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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*blushes* Awe China you say the nicest things...of course if you didn't Cami might eat you...

Now that the votes have come in, and it seems like we have a winner or something close to it, I should have that next chapter out in a day or so.

And China you'll love the plot twist and the new character that goes with it...But I won't spoil the surprise...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why China in particular? Is it a sexy orange furry thing that comes in?


Oh, by the way, could you post a link for Lunatic Snow?

Tea Cures All.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay I though of something reasonably twisted and horrible that blends everything together at a puree...Enjoy.

Chapter Five: Oh Damn

6th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well this morning when Renfeild asked me about my armor I had what I thought was a rather nice excuse made up for him. I was going to tell him that I was born in the armor. That it was a mixed blessing curse in my family that every seventh cousin in every thirteenth generation was born in armor that they couldn't remove until they turned twenty-one. If they did, they'd die, simple as that.

I was also going to tell him I didn't mind. That the armor had come in handy a couple of times already and I could wait the next nine years comfortably since I'd already survived the first twelve. Shredder even agreed with me that this was my only course of action, since anything else might have had Renfeild poking around in places he shouldn't have.

But I guess I shouldn't have lost sleep over it. He never even bothered to ask at breakfast. Thank the Gods of every race for senility! He did ask me to pass the eggs magically and I managed to do so quite deftly, I am getting better at this I suppose although even at my accelerated pace I can't see how humans, with their short lifespans, could bear to devote this much time to anything.

Since I've been human the only thing I've wanted to devote my time to is becoming a dragon again as quickly as possible. You can't imagine what these other apprentices think of as funny. They're sick, twisted, and make some of my relatives look like they should be wearing footed pink bunny pjs. Uhg. Makes me want to wash my eyes just thinking about it. What ever happened to plain old torture and physical pain? Although I can say they've given me a lot of material to work with in the future...

10th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Readers I fear for my life. This is no joke, not even a bad attempt at one. Yesterday I was scrubbing out the chamber pots, Renfeild had innocently eaten one of those Exploding cherry tarts a fellow apprentice had given me and well...done some exploding, when a great cry went up from the gates.

It wasn't the sort of cry that would have made me rub my hands together with glee and go congradulate whoever was stupid enough to attempt to pillage Goougwatch. It was the sort of cry that humans make when a person they greatly admire, or envy, suddenly appears on their doorstep. All I could catch at the time was that 'Renault is here!' and lots of running to the gates. Even Renfeild got off his throne long enough to order me to go fetch him.

So there I went, running down the steps, slipping because I forgot I'd just scrubbed them because Master'd had an accident, and tumbled in a tin can heap to the bottom. Luckily the door was shut and nobody saw. Unluckily they all had heard more than enough to guess what had happened. Maybe I should have put a better visor on the armor after all.

So I elbowed my way through the throng, pretty easy when your elbows are bladed and your foot feels like a sledgehammer when you step on someone's toes, to go extend Renault our warmest invitation to stay. To tell the truth I hadn't the faintest idea where he was going to stay, there were only two bedrooms in that tower and I'd be damned if I was going to let any wart-faced magus have mine.

I'd been thinking that the name was awfully familiar, and not in a good way, when I finally broke the ranks of the crowd and caught my first vision of the man himself. I froze on the spot, torn between running like hell, and throwing caution to the wind and using my elemental magics to send him somewhere else...the Kavin Hell perhaps.

What I'm trying to say is it finally dawned on me where I'd heard the name Renault before. Sir Renault Dragonsbane...Knight Commander of the Knights in White Satin. The man who had a personal grudge against me. I had it on good word that it had been he who turned the mountain that used to be my home into the biggest sinkhole in that part of the world. The man who wanted my head shrunken and in his trophy case and my hide as a new crupper for his horse.

He looked at me and smiled expectantly. He said hello and I said "Oh Damn." To cover up my exclamation I then made up some excuse about having forgotten something upstairs and extended Renfeild's hospitality. He smiled again, totally charming and disarming if I'd happened to be human and not a very old dragon who suddenly saw incentive to grow very older.

"Oh. Well tell him to just let me put somethings away and see to stabling Talon-Less and I'll up. Tell him I'll only be a moment...Uncle gets antsy and thinks some dragon in disguise got me if I don't appear right in front of him instantly. As if a dragon could disguise themselves well enough to sneak in to the Goo."

I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment that I had or an insult that implied a dragon could sneak past a group of humans that, while well trained, couldn't reach a fraction of my age if you added all theirs together. But I did as I was told and now I've locked myself in my room with Shredder. Even as I write this I know I'm going to find something to keep myself busy for the rest of the evening. The less time I spend with Renault the safer I'll feel.

11th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

If I was nervous yesterday I'm really nervous now. All Renault had time to do was drop off his bags and rush off since every mage in the Goo was demanding a piece of his time. Since Renfeild still wasn't in any shape for entertaining company he allowed that first day to slip away leaving me to scrub chamber pots and practice magic, without any trace of my usual elemental additions, in peace.

Renault came back so exhausted, and slightly inebriated, and collapsed on a fur rug near the fire. I wandered out of my room to debate plunging a bespelled dagger that I had in my horde into his chest and was appalled to find that he slept under a dragon skin blanket. Worse I recognized who's hide it had once been! Alas poor Deria I knew her well...I should have, she was my cousin!

Aunt Curia must be in such a state by now, unless she too fell to the menace of this man! I went back to bed and fumed all night which didn't make me of any better temper this morning over breakfast. Nor did the topic of conversation make me feel any less inclined to stop entertaining visions of charring Renault's flesh from his bones or some other equally satisfying fate. I've given up eating humans but I'll make an exception in his case, and smile all the way through the indgestion he's sure to cause me.

Back to the 'un'pleasant breakfast conversation. Renfeild wanted to hear all the current events of his favorite nephew's life. Current travels, current affairs, current injuries, and latest trophies. He also assured Renault that his apprentice was probably dying of excitement to hear some of his tales, and that I wasn't normally this quiet, it was probably overwhelming to be in the presence of such an agust personage.

