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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quick overview -

China's mansion is somewhere in or near City Central, Jester Park is a different district. The TI is the Tourist Information booth, which I guess is in Info Street (Same area as New Storygames) Think of the layout of the forums. JezSharp is the Tourist Information moderator. Earlier in the story he described having a laboratory there, and an extensive labyrinth of tunnels extending from it, underneath the entire city, which he excavated using the real Master map.

A note to Sasuke - The Soul Well has been temporarily stopped up, as per Crunchy's message via Solus earlier, meaning that nobody would be coming out of it. Kalanna has written you in as having been sacrificed - presumably your character is with Crunchy in the Realm of Dead IFians, since there had been a large explosion in the region of the pools.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren Hall is actually in the Nob District, just off Nob road, not far from the Council Hall.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My 2 Cents

I have just been looking at the main thread. I would like to comment if I may.

As Argo has said implied already, this SGame needs to be focused more. Otherwise it will become too much like a RP.

I would second Argo's suggestion that Crunch becomes the 'Director'. You could submit your chapters to her for approval before posting. This way Crunch can guide the Story, otherwise it will go off at a random angle, and really will get booted to Games.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool Thanks cruncher... Wink mmm... where should i go. I think stroll in info streets and then a bit to the noob castle.... Very Happy
For a but of investigation. at the same time somehow running into the council... somehow... get mxit in the sitaution...
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm making a post at the moment. Reason is because it's too difficult to do a summary any more. I'm writing from Din, Smudge and IM's point of view.

And I'm going to try and urge everyone else to try and do the same, to at least further their part of the story for a while. Then we can all do a switch...

As mentioned before, we can have 'progress reports' coming in from other characters, but we must be wary of introducing any more characters now, except in a cameo role. Lilith was great in helping getting Din and co across Jester safely, but we need to move on now.

And yes, Chin, at this late stage it would be a great idea to submit new ideas here, before posting them too. That is what this thread is here for, after all. We should be relying more on discussion and polls now if we are ever going to finish this story.

On a separate note:

Kalanna has actually just done something very MAJOR with the plot and I have just figured it out, she has linked Crunchyfrog's jump into the well with her ability to find the next ingredient for Lordy's spell for completely opening the well.

Remember she pushed Din down a hole to get the 'Blood of the Beginning.' Now she has 'The Flesh of the Present'. That makes two. Lordy said earlier in the story that he needed Three.

This increases the suspense level. Lordy is nowhere to be found. What is he doing? Is he in danger, or is he in control? We still dont know for sure what side Kalanna is on, and how badly affected she is by these Soul Parasites or Greater Evil Gas, that Jez is investigating.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'The Flesh of the Present'
A pound of fless... quite a good twist...

Ok well Before i post. Can i ask who is going with jez. So I might just get an over head view from this... Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Full bodycount:

Jez is on his own, travelling towards the TI, probably using his network of underground tunnels. He could even be there by now.

Lebby Solus, Polokin and D are together, looking for Lordy.

IM, Din and Smudge are together, about to enter IM's mansion from an underground tunnel

Kalanna is on her own, in a corridor, somewhere in the city.

Lordy is on his own, whereabouts unknown

Chin is on his own, in the ruins of his mansion.

Crady is on her own, whereabouts unknown

Lilith is on her own, in Jester park.

Crunchyfrog and Sasuke are in the Realm of Dead IFians.

Xansta is in a dungeon somewhere.

Masterweaver was last seen somewhere in the Open Forum.

I would write from IM, smudge and Din's point of view, though. If you want to write somethiing about Jez, perhaps have him call in on IM's Mod Ring, and have him report something about the Gas.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jipee.. That would be great... in the shadows I'll be listening. Very Happy I'll be writing.. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're getting the idea, Nightshade! And it's a good plot twist, although I'd watch the quality, and keep it from one point of view only. By the way, if your character were on IM's roof, she'd be dead by now. It is highly fortified!

Where you have in your post


Suddenly there was a loud crack on the roof and then the mod ring activated, Jez was contacting IM trough means of the ring.

Crady stood on the roof she had been following mostly everyone around If, trying to figure her own way to solve her personalty problem.

