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Episode 10, "Panic"

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 10a, "The Carlisle Sword":

The roc peels away curling slivers of wood at the door with its beak and claws. The hunters look at each other, unable to talk and plan except through gestures and expressions. Ethan draws the Carlisle Sword and stands behind them ready and all is understood. Jim, Aspi, and Jeremy, pressing against the door take a breath. They watch Jim for the cue. He gestures the somewhat confused action of a swinging door. They think they understand… open the door for just a moment, then slam it back on the roc halfway. When Jim steps back, they roc overpowers them, but far more than expected. The door throws them back or pins them against the wall. The roc is furious but suddenly stops when it sees the Carlisle Sword.

It recognizes the sword, no doubt about it, and in that moment of recognition, Ethan takes advantage of its pause. The first slash cuts through the beak and the front of the skull. It is a bloody and ugly wound, the roc reels and Ethan advances. A strange sensation, like a pinched nerve, shoots through his arm and when he thrusts into the roc’s heart, the feeling shoots into the center of his chest. The roc dies the instant the sword enters its heart, its yellow eyes contract and everything it is frozen for a moment before it collapses. Ethan drops to his knees with his hand on his chest, as though a red-hot spike was driven into his own heart. The roc’s feathers fall away from the body, but the roc they fought has vanished and in its place there is the body of a man.

Ethan struggles to breath, and as the violence settles and their hearing returns, they try to help him, but they do not know what to do.

“Lay down, Ethan,” Jim says. He tries to take the sword to set it aside, but Ethan looks furiously at him and does not let go, even as he gasps for air. “You’ll have it back, you have my word.”

Ethan tries to speak but he can not. He can’t tell them that he’s not holding the sword… the sword is holding him. He can’t release. Jim pulls at the sword and sees something strange in Ethan’s eyes.

“Let go, Ethan,” Jim says. Ethan’s face goes pale, his eyes begin to wander, but he’s fighting it. “Help me!” Jim yells and everyone grabs hold of Ethan or on Jim and the sword. They pull with all their might; Ethan can feel his joints coming apart as though about to rip.

Ethan’s breath ceases and he blacks out, but his hand is still clenched on the sword. Jim cries out as the lightest touch of the sword against his side shaves a flap of flesh off of him. Ethan breathes again as easily as ever and without gasping or desperation for breath. He seems completely conscious, completely at ease, though a bit confused at what the others are trying to do. Startled, the group releases him. He stands up and looks at the sword. The blood of the roc and Jim slips off the blade like water from an icicle. The blade is entirely clean before he puts it in the sheath.

No one knows what to say. Something they don’t understand has happened and they feel nervous that anything could happen next. Jim lays his hand on his pistol. Ethan feels so invigorated that he can’t bring himself to be concerned about any of them. But he is curious about what the roc has become. With his foot he turns the body onto its back. Captain Carlisle looks up at him with dead eyes.

Never one to underestimate numinous creatures, Ethan draws the Carlisle Sword again.

“Don’t!” Jim says. Ethan does not hesitate. He decapitates the captain and throws the head to Chia. It lands in her hands on her lap.

“Make yourself useful and throw that in the volcano, Cutie,” Ethan says.

She’s frozen except her trembling hands as she looks at the head before her. Jenn pulls it away from her quickly.

“I’ll take care of it,” Jenn says. Ethan is not done with the body however. He marvels at the ease at which he can cut the heart of the captain’s chest. He’s done it before with cruder instruments… no small task as it is now. He picks up the heart and sees if there is still a bullet inside, but there is not. It appears to have been stabbed by a very sharp sword. Ethan himself takes the heart out the front gate behind Jenn. The others hesitate before joining, not sure if it is wise, but they’re too transfixed to stay behind. All except Chia who sits on the ground staring at the blood on her hands and dress. Aspi notices and stays behind a moment as the others leave.

She briefly thinks on what she should do. She looks pityingly at Chia and as she recognizes the pity, she finds it revolting. She pulls Chia up by her arm and turns her to look in her eyes.

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself,” Aspi says in a firm and clear voice. “It isn’t your blood and you have no right to mourn it.”

Chia does not recognize Aspi or her words. She backs away, then runs. Aspi does not hurry to pursue her, but she does not abandon her either. She looked for Aspi earlier out of concern, though it was foolish. And though the roc is dead, it does not mean the fortress is safe. Chia does not go far, she finds a dark corner and curls into a ball there. The memory of Father Charles screams will not leave. And again, Aspi pulls her up onto her feet.

“Do not cry about the dead if you don’t want to join them. If you will not stand on your own, I will drag you!”

