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The Pax Way- #9: Story Discontinued.
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:49 am    Post subject: The Pax Way- #9: Story Discontinued. Reply with quote

Right...this is my second attempt at an actually sci-fi SG so all constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms. Hope you Enjoy.

The Pax Way

Chapter One: The Diner Cook

The diner called Rosie's was modeled after those long ago diners on Terra Prime. It had the well worn linoleum who's color had long ago turned that bland cream that comes with age and high traffic. It's walls were a strange butter yellow and the rustic lights and ceiling fans did more than the holo screens on the windows to convince patrons that they were really eating on a planet.

That was why Rosie's was the major draw at Orbital Station SJ-4. And the little diner couldn't have had a better location or more loyal clientele. SJ-4 was situated in a fixed orbit around a planetoid that was smack in the middle of one of the busiest Transit Point Hubs in the Regaliance. Transit Points, or Dots as they were lovingly called, were points of folded space that connected otherwise far flung edges of the universe together.

Rosie's was a favored lunch stop for all Haulers, Freighters, Tankers, Merchants, and even the occasional Fleet ship. And it had a wonderful word of mouth rep for food that wasn't just delicious but hand made. That was where the problems had originated for Donovan Rosietto. Called Pops Donovan, he was well into his seventies by now and not getting any younger. Some years ago he'd hired a young man and taught him to cook the food the deep-space greasy spoon served.

Six months ago that young man had turned in notice and gone off to get married. Since then Pops had had any number of 'cooks' not one of them worth the time it took to put on the apron. One of them had even stormed out right in the middle of rush time, leaving Pops with a diner full of hungry customers. That's when he'd shown up.

He'd vaulted the counter, dropped his duffel in an empty space under the counter, tied on an apron and set to work. At first Pops had been skeptical, sure the kid meant well but where had a youth not even into his first real beard learned to cook real food. But after the first round of meals had hit the table Pops, and the patrons, were sold. The food was good and the cook had flair, a wink, and witty banter for anyone willing to give him an ear.

Pax, as the young man was called, was a few inches over six feet tall and a moving wall of muscle. He looked like he should have been cracking the heads of unruly drunks in the bar across the station but his easy nature was such that everyone discounted the bulk offhand. His strawberry blond hair was cut in the favored style of young men these days, slightly long on top and in front, short on the back and sides.

His mischievous green eyes sparkled out of a face spattered with freckles and a small scar that bisected his right eyebrow into two unequal pieces. His mouth was generous and his cheekbones high but subtle. His shoulders had trouble with standard doorways and his fit form seemed torn right out of a Fleet recruiting holo. But Pax preferred flipping burgers to patrolling space and Pops wasn't about to question that. Not when he had an excellent cook with good manners and wonderful social graces. Things were going swimmingly.

Pops had noticed that Pax seemed a little off today. He wasn't moving with nearly as much speed as normal nor was he pulling off any of his 'stunts'. Little things like balancing three full plates on each arm and setting them gently on their respective tables, or grabbing several full glasses at once and redistributing them without spilling a single drop. When things slowed down a bit, as they were wont to do at this time, Pops pulled him aside.

"What's eatin' you boy?" Pax glanced around a bit before guiding him into a small alcove hidden from the main dining room.

"We're going to have trouble soon. Table Twelve is going to cause hell sir." Pops raised a bushy eyebrow.

"How do you know that." Pax shrugged.

"Call it a hunch sir."

"Or we could call it..." Pax stared him right in the eye.

"When I handed him his menu I got a good look at the tattoo on his left wrist...his Dogma tattoo." Pops's mouth fell open. Dogma, those radicals from neighboring space, they were the very antithesis of what the Regaliance stood for. Pops was no softie. Squaring his shoulders and putting the shock away he glanced around the corner.

"I want you to watch him Pax...what's so funny?" Pax's grin vanished.

"No need sir. He's keeping a close eye on me."

"What for?"

"Probably to see if I'm going to start something sir. Which I have no intention of doing." Pops put his hands on Pax's shoulders, preparing a small speech about sacrifices that must be made for the greater good. Pax beat him to the punch. "However, if he starts something sir, I would like permission to finish it." Pops's mouth opened and shut like a cold fish. Never, ever, before had Pax even so much as hinted toward violence. In fact he'd always taken the rode of pacifism to the point where Pops had been almost convinced something was wrong.

Now as he stared at his cook, he realized that there was something else he'd missed entirely. Or, more likely, something Pax had kept well hidden. "You're not a normal cook are you." Pax chuckled.

"You might say that sir. My looks are mighty deceiving."

"I'll bet they are." A bell went off, the call for service. Pops, wanting to keep Table Twelve as unaware as possible, worked up a beet red face and said in a loud voice. "Dammit! Why didn't you tell me this before Pax! If that damned thing had blown we be scrubbing grease of the ceiling months from now!"

Taking the hint Pax put on the blandest face ever seen in human space. "I'm sorry sir but what with everything else that's happened I didn't want to tell you about the trap."

"Dammit Pax..." he sighed as if frustrated. "Well we'll chalk this up to experience." The bell rang again and they both hustled out to serve several more hungry customers.

Table Twelve had been sitting there, staring covertly over his menu, for nearly a half hour. Pops had finally walked over and asked the man if he was going to order sometime this orbit. "I'll have the spiced fries and a nova burger."

"Coming up." And Pax had added that order to his growing list. He swore to himself. Table Twelve was still watching him, had already identified him as a threat, although Pax was more than sure it was simply because of his build rather than because the man knew anything else. Pax was willing to be an Upgrade the man at Table Twelve had no idea Pax was one of the Ship-Born...a Star Child no less.

Setting down the plate of food the man pulled up his sleeves to start eating and realized his mistake. Pax couldn't pretend not to see the distinctive tattoo now, nor could he feign ignorance. The man met his eyes and Pax felt his spine moving into that steel rod position that always proceeded violent action on his part. The man gripped his wrist. "Keep quiet and act normal and no one will get hurt."

Pax felt his expression hardening into his mask, that emotionless shape that could have been molded from hull steel. His eyes were colder than a hard vacuum as he stared at the man. "No body except maybe the kid at table two." The slight widening of the man's eyes told him he'd hit the mark. The man grinned nastily.

"What are you going to do about it tough guy?" Several ideas flashed through Pax's mind. With his inborn strength and inherent structural density honed by a birth and many following years in five gravs of pressure, and the liquid grace that came from living on a grav-flux ship, Pax could do many many things. But if he'd learned one thing in his hundred and fifty years of life it was that your obvious strengths are not always the best to use. And obvious answers were not always the best either.

"Well?" the man repeated, thinking he'd struck Pax to silence. Pax didn't move, his brain racing along. The question remained, the gauntlet had been thrown. What was he going to do?


I'm hoping you enjoy this SG. It's new ground for me and it'll be interesting no doubt.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:44 am; edited 17 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's very good, and it kept me hooked throughout. I cannot really fault it from the point of view of reading SF genre, except for the use of little cliches such as 'nova burger' and 'Star Child'.

Featuring ship-born, or space-born as a major part of the character's identity is not a new idea, and I think it would be good to develop the reasons why Pax and others born on a ship have been subjected to 5 gravs. Is it specific to the ship he was born on? Is he part of an experiment? Or is there a biological necessity for all ship born people to be brought up this way? Perhaps later in the story, a visit to a setting similar to Pax's birth-ship could occur.

I like the setting, and the charactarisations are good.

Keep going, my opinion is that it's a great start, and promises an engaging story to follow!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice start Rai!

I say take it outside, somewhere quiet, away from anyone else.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had to throw in the cliches Crunchy...what's a sci-fi story without them?

As for being 'ship-born' and subjected to 5 gravs, yes there are definet reasons which will become apparent in the next chapter. Also 'Star Child' is a slang term Pax's particular brand of ship born have for themselves. They're very unique amoung humans born on spaceships. They also call anyone born on planets 'Ground Ponders' and other ship born non Star Child people 'Floaters'.

All this will be explained in the next chappy as well as the reason why he's a very young looking 150...and it's got nothing to do with him being an alien of any kind.

Glad you both liked it.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That sounds really good! Already impatient for the next chapter!

As for what to do next... Hmmm, Pax is thinking that using his obvious strengths is not the thing to do. His obvious strengths then appear to be physical, based on the environment he has been brought up in.

Perhaps deal with the situation using his brain - he can fool the guy in some way, get him to leave, using words only. Trick him, somehow... using whatever or whoever is available to him in the immediate setting of the cafe.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But if he'd learned one thing in his hundred and fifty years of life it was that your obvious strengths are not always the best to use. And obvious answers were not always the best either.

wow another good chapter... and a working person. Smile

I believe if he had live 150 years He must have the use of intelligence about him. He can use that. use out streached sentances and wizeness to get him out of the tight spot.

