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Chapter 14: Escape

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:30 pm    Post subject: Chapter 14: Escape Reply with quote


It was dusk, golden light filtered and flickered amongst the trees, casting long shadows upon the forest floor. Elvendor slipped into Simeon’s tent, where Alex and Simeon sat waiting for him.

“What’s happening?” Alex asked.

“A trap has been set for us this evening,” Elvendor replied, “either all three of us make a break for freedom now, or Simeon stays here and us two go on alone…so the choice is yours Simeon.” Simeon frowned then replied,

“Well my whole plan was to explore and see the rest of the land we live in, not to be a travelling showman for elves, so I’d rather we made a break for it if possible.”

“Ok,” Elvendor replied, “then here’s what we will do…”

* * *

A short time later as darkness stole upon the camp, robbing it of any light, Elvendor slipped into Emerdia’s tent. She was sitting upon the floor writing something, as he entered she looked up, her face a picture of surprise.


“We need you to come with us Emerdia, it is essential to our escape. We need someone who is willing to guide us to the ridge between the mountains and marshland.” Emerdia remained rooted to the spot, torn between her mind and heart. Outside a crackling noise slowly became audible in the distance followed by a shout of alarm, he knew they had little time. Quickly he strode across the room, picked Emerdia up and carried her out of the tent before she could protest.

“If you want to go back then just say,” he whispered, “but we don’t have time to wait around.” Emerdia gaped, but was still too stunned to speak. In the distance a fire appeared to be burning and rushing towards the camp from the mountains. From Ashkonen’s tent Elvendor’s keen eyes saw Alex emerge, guiding Ashkonen with his sword towards the unicorns that he had moved from the main group earlier. After climbing onto them, Elvendor and Emerdia taking one and Alex and Ashkonen the other, Elvendor sent forth the low cry of an owl that drifted out across the dim shadowy camp. In response the fire suddenly died away, leaving the camp in complete darkness. Then a small blue glowing orb winked in and out of existence, bobbing towards them. Quickly they moved towards the light, towing a third unicorn with them. Simeon was soon aboard that last unicorn and they set off quickly at pace from the confusion that reverberated about the camp.

* * *

They were still riding at a quick canter the next morning, going faster wasn’t an option due to the dense woodland. There had been little conversation during the night, Emerdia and Elvendor had been too busy setting directions for the group, the others too intent on following them.

As the sun slowly rose, peeking around the pyramid peaks to their right, the unicorns slowed their pace somewhat, tiring from the rushed journey. As they did so Elvendor scrutinised those he was now travelling with. Emerdia was now clearly enjoying the adventure, her slender frame clinging onto Elvendor (which had so far proved more than a little distracting) as she whispered directions in his ear. As the sun rose she was able to observe that her father too had been captured.

“You took my father?” She whispered incredulously to Elvendor. Elvendor risked another glance at Ashkonen, who looked sullen and slightly angry, then whispered back,

“Yes, just in case something went wrong. We’ll allow him to return when we make it to the edge of the woods. You don’t mind do you?” She laughed,

“No, not really, although the way he’s looking daggers at me I’ll probably be in some trouble with him if I return.”

“If?” Elvendor queried,

“Well I may just decide to go on with you,” she answered coyly, “that is if that’s all right with you.” He could tell she was smiling as she said this, she knew that it would be more than all right with him.

“I think that might just be fine,” he replied, also smiling, as they continued to head towards the rising sun.

It was about mid-day when Simeon called out from the back,

“I hear them coming, they’ll catch us before the day is out at the speed they’re going.” Elvendor frowned and asked Emerdia how much longer until they left the woods.

“Not long,” she replied as she urged the unicorn on to a greater turn of pace.

They continued on, stopping for short rest breaks now and again when the unicorns ran out of steam. Eventually the forest began to thin out, the ground sloping downward towards the cold and murky marshlands. Then as the sun was heading out of sight behind them, they burst out of the trees to look upon the vast spread of dull green marshland that lay in front of them. Surrounding it and mingling within it lay the sullen sea, rumbling and growling on the horizon. Urging their mounts on they skirted towards the mountains that stood as sentries, viewing all that passed before their impossibly distant snow capped peaks. As they rode down the sloping ground Emerdia was finally able to view the route that they should take, her face paling and grip tightening as it came into view.

