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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
Well, it wouldn't take much to test him and catch him out. Best try and play on the fact that he has helped defend them.

Unless, he suddenly decides to change sides suddenly of course. Shocked

Can you explain it? Are you saying that Moswen should say that before the vampires say something? or after they say something? Or just wait?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I mean it would be quite easy to check to see if he was a vampire or not, so best tell the truth, but remind them how he has helped fight the vampires.

Or run away?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, then. I will wait a little more to see if someone else want to give any other idea. Today at night (here) I will put the poll up (if necessary).
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, no poll this time. Moswen will tell the truth, as soon as I can get the chapter up.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:59 pm    Post subject: Chapter 17: Vampires exposed Reply with quote

Chapter 17: Vampires exposed

“So, you are trying to find some revenge?” asked Moswen.
“I’m not talking to you, little snack. But be sure of something, what I can do to a human will be nothing compared to what I want to do with the traitor,” said one of the vampires.

Everyone on the human side looked at each other trying to see through the bodies to find the vampire. Leban was surprised by the looking of the humans. He immediately looked at Moswen waiting for some signal or movement from him. But Moswen didn’t move he talked.

“I’m here helping the humans and I don’t think that giving up is a good idea,” said Moswen without blinking an eye.
“We are not giving up…” said one of the humans.
“We are three and you are just four mere humans…” said one of the vampires.

The human group took some steps backward to have some space, just in case they needed it. They took position to defend themselves but all the vampires could see doubt in their eyes.

“Don’t worry,” said Moswen.
“How is that they know about vampires with us and we don’t?” asked one of the humans.
“That doesn’t matter,” answered Leban nervous.
“Ok, let’s take it easy” interrupted Moswen. “I’m one of the vampires…” shot Moswen.

No one said a word for a few seconds; they just looked to Moswen’s eyes trying to figure out if he was lying.
“We helped you a lot guys. As you we want to kill Kort and this could be our opportunity,” said Moswen like a leader.
“Maybe, but we want all the vampires dead,” said one of the humans.
“We are at a disadvantage right now,” interrupted Leban.
“You are right. For now we need the vampire, it will be better if we have more here,” said the other human.
“In fact we are two. Leban and me,” said Moswen.
“Then we are better,” said one of the human.
“For now, maybe. But remember you two, we hate all the vampires,” said the other human.
“Let’s fight…” said Leban.

“We are waiting…” said one of the vampires while the human group took position to fight them.
“You can’t win,” said other vampire.
“Let’s do this fast before the humans that were out arrive,” said one of the vampires.

Immediately after those words were said the three vampires jumped. The human group got prepared for the fall of the vampires. But instead of the vampires attacking them they just pushed them. The humans fell but Moswen and Leban could jump to stay standing. Two of the vampires jumped toward one of the humans while the other vampire was protecting the space between them and the others.

When the two vampires got to the human he didn’t even look at them, he just pointed in Moswen and Leban's direction. The two vampires looked at Leban and Moswen.
“You have something to say?” asked one of the vampires.

Moswen and Leban looked at each other. “We have to do something or they will know who we are,” said Leban waiting for Moswen instructions. Moswen just give him a head movement like saying let’s do it. They two jumped at the same time to the same direction, Moswen in front of Leban. The vampire that was alone jumped too to try to stop them but he only could attack Moswen while Leban, who jumped higher, was falling near the others vampires. But Leban arrived too late.

Leban could hear when the human said his last words, “vampire”. After that one of the vampires crossed the human chest with his hand. “We heard it, stupid human” the vampire said while killing him. The two vampires were so immersed in the killing thing that they didn’t notice when Leban arrived and with one hand against each one of them he pushed them.

One of the vampires jumped and turned around as fast as he could but the other fell into the ground with his hand still on the human. Leban took this advantage to strangle the vampire.
While Leban was killing one of the vampires Moswen was fighting the other. The last one was just looking at them as the human was.

“It’s too late,” said the vampire. After some time of silence he talked again, “I got what we need. I don’t know you two but I wasn’t after you”.

The human looked at Moswen and Leban, surprised. They were almost finishing their enemies.

“There are other vampires?” asked the startled human.
“Yes” answered the vampire. “But don’t worry I will take care of all of them, including you two,” said the vampire while pointing to Moswen and Leban. “Be prepared because you were unmasked to us and even though I don’t know you maybe Kort does…” said the vampire while jumping into the trees in the forest.

Leban and Moswen looked at each other a little worried. But when they looked at the human and they didn’t find him, they were really worried. The human was vanished like the vampire.

