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Narg the Nasty. **Now available for purchase!**
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:12 am    Post subject: Narg the Nasty. **Now available for purchase!** Reply with quote

Buy Narg now!
'Narg the Nasty and the Necromancer's Tower' has now been tidied up and slightly re-written, and is available for purchase at a very reasonable price at:

(Click on the pic)


Narg the Nasty. Chapter 1.

Warning! Contains stuff.

Narg awoke with a hand over his eyes. He pushed it out of the way and groaned as sunlight replaced it. Pushing the still slumbering bodies of the three young girls he had manfully abused the previous night out of the way, he staggered to the water bowl and tipped it over his head.

Thus refreshed he proceeded to use the same bowl as a receptacle for his overstretched bladder. The night before, he reflected groggily, had indeed been a worthy celebration for such a hero as he. Vast quantities of ale had been quaffed, wenches had been shown a good time, and his fame had generally been enhanced with various tales of heroism by the resident bard, assisted by copious amounts of alcohol.

Kicking the still recumbent naked bodies out of the way, he stumbled over to retrieve his clothing and equipment. Though his head still felt as if a medium sized orc was beating on it with a large two handed hammer, he inspected his gear carefully. His life depended upon it, and when it came to his life, Narg was anything but careless. Satisfied the armor was still in good condition he pulled it on. Next his large magical blade, generally known as Bloodletter in the tales. Narg called it a Pain in the Ass most of the time. Being a magical blade it was instilled with a life and personality of it's own, and it wasn't above preaching. Narg also suspected it was cleverer than he was. On a whim he pulled it half way out of the scabbard.

"Well, look what stirs," Bloodletter said, in a high pitched
voice calculated, no doubt, to effect maximum nausea in the hungover Narg. "If it isn't the famed drunkard Narb, slayer of a
thousand innocent women and small furry animals.

"That's Narg you overblown piece of scrap metal" Narg snarled back, "and you know perfectly well that one incident was an accident. She shouldn't have got in the way of that Dark Elf.
And who was the sword that cut her in half anyway? Eh?"

"Bah, I am only the tool..." The sword was cut-off as Narg slammed it back into the scabbard. Once sheathed the sword's powers were generally nullified.

Feeling slightly happier at putting one over on the blade, Narg finished dressing and then stood back to admire himself in the room's one decent mirror. He was, as befitted his profession and status, an imposing figure. A long dark tunic covered his mithril chain mail, hard won from a Wizards tower (the wizard in question had been away at the time, but Narg still had to defeat several guardian beasts). His leather boots of quiet striding helped him maintain a stealthy reputation and, more importantly, dispatch people/creatures with minimum fuss and effort when the opportunity arose. With the magical blade slung over his back, and his dagger and pouch of gigantic-holding filled with useful items at his waist, he was ready for the world.

It was just as well he decided this, because the door chose that very moment to be hammered upon in thunderous fashion.
"We're looking for a Narg" came a rough voice from the other side, showing no concern for Narg's headache.

"Arg, stop that hammering you imbecile!" Narg shouted back,
causing his head to throb more violently. He moved towards the door just as it was flung open to let in several large figures clad in the traditional black and red of the local militia. Unfortunately the first one ran straight onto Bloodletter, which promptly lived up to it's name. Narg had instinctively drawn the weapon as the hammering had continued.

He stepped back and pulled the sword out as several more guardsmen entered, though rather more cautiously than their unfortunate colleague.

The skewered guardsman slumped to the floor to reveal a much smaller figure, dressed in robes.

"You morons!" the smaller figure shouted. "I told you
to knock gently! You can't just barge into a hero's room
like that! Now look what you have done! Do you know how many forms I have to fill in if one you gets killed?" He pushed his way past the other guards, stepped over the dying form and approached Narg who lowered his sword, slightly, as he approached.

Whomever the figure was, he was no coward. He walked right up to Narg, ignoring the dripping sword as if it was no more threatening than a bunch of flowers.

"Lord Narg" He performed a slight bow. "I apologize
for the interruption to your er, rest." He glanced at the naked
flesh still lying asleep on the mat. "I am the Wizard Candelion
representing the town council. We heard you were in town and, having heard of your formidable reputation, wondered if you would like to take an urgent assignment from us."

