranwen.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lordy sighed, frustrated that his captives could not understand a key part of his plan.

"This orb is what caused the Soul Well to begin to break up. If the same spell is cast multiple times, the spell affects the enviroment in adverse ways. Once the Soul Well was allowing the Lost Souls out and anatgonizing IFians against Chinaren, the next phase of my plan could be put into affect." Lordy gave a smirk to the tied and gagged IFians.

He continued on with his plan, not noticing Idea Master creeping slowly towards Polokin.

"But, you lot have all but dozed off during my thrilling plan explanation. Now, to finish the spell!" Lordy whirled around and stomped to Sasuke, who, coincidently, was coming around.

Lordy withdrew a small dagger. "Ah, you are awake! All the better I can enjoy your screams as you bleed!"

Lordy plunged the dagger toward Sasuke just as Sasuke yelled, "Please, don't kill me! I didn't do it!"
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It! it itit it it it it!

The word resounded around the cavern. There was a deathly hush.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! NOT THE "IT" WORD!!! NOT YET!!!!!!! yelled Lordy. His spell was incomplete, and the trigger word had been uttered prematurely.
The chain reaction had started.

The Soul Well pool began to boil malevolantly, and a loud rumble could be heard echoing through the cavern. The captive IFians squirmed and yelped their muffled shrieks. Rudely awakened from their boredom enduced slumber, they were extremely aware something very BAD was about to happen.

Lordy rounded on Sasuke.

"You fool! You idiot! You had to ruin everything, you halfbr...."

He stopped as the ground shuddered

"What did I say? What did I do wrong?" asked Sasuke, confused, as he backed away from the glowing, boiling pool.

IM wasted no time in tearing apart Polokin's bonds, and ripping the gag from his face. He pressed the small blue orb into Polokin's hand. Polokin pointed to D-Lotus, and IM hastily scrambled over to help the P.I.

As IM helped him free himself, D-Lotus shuddered as he recognised the diabolical smell he had smelt in Smee's basement that time when he had stumbled across the initial attempt to crack open the Soul Well. He stared in horror as the boiling in the pool grew in ferocity, and a shape began to form above it.

Even Lordy stepped back in awe...
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As Sasuke's Horribly Timed Excalmation finally fell silent upon the room thunder boomed in the distance, lighting flashed across, and the DooomDooomDoomDoomDoomDooom music started playing right on cue.

A thick fog poured into the room swirly in an errie light as the Live Audience setting in the study gasped simatiously with the Ifians in the room.

Suddenly, a disinbodied voice echoed in the room as a murky shadowy shape waved it's hands in the fog, yet the fog was so thick no one could quite make out exactly what IT was, "Behold the Greater Evil!"

Mad laughter filled the room as the fog suddenly cleared leaving what could only be discribed as a giant puddle of color changing Icky-Goo. The Self-Proclaimed had long forgotten it's shape, form, and name as it stood in front of the Ifians it's puddle shape shuddering almost uncertainly.

This is not what the other's saw....what each saw was their greatest fear enbodied in the Greater Evil's Shape.

Crunchfrog saw a giant semi it's head beams being bright as a loud horn annoced the truck's approach towards him....Closing his eyes for the expectant crushing, Crunchy Eeeked.

IM saw himself, a battered, useless, unimagintive, unmagical version of himself. In front of his eyes was a sight even he could believe. In front of IM was an IM wearing thick black glasses, a white shirt, a tie, and the carried the calucater of a Tax Consultant. "It's not true...It's not true." Im repeated sensly.

Polokin saw a rubber ducky being shreadded to death by a nameless faceless monster.

MasterWeaver saw a robe being shoved into a box and being gadded....the figurative image of himself was being silenced, stiffled, and robbed of all his self-styled Brillance.

Lily watched in terror as her wings were torn by shreads.

Nightshade saw a very angry Chinaren demanding his rent now or else.

Rai saw herself being sentenced to live the rest of her life as an ordinary human by the Drake himself.

Even Lordy was being tortured as he saw himself being stripped of demonly powers, all his money, and being sentenced to serve forever in the stupidium mines.

But worse of all, or so Dinranwen thought, was the image of herself in the mirror as someone snatched off her precious cloak so that she was clearly seen.

"Noooooo!" Everyone cried covering their eyes and ears in fear.

"Yeeees!" The GE said as it shifted it's shape to become a vision of everyone's fear, the shape of desolate destroyed empty City of If. "I'm free! AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"

Thunder cracked, a bolt of lighting struck blinding everyone in the room, and when everyone opened their eye's.....
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

....they were amazed to see Chinaren waddle into the cavern.

"Tada!!!, shit...." he said, as he stopped in his tracks.