Actually I was being quit because I feared that if I opened my mouth smoke, and vile language no human girl of my age should know in a language most humans couldn't speak, would come pouring out and I'd end up incinerating something and blowing my cover. I could tell from the way he carried himself, his subconcious actions, his bashful tale telling, and his trophy case that this was one of those few men who have decidedly earned their reputations.

I worried about how I'd take him as a dragon, I knew that taking him on as a twelve year old human brat was nothing short of insane or suicidel, take your pick. Thus I sat there, on the edge of my seat, and listened to his tales about slaying dragons, most of whom I knew either personally or by reputation. Listening to the tale of the ends of my former friends, aquaintences, and relatives. I didn't know this man had taken so many of my direct kindred, I really should have gone to more family reunions.

Then he showed me his trophy case. It was the most horrifying, stomach-turning, thing I have ever seen. You try staring at the severed, magically shrunken heads of someone you loved and not lose your lunch, your head, or your grip on your emotions. Needless to say that while I kept my head I lost my lunch and cried two tears while I was wretching my guts out. Luckily Renfeild thought that my vomit was connected with his ordeal yesterday and made excuses for me.

When I came back out though Renault was still there with those damned trophies and I had to look at them again while I heard them adressed by those wreched nicknames humans always give us because we don't give out our names. Then he came to an empty spot. "This is where I'll put the head of the Armored One." The way he said it. With total confidence and not even a hint of arrogance, I could have brushed it off if he hadn't been so damn sincere, sparked something in me.

Rivalry. He wanted my head...he was going to have to work for it. He must have noticed the smile on my face because he went to ruffle my hair and reassure me. I suppose that was when he really noticed my armor for the first time. As far as I knew he'd never seen me personally so he couldn't have really seen my armor first hand but only a fool would think that he didn't have a pretty damn accurate discription of it.

And for all it having resized and changed shape to fit my human form, it hadn't really changed that much. He stood there staring a hole in my brestplate and muttering "Strange, so strange. Coincidence?" under his breath really unnerved me. However a minute later he was all smiles and offers to show me how to fight like a Knight in White Satin.

This is a once in a lifetime offer to study my opponants moves and learn some real first hand fighting techniques for myself. Or it could be a cunning trap that will trick me into revealing myself or it will plant false knowledge in my head so that when Renault and I really meet on the feild of battle I have an illusionary edge and fail due to poor planning.

What to do?

Interesting plot twist or did you see that one coming?
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooh! Interesting.

I say take him up on his offer, but be careful! Don't venture anywhere alone with him, if you see what I mean.

Nice chapter Rai, only spoilt a bit by your usual typos. Confused
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right well the new poll is up so...


"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad you're back to this story; I'm enjoying it.

Cami should take the training, but be very careful. Maybe she can learn something useful about his tactics.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now that I've finished Lunatic Snow I've got more time for other SG's like this one...Link's going in my Sig soon.
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"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So she won't pass up the oppertunity but she's not letting her guard down...Enjoy.

Chapter Six: Blades vs. Brains

12th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I've decided to accept his training. Hey don't look at me like that, it's not like I could pass it up! Not only am I learning blade work, even if it is all a sham, but I'm learning it from a Knight in White Satin. I'm trying to figure a head as well, time my departure as you might say, since I'm uneasy about staying in one place too long.

Renault says it can take years to get really good, as if I didn't know that, but that he can teach me the basics in a few five. Since Ferfall, next month, is the last month of summer this means that my training will continue into winter. While I don't mind the cold of winter I certainly don't want to be out traveling during those months, especially in these lattitudes.

That means I'm stuck here at the Goo until next Lugon when spring returns. Well so much for finally celebrating the holidays with my kin...or what's left of them. It might be fun to watch human celebrations though....

30th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch. Once again I must remind myself that being human, and a twelve year old at that, sucks nearly as much as elves do. I'm black and blue from nose to toes and so stiff that's it's messing with my magic. Renault won't even let me near a blade, or an edged wepon of any kind. He's got me using staves and lances...which only adds to my pain with all the riding.

I suddenly have more respect for all those knights that tried to kill me...I never knew what went into the training of my food. One would think though that all this battering about would have tenderized them somewhat...

1st of Ferfall, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Nothing much more to add save that Renfeild is driving me harder than ever. He says he wants to prove my genius by having me pass my level exams on 'Mid-Winter' whenever that is. I'm guessing that it's sometime during the middle of winter but humans seem to mention it with a certain misty must be one of their holidays.


11th of Ferfall, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Happy second anniversary to me! It's been two years since I dug my first journal out from under that stack of golden chalices and started my pennings...which in turn started my self-improvement kick. I felt older then than I do now...maybe there's something to these mid-life crisis thingys afterall.

12th of Ferfall, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Not alot of time but I just had to mark the second year of being human flesh free...amazing what a simple change in diet will do for a dragon...

20th of Garbik, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Two years ago today I left my Lair, where I'd been ensconced for longer than I care to remember. Two years ago today I took the first step on this journey that has taken me around the world, to places most dragons only dream of seeing, and on adventures that I've not recounted because I lacked a journel, though no doubt I will someday jot those down.

I've made friends I'd rather forget, enemies I'd rather forgot me, and learned that dragons really can change shape...if they'd only put their minds to it. I've saved princesses, fought hideous beasts, breathed fire, ice, noxious gas, and spit acid. I've climbed mountains, swam oceans, and run so fast it brought tears to my eyes. I'm fit, lean, strong, and healthy, even if I am twelve.

I wear armor, am learning to weild a sword, finally!, and count mages amoung my mentors, along with a cat who was formerly a dog. I've found another race of dragons, made every single one of them mad at me, and returned home in one piece.

I'm living right under the nose of my mortal enemy, learning his knowledge, while celebrating two more years of life, even if it is life on the lamb. And to think it all started with vanity, pride, and curiosity. I'm shocked and he's clueless.

