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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Demons = Lawyers? Where did you pull that one from, Lordy, Charmed, (i.e. Cole Turner, DA = Belthazor)? Just kidding! So.... Suggestions are take the deal and make her swear.... or spit in her face and tell her to shove the deal up her... where-the-sun-don't-shine..... is there a third option?

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So.... Suggestions are take the deal and make her swear.... or spit in her face and tell her to shove the deal up her... where-the-sun-don't-shine..... is there a third option?

There is no third option that I can see Lilth. And personally in regards to the Dp I perfer the later aption not the former.

So I have f5 Liana.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
Demons = Lawyers? Where did you pull that one from, Lordy, Charmed, (i.e. Cole Turner, DA = Belthazor)? Just kidding! So.... Suggestions are take the deal and make her swear.... or spit in her face and tell her to shove the deal up her... where-the-sun-don't-shine..... is there a third option?

No - not at all. It's well known (as far as I'm concerned) that daemons can't be trusted. If they swear to do something, they'll do it, but they'll also work out a way to stab you in the back five minutes later, without breaking the clause.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One has to ask why she is asking this, instead of just spitting her on a sharp stick.

If she is willing to offer such a big deal, then it is obviously important that she doesn't want you to carry on, which is enough reason to refuse her offer.

As an aside, I think it a bit convenient the only person left alive in the city was her friend. Come on now. Confused Maybe have the city in chaos, with the survivors picking through the debris or something.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perfect, Chinaren! You're making my points for the next chapter and the DP for me!

BTW, the votes decided that Tobias was left alive, not me. But now that he is, he has a role to play in the next chapter.

Anyhoot, I never directly said there were no survivors,... I plan on addressing the fact that the survivors fled from all four cities in the next chappy or so. (i.e. they fled to the lands overseas? Maybe?)

But it is good that you're thinking, "Why is Valara offering such a deal?" You see, there is a good reason Valara wants Lilith to stop her mother's quest, so to speak, and I may reveal it in the next chapter... I may not... the votes shall decide!

EDIT: Okay, that's it! I can't wait anymore! The next chapter is tickling my brain and tugging at my fingers! Here's the poll!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patience grasshopper........just kidding sis. I can't wait for the next chappy!!!!! I think if she does tell Valara to stick her deal where the sun don't shine, she should do it just like that. Nice and rude. It's the best way to get the point across in this situation.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Deal with a demon? I think not!

Great story, L.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm To late no!!!

Blood oaths are bad when offered by a deamon. Then later in the future when failed a family member would dei. I say don't take it take a route she doesn't know of and reach where you want to be. Or say deamons can't be trusted and i know you miss your boy then, just leave me and I'll never be seen again be you. Or something in taht line of tought.

Great chapter lilth. I can't wait for the next one. Hope you still have my seggestions in mind. Very Happy remember I'm also here for bouncing ideas off. The deamon one's job should not be accepted. I'm use to writeing Stories about deamons, and it would'st not be wize to follow a deamon without irises offer. Trush me poeple. She might be one, but try not to anger the woman or she would send a curse bringer upon you.

Keep safe from her evil flaming talon's of hell.

nightshade Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*nods* She knows what she's talking about *points at Nightshade* NEVER.....EVER trust a demon's deal.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*giggles* Well, and people call me opinionated? Okay guys, a little longer and the poll will be taken down.. and I will begin the fast and furious typing of the next chapter.. you oughta like this one... Wink

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The demon queen's deal wasn't even a good one... Lily would still have lost 3 people she cares about, and the demon who killed her father would still be alive.
Aside from that "the way things were before" was a situation where the demon queen was poised to destroy everything. If she kept her word, she would just return to that state of events and then immediately re-destroy everything.Sad

I guess I should have said all that before the poll closed.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:11 am    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 5 - Prophecy Reply with quote

As promised, Chapter 5!

Chapter 5: Prophecy

I considered the offer and ran through the possibilities of each.

If I take the deal, everyone’s safe and I can just go home. Tobias and Shoren will be safe as well and can return to their homes and the people will be restored... the survivors will have never had to flee overseas and all those families will be together again. Except mine.

I clenched my fists tightly as the demon queen’s eyes alighted in victory.

But, if I don’t, she hasn’t won at all.... Selene will not have died for nothing. Or my father. I won’t let her have this victory over me. My mother asked me to go here for a reason, which it seems to find the Eldahar and ask them for aid like in the ancient battle long ago. She fears me for some reason..... and I don’t think the half-Eldahar blood that flows in my veins is the reason. There is something else.

“Well, girl? Have you pondered this long enough?” Valara smiled sweetly and approached me.

I looked her directly in the eyes, my own cold with fury and hate. “How dare you... you think you can kill off people I care about and then waltz in here to try and make me a deal like that? Forget it! Take your deal and shove it up your ass, bitch!” I spat at her and my spittle made contact with her left eye and dripped down her cheek.

She shrieked curses at me and her form dematerialized before my eyes into black particles and a moment later, was gone.

I returned to my former position on the ground, glad that the drowsing boys miraculously hadn’t heard a word of the altercation with Valara and slept on.

The dawn of our third day approached and the three of us now well-rested and ready, stood at the edge of Carthos. As the first ray of sunlight hit the lake, a piece of land arose from the depths, on which there was a simple tree, a weeping willow to be exact. Tobias, Shoren and I looked at one another in confusion, hoping for something with a little more excitement. I sighed and dove into the water; the boys followed suit and soon we rested on the miniature isle, looking at a carving in the tree.

