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Heavy Metal - Chapter 22: One

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:21 pm    Post subject: Heavy Metal - Chapter 22: One Reply with quote

Heavy Metal
Chapter 22

“If a war were to break out between the people of Earth and my fellow Anunnaki, on which side would you align yourself with, given all that you have seen, heard and experienced along this journey?”

Walt breathed deep and pursed his lips as he took in the question and its magnanimity. For what cause could Enlil be asking me such a question in the first place? Is it to test my loyalty? My bravery? My foolishness? Is it, as ‘God’ stated, to help me understand my own forming opinions? What ARE my opinions?, he wondered.

He blinked as he looked up at the indigo angel, knowing whatever mental processes he underwent right now, this Enlil would be privy to the whole journey. So he decided to abandon thought, and come right forward with whatever was on his mind. Might help me to sort myself out anyhow, he figured.

“I think you’re a damned asshole,” Walt began, pointing at Enlil accusingly. A slight smile began curling up Enlil’s cheeks, though He betrayed no further hint of emotion.

“You know,” Walt started pacing, “I always figured I was a bit of an agnostic. If it could be ‘proven’ that there was a God, I might believe it, I always told myself. But here You are,” he waved at the wizened angel, “and I still don’t believe a bit of it. Well… let’s just say I’m not really sure still. And I’m starting to think I can’t really ever be. If you’ve shown me anything, you’ve shown me that NOTHING can be proven!

“Ever since Michael threw his little demonic fit back there I’ve had half a mind to think all this is just some crazy devilish illusion. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that if an alien race wanted me to think something, it surely couldn’t be too hard to get me to. And if you were just trying to MAKE me think and believe as you’d have me believe, I could never know the difference.

“But,” he paused for emphasis as he began to walk towards the edge of this pillared layer in the mountain, “let’s give you the benefit of the doubt for a moment, shall we? And let’s have a discussion that is completely unnecessary as you know me better than I know myself, as you say.”

“It is not for me to know you, Walter Jared Steele, but for you to better know yourself, and for you to make choices in HOW you will go on to feel from now, as such are matters yet undefined, matters that will shape the course of your destiny, and the destiny of all humankind to come,” Enlil calmly ensured as he floated along beside Walter in a lotus pose, hovering off the ground while his robes slipped across the polished granite beneath. His wings formed a crossed X behind him to match the meditative posturing. Walt found it a touch surprising that He betrayed no sign of irritation as Walt flexed his freedom of expression.

This further invigorated Walter to open up wider, “Alright, fair ‘nuff. I think I understood that. You really are a pompous bastard in the way you put things, y’know? You don’t even care to try to be understood so much as to say what you mean to say the way you care to say it, listener be damned. I don’t know why I feel the need to offer this, erm… reflection. But even if you ARE so mighty and powerful, it doesn’t mean you have the right to abandon humility, y’know?”

“Yes. I understand your perspective, Walter Jared Steele. I hope you can remember your own words in the days to come. Creation often states to us what we ourselves need to hear from our own lips. When we offer advice, we should be listening,” Enlil nodded thoughtfully, a long pinky finger stroking through his straight silver beard.

“Hmph. Alright. Again. I think I get it. It’s all riddles with you ain’t it? I somehow expected that I guess. And that takes me back to my suspicions of course. But let’s just say for a moment that all those ‘suspicions’ are unfounded and for the most part, you and those who I met along the way here have all been as Michael stated, exactly what you all seem to be.

“You then ask me what side I would take in a war between Man and God. Basically, that’s what it boils down to right? Well… that’s a tough one to answer. My initial reaction would be to say ‘screw God and the Angels, I’m fighting for the good of Mankind in any such outright conflict!’ But I must admit I would probably be a bit torn in that I’ve been here and seen this and CAN, to some extent, understand the rights you feel you have. So I might take a bit of time to understand the conflict before picking a side. But I can say, honestly, I would be quick to side with my own.

“Furthermore, you suggest that somehow I will no longer be considering myself a member of humanity? What is that all about? Am I now supposed to be welcomed into the ranks of the immortals?”

