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The Forgotten Island - Chapter 7 - Wheeling and Dealing

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: The Forgotten Island - Chapter 7 - Wheeling and Dealing Reply with quote

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd post a story here...
Ah well. All this springs from one character's name. See if you can spot which one.
And now onto the actual story.

"You have failed me, my assassin."

The booming voice echoed around the chamber. Satan was displeased, and he made sure the cringing figure in front of him knew it.

A small voice spoke up. "Please, sir, you aren't easy to please. Give me another chance, please!"

"That you shall have, but first you must be punished. You shall be-"

"Please don't transform me into a bed again! Or a slug! Or any small easy killable thing!"

"No. I wasn't planning on that. You shall be sent to live with the mortals."

The scream that echoed through Hell was just one more in the multitude, but this one lasted longer. It was soon accompanied by a figure zooming upwards, quickly going out of sight.

In a future near you...

He was tired.

That was the only way to describe the professor's mood. Sick and tired.

He had no memory of things that happened five seconds ago, and he couldn't remember why.

He had gone mad, but it hadn't helped him much. Finally, he built a time machine. Before he could forget what he built or why he built it, he pushed the button that would send him wizzing out of sight and time.

On the open Atlantic, 1650

Elizabeth was being sent off to live in the lands over the sea. It was unjust, unfair, and a lot of other 'un' words that she hadn't the time or the patience to think of.

A shiphand called out " 'Ware the storm! She comes hard and fast on the port side!"

Elizabeth duly looked to the 'port' or 'left' side. The storm there looked as though it was very eager to meet them, much like a small child or a pet will run to greet it's master.

She had very little time to think on this, for soon the storm was upon them, and everything became a flurry of activity.

The sails were hoisted up, only to be yanked back down again. Ropes frayed and were snapped, sometimes with men attached. Somebody from below was shouting that the belowdecks had been breached and they were taking on water fast.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. And in the next blink, Elizabeth was washed off the ship and forced to swim for her very life.

One wave looked much like the next. There were no landmarks to go by, so she may have been swimming in circles. All that was known was that before she passed out completly, she felt sand under her hands and was carried gently ashore.

The only question was where she was.

She awoke several hours later to find a man sitting not five feet away, staring at her most intently. He was dressed in the strangest of clothes. They seemed to be shadow-black, night-pitch, and made to fit him and him alone. She decided to try speech. "Prithee, good sir, but who art thou and which sand do I lie upon?"

The odd man gave a chuckle at this. "I know the anwser to one and will not give it. The other, I know not. It is as much a mystery to me as it is to you."

There was a slight rustling from behind Elizabeth. A voice spoke. It was small and yippy, but was there all the same.

"You don't want to know where he comes from, miss...He smells of sulfer and brimstone to me."

The man became extremly tight-lipped at this and began to stalk towards the underbrush of the jungle where the voice came from as it spoke again.

"Then again, I've met another like him, and yet unlike him today - YIPE! Let me go! Put me down!"

The man came back holding a small fox by the nape of the neck. It twirled a little, and came to rest looking up at the man holding it. The jaws opened and the voice issued forth again.

"Alright, I'm sorry, okay? Not everyone who smells of Hell is a demon."

Surely it couldn't be the fox? And what was it talking about, when it said that man smelled of Hell?

"Just put me down, and I'll help you out."

The man did that, keeping a hand on the nape of the neck. It looked at Elizabeth, as though she were a curious artifact rather than a person.

"Look, I'll lead you two to the other person I found today. Will that do?"

"Only if you agree to stick around." The man must have had dealings with talking foxes before.

The man turned and looked at Elizabeth. "You can't go trawling through a jungle in that dress, especially when it's like that."

Indeed, her dress had become weather-beaten and was in need of a seamstress. Instead, she gathered her wits and remaining dress bits and said, "I must need manage. Pray, master fox, lead on."