“Are we in trouble?” asked Leban.
“I’m not sure but I think that we are alone now,” answered Moswen.
“And?” asked Leban with curiosity.
“Kort knows that here are some vampires. But who? Now even the humans knows we are vampires,” answered Moswen.
“Not yet. Only one human and one vampire know us. Tell me what to do and considered it done,” said Leban.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok people. This time the discussion will be until Monday.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lets see...if there is only one human that knows that they are vampires then Moswen should think if he really wanted to tell everyone that he was a vampire if thats what he wants then he should talk to that human to convince him that he only wants to help and that they should tell the others some other time when they are ready...on the other hand if Moswen does not want the others to know he should convince the human that what he said was a lie to confuse the vampires and to make them think that they where on equal fighting ground.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

An interesting idea...
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, the poll is up. You have until thursday to vote.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:09 pm    Post subject: Chapter 18: Humans under investigation Reply with quote

Chapter 18: Humans under investigation

“You have to catch the human but do it in the easy way,” said Moswen worried.

Immediately Leban ran thru the forest behind the human. Moswen were following him but thinking on how to explain to the human what happened. Leban jumped to fall in front of the human on his human face to not scare him.

“Take it easy,” said Leban with a smile on his face.

The human was scared, “They are vampires, what do they want with us?” thought the human. Seconds after Moswen arrived with a worried face.

“Are you all right?” asked Moswen.
“Yes,” answered the human.
“We are your friends. We have a common enemy that’s why we are helping you,” said Moswen with soft voice.
“But you are vampires” said the human.
“Yes, but we aren’t your enemy,” said Leban.
“Then why you didn’t tell us from the beginning that you are vampires,” said the human.
“I thought that but the problem is that not all the humans are ready to work with vampires. We are really sorry that you have to find on this way. But we also need you to keep it on secret,” said Moswen.
“What? Not tell the others. How can you ask me that?” asked the human.
“There will be some of them who just wanted to kill vampires. We are not your enemies we are friends,” answered Leban.
“We need each other. If you want to find Kort we can help you, even more we want to kill him. He’s the bad vampire,” added Moswen.
“And you are suppose to be the good ones? Vampires are vampires,” said the human.
“Yes, but sometimes you have to unite forces to win a war. Like us, we need an army that only your group could create but you need our knowledge,” said Moswen.
“Your knowledge? We have our own investigators…” said the human.
“Yes, but they are using your group. They just want to use you…” interrupted Leban.
“How? Did you have any evidence?” asked the human.
“Ask to your leader…” answered Leban.

“Just don’t tell them that we are vampires, at lease until you find the evidence you need. Then you can decide what to do…” said Moswen after a moment of silence.
“Follow me, we have a hidden place where we were suppose to go if something happened to the village,” said the human after thinking on it for a time.


After a long walk they arrived at some cascade. There were some others humans hidden on a cave where the human take them. There were so few and almost everyone were injured.

“Are you all right?” asked one human when they arrived.
“Yes, we almost died on the fight…” said the human.
“We are waiting here to know how much of us still alive,” said the human who received them.

“In a cave?” asked a woman.
“You have to take it easy,” said another human.
“Are you crazy? It’s night and we are in a cave where is not exit. If they find us here they are going to kill us without any problem…” said the woman very scared.

After that words there were just silence. Everyone was thinking on what that woman said. Suddenly they heard some steps coming to them. Everyone looked at each other with scare. Moswen looked at Leban and with a smoothly movement of his head they two went near the entrance of the cave in defense position.

“Watch out…” someone murmured from the outside.
Then three men entered the cave but in the instant they saw at Moswen and Leban they just stopped.

“They were trying to find some vampires,” said one of them. Those words surprised to Moswen and Leban who step aside so they could enter on the cave.
“They said so,” said other of the man who arrived.

“What?” asked one of the humans.
Leban looked at Moswen with preoccupation on his eyes. But as if something hit his head, he immediately looked at the man that were with them. Moswen followed the look of Leban and looked at him too. The man were very scared and worried, he looked at Leban and at Moswen and continued doing it.

“We were fighting them or fleeing, while they asked us about some vampires. We didn’t know why they were saying that kind of things…” said one of the humans that arrived.
“They said that in our group were some vampires that they wanted. We didn’t know if that was true or not. But suddenly some other vampires arrived. We thought that we were death but he gave them some signal with his head and they just vanished. Then he said that they found what they need and disappeared,” said other of the humans that arrived.


From time to time others humans arrived. They all told their story of what happened to them. They told about who was dead and who just disappeared, who they saw injured and dead on the way to the hidden place. They told about how they fought and how they could survive.

Between stories the leaders tried to keep the calm with the group. The leaders were compiling all the information to know what really happened and the most important, what the vampires were searching for.

