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Demise: Midnight at Prospero's Abbey

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:09 pm    Post subject: Demise: Midnight at Prospero's Abbey Reply with quote

Welcome to Demise: Midnight at Prospero's Abbey.

This is the second installment of Demise and as promised, there are some new rules. Those who've played before will need to read these new rules since many things are very different.


This is a story/game with an unlimited number of participants. In this game players will create a character and endeavor to keep that character alive until all the others are dead.

Game play follows a simple structure:

1.)Players submit any actions they'd like to perform via PM or post.

2.)Author takes submissions into consideration and writes them into any given

3.)Author places a poll at the end of a chapter.

4.)Loser of the poll (the character who wins the most votes) is brought closer to death.

5.)Once all but one player is dead, the survivor is declared the winner and a new Demise begins with new characters.


Heroes: Protagonists of the story. Generally, the good guys. There may be any number of heroes.

Villains: The antagonists of the story. There may be any number of villains.

Minions/Pets: Tag-alongs who serve a villain or hero. Minions can only serve Villains and Pets can serve both Heroes and Villains. There may be any number of Minions/Pets. Minions/Pets must designate and be accepted by a master before game play begins.

Miscellaneous: Characters who do not fall neatly into the above categories. Misc' are characters of dubious intentions that are designed to disrupt the plot and goals of both all players. There may be two Misc. characters.

All characters cost 5 fables. Once purchased, a character cannot be revoked.

Voting and Dieing- Anyone can do it.

Anyone can vote, including those who do not have a character. In fact, this is encouraged and creates for a much more involving game experience. Again, anyone can vote, including those who do not have a character.

One last time: Anyone can vote. Including those who do not have a character.

Unlike the first Demise, votes do not cause damage. Instead, they cause infection with a deadly plague. Once your infection equals or exceeds TWICE your current health, you die. Infection (for those infected) automatically increases by 1 point per chapter.

Infection strength increases with each chapter. The strength is determined by what chapter the infection will be introduced in. The loser of the first vote will be infected for 2 points since chapter 2 is when it will be introduced.

Attacks, accidents and other events can cause physical damage to a character, reducing their health. If a characters health reaches 0 they die, also.

Finally, a characters ability to deal damage increases with each chapter. Like before, it is equivalent to the chapter the damage is dealt. At chapter 5, for instance, a stab from Marcus (some random player) will cause 5 damage.


Class: Unlike the first Demise, you have a class this time that describes your general profession and dictates your knowledge base; skills and arts. Everyone automatically begins as either an Alchemist, Lady/Gentleman or Bohemian.

Race: The only race available is Human.

Attributes: Just like before, though there are a few more. Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charm. Oh yeah, don't forget about Health.

Skills: Self explanatory.

Arts: Special knowledge and abilities that are outside of the ordinary.

Personality: Describe yourself!

Make a character: Pick your name, class and gender. Provide a short personality description. I will allow more than three words this time. Select skills and arts based on your classes information.

Purchase Uses as appropriate.
That's it.

Starting characters have 20 health. Returning winners from a previous Demise will have their health totals appropriately modified.

Powering Up-
Things may be purchased only when these signs are visible in the story-

Anyone may purchase items if this symbol appears- Great or Treasured
Heroes may purchase additional Skill or Art Use when they see this- My 2 Cents
Villains and minions may purchase additional Skill or Art Use if this appears- Very Happy
Purchase times are limited to keep the story moving along and characters killed off.


Like before: Initial fable cost + previous fable cost = current fable cost.

Example: Flirtatious Kiss- 5 fables.

First use = initial cost (5) and previous cost (0).

Second use = initial cost (5) and previous cost (5) for a total of 10 fables.
Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.

Last edited by Rune on Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Classes, Skills, Arts.

Every class has a certain number of skills and/or arts. The amount listed is the maximum amount of DIFFERENT skills/Arts they may have. These amounts are specific to each class so choose wisely.

Players must pick a class at character creation. Only the classes titled (Core) are free. Players may not be a member of more than one class, unless they are a survivor from the previous Demise. In which case exceptions will be made.

The Classes-

Alchemist (Core): The alchemist, master of chemicals, symbolism, herb lore, divination and things arcane, is a force of mystery and misunderstanding. Some are mere charlatans, others true mystics.
Arts: 4.
Skills: 2.

Enchanter: Cost- 20 fables. A user of magic, perhaps? It is hard to say as most who've encountered the Enchanter are unaware of the meeting. Rumor has it that Enchanters can manipulate emotions and thought and the stronger ones can even imbue items with lasting, mysterious effects.
Diviner (Alchemist): Cost- 15 fables. A Diviner is an alchemist focused on tasks such as seeing (into the future or past), reading bones, tea leaves, milk swirls in a latte. They are the masters of Tarot and predictors of future events. The strongest among them even know the secrets buried deep within the past.
Arts: 3.
Skills: 2.
Special: +1 Intelligence. Must select at least 1 Enchanter Art.