Fooling I like that. But he is clutched by the arm by a man wearing a tattoo. it would be a stupid way to go.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I luff this story! Luff it!

I agree with Chinaren, take the maybe fight outside but if it comes down to getting bloody, don't let him reveal his true potentials in case there are onlookers.

But, I'd like to suggest something of my own. How about the Dogma have a type of special ability, maybe the tattoo enhances one of his senses or speed and strength. Just a thought.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right the poll is up...lets get the votes going!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted take the fight outside.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say take it outside. I was very impressed, Rai. You truly are gifted at writing. If any author can write well in more than one genre, I say that is true talet!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool. Fight outside.
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You put it so simply D. lol.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad it's working so far...Enjoy!

Chapter Two: Submission

Without breaking the man's grip on his wrist Pax slid into the seat across from the man and depressed the button for the booth's privacy sheild. The man's eyebrows went up and Pax shrugged. "Sometime's we get Fleet in here and they want to be able to relax and talk to each other without committing a breach of classification. So we've got damn good sheilds Neighbor." The man released his wrist.

"And the fact you've turned them on means that you don't want anybody snooping into our private conversation. Interesting. What could a cook at a dumpy little space diner have to say to me that would require a privacy sheild." Pax shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

"I was just going to ask you to leave actually, or just to step outside with me Neighbor. Considering who you are I wasn't going to scream that at the top of my lungs all over the diner. I don't think you want Station Security breathing down your back." The man began to eat his meal which Pax vaugely remembered was a derogatory action on some Dogma worlds. He allowed some annoyance to flair on his face.

"Look, you can ignore me, you can insult the hell out of me, you can hope that I'll get up and walk away..." The man's left hand suddenly lashed out. Pax almost laughed at the man's look of shock when Pax easily caught the fist, moving at twice the speed the swiftest normal man could have, in his hand. "Now Neighbor...what do you say to taking this outside?"

The man slowly pushed back his plate of food and stood up while Pax cancelled the sheild. Heads turned to look their way, most noticably those of Pops and the kid at Table Two. "Pax...what's going on?" That was from Rodney, a member of Station Security that was currently off duty. He was always eating at the diner and was the closest thing to a friend Pax currently had. Pax shot Rodney a look and shook his head slightly. Rodney shrugged and went back to his burger.

As the diner door closed behind him Pax was forced to duck as the man instantly lashed out with a spinning kick. The next thing the man knew Pax had one arm looped around the man's neck and was casually leaning against the wall. Try as he might the man couldn't get out of the headlock, Pax was too strong. And, as the man found out pretty quickly, hitting Pax had all the charm and effect of punching an Terra Prime concreate wall. "Alright, let me loose and we'll talk."

"Not a chance...I wasn't born yesterday Neighbor."

"I can see that. I've got a contact computer that's showing me those Upgrade marks on your arm right now." Pax quickly let the man out of the headlock, wrapping the tattooed arm around behind his back instead. "How did a man like you end up in a shitty little space diner like this?" Pax exerted a little more pressure, just a bit, and the man yelped.

"That's the second time you've insulted my job Neighbor. I'd start being a little nicer if I were you. I'd also start talking."

"Not a chance Ship-Born. I'm not going to tell you a damned thing." Pax exerted just a bit more pressure and the man's shoulder popped out of the socket. Before any scream could leak out Pax's other hand was clamped firmly across his mouth.

"Not the right answer Neighbor. Now I'm going to put your shoulder back in it's socket and you are going to tell me exactly what you're doing chasing the Prince's son across human space. And I'd also like to know why he's here if you've got that information." He pulled his hand away from the man's mouth and popped the man's shoulder back into place.

Pax then switched arms taking the man's right since he'd already put the left arm through hell. "Now for that information."

"Are you serious?" A small amout of pressure had the dogma man speaking again. "Alright, alright. I didn't mean I wasn't going to tell you I just couldn't believe you didn't know. I assumed you were the young man's bodyguard. The Upgrades and Damage Rating points to that." That explains why he'd been watching Pax.

For a moment Pax cursed his stupidity. He hadn't been wearing long sleeves, they got in the way during cooking. This was a perfect reason to get those marks, made with dyes that were only visible in certain parts of the spectrum, removed entierly. But then again if he was caught by Fleet without those and they ran a background check...Pax would be in deep shit. That was the whole reason the marks were still there. Returning his attention to the man, Pax spoke in a clipped voice. "No I'm not his bodyguard...I don't do that kind of work anymore."

"Wise. It lost it's attractivness after the loss of the Motherships didn't it." After all this time Pax the mention of the Motherships didn't get a rise out of Pax like it would have out of some young hotblood raised by his parents to seek revenge for their distruction.

"Watch it Neighbor. You know how old I am." Realizing he'd made a serious mistake the man began to babble. Pax shook his head. Back in his day and age Dogma assassin's had been a more stalwart crew. The simple tactics he was using now shouldn't be affecting the man unless..."You're blowing me plasma arnt' you?"

"No no! I assure you I am not!" The man's fervent declaration rang through the passage. Pax raised an eyebrow and rattled off a long string of words in Dogmatic, a language that had taken him years to learn since it was only spoken by high-ranking Dogma officials...the only kind that would be involved in buisness like this. The man looked up at him. "What?"

Pax spun the man around, clamping a hand on the man's throat and squeezing just enough to occupy the man's hands. Staring right into his eyes he shook his head. "I don't like liars Neighbor." He wiped one of the contact computers out of the man's eye and stuck it in his own. Staring at the tattoo he shook his head. "Now if that were real, there'd be several other layers to it. A real Dogma assassin would be carrying around hidden marks just like mine. You've got marks alright...but they ain't Dogma." He spun the man back around to the arm hold.

It was right about that time that Rodney walked out. He instantly grasped the situation...and jumped to the same conclusion. "Pax! That man's Dogma! Watch out!" Pax shook his head.

"Get some restraints Rodney. He's got synapse chips for speed and strength and a contact computer in his right eye...I'm borrowing the one out of his left." Rodney fumbled around a bit for the pair of restraints all Station Security carried with them, even when not on duty. Cuffing the man he set him down against the wall and looked back at Pax.

"Pax...I'm going to need to see some I.D." He pulled out a small palm scanner. "Sorry buddy but...if he's got synapse chips that means you do too. And I don't remember you registering that fact with us." Pax didn't budge.

"Sorry Rodney but I can't give you I.D. although a bioscan will tell you I don't have any chips in me."

"Pax I've got to I.D. you. Try to look at it from my point of view. I just walked out into a hallway to see my best friend with a Dogma assassin in a submission hold that would have done Fleet proud. I then learn that the man's running with synchips and not one but two contact comps. I gotta do my job."

Pax sighed. "Then you've got to take me to your supervisor. And this man is not from Dogma...he's from Phault and a Spectrum Sweep will confirm it. I'd also recommend you escort the young man at Table Two along with us. He was the target of this plot and I'm not about to let him out of my sight. He'll probably want to cause you trouble but don't listen to anything he says. Say that the man in the corridor says you're his accomplis...just don't tell him which man."

"Pax..." Pax held up his hand, cutting off Rodney's words.

"Just do it Rodney. You'll regret asking questions now later."

The head of Station Security sat next to Rodney who was watching the holo screens that showed views of both the holding cell and a small waiting room. "Boy...what I'm about to tell you can't leave this room." Rodney looked at his superior.


Rodney watched the Head tap the screen that showed the waiting room. It zoomed in on Pax's form and Rodney blinked. Several marks glowed on his body, a key showing the meanings of some of the glowing symbols appeared next to him. "You realize I'm risking my job doing this but...well I want someone else to be just as scare shitless as I am. You were the officer to bring him in, you were also his friend, so you're that lucky man by default. Take a good look at that read-out and then I'll give you his non-classified history."

Rodney scowled at the words 'non-classified' but turned his attention to the screen. His jaw dropped. There were several marks for Upgrades, seven of them, including the exact dates they were preformed and what age Pax had been when they were administered. There was a Damage Rating, those were only given to the most dangerous members of society. Rodney didn't know exactly what G-Grade was and that information was classified when he tried to look it up.

There were several other markings that were classified as well, so classified that their names didn't even show. It was the last mark, more than all of the others, that scared the crap out of him. It was a Ship-Mark, the only mark Pax carried that would be visible to the naked eye. The Mark told anyone with the knowledge what ship Pax had been born on. "Good god...he's from the Dementia!"

