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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:46 am    Post subject: Supplemental Info for Intergalactic Garden Reply with quote

Please do not post in this forum. This is only intended to hold extra facts associated with "Murder in the Intergalactic Garden". Please feel free to post there.

Here's where other information will go and each post can have a direct link to it by determining the post number. This forum will also have a secondary poll that addresses the general direction the investigation should go.
Please visit my Library of completed works.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:54 pm    Post subject: ESS Endeavor Reply with quote

ESS Endeavor
Description: Massive arrowhead shaped spaceship, made of 67% original raw Earth material. The top surface is entirely natural gardens and primitive structures. Hull is mostly raw Earth, with 12 hyper-light thrusters exposed at the rear. Interior is honeycombed with reinforced corridors and chambers to sustain up to 20,000 passengers indefinitely.
Primary Dimensions (approx.): 3 miles long, 2 miles wide, 1 mile high
Weight (approx.): 140,147,251 tons

Passenger and Crew: 300 souls, acting captain George Willis

Mission: Evade danger and seek new planet for colonization

Weaponry: 2 main cannons, 30 gun pits, 90 missile bays
Docked crafts: 2 intergalactic cruisers, 25 short range skirmishers, 4 cargo freighters, 8 personnel transports, 500 escape pods

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:58 pm    Post subject: Lt. John Dunaway (Chief Security Officer) Reply with quote

Lt. John Dunaway (Chief Security Officer)
John Dunaway is the chief security officer of the ESS Endeavor, with special clearance on all levels below captain. He is currently the only acting security officer. Authority includes the right to carry a weapon on all decks, to lockdown or quarantine an area of the ship, to order robot units to carry out lawful tasks, to detain any passenger for 48 hours without cause, to conduct search and seizure with probable cause, to arrest crew or passengers for conviction, to wound or kill in protection of self or others or as justified by ship law.

Age: 33

Features: Caucasian, 5’8”, 205 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, tattoo of skull on left buttocks

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:00 pm    Post subject: Lost hat Reply with quote

Lost Hat
Officer Dunaway report on 9/27/2104 at 1121 hours:
After 3 hours of searching Corridor B101, Mindy Sommers’ hat was found in air intake vent B101-43. The citizens of the Endeavor can rest easy now knowing this crisis has been resolved.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:00 pm    Post subject: The Garden Reply with quote

The Garden
The entire upper hull of the ESS Endeavor is a pristine garden roughly 4.5 square miles in size. The Garden has many pleasing features intended to help passengers cope with space travel. Major features include Vesper Lake, Rowland Hills, Old Town, Vernal Botanical Garden.
Any passenger or crew member may enter the Garden at any time, but must abide by certain rules. No advanced technology, including any electronics or mechanical object that was not invented before 1889. No weapons of any kind (fishing poles and walking aids are not considered weapons). No disturbing of other passengers enjoying the Garden. All laws of the ship must be abided, except the law prohibiting nudity, which is allowed in specified areas

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:01 pm    Post subject: Victor Clemens Reply with quote

Victor Clemens
Officer Dunaway supplemental profile, 9/28/2104:
Due to undetermined circumstances, all record of Victor Clemens is missing in the system database. He is no longer a registered passenger, although his wife Darla Clemens still is. Any record associated with Victor Clemens has been removed, including reports made by this officer detailing domestic disturbances occurring no less than 6 times. Whether this is a deliberate deletion or is some error in the system has not yet been determined. This officer will attempt to reconstruct his profile to the best of his ability from memory and backed up files. As of this file, Victor Clemens has been re-registered as a passenger, but modifying his profile has been very difficult.

Victor Clemens,
Age: 51
Physical Features: Caucasian, 5’11”, 180 earth lbs., grey hair, blue eyes, quarter sized hole through his head. Deceased.

Relations Onboard: Wife, Darla Clemens

Autopsy by Lt. Jacques Arnot MD: Cause of death, electron rupture through cranium resulting in instantaneous death. Time of death, less than 24 hours and more than 5 hours from time of report at 9/28/2104 1450 hours. Other injuries, Minor contusions on upper arms and recent contusion of left eye, no apparent post-mortem injuries, very little fluid in lungs.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:01 pm    Post subject: Vesper Lake Reply with quote

Vesper Lake
Vesper Lake is an artificial lake made to look natural. It is .5 square miles, and 50 feet at its deepest. It has many varieties of fish for fishing, it is regulated to prevent waterborne disease and maintained by Carl Granger. Drowning is painful and potentially lethal, so be sure to practice safe swimming. Do not swim alone and know your limits.
Vesper Lake is also known for boating, with rentals available at the Lakehouse.

In an emergency, the lake can be drained. This should only be done in dire emergency because it is very difficult to refill and it may be useful for drinking water if other reserves are depleted. It will also kill all creatures living in the water, but they can be restored by cloning species currently in stasis.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:02 pm    Post subject: Robots Reply with quote

Robots can be run automatically or be controlled by voice commands or remote. They are programmed to serve and protect, but have limited intelligence (so they don’t try to take over the ship and kill their oppressors). Robots can be fitted for many tasks including repair, janitorial tasks, and security. They have audio and visual recording devices and create automatic reports that are uploaded into the system database on a regular basis. Robots are very strong and can take impressive amounts of external damage, however, they are extremely vulnerable beneath their outer shells and may malfunction when exposed to electromagnetism, high amounts of radiation, or liquid if shell has even a minor breach.

Robots often work in “details”. A robot detail comprises of 4 units except for security details which include 14 units.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:03 pm    Post subject: Victor's Fatal Wound Reply with quote

Victor's Fatal Wound
Definitely blasted by an electron accelerator, it passed clean through his head. The hole looks similar to a paper target after being shot at a dozen times with a close grouping. This close shotgun pattern penetrates the entire skull in perfectly straight lines. It definitely killed him instantaneously.

UPDATE: The attached images depict the spread pattern of the wounds. The left image is of the front of the head, the right image is of the back of the head:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:03 pm    Post subject: ID scanner Reply with quote

ID scanner
John’s ID scanner uses retinal, DNA, and fingerprint methods to identify victims. It is tested regularly and in perfect working order. It is wirelessly linked to ship’s system database and has access to all unclassified records. Classified records must be accessed from a secure computer console.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:07 pm    Post subject: Domestic Disturbances Reply with quote

Domestic Disturbances
John has visited the Clemens several times when arguments occur in public. It is suspected that more arguments occur behind closed doors with one or two bruises appearing occasionally on both persons. Short detentions have been successful at reducing the occurrence in public at least.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:08 pm    Post subject: Darla Clemens Reply with quote

Darla Clemens
Darla Clemens works with ceramics and frequently visits the recreation hall to exhibit her work and talk with other passengers. She is known to have a short temper, but she seems to reserve violent outbursts for her husband.
Age: 49

Physical Features: Caucasian, 5’2”, 103 earth lbs., grey curly hair, blue eyes

Relations Onboard: husband, Victor Clemens (deceased)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:08 pm    Post subject: Electron Accelerator Reply with quote

Electron Accelerator
Electron Accelerators (or EA’s) come in many sizes, from handgun to cannon, and have replaced gunpowder firearms completely. Essentially, they propel subatomic particles at speeds nearing the speed of light. The particles spread slightly immediately after leaving the barrel in a form similar to a shotgun blast, but then travel in a straight line with minor deviation from gravity. After a certain amount of resistance, the electrons disperse completely, rendering them harmless but also without leaving any evidence. However, spread patterns are unique to a specific weapon.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:09 pm    Post subject: Special Clearance Reply with quote

Special Clearance
Very few crewmembers have the clearance needed to even enter the Garden with a wristwatch, much less an electron accelerator. These same officers can also access files in the system database and may make any file “classified”. Here is the list:

Captain George Willis
Cdr. Jacob Hawkins (2nd in command)
Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth (Audio Visual Officer)
Lt. Jacques Arnot MD (Chief Medical Officer)
Lt. Vladimir Stokov (Chief Engineer)
Lt. John Dunaway (Chief Security Officer)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:09 pm    Post subject: Advanced Technology Reply with quote

Advanced Technology
Advanced Technology is defined as anything electronic or requiring electricity or other energy sources, and anything invented after the year 1889 AD.
Special permission is granted to certain items that are required for special recreation, medical, or safety purposes. These items will need to be registered with the Chief Security Officer and tagged for entry. Untagged advanced technology may alert a sensor alarm installed on all entrances to the Garden and in random undisclosed locations within the Garden.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:10 pm    Post subject: Robot Detail for body collection Reply with quote

Robot Detail for body collection
Robot Detail Automated Report, 09/28/2104, 1311 hours

AI: Active
Detail: Green-314
Mission: Recover unidentified human corpse at (-424.39,33.01). Transport to Morgue for processing.

Status: Complete 09/28/2104 1348 hours

Ordered by Lt. John Dunaway, 09/28/2104, 1311 hours

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:10 pm    Post subject: Morgue Reply with quote

The Morgue
The morgue can keep in indefinite storage up to 3000 living or deceased bodies in various stages of cryogenics. It doubles as a stasis chamber for living creatures as well as preserving dead creatures to prevent decomposition. The morgue is capable of “partial cryogenic freeze” to prevent the deterioration of the body while allowing conscious thought which must be interpreted by special equipment verging on telepathy. Using this technology, dying people with important knowledge can be preserved and communicated with for many additional years. This technology has also been used for interrogation, however this practice has been outlawed.

Current occupants: 300 living Full Cryogenic, 1 partial Cryogenic, 1 deceased in low cryogenics. 820,120 DNA samples are held in stasis which can be used for cloning purposes.

Other notes: The 300 living subjects are maintained in stasis pending emergency or colonization protocol. The partial cryogenic subject is Milo Jones, the last surviving architect of the ESS Endeavor who is retained for advisory functions and who is expected to expire within minutes if brought out of stasis. The 1 deceased subject is Victor Clemens who was killed by a blast from an electron accelerator. His body is being retained for investigation.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:11 pm    Post subject: Cordoned Off Reply with quote

Cordoned Off
Orders by Officer Dunaway has called for a lockdown of the Garden, preventing all passengers from entering or leaving the Garden until further notice. Also Vesper Lake has been cordoned off and 10 robot security details have been dispatched to ensure no one approaches the lake. All details will be monitoring and recording all nearby activities.

Last edited by Lebrenth on Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:33 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:19 pm    Post subject: Amanda Willis Reply with quote

Amanda Willis
Amanda is an attractive young girl who is very popular with all her classmates. She likes dancing, but she’s not very good at it. No one tells her that though. She is an intelligent student who tests well and does most of her homework. She has been known to cause trouble by spreading rumors, but mostly a good girl.

Age: 10

Features: Black, 5’3”, 105 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: Father, Captain George Willis; Mother, Stella Willis; Sister, Vanessa Willis.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anna Gonzales
Anna has been very sick since she was 30 and requires constant care for numerous illnesses. She is rarely seen because she is confined to her bed and does not have visitors except her daughter and the ship doctor. She stays in a secluded area of the Lakehouse and is not known for murdering anyone, although her moans of pain at night are very haunting.

Age: 54

Features: Hispanic, 5’2”, 210 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, advanced aging.

Relations Onboard: Daughter, Cecilia Gonzales; Son-in-Law, Carl Granger

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Command Deck
The command deck is a secure area that resides deep in the interior of the ship and it is the center of all operations. It has many large view screens around many computer terminals, and of course this is where the Captain commands, when he’s present. It is a large area with a dozen adjoining rooms that are offices for senior officers, including all special clearance officers and the captain. One of the rooms have been converted to a lounge/dance room.

The command deck is lit by a dim red light that does not interfere with the displays. When there is an emergency, the red lights become a little brighter, but it’s hard to tell the difference.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Captain George Willis
George Willis is the highest ranking officer aboard the ESS Endeavor, with the authority to command all aspects of the ship and passengers. His authority supersedes many laws, especially during a crisis, but his rank can be revoked by a 9/10 vote of lower officers, or if deemed unfit for command by Chief Medical Officer or convicted of a capital offense.
Bio: He began his career in the US Air Force where he rose to the rank of Master Sergeant before voluntarily transferring to the Global Space Corps. He attained distinction through mastery of simulations for a diverse selection of real and hypothetical space crafts, and soon demonstrated his skills in real piloting. In three years, he rose to Captain rank by exhibiting rare talent with piloting, strong knowledge, quick adaptability and ingenuity, and effective leadership qualities. He has successfully completed many intra- and extra-Solar missions, and currently has no criminal record. He also speaks 4 languages besides English, including German, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Italian.

