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Chapter 29 - Resurrection

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:15 am    Post subject: Chapter 29 - Resurrection Reply with quote

Chapter 29 - Resurrection.

The despicable Queen Phang and her dark Horde have invaded the Silver Lands and taken the Gnomish Capital city Chundyer, forcing the King to flee north to unknown terrain, and into a walled off land occupied by strange and powerful creatures.
Only an artifact known as the Black Heart has the power to defeat Phang and her magics, and she has dispatched a monstrous Demon to recover this for her.
The paladin Homer has finally reached the Heart. Unfortunately Sorrow reached it first, and made off with it. Homer followed, but was cruelly slain by Sorrow, who then met one of the Light Ones who seemed unaffected by his magic and took the Heart from him.
Meanwhile Phang has turned her armies west, towards the human realm. She offered the Mad Baron Crymzon a chance to join her, but he rejected her in favor of the Elves of the Great Forest. There are other human lands however…

Cast (in no particular order):
Araex as Homer’s steed.
Dragon Fire as The Dragon Guardian.

Kalanna Rai as the Bad Ass.
DukeReg as Oaf Duke Reginald Percival Thunderking Harwobble the Fifth.
D-Lotus as the Elven special forces commander
Solomon Birch as a misguided AlbinoDrow.
Random as The Thing.
Shanty as Captain Shanty.
Mother goose as a hydroose

Key as the Magical Dignified Chamber Pot NEW HERO!
Lord of the Night as an Evil Demon Warrior.
Idea Master as the resurrected minion.

Sorrow as a mysterious robed figure.
Sunbellina as Duke Reg’s little sister.
Ninja Balloon as Nalloo
Thracia Alba, as The Alba.
OmegaTerra as Om Terra

Ingrothechundyer as Ingro Chundyer the Gnome King.
Reiso as Gnome Prince Reiso
Cantolope as King of the Fairies
Duffman666 as Duff (man).

Phang as The Dark Mistress
Muaddib as a wheely thing.
Powers That Be as General Powers ‘the perverted.’
Luvd and Mr Moochie as ‘The Ravens’
Dean as the Dean the Head.
Smee as the Smee Slug.

Cryzmon as Baron Crymzon.
Ravenwing as the Elven envoy.

The Fallen – Lest we forget..
Jnmrcs as the High Commander
Hyperion as the Mage.
CowofDoom666 as the Cow of Doom
Idea Master as the Wretched minion.
Shady Stoat as the Twisted Witch.
Ethereal Fauna as Ethereal Slug.
Evil Homer as ‘The Paladin Hero’
Chainfire as Homer’s sword.
Author as Gnomish Wizard.
Jack D.Mented as Darkness Mented Shadow.

And introducing…
The White Blacksmith as Whitey.
Zeitgeist as the Wizard
Ravagerrr as Lord Rav.
Stubby as the Loyal Manservant.
Jack D.Mented again.

**Authors note. You may find it useful to check out my map here; to familiarize yourself with the layout of the human lands. It will help follow parts of this chapter.**


The bushes parted and a haggard looking man in ragged clothes burst through, scattering twigs before him. He looked over his shoulder as he ran, panting hard. As he did so his foot caught on a hidden branch and he tripped, rolling down a short slope and covering himself with mud and leaves. He paused for a moment, trying to get his breath back whilst straining to hear any sounds of pursuit.

Nothing. He sat up cautiously, perhaps he had…

“Having a rrrest?” came a low voice, almost a growl and deep with the promise of imminent violence.

The man whipped his head around and scrabbled away on his back. “No, no please! I didn’t do anything wrong! It was an accident! The knife… I didn’t mean to kill her!”

“Then think of this as a slip of the tongue” replied the voice.

“No. No! Nooooooo!!!”


“Go on then, have a good time,” said Phang as Muaddib looked up at her. “I can’t bear those puppy dog eyes. Here, let me take Mr. Head.” She scooped up Dean by the hair as Muaddib slobbered and wheeled quickly after the large poodle he had seen frisking about nearby.

