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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:59 pm    Post subject: Bloodline - Finished Reply with quote


A woman in her early twenties made her way through the snow in the forest late on a moonless night. She had long red hair and a smooth, creamy, milk-white complexion. Her eyes were a piercing silver and at the moment she was bundled in a cloak and a pale blue tattered dress, neither of which could conceal the fact that she was heavy with child. Her boots crunched the white, glittering snow as she walked on.

She spotted a village in the distance and headed towards it. The woman came to a moderately wealthy looking home and banged on the door, hoping the owners might be awake and kind of heart. She doubled over in pain, her water breaking, as rather startled footman opened the door. He ushered the woman inside from the cold and called for the house’s physician while he went to get the lord of the house.

“M’lord, I am sorry for the intrusion but...” the footman panted trying to tell his tale and catch his breath at the same time. The lord, who had been awake the whole time and had watched the woman’s approach from the window, left the room without a word.
“Ciara! ” The lord made his way down the staircase, calling his physician’s name. The physician motioned the lord to the only birthing room in the house where the woman was resting on the bed, her brow beaded with sweat and her face contorted in pain.

“My Lord Orion, this woman has been walking for hours in the cold in the begining stages of labor. Her water must have broke when she reached our door. She’s very close,” Ciara informed the lord. “ She’s an Eldahar.”

The lord’s eyes went wide and he finally noticed the tattered-looking wings he had thought were a part of her matching gown when the physician mentioned the race of winged people with powers beyond comprehension.

The lord spoke, “ I thought that they were all but wiped out from the wars long ago. Even those that survived, they would have kept to their own.”

What did this poor girl do to deserve such a cruel fate? Cast out from her people and pregnant at such a young age

The woman on the bed motioned the lord to come to her so she could speak with him. “Lord Orion, my name is Elian and yes, your physician is correct, I am an Eldahar...” the woman paused mid-speech as another contraction took hold. She held up a crystal charm she wore around her neck and panted,”Now,... what does this tell you...”

The charm was made in the shape of a circle with two crescents on each side, both facing outwards from the center. The Goddess Symbol, Orion thought, his eyes widening at the woman.

Elian spoke again, reading Orion’s thoughts “ Yes, I am also the high priestess of the Eldahars.” She bit back a cry and grimaced.

“ Why are you out here, Elian? This is no place to birth a child. Why did you trudge all the way out here in this weather on Midwinter’s Eve?” Orion asked, a confused and concerned look on his face.

She spoke, her voice shaking, “ One: priestesses do not have children and two: this child was not fathered by another Eldahar. The father is human and he cannot be burdened with a child right now.” She stopped and grimaced through another contraction.

When it passed, Elian licked her dry lips and continued to speak. “ And three: I refuse to allow this child to be raised in that oppressive place.”

She began to get very feverish as the contractions came on more painfully and frequently. The physician shooed all the men in the household away from the room and set about her duties helping the woman give birth to the child.

The night wore on with grunts, moans, and even screams of pain emmiting from the room, putting all residing in the household on edge. As the clocks struck midnight, Orion heard the sound of a baby crying and rushed back to the birthing room.

Ciara, his physician, opened the door and showed him in. Elian lay in bed, resting, a small bundle placed in her arms.

“Well, Ciara how’s the child?” Orion asked in a whisper so as not to wake the new mother and child.

“The child is a female, and is whole and well-formed. Quite a pretty one actually. She is very healthy.” Ciara responded. Orion let out a small sigh of relief.

“But, Elian is in poor condition, Lord Orion,” the physician continued. “She won’t make it through the night. Her breathing patterns are irregular and the effort to bring the little one into the world has strained her heart too much.”

“Isn’t there anything you can do, Ciara?” Orion pleaded, knowing that what Ciara said was true. He hired her because she was the best physician in the city of Avalon.

“I tried everything, but nothing worked. So I gave her something to ease the pains and let her go to the arms of the Goddess quietly. Best to talk to her soon, while she still has breath.” The physician gave a slight bow and left them alone to talk.

Orion approached the bed and laid his hand on Elian’s brow. Her eye’s fluttered open and she smiled weakly. “You can hold her. It’s the least I can do for you taking me in and caring for me. I am a total stranger to you.” Elian weakly handed the child to Orion.

As Orion settled the child in his arms and sat down beside Elian, the baby opened her eyes as well. Unlike her mother’s, this child’s eyes were an emerald green. “What a pretty one you are. What is her name, Elian?” Orion asked Elian as she closed her eyes and sank into the bed once more.

“Her name...” Elian whispered,”is Lilith.” And with her child’s name being her last word, Elian expired peacefully.

Orion stood up quickly clutching the child close to him and calling for Ciara. Not only the physician answered his call, but what seemed to be the rest of the household as well.

Ciara bent over Elian’s still form, looking for a pulse. She stood up after a brief moment and shook her head at Orion.

Orion turned his attention to the babe, who throughout all of this commotion, had been silent. She gazed up at him, an otherworldly intelligence in her eyes that both comforted and worried him at the same time.

Well then, little Lilith. Looks like it’s just you and me. One day, you may find your birth father, but for now, you will be my daughter, little one.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can't wait for the next chap that comes with a DP! Keep it up!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:50 am    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 1 - Ravaged Homeland Reply with quote

Here's the first chapter, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Ravaged Homeland

“Father!” I screamed, racing across the rough terrain through the biting cold chill of the wind. My father had been wounded and was about to be killed by an enemy warrior.

I stopped for a moment and took careful aim...Zhing! The arrow hit the warrior in the carotid artery and he went down. I reached my father and threw his arm over my shoulder.

“Lilith, leave me! Get to safety!”my father pleaded. “You should have never been out on the battlefield in the first place!”

I made my way back to our home carefully and quickly. “Never, Father! You are the keystone of this city. And where do you have a better archer than me?”

The terrain became red tinted with the blood of our soldiers and inhabitants of the city as we went onward. The wars that our lovely little city had thought were long gone had finally spilled into Avalon without remorse.

The human and demon community never got along well in the first place but now, ... the demons had crossed the line.

Long ago, before I was born, the demons and humans had fought for dominance over the land. The humans won that battle with the aid of the Eldahars. The Eldahars were winged beings who had powers that the demons were perpetually afraid of.