“The first human to ever step foot on Nibiru soil was here for that purpose,” Enlil answered, an expression of a fond memory crossing his eyes. “Poor Adapa did not trust that the bread I offered him would grant him such everlasting life. He, like you, felt that this was all a trick. I find it amusing how the same stories play over and over in a spiral, just as the whole of reality steps upwards through cycles like a traveler along a staircase. It is unavoidable. Creation is the plot author, though it considers nothing, is little more than a mathematical routine that defines all mathematical routines. I am but a King on the chessboard here.”

“And what am I?,” Walt asked as he reached a few feet from the ledge, stopping to gaze out into the cloudy distance, lightning bolts streaking from the clouds above to the clouds just under his feet beyond the ledge.

“A rook, perhaps,” Enlil answered smiling.

Walt thought about that for a moment then nodded, taking Enlil’s response in with some solemnity. Then, after a time of watching the sparks between the clouds, he asked, “So you aren’t angry with my response? I basically told you I’d be quick to take a stand against you,” Walt turned to face Enlil.

Enlil shook his head slowly and thoughtfully. “No. Of course not. You are human. And you are an honest man. Attempting to lie to me to earn my favor did not even cross your mind. That says a lot about who you are – says a lot that I like to see really. Perhaps mankind HAS come a distance from the day Adapa met me here.”

“Why hide from you what you will know anyhow?” Walt asked.

“You display an advancing capacity for rationale among your people as well. I can appreciate the vast evolutions of thought that have taken place over the course of the last few centuries among your kind. You have indeed come far to be so pragmatic. This was not how we initially intended you to be. No… we meant for your kind to be gullible, incapable of seeing the man behind the curtain. But you, and so many others among your people, have been showing me that the Annunaki spirit that runs in your blood is too strong to suppress.

“And I had thought that the ape in you had been incapable of suppression. What I believe we have come to learn about you and your species, Walter Jared Steele, is that neither side is truly capable of elimination. What humanity IS is always going to be a hybrid between the two. You each have individual struggles and community struggles, international and global struggles that are rooted in this dualism. Never will a human know whether they are beast nor enlightened, for never can you embrace just one side of the coin. You will always be torn between the two.

”In every decision you face this dualism. Will you choose to honor lust or love? Will you choose to be selfish or selfless? Will you select peace or war? Will you enjoy yourself now or invest in your future?

“You were designed to exist in this paradox forever. It is your challenge but it is also your blessing. For you will understand some things I never can. Much as a dog has better hearing than you will ever know, YOU have a connection to passions I will never know.

“For I am made of the very substance of that which you consider your ‘divine’ nature. And it is my Brother who has adopted the essence of what you consider the ‘beast’. Between us you shall always feel torn. I understand this and forgive you for your faults, provided you can forgive yourself.

“This is a great misconception, Walter Jared Steele. Man often thinks they will come to me for MY forgiveness, and in some cases, yes, they must earn it. But more important than My forgiveness, is your own. YOUR soul guides your experiences, not mine. All I can do is hear you and send my spirit to assist you. I shall show you what I mean in a moment.”

“So, what? Are you now just trying to play the ‘good guy’ so I won’t take arms against you in a coming battle?” Walt spat.

“No. It would not matter whether you did or not. The infinite cannot be overcome by the finite. My Brother knows this but still he challenges it. Perhaps he somehow thinks he can sever me from the infinite, but how can he when I am connected to the infinite? The battle is won already. He knows the time is short.”

“Hmph,” Walt was getting a little lost in what Enlil was going on about, beginning to wonder if the winged wizard was just a little insane. A sparkle glinted in the old angel’s eyes which had toned down their brilliance to the extent that when Walt looked into them, it seemed that they were made of a celestial substance. It was like staring into outer-space, stars in a void.

“I need you to understand who and what I am,” Enlil stated simply.

“Haven’t you been explaining that all along?” Walt asked.

“Yes, but to teach the intellect is entirely different than teaching the emotional mind. It is one thing to understand something and another thing to comprehend it. You now understand enough to be shown what it will take to comprehend,” Enlil finished the statement staring out into the clouds while rising up a hand to Walt.