“Looks like we will soon have another litter on the way, eh Mr. Head?” said Phang as they walked through the camp. Around them the army was finishing putting up their tents. The last few days the Horde had made good progress and they were now on the edge of the human lands. As per Phang’s arrangement with the local Lord, no forces were waiting to attempt to repulse them, and the border forts had let her pass in peace.

General Powers saw Phang and approached her. He led a horse, upon which the stuffed body of Witch Stoat sat, an inane grin fixed onto her face.

“General,” greeted Phang, “have you been playing with your stuffed toy again? I swear it looks happy.”

General Powers bowed low and ignored the question.. “My Dark Lady, may I ask how long we will be camped here? My understanding was that you were eager to get on with the campaign, and the human armies will take this opportunity to fortify…”

Phang waved an arm and cut him off. “Patience my dear General. My little Sluggykins is sick. I can’t have him traveling like this can I?” She gestured at the Slug coral, where the Smee slug was moping about.

Indeed, the beast didn’t look well. The once beautifully green skin has lost its luminescence, and was now a dull gray color with mottled patches of brown down his sides. As they watched Smee’s face showed a moment of concentration, and there was a short raspberry noise. A puff of multi-colored gas floated up from behind him, spreading out in a small flatulent rainbow which hovered and glistened above the sick slug.

“My poor sluggles” said Phang.

“Can’t you just cure him by magic?” said Powers, stifling what could be a fatal case of impatience from showing.

“Oh my dear General. Some things are not meant to be cured by magic. Don’t worry, we will be off again soon. Now, where is that helper I sent for?”

“M…my Dark Qu…queen. You sent for me?” A reedy voice from behind Phang caused her to turn.

“You are the expert?” she said, narrowing her eyes and causing the goblin to quiver in her boots. “Why are you white and not green like the other goblins?”

“P…please your Evilness, I am The White Goblin, actually a Blacksmith by trade, though I am good with animals." The small white figure didn’t look very goblin-like, with the obvious exception of the shape and general features. It wore relatively tidy and clean clothes, and had a large book clutched under her arm. A large pair of round glasses lent the creature an almost studious air.”

“I didn’t know Goblins could read,” Phang pointed a finger, causing the small figure to nearly mess its pants.

“W..w…white Goblins can your awfulness.”

“Mmmm. Well, there you go Ms White Blacksmith. My little Sluggykins is having some problems. Go and take a look. NOW!”

Whitey scrambled over the fence and over to the sick slug, which greeted her with another rainbow fart.

The White Goblin examined the slug’s skin, looked in his mouth and then, after rolling a sleeve up, performed another examination, which caused Smee’s eyestalks to stand rigid for a short while.

“Well, it’s an easy enough diagnosis” she said, rolling her sleeve down and licking her fingers clean. “Smee Disease. Very rare.”

“Smee disease is it? What are the odds eh General?” Phang looked at Powers shaking her head sadly. “Will he recover?”

“Oh, it is not too serious. A common complaint that often accompanies the latter stages of pregnancy. Three or four days, a week at the most, should see him back to a healthy green.”

“Very well. Make it happen. And Whitey?”

“Yes your Vileness?”

“If anything bad happens to my little Sluggles, your fate will be worse. Much worse.”

“Y….y….y…yes your Terribleness” stammered The White Blacksmith.

Phang nodded and walked away, leaving her new helper to turn and look at Smee thoughtfully.

Baron Crymzon.

“Where is that damned Wizard? I told him to be here half an hour ago!” The Mad Baron paced up and down in his private audience room.

There was a knock at the door.

“About time! Enter!”

The portal opened and a thin figure dressed in black robes stepped forth. White hair flowed over his shoulders as he bowed low. “My apologies my Lord, I was involved in an intricate spell when you summoned me.”

“Yes yes. All very well, but you are my head wizard, you should be on call.”

“As you say Baron,” Zeitgeist sighed.

“Now then. Have you made any progress on that task I assigned you?”

“Baron, I believe I have. It is what I was working on when you called me infact. I have divined that Phang recently summoned a shadow creature which was somehow defeated and now resides in a spirit realm.”

“So how does that help us?”

“This spirit realm is not usually one where such creatures would be found. If I can recall it and bind it to my command, his previous summoning by Phang would enable him to reach her and quite possibly evade her defenses.”

