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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:05 pm    Post subject: A Nightmare Realized Reply with quote

***WARNING - this story contains the occasional rather nasty description of gore, and some mild language. Reader discretion advised Wink .***

A Nightmare Realized
8:00 – Dusk

Running, running, running…Kelsey moaned in fear as she swerved to avoid the mist-shrouded trees. Moss hung from their branches in dark tangles, tangling in her hair and brushing against her arms like spiders. Breathing, heavy panting…was it hers or that of the thing behind her? On she ran, faster and faster, veering, dodging…

Abruptly she woke up. With a cry she sat up, banging her head on the ceiling and yelping with pain. As tears formed in her eyes, her little brother Nate’s head appeared in the doorway. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered, rubbing her head and trying to slow her breathing.

“Well, then can you be quiet? I’m trying to watch TV.” With that he left.

Kelsey rolled her eyes. “Sure, Nate, whatever.” 12-year-olds. What could you do? Wincing, she swung herself off her bunk bed, landing on shaky legs. The nightmare remained close in her mind. When had she started having it, anyway? A month ago, just after her 17th birthday, she remembered. Well, I wish it would go away, she thought to herself grumpily.

Quietly she padded into the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass of milk. Milk, she had discovered, was excellent for calming nerves. Then she heard the floor creak behind her. Uttering a small shriek, Kelsey jumped and whirled, imagining pale hands reaching for her.

There stood Nate, a cookie in hand and a comically quizzical look on his face. After staring for a moment at her now-dripping form and the wide-eyed, frantic look on her face, he shook his head. “You are so weird.” When she glared at him, he simply rolled his eyes and went back to the TV.

Sighing, she started to clean up the milky mess she had created. I need to calm down, she thought. Ever since she’d started having that stupid dream, it was as if every shadow housed a hidden menace, and every noise was the sound of…something…sneaking up on her. But what was it? Kelsey didn’t know. In the nightmare, she never saw it, but it was always there. And didn’t it seem lately that it was advancing? Yes, every time she slept, it got a little closer…

“Stop it!” she told herself sternly. You’ll get nothing out of scaring yourself over some silly nightmare. But she’d never had it during an afternoon nap before… Not that it was afternoon anymore, Kelsey realized wryly. It was 8 o’clock and the sun had already set. Looking out the window, it seemed as if the world was lost in some kind of misty twilight. Full darkness wouldn’t be too long now. It would almost be a relief; the strange quality of light at dusk had always made Kelsey nervous, though she didn’t know why. I wish Mom and Dad were here, she thought. Maybe I could call them? Then she berated herself. After all, they were supposed to be on a romantic vacation, and would not appreciate being called now. They had earned the get-away, after all, and it would be selfish of her to interrupt it.

No, she didn’t need to call them. What she needed to do was relax, read a book, watch a movie…she could watch Van Helsing, the action would surely divert her from her fright for a while. Besides, she thought, what better to take your mind off fear that a monster movie? She laughed at the paradox. Never one to wait when a decision was made, Kelsey hurriedly cooked a bag of popcorn and went to the sunroom, where her DVD player was set up and waiting.

Not so long later, as Kelsey watched her beau Van Helsing prowl through the graveyard in search of the Wolfman, she heard a noise from outside. That’s strange, she thought. By now her nerves were quite calmed, and she was able to ignore the strange dread that was creeping into her heart. She turned back to the TV. But then it happened again, an odd thumping sound as if something large had fallen onto the soft earth of the garden. Frowning, Kelsey got up and looked out the window. She couldn’t see anything, however; the dusk had persisted and a patchy fog had risen. In the background, Van Helsing exclaimed, “He’s not your brother anymore!” Kelsey muted the TV and listened carefully. She didn’t hear anything, except-

There it was again! Thumping, now accompanied be a shuffle, and could that moan have been the wind? Of course, she thought, duh. The wind. But her heart rebelled against the thought.

What should I do? She could, of course, go outside and check it out. That was exactly the behavior some dumb heroine in a movie would display, but if she stayed inside, what if a burglar or something crept in? What should she choose, safety or protectiveness? After a moment’s indecision, Kelsey made her choice.

So what do you think? If it’s too tedious, let me know. I’m not the most to-the-point author, and horror isn’t really my genre anyway. Critiques are welcome!


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

Linear Story Nightrobber Now Complete!

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:16 pm    Post subject: eek Reply with quote

<from behind the couch>

Good start. I say she should hide under the bed! But then I'm chicken. Scared

...No wait! Send her brother out!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm…well, it doesn’t seem like I need to do a poll for this chapter. Here’s number 2 (which is quite a bit longer...).

9:00 – Night has Fallen
Peering out the window uncertainly, Kelsey thought, I should go out there. After all, she was the oldest in the house, it was her responsibility to take care of these types of things…Glancing at the muted TV screen, she thought, It’s what Anna would do.

Then she snorted to herself. Yeah, Anna would definitely rush out there, sword in hand. And look how she ended up! Kelsey shook her head. There was no way she was going to step outside. Instead she looked around the room. If there was a thief or something sneaking around out there, she’d need a weapon in case he broke in. What could she use? Her parents didn’t own a gun. Knife, then? Immediately she shook her head. Kelsey had never done well with sharp instruments – if it came to a fight she’d probably do more damage to herself than any assailant. Then what? Glancing around the room, her eyes came to rest on her brothers big wooden baseball bat. Kelsey nodded. That will do.

Thump! Kelsey jumped as the strange noise came back. There was no way she could be imagining it. Grimly she hefted up the baseball bat, then padded as silently as possible to the window. Once again, she tried to peer out. As she did, her heart jumped a little in her chest. Something was out there! She couldn’t make it out very well, it was still too dark. By now the yard light had come on, but its illumination served only to further confuse the shape in the fog. But it was definitely there, and it was coming this way.

Kelsey took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. Tightening her grip on the bat, she squinted and looked more closely outside. As it got closer, she saw that the figure approaching was definitely humanoid, too tall to be a dog or deer. Whoever it was, he didn’t appear to have any weapons…frowning, Kelsey realized that the person wasn’t even trying to cover his approach. He just kept shuffling closer to the windows where Kelsey watched, moaning very slightly. Soon, Kelsey thought, soon he’ll get close enough for me to see him.

Just as she thought that, he disappeared.

What? Where could he have gone? Almost holding her breath, Kelsey leaned as close to the window as she could. Turning her head, she peered outside with one eye, looking for the stranger. Maybe, realizing he was being watched, he had ran away? But if he had, why hadn’t the girl seen him at least turn around?

And suddenly, there was an eye staring her in the face through the window. Kelsey gave a startled gasp as her heart skipped a beat. He must have dropped to the ground and crawled to the window! She fell back a few steps, wheezing and clutching her chest. Then her eyes returned to the face that had appeared outside, and she stopped breathing altogether. As she stared, her eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she gave a small, terrified moan.

For the thing that was outside the window was not a man, could not be a man…Kelsey couldn’t see much through glass, because her breath had fogged it up. But she could see enough. She could see the ivory skin, stretched tight over dark, blue veins. Kelsey could see the way the mouth stretched wide in a grimace, so wide that it didn’t even have any lips, the jaw dropped so low that the pasty skin on its cheeks had split, leaving lines of oozing blood over its face. The teenage girl saw how the teeth had decayed, but that the tongue was black and swollen, leaving strings of saliva on the glass. But what Kelsey saw most, the things that would haunt her forever, were the eyes. Clearly she could make out the creature's eyes, the way the irises were a cloudy white and the whites showed up as purple for all the burst blood vessels. They were horrible and dead, and they were fixed on her.