Pure light, some historians say, was what drove the demons back. But the battle had diminished the race to the brink of extinction and they swore to never step in the middle of the human-demon wars again. Many say that the Eldahars no longer exist.

But now, over a century after the wars had ended, the demons attacked again. In way, we didn’t expect.

The demons kidnaped and mated with humans all over the country and that way their spawn had demonic powers but looked human to everyone else.

They trained and honed their offspring to be killers and murders... and planted them in powerful places to await the order of the queen, Valara. And when she gave the signal, they struck hard and fast, leaving nothing but a bloodbath behind them.

Father and I reached the house, now decrepit looking from the fire-balls that the demons had catapulted into the city. “Ciara! Father’s hurt!” I called as we entered the foyer.

A matronly woman bustled over and clucked over him. “I swear this man does nothing but get himself into trouble ” She had the few strong men that Father had ordered to protect the house (and me) put him in his room.

“What happened, Lilith?” Ciara asked, examining the long wound that sliced my father’s mid-section horizontally.

“Father and I were sparring in the field, first with staffs then when we moved to swords, they started using the catapults at the city walls. Father had one of the guards take me back here only we didn’t get that far. I ran away from the guard and went to help Father. I found him as this warrior in black armor sliced through Father’s armor. I took him out and I brought father back here. Can you help him?” I was breathing heavily, winded from my half-hysterical explanation and the effort of dragging Father in his heavy armor back home.

“I’ll do what I can. Go wash yourself and rest, little one.” Ciara replied giving me a once over.

I shook my head and made a movement to leave. “I must get back to the battle. Our comrades are out there dying! They need my help!”

“Lilith, that was an order, not a request.” Ciara’s harsh tone made me stop. She came close and whispered in my ear, “His wound could prove to be fatal. He would want nothing more than you near in his last moments of life.” Ciara returned to tending my father while I stood in shock. “Go on, Lilith.”she said.

I replied with a monotone, “Yes, ma’am,” and took off for my chambers silently.

As I bathed, tears streamed out of my eyes, mixing with the waters of my bath as small rivers eventually mix with the sea.

I can’t lose Father, he’s all I have, I thought while drying off and changing I into some jeans and a white shirt.

I pulled my long, straight red hair into a ponytail and headed towards my father’s room, my black, leather boots clicking on the stone floor.

“Well, Ciara?” I said as I entered the room, now irritated that she had told me what to do. I stopped at the sight of her
holding my father’s hand and crying.

She got up from her chair and gave me an upset look. “Go to him, child. He has some things he wants to tell you.” She left the room.

I rushed to the bed, ignoring the chair, and knelt by my father’s side. “Father?” I said, my voice shaking as I held the tough callused hand that had taught me right from wrong and how to defend myself.

“Ah, my little one. Well, not so little anymore, now are you? Nearing your nineteenth winter. Oh, my sweet child, I wish I had told you this sooner.” His voice shook a little.

“Told me what, Father?” I asked softly, pushing a lock of grey hair away from his face.

“Lilith, you know that I adopted you, you have always known. But you are still my only heir, by blood or no. And you have never asked about nor searched for your birth parents. But, now... you must know. Your mother came to this house almost nineteen years ago and died after giving birth to you and your name. She was exactly like you, red hair, long, graceful limbs, and a will that could not be stopped. Her own people outcast her but she still toughed it out through a harsh winter so she could give birth to you.” He stopped for the moment, a coughing fit taking him.

“Oh, Father Cannot this wait until you are well?” I said, trying to make him as comfortable as possible as he settled back into the pillows

“No, child, there is more to the tale. Your mother was... an Eldahar. Your father, however, is human.” He looked at me and held my gaze but his grip alone was enough to tell me this was no lie.

I stopped breathing, for just a moment, recalling the one time, the one lesson I had paid any attention to in history class. “You mean, all of the strange things happening around here are my fault. What about the wings? I don’t have wings, see?”I denied, turning to prove my point.

“Lilith, strange things happened, yes. But nothing bad, mind you. Mages have killed as children when they were coming into their powers. As for the wings, you used them once when you were a child. I, however, told you it was just a dream.” He stopped for a moment, trying to regulate his breathing.

“Father, please! Rest! You are not well!” I begged him, tears pricking my eyes.

He dismissed my plea. “Your father must have given you your fighting ability for you truly have a gift for bow and arrow, sword, and staff.”

His breathing became more labored. “I searched for him for years, to show him the child he had fathered and to tell him that the woman he had left to her own defenses with child was dead. But I never did. Maybe you can, dear one. I -“

His next words were cut short as a throwing dagger appeared in his chest, causing him to die immediately. “No!” I screeched, getting up off the floor and whipping around to take on his killer. Ciara was the only one that stood behind me.

“Murderer! What the hell is wrong with you?” I spat.

“Nothing. The old dog served his purpose so I killed him, just like your mother. She would have lived, had I not stopped her breathing with a draft of nightshade.”

Ciara grinned evilly, her features becoming demonic. “Now, to serve my queen and gain glory, I will bring her the head of the Eldahar High Priestess’s daughter! ” She leapt but I quickly sidestepped her, my face becoming a mask of anger and pain.

“You bitch! Why now? What not just kill me when I was a babe? Why did you wait all these years?” I yelled, watching the demonic woman’s movements. She was circling now, but I matched her, step for step.

She started to laugh. “My, my! Your instructors were correct when they said you never paid attention in history!” Her laughs rang out, enraging me to the point of tears.

“What are you going on about? Out with it, demon!” I leapt at her in blind rage, miscalculating her speed in my anger.

She dodged me easily and brought her elbow down into the small of my back while I was off balance. Ciara watched as I picked myself up off the floor. “Girl, I only do what my queen orders me to do! And only when she orders me to do it! If I wasn’t her loyal servant, then she would have never known about your birth and you would have been a meal to me nineteen years ago!”

Ciara began to circle once more. “You should be grateful, brat. She wanted to wait for some reason, to see if you could serve her purpose. But I guess you have outlived your usefulness now!” With that word, she withdrew a long and sinister-looking blade seemingly from the air. Ciara swung at me but I rolled across the floor, so all she struck was stone.

I jumped up and kicked Ciara across the face, sending her sword and body flying different directions. I stood over her and bent down so we were nose to nose. “I have a message for your queen..” Then I stepped on Ciara’s throat and crushed her trachea. “Unfortunately, she won’t get it until you two speak in together in death.”