The Head nodded. "You want to see his biography...or what they'll let us see at any rate?" Rodney shook his head. The mark readout scared him sufficiantly. He did have one comment though.

"What the hell was he doing flipping burgers at Rosie's!"

Pax leaned back against the wall, staring at the camera that was beaming his image to whomever was watching. He absently calculated the time it would take to get the Interceptor back here. That was the closest Fleet ship by his calculations, having stopped at the Station two days ago to warn everyone that their normal patrol ship was out for repair and they'd need to be lalert until it returned.

"When I get home I'm going to have you executed you hear! You blew it, just blew it!" Pax closed his eyes...the kid was getting irritating. He grinned for a moment reminding himself that the 'kid' actually looked a bit older than he did. "What are you smiling about? You think this is funny?" The kid had obviously misinterperated the smile.

"Actually I do sir. But not funny that we're both sitting her, not under arrest but certainly not allowed to leave, and that we're both getting on each other's nerves. I find it funny you don't remember me and that you're behaving as if throwing your name around is going to scare the pants off me. You can quit because it won't sir." Pax was rather satisfied when the young man's jaw dropped.

"How dare you talk to me that way! I AM Kevlen Richardson Vectel! I AM the son of William Richardson Vectel who is currently Prince Prime Elect!" Pax smiled even wider at the outburst.

"And I'm glad you admitted it for the camera sir. Should I tell you mine so that you can be properly chagrined and try to apologize?" Kevlen balled his hands into fists at Pax's words and said through clenched teeth.

"It won't matter one way or another. If you were as important as you say you are I'd doubtlessly remember you...but I don't so you're not." Pax shook his head.

As much as he didn't want to spoil the surprise until both he and Kevlen were abord Interceptor he was also sick of being treated like scum. If this was the way Kevlen treated everyone of lesser rank he didn't know then Pax was going to have some stern words with William when they both got back to Valina.

He closed his eyes and mulled the options over. Tell Kevlen who he was and explain what he was doing all the way out here...or just keep silent until Fleet arrived and the cat was let out of the bag?

Sorry I didn't get around to explaining what I promised I'd explain in this chapter but things took off without me. Still hope you liked and I promise I'll start explaining next time round.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope you explain soon because trying to figure Pax out is still hurting my brain....urgh! But I like so far!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only read half of it, I'll read the rest later. I seem to be seeing your stories everywhere.
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's a lot of information coming at me there, I think I need to read it again! But it is very good. Smile
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New Pax!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dropping hints seems to be the safest way... also something you're good at Rai! Lol!

In agreement with Shogun, you seem to have tons of SGs. How do you start another one without finishing the one that came before it? That would drive me insane!

How do you keep the ideas from one story bleeding into the others? And how many SGs do you have currently in the works? Do you ever sleep? Okay, that last one was a little out there but still....

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To answer all your questions in order Lily...

1. I can always start something new, finishing the project before is the hard part. I'm always enthusiastic for something new to take up my attention.

2. I don't. There are a lot of re-occuring themes in my work. It's just that my characters all react differently to the same situation. An intuitive understanding of the character(s) I'm working with keeps things new.

This next one requires a two part answer.

3.1. A full tally of works currently working on IF is the following. I've got two in NSG, three in Jester Park, three here in Skiffy including one co-authored, and five in Fantasy Forest including UnderDark even though it's got it's own forum. That's thirteen.

3.2. I've got at least five SG's I'd like to introduce to you people. But I'm actually going to wait until my total drops a bit before I do. These include two sequals, one new Skiffy story, and two that don't have a destination yet.

4. Sleep? There's no such thing as sleep....sleep is just a myth for wimps. That's what they make energy drinks and Mountain Dew for.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right Enjoy.

Chapter Three: An Old Friend

Pax pinched the bridge of his nose as Kevlen launched into another tirade about how Pax's life was over the moment Fleet arrived. Pax was a man with paitence, a mountain of it accumulated over a hundred and fifty years of being annoyed, but Kevlen had finally reached the end of it. "Kevel...shut up." The young noble's mouth hung open for a moment before snapping shut.

A few moments of quiet held before the youth spoke again. "What did you just call me?"

"I called you Kevlen." Pax stopped rubbing the bridge of his nose and moved to his temples.

Kevlen shook his head, staring at Pax from where he perched in his seat. "No you didn' called me Kevel. How did you know my nickname?"

Pax smiled. Let the boy chew on that for a few moments. He'd either figure Pax's identity out or he'd figure out the questions he needed to ask to solve the puzzle. "I told you I knew you. I told you we'd met before sir."

"When? Where?"

Pax was forced to answer the youth's rapid fire with honesty since any time he took to twist the truth would be seen as time he use to create a lie. "I've been there since the beginning kid." The use of the word kid in the audible air for the first time rocked Kevel back, the wheels in his head turning while Pax chuckled internally. He could almost see the lumination bar turning on above the youth's head.

He turned to face Kevel as Kevel leaned forward locking his cerulen orbs with Pax's green ones. "Pax? Is that you?" Pax cracked a grin at the tenative question.

"You were expecting some other Star-Child kid?" Kevel's arm's were around his neck in an instant, his strength and speed surprising for a Floater. Pax gussed the kid had had some implants in the past six months. They certainly hadn't been there when Pax had left. "Easy now. We don't want to bruise you up."

Kevel pulled back, eyes bright with tears he would never admit were there. "Pax...I'm so so sorry. I was being an idiot, a fool..."

"You were being an arrogant, aristocratic, ass kid. And I guess I was right about you being properly chagrined wasn't I?" Kevel laughed about that, his laugh abruptly dying when he realized Pax wasn't laughing with him. "No I don't think it's funny Kevlen, not at all. I think that William needs to take you over his knee and administer a lesson Old World style."

Pax stood and walked until he was leaning against the wall directly across from Kevel. His green eyes, far too old for his beardless, freckled face, pinned the youth to his seat. Pax shook his head, what had gone wrong since he'd left the Palace? What security lapses had caused William to allow, or maybe even demand, Kevel's implants.

The youth looked at him the way Pax would have looked at an elder male of his own family had he been caught in a similar situation. The consequences of his actions had just dawned on Kevel and Pax couldn't help but compare this gaze to the one Kevel had given him not more than a year before in a scene that was hauntingly similar to this one. "I hope your Father is alright."

Pax didn't realize he'd spoken aloud until he saw the wounded look that stole over Kevel's features. Pax still marveled that Kevlen was twenty-three in moments like this. At twenty-three Pax had been well into his first year as chef and confidant, covert bodyguard actually, for Gallum Richardson Vectel. Gallum had been Kevel's uncle...and at the time Pax had met him he'd been Heir to the Throne of Sol.

In other words, Gallumn had been a few short months away from ascending to the throne following his Father's sudden death in a Fleet training accident. When that had happened Pax had found himself in the crucible, found himself becoming the wall that kept the King of the Regaliance from all those who would do him ill. It had been a hard thing for him to accept but Pax had had to be strong. As hard as his duties at the time had been, Gallum's had been that much worse.

Gallum had been more to Pax than a friend, he'd become Pax's brother in arms. And that was high praise and honor indeed coming from someone like Pax. But then what else could you call the man with whom you had traded best and worst moments of lives kept artifically long in bodies kept artificially young. Pax had been there for it all and while it had always been suspected that he was indeed Gallum's bodyguard the family, and more importantly Gallumn himself, had said Pax was only their cook...and their friend.

Now, staring at Kevlen, the guilt surged back over Pax. If only he'd told Gallum no. If only he'd told him to send Riart after the kid when Kevlen had run off last time. If he'd said that then Gallum might still be here at this very moment. Instead Pax had been halfway across Human Space escorting a very sulky Kevlen home, making sure that nothing happened to the favorite nephew of a royal Uncle.

Now as they stood in a waiting room on a tiny Orbital Station so far from Sol and Terra Prime it wasn't funny, the old scene seemed about to rehash itself. The tears which Kevel had not shead earlier now dripped down his cheeks and Pax felt something he hadn't known was soft hardening in his chest. This? This was what Gallum had died so that Pax might protect? A man turned boy because no responisbility was being placed on his shoulders? Pax wasn't going to stand for it.

"Kid. The last time you pulled a stunt like this you ripped my world apart. So help me if this is a replay you're going to find out why your Uncle insisted I get a Damage Rating. Do you understand Kevlen?" The youth flinched at Pax's tone, a tone that made the vaccum of space seem warm and welcoming by comparison.