A zombie?! Kelsey though breathlessly. There’s a zombie outside my window? But it couldn’t be a zombie, because zombies were slow, and stupid. This…thing outside, was no mere zombie. Although its approach had been slow, it was now banging on the glass with great gusto, and its horrid eyes burned with an intelligence that belied its deceased state. No, not a zombie, something else, something worse.

Oh, don’t let it break the glass, don’t let it get in, she thought wildly, her heart galloping with terror as the thing screeched in frustration outside. Then a horrible thought occurred to her – had she locked the door? Kelsey turned her eyes to the door knob, and her stomach plummeted.

It was unlocked.

The noise outside stopped. Flashing her eyes back to the creature, she saw that it was watching her fixedly. Its gaze turned then from her to the door. A gruesome parody of a grin flashed on its face, and Kelsey knew that it was indeed intelligent. It knew that the door was unlocked, because she had given it away.

At the same time they leapt for the door. Kelsey managed to turn the lock, but too late – the creature had already turned the knob and was now pulling on the door. The girl uttered a single sobbing shriek as she pulled on the door, but the thing outside was too strong, and the door stayed open. Even as the creature pulled the door further open, it reached inside with one dead hand to swipe at Kelsey. Its hand, blue veins showing up clearly and with nails that were long, sharp, and darkly discolored, fastened on Kelsey’s wrist.

The girl’s next move came purely by instinct. With a savage cry, she swung the baseball bat with all her might down on the creature’s arm. Something cracked (Kelsey hoped it was the thing’s arm and not the bat) and it pulled its arm back with a hiss.

Some surreal corner of Kelsey’s mind had time marvel that she had managed so strong a blow at such an awkward angle, with her left hand no less. Another cold, calculating part of her knew that she had but a moment to react. There was no way she could close the door, for the creature had kept its grip on the doorknob. She also knew that there was no way she could beat it in combat, because it was far stronger and its grip was like death itself. Unless she gained the upper hand first…

Yelling so fiercely she shocked herself, Kelsey burst out of the door with the bat held high. She swung it savagely at the creature’s head. It managed to block the blow with its free arm, but Kelsey was quick and already striking again, landing a blow on its ribs. The creature hissed again, it’s eyes blazing fury. She jabbed it hard in the stomach, and the force of her blow doubled it over. Then she swung the final hit, bringing it across her body with all the strength she could muster, the hard bat connecting with the thing’s head.

Watching the effect of the blow, it seemed as if time had briefly slowed and at the same time happened to swiftly to see. The head crumpled inward, flattened very slightly beneath the power of Kelsey’s attack. Fractures lit its skin, and out of its opposite ear a small fountain a congealed blood shot out. Then the creature fell back onto the deck and lay still.

The teenager stood over it, her bat still raised up, panting heavily. Watching the creature carefully, not entirely sure if it was finished or not, she poked it in the gut with the bat. It did not stir. She recalled stories about zombies, saying that the only way to kill one was to end its brain functions. Well, perhaps it is related to zombies, she thought, looking at the strange attacker lying before her. Its body was covered with dirt, and Kelsey realized with a shudder that it didn’t appear to be wearing any clothes. Even so it was difficult to determine its gender, if indeed it had one. She didn’t look very closely. Instead she felt behind her for the door, preparing to step back inside and close if firmly, shutting out the horrible thing forever. Catching sight of its face, she thought that she was lucky. Although the light from its eyes had died, hatred was still evidence in its expression, as well as hunger.

Sighing, she turned to go inside. Then a low moan caught her ears, and she looked up again. “No,” she whimpered. No… for approaching now were more of the things, many many more, shuffling and moaning with their angry dead eyes fixed on her. The nearest one had set foot on the deck.

Kelsey felt paralyzed. There were so many…shaking her head mutely, she stepped backward, her mind trying to deny what she knew by the terror in her heart was real. One small sound brought her back to reality…click.

Her eyes popped wide open. The door, the door! She had pushed it shut behind her. But surely it wasn’t, couldn’t be locked, she hadn’t been that quick! Trying the knob proved her wrong. She had locked herself out. Once again she whirled around to face the creatures. They were still advancing. Watching her, gleefully…

Oh God, she thought. What do I do now?

Well? Now it’s up to you guys. What should she do?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahg! girlish scream from behind the sofa. Scared
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'd say run to a friend's house. You're never going to get them all with your baseball bat, and there's no guarantee of finding a different way into your own house... so it's got to be a friend or neighbour. Very Happy

I'll watch for the next chapter... Cool
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great story Smile

For the time being she needs to get in the house and lock the door. That will at least buy her a bit of time.

Gather her brother and leave by the front door. Call the police as well if they are struggling to get through the door.

And then run....

Well I would. Surprised

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

9:15 – Flee

Her heart hammering wildly, Kelsey tried to think. What to do? She had to get inside somehow, call the police, get away somehow…calm down, she thought to herself. The creatures were approaching steadily, but not too quickly, but even so she’d never be able to fight them all off. But if she didn’t move soon, they’d have her blocked into a corner. So, Kelsey took the only available option – she ran.

Holding tightly to the baseball bat, she sprinted off the deck, dashing between the side of the house and the nearest creature. It swiped at her as she ran by, and managed to scratch her elbow, but Kelsey didn’t stop. She jumped out over the steps, skidded on the gravel as she landed, and raced around the corner. Looking behind her, the girl saw the creatures shuffling after her, trailing dirt on the ground that writhed with maggots. When she looked ahead again, though, she discovered that they were coming from that direction as well.

Kelsey slid to a stop. Behind her – creatures. In front of her – more creatures. To her left was the wall of the house, so that was out. But to her right, the driveway seemed clear. That was the way she ran. Beside the driveway there was an old wooden fence, and on the other side a stream, overhung with low thorny trees, winded alongside the road and up to the hills behind Kelsey’s house. Kelsey had often played beside the stream, and knew the place well. With any luck, she could lose the creatures in the woods, and then double back to her house. Although, I do seem to be running low on luck…

She brushed that thought aside and ran again, racing for the fence. Once there she scrambled up and crossed over. Old leaves crunched beneath her feet as she landed. Before running on, Kelsey couldn’t help taking one look back. The creatures were coming, and had broken into a sort of shuffling run. They were not very fast, but not entirely slow, either. Clutching the baseball bat, the girl turned and fled.

* * *

Inside the house, Nate sat in the living room. The TV was turned to some old monster movie marathon, and he sat comfortably nestled on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. The movie playing now was The Blob, the newer one. Nate hadn’t seen it before, but he was enjoying it so far. The boy was a fan of old “horror” movies, finding them highly amusing and not very horrible at all, and this was no exception. Every time the blob caught another victim, he had to laugh, especially when it caught the boy and girl making out in the car.

Occasionally he’d glance outside the patio door into the valley below, watching as the rising mist engulfed the faint yard lights below. Inevitably he’d sigh and wish they didn’t live so far out of town – they lived up in the hills of the valley, and a drive to their nearest neighbor was 10 minutes long. Made it a pain to get to school in the mornings. If only I lived in town, he thought, I could have my friends up on nights like this. Such thoughts were fleeting, though, and soon he’d be engrossed in the movie again.

It was at one such time when Nate was startled out of his thoughts by a noise in the sunroom. It sounded like Kelsey, yelling about something. “What?” he called back, turning the volume down, but he didn’t hear anything again. After a moment of unease, he shrugged and resumed watching the movie.

Some time later, watching with interest as a screaming man was sucked into the drain by the blob, he heard a noise at the front door. It sounded like someone pounding to get in. He waited, hoping that the person would go away, and for a moment the noise stopped. But just as Nate had convinced himself that he was hearing things, the knocking came again, louder. He sighed again and got up. “Coming, coming,” he muttered to himself. He crossed the kitchen and went into the foyer. The handle was now moving as well, but Nate’s parents had said to keep it locked while they were away, so the door didn’t open. The boy was just reaching out to open the door when suddenly, the person outside wailed. The sound of it froze Nate in his tracks. Slowly, he pulled his hand back, shaking his head. Whoever was out there barely sounded human. There was no way he’d let them inside without knowing who they were. What if it was a crazy axe-murderer waiting for him?