I snuck around the house, quietly gathering supplies for a journey long enough to get me to one of three cities around the land. I stopped in Father’s room breifly before leaving, just long enough to kiss him on the forehead and give the now-dead body of Ciara a swift kick of disgust.

She said her queen wants me dead. So it shouldn’t be long until she sends more of her minions after me. Where should I go? There’s Haven to the West and then there’s Caladron to the South but Caladron has a reputation for dirty dealings while Father was on alliance terms with Haven. Both of those are fairly large cities. There’s also the farming community to the North called Nementon. Where to go?

© 2007-2019 Lilith

Last edited by Lilith on Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to IF Lil!

A nice start to your story. Good work. A few typos and little bits to clean up here and there, but generally fine.

Before I move on to the DP though, I must don my Star-Trek hat of Logic.

If Ciara had been around all this time, how come she just didn't kill the kid when she was young and helpless? Seems a little odd is all.

Anyway, where to go? I think the thing to do is to try and track down the Eldahar. Not sure which way would be the best way to try for that though. Is there location common knowledge?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:17 am    Post subject: Re: Bloodline: Chapter 1 Reply with quote

They trained and honed their offspring to be killers and murders... and planted them in powerful places to await the order of the queen, Valara. And when she gave the signal, they struck hard and fast, leaving nothing but a bloodbath behind them.

As you can see Chinaren, Ciara waited the queen's orders, as did all other demon spawn. Did I not make that clear? I'll try to make stuff clearer if I screwed that up. As for the Eldahars, that will come to her logic once she's in a safe place.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I f5 chinaren Wink Good chapter Lilith.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven would seem the obvious choise, since you have an alliance, but the demons might think about that and set up an ambush.
If yo go to Nementon you will have to be disguised, they probably won't have a chance if the demons launch a large attack, which they will if they find out that you're there.
Caladron might betray you for money, since they have a reputation for dirty dealings, someone's there has got to have connections with the demons.
Sooo... Haven, but take a detour.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Highfive... *jumps into air. air grab board. 360 degree turn* Great story. great way for being introduced.. I belive it's daemons and not demons thats all fault i could find...

I'd like to hear more. I say try atleast help someother way out. And I say let her go where she thinks is the best place to go... the place wiht the most quests she should take. I have no clue to what lies ahead, so i'm drifting around here and keeping an eye on this intresting one. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

no offense to nightshade ... i have never seen it spelled daemons before now. its always been spelled demons... hmm.. interesting

Anyhoot, So what have we got? A definite Haven but be sneaky about it,... and... that's it? Oh now come on? The cogs are turning in my head again people! I need some definites so I can get these ideas in my head organimized! Confused

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fine, then I'll add "Nementon, in a disguise"and "Track down and kill thier leader, Valara".
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
Bill Watterson
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And when she gave the signal, they struck hard and fast,

Sorry, my bad. I didn't absorb that bit.

Daemons or demons, both are fine.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Scraping the Barrel
A Tale of Four Swords
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:26 pm    Post subject: ATTENTION! Reply with quote

NOTE: i am currently rewording some things in the prologue and the first chapter. having reread them both several times, i have decided they are a bit choppy so i want to make them flow better. this will not interfere with the DP or the way the storygame is going so far, just hieghten the quality!

UPDATE! Editing is now done! I hope it flows better now!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lillth your stories wasn't even choppy... Now myne is.. Smile
I'll go vote now. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, i am overly critical of myself i guess. waiting patiently for some more votes to come in so i can get my ideas organized..

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*grins* Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Now why would she go live with the low lifers. I say erm haven or disguise... mmm which is saver?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The words daemon and daimon, sometimes dæmon, are Latinized spellings of Greek δαιμων, used purposely today to distinguish the daemons of Greek mythology, good or malevolent "supernatural beings between mortals and gods, such as inferior divinities and ghosts of dead heroes", from the Judeo-Christian usage demon, "a malignant spirit that can possess humans." The Greek translation of the Septuagint, made for the Greek-speaking Jews of Alexandria, and the usage of daimon in the New Testament's original Greek text, caused the Greek word to be applied to a Judeo-Christian spirit by the early 2nd century AD. Then in late antiquity, pagan conceptions and exorcisms, part of the cultural atmosphere, became Christian beliefs and exorcism rituals. The transposition has recently been documented in detail, in North Africa, by Maureen Tilley.

n religion, folklore, and mythology a demon (or daemon, dæmon, or even daimon) is a supernatural being that has generally been described as a malevolent spirit, and in Christian terms is the opposite of an Angel. A demon is frequently depicted as a force that may be conjured and insecurely controlled. The "good" demon in recent use is largely a literary device (e.g., Maxwell's demon), though references to good demons can be found in Hesiod and Shakespeare. In common language, to "demonize" a person means to characterize or portay them as evil, or as the source of evil.

I have no idea why I posted those...
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, um okay shogun but i believe china already closed that can of worms.... anyhoot thanks for every1 who read, voted and responded to this SG. i am getting impaitent but ill leave the poll up a little longer before i write the next chap.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey shogun... good reply there. you should start a dabate about creatures or something.

lillith I'm sure Tara will come up soon *looks at votes* Well haven won already, but she'll probably be around. *warning* brother might take over my computer...
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

journey to haven then... sneaky sneaky... har har har.
I'd hope to see the next chap kicking ass... or really snaeky coolness. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:29 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 2 - Into The Forest Reply with quote

Chapter 2: Into The Forest

I made my decision and returned to my room and searched until I found my hunting uniform. It was a top without sleeves and a skirt made from green leather and a brown belt that set around my waist to camouflage me in the forest. “Thank-you, Father. Though you are gone in the physical form, your gifts will protect me.” I said aloud. Quickly, I changed my clothes once again, but out of necessity this time. “Now, on to Haven.”

In order to reach Haven without being discovered, I was going to have to journey through a vast expanse of forest between our two borders which would make it essential that I traveled lightly. I took the few provisions I had gathered earlier and made my way out of the house and through the grounds towards the entrance of the forest. Before entering the safety of the trees, I took one last look at the place I had called home all my life.

The ground was littered with bodies and body parts of half-demon and man alike and the houses were either smashed or burned to the ground. I pushed away any tears that might have escaped and entered the forest with redoubled determination.