"I understand perfectly Pax. You can't understand how well I know. Afterall...I came looking for you this time." The emphasis the boy put on 'I' and 'you' didn't escape Pax. Something was afoot. Something that involved Phault assassin's disguising themselves as Dogma and the boy who was soon to become Heir to the Throne getting implants that could jepordize his life. These were familiar waters for Pax, muddied by politics he didn't care to understand and blooded by a thousand small encounters long forgotten.

"Maybe you'd better explain Kevel. Because as much as you railed about my 'blowing it' you've blown it worse." The youth looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Pax sighed, gently smacking the wall.

"I mean that the relationship I held with your Uncle was a much speculated upon secret...but it was still a secret. It's not going to be any longer Kevel because nobody in Human Space is going to believe you made a mad dash across space to find me because you needed you Uncle's chef. Like it or not I'm going to have to start being very open with my business...and I don't like that."

Pax tapped his fingers together. The whole reason for this 'he's my chef' ruse in the first place had been what happened to Star-Children that became too close to the heart of a government. Pax's people had been forced into the Mercenary market not solely because everything in their genetic makeup made them ideal killers for hire but because it was the only way they would have been allowed to continue existing.

Humanity wasn't kind to those who had ceased to be human and become...something else. Pax and his people were a sub-species or, as some argued, a new species. They'd even been given a new name...homo sapiens stellaris. They were the Star-Children.

Originally they'd been experiments, humanity trying to find a way to adapt to the high grav worlds they'd come across. Humanity's attempt to find the perfect pilot for open grav ships. Humanity's attempt to prove they could infest every corner of the galaxy. They'd eventually evolved into their own people with their own culture and their own ways. Over hundreds of years until their bodies finally stopped adjusting. And then, when humanity was ready to embrace them as the solution to so many problems, the fact they were no longer human ripped open a gulf so wide it sparked a near genocide.

When the dust settled only five of the great colony Motherships remained. Victory, Discovery, Bloodshed, Enternity, and Dementia. These ships, each as large as a small planetoid, were the cradle of Pax's people, their origin and their final destination. Populations flexed like those of any other planet, some more populus than others. Dementia, Pax's home, boasted the smallest population of them all.

These five ships, five worlds, had taken up anchor in the nutral zone, a point of space used as a meeting ground for the Four Human powers. And the people abord them, unwilling to let humanity forget them, took the name of the ship to their name. Thus Pax Dementia was not just himself, he was a scion of a world which had been cruelly destroyed one hundred and twenty five years before.

And now, as he stood there looking at the youth, he knew that somehow Kevel felt the weight of all that in Pax's stare. Pax was the last survivor of his world, the last of his kind...and Kevel's thoughtless action might just have damned him to a quick end. Star-Children who got to close to the heart of a government died quickly, the hatred of their kind surpassing any hatred humanity had for themselves.

" don't have to come back with me. You can stay here, in that diner. Station Security will keep their mouths shut and..." Pax held up a hand.

"Never once have I run from my duty Kevel and I'm not going to start. Still...I would like to know what's going on."

Kevel ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know Pax that's why I came after you. You've got connections...can't you find out?"

Indeed Pax could have, he hadn't cut all his ties. However, what if that was exactly what Kevel had been sent to find out? What if someone were manpulating Kevel, using the boy to make Pax give himself away? An idea struck Pax...maybe it was time to re-invent himself become a whole new person?

What was he going to do?

Well is he going to go with old contacts or become someone other than himself to get to the bottom of this?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmmmm...... I understand Pax a little more now.. thanks for that Rai.... maybe he should just stay the way he is and go through his old contacts..... I think that might be the easiest route

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good background explanation of the Star Children!

I am inclined to say go with his old contacts. I am not sure why. Better to keep with the people you trust, I guess. I dunno. Not 100% sure on either option, to be honest, but gut feel is go with old contacts.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up, vote you delusional fans you...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HEY! I ain't delusional *looks up, distracted* ooohh, pretty lights....
and to finish, I ain't delusional.. I am merely insane. Laughing Wink Razz Cool

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay you've's your result. Enjoy!

Chapter Four: The First Connection

To hell with it all. If he was going to get caught he was going to get caught as himself, not sneaking around like some half-trained idiot. He walked over to the com pannel next to the waiting room door. Before activating it he quietly deactivated the small electronic scrambler that was part of his wrist com unit. He hadn't wanted any of the Station personel listening in on his conversation with Kevel. Sure that it was off, he depressed the com button.

"Can anyone give me a time frame for when I might be able to get out of this room and into some place more comfortable?"

For a few long moments there was no response. Then Rodney's shaky voice came back to him. "Uh, I, uh...I'm sorry Pax but you and Sar Vectel are going to have to sit tight for now until..."

"Until the Fleet arrives to collect us? Rodney I've done a little mental math and even at their best speed they won't be back for a few days. I'm not going to sit in here that long and I seriously doubt Kevlen will either."

"Damn right I'm not sitting in here for days!" Pax hid his grin. Maybe just this once all Kevel's arrogance would have a useful effect. After all, it took some serious balls to tell the soon to be Heir to the Throne that you're going to do something he doesn't like and he can just tough it. Pax doubted anyone on this station had what it took...and he was right.

A new, but no less steady, voice came over the com. "Tell Sar Vectel that we're very sorry for the trouble and that he can travel anywhere he wants on Station as long as he's accompanied by a guard."

"I've got Pax...what the hell am I going to do with a lousy Station Security guard?" Pax shot Kevel a hard glance that told him he was seriously crossing the line.

"Which means of course he'd be happy to have a guard accompany him...if for no other reason than to keep a covert eye on me." Pax chuckled a bit. "Not that I'm going to be doing anything more dangerous and nerve wracking than cooking a meal or two. Care to join us for dinner Rodney?" It was an invitation Rodney had accepted on any number of other occasions, Pax knew Rodney was most likely gay, without hesitation.

This time it seemed Rodney was mulling it over, realizing just why Pax had played thick to all those attempts that had been diguised as jokes. Pax certainly wasn't interested in anyone male or least not anyone who's last name didn't corrispond with a few certain ships that had been blown out of existance long before Rodney's birth. Humans and Star-Children didn't mix much since interbreeding was impossible given genetic discrepencies.

Finally, however, he answered shakily. "I'd love to Pax."

Three hours later found them back in the diner, Pop's shaking his head as Rodney relayed the whole tale with Kevel interjecting every few seconds and Pax occasionally stepping in to keep it all on track. Pax was busy doing what he did best...cook a wonderful meal that had all their mouths watering long before it hit the table. Plopping the plates of steaming goodness down infront of them with a slight flourish, he grinned.

"Well now while you three enjoy I've got some packing to do if I'm supposed to be ready to go in a few days." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just when you get settled in..." He caughed Kevel's eye and a quick moment was shared. The boy knew Pax was up to something and would chat and stall Pops and Rodney with tales of a life neither of these men knew well enough to contridict him about. Knowing how long winded Kevel could be, and all his tendencies toward bragging, Pax knew he'd have more than enough time to do what he needed.

Slipping back into his room, he sat on the narrow bed and pulled out a pair of black cases. Opening one he smiled for a moment as the light of the illumination bar glinted off the razor sharp knives. A full set of chef's knives, hammer forged Old Terra steel and titanium, lay in foam matting. With delicate fingers he lifted the matting to reveal a few flat, electronic pieces.

Locking that case back up he opened the other to reveal the other half of the knife set. Once again lifting up the foam in which the knives rested, he pulled up another few objects before locking the case back up. With the ease of long pratice he fitted the flat pannels, each innocuous on it's own, together to create a cube. Tapping it in a few specific places, Pax watch it reform it had reshaped itself into his computer.

No bigger than the 'laptops' of the early twenty-first century, Pax shook his head to think what those long ago ancestors would have thought of the small quantum computer that now rested on his lap. The display seemed like a solid panel was actually a hyper-liquid capable of holding near limitless quanities of objects inside it's zero space as well as projecting a perfectly life-like picture quality. Right now though Pax wasn't using it in it's storage function...he was using it as the screen it was supposed to be. Typing away he had the computer skittering along at twice the speed of light. Sighing he wished he'd had time to get an upgraded processor.

Soon enought he had his patch into the communications network up and clicked in his code for private transmission. He was releved when it worked right away, he'd have hated to back door the entire Regaliance grid just to get a private connection. Typing in a specific code he sent the transmission to an old friend of his and waited while the faster-than-light processors of the network zipped his message across the vastness of space.

High Admiral Lairt Bennain had been relaxing in his quarters after yet another fruitless and stressful day spent searching for Kevlen Vectel. That boy could vanish like nobody's business and Lairt was just beginning to add more respect towards a man he already had a massive amount of respect for when his comm screen flashed at him. He frowned, lines creasing the space between his eyebrows deeply. He'd given orders not to be desturbed.