21st of Garbik, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Did I say he was clueless? Well maybe I might have gotten carried away. Last night, while reading through some musty tomes, I came across a spell for evesdropping that was completely undetectable. I tried it out several times, spying on the Mage Council it's self. But they didn't have much interesting to say. Mostly one would talk and the others would hem and haw and hurrumph into their greasy white beards.

No what was of real interest was a conversation between Renault and Renfeild that I chanced upon while looking in the gardens to see which apprentice was trysting with which kitchen maid and then use that as ammo in my 'revenge agaist the nerds' assault. For future reference I've used a magical transcribing spell to add it to this book, just so I didn't misquote them or anything.

Uncle you can't ignore it any longer! Cami is the Armored One! She has to be!

I don't doubt Renault that my apprentice is indeed a prodegy but really, accusing her of being a dragon! Has all of that riding around on hot days done something to your mind? She's only twelve!

She's done something to change her apperance, and illusion of sorts...

An illusion wouldn't allow her to fit in my tower not if the Armored One is as big as you say.

Well then she's changed her shape like the Elves...

Are you suggesting that she managed to con the elves into teaching her Transmorphagation without the use of Transmorphagation? Just how would a dragon manage to pry their darkest secrets away from the elven such a short amount of time I might add? Also what self respecting dragon would want to be twelve?
It was a mistake honest. I really don't want to be twelve.

Who knows how much time she's had...and it might have been a renegade master! Dragons' minds are sharp, sharper than ours, Finally someone admits it. She could have tricked him any number of ways.

I don't think so. When I found her she was amoung elves, not the brightest elves I assure you, but they didn't find anything odd about her other than her armor. Which reminds me, I was going to ask her about that but completely forgot. I must remember to do that.
Oh poo, now what was that excuse I had whipped up again?

You don't get it Uncle! You're in danger...

You're the one teaching her to use weaponry, not I.

Yes I was teaching her...until she used that swift-slash technique yesterday. Where on Ere could she have learned that! I had to go all the way to...
Damn me and my attempt to impress him and speed my training up a bit...that really backfired.

Yes yes I know that story. Maybe she picked it up elsewhere, from a guard or some other sort of fellow. You're not the only one who's learned such things.

But Uncle look Cami...Camwyre, she's practically giving her self away. And what other twelve year old can instantly de-age a horse? Come on how long did it take you to learn that.

That is a point nephew. Still I believe that you should take things slowly. You may yet be wrong.

No I may yet be dead Uncle. I vowed I'd slay that vile beast and so I shall. Upon my blade I vow...

Now don't go vowing things. I understand the need to slay problem dragons. Still I don't think Camwyre is a problem dragon. If Cami is Camwyre you should take it easy on her. Try and get her to come out and tell you who she is.

Right like that's ever going to happen.
I agree with the man, Renfeild's heart's in the right place and so's mine...and I want it to stay there.

Well there's not much more of interest to this conversation so I've left it out. Now however, I have much to ponder and very little time to ponder it in.

24th of Garbik, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Renault is taking his Uncle's advice and trying to get me to confess who I really am. He's almost slipped me up a time or two, the man is clever, but I've got his number now. He might be a master with the sword but I'm a master of my wits. Blades vs. brains always entertains me, but the life and death stakes of this match are wearing on my nerves.

Just for the record, I don't normally back down from fights this much but lately I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't a more peaceable way for dragons to live with lesser creatures.

I want to stay on till Mid-Winter and complete my tests...but I don't know if I want a dracocidle maniac hovering around me all that time. I suppose the question I'm asking is...should I stay, or should I cut and run while I still have legs?

What's Cami going to do?

Hope you Liked it.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No time to read this now, but I will come back. Glad you are continuing this one Rai.
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stay - stay. If you run, then you'll either have to spend time alone as a 12 year old and he'll know he was right. If you try to change back, then who knows what might happen - it might go horribly wrong again.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes indeed. I say stay, it's no more dangerous than running.

Good chappy Rai!
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll is Up!
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"Music makes you braver."
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whistle Should I stay or should I go
If I stay there will be trouble
If I go there will be double Whistle

Obey the song. If she stays they will think she has nothing to be afraid of. If she goes they will know. If you wan to, then go to Renault and tell him that you found the spell and heard the convo. Then weeps and say that your family was illed by the Armoured One, and that's why you wear the armour(to protect you and as a reminder) and how could he ever suspect such a thing?
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Mother Goose
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definitely stay. Running only proves him right, and off he goes on the quest of his lifetime! Maybe a gradual dawning of the truth will give him a chance to consider that Camwyre, as his uncle has suggested, is not a problem dragon.

Good chapter - I love the phrase "dracocidal maniac".
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aye, stay and be crafty, it's what she is good at after all! Very Happy
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the comments. I'll leave the poll up for another day and then you folks will have your next chapter. Until then, Enjoy.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right she stays...Enjoy...

The Beast From the East

25th of Garbik, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well I've made the decision to stay. I've never been one to run from a fight and...well call me funny but I don't want Renault to think I'm a coward. I'd rather have him realize that I'm a worthy opponant, and maybe something he'd rather not decapitate and use for a new set of boots.

Maybe I'm just getting to old for this but I'm beginning to find the whole running thing tiring. I like living but what I'm doing right now isn't exactly living. It's more like trying to squash and overly large foot into an overly tiny shoe and then run a marathon...not exactly comfortable but I'm surviving. Speaking of survival I can now hit a quintain without having it knock me flat on my arse. I get enough rough treatment back their will all my riding practice.

4th of Oppuck, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I have a bad feeling. Not your average feeling but more like a 'my dragon sense is tingling' feeling. Something big bad and nasty is coming this way...big enough to trip my early warning system. Shredder says he doesn't feel anything but since he's become a cat he hasn't shown one single spark of magic...I wonder sometimes.