Before the sun arrived the leaders made a reunion were they told the compiled story of what happened. They even find out that the vampires were trying to find some vampire that were hid on the village being like a human. From time to time someone on the group interrupted to give more information or just to say that he saw it or heard it.

While all of this were happening Moswen and Leban were hearing it all. While more they heard more they were worried. Especially when they heard that the vampires found what they were searching for.

“Other vampire on the village?” murmured Leban to Moswen.
“This is very weird…” answered Moswen.
“I’m not worried about the others vampires but that the human who knows about us,” said Leban. Then they two looked at the human who didn’t take out his sight from them.

“If you know about someone suspicious or some vampire that is with us, or were with us then we need to talk about it,” concluded the leader.
“We are going to check the information you gave to us and it will be confidential, so don’t worry. But we need to know about that because right now we don’t know what was that vampire doing between us. So help us…” concluded one of the humans who immediately started to mix with the group making questions.

“What now?” asked Leban.
“Nothing… I don’t think that he will tell anything. He is scared of us,” answered Moswen.
“That’s the problem. Even if he didn’t say anything, what are we going to do in the morning when everyone get out of the cave?” asked Leban.
“Good question,” answered Moswen.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The chapter is up. Discussion until Monday.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't have much to say except interesting story Cool
Oh when the characters talk, it would be cool to add actions as they speak. Like: "I WILL SUCK YOUR BLOOD!!!!!!!!!"screamed Dracula as he shifted his footing and bared his teeth...

just a suggestion, not a good one though. lol.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say the human should support Moswen and Leban, so he should not tell the leaders about them and help them to find out who is the vampire the others were looking for.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

bluezaphire wrote:
I say the human should support Moswen and Leban, so he should not tell the leaders about them and help them to find out who is the vampire the others were looking for.

Sorry but we only could decide about Moswen and Leban.
Let's hope the human help us!
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 4:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok so it seems that they need an excuse to stay behind in the morning, then perhaps they can slip out under a blanket to another place. So excuses could include:

1) They are both rather ill and need to rest - not very origional but practical.

2) They could stage mini fight then be unable to work - would draw attention to themselves so not too good.

3) They could explain that they are undercover human spies who are seeking out inforamtion crucial to the war effort - then detain a small group of humans and start to educate them whilst pretending that they're gleaming important information.

4) They both could slip outside the cave before it's too light to search for firewood/ go to the loo etc however they'd be unable to slip back in later as they're absence would look suspicious.

5)They could give up with this whole plan and go and join the other side (I've exhausted my current supply of more mundane ideas Smile ) or double cross both sides as spies, gaining as much wealth as possible...or make plans to leave for another planet far far away Wink .

Anyway interesting chapter - I've only read this one so if some of my more serious ideas or comments are out of line with the story then I say sorry in advance.

Also perhaps watch your spelling/grammer which is rather broken/awkward at times with a lot of phrases like:

He is scare of us
at the end for example (He is scared of us), or
While more they heard more they were worried
could read 'Whilst the more they heard the more worried they became' or better still: The more they heard, the more worried they became.

Anyway this type of sentance (missing joining words etc.) does occur quite a bit and makes the story rather jerky at times. Still it has a good and interesting plot (be it I've only read the one Chapter) and I'm definatelyinterested as to what they will do next.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just slip out at night, when the majority of the group is asleep. It wouldn't be hard to overpower the guards, who'd be expecting an attack from outside - if there are any of course.

The fact that they haven't killed anyone should also help convince the human that they don't intend harm.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jnmrcs wrote:
Sorry but we only could decide about Moswen and Leban.
Let's hope the human help us!

Ok, then they could say that since the people are vulnerable were they are if there is another attack that they need someone to watch the surroundings and offer themselves to do the task. Once they are out of the cave look somewhere to hide during the day and come back at night. If anyone questions why they were out all day they could say that they were either sleeping or trying to find the vampire's hideout.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll will be up until friday, vote
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted slip out at night, night is good.

*nods to himself then scratches side with footpaw*

Night is good...
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:04 pm    Post subject: Chapter 19: Vampire quest Reply with quote

Chapter 19: Vampire quest

“We will have to go while still night,” said Moswen with a worried look.

Leban just agreed with a head movement. After some moments they two sited down near the exit of the cave. There they waited until they saw almost all the persons sleeping. Then they started to get out.

“Let’s move now,” ordered Moswen while waking up.

Leban waked up without saying a word following Moswen. But before they got out someone stopped them. The human was nervous about what was happening and he couldn’t sleep that’s why he was still awake. Moswen and Leban tried to avoid him but he couldn’t so they have to speak with him about what was going on. After some time they told him that they need to go out and the human left them.