She had not followed Jezz who had carried the bottle, but instead she followed a group just for a bit of action going around.

IM froze, "What is it Jez?"

Jez voice was sounding inteligent, he had once again found an intresting thing with in the bottle. "IM I found that the gas contians gasses as written on the paper, the half of the bottle is scorched by fire and I found Chinarenn's fingerprints on it"

"Then How did Crady get it?"

"She maybe wore gloves, but that you'll have to find out some other way IM"....

IM head turned one way, and he found a gas bottle stuck into a pipe, If he wasn't contacted he should have gotten the same state as crady... "Jez we have a problem, the gas is planted in here, and probalbly everywhere els"...

It might read better as


Before he had a chance to activate the chamber, IM's mod ring began to glow. Glancing down at it, he noticed it was Jez contacting him.

IM froze.

"What is it, Jez?"

"IM, I found that the bottle indeed contains gasses as written on the paper, the half of the bottle is scorched by fire and I found Chinaren's fingerprints on it"

"Then How did Crady get it?"

"She maybe wore gloves, but that you'll have to find out some other way IM"....

IM glanced to his left, and noticed a similar gas bottle stuck into a pipe. Strange he hadn't noticed it before.

Luckily for him, it still had the stopper in it. If he wasn't contacted and it had broken, he could have gotten the same state as Crady...
"Jez we have a problem. It looks as though a bottle of gas is planted in here. Who knows how many other bottles there are..."

"I'll get to analysing the actual gas itself now." came Jez's voice through the mod ring.

"Good. You should let D-Lotus know of your findings - and make him aware of this bottle, too. I've got to get back to restoring my memory now. IM out!"

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, maybe I should have kept up with this thread before posting...but I solemly promise never to do it again. Girl Scout Honor. *yes I was a Girl Scout so don't bash it!*

However, I didn't so as a very nauty girl I posted on behalf of IM, Nightshade, and Lilth.

IM now has his full memory back and is currently working out a way to deactivate/remove the bottles of the greater evil gas.

Din and Smudge are about to go down to rejoin Crunchy and Sausake to help them in the Realm of Dead Ifians.

However, just before leaving Din decided to recurit some help for IM, just in case. To that purpose, Nightshade and Lilth are now with IM in his mansion and will hopefully help him out.

I hope what I posted wasn't too devasting plot wise and everyone approves...if it is or it needs to be changed, it can easisly be edited to improve it's flow.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Not at all, this is the whole point! The only criticism I would have with the flow is your rewriting of part of the story from the point of view of your character, this is the whole point of getting rid of the RPG style...

Waving at Lilth through her mask, Din or rather Brithil smiled at the demon witch. What had the girl called her again, oh yes 'Mistress of Shadows'. "Mistress of Shadows" Din snorted as they passed through the Dream Chamber with her barely resisting the urge to hurry over and rejoin her familar form. "Hardly. That title belongs to someone much darker than I in If. Shadow Melder, perhaps, even Shadow Twister, but Mistress of Shadows belongs to one who earns her way to Full Shadow Rank Level 1."

Bringing back her irrant thoughts, Din watched as IM talked with the computer to let them past security. Then taking the glasses IM handed them, Din looked around for the stair well that computer spoke off. Sure enough there it was. All she had to do was go down it, and in likedy split she be back to her normal self---well what remained of her normal self after that nasty fall that is.

However, Din surprised herself by staying. Din didn't know what she was waiting for exactly, but she guessed she was waiting for some indication that IM had regained his memory.

Just before IM stepped on the memory pad however, Jez crackled through his mod ring.

After a short confornation with the TI mod, Im discovered something shocking. A bottle of Greater Evil Gas...a misterous substance of unknown orgin, make, and purpose, had been planted in his mansion...and probably everywhere else.

I would completely get rid of these paragraphs, because these events already have been written in the previous two posts.

The rest is new stuff, so that is okay, and pulling in Nightshade and Lilith is okay, I guess. Although it may be a good idea to find out a bit more about the gas before doing something about it - perhaps waiting for Jez to analyze the gas itself would be a good idea.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right - ho...

This is where everybody is at the moment...