The fox's ears perked up at the 'master', and led them while muttering to himself.


He was sitting alone, rocking slowly back and forth. His memory was coming back, bit by bit. He could remember things he thought long forgotten.

There was a noise off to his left. He twirled around and raised the large stone he had found, ready for any mischift.

A small fox walked into the clearing, followed by a man in black assassin garb and a woman in a yellow dress. The fox sat down in the small area, looking smug with itself, as foxes tend to look. The other two stood and looked at the Professor.

He decided to open the converstion. "And just who are you two?"

The woman replied with, "I am Elizabeth, and I know not how I came by this place."

The assassin-man looked uncomfortable. "I really would rather not say."

"What, is your name linked to crimes? Or is it just an ill one?" Elizabeth could think of no other reasons for not sharing a name.

"Let's just say my...master has an odd name for me, and I would not like to share it..."

The professor spoke up. "If you don't tell me your name, then how can I trust you?"

The assassin retaliated with, "And what is yours?"

"Can't remember. Call me the Professor. I did something so that I could regain my memory. Maybe it was coming here."

"I was named Elizabeth by my father. I carry the name of his grandmother."

"I am called...Spanky."

At this, the others broke out into laughter. The fox was rolling on his back, kicking his legs up and gasping for air because he was laughing so hard. The others were in similar positions, but not performing similar acts. Spanky was turning more and more red as he stood burning with shame and embarrassment.

After they all calmed down for the moment, the fox spoke up.

"I am called QuickNose among my people, but you may call me Fredrick. And none of you could come here by your own will. One of you wanted to go somewhere, anywhere to regain your memory. Another was sent here by a dubious master. The last was shipwrecked. None who come here leave, for this is the Forgotten Island."

"How is an island forgotten, Fredrick?"

"It was not put in at the start of things, and fell out of time and space. If any of you want to get out of here, there are many theories as to how this may be accomplished..."

Rather long, I know, but it was simply BEGGING to be done. I was trying to end it somehow, and I came to a decision point finally.
So! How do we get off the island? Do keep in mind that this IS the Humor and experimental forum here, and almost anything goes. I have my own theorums, but let's hear yours!
Suggestions, questions, rejections, rebellions, acceptions, so on and so forth.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

Last edited by Idea master on Wed May 10, 2006 6:40 am; edited 8 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool! I like it IM! Off beat and off the wall and all that jazz.

How to get off is one question, but is it the one to be asking? Where to go may be a more accuarate one, though for Elizabeth it may be more easy to answer.

Check the island out first. Set up a base and get provisions sorted before thinking of escape, which could take longer. Unless they happen accross some sort of travelling machine of course. Seems there are many a strange person on the island, who's to say there aren't devices too?

I await the next chapter....

Happy breath holding and winning. If I may merge a few sayings.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*hands out the girl-scout cookies (made from real girl-scouts)*

Welcome to H&E, Idea Master Very Happy

Spanky the demon, eh? I wonder how he got that name? No, on the other hand, I don't want to know Wink

Well, I believe Elizabeth is sappy enough to suggest looking for helpful mermaids to get them off the island. So she'll be busy 'summoning mermaids' while the blokes have to get on with all the practical stuff like building shelters and finding food.

The professor is likely to start with the practicalities (food, shelter, etc), but lose interest as soon as he comes across something interesting that he can use as invention material. He seems like the absent-minded genius sort Smile

And Spanky the demon will try to summon something from a hellish plane to work its magic and get them out of there.

I think the fox will just sit around and watch. It seems to practical to really believe that they can get out of there Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps Spanky wrings the fox's neck to get answers and the fox tells him something like 'You must find the treasure cave of the Slime Toe and recover the Ring of the Gods to be free of this place' At which point it disintigrates into an 'every man for himself' issue...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice story IM, I like the way it's going. I wonder if we'll be seeing a Robinson Cruseo story, or more of Lord of the Flies. Personally I'd vote for every man, woman and child* for theirself.