Walter wasn’t sure if he should touch Enlil’s deft fingers but it was clear that was the God’s intent. He swallowed, expressing first, “And again, how will I know this isn’t some kind of psychic trick you’re just preparing me for?”

“You won’t,” Enlil stated neutrally, “but I assure you it is not. Consider it merely food for thought, perhaps. It is of no consequence to I whether you believe what I am to show you. Either way, so that you may understand what YOU have been asking to understand, take my hand, mortal.”

Clearing his throat, Walt tenuously reached forth with his right hand to gingerly grasp Enlil’s spindly alien fingers.


Blackness. A void which goes beyond any understanding of void. To comprehend an absence, once must comprehend a substance. This void was so empty it defied even its own existence.

Walt was lost in this void, a void so intense he did not know himself to be. He had no body. No mind. No thoughts. No feelings. No Walt.

But he was here, despite there being no here.

Somehow, he suddenly realized where he was. In so doing, he suddenly realized THAT he WAS. This did not immediately come with a sense of memory or identity, just that he existed, that he was something within a vast nothing. He got a sense of floating in an infinite space, but that he were deaf, blind, unfeeling, no sensory input whatsoever. And there was no memory of ever having had any sensory input.

But what there was to his identity quickly led to feeling. He realized himself as the only ONE to be. There could be no other entities within such a void so complete as this void was. In fact, it was entirely possible that he WAS the void, self realized. There was nothing to explore, nothing to interact with and it was a timelessly eternal sense.

Such a realization came with a sense of total truth, that there was no way this could be anything but what he was experiencing it to be. It was self evident.

And he began to fill with frustration, with loneliness, with boredom. There was nothing to happen, nothing but himself who had nothing to interact with besides… wait… himself. It was a sudden revelation that he could somehow interact with himself.

But how? Aside from the eternal debates he carried on with himself about, well, nothing, and his futile attempts to understand himself as being, possibly, something, how? How could he interact with himself?

Then he realized there was something other than himself, and that something was the nothing that surrounded him. Suddenly, there was an understanding that there was HE and everything else that was not. He realized he could reach into that nothing, of course only finding further nothing. But it was a start. It was something.

What do I really want? he asked himself. I want to be able to interact with something else, he answered. How would that be? he asked himself. What am I? he answered as much as asked, perhaps the first statement that was a question. More importantly, what do I wish to be? he answered and asked again. Suddenly he realized he had no concept of shape or form, had not determined the basic fundamental ideas that would allow for what he wished, to interact with something other than himself.

In that moment, he first envisioned.

He saw himself as a ball of energy floating in a vast space, much as we might imagine how a single-celled organism such as an amoeba might think of itself.

He then envisioned himself splitting into two.

Walt’s first self reached out with a spectral arm and caressed his second self in a welcoming greeting. It was responded to in kind and he felt happy and alive.

He wondered if this were real. Releasing the vision, he realized it could not have been, though he also knew what it had been to be both his first self and his second self. And in great joy he suddenly understood. In one moment, he imagined all that could ever be imagined. And his imagination became what REAL was. He then looped himself through his own imagination construct over and over and over and over in an infinite spiral.


And returned to himself as Walter, who stepped back reeling from Enlil’s touch, gasping at the vision, or was it even expressible as that? A vision is like an imagining. But THIS was more like an… experience. One that ALL beings have experienced, he realized, somehow, without question.

“I have more to show you,” Enlil stated simply, patiently waiting for Walter’s mind to wrap itself around the infinite and undeniable truth of the memory he had just stepped through.

“I…. I… I cannot explain what just happened,” Walt stammered.

“I showed you what we all are,” Enlil expressed. “I showed you what I am more in touch with than any human or Annunaki, what gives me the right to claim ‘Godhood’ here. I alone fully know myself as Creation. But that does not mean any of you are not.

“At the core, Creation is not another being, but rather it IS all of us. It is you, me, a blade of grass, the mountain we stand within, the planets, even the void itself. The sum of ALL is what Creation is and we are each Creation within and without.

“What makes me any different to you in this, Walter Jared Steele, is that I am given to know this truth in my every moment, given to BE the steward of this segment of the moment of Creation. YOU are Creation choosing to be Walter Jared Steele, a limited perspective, one of the many souls Creation has chosen to be so that it can experience something beyond the infinite oneness. Without the illusion we weave of separation, we cannot interact. We would only ever be the infinite ONE instead.”