“It’s gone,” she whispered to Elvendor, “the marshes must have risen and absorbed the last stretch of good land.” Sure enough the marshes now clung to the side of the mountainous ground, the dreary grey green porridge like pools draining the energy from the weary traveller’s bodies. Elvendor looked back up the slope to see a heavily armed group of woodland elves emerge at the top, galloping down to surround the group. Alex made sure his sword, that hadn’t left Ashkonen’s side throughout the journey, was plainly visible to the pursuers. They in turn had their bows pointed at the travellers’. Swiftly they grouped into a ring about them, cutting off the chance of an escape. The stalemate lasted for a few seconds, and then one of the elves swung off his unicorn, lowered his bow and approached. He wore the traditional brown green clothing of the wood elves, with a gold star embroidered upon the centre, a symbol that he was one of the King’s chief advisors. His hair was golden, his eyes a purple blue, his mouth hovering between a frown and grimace. Elvendor also swung from his mount and strode to meet him, stopping a metre away. The other elf spoke first saying in a cutting tone,

“ Well traitor, what is it that you want with us?” Elvendor felt anger surge inside, usually it would be crushed beneath his icy elfin control immediately, but now he felt his control over it weakening. He replied forcefully,

“So that is the label you give me when it was your idea to bind us and steal our friend from us!” The other elf at least looked taken aback and slightly embarrassed about this, some of the other brighter elves behind muttering to each other as they worked out what he meant. The advisor let his gaze wander, shifting to the graceful figure of Emerdia.

“Be that as it may, she then is the one who betrayed us by passing such information to you.” Elvendor had to think quickly replying,

“So you think that I didn’t have the ability to sneak up upon the tent you met in and overhear your deceptive plans? I’d been suspicious for some time, and yet you accuse the chief’s own daughter of treachery without proof…shame on you!” The aggressive tone actually appeared to work, the other elf was now struggling to find a leg upon which to stand. Reluctantly accepting defeat he reverted back to trying to find some sort of deal;

“Anyway if we agree to let you go free will you return to us Ashkonen and Emerdia?” Elvendor paused, his mind working on the possible options then he reached out a hand,

“then that is a deal”. Returning to the group he noted Emerdia’s unhappy face. Helping her down he whispered to her,

“There was no other way, if I let you come with me your people would forever see you as a traitor and a disgrace to your father, but I will return for you.” He gave her hand an affirming squeeze and she squeezed back in acknowledgement before she strode away to her people, her hair flowing behind her, not looking behind her for she knew how easily a look could give her away. Alex released Ashkonen who silently swung himself from the mount and returned to the surrounding group, glaring at Elvendor but not saying a word. I guess he’s more annoyed at having been so easily outsmarted rather than at what I did, Elvendor mused, hopefully.

With a thunder of hooves the elves left the group standing alone upon the grassy lowlands, the dreary marshes stretching beyond. Elvendor watched them leave, feeling a piece of his heart travelling back with them into the woods. Angrily he tried to suppress the raging loneliness that was only amplified by the surroundings. Quickly he swung his mount towards the marsh, Alex and Simeon waiting upon his command.

“Well we can either head North through the mountains or through the marshes, which way shall it be?” he asked.

“The mountains are too dangerous,” Alex said, “I’ve ridden many time with the elves against the goblins, if so many are spilling into these woods, how many more lie in wait amongst the mountains?” Simeon peered out upon the marshes,

“I think that there look to be paths through the marshland,” he finally said, “and with three of us, if one slips up the others will be able to pull them out.”

“Fine, then let us head for them then,” ordered Elvendor, glad that a decision had been made so easily for once. All three turned their unicorns to face down the slope and set off.

* * *

The journey was proving to be nothing less than tough, several times each had fallen into the mire, to be pulled out by the others. Twice they had nearly lost a unicorn, who they now led rather than rode amongst the tall plain green reeds that were clumped amongst the deceptively solid, boggy ground. Many days had been spent slowly moving north, sometimes moving faster where the ground was firmer, often slower when it was less so. They tried to stay as close to the mountains as possible, knowing the ground there would still be firmer, moving in single file; Elvendor leading, then Alex with Simeon bringing up the rear.