*or talking fox or daemon, let's not discriminate here
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it certainly was off the wall. Wondering what on earth is going on.... Confused Very Happy

I think that all the characters seem to be quite level headed, and they havn't freaked out over thier cirumstances (not to mention none of them blinking an eye at a talking Fox.... Razz). So I think that they should ask the fox a little more about where they are, as Frederick seems to know the most about where they are. Other than that, I reckon Elizabeth could sit and talk with the Professor while Spanky can go off and moodily search the area for firewood/food/a better name... Wink

*holds breath* Shocked
"Humankind cannot stand too much reality" - T.S. Elliot

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hehe... Is it a bad sign when you giggle thinking up the next chapter to your own story?
Then again, this IS H&E.
Right. *Giggle*
Chapter two por vous!

Chapter two - Say What?

"Hang on a moment, Fredrick," said Spanky.

The fox shut his jaws.

"Do we really want to know how to leave at this point? Maybe we should focus on how to live first."

"Aye. That sounds like a good plan. Living is good, right?" The Professor was slightly befuddled, but that was normal for him.

"Yes. Living. Good. Now, let's split up into two teams. Fredrick, you come with me, we'll be scavenging for materials. Elizabeth, stay with the Professor. Try and get some sort of shelter built, but keep him out of trouble firstly."

Spanky left the Professor with two sticks and instructions to 'Make water.'

While scavenging

Fredrick put his nose to work. Hum, a few trees there. Probably a few good-sized branches to use as shelters. Fruit trees one way, vegtable trees another, and a third way led to family trees, which was good for family sized portions, but not if you just wanted one fruit.

Fredrick duly led Spanky through the forest in search of materials to use. A thought crossed his mind, transmuted into a question, and leaped out his mouth.

"Hey Spanky, what's the deal with you?"

Spanky grew tense as he bent over a branch. "What's it to you, and what do you mean?"

"Well, you smell of Hell, yet claimed by grabbing me you weren't a demon. And your name could use a bit of replacing."

Spanky relaxed a little. "It's a long story, but I probably do need to get it off my chest."

Fredrick sat down, looking at Spanky with a curious expression.

"It started with my parents. They were in love, but had nothing in the world, save me and my older brother. They had no chances of bringing money in either. So they turned to Hell to make money. Satan was very accomodating, said he'd give them everything they needed in exchange for their second-born son's soul. He didn't want it right now, he'd take it when the kid died. And of course they agreed and never told me anything. In fact, I didn't know about it until I woke up on the shores of Hell after a long life of assassinating. I probably wouldn't have minded if he hadn't stuck my soul in some other body and renamed the body. Which explains everything, I think."

Fredrick got up, nodded, and said, "Come on, the Professor may not have made water by now, but I can almost smell trouble."

"And what's up with you? How come you can talk?"

"Most things can. Anything that wants to talk does. Remember, we're on the Forgotten Island. Most normal rules don't apply. We have had people on the Island before, but most of them don't last a week. Only the animals last, mainly because of the fact that we were here in the start, and until we are replaced into the world, we keep reincarnating. People weren't here at the start, and thus get mauled accidently by a bear that doesn't know you won't reincarnate five seconds later."

Spanky was now minorly worried. What was the current age of this version of Fredrick? Two years? Two days? Two million years?

Those questions were tossed out of his mind as he entered the clearing and saw...

*Insane giggling continues*
So what do we see? Has the Professor succesfully made water from rubbing two sticks together? Has Elizabeth made a palace worth of lodgings for the group? Or has nothing happened at all?
Suggestions, questions, rejections, rebellions, acceptions, etc., etc.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe he's made a fire and burnt down huge swathes of the forest?

I like fire.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*grins* Good second chapter.

The professor, using two twigs, some sand and a handful of sea-grass has made a rather clever water filtration system to turn sea-water drinkable. Isn't it obvious?

