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Charming in Life # 20-Deja Who?---Final Chapter!
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:31 pm    Post subject: Charming in Life # 20-Deja Who?---Final Chapter! Reply with quote

Charming in Life.

Chapter One: The Angel of Death wears PINK!!!

Charming was THE MAN. He was the guy everybody wanted to be or wanted to be with. He had the looks, the bod, the hair, the attitude, the accent, the way with women, the money, and the title to go with it all...Prince.

It didn't matter that the country he was heir to was so small it wasn't on any map, it was so rich it probably could pay a million dollars a day to stay hidden and nobody would notice the money missing. Yes life was good if you were Charming. Until one fateful day when he decided to go for a drive in his new imported Dodge Charger.

The next thing he knew he was laying on his back in the middle of the road with a beautiful woman staring into his face. Was this a dream? If so then he didn't want to wake up. He let that slow, sexy smile that he always used to charm women steal over his face. "Who are you." He practically purred the words.

A slight smile greeted his words accompanied by a raised eye brow. "You should ask what I am, not who." Now it was Charming's turn to raise an eyebrow, the vixen wanted to play did she? Well he could play.

"Okay I'll bite. What are you?" She shook her head slightly, the silver of her long hair matching the silver of her eyes perfectly. She gave one of those bemused snorts people do when something isn't quite funny enough to laugh at but you had to respond to anyway.

"Not important. It's best to ask why I'm here." Now Charming was irritated. Nobody evaded his answers, he was the prince, and who did she think she was...oh wait. He'd already asked that question.

"I'll only ask the question if you promise to give me a straight answer." Now she gave a much warmer smile.


"Fine then. Why are you here?"

"Ruler." At the striken look on his face, halfway between anger and complete confusion, she burst out laughing. Wiping a tear away from her eye she continued. "Sorry but you asked for a straight answer job gets boring after a while. Dealing with dead people never gets any more livening than this." Suddenly her brow furrowed. "You do know you're dead don't you?"

Charming was so stunned he couldn't reply right away. "Oh dear. Poor baby you've got a serious case of denile. I'd better get you to the registration office quick." One moment he was laying flat on his back on asphalt, the next he felt flat on his rear next to the beautiful make that angel if the silver wings, with feathers like small, sharp blades, the exact shade of her eyes and hair were any indication.

"Wait. If I'm dead and you're taking me to the afterlife...that makes you the Angel of Death doesn't it?" She gave him a formal salute with her scyth.

"Cyre at your service." He examined her with open skepticism. How could she be the Angel of Death?

She was dressed in a frilly pink robe, trimmed with lace and ribbons in a slightly different shade of pink. It was made all out of silk with some crushed velvet for decorative trim, and tiny hearts in a linking chain pattern all down the robe.

The scyth she was using wasn't much better. It to was pink, and if you have ever seen pink tinted steel you'll know how hideous that is, with heart shaped cut out's in the blade, and a big pink bow where the blade attached to the heavily sequined staff-handle. The whole outfit dripped love and girly glitter. She stared back at him. "What...?"

"Nothing. Just if you're the Angel of Death...I's just I expected you to be a little more...imposing." She glanced down at her outfit and sighed.

"The black robe and dragon headed scyth are reserved for Afterlife state occasions, offical office days, and PR apperances."

"So you don't have any others." She sighed again.

"I have silver robes but they're at the cleaners." He stared at her with open disbeliefe.

"Silver, I should have guessed. And you don't have any spares." He really should have guessed she would were would certainly match her eyes...and hair...and wings.

"I have four-hundered and sixty-three replacemnet silver robes." Now he really didn't believe her.

"And all of them are at the cleaners." She nodded with a solom expression on her face. Her answer chilled him to the bone.

"Tells you what kind of day I had yesterday." Now he could believe she was the Angel of Death. Nobody who could dress like that and still instill fear in someone could be anyone else. But there was still one more thing bugging him.

