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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Grimm brothers eh? Perhaps lure them in with some snare and ambush them!
Neil Hartley Books.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, found that was a really good read Rai- it was definately enjoyable. Have no real idea which of the options to pick though.

Having them come back from the future would be interesting but given Thracia's idea for a plot based around it I would probably become completely confused as to who was going where, when, why and what for. Same reason for not voting for a parallel Universe - it could quite easily become very confusing.

I really should know what alter ego means but am too tired to rack my brains for an answer so I'll pass over that.

Leaving the Brothers Grimm or the mushrooms...not sure an encounter with the Grimm brothers this early is a good plan. Anyway the mushroom theory sounds novel so I think I'll pick that Smile .

Last edited by JezSharp on Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dang! didn't realise it was two pages and Chapter 3 had already been written Embarrassed

Ok a plan...well there's certainly a lot of scope for imagination here then. Can't think of one atm - I'll have to think it over.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't worry about missing the vote Jez. I'm just glad to picked M.A.D. as a read. I'm taking it slow, not entirely my plan, and it seems to be paying off by giving me more time to plot.

That and not having a set storyline in mind is making it much more flexible...

Still damn glad to see you, keep thinking.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great chapter Kal. Really funny Very Happy

Hmm. We need to catch the Grimm Brothers. Well, I'm thinking something they couldn't resist. THey're driven by fairy-tales, I presume.

So, what we need is a lonely looking girl with a red-cloak on, out to visit her grandmother, or a seventh son of a seventh son, starting out on his quest-of-ages. Then, we need to find a subtle way to let the Grimm Brothers find out about it.

Moth to a flame. They won't be able to resist trying to mess with the destinies of heroes/heroines like that. Then, when the Grimm Brothers are occupied with your ready-made victims, you can hit them so hard and fast they'll never know what went wrong.

Of course it won't work... but that's part of the fun Very Happy
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're vile nastyness wrapped in white fur Stoaty. That's why we love you I suppose.

Keep the ideas coming boys, girls, and monsters of all ages. The more ideas I can work into a chapter, the more belly laughs you all will get.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay all you followers of the fey, vote for the G-A-P ASAP.

Please, *gets ready to beg then thinks better of it*

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I only recived two votes this here's the next chappy you two...Enjoy.

Chapter Four: Fairy Tale Fowl Up

They sat there for a few moments, staring at each other in abject misery. Rillis had been sorely abused over the past few days, he didn't feel up to thinking of much...other than how fine Ree was looking lately. Ree had always been more of an 'actions speak louder than words' type of fey. Her idea of a good plan was 'you go left, I'll go right, we'll see who can smash more kneecaps' type of thing.

Rillis sighed, reached for his water bottle, sloshing the clear liquid back and forth a few times, and everything disintigrated from there. Ree tried sqeezing one of her vast collection of 'stress relievers' while Rillis applied all of his vast brain to taking a Rubix cube apart with a screwdriver then reassebling it with excessive amounts of Super Glue.

A tentative knock on their door scattered their already scrambled wits and the agent that opened the door was treated to the sight of Rillis with cute little multi-colored cubes glued to various spots on his body and Ree's soaking wet torso from where her water-filled stress squishy had burst open. "Um, am I desturbing you?" The question was absently put as the agents entire attention seemed to be fixed on Ree's ample chest.

Rillis, sensing the impending danger to the agents fey-hood, quietly restrained Ree. Actually he slipped in the pool of water and tripped her up managing to croak a weak 'Yes.' from his face down position on the floor. The agent quickly shut the door, passing on his information from behind the flimsy barrier of thin glass and cheap press board, no fey would ever cut wood to make planks, it was unthinkable.

"Um, the boss wants to see you pronto. He wants to know all about the Grimm case G.Y.A.H.N." The sound of running feet could be heard as soon as the last word was out of his mouth. That agent had probably never been happier to get back to his teensie-weensie cubicle, and probably never would be. Nobody said GYAHN, or Get Your Ass In Here Now, to Rillis and least not and kept all their soft parts attached.

Ree ground her pretty white teeth and clenched her fists. Rillis silently counted off in his mind waiting for the...Snap. Unclenching her left hand Ree stared at the ruined manicure, several of her long purple nails having snapped in half. With a disgusted shake of her head she pulled a small silver box off the shelf. It looked like a glorified pencil sharpener. Slowly she inserted each of the broken nails into the slot and, with a slight whirring noise, pulled out freshly polished re-manicured nails.