Sorcerer (Alchemist): Cost- 50 fables. Powerful users of the mystical arts, Sorcerers have eschewed the use of complex alchemy, being proficient enough in it's art to perform all such tasks with extremely limited aid of chemicals, symbols and trances. Sorcerers are dangerous, often mad, even if secretly and are feared more than respected. Most have short lives as their art is barely tolerated in society.
Arts: 3
Skills: 2.
Special: +1 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence.

Necromancer (Alchemist): Cost- 75 fables.Survivors only.
Arts: 3
Skills: 3
Special: Preparatory techniques.

Lady/Gentleman (Core): An individual of refined tastes and civilized manner. Ladies and Gentlemen are not necessarily of privilege but they attempt to act like it.
Arts: 0
Skills: 3
Special: +2 Charm.

Dilettante (Lady/Gentleman): Cost- 10 fables. An individual of idle passions, passing interests and wealth to waste on them. Dilettantes have a wide array of bits of knowledge but nothing substantial. Bored and rich is the best method to describe them.
Arts: 0
Skills: 5

Duelist (Lady/Gentleman): Cost- 20 fables. One who has focused on the duel. Saber, rapier, epee and foil are all common associates of the duelist, as are flocks of observers for the more well known. Duelists are generally unsurpassed in their art of swordplay.
Arts: 1
Skills: 3. Must select Duelist art.

Noble (Lady/Gentleman): Cost- 100 fables. Nobles are wealthy, often intelligent and fairly versatile individuals with meaningful interests. They play important roles in society, should they choose to do so and they hold sway over the lives of lesser folk. While there are rules to follow and even a Noble cannot break them, a Noble may enforce those rules upon anyone at any time provided that can demonstrate sufficient reason. (Nobles involve a lot of thought and have a lot of power by default of their title alone. Plot accordingly).
Arts: 0
Skills: 4

Bohemiam (Core): Vagabonds and vagrants, Bohemians are not necessarily poor but they are inherently dispossessed of any permanent dispositions, particularly that of a home. Bohemians have variegated interests, many of which they're quite good at, from swordsmanship to art collecting.
Arts: 1
Skills: 3
Special: +1 free Use.

Rogue (Bohemian): Cost- 15 fables. The rogue, scoundrel, thief and general nuisance, rogues are adaptable, ever-ready, seedy folk with a penchant for surprising others (usually the unpleasant kind).
Rogues are less versatile in some ways than a typical Bohemian, yet more-so in others.
Arts: 1.
Skills: 4
Special: May only select Rogue Arts and must have 2 Rogue skills.

Bard (Bohemian): Cost- 100 fables. Singer, dancer, writer, performer, the poets of history even- that is the bard. Traveler or stationary local, the bard is a source of information, reputation and entertainment. A well known bards words or actions can echo through history and change the immediate social and credible standing of any individual, noble or not. Of course, a bard must first earn such authority. (Like the Noble, the bard is a powerful class requiring excellent strategy and tactics to capitalize on its features).
Arts: 0.
Skills: 4.

Dandy (Bohemian): Cost- 25 fables. Dandy's are experts at deception. Usually coming from modest backgrounds and finite wealth, Dandy's have a habit of acquiring rarities, expensive items and other things that are dangerously close to beyond their means. However, a Dandy's ability to juggle such things is unmatched. Often appearing to be a lady, gentleman or even a noble, Dandy's are masters of deception, disguise and acquisition.
Arts: 0.
Skills: 6.

I'd like to hear responses on what you think so far. If it *looks* complicated, or simple or what.

There will probably need to be a slight amount of modification before we begin, however, it should be noted that this version of Demise is designed intentionally to get the players to participate much more directly in the outcome of events. Despite a plethora of repetitions on how much players could dictate their actions before, that never really took off. So this time the game itself is designed to force the players to dictate actions or else they don't use them. Smile

This should allow for a much more engrossing experience and cause for decision making to be exceedingly stressful with every passing chapter.
Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It doesn't look complicated, but are you waiting to list class skills in another post or will you edit this one to include them? (it would probably be cleaner to put them in another post) I didn't expect classes to be in this new version but they seem better than purchasing individual traits, and whatever other rules that skills involve.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

General Skills:

Fist-Fighting: You know how to fight with your legs and feet. This damage is always halved. Fractions round up.
Cost- 5 fables.

Toughness: You resist damage taken from ANY source by one point. This skill activates in response to EACH point of damage taken until it's Uses are out or the damage stops. With 5 Uses it would stop 5 or fewer damage.
Cost- 5 fables.