Narg lowered the sword completely, though kept it at hand in case one of the guardsmen decided to get frisky. He looked over the Wizard carefully. Whilst he had battled several magic casters and lived to tell the tale, one couldn't be too careful. The more powerful
ones were formidable opponents, and fighters who went up against a prepared Wizard generally came in second. This one was dressed in a red robe, with a simple belt around the middle from which several pouches hung. He didn't have a staff, that Narg could see anyway, but that didn't mean he was defenseless.
"Go on then, I am listening," he said.

"Well, I will not go into detail here, but essentially the town is
currently facing a serious threat from a dark force that has recently
settled in the mountains to the north. We are urgently looking for a
small band of heroes to counter the threat. You fall into that

"A group eh?" Narg scratched at the stubble on his chin.
"I usually work alone. Still.."

"I assure you, the town would be sufficiently grateful for a
successful campaign. We are not a poor community, and we have many other assets," the Wizard waved his hand towards the last
night's entertainment," as you have already discovered."

"I don't know, it's too early." Narg replied clutching at his head with his free hand. "Let me think on it. I will give you an answer by the end of the day."

"Fair enough," replied Candelion. "Please visit the town hall, we will be expecting you." So saying he gave another very small bow and backed away several paces, more through prudence than
manners, before turning and leaving the room. The guards followed him, two of them dragging their unfortunate companion behind them, which left a nasty mess on the floor.

"Aren't you going to clean me?" Bloodletter asked, speaking for the first time since the encounter. It had been strangely quiet during the exchange, which had escaped Narg's notice. He grunted and wiped the blade on the sleeping mat before sheathing it and going down for breakfast.

The dining area was fairly quiet when he arrived. The fat bartender was busy smearing the grime to a more even level on the bar. A low fire in the large fireplace kept out the autumn chill, and a dull light filtered through the thick glass windows. Only one other thin patron sat with their back to Narg as he entered.

"Sir Narg!" exclaimed the bartend, throwing the cloth over
his shoulder. "How can I be of service this fine day?"

Narg sat down at a table with his back to the wall. "Mug of
Morning Ale, something to eat." He growled.

"At once sir!" beamed the barkeep with a sycophantic smile,
and he scurried to pull some beer whilst simultaneously yelling back
into the kitchen for a platter of food.

Narg took a deep draft of the ale as soon as it was set in front of him.

Belching enormously he slammed it down empty. "Another" he
ordered sending the fat man bustling away again.

As he did he glanced something out of the corner of his eye. With
reflexes honed through long practice in many a hostile environment he pushed himself to one side and flung his hand out to knock aside the descending dagger. The slim figure that had been sitting in the room when he arrived was flung to the floor. The dagger went flying and landed with a dull thud blade first in one of the tables.

Narg's own long dagger was out and at the throat of the would be
assassin before he even took in the figure. It was a maiden. A fair
maiden. Actually, as he took a second look as she lay shivering on the floor, a very fair maiden.

"Now I would have usually killed you by now" he growled,
"but it is early in the morning and I haven't had my breakfast yet. On top of that, you are rather too an attractive figure to needlessly waste, not that I wouldn't dispatch you and then take you anyway, but it's not as much fun when they don't struggle." The girl looked like she was going to pass out, so Narg eased up a little. "Now, my young would-be assassin, what makes you want to die this fine morning?"

"P-p-p-please find sir," the girl stammered," I just wanted to hire you."

"Normally people who want to do that politely ask if they can
'have a quick word' rather than try sticking a sharp piece
of metal in me." He decided the girl was no threat, sheathed his
dagger carefully, and slowly returned to his seat, keeping his eyes on her as he did so.

The girl felt at her throat, then slowly stood as well, she looked at
Narg as if making a decision. After a few moments she approached him and asked:

"May I have a word Sir Hero?" she asked.

Narg gestured at the seat opposite. As she sat down the fat barkeep toddled over, a large tray in one hand. "Is this wench bothering you Sir Narg? I can take care of her if you would like." He
leered at the girl, drool dribbling down his greasy chin.

"I will take care of her, never you mind." Answered Narg. "Is that my breakfast?"

