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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Things were getting out of hand.

As soon as I started worrying about the Key a warning alarm went off. Phang had found a way past the forcefield, with a small army in tow. Even in my distress I had to admire the technique. Why breach something when you can go back to when it wasn't there - brilliant in it's simplicity.

Another warning went off and I turned to confront this new problem. InsaneCP was talking directly to me. Damn it, I'd missed the blood. Buying myself time I moved him into a small boat, with a tiger, in the middle of the ocean. That'd keep him occupied.

Turning back to the more important problem of Phang I quickly tried to track her down. It took a while - she'd somehow changed appearance. The creature I came across with the same signiture looked very sinister, waves of evil eminating from it. With her were some of the weirdest creatures I'd seen. Their brains darted everywhere, but they seemed desperate for one thing above all - blood.

Possible things to do to her flowed through my mind. She didn't yet know the full detail of my plan, or knew that she was in a fake world. Maybe that could still be played on...

A quick change to the cave diverted a small underground stream through the back of it. With a smile I pressed the command and the water turned red. An entire stream of blood would be too much for them to resist. The Key would be buried in the stampede.

Satisfied I'd fooled Phang again, I located D. He'd abandonned his lab, and was marching straight back toward the main group. That seemed good...had he given up on whatever plan he had? I didn't have time to view the rest of the recording of him, he probably hadn't done anything anyway. Everything seemed to be working out ok and I could finally focus on getting the Key again. Thankfully Phang had located it for me.
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've left the stupid hoofed monsters down in the cave. While they're there they might destroy Key, or whatever's making the smells. I may not win, but they lose!
While I'm here, I might as well plan for the future...where is everyone else?


Hang on...D seems to be at some sort of lab! Now what could he be doing...
Ahah! It's an illusion! Someone's stopping his plans too...

InsaneCP has killed Smee, but it's fuzzy...

How's Key doing with the Piro-Diks? :twisted:
Well, if he wasn't flat before, he is now! I think I can see him, sticking out of the ground...ooh! That must of hurt! He's in for more of the similar unless those smells stop...ouch!

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aak! Ouch! Great hooves are stomping on me! I cannot see; I can only feel. The pain, the pain...

What is this strange world? How did I get here? My memories are dim.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is getting to be really strange Laughing


"what the f@#$ is up with this smee, first a fake lab and now a boat with a oversize kitty cat" *mocking laughter* "can't you do better,by the way smee, that computer in the 'lab' actually worked, you may not know this but i have sent a little notice to everyone except D and Phang, letting them know about your 'experiment' and i'm going to go meet them right now. Smee, for some one who seems smart, you sure make some stupid mistakes"


I wonder what Smee is going to pull to get his butt out this??? Roll :wink:
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OC: How come everyone except me has acces to special powers in the computer?,,,well, except for Key....

After a day and a half, D reaches the main group with his solar powered helicopter which he keeps repairing and making better as he passes through remnants of technology labs, etc.

At first, the group is skeptical, well, actually, sax attacks him, but a zap of the small lazer on D's helicopters convinces him to stop in his trscks. D explains, or lies about how it wasn't really him who had caused the comet to come crashing on the earth...I mean, let's be logical, who could do that?

Shhhhhh :wink:

After some embarrasing situations, especially with ethereal and her buttocks Shocked ...and Mordok...well, anyway, Finally D makes his way to Smee, although he seems evasive. He excuses himself to search for food.

D follows him. Then, Smee breaks into a run. D follows him, he must make absolutely sure. The guy, not very used to runnig is soon caught.

With utmost concentration, D runs his hand into Smee...and it goes right through....

So it was Smee?

Time for the next move.

But first he'd had to build something.....even if that something was an illusion, it could still function to D's use...

Unless he went to find that Key thing which seemed to give total power....nah, it didn't taste good.
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Urrgh...I have a cold...but nothing will stop me! Not even the rather disgusting problem of regularly coughing up snot! (bet you really wanted to know that, didn't you? :twisted: )
I have built it! Or rather, them. My latest hologram robots will allow me greater realism in this dimension! Now, to upload my latest image...and get that Key!