Ye who have waited the time of three suns and three moons,
Have discovered the entrance to a place to heal all hurts and wounds.
Walk desoil thrice about to enter this place,
Touch the tree and turn about-face.
Ye spirit strong but ye heart weak,
Here ye will find the answers that ye seek.
But be warned, traveler!
Widdershins walk thrice about
During the setting sun to get out.

“Pretty direct isn’t it?” Tobias said after reading the instructions on the tree. He and Shoren made to walk around the tree, but I put a hand out to stop them.

“I have to tell you guys something. Valara came to me during my watch that first night we were by the shore. She made me an offer, in which I would stop this and turn around. In turn, she would return Nementon, Haven, and Avalon to the way they were before and then she and her army would stay in Caladron and never bother me or mine again. Except, Selene, my father and Derek would still be dead.” I took a deep breath and forged ahead. “But I told her no. Actually I told her to shove her deal up her ass, called her a bitch, and spat in her face.”

The serious faces my friends had worn for the length of this speech broke and they collasped in a fit of laughter. I was dumbfounded. “You aren’t angry I didn’t ask your opinion first?” I asked, for once timid.

“No, of course not! You made the best decision possible... and in your own way, got your point across throughly.” Shoren replied as he came over and hugged me, as a brother would do to a younger sister. I stiffened at the touch for a moment but then I relaxed and returned the sibling-like hug.

“Although, the next time she shows up, you had better come and get us. Don’t keep all the fun for yourself.” Tobias added, approaching me as well when Shoren released me. His touch, however was different. His hands rested lower than Shoren’s had and his face was angled towards my neck. I did nothing but pat him on the back in a friendly way, and he soon released me too.

I mentally slapped myself. Get a grip, you fool! This is not the time, nor the place! You simply imagined it! It means nothing!

I smiled at them both. “Well then, let’s walk.. what does it say? ‘Walk desoil thrice about to enter this place, Touch the tree and turn about-face.’ Ahh... okay. Ready?” I looked at both men and they smiled back in answer.

So we followed the tree’s instructions and when we touched it, I felt a jerk behind my navel. Then the world went black.

I woke to two groans and as I opened my eyes, I made one of my own. “What the hell happened?” I asked, standing up too quickly and falling down on my ass as a bout of dizziness overcame me.

Shoren and Tobias had already been able to get up slowly and came by to help me up. “Was that supposed to happen?” Tobias asked, holding his head in one hand.

“I hope so. Otherwise, I have no idea where in the hell we are.” Shoren replied, looking around. Tobias and I copied him.

The landscape around us was dreary and rather depressing. No plants anywhere, just solid rock underfoot. Mountains and hills of stone were all around and the sky was a drab gray color. Sometimes, lighting would flash, followed by the dull boom of thunder but no rain fell. The tree we had touched was the only thing that looked even close to being alive. And it was almost as lifeless as the sky. There was a sun so we could judge how much time until sunset, but it offered little light and no warmth whatsoever.

I spotted a cave quite some distance from us that had two totem-like poles on either side of the entrance and pointed it out. Tobias and Shoren nodded and the three of us took off for the cave at an easy jog.

At some point, Tobias seemed to be trying to get me to race him. I smiled, a little surprised at this unexpected competition. I sped up and surpassed him, and then he did the same. I sped up again and so did he; soon we had left Shoren behind, just enjoying the fun of our impromptu game. We reached the mouth of the cave at a full sprint, but Tobias touched it first.

Shoren had slowed his pace to a leisurely stroll and still had some time to catch up. I leaned against the wall and slid down the wall into a squat while Tobias flopped on the ground.

“I’m.... still.... faster.... than... you!” Tobias panted, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

I tried to stand and failed. I giggled as I fell on my ass. “So?” I collasped in a fit of giggles on the ground beside Tobias, who promptly sat up and tickled me. I squealed and writhed in laughter, leaving my sad memories behind for just a moment.

“Hey! You two! Outsiders! What are you doing here?” A voice came from the cave. Tobias and I stood quickly, automatically on our guard. Shoren finally caught up with us and looked at us questioningly. I shook my head at him with a Don’t worry, I am handling it, look.

“We mean no harm to any here! We are simply seeking help! We fight the demon queen Valara and her half-demon army!” I called into the darkness of the cave. A phantom wind blew out of it suddenly and I wrapped my wings around myself for protection.

“Leave! You’ll find only terror here! The Guardians of the Light are all dead! I am simply the Keeper of the prophecies of the Eldahar!” A robed figure came out of the cave. It took one look at me and gasped.

“What?” I asked, unfurling my wings now that the wind had stopped.

The hood came down and revealed the face of a weathered-looking man, his dark hair greying, giving him a salt-and-pepper look. His eyes were a clear blue and at the moment were filled with shock. “You’re an Eldahar.... the Guardians of the Light have been gone for five years now and yet here one stands before me! Are there others returning as well?” The robed man had a light in his eyes, a hope that nearly made me scream when I had to dash it.

“No, I am only half-Eldahar. There is no one coming; I have never even met another Eldahar.” I almost choked when the man looked so crestfallen that I thought it might kill him.

But a second later, his eyes filled with hope again. “You’re a half-Eldahar? Then you must be Elian’s daughter. Yes, I see it now. Same build, same defiant stance, same kind heart. Come, follow me. She asked me to show you the prophecy of the Lightbearer before she left.” He moved back in to the shadows of the cave and I followed with my friends close behind.