Whereas Elizabeth has disappeared, while the professor wasn't watching. Maybe some talking animal has lured her with promises of four-poster beds and all the sherbet she can eat?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hehe...nice story. Lovely names.

well, we should all know how mad scientists are. So maybe they've set up a stage and are putting on a how for a load of other creatures from the forest.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Due to the lack of response, I shall have to pick one idea and run with it...
*Picks up Shady's idea...and runs*

Chapter 3 - Water, water everywhere...

Fredrick and Spanky were shocked. In front of them they saw a huge tank of water, labeled 'Pure H2O.' The Professor was standing near it with some sort of strange device in his hands.

Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen.

Spanky started walking to the Professor. As he did so, the Professor had an odd look come over his face, and looked at the device in his hands as though he wasn't sure what it was. It did, however, seem to be made of sticks and grass.

"Where's Elizabeth?!"

The Professor looked up. "Not sure. She went off somewhere, can't remember anymore. Hey, do you know what this thing does?"

Spanky groaned and rolled his eyes. How typical of this absent-minded fool. A small, sharp tugging at his pant leg caused him to look down at Fredrick.

"There's a reason they call me QuickNose, you know."

"You found her already?"

"I know which way she went. I also know what took her. Some sort of thing without a body, but it left behind a strange smell."

"Lead the way, Fredrick. Professor, come on."


They had been walking for hours now, and still no sign of Elizabeth. There was, however, a sign of the thing that had taken her. Or more accuretly, a smell. Spanky had smelled chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, just like his mom had made.

His mom. That thought had brought a surge of grief, but it was a small one. The cake smell was irresistable, and he continued to follow it.

Eventually, they had reached a small cave. And for some reason, they had all wanted to pile in. Spanky drew his swords. "Back! I'll be the first one in there! I must have my mother's cake!"

"You can have your cake, hell-spawn, but I will have that pheasant!"

"Aye! That turkey is too much to resist!"

Spanky paused. This didn't make sense. Turkey? Pheasant? He only smelled one thing, and that was-

Was the thing he most desired. The dots connected. This was a trap.

"Hold! Ignore the smell! It's a trap for the unwary!"

The two slowly stopped struggling. The smell vanished. Then, as one, they slowly peered into the cave and saw Elizabeth all tied up, and that wasn't the worst of it. They also saw the thing which had captured her...

WHAT is the horrible beast that has Elizabeth? It could be anything, from the bizzare to the mundane (Although that's unlikely on a Forgotten Island).
Pick your monster!
Suggestions, questions, rejections, rebellions, acceptions, etc., etc.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A small girl - Japanese Horror Films anyone?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An octapus. An Evil octapus. A giant Evil octapus. *is very confused at the radnom idea....* but there you go, its an idea.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm for the small girl. If you see what I mean.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to see a jelly-beast. There's good eating on them Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Wobbles along*
Jelly beast it is then cause I have no clue about the small japanese girl.

Chapter 4 - Blob knows best

It was a gigantic, humongus...

Jelly blob.

"A jelly beast? That's all that it is? Heck, I could kill it easily..."

Fredrick interrupted Spanky's trailing. "And where would you slice it? This is the infamous Jelly Blob of Nazzarath. It devoures souls and countries whole for snacks. It kills more people in the morning than you have in your entire life. It is NOT to be trifled with. Elizabeth is probably already a goner."

Spanky shrugged. "Sounds like my kind of monster."

Before Fredrick could realize the enormity of his error, Spanky was up and walking towards the Jelly Blob of Nazzarath.


The blob was busy torturing his latest catch and making a sandwich at the same time. A jelly sandwich, of course. Peanuts were his most hated foe, and would make mincemeat of him.

The catch screamed, something about being dangled above a huge vat of jelly not fitting of a lady.

