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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:53 pm    Post subject: Interview: Second interview of Lt. Vladimir Stokov . 09/28/2 Reply with quote

INTERVIEW 4 : Second interview of Lt. Vladimir Stokov . 09/28/2104, 2241 hours

Stokov: You can begin now.

John: Thank you for the invitation. So let’s start with the trivial stuff, like what did you do to the ship?

Stokov: The internal camera networking hub is destroyed, it will take at least a two weeks to restore it, but I am the only one on board who knows how. When the damage occurred, it forced the system into Emergency Mode, which means it will continue to function but only at minimum safe levels and it can not be operated remotely. The ship is safe, but it may be a little less comfortable.

John: Perfect. Now tell me why you took me hostage?

Stokov: What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t leave Darla, even if I thought she was a murderer.
John: So you’re saying you aren’t the murder. So where were you between yesterday at noon and today at noon?

Stokov: I worked on several different work orders through the afternoon until about 2100 hours. I had a flooded room from a broken pipe and robots to fix. After that, I went to my room and slept until 0600 hours. I went to eat breakfast at the mess hall, but I didn’t even get a piece of toast before they had me working on their garbage disposal, removing a gold necklace and decade of gunk buildup. I had to take the entire thing apart, clean it out, and put it back together. I was just starting lunch when I heard someone was murdered. I did not know it was Victor.

John: What did you do then?

Stokov: I finished lunch.

John: What about when you found out it was Victor?

Stokov: I was concerned.

John: You mean you were delighted?

Stokov: I thought Darla must have killed him. They hated each other but they refused to separate. I just thought maybe Darla was… carried away.

Darla: How could you?

John: Stay out of this Darla. You’ll get your turn soon. In fact, go wait in the other room…. Ok Stokov, give me the real story.

Stokov: There’s nothing else to it. She loved me, not that man, but she would never be with me while Victor was still alive. I thought there might be a chance for us, but I couldn’t stop thinking that she was a murderer. I didn’t know what I was going to do… I didn’t know if I wanted her enough to become involved.

John: So what are you doing in her quarters now?

Stokov: I wanted to protect her.

John: Now you don’t think she did it, is that right?

Stokov: I believe her. She did not kill her husband.

John: Any idea who did?

Stokov: No… no, I can not think of anyone who would want him dead.

John: You’re sure?

Stokov: Yes.

John: You know I still don’t believe you, right?

Stokov: I think you do, but it does not matter what I think.

John: Tell me more about Darla. How long have you been seeing each other?

Stokov: It’s been years. A little time here and there, usually after a big fight when they don’t want to see each other.

John: What was Darla doing last night?

Stokov: I don’t know, I wasn’t in contact with her.

John: Ok, tell me about Camoubot 9.

Stokov: Camoubot 9? What about it?

John: What do you know about Camoubot 9?

Stokov: It’s a camoubot in the Garden. It protects the hull of the ship and maintains the Garden. It’s camouflaged so it won’t disturb passengers…. It’s armed with its own EA… it’s capable of complex espionage missions…. Why is that -- Did this robot shoot Victor Clemens?

John: Do you know how to send these robots on “complex espionage missions”?

Stokov: I… yes I do.

John: Could these missions be delivered secretly at any time?

Stokov: Anyone with special clearance could do this, but I don’t know how they could without them sending automatic reports. Maybe if the robot’s transceiver was disabled, and the orders were delivered in person. There has been a missing camoubot for a while… is it possible that this camoubot has had this happen?

John: We’re looking into it, but we think it’s 9 not 13.

Stokov: Show me Camoubot 9, and I will tell you if it’s been tampered with.

John: I don’t think they’ll let you in the Garden while you’re pointing a gun at me.

Stokov: I’m sorry John, I can not trust you yet. You’re my only suspect.

John: I’m your suspect?

Stokov: It must have been agitating, having to always break up their fights.

John: No it was good exercise. They gave me something to do besides looking for a lost hat. Seriously, is that all you got on me?

Stokov: I’m not surrendering myself to you.

John: You should.