“How would it do that?”

Zeitgeist opened his mouth, closed it and then opened it again. “It is rather hard to explain your eminence. Magic you see?”

The Baron grunted and nodded. “When will you be ready to cast this spell?”

“Why, my preparations have now been completed. I am ready now.”

“Excellent. Lead on, I wish to see this creature for myself.” Crymzon gestured to Zeitgeist to go.

The wizard, knowing argument would be futile, turned and led the Baron through the halls of the castle and up to his tower and workroom. On the floor mystical symbols were inscribed, twisting and turning as they eye looked at them, causing mild nausea. Candles lit the room, casting flickering shadows that seemed to look more like grasping figures than they should.

Zeitgeist gestured to a spot in the corner. “If you would stand there Baron, please remain quiet and whatever you do, do not interfere. I will be opening a gate to realms dread and dire, the likes of which humans were not meant to dabble.”

“Just get on with it” said the Baron, not impressed by the Wizard’s showboating.

Mildly put out, Zeitgeist stood in the center of the room and began his incantations. Slowly the shadows expanded to cover the walls, and the light from the window dimmed and died. A cold, cold wind blew, seemingly from the floor, though the candles flickered not.

Slowly a dark form began to form on the floor…


Phang was walking with Powers, discussing strategy when she felt it. She stopped and clutched at her head. “No!”

“What is it? What is wrong your majesty?” asked Powers.

Phang gritted her teeth. “Someone is trying…to…summon…” she broke off and raised her hands above her head, intoning dark words of Power.

Clouds scudded across the sky with frightening speed, eclipsing the sun and sky within seconds. A low wind sprang up and swept through the camp, startling horses and soldiers alike. Powers struggled to keep the horse with Stoat on under control as it whinnied and rolled its eyes.

Phang grimaced. Her eyes pure white, looking into Another Place. “You shall not have him!” she screamed, to no one that the General could see. She made a gesture, then another and another, dark wisps’ of shadow gathering about her like smoke.

Thunder rolled and suddenly lightening crashed down next to the General. The horse reared and broke loose, galloping away through the camp in fear, the stuffed witch bobbling along on its back.

Phang ignored it, and all else around her as she smiled. Her movements were more confident and she spoke in clear tones, magical words disturbing to the ear. Slowly a dark form began to form infront of her. “Yes, that’s it. Come to me my creature. Welcome back to the light!”

She laughed then, and it started to rain a cold rain, heavy drops thudding down around her. The form started to solidify and she spoke again to the unseen person. “You dare to challenge me you trash eating, leg humping Satyr! Take this!!” and she thrust her arms forward in a blaze of dull red light eyes. There was a blinding flash.


It was torture. He was formless, drifting aimlessly in a world of beauty unable to close his eyes and block it out. The shade of the Gnome wizard kept him shackled, unable to act.

Eternity was going to last a long time.

Then he felt it. A call. A tug, slight at first, but growing in strength, pulling in a direction that couldn’t be explained. The shade of the wizard felt it too, and resisted, but it was too strong. Slowly Jack started to slide away, through the dimensions and back down to the physical realms.

Then there was something else. Another pull, near but different from the first one. He faltered, slowing, being torn between the two.

The first one was strong, and he moved towards it, but the second pulled harder and he wavered. They pulled at him from different directions, an ethereal tug of war. For a while it was even, but then he felt a laugh echoing through the haze, and he knew what he must do. He willed himself towards the second call and slowly, very slowly at first, he moved towards it. The first summons pulled harder, but it was too late. Slowly Jack slid toward the latter and he thought he heard a cry of anguish from the original point before the world snapped.

He opened his eyes. Things felt strange. He tried to flow away, to melt into the ground, but he couldn’t. His form was solid, unwavering. He twisted around and saw Phang looking down at him curiously.

“Welcome back Jack. How was heaven?”


Zeitgeist felt the power flow. He probed the spirit world, looking without eyes for the one that he sought. Creatures with no bodies tried to grasp him, but his wards resisted their pull. Finally he found it. A dark mass in a world of light.