Yet the priority flash was one he couldn't deny, especially when he noticed the sender code. It was the aforementioned greatly respected person. In a flash Lairt secured the connection...and sucked in a breath at the face that stared back and him. "Good God Pax! You look..." The face on the other end broke out in that familiar smile, those familiar eyes staring out of a face far too young for them.

"I know how I look like shit warmed over Liart. Due for an Upgrade and on the tail end of a stressful day if I'm not completely off my mark."

Lairt shook his head at his old mentor. "You've got no idea Pax. His Royal HighnASS has gone and run off again. You'd think that boy would have the sense to grow up and...why are you laughing at me Pax?" It wasn't much of a laugh but Lairt knew Pax well enough to know that particular crinkling of the eyes and the faked cough.

"I don't think you'll need to worry any more. Kevel's with me Liart. I'm actually surprised the alert hasn't been picked up yet. I thought our Station Security would have beamed it to Fleet by now." They both frowned for a moment thinking the same thing. Some glory-hound had intercepted the first transmission, replied, and had neglected to tell the rest of the Fleet.

"So where are you?" As Lairt looked up the little backwater Station Pax relayed the coordinates to, Lairt's brows shot up. "What in the name of the Royal Kith are you doing out there?" Pax made a face, a grimace Lairt recognized from when Pax tasted some other 'chef's' handy work and found it wanting.

"As if you can't guess. I was getting as far away from Royalty and responsibility as I could. The job's not what it once was should know that." Lairt couldn't keep a hint of sadness out of his eyes, compassion and pity, since he was one of the few people who did know what Pax was going through. He was one of the few people to know that Pax wasn't just a chef. After all, Liart's son Riart had been the 'official' bodyguard for almost four years now.

"I understand what made you go haring off after Kevel this time?" The Admiral didn't have time to decipher the complex look his former mentor, still shocking to see him so much younger, gave him.

"That's just it Liart. I didn't hunt Kevel down...he found me...under rather interesting circumstances." As Pax relayed the story, Liart found himself thinking that from anyone else it would have been complete bullshit. But this was Pax and if something hit Pax in the gut as was far more than wrong.

"So you think that Phault is trying to lure us into initiating a war with the Dogma? What are they going to get out of this? And I agree that it's strange for William to have Kevlen get Implants, especially if they are the Synapse Chips you think he's got. But why would he do it in the first place?" Pax spread his hands.

"I've been out of the picture for a while Liart, I'm just getting myself back up to speed. Speaking of you still happen to have 'it'?" Liart chuckled.

"Damned infernal thing. I've got that and everything else you left with me in that zero space crate you left. Lemme tell you Pax, that crate's the only thing allowing me to keep it close. Even folded it's pretty bulky." Pax was nodding.

"Looks like we'll have to rendevouz then. I don't know who'll pick Kevel and I up on this end but I'm betting money on Interceptor." Liart snorted...if ever a glory-hound there was it was Captain Jves of the Interceptor. Pax continued, "So I don't know how you'll work it but I need to get to my things A.S.A.P."

"I'll have an intell breif waiting for you. Everything relevant I can pull and that brings up another question. Do you want eyebrows raised? If so who's and how high?"

"Let's try to keep this quiet as possible Lairt. Just the usual crew working the usual methods. If possible I'd even like William to be in the dark, but I know that's pressing it. Whatever you can do Liart is enough...I'll be in touch." Liart saluted Pax sharply.

"Yes, Sir! Liart out!"

"Pax out."

Pax walked back into the diner just in time to catch the tail end of a tale he'd thought he'd heard the last of. Kevel's eyes were bright as he stage-whispered conspiritorally to Rodney and Pops...

"And there was Pax, three shots left in his blaster, a mob of Valdin Rebels all around. Uncle Gallum was lying at his feet, bleeding through his helmet and Pax knew time was running out. It was no use talking his way through the Rebels so he hefted Uncle over his shoulder and...PAX!"

Kevel jumped three feet into the air as Pax cleared his throat. "I thought I'd taught you better than to lie like that Kevel. That 'three shot blaster' was a Xerxen 22 Concussion Rifle with three charges. The 'mob' consisted of twelve men and your Uncle had been exposed to a flair that damaged his visor and fixed the poloration to the point where he couldn't see out of it. We we never in any real danger and he was never injured."

Kevel looked rebellious for a moment before standing up and walking toward Pax. When he was close enough he whispered..."So what have you been doing?"

For a moment Pax wondered what to say...

What does Pax tell Kevel or does he not tell Kevel anything?

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Does her signature crazy-happy dance* I liked, Rai!

Hmmm..... I believe that he should go ahead and tell Kevel what he had been doing because in a way Kevel already knows Pax was doing something, by the way you described their moment and how Kevel picked up on that Pax needed him to distract Pops and Rodney right away.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep him in the dark for a little longer, for his own safety. The tension of having to keep a secret will add to the suspense of the story, especially as the previous DP went with going 'as himself'.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, I really like what I've read so far. Pax seems kind of uber-manish I think we need to see some flaws in him.

He seems to be way too gung-ho about going on this mission with this kid who apparently ruined his life. I'm not saying it's unexplainable I just think we need the explaination.

As for where he should go well, to tell the kid results in a line very similar to this:

Pax pulled the Heir into a nearby service tunnel and recited the conversation he had with Lairt.

Not much excitement but to withhold that information from the prince adds conflict and drive.

Just my suggesstions. I look forward to reading more.

My reality tunnel is bigger than Yours
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up...let the voting commence!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Weaknesses eh? You want to see under Pax's skin? Fine...Enjoy!

Chapter Five: A Man Only

Pax flashed Kevel a grin. "Packing...or have you forgotten I've been living hear a while. I wanted to get a head start on things." He moved behind the counter, trying not to laugh as Kevel's face expressed just a hint of flustered dismay. The kid was court raised, he was good at hiding his reactions from others...but Pax had known him far too long for Kevel's tricks to work. He could read the boy, and most other people for that matter, like a book. It was only from long years of studying others that he'd learned how to make his own face a mask.

Now as he cooked his own food, he'd never actually gotten lunch that day, he kept half an ear on the muted conversation of the diners. Each had murmured polite compliments about the meal and Pax had taken it all in stride with a nod and smile. He wished people who knew him wouldn't thank him as if they were strangers. He knew he could cook and knew they liked to eat his food. He wasn't some junior dishwasher that needed every new effort praised.

Sitting down on a stool across from the table he ate quietly, nodding occasionally as Kevel asked if he remembered this or that incident. Pops seemed surprised every time Kevel prompted Pax to confirm some story from back in the day. Each time Kevel did it it irked Pax more as Pops continued to look at him with growing amazment. Sure he liked the man, don't get him wrong, but he'd liked the fatherly way Pops had insinuated himself into Pax's life. Now, Pax could tell just by glancing at the man, that relationship had changed.

Pax sighed and, despite having a body that was chronologically twenty years old, felt all hundred and fifty of his years. That was one of the problems with Upgrades...people never knew how to act around you. Pops was just over sixty, sixty-five at the most. He treated his twenty year old fry cook like a son...or a nephew. He treated his hundred and fifty year old fry cook a caged animal. A dangerous caged animal.

"So Pax," He turned from his plate to look at Pops and quirked an eyebrow as he had so many times before at that questioning tone. "Why pick this place. Surely if you wanted to disappear you could have chosen one of the Rim Worlds not a station on a well travled Regaliance trade route hub."

"I could have, but it's a lot harder to cross boarders without papers than it is to plunk yourself down in a small community were people are always coming and going as long as you make yourself useful. I wasn't about to tell anyone where I was heading. If I'd wanted that I wouldn't have Upgraded myself back to near infancy." Pops chuckled at bit at that, one older man to another. Rodney, who wasn't much over thrity, grinned but offered no comment.

Kevel, who must have felt the barb in the joke, scowled into his cup and hurled his own barb back. "You're so funny Pax. Why can't I remember more of your jokes."

Pax snorted. "Maybe because I don't make jokes. My sense of humor was one of the first things I mind must have followed shortly after or I'd never have stayed on with your family." Finishing the last food on his plate, Pax picked it up along with the others and put them into the chute to have them cleaned. He wiped down the self-cleaning cooktop, more from habit than necessity, and yawned so wide his jaw cracked.

Pops did much the same thing, stretching wide as he stood up. "Well I don't know about you youngsters," he said that with a hint of a smile to Pax, "But us old farts aren't as spry as we once were. I'm off to bed." He turned to Pax again. ""

"I'll be here for the breakfast rush Pops. I'll be here every day until Fleet comes to collect us." He offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry about leaving you in just as much a spot as the last one but..." Pops rolled his eyes.