Stokov: Not yet.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:54 pm    Post subject: REPORT 7: Sgt. Slaughter Status Update Reply with quote

REPORT 7: Sgt. Slaughter Status Update
Communication from Sgt. James Slaughter to Lt. John Dunaway 09/28/2104, 2248 hours
The four passengers have been arrested without resistance, but the alien creature is dead. The security robot Red-45-1235S will need repair but it is not very badly damaged. Despite the camera disruption, the event has been recorded and has been collected as evidence. I’ve left the task of securing the prisoners and preserving the creature to others so I could investigate Camoubot 9, but honestly, I don’t know what I’m looking for. The robot was located at about (-400,12), near Vesper Lake, facing the port bow. I took pictures, then took its EA as evidence. The camoubot appears to be in perfect condition….

Is there anything else you want me to do, or should I start interrogating the prisoners? The doctor should already be working on the autopsy, which should take about an hour and he’ll report directly to you. Let me know.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:38 pm    Post subject: Alien creature Reply with quote

Alien creature
The alien creature arrived on the ship on 9/26/2104. It hit the ship like a meteor and left an impact crater. It immediately proceeded to eat various things in the Garden. It is green and somewhat froglike, about 6 feet tall at full extension but preferring to be generally more squatted. It is amphibious and it has large eyes and sharp hooked teeth. Its color can vary according to what it eats. It prefers water and shade.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:38 pm    Post subject: Automated reports Reply with quote

Automated reports
Automated reports are created automatically whenever a robot receives orders and whenever they are instructed to deliver any sort of report. Automated reports can not be disabled, but they can be made classified by special clearance officers. They are sent wirelessly to the system database and will follow one of the following formats:

<Robot Type> Automated Report, <Date>, <Time> hours
AI: <AI Status>
(Optional)Aggro: <Level of Aggression>
Detail: <Detail Serial Number>
Unit: <Unit Serial Number>

Mission: <Mission Details>
(Optional) Special Instructions: <Special Instructions Details>
Status: <Status Details>
(Optional)<Report>: <Report Details>
(Optional)<Request>: <Request Response Details>
(Optional)<Action>: <Report Details>

(Optional, not automated)CLASSIFIED SECTION:
(Optional, not automated)<Classified Details>
<Robot Type> Automated Report, <Date>, <Time> hours
AI: <AI Status>
Detail: <Detail Serial Number>
Unit: <Unit Serial Number>

Event: <Event Details>
Action: <Action Details>
Status: <Status Details>

(Optional, not automated)CLASSIFIED SECTION:
<Classified Details>

Last edited by Lebrenth on Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Emergency Mode
When the status of ship’s system becomes unstable, it enters Emergency Mode to prevent further damage to the ship and its passengers while conserving as much power as possible. All critical systems will run autonomously at minimal levels. These systems include air supply, ventilation, climate control, water supply, lighting, and electric power supply. It is important to note that artificial gravity will not be affected by Emergency Mode.

Emergency Mode is not likely to be the optimal configuration for ship’s systems. Areas that may have been shut down will be reactivated, which may cause a net increase use of power. Also many systems can malfunction without external regulation. Power surges and blackouts can occur, water pipes might explode, and improper air mixtures can lead to light-headedness, impairment of judgment, unconsciousness, suffocation, or explosions.

It is recommended to repair critical systems as soon as possible to disable Emergency Mode. If unable to make a quick repair, make a quick and complete review of the entire ship and make manual adjustments as needed.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:39 pm    Post subject: Interview: Darla Clemens. 09/28/2104, 2251 hours Reply with quote

Interview: Darla Clemens. 09/28/2104, 2251 hours

John: I’m in the mood for a little formality, so how about we start with your name and relation to Victor Clemens?

Darla: Darla Clemens. I was Victor Clemens’ wife.

John: Are you saying you’re not his wife anymore?

Darla: He’s dead, John.

John: How did you find out about this?

Darla: Not from you. You should be ashamed. No matter what you think of me or our marriage, I should have been the first person you called.

John: … Darla, you know I don’t say this very often, but you’re right. I am sorry I didn’t call you first, even if you are a suspect. But how did you find out and when?