Kalanna has just picked up all the ingredients needed for Lordy to complete the opening of the well. The third ingredient she has done by cleverly sending a version of herself into the future, and then sacrificing herself to get it.

Lordy has disappeared. We dont know where he is. D-Lotus, Solus, Polokin and Lebby are looking for him, to explain that it doesn't matter whether he opens the Soul well or not, the power of the souls are such that the whole thing is unstable and is going to blow anyway, so everyone needs to pull together and fix it.

Din and Smudger are on their way down to the Realm of Dead IFians, to find Crunchy and Sasuke, and hopefully find a way of returning Muaddib and co back down there as well. Then Din, Smudge, Crunchy and Sasuke need to journey the correct way to the Dream Chamber to reclaim their bodies.

IM has just reclaimed his memory at his mansion, which is in complete fortress mode. He has two new companions, Crady and Lilith. Crady has been subjected to the effects of a bottle of 'greater evil gas'. She is acting weirdly.

Jezsharp is in the TI, analysing the gas. He has a book called the 'Treasures of IF'. We dont know what his intentions are with it yet.

Chinaren is in the charred remains of his mansion.

Various people have been affected in some way by something or other, and are not themselves. Noteably, Kalanna, who is aware of this, and is fighting it. Also, Solus, who can 'hear' the souls in her head, and can be used as a medium by those in the Realm of Dead IFians. Is there a link between this and the Greater Evil Gas? IM has discovered another bottle in his mansion. Maybe there was one in Kalanna's horde? Who knows.

We need to try writing this as a story, and less of a RPG. Try not to write just from the point of view of your own character.

I have tried to lead by example and not written from the p.o.v. of my character for some time, and tried to encourage others to do the same.

As Chinaren said, this is likely to get kicked into games if folks dont 'geddit'.

At this point, can everybody give a brief outline of where they think things should be headed next? Some ideas, please, and then we'll have a poll.

Then at least we can start writing as a team, and not as individuals.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, one obvious thing that needs to happen is Key needs to get back. I'll head that team with my two newest buddies.

D needs to find Lordy, perhaps with Rai's help. She might have some idea as to where is actual lair is. If not, we can lure him out with the ingredients he needs.

Din, Smudge, Crunchy, and Sauske need to find a way to plug the holes that are creating this Soul-filled fog. While they're there, they can find the cause of the Soul Parasites.

As for Jez and Chinaren, I have no idea.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm going to try to hook up with Lordy himself, I'll get PMing him about that. Otherwise I'll probably bump into Crunchy since my soul's currently in transit. I've got to wait for time to catch up with myself...

Then I've got to get my future self to go claim my body...

Maybe this wasn't such a good plan...*laughs*

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The approriate changes have been made to my previous post. I now await orders.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so how are all these plots going to come together?

It seems possible that the spell Rai and Lordy have been gathering to control the Well might be useful in fixing it so It won't explode somehow.

Perhaps it can be discovered that the release of Greater Evil Gas into the soul fog is what really caused all the rioting. The bottles having been placed around the city to cause chaos and distract people from the problem of the soul well.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow - I go offline for a few days and all Hell breaks loose. And I almost mean that literally.

I suspect Lordy will be following Rai, as she's the only person who actually knows what he's up to. Or at least, knows more about it than the others, who only know various pieces of the plan.

Seeing how Rai has everything I need now, it might be prudent just to take the bits and finish her off, but what sort of reward is that?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Rai is at the moment technically dead, and D is looking for Lordy, needing to convince him that whatever he does will be futile, due to what he and Lebby have discovered about the power of the souls, i.e., the city is going to go Kabooooommm!!!! if the Soul Well is not fixed....

And we need to be a bit more open now about what we're doing, as we're nearing the end of the story.

If we go with Argo's idea that the bottles were strategically placed about the city to fuel the weird personalities and rioting, then we might need some kind of an antidote for those most adversely affected... (Solus, Kalanna, for example) and I'm wondering who might have placed them around the city too!

Jez might be the obvious choice to work on the antidote, with his TI lab and his weird potions. We could have some fun with that. Very Happy

With the Dead IFians, Din and co need to draw Muaddib and co back to their Realm, so that they can show Din and co the correct way back to the Dream Chamber. Some normality needs to be restored to the Realm, Muaddib and co can have some role in stabilizing the Soul Well from their end.