He pointed a finger that wasn’t there and the rune flew true, hooking the shadow. He smiled and pulled, felt it resist, then give and start to move towards him. Now it was simply a matter of…

He frowned. Something was wrong. There was another force present. He cast about and found her. Phang!

“I found him, leave me be!” he cried and renewed his efforts.

Phang put forth more energy, and the two magic users were suddenly in a very dangerous battle, calling upon reserves of magic that attracted beings from many dimensions.

He pulled harder, drawing at the shadow, but Phang grimaced. “He is mine!” she said, and put forth a surge of power that knocked him backwards.

He fought, but it was no good. Phang was simply to powerful. Recognizing defeat his sought to withdraw, but Phang followed him, her form looming around him in this strange world of energy.

‘You dare to challenge me you trash eating, leg humping Satyr!’ her voice entered straight into his brain. ‘Take this!!’ and Zeitgeist was thrown backwards by a red ball of light.

Baron Crymzon.

The Baron peered over at Zeitgeist’s prone form cautiously as he opened his eyes. “I am assuming things didn’t go so well.” He said.

“Phang…” Zeitgeist started and then stopped. “What?”

He stood up, staggering as he did so. “What has she done?” he cried, looking down upon a pair of goat legs.

“Better not look in the mirror if you don’t like them” said the Baron, leaning against the wall. “How do you feel?”

“Hungry,” replied Zeitgeist. He saw some discarded parchment and an old apple lying on the floor and leapt upon them, stuffing the items in his mouth with relish.

“Well, looks like you will be cheap to feed anyway” said Cyrmzon.


Muaddib had followed the poodle, and finally caught up with her by the latrines. Joyfully he sniffed around the dog, who could no longer avoid his attentions.

As the wheelie thing began to enjoy the poor animal, clouds gathered overhead. Muaddib, hard at it, ignored them, as he did the rain and thunder that followed.

A few minutes later, just as the poor poodle was just about done in, and the Wheelie thing was about done, the sound of hooves could be heard. Had Muaddib bothered to look around he would have seen a spooked horse, teeth bared in terror, galloping wildly towards him with the grinning form of Witch Stoat bumping along on the saddle. He didn’t though.

Had anyone had been paying attention, they might have said they had seen a strange glint in the eyes of the stuffed witch, although they would likely have put it down to the light reflecting off the glass orbs. In any case the horse, as it neared the puffing form of Muaddib and the poodle, reared suddenly, catching the poor wheelie toy with a hoof and sending him, unfulfilled, flying into the latrines which were unfortunately very full after a bout of dysentery.

Muaddib landed on his back in the brown mush and waggled his wheels helplessly as he slowly sank out of sight, until all that remained were a few sorry looking bubbles.

The horse, after its unexplained stop, stood calmly with the Stoat on its back. Moments later, had anyone been watching, though why someone would be watching the content of the latrines is anyone’s guess, a slight blur arose from the gloop. It hovered for a few seconds, and then sped forth into the cloudy sky.

Stoat smiled on.


A figure walked out of the trees. A naked man, tall, strong and well built, if a little on the hairy side. He walked up to a waiting servant, who was dressed in a smart black suit.

“All done my Lord?” asked the servant, holding out various garments.

The man licked a trace of blood off his lower lip as he donned the tunic the servant passed to him. “Scrawny” he said. “I miss the old days Stubby, when I could take my pick.

“Quite so sir” Stubby replied, passing over the breeches. “There is the downside to these ‘civilized’ times. I must report there is a messenger from the Elves here my Lord, asking for your answer.”

“No doubt come about joining their poxy alliance. Pah! Put the elf off, make an excuse, say we are still thinking about it or something. The longer we leave them in doubt the better. If the Mad Baron, or whatever he styles himself to be these days has joined them, then that is reason enough to ally with Phang.”

“My thoughts too sir, if I may be so bold, a bit of bloodletting will do us all good.” For a brief moment the butler’s countenance seemed to waver and become slightly more…feral.

Now clothed, Lord Ravagerrr started walking up towards his Keep. “What about our neighbors. Any news on them yet?”

“The northerners are still making excuses, they will likely try to sit the whole thing out.”