"So why are you using that ugly scyth?" She actually laughed at that and stared at the scyth with such utter loathing that he realized just how much she hated it. The force of that gaze should have melted it.

"It came with the outfit and when you use have to use the others. It's the rules of the gift." A gift? Someone had given the Angel of Death THAT wretched outfit? Somebody call the fashion police there was a serial pinkest on the loose.

"So who in their right mind, or their wrong one for that matter, would give the Angel of Death such a stupid gift? I mean PINK! How can the Angel of Death be serious in pink!" Cyre looked at him evenly.

"How indeed." But Charming ignored her completely, still focusing on his rant.

"I mean just tell me who would be so stupid..." At that exact moment a tall, golden skinned, golden haired, overtly muscular man in a white loincloth walked over. His blue eyes sparkeled in merriment and his golden bow and white quiver, with little red hearts all over it, shifted slightly as he spread his arms wide.

"Cyre my love, you're wearing it! Oh love the color on you. Catch you later baby." Then he did something that even Charming would never have done for fear of being shanked, he pointed two finger guns at her, clicked his toung against his teeth twice, and winked. Then he turned and walked away, giving Charming a view of the pair of cute little white wings that couldn't have lifted a cat into the air.

Cyre winced and waited until he was well out earshot and then said in a monotone. "That would be Cupid. He has a major crush on me. work wardrobe...was his Valentines gift to me," she stopped for a moment and did some quick finger math. Not easy to do with a scyth in one hand. "Four-hundred and thirty-five years ago."

"And you're just now wearing it?" She gave him a conspiritorial wink.

"It's too valuble for everday use don't you think? I mean a girl dosen't get gifts from THE Cupid ever day now dose she. Besides do you know how badly it hurts to fight with sequins on your handle? When I get a hold of the guy who made this..." She didn' finish the sentence, merely wave the blade of her scyth suggestively.

Charming looked her up and down. "I still say you look like a bottle of Pepto Bismal. Maybe you should make it a permanent change." Suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed the front of his expensive Gucci leather jacket. She gave an effortless heave and lifted him a good foot in the air.

"Listen you cocky corpse! You don't have any right to judge me. Only the Others can do that and only if I'm brought before a panel. And who the hell is going to have the balls to charge Death with a crime? You! I don't think so!" When she dropped Charming he didn't think so either. For a moment she turned her back to him.

He was about to speak when she rounded on him. "And Charming! Who the hell names her kid Charming! Worse you're a prince of...who cares what you're the prince of you're the character out of every little girls favorite bedtime story. Hell you were even driving a white Mustang!"

He hated it when people made fun of his name. It was the one thing that was absolutely, positively, going to make him loose his temper every time. This time was no exception. "Yeah well you've inspired fear and hatred in every generation ever to walk the Earth! You with your skeletal form and hideous leer..." She held up her hand.

"Whoa! Time, time! First off I am not the person you're thinking of. I am the Angel of Death. You are describing the Grim Reaper. I'm the person who comes for people who's...accounts...are slightly more positive than negative. He comes for the people who sit on the opposite side of that benchmark."

"And what happens when a perfectly balence sould dies?" Cyre's silver eyes became even more steely, if that was possible.

"We both go after it." Before he could reply she continued. "And that is how I ruined all but my state robe and this circus tent." For a moment neither spoke then Charming broke the ice.

"So, uh, when do I register or whatever?" Cyre slapped her palm against her forehead leaving a moon-shaped crescent of pink glitter between her eyes.

"Dammit! I knew there was something fighting with you was making me forget and that was getting rid of you." She spun her scyth rapidly three times and he found himself flying through the air, Cyre flapping at a leisurely pace beside him. In no time at all she set them down infront of a pale man in a white suit sitting behind a white desk.

"Name, age, race, country, place and time of death."

"Charming Savante, twenty-five, caucasion, Opullia, and..." He looked at Cyre imploringly for the other two details.

