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Chapter 8: Captives

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome D - Lotus, good to have you on board Smile , I've run the poll for a short time this time round to release Chapter 8 before I head to Uni (tomorrow), I'm fairly sure the rate of Chapters coming out will now slow significantly for the next couple of months - so a good time to catch up.

Chapter 8: Captives

Elvendor kicked the lid of the trapdoor shut with the heel of his right sandal. It made a dull flat thump as it closed, scattering the settled dust that lay gathered upon the floor. Quickly he turned round to face Simeon, who was watching him forlornly from the chair,

“Ok, what is this about?” he asked, as Alex re-entered the room,

“No - one at the front door…” he paused mid-stream, as Elvendor raised his hand to indicate that he should stop speaking. Simeon looked at the elf, sorrow etched upon his face…and yet still a glimmer of hope. He beckoned Elvendor to sit down again opposite him. Elvendor suspiciously obliged, sitting upright upon the rough wooden seat, then slowly lowering the bow,

“Well…?” he questioned, but no-where near as aggressively as before. Simeon took several more seconds time before answering slowly,

“All right, I’ll tell you everything that I know...For as long as my family can remember we’ve been made guardians of the leprechaun city, thanks to our extraordinary talents with ‘heavy energy’. My grandfather, my father and me have all strived to ensure that none even came close to this area and to disrupt any movement, particularly of men, who unwontedly and ruthlessly tend to crush all that is hidden to benefit themselves. That is why I have been playing mind games on those who travel through these hills.

In fact during my time, only one other group has ever come this far, but they passed to the West of the city - so although my mind games failed upon them they were no real threat…one of them looked a lot like you in fact,” he said peering at Elvendor, “with his wife and a dwarf…I did wonder at the time…it was an odd party to be sure…"

“What did you wonder at the time?” Elvendor asked, concealing his eagerness beneath his statue like face. Hope flickered again within his heart as Simeon continued.

“Well for one thing elves travelling with a dwarf…not a sight usually seen, and then the female elf looked to be pregnant…curious for someone travelling to be pregnant - but then I guess they’d already set off when they found out.” Simeon paused as his words sunk in to the three in the room, “I’m guessing that the baby would be about your age now,” he added wonderingly, “how curious…”

That then must have be me…it would have been too big a coincidence for it to be someone else…and my mother there too…Elvendor forced down the emotions of joy and impatience at the discovery of this new found knowledge, knowing that Simeon could tell them little else, and tried to concentrate more on the task at hand.

“Back to this city,” he said , “who are these leprechauns and what are they hiding?”

“Oh the city itself I have seen several times, it’s not overly grand but certainly functional,” Simeon replied as his eyes drifted to the top of the fireplace and then back again. “The leprechauns themselves are a race like any other, but their ancestors feared the unleashing of a great power upon this land more than the rest, so took the precaution of establishing a settlement far from the other races. Gradually they were forgotten by the others and saw no real reason for things to change.”

“Of what great ‘power’ do you speak?” Alex butted in, feeling rather left out of the whole conversation so far. Simeon once again took his time before slowly replying,

“Ah…that it is not known; the power itself is referred to as a ’she’ within the folklore, but that no more indicates a being as an object. All they know is that if ’she’ is released upon the land then it is best to be hidden.” Elvendor’s attention was caught by the strange object above the mantelpiece as Simeon‘s glance fell upon it again…

“And what of the object that you refused to explain to us about earlier?” He pursued inquisitively. Simeon took his eyes back of the object and onto the elf, chuckling as he did so,

“Oh easily explained,” he replied, “it was a gift from the leprechauns to my father, so that he would know when his food would be delivered. Apparently they have a similar device within the city and they synchronise my one with theirs…I believe they call it a clock.” The last word he spoke in leprechaunese but Elvendor’s earpiece was quick to convert it into the elfin meaning. Quickly his sub conscious mind looked up the definition and informed him that it was a device to keep track of time. Interesting, he thought, and yet I haven’t ever seen a device like it on this planet…how does this earpiece know so much…unless it’s from another planet altogether…like the clock? He stared at the clock with renewed fascination, as it’s thinnest hand studiously travelled its way around the circle.