“Fools,” spat Ravagerrr. “Well, they have no defenses to speak of. I would have overrun them already if it wasn’t for that damn Baron offering them protection. As if he was being kind. At least I am upfront about my intentions.”

“Exactly sir. Perhaps with the Baron withdrawing his troops to his own lands for defense, we could take the time to invade Nun. It would offer an alternative route into the Crymzon lands, and the Nun forces are weak. Easy prey.”

“Worth thinking about” said Ravagerrr. “The pass to the west is heavily fortified. Breaking through there won’t be easy. What did the messenger from Sturm say?”

“The southerners are wavering, though I am inclined to think they will ally with us, if only because the White Lands have joined Crymzon.”

“So, it is to be East verse West is it?” Ravagerrr mulled his options over. “What about Ga? Still the same?”

“Yes my Lord, they will allow free passage to both sides, as per the Ga Accord.”

“With Phang coming that may no longer apply. Crymzon will hardly care about an ancient agreement under the circumstances.”

“If we invade, the people of Ga will rise against us, and even though they have no regular army they can be fierce fighters. We would risk terrorist attacks on our supply depots and other infrastructure.”

“Still, the pass to the Crymzon lands is less fortified in Ga, it would be easier to force. With Phang’s army to assist, we should be able to withstand a few peasants with pitchforks.”

“It could be so sir. On the other hand, we could simply await Phang and her hordes.”

“While all the while Crymzon is fortifying,” Ravagerrr smacked one fist into a palm. Our strike forces are ready?”

“As they have been for the last week my Lord” replied Stubby as they entered the Keep. Serious looking guards snapped to attention as they passed. “The bulk of our forces will be ready by the time Phang’s Horde arrive.”

“Well then, all is looking good. Here are my orders…”


So once again we have to bid farewell to the old, at least in their bodily form, and welcome the newcomers.

The focus has now turned to the human Realm, and the two main lands. Wulfland and the Crymzon Lands. Ravagerrr leads Wulfland.

What will Ravagerrr order? Check the map here for a more visual overview. His forces are strong, and an equal match for Crymzon’s army, perhaps slightly stronger in some areas.

The small country to the north, Nun, was until recently under the protection of Cyrmzon’s troops. Latest intel suggests he has withdrawn the bulk of his forces to more defensive positions along the mountain passes, which leaves it open to attack.

The pass to the west between Wulfland and The Crymzon Lands is heavily fortified by both sides. Getting through there would be a major effort.

Ga, between the two, is relatively unprotected, and neither side has much of a presence, due to an old agreement. If Rav was to invade there he may make good progress, but the Ga-ians would fight back by attacking supply lines and farms in Wulfland itself. Otherwise it would remain neutral.

To the south is Sturm. It is a cautious ally of Wulfland, with a fairly strong standing army. However, this is matched by the White Lands, which is allied with the Crymzon Lands and the Elves.

Or he could do nothing and wait for Phang to arrive. Unless you lot can think of something else?

Strategies and suggestions please!!

Payment for Bids now due:

51Fables for Muaddib to meet with a tragic premature latrine accident, facilitated by the dead and stuffed witch Stoat. Bid by Muaddib, strangely enough.
10Fatbacks more from Muaddib to transcend. By Muaddib.
21F bid for Slug to get diseased, bid by Muaddib.
Muaddib: 82Fables.

150 fables for JDM to be reincarnated in some new mortal form, which he so happens to occupy with Author as well as a split personality. Bid by Jack.
86F for Zeit to be a trash eating, leg humping Satyr regardless of alignment. By Jack.
251F for Zeit to be GOOD by Jack
Jack DM: 487Fables.

150Fables to be a male wizard and powerful. Bid by Zeit.

Thank-you for your business. Outstanding bids will be honored when I get the chance!

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Last edited by Chinaren on Sun May 21, 2006 3:46 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lots of intrigue there! Shocked

Well, if Ravangerrr is desperate to get something done before Phang and her armies arrive, I suggest he sends a force to reinforce Sturm's armies and persuades them to join him in causing trouble in the White Lands.