Disappointed that his carefully planned spectacular entry had been completely wasted on the current situation, and gripped with shock by the fearful illusion of his money going up in flames in front of him, Chinaren ran as fast as his short legs would carry him towards the Greater Evil, crying


As Crunchyfrog and Dinranwen each grabbed a hairy arm and dragged the crazed mayor away from the dangerous manifestation the rest of the IFians quickly began to realise that what each of them was seeing seemed to be a personal fear.

"YOU FOOLS!!!" hissed Lordy, "If only you had kept quiet, and had trusted me!"

"Trusted YOU???" roared Rai as she burst forth from her bonds, morphing back to her full dragon form.

"Hah, that's a little rich coming from you, Rai," replied Jez, "after the part you've played in all of this!"

"Lliw ydobemos od gnihtemos tuoba siht esruc, ti si gnissip em ffo!!" shouted Lilith angrily, as Lotus helped her undo her bandages.

IM and Crady agreed with her wholeheartedly. IM turned to Lordy expectantly.

"Llew, Ydrol?" he asked.

But Lordy was staring straight at the Greater Evil, trying to block out the illusion of fear in his mind.

"I thought we had a pact, O Great One", he said, almost trance like.

"Indeed we did, Lordofthenight." boomed the fearful, evil voice of the Greater Evil from around the cavern. "But you were foolish to think that you could trick me and keep me incarcerated here whilst you use the power of the Soul Well to rule US.

Countless thousands of years, Lordofthenight, I have been trapped inside this fault. Countless thousands of years! A freak earthquake trapped my essence here, where I had lost my contacts and power over the outside world, my believers finally dying out.

What luck for me when your City was relocated upon this very spot, when the faultline was further undermined by its many tunnels, And what greater luck when your eminent orange Mayor's recent use of the Soul Well provided the necessary spark to rekindle my dormant power!

Without me, oh Lordofthenight, you would not have got this far. You do not deserve this power. You do not live!!!" The Cities of IF, OF, the lands of AHA, THE, IS, and the whole of US, are MINE!!!!!!!!"

Lordofthenight thought for a split second.

"Damn it," he thought.

This could mean a slight set back to his plans of total domination. The Soul Well would need to be sealed, at least for now, and preferably with the Greater Evil inside it. In order to do this he'd need the 3 ingredients still, but he'd need the incantations to be spoken in reverse. Conveniently, he had three people who could do that. But he'd need time to prepare. And he'd need a distraction whilst he instructed IM, Lilith and Crady in what they had to do.

Would he have enough time? The Greater Evil seemed not to be in a hurry to do much right now. Perhaps it was still gathering power after such a long incarceration. Still, Lordy knew he had no time to lose.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Polokin raise his hand with a blue orb in it. Lordy did not know what the blue orb would do, but he figured it was likely to be a distraction, so he nodded in approval at Polokin.

Polokin stood bravely, and motioned D-Lotus to stand close to the manifestation.

Understanding that he was now acting as human bait, and was going to have to outwit a complete psychopath for an indeterminate amount of time in an enclosed and rather crowded space whilst Lordy prepared his spell, Lotus resignedly took his place.

Polokin smashed the small blue orb onto the floor, where it shattered.

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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For a moment, the cave was illuminated by the ensuring blue flash, both Lotus and Polokin being blinded momentarily due to their proximity. Because of this, they didn't see the light fold in on itself, shimmering internally before fading into the shape of a man.

BS the Great continued whistling to himself as he finished urinating, ignorant of what had just occured. Finishing, he looked up from the floor and stared into the horror-stuck eyes of Sasuke, who's clothes he had just finished despoiling. BS blinked rapidly, before stumbling backwards, the eyes of every IFian upon him.

Ho, s'taht tahw eht bro saw rof," exclaimed IM in surprise. "I dluohs evah desseug. Lysuoivbo emos mrof fo noitacol lleps derb-ssorc htiw a noitarujnoc fo fles." This knowledge, fascinating as it must have been, was ignored by everyone else, whether or not they could understand a word he spoke.

Scrambling to his feet, BS promtly unholsted the biggest gun he had on him, and swung round, catching site of Polokin, who was still cradling his scorched eyes. He grabbed the unfortunate IFian by the collar and dragged him closer.

"Why've ya brought me here?" he demanded fiercly, waving his oversized firearms in the hapless minion's face. "You were suppos'd to summon ma when ya had D captured, not 'cause ya felt lonely or som'mit. Why I outta bust you right now!"

A small - almost polite given the circumstances - cough interupted BS mid-flow, his embarassment and anger cut-off by the sudden chill that crept through his bones.

"If you'll permit me to point out," boomed the voice of the Greater Evil, echoing throughout the cavern, "I believe I had the floor?" He sounded almost bemused, if a timeless and manevant evil could feel an emotion as trival as amusement*. "Not to mention the fact that cold-blooded murder, in front of several prominent citizens, five moderators, the Chanceller and the Mayor may be a tad hasty."