“Who is this guy, Lil? I don’t like him. He could be feeding us a line of bull.” Tobias hissed in my ear.

I bit my lip, shook my head at Tobias, and continued forward before I lost my nerve as the dark enveloped us.

There was some shuffling, a few clinks and some sparks, and then the Keeper held a burning torch in his hand. He outstretched a hand to me. I looked at him for a moment, hesitant, and then took it. He drew me to walk beside him; I heard Tobias making sounds of dissent and Shoren’s attempts to calm Tobias while resisting his own urge to shove the Keeper away from me. But for some reason, I felt no ill intent coming from the Keeper.

The tunnel we went through was dry and surprisingly warm; the floors were covered in sand and the walls were rough but no moss grew on them because of the lack of moisture.

Soon, we came to a stop and the Keeper lit a torch on the wall which seemed to trigger torches all around to lit as well. We stood in a circular room, the stone walls covered in shelves filled with old books and delicate-looking scrolls. In the center of the room, a stone pedestal stood with a large sphere of clear crystal half-embedded into the surface.

“What is this?’ I asked in a half-whisper, in awe of the pedestal; it seemed to call to me.I closed my eyes and placed my hand on the crystal; it almost hummed to my touch. I smiled, let out a small chuckle, opened my eyes, and turned back to the Keeper, who smiled indulgently.

“That, my lady, is the Prophecy Gem. Any and all prophecies made anywhere by anyone in the world are locked into that crystal once they are made. Only those with Eldahar blood have access to them because they are the Guardians of the Light and usually when prophecies are made, they entail good things to come. There are some unpleasant ones but the good ones far outnumber those.” The Keeper withdrew a small, curved knife and held it out to me.

“Wait a minute, you mean in order to hear the prophecy my mother wanted me to hear I have to...” I stopped, having stepped backwards away from the pedestal. The Keeper simply nodded. I sighed, knowing better than to question the ways of these things. I took the knife and returned to standing behind the pedestal; I held my left hand out above the gem, palm up and shaking. Before I could blink, I made a quick slice across the fleshy part of my hand and my blood splattered on the crystal. I winced and hissed in pain but put my cut hand down onto the now glowing gem and closed my eyes. I heard a monotone but melodic voice speaking; it matched my mother’s voice from my dream.

Ever the Dark exists,
For that is the fate of the balance;
One cannot be without the other.
Dark and Light;
Evil and Good;
Prey and Hunter.
All coexist with each other in duality
And the Grand Design is maintained.
On the night when Dark and Light are equal
And the Light from then on increases,
The Lightbearer will complete the circle
And the Dark will fall back.
The Grand Design will forever be changed
And the Light will finally prevail.
The world will become a world of peace.
Conflict, war, and hate will be forgotten in the hearts of humans....

I was jerked back to myself at a shout from Shoren. Opened my eyes and found myself staring at Shoren, Tobias and the Keeper. I was lying on the ground and they were leaning over me, all looking concerned.

“I believe that the fact that you are only half-Eldahar is why you couldn’t handle the power behind the prophecy,” mused the Keeper. “The human in you lessens your power.” He shuffled to another part of the room.

Tobias and Shoren fussed a little more and finally let me up once I threatened to club them both over the head. As I stood, I found my legs wouldn’t obey me and I was forced to lean on Tobias for support. “Okay, the prophecy started off with the whole grand design and duality and balance spiel, but then it talked about a Lightbearer completing a circle and the Dark falling back on the night when Dark and Light are equal. What’s all that about?” I said when I found myself steady enough to stand.

The Keeper returned and looked me in the eye. “Surely, child, you know that your mother believed the Lightbearer to be you.”

I hung my head, hearing the words I had hoped weren’t going to be said. “Maybe she was wrong....” I whispered, the pain of loss entering my mind again. “My existence has done nothing but cause deaths of the people around me.”

“If that is what you choose to believe, then fine. I’ll tell you this, though, girl. Elian never placed faith in prophecies yet she put everything she had on the line because she believed in this one.” The Keeper’s job now finished, he stood and began to fall to pieces of dust. “My final duty to lead you here and let you hear the prophecy is done. I can now rest.”

Tobias and Shoren each came on a side of me and we backtracked back through the cave to its mouth. They had stayed silent the whole time and finally Shoren said something as we left the cave to get to the tree. “Some day huh?” he said with a half-cocked grin.

I let out a small laugh and returned his grin. We reached the tree just as the sunset and managed to walk widdershins around it three times. Once again we had been tossed on our respective asses.

As I made to get up, a sword tip appeared at my throat. I looked up at the sword’s owner, a noble-looking knight whose clothing proved him to be from overseas. I looked at Tobias and Shoren, who were in the same predicament. The knight forced me to turn my head back to him with his sword.

“Who are you and how did you appear out of nowhere?” He spat, his eyes lingering on my wings. “Speak, woman! Or your men die!”

Damn it! How do I end up in these situations? Okay, my twisted, sick-minded audience! How do I get out of this one? Suggestions please!

© 2007-2019 Lilith

Last edited by Lilith on Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shocked They're all gone! Humanity is DOOMED!! AAAARGH!!! Shocked

Eh, sorry about that, had one of those moments, you know.

As for the DP...
"Teleportation, moron!"
Maybe without the moron part.

Shoren finally caught up with us and looked us questioningly.

Shoren finally caught up with us and looked at us questioningly.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shoren finally caught up with us and looked us questioningly.

Shoren finally caught up with us and looked at us questioningly.