Flying to the cave, I quickly became the legendary white Piro-Dik. Hopefully I should be able to control them.
They stopped when they saw me. I thought they were going to obey me...until they attacked! Breaking up into bits and heading back into the cave, I became the white Piro-Dik again and desperately clawed down the walls. If I get to the blood...
I broke through! They rush past me to the stream of blood...what on earth is a stream of blood doing there? No matter. I have the Key!
It's a bit battered and rusty, but it should still give me the power to take over the world...muwahahahahahaaa!!!

Flying back to the island screaming "I am your master! I control the world!" *THUD*. Phang crashed into the force field, and slid down into the water. The holo-bots immediately short-curcuited, and Key sank to the bottom. Oops.

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Easily distracted, ethereal_fauna ignores D-Lotus as he smirks at her buttocks before running after Smee (who kinda runs like a school girl, complete with giggling and pig-tails, when he notices D chasing him.)

She entertains the group by powering up the solar helicopter with her glowing rump.

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The backup...files...
Keybie deebie heebie jeebie!
Keybie deebie heebie jeebie!
Smee...will never...get...the Key!

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Movement. Wet. Cold. The things of this world touch me, but as though from a distance.

Who am I? Why am I here? This is a puzzle, a riddle about the nature of this world. The answer feels close, but just out of reach.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clinging to electronic life, the orb containing Phang's personality, memory, and stuff like that sat at the bottom of the ocean, along with the Key. The camera showed a fuzzy picture of fish getting zapped by floating...what were they? She was sure she should remember...


The default rescue files finally realised something was wrong. Draining away Phang's personality files, they tried to bring back files from the computer she had been on to escape the forcefield, but Phang fought hard, seperated from memory files. Letting go of all other files, the program slowly brought Phang back to it's computer...

Phang was trapped in the computer, on an island surrounded by a strange force. Her memory files had gone...well most of them. Something was whispering at the back of her mind...


Keybie deebie heebie jeebie!
I've found a bug!
If you try and change something, it writes over what you've already written. I don't know if it's just me or something, but...whatever.
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Da Huuuuub
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OOC: I wrote a reply to this, and promptly lost it in a black hole. I'll write it again tomorrow. In the meantime Smee is lost and confused and prime for being defeated. Do your worst. Smile
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

D rushes back to his lab in his helicopter after powering up fully thanks to ethereal.

There, again he concentrates for half an hour. Then, he locates the camara. He puts a picture of him meditating in front of it and sticks it with tape so that it would appear that is what he's doing.

Then he starts building the machine that would enhance his meditating abilities.....
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i suddenly find a way out of smee's 'world' only to find smee is unconicios with an ape man on top of him. i decide to use the computer and see D put a picture in front of it and send some files to make sure he is only doing that

this is what i mean
< >
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And how did you do that? Can't you see Smee is tricking you into thinking that you are defeating him? He does it over and over again, but you always bite.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A blackness consumed me and I found myself back in my body sat at the control centre.

Completely disorientated it took me a few moments to gather my senses. As my vision came back panic flowed through me and my hands became a blur over the controls.

D had some how gotten back to his lab and was...meditating again? A thought tried to grab my attention, something about running away like a girl...hand passing I lost it. Worried at my amnesia I went through the recording I had.

InsaneCP was caught in a loop of victory, his brain constantly trying to wake up from the illusion but only forcing himself deeper with every attempt. If I'd known that victory was what he sought I'd have put him in such a loop along time ago, but at least now he was contained. He passed from my control room, back to the boat with the now ravenous tiger, back to the control room. He killed me in ever more violent ways with each repetition.

After a brief search for Phang I found her back on the island, behind the forcefield. The field report showed there had been a collision with the forcefield a few hours earlier. The recording showed Phangs signiture inside some sort of white robot. Worse - it also showed the Key's signiture in the same place. I watched in horror as everything crashed into the sea and disappeared from view.