The barkeep nodded, hastily deposited the tray on the table, and beat a hasty retreat. Narg looked at the food, picked up what looked like a marinated dog leg and took a large bite. "Now then," he spoke through a mouthful of meat, "care to explain yourself little

"I apologize for my actions before kind sir. I was just testing
you, to see if you were really the hero that you are said to be. I am
in need of your services you see." She cast her eyes down.
"My family has been abducted by a vile creature and held in
thrall, and I need someone to rescue them."

"Mmm, mm." Nodded Narg. "Pay?"

The girl stammered nervously. "I - I don't" have any money sir, we are not rich. I can, though..."she paused, then continued more quietly, "offer myself as payment." She blushed bright red and stared at the floor.

Narg stopped eating and once more checked the girl out. This time
noting the pertness of her breasts, the slim waist and the slender hips.

Her features were most comely, it had to be said.

He had only just arrived in town the previous night, and if he already had attracted the town council, as well as this wench, there would surely be other offers about."

He took another bite of his dog, and another draught of ale and thought about it."


Well? Should Narg take up the town council or the offer of the girl?
Perhaps he should await further opportunities?

This is my first bash at this story gaming malarkey, so it's anybodies guess what will happen...

Suggestions and comments welcome!
Neil Hartley Books.
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Last edited by Chinaren on Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:53 pm; edited 69 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:44 am    Post subject: Formatting Reply with quote

Sorry for the formatting all, I wrote this in Word (at work) then saved it in an e-mail then transfered it to here, so it had been through the wringer a bit.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

uh, kinda disturbed me, but funny.....

I always rite evil stories like the uruk-hai and such, but i never put in things that um......describe how evil, disgusting and depraved they are.,...

But still, it was a good story, though it nmight be for mature readers along the way. Look forward to reading more.
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think he should go to the council.
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:34 pm    Post subject: It's only just begun... Reply with quote

Thanks Shoggy. If you think it's bad now just wait, I'm only just getting warmed up! Mwahahaha Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was good and i cant wait till it gets more sadistic and vile Smile and danmn if this is your first try than its very good considering that
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think u should go with the council
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:49 am    Post subject: Council. Reply with quote

It seems the council option is the way to go, so I have started work on the next chapter. Bit busier now, so may not be ready until next Monday. Sad

Any ideas on the threat facing the town? (Actually I have an idea, but I am open to suggestions!)
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Narg the Nasty. Chapter two.
…or how I beat a dwarf to death with his own severed arm.

Cautionary notes:
Probably not suitable for minors (or most others for that matter).
Contains often needless violence, occasional perversion, discrimination and anything else I can think of.
Induce vomiting if taken internally.


Narg waited until he swallowed his mouthful of breakfast and sighed. The girl looked on expectantly.

“Well, my dear, delectable as you are I have bigger gnomes to fry just now. However,” he went on quickly as the girl was obviously going to burst into tears, and Narg couldn’t stand wailing before he had digested breakfast. “Tell me who took your family and where you think they are and if I have time I will look into it.” The girl immediately looked more hopeful.

“…and believe me young thing,” Narg carried on, in a definitely different tone of voice, “should I rescue your folks, I will be back for payment.”

The girl gulped audibly. “I think they have been taken to Gloomywood to be servants for the bandits that live there. It’s a way to the Northwest is all I know good Sir Narg.”

“Fine, I may be going near there anyway.” Narg smiled. “What is your name my dear?”

“Precious” she managed to choke out.

“Ahhh, what a delightfully apt name. Well, Precious, where can I find you should I want you, one way or the other?”

Precious gave directions to her hovel to Narg’s satisfaction and left quickly. Though not before Narg had summoned the barkeep and made certain that the girl was not to be molested in his absence, (at least until he had finished with her.) So saying he belched loudly, as good manners dictated, and stood up to leave.

He strode out of the Inn, booting a dwarf who was sleeping in the hallway out of the way as he did so. “Get out of the way you short-a__e*” he shouted at the thing, people are trying to walk here!”
“So.. sorry sir” muttered the dwarf, and dragged himself to a small cubby hole nearby.

“Bloody Dwarves,” he mumbled under his breath, “what next? Paladins?” He spat on the floor and left the building.

The ‘Bloodied Virgin Inn’ was in a respectable area of town, and the roads reflected this, the area sporting a cobbled street and lighting for the darker hours, as well as patrols by the local militia.