"I scraped him off the Opullia Royal road not half an hour ago Morri." Morri nodded to himself then pulled out a little black book from his brest pocket. He licked his index finger and flipped a few pages then used his finger to scan down the page. "Ah-ha, here it is and...oh my..." Charming and Cyre both looked at Morri expectantly.

"It seems that the young man was assassinated and that the assassin had supernatural help. You know what that means Cyre." Once again Cyre slapped her forehead with her hand, leaving another crescent that overlapped the other making a strange 'X' shaped desinge on her forehead.

"Who's the poor S.O.B. that has to escort the kid back to the mortal plane." Morri looked sympathetic, or maybe it was just pathetic, but he pointed at Cyre.

"He's going to be going up against Grim so technically it's your case...but I might be able to swing it to one of the others. You'll have to pick which one though and clear it with them." For a moment Cyre looke furious. Just the thought of taking orders from this stuck up snob was giving her the urge to kill something.

Suddenly an evil idea dawned in her head. There were more than enough people here in the Afterlife that either owed her a favor, were scared shitless of her, or had revenge coming to them. Infact there were several that had all three. Staring down at the pink scyth in her hand and the pink robe she made her decision. "Morri I think I'll..."

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:51 pm; edited 28 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great title, great start Kala! Very Happy

I chose for her to go, 'cos she's hot. Shocked Wink Very Happy

On a more technical note, I would leave the poll for a few days usually. First get people to comment and give you some ideas, then you can use them in the poll.

I am awaiting the next chapter. *Folds his arms and taps his foot*
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's pretty sad when the author is waiting for the next chapter.

*taps claw on table and scorches the drapes*
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonderful! Another funny storygame!

Great concept, by the way, I love Prince Charming driving a white mustang. And Cupid's even sleazier than our poor hero! Laughing

A couple of spelling mistakes here and there. You might find it useful to run the story through Word (or something similar) before you post it. There'll always be those nitpickers who point out bad spelling. Very Happy

Now... as for the decision point... are we talking angels and deities here, or just people who have died?

If it's dead people who Cyre could choose from, how about picking some female counterpart who thinks in a similar fashion to Charming? A narcissistic 'I'm the only person in the universe' type, to guide him back to Earth?

Helen of Troy, perhaps? Lucretia Borgia? Cleopatra?

It might not give him the best chance of survival, but it sure as heck'd be funny! Wink
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kalanna Rai wrote:
It's pretty sad when the author is waiting for the next chapter.

*taps claw on table and scorches the drapes*


I can see you being in Good vs Evil vs money soon! Very Happy
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great new story Kalanna. Smile

I know you're kinda nervous about leaping in with the storygames, but your selections so far have been great.

This site is full of experimentation so don't worry if your first attempts don't take off (although I'm sure they will) - if nothing else it's excellent practice at the tricky task of creating decision points and the other challenges of Storygaming.

And your latest is a humour - excellent Smile

I think she's going to go take on Grim again - It's her best hope of finding the perfect excuse to er..dirty the pink suit and not have to wear it again - plus it sounds like the fight would be fun.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 smee and cren, for both of their reasons
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First off it's diety's only, Sorry Shady but I'll keep that one in mind. Second thanks guys for the responses, you can't even imagine what cyre might do in chapter 2, let's just say her halo is a little bent here and there.

P.S. If I'm in good vs. evil vs. money I'm in on the side of money! I can sort of picture my self charging into battle in silver plate armor, which is a sight on a dragon, but mostly I see myself as a badass sitting on a horde of gold. Hehe.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Jan 28, 2006 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

charging into battle in silver plate armor, which is a sight on a dragon, but mostly I see myself as a badass sitting on a horde of gold. Hehe.

This can be arranged. I mean, I managed to fit Key in as a chamber pot, albiet a dignified one. A badass on a pile of gold will be no problem.

Mind you, be careful what you wish for. Mmmmwahahahahahaha! Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
charging into battle in silver plate armor, which is a sight on a dragon, but mostly I see myself as a badass sitting on a horde of gold. Hehe.