Slowly BS the Great swung round, dropping his erstwhile minion to the floor as he did so. The Greater Evil was obscurred by the swirling mists once more, and the recent arrival was unable to behold the speaker. He gazed around the cavern closely a second time, catching sight of the various mods scattered around in various states of confusement (or undress in Din's case, as she valiently tried to pull her robes about her even more tightly).

D-Lotus had been half stunned by the blast, and unaware of exactly what had transpired after the flash went off. He rose to his feet, and locked eyes with BS. Several thoughts flashed instantly before his eyes, but only one was consistantly predominant.

"Oh Bugger." Even as BS brought his heavily tooled up weapon to bear, the mists surronding the Greater Evil's form cleared, and BS caught a glimce of what lay behind them. Or at least, what he most feared. The two Lotus's stared back at him, one looking ready to bolt, the other's twisted with sardonic pleasure. Screaming in rage and frustration, BS opened fire at one of the pair.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bullets slammed into D-lotus' chest. One after another, the metal slugs flew from BS' weapon, striking D as he writhed and twisted disturbingly. Finally, all the ammo was spent, and the room grew deathly silent.

D's bullet-riddled body stood up and stared directly at BS. The GE's evil laughter filled the room.

"No! That's not possible!" BS cried out in terror, pulling more guns from who knows where.

"Yes, I think you will be the first to die!" The GE screamed, shedding D's appearance and towering over BS.

The real D peered out from beneath Rai's wing as BS opened fire again. On the other side of the room, Lordy had grabbed Lillith, Crady, and IM. He was shoving scrolls into their hands and gesturing wildly, trying to communicate with sign language.

Bullets bounced off the GE's nebulous form, causing everyone to dive, or in some cases crawl, for cover. Heedless of the attack, the GE continued to grow, forming a pair a huge arms with wicked clawed hands.

"Now, witness the first display of my power and cower before me puny mortals!"

The entire cavern began to shake, and bits of rock and stalactites fell from the ceiling.

"He's going to bring the cave down on top of us!" Crunchy yelled.

"Yes!" The GE cried out, "Fear the... wait that's not me."

Suddenly the ceiling burst open, directly above the Greater Evil. A giant drilling machine, like something out of a Jules Verne novel, came crashing down through the GE and embedded itself into the floor.

When the dust cleared, Everyone could plainly see, written in gold lettering on the side of the machine, the words "Deus Ex Machina". A hatch in the side popped open, and out leaped a figure in long coat. He struck a pose as a blue bird landed on his hat.

"Oh yeah! Do I know how to make an entrance or what!?" Exclaimed Argonaut.

Everyone was dumbfounded, except for Lordy, who continued to attempt to explain his plan to the backwards talkers.

"Huh? Come on people, was the great or what? Don't everyone cheer at once." Argonaut pleaded for some attention.

However all eyes where now on the "Deus Ex Machina" as a sinister black ooze crawled up it's sides, slowly engulfing and absorbing it.

"What? didn't I just save the day here?" Asked Argo, turning to see what everyone was staring at.

The GE finished assimilating it's new form. Black metal claws sprouted from it's sides like spider legs. Lifting itself from it's hole the "Greater Evil Ex Machina" pointed it's huge spinning drill directly at Argo.

"Oh poop."
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Back! Back foul beast! I warn you, I'm armed!" cried Chinaren, bravely leaping in between a rather surprised Argo and the Greater Evil Ex Machina, brandishing a lead brick in the general direction of the thing.

"China, I think you should be using silver, or possibly holy water," Argo whispered.

"Like you should talk, who gave it the huge body?!" Sasuke hissed.

"I am not afraid!" China proudly declared. "I've been cleaning up after that cloak for too long to be afraid!"

"Hey!!!..." protested Masterweaver.

"Wow," Rai muttered, surprised at the mayor's uncharacteristic bravado, "We might come out of this alive."

The GEEM* swatted at China with one of its new metallic tentacles, knocking him across the cavern. China impacted with a dull 'thump' and knocked loose a few rocks to land on him with a 'thud'.

"We're so not gonna make it," Rai muttered.

Glancing over at the half buried mayor as the GEEM began to approach him, IM frantically patted at his robes. He knew he was missing something, but all his normal instruments were in his robe. Then he remembered the item he'd picked up in Lordy's room, and gasped to see the small vial lodged in the drill bit atop the 'Greater Evil Ex Machina.'

"Crady, Lilith, we've got a major issue here!"

"What is it?" Crady queried.

"That vial that's on top of the machine! If it breaks, it'll start transforming us all! We'd better find out what Lordy wants, quickly!"

"Transforming us? into what?" asked Lilith, confused. Before IM could reply, Lordy yelled for their attention.

"Hgra, I t'nod wonk yhw I rehtob htiw uoy!" Lordy screamed. He started writing a spell quickly on the blank paper.