Correction made! Thank-you for keeping an eye out!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mayhap you can tell your a wizard...or an angel.

If being foreign he might believe you.

Or YOu could....ask him why he is there, and why he is on this island. Although that might get you killed.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok... jipee.

Ok you can say your an angle, but not a wizzard for all you know he might be a wizzard killer or has a hate against them. Or you could say that you were teleported there.

speak the truth or lei your an angle- drama would unfold in lying.

I say then speak the truth. What would you know ask him questions after answering, like asking where are you? Or what is he doing here then? from what castle or country? What is his name after answering yours to him, keep in mind he might be a crusader and not tell his name at all.

a forener aren't stupid you know. They might just know more than you do your self. since your in the baddest possition you could be I'd say he has the keen sences and mind to be more ingelligent about the place than them; because how do you awake with a sword to your neck and a face looking down upon you- he has a mind alright.

You could try and take him into helping you out, just hope he is no prince and everything would work out fine... *laughes* You could ask for a place to rest if you want to, or he could as you or don't ask atall... try speaking in a slow kind manner and get some information and get him to help out for a short while or trough the journey. Very Happy

there ya go. remember the daemon might come back after washing the spit away and getting her honour trampled over she would come back with recruits.

nightshade Razz

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think saying you are an angle, or even an angel, is the way to go. It's probably worth saying you are fighting the demons as, assuming these people are real men of course, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Good chappy Lil. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say speak the truth. It only shows that lilith is a true-hearted charrecter. And it would keep them out of trouble by telling the truth. I say that she must speak the truth, but begin to lei when something is getting suspicious.

And china then I'm sorry about the spelling then. Sad sometimes my mind thinks ahead of my writing, so you'll expect it alot when only replying or in a rush... (I hate... Erm neva mind I cut out what i was going to say)

1) speak the truth, lei when sispiscuis.

2) tell the truth and only the truth.

3) say your an angle and your occompanied by your friends; who is deamon hunters.

4)say you teleported and you all are hunting deamons and nothing more...

5) tell truth and become allies along the way get information.

that is what I picked up. in here. Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay guys, I feel that there should be a quick recap of my character....

In less than a week, a female warrior loses her home, the man she called father, and a close friend. She finds out that she is only half-human and half-Eldahar (race of beings everyone believed gone), that a demon queen and her army of half-demons are after her, someone she grew up with was a half -demon, and now she's been handed this cryptic prophecy and some new destiny that she's not sure she even wants.....

Why in the world should she have any reason to trust somebody who has got a sword to her throat? Or anyone at all, for that matter?

Just thought this might get your coniving minds on the right track...

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tell him you teleported, make up a lie about the rest.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Henrik Tikkanen

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:

Why in the world should she have any reason to trust somebody who has got a sword to her throat? Or anyone at all, for that matter?

I don't see it as a matter of trust, more of a matter of getting them to stop pointing a sword at her throat. Shocked Whatever she thinks would be a likely story to do the job...
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i say take his sword point it at his throat. Then tell him he needs to learn some manners. I bet you he'd grovel like a puppy with his tail between his legs. mwhahahahaha......teehee
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:08 am    Post subject: My theory of everything Reply with quote

I think it is time to employ my theory of everything. Usually if you apply enough force something or someone, it generally does what you want. Pretty simple theory but if you think about it, it actually works on everything.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I've just read 5 chapters in one hit ... Razz

(see, I did say I'd get around to it!) Smile

I like the adventure, and still not knowing where it will lead makes me want to read the next chapter. Well written!! Very Happy And I needed the character recap too, thanks!

OK have voted too!

Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay! The poll is now closed and soon your next Chapter will be up! I really hope you people know what your doing letting me write a story! Shocked

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:56 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 6 - Sacrifices Reply with quote

Chapter 6: Sacrifices

I weighed my options carefully but quickly and then I responded to the knight’s threat by bringing my foot up and knocking the sword from his hands. Then I jumped to my feet and caught the sword as it fell.

“Now, what was that question? Oh yeah, who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?” I replied, a mischievous grin stealing across my face as I held the knight back with his own sword.

The knight was rather young, couldn't have been more than fourteen or fifteen. His training was rather weak; I guessed he was the runt of the brood; the youngest child usually wasn't trained in the arts of war or fighting.

“Lil, let him go, they are no threat to us,” Shoren said as he and Tobias had both disarmed their now-fleeing opponents.

I cocked my head to the side. “Hmm, loyalty not worth much overseas stranger?” I asked him, handing his sword back to him, handle first. As he took it, the blade reopened the wound on my hand. I hissed in pain as blood dripped from it again. “Damn it ” I cursed.

The knight made a movement to help, his previous behavior forgotten. “Oh, I am so sorry, “ I waved him off. “Are you okay? that wound looks pretty deep,” the knight observed.

“It’s nothing, just an old wound made fresh,” I replied, binding my hand in a piece of soft gauze Shoren handed me. “So, what are you doing here and who are you?” I asked, now curious.

The knight straightened up as pride took over. “I am Eclipse, son of King Arcon of Jaden.”

“Jaden... the most powerful empire overseas?” Tobias asked.

“Yes. Recently, many people from Haven, Caladron, Nementon, and Avalon entered our borders; they spoke of horrible demons and the destruction of their homes and ravaging of their families.” The knight sheathed his sword and looked at us all. “My father sent me to see if the rumors were true. Have the cities fallen? Is it true?” He seemed anticipating the news like a dog panting for water.