"SILENCE!" Nazz roared at his catch. "When the rope snaps because of your weight, you will sink into the jelly and suffocate, along with all the other preserved people that found themselves in such jams!"

A voice spoke up from behind Nazz. "I must say, I've never heard so many foodstuffs used as threats in the same sentance."

Nazz slimed around quickly (Well, when you become a vast mass of jelly, see how fast you move!) and saw a man standing in the doorway of the cave.

"Then again, what could I expect of a Jelly Blob?"

"You im-...Imper-...Idiotic fool! I am not just any jelly blob, I am THE jelly blob of NAZZARATH! Jelly goons, ATTACK!"

From the cracks and crevices of the cave, jelly began to ooze and form themselves in exact replicas of men. Spanky grinned.

One magnificently huge slaughter later...

Spanky stood in the middle of a huge jelly mess. The jelly goons had been powerless before the might of his twin blades. Then again, that did tend to happen with swords forged in the pits of hell where not even the bravest demon dared to go.

"So, jelly blob. You can let Elizabeth go, or I can do to you what I did to your friends."

The blob shrunk a little. "I'll let her go...if you can find my lost item in the middle of the jelly pool."

"And what is this item?"

"I don't know. I lost it."

Spanky sighed, strode to the jelly pool, stuck his swords in, and watched most of the mass evaporate. He climbed down and went towards a golden glow. Holding up a large cup, he asked, "Is it this?"

"No, not that, I've already got one! Keep looking!"

Putting the cup back, he read aramaic words on the rim, and wondered what they were. Shrugging the problem off his mind, he kept walking until he saw the missing item.

It was huge. It was amazing. It was...

What is the lost item of the jelly blob of Nazzarath? Keep in mind, it can be anything, as it IS Jester Park!
I'm inserting a new F here, the F12. T'will stand for my usual ending, as there's too much to put in normally.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A giant nut cracker?

I'm out.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A bagged collection of every Kinder toy that they've ever made (along with a lot of replicas, because you know how many of those darned eggs you've got to eat to get all the toys in a collection!)
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Normally I have to work with my brother to get two of the collection.....after that by the time we get more kinder eggs the collections have change a thousand times. lol.

I F5 stoat. Apart from: they can talk and run around under your feet so that you can stand on them. (And that is pretty painful and you can get into a bit of trouble if you leave them lying around and your mum stands ont

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A golden ring that fits anyones digits, and makes the wearing invisible. Is normally cool to the touch and plain, but when heated words in an ancient script are blazened across it.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lordy, I'm going to have to throw your idea out, cause I won't copy good old Tolkien. Leaving me with the Kinder toys.

*Pulls up Google and looks up the Kinder toys. Aaahh.*

Chapter 5 - Kidering the flames

A gigantic blue bag sat before Spanky, tied very tightly shut with a large red rope. Tugging at the rope, Spanky stuck his hand in, only to encounter a mass of plastic. He started muttering to himself, about how he couldn't believe that the Jelly Blob would waste a bag of holding like this. Hauling the bag along behind him, Spanky made sure that it didn't catch on anything sharp. "Here! I think I've got it!"

"That looks like it. Open it up and we'll see!"

Hauling the bag up to the rim, Spanky threw it and himself over, landing next to the bag. Spanky then pried the ropes off with great difficulty. The next thing he knew, a large explosion had taken place, made mostly of plastic. Soon the jelly pit was filled, and the plastic was still coming out.

"That's it! Now shut it, before the whole island is covered!"

Wrestling with the bag again, Spanky managed to tie off the bag. He then noticed that the level of plastic in the pit just about made it possible to rescue Elizabeth. Tossing the bag at the Jelly Blob, Spanky ran off to cut Elizabeth down. They both quickly walked out of the cave to realtive safety.

Fredrick was waiting for them. "Well, I see that you managed to rescue her. Well done. Now, can I tell you how to get off of here?"

"Fire away, Fredrick."