Chia is not strong enough to resist, nor does she currently have the will. Aspi drags her a few steps before she walks on their own. They walk together, but not toward the front gate. Aspi found a sally port in her searches that leads to the back and brings them outside more quickly. Chia comes out of her overwhelming emotions for a moment to say something before sinking back in:

“You’re smart not to talk.”

Aspi says nothing in response. They see the others on the brink of the volcano looking in awe at the display before them.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 10b, "Noburu Awakens"

Ethan and Jenn toss the heart and the head of the captain into the red lava spewing out of the crater. It has grown dramatically since Ross saw it last. From a trickle it has become a towering fountain, at some points tossing the red lava as high as the brink the treasure hunters stand. The head and heart incinerate immediately. In the red light, the hunters can see the satisfaction on Ethan’s face. He draws the sword again, for he enjoys the look and feel of it.

“Throw it in, Ethan,” Jim says. Ethan smiles at the ridiculous notion. He paid a lot for it and besides it made such short work of the roc. The strangling feeling, he determines, must have been something to do with bonding with the blade. The captain was once its master, but that bond has passed to its new master. Ethan even considers it possible that tossing the blade into the volcano would have a greater adverse effect on him. They share a fate now.

“You might have subdued the roc,” Jenn says. She saw that it hesitated when it saw the sword. Ethan does not respond to that comment either. He sheathes his sword and watches the lava cascade in the air.

“I’ve never seen it this high,” Jeremy says, but somehow, like everyone, he does not feel alarmed. The beautiful torrents of lava are mesmerizing and though it tosses itself high enough, it has not come close to their side. It’s as though nothing more than a large fireplace to fall asleep beside, and like a campfire, it warms them pleasantly.

“It’s growing,” Thomas says. Even in the short time they’ve been watching, the higher spurts have become more frequent. The southern brink melts away and the pool of lava flows over liberally. The fountain splashes higher without the pool to slow it. The spray of lava begins rivaling the fortress in height. A sprinkle of smoldering lava patters against the cliff below them. That time it was only a few feet away. The concern begins to grow and once started, it gains momentum quickly. Perhaps only Ross does not feel the growing fear. After his humiliation of being beaten by the rocs, he desires to challenge even the volcano, daring it to try to burn him where he stands. He fears nothing, nothing at all. Thomas maintains his cool as easily as ever, but the thought of a wave of lava burning away his flesh does not set well, and Ross is still too valuable to the group to be allowed his recklessness, so he beckons him away.

Ross leaves only because, in his logic, he deems the volcano an unworthy adversary.

“We leave tonight,” Thomas says decidedly, beginning to take a stronger role of leadership. “As soon as everyone’s packed, we go.”

No one questions. They pack everything and a fair portion of roc meat within a half hour. They look back at the eruption as they leave the fortress. It has not diminished or grown by much. They do not stay to make certain.

“Who builds a fortress on a volcano anyway?” Jenn asks without expecting an answer.

“It was thought to be extinct,” Jeremy says without a doubt. “The fortress was complete without the slightest protest from the volcano. They thought Akala was the only active volcano on the island.”

The crew looks at the much larger volcano, Akala, but in the night they can see nothing happening to it. For a moment there is a rumbling in the ground, but by the time the crew stops to make sure they felt what they thought they did, it is gone.

The crew moves quickly, awakened thoroughly by the attack and the volcano. At different times they remember that Father Charles’ body was not found or even looked for. Jim feels especially sorry for this, but under the circumstances there is no choice.

Back at the cemetery, the extra equipment is picked up, as well as Chia’s donkey, Bob, and an unexpected visitor: Koko. She must have wandered in and found the other donkey. Chia holds out hope that Slowpoke is nearby, but after calling for 10 minutes or so, the third donkey does not arrive. The crew allows her no extra time. They want to get to Gadiri Harbor in a hurry.

Juan takes the lead again and he keeps the pace of their march brisk. Koko allows Chia to ride, unlike the stubborn Bob. Koko seems eager for attention and happy to let Chia ride. Chia feels very grateful, and not just for the chance to rest her feet and keep up with the crew easier, but for the acceptance the creature has offered. She resolves to never leave Koko behind again and pets her neck as they travel.

The darkness makes everything more menacing, but the crew is in too much of a hurry to notice. They stumble a bit more, but the morning is coming and the distance is not that great. The sunrise is a marvelous sight for killing the dark night. It is difficult to see through the trees, but what can be seen is soothing, but not as soothing as the sight of Gadiri Harbor. Without much exchange of words, the group splits according to who has a reserved room at the tavern and who will stay at the old church.