Instead he creeped out of the foyer and over to a window, where he had a reasonably good view of the front door. Nate peeked out the window, trying to see what was out there. At first, he could only stare – what the heck could that be? Maybe someone had dressed up for Halloween early? He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Nope, it still was there, some naked, dirty, white, rotten…rotten?

He gasped. At the sound, the creature at the door turned to look at him. As soon as Nate met its gaze, he knew he wasn’t just seeing things, and that this was no sick prank. Whatever was out there was real, and it wanted inside. The hunger in its eyes was unquestionable. The boy started shaking, and when the thing opened its mouth and screamed at him, he turned tail and booked it to the sunroom. “Kelsey!” he cried, but she wasn’t there. Instead, there were more creatures, with their hands pressed against the window, staring inside. Van Helsing was still playing silently. Outside the dead things started to drum their hands on the glass, slowly…whump, whump, whump, and then more insistently. Their eyes rolled as they watched him malevolently.

Nate screamed and ran up to the living room. He immediately locked the patio doors and pulled the curtain over them so nothing outside could look in. No creatures were outside this part of the house. Then, he huddled into a ball behind the couch and pulled a blanket over his head. He lay there, quivering and panting; he had never been so scared in his life. The TV was still playing, but all the sudden, the actors’ screams didn’t seem so funny anymore. He realized he was crying.

The boy didn’t know how long he lay huddled there, but it seemed like a lifetime. Then on the patio doors, he heard a quiet tapping. His head jerked up. Was it them? Were they back? He didn’t move, didn’t even dare to get up. The tapping came again, quick and quiet and urgent. He thought he heard a whisper, but it might just be the TV. Hesitantly he peeked at the doors, but the curtains blocked his view. Tap, tap, tap – the noise was insistent. Nate got up and tiptoed to the curtain, listening. A thought intruded – what if it was Kelsey? Nate wanted to believe it, but he didn’t know. If she had gone outside, how could she possibly have escaped the creatures? But if it was her, he couldn’t leave her… The only thing he wanted to do was find somewhere to hide.

What will Nate do? Will he risk exposing himself to the creatures and look outside? Will he open the door, or run away? It’s your choice, but remember – there is a 50-50 chance. It could be Kelsey, but then again…what if it’s not?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well what is nate personality like?

i'd take a look out the door, but is he a coward or does he just not like strangers or something? it depends on his personality

however - seeing how its not me and if it is a zombie nothing happens to me i say open the door
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

very well written! Very Happy

I'd say Nate should stay where he is and not draw attention to himself. If it's a zombie-thing at the window, then he'll blow his cover. If it's someone human, then they'll probably keep knocking, or whisper again at least.

Wait and see, for me. Cool
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Great chapter.

I'm a little confused how Kelsey managed to get so far from the backdoor that it's blocked off. Didn't she leave it open? The things could get in after Nate!

I think he should risk it. They know he's inside anyway (not like the curtains are fooling them) and if it's Kelsey then she's in danger and needs help, and she can also help him. I think the risk is worth it.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

good point smee, the zombies already know he's in there

and how many zpmbies do you know that can knock? Afterall, if they are zombies all he needs to do is climb the stairs. Everyone knows zombies can't climb stairs.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nah it's not a zombie...

But it couldn’t be a zombie, because zombies were slow, and stupid. This…thing outside, was no mere zombie. Although its approach had been slow, it was now banging on the glass with great gusto, and its horrid eyes burned with an intelligence that belied its deceased state. No, not a zombie, something else, something worse.

But my point still applies - even more so. Shocked
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well i guess that puts my stair climbing plan out of action. Now waht am I supposed to do during zombie apocalpses? I will be forced to rely on the truster rotor -bladed lawnmover.

*sound of reving engine fills the air*
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice, thrilling chapter
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And now for the fourth, rather long chapter…

10:00 – Now what?

As Nate stood shaking, he tried to think past the haze of fear. It seemed to him that if it were zombie-things out there, they would be banging, not tapping. And if it was Kelsey, he couldn’t leave her. I’ll just take a peak, he thought. Even that would take courage that he wasn’t sure he possessed.

Hesitantly he walked to the very edge of the curtain, so he was positioned, not right in front of the door, but to the side of it. Slowly, he pulled the heavy fabric out a little bit from the glass and looked outside.

So dark it was that for a moment Nate couldn’t see anything. Then as his eyes adjusted, he began to make out the figure standing in front of the door. His courage almost failed him, but he bit his lip and forced himself to wait a moment longer. And then he saw who it was – Kelsey! There she stood half-crouching, covered with dirt and scratches, holding the baseball bat ready. Nate sagged with relief and pulled aside the curtain. He yanked open the door and exclaimed, “You’re alright!”

Kelsey jumped with shock when the door opened so suddenly, but seeing it was him, her face broke out in a relieved, tremulous grin. “Thank God,” she said. “Are you ok?”

The boy started to nod, but then he looked over Kelsey’s shoulder. Blanching, he mouthed wordlessly. His sister stiffened, and then with startling speed she whipped around, swinging the bat at the same time. There was a creature standing just behind her, reaching for her shoulder.

It didn’t stand a chance.

Nate’s jaw dropped as he watched his sister viciously attack the creature, striking it again and again until it dropped lifelessly to the ground. It wasn’t until Kelsey had shoved him back into the house and closed the door behind her that he could find any words to say. “Kelsey, you…you took him out! What’s happening?”

For a moment she didn’t answer him, busying herself with tugging the curtains closed and checking the lock on the door. Then she sighed. Regarding her little brother, she had never been gladder to see him safe. “Are all the windows and doors locked?” she asked.

He nodded. “I checked them all. Kelsey, what’s going on? Where did you go? Why did you…why did you l-leave…” And suddenly he started sobbing.

“Oh, Nate,” she murmured, her eyes filling too. She pulled him into a hug and squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t get back inside…” For many moments the two simply stood there, holding each other against the terror, trying their best to comfort each other and themselves. Finally Nate pushed his sister away. Wiping his eyes, he sniffed and said, “Do you know what’s happening?”

“Not really,” she said. Briefly she filled him in on what had happened. She tried to contain her fear of what the memories contained, especially when she got to her sneaking trek through the wood. Even so she couldn’t help but recall the how it had felt, to creep along the trees, thorns snagging her clothes as she tried to be silent, never knowing if the creatures were lurking ahead of her in the mist…she shuddered.

Once she’d finished her narrative, Nate looked up at her, a measure of awe and respect in his eyes. He could not imagine doing what she had done, and suddenly he saw his sister in a new light. “So,” he said hesitantly, “what are we going to do now?”

Considering, she replied, “I think we need to call the police, have them come up here…maybe they can help us.”

“And what’ll we tell them?” the skeptical boy asked. “ ‘Officers, help us, zombies are attacking our home!’ They’re sure to believe that.”

“No,” Kelsey answered irritably. “We’ll just tell them we’re being attacked and that we need help.”

“Why can’t we just stay in here and hide?”

“Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed incredulously. “Those things know we’re in here already. If we don’t get help they’ll break in eventually. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be here when they do.”

He seemed about to retort, but then he glanced toward the curtain. Shuddering, he nodded. Relieved, Kelsey said, “Alright. I’ll call the police, but stay with me. I don’t want you out of my sight for one minute.”

The girl strode to the phone and dialed 911. Nate watched her, waiting expectantly to see if they would come or not. For a moment Kelsey stood with the phone to her ear. Then an odd look crossed her face, one of disbelief and fear. Very slowly and carefully, she put the phone back down. Nate, bursting with impatience, demanded “Well?”