“It’s true, Eclipse. All four cities of the Alt lands have fallen.” Shoren replied after the three of us had stood there in a long, awkward silence.

My jaw dropped in shock. “Shoren He’s a total stranger What if...” My objections trailed off as Shoren gave me a look. Suddenly, I heard his voice in my head as clearly as if he had been speaking. Give it up. We haven’t got anything left to bargain with right now. He may be able to give us some hope of restoring our homeland when this is all over.

I disguised my surprise and thought, I thought you could only do this with Selene.

Shoren grinned one of his rare grins. I lied. Tobias has known for a long time. See what happens when you miss out on a couple years?

“Well, then... which city are you three from? Are there any more survivors around? Is there any chance that the cities will rise again?” Eclipse rattled off questions rapidly, as Tobias snuck around behind me and rested his head on my shoulder.

“What are you doing, you goofball?” I said, shrugging him off.

“Trying to relax until he finishes talking,” He yawned pointedly.

“Look, kid, we have somewhere to go and we need to leave now..” Shoren said, shaking the knight’s hand and turning to go.

“Wait! I need to know these things! Please! If you don’t tell me, what will I tell my father?” Eclipse had a desperate note to his voice, strained and almost high pitched.

Shoren... what could it hurt just waiting long enough to answer his questions? I thought.

Nothing but we do need to get going! The night when Dark and Light are equal approaches... Midwinter! We need to get somewhere to analyze the rest of the prophecy you heard. His reply seemed hurried and uncomfortable.

“Oh alright, but hurry up ” Shoren relented.

“Where are you three from?”

“I am Shoren from Nementon, the goofball with the dark hair is Tobias from Haven, and the redhead in need of an attitude adjustment is Lilith from Avalon.” Shoren replied quickly, ducking as I smacked him playfully.

“Hmm.... You are all the children of the head families. Are there any other survivors?” The knight seemed to be mentally taking in everything and storing it for later.

“Your guess is as good as ours on that one.. We are currently trying to find a way to restore our homes but with little success so far.” Shoren began to walk towards our horses, which miraculously were still there even after the scuffle with Eclipse and his abandoning cohorts.

“We will set the refugees we have taken in on the right path to... what city would rise again first if you succeed?” Eclipse queried, making ready to leave as well, probably to give his fellow knights a stern talking to.

“Haven.” The three of us said at the same time. Haven had been the biggest and might have the most resources.

We gave our thanks and said farewell to Eclipse and rode our horses away from Carthos at an easy pace.

“Hmm... Nice guy, horrible training. He’s still a little wet
behind the ears...” Tobias commented. We chuckled a little.

“So, where are we going?” I responded, looking at Shoren pointedly.

Shoren shot me a look. “Maybe we should ask the Lightbearer?” I glared at him.

“How in the hell am I supposed to know? Maybe we should just go to Caladron and kill Valara there?” I said, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.

“Actually, that’s a pretty good idea. We are about 2 days away from the borders and there is a stretch of forest we could hide out in. But the closer we get, the more half demon’s we’ll run into.” Tobias responded.

“So? We just kill them too.” I decided. The finalty of the statement settled it. We were going to Caladron.

Shoren reined his horse to a stop and jumped down from its back. “Why don’t we stop here. We have had a long day and we don’t want to get there too soon.” We made camp in a clearing that was a comfortable distance to a freshwater stream.

Shoren was an excellent cook so Tobias and I offered to go and get firewood if he would cook. We traversed a pretty fair distance to find some wood that was actually dry; quite a bit of it was damp from sitting on the ground for a long period of time.

When I wasn’t looking, Tobias came up behind me and grabbed me from behind. I jumped about ten feet in the air and laughed when I found it was him.

“What is with you today? You acting funny.” My face fell. “Wait. Are you a half-demon too?” I wriggled free and took up a defensive stance.

“Well, no. But if you wanna go a round, let’s go!” Tobias replied, grinning, as he rushed me.

I dodged to the side and caught my foot behind Tobias’s knee and brought him down to the ground. He tried to kick my legs out from under me but I jumped away. Tobias got to his feet and stood for a moment, regaining his balance and waiting for me to make the next move.

“You fight different, Lilith. The technique is good as always but you’ve lost your fire. The passion, the emotion, the creativity. Where is it?” He began with some punches, slow and methodical.

I blocked him blow for blow, ignoring his statement; that was getting to close to the mark. He increased the intensity of the blows and threw in a few kicks as well. “Come on, Lil! What would Selene say if she saw you right now fighting without all you’ve got? What would your father say?” Tobias yelled these words and they dug under my skin and ripped open the old wounds from the loss of my best friend and my father.

I was incensed and let it show by not only blocking Tobias’s blows, but throwing in a few of my own. Eventually, one struck and Tobias was knocked on his ass. I fell to my knees, sobbing, as Tobias picked himself up and knelt beside me.

“Now, doesn’t feel better just to let all that bad stuff go?” Tobias whispered, enveloping me in his warm embrace. I leaned into him, grateful he was there, as more tears came and sobs wracked my body. After awhile, I stopped crying and for a moment we just stayed that way together. I turned my head slightly to look at him and he leaned down close. Our lips met and a spark deep in my soul that I thought was gone forever rekindled.

We broke apart for a moment and then kissed again, this time more demanding, and our hands began wandering.


Some time later, after the sun had set, we trudged back to our little campsite in silence. We were silent as we laid down at our usual opposite places beside the fire. When I had almost fallen asleep, Shoren spoke.

“I was wondering if you two were ever gonna work through the sexual tension and get it over with.”