This can be arranged. I mean, I managed to fit Key in as a chamber pot, albiet a dignified one. A badass on a pile of gold will be no problem.

Okay, you are in. Check out chapter 19 of Good vs Evil vs money!
Neil Hartley Books.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:15 pm    Post subject: Okay Poll closed. Reply with quote

That's a rap people. Give me some time to fix up chapter two.

Coming soon...'Reincarnation...maybe...'
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:14 pm    Post subject: Chapter Two: Reincarnation...maybe... Reply with quote

Thanks for the responses. Everybody was in favor of Cyre going with Charming you go.

P.S. If I think about anything too long I forget...

Chapter Two: Reincarnation...maybe

Staring down at the pink scyth in her hand and the pink robe she made her decision. "Morri I think I'll go with Charming. Afterall, Grim is no cakewalk and not even Cupid inspires enough rage in me to make me be...evil." The angel shuddered at the thought.

With an 'I thought so' smile, Morri pulled a small, red pencil out of one of his sleeves and made a neat note in his little black book. "And when will you be leaving Cyre? Should I have Father Time juggle your schedual for you?" Cyre ran a hand through her hair, not an easy task when it hung to mid thigh.

"I'll be leaving shortly Morri. I just need to pick some things up from the house and yes, I may need Chronos to do some juggling for me...depending on how fast Charming can get his affairs settled. Morri made another small check.

"Done then." He put then pencil back up his sleeve and then closed the book and slid it back in his pocket. "Will the young man be waiting here with me?" He politely inquired.

For a moment Cyre looked tempted. Charming crossed his fingers behind his back and hoped he wouldn't be left alone with Morri. The man looked slightly sinester in a small, soft, harmless sort of way. "No Morri I'll be taking him with me. No telling what kind of trouble he might get into if I leave him alone." Morri merely nodded and spread his hands wide.

"Anytime I can help Cyre just ask." Charming was about to say his own goodbyes when the world seemed to melt like an overly hot candle. With a yelp he latched both hands onto the fuzzy sleeve of Cyre's pink robe. With one leg lifted up in the air he looked much like a cartoon housewife afraid of Jerry Mouse. Cyre couldn't help but chuckle.

In a few moments the world around him began to firm up, reavealing him to be in a large foyer made of grey marble. Cyre shook Charming off of her sleeve and let go of the pink scyth with an air of utmost disgust. "Yeech!" She said staring at the pink glitter on her hand. "I have to go wash the cooties off. Feel free to look around, just don't go down the hallway with the black and blue tile bar above it."

She was suddenly gone leaving Charming in the cold, vast, and silent foyer. He looked around at the three hallways that left the room. The one on the left had a stripe of red and gold above the door. The one on the right had green and violet marking the way. Yet it was the hallway dead ahead that he started down, the one with black and blue above it. After all, the Angel of Death couldn't do anything to a dead man could she?

This hallway was all done in black marble with a twinkling canopy of stars overhead, they were so beautiful that they looked real, and who knows maybe they were. At first he couldn't understand why he had been forbbiden this hallway but too soon he found out. The hallway split in two, one with a blue bar over it, one with a black. After a moment he turned down the black hallway.

Weapons lined the walls, scyths mostly, but a few sickles, and some scimitar swords as well. Underneith were names and dates of people who'd been cut down by that particular weapon. There didn't seem to be much variation until he passed a weapon that looked completely out of place. A simple sling loaded with a stone hung off the end of a scimitar. Underneith was the simple discription.

'Stone and sling used by David to render Goliath unconcious, scimitar used to cut off his head...interesting use of combinations.'

Charming was sick to his stomach. Obviously collecting famous death weapons from the mortal realms was a hobby for Cyre. He passed several hallways, all with solid black bars over them, and each seemed to be a weapon gallery of some sort each with a different weapon type on display with a showcase of an extremely famous wepon. Finally he saw the end of the hallway. Hoping there is an exit at the end he charged toward it only to find a massive marble collumn at the end.