With this new knowledge I studied Phang on her island. It wasn't really her, but a computer memory of her. She'd saved herself from a watery death only to be trapped inside the computer. Taking pity on her I reformed her outside the computer, erased the computer from the simulation, and placed a mountain of mint chocolates in front of her. That'd keep her safe and contained for a while.

D hadn't moved - why was he meditating?

I moved to the main group - the A.I was once again maintaining my persona, but it no longer looked like me. The body had pig tails and, despite the impossibility, was giggling as it skipped along with everyone else. I tried to change it, but the access was denied. I tried to re-enter the body, but it felt weird and I slammed back into my own body almost immidiately. I woke up and giggled. Horrified I vowed not to do that again. I giggled again.

Clamping my mouth shut I watched the group. They'd finally started moving. Fauna seemed to be leading the way, sat backwards, high on Saxon's shoulders, her neon butt lighting the path ahead. They seemed to be heading toward D's lab - they must have decided to follow him.

Once again everything seemed to have calmed down and I turned my attention to the crash site next to my forcefield. The key was down there. Evil laugh time...*giggle*
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stuffs herself with mint chocolates and doesn't do much else.
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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perched atop saxon's shoulders, fauna felt a little uncomfortable, especially with her buttocks hanging out over his monstrous head.

She thought she caught the faint scent of mint chocolate on the breeze, along with the echoes of maniacal laughter that kept fizzling into a girly giggle.

MMMmmmm, chocolate. Her fanny would need refueling soon.

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The machine was finished.

Now he could tell the truth from the pure lie.

He turned the strange apparatuses lens torwards the east. Nothing but desert intermingled with some camaras, which must be Smee's.

D turned west. Ah, here was what he was looking for, a path leading to the city of IF.

The machine vibrated uncomfortably in his back.

Oh well.

He slowly got onto his small helicopter. His head cramped against the ceiling of it, he activated the laser.

His progress was not extremely fast, but with caution, he made his way.

Before the camaras that were spread monotonally throughout the path could detect him, D zapped them with his laser. The burnt remains sizzled in the gravel.

D applied the magnification proccess into the goggles with were fed information from the central machine and the lens from the machine.

As he looked closer, he examined the camara.

Hmmm, gotta give it to Smee to invent an almost indistructible camara.

Too bad that the laser from my helicoppter penetrates to the core of the atom, and separates the electrons from the nucleus of the atom, rendering the camara useless.

Two hours later, D glimpsed the City of IF.

No doubt Smee would be in his house, manipulating everything there.

The problem was, once somebody got inside the city, the illusion dissapeared, and with the illusion, his helicopter would dissapear too.

And Smee was bound to have some defense security.

Looks like D was going to have to rely on his atletic skills....
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As I ate mint chocolate after mint chocolate, I began to change. Huge curved claws slid out of my fingers. My wings spread until they almost blocked out the sun. Generally I got bigger...except for my teeth. My teeth grew into tiny sharp fangs, rows and rows of razor-edged teeth in a huge gaping mouth.
"Well, I never knew mint chocolates could do that..." I muttered, or rather thundered, as I wondered what to do...
Key...Smee...The Key...The KEY!
Glancing to find the voice, I find nothing in the night underneath my wings. Shrugging, I flew off to find some people to be with, blowing down a few trees in the process.

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As D got closer, the number of camaras increased heavily, however, his little toy could take care of that...although as soon as he entered the city it would dissapear, leaving him renderless to the detection of the camara's, meaning he'd have to act fast.

It was as if Smee didn't care his camaras were geting destroyed or something...

The beggining of the immediate outskirts of the city lay a few feet away now....

D heard some weird giggling from afar....

He got out of the helicopter, and strechted himself contentedy.

Then, in a quick movement, jumped into the air and did a double flip. He landed with his feet aligned neatly.

He cracked his knuckles.

He was ready.

As he stepped in, it was as if a bubble were absorbing him. He grew dizzy, and everything dissapeared and played in his mind.

Then, as suddenly as he had lost all senses, he got them back.