Darla: Mindy called me around 13.

John: Mindy Sommers?

Darla: Yes. She’s a friend. We do crafts together sometimes. She was-- She was….

John: She was what? Calm down, and take your time.

Darla: She was… worried… about me. She didn’t even know that I didn’t know.

John: What did you do next?

Darla: Nothing. I’ve been here, waiting for anyone to come see me. I’ve been in here all alone. Then you and Vladimir came in and this happens.

Darla lifts the gun, signifying what ‘this’ means.

John: … You don’t have to be part of this. If you give me the gun, I’m sure we can keep Stokov calm.

Darla: Will you arrest him?

John: … Probably. Those are my orders.

Darla: I can’t help you do that. He’s all I have left.

John: Darla, I know it’s been hard. I’ve seen you suffer for years. I want to help you, but you need to help me first. Is there anything you want to tell me?

Darla: I didn’t kill Victor!

John: I didn’t say you did. There must have been some reason why the two of you stayed together so long. What was it?

Darla: I don’t know…. I guess I just didn’t want to be alone.

John: Were you alone last night?

Darla: Yes. We had a fight. I hit him the same way I hit Vladimir a few minutes ago. He left and didn’t say where he was going or when he would be back. He would leave for days at a time, sometimes.

John: Vladimir Stokov wasn’t with you at all?

Darla: No. I don’t call him at night. He usually doesn’t want to see me at night unless I’ve been with him all day. He’s usually too tired from working.

John: What time did you have your fight with Victor?

Darla: I don’t remember. It was late.

John: Give it a guess.

Darla: I don’t want to. It was late.

John: … Like 2000 hours?

Darla: For god’s sakes, maybe midnight, I don’t know. He disappeared and I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I just wanted to die.

John: Take it easy, we’re trying to put this all together. We all just want the truth. So just take a breath… and we’ll see if we can find any more clues. Ok?

Darla: Ok.

John: Do you have any reason to believe anyone would want to harm your husband?

Darla: No. Well, except Vladimir of course.

John: But of course he didn’t do it, right? Did he ever say he wanted to kill Victor, or did he ever make any kinds of plans, even if they just sounded hypothetical?

Darla: I didn’t like talking about Victor at all when I was with Vladimir, and he felt the same way.

John: So who else might want to kill him?

Darla: I don’t see how anyone would care one way or the other whether he lived or died… or fought with his wife. This is all so stupid.

John: I don’t suppose you would know anything about his profile being erased?

Darla: His what?

John: His profile on the system database has been erased. I had to add a new one. Do you know anything about that?

Darla: No…. Why did they erase him? Just because he’s dead?!

John: No, that’s not how it’s done. We keep profiles on file indefinitely. Something happened that was out of the ordinary.

Darla: Well I don’t know anything about any of that. That’s more of a thing that Victor or Vladimir would be into.

John: Why would Victor be into that?

Darla: You know him with his soldering irons and microchips and stuff.

John: … That’s right, I forgot he worked with electronics.... Was he working on anything lately?

Darla: How should I know? He’s always in his workshop, and he keeps the door locked. I haven’t seen the inside of that room since we moved here.

John: That should be all of the questions for now. Unless there’s anything else you want to add?

Darla: No. The sooner I forget about all of this, the better.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:40 pm    Post subject: REPORT 8: Interrogation of Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Reply with quote

REPORT 8: Interrogation of Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm
Conducted by Sgt. James Slaughter 09/28/2104, 2338 hours

James: Abe Marlin, come with me.

James takes Abe from the holding cell and into a separate room with a table and two chairs. James stands while Abe sits. James says nothing, he just glares at Abe.

Abe: We were only protecting ourselves… that thing killed Gary! … You know, Gary Orville the Third? The journalist? … Don’t you understand? He’s dead because of that thing! We saved the whole ship! … That robot was trying to get in the way. He can be fixed… it’s no big deal. Heck, Philip could do it with his eyes closed…. What do you want from me?! I have no regrets! I’d do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I would do it better, plus I would keep its head for a trophy. Did you see those fangs? Beautiful. Definitely a carnivore. It was definitely him or me….