"You have to make sure that all five elementals meet. Fire, earth, air, water, and spirit."

There was silence as the group puzzled the meaning of this. Finally, Spanky spoke up. "Sounds to me like we toss somebody in a volcano in the middle of an earthquake during a particularly windy and violent storm."

"That's the idea, but we animals won't work."

Spanky looked at the Professor. The Professor looked at Elizabeth. Fredrick looked at Elizabeth. Spanky turned and also looked at Elizabeth. Elizabeth screamed and refused to go with them on this idea. "Wait," Spanky said, "There's somebody else here that'll work. Professor, we'll need a lot of ice."

Walking back into the cave of Nazz, Spanky called out, "Jelly Blob! I'm sorry for the trouble. We have found a person for you to take though, as compensation."

Nazz followed Spanky trustingly. And that was when he was frozen, for right outside his cave, the Professor, Fredrick, and Elizabeth had been ready with ice when they realized the extent of this evil plot. "Well, which way to the volcano, Fredrick?"

"Well, we can always run right for the volcano, bringing us untold pain, for between us and the volcano lie the Snakes of Much Agony, Pain, and Quite Possibly Death."

"Not appealing. Alternative options?"

"We could go along the coast and risk getting caught by the large variety of sea monsters that dwell there."

"Also not good. Any other choices?"

"We could cut through the headhunter village."

The group decided to put their route to a vote, and it came out as...

Which way do we go to get to the volcano? Keep in mind, as this IS the H & E forum, what you choose may not be what you thought you'd get!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, if you go to the village, then Spanky might well be able to fight off the head hunters, or you could go by the coast, and hope not to run into any sea monsters.

I'd probably go coastwards - it's not as if you're going surfing...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I want to see Snakes of Much Agony, Pain, and Quite Possibly Death

Run straight towards the volcano and see who gets bit first Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Headhunters says I.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The stars have aligned, the earth has shaken, and the POLL has escaped from the depths of the earth! It will perish in five days time, so you must vote quickly!
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have read the omens and placed the tablet of voting upon the altar of polling.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everyone knows Jaws is cool, but not as good as a three way tie.

Which we have and my vote. Opps.
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very well then. I present to you chapter 6!

Chapter 6 - Heads up!

"Lets go to the headhunter village. It sounds like the least deadly of the options."

The others shook their heads in agreement with Spanky. They began to lug the huge frozen jelly blob behind them as they followed the fox.

There was no sound left behind, save the small moan from the fozen blob.


"We are nearing the headhunter village. Keep yours down."

Fredrick was hissing at them as loud as he could to avoid attracting attention. Any louder and anything could happen to them.

There was a small whoosing noise from behind them, followed by an excited yell and a thumping noise. Turning, the group saw a head with a thrown spear sticking it to a tree. A native of the island had run into view, probably trying to reclaim the spear. The moment he saw the odd assortment of people, however, he paused and looked at them curiosly. "Who you? You no heads, you have body."

Spanky was puzzled for a few seconds, then he looked at the speared head. Indeed, there was no body under it, it was just a head. A floating head, flitting around at about head height. These must be ideal prey for the headhunters.

"Uh, nobody really, we were just hoping that we could pass through the village."

"You see chief. He say what we do with you."

Before anybody could raise a protest, the native had retrieved his spear, bagged the head, and was threatening the assorted travellers at spearpoint. They reluctantly marched along.


Several hours later, a small village was before them. Not small as in how many people were in front of them, but small as in size. The tallest house only came up to Spanky's waist. It would be difficult finding the chief like this.

A small ornate throne was in front of them, which seated an important-looking person.

"Chief, me find these people. They say want pass."

The man in the throne looked them up and down, then spoke in some form of english.

"Why do you want to pass?"

Spanky decided that he'd be the leader and tell all. "So that we can get to the volcano."

"You want to leave the island?"

"Through any means nessecary."