24th of Oppuck, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I'm sorry for not keeping a better track but things have been a bit hectic in my life since the last entry. Namely the cat is out of the bag and Renault's none too happy about the way things went down. What am I saying...I'm saying that at this moment I'm curled around the bottom of Renfeilds tower with my head still attached to my neck and my skin still covering my flesh.

I'm sure you want to hear all about it so keep your hair on, I'm getting around to it.

Remember when I said something was making me nervous...three days later it arrived. I was mastering a flame sheild spell when the alarm sounded. I've never seen Renault so charged and I don't think I ever want to again. He came bounding up the stairs and demanded I hand him his sword because a monster was threatening the Goo.

Well naturally after I told him to get his own sword I followed him to see what could get Sir Renault Dragonsbane worked up. You can imagine my surprise when I recognized a very peeved Eastern dragon of my former aquaintance. And there was only one reason he could be so far from his homeland...and sure enough the next thing he did was demand that these 'human whelps' hand over Camwyrn the Defiler.

It seems I'm not universally popular after all. But you should have seen the look on Renaults face when he went to hack off the dragons forlimb and it neatly parried his stroke. I think he nearly choked on his toung and his eyes popped. The dragon delt him a neat slap with it's tail and the mighty Knight in White Satin went reeling. I know this man has killed many of my kin and he is a mighty dragon slayer, but I think that he's been fighting a certain type of dragon for too long.

He did recover though, rather spectaularly. The battle raged for quite a while and it was rather neck and neck with all the mages of the Goo keeping the defense sheilds up and reparing what damage was done to the Keep. I, on the other hand, knew that Renault was in deep trouble.

Fighting a dragon is one thing. Fighting a dragon who's weilding a blade six times longer than you are is quite another. Needless to say the dragon was in better shape than the dragonslayer and would have certainly won the battle. But that's when that little voice in the back decided to pay me one of my rare visits and gave me some rather sound advice.

It told me to go save his sorry ass. And I did so. You see I knew how to reverse the transy spell, it was a whole lot easier than casting it was. You can bet they were both surprised when I walked out between the two of them. I'm pretty sure the pair of them were both going 'WHAT??!'

Taking a strand of my hair I broke it in half and whoosh! I was my old bad ass self again. The dragon gave a startled yip, which totally destroyed his armor and shamed him, and Renault jumped back five feet. The beast from the east now needed my distruction more than ever but he learned one thing that day...Swords were probably the reason they invented armor.

He swung that blade and let me tell you my head rang like a bell. Renault even shouted that I was an idiot and 'had I forgotten everything he taught me'. But then I just blew a puff on that blade and it shattered like so many ice crystals. Needless to say that wingless blunder had his ass handed to him. I don't take that kind of crap from anyone, nevermind someone who resembles a knockoff of my own race.

He runs away giving me the 'you are a mighty warrior' speech and I had all of five seconds to feel proud of myself...then there was the sound of crossbows being loaded. I turn around and find every mage pointing a staff at me, some pointing aforementioned crossbows, and others with various edged weaponry. Even Renault had gotten too his feet and pointed his sword at me.

It was a tense moment...and I had to go and spoil it by laughing. Well that didn't go over well and I had to turn a few volley's of arrows, using High Magick go me, before we got around to a talkable point. Renault spouted something about 'slaying the pillaging beast' to which I sensably pointed out that I hadn't pillaged anything in a very long time...a very long time.

I also pointed out that had I been out to do any harm I'd have done it already. This included killing Renault who was in no condition to argue...or I could have just left him to die at the hands of that 'lizard'. Things have gotten better slowly...although if Renault tells Renfeild 'I told you so' one more time he's going to get a nasty surprise.

The mages of the Goo actually like having me around. I provide them with a source of magical ingrediants, like usless scales and claw trimmings, while I continue to study magic. They think I'm quite marvlous, except Renault that is. He's still convinced that I'm going to break out in a berzerker rage at any moment and level the Keep.

26th of Oppuck, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I almost forgot to mention something. Did you know that Puddles wasn't a dog in the first place? He was actually a human mage called Archibald Pudmis who had an unfortunate encounter with elves. It seems he went to learn Transy...and never came back. Now the mystery is solved though.

When I banished my Transy spell I put extra oomph in it, just to make sure. Well since I mean Archie was wrapped up in that spell to it removed all the Transy spells on him, returning him to normal form. I don't think his pussycat friend appriciated it much though, she's still not speaking to him. I guess being a familiar is benieth some cats.

Now though, I am faced with a new dilemma. It seems I will never been invested as a Mage. The Council decided that being a dragon gave me an 'unfair advantage' over the other students. Thus I am banned from any tests or resgisters although I am free to continue my study and practice of High Magick. Like they could stop me.

That, while it is disheartening, isn't the worst of my problems. When dragons fight we kick up quite a cloud of 'dust' both magical and mundane. I have just recived a summons to Court. Zalgum himself wishes to speak with me about 'various concerns to draconic society' as posed by my 'most un dragon like behaviour'. I have a feeling this is just the King's attempt to harm me in some way.

You see Zalgum and I go back...way back. His father took over for Argack the Black when he died...something to do with too much sugar. While Nephals and I got along well, I used to whelpsit him, but I spoke up loudly when he 'mysteriously' died and his son took over without so much as raising a talon. It's just not right to have a bloodless succession like that. Besides I know Nephals never intended Zalgum to rule.

Why do you think I spent all that time in my cave? When the dragon king hates you it's not a healthy thing to be in the public eye. Now though, well I guess I'm inspiring other dragons to go on to undreamed of hights.

Coming back to the point I've got this summons and while I'd love to smoke it to ash and rub Zalgie's snout in it that's not an option at this point. I need a plan, a way to survive the dragon court. And I thought Renault was bad...