Age: 53

Features: Black, 5’11”, 195 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, missing fourth finger on right hand

Relations Onboard: Wife, Stella Willis; Daughters, Vanessa Willis, Amanda Willis.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Carl Granger
Carl is an enthusiastic fisherman who maintains Vesper Lake and the Lakehouse with his wife. Carl is proud of what he considers “his” establishment, but he operates it with permission from the Captain. He also enjoys boxing and heavy drinking, often at the same time. He is known for brawling with guests but there are no official reports to confirm this. Recently, Carl discovered the body of Victor Clemens.

Age: 43

Features: Caucasian, 5’8”, 195 earth lbs., red hair, green eyes, mustache, tattoo of mermaid on right leg, tattoo of octopus on left shoulder blade, tattoo of harpoon on right arm, tattoo of airplane on left arm.

Relations Onboard: Wife, Cecilia Granger; Mother-in-Law, Anna Gonzales

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cecilia Granger
Cecilia is known for her hospitality at the Lakehouse. She is often described as sweet natured and caring. Some of her guests visit just so they can have a talk with her. She also takes care of her mother who needs constant assistance in her old age. Cecilia also enjoys boating with her husband, but does not like to fish. She is usually in the Garden, but when shopping or getting medicine below deck, she sometimes spends a few hours in the shooting range doing target practice.
Cecilia Granger speaks English and Spanish.

Age: 25

Features: Hispanic, 5’2”, 125 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: Husband, Carl Granger; Mother, Anna Gonzales

Last edited by Lebrenth on Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:26 pm    Post subject: Senior Officer Conference: 09/28/2104, 1510 hours Reply with quote

Senior Officer Conference: 09/28/2104, 1510 hours

John: "Gentlemen, as I'm sure you all are, we have on our hands the most serious crime to ever happen in the last 16 years, even if it was suicide."

Jacques: <confidently> "It was not suicide."

John: "I look forward to your report in a moment, Doctor. I want everyone in this room to know right now, you are suspects. That excludes you, Captain.

Captain: "Glad to hear it."

John: "In a moment, the doctor will confirm that Victor Clemens was killed by an electron accelerator. He was found in Vesper Lake. Vesper Lake, as you all know of course, is in the Garden, and electron accelerators do not go into the Garden unless they are carried by a senior officer with special clearance. We'll try to figure this out the easy way first. Raise your hand if you killed Victor Clemens."

No response.

John: "All right, the hard way. Doctor, would you enlighten us with your report?"

Jacques: "With pleasure. Victor Clemens, who is now unregistered in the system database, was killed by a small arms electron accelerator blast that entered his skull from the back and exited his forehead. He died instantly. There was absolutely no spread of the wound from the back to the front, so there must have been at least a 5 cm distance between the muzzle of the weapon and his head. That would make a very unusual angle for someone to shoot themselves, though I suppose its medically possible. I checked for fluid in his lungs since he was found in water, but there was very little, suggesting he did not drown and then get shot, for whatever reason someone would do that. A simple drug and toxin screen was done on his blood, but the results were so unremarkable I didn't even bother to write the report. Nothing unusual at all. The man was shot in the head. That's it."

John: "Do you have a time of death?"

Jacques: "Mon Dieu, I was forgetting. I have a rough estimated time of death between 2:50pm on the 27 to 9:50am today. Unfortunately, the temperature of the lake complicates things considerably, especially since we do not know how long after death he was in the lake or if he started there. I feel confident, however, that he did not die after 9:50. It was probably somewhere in between. He also had several bruises on his arms, and one new one on his eye that occurred perhaps 2 hours before he died. Naturally, I documented everything, even if it is not all in the official report."

John: "Thank you Doctor. By the way, where were you during your estimation of the time of death?"

Jacques: <laughing> "It appears you have to rely on the very people you suspect to give you accurate information, yes? I am wise enough to give myself a solid alibi. It might please the room to know that while one life was being destroyed, another was being born. Francisco and Helga Ferrera have delivered a baby boy, with a little help from me. He is very healthy, but he's still waiting for a name."

Captain: "Congratulations Doctor!"

Jacques: "Thank you, but I think it would be better to congratulate the proud parents."

Captain: "I'll do that just as soon as I get back."

John: "If you don't mind, Captain, I would like to get to the murder first."

Captain: "Yes of course. Carry on."

John: "Thank you very much. Now who can tell me how to erase a profile from the system?"

There is a pause

Captain: "Once a profile is registered it can't be erased. Certain parts of it can be changed, but even I can't remove the profile entirely."

John: "I'll forgive you for not being aware of it, Captain, but Victor Clemens' profile is no longer in the database."

Vladimir: "It could be a glitch. Some of the computer systems are not working as well as they should. Of course, it's also possible for a person to locate the physical location of the file. Then it would be as simple as using a magnet in the right location."

John: "Could you do this?"

Vladimir: "Not alone. I would need someone with better knowledge of the system database to locate the physical address. After that, yes. The next step would be to take out the memory backup."

John: "Someone like who?"

Vladimir: "Lt. Terrence Bluth is the only man I know of with such skills."

Terrence: <accusingly> "I may have the skills, but I don't have a motive."

Vladimir: "What do you mean by that?"

John: "Lt. Bluth told me about your affair, Vladimir. We'll have a talk in a moment."

Vladimir drops his arms to his side as though to stand up and beat the life out of Terrence. But, he remains in his seat, giving the evil eye to Terrence instead of his fist.

Captain: "Stand down Vlad. We're not going to accuse anyone until we have the facts. We can be discrete."

Vladimir: "Yes Captain."

John: "All right, any other theories? How about when a passenger disembarks? Does that remove them from the database?"

Captain: "No, previous passengers are kept on file. We need higher authority than I have to get those files removed."

John: "No one has that kind of authority anymore Captain."

Captain: "I'm aware of that."

John: "So it is the opinion of this senior staff that the profile was manually destroyed?"

Captain: "I agree with that."

Terrence: "Yes John, that makes the most sense."

Stokov: "You could also ask Milo Jones in cryostasis. He helped build the ship, maybe he knows another way the profile could be removed."

John: "Good thinking Vladimir, maybe I'll have a chat with the old popsicle after this conference. I still need to talk to Victor's dear wife too, but maybe you should do it since you know her better."

Vladimir's evil eye turns on me this time and from the outrage on his face, I could see him killing another man. He's certainly not afraid of being implicated for murder, but he's never been the type for cowardice.

John: "Listen everyone, I'm not done asking questions, but I think this conference has done about as much as it can for now. I expect each of you to stay on your best behavior while I figure this out, and if any of you find any additional information, you'll report it to me. If there's anything else that needs to be said, now is the time to do it.

Long Pause

John: "I need a minute with Vladimir alone please. Have a good day."


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ferrera Baby
Francisco and Helga Ferrera had a baby boy on 9/28 at 0317. Due to complications with labor, it took 14 hours before the birth was a success, but the child has shown excellent signs of health. The baby was delivered by Doctor Jacques Arnot, who attended the entire operation and stayed several hours later for observations and further procedures. He turned over his supervision to his interns at 1010 in order to get some rest.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Forest
There have been several attempts to name the forest something (Mayor Richard Sato favors ‘The Christmas Forest’), but nothing has stuck, so it’s just called “The Forest.” There are many trails through the forest to various glens, springs, berry bushes, and general landmarks. Some parts of the forest are kept pristine and inaccessible without straying from the path to emulate the tangled wild forests of Earth. The Forest is also home to the Observatory.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Francisco Ferrera
Francisco is an extremely friendly man is also a proud father of one of the few children born on board. He works as a general engineer whose tasks vary greatly from day to day. He knows the ship very well and is happy to help where he can. He also enjoys origami and making toys. His son already has a nice collection of handmade toys pre-wrapped and ready to be given as presents. He also spends free time with his wife, particularly enjoying hiking to the highest hills in Rowland Hills.

Age: 39

Physical Features: Hispanic, 5’8, 150 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, six toes on right foot.

Relations Onboard: wife, Helga Ferrera

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Granger Crest
The Granger Family Crest is an image of two unicorns in circular pattern stabbing each others heart with their horns. It’s become the Lakehouse Brand which is found on every bottle of alcohol and many different places around the Lakehouse and on the properties boats. Carl Granger did not get permission to put his family crest on all of these things, but it does add a bit of character.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Helga Himmer Ferrera
Helga is a somewhat rare example of a person who learned to grow onboard the ESS Endeavor, finding a husband and having a child long after boarding the craft. She also works on maintenance projects, sometimes with her husband Francisco Ferrera, and does janitorial work. She also enjoys gardening and spends a lot of time in Old Town in a home she leases there with a large garden in the backyard.

Age: 35

Physical Features: Caucasian, 5’9, 160 earth lbs., Blonde hair, blue eyes, tattoo of the Orion constellation on her back.

Relations Onboard: husband, Francisco Ferrera

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interview: Jacob Hawkins. 09/28/2104, 1437 hours

Commander Jacob Hawkins sits in the Captain’s chair looking at me even before I started for him. He may have seen me talk with Terrence first, which may or may not offend him. In any case, it’s clear he’s appropriately concerned about the murder. He cuts immediately to the chase as I walk up to him.

Jacob: “I was at the Lakehouse last night. There were witnesses. You could talk to Carl Granger.

John: “Carl is the one who found the body in the lake. Did you want to speak about this in private?”

Jacob: “No need. Do you have a time of death?”

John: “Not yet. Soon. Why don’t you just walk me through your activities since yesterday morning.”

Jacob: “I had breakfast at the mess hall at 0900, scrambled eggs and toast. 0940 I logged into the command deck. I skipped lunch. At 2000 hours I left the command deck to have dinner at the Lakehouse. I had some braised duck. Spent the rest of the evening there, had a few drinks. Carl and I talked until about 0200 the next day. He helped me back to the Garden entrance as I was a bit tanked. I forget what time it was when I went to bed, maybe 0230 to 0300. Slept till 1000, skipped breakfast and logged in at 1030 hours.”

John: “Nicely put, sir. Did you have your sidearm with you last night?”

Jacob: “I don’t take my sidearm into the Garden.”

John: “I see you’re not carrying it now either.”

Jacob: “No need for it here. You can find it in my quarters. You have my permission to check it out.”

John: “I’ll do that. I’m sure you won’t mind if check all of your facts.”

Jacob: “I expect you to. How was he killed?”

John: “You’ll have my status report in an hour. Let’s just say I’ll be testing the spread pattern of your sidearm very soon.”

Jacob: “Good. Let me know when it’s cleared. With a murderer on board, it might be more prudent to carry it.”


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:45 pm    Post subject: Interview: Terrence Bluth. 09/28/2104, 1407 hours Reply with quote

Interview: Terrence Bluth. 09/28/2104, 1407 hours

Terrence arrives to office to see me standing by his desk. He is surprised, but he smiles and shakes my hand. He looks very tired and jittery, he has brought coffee with him, and I note the coffee stains on his otherwise pristine desk.

Terrence: “John, what a surprise to see you!”

John: “It shouldn’t be Terrence. You know I come to you when I need help.”

Terrence: “What do you need help with?”

John: “I thought you were the eyes and ears of the ship.”

Terrence: “… I suppose you mean the murder. Yes, everyone is talking about it.”

John: “How long have you known?”

Terrence: “Are you interrogating me John?”

John: “Yes, now sit down and let’s get this over with.”

Terrence walks past me to sit his desk. He is definitely on edge, and I don’t like it.

John: “How many cups of coffee have you had?”

Terrence: “I don’t know. A lot.”

John: “What do you need to stay awake for?”

Terrence: “The Captain has been searching nearby stars and he’s had me scanning to help him.”

John: “I was not informed the Captain was away.”

Terrence: “He’s been away for 6 days now.”

John: <sarcastically> “Wonderful, at least I can scratch him off my list.”

Terrence: “You suspected the Captain?”

John: “Someone killed Victor Clemens with an electron accelerator. Only Special Clearance Officers, like yourself, have the authority to carry electron accelerators into the Garden.”

Terrence: “I’ve been here all night.”

John: “And before you logged into the command deck?”

Terrence: “I suppose I was in the Garden.”

John: “You suppose, or you were?”

Terrence: “I was in the Garden. I was enjoying the forest most of the day.”