The city lay clearly infront of him, now in full color, which his goggles had not permitted him to see.

He was in.....
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Something blocked me...but there was nothing there.
Tapping in front of me, I wondered how to get through. A thing of imense power, trapped in by something she could not see...

From far off, the faint, unerving sound of a howling roar echoed across the world, fading into icy, chilling whispers of pure rage and hate. Phang clawed at the forcefield, battering it down with massive scaled fists, as the icy voices in her mind howled with anger, so loud they could be heard on the outside.
After many hours of non-stop rage, just as Phang was calming down, the forcefield broke. It was still invisible, but as Phang made one last swipe, she tumbled over into the outside world. Freedom!

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:16 pm    Post subject: [quote="D-Lotus"]No offense or anything, but it's Reply with quote

D-Lotus wrote:
No offense or anything, but it's creepy how much you guys wrote just on a RP story...
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You think writing a lot is creepy?

If everyone was like you, all long novels would be rejected all the time...
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sad now... Crying or Very sad

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Da Huuuuub
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The wail of sirens reached a level I could no longer ignore.

I'd been scanning the ocean floor for 3 solid days trying to find the Key. Every now and again a small warning alarm would go off. A quick glance to a few screens and I'd see D, somehow, still mediating and on another I see the main group trudging along with the damn A.I in my body skipping along with them. The final one showed Phang's island. Having finished gorging herself on Mint Chocolates she'd somehow mutated into a giant winged creature. and was battering herself against the forcefield. I wasn't worried.
What had disturbed was the giggling. It bubbled out of me at the slightest sign of success, with no warning. I was truly infected somehow.

With a quick switch I'd cease the irritating alarm and continue my currently futile search.

This new one wasn't just a random alarm though. This was full on intrusion. Someone had made it out of the illusion and was entering my domain. Dismissing the Key for a time I rubbed sleep from my eye and switched the monitors to local cameras.

Just by the main gate, the exact point that reality met illusion stood D-Lotus. I quickly put one monitor back to his lab and saw him still meditating. A few buttons later and another camera materialised next to it and quickly established what had happened - how stupid I'd been.

Needing time to think I released my 4 emergency defence bots and they quickly converged on the main gate. 8 ft of metal, armed with lasers and rockets now blocked D's path. I didn't have time to see what happened as I went through lock down proceedures. He wasn't getting through 2 feet of metal on his own...and if he tried he'd soon find himself at the other end of the world, back in the illusion, fully convinced that he was a 6 year old girl with no interests except playing with her dolly. Mwaha..*cough* *giggle*.


D-Lotus wrote:
No offense or anything, but it's creepy how much you guys wrote just on a RP story...

They were quoting you D - you wrote it in Random's RP thread. Smile
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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Venerable IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They were quoting you D - you wrote it in Random's RP thread.

OOC: OUCH......well, I was more inmature back then...

D had about 30 seconds to think of a plan before Smee send out his defenses...

Easy as hell for D.... Very Happy

Quickly he jumped into one of the houses.

It wasn't that he was hiding, the robots probably could detect him by his heat energy.

A quick survey told him that his memory hadn't suffered in the illusion.

It was...Saxon's house!

He heard the strange sound of the armed machines a few seconds away.

Now, where could saxon keep his gene altering morphene, the one that he used to turn into a monster?


It was in the kitchen, among the pots and pans and a half-eaten table...

The robots had detected him, they were readying their torpedos!

D quickly added liquid mercury to sax's morphene and stuck it into his arm.

The robots let the torpedo's go in a split second.

Which is all it took for D's genes to change.

The first torpedo flew in through the door...only to confront a man made of liquid mercury with huge arms and a gigantic torso.

D turned as the torpedo passed clear through his liquid mercury body.

The liquid let the torpedo go by, then returned to it's position.

The torpedos exploded against the far wall of the house, one by one.

The robots looked in confusion. They weren't programmed for this.

If they had, they would have understood that if they launched all their missils at once, there was a chanc of separating all the liquid mercury into separate pieces...