Even though Narg was new to the place, he remembered passing the Town Hall the day before, and headed off in that direction.

The town was, as the wizard had said, a fairly prosperous place. It was placed on a trade route between two other large and busy cities, and had enough coin to protect itself from the general banditry around. Besides, even bandits need somewhere to buy provisions. As a result Narg saw a variety of races going about their business, from hulking trolls to tiny imps.

He had an uneventful journey to the town hall, which was a large squat building, built for defense out of large stone blocks. He strode up to the two guards at the large entrance.

“Name’s Narg. Here to see some wizard, Dandylion or some-such.”

“Moment” one of the guards grunted, his voice echoing from within his helmet. He tromped away to speak to someone inside the doorway, returning with a plainly dressed clerk in tow.

“This way please Sir Narg” the clerk said, and set off. Narg followed.

A short trip later Narg was standing in-front of the council. Three members looked down upon him from their dias. One Narg recognized as Candelion the wizard, beside him was a large man with an enormous black beard, a huge hammer resting beside him. No doubt some sort of Cleric. The other was a thin but tall Elf, dressing in flowing white robes. He looked at Narg and wrinkled his nose, but otherwise said nothing.

Candelion rose to his feet as Narg entered. “Good hero, welcome, welcome! I am glad you could heed our call for champions.”

“Cut the crap” answered Narg. “What’s the deal?”

“Straight down to business, excellent. Well, our town is fairly well defended, and our main highways are patrolled, but of late a new threat has arisen, for which we have decided to enlist outside help to deal with.”

He paused and looked at the elf. “Perhaps our esteemed Spiderswill Dwarfeater could fill in the details…?”

The Elf sighed and looked at Narg. “Apparently some kind of Necromancer has said up shop in an old tower in the mountains. He has some sort of undead army gathering and we would like him stopped before it grows too large and becomes a major threat.”

“Hmmm” said Narg, picking his nose. “Pay?”

“2000 gold sovereigns, plus three of our finest wenches, or bucks should you taste run that way, for two days. However, we have deemed it a task that should be undertaken not by one, but three or maybe four heroes. You, as the famed Narg, shall be the leader. We have taken the liberty of assembling some potential candidates for your team.” He waved his fingers at the clerk who was standing by another door.

The clerk opened it and in strode a heavily armored human. He wore bright mail and had a huge two handed sword strapped to his back. Long golden hair flowed down his back and he strode with the knowledge that righteousness was with him. He stopped and bowed in front of Narg, who was stood with jaw agape.

“Theororus the White at your service, in the name of my Lord Grom.”
Narg turned to the council. “A bloody Paladin?” he screamed. “What makes you think I want one of these do-gooders nagging me about morality as I hack the undead apart? Do you know what a pain in the ass these people are?”

“Good Sir Narg…” the Paladin began, but Narg cut him short.

“You! Shut it!” He stalked closer. “You have any coin upon you?”

“I do not debase myself by concerning myself with material things” the Paladin replied drawing himself up in righteousness.

“Thought not. You really can’t do anything with your kind you know.” Narg half turned away, then paused. “Well maybe there is one thing…”

“What’s that?” replied the knight.

There was a blur as Narg turned back, a high pitched shout suddenly cut short, followed by the sound of two items, one small, one large, hitting the floor.

“Can’t stand Paladins” said Narg conversationally, wiping Bloodletter on the body before sheathing it. “Them and dwarves just get my back up they do.” He performed a perfunctory search of the body, found nothing and stood up with a sneer. “Never any treasure on these guys. Still, the armor may be worth a few coins if I can find someone to buy it.” He turned back to the council who were looking on in shocked silence. “It’s usually blessed stuff you know, strictly Paladins only. Mind you, I think I know a Dark Wizard down Skullkeep way that may want it. Does some sort of corruption magic with the stuff.”

He shrugged. “Right then, who’s next?”

The clerk, who looked a little pale for some reason, gestured at the doorway, and a lithe figure dressed in light leather armor strode in.

“Now, this is more like it!” said Narg.

“Lord Narg” said the woman bowing, “I am Katrina, and my skills, amongst other things” (she gave him a long slow wink)” include the bow and the art of ‘opening’ doors.”

“Excellent!” beamed Narg. A lady after my own heart!