We also need a physical focal point - a place where the fixing of the Soul Well is all going to happen. It is probably where Lordy will want to be, to complete his spell... but exactly whereabouts should it be?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually even if Lordy is following me around he'd be following my I'm betting that's where he is, probably cursing the fact I sent all his spell componants to myself in the future.

Just a note, the whole future thing wasn't what I was planning but thanks Crunchy...I'll run with that.

However it's not unlikely that I'll catch up with Key and Smee...infact I've just come up with a rather nice answer to that one involving why there's a copy of me in the future. It all has to do with the explosion that blew Mage Mountain...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, it was the way I interpreted it, when your character was doing stuff with IFian space/time and then said something about hoping that 'the future me would catch the gem' - I took it to be a copy in the future. Smile

Cool - well if you can give a synopsis of your plan, then we all know where we are as we write... we need to start bringing stuff neatly together now. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey all! sorry i havent posted since intro. of my self but its kind of hard to fall in when everybody's brains are turning.

anyhoot, um earlier in the discussion thread, someone mentioned the souls that contact solus and im just throwing this out there... what if the greater evil was the one doing this... which means he/she/it has been planning the destruction of if for a long time and now it has a spy through solus... so its almost a step ahead of everyone else and solus doesnt realize that the voice is actually the greater evil.... and that makes the greater evil someone already dead which (1) brings up the topic if it can be stopped/killed/destroyed and (2) narrows down the suspect list. hmmmmmm.......

Just throwing it out there!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well my idea was that when we cast the spell on Mage Mountain a copy of me was slung ahead in time along with Smee and Key. Thus I knew that I was going to die, because I can't be in the same place at the same time, so I was rushing around to gain hold of the igrediants before then.

So it's pretty logical that when my future self turns up so will Smee and Key...

Any objections? If so I can just go back to plan A: that I'm only in critical condition and I sent the gem ahead in time to a point when I'm fully healed.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like Lilith's idea that the Greater Evil is talking to Solus. But that doesn't necessarily mean he's a dead guy.

I like the idea that the Greater Evil is not an IFian, maybe not even a person. When D remembered the event that started all this he said he had stabbed the Greater Evil in the heart and it disintegrated, taking some piece of D with it.

I believe Chinaren suggested that we don't need to find out why this evil force exists, we just need to do something to stop it.

As far as Crunchy's focal point, it would be convenient if there was a little, out of the way place, that just happened to be the center of the converging magical ley-lines of IF. This would be the one place where you could affect all the magic of IF at once. Perhaps it just so happens to be the place marked "important" on the master map.

For added convenience they may discover that this is the place where all our time-travelers will appear once the future becomes the present. Of course, it's got to be a place that nobody would ever think of as important Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Before he had a chance to activate the chamber, IM's mod ring began to glow. Glancing down at it, he noticed it was Jez contacting him.

IM froze.

"What is it, Jez?"

"IM, I found that the bottle indeed contains gasses as written on the paper, the half of the bottle is scorched by fire and I found Chinaren's fingerprints on it"

"Then How did Crady get it?"

"She maybe wore gloves, but that you'll have to find out some other way IM"....

IM glanced to his left, and noticed a similar gas bottle stuck into a pipe. Strange he hadn't noticed it before.

Luckily for him, it still had the stopper in it. If he wasn't contacted and it had broken, he could have gotten the same state as Crady...
"Jez we have a problem. It looks as though a bottle of gas is planted in here. Who knows how many other bottles there are..."

"I'll get to analysing the actual gas itself now." came Jez's voice through the mod ring.

"Good. You should let D-Lotus know of your findings - and make him aware of this bottle, too. I've got to get back to restoring my memory now. IM out!"

Good. But i guess I'll have to eddit then somehow to get myslef into that place along with lillth... I guess I can say crady had follwed IM and so had Lillith followed with in her wake, after asking them If she could join, a few twitches in her cheek mussle shook as she stood and watched IM about to enter.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Din pulled Crady and Lilith in with her magic. You will not need to do anything.