Who's got a plan?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ask the mages and Renault for help. Convince them that Zalgum is more powerful than you, but with their help you can defeat him and banish a huge threat to Mankind.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmm...a problem indeed if there ever was one. Asking for help could be tricky, besides from what you said about not being able to rub Zalgum's dirty little snout in something, would probably apply to allowing the Head of the Knights of White Satin along with all the mages of Goo go in and kick Zalgum's but for you. said you need a way to survive talking to Zalgum, and if you bring the Knights of White Satin or the Mages of Go, you probably won't last long as long as any dragon is around, not even mentiong Zalgum.

Well, obviously, you have to go. But it doesn't say how. The Dragon's are probably concerned that you have been acting 'undragonish' lately, and if you go in acting like a coward or if you go in like the 'man-loving Dragon' Zalgum is probably telling everyone you are; you're going to get your but kicked. Zalgum thinks you've become timid, mild, and 'undragonish', So do the opposite. Go in as the one but kicking, look at my snazy armor, most Dragonish Dragon they ever seen.

Polish up your armor, think of a couple good 'fake' conquest to tell about, carry in a couple 'fake heads' of Knights for show.

Better yet, come with the Head of The White Satin himself in tow. Yep, you heard me right bring Renault with you. But not as your conquer, not as the person whose going to defend you, but as your slave. Try to convinence the Dragon Court that you've planned everything about your capture. How you're really planning the entire kingdom on these 'foolish humans' heads, how though it seems that Renault captured you, it's really you whose captured him, that's it's all in your elaborate plan. If the Dragon Society thinks you've captured the head of the Knights of the White Satin, and that your planning to bring the whole society of mankind to it's knees, the other dragons will be less willing to let anything happen to you. Zalgum will have a hard time conviencing anyone your behaving unfit for a dragon if you come with your servant Renault in tow.

How are you going to convinence Renault to follow this genius plan? I don't know, that's your problem, tell him that if he goes the entire kingdom will gain vaulable information on what the dragon society is planning. Tell him something, anything, to get him to agree. What you do afterwards is entirely up to you.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why those are lovely ideas...and now that I've got more than one I'll put up a poll.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Rai, I missed the new chapter! Blush

Anyway, voted!
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The people have spoken...unfortunately I won't have time to write the new chappy for a couple of days. Don't worry, I'll make up for it when I do so keep your appendages crossed and try not to bite your lips too hard.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is your promised chappy...Enjoy.

Chapter Eight: Travlers Ho!

27th of Oppuck, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I've decided to go, after all if I've learned anything in these past two years it's that sitting in one place never gets anything done at all. It's much better to be on the move, seeing the glorious sights and taking in the wonder and beauty all around than it is to be stuck in one place twiddling my opposeable claws, I don't have thumbs you realize...I miss that about being human.

I've also come up with a plan, a rather good one if I do say so myself. I've been rooting through my hoard for some souveniers of my travles, the ones I havn't yet gotten around to telling you about, and I've got some rather impressive things in there. Things like all three of the skulls from the demon Mel'Brouks with their lingering taint. Or maybe the horn from a Uouz, or Unicorn of Unusual Size...the thing was almost as big as I was...okay I'm exaggerating a bit on that one but it was still big.

I've got an assortment of bits from the two knights in white satin I've already taken out and I've got a large collection of various crystal staves, each imbued with spells of World-Breaking. It seems when mages lose one of something they just make another, rarely bothering to go after the other. I'm sure I can dig out enought treasures to impress even the most jaded noble at court...and then there's my armor.

I mean it's one of a kind and hand forged by moi. It's also made from the smelted swords of thousands of my foes, some of those blades were enchanted and do you know how hard it was to melt them down and still keep their enchantments whole! Pain in the ass lemme tell ya. I now regret shattering the sword of the Eastern Dragon, couldn't be helped and it was his damn fault, but I would have liked to have it for myself, not just the various pieces I've managed to pick up.

But those are just the trinkets. I've figured out something that will really wow them and I mean show stopping, jaw dropping, shock and awe that will blow them away...if only I can get Renault to agree to it. I'd like to have him following me like a servant, a slave would be better, but I doubt I'd get that from him so I'm going to ask him to go as my 'traveling companion'. Archie is also remaining loyal to me, having been around me so long and not been eaten has bolstered his status amoung mages considerably, and refused to be left behind when I told him about the scroll last night.

"I've come this far, you're not going to boot me out just now when things are getting interesting." Who am I to argue, just the fifteen hundred foot long dragon encased in three inch plate mail. I'm finding it odd to have friends that arn't dragons...and are actually friends. The horse, you remember him don't you? The one the caravan master left me as payment, has vailiantly volunteered to serve as Archie's mount. Well it was either that or be dinner, payback for all those jolts during the time I rode him. I doubt that Renault will leave his oh so precious charger behind so I had to be fair...kinda odd for me eh?

So now I'm off to start arguing with a very stubborn Knight who'd rather be chopping off my head than admitting I saved his miserable dracocidal hide. Well as soon as I make sure I've got some bandages ready in advance.

1st of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

It took me some time, and several slight cuts where I had to fend off his inintial attacks, but I've convinced him to come with me as my 'personal trainer'. I don't know how well that guise is going to work since I'm fit and slim at the moment...maybe I'll just say it's to keep my good looks intact. He's still giving me dark looks about it but every time he starts grumbling I say 'And just think. You'll be within striking distance of Zalgum himself,' and he perks up a bit.

We're just beginning preparations since I'm going to have to carry the horses for most of the journey, no way in any of the hells I'm going to walk to GodSpine Reach, which by the way is the Citidel of the Dragon king and you probably didn't know that, not with it already being Blarg and winter shaping up to be the coldest in a long time. It might take us two years to reach it traveling ground-bound. Besides, being human has given me a serious love of my wings and I've done enough walking, running, etc. to puke if someone mentions it again.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem if Archie keeps them under a sleep spell. I can have us airborn and to the Rim of the World, which is the massive wall of peaks that ring the dragonlands from the lands of man, some concession of the gods back at the dawn of time to keep us from wiping mortals out. And yes elves are mortal. They'll only live a thousand years at best, I'm already so much older than that it's scarey and makes me sick to contemplate it.