"Oh that's right. Take care of your nails before you pick your partner up off the floor. Typical Tinkerbell syndrom." Ree blew a nonexistant speck of dust off her now perfect nails and rubbed them on her sleeve. Pulling out her wand she waved it over herself and...presto...instant dry cleaning.

"Well I figured since you put yourself there you could pick yourself up." She pointed her wand at him negligently. "Although I supposed I could give you a lift." Rillis was on his feet like a shot.

"I'm up! I'm up! No need to get drastic Pixy!" Ree smiled a cute little feline smile, the one that mad Rillis go all gooey inside. "I'm fine, really. See." He straightened his suit jacket and brushed his tie clean.

"Good because I need you at top bullshitting capacity." She sauntered over to the door, stiletto's, the actual knives not just a type of heel, clicking determinedly. "I've got a plan by the way." Rillis just stared at her, sometimes Ree could be so...he let the thought go.

"What is it? I'm dying to hear it." Her smile widened.

"You'll be sorry." She swung out the door, leaving it open for him to follow. For a moment Rillis just stood there, shaking his head. Then with a shrug and mental what the hey, he walked out after her. After all, when wasn't he slightly sorry he'd followed Ree somewhere.

Ninnyhammer leaned over his desk, fuzzy eyebrows raised so high they could have been pulled back over his 'improved' horns. "You're going to what?" Rillis, who was staring at Ree with pretty much the same expression, cleared his throat. No wonder she said she needed him to have brought his A-game bullshitting skills. But at the moment she was doing the talking.

"That's right sir. The Grimm's are motivated by 'Fairy Tales'." She made little quote signs with her fingers. "Fairy Tales are generally spawned by an over-lapping of the mortal and immortal realms when a mortal, or two, or thrust into magical circumstances or comes in contact with magical items, creatures, or settings. Since Utopia and Earth are no where near each other at the moment I'm suggesting that Rillis and I use a mortality spell."

Ninnyhammer picked a large glob of ear wax from a tuft of dirty fur and flicked it into the corner of his office designated for such things. "I don't think I heard you right. You two are going to make yourselves...mortals?" Ree nodded.

"That's right. Once we're mortal it's a simple matter of attracting the Grimm's attention and believe me, it won't take much to get Jacob and Wilhelm's attention. A little blundering in a red cape, a fizzle or spark from a second hand wand, and maybe a Singing sword or some such nonsense...they'll eat it up."

For a moment the troll looked at them, not quite believing that his top agents could be proposing something so stupid. "So you're going to be using yourselves as live bait? Putting yourself at risk of..." He swollowed hard and in the end had to whisper the word. "Dying?" Rillis furrowed his blue-bell brows.

"Isn't that exactly what we've been doing all these years? I seem to recall a certain number of plaques dedicated to fey that fell in battle, in the line of duty? We've been risking our necks for centuries and you're just now figuring this out? Ninnyhammer glowered and Ree put a hand on Rillis's arm.

"What he's trying to say is that this assingment carries no more danger than what we regularly undertook in the past. We'll be taking every precaution to ensure our safety and the humane recapture of the Grimm brothers." The troll reseated himself with a meaty thud and a dangerous crack from the chair. He eyed the agents with a sickening grin. That 'I know something you don't and I'm going to rub your inferior faces in it' grin.

"But, no offense, arn't you two out of practice? It's been...quite a while since your last high risk assignment...are you sure?" Ree's grip tightened painfully on Rillis's arm and he finally had had enough of being the timid, placating guy.

He stood up knocking his chair over backwards, and slammed his hands on the table. Leaning in so close he could smell the pudding Ninnyhammer had had for breakfast a weak ago and see that the hair around his eyes needed a good tweezing. He tersely spat the words in his boss's face. "You have two other agents of our caliber and experience you can pull out of that fat, beuracratic ass of yours?" At the troll's stunned silence he let a cold, antartic ice cold, smile steal over his face. "I didn't think so. Now why don't you shut up and let the real agents do what they have to do so that you can keep pushing paper around and ruining their lives."