"At least you're giving me some warning. I'll send out a help wanted ad, see what it brings me. See you next revolution." With that he stumped off in the direction of his private quarters, leaving Rodney, Kevel, and Pax to talk trusting that Pax would lock up when they left.

Pax reached out for a mug and waited while the machine poured him a cup of hot, thick chalat, a Rim Worlds drink that had become highly popular in the Regaliance. Stirring some creme into it he whirled his stool around and leaned back against the counter, meeting Rodney and Kevel's gazes with a level one of his own. He blew on the surface of the steaming liquid before taking a sip and wincing a bit. The machine still couldn't get the brew quite right despite all Pax's attempts at reprogramming. Still, it was better than nothing.

"Pax..." Another eyebrow twitched up at Rodney's unspoken question but he just shook his head. "Nevermind." Pax frowned. It was a pet peeve of his that always made him a bit angery. People who started to ask questions then stopped saying 'nevermind' instead annoyed him immensely.

"No, you had something on your mind Rodney so spit it out. I won't bite, I swear." He took another sip of the chalat and slid his other hand around the mug as if to keep it warm even though he barely felt it's heat. Rodeny looked faintly embarassed now and Kevel gave him a superior sneer...did Kevel already know what Rodney was going to ask?

"I've never met a...someone like you before. Would you be offended if I was curious?"

"Not at all. It was what mankind didn't know about us that led to all the fear and hatred in the first place."

"And we all know how that turned out." The way Rodney said it, softly as if he was ashamed of what his fellow men had done, pulled all the old grief out of Pax. It was moments like this Pax was glad of his mask because neither Kevel nor Rodney seemed to notice the black sorrow that now coated his soul.

"Yes," he said softly but firmly in response. "We do."

"You were alive then...what was it like?" Pax concentrated on his mug. The question was innocent enough, there was no way this young man could know what emotions he was stirring up. Wounds that never healed, only scabbed over, memories buried suddenly unearthed to lay, like a rotting corpse, in the light. The mug suddenly shattered in Pax's hands, soaking him in hot chalat. Another man might have been severly burned...Pax hardly batted an eye as he went about picking up the small ceramic pieces and desposed of them.

He looked at Rodney. "How would you feel if Terra Prime suddenly ceased to exsist save as so many rock fragments? How would you feel if that happened to every heavily populated world known to man and you found yourself one of a few thousand survivors, the only survivor of your own world? If you can't imagine that then I can't describe it in any terms that will make sense."

Rodeny sucked in a long breath. "I...I didn't mean..." Pax looked up from where he was just getting another mug and gave Rodney a long, searching look.

"No you didn't mean to. I understand that. Humans today are a little less open about their predjudices and their taste for genocide. You've taken up the mind-set that you've destroyed our all you need to do is wait for us to die out." He felt the anger in his voice and toned it out with years of deliberate practice. After all this could still make him as angery as he'd been then, as hot-headed and foolish.

"Pax." Kevel's flat tone held only warning, for him or Rodney Pax didn't care to discern. Instead he sat himself back down and looked at them.

"You two have nothing to complain about. Kevel, you feel some of my pressure because of your position. You've always got to be wary of assassins who want to leave your Father without an heir as they left Gallum without an heir." Pax was silent a moment, brooding on that thought. It hadn't been his fault, the attack that had left Gallum steril had been the one that prompted Gallum's visit to Dementia.

"You've got to be wary of kidnappers and those who just want a piece of you to clone, of people who want to trap you so that you do what they want in the Council. But that's what you have bodyguards and advisors for right? And, because your Father is almost as much of an Upgrade junky as people think I am, you've got no need to accept responsibility. You can stay a child-man forever..." He looked at Rodeny.

"And you. Sure you're not rich and life can be hard but at least the only safety concern you have is some drunk getting out of hand and injuring you. You don't need to hid who you are in a closet and hope nobody notices if you move a hair too fast or lift something a bit too heavy. Because if they do, they'll report you and then it's incarceration and a swift execution...because Star-Children are mercenaries and assassins and if one's around he's not got any legitimate business. It's not like he's in the market to buy food, or clothing, or any number of other things we need to live any kind of civilized life, heaven's no. We're hanging around because we've been sent to kill someone, or maim someone, or extort something from someone."

The mug in his hands had long ago shattered and the sharp fragments had turned to powder under his grip. The floor had cleaned itself and the liquid had long ago trickled off his station-suit before he suddenly realized he was ranting. He stood with a shake of his head. "I'm sorry, it's a sore subject. I'm usually a little more in control of myself but...every so often I twinge a nerve. You'll have to excuse me that, it's less than most soldiers show."

He looked at them and they stood, figuring out for themselves that they were done talking for the night and it was time to return to quarters. Despite having a single room on Station, Pax lived asturely enough that there was room for Kevel as well. As Pax unrolled a softmat on the floor, Kevel sat on the edge of the bed staring at him. "What?" It was a terse growl full of lingering irritation and anger.

"I've never seen you lose control Pax."

"And you still havn't. If I'd lost control there would have been bodies Kevel. Sometimes, a man has to speak his mind and speak it firmly. I've kept my mouth shut for a very long time about how my people are treated by yours. We're the minority nobody likes, we're not even human." Pax snorted. "We once were and we're still human enough to've just got to hit harder."

He lay down, back to Kevel, hoping to forestall any further talk. But Kevel wasn't giving up. "So why are you still helping us?" Pax rolled the question over in his mind. Why was he still helping humans? He'd been asked that question often enough by the survivors who's assassination attempts he'd rebuffed. Asked it in every Star-Child settlement he'd ever entered.

Why was he still helping them?

Well? You decide his motivation. Go ahead. Shoot.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting, again a few spelling errors but interesting information about Pax. I like your description of Pax's alienation from his friends, you start to understand why Pax is the way he is.

As for Pax's motivations I have 2 suggestions:

1) As a favor that cannot be forgiven.
Far in the past, when Pax was a young man and chef to Gallum, he fell in love with the Queen or another royal member. So now as duty (or out of guilt) to this fallen lover or, perhaps, Gallum himself, Pax now defends this family.

2) He doesn't know.
This is why he left in the first place. He wanted to try something new, he didn't know why he did anything any more. He is helping the people he knows right now because he likes them and wants to protect them. But Kevel, Pax should make it very clear that whatever bond held him to the royal family is broken. He is only helping Kevel because the alternatives are far worse.

Just a couple of ideas.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like Fats_Masteron's first idea... teehee! I really enjoyed this chappy Rai. The losing of control for Pax makes him less uber and more of a character that I like.. Very well done!

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to prove it really is me...a new chappy!

Chapter Six: Space Bound

Pax leaned nonchalantly against a wall, watching out of the corner of one eye as Kevel fidgeted nearby. "Settle down kid. You'd think we were being handed over to Dogma the way you're acting." Still, Pax was none too happy himself. His duffle at his feet he kept one eye on the airlock, the other on the row of Station Security that blocked off the hatch to the rest of Station. He felt caged and it took all he had not to start acting like it. He hadn't ever wanted to return to Terra Prime again...and here he was being given a military escort back.

Maybe if he was lucky they wouldn't throw him in the brig. He wasn't counting on it though. With the way his luck was currently running they'd probably accuse him of kidnapping Kevel himself in an attempt to use the Heir to the Throne as a bargaining chip with his own people. Nothing could be further from the truth. You couldn't pay him enough to even pretend to kidnap Kevel...the kid was a real pain in the ass. And the Star-Children couldn't afford war with Terra Prime...there just weren't enough of them left.

His full attention was drawn by the sounds of the airlock finalizing it's connection to the ship that had just docked. A few minutes more passed before the airlock dilated open to reveal several men in fleet uniform, three officers and several elisted men in full combat gear. Shouldering his duffle, he unsealed a front compartment just enough to slip his hand into. Pax was fully prepared to shock and awe these men if they tried anything. It wouldn't do his reputation anygood to let them manhandle him.

He would come quietly if given the option, if not he'd fight. It seemed strange to even be contemplating attacking these men. They were only doing their job, following whatever orders they'd been given. But as Pax knew all too well their commander was a xenophobic glory-hound and he didn't put it past the man to try and pull something that would end in violence.

Captain Jves and his flanking staff walked right up to Kevlen and snapped a salute so crisp not even Pax could find fault with it although he was none too pleased with Kevel's sloppy return. "Sar Vectel, the RFT Interceptor and her crew are at your service." He finished with a bow that would have done any court dandy proud though it didn't do much to impress either Kevel or Pax. "May I introduce First Officer Stalwroth and my Navigator Greenven." They too snapped crisp salutes before returning to parade rest.