When I do the final version thread, I can put you somewhere in the vicinity of leaving Jester Park, as you were just doing in your previous post, and that will make for good continuity. Dont worry!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks...Well... my brother is ragging at me to climb off. so I'm sure you'll get it somehow right to get everything in order. *brother glances at computer* Arg... you are a good writer and I'll be real back. *pokes brother with stick* Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome aboard Lilith, by the way!!!

Okay, some great ideas coming out!

To summarise the ideas we have so far...

1. Solus is unwittingly being used as a spy by the Greater Evil. Although he/she/it was 'slain' by D, it is not dead, but partially controlling her mind. It is the Greater Evil that she is conversing with.

2. Kalanna has sacrificed herself to obtain the final ingredient that was required by Lordy to open the Well, knowing that a copy of her was thrown into the future during the explosion on Mage Mountain along with Key and Smee. (yet to be revealed later on in the plot)

3. The focal point at which the story ends and where the Soul Well is fixed, takes place on a convergance of magical ley lines of IF. This is the place that is marked 'Important' on the REAL MAP. For added convenience, this is the place where all the time-travellers (including the gem containing the ingredients) appear. And it's got to be an unlikely place.

4. The bottles of Greater Evil Gas were strategically placed about the city, and have been adding to the Soul Fog mix, inciting the residents to revolt, and causing strange behaviour amongst the councillors.

5. With the Dead IFians, Din and Smudge need to draw Muaddib and co back to their Realm, so that they can show Din the correct way back to the Dream Chamber to reclaim their bodies. Some normality needs to be restored to the Realm, Muaddib and co can have some role in stabilizing the Soul Well from their end.

6. IM, Lilith and Crady go off in search of Key, but Key has been blasted into the future. I actually vote that they fail to find him but they succeed in deducing what happened to Key and Smee on Mage mountain. That way everything can be left to converge in one spot at one point in time at the end...

7. Jez continues to make an antidote to the Greater Evil Gas, ready to apply to those who need it, and generally release it into the fog, at the appropriate moment.

Does anybody have any objections to running with these ideas, or have anything they want to change or add?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree!!! Very Happy *pushes brother to other computer* Now I'll go check out what is happening in the hangover. to see what is changed. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks right to me, Crunchy Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thx for the warm welcome CF! anyhoot, a great new list of ideas and things to bring this together! And i vote that crunch writes the next post in hangover!

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, I found some incontinuity about the Master Map. As we all know, Jez stole the master map, and returned it to Council Hall, leaving it on China's seat when he had finished with it.

JezSharp wrote:
Jez slipped away into the tunnels, soon emerging from the basement of a run down house a street away - wearing a dark hooded cloak over his suit. Quickly he slipped unnoticed into the hall and, wiping the document of any fingerprints, left it lying on China's seat. Then he slipped away into the fog, holding his ears and focusing his mind away from the whispering mists as he descended beneath the town to obscurity.

In the subsequent post, Kalanna writes that Lordy found the map...

Kalanna Rai wrote:
The grinning face of Lordy met her gaze.
"Taking a risk, aren't you?"

"I trusted you'd have the discretion to take the necessary precautions."

She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face but instead waited for him to tell her what was so important.

"I've just happened to find the Master Map in the Council Hall."

Rai's crest raised high.

Later on we have -

chinaren wrote:
He stood up and waddled over to a cabinet. He typed in a code, whispered a passwork and put is eye to a tube for a quick retina scan. A drawer slid back, revealing the True map of IF. Poor Jez. Did he really think that he would leave this around to be found by anyone?

Sure, the backup copy Jez had taken had certain sensitive information on, but at least it didn't have the Dark Zone on it, or, well, you know. The Other place.

For convenience and continuity sake let's all assume that Lordy then returned the map in China's cabinet at some point, seeing as he had a very good copy made by Kalanna long ago, he doesn't need the REAL one. So we can refer to him doing that as we continue to write.

Further ref the map - Argo's idea of the ley lines ties in nicely with the mention of the 'Other Place'. Jez also mentions the 'Other Place' earlier on in the story.