He turned his back, offering Ree a gentlemanly hand, wings stiff in agitation. "I believe this concludes our meeting...unless you want the lovely pixy to demonstrate just what we will do once we enter into conflict with our prey...and I do mean prey." Ree turned a very preditory smile on the now quaking Ninnyhammer before allowing Rillis to escort her out the door.

Once it was safely shut behind them she extracted her arm and offered Rillis a palm which he gave a hard slap. "Nice smile...where have I seen it before." Rillis winked.

"Learned it from the best. Now...where are you going to preform that Mortality shift?" Ree shrugged, twirling a bit of rose pink hair on her nail before tucking it behind a pointy ear.

"I was thinking your place." Rillis couldn't have been happier. He beamed over at his partner who had pulled a large book marked Spells You Shouldn't Be Doing' from nowhere. A twinge of foreboding entered his mind.

"Ree, are you sure you can do this?" The pixy, nose still buried in book, skillfully navigated a corner, one purple nail tracing her spot on the page.

"Piece of cake."

Ree stared down at where her hands had been in mild shock. Rillis on the other hand was screaming his head off. "Piece of cake! Piece of cake you say! Tell me Ree was it chocolate or white cake! Maybe yellow!" Ree hissed at him, shaking a massive wing at him.

"Oh hush Rillis, things could be worse." She stared at the book in front of her, one talon holding down the pages so she could clearly see what went wrong. Rillis was still looking in the mirror, mourning the loss of his good looks.

"Oh yeah, it's all well and fine for you! You're a freaking Roc! But what am I? Huh? What am I Ree?" Ree swivled her massive head around to face him.

"You're a Halcyon according to the book. You should count yourself lucky, you could have been an ordinary chicken." Rillis snapped his beak at her, not a good idea since Ree was probably three times his size and still growing, but Ree understood he was just frustrated.

She wished he'd understand that anyone could have mistaken an Aethric Mortality rune for an Avian Morphling rune. Simple difference of a single stroke and it wasn't like she dealt with spells this complex every day. She absently chewed a primary feather, noting that the walls were beginning to press uncomfortably against her bulk.

Rillis's rage seemed to have subsided to mild depression. He raised a mopey, wet head and sighed at her. "Any chance you can fix this?" She stared at him.

"Without the use of opposable thumbs? Nope." Rillis groaned and flopped back down on the kitchen tile. Ree nudged her partner, trying to snap him out of it. "Hey, look on the bright side. We'll be fey again tomorrow. We're only birds at night after all." Rillis looked up at her.

"So you'll be able to fix this tomorrow?" Ree nodded, then shifted, eyeing the patio doors and the wide open space beyond. Rillis, noticing how little room she hand left gestured a still wet wing weakly. "Be my guest." With the loss of a few pink and tan feathers Ree managed to scoot out into his garden.

The pink pendant that contained her wand, armor, her everything, glinted agaist the moonlight. Since she was no longer a fey, at the moment she could no longer use her fey powers. Didn't mean they were gone, that's what the pendant ment, just ment that Roc's lacked the motor skills needed for them to function. She poked her beak back in to where Rillis was looking around for cushions.

"The best thing for us to do tonight would be to get some sleep, although I think you might want to join me out here...Halcyon's have notoriously huge wings. I don't want you hurting yourself while you toss and turn." Rillis, squeezing out with a little less trouble, stared at her.

"How'd you know I toss and turn?" Ree turned a sleepy eye on him.

"Gee I've only known you for how long? Get some sleep. I'll fix everything in the morning."

Rillis was awakened by a screech and the sounds of expensive items breaking. "Whazzamatter?" He rubbed his sleep bleary eyes, realized he was naked, picked up a couple of massive discarded feathers to cover himself and walked back in to where Ree was having a major fit. He cleared his throat, ducked a vase, and pronounced clearly. "What's the matter?"

Ree turned wild eyes on him. "Basterds! Bastards stole the book Rillis! They stole the book!" He blinked slowly for a moment or two.

"You need the book still? You can't just cancel the spell? Ya know, use Dispel or some of that Vanishing Creme?" Ree came very close to killing him in that moment he would later realize. She settled for picking him up by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

"No Rillis. To remove the spell I have to follow a very precise counter spell. A counter spell that is written in that book. There are only three copies existing. One is mine and Gods know where that is. The second is in the No Access wing of the Banned Books and Criminal Manuscripts section of the Agency's No Admittance Zone. The third was lost in New York City during the Revolutionary War. Now you tell me what the hell we're supposed to do?"