The center was hollow and had a glass panel set into the side so that you could see what was inside. There, against a velvet backdrop, was the 'Dragon-Headed scyth' that Cyre had mentioned as being special.

It was a long silver weapon, over eight feet from the tip of the longest crest spine on the dragon, to the sharp tip on the butt end of the shaft. The curve of the blade did indeed look like the head of a dragon, with wicked spine-like protrusions that hooked in a backward serration at the top. It gleamed with an unhealthy light and suddenly he was irrationally terrified of it.

He charged back down the hallway until he came to the choice of blue or black and took the plunge down that hallway. He didn't even pay attention to it at all, only ran toward the soft smell of apples that seemed to come from the far end. Suddenly he burst to the end of the hallway and into an indoor pool.

Steam rose thickly and heavily perfumed into the air but that wasn't what drew his eyes. In the center of the pool Cyre was bathing. She stood alone softly humming as she rinsed her hair, damn the high water and those wings he couldn't see anything.

Suddenly she glanced over her shoulder. To her credit she didn't shriek, or even jump. Instead she shook her head. "I did warn you." A loud shattering sound was heard and suddenly Charming was pegged to the wall as the Dragon-Headed scyth embedded itself in the material of his pants just below the crotch. He nearly fainted.

By the time he managed to pull his eyes away from the sight that so filled him with terror Cyre had slipped on a terrycloth robe and was only inches from him. With one pull she slipped the scyth free of the wall, which immediantly healed it's self up the moment the scyth was removed. The way she swung the thing suggested that this was the weapon she was most comfortable with.

"You came this close to singing soprano for the rest of your afterlife. The damage this scyth inflicts on the living and the dead is permenant. I get docked brownie points for killing souls, especially those who have an Act of Vengence coming to them, but then I don't deal with brownie points down here." He swollowed deeply at the steely glint in her eyes that seemed to be as harsh and sharp as the edge of that scyth.

"Now I suggest that you go wait in the main room for me. Just take the door on your left." Suddenly a door appeared where none had been. "And if you want to keep your ability to be 'Charming' I suggest that you stay there. Am I making myself clear?"

"Crystal." His voice cracked with fear on the word and he all but dove through the door that vanished the moment he was through it. He got a mouthful of thick carpet and had to splutter as some came free in his mouth. At this rate he'd be picking red fibers from his teeth for a week.

He sat gingerly in one of the two chairs that faced the fire and picked up a deck of cards with the intention of playing solitar. "Put us down!" He screamed and scattered the deck everywhere as he drew both arms and legs up into the chair and held himself tightly.

Soon Cyre swept into the room, suprisingly dressed in that fugly pink robe again. "Now you have some choices as to how to get back to you want to get back quickly?"

"I just want out of this nightmare."

"You're not the only one." Cyre muttered. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well you could go zombie, or ghost. If you're willing to wait a year we could do the whole 'Crow' thing..."

Charming interrupted. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know talking about all this stuff is routine for you but I know nothing about it. I mean you may want to explain it all just so that I don't sterotype the answers." Cyre sighed heavily.

"First method Zombie. Basically I shove you back into you're damaged rotting body as is. Next you attempt to keep it animated which is going to take most of your concentration to do. Thus it dropps your ability to participate in everyday life, not that you had a big roal in life anyway playboy."

Charming shuddered. "So I'm just a pile of rotting flesh...I don't think so. Next option please."

"Well that would be coming back as a ghost. Now you wouldn't immediantly adjust to being a specter, most people don't. Depending on how strong you will is you can do everything from a visual manifestation to poltergist activity at the place of your death. Within two to three years you will be able to control and use whatever ghostly abilities you want. After that it can take another five years for you to move around. You're pretty much limited to places you had a strong attachment to in life...but hey. It's better than being a rotting pile of pus."

"You can' speed that up any, you know, give me afterlife haunting training??" The thought of eight wasted years was making Charming sick to his stomach.