We laughed at the comment and knew we were forgiven for not returning with the firewood, leaving Shoren to get it himself.

You fool! What were you thinking? You’ll just get him killed; you’ve become too close. My thoughts berated me endlessly throughout the night, long after the boys had fallen asleep. I finally fell asleep, only to be woken by Shoren shaking my shoulder.

“Come on, sleepyhead. We need to go.” Shoren ruffled my hair with his hand as I got up and got my things together.

Tobias tried to ride closer to me the whole day and kept trying to catch my eye but I looked away and distanced myself from him to appease the guilty little voice that kept badgering me constantly. Finally, Tobias gave up and let out a frustrated sigh. “What’s wrong Lilith?” He asked in a low voice.

“Nothing’s wrong, Tobias. I am perfectly fine.” I lied.

“Then why are you acting like this? Everytime I get close you pull away.” Tobias laid a hand on my shoulder gently.

“Look, Tobias. What happened between us... it can’t happen again.” I nearly started crying again.

Tobias pulled his hand back as if he had been bitten. “Why? It’s not as if it hasn’t happened before.” He tried to shrug my hurtful comment off.

“We were young teens then, Tobias. Young and stupid. Yesterday, I was just so confused and just needed a release. That’s all it was, Tobias. Nothing more.”

We all rode in silence the rest of the journey, only Shoren speaking once in awhile to see if anyone was tired. When we stopped again it was in the last stretch of forest close to Caladron.

“Okay, now to the important part of that prophecy. We need to figure out what Lilith has to do to ‘complete the circle’ and we have to figure it out soon.” Shoren said decisively, as we had sat down on the ground.

“Oh, no I believe not!” A familar voice sounded behind us and we got to our feet as Valara appeared. A group of half-demons surrounded us as well.

She laughed as we reached for our weapons. “What are you going do? Fight my whole army off? There’s three of you and a million of them. Think about the odds.”

“Valara. Since you seem to like deals so much, let me offer you one of my own.” I responded, my mind moving quickly.

She held up a hand to signal her army to hold back. “Yes?” she purred.

There was no other choice. “Let them go. And take me. Do with me what you will but let Shoren and Tobias leave here and go home.”

Valara mulled it over in her mind for a few minutes. “Girl, do you realize what you’re giving me? You do realize that I’ll kill you, correct? No, I don’t think so. There is something else to the prophecy that makes you think you will win.”

She took my chin in her hands and looked me in the eye. “No, we’ll take you all and hold you until I find the rest of the prophecy. I think it would be in my best interest to keep you alive for the moment.” She paused. “You have the same defiant look about you that your mother had. Too bad she never lived to see you grown.”

The demon queen straightened and barked out orders. “Take them away to the holding cells! I will decide what to do with them later!”

We were taken to a dingy looking cell that had a slime-like mold plopping off the walls onto the floor.

“Great idea Lil. Either get yourself killed or send us all to a stinky holding cell.” Tobias commented sarcastically.

“Shut-up! I am trying to think, moron!” I snapped back.

So, how are we gonna get out of this one, folks? Make some good suggesstions cause my Idearium is running a little low...

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


She wants them alive, so their lives are their only way of bargaining. Feign death, or bad illness or injury, or something like that. Something that would manipulate their captor into changing their prison environment for something they could more easily escape from, or a place where they are able to eavesdrop and learn more about the prophesy.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What are you gonna do

I don't really think a Demon Queen is going to say 'gonna'.

Personally, I wasn't very happy with the handling of the knights. I realize that these guys are highly trained, but so would the son of a noble be, along with his lackeys. Disarming them like that was rather too easy and not very authentic IMO. Make sure you don't make the charcters too 'uber', it really turns me off a story.

Anyway, the DP.

The DQ must have a reason for not killing them right now. Perhaps some ritual way of disposing of her to nullify her influence? Confused

It's about at this time she makes friends with someone in the next cell, who tells her about the weakness in the defenses. Surprised
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crap! I know not my best work... but there are some additions to get my point across.... The knight is a kid... (I meant to write that in there but I forgot damn story keeps getting away from me!)

But corrections are in blue!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

“What are you going do?

“What are you going to do?

Now would be a nice time for that knight to come to the rescue.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

~Dons his Star Trek hat of Logic nitpicking~

Bystander 1: "Oh no! He's got the ST hat on!"

Bystander 2: "Blow this for a lark! Infallible logic is about to strike, let's get out of here!"

Bystander 3: "Does anyone know where the restrooms are?"

Lilith wrote:
Crap! I know not my best work... but there are some additions to get my point across.... The knight is a kid... (I meant to write that in there but I forgot damn story keeps getting away from me!)

Well, I don't think this actually helps. In fact it makes it slightly worse. Shocked

What's a nobles' son doing out alone in a land dangerously overrun by demons? Why would his father allow this? It doesn't seem likely at all.

I don't have a problem with them fighting the knights, even winning, but it was far too easy. Rai tends to do this in a lot of her stories, makes her characters too uber, and it's the major flaw in her stories still, though she has shown some signs of reducing it a bit.

Anyway, back to yours.

If the DP was to fight, I would have been inclined to draw the fight out a bit, even perhaps had them lose, or come to some kind of draw or something. Sometimes, and I am as guilty as this as anyone, you want to get on with the plot, so you 'skimp' on a scene which could have been so much more.