John: “Did you spend any time at the lake?”

Terrence: “No… just the forest. I hiked up near the observatory and explored a few trails.”

John: “Any witnesses?”

Terrence: “No.”

John: “All right, Terrence, I just want you to know that I don’t think you had anything to do with this, but I have to ask these questions. I’m sure you didn’t even know Victor.

Terrence: “It’s true, I didn’t know him.”

John: “Right, so how about we get down to business and start looking for some real clues?”

Terrence: “Yes of course. I’ll inform the Captain of the murder and I’m sure he’ll understand if I spend more time on helping you.

John: “Yeah, I’m sure he will. So can you tell me anything else? Have you heard or seen anything?

Terrence begins to relax a little. Perhaps he’s not convinced that I don’t suspect, and I’m not entirely convinced myself, but our relationship is at least a bit more like usual.

Terrence: I was busy looking at the stars, but I have some recordings to review. You already know there aren’t any cameras in the Garden or in private quarters, and we’ve shut down a lot of areas, so I don’t have complete surveillance.

John: “Yeah. How about public transmissions?”

Terrence: “They’ve been hectic lately. No one I’ve listened to seems to know anything, but they’re spreading rumors.”

John: “What kind of rumors?”

Terrence: “Some of them think you did it.”

John: “Yeah, that’s a wild rumor all right.”

Terrence: “Some think it’s an alien.”

John: “Wouldn’t be the first ‘alien sighting’.”

Terrence: “Right… I’ll keep looking and listening for you. I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything else.”

John: “All right, Terrence. I have some more interviews to do. Don’t tell anyone about our conversation till I have chance to talk to the senior officers.

Terrence: “Understood…. Wait, there is something you should know.”

John: “Yes?”

Terrence: “Vladimir is sleeping with Darla Clemens!”

John: “As in Lieutenant Vladimir Stokov our Chief Engineer?”

Terrence: “Yes, I’m sure of it, they meet in a vacant room on corridor D081. I think I may still have it on file.”

John: “Show me.”

Terrence accesses his computer and quickly finds the video compilation of numerous times Vladimir and Darla go into the room at different times but leave at the same time looking bedraggled. There’s even one kiss on the lips. There is also audio outside of the room, but it’s quite muffled.

John: “It seems we have a motive. Thanks Terrence.”

Terrence: <relieved> “My pleasure.”


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:46 pm    Post subject: Interview: Vladimir Stokov. 09/28/2104, 1539 hours Reply with quote

Interview: Vladimir Stokov. 09/28/2104, 1539 hours

Vladimir: “There isn’t anything to say.”

John: “Then this won’t take much time. I already know you have a motive, so now I need to know what you can come up with for an alibi.”

Vladimir: “I don’t see why I should cooperate with you. You’re trying to convict me.”

John: “You’ll know when I’m trying to convict you, Vladimir. This gun will be pointed at you, and I’ll start reading you your rights. Haven’t you heard of innocent until proven guilty? Why don’t you start acting innocent and I’ll see what I can do to keep you that way?”

Vladimir: “You’re trying to make a joke out of me.”

John: “Can you blame me? You’ve made a joke of yourself. Why are you sleeping with a married woman?”

Vladimir: “I was not sleeping with her. We are just friends.”

John: “There you go again, making a joke of yourself. Why don’t we cut to the chase and you tell me why her husband deserved to die?”

Vladimir: “I don’t know anything about that.”

John: “Playing dumb won’t help either. Everyone knows they had a terrible relationship; they weren’t right for each other. They fought till they didn’t know what they were fighting about, then they fought about that. So maybe it was his fault, is that what she said? Maybe you were doing her a favor? It certainly wasn’t for your benefit, since you were getting all the action you wanted, weren’t you?”

Vladimir: “Stop this! You don’t know anything about us.”

John: “Tell me about it, Vladimir. Tell me about ‘us’. Did you do it or are you just covering for her?”

Vladimir: “I have nothing more to say. You can arrest me if you want, but I’m not going to listen to you anymore.”

John: “I wouldn’t want to get my handcuffs dirty. Get out of here Vladimir, and let me know when you’re ready to do the right thing. Oh, but one more thing. I’m going to confiscate your gun collection. Yeah I know about them, and they’ll be gone before you can get back to them. Anything you want to tell me now?”

Vladimir: “No.”


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:47 pm    Post subject: Lt. Cdr. Jacob Hawkins Reply with quote

Lt. Cdr. Jacob Hawkins
Lt. Cdr. Jacob Hawkins is 2nd in command of ESS Endeavor. He has all but the top security clearance, and has the authority to command all interior operations on the ship that do not conflict with the Captain’s orders. In the Captain’s absence, he takes command of the ship as the acting Captain, but unless completely promoted, does not gain top clearance.
Jacob Hawkins served in the Royal Air Force until his voluntary transfer to the Global Space Corps where he showed excellent promise as a pilot and leader, rising quickly in rank and being distinguished with the highest commendation of the Corps, the Hope Medal, for saving 18 people during the Orion Space Station Disaster. The show of courage and willingness to sacrifice for others exemplifies his deep commitment to fellow crewmembers and the greater good. Jacob also has a history of addiction to narcotics but has recovered admirably.

Age: 48

Features: Caucasian, 5’9”, 179 earth lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:47 pm    Post subject: Lt. Jacques Arnot MD (Chief Medical Officer) Reply with quote

Lt. Jacques Arnot MD (Chief Medical Officer)
Jacques is the only qualified doctor on the ship, so he is treated with considerable favor. He speaks French and English with a French accent. However, many of his patients, when diagnosed, will only know the French name for the disease unless they look up the English name themselves. He is very proud of his French heritage and appreciates many of the things of his culture. He is well mannered and compassionate as well as being a talented doctor, so the crew and passengers feel very well cared for. He also teaches free classes for medical practices and is working diligently with two protégés who wish to become doctors themselves.

Age: 55

Features: Caucasian, 5’9”, 189 earth lbs., grey hair, blue eyes

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:48 pm    Post subject: Sgt. James Slaughter Reply with quote

Sgt. James Slaughter
Sgt. James Slaughter has served well as a rangemaster at various shooting ranges, and is the current facilitator at the Endeavor’s shooting range. He has an average of 1 reportable accident every three years, with only 1 serious accident which resulted in the death of a soldier due to carelessness from another soldier on his range. Sgt. Slaughter was cleared of any wrongdoing for this occurrence.

Sgt. Slaughter is known to be strict and temperamental when operating his range, but generally agreeable in other circumstances, which is nice since he carries a sidearm everywhere he goes except the Garden (and since he can’t carry a gun there, he rarely goes). He listens to old music and dabbles in painting where he applies the steady grip he gained from marksmanship to fine detail with a brush.

Age: 39

Features: Black, 5’8”, 165 earth lbs., black hair, brown eyes.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:49 pm    Post subject: WO Jose Pacheko Reply with quote

WO Jose Pacheco
Jose works as a technician on the command deck reporting directly to Lt.Cdr. Terrence Bluth. He specializes on internal observations, which generally means making certain there’s enough ice in the soda fountains, and turning off lights accidentally left on throughout the ship. He has been commended by his superiors on several occasions for diligence to his duty.

Jose enjoys watching and playing sports. He plays football (not American football) but is frequently chased out of the Garden by Mayor Richard Sato who doesn’t like “soccer or football or whatever you call it!”

Age: 33

Features: Hispanic, 5’9”, 165 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, large scar on left elbow from surgery.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:52 pm    Post subject: The Lakehouse Reply with quote

The Lakehouse
The Lakehouse lies on the banks of Vesper Lake and is open to all passengers and crew. Food and beverages are served there and you can socialize by the fire in the main hall. There are 68 rooms available at a very low rate and you can also rent boats for sailing on Vesper Lake.
This establishment is maintained by the Granger family.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:53 pm    Post subject: Command Deck Log Activity for 9/27 through 1600 9/28 Reply with quote

Command Deck Log Activity for 9/27 through 1600 9/28

0940: Log In - Cdr. Jacob Hawkins
1558: Log In - Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth
2003: Log Out - Cdr. Jacob Hawkins

9/28/2104 as of 1600
1030: Log In – Cdr. Jacob Hawkins
1358: Log In – Lt. John Dunaway
1447: Log Out – Lt. John Dunaway
1452: Log In – Lt. Vladimir Stokov
1453: Log In – Lt. Jacques Arnot
1509: Log In – Lt. John Dunaway
1539: Log Out – Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth
1540: Log Out – Lt. Jacques Arnot

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:56 pm    Post subject: Marked Map of the Garden Reply with quote

Marked Map of the Garden
This map was found in Terrence Bluth’s filing cabinet. The markings looked suspicious so I collected it as potential evidence.

As though reading from Top Left to Bottom right:

0254 Crater X || 2 1401
4 1430
3 1415 || 5 1800 || 7 0233
6 2100

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:56 pm    Post subject: Mayor Richard Sato Reply with quote

Mayor Richard Sato
Richard is a very enthusiastic Old Town advocate and unelected mayor who frequently boosts about never leaving the Garden. He maintains Old Town, organizes festivals and activities, and reports all crimes he witnesses, which have thus far been trivial for the most part. His position was given to him by the Captain, though there are mock elections for “Mayor for a day” events that Richard enjoys holding annually. Though there have been complaints about his perfectionistic methods of running Old Town, and some passengers have been run out of town for petty squabbles, overall he does a good job.
Age: 55

Features: Asian, 5’9”, 160 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: None (but he does have an Old Town girlfriend that he is formally courting)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:57 pm    Post subject: Mess Hall Reply with quote

Mess Hall
The mess hall is a the largest cafeteria of the ship where almost all crew members eat, although it is open to passengers as well. It is where most of the food is prepared, including food that is sent to other areas such as smaller cafeterias, the Garden, and vending machines.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:58 pm    Post subject: Milo Jones Reply with quote

Milo Jones
Milo Jones was famous on Earth for designing interstellar spacecraft, and he was an integral part of designing the ESS Endeavor. As payment for his services, he demanded a seat on the Endeavor, in spite of his poor health suggesting he could not survive the rigors of space travel. In spite of his age, he was well known for his sharp wit, ingenuity, and diligent work. He felt himself capable of space flight and only discovered the truth afterwards. To save him from death, he has been in cryostasis, but he knows the ship and how it functions better than anyone else, so he is kept in partial cryostasis and communicated to through a device implanted in his brain.

Milo continues to innovate, even in stasis, and has made several improvements to partial cryostasis itself. He is very communicative any time of the day, however at certain times, when his mind is in a sleep state, he has hallucinations and strange logic as though in a dream. He has expressed an interest in creating a remote link with a robot, but due to his unpredictable dream states, he has been denied. Nonetheless, Milo is very at peace, as is typical of partial cryostasis patients.

Age: 88 (Cryostasis since 72)

Features: Caucasian, 5’6”, 105 earth lbs., white hair, blue eyes, very pale, frozen nearly solid, brain implant, DO NOT THAW

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:58 pm    Post subject: Mindy Sommers Reply with quote

Mindy Sommers
Mindy likes hats. She actually got permission to use an entire living unit for her hats, and is rumored to have broken into another unit for even more hats. She makes all of her hats herself, and some of them are quite popular with other crewmembers… the other ones are hideous. She is also rumored to have a crush on the Chief Security Officer, John Dunaway.

Age: 31

Features: Caucasian, 5’5”, 135 earth lbs., light brown hair, green eyes, large mole near right elbow, 2 inch scar on back of neck

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:03 pm    Post subject: Observatory Defense Cannon Reply with quote

Observatory Defense Cannon
Disguised and repurposed as an old fashion observatory, it is primarily a electron accelerator cannon turret. It is open to the public for use as an observatory and but may be locked down quickly in an emergency. To prevent accidental damage to ship, it is incapable of aiming at any vital part of the ship, though it can aim at the higher elevations of Rowland Hills.

The turret has a restricted Garden entrance. Attempting to access this entrance or control the cannon without authorization is a serious crime with a minimum penalty of 1 year incarceration.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:03 pm    Post subject: Old Town Reply with quote

Old Town
Old Town is a small settlement within the garden with a population potential of 1200, but generally has about 25 people in it at any time. The Mayor of Old Town, Richard Sato, proudly declares that he never leaves the Garden and spends almost all of his time in Old Town to make certain everything is perfect.