Taking a deep breath, Kelsey answered, “It’s busy.”

“Busy?” he repeated breathlessly.

She nodded. “I think,” she said slowly, her heart aching with dread, “that this isn’t just happening to us.” Looking at each other, they shuddered.

“Ok,” Kelsey said. “We know we can’t stay here. We’re going to have to drive into town ourselves.”

“What!” Nate cried. “We can’t leave! How do you expect us to even get to the truck? It’s too dangerous, they’ll catch us – ” His eyes were wide with fear, and he sounded hysterical.

Kneeling before him, Kelsey said, “Listen to me. Listen to me!” she repeated, shaking him. Finally the boy was quiet, staring into her calm albeit fearful eyes. “We can’t stay, Nate,” she said quietly. “We don’t have a choice. But I think, if you work with me, we can do this.” Seeing her resolution, Nate felt himself grow braver as well. He nodded.

Swiftly the two set to work. Going about the house, they gathered things they might need – water bottles, matches, a lighter, batteries and a flashlight, gloves and jackets, some food and several blankets – and stuffed them in their backpacks. They found a sturdy metal pipe in the closet for Nate to use as a weapon, and Kelsey kept her faithful baseball bat. After perhaps 10 minutes, they were ready to go.

Except for one minor detail – the creatures were still between the them and the truck. “Great,” whispered Nate, as they peered out a window upstairs. There were about half a dozen creatures milling about at the front door, plus four at the back porch and two on the patio outside the living room where Nate had let Kelsey inside. Kelsey considered the situation, then said, “I have an idea. Running into her brother’s room, she found a set of walkie-talkies and a small battery-run stereo. “Take this,” she said, shoving one of the walkie-talkies and the truck keys at him. “You go downstairs to the front door and wait for me. I’ll turn this on really loud and throw it outside, into the bushes behind the house. Then I’ll watch from up here. Hopefully the noise will attract the creatures. Once the front is clear, I’ll let you know, and you can go out and turn the car on. I’ll come down from here and as long as it’s still clear come out too. Then we can get the hell out of here!”

Confused, Nate asked, “Why can’t be both wait at the front?”

“Because you can’t see the whole front of the house from down there. You can’t see if any are waiting to ambush you. Up here you can. Understand?” Mutely he nodded. “Alright then, Nate, now listen to me,” she said urgently. “Once you are in the car, lock it until I’m outside and ready to get in. And if I can’t get out of the house, if they figure it out before I can join you…leave without me.” Her brother shook his head, horrified.

“I can’t – ”

“You must! Promise me, Nate,” she pressed him. Trembling, the boy nodded. Kelsey smiled, relieved, but inside she even more terrified that before. “ ‘K then, let’s – ”

The phone rang. Both siblings screamed, whirling on the source of the noise with weapons raised. Then, realizing what it was, they grinned sheepishly at each other. Kelsey answered it.

“You’re there? Someone’s there! Thank God, thank God, you haven’t left yet! You need to come, come at once!”

Kelsey listened in confusion. “Who is this? Are you being attacked too?”

“Yes yes! No time, no time. This is Buck Williams, hurry, hurry, hurry and come.”

Now Kelsey was even more confused. Buck Williams was a hermit who lived up in the woods, even further from town than them. He was very eccentric, not bad but just odd. What did he want with them?

The man must have sensed her hesitation, because he said, “You must come. You’ve had the dreams, haven’t you?” Kelsey’s breath caught in her throat. The dreams… Buck said simply, “Come.” Then he hung up.

Slowly the girl put the receiver down. “What was it?” Nate asked, fearful. “Are we going ahead with the plan?”

“Yes,” she said. “The only thing we have to do is figure out where we go after.” Nate looked at her quizzically, and she explained the call, and about her dreams. After she was done they regarded each other hesitantly, neither sure what to do.

Should they ignore the call and go to town? Should they put their trust in the strange man who lived even further out in the boondocks than they? If he could explain what was happening…what’s the best choice now?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is an excellent story! Very Happy

I think we should be going to the hermit at this point. He knows about the dreams, he could be able to help with information, weaponry, or at least an extra pair of arms, to slay the zombie hordes!

It's a risk... but simply going out of your door is a risk at the moment. As is staying inside Shocked
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed an excellent story. Smile

I would probably drive straight to town, but Kelsey seems braver than me, so head to the Hermit. Smile

Can they drive? If they've never driven before then maybe they shouldn't risk driving further than they need to, and head straight for town instead. But if the hermit can drive then maybe they could make it there.

So many possibilities with risks for all. Shocked

This will be a hard poll.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heh heh...yeah, maybe I should actually put a poll up for this chapter...

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How very sad, no one seems to be following this story except Smee and Shady now…oh well, I’m going to keep writing anyway hahaha!
Sorry about the lack of a poll. I had every intention of posting one, but it won’t let me with this story. I’ll probably post chapter six in a new post to fix that, so watch out for it.

10:30 – On the Road

It took a good deal of deliberation to decide where to go next. At first Nate was all for heading into town despite the strange call, but Kelsey was unsure. Strange as Buck was, if he knew something about what was happening to them, how could they risk ignoring his message? After a while, Nate finally agreed.

“At least the truck has 4-wheel drive,” he muttered sullenly.

At last it was time to implement their plan. After one quick embrace that Nate normally wouldn’t have endured, Kelsey sent the boy downstairs to the door. Once he was in position, the girl took a deep breath. Looking out the windows upstairs, she saw that the creatures had not moved from their positions earlier, and she couldn’t see that any more had come. Well, that’s good at least, she thought. Then she went to the window at the back of the house. Out that way there was a row of thick lilac bushes, and then a small field that climbed up into the hills that surrounded their home until it was swallowed by the forest. Kelsey planned to through the radio out behind the lilacs. The ground would be softer there. She also hoped that if the radio was obscured by the thick bushes, the creatures would be less suspicious of the noise. They would assume that they couldn’t see what was making the noise because of the bushes, not because there was nobody there to see.

That was the plan anyway. Kelsey just hoped it would work.

Nate’s voice came over the walkie-talkie. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Here we go.” With that Kelsey opened the window and pushed the screen out. But before she could pull it back inside, she lost her grip on it. Down the screen went, sliding down the roof with a faint scratching till it flipped over the gutter to fall to the ground below.

For a moment, Kelsey cringed. Then she relaxed. Even if they had heard the noise, it shouldn’t matter. After all, wasn’t distraction the point?

“Kelsey, they heard something I think. A couple are coming around back.”

“Gotcha,” she answered. If the things were even moderately intelligent, they’d assume that an escape was being attempted. Which it was, just not how they might expect. Kelsey smiled grimly and picked up the stereo. As she lifted it up, though, her smile slipped away. Looking between it and the line of lilacs, she cursed softly. Although the stereo was light, she didn’t think she’d be able to heave it the entire distance into the field.

Great, she thought. Now what? Considering, she heaved a great sigh and clambered out onto the roof, trying not to let her backpack scrape along the sides of the window. Remembering movies like Merlin and Mathilda, and also thinking of earlier physics lessons, Kelsey knew that instead of throwing the stereo, she could instead hold it and spin, letting go of it at the appropriate time so that it sailed across the hedge nearly effortlessly. It was all the girl could think of, and she hoped it would work. She also hoped the stereo wouldn’t break on impact. Praying that she wouldn’t mess up, trying to keep her breathing steady, Kelsey flicked on the radio.