Rillis tried to open his mouth but Ree tightened her grip. "Oh and just in case I didn't pain a bleak enough picture this is our only day as fey for the next three months while our bodies adjust to being Avian Morphlings...or in street terms Were-Birds."

Rillis was at a loss for words...what the hell were they going to do?


Well they havn't got many options...which one can you make the nastyest?

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"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hehe. Well, this No Access wing of the Banned Books and Criminal Manuscripts section of the Agency's No Admittance Zone sounds interesting to me. Go there and steal it! Plus anything else interesting.

Very Happy
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right new the faeries...or not...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right...sneaking into your office was never this much fun...Enjoy.

Chapter Five: Traitor

He was stuck, well and truely stuck with a flashlight gripped for all it was worth between his teeth. Infront of him was the view he'd always wanted to see, namely right up Ree's skirt, but he got no pleasure from her 'If you can read this you need good insurance' underware.

"Rillis are you coming?" He tried to say something to the effect of 'help I'm stuck' but the words came out all mumbled around the flashlight. "Hang on...I think I'm in." With that there was a tearing sound as Ree's skirt came free on the stone but the pink pixy was indeed free. "Damn that was new. No help for it now." Rillis could have fainted. He'd missed it thanks to some dust in his eyes.

"Well it's nothing to cry over Rillis. I've already changed my outfit anyway." Reaching into the tunnel she grabbed him by the arm and hauled him out, regardless of the fact he was twisted into a rather uncomfortable position. Sure enough Ree had changed her clothes into a pair of standard black fatigues and a tight fitting black shirt with glow in the dark camo patterns and the words 'Ha Stealth Operations!' written on it.

Rillis just lay there for a moment, wanting to catch his breath and clear his vision but the thought of being a bird for the next four months got him up and moving again. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and went to that dangerous place inside him. When he opened his eyes again the playboy momma's boy Rillis was gone and Rambo Rillis had taken over.

He might seem like a cornball but there was a reason Rillis was one of the top two M.A.D.D.I.S.O.N.S. agents and it wasn't just because Ree was one hell of a hot amazon. He could kick just as much bad guy butt when he wanted to. Like now as his slim nightsuit replaced his tattered buisness one. Making a split up gesture to Ree he turned to head down the hallway only to have her tap him on the shoulder and make the cut sign.

Obviously she knew right where this book was and saw no reason to split up. Padding along behind her, wand at the ready, his eyes flicked everywhere, alert to every motion. Infront of him Ree seemed to be hyper alert, nothing would get past the two of them.

Ree navigated the hallways with the ease of a skilled professional. This might be the No Access wing of the Banned Books and Criminal Manuscripts section of the Agency's No Admittance Zone but she'd been through the entire No Admittance Zone more times than she could count. Sparring aganist some of the possessed items down here gave her a great workout.

She bypassed that hallway though, ignoring the friendly shouts from a demon possessed teddy bear and a scarf with a flesh fetish. She'd be back tomorrow, with any luck, for their weekly matches. Spinning on her heel she stalked down the Banned Books and Criminal Manuscripts section Rillis right on her heels.

Suddenly she stopped dead, holding out her arm to stop Rillis. Up a head a pair of shadowy figures were conversing with a figure in a dark cloak. "Well why did you drag us down here huh?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because it was the safest place I could think of. What are a bunch of old books going to do? Answer. Nothing." The agents looked at each other...they knew those voices. Sure enough the dark robed figure looked around furtively before dropping it's hood to reaveal...Ninnyhammer.

His shadowy companions moved forward into the light of the troll's torch confirming Rillis and Ree's worst fears...their boss was in league with the Brothers Grimm. Ree gave Rillis and I told you so look followed by the pay up sign. That sprite owed her five gold and she wasn't about to forgive that debt. Putting a finger to her lips she waved her hand a bit, a small crystal ball appearing in it.

With a tap of her finger she turned it on, recording their boss's treason for the whole world to see. "Gentlemen you do realize those senile old fools at the Academy have put Rillis and Ree back on active detail? And you realize that they've been put on the top priority case...Which you also realize is you?"