There are many events and festivals planned year round ranging from small tea parties to celebrations the entire ships joins for several days. During Christmas the entire town is decorated and many of the traditions of the holiday are observed with all of the bells and whistles.

Leasing a home is very affordable and there is always something available, though certain popular homes are often taken.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:04 pm    Post subject: Quigley Marsh Reply with quote

Quigley Marsh
The wetlands lie beside Vesper Lake and harbor many interesting wetland creatures, such as ducks, herons, dragonflies, frogs, and others. There are several raised wood walkways to help passengers enjoy the marsh without getting wet and muddy, but most of the marsh is accessible only by boat, hovercraft, or getting wet and muddy. Though there are several varieties of snake also in the marsh, none of them are dangerous to humans. Passengers in the marsh should nonetheless travel carefully to avoid getting stuck in mud, sinkholes, or drowning. Bring a friend, let people know where you are planning to go, and know your limits!

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:05 pm    Post subject: Rowland Hills Reply with quote

Rowland Hills
The Rowland Hills dominate the center of the Garden and reach a max elevation of 912 feet. It has many climbing and rappelling cliffs, hiking paths through the landscape, and there can also be found several varieties of mammals such as mountain goats and deer. Several large caves are built into the hills including two natural caves. These caves are unsupervised, so exercise extreme caution if choosing to spelunk.

Additional Notes: Unregistered Garden entrance in Fleming Cave. This door requires special clearance to use.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:05 pm    Post subject: Shooting Range Reply with quote

Shooting Range
The Shooting Range is open to crew members and passengers for training and recreation using live fire electron accelerators. The facility is open between 1000 hours to 1600 hours when requested and features 6 ranges with a total of 48 lanes.

Crew members may bring their own firearm. Rental firearms may not leave the range for any reason, and willfully or accidentally removing firearms is a crime punishable with a minimum 6 month incarceration. Other rules posted at the range which must be followed strictly. Warning! Guns do kill people.

Current Rangemaster: Sgt. James Slaughter

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:06 pm    Post subject: Shuttle Reply with quote

To move around the large ship, a shuttle system has been incorporated to ensure speedy transport. The system was designed to accommodate 20000 passengers with scheduled routes, but with only 300 onboard, they have become more like taxis that one can hail at any time. Frequently passengers ride alone in the roomy shuttles, which are generally cold and dimly lit to save energy. Though it is depressing to ride, it gets everyone where they need to be.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:07 pm    Post subject: Stella Willis Reply with quote

Stella Willis
Stella Willis is a talented opera singer who still performs for the crew occasionally, for instance during the Christmas Holiday Performance. Otherwise, she is a quiet and supportive wife and mother.
Bio: She has been married to the Captain for 28 years and conceived two daughters 10 and 12 years ago. She has led a fairly secluded life, but appears happy.

Age: 47

Features: Black, 5’10”, 165 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: Husband, Captain George Willis; Daughters, Vanessa Willis, Amanda Willis.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:07 pm    Post subject: System Database/Intranet Reply with quote

System Database/Intranet
The System Database, also known as the Intranet, is a ship wide database for all knowledge. It contains public, private, confidential, and top secret data in a very secure containment. Public knowledge can be accessed by most computers either wirelessly or directly, also private can be accessed similarly, but with the additional requirement of a password. Confidential knowledge can only be accessed by authorized members on monitored secure terminals. Top Secret data can only be accessed by the Captain of the ship. Protocols for gaining the authority of the Captain are confidential.

The Intranet is not a single or centralized computer, but a network of computers in groups that are dedicated to a certain level of security. There are protocols that allow for different groups to communicate directly to provide for classification or declassification of data. For security, data is backed up on a weekly basis in secure locations. Data on the Intranet is also ‘cycled’ between computers so that no data resides in the same location for very long.

The Intranet is not impervious to “lateral” malware, which affects groups on the same security level, so care must be taken at all times. However, there are no documented cases of malware that crosses security groups, i.e. public access installing a virus into a Confidential file. To prevent malware, never share your password, DNA, or retinal scans with anyone.

The Captain’s authority to access Top Secret files will be transferred to the next highest in command in the event of these conditions:
• The Captain declassifies individual files
• The Captain abdicates his position voluntarily
• The Captain is declared deceased or permanently unfit for duty by Chief Medical Officer
• The Captain is convicted of a capitol offense
• The Captain is missing in action for more than 30 days

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:08 pm    Post subject: Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth (Chief Audio Visual Officer) Reply with quote

Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth (Chief Audio Visual Officer)
Terrence Bluth is a senior officer in charge of monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting audio and visual data gathered from inside or outside of the ship. He has been described as the busiest man on the ship because of the amount of data there is to analyze. He has a very important duty to search for an inhabitable planet to colonize, but he also watches for navigational hazards, and surveys all areas of the ship for security and maintenance purposes. His surveillance is extremely limited, however, in the Garden, in private living quarters, and in restrooms. John Dunaway has frequently worked with Terrence Bluth to help resolve crimes, and he has found Terrence to be amiable and very helpful.

Age: 42

Features: Punjabi, 5’10”, 165 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: None.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:08 pm    Post subject: Vanessa Willis Reply with quote

Vanessa Willis
Vanessa enjoys being active and social. She plays baseball in the Garden and also likes to draw horses.
Bio: Vanessa as a student manages fair to good grades. She enjoys a good social life and does not cause trouble.

Age: 12

Features: Black, 5’6”, 115 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: Father, Captain George Willis; Mother, Stella Willis; Sister, Amanda Willis.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:09 pm    Post subject: Vernal Botanical Garden Reply with quote

Vernal Botanical Garden
The Vernal Botanical Garden is a large greenhouse with many interesting plants and smaller gardens. Many of the plants in the greenhouse are unable to grow in the other parts of the Garden, and must be kept in tropical conditions. Crew and passengers are welcome to visit the botanical garden to relax or to learn but they are asked to show more care for the often delicate plant life.

There are three sections of the botanical Garden, each of them with unique features. One is jungle themed, another is entirely devoted to flowers, and the third is reserved for “The truly bizarre”.

There is an additional restricted section reserved for any extraterrestrial plant life, but as yet there are no surviving samples. Pending further research, new samples will be thawed from cryostasis and transferred to this area. It is of capital importance that there is no contamination to or from this section.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:15 pm    Post subject: Video: Trysts in D081-31Q Reply with quote

Video: Trysts in D081-31Q
This compilation of videos shows many occasions where Vladimir Stokov and Darla Clemens met in a remote part of the ship and entered a room (marked D081-31Q) either together or at different times that are close together, and then leave together. There are occasions where the two come out looking like they’ve been ‘wrestling’. On one occasion the two of them kiss on the lips.

At the very end of the compilation, it shows Vladimir inspecting the camera closely with a screwdriver, then static as the camera goes offline. This last recording is dated 8/1/2104 at 1531

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:15 pm    Post subject: Lt. Vladimir Stokov (Chief Engineer) Reply with quote

Lt. Vladimir Stokov (Chief Engineer)
Vladimir is the engineer of the ship and he has the largest number of people working under him since he began enlisting from civilians. The immense job of maintaining such an enormous ship needed a large number of workers, so he is the primary employer of passengers. He manages the maintenance of all systems, robots, and even custodial work. Under his advice, the Captain ordered the lockdown on much of the unoccupied sections of the ship. Considering the scope of his work, he does quite well, nonetheless many jobs are necessarily delayed by several months, meaning passengers and crew are often fixing things themselves or trading rooms when small things break.

Vladimir works hard and expects everyone around him to work hard as well. He is not unfriendly, but he does not spend much time socializing because there is always more work to do. As a supervisor he can be exacting and persistent, but he does not raise his voice. He also has a terrible sense of humor and enjoys pulling pranks, if they won’t take him too much time to set up.

Vladimir speaks Russian and English fluently. He has an accent familiar to Moscow.
Age: 52
Features: Caucasian, 6’2”, 224 earth lbs, bald, brown eyes, severe skin blemishes on his arms (possibly undiagnosed skin cancer)

Relations Onboard: None.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:29 pm    Post subject: Camoubots Reply with quote

Using chameleon paint technology enable special robots to change color to more closely resemble their surroundings. This is by no means invisibility, but merely a very effective form of camouflage. They can also engage Hide Mode which causes them to collapse, fold up, change color, and shut down so they appear to be merely boulders. To increase their stealth, they are sometimes made small, perhaps even as small as a coin, but all of the camoubots on the Endeavor are 4 feet tall.

Camoubots are designed for military operations, but can be fitted for other tasks. They are typically armed with an electron accelerator pistol, but they can be outfitted in many different ways. They have a robust AI that are capable of seek and destroy missions, minor infiltrations, and yard work. On the Endeavor they are stationed in the Garden and do mostly basic labor. However, they also raise an intruder alarm if an unidentified creature is spotted, so they are the first line of defense against borders on the hull.

Fourteen camoubots were stationed within the Garden, but contact has been lost with 1 of the camoubots (Camoubot-13) and efforts to locate it have been unsuccessful. The last contact with the camoubot was 10/1/2103. The remaining camoubots are functioning properly and stationed within the Garden still.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:31 pm    Post subject: Cryostasis Reply with quote

Cryostasis is a complex process of freezing a person without causing cell damage. Normal freezing is fatal to most animals, but through cryostasis technology, the water within the body is super-cooled immediately after a harmless radiation flash that prevents crystallization. Thawing is not as complex, but it must be done rapidly. Resuscitation is often necessary afterwards, but the success rate of healthy patients reviving is above 99.9 percent.

Long Term Cryostasis often includes adding protective sheathing which is often mistaken for ice, but it is actually a form of plastic. The extra sheathing helps insulate and protect while in cryostasis but must be removed before thawing using a special solvent.

Partial Cryostasis
Partial Cryostasis protects the body, such as with normal or long term cryostasis, but allows selected areas of the brain to continue functioning with the aid of a brain implant. This form of cryostasis is extremely expensive in terms of energy costs and production as well as installation of brain implant. The brain will continue to age while the body remains the same, which has many potential health risks. Some of these risks are reduced by the brain implants that are designed to analyze, maintain, and repair brain tissue. For partial cryostasis patients, the brain implant must have a constant source of power or the patient will die within a single second. The brain implant also acts as a communication link, allowing cryostasis patients to interact with others. These patients are very often in a hazy peaceful state, making them receptive to questions, although sometimes resulting in illogical or delusional answers. To prevent inhumane treatment of prisoners, partial cryostasis must be explicitly and voluntarily requested with a detailed contract on how the patient will be treated including what questions may be asked.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:31 pm    Post subject: Hovercraft Reply with quote

Hovercrafts are somewhat slow vehicles, but are adept for maneuvering on rough terrain and over water. Hovercrafts tend to be small and only carry a few passengers, so they are used only for versatility. They can often reach heights of as much as 20ft, but work best 5in from the ground.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:32 pm    Post subject: Log: Work Orders for Vladimir Stokov for 9/26/2104 – 9/28/21 Reply with quote

Log: Work Orders for Vladimir Stokov for 9/26/2104 – 9/28/2104 at 1232 hours.
The following list contains work orders specifically handled by Vladimir Stokov.

0614: Rat traps reset
0822: Gas leak repaired
0850: Gas lines inspected, gas turned back on
1000: Section 41 weather actuator shielding replaced
1111: Section 42 weather actuator shielding replaced
1209: Section 43 weather actuator shielding replaced
1430: Section 44 weather actuator shielding replaced
1542: Section 45 weather actuator shielding replaced
1710: Section 46 weather actuator shielding replaced
1854: Section 47 weather actuator and shielding replaced

0633: Fixed Vent Manifold
0757: Shuttle brakes replaced
0859: Shuttle lights repaired
1101: Shuttle inspection complete
1409: Bad wiring replaced in Corridor G-021
1555: Broken water pipe in Room C-038 replaced
1633: Flooded Room C-038 drained
1800: Robot Detail Blue-103 recharged, sent for additional repairs
2100: Robot Detail Blue-103 repaired and inspected

1232: Mess Hall garbage disposal unjammed and repaired

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:33 pm    Post subject: Mayor’s House Reply with quote

Mayor’s House
The Mayor’s House is the unofficially official residence of Mayor Richard Sato. It is an extravagantly furnished manor that is famous for hosting numerous events hosted by the enthusiastic Old Town citizen. It is also famous for being among the relatively few manors that are “starside”, which is to say on the very edge of the Garden with a clear view of the stars on the port side of the ship.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:34 pm    Post subject: Recreation Hall Reply with quote

Recreation Hall
This general hall was intended as a large gym for many people, but has been partitioned to serve many different recreational interests, from sports to crafts. There is always plenty of room for everyone, so reservations are easy to attain and are absolutely free! Join a community to get to know your fellow shipmates better and have fun!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:34 pm    Post subject: REPORT 1: Merged automated reports from camoubots Reply with quote

REPORT 1: Merged automated reports from camoubots
Camoubot Automated Report, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate impact near (-866,0), seek unidentified life form. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-5 Discovery, 09/26/2104, 0254 hours. Impact crater at (-758,-56).