"Sure I could speed up your training, send you back a SuperGhost, but you'll still be stuck to the place rule...unless you find a person to haunt. However, haunting a person is difficult. You have to constantly fix your concentration on the energy of your chosen target. Plus you kind of have to go where they go and haunt the areas that they are strongly attached to."

Cyer drummed his fingers on the plush armchair. "That also sounds like it might be a random chance for me to wait the person who had the Grim Reaper kill me. At that rate it might take me a decade to fulfill my goal. I don't like the thought of hanging around."

"Well the only other option I can think of right off the bat is the 'The Crow' method."

"Which is?"

"You wait a year then on the aniversary of your death you rise from the grave."

"Sounds zombie-ish to me."

"Your flesh is not putrifying and you have healed any injuries from the accident. You're only driving goal is to assassinate the man who put the hit out on you, and anyone invovled with planning your death. The only downside is you have a living animal companion that shares it's lifeforce with you. You can't be hurt as long as it's okay but the moment it's injured you become venurable."

Charming brightened up at the thought of being some kickass undead bad boy. That would make him a definite chick magnet. "Well depending on the creature it has it's good points. But the whole waiting a year thing really puts a damper on things are you sure that's all the methods to coming back from the dead?"

"I'm not God. I don't do ressurections. I know that there are other short term options I just can't remember what they are. It's not like I do this everyday you know. Generally I bring people here and my work is done." Charming could see she had a point. Still it was pretty conveniant she 'forgot' the other methods.

"Can nobody remind you?"

"Unless somebody tells me another option in the next sixty seconds I'm going to go with one of those three. And under the circumstances I think that the best method is..."

Feel free to give me other ressurection offers. Makem' weird, or pick one of the ones above now that their pros and cons are outlined.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another good chapter Kalanna Smile

Kalanna Rai wrote:
And if you want to keep your ability to be 'Charming' I suggest that you stay there

I loved that line!

Anyway, he's in a hurry, I think he'll be prepared to go back as a ghost. A zombie just wouldn't be Charming enough to suit his ego Smile

By the way, do you want me to delete your chapter 1 poll?
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think I would want to wait around and snoop about!

Nice chapter!!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter Smile

Ghost definately seems the way forward, zombies aren't known for their advanced thinking and as Stoat pointed out, not very charming.

Although zombie does have some advantages to it - a physical presence for one, being insubstantial could seriously limit interaction if that is required. If he's able to keep his mental attributes I could see Zombie becoming more of an option.*

Keep it coming and,

Happy Writing. Smile

*A good bath and he could scrub up pretty well, much more likely to be able to use the old charm if you have a body. Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wrote the end of the chapter in a hurry. You may want to check out the edited version as I explained the options out more. You guys should really make more informed decsions....

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I can't see an edited version - and what's wrong with our decisions? Confused
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hot off the presses and I love your suggestions. I just didn't give you all the info. Plus I wanted some other suggestions on how I could bring him back not just the three I posted.

But hey. If he gets turned into a ghost it's really going to put a damper on his love life.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about possession of another living being? It gives him a body to work with, it's potentially quite Charming, not like a zombie and it may not take a whole year to do.

Disadvantages? Well, it might be time-limited... or the original persona might keep struggling to get back in control... or Charming might find that the longer he spent in the possessed body, the more he began to think like the original owner. Or all or none. The author gets to decide that stuff.

But possession is always potentially funny Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah - I see.

Hmmmm... the crow option is now more appealing - but I'm not sure such pleasure of the flesh will be his concern if he chooses that way - it said he'll be completely focused on getting revenge on his killer.