Unfortunately for them, they didn't.

They futely kept shooting at D as he advanced torwards them.

They used all their weapons, but none ever actually touched him.

And then he was in their face. He raised his arm, pulled back, and right before hitting the robot, his arm turned into solid mercury.

It smashed into the robot, making it reel back.

But not enough to destroy it.

It doesn't take long to destroy robots if they can't touch you, but you can smash solid mercury into them continually.

Trust me on that one.

Just as he got done, he turned back to normal.

Well, his next move seemed evident.

It was time to go to fauna's house, which was deeper in the city...

But he was confident he could make it in time before Smee could do anything....
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fauna gets that funny little sensation when someone thinks her name.....or maybe its just because she's still sitting astride saxon's beastly shoulders. Where were they heading, anyway? And why did that lucious chocolate smell disappear?
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Soaring peacefully over the water, it would have been better if I could look at the water-but I had tried. Seeing my reflection, I instantly recoiled. I wasn't a hologram, it I had somehow got my true body into this dimension, which meant I had a reflection. I could never bear to look at my reflection. Never look at your weakest form, and never let others see it.
I hit down onto land with 4 feet and race across, soaring over mountains and sea, galloping through woods and meadows. There must be someone in this world, someone who could solve that whispering in my head...something about someone called Smee, and a Key...

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Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

saxon go that funny tingly feeling he got when he found that dead man who had taken his dipjeria medicen that he stored saftley in his pots and pans. the drug had wierd side effects, one of them was death.
saxon began jogging towards a distant cave and as he rerached the coave mouth he ducked and ethereal fauna got a mouth full of cave rock and landed on her rear(so it was soft) Saxon ran faster and fastern until sudenly someone had made the ground rise, wait no he was falling and it wasent ground it was water.
a flat rusted dented but still roughly key shaped key was on the ground, Saxon picked it up and walked through the rest of the river until he came to a door.
he inserted the key and opened the door finding smee standing pover a masisve computer bank shouting "damn you windows you crash more thimes in one day then saxon does in a car"
Saxon walked up calmly to smee, injected him with a heck of alot of morphene and then bashed his head into the computer bank several times knocking him unconscious.
wondering what to do Saxon tastes the key and wonders why D threw it away. then he eats it happily.
twenty four hours later Saxon realises that the once thought dead king of town was emerging from his rear covered in poo. after an excrutiating three hours of intensive labour Saxon finally gives rebirth to the king of IF
shortly after everything returns to normal except Saxon is still in his beast form but is living happily with Phang in her beast form in D's basement and ethereal fauna wakes up to see Mordok staring at her massive kaboose
the next day it was king keavneys birthday and eevryone gathered round in D's basement with subway icecream and leamonade to celebrate the ending of an epic adventure
comming soon the sequal to the true story of the city of interfable
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not quite the climatic and epic finale I was planning.

By popular demand from D I'm going to try and extend it a bit longer....
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all, sax, you're dead.

That potion I took is what u use for becoming a monster, so you'd technically be dead and couldn't do anything you said yu could do, sorry sax. Better look for a way to reborn yourself...

As for myself, the mercury's properties allows me to stay alive.

Sax, me and Smee and Phang were can't just come in and suddenly win......
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I couldn't believe it - Phang in her new form was a lot stronger than I realised. It took her most of the day, but I was horrified when my forcefield just gave way. It was technically impossible.

The data readouts from the act were priceless. Reams of figures whirled out. I didn't know whether to be happy or cry, my experiment was a success, but would I survive the death of it?

D disappeared into a house that I quickly identified as Saxons. I met another disappointment as he reappeared, also transformed. His body moved like liquid, yet was as hard as steel. Analysis showed it was some form of mercury, but it shifted so quickly it was hard to gain an accurate reading. My robot defenders had no chance.

Another alarm went off. Surprisingly it was from a camera monitoring the main group. Saxon suddenly started running into a nearby cave, knocking Fauna to the floor in the process. His brain patterns showed severe agitation, similar to InsanePC's. He was trying to break out mentally.