James: It was running away.

Abe: It killed Gary! It killed Gary!

James: Where’s the body?

Abe: We didn’t find it. I think the thing ate him whole. He’s nothing but scat now.

James grabs Abe’s arm and lifts him to his feet, taking him away to a separate holding cell.

Abe: Where are you taking me? I swear, that’s the whole story! Please, I didn’t do anything wrong!

James retrieves another prisoner, Adolf Polski. James says nothing, and waits, but Adolf simply stares back at him.

James: Why did you kill it?

Adolf shrugs.

James: Answer me! I already got the story from your friend Abe, and you’re all in a lot of trouble. If you want any mercy, you’ll back up his story and show you are willing to cooperate. … You think this is a game?! … You know what? Forget it. I was going to give you a chance, but you’re not worth it. I’m putting you in solitary confinement to let you think about what you decided.

Adolf guards himself protectively when James pulls him out of the cell, but still says nothing. James pulls in Philip Costa.

James: You know I don’t really need to talk to you. Your friends told me everything I want to know. I don’t suppose you have anything to add?

Philip: Podes pegar em mim, pesar-me na balança, do sim e não, medir-me às polegadas a bondade.

James: What?

Philip: Ainda eu guardo o coração em sítio seco e fresco, e longe de palavras.

James: Hold on, I know you speak English. You do, right?

Philip: E agrada-me estar só, na mais pequena cela de uma prisão estéril entre os montes, toda a noite a cantar contra a janela donde se avistam outras grades iguais. Podes até dizer, mas não as dizes, as engraçadas frases em que voas por distantes colinas, espantadas de tão solene e nova madrugada.

James: Stop, I don’t understando.

Philip: E trazer-me água fresca, que me enrolo em mim como um novelo e nem sequer me movo quando o monstro inexplicável com as suas garras rasga o meu lençol.

James: ... Ok then.

James locks Philip in a separate cell, so each prisoner is now in his own cell. James talks to Theo Bramm through the bars.

James: So it was your idea, huh?

Theo: I’m sorry, what was?

James: Hunting the creature.

Theo: Not really. It was Gary’s idea.

James: What exactly was his idea?

Theo: He wanted to see what hit the ship. He didn’t think it was a normal meteor. For once he was right... and now he’s dead.

James: What happened to him?

Theo: I don’t really know. We lost him... disappeared without a sight. It wasn’t long after he was missing that we saw the thing in the trees. He must have been hunting us all night, trying to pick us out one by one. But you must have already known that. You had your invisible robots everywhere.

James: You saw camoubots?

Theo: No, we couldn’t see them, they were in invisible mode. But we could hear them.

James: What did they sound like?

Theo: Like I need to tell you?

James: Come on, just tell me.

Theo: Well, to the untrained ear, they sound like the wind, but we’ve all been training for situations such as these.

James: Did you see any shots?

Theo: No. I don’t know what you all were waiting for, unless you were using us for guinea pigs.

James: Why didn’t any of you call for help?

Theo: The thing would have known what we were doing. It would have killed us before morning, when we could see.

James: So you’re saying you were lost all night in the forest, hunting the creature.

Theo: Yes, but we finally found it in the morning. We chased that thing through the trees, up and down the hills, till finally that robot caught it. We’re sorry for breaking the robot, but at least we killed the creature. Who knows how many people it could have killed? Now we just have to figure out how many people have gone missing and make sure there aren’t any more!

James: Gary is still alive, you know.

Theo: Excuse me?

James: And no one is missing… at least as far as we know.

Theo: Where is Gary?

James: Gary didn’t kill anything or break any robots. Gary is free. The four of you will have a trial as soon as the Captain gets back.

Theo: I want a lawyer.

James: That’s hilarious. You know perfectly well the Endeavor has no lawyers.

Theo: I know my rights.

