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PHOENIX- Burn Eleven: Rain of Fire- FINAL CHAPTER!!!
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right the new poll is up, do some voting...

P.S. He can't focus right now, not until the moment when he's imbued with power...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any more votes out there? I'm closing this poll tomorrow.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right I couldn't wait any longer...sorry if you didn't vote. Enjoy...
Warning Language.

Burn Four: A Twining of Flames

Six ten a.m.

He wasn't going to do anything just yet. It was too sudden, too soon...hell he shouldn't even be breathing right now, nevermind contemplating everlasting life. I'll have to get back to you on your...issues. Right now I'm in desperate need of a long, hot shower. Without waiting for her to comment he pushed back his covers and swung his legs out of bed. Rummaging through his drawers, why had nothing been moved, he grabbed a pair of cargo shorts and a black tee shirt that said 'Four out of Five Voices in my head say GO FOR IT!'.

Shuffling into the bathroom he shut the door even though he was already naked and was pretty sure the other Revenant could have walked through the door any time she pleased. He turned the hot water on, lathered up, and forgot everything for a moment as he literally scrubbed his cares away...for now.

Six fourty-four a.m.

Ian walked into appartment and kicked the door shut behind him cursing hard enough in several languages to make a sailor blush. He dropped the keys on the table...and the two paper bags of groceries hit the floor an instant later as he whipped a black Glock 9mm pistol out of his waistband. "FREEZE PUNK!"

The figure in the cargo shorts and black tee shirt froze in mid action, towel still over head and hairdryer in hand. Ian didn't know how someone had gotten in here, there were no signs of forced entry, but he knew how someone was going out. Under fire. Flames licked his hand and he quickly surpressed them before towel head could notice. A shadow flickered in the bedroom. "You in the room FREEZE!" The shadow stopped.

"Now get out here!" Slowly a figure walked out of the bedroom holding up her hands.

"Oh what are you going to do hero? Shoot me?" Ian could see right through her to the wall behind. To his credit his gun never waved.

What the hell he thought. I'm a freaking pyrokenetic who's to tell me there's no such thing as ghosts. The ghost got a very peeved look on her face.

"Dammit how many times do I have to explain...I'm a freaking REVENANT not some piece of shit ectoplasmic spasm. Damn men! I should have just kept to myself but noooo. I just had to come see the kid that lit up the scene like a freaking nuclear reactor...I had to be greedy." She glared at towel head. "You deal with him and when you two have stopped being morons I'll think about talking to you." With that the huffy ghost stormed back into the bedroom leaving Ian to concentrate on towel head.

"All right bastard. I don't know about Bitchzilla over there but you seem pretty damn mortal to me now why don't you take that towel off your head so I can get a good look at the piece of shit that broke into my house." A hand slowly raised and the towel slowly instant later so did Ian's gun followed shortly by Ian himself as he sank to his knees. "Lyr?"

It had to be a dream, some twisted, sick excuse for a dream. A nightmare. But he felt pain and his kid brother was still standing there looking at him like 'you think you're have a hard time coping try being the living dead guy'. "Lyr is it really you?" Suddenly Ian sprang to his feet, fire and gun in hand. "Or are you some freak from the Nth dimension posing as my dead brother."

Very slowly 'Lyr' looked around the room his grey eyes serching for something. The more Ian looked the more he was sure it wasn't Lyr. Lyr had red hair and golden skin, this guy had hair like charcoal and skin like ash. Yet when the stranger with the familiar face found a tablet and pen he wrote something very carefully. I can't speak.

"No shit. Playing dumb." 'Lyr' shook his head writing something else. The message astounded Ian.

Remember that time I had food poisoning and you told me it was a flu bug. You brought your girlfriend over...

"And you puked on her...oh God is you." The gun, the pen, and everything else was forgotten as the two brothers nearly crushed each other in a fierce hug. "Do I want to know why you've come back...all freaky and goth-like?" Lyr bent and picked up the writing tools. He thought for a moment before writing down one word...Revenge.
Ian smiled. "That's my little brother."

Seven thirty a.m.

Lyr put the hair dryer down and looked at his hair in the mirror. He sighed for the umpteenth time at his reflection. My whole damn wardrobe will look stupid on me. I'm going to have to go goth...yippe.

"Oh it's not so bad. Most of us have to indulge in that look from time to time sweetie. It's almost like it's in the job description." Lyr sighed. The pesky spirit just would not go away. She just hung around, like someone's mother-in-law.

You realize I'm not going to give you anything until I've got a grasp on the situation. She smiled.

"I realize you think I'd tie myself for eternity to some total moron...You've got some brains kid and when you use them people get burned." Lyr made a shushing motion, glancing toward Ian. "You havn't told him? How on earth did you manage to keep a secret like that...from him of all people?" Lyr shrugged.

Where better to hide one fire than in the heart of another? It was true though. He'd kept the secret of his pyrokenesis from Ian since it had woken with the onset of puberty. Lyr grimaced at the memory. Puberty was the ackward moment in everyone's life but you try not only having your voice break, your size suddenly expand, your craving for hot chicks suddenly appear, and have an explosive inner fire suddenly demand more time and concentration than living to control.

It had been hell on ice. Lyr shuddered and twitched even thinking about how close he'd come to total disaster several times. Was it any wonder he'd thrown himself into self defense classes and weight-lifting with a fevered passion? Not really. If he found an outlet for his energy and went to bed drop dead tired every day the fire lay within him like hot coals.

But it had been the ultimate bitch to train alone and in secret. He'd had to take up Auto Shop just to explain the odd singes in his clothes to Ian. Of course cars had become yet another passion in his life because of it. Whatever Lyr's fire touched it seemed to bring out the fullest while Ian's flames...Lyr frowned. His brother had a talent for distruction that Lyr respected.

He knew that his own fires could dwarf Ian's and knew himself capable of even greater havok, that's why he'd kept his powers secret. But he also knew that Ian could never expand anything by burning it. He'd never had any 'burning interests' in his life other than money, women, and keeping Lyr safe. Not that Lyr minded the third but the first two he could have done without.

Sometimes what Ian brought home wasn't worth the effort. Fake blonds that were more plastic than flesh. Dark eyed brunettes that wanted nothing more than a cut of the cash. And bad tempered red-heads that wanted all the attention at Lyr's expense. Then there were the witches with long black hair that latched onto Ian for his power.

And while Lyr hadn't asked questions while he was younger, the older he got the bigger the wedge his older brother's lifestyle drove between them. Lyr was a stay at home, raise and protect a family type guy. Ian was flash, cash and tough guy served on a hot plate. Girls ate him up and tore him up. How many times had Ian warned Lyr not to mess with women, that they were nothing but trouble, only to bring a new girl home a month later.

Still the Varro boy's were thick as theives. They'd never been driven apart and now it seemed death itself had said "Shit. That was a fuck up." and sent Lyr back. As he wandered back out into the living room the spirit blocked him.

"I realize we've gotten off to a bad start and normally I've got more manners than this but...well lets just say that pretty soon I'll be lapsing back into French. My name is Joan and you are Lyr. I'm very pleased to meet you even if you choose to send me away." Lyr returned Joan's curtsey with a stiff bow. It made him feel funny but it seemed the right thing to do.