“Um…Elvendor?” said Alex as, the fire continued to merrily crackle away, casting its warm flickering glow about the room.

“Yes,” he replied…

“Would you mind filling me in on who these ‘leprechauns’ are and how you found out about…” Alex was interrupted by the trapdoor in the corner swinging open. Within seconds three leprechauns, wearing thin, green, long sleeved tops and tight fitting green trousers, had nimbly swung up and into the room. The leader of the group stepped forward with a curious looking object pointed towards Elvendor. Elvendor looked puzzled and started to raise his bow, Alex followed his lead, half - unsheathing his sword. Elvendor had time to cast a quick look at Simeon, who was looking more relieved now. Cunning, he thought angrily, he was deliberately playing for time until they could send back up.

“Halt…do not draw your weapons,” proclaimed the lead figure. Like the two behind him he had sharply cut facial features. His extremely short black hair gave him an almost military air as he waved the object, that he carried menacingly, between the two travellers.

“It would be difficult for them to without a stick or some artistic talent,” quipped the female from behind the leader, “and you forgot to take off the safety catch,” she added. The leader started to groan at the first part of her speech, but then started slightly at the second. Blushing slightly, he pulled back a small piece of metal near the top of the small barrel, before moving a finger to the curved piece of metal beneath.

“What is that?” Elvendor asked in leprechaunese…casting a tangible tension to fall upon the room, as it had done in Timburton. Alex this time could do nothing except stare blankly at the proceedings taking place before his eyes. There was some quick mutterings between the leader and his two associates before the leader, who had kept an eye and the object trained upon them throughout the short conference, straightened himself up and replied in leprechaunese,

“We don’t know who you are elf, or of how you came to know of our language but I strongly suggest that you and your friend drop your weapons now…assuming you can understand us elf?”

“How do I know you’re not bluffing?” Elvendor fired back bravely, “that doesn’t look like it could do a lot of damage to me.” The leprechaun took careful aim and pulled back his finger. A sudden hiss filled the room followed by a gentle popping noise. Ok, so what? Elvendor thought, wait my bow… He brought up his bow and stared at it in some anguish, the thin flexible and strong wooden stem had been severed in two.

“Perhaps now you’ll see we’re not bluffing,” replied the lead figure crisply, “now both of you lie down on your front, with your hands upon your heads,” Elvendor dropped his broken bow to the floor and translated the leprechauns message to Alex, who was watching the whole turn of events wide eyed.

Both lay down face first upon the dusty ground and were tied and bound with their mouths gagged and their eyes blindfolded, but not before dust has spilled up into their faces causing the pair to choke. Then they were both rolled over and given some strong smelling, foul and minty tasting liquid. Elvendor tried to spit it out, but his mouth was held shut until he had swallowed, the liquid gurgling and burning as a smooth stream down his throat. Soon his thoughts began to fade and his mind to numb. In the distance he heard the sound of more beings arriving and a crisp leprechaun voice giving out orders, “take them to the city cells, oh and Simeon - Remera wants to see you now about these events…” Sleep, embrace sleep, Elvendor’s mind was swayed into obeying the persuasive messages of his system and slowly he drifted away from reality…

* * *

[splash] It was a rude awakening for Elvendor as cold water smattered across his face. Where am I, he thought, water, coldness, figure, rough floor, bars…He concentrated his attention on the figure that had just thrown water over him, and recognised him as the leader of the group that had confronted them in Simeon’s room.