James: Tell it to the Captain.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:40 pm    Post subject: REPORT 9: Alien Creature Autopsy Reply with quote

REPORT 9: Alien Creature Autopsy

Communication sent by Lt. Jacques Arnot MD to Lt. John Dunaway
09/29/2104, 0001 hours

Due to the remarkable physiology of this being, a proper dissection will follow the autopsy. This is an amazing discovery of an entirely new species that has evolved from a completely different lineage, examining it may take years. Meanwhile, I am naming its species Stellus Saliens, and this subject will be referred to in my report as Lucy, though I can not readily determine if it has a specific gender, I may inadvertently refer to it as a she. This is Dr. Jacques Arnot, and it is the 28th day of August, 2104, and it is 15 minutes before midnight as I start this report.

Lucy has recently suffered numerous blunt trauma on its body. The precise number is difficult to determine, but at least thirteen times it has been hit but something like a thin bar. Close inspection of the wounds match the pattern of the bars recovered with the body suggesting a very strong match. The blows occurred mostly on the left arm, with two on the back and one on the head. There is also clamp marks on the left wrist, or perhaps it is an ankle, with two fractured bones beneath it. Lucy has 3 rows of sharp hooked teeth, with 7 of those teeth broken and 7 recently dislodged. There is also a sheathed electrical wire caught on two teeth, its length is about 8 centimeters and it appears to have been torn away. The organs are more difficult to identify, as their arrangement is very different from life forms of Earth, but many of the same organs can be found, such as the brain, more than one heart, and the lungs. There are also organs with purposes unknown to this doctor.

Though the trauma is severe, it would appear the cause of death is internal hemorrhaging caused by an exploded heart. Opening the chest, I immediately found approximately half a liter of blood that had issued from a heart that ruptured from internal pressure. Only after siphoning out the blood I found two hearts, one very strong, and another that had ruptured and appeared to be source of all of the hemorrhaging. It is a speculation, but it would appear that that fight or flight response within this being essentially caused it a heart attack in the weaker heart. It is possible that this is a birth defect that would have occurred without provocation, but without another subject to study, it would be impossible to be certain.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:41 pm    Post subject: REPORT 10: Camoubot 9 and 13 inspection by Stokov Reply with quote

REPORT A10: Camoubot 9 and 13 inspection by Stokov
Inspection conducted by Lt. Vladimir Stokov at 09/29/2104, 0049 hours

Camoubot 9 has had its outer shell opened and its EA has been removed. The inner shell has not been forced open or disturbed by unskilled hands or else all circuitry would have automatically self destructed. There is a registered download from the memory banks, conducted by Sgt. James Slaughter at 09/28/2104, 2248 hours. The memory is encrypted and to my knowledge, only Lt. Terrence Bluth and the Captain have the necessary decryption keys. The communications array is functioning properly and all diagnostics clear without any warnings. No one has altered this robot.

Camoubot 13 is far beyond repair, with considerable damage to the shell, armature, and circuitry. It has also automatically fried its circuits in response to the extensive damage. It appears to have been crushed by something large and cylindrical and at least 1000 kg in weight, perhaps a support beam of some kind. It has been carefully cleaned and disassembled with many parts with new labels as though it was being carefully studied. There is some repair work with new components which has restored function to the gun arm. If this was done by Victor Clemens, I would very much like to know how he came by the highly specialized components for a camoubot. He could not have made these or altered them from something else. Somehow he has found the original components, which I do not have access to myself.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:42 pm    Post subject: REPORT 11: Latest camoubot automated reports Reply with quote

REPORT A11: Latest camoubot automated reports
Report request by Lt. John Dunaway on 09/29/2104, 0019 hours

Camoubot Automated Report, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours

AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form near (-758,-56). Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost.

Report: Camoubot-14 Discovery, 09/27/2104, 0233 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-240,12). Camoubot-14 detected, ULF lost. ULF description:: Coloration to dark green. ULF activity:: discovered with remains of eaten deer, evades by launching into trees.