Kevel's eyes flicked to Pax, the unspoken 'what do I do now' hanging between them. Pax twitched an eyelid just a bit and Kevel nodded ever so slightly. Grimacing at Captain Jves, Kevel went into full Royal-Brat mode. "Captain I've been kept waiting on this smelly hovel of a Station for nearly two days waiting for you! Certainly didn't rush yourself on my account did you?" Jves face went stiff and frosty although no open disapproval was shown. His voice, when he spoke, was a trifle cool.

"Sar, we used our best possible speed...we..." Kevel cut Jves off.

"I'm not interested in an explaination Captain. See my quarters are made ready...I don't wish to be disturbed on the voyage home." A twitch started in Jves left temple. Pax didn't blame the man...Kevel could be trying on the paitence of a Saint...or at least a man who'd seen a hundred and fifty years of annoyances.

"Certainly Sar Vectel. Allow me to assign some guards for your door and..."

"I don't need guards...I've got him." He jerked a thumb at Pax. "Now if you'll kindly lead the way, I'd like to be out of here." His back ramrod straight, Jves did as ordered, his crew mimicing his movements. Following at the end of the group Pax spared a backward glance for those gathered behind the Station Security guards. Pops offered him a thumbs up and a wobbly grin, Rodney rolled his eyes and gave an imitation salute, small half smile on his face. Nodding to them both, Pax stepped through the lock as it closed behind him.

Interceptor seemed to be a maze of a ship. They were led down more twisted and convoluted passages than Pax had ever seen in his seventy years of military service. He might have had trouble remembering the route were it not for the high grade wrist unit he'd put back on. It replaced his old, low military, wrist com and was one of the few pieces of special tech he hadn't left behind.

It was also one of two things he'd stored in his computer's zero space, he'd not wanted to leave it behind but hadn't dared to wear it openly...just like the gold locket around his neck. Thinking of the locket he remembered the message...the message that kept him going. That message was the only reason he was still amoung the humans...and he didn't even know what it ment.

"Here we are." Jves keyed a code into the door and Pax made a mental note to re-key it later to something more secure. "Hopefully Sar will find it to his liking?" Kevel brushed past Jves and vanished into his quarters for a few moments, coming back out with a scowl on his face.

"It's going to be cramped with both Pax and I in there...surely you've got something bigger?"

"Sar, only my own cabin is bigger..." Kevel and Pax exchanged a glance and Pax narrowed his eyes slightly. It was best not to push Jves too far. He seemed like the kind of man prone to snapping.

With a sniff Kevel glanced back over his shoulder. "It'll have to do. Pax, I'm afraid you'll have to sleep on a float mat." Pax shrugged. Float mats were far more comfortable than rocks and dirt or c-steel bulkheads. Jves's head whipped back and forth between them.

"Wait a moment Sar. Am I to understand this...thing...will be sharing your quarters?" Kevel's cheeks became very red then blanced pale, a sure sign of his anger.

"Naturally Captain. I went through all this trouble to track Pax down and I know he's capable of keeping me safe." Jves's eyebrows raised.

"Like he kept your Uncle safe?" Kevel laughed, he and Pax had rehersed this conversation.

"He was my Uncle's private chef and a family friend. He does, however, have seventy years of military experiance...even held the post of Home Fleet Admiral before handing it over to Liart Reardon. And I believe he's just the man to help us negotiate with the newly-formed Stellaris Conven. He is, afterall, the only Star-Child with proven loyalty to the Regaliance."

Pax inclined his head coolly to the gazes that whipped toward him. The news that his people had finally pulled together and formed a single government had both heartened and shocked him. It meant they were moving on...discounting him and through him the Dementia herself. It had been a blow but he was dealing with it...and as an excuse it beat the hell out of the 'I'm his chef' line.

Jves's throat worked as he digested the information. From the look this man was giving him, Pax knew Jves was wondering how something he considered a beast could command such praise from a member of the Royal Family. Pax took this moment to step into bodyguard mode. "Captain, I'll be re-keying the lock to a personal code and securing it to prevent unauthorized access to Sar Vectel's quarters."

Now he could tell Jves was angered. Pax hadn't made a suggestion, he'd stated a fact. "Now wait just a moment. You don't have the clerance to do that..." Pax, however, had moved past him and using that signature speed of a Star-Child, locked in a new code. He then indicated for Kevel to enter the room ahead of him before he closed the door in Jves's irate face.

Dropping his duffle he activated the scrambler to keep what they said and did private. It was a high grade scrambler and he doubted there was anything on Interceptor capable of breaking through it. It was also a good thing he'd taken such precautions since Kevel burst into laughter a moment later. Wiping tears out of his eyes he grinned mirthfully at Pax.

"Did you see his face? He couldn't believe what he was hearing!" Pax shook his head, taking the float mat out of his duffle and unrolling it a few feet from the entrance. If anybody did manage to crack the lock they'd have to stumble right over Pax before they got any further.

"Yes I got a look at his face and as soon as I get set up I think it would be wise to comm your father. He needs to be notified of my new position within your government. I don't put it past Jves to check it up with him and, no offense kid, nobody's going to believe you worked this plan out on your own." Pax looked quietly at Kevel. "You just don't have that kind of track record."

Sitting on the edge of his bunk Kevel gave being angery a shot before sighing heavily and facing the fact Pax was right. "Pax...Dad's not just going to give in on this. I hate to admit it but...well...he's not very fond of you." Pax snorted.

"I've been around a long time Kevel...tell me something I don't know."

"But that's just it. He's jealous of the way Uncle Gallum treated you. You were a better brother than he was and you arn't even human," catching the look on Pax's face he swiftly amended that statement. "Well not our kind of human."

Pulling his computer out again Pax ignored Kevel's swift gasp, allowing himself a small grin. In a few keystrokes he'd sent a message to all the right people. By the time word got round to William, and it eventually would, the idea that Pax should help him negotiate with the Stellaris Conven would be considered William's own. And he wouldn't dare disagree with it or face looking stupid. Pax grinned, a real one this time. Sometime's it paid to have good friends.

He was just halfway through his next task, coordinating a redevouze with Liart on the flagship Gaia, when Kevel's curiosity got the better of him. "So Pax, what are you doing now?"

"Making sure I meet an old friend."

"And why would we need to do that?"

"You don't, I do. But I'd certainly feel safer with you on his ship than on this one."

Kevel's brow furrowed. "Why? What's wrong with Interceptor?"

"The Captain hates me kid, and when the Captain hates someone the person in question can find their life a living hell rather quickly. I also wouldn't put it past him to hurt you just to get me in trouble. It's known that I'm looking out for you so if he manages to draw me away he's free to do anything he wants, short of killing you, to make me look bad."

"You're sure?"

"Next to positive." Pax finished his message and stared thoughtfully at the door. His communications were secure, he was damn sure of that, and that lock was sealed with a level eight security clearance, which ment that only Liart Reardon and William Vectel himself could ligitimately open it. But his instincts told Pax something would happen before too long...the only question was what?

Well what might happen? Who might do it? Is it good or bad? You tell me.

There you go. I'll edit for spelling errors later, too busy right now.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, well it's got to be that they're closely under surveillance... maybe something to do with that. Perhaps someone has tapped into Pax's computer? Maybe he gets an ominous message...
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anything then? How about Captain Jves tries to have Pax arrested - it's obvious he still doesn't trust him, regardless of what Kevel says - and he'll most likely be affronted at Pax's arrogance.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to have Pax taken/shot and framed, claiming he was breaking into something/stealing something/killing someone. Afterall, no-one trusts an alien.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll, finally up!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it's a new Pax chappy for all three of you avid fans out there...Enjoy!

Chapter Seven: Past and Present

Pax had only grown jumpier during their voyage. Jves never actually tried anything but that sense of impending doom Pax had wasn't going away. It was just tying his gut into tight knots and making his fingers itch. He couldn't even get a decent workout on Interceptor since she lacked high strength equipment suitable for Pax's use. He'd have destroyed the standard grade equipment they had.

Now, finally, the redevouz with Liart and Gaia was coming about as planned. Pax had gotten satisfaction out of the look on Jves face when he relayed to Kevel that they were going to transfer to the flagship. He'd looked sick and crestfallen, and had glared particularly hard at Pax even though Pax knew the man couldn't have guessed he'd had anything to do with it.

Things had progressed well back on Terra Prime as well with, as Pax had hoped, William taking credit for the idea of making Pax the contact agent for the Stellaris Conven. Everything was going according to plan...and yet he still felt nervous. When the hatch dilated open he barely managed to not gut the young ensign that bowed low and offered to lead them to the docking bay.