If someone put candels on my birthday cake the sun would be jealous. Not to mention that the cake would probably cover some small contenants just to hold all the candles...and that's if you're marking the hundred year intervals, true dragon years, not mortal years. But enough about my old bones as I change the subject to something other than me, hard to do but possible.

There is a rumor going around the Goo that several other mages want to go with me. So far I've managed to put my foot down, I'm not taking an invasion force up there, it's going to be bad enough bringing any of them along and keeping them from being snacks on the lunch menu. Besides, I'm not a pack mule and I absolutely am not going to carry any more than I have to. Two horses is enough. Also, through that nifty little eavesdropping spell I discovered, I found out there are some nasty rumors going around the court that I've been captured.

Nothing of the sort. I'm staying at the Goo from mutual consent of the mages and myself. In other words, I'm not ready to leave yet and they can't make me. They could pelt me with arrows and I'd still not more one moment before I felt like it...although I might feel like torching some things on the way out. Anyway, I've got some more planning to do.

8th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

One week later and we're finally on the road, or well in the sky. I've flown all day, I would have kept going but Archie can only stay awake so many hours in a row and I've no wish for the horses to wake up suddenly and panic when I'm miles above land around midnight. The humans have made camp, a cozy looking little lean too...not. They're freezing even will piles of furs and bespelled blankets. It's only autumn for gods sakes and they're cold. They won't last five minutes in the Citidel durning the long winter months when the ice sometimes keeps us from venturing outside.

Another problem has also come to mind and I've been chewing it over for a few days. Two humans, even if one of them is Renault, is going to seem like a pitiful pair of servants. Most dragons have magical creatures of some kind serving them, guarding their Lairs and such you know the drill. And if they don't have magical slaves they have fostered orphan whelps of their own unbeloved offspring. I've never really needed such but now I'm wondering if I'll be scoffed at when I get there for 'lack of muscle'.

Last I was at court the more amazing your entourage the better your prestige. While I didn't want to take every mage in the Goo, and several dozen Knights in White Satin, with me I'm not adverse to a few magical creatures press-ganged into my service. I'm thinking about discussing it with the others but I don't think they'll be of much help. Renault will understand about them but point out I no longer have a Lair to guard, thanks to him, and Archie will just look at me like I've gone mad, that's his latest thing.

Still it's worth considering and there are several places where I could pick up magical muscel that are along the way.

12th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I've made my choice, I'm getting some bad ass bodyguards. But they're not for me, they're for Archie and Renault. The pair of them are proving to be more hassle than they're worth, almost. Renault is a master at fighting men and dragons and Archie is a Master High Mage, I wish he were an adept, with some Transy training but they can't fight there way out of a wet paper bag when it comes to mountain giants. I had to take care of that pair myself.

So I've made a note to pick up at least five or six hired hands. Now I've go to choose which one I'm going to go after first. I could go get an elven master of Transy, which would help me stay educated while providing the third leg of our magical tripod from their secluded wood. I could ask the dwarven Artificers, which is a magic I suppose but nobody but the dwarves recognizes it as so. Humans and Elves don't really want to acknowledge the dwarves as magical and Dragons consider most other magics 'inferior'...well most dragons do.

Or I could get a Aous from the feilds of Coonu. I don't really care for them but an Alicorn of Unusual Size might be extremely helpful. There are some others I could get but their lands lay closer to my destination, the rocs and Hydrax and such. It's just that these three destinations, especially the feilds of Coonu, are coming up and if I don't make my choice quick I'm going to pass these three up in hopes of something even better.

I'm caught in another bind it seems....

Well which should she go after? P.M. me for basic creature details.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the elf of course. Elves are far better than dwarves anyday.

Plus, with a dwarf you'll have to go by foot, while elves can ride.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aous. She said magical creatures , not magical peoples. And I'm sure someone will say 'Alicorns are people too!' but I don't think it'll look very impressive if you turn up and your entourage consists entirely of two-leggers anyway. Plus they'll provide more muscle in a fight than drarves and elves.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think she'll need magic more than muscle. Anything she can't kill I doubt an Aous will stand a chance against.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, good!
Just finished catching up which I have been meaning to do for a while.

great sg, Rai.
I say the elves - but whichever is nearer really. I am slightly biased towards elves though, as they are one of if not my favorite fantasy race.
Looking forward to the next chapter,

solus Wink
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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say Drawves. However, if I could, I would say all three after all why not? But if I must choose I say Drawves.


Because I can. That's why, but here's a few other legitmate reasons to consider my choice.

1.) Everyone else already suggested something, therefore I can suggest Drawves to appease my love for being difficult.

2.) Drawves are magical, but not acknowledge, therefore you can use their magic as a sneak attack.

3.) Their small, conventilally handled, and few of them might recongize our Dragoness' army as inspired by their own metals, thus might be more willing to curroprate.

4.) If they get to be a pain in the you know where, you could just eat them as a handy midnight snack.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd go for an Aous just because it sounds quite impressive and isn't apparently two legged, or wait until something even better comes along...tempting...
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vote Aous! Aous for king!

Oh, this isn't an election?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just spotted this one! I will return to it soon for comment. No time now...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right new poll...Vote.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been slacking...alright I blame NaNo for the lateness of this chappy but now that it's here...Enjoy.

Chapter Nine: Did I mention I Hate Elves?

13th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I decided to go with elves, for two reasons. One, I can learn Transy while I travel and two, they're alot easier to eat if they get lippy. As I passed over the fields of Coonu I didn't see a single Aous anyway so I guess it's just as well I've decided to go with elves...even if it means I might have one more thing to carry.

19th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I'm cold, wet, and my hindquarters are encased in a block of ice. Normally I wouldn't mind that but the block of ice started off as a mountain side. The elves were none too thrilled to see me...or actually they didn't so much mind me as they did Archie. Apparently being turned into a dog wasn't an was a punishment for making eyes at an elven princess...big no no if you happen to be a mortal. Half elves are frowned upon.