When they were outside they didn’t see any human there.

“This is strange,” said Moswen.
“Where are you going?” asked a human.
Moswen and Leban turned around and saw him.
“We need to go out,” said Moswen firmly.
“Both of you?” asked the human.
“I don’t think that will be a good idea to be alone in the dark” answered Moswen.
“Don’t get lost and return as fast as you can. Take care,” said the human while giving them a signal to continue.

Moswen and Leban continued walking. When they were out of sight they started to run. It will dawn soon and they needed to find where to hide before that. They didn’t go so far but it took them a lot of time to find it.

They found a hidden hole. In the entrance were some branches that covered it. As they were running out of time they just entered and covered it again. They didn’t enter to the end of the tunnel they just enter deep enough to get hide of the sunlight. Then they took a good sleep.


“Nice we got a visitor” said a voice.

Immediately Moswen and Leban waked up. They saw a familiar face. It was the vampire that they were following to the village. But he wasn’t the one who was talking. He was tied by hands and feet. Other vampire was carried him.

From behind them was coming the voice, “how nice of you by stopping and visiting me”. The vampire was coming to Moswen and Leban.

“So, the humans know that you two are vampires?” asked the vampire.

With those words they immediately recognized him. He was the vampire that survived the attack on the forest.

“I made a question…” said the vampire while others vampires were arriving.
“Does that matter to you?” asked Moswen.
“Not so much. Its just curiosity,” answered the vampire.
“Then I don’t have to answer that,” said Moswen.
“Yeah, whatever. At least we found what we were looking for,” said the vampire pointing to the one who they got caught.
“Do it,” ordered the vampire to the others.

The vampires took the one that was tied and they pushed him toward Moswen and Leban. Leban looked very nervous to Moswen who gave him a signal to leave them pass. The others vampires pushed the tied one out of the cave.

Then they all saw how the sunlight did his work on the vampire. The vampire yelled with all his strength while the flames took his body. The light turned the vampire flesh in just ashes in some minutes.

The others vampires were celebrating the sacrifice to the god Sun. they were yelling of rejoice and laughing about the event. When even the ashes weren’t there they stopped the celebration and looked at Leban and Moswen. Their eyes were saying that they were next.

“I think it’s time to talk now,” said the vampire. “We are going to be here all day. So I will make the questions and you the answers. Unless you prefer to accompany our dust friend. So here we go. Who you are? Why you were with the humans? And the last one but not less, did you know Kort? Are you friends or enemies of him?” asked the vampire.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The chapter is up. What should Moswen do or say? Discussion until monday.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say they may as well come clean, but cautiously.

Unless they get a chance to push them out of the cave of course! Yeah! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say they should start answering the less incriminating questions and try to find out more about what do those vampires know or think about Kort. If Moswen could get something out of them, then he could decide what he should answer in the most incriminating ones like what do he thinks about Kort. Overall I think Moswen shouldn't tell much about them because he does not know if this vampires are with or against Kort.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope to have the next chapter soon. No poll this time as the only two who wrote same something similar. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:10 pm    Post subject: Chapter 20: The Reunion Reply with quote

Chapter 20: The Reunion

In the cave was a deep silence as deep as was the darkness in there. The vampires were looking at Moswen waiting for some reaction or answer. But Moswen didn’t move, he was thinking very well how to manage this situation.

“My name is Moswen and this is my friend Leban,” said Moswen suddenly.
“And you were with the humans, because…” said the vampire.
“We were just there trying to get hide,” said Moswen.
“Hide from?” asked the vampire.
“Enemies,” answered Moswen.
“Like the humans I suppose,” said the vampire.
“As vampire we have some enemies. And as the humans didn’t know that we are vampires we decided to hide there. The perfect spot,” answered Moswen.
“The same thing thought the dust vampire,” said the vampire while pointing to outside the cave.

Everyone started laugh except Moswen and Leban, for obvious reasons. Then the vampire looked at Moswen eyes trying to find more information from there than from his words.

“Did you know Kort?” asked the vampire.
“I’m not sure, we have heard of him, but I don’t know him,” answered Moswen.
“I’m not sure of his answer,” said other vampire.
“So you are suggesting?” asked the apparently leader vampire.
“What about other vampire to the god sun,” said the vampire with a mad smile on his face.

Moswen and Leban were there just staring at the leader but thinking on the vampire who spoke too much. After a little moment the leader vampire made a movement with his hand to the inside of the cave and the two vampires that were with him entered to the cave. After they started to walk the vampire leader looked at Moswen and Leban. With a head movement he invited them to enter to the inside of the cave.

