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Episode 7, Fright on Bald Mountain

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:26 am    Post subject: Episode 7a Reply with quote

Episode 7a, “I hope you like rain”.

“But I’m tired! Can’t we stay just one night?” Chia whines. She’s barely had any chance at warming the rooms she rented at the Blue Swashbuckler, but the group pulls together its strength and prepares to depart. The harbor town hasn’t been as hospitable as usual. Even though they no longer carry the treasure on them, the people eye them suspiciously. The paranoid amongst the treasure hunters feel the onlookers are hoping for an opportunity to riot, but even the confident hunters sense more behind the grimaces and dark glances than merely bad moods.

The hunters run a few quick errands, buying supplies and Chia and Jim make another visit to the blind man for his secrets. He collects his dues and sells his secrets and says nothing more, no matter their inquiries. Thomas tries to get a little information about the Heart of Akala, but besides their relative reticence, they’re tightlipped about their secrets.

Chia also goes back to the farmer to buy another donkey, this time musing a bit more about the bamboo spears throughout his land. They stand in ten-foot tripods or angled against the fences. With the mundane and nearly lifeless farmer beside her, she finds a donkey she likes.

“And don’t even tell me his name! I’m naming him Bob,” Chia says hotly, still mad at the farmer since the last time he was so uncooperative. Chia walks with her new donkey out of the spiked pen, turning just before leaving to satisfy her curiosity, “… Why do you have the spears everywhere?”

He smiles for the first time.

“To kill the rocs,” he says. “They like the donkeys!”

His laughing seems very inappropriate as she leaves, wondering what might have happened to Koko and Slowpoke in Paradise.

The crew reassembles at the church as a tropical rain begins. The clouds fly upon fierce winds that make the heavy raindrops slant, but the treasure hunters decide to stay to their plan. The rain seeps into every inch missed by the soggy trip by boat and chills their blood. The sulky march into the trees is voiceless. The wind dampens in the jungle, but it’s quickly replaced by slippery and messy mud. Slogging boots need frequent emptying and the walk goes slowly.

“Do we at least know how to get up there?” Jim asks, his bad mood returning.

“I know,” Juan says without turning.

“It’s not a big deal,” Jeremy says beside Thomas. “There’s a road on the north side. If we go during the day we should be all right.”

“We won’t make it by night,” Thomas says.

“No. We’ll have to camp.”

“In this?” Jim asks severely.

“We could stay in a crypt if you want to stay dry,” Jeremy says.

“A crypt?” Chia says.

“It’s nothing,” Jenn says. “I’ve been there. It’s safe.”

“That should be fine,” Jim says determinedly. “Let’s hurry.”

Jim presses on, taking fewer breaks and getting out ahead with the visibly suffering Father Charles. Not to be outdone, Ross catches up. The others don’t care.

Swollen streams grow from the cracks of the volcano and wash down its slope. When the hunters reach the quagmire, it’s flooded and flowing like a river. They plant each step heavily and teeter across. Jeremy takes a wrong step and falls into three feet of water, pulling Thomas with him. Thomas thrashes back onto his feet, cursing and swearing vengeance if his rations and powder aren’t still dry. Jeremy looks apologetic, but does not get a hand up.

A loud crack makes the war-hardened Thomas, Jeremy, and Jim, jump for cover before realizing it was just lightning. They do not feel the need for explanation and when they recognize the war in each other’s eyes, they realize a bitter connection. Similar sounds used to mean someone just died and more death would follow. Though the thunder is not gunshots, it’s not very reassuring either. The jungle canopies shake angrily with the wind and many small branches and some larger ones, break away. A branch swipes Aspi’s forehead before falling into the mud, harmless but unsettling.

A few more hours, and out of the jungle, the black sky hangs over the cemetery. Jim and Ross stare at each other over a fire in a crypt. The others arrive shortly after, peeling off extra layers of wet clothes and taking off shoes. A coffin serves for firewood, its former resident resting beside the hunters. The wind pushes the smoke out but makes the crypt drafty and cold. There is a lot of competition for a warm place by the fire, till two fires are made to accommodate and another frowning corpse is thrown on the ground while its home is burned for warmth.