Action: Resume reconnaissance search pattern Xi. Requested Aggro Update:: NULL

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/24/2104, 0404 hours
Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 1617 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,-400)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Searching within new parameters.
Action: Acknowledge orders, 9/27/2104, 1617 hours. Resume reconnaissance search pattern Xi.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2055 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,-400)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm

Status: Camoubot 3 discovery of passengers Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm, located at (-600,-120).
Report: Passengers Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm appear to be searching. They are armed with primitive weapons. Request Aggro Update:: No change.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2100 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers

Status: Searching within new parameters.
Action: Acknowledge orders, 9/27/2104, 2101 hours. Resume reconnaissance search pattern Kappa.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/27/2104, 2340 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers, status update

Status: No change.
Action: Update status 9/27/2104, 2340 hours. Evaded passengers 13 times. No detection of Unidentified Life Form.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0121 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 0
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Locate unidentified life form within [(-1330,-511)(570,490)]. Reconnoiter and report.

Special Instructions: Deactivate Intruder Alarm, evade passengers

Status: Camoubot 9 discovery. Unidentified life form detected at (-431,-50). Passenger Victor Clemens detected at (-430,-13) .
Report: Discovery, 09/28/2104, 0121 hours. Unidentified life form detected at (-431,-50). ULF is observing passenger Victor Clemens. Victor Clemens has injured eye. Passenger in danger, Aggro automatically updated to 3. Request Aggro Update:: Change to 0, by order of Lt.Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 9/28/2104, 0123 hours.

Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0132 hours
AI: Active
Aggro: 10
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14


Report elevated classification by Lt.Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 9/28/2104, 0152 hours
Camoubot Automated Report, 9/28/2104, 0138 hours
AI: Inactive
Aggro: -1
Units: Camoubot-1, Camoubot-2, Camoubot-3, Camoubot-4, Camoubot-5, Camoubot-6, Camoubot-7, Camoubot-8, Camoubot-9, Camoubot-10, Camoubot-11, Camoubot-12, Camoubot-14

Mission: Shutdown.

Status: All units shutting down at 9/28/2104, 0138 hours.

Ordered by Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, 09/28/2104, 0138 hours
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:43 pm    Post subject: REPORT A12: System Alerts, 9/29 Reply with quote

REPORT A12: System Alerts, 9/29

Subject: Emergency Mode
Commander Jacob Hawkins to all crew and passengers,

Be advised that the ship’s system is currently in Emergency Mode, which has drastically altered the function of the ships life support systems. This is a result of damage to a critical system, and it can not be deactivated until repairs are made. All non-critical crew and passengers should report to the recreational hall for reorganization. This is absolutely necessary to ensure the safety of everyone aboard the ship.

Subject: Wanted for questioning: Vladimir Stokov

Lt. Vladimir Stokov is wanted for questioning by security in connection with deliberate damage done to a critical system component. Contact security if you have any information about his current whereabouts.

Subject: Power Failure

Due to a large scale reactivation of closed areas of the ship, we are experiencing severe power loss. To reduce the drain on our power, do not use ANY electricity that isn’t absolutely necessary. We are working to fix this problem as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

Subject: Rogue Robot

Senior Officers,
A security robot has been spotted near E-12 that is not responding to commands. It was discovered manually re-routing power, and it is believed that it continues to do so now. We do not know who has been giving orders to this robot or if it is functioning on its own AI, but if you notice erratic behavior in any robot report it immediately.

This rogue robot is armed and should be considered extremely dangerous. It’s current location is unknown, it has evaded all attempts at capture and it has fired upon and destroyed several other security robots.

Last edited by Lebrenth on Tue May 03, 2011 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:44 pm    Post subject: INTERVIEW 6: Second Interview of Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth. Reply with quote

INTERVIEW 6: Second Interview of Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth. 09/29/2104, 0101 hours.

John: I’m ready for your story. This may be your last chance to tell the truth, so make it good.

Bluth: Is he going to kill me?

John: You don’t worry about him now. You worry about me. It’s time to let go of your secrets. We know you were involved, so why don’t you walk me through how it happened? I’m sure you had your reasons to keep quiet, but those reasons don’t make any difference now, you understand?

Bluth: <Heavy sigh> Yes I understand. I saw Victor Clemens die.

John: I’m all ears.