Then Leban and Moswen looked at each other and started to follow the two vampires. They walked through a strait path with rocks on the sides as wall. After just a moment of walking they arrived at a big open area that has a rectangular table on the middle.


“So, you finished the work?” asked someone in the area.
“Yes,” answered the vampire that Moswen and Leban thought was the leader.
“Then, why are you returning with more vampires?” asked the voice.
“We found them on the entrance of the cave. I saw them before with the humans,” answered the vampire.
“We have no more food or space for more vampires,” said the voice.

“Don’t worry, we are remedying that,” said other vampire from other side.
“Then hurry up…” said the voice.
“You two, to the table,” said the vampire to Moswen and Leban.

Immediately Moswen and Leban walked toward the table looking at all inside the opening area. They were studying what they can see, just in case they needed more information about where they were.

“We are alone,” murmured Leban while walking.
“We are always alone,” said Moswen.

They two sat on the table to wait. No one of them were tired, neither Moswen nor Leban. They were very alert.

“What now?” asked Leban.
“We have to wait until they decide what to do with us,” answered Moswen.


After some large minutes someone was coming toward Leban and Moswen.

“Put it there,” said the vampire.

They threw something on the ground. Even when Moswen and Leban didn’t want to know what it was their eyes went to the ground too. There were pieces of fresh flesh.

“That isn’t food,” said one of the vampires to Moswen and Leban.

Moswen and Leban looked at each other and returned their sight to the flesh on the ground. It appeared to be human but its blood was drying too fast. They two were looking very surprised at it. In less than a minute the blood has been disappeared. “Don’t worry, its death” interrupted one of the vampires.

After that comment all the vampires there started to laugh. Moswen and Leban were surrounded by vampires and they didn’t notice it until now. There were more than ten vampires there.

“What are they doing here? And what the f&@^ is that?” thought Moswen trying to erase the surprised face he have.

“So, you have never seen before a vampire body being prepared for cooking?” asked one of the vampires.

That question made the vampires laugh louder. But that question was echoing in the Moswen and Leban minds. They looked at each other and looked at the body again. The flesh started to wrinkle itself until it turned into dust.

“We have more space now,” said the voice.
“Let’s play something,” said one of the vampires while throwing something like a ball.

Everyone started to play something like soccer with that ball. They were yelling, jumping, running and hitting at that thing. They were really fast and strong. Moswen could only saw their shadows because their bodies were too big.

Suddenly they heard someone yelling at other one. Two vampires were bringing one vampire tied by hands. As they dropped him with the face to the ground neither Moswen nor Leban could see him.

“So, you called that a warrior,” started to talk the voice. “Even worse, you called that your leader. You must be very insane or desperate to do that,” said the voice.
“You just were lucky,” said the vampire on the ground.

That voice was familiar to Moswen and Leban whom looked at each other with curiosity.

“Even better, I’m smarter…” said the voice.

Suddenly the supposed ball felt in front of Moswen, between them and the tied vampire on the ground. It wasn’t a ball at all. It was a head with a face on it but it was backward to Moswen. Maybe it was the head of the body that was in the ground, now part of that ground.

“Smarter?” asked the vampire that was tied.
“Yes,” said other vampire while walking toward the vampire on the ground. “He is smarter than anyone here. Get up,” he said while picking up the vampire. “Look that,” said the vampire while pointing to the head.
“So,” said the tied vampire.
“He is death,” said other vampire while arriving.

“So it was you, Gaokashii,” said the tied vampire.

Gaokashii took up the head with one hand and walked toward the other vampire. Then with the other hand he helped the vampire to walk toward the table. But before he could arrive he saw Moswen and Leban. And Moswen and Leban looked at Gaokashii who has Zandus head in one hand and Vladimir in the other.

“What are they doing here?” yelled frightened Gaokashii. “They worked for him and they are after Kort!”

Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok people. Chapter 20 is up.

What should Moswen do or say now? Discussion until Monday.

Be aware this is the SEASON FINALE ! (Final months)
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget to update the thread name - it still claims to be on chapter 19.

Maybe try spinning some tale about coming back for the pair with some information about Kort? It doesn't have to be true of course, just something that might stop them getting dusted.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, they seem to be in a btt of a pickle. I have to f5 Lordy, make up a cover story.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm still in shock so I'm just going to say "RUN FOR THEIR LIFE" or "ASK FOR A CLEAN PAINLESS DEADTH" Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is going to be very difficult, remember that Gaokashii knows them. So, any suggestion on what to say?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gaokashii definitely knows that Moswen is after Kort so I would say that Moswen needs to know first what just happened here, why Gaokashii killed Zandus and as it seems he is planning on killing Vladimir too (or maybe he is just pretending that he wants to kill Vladimir, I just can't know that right now)...