Immediately loud metal music burst forth from the speaker, making Kelsey cringe. She had, however, left it on this station for a purpose – the artists were more likely to scream their lyrics that actually sing them, which would make for a better lure to the creatures. Taking hold of the radio by its handle, Kelsey twirled around, making sure to keep her balance on the gently sloped roof. After a few swift turns she released it, and watched as it flew through the night air, over the hedge and into the field. “Yes!” she mouthed. The cacophonous noise blared through the night, and the girl hoped that the angry screams and heavy base could be distorted enough in the fog to sound like terrorized shrieks and running footsteps.

Any doubt that the distraction was not working was lost when she heard, once again, the familiar screech, the sound of a hunting creature. Dropping down, she crawled to the edge of the roof and peaked over. Yes! Here they came, shambling along towards the noise, their eyes unerringly fixed ahead as they sought their prey.

Kelsey couldn’t get back into the window without making enough noise to attract the creatures (she wasn’t exactly the most graceful girl), so instead she crept along the roof, up over its peak and down the other side to were she could survey the entire front of the house. Nate’s voice, sounding triumphant, said, “It’s working, Kelsey! Can I go?”

“No!” she snapped back into the walkie. “Wait a sec.” The last creature had just turned the corner around the house. “Ok, go. Hurry!” Below, the front door opened as Nate stealthily came out. Then he hurried down the steps and hopped into the passenger side of their Dodge pickup. Kelsey could clearly see the palor of his face as he too scanned the front for creatures.

“Kelsey, you’re clear, come on!” She, of course, was already sliding her way down the roof, and was easing onto her belly so she could lower herself down by the front door. But just as she was lowering her legs over the side, her brother’s frantic voice came from the walkie-talkie. “No, wait, there’s one coming back!” His words startled Kelsey at just the wrong moment, and she lost her grip on the roof. Down she slid, the gutter scraping her stomach as she fell. She almost managed to land on her feet, but her ankle twisted underneath her and she fell to her back. Winded, she rolled to her side – to look into the mad eyes of a creature, some 12 feet away.

It leered at her and shambled forward. Kelsey rolled to her feet and tried to run to the truck, but her ankle now slowed her down. The best she could do was a fast limp. Frantically she tried to go faster, and she saw her brother in the truck, waving hysterically and screaming, “HURRY!” Cursing her carelessness on the roof, she tried her best. The creature and Kelsey now moved at about the same speed, and though she was closer to the truck, her pursuer had a head start, and was almost upon her.

She made the mistake of looking back. The driveway was graveled and littered with rocks, some bigger than others. Her foot caught on one of the big ones. Down she went, and her bat flew from her hand. Rolling over, she saw the creature was right in front of her. Even though she knew it was futile, she scrambled backward, crying, “Go, Nate! Get out of here!” The creature bent down and reached out its hands, ready to gouge the life out of her. Its eyes veritably glowed with macabre ecstasy. Kelsey covered her face in her arms.


Kelsey opened her eyes. There stood Nate, breathing heavily as he looked down on the body of the zombie-thing. Its face was mashed, and its eyes seemed to have exploded. Nate's pipe was now smeared with grime. The scared boy met her eyes. “Ha,” he said shakily, trying to sound cocky. “Didn’t even see me coming.” He helped her to her feet. Conscious of her impressed and thankful gaze, he shrugged and said, “Can we go now?”

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the indefinite shapes of more creatures coming through the mist. “Oh, yeah,” she said. Pausing only to scoop up Kelsey’s bat, the two siblings hastened to the truck and were soon plowing down the driveway. Both, however, were too exhausted to exult in their successful escape.

Kelsey had earned her license two years ago and had reasonable experience driving in disagreeable conditions. So she knew from personal experience how hazardous driving too fast in a fog could be. Despite this, she hurtled down the gravel county roads recklessly fast, desperate to put some space between themselves and the monsters behind them. Thus she did not expect to see a shape materialize on the road ahead of her.

She did manage to hit the brakes fast enough, struggling not to go into a ditch as the back end of the truck started to swing to the right. Nate hung onto the edge of his seat as they slid closer to the immobile shape ahead of them – an old farming truck, stopped in the middle of the lane. Finally they came to a jarring halt. “Shit,” Kelsey muttered. “Are you ok?” she asked Nate.

“No, I think I’m gonna die of a heart attack,” he said.

“Good, you are ok.” Glancing at the old truck in front of them, Kelsey said, “We’d better warn whoever this is about…you know.” Slowly she nosed their Dodge alongside the older vehicle. She could now see its door was open. The eerie feeling of encroaching dread came upon her again; she had felt it far too many times that night. Her feelings were justified. There was no one in the old truck, but there was a ragged straw hat lying in the dust, along with broken glass and drips and splashes of blood. Someone has met his end here, she thought, and shuddered.

Nate was staring at the blood with horrified fascination, and he looked sick to his stomach. His sister shared the same sentiments. With a shivering sigh that seemed to come up from her toes, she put the truck in gear and drove on, more slowly now; she had learned her lesson. Unfortunately, driving slowly she was able to see that there seemed to be several dark trails that resembled those left by the creatures at home. Slowing down to a crawl, her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the distinctive shuffling footprints with their intermittent piles of dark earth. Whatever had attacked the truck had come this way.

They were driving north along a dirt road. Ahead of them was a four-way intersection. Kelsey intended to turn west, up into the mountains and to Buck Williams. But she stopped, letting loose a string of violent curses that had Nate staring at her, gaping like a fish out of water. Their headlights had illuminated the shapes of 7 creatures. They were arrayed across the road, blocking both the one to the west – into the forest – and the east, which led into town. The north road was unblocked. It paralleled the forested line of mountains and led away from town, up to the old reservoir.

Kelsey slowed to a stop once again. Beside her, Nate was spouting out frantic drivel: Which way, what do we do, where now, we’re gonna die, and the like. Kelsey ignored him and tried to think. There were seven creatures, eyeing her hatefully but not approaching. She recalled lessons in history about the American West, and how cattlemen had steered their herds, preventing them from going anywhere undesirable. It seemed to her that that’s what these creatures were doing. But perhaps she was just being paranoid. Considering all that had happened tonight, though, that was excusable and might keep them alive.

Which way? Stick to the plan, or into town? Or perhaps, along the unblocked road? West, east, or north?

I can almost hear the disgruntled grumbling: What kind of gyp is this, having the same decision point twice? Well, the whole chapter was rather uncooperative for me as I was writing, and it was the only decision point that worked. The next one should have more to it. At least the situation has since changed from the last chapter.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had every intention of posting one, but it won’t let me with this story. I’ll probably post chapter six in a new post to fix that, so watch out for it.

It's because you started the thread as a guest.

If I delete the posts until I get to one of yours, and copy Chapter 1 in to that, then you should be able to make polls as normal.

Oooh wait, nope, I can't I'm not the mod of this place. However, if you can get the mod to do that then it'll work.

I'll read the chapter soon - I love this story. Smile

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dragon_fire372 wrote:
How very sad, no one seems to be following this story except Smee and Shady now…oh well, I’m going to keep writing anyway hahaha!

Don't get discouraged. People are still reading (probably quite a few because this story really is excellent), a lot of them just don't comment. Besides, being nominated for SGotM gets you a whole new audience when it happens. And it will happen, from me if no-one else - as soon as I can actually spare you my vote as well as the nomination.

As for what to do next... I think we should stick to our original plan. We're in a four-wheel drive car, they can't block us if we just keep driving. No pansying around at 5miles per hour though. Rev that speed and destroy those undead! Cool

Another most excellent chapter, Dragon. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooooh, good chapter.

Go Nate with the metal pipe. Very Happy

Don't worry about having the same decision point. Sometimes it's necessary, although the wording is the same the situation is different. Chinaren did it in his Greed story, and it didn't harm his story at all.

Getting into the car I would always have assumed I'd be hitting them with the truck at some point. Plow through them, and get to Buck on the double. You've seen what happens to people in vechicles that stop.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How very sad, no one seems to be following this story except Smee and Shady now…oh well, I’m going to keep writing anyway hahaha!