JezSharp wrote:
He looked again at the map, that other place has definitely been added in recently, and the way its marked, and the fact that it's description includes words such as 'powerful, important, no one must approach', all highly persuasive - as though someone wants that place to be uncovered. I'd make such a place insignificant if it was really so important Jez shrugged, as info mod he liked info, but such a love had allowed him to sense that sometimes info must be gleaned more cautiously. I think I have a reasonable plan, he thought as he edited a copy of the map so that it showed only directions to the 'top secret' place, adding in the words 'treasure' for added effect, then printed out a dozen copies. Then whistling he moved silently upstairs to the Tourist Info booth.

This means that everyone actually has a copy in their PM box, with the 'other' place marked 'Top Secret, Treasure'.

Information about the ley lines could be revealed in Jez's book, 'The Treasures of IF'.

There's also a lot of stuff from Kalanna about charms and terrible things that 'might' happen if copies of the map are used, but we could also assume that they 'might not'. I think we need to keep things simple now.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
He stood up and waddled over to a cabinet. He typed in a code, whispered a passwork and put is eye to a tube for a quick retina scan. A drawer slid back, revealing the True map of IF. Poor Jez. Did he really think that he would leave this around to be found by anyone?

Sure, the backup copy Jez had taken had certain sensitive information on, but at least it didn't have the Dark Zone on it, or, well, you know. The Other place.

Seems to me that the map Jez stole was a copy (made by china) of the original True map of IF, with "The Other place" either added in recent, without china knowing, or as a different "Other place". The original True map of IF have always been in china's drawer.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, that means that even the map that Kalanna copied would be a copy that China made....

If we go with this idea, then in order to find the convergence of ley lines, someone has got to figure this out and go to China's mansion.

Jez would be in a position to discover this, maybe by cross referring information from his book to the copy of the map that he has.

Which is the preferred idea?

That all along everybody has been playing with copies, versions and fakes of a copy that China made?

Or that the real map was stolen by Jez, then returned to China's seat in the Council Hall, later to be picked up by Lordy and returned to China's cabinet?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If we go with this idea, then in order to find the convergence of ley lines, someone has got to figure this out and go to China's mansion.

Not necessarily, because A: It might be the place on Jez' map marked as important or B: they stuble upon someone else which knows the location of the convergence of ley lines.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if we could go with the 'everyone's been using fakes' idea since Lordy and I needed the REAL map to find the location of the three spell componants...That's why we went through all the trouble of making an excellent copy and replacing the map.

Also if Lordy took it from China's cabinet it explains why we didn't just steal it outright and replaced it with a fake.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, lets not forget: Why did the map appear in Crunchy's pants in the beginning?

I thought we'd said that Chinaren had installed it there after stealing it from Jez or Lordy. Chinaren was doing this in a 'spirit' form after he'd been sucked into space-time by a Lordy spell. The map was fake, but China didn't know that, which is why he had given it to Frog so as to help. Which means he couldn't have had the original in his cabinet.

Also, the Greater evil gas seems like an unnecessary add-on, but since it has already been adopted, I guess we can't do anything unless we edit it out altogether.

And as for Rai's future/ingredient thing, I think maybe these ingredients are those we can use to reverse the soul-well spell (as well as to increase it, as Lordy and Rai originally planned).

The map thing is really confusing, though, because for some reason everyone was pretending to have the real copy. I think we should just solve it by making Key have the REAL original. The copy he gave Chinaren when he assumed office wasn't exactly correct. Therefore, when Key appears in the future, he'll be able to solve all of this, like he did in the True Story of IF (If we can get him to participate).
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, and we also have this little anomaly to solve, too... which was posted right at the beginning of the story, and introduced the concept of the Soul Well.
Kalanna Rai wrote:
Back at the Council Hall Rai was surprised to find it a flurry of action. Grabbing one of the small, furry orange things that Chinaren had hired to do the fetch and carry work, she demanded to know what was going on.

"It seems that sometime last night, an unknown person, or persons, stole the Master Map of the City. The Mayor and King are both rather upset about it, since that Map is the only one with the location" Rai had to take her time with the creature to get it to divulge exactly what the map showed. Her eyes went wide.

"Sweet DM in the sky! They have the location to the Soul Well?" The creature glumly nodded.