...after all Moswen is a vampire and vampires don't have to be loving, good or even a hero so I'll say that Moswen could double cross Leban just to save his life (or pretend he is double crossing him) Mad
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll will be up until Friday. Monday new chapter.
Vote !
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Chapter 21: Who is on who side Reply with quote

Chapter 21: Who is on who side

There was a lot of tension on the environment. The sights were like knives cutting the air in all directions. Not a word not a movement nor a blinking. Everything was in a freeze mode.

“Are you sure about that?” asked Moswen calmly.

Then everyone looked at him and later at Gaokashii who has an idiot face. “I’m sure. You were always trying to take an opportunity to take me down, just because you wanted to be the one who kill Kort,” said Gaokashii.
“But then, that means that you and me were hunting the same target. So you are with us or with them?” asked Moswen with some irony on his tone.
“Don’t you see?” asked Gaokashii. “You are against me as always you’ve been,” said Gaokashii mad.
“Is that supposed to be an answer?” asked Moswen.
“I’m the one who made questions here…” answered Gaokashii.
“So you are the leader. Does that mean that you are against Kort and as you don’t want that any other kill him you killed Zandus to get in their group,” said Moswen.
“I don’t know what your trying to do but I’m going to kill you bastard…” said Gaokashii while leaving Vladamir fall to the ground.

Gaokashii ran toward Moswen who was with a malicious smile on his face. But before he could arrive at Moswen Leban stepped in front of Moswen who took some steps back. Suddenly Leban moved to one side and Gaokashii tried to hit Moswen’s ghost, as he wasn’t there. Moswen was falling from his jump and struck Gaokashii who just could fall on the ground. Immediately Gaokashii stood up and tried to attack Moswen who wasn’t there again. But this time other vampire stopped Gaokashii.

“So, you were working to Zandus?” asked the vampire.
“As I said before, I was working for him just to take him down,” answered Gaokashii.
“The same information you gave us,” said Moswen.

Gaokashii was so furious that he tried to attack Moswen again but this time others vampires jumped to stop him. They grabbed his hands and pushed him back.

“I’m in your team. They are lying. They just wanted to kill me that’s all. They even didn’t know Kort,” yelled Gaokashii to everyone there.
“So if he didn’t know Kort, why he was with Zandus?” asked one of the vampires.
“They were after me…” answered Gaokashii.
“Yeah, like everyone here,” said Vladamir and everyone laughed except for Gaokashii, of course.

“If you know something that could help us said it,” said other vampire. “That could be the difference between a fast death and a long one,” concluded the vampire looking at Vladamir.
“I’m not sure but I was trying to know who they were. They just jumped at us so I knew they were at something. Almost everything guided me to Santique,” said Vladamir.
“Who? You are just…” interrupted Gaokashii but he was shut up before he could finish it.

“Who?” asked the vampire.
“Santique. As I said before that was where I was on the investigation. So I hope the information help you. Can I go now?” asked Vladamir.
“You must be kidding. I don’t believe you,” said the vampire.

Leban did a little movement that only Moswen, who was near him, could saw. Even when that movement meant nothing Moswen almost could hear Leban voice, “took advantage of this”. So Moswen just murmured something and show a surprised face.

Everyone looked at Moswen when he murmured something and they saw his face.
“What?” asked Gaokashii very surprised but not about what he saw but about that everyone have faces like they believed that pathetic story.

“Tie his arms and legs also be sure to tie his mouth too,” ordered one of the vampires to the others that have him.
“O, great. I think that it’s just to be sure,” said Gaokashii.
“Be sure that not to kill him,” said the vampire.
“You heard him…” said Gaokashii while struggling with the vampires.


After some quiet time the interrogation began again. This time only one vampire was with Moswen and Leban the rest of them were just hearing or doing other things. Vladamir was still tied but at least they leave him sit on the ground.

“Did you know Kort?” asked the vampire.
“We heard of him but we don’t know him,” answered Moswen.
“Then what were you doing with Zandus?” asked the vampire very curious.
“We just needed some help to survive, so we fallowed them until we could continue our journey,” answered Moswen.
“So then, why you were with the humans?” asked the vampire.
“As I told you before, we are just trying to survive…” answered Moswen.
“But with the humans?” asked the vampire.
“Of course, they wouldn’t expect us to be with them,” answered Moswen.
“And who is Santique?” asked the vampire.
“He is the reason of our journey. We are trying to find him, he is our friend who just disappeared,” answered Moswen.
“I don’t trust you but as I don’t have anything against you neither against that Santique I will leave you stay with us until the sun leave us. Then you have to continue your journey,” said the vampire.
“Thanks,” said Moswen while moving with Leban to one corner to sleep a little.