If I get any alternative idea's I'll be back.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

couldn't you 'conviently' find one of the Children of Judas and get them to resurect him as one of them?

note to all who haven't read vampire: the requiem, bloodlines: ledendary - the children of judas are vampires, one of their abilities is to raise the dead as a vampire too

and i bet you all though i couldn't get vampires into it
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually Vampire was all I could think of (they are cool afterall) but didn't think they were particularly Heavenly so didn't suggest it. Confused

Can't think of anything else though.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh but the children are

they're founder was obessed with punishing suicides and started the inquisition
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did think of both possession and vampires and did dissmiss them because they were both...a little out of Cyre's jurisdiction. You see Charming is already dead...well way past dead at this time. Any intervention that might get him back in time to become a vampire would be under Chronos, Father Time, and Cyre's already into him for one favor, the rearranging of her schedual. People don't lead themselves into the afterlife afterall.

The possession idea I dismissed because it could bring the intervention of that person's guardian angel, a potentially devistating conflict.

However both those things might be extremely funny. I'll post the poll, if I can figure out how, without vampiers at this time though, sorry lord o' the night, not quite ready for that one...maybe later when things start to go really wrong. Hehehehe...

Please delete the poll somebody....please
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll deleted. To get the next one running, edit your first post. That'll give you all the poll options again.

When you want me to delete the next one, just hurl a PM in my direction Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Shady, I'll keep it in mind. Okay everybody the new poll, vampyreless sorry Lordofthenight, is up. Pick your favorite option for the next three days.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just has to be Possession! Oooh! So many possibilities!!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the crow - makes him actually hard

and is the closest to a vampire
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:57 pm    Post subject: Chapter Three: Possessing Miss America...jr. Reply with quote

You wanted possession...hehehe....

Chapter Three: Possessing Miss America...jr.

"Under the circumstances I think that the best method is...possession." Charming raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Possession. As in taking over someone elses body?"

"No as in buying somebody on E-Bay, yes taking over somebody's body you moron!" Cyre paced back and forth, wings twitching in irritation. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and tapped one finger, slowly. "Humm, this is tough. I don't deal with living people...just dead ones."

"You know about E-Bay?"

"I'm the Angel of Death, not the Angel of the Technilogically Impaired of course I know about E-Bay! We were talking about the problems with possessing somebody!"

"So you can't do possession?" Cyre's fingers hooked into claws and she came inches away from strangling him before regaining her composure.

"Yes I can do possession! All I do is stuff you in the body, you do the rest! Unfortunately it's a matter of finding the right body. You don't want somebody injured, or addicted to drugs, or who's wanted by the law," after this last statment Cyre shuddered as if recalling bad memories. "And yet you need somebody with a lower intelligence, softer will, and shorter attention span...are you listening to me?"

In all actuality Charming had been studying the playing cards he'd scattered moments before. They were pulling themselves across the floor without the use of any kind of limbs, instead using snake-like undulations to propell themselves. Suddenly Cyre's fingers snapped just beyond the end of his nose causing him to jump and utter a yelp like a scalded dog.

"Now do I have your undivided attention? This topic concerns you as well I should think. There are three problems with me selecting a body. One is host's life involvment. If your host has abosolutly no reason to go running around hunting down...whoever we're going to go after then people that know and love that person are going to come after us...usually in ways involving law enforcement." Again she shudders after uttering those words.

"Two, host spirit conflict. If the're not listening again!" Yet again the playing cards had distracted Charming by spelling out the words 'Ha Ha Ha' on the carpet. Now he looked up at Cyre guiltily and blinked.

"You were saying something about not knowing what kind of person I'm going to get." Cyre had had enough.

" Fine! You don't want to hear the rules and make some intelligent decisions, a first I'm sure, then I'm going to do this on my own and YOU can suffer the consiquences!" Charming didn't like the sound of that. Yet there was nothing he could do as suddedenly the world did the whole melty-thingy and the next thing he knew Cyre was forcing him into a body that didn't quite fit.

Fighting with the body's natural occupant was a little like going straight from the spin cycle into a fast tumble dry. In the end he ended up panting and tangled in his silky pink sheets!

'Those are mine you pervert! Get out of my head!' He spun around to find where the female voice was coming from and was shocked to hear it echoing in his own head. 'It's my head and I want it back!'