On the trip through the ship his unease continued to grow...something was wrong, desperately wrong. Yet he couldn't place it, it wasn't a tangible danger yet and not even he could fight something with no substance. That didn't stop his back muscles from winding tighter than steel cable and his eyes from flicking back and forth. "Surely you don't think he'll try something here, infront of everyone."

Pax glanced at Kevel and shrugged. "I'm prepared for anything. Men like Jves are not always the most rational...especially when they see their quarry escaping." He switched his duffel to his other shoulder and checked his acess to that one certain pocket. Confidant he was ready for nearly anything he relaxed slightly as they entered the docking bay.

There was the usual formality of saluting and marching and showing off. Then they were ushured into the transport pod Gaia had sent for them. In moments Pax was sitting in a float-chair in front of Liart's desk, Kevel having been ushered off by a couple of young Guardians that usually protected Liart. Pax shook his head as they left. "Things must be bad if you've got Guardians on board."

Liart shrugged, settling into his own chair. "Dogma's been quiet but when Kevel disappeared and word about the Stellaris Conven got out security shot up to high alert." He took two cups from a recess in the wall and grabbed a decanter of some clear liquid from another before returning to his seat. Pouring generous amounts into both he offered one to Pax who took the proffered drink with a smile.

Sipping it lightly the grin deepened when he tasted the Vodka. "Got you hooked on it didn't I?" Liart laughed.

"You did indeed old friend." For a moment the men sat in silence sipping their spirits. Then Liart slid a pillow-like black rectangle across the desk to Pax. "It's all in there."

Pax gently stroked the surface and watched the surface shimmer and change. A commands list appeared, written in Dementia ship-code and Pax tapped it back into sleep mode. "You do realized I'm going to transfer over to it asap?"

Liart nodded. "I guessed as much. You never were one for our ships with all their failings. Not when you had that little gem to work with. I've made sure that none of the crew have any reason to be in hangar C at ten past."

Lifting his drink to Liart, Pax downed the last of it and got to his feet. "Well I'd best be on my way if I want to get her wings spread again. I'll contact you when I've got all systems up. We've got quite a bit talking to do."

Liart sighed and finished his own drink, reaching across the table to clasp hands with Pax. Shaking his head he favored Pax with one of his rare smiles. "It seems we never get more than a minute away from pressing business for old friends."

Pax laughed, reversing the grip so that it was the strong hold of brothers' in arms. "Men like us should be lucky we've got old friends. We're damn lucky we're old at all..." Releasing his former pupil Pax nodded to him. "Goodnight Admiral."

"Goodnight Admiral," Liart replied as the door contracted shut behind Pax.

An hour or so later Pax looked around hanger C one last time to reassure himself nobody was there. Then he stroaked the surface of the black shape again, selecting commands as fast as they appeared. With a final selection he hurled the rectangle at the center of the hanger and stepped back as it unfolded itself to several times it's former size. The black shape now stretched across the hanger in a wide oval, larger by half than the Regaliance fighters stored along the hanger's walls.

Touching a button on his wrist unit Pax stared intently at the blackness, waiting for the first sign of it to appear. Slowly, after a few moments, a rippling was discernable in the center of the dark. That ripple quickly materialized into the nose of a ship, the rest of which quickly followed. But oh what a ship! She was like nothing known to man-kind, nothing built by Phalt, the Regaliance, Dogma, or the Rim Worlds.

She was a Dementia fighter, the prototype Hellion-class his father had been working on for several years before his death. Like Pax she was the only one of her kind and, like Pax, she still looked like new. Pax smiled, knowing just how badly humanity would pay to have the technology that ran her...and how unsuitable for their use it was. The Hellion played to the strengths of the Star-Children with her open grav feild and flux drives that doled out high radiation levels.

Yet for all that she was sleekly deadly, as black as empty space and as dangerous as a black hole. With a smile Pax walked past her to where the zero-space crate loomed across the hanger bay. Finding the left bottom corner Pax began to touch it again and more commands appeared. When he finished this time the crate shrank back in on itself, the rest of it's contents locked away for now. Pax stuffed the crate in his duffle and turned to face his ship once more.

Tapping several commands on his wrist unit it took him a few minutes to work his way inside. Once there he settled down behind the controls and started her up, each new systems go green-light relaxing him further until his earlier worries were all but forgotten. Signalling the hanger doors to open via remote, Pax started his baby up and urged her out into open space. This was where he belonged, at the controls of his own ship, alone in the vastness of space to persue his own agenda.

But he dutifully stopped when he was just at the edge of sight lock with Gaia, setting his ship into a trailing course with the big flagship and turning her sheilds on. He recessed the control panel, making it fuse into a flat work-surface instead, and reaching into his duffel for his computer. A few minutes later he was staring at the screen in blank horror, his fears roaring in his ears.

A message blinked on his screen in poisonus green type...

Hello my friend, we meet again.
It's been awhile Pax but I've finally managed
to crack your system again. So I'm giving you
fair warning. Stay away from the Conven.
You Chose your side long ago, traitor, and we
are not about to forget it. Though we're
loath to forget
Dementia and all those
who died with her, we must cut off this
rotting limb if our body is to survive. So Pax,
enjoy your freedom while you can for
I've no doubt you'll try to contact us and
when you do...I'll kill you.


Pax stared in shock at the screen for a long time. Mara...he could almost feel her again. He missed Mara like a person might miss a vital part of them. All these years later he'd never stopped loving her, his Bloodshead maid. But she'd never forgiven him for staying with the Vectel's, she'd even tried to kill him three or four times, coming closer each time.

Now she'd hacked his computer just to tell him warn him how deeply the hatred had spread. Traitor was he? That hurt, bit real deep into what was left of the pre-destruction Pax. There wasn't much of that young man left in the Upgraded body bathed in the computer's glowing light. But what was left cried out to the man he'd become, asking him why he continued to follow this path to destruction.

Reaching into the screen, past the message, Pax pulled out the golden locket housed in the zero space. He stared at it for a few moments before he gently pulled the chain over his head. He stared at the locket itself for a few more moments before pressing the trigger that opened it again.

Instantly the recorded images of his mother and father smiled out at him, their smiles pinched by the look of some nameless fear and stress. "Son, if you're getting this no doubt we're dead." His father's voice boomed out at him, filling the small cabin as it might have in life. "And that means that the Dementia herself may well be under attack, or even destroyed."

"Pax. In this locket I've contained the plans and specifications for not only Dementia herself but the Hellion-class fighters and the personal War-suits. If things come to pass as we foresee then you must use these things to defend our people. I've got to go now son, your mother has things she wants said. Remember...I'm proud of you. Stand true for what you believe in and never yeild your throat to an opponant."

Then his father was gone and his mother's silvery voice filled the cabin. "Pax, honey, I know you're probably hurting but you've got to listen to us. You're the only person in a position to help now. I've put the standard Upgrade files this locket as well as those for Hyper state. I'm not sure Hyper will work but if there's no other choice, use it." She paused for a moment, blinking back tears.

"Honey I wish it didn't have to be this way. But your Father says they'll move on us any day, the rest of the ships too. I took the liberty of stealing their files through the main data net and sending them in a direct download to The Hellion's banks. If you ever need access that information, just put the locket into the key slot and follow the protocol prompts." She bit her lip again. "Remember honey that I love you and that I'll never stop loving you, no matter where I am and that, someday, we might be together again."

As the wavering images faded only a last message, the message that kept him going, remained. "You will hold the Children together my son. You are Captain in my stead. You will rebuild our losses and you will show them why we were best left alone. Goodbye Pax. Good luck."

"Goodbye Sweetie."

Closing his fist around the locket, he bowed his head. A single tear coursed down his face to splash against his white knuckles. "I won't let you down. I'll find them and all those responsible shall pay. I promise...I promise..."

Letting the locket fall Pax glanced at space beyond Hellion's windows, at Mara's message, and back at the windows. "The day is coming when the sword will fall and retribution will be swift. Those I loved did no die in vain...and I am no Traitor..."

What's Pax's next move?

Hope you liked.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter! The main character is rounding out nicely now. Hmm, what to do next...

Try something on the computer to fool Mara. (not sure quite what, though) She can get into his system, so she can do all sorts of things, potentially. Her reaction could have some interesting consequences.

Alternatively, follow the instructions given by his parents recordings in the locket.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think I'm going to F5 Crunchy here.

If you need another idea though, then he could simply ignore Mara. Try and plant a false lead perhaps, and then disappear with the Fleet.
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