I agree, keep at it DF. I have been reading it, but busy just now, so didn't comment.

Sometimes it takes a while for people to 'find' the story. Narg the Nasty (which I recommend Wink ) seemed to hardly be read by anyone for about 4 chapters.

FtS I agree with Smee Slug. Petal to the Metal baby! Yeah!
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How very sad, no one seems to be following this story except Smee and Shady now…oh well, I’m going to keep writing anyway hahaha!

Never fear, keep at it DF. I have been reading it, but busy just now, so didn't comment.

Sometimes it takes a while for people to 'find' the story. Narg the Nasty (which I recommend Wink ) seemed to hardly be read by anyone for about 4 chapters.

FtS I agree with Smee Slug. Petal to the Metal baby! Yeah!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was asked to delete the posts untill the top one was Dragon fires so that he can do polls and coppy his first chapter into his post. i have done that.
My apologies to Shady-Stoat, Shogun, Ravenwing and Phang for having their replies deleted.

Did you know: If you plug speakers into your ears, your thoughts will be heard out loud Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice story Smile

Time to try to reach that hermit. Stopping appears to be a very bad plan and there is no guarantee that town is any better (and isn't offering help)
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ye, dont worry DF, im reading it too
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No poll (although I can post them now, thanks to tramp in a storm). Somehow, it just didn’t seem necessary. Alrighty then, on with the story!

10: 40 – To the Woods
Kelsey’s mouth settled into a grim line. Popping the truck into reverse, she looked over her shoulder and backed up. After about 50 feet, she turned to the front again.

“Kelsey?” her brother asked hesitantly. “What are you doing?”

Once again, she changed gears, and then revved up the engine a little. “Hold on to something,” she said. Then she floored it.

The tires spun briefly upon the gravel, and then the truck jumped forward. 50 feet wasn’t fast enough to gain a great deal of speed, but that didn’t matter. Kelsey intended to get to Buck, and those creatures weren’t about to stop her. 5, 10, 20…30 miles per hour when she hit the turn. The creatures had gathered together in the center of the road. Nate screamed something, but Kelsey didn’t hear. She had only one focus – the monsters in her path.

Belatedly, they realized that she was not going to stop. Kelsey plowed through them, splattering dirt, congealed blood, and chunks of undead flesh all over the windshield. Nate was shouting non-stop, and although Kelsey didn’t realize it, she was yelling too, screaming obscenities at the creatures who had driven her from her home and caused her more terror than she had ever before known. Through their ranks they flew, whipping around the corner, fishtailing on the gravel but pulling straight, gaining speed as they left the sodden piles that used to be monsters behind them.

As the creatures receded into the mist, both siblings ceased their cries. They sat in silence for a few minutes, panting and exhausted, Kelsey gripping the wheel a little too hard. She had to lean across it to peer at the road through a clean area of glass. Then her brother said, “You might want to use the windshield wipers.” The girl blinked. Such a simple statement seemed so absurd at that moment, and she broke out in peals of shaky laughter. A grin slowly spread on Nate’s face and soon he was giggling along with her.

Within a few minutes they were into the forest. The trees were silent, eerie in the fog, and Kelsey was forced to drive slowly on the bends. But it seemed to be clear, and they could see nothing out of the ordinary. Once a coyote crossed the road ahead of them, but that was it. They traveled thus for about 20 minutes, until they saw a cleared area ahead of them, about 100 feet wide. A small cabin stood in the center of it, with a truck parked out front. Strangely enough, there were blasted areas on the ground, littered with gore, and suddenly Kelsey realized that they were the remains of the creatures, blown up somehow.

As they drove closer, the headlights illuminated the figures of five more of the creatures, all slowly approaching the front door of the cabin. “Kelsey!” Nate cried, but she hushed him. “I see them,” she muttered, as she prepared to flatten these as well. But then she stopped, as someone emerged from the cabin. It was Buck Williams, and he was dressed in coveralls and a welding helmet. He also appeared to be carrying…

“A flamethrower? That’s frigging sweet!” exclaimed Nate. And indeed it was. Flames shot out of the nozzle, washing over the monsters in a brilliant orange display, sending them scrambling away, the flesh sizzling. Their screams rose in the night. After a few moments of tortured writhing, they fell to the ground, flames still eating away at them. Buck peered over at them and waved them forward, body language communicating his urgency.

Kelsey drove forward and parked beside Buck’s truck, and grabbing their packs the siblings ran to the door. “Hurry, hurry, they might come back!” cried the hermit, peering around through the fog as best he could. Skirting around the smoldering creatures, Kelsey and Nate were soon inside. Buck shut the door behind them, locked it, then lowered a bar across it. Kelsey noticed that the door was one of the old-fashioned, thick metal ones. She also noticed that the windows had steel screens over them. Looking on the table, she saw that a heavy club lay atop it, along with a box of homemade grenades. Seeing all this, she had the feeling that the night’s events had not caught the hermit by surprise at all.

“Come in, come in,” he ushered, sitting them at the table. Nate began to ask a question, but Buck hushed him and said, “In a minute, hold on hold up.” Only when they all three were seated with a steaming mug of hot chocolate before them did he speak.

“So,” he said unnecessarily, “you came. I’m glad you did. You were supposed to after all.”

“Supposed to?” repeated Kelsey. “Buck, could you please explain what’s going on? You seem to have been prepared for it.”

The man nodded. “Yes indeed, I was prepared. I knew what was coming. Let me show you.” Abruptly he stood and went into another room. He soon came back, now bearing a thick book in his arms. “This was my great-great grandfathers, and it has been passed down, to my great-grandpa, to my grandpa, to my pappy, and then to me. In it tells the story of an evil man, a madman from long ago.” Buck looked at them earnestly, then whispered, “He was a warlock, a man of the dead.” With that he opened the book and turned it towards Kelsey and Nate. Together they leaned over and read. The passage was written in the spidery handwriting of an older man, brief but chilling.

Mort d’Homme
A warlock of the late 19th century, he was far older than I when the great catastrophe occurred. He lived alone, which suited everyone because of his strange affinity with the dead. It was rumored that he used to be a mortician before moving to our town. A darker rumor also circulated that he was a grave robber, but none could back that claim.

It turned out that the truth was far darker than any rumor we could devise, for the man was insane, bent on destruction and the power it afforded him. He practiced the black magic of communing with and reanimating the dead, and with every spell he worked he lost more of his soul, till it was as dead as those he commanded. And as his madness grew, so did his lust for conquest. Soon enough, he was no longer content to stay hidden in his lair northwest of town, no longer able to remain simply an oddity to the townsfolk. He was going to reveal himself as he truly was, and reap the destruction such a terrible exposure would bring.

So he laid his plan, and one midsummer night, when the fog was thick and the new moon raised, he set it in motion. He traveled to the town cemetery, and there cast a spell of incredible magnitude, using powers he had bought from demons at prices that, thankfully, we shall never know. He raised the corpses of the town’s dead, transforming them into hideous wights all bound to his will. Using these creatures as his tools, he invaded the town, attacking the folk living within. Many of my friends, and kin, died in that attack.

After the initial shock of the assault, however, we were able to organize a retreat and resistance, pulling all the surviving people together to the town hall. We compared what we knew about the wights there, including the only two ways that they could be destroyed, which were fire and ending their brain function (which could be accomplished by decapitation, or doing significant damage to the brain). We also discussed the culprit behind the attacks – the warlock Mort d’Homme.

There was an old woman in the village, almost a witch in her own right because of the strange medicinal powers she possessed. She also was something of a mystic, able to, at times, divine knowledge through unknown methods. Even so, the townsfolk trusted her, because she had often warned them of impending disaster and was known to be a kind and caring woman. She for a month had been having strange dreams of fear and doom, and it was she who determined what our course would be.