That will get all of Crymzon's forces involved in the South. Then, when Phang and co. arrive, they can go to the North, wiping out Un and sweeping into the relatively undefended north-lands of Crymzonville Wink

It's all about catching the other side napping. A diversionary war will be great for that Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why not send an emisary to Phang, telling her of your plans for allegience, and send troops to oppose her at the same time, reinforcing Crymmy. However, when Phang actually attacks Cry, Rav's troops can turn against their human allies, attacking from within and leading Phang to an easy victory.

Intrigue, plotting and scheming, all rolled into one tasty bundle.
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Solomon Birch
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Rav can convince Sturm to attack the White Lands, he can concentrate on either conquering the smaller countries of Ga, Nun, Oh and El or persuading them to join him against Crymzon and the Elves, using the fact that he will hopefully have Phang on his side, so they may as well give up and join him, or be conquered and join that way.

So he should send an emmisary to Phang, confirming his (and Sturm's) alliance with her, and promise that he will take, one way or another, the smaller countries. That should help secure her friendship, for the time being at least. And its nice and evil! Very Happy

Good chapter. Very Happy

*holds breath* Shocked
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great chapter, Chinaren. Excellent. It was good to see such things put forth with such skill.

Just do me one favor and promise me plenty of leg-humping to come, eh? I look forward to the upcoming affair as well. haha!
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another good chapter Chin(kinda short tho), I have given you your fables and thanks for the write in.

I F5 lordy on his evil decitful plotting, and support the destruction of Nun.

Hmm, or Rav could take out Sturm. they dont look trustworthy just sitting down there in the south. *they're evil*
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zeitgeist wrote:
Another good chapter Chin(kinda short tho),

Gahh! This chapter probably took longer to write than any chapter so far!! Mind you, I wasn't rushing. FYI, I try and make all my SGame chapters about 2000Words (acording to Word), and this one was a bit over 3000.

There will be leg humping Jack, I couldn't really fit it in this one nicely.

Some good strategies so far here people, keep em coming. I will look at them in more detail tomorrow, somewhat drunk just now. Surprised
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Call up the troups in Sturm, secretly, then use them to invade one of the other lands, under Rav's colours. Send some of your more well-known soldiers with them, to make it convincing.
Then send the army of Wulfland to join Phangs Forces. Crymmy will think you're too busy in your war to join Phang, so you will take his army by suprise.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, I didn't think it was particularly short, no so than any other really.
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go for Ga. Any country stupid enough to grant military passage to BOTH sides deserves to be taken. Good chapter.
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah. Use my previous idea, with going for Ga with Sturm instead of just picking on a random county.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 6:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonderfully luverly, China! I loved the death of the wheely toy.

Now, as for stratagem...

This man is obviously attempting to join with neither the elves or Phang, but is swinging towards her side. So, why not borrow her previously used strategy and replace a good portion of his neighbor's malitia with his own? Eventually you'd have enough everywhere to stage revolts similtaniously, though your forces would be spread pretty thin...

But as long as everything (And I mean EVERYTHING) goes right, then there should be no problems. You can make it with the resurrected IM's help...

But I'd have to give you my undivided attention. And I'm very easily distrac- Oooh! Shiney thing!

*Scampers off*
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MY shiny thing! Go 'way! Mad

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pull my best shock troops along with the majority of my forces into my capital, leaving my border firmly guarded with my best defenders. Send an emmisarry to Phang to request her backup, she is given permission to travel through my lands to attack Crymmy's front. Lets ignore the neutrals for the moment and focus our strengths on their sources of power, like his capital. I shall generate a huge portal to the center of Crymmy's capital and invade them from within with the troops I've ammassed in my own capital.

Once Crymmy's troops realize their capital has been sacked, they should turn and attempt to retake the city, then Phang's forces can strike, stabbing them in the backs.

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Fingers the soon to be aquired Black Heart fondly*
Mmm...yes indeed...Pray to me, will you?
Well, mayhap I will anwser your prayers...
As long as they have bountiful young women coming my way through a magical gateway as well...
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We'll see what I can do... I'm sure there will be plenty of 'booty' to 'Ravage' after the invasion is complete.
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IM wrote:
This man is obviously attempting to join with neither the elves or Phang, but is swinging towards her side. So, why not borrow her previously used strategy and replace a good portion of his neighbor's malitia with his own? Eventually you'd have enough everywhere to stage revolts similtaniously, though your forces would be spread pretty thin...