She followed him back to where Ian lay sprawled on the couch eatin corn chips. Lyr frowned as he brushed the crumbs off his chest and then laughed as Ian instantly broke out the dust buster and sucked them up. Wow I really did have to die to get you pick up after yourself. Ian glared at the cardboard note then laughed at little.

"Oh I've become a regular Lyr clone since you've been gone. It sucked, especially before I healed up." Lyr spared a glance for his brother and shook his head. Having stripped off his jacket the green shirt he wore under it had short sleeves. The satiny scars that wrote the word TRAITOR were visible against his bronzed skin as well as many others. Reminders of the night from hell.

Sorry I wasn't there.

"Yeah me too...but now we've got them. Can you imagine the looks on their faces when you come walking in in a pair of big combat boots with a shot gun over your shoulders. They'll wet themselves." Lyr grinned.

Nah I'll pay them like fore like. An eye for an eye, a burn for a burn. Ashes to ashes they say. Ian looked at him.

"Whoa. I'm not gonna go around torching them little bro. I'm saving the Boss, Mr. Armand Sevetti, himself for the old human candle trick." For a moment Lyr debated keeping his secret then shook his head. It was time to come out of the closet.

Actually I think I'll char them myself. Ian laughed.

"You and what flamethrower." With a snap of his fingers Lyr incinerated the paper, and only that one sheet of paper. Yes his control was that good. For a moment they only stared at each other before Ian muttered one word. "Shit."

Lyr was almost as stunned. He'd felt the flames in the bottom of his soul but he didn't know if his powers would still be intact. He didn't know what made him pyrokenetic, didn't know if death would have robbed him of it or made it stronger. But when that paper ashed relief flooded him. I've still got it. With a dazzling smile he held up a new note for Ian, an idea that had formed in his mind.

The family that preys together stays together.

"You suggest a joining of forces?"

A twining of flames more like. Ian slapped his knee, taking his little brother's newly revealed skill.

"Well this shoots my plans to shit." He ran into his room and came back with a battered folder. Spill the contents out on the table they proved to be notes, reams of notes on fellow mobsters...all people Ian intended to kill. "With your help I'll be able to do so much more. We need a new plan of action."

Lyr listened as his brother outlined groups, captains, lieutenants, and verious thugs. What they did, where they ate, who they slept with, who they had paid off. But both of them decided to hit Vito and Carmine, the boys who had come for Lyr, first. "We'll go tonight. They'll be counting cash at Serpicci's after hours. We'll get them and their dirty money...blood money."

Now all we need is a plan. They studied the blue prints of Serpicci's Fine Italin. Only two options seemed open. One involved lots of brains, the other involved lots of firepower. They eventually settled on one though.

What's the plan?

I'm looking for two things with this DP and you can be as creative as you want, making up floorplans out of whole cloth.

1. How are they getting in?

2. What do they do once in there?

Let the idearium flow...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about a nice simple - though impersonal - burning? Get in by - burning a big hole in something, and then burn any and everyone then see.
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Need a few more ideas...who can oblige?
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey where did all the readers go? I need more suggestions than just Lordy's Burn them all to death....not that I'm not finding that appealing... Wink
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I think they should start with the minions, burn a few and send the bosses the corpses to put the fear into them. Then go in on full heat.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right new poll is up. Vote!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

With NaNoWrMo behind me I can finally get back to the stories I enjoy this new chappy. Enjoy...

Burn Five: Fire Rekindled

Eleven Fifty One p.m.

"Hey will you hurry up? You'd think you were wearing concrete gloves as fast as you count." Carmine glared acrost the table at Vito.

"Oh hardy har har. I don't see your pile of cash overwhelming my own by any great margin. You want to talk the talk you better walk a little faster." The two thugs snarled at each other in the hidden back room of the high class resturant. Money was being banded, wrapped, and stacked in canvas laundry bags they would haul out later. Nobody else was around, Vito had a spare key to the joint so that they could let themselves out later when they were done.

"Hey Carm, did you turn up the heat." Vito tugged his shirt collar, sweat beginning to trickle down his face. Across the table Carmine didn't seem to be faring much better, looking flushed and damp. He looked up, puzzled.

"No, I thought you might have."

"Well someone has and if I didn't do it and you didn't do it...who the hell?" They stood up overturning their chairs as one wall, the outside wall, exploded in a hail of bricks, morter, fire and smoke. Standing in the center of it all in nothing but a pair of torn jeans and battered sneakers, was Ian Varro.

"Well well...hope I didn't interrupt anything boys." Carmine and Vito both had their revolvers out, Browning Semi-Auto's both, and aimed them right at the man that looked like he had stepped out of hell. His scars shone wetly in the flickering light, dust was settling in his black hair, and fire still danced along his skin in odd flashes. "I just thought I'd drop by and say...I quit."

"You can't quit Traitor. The Boss'll have you dead in a heartbeat...maybe he'll even torch you like he did your brother." The thugs guffawed about that one and a little tich jumped in Ian's cheek. Carmine elbowed Vito.

"Yeah poor Liar...Leer...something like that. But then he was a member of the Fantastic Four. Did you know that Vito? Varro's little brother was a cloest superhero." Vito turned to Carmine with mock surprise in his eyes.

"Which member of the Fantastic Four was he Carmine?"

"Why the human torch of course." Both thugs burst out laughing at what they thought was the total sum of all clever things said ever up until that point in time. However the stopped laughing quickly enough when they noticed that Ian was laughing with them, real warm laughter not something forced or play acted.

"The Human Torch...cute. Now there's someone I want you to meet, call him my term-maker if you want." Slowly, through the swirling smoke and floating brick and morter dust, a massive dark shape moved. Broken bricks clattered every which way as slowly a massive wall of human flesh clad all in black leather shouldered his way through the ruined wall. Vito and Carmine looked at the guy with a strange feeling of deja vu. They'd seen him before. Ian only smiled. "Carmine, Vito...may I present my little brother Lyr Varro...the Human Torch."

With a cruel smile and a snap of his fingers Lyr sent flames outward in an explosion of destructive force, like some massive sledgehammer made only of elemental fire. Before it stainless steel melted, bricks puffed into dush, furniture incinerated, and the two thugs became so much ash.

Twelve ten a.m.

The fire trucks rushed to the scene of the massive blaze, which neighbors had described only as a 'massive explosion' and hastily began to put it out. In the massive crowd that gathered to watch stood one massive young man in a black turtleneck and black leather pants. Next to him stood another slightly older young man wearing a leather jacket a few inches to long for him. They exchanged glances and smiles before they wandered off, not noticed as more people crowded forward to watch the resturant burn.

Seven eleven a.m.

Lyr groaned as he woke up, a massive headache behind his eyes. He knew he'd been sent back for revenge, when he'd said that it felt so right...although vengance sounded a whole lot better. But he also knew that wasn't the only reason, he'd been sent back to mend other parts of his life too, finish other buisness. He just couldn't think of what it would be. Shuffling into the kitchen he quietly passed Ian on the couch without waking him.

Reaching into the cupboard he pulled down a glass, poured himself some orange juice, and decided to rummage through his closet and see what clothes he could still wear and which ones were Salvation Army fodder. Setting his orange juice down for a moment he turned to grab an apple from one of the hanging mesh baskets they were stored in. A framed photo hanging on the wall caught his eye, a photo of him and his girlfriend Addy Lasky.