Under her direction, a force of stout farmers went out to search for any of our own hiding from the wights, and to destroy those creatures they came across. I went out with another force, and it was our task to locate the warlock. Along with us came the old woman, for she would not be left behind, though she would not say why.

There followed a night that shall forever haunt me – creeping through the fog, trying to quiet our footsteps and thumping hearts, hunting a man with powers too terrible for us to imagine. Thankfully the woman was able to point us toward our goal, but she could not keep the wights from attacking us. We lost many more good men to their deadly teeth and claws.

Finally, though, we reached the cemetery, where it had all began, and where it would end. It was a dreadful sight, the tombstones crooked and defiled, the earth over the graves ripped open. And sitting before the monument in the center stood d’Homme, watching the darkness and grinning a mad grin frightening to behold. That is when we confronted him.

I cannot rightly describe the battle that took place. It has faded from my memory into the stuff of nightmares, a dream where my comrades fall to the undead and I am drowning in a turbulent sea of gore. But I do remember, with incredible clarity, the moment when the old woman stood before the warlock. He laughed into her face, and began to cast a spell upon her. I think she must have felt its workings, because she blanched and trembled. I tried to go to her, but found myself unable to move.

Perhaps she knew that his powers were beyond her, perhaps she was just too tired. Somehow she knew she could not defeat him wholly. So instead, she cried aloud in a voice of power, “You, creature, are banished! Begone, and trouble us not.” For a moment to my feverish eyes, she seemed to shine. Then a howl, the cry of Mort d’Homme, rose into the night, and he faded before my eyes. The wights surrounding myself and my brother, the last survivors, fell into the ground and disappeared, leaving no trace. The old woman slumped.

We ran to her, my brother and I, and it was then she told us her last words – that the warlock and his minions were not defeated, but simply banished, for a time. Someday in the future, on a distant anniversary of this night when the new moon rose and the fog lay down upon us, he would return. It would be then that the battle would play out again, and either d’Homme would be fully vanquished, or we would. She bid me to keep a record of what had come to pass, and to hand it down through my family, to prepare for that time. With her last breath, she told me that my descendent would find on that night one who would hold her power, and then they might destroy the evil. Then she was still, forever more.

Since that night, I and my brother have fought to preserve the knowledge, the memory of it, so that when he returned he could be vanquished. I bid my descendents to keep this record so that when the time comes, you too may fight.

Kelsey looked up at Buck. “Oh my God,” she murmured.

Buck nodded. “Hopefully,” he said. “He was with them before.”

Looking between the two, Nate said, “How can this be happening?”

“Because tonight is the anniversary, and the conditions have been met. It is time to fight them, fight, me and Kelsey.”

In her heart, the girl could feel fear descended, coiling around her and squeezing till she found it hard to breath. Why me? She asked herself. How can I be expected to fight anything? “The only powers I’ve shown are the dreams, Buck. I don’t think -”

The hermit shook his head. “You are the only one. We must fight him, or he will win.”

“What then?”

Buck shuddered. “I don’t know, but I’d rather not imagine it.”

In her mind, the girl was frantically trying to talk herself out of it. But in the end, calm descended, because she knew there was really only one choice. “OK,” she said. “We’ll fight.”

The hermit nodded. “Okie dokie, yes we will. We’ll have to go to the graveyard again, I think, and –”

“Wait a second!” Nate interrupted. “You can’t be thinking of just charging down there right now? What about the people in town, shouldn’t they be warned? And don’t you think we could get someone to help us, or something?” He turned to Kelsey. “Besides, you can’t think you’re going to just charge in and attack. We need a plan, to think things through, or something!”

Buck shook his head. “We have to go now, soon. The longer the wait, the more people die, the stronger he gets!”

“How do you know Kelsey can even fight him? How do you know we won’t all be killed!”

Doubts, fears, determination, hopelessness, all circled in Kelsey’s mind. She held her head in her hands. I don’t know what to do.

So now it’s up to you. Decide Kelsey’s path, and try to choose wisely.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh boy! Shocked

Okay. Kelsey has got this far and found out some valuable information. Very valuable, if my suspicious nature is serving me correctly. I'd say head into town, whether Buck wants you to or not. You have to find some independent validation of this information. A town library, perhaps? A working computer, still with internet access?

I know it's dangerous, but you can't afford to head straight to the graveyard with a strange guy you've just met.

My vote goes for heading into town.

Excellent chapter, dragon!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed an excellent chapter. Shocked

I too think it is a bad idea to head straight to the graveyard. Even if she truly does have the old witch's powers she doesn't know how to use them. I doubt merely repeating the words the witch said before will work.

It also said that the witch's power didn't stop the wights attacking them, so they could do with some 'stout farmers' of their own for some protection.

To the town.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

<calls out into the void> Hello?
Hello? Hello? Hello?

<shrugs and eats an apple>

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*runs around reading* WOW DRAGON!!!!
amazing story!!! i've read up to.......the end of 10:00 now what?
I'm saving it on word, changing the font size to 20 so that i can read it easier! lol. maybe i shouldnt have been reading it at 3 am just before i went to bed though. lol.
*saves the rest of the story and goes off to read it* keep it up dragon.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another good one DF!

I f5 Stoat and Smee slug about going to town, if only to get some help. The original author of the book said they had people with them to fight the undead, these guys will likely need help too.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've read it! wiiioooo!!!!!
well done dragon! looking forward to the next chapter.

Enjoy your writing Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In an effort to wheedle out more discussion (and stall writing the next chapter cuz I still need to finish the next chapter of Uncertain Quests Sad ) I shall expand the decision point. I thinks it's agreed Kelsey's going into town. But where will she go when she gets there?

Search for survivors? Gather the townsfolk in one place? Head to a library and research? Destroy some wights? Order takeout? (Okay, maybe not.) Anyway, post and discuss, it raises my self esteem. Smile


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure Kelsey would have the power or the charisma to gather all the townspeople into one place - although it would be nice if she could. On the other hand, if she gets a bunch of 'survivors' and takes them to the town library, then maybe she can get what she wants and help a few people out at the same time Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dragon_fire372 wrote:
Swiftly the two set to work. Going about the house, they gathered things they might need – water bottles, matches, a lighter, batteries and a flashlight, gloves and jackets, some food and several blankets – and stuffed them in their backpacks.

I say ditch the blankets! They take up a lot of space, weigh us down, and unless we're planning on staying overnight outside (not happening), we won't be that desperate for warmth. And now we're with Buck, we should definitely get properly outfitted. We've got guns right?

But keep the bat. It's got good mojo.

Then I'm with everyone else. It took a small army to take out the Warlock before, it will take another to take him out now. At the very least, a proper resistance in a common area is needed.

Stoat definitely has it right about the library. We need info. But tell Buck he can only play with his flamethrower outside!! ... He's a crazed zealot, and I think we should not let him take control of the group. Kelsey's the new witch, she needs to step up and lead (even if it turns out she doesn't have any powers).

You've got it dragon fire!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh yeah, and get Kelsey's ankle wrapped!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hee hee, I love it when people agree. Sorry it took so long.

11:20 – Time to Prepare

Are they crazy? The question buzzed in Nate’s head, and he had to admit that it might be possible. Probable, in Buck’s case. Though the lack of planning was not usually a trait of Kelsey’s, and neither was indecision. As he argued with the hermit, Nate watched his sister, with her head bowed and her fists clenched in her hair, and he felt sympathy. She was the one who had to make the decision. The boy had never really thought of his sister as a leader before, but now he supposed she really was.

Finally Kelsey lifted her head. “Nate’s right,” she announced. “We can’t go off half-cocked.”