IM squinted as he tried to read the words, which read backwards to him.

"Hey, waitaminute, I think I recognize these words..." he breathed.

"Yeah? What are they, IM?" Lilith was curious about most things magical.

"Yeah, these are the words to bind a source of great evil...but their order is backwards...Of course!"

IM had a blinding realization that lit up the cavern and caused the others to scream. IM grabbed Lilith's and Crady's hands. "Quickly, chant these words with me!"

"But with the curse-" Crady interjected, only to be rebuffed.

"That's the beauty of it! We're going to USE this curse to do some good! We have to get it absolutely perfect to work. Come on, chant!"

The trio began to incant. Forevermore power my to you bind I...

Lordy breathed a sigh of relief as it appeared that the 3 IFians had finally got the gist of what he wanted them to do.

However, chanting the reversed order of the words was not as easy as it looked....


*Greater Evil Ex Machina. Acronym provided by IM Inc, who is tired of typing that name out all the time.
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

While Lilith, Crady, and Idea Master were busy with their backwards chant, D-Lotus was busy trying to reason with BS the Great.

"Come on, you coward! Quit running and take it like a man!" BS shouted as D-Lotus dodged and outsmarted him for the fifth time.

"WOULD YOU LISTEN TO REASON, MAN?! THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU AND I, IT'S ABOUT ALL OF IF!" D-Lotus screamed back, desperately hoping that he could convince BS to join their cause.

The following gunshots that D-Lotus had to duck from were a sure sign that BS wasn't in the mood.

Then, D-Lotus had an idea. He took off running, weaving in and out of the fighting IFians, while BS followed his progress in the crosshairs of his weapon.

When D-Lotus finally stopped moving, BS smiled and said,

"Bye, bye, Private Eye!" BS pulled the trigger.

At the last moment, D-Lotus moved and the shot went directly into the GEEM, puncturing a hole in the fuel tank.
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The resulting explosion shook the already unstable caverns, as those who were able, dived for cover. BS whistled low, impressed that his shot had had such an effect.

"MY HAIR'S ON FIRE!" cried D-Lotus, and Lebrenth immediately smothered the flames with his foul smelling, goo-covered Cloak of Forboding.

As he was being helped from the rubble a second time, Chinaren stared at the mess.


Unabated by the explosion, IM and crew continued chanting, protected by an ash-covered Lordy.

Everyone else picked themselves up and stared hopefully. But nothing seemed to be happening.

"I LIVE ON!!!!!!!!!!" cried the GE. It clung to the remnants of the exploded Deus Ex Machina like a bad reference to the third Spider-man movie, as it creaked back to life.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Feeling a tap on his shoulder Chinaren turned around. Standing behind him was a stranger.

"Hi, I'm from IF Insurance. We just received word that you lost your Deus Ex Machina in a rather dramatic explosion.." the young women shook her head ruefully. "and as your policy has lapsed i wanted to let you know that any subsequent insurance you take out will incur a penalty fee. Although if you sign up today for..."

"But.. i... it just..." Chinaren spluttered to a stop and looked down at his feet. "This is a bit inconvienent, do you mind if we do this at a later date? You see we just.."

The young women thrust her shoulders back and flicked her auburn hair over her shoulders, a look of defiance in her eyes.
"Listen, this is my first day on the job. I don't want to be here as much as you don't want to be dealing with me right now! If i could have found work with an agency that dealt with my speciality then thats where i would be. Not standing here peddling insurance."

Turning on her heel she started to march away. A very intrigued host of Ifians watched her go. Insurance people sure were weird.

"Wait, Miss, um..." Argo couldn't help but think that perhaps someone should ask what this mystery womens 'speciality' was.

"Yes, what?" she paused glancing backwards.

"What is it that you actually do?"

NeverNeverGirl felt the weight of their stares, thinking up the most accurate response she glibly replied...
"I'm an ammunitions, arms and assassination expert... with a minor in The Creation of Poisonous SubSpecies through Magical Mutations."

Hmm, maybe we shouldn't let this one get to far away, Argo thought to himself.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"...Er, lady!" he shouted, striking the most charismatic pose he could, under the circumstances, almost dislodging the blue bird from the brim of his hat.

NeverNeverGirl looked over her shoulder at Argo seductively, and raised her eyebrow, but was suddenly distracted by some garbled nonsense coming from Idea Master.

"TOU KOOL!!" he yelled, pointing at the mixture of the Greater Evil and the remnants of the DEUS EX-MACHINA as the tiny vial of stupidium, which had previously been lodged in one of its many joints, had worked its way loose and was teetering, ready for a big fall.

"What's he saying?" asked NeverNeverGirl.

"Never mind, NeverNever!" yelled D-Lotus, as he spotted what Idea Master was raving about. "STUPIDIUM!!!! Catch it before it breaks!!!"