But the rain stays out so through the wind and lightning most of the group sleeps soundly, forgetting to set any kind of watch.

Chia, however, can not sleep. Everytime she begins to drift, she feels something across her neck, like someone dragging a finger across it. She can’t stop thinking of the trade of Lawrence’s life for hers. … When they started saying they might kill her, she was eager to point her finger at someone else. She thinks about the way it must feel to have your neck slit open.

While everyone sleeps, she unblinkingly watches the rain from the firelight till her eyes redden from dryness. She lets the protective tears pool up, ignoring her simple need to blink until her vision blurs and becomes full of tears then all at once they flood out.

A half hour after falling asleep she wakes up suddenly. Jim wakes everyone, though the sun hasn’t shed a thread of light. He wants a very early start it seems. The fire is stoked and a quick breakfast begins. Chia helps, feeling surprisingly alert and awake.

“What’s the plan?” Thomas asks Jeremy. Thomas’s gunpowder stayed dry after all, so he’s basically forgiven Jeremy for the plunge.

“We don’t need to hide during the day. We’ll go straight to it, and find a way in.”

“Have you been there before?” Jim asks.

“No,” Jeremy answers without embarrassment.

“So we’re just going to walk up to it? That’s the plan?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan. The rocs never hunt during the day.”

“But how do they respond to intruders?” Jim asks.

“I don’t know.”

“They’ll swarm like bees,” Ethan says. “If they see us coming they’ll attack us all at once.”

“You an expert on rocs?” Jeremy asks skeptically.

“I’ve hunted Redgar rocs on the mainland, and they’re 4 feet taller,” Ethan says. He leaves out the detail that Redgar rocs are not nocturnal and that the best way to approach them is slowly at night. One night he spent 6 hours between moving and climbing to make only 200 feet. But he’s confident that day or night, whether it’s Redgar rocs or Gadiri rocs, if you disturb them while they’re sleeping they are merciless. “We’ll take the road halfway, then move through the trees and approach from the east.”

“That will take hours,” Jeremy says, considerably subdued however.

“You would rather get ripped apart in minutes? If we don’t drag our butts we can make it in time for sunrise and the sun will help blind them.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Thomas says.

“How do we get in?” Jenn asks. Jeremy doesn’t answer. Jenn smirks. She’s glad she bought the lockpicks in FITH, and Chia is glad she got the extra rope.

“Let’s find out,” Ethan says and departs. At scattered intervals the others follow, Jim being the last because he refuses to leave a mess. He bumps into Chia on her way back with the donkey,

“Ethan says it’s not safe to take Bob with us, so I’m leaving him here ok?”

Jim doesn’t answer.

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Last edited by Lebrenth on Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:55 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:28 am    Post subject: Episode 7b Reply with quote

Episode 7b, Fright on Bald Mountain

The group remains scattered as they climb the road onto Noburu. Connelly Fortress appears to be a moderately sized keep, not very wide but a strong 150-foot high wall with a tower reaching for 200 feet. Thomas gazes through his telescope skeptically. There are no breaches and the gate looks solid. Chia quickly pulls out her telescope and peers through the windows, but it is too dark within to see anything. Both see a Gadiri roc stretch its wing behind an open window, displaying its light brown feathers striped and speckled with white. A smaller but faster roc, Ethan would say. Unsuitable for anyone but a very young child to ride, but FITH must have some purpose for one of its eggs.

The group comes together to follow Ethan into the jungle climbing up between the Noburu and Akala volcanoes. This section of the jungle is especially thick below, and swords become necessary to make any progress. The tangles brush the hunters as they pass like beggars groping for money and they can only imagine what crawls below because they can not see below their waists. All of the male hunters exchange turns cutting through the foliage, though the females feel quite capable of helping. If not for the deliberate pushing back, Jenn would take a turn anyway.

When he realizes the delay, Ethan shortens the circle toward the fortress. The red sun rises behind them as they cut through the last of the jungle and peer upon the fortress.

This side of the fortress is no more inviting then the north. The lowest window is 45 feet up and very narrow.

“We can’t get through that,” Thomas says confidently.