Nate smiled triumphantly at Buck, who sputtered, “But, but, we can’t, he’ll get strong, real strong, and – ”

“And we are weak enough without rushing in with no protection, no real grasp of the situation, and no idea whether I can do anything or not!” finished Kelsey. Once Buck had fallen silent, she said in a calmer tone, “Look, I’m not saying we’re not going to fight. I’m just saying we need to find out a little more before we do.”

Hearing this, Nate could not help but stick his tongue out at the hermit. “Told you so,” he said.

“Nate,” Kelsey said reprovingly.

Meanwhile, Buck had fallen into a sullen silence. “Fine,” he mumbled, sounding very childish to Nate.

Kelsey nodded. “Alright, we’ll head into town, check on people there, and try to get some h – ” She broke off with a gasp, though, as she attempted to stand. Hurriedly, she sat back down again.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s my ankle,” she replied. “When I slid off the roof, I twisted it some.” With a little laugh, she said, “I forgot about it.”

“Oh no, she’s hurt, you’re hurt! Wrap it, tape it, we need to move, move.”

Nate interrupted, “Yes, we know that. Why don’t you make yourself useful and find us a first aid kit!”

For a moment it seemed he would refuse, but Kelsey nodded to him, so the hermit harrumphed and left. After waiting a moment, Nate commented quietly, “Thank goodness! That psycho’s driving me nuts.”

“He probably has been alone here too long,” Kelsey agreed. “But try not to aggravate him, we do need him, and he’s just trying to help us.”

“Maybe, but don’t let him take charge,” the boy warned. “He’ll lead us on a suicide mission if you’re not careful. So what are we going to do in town?”

Sighing, Kelsey shrugged. “See if there’s anyone who needs help. I want to go to the library and see if we can research a little more about what happened.” Seeing Nate’s raised eyebrows, she said hurriedly, “It’s not that I don’t believe Buck, I just think more information would be prudent.”

It was then that Buck returned, bearing a large first aid kit. He set it on the table and started to get the tape out. It was obvious he intended to take care of Kelsey himself. “Oh no, you don’t,” said Nate, grabbing the kit away. “I’ll be taking care of her.”

“I’m her guide, her guardian!”

“I’m her brother,” he replied flatly.

Kelsey interceded, “It’s ok, Buck. Maybe you could start gathering anything we’ll need when we do head out. You know, guns, ammo, and did you have grenades?” He nodded and left, not looking completely satisfied with the arrangements but not willing to disobey Kelsey. There was an almost religious fervor about him, and he obviously regarded Kelsey as the boss.

After he’d left Kelsey lifted up her ankle and rested it on Nate’s lap. Gently he pulled off the shoe and looked at the ankle. It was slightly swollen, but he thought it would be all right once he had it taped. As he prepared to wrap it, Kelsey asked, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

He nodded. Then an odd feeling came over him, and he set the tape in his lap. With both hands he ran his fingers over Kelsey’s twisted ankle, feeling its contours, pressing it as if looking for something. His sister regarded him nervously. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t really know,” he said. Finally his fingers stopped moving. Nate cocked his head and looked at the ankle, then closed his eyes. Suddenly he knew what to do. He pressed down with the pads of his fingers, concentrating intensely. Kelsey gasped. A small shock ran from Nate to her, and he pulled his hands back with a sigh.

“What did you do?” she exclaimed. “It feels…well, not healed, but a lot better, and it doesn’t hurt so bad.”

Nate shrugged, both proud and confused. “I think I just sped up the process a little. It still needs to be wrapped.”

“Well, go ahead,” she said with a smile. “Thanks!” As Nate wrapped her ankle, Kelsey mused aloud. “I wonder what this means. You’ve never had any powers like that before; it must be related to what’s happening tonight. The book said the old woman had medicinal powers… That’s it! Nate, you have her powers too!”

The boy shook his head. “How can I? You’re the one who got the dreams.”

“I know, but I know it’s true, the same way you knew how to heal my ankle. The old woman’s powers must have been split between us! Maybe she thought it would make us stronger,” she murmured.

“I think you’re right.” When she asked Nate what convinced him, he answered, “It just feels right.” Then he looked at her shirt. There were small bloodstains on it. “Kelsey, you’re bleeding.” In truth she was bleeding from several places, minor scratches and scrapes from her run through the woods. But she also had a huge scrape across her stomach, where the gutter had scratched her as she slid off the roof. Kelsey cleaned it with an anti-bacterial wipe from the first aid kit while Nate loosened her shoe ties so her ankle would be more comfortable.

As they finished Buck poked his head in. “Are you ready yet? Come on, come on, gotta go.” Both siblings nodded, and they grabbed their packs and headed to the hermit. After a moment’s hesitation, Kelsey grabbed the big book the hermit had shown them and stuffed it in her backpack. She had a feeling they’d need it. Then she followed Nate, barely limping at all. When she joined them, Buck outfitted them each with a pistol, several full clips of ammo, and a handful of grenades each, as well as a weapons belt with a holster, a satchel for their ammo, and little compartments for the grenades. He himself carried a shotgun, a crowbar, and the flamethrower. Nate felt nervous around him, thinking he was far too eager than was healthy considering what they might find in town. At last they were all ready, and they dashed to Buck’s truck (which was bigger than Kelsey’s, and had a large grill on the front that looked like it had been designed with ramming in mind). They turned around and began the drive into town.

No one really talked as they drove. They all brooded silently, staring out the windows into the fog. Buck drove a little slow for Nate’s taste, but then just about everything about the hermit annoyed him. He seemed a little cuckoo, and suicidal to boot. But Kelsey was right, his heart was in the right place. Nate glanced at his sister, to see she had fallen asleep. How can she sleep at a time like this? he wondered. Even so, he didn’t wake her.

As they left the woods and came closer to town, they passed the driveways of the farms and ranches of their neighbors. Nate examined the homes as closely as he could in the dark. Luckily the fog wasn’t as thick here; with any luck it would pass soon. Looking out the windows the boy could see no sign of the zombies (which is how he though of them, despite what the book said) but he did see evidence of their passing. Windows were broken, screen doors hung off their hinges. There were some bodies, both undead and human. Nate’s heart leapt when he saw that most of the driveways were empty. Perhaps some people had managed to escape, like them!

About fifteen minutes out of town they came upon a particularly thin patch of fog. Thus Nate was able to see quite clearly the driveway they were approaching, and the house it led to. Expecting it to be abandoned like the others, he felt a jolt when he saw that not only were there still cars, but there were also zombies. Six or seven circled the house, pounding to get inside.

That means there are still people there! He recognized the place now; it belonged to the Mullin’s, a family of five, the three kids still in elementary. It looked like the zombies were going to get in any second. “Buck!” he exclaimed, “Turn here!”

“Why?” he asked obstinately.

“This family is still here! The z- the wights are about to break in, we need to help them.”

Buck shook his head. “No time, we need to get to town.”

“No!” Nate exclaimed furiously. “We need to help them. There are three kids, three little kids!” he continued frantically, because the driveway was approaching very fast. “Please, Buck!”

The hermit shook his head again, and Nate wondered if he’d even been listening. “Kelsey said, go to town, and that’s what I’m doing. Can’t stop, gotta keep rollin’, rollin along.”

Furious, frustrated, and terrified for the family, Nate knew he had to get Buck to stop. They had to go help the Mullin’s, and time was running out.

Nate knows what must be done – the family must be saved. It is up to you to decide how he will do it. Hurry, or you may run out of time.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's cruel, but maybe we should hurry on. Children will slow us down. If Buck wasn't being difficult, maybe we could spare a little time... but as it is, the best choice I think would be to make a good distraction and hope they start chasing the truck instead. Shooting at them might help.

If Nate's intuition is telling him to help the Mullins, then we need Kelsey to say something immediately. Buck might listen to her if she insists.

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