He found himself lost in the picture, one Ian obviously liked because Lyr looked absolutly euphoric in the photo, and lost track of time. Where were all the other photos of him and Addy? Gazing around he saw that all of them had been turned around so that the faces were no longer visible, Ian's way of dealing with the pain without changing a thing. Lyr chugged the rest of his orange juice and headed for the closet, a whole new purpose square in his mind.

Opening the slotted wooden sliding doors Lyr stood on tiptoe and slid his arm all the way back along the shelf at the top. In a very dusty corner in the back his fingertips brushed a velvet box, covered in dust by the feel of it. With trembling hands he pulled it forward, bringing it to the light of day for the first time in over a year. Opening it he swollowed hard at the sight of the five carat diamond solitair that had taken him six months to save up for. He'd ment to give it to her, he just hadn't gotten the chance.

With a leaden heart he replaced the box and tried to shove Addy out of his mind. No doubt she'd moved on by now, she'd had a whole year. It wasn't like she wasn't smart, funny, or extremely attractive in all the right ways. It wasn't like she wasn't a warm, caring person who fell in love with every misfortunate stray animal that straggled across her path. It wasn't like she wasn't a brilliant up and coming editor for a popular fashion magazine. Who wouldn't want that in their life...Lyr certainly had.

He walked back into the living room and turned around the photos again, pictures of his life as it had been, as he had been. There were pictures of him and of him and Ian. There were birthday photos and party photos and a graduation photo that Lyr felt unflattering since he looked rather poorly in his deep plum and grey graduation robes. He was aware of Ian standing behind him from the moment his brother first opened his mouth...Ian wasn't very fresh of breath in the morning.

"Hey little bro how are you?" Lyr flipped him a thumbs up and turned heading for the bathroom. "Yeah well leave me some hot water shower hog. I'm not exactly fresh as a daisy back here." Understatment of the century big brother. You are the whole reason they invented roll on deodorant. A chuckle next to him announce the return of Joan.

She didn't say anything for once which almost took Lyr by surprise. I suppose you're not talking because you can only talk French now eh? To her surprise she nodded. Fair enough. She looked after him a little mournfully but Lyr shook his head. He wasn't ready to commit to anything with her, not even for the sake of conversation. He showered quickly and hopped back out, leaving plenty of hot water and fluffy towels for Ian.

Eight thirteen a.m.

Breakfast had been eaten and the dishes cleared now Ian watched the news, especially the clips about the 'mysterious' fire at Serpicci's. Lyr looked out the window and tried to clear his head. But the more he thought about Addy the more he felt like she was part of his unfinished buisness, part of what he had been sent back to see...or do. With Joan speaking in a language he really couldn't understand, it had been a while since high school French, she wasn't going to offer him any helpful tidbits.

Finally when he was unable to stand it anymore Lyr put on a simple black polar fleece and pulled on his boots. I'm going out, back afterwhile. Ian tossed Lyr his spare cellphone. "I'll call you if anything comes up. Have fun and stay out of trouble." Lyr grinned. How much trouble could a dead man get in? Grabbing the keys to the restored Cuda he trotted down the stairs to the parking garage and whipped the dust cover off with gusto. Running his hand over the smooth paint he frowned a bit. This wasn't his car...well not exactly. It was a close look-a-like but not his. Still, it was drivable and close enough for Lyr to not give it more than a second thought.

Fireing up the engine Lyr grinned like a mad man. Time to go see the old places, the old faces. Settling some sunglasses over his eyes he turned on the radio to his favorite rock station and cranked the volume all the way up as Mötley Crüe's Dr. Feelgood came on. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel he drove out of the garage finally enjoying his second chance at life. Now where to first?

Nine thirty a.m.

Lyr had stopped for coffee at the little bakery he always bought it from, paying the man and leaving a dollar tip as he sipped his cinnimon almond mocha. Blissful. He was just walking out the door when a young woman bumped into him, nearly causing him to slosh hot coffee all over him. "Sorry." She called back over her shoulder in a worried, hurried tone before she rushed in, grabbed a cup of coffee the man already had waiting with a smile, paid in exact change, and rushed back out cup of coffee raised to her lips.

Lyr had recognized her in a heartbeat and was now standing there tearing himself apart inside. It was just after 9:30, of course Addy would be hear getting her pre-work cup of coffee. He watched her as she brushed back past him without a second glance, eyes closed as she gulped her coffee, not watching where she was going. That was probably why she didn't see the bus as she stepped off the curb. Without thinking, indeed his reflexes were faster than thought, he wrapped an arm around her waist jerking her backward out of harm's way. Then he ran leaving Addy stairing around in complete confusion.

Eight fourty two p.m.

Lyr had spent the whole day in the park after the coffee incident this morning, unable to stop himself from shaking. He knew that with only a week on earth it was very foolish of him to spend the whole day sitting on a park bench throwing stale popcorn to pidgeons that only pecked at it because they knew he expected them to. He couldn't get over her, how different she looked, seemed. It's been a year of course she looks different. Not everyone's been dead.

But he remembered the new stress lines that had been stamped on her face, the way her hair frizzed a bit more. She'd never been that rushed before...what had changed? What made her act like it was her first day of work in forever? Lyr couldn't figure it out and kept turning it over and over in his head like some mental rubix cube. The phone in his pocket rang. "Hey bro, I need you home okay? We've got planning to do." Lyr hung up and walked back to the cuda before driving back.

Nine twenty two p.m.

Lyr hadn't heard a word Ian had said in the past ten minutes and Ian knew it. Something was eating his brother and eating him big time. He could see it in the set of his shoulders, the way his eyes seemed turned inward and a bit glassy. Maybe letting him spend the day on his own hadn't been such a wonderful idea after all. "Hey Lyr you okay?"

What do you think? Ian smacked Lyr's shoulder. "Wiseass. Now come on. Something's eating you up...what is it." Ian watched as Lyr stood and walked over to the mantle, grabbed a picture, and walked back, tossing it onto Ian's lap with a flick of his wrist. Addy's face stared up at Ian from the silver frame. "Oh damn...I" Lyr held up one finger telling Ian to wait. He came back a little later with something cupped in his hands. He tossed the little black dusty box ontop of the picture. Ian almost didn't have to open it but he did anyway.

"Oh bought a ring. You were..." Lyr held up the 'what do you think' card again. "God little would have made an honest woman of her. I'm proud." Lyr looked at Ian with a puzzled expression. She doesn't lie Ian. "Well I know but I ment..." Lyr slapped his head, he wasn't a moron afterall. Right he blushed. How did you know? Ian opened his mouth to speak then shut it like a trap.

He doesn't know? Well duh he doesn't Ian you idiot...he's been dead for the past year. He looked at his little brother and gave him a wicked smile. "Intuition." Lyr didn't believe him for one moment. He knew something was up now and he was glaring at Ian. Something flickered behind his eyes and he stood swiftly, donning coat and boots once again, car keys in hand insanely swift. "Lyr wait..." Too late he was gone. Ian slumped back down on the couch.

"Dear will he take it?"

Ten o five p.m.