“Wakey, wakey,” the leprechaun said with an apologetic grin, “sorry that our last encounter was of a rather awkward nature, my names Mike by the way.” Elvendor slowly stretched his arms, surprised that they were no longer tied up anymore. He noticed though that Mike still carried the small barrel shaped object and was careful not to stand too close. Mike noticed the looks he was getting and smiled a rueful smile, “sorry, but we still don’t trust you yet…we found that earpiece of yours by the way,” Elvendor clamped his hand to his ear to find it still there. Mike continued a little smugly, “fascinating device…but we thought for purposes of communication that you’d better have it for now. Anyway our leader wishes to see you in the Great Hall.” Blinking the water out of his eyes Elvendor stood up, Alex half stumbled over to him having been similarly woken a few seconds before Elvendor,

“Are you ok Elven?” he asked, “What does he want now?”

“We’re off to see their leader apparently,” replied Elvendor, “I’ll try to fill you in on what happens when we get there.” Alex nodded and both set off ahead of Mike, with Elvendor leading and following Mike‘s directions. Outside the cells, earthen tunnels ran everywhere, often crisscrossing. The outer tunnel that they initially followed, curved around the inside edge of the hill, and was lit with windows facing out onto a closed valley filled with thousands of clay homes. The rectangular glass like panes along the right wall let in infinitely more light than torches would have done, and allowed Elvendor to ascertain that it was a clear and bright morning outside - the sky a radiant blue above the far hills of the almost circular enclosed valley.

Whether I’ve lost a day or three though is anyone’s guess, he added to himself…What a huge settlement as well…buildings spread across the whole valley, there looks to be some larger brick buildings near the centre…Then, to his disappointment, they turned into the musty hill and away from the summer sun, heading upwards past storerooms and blacksmiths, clad only in loose grey flannel shorts, who pounded away at metal within the gloomy, torch lit, innards of the hill. The smell of molten iron was combined with the intense heat that had gathered amongst the earthen passageways, causing sweat to run freely of the travellers, drenching their dust riddled garments. Elvendor‘s face was soon flushed and red as he held his nose and stumbled on. The tunnel continued to slope upwards and round for a long time, although as they rose the number of rooms running off the main passage became fewer, until Elvendor glimpsed an end ahead.

They came upon two polished stone doors with the encryptions of two fierce looking guards upon them. Mike slipped past Alex and Elvendor and banged loudly twice upon the right door. Hearing the affirmative reply from within, he grasped the grey, stone cold, left handle and pulled, the door swinging smoothly open with eerily silent ease.

“Two guests to see Queen Remera,” he announced in a grand voice that echoed about the Inner Hall, before silently shutting the door as the two wandered into the vast chamber. Both were relieved to finally be able to stand upright and escape the intense heat, having had to stoop through the furnace like low tunnels, blinking at the bright light that fell upon the centre of the room.

The hall itself was a work of architectural wonder. Shaped like a blunt bullet, the light grey tiled walls rose to a huge round circular glass pane above, that allowed the light from the bright blue sky to stream into the chamber, the bulk of the sunlight striking the throne and the giant carving that sat behind it.

It was the solid stone throne, standing two thirds of the way into the room, that was the dominant feature. It was intricately carved with daggers and swirls, two thin spiralled towers rising from the back, with a couple of steps leading up to it. The whole seat was merged into a huge rectangular slab of lighter grey rock behind that rose tens of metres high and finished in a row of points at the top. Carved upon this slab of rock was a vivid monstrous face that had the eyes of a serpent and the features of a bull, a forked tongue lashing from its blood spattered mouth.

A two metre high stone partition wall ran across the breadth of the room, with wooden doors, again carved with armoured guards, built within it, either side of the throne. The floor was made from patterned slabs of light and dark grey stone, looking much the same as the curved walls.

Alex and Elvendor looked apprehensively at the ferocious carving for some time, nervously awaiting the Queen. Elvendor tried to think of what to say when she appeared, but what could you say to a Queen who had a throne adorned with such a hideous and grotesque carving? Elvendor strived to calm his heart, bringing into play his elvish instincts to crush emotion. He glanced at Alex who also appeared calm but Elvendor could see from the way his left hand trembled slightly that this was not really the case. Neither spoke, knowing that the chamber would only echo what they said, broadcasting loud and clear to Queen. Alex instead gave Elvendor a forced smile and a wink, before turning his head sharply to the right door as footsteps echoed over the partition wall.