Walt nodded, tears streaming down his eyes from an overwhelming sense of sadness felt in the lone oneness that had returned with him.

“But why?” he asked. “Why do you allow such pain then? You are our steward? And your power is infinite? Then why must you let us suffer?”

Enlil sighed as a sad look cast across his long visage. “It is something else that is impossible to truly explain. Love is all that inspires Creation, Walter Jared Steele. As I am nearly one with Creation at all times, I am filled with Love. I WISH, greatly, to make everything perfect for everyone but we all desire such imperfection.

“You see, we are always getting everything we most desire at the core. Whether we allow ourselves to believe it, we are the authors of our own existences as we are our own Gods – not one of us being less valid to make a claim to divinity as any other.

“But I do, at times assist where I see that desires conflict so mightily that they keep others woven into traps from which they cannot tear themselves away. Allow me to show you how my role in this Solar System plays out.” Again Enlil offered Walt a spindly hand.

Gulping, Walt reached forth, not sure how hungry he may still remain for answers.


When asked later what happened to Walt during this time, he realized words could not possibly describe the concept to someone who had not been there to experience it for it transcended the scope of human understanding of dimensions themselves. Not dimensions in the sense that you can go from parallel universe to another but dimensions in the mathematical sense.

In the first dimension, you have a point.

In the second you have two points and a line is made from point A to point B. A flat plane is automatically generated, from which depictions can be made, flat, stationary images such as what you get on a screen or on a piece of paper.

Then third dimension opens up depth. In addition to length and width you now have a spatial awareness that is, for the most part, the understanding we have of the world we exist in. Objects have volume.

Then the fourth dimension is time, allowing for objects to alter, adjust, shift, etc. Time and space are inherently bound to each other. As a scientist and an astronaut, Walt had a fairly strong grasp of the physics theories at this level of understanding, theories which explained how gravitational fields warp space and time and how black holes come into existence.

But his experience now went a step beyond, into something he could only call the fifth dimension. It was as if all space and time turned itself inside out and he was existing in a singular point (back to the first dimension in a sense) from which he could observe all points in the solar system at once, as if surrounded by a spherical screen. This was a terrible way to explain it but would be the only words Walt could come up with to express the experience. This fifth dimensionality did not seem to transcend ‘time’, but captured the moments passing very slowly.

From here, Enlil’s presence was felt, and his own identity was… loose… liquid. Walt had no physical body, no form, neither did Enlil. In fact, he could hardly tell the difference between himself and Enlil except to understand that he WAS Enlil but observing himself from another identity entirely, that of Walter Jared Steele.

It was much as if Walt had suddenly given embodiment to one of the many personalities within himself that constantly argued for a particular side - as if he had given the part of him that deeply loved his wife, for example, a whole new persona and could distinguish that he was being that persona in his own internal arguments.

But in this case he was just the Walter within Enlil, observing the operations of the mind as a whole. Surrounding him were the thoughts of all other personalities that made up Enlil, other Annunaki, other humans. Walter realized he was not a new identity in this pool, that he had always been here, but that only now was he being made aware of his involvement in this ‘hive-like’ mental existence.

“Listen to them all,” Enlil stated from the center of the hive to Walt’s consciousness. It was as if Enlil were twisting a dial in Walt’s mind causing Walt to not only be capable of hearing every thought in the solar system at once, all of the many trillions of them simultaneously, but was also making it so that he could somehow distinguish each and juggle all of those thoughts at once without confusion.

Walt spent little time in amazement at this point, as it somehow felt natural to be capable of this at the time. It was only later that he could not, in his astonishment, wrap his head around anything but the smallest fraction of his experience in his memories.

He heard all of them. He FELT all of them. He WAS all of them at once. He WAS an old man having a heart attack in Kansas. He WAS a rebel firing shots into an African village in anger that his family was being denied food. He WAS a homeless man freezing to death in Siberia. He WAS a child being bitten by a viper in Bolivia. He WAS the viper biting the child, wondering if he’d be able to get away after proving to his mortal enemies that he was not afraid to go down without a fight. He WAS a teen chatting up a sexy lover in a chat room. He WAS the fat middle-aged man pretending to be that hot blond vixen to some teen kid. He was all that and SO mind-bogglingly much more.