Lyr stared up at the window of Addy's appartment building. He didn't bother hitting the buzzer, the door wasn't locked until 11:00 when old Mr. Jameson finally finished his rounds. He took the steps two at a time until he hit the fourth floor landing. He looked on his key ring until he found the key he was looking for, Addy's spare key she'd given him a lifetime ago. With a slightly trembling hand he unlocked her door and pushed it open, hoping that she was asleep.

He shut the door behind him silently and then turned to examin his surroundings. Nothing seemed out of place here in the hallway, a few things changed but nothing big as he moved into the living room. The furnature had been rearranged, a play pin filled with stuffed toys took up one whole corner. That hadn't been in here before...was Addy babysitting now? Pictures of a chubby infant sat on the mantle one was even tucked into a photo of him and her. A feeling of dread hit his stomach.

He looked at the light sockets and saw each one had a little plastic protector in it. The edges of the furnature had soft rubber rounders on them to take away sharp edges. Panic was flooding his system as he walked down the hall on silent feet, creeping past Addy's bedroom. There was a spare room at the end of the hall that Addy used as an office. He slid the door open and stopped dead in his tracks. Being dead had changed his life but what he saw changed everything he stood for.

The room was a nursery complete with framed birth certificate on the wall above the crib. Shaking beyond all control Lyr walked over to that crib and peered inside. The chubby infant from the photos was sleeping soundly in a pair of blue footie pj's thumb in mouth. A cap of bright red hair curled on top of his little head and his skin looked golden in the soft glow of the teddy bear night light. Oh god...

Looking up at the birth certificate Lyr finally lost his battle with gravity and was forced to lean on the crib to stay vertical. His lips moved as air travled up his throat and his voice echoed in the air for the first time since he'd been deprived of his tounge. "Lyr Aren Varro Jr. Born 6/10/06 St. Mary of Charity Hospital. Mother: Addy Mae Lasky. Father.....Father: Lyr Aren Varro Sr."

His breath came in gasps and his head snapped to the side as a small cry caught his full focus. The little boy was awake and going to start squalling in a moment. He looked up at Lyr with big eyes that were already beginning to fill with tears, his little hands waving toward Lyr as if to say 'pick me up'. Lyr wanted to, desperately wanted to hold his son. But he didn't know if he should. Wasn't it better to walk away right now, to walk away and not look back. It wasn't fair to get attached to the little guy when he only had a week...not fair to him or his mother.

Torn with indecision Lyr hesitated a moment. "Why me?"

What will he do?

Right, I'm off to bed now. Read and reply if you don't mind.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, the poor kid! Sad

Love on him, or be a zombie. I think the choice is obvious.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll is please.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really do need a tie-breaker this time since this is a major turning point in the tale. Wouldn't be fair if I just went and made the choice now would it?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Missed a few Chapters here but caught up. He may as well hold his son, if its once it shouldn't make much difference and he may as well wait for Addy.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A big thanks to Jez for breaking the tie! Enjoy.

Burn Six: Old Flames

Ten twenty five p.m.

Before the little boy could start squalling Lyr reached down and scooped him up in his arms, supporting the neck and back just like he'd been taught in Health Sciences back in school. Bouncing him slightly he looked around for a bottle of formula or, heaven forbid, a spare diaper. Luckily the little guy needed neither food nor change, he'd just wanted some attention. Instead of fussing and crying he just fixed both of those big baby blue eyes right on Lyr's face and didn't move them.

One chubby infant hand was pressed into his mouth where he was chewing away on it, teething maybe, the other was wrapped around some of Lyr's black hair, tugging a bit. It wasn't too painful for Lyr, nothing at all when you compared it to the sensation of instant cremation. Slowly moving to a rocking chair that took up a corner of the room Lyr sat down, slowly rocking back and forth, back and forth, singing softly to the little boy...his little boy.

A gentle warmth spread though Lyr's body, concentrated along where the infant was laying, to help sooth him. It didn't take more than a couple of minutes before the little tyke dozed back off leaving Lyr smiling slightly over him and still singing, just to be sure. With soft, gentle motions he stood and quietly crossed the room to where the crib lay, empty. He was just leaning over it when he heard the unmistakable click of a gun being cocked behind him. "Put the kid down you jerk."

Not wanting to wake the infant Lyr's motions continued without a hitch as he put the baby back in his crib. He wanted to kiss his son goodnight, goodbye actually, but wasn't going to push his luck when it seemed Addy had a loaded gun of some kind aimed at him. "Forgot the baby monitor didn't you asshole. What kind of prick kidnapps an innocent baby huh?" Lyr was still silent, bent over the crib as he tucked the blanket in a little closer to the kid, warming it up with his touch. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

Slowly straightening and shaking his head Lyr's voice was low and calm, yet filled with sorrow. "Why is it that the people I love the most are greeting me with loaded guns?" Turning around he watched Addy's eyes go wider...then the gun went off. There was no booming noise thanks to the silencer that was connected to the end of the barrel, where she'd gotten that he had no idea.

Pain exploaded in his size, like being punched in the ribs by an elephant. He groaned a bit and pressed a hand to his side as the bullet traveled along between two of his ribs and lodged just under the skin of his back. No blood seeped from between his fingers and, strangely, the pain began to fade almost as soon as the bullet stopped traveling. Addy, meanwhile, had pressed a fist against her lips and dropped the gun onto the floor.

Quickly checking that the baby was still asleep Lyr moved slowly across the floor and picked the gun up. "It's alright Addy, it's just me." The fist slowly moved away from her lips and reached out to take his arm. She drew closer, till she was inches away, before slapping him as hard as she could. As badly as the bullet hurt, that slap hurt much worse.

" I knew you couldn't be dead, I told myself that for months. I know all about Ian and the Mob, that's why at first I thought it was a hit...that Ian had somehow survived. Then I saw the scars on his arms and knew he turned on them. So I though that maybe you faked your death and went into witness protection while he worked for the FBI or the I know it." Lyr quirked his eyebrows at her. Addy had studied Criminal Justice and Law before finding her passion in fashion. It wasn't far fetched for her to think this way.

Although it was probably the most insane way she could have looked at it. No, scratch that, the most insane way to look at it was what had actually happened. And now I've got to convince her, it's almost worth it to let her think I faked my death. Her hand reached down to where his was still holding his side. "Do you need a doctor Lyr?" Realizing she didn't feel any blood she looked at him. "Are you wearing kevlar?"

"No honey, I'm not wearing kevlar." She pulled his hand away and lifted his shirt. Not much could be seen in the slight light of the teddy bear light so she pulled him into the hall, flipping on a light switch. She gasped as she saw the wound which looked like it was sealing itself closed. She looked up at him. "It's a long story." As the bullet fell into her palm she rolled it to her finger tips and held it up in the light.

"I've got time."


She sat on the other couch in her pink pj's looking so alone with her knees pulled up to her chin and her arms wrapped around them. She stared at him with her big blue eyes, dark blond hair pulled in a messy bun on the top of her head. "You don't expect me to believe that do you?" Lyr, who was sitting in the chair across from her, shook his head and spread his hands wide.

"You think it's any easier for me to believe? You don't want to know what the last thing I remember is. Then I wake up in my own bed, in my own appartment and it's like everything was some crazy dream. But it's real Addy, honest to god real." For a moment the two of them sat in silence. Lyr put his head in his hands and Addy chewed on a straggling bit of her hair. "You could always try shooting me again."