Report: 09/26/2104, 0254 hours, impact crater at (-758,-56). Crater dimensions:: 8in deep, 5ft circumference. No unidentified life forms detected. Dead unidentified organic material discovered. Unidentified foot patterns discovered for 1-2 creatures.

Action: Reconnaissance resuming, search pattern Alpha. Requested Aggro update:: No change.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours
Aggro update by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/26/2104, 0259 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/26/2104, 1401 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-3 Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1401 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-610,-140). Camoubot-3 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1401 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-610,-140). Camoubot-3 detected, ULF lost. ULF description:: small amphibious quadraped, brown coloration, webbed appendages, very agile. Threat Assessment:: No threat to robot units, low to no threat to humans.

Action: Reconnaissance resuming, search pattern Delta. Requested Aggro update:: No change.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours
Aggro update by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/26/2104, 0259 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/26/2104, 1415 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-8 Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1415 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-724,66). Camoubot-8 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1415 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-724,66). Camoubot-8 detected, ULF evades. ULF description:: small amphibious quadraped, dark green coloration (suspect transformation), webbed appendages, very agile, sharp hooked teeth. Threat Assessment:: Low threat to robot units, low threat to humans.

Action: Pursue unidentified life form. Request ed Aggro Update:: NULL.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/26/2104, 1430 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-8 Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1430 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-622,-20). Camoubot-8 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1430 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-622,-20). Camoubot-8 detected, ULF evades into deep water.

Action: Initiate subaqueous mode, resume reconnaissance search pattern Phi. Requested Aggro Update:: NULL.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/26/2104, 1800 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-1 Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1800 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-470,44).

Report: Discovery, 09/26/2104, 1800 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-470,44). Monitoring undetected. ULF Activity:: exploring or hunting. Consuming fish, frogs and herons. ULF coloration to grey, accelerated mass increase. Threat Assessment:: Low threat to robot units, low to medium threat to humans.

Action: Monitor and report. Requested Aggro Update:: NULL.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/26/2104, 2100 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14
Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Unidentified life form lost, 09/26/2104, 2100 hours. Last observed at (-414,226).

Report: Unidentified life form lost, 09/26/2104, 2100 hours. Last observed at (-414,226). ULF description:: Size continues to increase with proportional increase in strength and agility, creature at full length, 6ft. ULF activity:: Eating at very high rate, increasing size of prey, shows no interest in robot units. Threat Assessment:: No threat to robot units, high threat to humans.

Action: Resume reconnaissance search pattern Lambda. Requested Aggro Update:: No change.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours
Aggro update by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/26/2104, 2109 hours


Camoubot Automated Report, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost. ULF description:: Coloration to dark green. ULF activity:: discovered with remains of eaten deer, evades by launching into trees.

Action: Resume reconnaissance search pattern Xi. Requested Aggro Update:: NULL

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:35 pm    Post subject: REPORT 2: 1st surveillance report for senior officers Reply with quote

REPORT 2: 1st surveillance report for senior officers
WO Jose Pacheco report for Lt. John Dunaway

Surveillance of all senior officers began at 1440 hours 9/28/2104. Activities of each officer as of 1712 are listed below:

Captain George Willis
Not aboard ship

Cdr. Jacob Hawkins (2nd in command)
1440 – 1712: In command on command deck

Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth (Audio Visual Officer)
1440 – 1539: On Command Deck

Lt. Jacques Arnot MD (Chief Medical Officer)
1440-1453: Travelling to Command Deck
1453-1540: On Command Deck
1540-1555: Travelling toward morgue
1555-1700: Examining body of Victor Clemens
1700-1712: Travelling to the Garden

Lt. Vladimir Stokov (Chief Engineer)
1440-1452: Travelling to Command Deck
1452-1602: On Command Deck
1602-1625: Travelling
1625-1712: Out of range and unobserved

Lt. John Dunaway (Chief Security Officer)
1440 – 1447: On Command Deck
1447 – 1501: Entered Cdr. Hawkins’ quarters, searched rooms, retrieved gun
1501 – 1509: Met with Sgt. James Slaughter, gave him gun, made Sgt. Slaughter a deputy
1509 – 1711: On Command Deck
1711 – 1712: Travelling


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:41 pm    Post subject: REPORT 3: Stokov and Hawkins EA Spread Patterns Reply with quote

REPORT 3: Stokov and Hawkins EA Spread Patterns
The below images represent the spread patterns of EA guns owned by Cdr. Jacob Hawkins, and Lt. Vladimir Stokov.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:19 pm    Post subject: Abe Marlin Reply with quote

Abe Marlin
Abe changed his last name to his favorite fish to celebrate his enthusiasm for outdoor activities such as fishing and hunting. He is especially excited when once a year for an entire day he is allowed to actually go hunting in the Garden, even if a security guard is required to go with him. He also works as a security officer.

Age: 37

Features: Caucasian, 5’11”, 211earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: None.

Due to his overzealousness, when assigning him security duties, avoid duties that require any interaction with other people.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:20 pm    Post subject: Adolf Polski Reply with quote

Adolf Polski
Adolf works as a custodian and groundskeeper. He is somewhat antisocial, except with a select group of friends, whose interests he appears to adopt for himself.

Age: 33

Features: Caucasian, 5’8”, 151 earth lbs., brown hair, blue eyes

Relations Onboard: None.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:21 pm    Post subject: Gary Orville III Reply with quote

Gary Orville III
Gary is an administrator who keeps track of the civilian side of most interior ship functions, similar to Mayor Richard Sato who organizes things in the Garden. He keeps record of events and reservations for various facilities and arranges for the allocation of supplies from the ship’s quartermaster for the passengers of the ship. He sometimes acts as a liaison between the passengers and the crew. Within the last year he’s been becoming increasingly on-edge, bordering on paranoid. It would be recommended that he see a psychiatrist, but as there is no official psychiatrist on board, it would seem a little imprudent to make the suggestion.

Age: 52

Physical Features: Caucasian, 6’0”, 305 earth lbs., gray hair, blue eyes, beard, scar over abdomen from surgery.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:22 pm    Post subject: Harvey Elton Reply with quote

Harvey Elton
Harvey Elton works as a custodian, but would rather be the ship’s journalist. He has written a few articles, but has not had them published in any form. He is nonetheless always eager to go to the scene of any event and get up to speed on what happened. He frequently leaves a cleaning job half finished to investigate something. Generally considered unreliable for work, but an excellent source of news and gossip.

Age: 37

Physical Features: Caucasian, 5’9, 199 earth lbs., brown hair, green eyes, remarkably flawless skin and straight teeth.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:22 pm    Post subject: Jasper Jameson, AKA Jumpin’ Jasper Jameson Reply with quote

Jasper Jameson, AKA Jumpin’ Jasper Jameson
Jasper was only one year old when he was smuggled onto the ship in a crate of shredded lettuce. He used to be affectionately called the Endeavor’s son, but as he entered his teenage years, the charm wore off. He became a heavy user of narcotics, favoring marijuana and magic mushrooms, but happy to resort to anything he can find. Somehow he manages to keep himself well stocked, with secret farms in the Garden. He is tolerated in these activities provided he does not commit any other crime. His laid-back nature makes him at least seem harmless.

Age: 17

Features: White, 6’3”, 171 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, goatee, prominent Adam’s apple, bloodshot eyes.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:22 pm    Post subject: PO Judith Macintosh Reply with quote

PO Judith Macintosh
Judith will not respond to the name Judy, because it is too informal and she considers it rude. She takes her profession as a technician very seriously and often works with Vladimir Stokov on difficult projects. She is meticulous and thorough and has a very strong moral compass. She is often criticized for being too serious or stuck up.
Age: 34

Features: Hispanic, 5’4”, 135 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:23 pm    Post subject: Patricia Brown Reply with quote

Patricia Brown
Patricia enjoys the outdoors and tends to get a little too much artificial sun. She has ambitions of being an explorer once a new planet has begun colonization. She works as an accountant on the ship, and knows a great deal about math. She is also good at cartography and has an excellent map of the Garden and every level of the ship. She also enjoys mapping planets that are near enough to study from the observatory in the Garden. Though she seems to enjoy being alone, she is very friendly and helpful with anyone she encounters.

Age: 49

Physical Features: Caucasian, 5’6, 140 earth lbs., brown hair, green eyes, deep tan with cracked skin and several large moles on her arms, shoulders, and legs.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:23 pm    Post subject: Philip Costa Reply with quote

Philip Costa
Philip works in maintenance, reads frequently, and exercises everyday. He has been described as a robot because of his strict regimen that he does not deviate from for a moment, nor does he ever complain. He is, nonetheless, a human. He enjoys philosophy, history, and has an impressive collection of propaganda posters and literature from 20th century totalitarian governments. He speaks Portuguese, Spanish, English, Russian, and a little French and German.

Age: 40

Physical Features: Western European/Portuguese, 5’6, 160 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, dark skin, cleft chin, muscular build.

Relations Onboard: None

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:24 pm    Post subject: REPORT 4: Summary of noteworthy robot interviews Reply with quote

REPORT 4: Summary of noteworthy robot interviews
The following includes the details of most noteworthy of the 56 video interviews conducted by the security robots while processing passengers before releasing them from the Garden.

What is your name?
Gary Orville the Third

• How long have you been in the Garden?
• Too long. About a week.

• Describe your activities since yesterday morning.
• Trying to stay alive. I knew there was something wrong when that meteor hit the ship, so I organized some people to go look. We didn’t have much, just a few metal bars and a pair of binoculars, but it was our duty to keep an eye out for danger. We were all together last night when we were searching the woods near the observatory. Then suddenly they were all gone and I was alone in the woods. I knew there was something out there watching me and the only reason it didn’t kill me was that it wasn’t hungry yet. I ran back to Old Town to tell others, but they wouldn’t listen to me until Victor Clemen’s body was found. Then they all went crazy spreading wild baseless rumors when the real danger was a monster in the Garden!

• What is your opinion of Victor Clemens?
• He must have been one of the first victims of the monster. I don’t think we’ll find any more bodies… I think it eats them.

• Do you have any information about Victor Clemens’ recent activities or any suspicious activities of any kind?
Victor Clemens was killed by a monster, just like my friends Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm. Now please let me out so I can prepare.

• What is your name?
Harvey Elton

• How long have you been in the Garden?
• I came in right before it got cordoned off, about 1 o’clock.

• Describe your activities since yesterday morning.
• I ate breakfast, I got a call from my friend Jenna that someone was killed in the Garden, I went to the Garden, and couldn’t get out. I saw the body as it was being brought back from the lake. I ate at the Lakehouse and asked around if anyone knew anything. Carl said he found the body in the shallows just north of the Lakehouse. He said he wasn’t surprised that he turned up dead with how much he and Darla fought. But I remember about a week ago seeing him talking with the engineer, Vladimir Stokov. Vladimir was mad about something, like he was going to kill someone. I think they were talking about Victor, but I know Vladimir mentioned Darla’s name a few times.

• What is your opinion of Victor Clemens?
• I don’t really have an opinion of him. I know he fought with his wife a lot.

• Do you have any information about Victor Clemens’ recent activities or any suspicious activities of any kind?
• Other then what I already said, no.
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• What is your name?
Patricia Brown

• How long have you been in the Garden?
• 3 days

• Describe your activities since yesterday morning.
• Backpacking mostly. I got back from a big trip last night and I saw Victor Clemens by the Lakehouse. It was close to midnight.

• What is your opinion of Victor Clemens?
• I think he’s an awful man, but he didn’t deserve to die.