I slammed the illusion around him harder, encrypting it using a 100 digit prime. At the same time I forced him into a one way track. I couldn't have him coming to re-inforce D - it would be hard enough to stop him as it was. As I watched I saw him enter the track. He perceived it as a strange rising in the ground, and probably a falling sensation. Where he ended up would depend on his own thoughts, but I wasn't surprised to see him over the exact spot that the Key was. Another victory complex the same as Insane. I had to laugh to myself as I loaded up the replica of my control room again.

Sure enough he used the Key to gain entry into the fake room, but thankfully restrained from the gruesome killings I'd witnessed before. I watched as he injected the illusion full of morphine and entered a strange victory world of his own . The Key became some sort of King - very strange - and everyone gathered round for icecream. Each to their own, I left a camera recording the action and went back to the real threat.

How could I stop D and Phang joining forces - worse still, how could I stop them getting the key. They surely knew that was the only way to defeat me by now.

D was moving again, to another house, although I couldn't determine which one. His body more rolling than walking, it was very swift. I didn't have much time to find the damn key...wait Saxon had been there.

Rewinding Saxon's tape I wondered if I have the time to retrieve the key before D's plan came to fruitition, or Phang found it little time...
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

D knew that it would have been easy to find the key and destroy Smee, but he didn't want to depend on it. Neither did he want to depend on phang or ANYBODY.

D worked alone.

He wanted to find another way.

There must be another way, and he was going to prove it.

The obvious place to go would be to fauna's place...which Smee already knew.

So right in the turn to her house, he took the other intersection and in one more minute, he found himself breaking through the deserted palace of Keavney.

The place had much more machinery than even Smee would have suspected.

After all, a king had to protect himself, didn't he?

If Smee would have bothered to check this place, he would have been unstoppable.

His arrogance hadn't done him much good this time.

D surveyed the place. Dodging into Keavney's palace instead of ethereal's house had bought him some minimal time.

The mercury had worn off now, he was D once again.

Suddenly, he punched the wall.

Through the hole, he saw what he was looking for.

A secret room.

After a few punches and kicks at the weak plaster of the wall, D squeezed himself through.

INside, lay the car of his dreams....

It looked like the batmobile, except extremely slicker, and red with flames painted on the sides, and of course, the missile launchers on the hood.

D smiled to himself.

King Keavney's car...

This wasn't gonna be fun for Smee,



The car broke through the wall and sailed into the once occupied streets at 170 miles an hour...
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The whispers, too loud, like thunder in my brain...Key...Smee...who are they? What are they?
I had returned to the island, the invisible shards of the forcefield around me. Looking over at the water, I recoiled at the reflection again. But out of the corned of my eye, there was a glimmer...
Diving under, I found a key. The voices got louder...Key...Key...Key...KEY!
I grabbed it. Suddenly the memories came flooding back. I understood now. This Key held all the power in the world, and Smee needed it to control the world. We were all trapped, the Key could release us...concentrating all my power I thought hard. The water around me dissapeared. My body shrank as the illusion melted away. I was just a 12 year-old girl now, but I could see the reality. A bleak wasteland, with cameras everywhere. Smee would pay for what he's done to all of the members. I have ways of making him feel pain...then, with the Key, I shall rebuild the own world, all mine! I shall rule! MWAHAHAHA, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Now, Key, where is he? How do we defeat him?
The City...City of IF...the Red Bull... Ok then, Key! City of IF it is, to steal the Red Bull!And the vodka...and...MY CAR!
Stuff here
Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i rubbed my beastly head, what an odd thought to have after such a night
god my head hurt so bad and why was everything so damn LOUD
why were these camera's focusing on me damn it
i picked up a rock and smashed seven camera's but fourteen more poped up
"So thats how it is is it?", Saxon asked to the camea's
his muscles bulged and an enegry inside him was let loose
whirling so fast sall that could be seen was a blur for 30 minutes straight and every camera in a 30 mile radius was now gathered on a smell depression in a large igneos rock
Saxon picked 8up a large rock and smached it quickly and very hard into the pile of camera's so fast they were reduced to molten steel.
Saxon droped the reavy rock onto the steel slag and took a 15 minute break.
he once again lifted the rock to reveal a sword of great power
perplexed at this odd occurence he checked the bottom of the rock he had used to smash thje camera's and sure enough there was a perfect sword mould craved into it.
"Odd yet effective", Saxon said and ran aimlesly in a large semicircle
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still frozen in place, I reflect. Certain things come back. I was the King of a world once. It was a world of amusement and illusion, designed to entertain its visitors. Enhanced by computer-guided mental imagery, they could experience things they would never experience in reality.