"What good would that do?" He looked up at her.

"I'd do anything to prove to you that I'm telling you the truth."

"You told me that the mob wouldn't kill your brother because he had a 'talent' that was too valuble for them to waste. What was that talent." Lyr shook his head.

"You wouldn't believe that either Addy...unless I proved it to you." Lyr searched through his pockets until he found the coffee recipt from earlier and the old popcorn bag. "Take a good look at these." He handed them both to her and watched as she turned them over and over.

"Bassie's...that was you earlier!"

"Yeah. You need to watch where you're going. But that's not what I wanted you to see. What are you holding?" She gave him a 'this isn't funny' look and dropped the bag and slip on her coffee table.

"It's a paper bag and a recipt for coffee...what's this got to do with your brother's 'talent' huh?" She made the little quote marks with her fingers as she said talent. She still wasn't believing a word he said. Lyr sighed. Why can't people be a little more willing to believe things out of the ordinary?

"It's not just Ian's talent, it sort of runs in the family on mom's side. She had an aunt who could do it and she always said Grandpa could do it, it skips generations though. You couldn't tell from our family history who would and wouldn't have it. Some times father, son, daughter, and aunts and uncles would all have it, other times it was just grandpa and grandma."

"And...this tells me something how?"

"I just thought you might want to know our son might be able to do this in the future."

"Do what?" She sighed, frustrated. "Lyr I..." With the snap of his fingers the paper went up in flames, becoming a little pile of ash on the unmarked coffee table. She watched with wide eyes for a moment and sat silent for a bit longer before she looked at him, hands trembling ever so slightly. "Well...that's good to know then...about little Lyr. Were you ever going to tell me though?"

Lyr smiled and opened his mouth when his phone rang. He would have let it ring but considering that Ian might be in big trouble after last night's little stunt he had to take the call. Addy shook her head a bit but knew it wasn't like Lyr to not answer his would have made the caller nervous.

"Lyr thank goodness I got ahold of you. Sorry about breaking up your meeting with Addy, or if you arn't talking to her you should be bro, but I've got some major issues. Meet me on the corner by Tom's Sports in ten. Bye Lyr." Ian hung up before Lyr could get a word in edgewise, making him chuckle just a bit as he hung up the phone.


"It was Ian, I've got to go." Lyr stood shrugging into his coat. "I'll see you soon honey." He leaned over to kiss her and pulled back as she stiffened a bit. "Don't be mad. Please..."

"I'm not mad it's just...go, go. Give me time to think." She shooed Lyr out the door with waving hands and gentle pushes. It wasn't until he was driving away from the building that he realized he hadn't asked her a single question all evening.

One ten a.m.

Lyr pulled up infront of Tom's Sports but Ian wasn't there waiting for him. Instead there were a couple of thugs in expensive suits in a black Lexus. As he pulled up the motioned for him to roll down his window...he got out of the car instead. Crossing the street to where they were waiting he rapped on the glass of the driver's window. When they didn't roll it down he put his hand through the glass and grabbed the man by the shirt front.

Ignoring the man's partner, who went for his gun, he pulled the man forward in his seat until the partner would have to hit the driver if he shot at Lyr. "Where's Ian scumbag?" The man stammered around a bit before giving Lyr directions to an appartment on the upscale side of town. "And I bet I won't get past the doorman without one of you boys with me eh?" A slight nod confirmed his guess. Lyr shook his head. "Too bad nobody ever said what shape you had to be in did they?"

One twenty one a.m.

Lyr parked his car half a block from front doors of the building and stared at the skyscraper. "A bit ostintatious isn't it?" He said this to no one in particular since neither of the two thugs was concious at the moment. Lyr drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, regretting his violent actions of eleven minutes ago. He could heft the thugs over his shoulders and walk up to the doorman...but he doubted he'd be treated like a guest if he did that. Which ment he had to figure another way inside...

Well what's Lyr going to do?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could he work his way round the back, and superheat a wall-section, to get through?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He could, but he'll have to take care that nobody sees him doing this on either side of the wall.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New at my own risk.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still looking for votes guys...anyone out there?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

damn. I'm late. sorry for not being there to vote. i would have said burn an acces and then carry the thugs in. Smile going to cast vote:)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, vote was to burn a way in. Enjoy.

Burn Seven: Fanning the Flames

One thirty a.m.

Lyr was in no mood for politely knocking on the door or for asking permission to enter. Slipping out of the car after tying the thugs up in shreds of their own suits he walked around to a dimly lit alley on the side of the building. Looking around to assure himself nobody was watching he leaned against the wall. Smoke wafted out around him and, in no time flat, he'd burned a hole in the wall.

Stepping through and looking around, just to make sure nobody had seen him, he realized he didn't even know which room they were waiting for him in. A light tap on his shoulder had him whipping to confront none other than Joan standing behind him. Pointing first to herself then to him, she took off. "I guess I'll follow you then."

Two a.m.

Lyr burst through a door at the top of the stairs and into a hallway where two thugs in black suits turned automatic gunfire on him. After wincing as the first few rounds pummled through his body Lyr didn't even slow down. He simply walked up to them and slammed their heads together, knocking them unconcious, before kicking the door in.

After listening to the hail of gunfire outside the thugs inside the posh penthouse didn't even bother to try and stop him. Not as they looked at his bullet hole riddled clothing and watched him leave a trail of slugs behind him as he walked away across the carpet. Turning a face shadowed by pain and rage, hair twisted from the fire fight into ribbons of sweat soaked auburn, to a thug that was particularly well dressed Lyr snarled. "Where's Ian?"

The man pointed down the hall gibbering. "He's in the study with the Boss...but you'll" Lyr slammed the man back into the wall and walked way, heedless of whatever message the man was going to say. Finding the door to the study locked Lyr broke that one down as well much to the shocked expressions of those in the room.

Ian sat in a comfortable chair a look on his face saying he didn't believe what was happening. The Boss, or Carlo Satori, had a horrified look that quickly melted away. And the strange woman in the room looked slightly unnerved until regaining her regal, serene, calm. "Ah Lyr, so good of you to join us." Lyr snarled at Carlo.

"Give me back my brother or you will find out in a hurry just what kind of Hell you put me through." Ian shifted nervously and Carlo's frown deepened. The woman next to him smiled brilliantly.

"You see Ian," she purred. "It's just like we told you, Lyr is not heaven-sent...he's hell spawned." Lyr gazed at her sharply but her eyes were already sliding past him. "Why if you need any more confirmation just look at the spirit following him. How are you dear Joan."

"Marde." Lyr might not remember much French but he knew 'Shit' when he heard it. This couldn't be going well. Biting the bullet he gave Joan a small zap of energy, feeling slightly weak for a moment. She coughed once before locking her mind onto his. We have a really, really big problem. Serephina is like us...but remember I told you about evil Revenants...the one's called something else? She's one of them.

She's focused isn't she. Joan nodded ever so slightly. What's her focus? Joan grimaced.

Her beauty. Looking at her Lyr could see that she was indeed flawlessly beautiful. Like some goddess. And her voice was so heavenly...he shook his head bringing thoughs of Addy and his son to mind. That shocked him back to reality like a bucket of ice water. She's a Temptress.