“I can,” Jenn says, knowing that she wouldn’t be alive and standing there if she couldn’t make it through tight spots.

“But I’m the smallest!” Chia says.

“Quiet!” Ethan hisses.

“Well I am,” she whispers.

“Can you climb that high?” Jenn asks.

“… Um… maybe.”

“She can’t make it,” Ross says.

“I’m not sure we can get a hook in there anyway,” Thomas says. “Not without making a lot noise.”

Aspi sighs. She’s already tied one of the ropes to her spear while everyone was talking and before anyone can ask what’s she thinks she’s doing, she walks into the open. Carrying the spear and the coiled rope in her hand, she runs, arches her back and with violent speed throws the rope and spear into the air.

“She missed,” Ethan says before Aspi jerks the rope and pulls the spear back. She coils the rope again, takes a breath, sprints and throws…. Again, a miss, but not by much.

“I think she can make it,” Chia whispers excitedly.

Third attempt, the rope unfurls in a perfect spiral as the spear flies. It lands perfectly inside the window. With a quick tug, the spear pulls back and spans the narrow window. Aspi holds the rope taut and waves Jenn forward.

Jenn smiles, dropping all of her equipment except her lockpicks and a few knives. She tightens her belt and hopes that’s all she’ll need to do to get through.

Jenn begins climbing without testing the strength of it… it looked good and if it isn’t strong enough, she knows she’ll try anyway. Aspi watches carefully, for her own good. If Jenn slips or the rope breaks, Aspi doesn’t want to be directly below. The black lava rock won’t be a soft landing, but it will have to do. Jenn takes a rest 35 feet up. The spear bends and the rope scrapes against the rock wall with the little swaying of Jenn’s ascent. Her arms burn and they won’t get better while she’s hanging.

“Let go,” Jenn says carefully. Aspi does so uncertainly. One-handed, Jenn ties a loop in the rope and steps into it, finally giving her arms a rest. After a few minutes, she takes a breath and climbs to the window. She has to turn sideways to get in, which makes it difficult to climb. It’s cramped and difficult, but she makes it look simple as she slips through.

She steps onto seat with a hole in the center before realizing she’s in a privy. But the source of the smell is really behind the door. She waves out the window to the others.

“Limber,” Thomas says. Aspi follows immediately after, climbing the rope like it was a ladder. Chia takes the initiative and holds the rope from the bottom to keep it taut, from above Jenn waits to help her through.

“What?” Jenn says in disbelief, but not at Aspi’s remarkable climbing, but at the pathetic knot that was used to tie to the spear. She pinches the knot to try to keep it together till Aspi can make it. Aspi decides to use the loop for a small break as well. “Hurry,” Jenn says and Aspi continues. The knot is fine, really it is, but Jenn doesn’t like letting someone else take those kind of chances. With combined effort, Aspi gets through the window as well and Jenn gives her a quick tutorial on making a proper knot. Aspi nods in recognition of the lesson, but shakes her head at Jenn’s paranoia (whether it’s founded or not).

Aspi takes the bar that locks the door to the privy and replaces her spear with it.

They slowly peek behind the door. The floor has collapsed a few feet ahead of them and dropped to the ground floor. Charred support beams testify that a fire caused the collapse of that floor and many other parts of the fortress. A twisted memory of the grand fortress remains, but with so many parts missing or shifted that it overwhelms anyone trying make sense of it. One section of a floor stands on teetering columns with a roc nest on top. Another part they see half of a room that has no doors, its other half in the rubble and excrement on the ground. In the partial rooms and on every level in almost every corner, there is a roc's nest. And in almost every nest there is a roc, some of them with young. The ones that have eggs do not reveal it. The parents do not allow an inch of air to touch any of their eggs. Jenn and Aspi open the door a little wider, but very slowly because though most of the rocs slumber at any moment there is at least one roc stretching its wings and lazily looking around.

Aspi turns to Jenn and holds up two fingers then three. Jenn double checks... she only counts 22 but they aren't exactly lined up or easy to see. For that matter, it's hard to guess how many are hiding out of sight.