"Are you insane?" screamed Dinranwen.

"The Bells!" howled Smudger

"It will smash if nobody catches it! cried Lotus.

Lilith was nearest, and she fearfully held her hands out to catch the falling vial. It fell right into her palms, but her instinct was immediately to get rid of it.

"uoy evah ti!" she said to Idea Master, tossing it over to him.

"hhggruuu, on! uoy evah ti!" he cried, throwing it over to Jezsharp.

"No thank you!" replied Jez, swiping it away. "Over to you, Argo!"

"Whooaah, Rai, it's all yours!"

"Get it out of my sight!" roared Rai, as she whumped the vial with her tail in mid air, towards Dinranwen.

"Eeek! Whoops! Butterfingers..."

The vial flew past Dinranwen, straight into the Greater Evil, and shattered. The tiny mote of Stupidium buried itself into the Greater Evil.

The cavern went quiet. Everyone was waiting for the resultant explosion and inevitable end of existance, but nothing happened.

"Have you all finished?" boomed the Greater Evil. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, Death, Destruction, and total Domination....Er... Umm...Can't think how"

Lordy turned around and looked at his formidable adversary.

"Problem?" he asked.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The GE quivered a bit in thought. "Uh, problem...humm...well maybe. But I can't think of what it would be..."

Lordy chuckled. "Well then I don't know about the rest of you but I think this would be the perfect time to bind this thing to m...our wills?"

Rai snorted, shoving herself forward. "Like hell Lordy. We'll never be safe with the GE around. I say it's time to show this gelatinous ball of nasty slime just what happens when you mess with the Citizens of IF."

All around the room spines were suddenly held a little straighter, weapons leveled a little steadier, and nasty grins appeared on every visible face. Lordy glared at Rai a moment before shaking his head. "I hate you."

"I know."

"I'll get you for this."

"You and what army?"

And with that the Citizens began to advance on the GE who looked up and uttered one single word.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dinranwen hung back and watched the rest of the members of this little pow-pow close in to the GE. NeverNeverGirl, who was still completely unacclimatized and unaware of the gravity of the situation, was still vainly trying to persuade Chinaren to buy the newest Corrupt and Greedy program that guarranteed payout no questions asked for a reasonable annual fee.

"Oh guys," Din's voice rang out suddenly, "Aren't we forgetting something..."

"Not now Din," Rai said irritably, "I have not eaten a good shred in simply days and that Destoyer of Lordies didn't exactly have a pleasant taste."

"But I thought there was something about a spell..."Din said looking helplessly towards Lordy. Realising that IM, Crady and Lilith were all apparently talking nonsense, and that Stupidium or no, the GE was bound to discover its strength sooner or later if only by blind luck, Realizing that everything was going downhill fast, and that the situation was now chaotic, Dinranwen took to the shadows, taking the confused Noob NeverNever out of Chinaren's way. She handed her some popcorn.

"Here, leave Chinaren alone will ya...he gets testy when you mention things actually involve paying for something. Besides Everyone is bound to realize that they doing this all wrong sooner or later......I only hope its sooner, the GE probably doesn't like tight corners, which is unfortunate since I have always found corners quite comfortable...Don't you think so?"
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeverNeverGirl furrowed her eyebrows, and just nodded vacantly at Dinranwen, trying to take stock of the situation.

The Greater Evil, yes, she could understand, nasty malevolant piece of work, needs to be dealt with sooner or later, but it was the rest of these characters she couldn't get her head around. Were they good, evil, or just plain nuts?

There was some ugly looking daemon, playing charades with a mage and two strange looking females, who seemed to be talking in a different tongue. There was a man with a bluebird on his hat, another in a heavy cloak covered with green goo, a, er, leather cloak with nobody in it, a huge red dragon, a half-dragon, an elf in a white suit and dark glasses, a hunchback, some green amphibious creature, and various other weird looking folk, who all seemed to be ruled by a mayor that looked like a cross between an orangutang and a chipmonk.

And now she was being invited into a dark corner by some shadowy creature that smelled of tea leaves.

Could anything get worse? Oh yes it could. One of the group of IFians, a cloaked, barefoot, white haired young woman, who had been very quiet for a long time, suddenly rushed into the middle of the cavern, screaming, her arms waving about manically, before collapsing in a trembling heap on the ground.

"Solus! What's wrong?" cried JezSharp, as he rushed to his sister's side.

Solus began to tremble as if possessed.

"Hurry up, guys!" she yelled suddenly in a voice that was clearly not her own. "The shard will not hold the Soul Well together forever! The Realm of the Dead IFians is disintegrating, and it's not closing time at the Tavern, yet!"

NeverNever stared, aghast.

"Oh that's Muaddib..." explained Dinranwen. "He's dead. Solus is our medium between here and the Dead IFians... "

NeverNever nodded, not believing what she was seeing.