The wooden door on the right slowly creaked open and a small figure covered in a black hooded cloak entered the room. Slowly the figure, with its head bowed, made it’s way to the throne, climbing the steps and sitting down.

“Approach as far as the red line,” ordered the figure in a clear an unmistakably feminine voice, her head still bowed. Elvendor looked upon the stone floor and now observed that a blood red line ran to form a square in front of the throne. Slowly he moved forward towards the line facing the throne, and summoned Alex to do the same. When they had reached the line and stopped the figure spoke again in deeper more chilling tones,

“Tell me your names strangers and what you were doing travelling so far South into these hills?”

“I’m Elvendor and this is Alex. We never meant to set foot upon your grounds without your permission,” answered Elvendor as he continued to bottle the fear within, “we were merely sent to explore these hills and sought after the one who was bothering us.”

“Ah yes the Mage,” the Queen said sweetly as she started to raise her head, “he failed me and he shall and already is suffering my wrath, in the deeper pits below.” Her head now faced the two, where there should have been eyes there was only blackness, the rest of her face was hard to see because of the shadow cast from the overhanging hood. Fear lept up like an overpowering wave within Elvendor‘s chest, it was as though the rocks themselves had changed to blocks of ice around him. In the distance Remora‘s voice continued to toll out into the chamber, “So you were sent…by my arch enemy Constantine no doubt,” her voice dropping to almost a hiss, “Perhaps you’d like to tell me why you two traitors shouldn’t suffer the same fate as Ssssimeon, whose blood even now adorns the floor?” Elvendor paused for a few seconds as he wrestled the fear upon his heart, before pushing back the icy hand that gripped him deep within. Alex had gone pale next to him and paler still when he informed him of her words. Taking a very deep breath he replied earnestly,

“We have not knowingly sought to harm you or your people Your Majesty, I beg that you let us go free.”

“Free?” the figure laughed shortly, “you can never go free, for you have seen too much. What’s at stake is your lives mortal beings - for they are in my hands. What shall you do to ensure that you stay alive? Perhaps if you were to kneel before me and beg that I spare your lives…then perhaps I may reconsider your fate…?”

Alex hated the idea almost as much as Elvendor did when he was told of what she had said, but there seemed to be no other way to escape Remera‘s rath. Elvendor did wonder whether to charge upon the small figure but was concerned by the absence of guards - clearly this figure held some power in reserve and charging her would only enrage her further, so both knelt upon the stone tiles with their heads bowed.

“Oh Queen of the Leprechauns, we beg of you to spare our lives,” said Elvendor, cringing inside as he did so. He was absolutely hating having to do this, elves are a proud race at the best of times and going through with this was against all his natural instincts. “We are at your mercy and are your loyal subjects, please spare our lives we beg of you. Alex too echoes my plea but cannot say it in your language as he has not the gift of many tongues.”

“And all that you have told me is the truth? Answer carefully for I can spot the ones who lie and their lives have been broken for such a false utterance.”

“All that we have told you is the honest truth, we were sent by Constantine to explore the hills, knowing not what lay within them,” Elvendor insisted desperately, now wondering if Remera had any such plans of mercy regardless of what was said. “Please believe us for what we say is the whole truth.”

“Hmmm…I‘m not sure,” said the Queen in a threatening tone, before unsuccessfully stifling a giggle at the sight of Elvendor‘s worried face. She quickly reached up and took out the black fabric that covered her sparkling blue eyes, then pulled down her hood to reveal vivid auburn hair beneath, a lively smile playing across her face as she addressed them in a much lighter tone, “You can stand now both of you…that was so fun. I’ve been practicing the role for a while now in case the situation ever arose and it worked beautifully...There’s no need to look so cross either Elvendor, I had to be sure you were telling me the truth and this was by far the most interesting way of doing it.