The next candidate was a short fat man dressed in amour and sporting a staff. “Gorgus Headbasher at your service. Cleric.” he puffed. “Adept in the turning of all manner of night creatures.”

“Mmm, could be useful” muttered Narg. “Who else?”

Next came a small figure carrying a staff twice his height.
“Ho short stuff” said Narg. “What are you eh?”

“I,” replied the Halfling drawing himself up to his full height (which wasn’t much), “am Biggar Longstrider. Wizard, 4th degree 3rd Element.”

“So say ye,” said Narg, but in a quieter tone.

After the Halfling came a huge figure. Green skin and the smell of rotten meat accompanied the Orc.

“Me Nog. Me bash good.” He said waving around an enormous club, studded with rusty nails.

The last candidate was suddenly there, appearing from nowhere it seemed. He stood in a simple gray robe tied at the waist with a black cord. His head had been shaved bald and he seemed to carry no weapons. The monk clasped his hands together and introduced himself quietly. “My name is irrelevant, being just a humble servant, but I have been sent from my order to help with this fight.” He put his arms across his chest, hands hidden within the robes’ folds.

“Well Irrelevant, good bit of sneaking there.” Replied Narg. “I’m partial to a bit of quiet movement myself.” He turned back to the council. “So I have to choose two of these to come along right?”

“That is correct said Candelion. “A Pal.. er… A rouge, a cleric, a wizard, a fighter and a monk. All adept in their fields. Who shall it be?”

A good question. He scratched his chin and turned and faced the candidates.

The severed Paladin’s head looked on with a shocked expression from where it lay on the floor.


Okay folks, a nice and soothing chapter this time, but another choice. Who shall go with Narg on his quest to fight the (presumably) evil Necromancer and his Army of the dead? Only two venture forth with our hero, so you can vote or make suggestions!

Any comments welcome of course.

* Censored for the more delicate readers.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i picked the monk and cleric, u need the holy to kill the unholy, also the bashing is already covered by Narg
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:41 pm    Post subject: Votes! Need votes! Reply with quote

Come on people! Give us some votes!

I have just seen that the poll has the same option for 1 and 2! Don't know how that happened!
Anyhow, number one should read:

Rouge and Wizard.

Sorry about that! Moderator, could you help? I can't change it now.

Thanks Shogun.

Last edited by Chinaren on Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i suggest that he has a cleric and a wizard
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ummmmmmmmm, why did you thank me, any ways another good edition to this story. Also i pmed smee to change your poll to rouge and wizard. Ga' day
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:49 pm    Post subject: Chpt3 trailers... Reply with quote

All, whilst the poll is still open (Votes and sugessions please!!!) and I haven't finished the next chapter, I have decided, in the fashion of Hollywood, to release some short 'teasers'...

Coming soon in Episode 3 of NtN...
...Her breasts heaved in the moonlight…
…Shogun knew his way…
…the goblin bit down snarling…
…daughter is missing…
… large bastard sword with a wicked looking serrated edge…

Thanks for your PM Shogun, guess I should have thought of that!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Votes! Need votes! Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
Come on people! Give us some votes!

I have just seen that the poll has the same option for 1 and 2! Don't know how that happened!
Anyhow, number one should read:

Rouge and Wizard.

Sorry about that! Moderator, could you help? I can't change it now.

Thanks Shogun.

Again, why thanks Shogun? I have done nonething except pm smee, and this post was before that....unless you can see the future....FREAK!!!
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Chpt3 trailers... Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:

Coming soon in Episode 3 of NtN...
...Her breasts heaved in the moonlight…

I feel a deep stirring below my gut.....j/k! lol
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

Last edited by Shogun on Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I feel kinda bad for the palidin, friend rped as a paladin once, I was forced to slay becuase he kept saying,"Happy bunnys!"

Any ways, the the hot thief...she's mine!

*Narg glres at him again* Would you stop doing that!
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:17 pm    Post subject: Future Reply with quote

Yes, it was a future thanks for PMing Smee. Hey! Just being polite! Even raving lunatics should have manners! Wink

Gay eh? Mmmm, interesting idea, never thought of that... Very Happy
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non logged in Shogun


PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dont you dare!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

non logged in Shogun wrote:
Dont you dare!

or else.....
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:37 am    Post subject: One more! Reply with quote

Anyone want to cast one more vote? I have a three way tie at the moment.