Bluth: It was Camoubot 9 who shot him. I sent the camoubots on a mission to observe the alien creature that landed on the ship several days ago. It was a secret mission… I was afraid that if I told anyone about the alien, they would overreact and it would end up dead. The last few days I watched it grow, and there were no problems. I watched all of their activity carefully. I was watching when it happened.

Bluth (continued): Victor Clemens was walking at night in the Garden. He was alone and far away from everyone else, walking along the bank of Vesper Lake. Camoubot 9 saw him and reported seeing him. It recognized him. The alien creature was also nearby. The camoubot believed Victor Clemens was in danger, so it automatically updated its own Aggro. I set it back down to zero, I would not take any risks.

John: Risks to Victor or to the Alien Creature?

Bluth: Both. I did not think the Alien Creature would attack Victor.

John: So what happened?

Bluth: I don’t know… for just a second, the robot was out of control. In an instant, Clemens was dead. I immediately ordered it to shutdown, but it was too late. It shot Victor in the head.

John: Why is the automated report classified for “Captain’s Eyes Only”?

Bluth: I panicked. I didn’t know what to do, and I knew the Captain would be gone for another week at least. I just wanted more time to figure out what happened.

John: In the meantime, you have no proof, so we’re supposed to take your word for it?

Bluth: You have no choice.

John: Is there anything else you need to say?

Bluth: I don’t know what happened, but it wasn’t me. I don’t know if it was following someone else’s orders or if it just FLIPPED OUT!

John: So that’s it?! The gun just went off on its own and it’s just a coincidence that you were the one in charge of it? Even if your story is true you’re looking at manslaughter at least. Then you let an intruder go undetected on the ship, ignoring all the rules and putting the lives of everyone in the Garden in danger. You’ve done everything you could to hinder this investigation, but you’re going to make it up to me, from the other side of a set of bars. Stand up, Bluth. You’re under arrest.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:45 am    Post subject: REPORT A13: Camoubot 13 EA Spread Pattern Reply with quote

REPORT A13: Camoubot 13 EA Spread Pattern

Spread Pattern for camoubot 13 EA

Please visit my Library of completed works.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:47 am    Post subject: INTERVIEW 7: Milo Jones Reply with quote

Milo Jones. 09/29/2104, 0137 hours.

John: Are you were aware of the condition of the ship.

Milo Jones: The ship is in Emergency Mode at Full Alert. Lt. Stokov has sabotaged the ship’s internal sensors and it has caused the ship to enter Emergency Mode automatically. Ironically, going into Emergency Mode has created an emergency. The system has activated areas that were shut down. Overall, the entire ship requires more power than before. There are many power failures and it is difficult to determine just how much damage is occurring because the ship’s internal sensors have been sabotaged by Lt. Stokov.

John: How do we get the ship out of Emergency Mode?

Milo Jones: The internal sensors must be repaired. Emergency Mode can be overridden, but without internal sensors, there will still be system failure.

John: What should we do?

Milo Jones: Trained personnel will need to manually configure all systems individually while internal sensors are repaired. Power should be diverted from non-critical areas immediately to prevent malfunction. Lt. Stokov has already created a protocol for this situation and has uploaded it to the system database. It should be executed immediately.

<John relays information to Cdr. Jacob Hawkins>

John: What about accessing the captain’s files?

Milo Jones: The system is designed to prevent any but the captain to access those files. You won’t get in without a captain’s permission. You may want to look at the guidelines for promoting a new captain if you are in such a hurry.

John: That was very helpful Mr. Jones.

Milo Jones: I hate what you people have done to my ship.

John: I’ve never heard you say that word, Milo. I didn’t think you hated anything.

Milo Jones: You are unworthy of Endeavor. You waste her.
John: That’s not true. The captain is away right now, searching for inhabitable planets. Within the last few days we found an extra terrestrial. Isn’t that progress?

Milo Jones: There are a few exceptions, but there are more deceits.

John: Speaking of deceit, what do you know about Victor Clemens?

Milo Jones: Victor is dead.

John: Are you sure he’s not in cryostasis?

Milo Jones: Victor is dead. Dr. Jacques Arnot performed the autopsy.

John: I did a little examination myself, he’s very dead. Do you know how he got that way?