We also have this.... Kalanna at the Council Meeting...
Kalanna Rai wrote:
"When I first became a mod Lordy approached me with an offer. It didn't seem like much at the time, just a quick copy job of some old documents one of which turned out to be the Master Map of IF."

"So you stole the map!" Rai shook her head as Polokin emerged from the bushes.

"No I didn't. I copied what Lordy brought me and recognized this for what it was so I made an advanced copy for myself with my mod tools. When I'd finished Lordy put them back again. The real map theif was none other than Jez Sharp."

Of when Jez stole the map...
JezSharp wrote:
Ever since he'd taken control of the TI it had been a permanent job of first tidying the place up and then expanding the tunnels. First from the fantasy forest to the basement, then to convenient out of the way places...of course those were hard to find unless you know where to go...which is why he had needed the map.

About the state of the map...
JezSharp wrote:
He looked again at the map, that other place has definitely been added in recently, and the way its marked, and the fact that it's description includes words such as 'powerful, important, no one must approach', all highly persuasive - as though someone wants that place to be uncovered.

Confirming that Jez left the fake...
JezSharp wrote:
Jez rolled the map up wondering if anyone had yet discovered the one he'd left had been a fake...

Chinaren's original....
chinaren wrote:
He stood up and waddled over to a cabinet. He typed in a code, whispered a passwork and put is eye to a tube for a quick retina scan. A drawer slid back, revealing the True map of IF. Poor Jez. Did he really think that he would leave this around to be found by anyone?

Sure, the backup copy Jez had taken had certain sensitive information on, but at least it didn't have the Dark Zone on it, or, well, you know. The Other place.

Okay, so taking all the above into account, as well as the fact that Chin does not want his disappearance to be explained in Hangover, but at the same time we were kicking about the idea that Chin somehow wanted to assist D in solving the situation in his absence, how does this work?

* The original map has traditionally been kept in China's cabinet. This is Chinaren's personal copy. It is an old map, containing the Dark Zone and the Other Place. Plotwise, it is an extra map that has been introduced too late in the game. For continuity and simplicity's sake, this map and these extra places should not figure too deeply in the wrapping up of the plot of the Hangover.

* The backup copy, which to all intents and purposes, we have been calling the REAL map all along, had recently had some extra information added to it, about another place of some significance, considering the way its marked, and the fact that it's description includes words such as 'powerful, important, no one must approach'.
Lets say the backup copy is normally kept in some repository in Council Hall with all other official documents.

* The backup copy, (our REAL map) was first stolen by Lordy to be copied by Kalanna, and then replaced by Lordy.

* Later, the map was stolen by Jez, to use for expanding his network of tunnels. Jez put a fake map in its place, in the hope that nobody would notice it had gone missing.

* Chinaren, before he went off on his Tale of IF adventure was aware of the plot to crack open the well, and instructed one of his orange minions to go and get the backup copy of the map and deliver it to D-Lotus, knowing that D was heading the investigation. However, Chin was unaware that Jez had stolen the map and left a fake in its place.

* By the time the New Year party was in full swing, Chin had already disappeared, the Soul Well had been cracked open, and the poor little orange thing was trying to find Lotus, with the fake map. It eventually finds two individuals on the cliff ledge, one hanging from a tree, the other laying on the ledge, both out of their senses. Not knowing which is Lotus, it stuffs the scroll down the pants of the one hanging from the tree. Job done. It's a stupid little orange fuzzball after all.

* Later that morning when Kalanna returns to Council hall, there is pandemonium, because there is now no map in the Council hall at all. So she searches for the map, and that's when she finds Lotus, Crunchy and MW on the ledge with the fake. We may need to edit the obvious continuity problem with the King and the Mayor, because Kalanna's post assumes they are around, when the rest of the story assumes that they are both missing! I'll sort that out in the final version. Wink

* When Jez finishes with the map he stole, he returns it to China's chair in Council Hall, where Lordy finds it, and replaces it in the repository with the other official documents.

How does that work for everyone?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds good to me! So much less confusion too!

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds good, when explained all at once...but no one in the story has all of that knowledge, so who'll explain it?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why, Key of course. Or perhaps it'll come out in bits and pieces as we slowly piece it together.
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