I started my journey off away from the main path on either little used animal-made paths or by making my own. I knew my way through this forest for I had been hunting in it for nigh on five years now and had traversed the main path for longer when I was a child.

I stopped for a drink from a freshwater stream in a clearing several hours into my journey. The sun was beginning to set and when it became dark, I would have to stop for the night. I stood there for a moment, calculating how much farther I could go and trying to remember where a landmark where I could sleep safely. As I was getting ready to move again, I heard a gruff voice say, “I don’t care if you’re tired you fool! I said we move on!”

I quietly followed the sound of voices to a band of barbaric-looking warriors arguing on the main path. They wore animal furs, which by the look and overpowering smell, hadn’t been washed in several weeks. Their armor showed rust around the edges, a tell-tale sign of obvious misuse and lack of care. This band seemed to favor broadswords and war-axes, which also bore signs of mistreatment. They were human as far as I could tell, but I wasn’t taking any chances, so I turned to go... and stepped on a stick.

“What was that?!” the ruffian who seemed to be leader said. The band automatically spread out and before I knew it, I was surrounded. Curses! I thought as the leader swaggered up to me.

“Well, well... what’s this? A pretty maiden lost her way home?” he sneered, his rancid breath assaulting my nose. “Or a harlot looking for some new customers?”

“My business is my own,” I stated, watching for an opening, some means of escape. The leader roared with laughter and so did his followers after a moment’s hesitation.

“A mouthy wench! You’ve got spirit, girl! I give you that!” the barbaric leader ceased his laughter. “ I like that in a woman. Spirited and blood hot as hellfire rushing through her veins.”

I heard the call of a bird, very slight but distinctive to my hunter-trained hearing. I changed my body stance from defensive to coy. What I was about to do sickened me at the thought of it. “Oh really? What else do you like in a woman?” I purred, my voice becoming sickly sweet and suggestive.

The leader chuckled and looked me up and down. “Well, you’re in luck tonight, my dear! Everything about you so far is everything I like!”

Great, I thought to myself, I attract disgusting ruffians! I made a suggestive step closer to the leader. “Are you sure your men won’t be jealous? What if they plot to kill you and take everything you have?” My voice hinted and tugged on his mind and he eventually whirled away from me to yell at his companions. Perfect!

I withdrew a small dagger hidden in the inside of my boot and sliced across the back of both his knees.

He howled in pain and fell to the ground. I grasped one of his arms and bent his littlest finger back until it snapped. “Now, I have four fingers to go on this hand and five on the other. Call your men off, now!” I shouted at him, grabbing his ring finger and pulling it threateningly.

Panting, the man motioned for his followers to put away their weapons, which they had drawn when their leader had fallen.

I smiled. “Good, then it seems that we have a method of cooperation. Now...” I stopped as two wolves leapt out of the brush, followed by a man with dark hair and equally dark eyes.

Feeling the weakening of my grasp, the leader of the ruffians elbowed me in the stomach with enough force to wind me. As I doubled over in pain, one of his men came forward hurriedly and gave the leader a healing potion. The leader drank it and the back of his knees and his fingers healed like I had never touched him. He then strode over to me, grasped the back of my hair, and wrenched my head back.

“You’ll pay for that, bitch!”He held a knife with a wickedly curved blade to my throat. “Pity.......maybe I’ll have some fun with your body when you’re dead!”

As he drew the knife back to make a fatal blow, the wolf with the blonde-colored coat rushed in and bit his leg. The other wolf, which had a coat that was rust-colored, preceded to attack the half of the rest of the group as the dark haired man attacked the other half.

The leader of the band of barbarians fell and the blonde wolf began to tear at his essential organs. I ignored his screams and waded in, using the blade that had once been my father’s, and cutting down my opponents, matching the dark haired man’s body count in no time at all.

“Long time, no see, Lilith!” he said as we ended up fighting back to back.

“You have the worst timing in the world, as usual, Derek!” I replied, bringing down an enemy with a quick blow to the head. “I was just fine! I was handling it!”

“Yeah, you looked like you were handling it. Would have looked better with your throat cut open!” Derek retorted sarcastically, as we routed the last of the ruffians and they ran off like dogs with their tails held between their legs.

The wolves trotted over to us, panting with blood on their muzzles. The blonde-colored one shape-shifted into a woman with dirty blonde hair and gave me an appraising look. The rust colored wolf shape-shifted into a man with orange-rust colored hair and just grinned.

“Selene, Shoren, I see you haven’t lost your touch,” I acknowledged.

Selene spoke. “What is with you and doing everything yourself?”

“Oh, let her alone, sister dear. She’s been this stubborn since we have been children. Don’t you remember?” Shoren replied, chuckling heartily.

Selene smiled. “I suppose you’re right,” she replied, embracing me warmly. I stiffened. She backed off immediately, looking at me strangely.

“What’s wrong, Lilith?” she asked, marveling at my strange behavior.

“Nothing, I.......” I stopped at the querying looks on all three of my old friends’ faces.

“You’ve changed, Lilith. There’s no denying that.” Derek said.

Shoren sensed my discomfort and interjected. “Whatever is going on, it can wait until later. We should set up camp and move at daybreak. That is if Lilith is going to stay with us, which she is, right?”

I sighed. “ I suppose.”

As nightfall approached, the four of us set up a makeshift camp and got a good-size fire going. We gathered around it to talk, just as we had several times in our childhood. I sat a little away from the group, my thoughts elsewhere.

I remembered when I first became friends with Selene and Shoren, the fraternal twins from Nementon. When I was five, my father had to go away to Caladron and had the head family from Nementon come and stay in his absence. The first time I ran into Selene and Shoren, they were in wolf form and playing like puppies. When they saw me, they immediately shifted to human form and asked me to join their game. We bonded instantly, although I had no animal-shifting ability, they made me feel included.

When Father returned, he brought with him the ruling family from Caladron and with them, Derek. Derek had been a little snobbish but we eventually got him to let loose and have some fun.

The same night that Father returned home, Haven’s head family arrived along with Tobias. Father had planned this meeting so that the family’s could see what we would have to gain from becoming allied, all four cities. But the next day, only Haven accepted Father’s proposal.

I still saw Tobias, Derek, Selene, and Shoren on a regular basis, though. We became a close group of friends when we were children and when we became teens, we became even closer, along with being troublemakers.