The only problem with that IM, is that it would need time, and that is something Rav doesn't really have. Good idea though.

There are some good strategies coming out here. I will leave it over the weekend and put a poll up.
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Last edited by Chinaren on Sun May 21, 2006 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What can I say? we're just brilliant stratagists. It comes from being the manipulating forces behind all the great military minds. I mean, Gengis Khan was quite peaceful until IM stepped in.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I doubt Phang would be very trustworthy in this plot. My imppresions say that she is a very meglomaniacal* character.

*Did I spell that right?
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, since I am only just recovering from a night of staying up late watching Eurovision, I can't even remember what that means, let alone how to spell it.

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the poll is up. Slightly compressed some of the ideas though, so hopefully you can get the idea.
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Which one was my idea? The one with using Sturm's army as a cover up for your own army joining Phang.? Or wait, was that one the using Sturm to stir up trouble? I voted anyway, just so I could be first.

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And then I realized Shady and Soily had already votede. Damn piles of dirt and stoats!

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The White Blacksmith wrote:
And then I realized Shady and Soily had already votede. Damn piles of dirt and stoats!

You have to be fast* to beat the Stoat Whitey. Where do you think f5 came from? Wink

*Or in a different time zone.
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah - but letting yourself be out-speeded by a muck monster? Where's the style in that? Shocked Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shady Stoat wrote:
Yeah - but letting yourself be out-speeded by a muck monster? Where's the style in that? Shocked Wink

Well, Soily's going to get lucky once in a while I guess. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I voted for the one two double bluff technique, of pretending to help Cymzon, and then stabbing him in the back (or whereever presents itself)
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gah - I've gone and tied it. Confused

Great chapter, even though I missed it for a week. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wooh! Smee's back!


So when's the next chap?

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed china, when do I get to have a child and hump a leg?
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been mulling the next chapter over. I need to do another of Garden and Murder first though, really, though I am finding it hard to muster the enthusiasm for those.

I am usually too busy on weekends to do a major episode. Mon/Tue are my days off, so more stuff should vomit forth from me tomorrow and the day after.

Meanwhile, go and read my new one in HEM. (Link in my sig). Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have read some of em.. but catching up is a pain, so write only here Tale of IF and Tired of Death. Unless you want to reccomend a really good one. (unfortunatly most/all of what you have written is good) Oh and where can I find that story This Space for Rent? looks interesting*

*I know its a shameless ad, but still it could be an interesting sg
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zeit, read the bit in chapter 28. at the moment we're having a bit of a discussion about that.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Tired of Death is a new one, so you would not have to catch up on it! Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, as you will see, I've posted on that.

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
Well, Tired of Death is a new one, so you would not have to catch up on it! Wink

I had already read it, and liked.. whens that chapter 2 coming?
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zeitgeist wrote:
chinaren wrote:
Well, Tired of Death is a new one, so you would not have to catch up on it! Wink

I had already read it, and liked.. whens that chapter 2 coming?

Thanks! I put a poll up recently. Very Happy The 2nd chapter should gush forth in a mass of gore in a coupla days, though I really need to do Garden and Blood Party first. Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to see Garden at least Wink
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Smee wrote:
I'd like to see Garden at least Wink

It shall be done oh Mayoral one! Very Happy
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What's the strategy for Lord Rav then?
Do nothing until Phang arrives.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Help Sturm stir up trouble in the White Lands.
 30%  [ 4 ]
Pretend to fight Phang and ally with Crymzon until...!
 15%  [ 2 ]
Attack the smaller countries, get Sturm attacking the White Lands.
 38%  [ 5 ]
Attack Ga full on.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Attempt a strike on Crymson using a magic portal.
 15%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 13
Who Voted: Chinaren, DeadManWalking, Idea master, Jack_D.Mented, Key, LordoftheNight, Shady Stoat, Smee, Solomon Birch, The White Blacksmith

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