But something had gone terribly wrong. There was an accident and the control system was damaged. Or had someone taken it over? That part was fuzzy. But I had a backup plan, a contingency for everything. I'd put the core control codes, the prime levers for both reality and illusion, into an object, a key. I'd even endowed it with some limited artificial intelligence and some of my own personality, so that it could choose what to divulge and to whom, and so that it could find its way back to me.

Now I just have to find that key. Where is it? The key...key...key...KEY! I repeat to myself, shouting in frustration.

Suddenly something touches me! I'm still frozen in place, but I'm being lifted, carried somewhere. I hear a girl's voice babbling about ruling the world. I try to shout for help but no sound comes out.

Then the same voice is right in my ear, asking me how to defeat someone named "Smee".

Smee - something comes to me about Smee, from where I don't know: the head of a red bull. I don't remember who Smee is, but somehow the image fits.

Again I am lifted and carried, to an unknown place. If only I could get restored and back to my palace in the City of IF. If I had my car, I'm sure I could find the key. I'd built a lot of special tricks into that car, although it would be risky to drive unless I could remember how to deactivate all the booby traps.

My head hurts. I could really use a vodka right now.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

smehow i felt myself running along the dust planes, suddenly a car came at me very fast and shot righ past me, turned and drove up next to me.
the window wound down and D's exited face poped out "need a lift?", he asked and i jumped into the pasenger side
"grumph grr romph gufpgh" i replied
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fauna's butt hurts. And her head. Slowly the memory comes back to her, and again she is left with wonderment at how she came to be here with all these strange people.

In the distant recesses of her mind she can still touch Phang and the hint of mint chocolate. There are the split images of Smee, one all powerful and one giggling like a school girl (the former image now smelling oddly of Red Bull and Vodka.) There is D-Lotus, somehow in a mighty machine, staring into the face of Saxon. (she snickers as they both begin to fight some invisible demon released by the machine- oddly choking on feathers in their struggle.)

That's about as far as her senses go. Except she feels she's missing some important detail. Some key to existence that the others seem to crave. Oh, bother, she thinks as she dusts herself off and strikes out for her house.

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

suddenly imbetween the two fighting robots a large sperm whale and a bowl of petunia;s fell
the bowl of petunias thought oh no not again
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mwahaha, the city! Clutching the Key, I strode towards it.
On the way there I had found an ambandoned lump of chocolate, which had given me wings, claws and teeth again. Following the whispers, I had eventually reached the city.
As I entered, something scorched my hand! I dropped the Key, but it was too late. The shape of a key was burnt onto my hand. Looking up, I saw a car speed past me with D-Lotus and Saxon in it. I opened my mouth to speak, but what came out was not what I expected. "My car!" Confused, I found myself swooping into the air after the car. Something was taking hold of my brain until I was sure it was my car. The Evil was still there, but linked up with whatever was inside the Key. Meaning, D was going to get severely creamed.

I landed on the back of the car. D and Saxon looked round. "This is my car." I snarled. It didn't look like my car. In fact, I didn't have a car. This was confusing. As I struggled to fight this thing in my mind, I ignored what was happening outside my brain, and suddenly my body leapt at the two, claws and teeth bared! But I needed to concentrate on getting this other personality out-this was going to need all my cool mind-powers.

Stuff here
Da Huuuuub
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