Thanks, I think I figured that one out. He glared across the room at her. "What do you mean saying I'm hellspawn? You maybe should look in a mirror?" Was that a flinch that ran through her, Lyr wasn't sure.

"I?" She put a dramatic hand on her bosom. "I am an angel." Joan burst out laughing and Serephina glared at her with hate filled eyes. "You, you laugh. Of course you would, you have always mocked the power of God." At that Joan paled as if she'd been slapped in the face and Serephina allowed a smile to cross her lips.

Joan rattled of something in very angery French, her entire form shaking. To stop the conflict Lyr allowed flames to dance in his hair as he said in a quiet voice "Enough." They all turned to look at him. "Ian, we're leaving." Ian looked at him for a moment before standing, flames in his hands. "Ian?"

"You know, maybe I should have shot you right off the bat. If I had known that you worked for evil I would never have helped demon." Lyr shook his head. He didn't remember much about the afterlife but he knew there hadn't been anything even remotely close to evil in the moments between death and rebirth.

"What are you talking about."

"She explained everything! The game is up Lyr!" He pointed to Serephina. "She is an angel, she's been using the mobsters to rid the world of evil people. That's why they killed you instead of killing me...I just didn't see it before." Lyr was shaking his head...Ian had gone mad.

He's completely under her spell. There's nothing you can do now. Lyr didn't want to believe he'd lost Ian. Yet how could he break the Temptress's hold?

Well how might this be done?

Hope you liked.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well. to break the spell. It could be that it is partly his true story. Anyway 'n mirror. a kiss...*giggle* hit him through the face. Can he maybe kill the woman, I rarely know if angles can take hold of poeple. I think i skimmed a few parragraphs. I shall reread soon.

I'm not that intelligent in how to break spells. LOL. But again another good chapter.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are there any more readers out there with willing comments...or have you all found this story less than it once was?
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kalanna Rai wrote:
Right, vote was to burn a way in. Enjoy.

He's completely under her spell. There's nothing you can do now. Lyr didn't want to believe he'd lost Ian. Yet how could he break the Temptress's hold?

Well how might this be done?

Hope you liked.

Classically, in greek myth, temptresses had had a defeatable power. I.E. The Siren's music could be blocked by plugging your ears. The amazon's had some garment like a belt or short skirt. Her beauty isn't all consuming. You should think about distracting Ian with virtuous 'brotherly love' verses base lust. Assuming there is an angel - virtue connection her power is weaker against virtuious attacks. Don't know how it works. I voted for getting Ian away from the Temptress. I think the story would do better with somebody other than the mob as a recurring challenge to deal with. Particularly somebody that uses Ian as a pawn to count coup with. That does seem the direction that the story was going - Ian and the mob or Ian and the temptress. Ian seems to be what I call a DNPC (Dependant, Non-Player Character) which is in the story to be a plot hook.

I don't know about his wife and son. The wife could be a DNPC, but his son could grow into a Player that has his own line in the story.

Introduce the combat between importals for the hearts and minds of mortals. A sort of tragic never ending battle that will constantly need to be begun again each generation. If he's really immortal and others in the family have been too. Where are the previous generations and about fighting the classic us verses them? I.E. As in Harry Potter. The mage verses muggle argue and good verses evil questions. This story is walking on the edge of modern fantasy rather than SciFi. Does that give you some ideas?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your thoughtful post and this isn't supposed to be's supposed to be horror although we're just now getting into the real meat of the story.

No the mob wasn't supposed to be the only major player, indeed the Temptress is the first of several 'evils' that Lyr has returned to fight.

No there have been no immortals in his family prior to Lyr however the pyrokenesis is a heriditary family trait as Lyr explained and both Ian and Lyr demonstrate.

Addy is also a character around which the plot revolves as she is one of Lyr's major weak points, his son and brother being the other two.

And hit upon the epilogue when you suggested that his son take over where he left off. Lyr's not exactly immortal...he's only got a weak of this god-like state before he has a major decision to make. At the end of his week he'll either burn out, fade away, or find a focus that will rule the rest of a very long life. Thus his son will take over for the father, fighting supernatural evils as they come his way.

Hate to reveal that now but hey, when you hit it you hit it. Glad to have you abord Dave, your comments are sound and your ideas are wonderful. Enjoy the ride.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sallume92054 wrote:
Kalanna Rai wrote:
Right, vote was to burn a way in. Enjoy.

He's completely under her spell. There's nothing you can do now. Lyr didn't want to believe he'd lost Ian. Yet how could he break the Temptress's hold?

Well how might this be done?

Hope you liked.

Classically, in greek myth, temptresses had had a defeatable power. I.E. The Siren's music could be blocked by plugging your ears. The amazon's had some garment like a belt or short skirt. Her beauty isn't all consuming. You should think about distracting Ian with virtuous 'brotherly love' verses base lust. Assuming there is an angel - virtue connection her power is weaker against virtuious attacks. Don't know how it works. I voted for getting Ian away from the Temptress. I think the story would do better with somebody other than the mob as a recurring challenge to deal with. Particularly somebody that uses Ian as a pawn to count coup with. That does seem the direction that the story was going - Ian and the mob or Ian and the temptress. Ian seems to be what I call a DNPC (Dependant, Non-Player Character) which is in the story to be a plot hook.

I don't know about his wife and son. The wife could be a DNPC, but his son could grow into a Player that has his own line in the story.

Introduce the combat between importals for the hearts and minds of mortals. A sort of tragic never ending battle that will constantly need to be begun again each generation. If he's really immortal and others in the family have been too. Where are the previous generations and about fighting the classic us verses them? I.E. As in Harry Potter. The mage verses muggle argue and good verses evil questions. This story is walking on the edge of modern fantasy rather than SciFi. Does that give you some ideas?


What braniac said.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tie-breaker anyone. I've been breaking too many of them myself lately.
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"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

O sorry Rai i voted mirror, since it works always on temptresses. After that smash it... smash a mirror. and well then she is dead you see. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Crady. There, tie broken. Happy?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mirrors get the best of something... Razz Can't wait to see your next chap Rai. Smile Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very Happy Mastermind...I'll get this chappy up later today RL willing...or unwilling.
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"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right next chappy. Enjoy

Burn Eight: Fire Burning Bright

Two Thirty a.m.

Lyr stared at Ian, his heart breaking. "You don't know what you're doing, you're not yourself."

"That's kinda strange coming from the mouth of a dead guy little bro. As far as I know I'm still me...but you're definetly not you. I should have caught on when you went along with my revenge plots. Time was when you would have talked me out of it..."

Lyr's expression hardened. "Yeah well that time kinda went out the window when my flesh was seared from my bones." Serephina's smile widened as she came from around behind the desk to stand behind Ian, hands on his shoulders.

"You don't need to fear your brother Ian...I am with you." Joan snorted at the Temptresses words.

"Yeah, fat lot of good that's going to do you. She's sapping your strength, not adding to it Ian. Serephina it's good to see some things havn't still jump into the pants of the first man likely to aid your cause...only last time it was MY brother you were jumping all over." Serephina laughed at the rage filled look on Joan's face.

"You? You were just the bastard by blow of the family. I'm surprised they're even still speculating about it all this time afterward. There's really no hard evidence. Besides, you were a shame and a disgrace, godless little hore!"