"Cyre what's..." he didn't need to say anything more. Instead he stared at his slim hands with his perfectly manicured nails and their princess pink polish and listened to the high pitch and silvery timbre of his voice.

In the corner Cyre was little more than a fleeting image. "Well Charming I'll let you and your...'room mate' get aquainted. I have some snooping to do."

"What the hell am I supposed to do looking like this?" He gestured at his perfect and ample figure.

Cyre shrugged her shoulders, okay it was more like rolling her wings. "I don't know? Why don't you try being a little more...Charming. You are a guest in her flesh after all." With that she vanished. "Cyre get back here!"

'Who's she, and who are you? More importantly why are you in MY body?" He sighed.

"It's a long story. My name is Charming and I'm a recently assassinated prince..."

'I may be possessed but I wasn't born yesterday! Prince Charming my...'

"But it's true! That woman, well angel really, that just left was the Angel of Death and her name is Cyre."

'The Angel of Death wears pink? You expect me to believe that?'

"Well...yes." For a long moment the pair of minds stared at each other with their minds' eyes'. "Please..."

'I don't know why I should but I guess you can stay...for a little while, but if you mess up my chances for winning the pagent I'll...'

"Pagent? What pagent?"

'Why the Junior Miss America Pagent. I'm an entry and it's at the end of the week. You have to be gone by then.' Charming drummed his er her fingers on the table next to the bed. 'Don't do that! You'll ruin my manicure!" Charming knew how hard it was to get a good manicure so he stopped at once.

"Well I'll talk to Cyre, she's got the final say you know but I'm not going to enter any damn pagent!"

'Are so!' Charming was in a tight spot. The plane left tomorrow, or so the picky girl in his brain said, and he had to be on it to make the pre-pagent check in and all that. This might make or break the whole possession deal. If only he'd paid more attention to Cyre he might be able to figure a better way out of this...still. Was he or wasn't he going to go?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hehe! Good one!

Er, go to the pageant? Shocked I could be really perverted here. But I will resist...
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like it! Self-obsessed guy meets self-obsessed girl. There'd be a love story in the making there, if the physical side of things wasn't sadly lacking in some areas Smile

OK, what to do...

Make the deal. Cyre is already sick and tired of you. If you mess this one up too, you might have to find out the hard way if kissed frogs really turn back into princes!

However, there are a few counter-deals you could suggest. 1: get a later plane. The pageant is in a week, the plane leaves in a day - there has to be some way she could delay a little, in order to investigate Charming's life-and-death problems.

Or, go through with the pageant on condition that Miss America help you out afterwards, no matter where it leads Smile

Good chapter Kalanna. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 shady's second point, there is no time schedule on when you have to do your thing is there?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed - I read this one over breakfast this morning and have had time to ponder it now.

How 'little' Miss are we talking here - I'm not familiar with such pagents. If she's a little kid then we don't have much option of delaying the flight, her parents/carers will just say no.

It's a shame he didn't listen to the rules, he'd know then that he'd just need to exert his will over her and take control of the body - *grins* He'll just have to learn to share.

Good chapter Kalanna,

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well he'll probably learn something helping her get through the pageant and get more of her cooperation in accomplishing what he has to do. The experience will probably get him farther than being selfish and only concentrating on his problems. Great story so far, keep up the good work!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay here's a few points that you all have questions on. First off this particular Miss America Junior, I'm not caring what it's really like because well...I.D.G.A.R.A, takes place with contestants anywhere from 15-17 years of age. The particular beauty queen in our story is 16.

I'd like to get the poll deleted so that I can put up the new one, then you guy's will have all the options that I've sorted from your suggestions.

P.S. Cyre's not exactly sitting on her duff. You'll be surprised with her in the next chapter...promise.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay three day poll, cast your vote, choose his fate...or not.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted and winning
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted and also winning.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted and created a tie Razz
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hummm...the pagent is winning...interesting....
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