He not only heard but felt every plea made for divine intervention. He FELT all the pain in the world, the sickness, the hurt, the broken hearts, the injuries, the starving, the addictions, the rot. He FELT the despair that had grown rampant on Earth, and within that one moment gained a deep appreciation for the suffering of the affairs of mankind. At the same time he felt all the bliss there was to feel. And he realized there was little balance, little justice, much less love than hate, far fewer were content than in misery.

This could not be said, however, for Nibiru and on the Moon, where the angels, while often feeling great concern, were not so wrapped up in themselves as often absorbed by their compassion for those they monitored. In this, they did not suffer but rather had fulfilled each other and it was a constant and ongoing thrust to aid each other into experiencing better lives. He felt the ‘guardian angels’ assisting humans from their positions of meditation in the moon and a tear, or the equivalent in this 5th dimensional existence, came to his eyes to see such overwhelming compassion, the likes of which sparse humans were currently feeling towards any but themselves.

“Now you begin to understand,” Enlil stated behind his ear it seemed. “Now THIS is what I do when I choose to act, which, I must admit is rare for I understand, what you must now understand, that we create our own existences. Let me show you.”

Walt continued to observe from the ‘one-point’ as his perception picked up on a particularly grieved soul on Earth.

Ok, a rare ‘meta’ decision point from me here. I’m asking YOU to give me a story. Who has Enlil found to grant some divine aid to? What is the nature of his or her pain that it is such that God has deigned to intervene? In consideration of a time-table, this is happening ‘now’ on Earth (though time is not so fixed in this state of being as we shall see.)

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...

Last edited by Thunderbird on Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That was a huge info dump, TB! But yet I didn't find it boring at all. Some of it was a little hard to get my head around, and I think I would benefit from reading it through again a couple more times to fully take it all it, but it was quite a fascinating read actually.

During the first third of the chapter, the amount of info was beginning to make my head spin a little. But then I reached this line...

“Hmph,” Walt was getting a little lost in what Enlil was going on about, beginning to wonder if the winged wizard was just a little insane.

...and you just kinda felt you were just hearing it all through Walt's ears somehow, and it felt like, yeah, it's okay to be slightly confused by this point, if that is how the lead character feels. Despite this though, I didn't have any trouble actually following the dialogue. Like I said, I just think it will require an extra read or two to fully get the gist of what is being said. But I still enjoyed it all the same! Smile

As for the dp...*ponders*'s going to have to be some kind of extreme circustances to require/deserve a little divine intervention...It is a difficult one, to be sure. I do think that it would require a larger focus as a whole, than to just be for one person. Like the effects of this person's situation is having hard reprocussions on others around him/her. I have an idea, but I'll think on it a little longer and get back to you. It's quite an interesting dp actually. Wink

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great chapter Smile

I found it easy to follow, but then I have been exposed to the rantings....oops sorry, teachings of "TB" for many years now. Wink

As for the DP....

For some reason Enlil is trying to convince Walt that he is what he says he is, so....

Ben (Walt's son) is one of the millions asking for assistance from "God". He is at a major crossroads in his life, where the decision he makes could be life changing. And could possibly be a bridge between Ben and Walt.

I think Walt is more likely to respond to this as being an act of "God" then maybe finding a cure for cancer or curing someone of a life threatening disease. You need to hit him on a more personal level.
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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had a think about it and I imagine the need to intervene being due to a kind of 'ripple effect'. One act resulting in something bad happening to one person, who's guilt, and the effects of it, will pass onto the people around them, and they in turn will pass it on to others. Okies, an example is in order I guess *beats the muse into responding to said request*...

There is a person, utterly hopeless and despairing (for whatever reason). This person is lonely, lacking in any kind of companionship, and can see no way for that to change. They could have a drug problem/drink problem etc. They're depressed and have finally reached the point where they cannot bear it a moment longer. On a spur of the moment choice, this person runs out in front of a moving vehicle and is killed.