Lordy hastily picked up the three vital ingredients to the spell, and gave one each to Idea Master, Lilith and Crady.

Lilith started to comb her hair with the Bone of the End, whilst Idea Master opened the Vial of the Blood of the Beginning, thinking he'd just been handed a refreshing drink. Crady was not sure what to do with the Flesh of the Present, it looked a little icky, so she tried to hand it back to Lordy.

"NO!!!" yelled Lordy, and pointed to the parchments that each of the three were supposed to be reading from.

The Greater Evil looked around at them with great interest, wondering what they were doing.

Polokin, who had been spending the past few minutes helping to free the remaining IFians from their bonds, nudged Lebrenth, and whispered in his ear.

"We need to distract the GE again some how, whilst Lordy finishes the spell. Pass the message on!"
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lebrenth nodded and passed the message to a distracted China, who passed the message to a terrified D, who gave the message to a menacing BS, who gave the message to Argo, who gave the message to, Ne-ne, who gave the message to Din, who gave the message to Rai, who looked around for something handy to use as a distraction.

"Hey MW." The leather robe turned toward her expectantly. It squealed to find itself suddenly sized in massive talons while the dragoness spat on it and rubbed the saliva all over. Then she hurled it right onto the GE where MW stuck, flailing, to the creatures jelly-like surface. "That's for all the 'Read my Storygames' PMs!"

Some clapping broke out from the assembled Ifians who, all realizing that it would take the GE a few moments to pry the spit covered robe off of itself, formed a ring around the three spellcasters and Lordy. Chinaren chose that moment to clear his throat and give a most mayoral speech.

"Well Lords, Laides, and assembled creatures of's been a pleasure and if you don't survive I hope you remembered C'Ren and Associates as your undertakers of choice..."

"Oh shut up..." Din muttered.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the Greater Evil grappled with the wet and gooey MW, IM saw his chance. Although he had no idea what his fellow IFians were saying, he realised that they had deliberately created a diversion.

He turned to Lilith and Crady with a sense of urgency.

"All right, now we have the words that open a rift to read out. Hopefully, this will induce a closing of the rift once we say the trigger word for all these spells..." IM muttered.

"I do hope it's going to be something different this time than 'it'. I mean, honestly, that was the stupidest thing conceivable, tying all your spells to one common word," Crady rebuked.

"Yeah, why not try something nobody would use, like 'obstinate'?" Lilith queried.

"What does that mean?" Crady questioned.

"Stubborn, I think," Lilth replied.

"People, can we stay focused? Lordy thinks these things are important for some reason, so they're most likely components to the spell," IM stated.

"So what do we do with them?" Crady quizzed IM.

"Well, in Mage School, we ate them. Saved us a lot of time on naming them, all we had to do was name ourselves, and the component would be taken out of us that way."

Lilith and Crady looked at their items and then looked at IM's vial. "Why do you get the liquid?" they bemoaned.

"Look, you can argue spell schematics with me until this thing takes over US, or we can save the world here. Which will it be?"

Lilith and Crady shared a glance and a gulp, to be followed by a wide opening of mouths and a gagging noise. The Bone and Flesh would not fit down human throats, and shortly thereafter, the two's faces began to turn blue. It was a good thing that IM was nearly done with the spell. He downed the Blood and began the last reversed sentence.

"Evil Greater forth summon to..."
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The rest of the crowd, except Lily and Crady listened as IM began the last sentence of the spell.

"Live retaerg throf nommus ot rou dnammoc..." cried IM, holding the scroll in one hand, and raising the other aloft. But he didn't get much further, as he started to retch violently.

Lordy rolled his eyes. Was this stupid mage ever going to get anything right? Swiftly he pulled IM by the robes up to the glowing pool, just as IM's stomach launched its contents with the force of a jet engine back out through his mouth.

"Ewww, red spew" commented NeverNevergirl, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

The Blood of the Beginning entered the pool with great force, splashing most of the IFians in the cavern with water. IM teetered dangerously on the edge of the pool, exhausted by the expulsion of the Blood he'd imbibed. Lordy tapped his chin for a few seconds, hesitated, then reluctantly pulled him back to safety.

Meanwhile, Crady and Lilith were now semi concious on the ground, gasping for breath as the Bone and Flesh blocked their respective airways.

Flinging IM aside, Lordy pulled Crady to her feet, who was gagging and frothing as half chewed globs of the Flesh dribbled from her mouth. He grabbed the scroll she was holding and pushed it in her face.

"READ IT!!!" he boomed. His demonic voice reverberated around the cavern, causing a few small rocks to fall from the ceiling. Lordy wriggled his shoulders in pride. Sometimes he even surprised himself at how powerfully evil he could sound.

Crady, who had now turned purple, managed a very good attempt at an expression of total confusion.