Before the sun went out Moswen and Leban were waked up by some fight on the cave. They just moved to a side a little surprised. They saw Gaokashii very hurt on the ground.

“I helped you to find Zandus,” yelled Gaokashii.
“Yes and now it’s time to pay you,” said the vampire.
“I’m with you, I told you. Moswen is a liar…” said Gaokashii pointing to Moswen.
“He didn’t say anything about you,” said the vampire.
“Then, why are you attacking me?” asked Gaokashii.
“Because we hate traitors,” said the vampire while two more vampires were taking Gaokashii by his hands.

“He miss the sun, please pay our debt giving him the pleasure to see it one last time,” ordered the vampire.

The vampires moved the nearest they could to the entrance. There they have to fight a little more with Gaokashii but others vampires arrived to help them. Some moments later all of the vampires took Gaokashii and threw him to the forest.

There he yelled like a little pig he was, like a traitor. His flesh was cooking by the last rays of the sun. His flesh turned into ashes but not without giving him a real pain. Gaokashii yelled so hard that almost Moswen and Leban could feel that pain or at least they could imagine the pain that Gaokashii was having.

After that show everyone returned to the cave to wait the time to go out.


When the time arrived, they all get out of the cave. But before Moswen and Leban could continue they got an advice from the vampires.

“Let’s hope we don’t cross again or you will have to go with your last helper,” said the vampire while turning around to continue his way.

Moswen and Leban heard something strange so they just ran a little and get up on the trees as fast as they could. They thought that the vampires were doing as they said but they couldn’t see anything. Immediately Moswen gave Leban a signal to move toward the vampires to be sure they weren’t trying anything.

They didn’t get to where they were but they could see them. The vampires were in a circle like trying to find something from above the trees. One of them was with Vladimir who was still tied on the ground.

Suddenly a shadow fell in the middle and took one of the vampires by his back and ran toward the trees again. But not without pushing some of the others vampires and throwing some knives to them.

“That Moswen it’s a traitor too…” said one of the vampires while they heard the vampire that the shadow took yelling.

Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok people new chapter is up. You have until Monday to discuss.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moswen and Leban should save Vladimir from these vampires and/or find out who is this new mysterious vampire.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll is up. It will be up until Friday. Next Chapter Monday.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:55 am    Post subject: Chapter 22: Secret Exposed Reply with quote

Chapter 22: Secret Exposed

Moswen looked at Leban who was very surprised of the shadow thing.

“It’s our opportunity,” said Moswen while moving toward the vampires.
“To do what?” asked Leban while following Moswen.
“We are going to help Vladamir, we could need him later…” answered Moswen
“Ok, then,” said Leban.

Moswen stopped before being in the sight of the vampires and made a signal to Leban. He pointed to upside of some trees and then gave a signal like saying go there. Leban moved very fast to where Moswen pointed. Moswen just get hid until Leban arrived to where Moswen need him.

Meanwhile the vampires were trying to find the shadow. The Leader gave them a signal and all the vampires moved near the trees so the trees where in their backs. They did it without leaving the circle formation they have.

The shadow reappeared from between the trees but this time it couldn’t get anyone of them. Instead of that they tried to follow it. It ran passing by the middle of the circle but instead of continue when it was out of the circle, it suddenly turned around to confront the vampires.

In that instant Moswen gave a signal to Leban who get down from the tree as fast as he could to ran toward Vladamir. As the vampires were entertained trying to fight the shadow none of them noticed it.

The shadow was very fast that in no moment it crossed from one side of the vampires to the other, once and once again without the vampires could stop it. It was confusing the vampires from one side to another while the vampires were throwing punches to nothing.

When Leban arrived at Vladamir he was sit down on the ground with a happy face.
“Are you ok?” asked Leban.
“Yes. Are you seeing that beast, it’s awesome…” answered Vladamir.
“Yes, but it’s our enemy too. So let’s move now,” said Leban almost ordering it.

Leban moved near Vladamir to cut the rope that he was supposed to have but Vladamir got up without anything. Immediately he looked at Leban and gave him a smile and then looked again to the fight. With a movement, like saying that he wanted to stay but have to go, he moved in the other direction of where Moswen was.

“We have to go to the other direction,” said Leban.
“You can go there but I don’t want to pass where that shadow is…”said Vladamir.

Before Leban could say anything they heard another yell of the one of the vampires and both looked at there. The shadow got one vampire and it was decapitating him with its own hands. Everyone was surprised and very worried. “Raaaaaannn,” yelled the vampire’s leader.