Though the person in the driver's seat isn't to blame, they feel a huge amount of guilt anyway, as they've unwillingly been responsible for the death of a fellow human being. This in turn effects them in such a way, that the more they continue to blame themselves, the more they spiral into a state not disimilar to the person they killed. The guilt eats away at them, making them possibly turn to means of numbing the pain of it.

Again, this in turn would effect their family. Their partner and children feel the strain of coping with a family member who is overwhelmed by such guilt. Their lives are effected, social/professional etc, and in turn will again affect others in their lives, and so on and so on.

So if Enlil stepped in to help the original person, who'd lost all hope and faith, it might strike something with Walt.

Vague, I know, but my brain needs a good slap at the moment, as it just won't seem to work properly, not even for a DP idea. Sorry, but that's all I got, and hopefully it gives you something to work with, should it be chosen. Wink

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just finished two chapters of this story. I love it! I'll comment more once I catch up with the rest.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great to have you on for the ride Muad!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow....hard story to catch up with.

As for my suggestion for the DP: Enlil gives aid to a young thief who has been sent to prison. The young man is extremely frightened because he is relatively puny and fears what hardened criminals inside the prison will do to him. Enlil helps this man because nobody deserves to be punished for dropping the soap.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think perhaps one of the characters in the other half of the story.

Walt's wife, perhaps, who has been left alone back there. Or perhaps to link up with the action, Thomas.

Or an ironic twist - the Bouncer.

All in all, an interesting series of events - the first part of which I thought was incredibly well done. Particularly inserting the idea of an amoeba, and then suddenly having Walt see himself split in two.

The second experience was less well done - and I wonder whether this was because you were attempting to explain in words rather than just letting us experience it in the same way.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the comments and replies and for reading so far.

I know its been a long while since I've written a chapter here... I'm sure everyone thinks they know why but the truth is I've just been unusually active lately - physically. After quitting smoking (10 wks ago this sunday), I've been nary able to sit and concentrate for much time at all. And I've been working most of the Saturdays lately.

I have this weekend with Sat AND Monday off but ironically, I haven't polled so I'm not sure where I'm headed yet. So shortly, I'll come back to the last chapter (21) and poll on it later today. I'll try to spit out a chapter next weekend from that poll.

Thanks for catching up Muad! Great suggestions so far from everyone.

Oh... and Lebby... been hoping you'd catch back up... you shouldn't be tooooo far back! (I wasn't mad at you for your last bit of feedback you know!)

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Always good to give up a harmful vice. Congratulations Thunderbird!
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Vikas Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I need a synopsis until Chapter 20 :/
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll need to update that... I'll try to do that later.

Polling currently taking place on chapter 21 btw...

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh I can imagine the angel! Very Happy

Wish I could add something, but your stories are on the side of christain side now. SinceWalt is a bit of a agnostic. They believe there is no god or devil. So let the angel ask him if he believes in hell. There should be a few tricky questions for Walt like a riddle. Let see the angel should actually be androgynous, since that is how all angel's are dipicted, once they show themself, or even give themself away for one person they become a dark angel. Smile

Lovely so far!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for reading BBS!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:41 pm    Post subject: Vote Reply with quote

Time for voting!

EDIT: How amusing. I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum. That hasn't happened to me before. I will be posting in here too eventually.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now polling for a chapter I hope to write this weekend. Thanks for reading and voting!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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37957 Fables

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the vote Muad!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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37957 Fables

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most likely a new chapter will be arriving later today and voting will cease within hours from now so get those last minute democratic opinions expressed!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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Enlil answers the plea for Divine Intervention by who among the following?
A child with terminal cancer.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Parent of child with terminal cancer.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Walt's Son, Benjamin struggling with a major crossroads decision to make.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Walt's wronged ex-girlfriend from the past.
 0%  [ 0 ]
The driver of a car who accidentally strikes a man who's committing suicide by jumping in the way.
 0%  [ 0 ]
A young thief who's been sent to prison.
 50%  [ 1 ]
Walt's wife, Betty.
 0%  [ 0 ]
The Bouncer.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Author Only Vote
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Muaddib, Thunderbird

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