The bigger Grimm, Jacob, crossed his arms sneering. "Well arn't you their boss...can't you move them to a different case?" Ninnyhammer rubbed his horns.

"I could...and instantly find my ass being roasted over an open fire. If I do that all of Utopia will be up in arms. Face it, you two are top security risks, terror threats, you scare the shit out of most normal fey. The only thing keeping panic off the streets is the face that 'Rillis' and 'Ree' are after you...and that they have a perfect track record when it comes to dangerous criminals.

Rillis and Ree gave each other a slight nod. Recognition and respect...they'd worked hard to earn them...and here was one self-centered faerie hating troll trying to bring them down. Wilhelm yawned. "So what makes you so sure that they won't find us here?" Ninnyhammer puffed himself up.

"Well it is the Banned Books and Criminal Manuscripts section of the Agency's No Admittance Zone. Not even Rillis and Ree have the clearance to waltz right in here." Ree nodded. Waltzing, well dancing period, she couldn't have done. Sneaking through sewage pipes and deserted hallways wasn't beyond her abilities though.

"Now Brothers Grimm...I think it's time to get down to buisness. I didn't let you go for my own pleasure you know. I let you out to do a very specific job. Namely, ruin Rillis and Ree. I know those two weren't happy about getting desk jobs, I know that they arranged the inspection that put you two in Hotel Rooms...and it wouldn't take much to prove that they intended you to escape."

Ree shook her head. Well there went that perfectly orchistrated plan. Had their motives really been that transparent? "Well, what do you want us to do about that?" Jacob flicked a speck of dirt off his tunic.

"There's several things I want you to do. First their brilliant plan for catching you is turning themselves into mortals and getting themselves involved in some magical quest." The two Grimm brothers leaned in, eyes shining, drool running off their chins at the thought of writing another good fairy tale. "I want you to trip them up...offer to join them on their quest and then..." He made a squelching noise and drew his fat finger across his fat throat.

The Grimms looked at each other with an 'is he crazy' glance. "What makes you think we can take them out?" Ninnyhammer grinned evilly.

"Well I'm sure that you two will think of something. For all their training Rillis and Ree are used to being fey. Being mortal isn't their cup of tea. And spells like that have to be countered very specifically and those counterspells take time. You could easily whack them when their mind is off in the clouds." The Grimm's rubbed their hands together.

"What's in it for us?"

Well what might these feyicidle authors want?

Hope you liked it.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greetings Dragoness. Been browsing through our new lovely collection of storygames in our nice cozy section, and yet yours are the only ones I have found worthy to comment on so far. I wonder Why? Very Happy

Anyway. The Brother's Grimm are motivated by fairy tales, and obviously want more so offer them that on a golden plate. Give them not only a fairy tale, but a live fairy tale. Ninnyhammer, fool he is, wants Rills and Ree out of his hair, so I'm sure that he won't have any problem allowing the Brother's Grimm take Rills and Ree captive back to the human world. Or he could offer the Brother's Grimm one of the massive catologs on the tales of the lives of various fey, a forbidden book or something like that, that can surely be found in the section of the Libary they are meeting in.

Until later Dragoness.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only reason that they like fairy tales is due to them wanting to rule someplace with absolute authority, and they make this very clear to the troll. VERY clear.

Like the chickens.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll, chose the fate..
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They can always get Ray and Rillis later!

And who wants to look in those rusty books anyway?
Sarothen, Mesoli, Gerastro
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it comes to an end. Enjoy.

Chapter Six: Vacation

"Well what exactly is it that you want? You've obviously got something in mind." Jacob leaned in close with a huge, horrible grin on his face while Wilhelm cracked his kunckles. Ninnyhammer swollowed hard...suddenly the Brother's Grimm looked very...menacing.

"What we want is very simple...We want to be Kings! Rulers and overlords of the immortal fey for all eternity." Ninnyhammer grinned nervously.

"Ah, would you gentlemen settle for a nice condo overlooking the eternally sunny land of Shangri-La?" Both brothers advanced on Ninnyhammer with murder etched on their faces. From there shadowy corner Rillis and Ree both nodded to each other. With a flick of their wrists their wands went from being being a pair of enchanted war swords. Stepping out of the darkness with their blades at the ready they caught the trio of plotters by surprise.

"Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Ninnyhammer Ooglesnot. You three are hereby arrested on various charges which it is not now prudent to expound upon. You have no rights because, by the will of the Almighty and Great, detainees accused of criminal actions of level five or higher have their rights revoked. You will now be placed in custody...have a nice day." Rillis grinned as Ree launched herself forward as soon as he finished speaking.

Behind her he began to attempt to cast a level seven sheild barrier, although the best he could manage was level two. Finally giving up he waded into the fight...

Ree didn't spare Rillis a glance since she knew him well enough by now to realize what he was doing. Instead she concentrated on fending off both of the brothers, who were wading into the fight with fists the size of small hams. And of course Ninnyhammer was casting spells like a maniac, trying to do whatever he could to protect himself from Rillis.

The pair whirled and twirled, exchanging places and slight signals. They always seemed to have each other's back and, through Ree's combat casting skills, always seemed to be able to deflect whatever came after them. That is until Ninnyhammer started plying the brothers with spell after spell, making them into creatures of fury and might.

Ree lept back as the fist of one brother shattered the stone floor benieth her. Rillis came hurtling back a moment later. The two looked from each other to the massive meat machines infront of them. "Shit." Ree grabbed his arm as they ran back along the corridor.

"Hey where are we going?"

"Shut up I've got a plan." A few moments later they barrled down the hallway of possessed items. Ree adressed the assembled fiends. "Hey, you want a tasty snack? There's a trio of idiots following us down the hallway that you can play with to your heart's content." For a moment the items seemed to debate it...then they went silent. "Hide." Ree said, shoving Rillis into a corner and covering them with shadoweave...

Ninnyhammer followed the Grimm Golems down the hallway, keeping a look out. He even glanced at the sign above the door...the one that said 'Don't Feed the Artifacts'. Then he waved them on down. "I know Ree went this way...I can smell her perfume. Ode de la Sewage...classic." Ree gave herself a sniff and grimaced...she really did smell like garbage.

The trio had made it halfway down the hall when...

Ree elbowed Rillis in the ribs. "Wake up fool! Or are you going to spend the whole day sleeping again?" Rillis sat up and glared at his partner...although his glare turned into a wide eyed stare at the sight of Ree in a pink bikini. She slapped him. "Eye to eye Rillis...eye to eye." He knew it was just so damn hard. Rillis least they'd reversed the spell. He wasn't going to be a bird anytime soon...

Life had become good after the Grimm case wrapped, although it had taken some fast talking to explain just why they happened to be in the Agency's No Admittance Zone at that particular time. Still when the dust settled Ninnyhammer had gone to jail along with the Brother's Grimm...who were now little more than dangerous magical constructs. Enchanted Humans who were now housed in the Enchanted Mortals and Dangerous Constructs section of the Agency's No Admittance Zone.

Rillis and Ree had been decorated yet again and this time given the pick of assignments. Rillis had finally taken that desk job, filling Ninnyhammer's vacancy, and Ree had become Guardian of the No Admittance Zone since she knew more about the secret ways in than anyone else. There was only one stipulation in their contracts...they had to but put on active duty anytime a high calibur case came along.

Now, however, work was far from their minds as the pair of them took a nice, long, much deserved vacation. Strolling along the beach, talking about old times, they had just sat down to order coffee when a page in Agency livary bustled up. "Agents, a fairygram for you." Rillis took the piece of paper while the page looked at them expectantly.

"I think he want's a tip Ree." The pixy nodded.

"So he does...well here." And she flipped him one of her 'tip' coins this one bering the saying 'Never fry Bacon in the Nude'. The page grumbled and moved away. "What does it say Rillis?"

Rillis looked up at her. "We seem to have a mad dragon on the loose. He's got a princess all locked up in a tower on the Outer Edge. You up to it?" Ree was already sprinting away, clad in her black outfit again. Rillis sighed, brushing himself off and changing out of his bathing suit. "Here we go again."

Hope you found it funny...That's a wrap people.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay Rai! I'm so glad you finished this one. Compinsation is on it's way, or should be at least. *smiles*
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congrats Rai!

You are finishing stuff left right and center recently!

Neil Hartley Books.
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