Milo Jones: Dr. Jacques Arnot determined the cause of death was electron rupture through cranium resulting in instantaneous death.

John: How do you know this?

Milo Jones: I have access to the system database.

John: What’s your clearance?

Milo Jones: Public access. I have public access only.

John: It’s strange that your clearance level isn’t listed.

Milo Jones: Clearance is not necessary for public access.

John: Would you know how to remove a passenger’s file from the system database.

Milo Jones: Yes. Physically destroying the memory where the profile is stored on the database and also destroying the backup memory.

John: Any other way?

Milo Jones: The system was designed to prevent profiles from being removed as a security measure.

John: Why?

Milo Jones: While the Endeavor was under construction, a recently promoted crewmember was accidentally killed when trying to access a secure area. While his profile was being updated, it was removed from the system database. Security robots did not recognize him because his profile was missing and he was mistaken for an intruder. Preventing profiles from being removed became a safety feature.

John: This is how Victor was killed.

Milo Jones: The cause of death was electron rupture through cranium resulting in instantaneous death.

John: You’re starting to sound like a computer Mr. Jones. I need more help than this. Who could have removed Victor’s profile from the system database?

Milo Jones: Any Special Clearance Officer could access the memory banks of the system database. They could damage the physical memory.

John: All right, where are the memory banks?

Milo Jones: They can be located in the system database, but it will be very difficult to examine all of the memory banks.

John: Not as difficult as going back and forth across this ship trying to keep people in line. I only have one more thing I need to ask you, Mr. Jones. What were you plotting with Victor before he died?

Milo Jones: We were not plotting anything.

John: You were dreaming again, Mr. Jones, and talking to Victor. It sounded like you had a bit of a rapport with him. Did he come here asking you questions?

Milo Jones: No… Yes. Yes, I remember now. He asked about the camoubot that went missing on 10/1/2103.

John: Camoubot 13? You have good memory for numbers.

Milo Jones: It’s in the system database.

John: What did he want to know?

Milo Jones: Victor wanted to fix the camoubot.

John: For what?

Milo Jones: As a hobby. It was too damaged to be fully restored, but I helped him fix some of the parts.

John: Did he tell you how he got it?

Milo Jones: He said he found it. It was registered with the security in the Garden, so he was able to smuggle it out without any trouble.

John: You should have reported him. Why didn’t you?

Milo Jones: I wanted to help him fix the robot. I was bored.

John: What are you hiding from me, Mr. Jones?

Milo Jones: I would not want to burden you with the sum of my knowledge, Lt. Dunaway.

John: Sounds like you don’t want to answer anymore questions.

Milo Jones: As you know, I am not required to answer any questions at all while in cryostasis. Do not ask anymore questions that attempt to incriminate me or I will revoke your authority to question me. You know you must respect my wishes in this matter.

John: Don’t worry, I’m done for now. But don’t surprised if you see me again soon. Just because you’re a popsicle doesn’t mean you’re above the law.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:07 am    Post subject: Memory Bank Repository Reply with quote

Memory Banks Repository
The Memory Banks Repository holds the majority of the system database data. It is restricted area, only special clearance officers and specially authorized technicians may enter. Unauthorized persons found in the repository will be treated as intruders and risk termination.

The memory banks are sensitive to electric discharge and to a lesser extent pollutants such as oils or small particles, so the repository maintains clean room standards. All technicians accessing the repository should wear a clean suit and should avoid directly touching memory banks. In the event of a fire, exit the repository as quickly as possible. A special chemical mist will deploy to protect the repository during a fire, and these chemicals are extremely hazardous.

Detailed entry logs and diagnostics data can be accessed locally. For routine maintenance, it is recommended that robots are utilized. Robot activity will also be logged.

LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:08 am    Post subject: LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository Reply with quote

LOG 3: Memory Banks Repository
Memory Banks Repository Log Activity for last activity, and 9/27 through 9/29

0933: Log In – Lt. Vladimir Stokov
1044: Log Out – Lt. Vladimir Stokov

No Activity

No Activity

No Activity

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory

0001: All systems working properly, no damage to memory
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