• Do you have any information about Victor Clemens’ recent activities or any suspicious activities of any kind?
• I know he fought with his wife a lot. I remember once he smacked her in the recreation hall, right in front of everyone. I think he was mad because she said he was an idiot or something. Oh, and I remember that Victor’s eye looked red and swollen last night. I almost forgot to tell you that. I thought that was really important. Like he was in another fight or something.
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• What is your name?
• Petty Officer Judith Macintosh

• How long have you been in the Garden?
• Since September 25 when Lt. Stokov ordered me to inspect the weather system to see if it was damaged by the recent collision with a meteor. I worked with him in repairing it since then till now.

• Describe your activities since yesterday morning.
• I was doing diagnostics on artificial gravity actuators near the damaged area of the ship. It was working fine so I came back to town. By then, the ship was cordoned off. I’ve been spending the rest of my time relaxing at the conservatory, reading books and enjoying the Garden. I’m not at all worried about being murdered like Victor Clemens, as I think it was probably a personal matter. I’m ready to go back in the ship to continue my duties maintaining the ship.

• What is your opinion of Victor Clemens?
• I think you reap what you sow. It was a crime that should be punished, but I don’t mind saying I’m not going to mourn him. Plus I believe he was intending to kill his wife.

• Do you have any information about Victor Clemens’ recent activities or any suspicious activities of any kind?
• First I need to make a disclosure. I work closely with Lt. Vladimir Stokov and I have always found him to be an honorable man. That said, he has a motive for killing Victor Clemens. I don’t believe he did this, but I know he was having romantic relations with Victor Clemen’s wife, Darla Clemens. I know he had a very poor opinion of Victor Clemens, and on more than one occasion I heard him say that he wishes he could teach him a lesson. By that I think he meant beating him in a fight, not murder. I just wanted to make that clear before I said anything else. In any case, I deeply suspect that Victor was trying to find a way to kill his wife. I have had a few conversations with Victor over the last few months, and he knows I work with the technical side of the ship. He would ask hypothetical questions about the security of the ship. He asked me how the Garden detects advanced technology, and about the camoubots. He asked how we disposed of junk, how artificial gravity worked and if it could be amplified to the point it could kill a small animal. All of his questions were loaded, and he often seemed to be flirting with me at the same time. I really don’t know why he kept asking me questions because I rarely gave him any kind of answer and never told him anything useful. I most certainly never encouraged him in any way. Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if Darla killed Victor to prevent him from killing her.

• ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• What is your name?
• Jumpin’ Jasper Jameson

• How long have you been in the Garden?
• I think it’s been a week. I like to lose track of time, so something like that.

• Describe your activities since yesterday morning.
• Chillin’.

• What is your opinion of Victor Clemens?
• That guy seriously needs to mellow out.

• Do you have any information about Victor Clemens’ recent activities or any suspicious activities of any kind?
• I saw a demon last night. It was over in the trees by the greenhouse. I was just smoking…. Wait, I was talking a walk. I was just kidding about the smoking. Anyway, I’m out there in the trees on my walk and I see this gnarly toad demon. He was doing some kind of sacrificial blood ritual. He was all green with wicked long fangs, and feet were like ducks feet except they were also green. He was drawing these circles in blood and he was eating this goose. And when he ate the goose he became enormously tall. That’s when he saw me and then he jumped straight up in the air and disappeared. And I thought I could jump really high! … Maybe he flew, like he ate the goose spirit and learned to fly. It was crazy. I’m lucky to be alive. I bet if I could fly, he would have eaten me too.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:24 pm    Post subject: REPORT 5: Camoubot EA spread patterns Reply with quote

REPORT 5: Camoubot EA spread patterns
Camoubot weapon spread patterns, labeled Camoubot 1-12 and 14.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:37 pm    Post subject: REPORT 6: Automated Report, Alien Encounter Incident Reply with quote

REPORT 6: Automated Report, Alien Encounter Incident

Security Robot Automated Report, 09/28/2104, 2140 hours
AI: Active
Detail: Red-45
Unit: 45-1235S

Event: Alien life form detected.
Action: Inform Chief Security Officer Lt. John Dunaway
Status: Order received from Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2142 hours
Security Robot Automated Report, 09/28/2104, 2142 hours
AI: Active
Detail: Red-45
Unit: 45-1235S

Mission: Apprehend unidentified life form. Orders from Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2142 hours
Special Instructions: Do not kill or harm alien being.
Status: Engaging alien being. Damage to shell. Alien being restrained. 09/28/2104, 2145 hours

Request updated orders: Orders from Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2145 hours. Hold position, await reinforcements, do not get wet.
Security Robot Automated Report, 09/28/2104, 2150 hours
AI: Active
Detail: Red-45
Unit: 45-1235S

Event: Unit and prisoner under attack by four human assailants. Assailants identified as follows, Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, Theo Bramm.
Action: Inform Chief Security Officer Lt. John Dunaway.
Status: Orders received from Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2151 hours. Firing warning shot. EA weapon disabled. Serious injury incurred by alien being.

Special Instructions: Do not kill or harm alien being.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:38 pm    Post subject: Theo Bramm Reply with quote

Theo Bramm
Theo works as a cook in the Mess Hall, and he does an excellent job, when he shows up. He is frequently truant, and sometimes for weeks at a time. He apologizes profusely, but can’t really explain himself. At times he simply does not wish to work. Other times, he works fast, he cooks everything perfectly and it usually tastes good too. He’ll arrive to work first and leave last, knows what needs to be done and does it without being asked. He would be head cook if not for his disappearances.

Age: 52

Features: Black, 5’9”, 229 earth lbs., brown hair, brown eyes

Relations Onboard: None.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:35 am    Post subject: Engineering Bay Twelve (E-12) Reply with quote

Engineering Bay Twelve (E-12)
E-12 houses the centralized hubs and servers for internal sensors including cameras, heat sensors, mechanical diagnostics, and life support sensors. E-12 is responsible for receiving input from these systems, sending feedback to other systems and to command locations. In the event of a failure in E-12, connected systems will automatically enter an emergency mode to prevent total system failure. Emergency mode can be released when repairs are made or manually overridden locally on an individual basis.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:51 pm    Post subject: Emergency Box Reply with quote

Emergency Box
The emergency box should only be opened in an emergency, such as a power failure or fire. Emergency boxes, when opened, will send an alarm (unless the system is already in emergency mode) to inform the bridge of a potential emergency. Penalty for opening without an emergency can include one month imprisonment. The contents of an emergency box includes:
Fire extinguisher
Oxygen mask
Bandages (assorted)
Rubbing alcohol
Sugar pills

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:53 pm    Post subject: Interview: Second interview of Lt. Vladimir Stokov . 09/28/2 Reply with quote

INTERVIEW 4 : Second interview of Lt. Vladimir Stokov . 09/28/2104, 2241 hours

Stokov: You can begin now.

John: Thank you for the invitation. So let’s start with the trivial stuff, like what did you do to the ship?

Stokov: The internal camera networking hub is destroyed, it will take at least a two weeks to restore it, but I am the only one on board who knows how. When the damage occurred, it forced the system into Emergency Mode, which means it will continue to function but only at minimum safe levels and it can not be operated remotely. The ship is safe, but it may be a little less comfortable.

John: Perfect. Now tell me why you took me hostage?

Stokov: What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t leave Darla, even if I thought she was a murderer.
John: So you’re saying you aren’t the murder. So where were you between yesterday at noon and today at noon?

Stokov: I worked on several different work orders through the afternoon until about 2100 hours. I had a flooded room from a broken pipe and robots to fix. After that, I went to my room and slept until 0600 hours. I went to eat breakfast at the mess hall, but I didn’t even get a piece of toast before they had me working on their garbage disposal, removing a gold necklace and decade of gunk buildup. I had to take the entire thing apart, clean it out, and put it back together. I was just starting lunch when I heard someone was murdered. I did not know it was Victor.

John: What did you do then?

Stokov: I finished lunch.

John: What about when you found out it was Victor?

Stokov: I was concerned.

John: You mean you were delighted?

Stokov: I thought Darla must have killed him. They hated each other but they refused to separate. I just thought maybe Darla was… carried away.

Darla: How could you?

John: Stay out of this Darla. You’ll get your turn soon. In fact, go wait in the other room…. Ok Stokov, give me the real story.

Stokov: There’s nothing else to it. She loved me, not that man, but she would never be with me while Victor was still alive. I thought there might be a chance for us, but I couldn’t stop thinking that she was a murderer. I didn’t know what I was going to do… I didn’t know if I wanted her enough to become involved.

John: So what are you doing in her quarters now?

Stokov: I wanted to protect her.

John: Now you don’t think she did it, is that right?

Stokov: I believe her. She did not kill her husband.

John: Any idea who did?

Stokov: No… no, I can not think of anyone who would want him dead.

John: You’re sure?

Stokov: Yes.

John: You know I still don’t believe you, right?

Stokov: I think you do, but it does not matter what I think.

John: Tell me more about Darla. How long have you been seeing each other?

Stokov: It’s been years. A little time here and there, usually after a big fight when they don’t want to see each other.

John: What was Darla doing last night?

Stokov: I don’t know, I wasn’t in contact with her.

John: Ok, tell me about Camoubot 9.

Stokov: Camoubot 9? What about it?

John: What do you know about Camoubot 9?

Stokov: It’s a camoubot in the Garden. It protects the hull of the ship and maintains the Garden. It’s camouflaged so it won’t disturb passengers…. It’s armed with its own EA… it’s capable of complex espionage missions…. Why is that -- Did this robot shoot Victor Clemens?

John: Do you know how to send these robots on “complex espionage missions”?

Stokov: I… yes I do.

John: Could these missions be delivered secretly at any time?

Stokov: Anyone with special clearance could do this, but I don’t know how they could without them sending automatic reports. Maybe if the robot’s transceiver was disabled, and the orders were delivered in person. There has been a missing camoubot for a while… is it possible that this camoubot has had this happen?

John: We’re looking into it, but we think it’s 9 not 13.

Stokov: Show me Camoubot 9, and I will tell you if it’s been tampered with.

John: I don’t think they’ll let you in the Garden while you’re pointing a gun at me.

Stokov: I’m sorry John, I can not trust you yet. You’re my only suspect.

John: I’m your suspect?

Stokov: It must have been agitating, having to always break up their fights.

John: No it was good exercise. They gave me something to do besides looking for a lost hat. Seriously, is that all you got on me?

Stokov: I’m not surrendering myself to you.

John: You should.

Stokov: Not yet.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:54 pm    Post subject: REPORT 7: Sgt. Slaughter Status Update Reply with quote

REPORT 7: Sgt. Slaughter Status Update
Communication from Sgt. James Slaughter to Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2248 hours
The four passengers have been arrested without resistance, but the alien creature is dead. The security robot Red-45-1235S will need repair but it is not very badly damaged. Despite the camera disruption, the event has been recorded and has been collected as evidence. I’ve left the task of securing the prisoners and preserving the creature to others so I could investigate Camoubot 9, but honestly, I don’t know what I’m looking for. The robot was located at about (-400,12), near Vesper Lake, facing the port bow. I took pictures, then took its EA as evidence. The camoubot appears to be in perfect condition….

Is there anything else you want me to do, or should I start interrogating the prisoners? The doctor should already be working on the autopsy, which should take about an hour and he’ll report directly to you. Let me know.
Please visit my Library of completed works.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:38 pm    Post subject: Alien creature Reply with quote

Alien creature
The alien creature arrived on the ship on 9/26/2104. It hit the ship like a meteor and left an impact crater. It immediately proceeded to eat various things in the Garden. It is green and somewhat froglike, about 6 feet tall at full extension but preferring to be generally more squatted. It is amphibious and it has large eyes and sharp hooked teeth. Its color can vary according to what it eats. It prefers water and shade.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:38 pm    Post subject: Automated reports Reply with quote

Automated reports
Automated reports are created automatically whenever a robot receives orders and whenever they are instructed to deliver any sort of report. Automated reports can not be disabled, but they can be made classified by special clearance officers. They are sent wirelessly to the system database and will follow one of the following formats:

<Robot Type> Automated Report, <Date>, <Time> hours
AI: <AI Status>
(Optional)Aggro: <Level of Aggression>
Detail: <Detail Serial Number>
Unit: <Unit Serial Number>

Mission: <Mission Details>
(Optional) Special Instructions: <Special Instructions Details>
Status: <Status Details>
(Optional)<Report>: <Report Details>
(Optional)<Request>: <Request Response Details>
(Optional)<Action>: <Report Details>

(Optional, not automated)CLASSIFIED SECTION:
(Optional, not automated)<Classified Details>
<Robot Type> Automated Report, <Date>, <Time> hours
AI: <AI Status>
Detail: <Detail Serial Number>
Unit: <Unit Serial Number>

Event: <Event Details>
Action: <Action Details>
Status: <Status Details>

(Optional, not automated)CLASSIFIED SECTION:
<Classified Details>

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Emergency Mode
When the status of ship’s system becomes unstable, it enters Emergency Mode to prevent further damage to the ship and its passengers while conserving as much power as possible. All critical systems will run autonomously at minimal levels. These systems include air supply, ventilation, climate control, water supply, lighting, and electric power supply. It is important to note that artificial gravity will not be affected by Emergency Mode.