So here I sit, my butt freezing, and Renault is encased in a cage of thorny vines at my feet. Where Archie is I really couldn't say but when I get my claws on him...oh he'll regret not being neutered. I bet you want to know how all this happened and I suppose one day I'll look back on this and laugh...or so they say. So here goes...

I'd been flying for quite some time, anxious to reach the Briblewood and aquire and elf, so I wasn't paying as much attention as I normally do. I completely missed the vistor's center and it's landing strip by a mile or two and set us down in the palace courtyard instead. It's a simple mistake, anyone who'd just flown sevety-two hours straight would have made the same. I even offered to replace the ornate garden that I crushed with my left rear foot. But the arrows never wavered, nor did the squinty eyed steely stares.

Unlike the elves of the Islwood and the Ipswood these folk were no slouches when it came to weaponry and dangerous magic. At first they thought I was an elf transformed into a dragon, as if! Firstly I've seen what Transy masters call 'dragons' they're four foot lizards. Not even a growth spell could have made some transformed elf into something my size. They finally figured out I was not an elf when they tried to 'reform' me and all they succeeded in doing was making a small fireworks show.

Then they noticed I was packing a couple of horses and some men on my back. Without lowering the bows they told me to drop my prisoners, I give them brownie points for the thought but they really should have asked, and I politely informed them that these were not my prisoners but my traveling companions. They wiggled their pointy ears a bit before asking me, sarcastically, to put my 'traveling companions' down. I obliged and that's when the manure hit the wind.

They took one look at Archie and the arrows flew, causing both Renault and I to do some fancy moves, namely casting an arrow repelling sheild and then dodging the boulders they turned into. Archie just kicked his horse in the ribs and tried to run for it but the horse was still sedated. Ever heard of the expression don't kick a dead horse...apparently he hadn't. The elves soon took him prisoner, wrapped him up in some nastly looking Rashweed rope, and drug him off somewhere.

Meanwhile some elf mages turned the mountainside I'd been leaning against into a block of ice, thus trapping my posterior end, and grew a steelthorn vine cage around Renault. They informed us that we were in no uncertain terms to attempt escape or face the consequences. After watching Archie spend the past two plus years of his life as a dog, which he still is, I was in no hurry to bust up this glacier that kept me grounded. Renault, on the other hand, was using some language that I didn't think a man of honor and quality upbringing would know.

Right now I'm writing by moonlight, since I'm not sure the elves would approve of my journal and I'm not about to share it with them. These are my private thoughts to be shared with friends only...I havn't even let Renault see this and I'm pretty sure I'm revoking Archie's library card after this little escapade. I havn't even been able to get a word in edgewise with these elves.

20th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Now they're mad at me. I got sick of being stuck in the same position so I extracted myself from the ice cube and the elves got all huffy. Alright so I turned the thing into six feet of snow and buried their capital what are you going to do about it? Tell my mother? But to make a long story short they called it an escape attempt and the bows and transforming arrows came back out, along with several transy masters who made themselves into giant element golems who shadow my every move...I find it cool.

Right now I've spent my day reading and conversing with Renault while we wait to here more about Archie...there's a bit of a bet going to see what they turn him into. Renault thinks Archie will spend the rest of his days as a rock, I'm pretty sure they'll mulch him. I would but that's just me I suppose.

I think the elves are surprised that I'm making no attempt to escape...or destroy their village. Or maybe they were surprised that I was sitting quietly, ignoring all their threats and weaponry, reading several books and scrolls and making notes in the margines on how to do this or that. I know I certainly caught the attention of one of the guards when I whipped out a book called 'Transy...Is it For You?'

He hasn't quit eyeing me all day. He's most definetly a mage, I can smell it, but he's not cast any spells that I've noticed. He seems to be watching all the other elves, a 'supervisor' of sorts. Ah well, time to put my books away.

21st of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

The elf mage who's been staring at me, I did mention him yesterday right? Turns out he's the assistant Magistrix of the College of Transy. He's rather interested that a dragon would want to learn the art. He's also rather shocked that I've got such a grip on High Magick or that I've done half of what I've done. He wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't shown him some souvenire view-globes of favorite moments.

He says he'd like to test my aptitude for Transy and I told him I'm a little pressed for time but if he wanted to have a 'grand adventure' he could come with me. He seems willing to listen but how will I convince him to come with assistant Magistrix would be perfect as magical muscle...and a private tutor too. Although I suppose I should go looking for Archie too...

Which to do first?

Well, what should she do? If she's going to convice the mage she needs something to tell him. If she's going to find Archie she needs a plan.

Hope you liked.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the elf is far more useful so convince him first.

What to tell him, well subtly suggest all the gold he will get, all the sights he will see etc...being fairly liberal with the truth.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! I f5 Jezzo. Get him along. Could be useful.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Offer the guy as a job. Straight up. No frills. No flattery. Just a deal. Tell him what you want and then wait for a reply.

If he refuses, shrug and begging to lurk around for dear old Archie by spying on the guards.

Once you find Arichie give him a good what for and get the out of here...
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll is up...choose their fate!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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Mother Goose
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There seems to be a glitch in this poll, besides the double choices. I voted, but I can see neither the results nor the names of who voted. (Before I logged in I saw the results but not the names.)
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

Joined: 21 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Christmas gift to all of you...a new chappy! Merry Christmas, Enjoy!

Chapter Ten: Darkwood Dilemma

22nd of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I did something completely unusual for me...I told him the truth. I told him I'd like very much if he came with me since I was on my way to visit the Dragon King himself in the Citidel at Godspine Reach. If he came with me not only would he be the first elf to ever teach a dragon Transy but he might just be the first High Elf to ever enter the Citidel and live. High elves, unlike their many cousins of darker, and stupider, lineage have only ventured into those mountains with the plan to kill something...and the only something worth killing in those mountains are dragons.