"I kniht eh dias daer ti!" explained IM in between gasps, as he lay helplessly on the ground, trying to recover from his unexpected vomiting spree.

Crady focused on the parchment in front of her nose. "llew rouy nepo mlaer daed eth of shtped" she gurgled feebly, hoping she had got the words right.

"Perfect, just perfect..." sighed Lordy, as he casually held her upside down and shook her violently above the bubbling and glowing waters.

The circle of IFians watched, as Crady gagged, choked, and finally coughed up the Flesh of the Present, and listened to the plop plop ploppety plop of it falling into the now frothing pool.

The ground shook as the structure of the well beneath them began to respond to the weaving of the spell. The Greater Evil was drawn down a little into the pool.

Lilith, lying face down, choking, and almost completely deprived of oxygen now, did her best to raise herself onto her forearms. Lordy grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and pulled her up to her feet.

"READ IT!!!" he repeated, waving the final part of the spell in front of her.

It was then when the Greater Evil, having extrapolated the limp and saliva covered shreds of Masterweaver from its form, began to take more than a passing interest at what was going on, and grabbed Lilith by the arm...
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

...swinging her into the air, which prevented Lordy from holding her by the neck any longer. "Damn it!" Lordy growled. "I need her to finish that damned spell so we can send your bloody arse back where you came from!"

"Huh?" the GE uttered, not really paying attention to his gasping captive.

Lordy gave a grunt of frustation and rage .. and actually threw a punch at the GE. The blow reverberated up the GE's arm and in turn, shook Lilith thoroughly, dislodging Bone of the End from her mouth towards the pool.

The GE howled in pain and dropped Lilith to the ground as it swung it's injured arm at Lordy and sent him flying across the room.

Right before the Bone plunged into the well, Lilith croaked, "Ssyba eht ni denosirpmi lla eerf dna esaeler!" And then passed out.

Then the sound of screeching and howling filled the cavern as the escaped souls were dragged unwillingly from their new freedom back into the abyss. The misty, wraith-like figures' voices made all of the hairs on the IFian's necks stand on end. Nails on a chalkboard combined with wet brake pads screeching couldn't even begin to describe it.

The souls began to cling to whatever life they could in order to stay out of the well. One in particular decided to cling onto JezSharp, holding onto his ears. "AHHHHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" he yelled loudly, running around in circles.

Kalanna Rai snorted and peeled the clinging shade off with one talon. "Be off with you!" she said, flinging the screeching shade off towards the Soul Well.

Dinranwen, NeverNeverGirl, and Argonaut were holding their own against the clingy souls, dodging and shaking them off in everyway possible.

Chinaren was pouting sadly as he listened to a call from his accountant. "HOW MANY FABLES TO FIX THIS? WHY I OUGHTA..."

And BStheGreat, Polokin, and D-Lotus had begun fighting each other... again.

All the while, the shades screeched louder and increased in number... and soon the sound brought the distracted IFian's to the matter at hand. They hadn't realized just how many souls had actually been released.. until now.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There was a flash, and the GE howled at the sudden light coming from the pool beneath it. The shades had given the pool the critical mass it needed to complete the spell, and another ritual that was tied to the three ingredients as well.

IM stood up, his eyes ablaze with red light. "I," he said in his reversed speech, "Am the Blood of the Beginning. All that was Inter Fable is contained within me, all the archives are mine to behold. The past has divulged it's secrets unto me."

Crady picked herself up off the rocks where she had been tossed. "I am the Flesh of the Present, the City as it is today. Everything that exists today is a part of me. Every storygame, great and small, adds to my power."

Indeed, Crady's eyes had, for some unknown reason, gained a pinkish hue. Lilth shakily stood up while grasping the cave wall, her eyes glazed over. "I am the Bone of the End. I can see all things that are to be, all things that must be, all things that will befall US, in time."

"However," the Three ingredients said in their temporary hosts, "We can all see what should be, and it is not YOU!"

The Three joined their strength, and from their hands formed steely gray chains that wrapped around the GE, dragging it down to the deep well beneath it.


"And we shall await you once more, as we did thousands of years ago!"

There was another blinding flash as the last metallic tentacle of the GE vanished beneath the pool's glimmering surface. Only China could pipe up in time, and as the noise subsided, the cavern echoed with his howl of "NO! I still haven't paid off the Deus Ex Machina!"
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hangover


As the echo of the mayor's outcry faded, silence enveloped the cavern, bar the sound of the calm rippling pool, and the drip drip of water from the tip of a cluster of stalagtites near one of the tunnels. The group of IFians suddenly became aware of the cold air circulating about them, and realised that the roof of the cave was mostly gone now. They could see a clear dawn sky still sprinkled with a few of the brightest stars, which one by one gave way to the growing light.