Jenn opens the door wider and slips through. The floor creaks unhappily, but it seems the rocs are accustomed to the odd creaks and groans. She keeps close to the wall and sidles to the corner, to the end of the passage before it drops down. She peeks around the corner and sees the hooked beak of a roc at eye level. It is asleep, she thinks at least. She can't lean any farther over to see. Probably another nest, but there's no way she could reach it from that angle. However, on the left side there is another passage that has not collapsed. That section of the fortress appears intact. There is a 5 or 6 foot gap, but she feels confident she can make it. She surges forward and jumps the gap and quickly presses against the wall. A little close, but no problem. Aspi prepares herself, but before making the jump a roc screeches.

Aspi dives back into the privy and Jenn runs down the passage. There are no branching passages, just two doors, both of them locked, and of course there is the window at the end of the passage. Dubiously hoping for a balcony or some sort of ledge, she opens the shutters and gasps. A smoky drop off, straight into the glowing crater of Noburu 600 feet down. There is no balcony or ledge, and only a short shelf between the fortress and the edge of the volcano's crater.

She turns with knives drawn, expecting a dozen rocs to come with slashing talons, but they haven't. There is movement, the flap of wings, but nothing appears. She creeps back to one of the locked doors and pulls her lockpicks out. In a flurry, a roc lands and strikes the door with its beak. Aspi pushes against the door on her side and Jenn picks up the tool she just dropped. Quickly she finishes unlocking the door. She whistles before closing the door. She slides an empty bookcase against her door and reverses the lockpicking to lock the door again.

The roc begins clawing Jenn's door, but she's not worried. The door is plenty thick. The room she's in used to be a library, but it's empty now except a few tables and chairs. There is one other door, with a shining sliver that catches her eye immediately. The sliver is the thin blade of a rapier that has somehow pierced the heavy wood door from the other side. She pulls her bleeding finger back, the light touch cut it wide open. The roc continues to scrape at the door as she wraps her finger in a shred of cloth and opens the shutters of this room. It has glass windows with the same spectacular view as from the passage. With a little more rope the others could get through on this side. They should have started here. The window doesn't swing out easily, but she budges it.

Of course, the other treasure hunters weren't satisfied to just wait. And as they're looking for other ways in, they see Jenn waving. Within an hour the treasure hunters haul each other up into the library, except Aspi who remains in the privy. The scratchings have ceased but whether the roc has really given up or not remains to be seen. Jenn unlocks the second door, but something is blocking it, perhaps just a bar across the other side of the door. The treasure hunters weigh their options while it seems safe.

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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well that was close, should have brought my crossbow. If there are holes in the door I say we station Thomas with his musket next to an appropriate one so that he can shoot any other 'inquisitive' rocs that come our way. Menwhile see if we can't find something with which to ram the door.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The idea seems sound. We could just wait it out until daylight of course, and then make a move.

And I still like Ethan.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Caught up! Didn't see the new chapters. Good writting Lebby, some hardbitten stuff there.

If we shoot the roc it might alert the others. Of course, they may well be alerted anyway. If we wait a while, see if it boggers off, maybe sneak out and try and aquire an egg.

Othwese I am thinking fire. The nests are quite likely flamible. We pick out a few target eggs, then fire the rest of the nests. That should keep the rocs away. Of course, we then have to get away from the fortress. Any idea?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I like thew idea of killing rocks.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beautiful chapter! As always, the prospect of adventure excites me so much, I cannot comment about style or story, and I must go straight to the DP.

DP: It is obvious that the rocs have not all woken up yet, else in most probability they would have attacked all the treasure hunters who were climbing through Jenn's window. This suggests we still have an attempt at stealth. Jenn should attempt again to look around and steal an egg if possible, while the others investigate what's behind the door with the silver sowrd sticking through.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 7:16 am    Post subject: FI poll Reply with quote

Ok, the poll is up!

And by the way, to clarify a few things:

Rai, just to make sure you know, the others brought your crossbow and other things with them into the library.

Lordy, it is daytime already. Did you mean wait through the another night until the next day?

Weaver, Just so you know, I didn't put "Run for it!" on the poll because you aren't signed up. Comments are certainly welcome, but I think it's appropriate to have DP's for participants only.