He told me he was going to have to think about my offer, and that if he agreed that would do nothing to get us out of our current situation. He told me that if I was sincere about my offer I would extract myself from my current prickly situation, namely being a prisoner of the elven army. I told him I'd need to sleep on it.

And yet here I am, writing all this down instead of sleeping. It's alright though, I actually only brainstormed an hour before hitting upon an answer that might actually work. I mean who doesn't love shiney objects...

23rd of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I had our elven friend, his name is some long complicated thing with way too many letters in it for me to remember so I'm calling him Bob, tell us without telling us where Archie was. Apperantly he did more than make eyes at the aforementioned elven princess and she was trying desperately to forestall his impending doom. Being a princess, and an elven one at that, she was doing a superb job of it, dragging out regulations that dated back to the days when I still had shell stuck to my hide.

Apparently Archie has a way to clear his name, he must go on a quest to prove himself honorable in the eyes of the High elves and, since this is a princess we're talking about, get himself named Elf-Brother. Once he does that then it's no big deal, as long as the princess herself wills the match then Archie is free to court her. Of course the idiot knows nothing about this, neither did the elves though.

As I said some of these regulations were very, very old. This one was one of the eldest on the books. Bob said it had been found by an adventuring researcher in the nineth level of the nineth Library Dungeon who, after hacking through Venom Fiends, Flaming Constructs, and one rather nasty giant chicken by the name of Poltra, found himself in an old records room. He managed to stumble back out six days later.

His hair had turned into an Afro, his sword into a massive pic, his sheild into an industrial sized tube of extra hold hair gel, and his suit of silver armor was now a silver polyester suit. Down in the depths of that room he'd encountered one of the most deadly guardians the elves had ever put to 8-Track! But through his bravery and valor he'd managed to return to the surface with a slightly damaged book of ancient elf laws.

Now that I know this I've managed to pursuade Bob to carry a message to Archie telling him to tell the guards he wants to see the King about a Section Seven. I can only hope the little twit takes my advice.

24th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Archie took the bait! Good boy! He was also smart enough to use Section Seven to the best possible advantage. According to that old law if the accused, that's Archie, offers to do any task set him by the King then he shall be allowed to choose three companions to aid him on the quest. If the King had known that, I think that old elf might have just skimmed the section in question rather than read it, I doubt he would have assigned Archie something so...perfect.

You see Archie has been charged with slaying the Darkwood Dragon, a monster under the command of a legion of Slime Elves. Never heard of Slime Elves you say...neither had I up until that point. They're some new hybrid I suppose but then an elf's and elf as I always say.

Archie naturally chose myself and Renault to help him, and then chose Bob just for good measure. Bob needed the rest of the day just to prepare, I don't really think he's got a lot of confidence in the abilities of the rest of us. He seemed really shook up over this 'Darkwood Dragon' fellow. Maybe he's not the best choice for a companion to the dragon capital.

Still we did manage to get airborn this morning, and now I'm packing three horses...well two horses and one rather peevish unicorn named Lylanda the Stunning. She's been Bob's companion since birth apparently. Oh well, I suppose I can always eat her if she causes too many problems. She won't let us put her to sleep though, which I find a pity since she gets airsick and I'm constantly trying to tilt her so she doesn't puke on my claws.

After flying for most of the day, on a course that's rather well out of our way I might add, we landed and camped for the night just inside the edge of the Darkwood. I also might want to add that the Darkwood is a dragon-wood, not an elf wood. The trees are far too big and tall and the underbrush is the hight of a tall man at it's smallest. The creatures that exist under it's canopy, in the lightless expanse of it's rot covered floor, are perfect prey beasts for dragons as well. Naturally they don't exactly seem like prey to any of the others but my mouth's been watering all day.

Now though, I'm debating telling my companions something that may, or may not, make a difference in the way they act. My little secret happens to be that the elven princess, the one that's being so kind to Archie, has stowed away in one of the massive packs that Bob insisted on making me carry. I feel like a regular mule with everything that I'm hauling but Bob insists everything he's packed is absolutly vital to this particular mission. Still about that princess...

25th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Turns out I didn't need to tell them anything. The princess snuck out of the packs last night, she was bored and a little hungry, and I asked her rather politely if she'd like some of the stew we'd had for dinner warmed up a bit...since it had cooled from when we had eaten it. Once I started adressing, she's obviously never conversed with a dragon before, she let out such a scream that it woke the whole camp.

Now I'm sitting here in the wee morning hours jotting this down, since I find it hilarious, and she's being coddled by both Archie and Bob while Renault is absolutely livid that one, she stowed away, and two, I didn't tell them I knew about it. He's all in favor of taking her back, as is Bob for different reasons, while she and Archie are all in favor of letting her stay. It comes down to my vote and if I hear that princess say 'oh I beseech you great and noble queen of the skies, allow me to stay with yon companions' one more time I'll rid the elven nation of yet another princess.

My concerns are a little more practical. If I take her back I'm wasting quite a bit of time in flight that need not be wasted. On the other talon if I let her stay she's in real danger of getting killed and then I've got the High elven nation breathing down my armor all hot with vengance over her death. Then again I seriously doubt that, with the four of us guarding her, there is even a remote chance anything more serious than a hang nail will happen to her.


Hope you liked.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it didn't it waste time, I would be all for taking the Princess back or eating her...although admitadly that would result in disater but I'm sure the elves would get over it in a century or so.

Btw...did I mention I hate princess, especially elven ones. Beautiful, stricking, Princess are nothing but whiny, selfish, self-centered, snobs! Who needs a princess anyway?

However there is the fact that doing so would lead to disater, so how about turning the aformentioned annoyance into something, small, easier to carry, less annoying, and hard to harm. This way the Brat is out of harms way, you get her out of the hair, and if you look at technically your not taking the elven princess with you.

Your taking an thing that happens to be an elven princess transied by that's totally different than carring a elven princess, isn't it?
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