Before he could finish the word all the vampires were fleeing. In that moment Vladamir ran too and disappeared before Leban could follow him. As there were coming the vampires Leban just could hid and wait until everyone got out.

There Leban could saw how the shadow killed almost all the vampires that ran in his direction. It was a massacre. The vampires got no time to do anything while it was attacking them from behind with some kind of mini knife. It just hurt them enough so they couldn’t ran and when it couldn’t ran behind anymore to follow, it returned to finish t he job.

Without blinking it just blew their heads with a small sword that it have on his back. All the pieces of the vampires where on the ground in a lake of blood. Leban were there immobile waiting for the shadow to disappear.

Suddenly the shadow just ran to the other direction like if it was trying to find the others. Then Leban moved slowly until he was sure that the shadow was gone. When he was sure of it then he started to try to find Moswen.

While moving he heard a little sound from behind and before he could turn around he got two hands on his back, one on each shoulder.

“That was very close,” said Vladamir from behind Leban.
“You almost kill me scaring me like that,” said Leban while taking Vladamir hands out of him.
“I’m not sure but I think that some of them survive. Are we going to follow them?” asked Vladamir.
“I’m not sure. We have to find Moswen first,” answered Leban.
“But he was on the other side,” said Vladamir.
“Yeah I know. We just have to be very…” Leban couldn’t finish the sentence.

They heard something coming from behind them and without thinking they just got hid. Some moments later two vampires passed them. They were injured but not enough to stop them. They were talking about return home to give the new information to their leader.

“Ok, we are going to follow them,” ordered Vladamir.
“No, we need to find Moswen…” said Leban.
“Ok, then you go and find Moswen while I follow them. And thanks for your help…” said Vladamir while following them.

Leban didn’t know what to do now but he stayed and started to try to find Moswen. While trying to find him he saw some others vampires that were hid so he decided to wait to see what are they going to do. But he didn’t wait so long because the shadow reappeared and attacked them all.

In some moments the vampires were just part of the environment. The shadow looked very cautiously to all the sides and then started to walk. Leban waited some moments before following him. After being behind him he heard a whistle, like a bird but this one isn’t coming from one.

Leban just stopped and started to look at the trees. After a moment looking at the trees he saw how something was coming from one of them. He got prepared just in case it was another enemy.

“Are you going to attack me?” asked Moswen from the distant.
“Moswen, what you were doing there?” asked Leban.
“I was following the shadow like you. But you were too near it. Where is Vladamir?” asked Moswen a little worried.
“He decided to follow the vampires that survived,” answered Leban.
“It’s ok. We will have to follow the shadow to see where it’s going…” concluded Moswen while starting to walk again.


After a long way the shadow entered to some abandoned village. Moswen and Leban just stayed outside where the shadow couldn’t see them. There they waited.

“Catch them,” ordered someone from behind them.

Leban and Moswen knew that they were humans as they could smell their blood form their injuries. They just turned around waiting to see who they were.

“O, it’s you…” yelled one of them.
“After we got out of that devastating attack we moved here,” said other human.
“So here we are, finally we found you,” said Moswen trying to hid their real intentions.
“It’s ok, they are part of us,” said one of the humans to other one.

“How much of you are here?” asked Leban.
“No more than twenty,” answered one of the humans while guided them to the village.
“So few,” said Leban.
“Yes, even the group that was investigating the vampires got hit very hard. Now we are all that left to stop the vampires,” said the human.

The human guided them to one room inside a building. The room has its windows closed with wood on them. It was also very dark inside it and there were nothing on it. Leban and Moswen entered on it while the human told them to wait there until he return with some food and medications.


After some time the human arrived with others humans but just with some water. They all waited on the door except the one who brought them in the room.

“Sorry I just found some water,” said the human offering the water in a glass.

The human extended his hand with the glass. Leban and Moswen looked at each other as they knew that something was wrong. Moswen extended his hand to take the glass. In that moment the human made a rude movement that made some water got out of the glass. Part of this water fell on Moswen hands and it burned his hands.

When all the humans saw the smoke that came from him they took out their weapons.

“As I told you. I saw them they are vampires…” said one of the humans.

They two looked at him and recognized him. The survivor that saw them fighting as vampire.

“They were the ones who told the vampires where we were,” said other human.
“Let’s kill them,” said other one.
“I got a better idea,” said someone from behind all the humans. “Let’s just leave them here and in the morning let’s get them to take a walk…” concluded the human.

Everyone moved slowly outside the room.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What should Moswen do now?

Ideas and discusion until Monday.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Simple - kill the humans first.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Flee, they have to go now whilst darkness drifts and covers them before the glaring sunlight burns them up.
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