Insults: You are talented at insulting others. Whether this stems from your own insecurity or you are just naturally good at finding (and vocalizing) the chinks in other peoples armor, no one knows. Either way, it can insight anger, or your death as duels are the common response among those of refined upbringing and brawls among those of lesser.
Cost- 15 fables.

Conversationalist: You make excellent talk. You can participate in discussions easily and aptly without disruption. Sometimes, people even think you are interesting.
Cost- 10 fables.

Basic Swordplay: You understand the basics of how to wield a sword and poke it at people so that they are hurt.
Cost- 5 fables.

Basic Daggers: You understand the basics of how to wield a...well, just read the above skill.
Cost- 5 fables.

Reflexes: Your reflexes are pretty good. Use of this skill Increases Agility by 2. This skill triggers in response to an event where your reflexes would apply. It is automatic.
Cost- 5 fables.

Generally Knowledgeable: You are modestly versed in a variety of topics. Intelligence + 2. This skill comes with one free Use. It is triggered in response to some events and can be used intentionally or in concert with other skills. The bonus intelligence applies only when used.
Cost- 10 fables.

Alchemist Skills:

Explosive Vials: You can make your potion bottles explode on impact, spreading their contents effectively to all within range.
Cost- 10 fables.

Poisonous Concoction: You are able to make general poisons. One bottle per use.

Diarrhea: (Requires Poison Concoction): Reduces a targets strength and agility by 4. Also can be quite embarrassing in certain social circles. This lasts the entire chapter.

Dimwit: (Requires Poison Concoction): Reduces a targets wisdom and intelligence by 2. This effect lasts the entire chapter.

Decipher Script: Each use allows you to decipher the script of any given language. This extends to secret codes.
Cost- 5 fables.

Knock Out!: (Requires Poison Concoction) Necromancer, Enchanter only.
This poison will render the recipient unconscious for the entire chapter. The recipients breathing can still be detected. It has no other effect.
Cost-10 fables.

Alchemists Arts:

Basic Foresight: You can see enough of the future to avoid simple accidents (Random damage).
Cost- 5 fables.

Basic Hypnosis: With but a wave of your hand and the use of the forc- can briefly hypnotize someone, stopping them from performing a single action per use as they recollect their wits.
Cost- 10 fables.

Confusion: Using a little technique, magic words and powder designed to confuse, you can confuse your target. After a moment of exposure the subject will be briefly confused, saying words backwards, out of order, appearing dazed, or mixing people, places and things up.
Cost- 5 fables.

Advanced Foresight: (Diviner only) You can see clearly into the future, so clearly that you can sense plots against you and avoid the results of them. One plot outcome per use.
Cost- 25 fables.

Uncover Truth: (Diviner only) You can look into the past to see the truth behind events, people and places (Such as the source of a plot).
Cost- 15 fables.

Advanced Hypnosis: With arcane gestures and a wave of your hand you are capable of holding someones attention captive to your every action. This requires set up and time so it is more theatrical but all the more powerful for it.
Cost- 15 fables.

This is a sample of the skills and arts available. All were taken from the Alchemist class tree, of course.
Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Skills are simple. You pick which ones you want until you can't pick any more (each class says how many you can have).

You have to purchase the the ability to use any given skill, of course. Each 'rank' is instead 1 use. So if you purchase 3 uses of a skill, you can use it 3 times per chapter.

Much of this will be editing, especially costs and some class features, as it is a little cost prohibitive for some to benefit from all of their classes features (like having access to 6 skills or something) and having to purchases uses for all of them.

But that will come later. For now I just want to see what people think of the general idea, and if they UNDERSTAND it. I'd like to address those things right off the bat before we go much further and I am writing chapters.
Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As there were no useful replies I went ahead and did things my own way instead of allowing for external input on changes. The system was intentionally flawed but I wanted to give players a chance to influence how the game was actually played by submitting their own ideas on a system or by correcting the obvious errors with the current one. So there is no need to reply now with ideas.

At any rate, interest also seems to be at a minimum (despite what people say to the contrary- actions speak louder than words) and activity, in general, low. So I'll put Demise on hold until I feel there is more interest or opportunity for it. Probably sometime within the next six to fifteen months. We'll see.

Rewards for Demise: NSS will remain on hold until then as well (obviously).

Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, I only just noticed this. I would like to participate, but it seems you have put it on hold. Mark me down as interested for when you start it again.

And would I profer a character by PM or post?

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm probably in when it starts again, too.

*sits and waits*
You are the music while the music lasts
- T.S.Elliot

Here is Scheherazade
by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, this looks awesome. As a newbie I was a bit scared off by the prices, but since it's on hold for a while, I'll definitely be up for it when it happens. Smile

Count me in.
Two girls, one body - it doesn't get better than this.

"I am absolute
You are unsure
I’m the tainted
And you are pure
I am ice
While you are hot
I am broken
And you are not."
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