“Yes, but you didn’t need to throw in the bit at the end did you,” Elvendor added dryly as he slowly climbed to his feet, angry at having allowed her to take him in so easily.

“Well…perhaps not, but life is a little boring as a queen, and I’ve been longing to do that for so long,” she said with a sparkle in her eyes and a lilt to her voice. “Your expressions when I first showed you my face,” she giggled again, “that was priceless….Oh and charging me wouldn‘t of worked,” she added after seeing a look in Elvendor’s eyes, “as I had these,” she said, removing from her long black sleeves two of the strange missile firing objects that Mike carried about with him. She then placed them upon the throne arms and slipped off the cloak completely, to reveal a more royal garb of green, with golden embroidery, as she continued to speak. “Anyhow I digress, have you any questions for me, my loyal subjects?” The last words were uttered with some mild irony and a smile. Elvendor quickly re-adjusted his thoughts to the present, trying to blot out the embarrassing moments past. Alex had remained stationary throughout the whole episode, only rising when Elvendor did, completely at sea as to what was going on and still someway short of the confident figure that he had cut in Timburton.

“So you haven’t really tortured Simeon then, and we’re free to go,” Elvendor quickly sought to clarify.

“Ah, no and I’m afraid not,” Remera said gravely, “Simeon is of course fine, he’s getting on a bit after all and besides, as he’s failed to find a wife and settle down we’ve had him start training some of our youngsters in the arts - although progress is slow.

You however cannot leave the City, at least I don’t see how it is possible for you to, as we cannot run the risk of you telling others of this place - particularly Constantine. I wish there was a way to let you travel on your way, as you seem genuinely nice on the whole…perhaps you can come up with a suggestion that would work out, one good enough to convince the elders that you are to be trusted with our secret. Although how you are to go about doing that I really don‘t know.”

So there it is, the next dp. As I said above this dp may well run for some time as I start University tomorrow so I have no idea how long it will take me to acclimatise and be able to start up a poll etc - hopefully within two weeks but perhaps longer…you have until then to come up with a range of innovative ideas as to how the pair can somehow guarantee their own freedom.

You can jump to Chapter 9: The Caves of the Krantlehere.

Last edited by JezSharp on Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:53 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They should voluntarily accept a false version of events cast on their minds by the illusionist with the clock. If they agree to relax and not fight it, and he has time to prepare it, he will surely convince them their story is absolute and unadultered truth.

The altered story would start back at the hillside just before they broke through the illusion and found the man's door, and they would start remembering reality somewhere near the hill, but as though the following had happened:
"We searched the hillside in frustration, trying to find our quarry. But there was nothing. We climbed the hill, and looked around, but the same tricks of the light that we had faced before were in full effect still, and it was all we could do to keep our bearings. In the end we decided that the illusions were no real threat, so we would have to endure them and keep travelling South as we intended to from the start. We made camp, and struck out Southwards in the morning."
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Each could give the elders thier word and be willing to have the fact that a city of leperchans was in the area right befor they set off on thier quest to find the stone that was in the first chapter.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Promise that you'll never go near the Mayor again, and say that if she doesn't believe you she can send one of her leprechauns (sp?). That way you get help on your journey and an excuse to never see the Mayor again.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok some varied ideas, some that I hadn't even considered so good going Wink , I 'll probably put a poll up sometime in the next week but am currently too light headed to decide exactly when Smile .
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I missed this chapter some how!

Anyway, perhaps you could ask if there is any spell that would make them forget their location? Or swear a solemn vow upon the Elven gods?

Otherwise explore the city, talk to people and try and find another way. There's always another way, although of course it is through some dark and dangerous caverns... Shocked

Nice episode as usual Mr. Lawyer.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok the options are up for voting, I'll close the poll around a week from now.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted option 1, although I was a bit dubious about the sudden inclusion of the word "experiments" into the idea. Laughing
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted to ask the council.

Awaiting next chapter eagerly Very Happy


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