The chief grinned from ear to ear. "That's good news! When you can leave, we can leave! Come let us know when you can leave."

The chief snapped his fingers. Two of the natives came forward and stood at attention. "Help these people find the volcano."

They were lead out much differently than they were lead in. The only person they were forgetting was the jelly blob.


Alone in the forest, the blob began to thaw. The ice was turning into water, and the blob was wiggling around a little. Finally, it spoke.

"Leave me alone in the middle of the jungle, will they? Run off without me, will they? I'LL SHOW THEM! I'LL FIND THEM AND CRUSH THEM! THEY CAN NEVER ESCAPE!"

It slimed off towards the volcano at it's top speed, which wasn't very fast.


It was only when the group was atop the volcano that somebody noticed the blob was missing. There was not a cloud in sight, nor a single rumble. It seemed that this was going to be a long wait.

Finally, they heard something. It sounded liked a scream of rage. A wobbly scream of rage.

Quickly jumping out of the way, the group made way for the jelly blob to roll on by, right into the volcano. As the blob hit the lava, a very violent rainstorm started, and the earth began to rumble.

The five elementals had met.

A large beam of light emitted from the volcano and continued to go up for what seemed eternity.


God was busy looking over His creation when something from below let off a large ray of light. That wasn't planned...

Looking down, God saw the light came from a small misty area of the world. Realizing His error, God put the islands back into the scheme of things.

The island was forgotten no more.


The perpetual mist on the horizon thinned and began to wane. A golden glow condensed in front of the Professor, and he recognized it to be a steering wheel. He experimentally touched a few buttons.

A large display lit up, which read 1685. The island shook again, and a British shipwreck appeared on one side.

Spanky realized what this could do for him. He could travel to before his parents made the pact with the Devil and stop it from happening.

The Proffesor realized that this meant he could go back before he had lost his memory, figure out how it happened, provide an antidote, and be free of his poor memory.

Elizabeth realized this meant she could go back to before her father had sent her off and stop it from coming to pass.

Fredrick lied down on the volcanic basalt, waiting to see what would happen in the oncoming shuffle.

The three that had buisness in the past jumped at the steering wheel. In the tussle and bustle, somebody managed to send the island back to...

So where does the island end up? It doesn't have to be where these people would like it to go, though I am cutting out all extreme futuristic options and extreme prehistoric options.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

Last edited by Idea master on Fri May 05, 2006 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where does the island go? Might be nice to meet the dinosaurs Very Happy

Why not, let's go prehistoric Razz
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To Atlantis, just as it sank.

And yes, they get sucked down into the depths as well - score.
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And now, a conclusion of the story!

Chapter 7 - Wheeling and dealing

The tussle and bustle in front of the steering wheel wasn't going to lead to anything good whatsoever. Tussles never do, and bustles are usually reserved for rush hour. In the confusion, the steering wheel got hammered a lot. The display continued to go to random destinations in random places, and the mist displayed many odd things. Once, it displayed an island going underneath the waves. Another time led to large prehistoric sea monsters. A third brought about a large variety of metallic monstrosities.

All in all, the island was doing well, until the steering wheel snapped off.

"Oh, um, guys? Is the steering wheel meant to come right off?"

Spanky and Elizabeth stopped fighting to see what the Professor was talking about. Spanky, frustrated that his one mode of escaping Satan was denied him, took out his swords and started beating up the podium where the wheel once was.

"It doesn't matter how hard you hit it, it's still broken," Elizabeth stated matter-of-factly.

"Hold still, methinks I can reattach it if you'll stop hitting it so much. I am a Professor, you know."

The Professor picked up the steering wheel from it's perch atop the now-unconcious Fredrick and examined the underside. A large amount of colored wires stuck out from underneath it. While muttering to himself about not bringing a blowtorch, the Professor started to reattach the wires together.

Fifteen minutes later, the Professor stepped back to survey his handiwork. Yes indeed, it seemed like the wheel was back to normal.