By the time I had turned sixteen, my father stopped my visits because he felt that I spent too much time goofing off with my friends and not enough time on my education. He never worried about my training. In truth, a lot of the time I sparred with my friends.

“So, Lilith, what was with you today?” Derek pressed. “You seem..”

“Darker..” Selene finished.

“Harder..” Shoren added.

“More wary..” Derek offered.

I jumped, lost in old memories and then I took a deep breath and held it for a moment.

Can I tell them? And if so, how much can I tell them?

© 2007-2019 Lilith

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe it would be in your bestinterest to tell them because heres another bit of ancient wisdom: a band of travelers thick or thin is useless without a bond of trust and truth, but you may want to leave the Eldehar bit out though it's a very big thing and as such would be better to leave to safe lands before making to much of a brain overload
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll say tell them all of it, because Sasuke already said to leave the Eldahar bit out.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

By the time I had turned sixteen, my father stopped my visits because he felt that I spent too much time goofing off with my friends and not enough time on my education. He never worried about my training. In truth, a lot of the time I sparred with my friends.

Ah!! that sounds like what happened to me...

anyway... I say tell them. If you do not tell the truth what friendship is it, it would be a distrusted one and the friendship won't hold out long.

Tell them everyting... you can't sit with sad things and stuff upon your mind after a battle fought and a leaving of your home.

because if you don't get that emotion out it would eat you alive and you would be left openly for attack... though If you feel you must keep comething to keep that friendship alive, do it with caution, and try and not spill it out, when you are fighting enamies.

Hope you like my reply. Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
A Tale of Four Swords
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted tell everything. Looks like you have a tei my friend. Wink hope everything works out.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:13 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 3 - The Dream and the Deceiver Reply with quote

Here you are, my loyal readers! Enjoy!

Chapter 3: The Dream and the Deceiver

Got to tell them all of it.... we’ve known each other for so long that it would be disrespectful to not tell them or only tell them part of it. Besides, they’re my best friends... what could go wrong?

I let out the breath I had been holding for what seemed like an eternity. “I don’t know an easy way to tell you guys this,..” I paused and bit my lip for a moment. “my fath- ... Lord Orion is dead.”

Selene gasped and turned white, covering her mouth with her hands. “Orion? No...” she whispered.

Shoren’s signature goofy smile disappeared and was replaced with a tight frown.

“How did it happen?” Derek asked, his features inscrutable. “Was it an attack from many half-demons? Is Avalon destroyed?’

I sighed and explained, my hands shaking, but my voice steady and strong. “They attacked at dawn. Fath-.. Orion and I were sparring in the practice arena when one of the soldiers ran up and told him that half-demons had begun catapulting flaming stones at the city walls. Orion told the soldier to drag me back to the house and then he took off. I gave the soldier the slip and went off after him. Father was fighting a warrior that sliced him across the front and as it was about to kill him, I killed it and took Fath- ... Orion back to the house.” I paused, my breathing getting shallow as I struggled to fight off emotions and finish the tale.

“But Ciara was there, wasn’t she? She should have been able to heal him.” Derek interjected, his words slicing my heart like a knife.

“She’s the one who killed him. And then I killed her. She was a half-demon placed there before I was born. Ciara said she was put there by the Queen to await the Queen’s command. Ciara also boasted of killing my mother as well...” I had to stop. I was on the verge of sobbing hysterically or hyperventilating or both.

All three of them snapped their attention towards me when I mentioned my mother. This was something I had never said before or even mentioned.

“Ciara killed Orion?” Derek said quietly, his dark eyes analyzing and thinking, as always.

I shot him a withering look. “Yes, Derek. What part of that didn’t you understand?” I spat.

“Oh, I understood all of it Lilith. Orion dead means you have rule over Avalon now. Or what’s left of it. Was it completely destroyed?” He responded, not missing a beat, cool-tempered as ever.

“I am not sure for one and two... I am not from Orion’s bloodline. I was adopted by him when my mother came to his doorstep all those years ago and gave birth to me. Ciara killed her the same night. My mother was.... an Eldahar High Priestess.” I got up from where I was sitting and walked away from my friends and leaned on a tree, my back to them.

Selene was the first to recover from her shock and walked over to me. “This doesn’t change who you were or are right now, Lilith. To me you will always be my friend and closest thing to a sister I have.” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

I flinched away. “Don’t touch me ” I hissed. I turned slightly and saw the hurt look on her face. She said nothing and went back to where she had been sitting, between her brother and Derek.

I turned around completely to face them all. Shoren was giving me a hard, scrutinizing look while Derek played it calm and just observed.

“If your mother was an Eldahar, where’s your pretty wings at?” Derek said after awhile, half-teasing to lighten the mood.

“My birth father was human so I guess I have to figure out how to use them. Orion said that I had used them once when I was little. According to legend, Eldahar women can hide their wings underneath their skin appearing human to most people.” I explained, breathing normally now.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the feeling of wings appearing out of my back. I felt an odd, tingling sensation and I heard both Selene and Shoren gasp. I opened my eyes quickly and craned my neck to look behind me.

There they were, almost leaf-like and in a shade of green that complimented my hunting outfit. My wings were about seven feet from ground to tip and had a span of about thirteen feet tip to tip unfolded.

“That was quick,” Derek sneered, his eyes dancing with some mad delight. “Next, you’ll be casting spells on us in our sleep ” He began to laugh.

“What is wrong with you, man? Have you completely gone mad? Look, Lilith. We ran into you because we were coming to see you and tell Orion about the attacks on our homes too.” Shoren had quickly analyzed the situation and pulled a brusk, business-like manner.

“Were they similar to the one I described?” I was in full-on campaign mode now.

Derek cleared his throat. “The half-demons seemed to attack at Caladron first and then moved to Nementon. Obviously, Avalon was next on the list which only leaves...”

“Haven.” I finished glumly. A thought struck me and I started packing our gear up. “Tobias! We have to go there, now!”

Selene approached me slowly and grabbed my hands and arms, forcing me to stop grabbing things at random and stuffing them into whatever bag was handy. “Lilith, stop. Even if we leave now, we won’t make it there until dawn. It seems that the pattern of the demons was to start with an evening attack on Caladron, a midday attack on Nementon, and a dawn attack on Avalon. Obviously, the only time left is midnight but they would need to give the troops a chance to rest, so tomorrow night is when they will probably attack. Let’s just get some rest and we’ll get there by midmorning and warn them. And have a few hours of sleep underneath our belts as well. What do you say?”