~Removes ST hat~

Anyway, the rest of the chapter was fine. I am probably making a mountain out of a pimple. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My advice now is that you should let her take you to the cells. Deamons has powers beyond your mind can think. And surely the deamon mistress would not take it more kindly upon you and your friends if you try and fight against a souless monster of hell.

Even if you attack she would only summon more creature, thus endagering yourself and the others, and your new lover. Wink

So Give in try and get a secret way out, or somewhat fool the deamons into leaving you. Or you could add a new charrecter that can take the form of an anything and then fool. Unless you could use your voice to fool them like speakin in their native tung.

So my conclusion after my long ramblings of deamons ends here by saying give in and listen well to any new thing to what you need for the profhocy- a profocy can always change. And it didn't say what moons or suns on what day it would happen.

even if there is two days. You could always excape after getting a bit of small information how to kill them- like the staff od summoning would easily kill them, but not to break the plot get another way of killing them. And I say the deamon mistress would not die until the profocy is fofulled

nightshade in her thinking box. *exits* Razz
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alrighty, so we've got...

The knight is in the next cell (which would be perfect considering the brainstorm I had about how to explain his appearence more.. *coughs* China! *coughs*)?


have a staff of summoning enter the picture?


Oh and feigning sickness/death routine (a very cool idea.. I never would have thought of it)

What else is running through your sick minds, people? I want results! Where are those brilliant thoughts at?

Wink Razz Laughing

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uhmm, dont forget the feigning death/sickness routine... Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i think that tobias and should be in the cell next to her. They should have an argument about the whole sexual experience thing. as for Valara? I don't know how to help you there........ perhaps Valara has a weakness for a particular demon servant-boy? You could take advantage of this and bargain your way out? i don't know. I still think her and tobias should have a rather loud argument.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! : Poll is now closed. Writing of Chapter 7 will commence! Shocked Winning option is .... "Valara is screwing some demon kid.... use him as bait!"

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:21 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 7 - The Finished Prophecy Reply with quote

I have slaved away at this for days, you people! It keeps wrigglin away from me and is getting out of hand! You had damn well enjoy it!

Chapter 7: The Finished Prophecy

I looked around, silently fuming at myself for hurting Tobias this way. You can’t get to close. Everyone close to you dies. If you care for him, let him go. I saw no one else in the cells beside us, unless the bleach-white bones of some poor soul from long ago counted.

We are running out of time! Midwinter’s Eve is in three days! I thought as a small half-demon male came into my view. He would have been about 12 but there was no way to be certain. “Hey you! Come here!” I called, hoping his age would give him the gullibility of a human 12 year-old.

He hesitated, unsure of what to do. “Please! I am dying of thirst! Your mistress wouldn’t be happy if I died by anything other than her hand.” Those words struck home. He paled at the mention of Valara and scurried closer, grabbing a nearby ladle from a water pail as he approached. He seemed to be of an elevated status, his robes made of a material alike to the queen’s. He held the ladle out silently, trying to keep as far away from cell as possible.

“You aren’t like the others, are you? Who are you? Her second kid?” I asked, taking the ladle slowly, hoping he would feel comfortable enough to inch closer.

He shook his head. He’s her current consort, Lilith. She’s barren and she thinks she needs a younger mate to reproduce now. Shoren’s voice rang true in my mind, his eyes carefully intent on a particularly slimy patch of moss.

I looked at the child-demon more closely. “Her consort then? Is that what you are?” He nodded and came just a step closer; that was all I needed.

Quickly, I dropped the ladle and grasped him by the throat. As a guard approached, I spun him around and held him fast by the throat against the bars.

“Maybe this will get your queen’s attention Tell her I want to speak to her, NOW! Or the kid is nothing more than a corpse with a broken neck ” I screamed at the guard who took off running. Minutes ticked by.

The kid struggled a bit so I shook him and hissed in his ear. “Stay still. Or I won’t wait for your queen to arrive.” He stopped moving immediately.

As the sound of tramping feet approached, Tobias and Shoren got up and stood beside me at the bars. A group of about 8 guards entered the prison area. One stepped forward, the mouthpiece for them all. “You, Eldahar Her Most Exalted Highness wishes to speak with you, alone. Step back from the door.” She said.

I tightened my grip and smirked at the female. “Really? Do you think I am stupid enough to fall for that? She wants to speak with me alone, then I go without a demonic escort or my friends go with me ”

Two of the male half-demons approached the female and they conversed in low voices.

Shoren! Quick! I thought, hoping Shoren was listening. Find out what they’re planning!

I can’t! She has spells on these ones... but not on the kid. I am sorry! His reply both irritated and disheartened me at the same time. The guards seemed to come to an agreement and turned around.

“You can keep your hostage as a good faith payment that we will not harm you. But your friends stay here in exchange.” The mouthpiece announced with an air of graciousness.

I gave my assent and they opened the door; with much complication, I soon stood outside the cell, still holding onto the queen’s twelve-year-old consort, only now I had him firmly by the back of the neck.

“Damn it Lil! You fool! You’re going to get yourself killed!” Tobias shouted at my retreating back as I was escorted to the queen of demons.

We came to an open area made of exquisite marble, intricate swirls making it so one could stare into them for hours. It seemed to be a pavilion of some kind, raised almost a hundred feet up off the ground so the queen could survey the city in all its glory.

She herself stood at the top of the stairs, awaiting my arrival with a smile curled maliciously across her face. “Well, well, my dear. You seemed to want my attention so badly,... now you’ve got it.”

She waved the guards away and looked at the child that I still gripped tightly. “I had such high hopes for you, Hargarth.” And no sooner than she had said that, she ripped the demon-kid from me and thrust her hand through his chest.