Emergency Mode is not likely to be the optimal configuration for ship’s systems. Areas that may have been shut down will be reactivated, which may cause a net increase use of power. Also many systems can malfunction without external regulation. Power surges and blackouts can occur, water pipes might explode, and improper air mixtures can lead to light-headedness, impairment of judgment, unconsciousness, suffocation, or explosions.

It is recommended to repair critical systems as soon as possible to disable Emergency Mode. If unable to make a quick repair, make a quick and complete review of the entire ship and make manual adjustments as needed.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:39 pm    Post subject: Interview: Darla Clemens. 09/28/2104, 2251 hours Reply with quote

Interview: Darla Clemens. 09/28/2104, 2251 hours

John: I’m in the mood for a little formality, so how about we start with your name and relation to Victor Clemens?

Darla: Darla Clemens. I was Victor Clemens’ wife.

John: Are you saying you’re not his wife anymore?

Darla: He’s dead, John.

John: How did you find out about this?

Darla: Not from you. You should be ashamed. No matter what you think of me or our marriage, I should have been the first person you called.

John: … Darla, you know I don’t say this very often, but you’re right. I am sorry I didn’t call you first, even if you are a suspect. But how did you find out and when?

Darla: Mindy called me around 13.

John: Mindy Sommers?

Darla: Yes. She’s a friend. We do crafts together sometimes. She was-- She was….

John: She was what? Calm down, and take your time.

Darla: She was… worried… about me. She didn’t even know that I didn’t know.

John: What did you do next?

Darla: Nothing. I’ve been here, waiting for anyone to come see me. I’ve been in here all alone. Then you and Vladimir came in and this happens.

Darla lifts the gun, signifying what ‘this’ means.

John: … You don’t have to be part of this. If you give me the gun, I’m sure we can keep Stokov calm.

Darla: Will you arrest him?

John: … Probably. Those are my orders.

Darla: I can’t help you do that. He’s all I have left.

John: Darla, I know it’s been hard. I’ve seen you suffer for years. I want to help you, but you need to help me first. Is there anything you want to tell me?

Darla: I didn’t kill Victor!

John: I didn’t say you did. There must have been some reason why the two of you stayed together so long. What was it?

Darla: I don’t know…. I guess I just didn’t want to be alone.

John: Were you alone last night?

Darla: Yes. We had a fight. I hit him the same way I hit Vladimir a few minutes ago. He left and didn’t say where he was going or when he would be back. He would leave for days at a time, sometimes.

John: Vladimir Stokov wasn’t with you at all?

Darla: No. I don’t call him at night. He usually doesn’t want to see me at night unless I’ve been with him all day. He’s usually too tired from working.

John: What time did you have your fight with Victor?

Darla: I don’t remember. It was late.

John: Give it a guess.

Darla: I don’t want to. It was late.

John: … Like 2000 hours?

Darla: For god’s sakes, maybe midnight, I don’t know. He disappeared and I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I just wanted to die.

John: Take it easy, we’re trying to put this all together. We all just want the truth. So just take a breath… and we’ll see if we can find any more clues. Ok?

Darla: Ok.

John: Do you have any reason to believe anyone would want to harm your husband?

Darla: No. Well, except Vladimir of course.

John: But of course he didn’t do it, right? Did he ever say he wanted to kill Victor, or did he ever make any kinds of plans, even if they just sounded hypothetical?

Darla: I didn’t like talking about Victor at all when I was with Vladimir, and he felt the same way.

John: So who else might want to kill him?

Darla: I don’t see how anyone would care one way or the other whether he lived or died… or fought with his wife. This is all so stupid.

John: I don’t suppose you would know anything about his profile being erased?

Darla: His what?

John: His profile on the system database has been erased. I had to add a new one. Do you know anything about that?

Darla: No…. Why did they erase him? Just because he’s dead?!

John: No, that’s not how it’s done. We keep profiles on file indefinitely. Something happened that was out of the ordinary.

Darla: Well I don’t know anything about any of that. That’s more of a thing that Victor or Vladimir would be into.

John: Why would Victor be into that?

Darla: You know him with his soldering irons and microchips and stuff.

John: … That’s right, I forgot he worked with electronics.... Was he working on anything lately?

Darla: How should I know? He’s always in his workshop, and he keeps the door locked. I haven’t seen the inside of that room since we moved here.

John: That should be all of the questions for now. Unless there’s anything else you want to add?

Darla: No. The sooner I forget about all of this, the better.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:40 pm    Post subject: REPORT 8: Interrogation of Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Reply with quote

REPORT 8: Interrogation of Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm
Conducted by Sgt. James Slaughter 09/28/2104, 2338 hours

James: Abe Marlin, come with me.

James takes Abe from the holding cell and into a separate room with a table and two chairs. James stands while Abe sits. James says nothing, he just glares at Abe.

Abe: We were only protecting ourselves… that thing killed Gary! … You know, Gary Orville the Third? The journalist? … Don’t you understand? He’s dead because of that thing! We saved the whole ship! … That robot was trying to get in the way. He can be fixed… it’s no big deal. Heck, Philip could do it with his eyes closed…. What do you want from me?! I have no regrets! I’d do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I would do it better, plus I would keep its head for a trophy. Did you see those fangs? Beautiful. Definitely a carnivore. It was definitely him or me….

James: It was running away.

Abe: It killed Gary! It killed Gary!

James: Where’s the body?

Abe: We didn’t find it. I think the thing ate him whole. He’s nothing but scat now.

James grabs Abe’s arm and lifts him to his feet, taking him away to a separate holding cell.

Abe: Where are you taking me? I swear, that’s the whole story! Please, I didn’t do anything wrong!

James retrieves another prisoner, Adolf Polski. James says nothing, and waits, but Adolf simply stares back at him.

James: Why did you kill it?

Adolf shrugs.

James: Answer me! I already got the story from your friend Abe, and you’re all in a lot of trouble. If you want any mercy, you’ll back up his story and show you are willing to cooperate. … You think this is a game?! … You know what? Forget it. I was going to give you a chance, but you’re not worth it. I’m putting you in solitary confinement to let you think about what you decided.

Adolf guards himself protectively when James pulls him out of the cell, but still says nothing. James pulls in Philip Costa.

James: You know I don’t really need to talk to you. Your friends told me everything I want to know. I don’t suppose you have anything to add?

Philip: Podes pegar em mim, pesar-me na balança, do sim e não, medir-me às polegadas a bondade.

James: What?

Philip: Ainda eu guardo o coração em sítio seco e fresco, e longe de palavras.

James: Hold on, I know you speak English. You do, right?

Philip: E agrada-me estar só, na mais pequena cela de uma prisão estéril entre os montes, toda a noite a cantar contra a janela donde se avistam outras grades iguais. Podes até dizer, mas não as dizes, as engraçadas frases em que voas por distantes colinas, espantadas de tão solene e nova madrugada.

James: Stop, I don’t understando.

Philip: E trazer-me água fresca, que me enrolo em mim como um novelo e nem sequer me movo quando o monstro inexplicável com as suas garras rasga o meu lençol.

James: ... Ok then.

James locks Philip in a separate cell, so each prisoner is now in his own cell. James talks to Theo Bramm through the bars.

James: So it was your idea, huh?

Theo: I’m sorry, what was?

James: Hunting the creature.

Theo: Not really. It was Gary’s idea.

James: What exactly was his idea?

Theo: He wanted to see what hit the ship. He didn’t think it was a normal meteor. For once he was right... and now he’s dead.

James: What happened to him?

Theo: I don’t really know. We lost him... disappeared without a sight. It wasn’t long after he was missing that we saw the thing in the trees. He must have been hunting us all night, trying to pick us out one by one. But you must have already known that. You had your invisible robots everywhere.

James: You saw camoubots?

Theo: No, we couldn’t see them, they were in invisible mode. But we could hear them.

James: What did they sound like?

Theo: Like I need to tell you?

James: Come on, just tell me.

Theo: Well, to the untrained ear, they sound like the wind, but we’ve all been training for situations such as these.

James: Did you see any shots?

Theo: No. I don’t know what you all were waiting for, unless you were using us for guinea pigs.

James: Why didn’t any of you call for help?

Theo: The thing would have known what we were doing. It would have killed us before morning, when we could see.

James: So you’re saying you were lost all night in the forest, hunting the creature.

Theo: Yes, but we finally found it in the morning. We chased that thing through the trees, up and down the hills, till finally that robot caught it. We’re sorry for breaking the robot, but at least we killed the creature. Who knows how many people it could have killed? Now we just have to figure out how many people have gone missing and make sure there aren’t any more!

James: Gary is still alive, you know.

Theo: Excuse me?

James: And no one is missing… at least as far as we know.

Theo: Where is Gary?

James: Gary didn’t kill anything or break any robots. Gary is free. The four of you will have a trial as soon as the Captain gets back.

Theo: I want a lawyer.

James: That’s hilarious. You know perfectly well the Endeavor has no lawyers.

Theo: I know my rights.

James: Tell it to the Captain.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:40 pm    Post subject: REPORT 9: Alien Creature Autopsy Reply with quote

REPORT 9: Alien Creature Autopsy

Communication sent by Lt. Jacques Arnot MD to Lt. John Dunaway
09/29/2104, 0001 hours

Due to the remarkable physiology of this being, a proper dissection will follow the autopsy. This is an amazing discovery of an entirely new species that has evolved from a completely different lineage, examining it may take years. Meanwhile, I am naming its species Stellus Saliens, and this subject will be referred to in my report as Lucy, though I can not readily determine if it has a specific gender, I may inadvertently refer to it as a she. This is Dr. Jacques Arnot, and it is the 28th day of August, 2104, and it is 15 minutes before midnight as I start this report.

Lucy has recently suffered numerous blunt trauma on its body. The precise number is difficult to determine, but at least thirteen times it has been hit but something like a thin bar. Close inspection of the wounds match the pattern of the bars recovered with the body suggesting a very strong match. The blows occurred mostly on the left arm, with two on the back and one on the head. There is also clamp marks on the left wrist, or perhaps it is an ankle, with two fractured bones beneath it. Lucy has 3 rows of sharp hooked teeth, with 7 of those teeth broken and 7 recently dislodged. There is also a sheathed electrical wire caught on two teeth, its length is about 8 centimeters and it appears to have been torn away. The organs are more difficult to identify, as their arrangement is very different from life forms of Earth, but many of the same organs can be found, such as the brain, more than one heart, and the lungs. There are also organs with purposes unknown to this doctor.

Though the trauma is severe, it would appear the cause of death is internal hemorrhaging caused by an exploded heart. Opening the chest, I immediately found approximately half a liter of blood that had issued from a heart that ruptured from internal pressure. Only after siphoning out the blood I found two hearts, one very strong, and another that had ruptured and appeared to be source of all of the hemorrhaging. It is a speculation, but it would appear that that fight or flight response within this being essentially caused it a heart attack in the weaker heart. It is possible that this is a birth defect that would have occurred without provocation, but without another subject to study, it would be impossible to be certain.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:41 pm    Post subject: REPORT 10: Camoubot 9 and 13 inspection by Stokov Reply with quote

REPORT A10: Camoubot 9 and 13 inspection by Stokov
Inspection conducted by Lt. Vladimir Stokov at 09/29/2104, 0049 hours

Camoubot 9 has had its outer shell opened and its EA has been removed. The inner shell has not been forced open or disturbed by unskilled hands or else all circuitry would have automatically self destructed. There is a registered download from the memory banks, conducted by Sgt. James Slaughter at 09/28/2104, 2248 hours. The memory is encrypted and to my knowledge, only Lt. Terrence Bluth and the Captain have the necessary decryption keys. The communications array is functioning properly and all diagnostics clear without any warnings. No one has altered this robot.