As the Sun was setting, four days into their journey, they prepared to set up camp. The path they had taken had wound out a fair distance from the mountains, placing them further into the swamp than they had been so far in their travels. The mountains now acted as a source of comfort, their presence a constant marker amongst the silently shifting monotony that lay all around.

Elvendor drove a branch that he had gathered from the wood into the soft ground, tethering the unicorns. As he did so his elfin ears caught the sound of something stirring behind him. Turning he looked out across the liquidy earth, a greyish mess of soil, sea and plants...there was nothing there. He relaxed, turning back to ensure the stake was firmly buried into the ground…no there it is again…With a huge slurping sound he felt the marsh behind him erupt, liquid lumps showering his back. Spinning round he found himself facing…

Ok a more unusual poll, what is needed is a description of what has emerged from the marsh (within the bounds of reasonableness – so not giant chickens for example Wink ).

Last edited by JezSharp on Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:20 am; edited 4 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(which had so far proved more than a little distracting)

Hur hur. Very Happy

They continued on, stopping for short rest brakes now and again


They in turn had their bows drawn at the travellers

aimed, not drawn in this case.

DP. Well, a few possibilities come to mind:

A bog monster, all gloopy and slimy, towering above them in awfulness.

Some kind of (possibly undead) warrior, who has been trapped in the swamp for millenia, waiting to be freed.

Good chapter Jez, though I couldn't help but feel that Simeon could have used his illusion powers to make them invisible, or at least hard to see or something. Maybe even made the swamp appear solid ground.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In terms of making the ground seem would that of helped - they would have been surroundd anyway.

He probably could have made them hard to see/invisible - but he wasn't sure when to do so, as they came down the slope he knew the elves were close behind, but couldn't make them invisible without stopping the unicorn and creating a mirror of the background behind him...which may have taken too much time...and even if it had of worked not brought them much extra time as the elves were bound to spread out across and down the slope - and so would pass through the mirage.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I kinda meant before they got too close. They knew they were being followed in the forest. I will grant you it would probably have failed, just thought it may have been worth a try!

JezSharp wrote:
In terms of making the ground seem would that of helped - they would have been surroundd anyway.

He probably could have made them hard to see/invisible - but he wasn't sure when to do so, as they came down the slope he knew the elves were close behind, but couldn't make them invisible without stopping the unicorn and creating a mirror of the background behind him...which may have taken too much time...and even if it had of worked not brought them much extra time as the elves were bound to spread out across and down the slope - and so would pass through the mirage.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually , yes I suppose they could of...only problem being that they'd have left tracks and would have to be standing still for it to work, so it probably would have failed in the end.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:47 am    Post subject: Re: Chapter 14: Escape Reply with quote


[size=14] was proving to be nothing less than tough, several times all had fallen into the mire, to be pulled out by the others. [/quote]

This sounds as if they all fell in together; maybe each would be better.

And C-ren, I think bows are drawn and arrows are aimed, though you're right, to draw a bow at someone sounds funny.

Good chapter, Jez. How about a giant octopus?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter. Maybe Simeon could create platforms such as what he did when descending down the tree to travel across the marshes with less difficulty.

As for what could have erupted- its an underground geyser which opens up the top layer of the marshes, revealing an underground tunnel through which the travelers could shortcut.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But the tunnel is actually a throat...
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the idea of a geyser. Maybe it could be a result of built up gases under the mud and water. Dangerous and impressive, but letting them see the landscape differently. Rather than a tunnel, I'm thinking they could get glimpses of a buried city of some kind, maybe relating back to the heavy energy or technology.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok poll is up, I'll let it run until sometime into the weekend.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted stairs because it was closest to what I wanted.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stairs sounds good to me - likely to lead to much more interesting and complicated adventure than a mere monster.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I interpret that the stairs is the equivalent of my geyser/tunnel idea + underground city/tunnel idea, and that you are already envisioning the story with stairs descending into the tunnel/ruins/city..?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I interpret that the stairs is the equivalent of my geyser/tunnel idea + underground city/tunnel idea, and that you are already envisioning the story with stairs descending into the tunnel/ruins/city..?

Yes, it's a twist I was definately not expecting but I've thought up a way to fit it in - actually I'm quite pleased it took this direction now. Anyway with the poll so conclusively in favor of that idea so I'll close it and try to have the next Chapter up by the end of the week.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New Chapter will be coming up shortly so locking this thread down.
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