"I've fixed it! I've fixed the wheel! Why, I'm so excited, I could..."

Unfortunatly, the Professor never got to finish his statement, as he promptly fell asleep. Everybody else followed suit, collapsing from exaustion that had piled up over the past three or four days.

Everybody, that is, except Fredrick.

Grinning to himself, the fox sauntered up to the wheel and began to turn it to a certian time in a certian place. Unfortunatly for him, the wheel wasn't properly fixed, and he was blasted backwards about twenty feet so quickly that his fur was still in place attempting to turn the steering wheel.

His fur collapsed in a lifeless heap as the rest of him clung to the rim of the volcano. His front two paws were holding on to some form of solid ground, everything else was hanging precariously over large amounts of very hot lava. He could only hope that Spanky wouldn't be the first one up, see what had happened, and let him die.

Two days later, Spanky woke up from his slumber. That was odd, he thought to himself, I was waiting for the Professor to fix the steering wheel when I suddenly fell asleep. Now what could have caused that?

Spanky got up, streached, and went over to the wheel. There was a small bundle of something in front of the wheel which was promptly kicked aside. Then Spanky realized his error, went back to the bundle, and streached it out. It was a perfect fox skin. Spanky then realized something wasn't right, as Fredrick wasn't anywhere nearby. A quick scan of the area revealed a large skid mark going towards the volcano's interior. Grinning slightly, Spanky turned back to the wheel, only to see two paw marks on it. Realizing the wheel may have caused Fredrick's untimely demise, Spanky let things be until the Professor showed up.

The Professor woke up, realizing that something wasn't right. Somebody was standing on him. Quickly rolling over, the Professor saw Spanky go flying, only to never be seen after he got up. Ah, well, Spanky would turn up later. He always did. The problem was now with the steering wheel. He'd been thinking about it, and realized that there was more than one wire of each color. If someone tried to turn that thing in it's current state, he'd get a nice surprise, if not instant death. He pulled the wheel off and began to rewire it so that everything was properly hooked up.

Elizabeth woke up to see the professor working on the wheel. "I though you had fixed that thing. What is the matter now?"

"It may not be fixed correctly. After all, our two friends are nowhere to be seen. I'm making sure that everything about it is working properly."

A few minutes later brought renewed shouts. "I'm positive this time! It'll get us off the island now!"

Elizabeth and the Professor looked at each other. "I'll drive the island," the Professor said, "And let you off first. Then I'll go back and get off at my stop."

Holding his breath, the Professor started to turn the golden steering wheel...


"Well, this is a fine mess we're in."

"Don't you tell me that any more, you fox, I've had enough of you!"

"Well it's all your fault."

"No, it's your fault!"



The two continued to argue while hanging from the same outcropping of rock for all eternity.

Elizabeth and the Professor managed to go back in time and get everything they wanted.

The headhunting tribe managed to find the steering wheel and get off the island in due time.

The jelly blob of Nazzarath cut a deal with the deity of his particular underworld and managed to run off with reincarnation. He went back to the volcano every Saturday at 2:30 to make fun of the only people left on the island from the inital group.

The trees regrew their branches and fruits after a few weeks.

The sand on the beach never was the same. After two days, most of the sand that Elizabeth and Spanky had walked on was out in the ocean. It formed itself into it's own particular sand golem and went on a rampage, killing off an ancient tribe before it even existed.

The island was never going to be the same ever again.

...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another one done IM! Well done old chap! I like the hanging about for eternity bit!

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good ending IM. Congrats on finishing your SG Clapping
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Which way do we go?
On the coast. (Jaws, anybody?)
 25%  [ 1 ]
To the snakes! (To certian death!)
 25%  [ 1 ]
Headhunting. (As long as it's not our heads...)
 50%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Chinaren, LordoftheNight, Shady Stoat, tramp in a storm

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