I stared at her while she threw the body away. “He was weak-willed, and he served me no further use.” Valara spat in the direction the body of Hargarth had flown and then turned her attention to me. “Now as for you, what was it that you needed my attention for?”

I mentally shook myself and straightened up. “To bargain for my friend’s release.”

Valara laughed. “Again? Little Eldahar, you got yourself into trouble the last time you did that, didn’t you? And the bargaining chip you had is now dead! What do you have that I want?”

I drew a breath and gave her a smirk, not unlike her own evil sneer. “I know the contents of the rest of the prophecy you seek.”

Her smile faded into a hard look. “You’re bluffing.” She accused.

“No, I am not.. And I know what the Circle is that I have to complete in order to get rid of your ass. I could do it right now if I wanted.” I stood my ground and even advanced a step on Valara. “Why would I bluff?”

“Tell it to me and I may let you live ” She hissed.

“Depending on what? If the rest of it says I am not a threat to you?” I snapped back, hardening my glare to ice-cold. “My friends go free and are safe to the borders of Caladron. Then I’ll tell you.”

Valara contemplated it for a moment and then swept away, leaving me alone in the big open area. I rushed to the edge to watch for my friends to leave the building. Minutes later, Shoren and Tobias were thrown out on their respective asses. I breathed a sigh of relief and then turned as I heard Valara approach. “Now, tell me What is the rest of the prophecy?” She was angry. Her nostrils flared and her eyes were red instead of their usual calm black.

I gave her a smile and let myself fall backwards off the edge of the pavilion. Let’s see if I can work these! I thought as my mind gave the command for my wings to move. They obeyed perfectly, and I flew as if I had done so all my life. The rush was exhilarating. I dipped down low to where Shoren and Tobias were and led them quickly out of the city. They had to go into a full-out sprint to keep me in their sights.

Once beyond the borders, I slowed down and let them catch up. “And now we’re back to square one,” I said, a little breathless as the excitement of my first flight wore off.

The guys caught their breath and gave me dark looks. “She said.. you.. were... going... to.. join.. her ” Tobias said, clutching a stitch in his side. Shoren, having shifted into his wolf form for the duration of the run, was in much better condition. “We seriously thought...”

I cut him off with a slight motion of my hand. “Me? Join a demon? What the hell were you thinking?” I replied, exasperatedly.

“That you were just about desperate enough to do anything,” Shoren replied without missing a beat. I gaped at him.

“Do you really think I’d sell out?” I was shocked. The boys I had grown up with were now men who didn’t trust me. Maybe that’s because you don’t trust us... I heard Shoren’s upset voice whisper in my mind. I glared at him.

“So, now what do we do? She going to come after us, well you anyway.” Tobias asked, shooting me and Shoren furtive looks.

I sighed and held my forehead in my hands. “I believe I need to hear the rest of the prophecy...” I muttered still thinking.

Shoren dug in his pocket and pulled something out. “Well good thing I palmed this when that old Keeper wasn’t looking.” He held the Prophecy Gem in his hand.

I took it quickly with an appreciative grin. “I always knew you were the bad influence. And you had us all fooled. Everyone else thought you were the good one.” I replied, giving Shoren a sly look.

“Ah, the apple the rotted the rest of us to the core! Always knew you had it in you, Shoren!” Tobias agreed, thumping Shoren on the back.

Shoren held up his hands in innocence. “Hey, I just thought it might come in handy!”

I unwrapped my hand and reopened the already healing wound. “Here goes. Catch me if I fall?” I said to the guys. They nodded silently. I smiled and grasped the gem in my bleeding hand.

Again I heard the smooth monotone voice from before:

Ever the Dark exists,
For that is the fate of the balance;
One cannot be without the other.
Dark and Light;
Evil and Good;
Prey and Hunter.
All coexist with each other in duality
And the Grand Design is maintained.
On the night when Dark and Light are equal
And the Light from then on increases,
The Lightbearer will complete the circle
And the Dark will fall back.
The Grand Design will forever be changed
And the Light will finally prevail.
The world will become a world of peace.
Conflict, war, and hate will be forgotten in the hearts of humans,
And yet there will still be the chance for the Dark to return.
Unless the Circle of Gaia is completed,
Held in balance for eternity,
Air, Water, Earth, and Fire
The Lightbearer will bind them all
and they will become as one.
To stop the Dark,
The Light will die.
One must be let go
To save the millions
That would otherwise suffer.

“Damn it!” was the first thing out of my mouth when I had opened my eyes once again. Shoren and Tobias held me safe and out of sight in the brush.

“What did it say?” Tobias asked.

“Anyone remember where the Circle of Gaia is?” I replied quickly, trying to get up.

“You and history never did mix, did you? As I recall, it’s somewhere in.. Jaden.” Shoren breathed, his eyes fixing on another figure nearby.

Well now, someone has approached us... and the rest of the prophecy known only to myself. Who is the newcomer?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Somebody with something to trade. He needs the heroes to help him with something, and will help them in return. Maybe not now, but later on in the plot. That's all I can come up with...
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A wizard maybe, someone who can assist them as Frog said. They need help!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah ha!!!!!!! jippppeeee!!! Ok I have an idea.

Now I think the help should be one of valara's creatures, even if some might be killed, i'm sure there would be one that would be willing enough after torment and suffering to go to you. and well wariors would work well to.

quite an perdicament your having here. there is always magic items around somewhere. Wink
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