Joan lunged forward with a screech at Serephina's words, stopped only when Lyr's flaming hand wrapped around her arm. They both stared at each other in shock that he could hold onto her when her form was little more than colored haze. He looked at her and shook his head. "Let's not play into her image of us anymore than we already are shall we?"

Lyr's brain was already racing a million miles a minute. He remembered what Joan had told him about Revenants. If they had a Focus then destroying the focus would destroy them. But sometimes, as in this case, the focus wasn't something easily destroyed. Lyr had a hunch he could throw fireballs at Serephina's face all day long and nothing would happen. She wouldn't have so much as a scratch.

Well, he'd be viewed as a monster by Ian for the rest of his life, that much was certain. His brain was trying tell him something, something that might help him. It snapped into clarity all of the sudden. "Come on Joan, we're leaving." Joan stared at him like he'd lost his mind.

"But your brother..."

"Leave him. He's a big boy...he can make his own choices. If he wants to fight for the Mob and some Fallen Angel he can. I'm sick of it, I have better things to do." Turning for the door he'd just put his hand on it when it sprang into flames. "Wow, that would have been a deterrant if I'd been a living man. I've already been incinerated, fire holds no mystery for me anymore. And being burned," He looked over his shoulder at Ian's face. "I don't even feel that..."

Walking into the hallway Lyr ignored Joan's looks, concentrating instead on the item he was seeking. "Are they following us Joan?" She shook her head at him.

"Not yet." Lyr's brows knitted, as she shook her head. Dammit he need them, or at least Serephina, to follow. He rounded a corner and opened a door to find the room he was looking for. Rummaging through some drawers he found what he was looking for just as Joan hissed at him. "Here they come."

He moved quickly to the front door, looking into Ian's eyes one last time. "I'm offering you one last chance to trust me Ian." Ian shook his head.

"Never again Lyr...I'm sorry...I can't."

"Well then if I proved your angel was a fake?" Serephina took that oppertunity to laugh.

"And how are you going to do that?" Before she could finish laughing Lyr pulled the mirror from behind his back and flipped it toward her. "No! Get back!" She threw a hand across her eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to admire yourself?" He thrust the mirror in between the sheilding arm and her face. She pulled back, her form rapidly bubbling like hot tar. "I didn't think so." She screeched at the top of her lungs, a banshee wail that had the mortals in the room clapping hands over ears.

Lyr stood there the whole time with the mirror aimed at her just in case. She swept her arm outward, trying to strike it from his hand. Flames crept up his form, rimming the mirror so that it blazed forth a shining light. She was breaking apart, sizzling like a sidewalk on a hot summer day. One of her melting hands clasped his foot, her eyes filled with hatred reflecting his flames.

"You think you have won...I was only the first...the distraction. There are far worse horrors instore for you, Lyr Varro. And I swear to you the fires of Hell shall charr the flesh from your bones." With a last gasp her form oozed away to nothing but a dark stain on the carpet, a stain quickly bursting into flames.

In moments the whole condo was engulfed. Lyr, unable to feel or be affected, knew the same wasn't true for Ian. Reaching out for his brother he was shocked to find himself still blazing, the mirror nothing more than ash in his hand. "Ian follow me!"

Ian shook his head, looking around. Lyr could tell he was still a bit dazed. The flames were spreading far too quickly, cutting off any hope of escape via elevator. That left only the stairs, which were quickly being engulfed by flames, and a massive window. "You can jump might be able to get Ian to safety if you do." Lyr shook his head...that was a bad idea. But then so was risking flame engulfed stairwells.

What to do...

Hope you liked.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good chappy Rai! Smile
He can make flames, maybe he can extinguish them as well?
If not, then go for the window, and try to find something you could use as a rope.
Serephina wrote:
And I swear to you the fires of Hell shall charr the flesh from your bones.

The Mob already did that. It didn't work out very well. Laughing
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed...they did try and look what happened. Maybe burning isn't a good idea.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He can make flames, maybe he can extinguish them as well?
If not, then go for the window, and try to find something you could use as a rope.

I agree, if he could make flames he should extinguish it too. Tough a window sounds better, but I doubt you'll just find a rope lying around.

there has to be another means of excape, like a fire excape or a ladder mounted to wall outside...

I liked this chapter Ria hope to see more real soon.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll going up...

Vote when it appears...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's to Mastermind and his vote. Enjoy!

Burn Nine: Inner Fire

Two fifty a.m.

The flames raged out of control all around him, all over him. Lyr's head whipped back and forth between window and doorway, between Joan's anxious grimace and Ian coughing into his elbow. He brought a flaming hand to his lips, biting his knuckle hard as a nervous habit from childhood surfaced. It was then, staring at his flame covered flesh, that he had an idea. Lyr, despite the flames that licked across his skin, was still fully clothed...and that was because he had told the flames to leave his clothes alone.

Closing his eyes, he didn't want to watch if this didn't work, he reached out to the rapidly growing inferno around them. At first he was trying to tell the flames to leave every surface alone but he quickly realized that wasn't going to work. It was like trying to deny a starving pit bull a t-bone. Opening his eyes Lyr caught sight of the fire advancing on Ian, the one person in the room they could consume.

Without thinking he reached out and pulled and the flames spiraled backward through the air and into his palms. Just as he had so many times before, Lyr recalled the fire to himself, drawing the blaze inside and locking it away until only smoke and smolder were left. For a moment he stood, dazed and wobbly after the exertion, before pain blossomed in his gut like a match in gasoline soaked rags.

It doubled him over, this fist of Hades, putting him on his knees with one hand wrapped across his torso. He bit his lip so hard it bled, the fire within feeling like it was a wild animal clawing it's way out of his flesh. It had never been so bad before, even when his raw powers had first surged to life. Ian's hands were on his shoulders for a brief moment before his elder brother jerked them back, smoke curling from reddened flesh. "Lyr, talk to me! What's going on?"

Joan knelt before him, twisting her face around until she could stare him in the eyes. The expression on her face was carefully nutral but Lyr detected the quaver in her voice. "He's burning up from the inside out. The blaze, it was started by Serephina's remains...Lyr's got Hellfire trapped inside him."

Forehead on carpet, both arms hugging his sides to keep his fiery equivilant of Frankenstine's monster from escaping, Lyr bared his teeth. "Oh that's just peachy. It feels like dying a second time."

"You're in very real danger of doing just that. It's blocking your ability to draw from the Source, you're essentially running under your own power."

"He's what!" Ian's yell was full of clammy fear and Lyr might have been grateful for it if it hadn't acted like chilled vodka and stoaked his hellish inner fire.

Joan's words were calm, for the moment, but there was nothing soothing about them. "He's been cut off from the Source, the power that's been feeding him. That means he's suddenly lost his unlimited power, his regenerative capabilities, and his connection to the this short, he's either going to master this thing or die trying."

Grinding his teeth so hard they squeaked, Lyr forced himself up on one knee, knuckles of one fist in the charred carpet. "I love the way you're talking as if I wasn't right here."