I decided it was a good idea to put "Members Only" on this poll, but anyone reading this who isn't a member should know it's really easy to join. 70 Fables donated to me, and you pick a treasure hunter to sponsor and you can vote!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought the sun was just setting, and that it was pretty much night already. I guess I misread that bit.
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Draven Bones


PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am Aspi`s sponser and I think this is how I choose or vote an action for her. I don`t know if I can do this so Lebrenth correct me if I am out of place, but I think Aspi should wait til things are calmed down a bit then move out into the hall to have a look at the disturbances and to see if any Rocs moved from their nests. If any have, or if there are any Nests empty, give me the layout for positioning myself close. Does this Keep hold any previous supplies that may have been preserved/ not damaged since the Roc takeover? for instance, barrels of gum powder, oil for lanterns ect.

I hope this comment is valid, cause I need the fables
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Draven Bones wrote:
I am Aspi`s sponser and I think this is how I choose or vote an action for her. I don`t know if I can do this so Lebrenth correct me if I am out of place, but I think Aspi should wait til things are calmed down a bit then move out into the hall to have a look at the disturbances and to see if any Rocs moved from their nests. If any have, or if there are any Nests empty, give me the layout for positioning myself close. Does this Keep hold any previous supplies that may have been preserved/ not damaged since the Roc takeover? for instance, barrels of gum powder, oil for lanterns ect.

I hope this comment is valid, cause I need the fables

Yep, welcome! Nicely put, but a little late. The actions are now put to a vote down below. Click the option that matches what you think should happen the most. I like your ideas, and probably should have waited a little longer for comments. I get anxious, sorry.

These games are a lot different than the ones you've played before. First of all they're a lot slower, the next chapter isn't due for at least a week, and second, we most often work with generalities. It's sort of like "Choose your own Adventure" books. Sort of a "Turn to Page 32 if you want to break down the door, OR Turn to page 12 to stealthily sneak out and look for an egg." The advantage is that you get to choose what the options are. Take initiative and you can still dramatically effect the story, it's just a lot harder to get the play by play action.

That said, I'll answer your questions:

Layout: The rocs are spread out on all levels, and at this time there are no vacancies in the nests. If the Aspi dropped down a level and skirted a few narrow ledges without falling, she could get to a nest. Problem is the rocs seem to stir a bit, so there's a good chance at getting spotted from that direction. Perhaps if the second door of the library could be opened there would be better ways to get close to a nest, but it's hard to say until a way can be found to get through it.

Supplies: So far the fortress appears devoid of anything valuable or useful, but it hasn't been explored very much. There is another door in a nearby passageway that hasn't been opened, for instance.

But like I said... a little late. The poll is already set, so the votes will decide what to do next. So far ramming the library door is winning.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:21 pm    Post subject: MOVED! Reply with quote

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, didn't I?


Fabled Island is now in Skiffy instead of experimental. It's still experimental of course, but I think the murder of a treasure hunter is enough to justify the move into a Horror section.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:31 pm    Post subject: Re: MOVED! Reply with quote

Lebrenth wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, didn't I?


Fabled Island is now in Skiffy instead of experimental. It's still experimental of course, but I think the murder of a treasure hunter is enough to justify the move into a Horror section.

Oh, you are always on about that. One little culling... Shocked Wink
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really it's not like you don't have any assassin's in the audiance. Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:55 pm    Post subject: Re: MOVED! Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
Lebrenth wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, didn't I?


Fabled Island is now in Skiffy instead of experimental. It's still experimental of course, but I think the murder of a treasure hunter is enough to justify the move into a Horror section.

Oh, you are always on about that. One little culling... Shocked Wink

I guess I am, huh. Sorry about being such a killjoy, I guess I don't know how to stop kicking a dead horse. I'm probably cutting my own throat with my grave dispatches wailing about a simple and logical execution of your team's agenda. From now on, I'll let the matter rest in peace.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:00 pm    Post subject: Re: MOVED! Reply with quote

Lebrenth wrote:
chinaren wrote:
Lebrenth wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, didn't I?


Fabled Island is now in Skiffy instead of experimental. It's still experimental of course, but I think the murder of a treasure hunter is enough to justify the move into a Horror section.