I looked at her curiously. “When did you get so sensible?” I asked, relaxing slowly and sitting down again at my bedroll by the fire.

“I don’t know,” Selene shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe it comes with age.” She smiled sweetly.

“Come on guys. Let’s hit the hay and get some shuteye,” Shoren suggested as he and Derek laid down.

“All right, night all,...” I said laying down myself, my back to them and the fire.

I saw a woman walking along a crystal clear lake. Her hair was red, like mine, but her eyes were a piercing silver. She wore a crystal charm around her neck shaped like the Goddess symbol. When I approached her, she smiled warmly.

“Hello, my daughter.” Her voice was soft and musical, flowing around me.

“M-mo–mother? Is that really you?” I asked, my voice shaking.

She smiled again. “Yes, my dear. Oh, you’ve grown so beautifully. If only your father could see you now! He would be so proud!”

My eyes widened. “My birth father? Is he still alive?”

Her smile lessened a bit. “Sadly, no my dear. He’s moved on to the Summerland. I am here to guide you on your journey.”

“Journey? You mean to Haven? It’s only a few more hours away. I don’t need a guide.” I said, a little confused.

“No, my dear one. I mean your journey to discovering who you are.” She frowned as she looked over her shoulder. “There isn’t much time left! Listen! Once you reach Haven, you must go to the center of the land where the great lake Carthos is. Wait for three sunrises. On the third sunrise, you will be shown the way to a place where you can find out how to defeat Valara and her minions. But remember... you can only leave at sunset.” She hurriedly embraced me and kissed me on the forehead.

“But, where is it you’re sending me?” I asked as she moved hurriedly towards the lake. As she stepped to the edge, the water rose up and surrounded her, encasing her in a cocoon of moving liquid. The watery cocoon moved to the center of the lake and collapsed, as if it or the woman had never existed.

I heard her voice whisper in the back of my mind, Be safe, my darling.

Be safe, my darling.... I woke with a start, breathing heavily and my brow covered in a cold sweat. I slowly got my breathing under control and got up. It was still dark out but the only other person sleeping on the ground was Shoren. The fire had long since gone out. Where are Selene and Derek? I followed some telltale tracks to a grove nearby where Selene stood, wrapped in Derek’s arms.

“What will Lilith do if she finds out?” Selene said to him, her head resting on his shoulder, her eyes closed.

“Lilith has made it very clear that the past we had together is something that she does not want to be dug up. I do not think she will give a damn, honestly.” Derek repiled, stroking Selene’s hair which was almost silver in the moonlight. Selene sighed in relief.

As I watched from my hidding place, Derek reached behind his back and pulled out a dagger edged in gold. Before I could cry out to warn Selene, he had plunged it into the small of her back. I watched in horror as he gave the dagger a sharp twist, killing Selene almost instantly. She hadn’t made a sound the whole time.

I heard someone approaching from behind. A split-second later, a hand clamped down over my mouth and a familar voice whispered in my ear. “I saw everything. Just stay still for a moment.” It was Shoren.

Derek was muttering some unusual words and then he stopped and said, “Valara, my queen, may the blood of this woman carrying my child be an act of your will.” He bowed low and removed the dagger from Selene’s body. Derek then held the point of the dagger above Selene’s heart and then her abdomen. Her body glowed white in both places and then faded while the dagger glowed afterwards twice.

Shoren and I left in silence, shocked and horrified. We worked in unison once back at the camp and made ourselves scarce. Derek returned to camp a short while later and that was when we struck. I tackled him from behind and wrestled him to the ground while Shoren withdrew his broadsword from its sheath. He plunged it quickly through the spot between Derek’s brows and removed it. I got up from the ground and dusted myself off as Derek’s body reverted to demon form.

“Of all people, I never thought Derek was a half-demon.” Shoren said, his voice tight. He was on the brink of insanity. He had lost his twin, half of him. Selene and he had shared so many secrets and fears and happy times together. They could talk mind-to-mind with one another, always each other’s constant companion. And now she was gone.

“Let’s go and give her a proper burial; she died an honorable death, in innocence and not hatred.” I said. Shoren held up his hand.

“We have to move now. We are in danger, especially you. We need to reach Haven as soon as possible.” Shoren replied, packing what little had survived not being packed by my momentary insanity earlier.

“Especially me? Why?” I responded, helping him and grabbing my supplies and getting ready to head on through the forest.

“This makes a fourth incident. First, Caladron, where someone who knew you lived. Second, Nementon, where two people who knew you lived. Then Avalon itself and the attempt on your life there. And now, Selene....” Shoren and I moved quickly through the dark, each lost in their own thoughts.

As the sun rose, we came upon the borders and city gates of Haven.

Well now, loyal readers, what have I gotten myself into? This DP relies entirely upon you. What happens now?

© 2007-2019 Lilith

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote



Use intelligence

Be sneaky

Fight...if you want to, or cause a slight row.

Swak!!! haja!! RUN!!! HIDE!!! LAUGH!!! ANYTHING I SAID!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A very open DP there Lilith!

On to Haven says I!
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay sry about the broadness of the DP, everyone!

I am looking for:

what will they find when they reach Haven? Destruction or a thriving city?

If destroyed, is Tobias, the last of the group of friends, alive or dead? If not attacked yet, is he even there?

Again forgive my broadness, I hope this specification will help focus your creative, wonderous minds into some good, juicy ideas!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well they got right into your area for a long while with Derek I think it was probably a stall tactic so they could destroy Haven since evidentally you can kill Valara somehow and I doubt that Tobias would Die too easily I mean you do really seem like a fine strong group of friends so I want to see Tobias live *see where my ancient wisdom comes in now?*
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have the half-demon army stand between them and Haven, preparing to attack.
Or that Haven has been pillaged when they come there, and scouts from the half-demon army spot them, and suddenly they've got the entire demon army chasing them.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

okay, guys, gals, and all other living organisms... I plan on asking for a poll sometime today so I get the ideas for the next chappy out of my head......... before i go insane!!! So get those ideas in pronto!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have an idea rush.,... BE ready

Ok listen...

they reach an destroyed city that was once thriving.