Lordy watched the scene, and quietly seethed. So close! And yet so far. He had met more than his match in the Greater Evil, he realised, and his plans for total domination of IF would have to wait for another day. He turned around suddenly on the person who dared put their hand on his back.

It was Sasuke, of all people.

"Lordy, I...I just wanted to say thank you for saving IF..." said the young half-dragon.

His sentiments were echoed by murmurs from all present - it was as much as they could muster.

IM himself had a splitting headache. He decided to just lay there, and enjoy the breeze. Lilith lay just a few feet away. She had regained consciousness, and was murmuring to herself.

"Ym daeh struh..." she complained

"Hhgruuu, nehw m'I revo siht revognah, ll'I redro emos erom fo revetahw I saw gniknird," replied IM.

"Hey, Lordy!" said Dinranwen. "Can you do something about these three? They're still talking gobbledigook..."

Lordy looked down at the pathetic forms of Crady, Lilith and IM, laying exhausted on the ground.

"I don't see why I should," he leered, recovering his demonic demeanor for a moment. Various pairs of eyes scowled at him, and Rai gently thumped her tail on the ground, menacingly. "Oh, alright then," he replied, flicking his hand in the general direction of the three. "There, t'is done."

IM snapped back to alertness when he realised that he could understand some of the murmurings from the IFians around him. "Hey, everyone's talking forwards, again!" he exclaimed, in amazement. "The curse is gone!"

Slowly, and without a word, the IFians gingerly climbed up the piles of rubble out into the open, Rai helping some of them by allowing them to clamber up her scaly tail.

The group assembled on the grassy ground above the cave, many collapsing with exhaustion.

Masterweaver shuddered, as he realised as they were less than 100 yards from the cliff edge where he had first found Crunchyfrog dangling from a tree root, just 48 hours before.

From their elevated position, the IFians surveyed the city skyline. The terrible fog had gone, but it's departure revealed complete devastation. The RPG characters had had a field day during their short taste of freedom from the confines of the Games Forum. The destruction of Mage Mountain had caused great craters in the ground, destroying most of JezSharp's underground labyrinth.

NeverNeverGirl pulled out a notebook and pencil and began scribbling furiously. At this rate, the insurance company would go bankrupt.

"I guess it's time to go and clean up," sighed Dinranwen.

"Uggh, such a long way to walk, complained Crunchyfrog, "I think I'll lie here for just a bit longer..."

"Not to worry!" grinned Argo, "I'm sure I can give everyone a lift back to the city in my flying machine. I left it in IM's capable hands, so I guess it won't be far from here, right?"

"Ah, yes, er..." said IM, going red. "Er...Argo I was meaning to say something about that. It, well, you see... We were flying along, and, er..."

He was interrupted by the searing heat and crackling of a fireball that whizzed over their heads, and landed in the middle of the group, and morphed into the figure of a woman. Those that were capable, screamed and leapt backwards.

"Xansta!" cried Masterweaver delightedly. "You made it!"

"Hey, Weaver! So I did! Hey, I lost track of everyone at the Open Forum yesterday. What did I miss?"

"Ah, well, you see, just as I suspected all along, Lecro was at the heart of the whole problem. All this stuff about a Soul Well was just a diversion to catch me off my guard. Lecro and I battled it out to the end, whilst everyone here watched," explained Masterweaver excitedly. "Once I had vanquished his swarm of plot devices, he tried to turn me into a giant chicken again, but I was far too quick!... "

Idea Master, Crady, Lilith, Crunchyfrog, D-Lotus, Sasuke, Dinranwen, Smudger, NeverNeverGirl, Chinaren, Argo, BS, Rai, Lebrenth, JezSharp, Solus, Polokin and Lordy quietly left Masterweaver to rave on about his delusional experiences.

"He needs a spell in the Ass Hole," muttered Chinaren.

Slowly, the IFians dispersed as they made their seperate ways back to their city. They all had headaches to varying degrees.

It had been a marvelous New Years party, but, wow, what a Hangover...

The End

Written by:

Argonaut, BStheGreat, Chinaren, Christalnightshade, Crunchyfrog, Dinranwen, D-Lotus, Ideamaster, Kalanna Rai, JezSharp, Lebrenth, Lilith, Lordofthenight, Masterweaver, NeverNeverGirl, Polokin, Sasuke, Smudger, Solus Serpen, Xansta

Directed by:


With apologies to:

Key, Smee, Powers, Muaddib, RavenWing Shady Stoat, Etherial Fauna, and any other 'Dead IFians' featured in the story! Very Happy

Director's note:

This story could not have happened without the belief and support of all those who contributed to it. The format was brought to IF from another place, but the IFians transformed it into something new, and made it their own.

The conclusion of this experiment: What works for one community does not necessarily work for another, but with enough positive vibe and effort, wonderful things can happen.

Until next time! Very Happy
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