Oh, you are always on about that. One little culling... Shocked Wink

I guess I am, huh. Sorry about being such a killjoy, I guess I don't know how to stop kicking a dead horse. I'm probably cutting my own throat with my grave dispatches wailing about a simple and logical execution of your team's agenda. From now on, I'll let the matter rest in peace.

Finally. All this talk about the scrounger was absolutely killing my interest. Sheesh. It was a means to an end.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:25 pm    Post subject: Re: MOVED! Reply with quote

Lebrenth wrote:
I guess I am, huh. Sorry about being such a killjoy, I guess I don't know how to stop kicking a dead horse. I'm probably cutting my own throat with my grave dispatches wailing about a simple and logical execution of your team's agenda. From now on, I'll let the matter rest in peace.

You could have embolden grave as well Lebbs - you're slipping. If it makes you happy though, I'm sure we could get rid of some other characters too - then you'll have something to complain about.

Think of it this way - it's less people you have to write about.

In other news - China, you're up late. Posting at 8.30 GMT
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope your move to Skiffy attracts new readers, Leb. In any case, it should bring better luck. Break a leg. Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:26 pm    Post subject: Re: MOVED! Reply with quote

lordofthenight wrote:
Lebrenth wrote:
I guess I am, huh. Sorry about being such a killjoy, I guess I don't know how to stop kicking a dead horse. I'm probably cutting my own throat with my grave dispatches wailing about a simple and logical execution of your team's agenda. From now on, I'll let the matter rest in peace.

You could have embolden grave as well Lebbs - you're slipping. If it makes you happy though, I'm sure we could get rid of some other characters too - then you'll have something to complain about.

Think of it this way - it's less people you have to write about.

In other news - China, you're up late. Posting at 8.30 GMT

I could have put "dispatches" in bold too. I didn't slip, I purposely didn't do it. Thought it was too cheesy for some weird reason. And I'm not really complaining. Smudge is a good friend and I'm sorry he bought the farm, but it was a very interesting development in the story.

And thanks D, but I didn't move to gain more attention, really. In fact I'm worried I'll get less. Oh well.

We only need one more sponsor to raise the bounty for all of the treasures by 100 Fables each. Do we have any prospects?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could always sponsor myself. Just for the sake of it.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um... I don't think that works.... I don't know... I suppose it's possible to sponsor another treasure hunter.... The thing is, the sponsorship gets you a vote and you won't be able to vote twice....

I'm really not after the fables. I just want to see how this story works with multiple users per character. Thus... well, I kind of need someone besides the people already playing to join.

Yeah.... So if you're already in, good for you and thanks. But you only get one character, sorry. I really should have kept the numbers lower.... Too late now.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lebrenth wrote:
Um... I don't think that works.... I don't know... I suppose it's possible to sponsor another treasure hunter.... The thing is, the sponsorship gets you a vote and you won't be able to vote twice....

I was kidding. Guess I wasn't clear enough, sorry.

-edit-I shall now calll you Mr. Strasburg. Jost to show off my knowingness.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And thanks D, but I didn't move to gain more attention, really.

Probably, but I had to find something to say before leading to my boldened pun...
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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Draven Bones


PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We be seriously diggin the verbality you be layin down fer us to read. We think it be seriously pro stuff arrrr.
great body development, and da skeletal structure be killer. Me thinks we be dyin to unbury more of dat der booty! Very Happy


¿we be supposin da hearrrt of Akalà be in dee eeast of dis place trrue¿ o perrraaps da bline màn done told us some time ago¿

doncha be forgettin da BONES [/quote]
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Draven Bones wrote:
We be seriously diggin the verbality you be layin down fer us to read. We think it be seriously pro stuff arrrr.
great body development, and da skeletal structure be killer. Me thinks we be dyin to unbury more of dat der booty! Very Happy


¿we be supposin da hearrrt of Akalà be in dee eeast of dis place trrue¿ o perrraaps da bline màn done told us some time ago¿

doncha be forgettin da BONES

Perhaps yes, definitely, I think. You found the list of treasure secrets found, yeah?
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