Camoubot 13 is far beyond repair, with considerable damage to the shell, armature, and circuitry. It has also automatically fried its circuits in response to the extensive damage. It appears to have been crushed by something large and cylindrical and at least 1000 kg in weight, perhaps a support beam of some kind. It has been carefully cleaned and disassembled with many parts with new labels as though it was being carefully studied. There is some repair work with new components which has restored function to the gun arm. If this was done by Victor Clemens, I would very much like to know how he came by the highly specialized components for a camoubot. He could not have made these or altered them from something else. Somehow he has found the original components, which I do not have access to myself.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:42 pm    Post subject: REPORT 11: Latest camoubot automated reports Reply with quote

REPORT A11: Latest camoubot automated reports
Report request by Lt. John Dunaway on 09/29/2104, 0019 hours

Camoubot Automated Report, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost. ULF description:: Coloration to dark green. ULF activity:: discovered with remains of eaten deer, evades by launching into trees.

Action: Resume reconnaissance search pattern Xi. Requested Aggro Update:: NULL

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours
Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 1617 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,-400)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Searching within new parameters.
Action: Acknowledge orders, 9/27/2104, 1617 hours. Resume reconnaissance search pattern Xi.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2055 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,-400)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot 3 discovery of passengers Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm, located at (-600,-120).
Report: Passengers Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm appear to be searching. They are armed with primitive weapons. Request Aggro Update:: No change.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2100 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers

Status: Searching within new parameters.
Action: Acknowledge orders, 9/27/2104, 2101 hours. Resume reconnaissance search pattern Kappa.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2340 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers, status update

Status: No change.
Action: Update status 9/27/2104, 2340 hours. Evaded passengers 13 times. No detection of Unidentified Life Form.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0121 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers

Status: Camoubot 9 discovery. Unidentified life form detected at (-431,-50). Passenger Victor Clemens detected at (-430,-13) .
Report: Discovery, 09/28/2104, 0121 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-431,-50). ULF is observing passenger Victor Clemens. Victor Clemens has injured eye. Passenger in danger, Aggro automatically updated to 3. Request Aggro Update:: Change to 0, by order of Lt.Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 9/28/2104, 0123 hours.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0132 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 10
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14


Report elevated classification by Lt.Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 9/28/2104, 0152 hours
Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0138 hours
AI: Inactive
Aggro: -1
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Shutdown.

Status: All units shutting down at 9/28/2104, 0138 hours.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/28/2104, 0138 hours
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:43 pm    Post subject: REPORT A12: System Alerts, 9/29 Reply with quote

REPORT A12: System Alerts, 9/29

Subject: Emergency Mode
Commander Jacob Hawkins to all crew and passengers,

Be advised that the ship’s system is currently in Emergency Mode, which has drastically altered the function of the ships life support systems. This is a result of damage to a critical system, and it can not be deactivated until repairs are made. All non-critical crew and passengers should report to the recreational hall for reorganization. This is absolutely necessary to ensure the safety of everyone aboard the ship.

Subject: Wanted for questioning: Vladimir Stokov

Lt. Vladimir Stokov is wanted for questioning by security in connection with deliberate damage done to a critical system component. Contact security if you have any information about his current whereabouts.

Subject: Power Failure

Due to a large scale reactivation of closed areas of the ship, we are experiencing severe power loss. To reduce the drain on our power, do not use ANY electricity that isn’t absolutely necessary. We are working to fix this problem as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

Subject: Rogue Robot

Senior Officers,
A security robot has been spotted near E-12 that is not responding to commands. It was discovered manually re-routing power, and it is believed that it continues to do so now. We do not know who has been giving orders to this robot or if it is functioning on its own AI, but if you notice erratic behavior in any robot report it immediately.

This rogue robot is armed and should be considered extremely dangerous. It’s current location is unknown, it has evaded all attempts at capture and it has fired upon and destroyed several other security robots.

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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:44 pm    Post subject: INTERVIEW 6: Second Interview of Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth. Reply with quote

INTERVIEW 6: Second Interview of Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth. 09/29/2104, 0101 hours.

John: I’m ready for your story. This may be your last chance to tell the truth, so make it good.

Bluth: Is he going to kill me?

John: You don’t worry about him now. You worry about me. It’s time to let go of your secrets. We know you were involved, so why don’t you walk me through how it happened? I’m sure you had your reasons to keep quiet, but those reasons don’t make any difference now, you understand?

Bluth: <Heavy sigh> Yes I understand. I saw Victor Clemens die.

John: I’m all ears.

Bluth: It was Camoubot 9 who shot him. I sent the camoubots on a mission to observe the alien creature that landed on the ship several days ago. It was a secret mission… I was afraid that if I told anyone about the alien, they would overreact and it would end up dead. The last few days I watched it grow, and there were no problems. I watched all of their activity carefully. I was watching when it happened.

Bluth (continued): Victor Clemens was walking at night in the Garden. He was alone and far away from everyone else, walking along the bank of Vesper Lake. Camoubot 9 saw him and reported seeing him. It recognized him. The alien creature was also nearby. The camoubot believed Victor Clemens was in danger, so it automatically updated its own Aggro. I set it back down to zero, I would not take any risks.

John: Risks to Victor or to the Alien Creature?

Bluth: Both. I did not think the Alien Creature would attack Victor.

John: So what happened?

Bluth: I don’t know… for just a second, the robot was out of control. In an instant, Clemens was dead. I immediately ordered it to shutdown, but it was too late. It shot Victor in the head.

John: Why is the automated report classified for “Captain’s Eyes Only”?

Bluth: I panicked. I didn’t know what to do, and I knew the Captain would be gone for another week at least. I just wanted more time to figure out what happened.

John: In the meantime, you have no proof, so we’re supposed to take your word for it?

Bluth: You have no choice.

John: Is there anything else you need to say?

Bluth: I don’t know what happened, but it wasn’t me. I don’t know if it was following someone else’s orders or if it just FLIPPED OUT!

John: So that’s it?! The gun just went off on its own and it’s just a coincidence that you were the one in charge of it? Even if your story is true you’re looking at manslaughter at least. Then you let an intruder go undetected on the ship, ignoring all the rules and putting the lives of everyone in the Garden in danger. You’ve done everything you could to hinder this investigation, but you’re going to make it up to me, from the other side of a set of bars. Stand up, Bluth. You’re under arrest.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:45 am    Post subject: REPORT A13: Camoubot 13 EA Spread Pattern Reply with quote

REPORT A13: Camoubot 13 EA Spread Pattern

Spread Pattern for camoubot 13 EA

Please visit my Library of completed works.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:47 am    Post subject: INTERVIEW 7: Milo Jones Reply with quote

Milo Jones. 09/29/2104, 0137 hours.

John: Are you were aware of the condition of the ship.

Milo Jones: The ship is in Emergency Mode at Full Alert. Lt. Stokov has sabotaged the ship’s internal sensors and it has caused the ship to enter Emergency Mode automatically. Ironically, going into Emergency Mode has created an emergency. The system has activated areas that were shut down. Overall, the entire ship requires more power than before. There are many power failures and it is difficult to determine just how much damage is occurring because the ship’s internal sensors have been sabotaged by Lt. Stokov.

John: How do we get the ship out of Emergency Mode?

Milo Jones: The internal sensors must be repaired. Emergency Mode can be overridden, but without internal sensors, there will still be system failure.

John: What should we do?

Milo Jones: Trained personnel will need to manually configure all systems individually while internal sensors are repaired. Power should be diverted from non-critical areas immediately to prevent malfunction. Lt. Stokov has already created a protocol for this situation and has uploaded it to the system database. It should be executed immediately.

<John relays information to Cdr. Jacob Hawkins>

John: What about accessing the captain’s files?

Milo Jones: The system is designed to prevent any but the captain to access those files. You won’t get in without a captain’s permission. You may want to look at the guidelines for promoting a new captain if you are in such a hurry.

John: That was very helpful Mr. Jones.

Milo Jones: I hate what you people have done to my ship.

John: I’ve never heard you say that word, Milo. I didn’t think you hated anything.

Milo Jones: You are unworthy of Endeavor. You waste her.
John: That’s not true. The captain is away right now, searching for inhabitable planets. Within the last few days we found an extra terrestrial. Isn’t that progress?

Milo Jones: There are a few exceptions, but there are more deceits.

John: Speaking of deceit, what do you know about Victor Clemens?

Milo Jones: Victor is dead.

John: Are you sure he’s not in cryostasis?

Milo Jones: Victor is dead. Dr. Jacques Arnot performed the autopsy.

John: I did a little examination myself, he’s very dead. Do you know how he got that way?

Milo Jones: Dr. Jacques Arnot determined the cause of death was electron rupture through cranium resulting in instantaneous death.

John: How do you know this?

Milo Jones: I have access to the system database.

John: What’s your clearance?

Milo Jones: Public access. I have public access only.

John: It’s strange that your clearance level isn’t listed.

Milo Jones: Clearance is not necessary for public access.

John: Would you know how to remove a passenger’s file from the system database.

Milo Jones: Yes. Physically destroying the memory where the profile is stored on the database and also destroying the backup memory.

John: Any other way?

Milo Jones: The system was designed to prevent profiles from being removed as a security measure.

John: Why?

Milo Jones: While the Endeavor was under construction, a recently promoted crewmember was accidentally killed when trying to access a secure area. While his profile was being updated, it was removed from the system database. Security robots did not recognize him because his profile was missing and he was mistaken for an intruder. Preventing profiles from being removed became a safety feature.

John: This is how Victor was killed.

Milo Jones: The cause of death was electron rupture through cranium resulting in instantaneous death.

John: You’re starting to sound like a computer Mr. Jones. I need more help than this. Who could have removed Victor’s profile from the system database?

Milo Jones: Any Special Clearance Officer could access the memory banks of the system database. They could damage the physical memory.

John: All right, where are the memory banks?

Milo Jones: They can be located in the system database, but it will be very difficult to examine all of the memory banks.

John: Not as difficult as going back and forth across this ship trying to keep people in line. I only have one more thing I need to ask you, Mr. Jones. What were you plotting with Victor before he died?

Milo Jones: We were not plotting anything.

John: You were dreaming again, Mr. Jones, and talking to Victor. It sounded like you had a bit of a rapport with him. Did he come here asking you questions?

Milo Jones: No… Yes. Yes, I remember now. He asked about the camoubot that went missing on 10/1/2103.

John: Camoubot 13? You have good memory for numbers.

Milo Jones: It’s in the system database.

John: What did he want to know?

Milo Jones: Victor wanted to fix the camoubot.

John: For what?

Milo Jones: As a hobby. It was too damaged to be fully restored, but I helped him fix some of the parts.

John: Did he tell you how he got it?

Milo Jones: He said he found it. It was registered with the security in the Garden, so he was able to smuggle it out without any trouble.

John: You should have reported him. Why didn’t you?

Milo Jones: I wanted to help him fix the robot. I was bored.

John: What are you hiding from me, Mr. Jones?

Milo Jones: I would not want to burden you with the sum of my knowledge, Lt. Dunaway.

John: Sounds like you don’t want to answer anymore questions.

Milo Jones: As you know, I am not required to answer any questions at all while in cryostasis. Do not ask anymore questions that attempt to incriminate me or I will revoke your authority to question me. You know you must respect my wishes in this matter.

John: Don’t worry, I’m done for now. But don’t surprised if you see me again soon. Just because you’re a popsicle doesn’t mean you’re above the law.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:07 am    Post subject: Memory Bank Repository Reply with quote

Memory Banks Repository
The Memory Banks Repository holds the majority of the system database data. It is restricted area, only special clearance officers and specially authorized technicians may enter. Unauthorized persons found in the repository will be treated as intruders and risk termination.

The memory banks are sensitive to electric discharge and to a lesser extent pollutants such as oils or small particles, so the repository maintains clean room standards. All technicians accessing the repository should wear a clean suit and should avoid directly touching memory banks. In the event of a fire, exit the repository as quickly as possible. A special chemical mist will deploy to protect the repository during a fire, and these chemicals are extremely hazardous.

Detailed entry logs and diagnostics data can be accessed locally. For routine maintenance, it is recommended that robots are utilized. Robot activity will also be logged.

LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:08 am    Post subject: LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository Reply with quote

LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository
Memory Banks Repository Log Activity for last activity, and 9/27 through 9/29

0933: Log In – Lt. Vladimir Stokov
1044: Log Out – Lt. Vladimir Stokov

No Activity

No Activity

No Activity

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory
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