They see the evil tyraint standing on a building crying, "yes I have it I finally have it" holds a staff in hand -- the staff of destruction and hell. It'sd purpoice is to summon creatures from another dimension or world, bring dead to life and kill the summoned ones.

There will be only one way to kill all the creatures and it is to destroy it. and then there is only one blood relative to stop all this as a prophcy foretells.

Or they meet an warlock along the way that tells them of what happende to to city and who is the ruler of the place and he'll ask for help of somekind in return for some information or guidance or assistance- then later on you find he is evil and you attack him.

Hope you like it. Or it can be a thriving city giong to become a destroyed one.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You asked for it....

When they reach Haven, they'll find a thriving city...however on the way they had to dodge several suspicious looking figures heading towards the city looking mighty sneaky.

Tobias will not be at the city. Although I'm not sure if Tobias is also a half-demon, I honestly don't think he will be.....perhaps because he is out an mission elsewhere. Perhaps becuase he is already dead who knows....that I'll leave to your authorial head.

Lilth and Soren will arrive just in time (they think) to warn the city...but when they enter the city, the demons will attack, creating chaos everywhere.....of course Lilth will want to help with the defense, but Soren will perhaps being the wiser head and get her out of harms way....if she is who she says she is...Soren will know that they will be more important things for her to risk her life for than for one city.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm rather liking the idea of a city under seige. Don't know why, it just calls to me.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey sis. I love this SG. It's so unlike anything you've ever attempted. It has elements from every story you started but it's more mature and flows better. Keep it up my saati!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:39 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 4 - One Chance Reply with quote

Here it is, as promised......

Chapter 4: One Chance

But the gates were all that stood; Haven had been destroyed that night, and Shoren and I were too late. The chaos had long since ended and the rubble was settled. Houses were burnt to the ground and the ground itself was stained with innocent blood of man, woman, and child; young and old were deceased. The pregnant women in the town had been spitted upon wooden spikes thrust into the ground; the half-demons had throughly shown their distaste for the humans in every way possible.

“Shoren,” I said in a hushed whisper, “we’re too late! ”

Shoren’s features were unreadable as we picked our way through the rubble and destruction that had once been the thriving heart of the land. “We should look for survivors, Lil. Never know who may be able to be saved if we just take the time to look.” Shoren’s voice was little more than a harsh murmur.

I silently nodded and we split up, each lost in their own thoughts as we looked desperately for survivors. Old memories of the once magnificent city flooded my mind as I moved stones and wood and listened for faint cries for help.

The first time I had ever set foot in Haven, I nearly had an anxiety attack; it was crowded with ten times the amount of people my hometown had. My father had smiled at my shock and pulled me up from my little colt onto his horse with him.

“Lovely isn’t it, my little Lily? Haven has always been large and the family here dates back thousands of years. I am sure Tobias will be happy to show you around while his father and I discuss adult things.” My father and I rode to the biggest house in the center of the city; it was a grand building made of the finest marble and the walls were decorated with silver and gold inscriptions in an unknown archaic language.

To my then eight year old mind, I was supposed to be visiting Tobias whom I had made fast friends with when the head family of Haven had come to visit us in Avalon. But really it was another attempt at bringing Caladron and Nementon into the alliance that Avalon and Haven had.

When we arrived at the grand house, a servant man rushed into the house yelling for Lord Accolon. “I am guessing we made it here quicker than they expected, my dear.” Father chuckled.

I spotted Tobias, who was ten years old, running pell-nell away from his governess towards my father and I; I jumped down immediately and dusted the dust off my pants and shirt.

“Tobias, you naughty boy! Get back here! You must finish your grammar! ” The governess was a matronly sort of woman and at the moment she was out of breath and her hair was escaping its long braid and becoming frazzled. So was the woman’s patience.

“I give up! I quit! There is no teaching you, boy ” The governess was in a foul temper and stormed off.

Tobias and I glanced at one another and began laughing as soon as the governess was out of earshot. Father shook his head at Tobias and chuckled more. “Your father will make you his heir yet, sonny. You had better stop terrorizing your teachers and learn something so he won’t tan your hide.”

Tobias looked back up at him, laughter dancing in his honey-colored eyes as his jet-black hair fell in his face. “I have learnt plenty! I can climb trees, shoot a bow, ride a horse,.....” Tobias rambled off.

As Father went on to the house, he gave me a wink, our secret signal that I was allowed to take off and play to my heart’s content. I waited until Father had disappeared and then I tackled the still-rambling Tobias. He started tickling me and I wriggled with laugher.

“Hey! No fair! ” I giggled and shrieked with laughter as I pushed him away. We both stood and before he could start tickling me again, I took off, running like a deer through the landscaping of the house.

“I’ll catch you, Lily! ” He called after me.

“Lil?” I heard a small voice coming from a pile of rubble to my left, which threw me out of my reverie.

By some strange twist of fate, my old friend Tobias had lived through the horrid destruction of his home.

“Hold on! I’ll get you out! ” I said reassuringly, hoping nothing vital to my friend’s life had been injured. I moved rocks and stones hurriedly, frantic to get my friend out safely. After about ten minutes of feverish digging, I found him. He was shoulder-deep in the rubble but some large stones had fallen in a complicated way, leaving him an air pocket without fatally injuring him.

“Hey, you.. What’s with the wings, or am I seeing things?” Tobias rasped, throat sore from calling for help for hours. He grinned despite a bleeding, split lip and plenty of bruises.

I did not return the smile, only dug him out and threw his arm over my shoulder and got him out of the cavity in the rubble. “Shoren! I found him! I have him! Tobias is alive! ” I yelled, hoping Shoren wasn’t too far away.

He wasn’t. Shoren came galavanting up to us in wolf-form and shape-shifted easily to his human form without missing a step in his pace. “Tobias, old friend. It is good to see you! It has been too long.” Shoren said, throwing Tobias’s other arm around his shoulder; we set off to find a safe place to camp out for awhile.

We found some of the bottom floor’s of Tobias’s house intact and safe enough to be habitable for the day. Even some of the horses that had been in the stables were alive. I grabbed the three that were the best with long journeys and tied them up close to our hiding place with some grain and water.

I entered the room where Shoren was carefully tending to Tobias, who was half asleep.

“How is he Shoren? Anything serious?” I asked, sitting down and trying to calm my nerves.