Just been working on Chapter three, (it's d*mn hot Shocked ) but I can't finish it until I know how the vote will turn out!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:31 pm    Post subject: Okay then... Reply with quote

Right, I think the poll is about done, so I will finish off the next chapter, probably later today. As it is a three way tie I will mull it over and think about who to add...
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm a friggin midget! Oh thats messed up! Well at least I know I can fry Norgs brains out.

A very scene in the bar shall I say.
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:58 pm    Post subject: Chpt4 Reply with quote

Hi Smee, did you get my PM for poll deletion?

Shogun, anyone, choice?

I have been busy, so not started the next chapter yet, though I am not sure anyone is interested! Sad
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I pick 2, and I like your story, it's pretty funny
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:18 am    Post subject: Chapter 4 teasers! Reply with quote

Thanks for your vote Shogun.

I have been working on chapter 4 a bit though I can't finish it until I close the voting of course, so I thought I would post a couple of teasers again, to hopefully stimulate some more votes and catch some attention... Wink

Coming soon in Episode 4 of Narg the Nasty: Things get a little more dangerous...

with un-natural strength it wielded the sword as if it weighed no more than a maid’s brassier
the cold of the grave seeped into his body
abusing their wives, sisters and daughtersShocked
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:42 pm    Post subject: Poll questions. Reply with quote

The poll questions are wrong again! Option one should not be the same as option 2! I typed this in right, it just came out wrong. Please see chapter four for the correct options.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:41 pm    Post subject: Thanks Key but.. Reply with quote

You missed option 1!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great chapter as usual, I love this story, im definently going to nominate it for storygame of the month for october if i remember that is lol, anyways i think that they should keep going untill they find a better camp.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:14 pm    Post subject: Allright y then! Reply with quote

Thanks KD, much appreciated!

Now I have a vote I will start work on the next chapter.

NtN chapter 5 is in the works! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:55 am    Post subject: Episodes 1 to 4. The story so far. Reply with quote

For those of you who haven't been reading here is a brief overview of the story so far:

Our hero, Narg, wandered into a small town. He was shortly approached by the city council, led by a wizard Candlelion, and accepted a commission to seek out a dread necromancer who had set up shop in an ancient tower to the north.

To assist him in this quest Narg chose a stout Halvling wizard called Shogun, and a solid Cleric named Gorgus.

After a harrowing encounter with a she-devil and accepting a side quest to find the daughter of the local militia chief (who went in search of the necromancer herself with a small group of her own) they set off north.

They have just had a violent encounter with some undead in the woods, which Narg narrowly survived, and the group are now pondering their next move...
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Last edited by Chinaren on Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:39 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


aNOTHER GREAT chapter chinaren, I have no idea why people ain't voting for you!

I pick two, look for the necromacer, he might have some information, also STOP INSULTING MY SIZE!!

*ahem* yes, well now that I got that across.....okay maybe I didn't....anyways, no.2!
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:03 pm    Post subject: Shorty Reply with quote

Thanks for the vote Shogs. I have added a poll and put your vote in it already.

As for the size thing, well that's Narg not me! Wink I can't stop him, he's much bigger than me. Anyway, Shogun seems to hold his own well enough!

Rock On
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*grin* Mad Gun
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
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I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:48 am    Post subject: nowet Reply with quote

duplicate post, sorry.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:48 am    Post subject: The story so far Reply with quote

All, I have added a brief synopsis before chapter 5, so you can get up to speed on Narg's adventures without reading all that has gone before.

I would like to get some more votes and close this poll by wednesday so I can write another chapter before I go to Beijing at the end of the week.

Please vote, or at least comment! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:13 am    Post subject: alright! Reply with quote

cool story man! I vote to follow the other part.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:39 am    Post subject: OKay then, ep6 now in the works. Reply with quote

Okay people, I want to do the next chapter before I have to travel, so I will flip a coin and write the next chapter.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good story - I always like an unlikeable hero Very Happy

As for the elf... it depends on how snooty the elves are in this world. Would Narg be likely to... ahem... get his reward for rescuing her? Or is she more likely to look down her perfect elven nose at him?
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