"Don't get angery Lyr, this is Hellfire. It's not out to destroy you at the moment, just break you, own you. It's cut your connection and you know it, yet it's also offering you power isn't it?" Lyr had to admit she'd hit the nail on the head with that one. The malestrom within him was tearing through all of his carefully built barriers like they were paper, proving it was so much stronger than the power he'd possessed of late it was scarey.

Lyr might not be a Faith driven man, might not attend church or put much strength in devine doctrine, but he did know the difference between good and evil. Good was the soft reassurance he'd had for the past few days, the soft warmth of banked embers ready to spark upon command. This...this was evil, full on firestorm every second of every day, a blaze so powerful it would consume everything within Lyr, everything Lyr had ever been and would ever become, to feed itself.

It was then that Lyr stood, how he couldn't tell you, and turned his face upward. Staring through a skylight who's windows had blown in the flames, he gazed at the vault of the sky though no moon nor stars could be seen. Once before Lyr had made a plea, a plea that his death would not be in vain. Now he made another plea, a plea for the strength to fight.

White light seared downwards, invisible to all but the eyes of Lyr and Joan, illuminating him. Through the barrier of flames within, along the lines of his severed connection, it poured into him. He was distantly aware of Joan shouting.

Two fifty-eight a.m.

Ian couldn't tell what was going on but he was perceptive enough to know it was something big. Energy charged the air so badly that Joan was become every more 'real' as she soaked it in. "What's happening?"

She looked at him with wide eyes that reflected a brilliance Ian was blind to. "Can you not see? It is the most beautiful tragic thing I have ever witnessed...the first Revenant I have ever seen call down the Final Gift."

"Final Gift?"

"As I've said, your brother was a young Revenant. What that means is that he was still well within his week, the week we are all given to adjust to our new state. During that time we are connect to the Source at all times, unlimited power at our fingertips, unable to die or stay injured. At the end of that week all the Power a Revenant will ever have is given to us at once. It's called the Final Gift."

"But he's been back little more than two days! He should have five left!" Ian was frantic. Anything with the word 'Final' in it couldn't be good and things weren't that great to start with.

"That's been taken into account, the power he would have used in that time is being given to him as on an immesurable scale Ian, trust me." Suddenly the power, the charge, stopped for a moment and a sense of tension and waiting replaced it. Joan gazed intently upon Lyr. "It's all up to him now."

Ian looked at his brother, trying to fathom the struggle going on within him. Ian had never denied the paranormal, couldn't with his 'Gift', but he'd never really taken the allegations of angels and demons, Heaven and Hell, all that seriously...until that night seven months ago...until he the day Lyr returned to his life...until now as he watched his little brother fight a battle Ian himself had already lost.

'I sold my soul to a demon for the promise of power...Don't make my mistake Lyr, don't...' Joan gave no sign of hearing Ian, for which Ian was greatful. They'd seen how he'd acted with Serephina...but he doubted they'd guessed that she was only pulling the strings a much more powerful puppet master had placed upon him.

Still Ian had to know, what would happen to Lyr now that he'd taken this 'Final Gift' of his early? "Joan..."

She put a finger to her lips and shushed him. "He's making his choice."

Standing and listening to the clock strike the devil's hour, Ian could only hope it was the right one.

Three a.m.

Lyr felt it, all that power waiting just under his skin, all that power freely given warred with the power that wished to take all he had. But now he had the power to choose...and he chose willing service over blazing chains. The hellfire burst from him in a swirling conflaguration that seemed to scream in fury for losing his soul, but that was not the end of his battle.

The power freely given, his Final Gift, waited for his choice. He remembered what Joan had told him, about fading away and burning up, but he already knew that those were not the right choices for him. He would choose to Focus his power and he knew just the thing. His inner fire. "I so choose..."

The words sprang from his lips unbidden, unknowingly, and with utter conviction. He didn't need to speak his choice aloud, the power knew somehow. Like all others before him who'd ever chosen a Focus, Lyr's body began to twist itself around to suit, changes making him something that could never again be called 'human'.

His blood was seared away, liquid flame taking it's place. His ashen skin became the golden color it had held in life save that now it radiated a warm golden glow, the inviting light of home and hearth. His charred black hair returned to it's former flaming hue, moving like the fires of the inner earth with molten shimmer and wave. He could feel it now, the essence of fire that swirled through him, igniting along every line of his body. The heat grew intense, a blast furnace that swirled around his feet and spiraled upwards, the collumn of superheated wind it generated knocking flat the walls of the penthouse, incinerating the ceiling before it fell.

The tattoo on his flesh ceased to be ink and instead was drawn in searing flame. As the fire spiraled outwards it met and clashed with the hellfire, blurring the line between the two enough that Lyr lost track of it, knowing only that it fled. Then he felt confined, as if something needed to change. From the center of him, pressure built, fire building, consuming itself in a reaction that would never stop. Suddenly, in a wave that illuminated the night, it all flashed outwards. A scream, like that of an eagle and fire itself, wild and free, shrilled across the night even as Joan and Ian were knocked into empty air by the blast's concussion.

As the light faded on the charred rooftop, grey ashes rained down...

Three days later

Ian woke in a bed that wasn't his own, the fire raging inside him like a hungery beast. A shadow flitted across his vision and he turned toward it, seeking a glimpse of whoever, or whatever it was. He had a good feeling he knew though, a feeling that was confirmed moments later as he was flung from bed and pinned against a wall by an unseen force.

"You have failed."

For once Ian was proud of failure. After watching Lyr, feeling the unease and guilt in his presence, Ian was glad that he wouldn't have to feel it for eternity. But his Master wasn't a pleasent creature to deal with, and he didn't like even the smallest failure...and failing to convert Lyr was no small failure.

"You've cost me a powerful servant and stolen her Fire on top of it and you remain silent...Foolish man."

Ian couldn't repress a shudder as his Master moved out of the light. Even now, in his human form, the Master was a formidible creature. Just over six feet tall and all whip-like muscle, arms and shoulders that could rip a bull in half. Long black hair was collected by a black ribbon at the nape of his neck and flowed in a smooth tail to the backs of his knees. His hands were strong, fingers slender, nails immaculate and sharp, razor sharp.

He was dressed in a suit of crushed black velvet, a red tie with a diamond tie pin that matched his cuff links the only color to be found. His skin was beyond pale and his black eyes burned with all the intensity of a black hole. "I'll expect you to fix this Ian. I'll expect you to track him down...but now I'll expect you to kill him."

Ian's blood ran cold. Kill Lyr? Even if his brother wasn't already dead it was impossible. "He's stronger than I am."

A smile curved the Master's lips. "Then find more power. Don't ask how...I'm sure you'll think of something."

How is Ian going to find more power?

And now the cards are on the table, the plot's finally unfolding, and you've met the real foe. Can you handle it? I hope you liked this chappie.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Liked it very much Rai.
Well, as using more fire probably wouldn't work, I'd say use liquid nitrogen to freeze Lyr.
Or maybe if Ian could control Hellfire...

until he the day Lyr returned to his life

Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd say use liquid nitrogen to freeze Lyr.
Or maybe if Ian could control Hellfire...

F5 hehe. well let him pray to the gods for a miracle or kill someone or drink something that is flammable or get really angry and then he gets more power, but it would not hold out for long.

He dies and comes back stronger than before... Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up.
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Ian will gain more power by...
Killing someone.
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Turning liquid nitrogen on Lyr.
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