“Just some cuts and bruises. Nothing too bad. You know he heals quickly so we should be able to move tomorrow. Only trouble is.. where are we gonna go?”

I replied without missing a beat. “The great lake Carthos.”

Tobias’s eyes snapped open and Shoren looked at me sharply. I sighed and explained first what had happened back in Avalon to Tobias and then the dream that I had back in the forest to the both of them. And finally, with heavy hearts, Shoren and I took turns telling of Derek and Selene.

When we finished, Tobias spat angrily, “I knew Caladron was no good! ” I bit my lip. I knew Tobias would be back to normal in the morning due to an inherited trait in his family’s bloodline of exponentially increased healing, but what good would it do to drag him and Shoren along on a mission my dead mother had sent to me in a dream?

As the day wore on, Tobias got a little better with each passing hour and he, Shoren, and I spoke of our trip and how long it would take.

That night, as the boys drifted off to sleep, I placed my belongings in the saddlebags of the swiftest horse, who had been correctly dubbed Shooting Star, and made things ready for me to leave quickly at morning’s first light.

Dawn came and I was the first one awake, as it had always been. I got up silently and led Star far enough away from Haven so the boys wouldn’t wake when his hoofs hit the ground. Star was a cooperative type of horse and soon we were out of Haven and galloping our way towards Carthos.

Forgive me, boys! I must do this alone! I will not lose any more friends to this war! I thought as I slowed the horse down to a trot, so he would not tire out.

About mid-afternoon, my early rising had started to catch up with me and I began to yawn as I took in the ravine in the earth and judged my distance to Carthos. I had made pretty good time, so I stopped the horse by a riverbank and let him have a break.. Star had some grain and drank some water and laid down to rest. I leaned on him and tilted my head back against his warm flank. Midwinter was close but between the horse’s warmth and a thick cloak I had taken from my home in Avalon, a peaceful drowsiness overtook me and I drifted to sleep.

It must have been many hours later when I heard voices. I did not open my eyes but tried to listen more and make out the voices. They sounded familar but I couldn’t tell because to voices were whispering. Eventually, the voices stopped talking. I took this as a sign that they had moved on. I opened my eyes.... and saw two honey-golden colored ones staring at me, inches from my face.

I shrieked in surprise and scooted backwards. “Damnit, Tobias! I hate it when you do that!” I yelled as he got up and started to laugh. He and Shoren had both caught up with me and it was dark; there were still trace amounts of rays in the sky but the sun had set.

Shoren looked at me curiously. “How long have you been asleep? We heard you get up this morning and as soon as you were gone, we got up and followed you.”

I held my head in my hands. “Since the middle of the afternoon would be my guess. You know every single time the five of us went camping, I was always the first one awake. What made you guys wake up?” I stopped speaking as Tobias shook his head.

“Nu-uh, Lily. I was the first one awake. And then I woke Shoren up. We actually placed bets to see if you were gonna be the next one awake. We just pretended to be asleep so we wouldn’t have to cook. Besides,..” Tobias paused and ducked when I threw a rock at him, “we liked to see your temper rise when you had to wait for us to get ready so we could move on.”

Obviously Tobias had made a full recovery and was back to picking on me, a sign that he was in good health and high spirits. The loss of Selene and the deceiving of Derek still held sorrow for all of us, but Tobias made attempts to keep up the mood and lighten our hearts by playing little pranks and making some crude but harmless and humorous comments.

We started our journey again, this time together, and moved when the moon and the stars were out. Carthos’s edge soon greeted us and the boys collasped to sleep for they had been traveling all night with out the benefit of a nap that I had. I wasn’t going to run off again because I knew that they would catch up to me one way or another. I sat for awhile, staring at the stars, my knees drawn up to my chest and thought about what my mother had said in the dream.

Once you reach Haven, you must go to the center of the land where the great lake Carthos is. Wait for three sunrises. On the third sunrise, you will be shown the way to a place where you can find out how to defeat Valara and her minions. But remember... you can only leave at sunset.

What did she mean, defeat Valara and her minions? Surely this war could be won if we pulled reinforcements from over the ocean and rebuilt our cities. We could begin with fortresses and once the war was over, we could and homes and farms once again... and maybe, just maybe our way of life would return.

I jumped to my feet at the sound of a dry stick breaking behind me and whirled around. A figure in a dark, hooded cloak approached me. The figure stopped and removed the hood revealing a pale, milk-white complexion, dark hair and completely black eyes.. no pupils, irises, or even whites. It was the demon queen. She spoke in a voice that turned my blood into ice.

“So, you are the little half-Eldahar upstart that is trying to kill me, eh?” Valara walked in a circle around me as she spoke.

“I would not be trying to kill you if you hadn’t attacked my friends and family!” I spat back, unsheathing my sword.

She laughed. “Hmm... and then my son wouldn’t have died either?”

“Who is your son? I don’t have any idea what you’re going on about!” I replied, slightly confused.

Valara fixed me with a hard stare. “My son, Derek. You killed him, dearie, but he was weak. It comes from being raised with humans, weaklings!” She spat at the ground.

I felt my heart skip a beat. “What do you want now, then?” I asked in a quiet voice, now matching Valara’s circling step.

She stopped moving and straightened her posture, a demonic pride over taking her features. “To make you a deal, little wings.” At that moment, I became aware of the wings that had been visible the whole time since I had unfurled them when I ran into Shoren, Selene, and Derek.

I twitched them a bit and fluttered them to indicate my annoyance. "I am listening."

“You will stop this fool’s errand to wait for the entrance to Regent. Yes, I know the entrance to the Eldahar’s city resides here at Carthos. I also know that you have two more sunrises after this one to wait for the entrance to appear. Now if you turn around and go back home, I will put Nementon, Haven, and Avalon back to the way they were before my army attacked.”

My heart rose.

“With the exceptions of the deaths of Orion, Selene, and Derek. If you go and turn away from the Eldahar side of you now, I will stay in Caladron and never bother you or yours again.”

So, do I take her deal? Suggestions, please!

© 2007-2019 Lilith

Last edited by Lilith on Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh course NOT!!!!!!!!! *hackles raise* Never trust a demon to keep their word. i say spit in her face and tell her exactly what she can do with her deal.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take the deal - it's worth it. Think of all the death that'll be avoided. Just remember to make the daemon swear - once sworn to something it's unavoidable for us, it's like a contract.

We're like lawyers that way.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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