The ones with a room are very grateful for the comfort and security. The bedrolls, though sufficient on a nightly basis, feel like rocks over the course of a week or more. After the quick march, there are no complaints at napping for an hour or so before doing anything more.

The others, inside the church, have no beds and feel some foreboding. Its only steward has died, leaving it empty and dingy as ever. But they also feel a good nap is in order.

Their slumber is immediate and deep, an hour passes quickly and even through the slight rumbling the island has been feeling. Another hour does not entirely pass, and the napping crew begins to feel the disturbances.

“Always something,” Jim says as he opens his eyes.

When the group reunites, they witness a lot of panic. Gadiri Harbor is not taking the rumbling or the small eruption lightly. They are even concerned by the absence of the rocs’ screeching through the night, divining it as an omen, that the rocs know a terrible eruption is coming and they have moved to another island. Some of the crew attempt to tell them what actually happened to the rocs, but the villagers seem to not want to believe it.

At the trading house, Lebrenth looks downtrodden, but he brightens instantly when the roc egg is shown to him.

“Excellent!” Lebrenth says, specifically choosing NOT to pun. He carefully receives the speckled egg and places his ear against it. He feels the warmth of it, and thinks he may have heard movement inside… whether he did or not, he believes it. “Good. Here you are. You’re doing so well, I hope you’re not worried about the little volcano eruption we’re having.”

“Is it still going?” Jeremy asks in disbelief.

“Hasn’t stopped since last night. They’ve been watching the whole time to. I don’t think it will get any worse personally…. Anyway, they’re just paranoid. Most of the ships in the harbor are leaving as soon as they can get supplied, so of course the price of everything has rocketed…. By the way, if you’re here to buy more rations, the price has doubled….

“And what’s that?” Lebrenth exclaims, looking at Ethan’s sword. “The jeweled sword? You didn’t mention it! That’s worth 220 Fables.” But Ethan looks at him coldly. “… Prices are fixed. I can’t go any higher….”

Ethan does not respond. Lebrenth seems to want the sword badly, but not enough to change his policy… yet.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 10c, "Panic"

The crew does its talking outside:

“You ought to sell the sword,” Jim says. “It nearly killed you.”

“It’s my sword. I will do with it as I please.”

Jim sighs.

“I’m going to the docks. I’ll check our boat and listen for news and rumors.”

“You do that,” Thomas says roguishly. “I’ll see how loose the tongues are at the Swashbuckler.”

The rest of the crew divides between the two according to their proclivity to drink. Ross goes with Thomas in hopes of starting a fight, however, he’s disappointed. Those left in The Blue Swashbuckler are in no mood for a fight. The strong and surly have left to the docks, it would seem, so he departs to join Jim’s group instead.

With money on the counter, and a wink in the right direction, Thomas is lavished with attention. The barmaids haven’t had any proper company that morning, dealing with drunk slobs and old men. They smile and joke with him and after he buys them a few drinks, they’re playfulness flourishes. Meanwhile Jeremy and Ethan are neglected and thinking perhaps they should have joined Ross when he left. And after a few drinks, which they nearly have to pour for themselves from behind the counter, they do. Jeremy asks himself why they never gave him that much attention before as he closes the door.

The relatively small docks are choked with traffic. There are three good seaworthy ships and all three of them are preparing to leave. Jim isn’t surprised or alarmed. He’s used to busy harbors, and for that matter, panic. Perhaps his reputation will be overlooked and he can finally get back on the sea, instead of being a landlocked sailor. He’s also not worried about the ships leaving on account of their own sailing ship. It won’t make a long journey, but he knows of islands that are near enough that they could get to safety if the volcano decided it had had enough of its inhabitants. He’s pleased to see the repairs went smoothly before the panic, but with that, a new concern grows. With the three ships leaving, the options narrow. There are probably people who are eyeing their boat already

The harbor is distracted for a moment as a fight breaks out. Two large men thrash each other, but it doesn't take long before it is clear who the superior fighter is. Ross knocks his adversary back against a post but he was unconscious before he hit it. Then Ross kicks the man off the dock into the water. Shipmates who were waiting to jump in, only to think wiser of it after seeing Ross in a fury, now dive into the water to save the unconscious man. Ross smiles. The man doesn’t even know why the fight was picked, but wasn’t going to stand down. Ross feels much better and continues toward the rest of the crew in a good mood.

Several hours into the afternoon, the group gathers at the church to share information and decide on a course of action. Jim begins.

“The harbor is in a panic, and the ships are all leaving. The Westerner has already left and the other two are desperate for supplies and sailors and holding out till tomorrow morning and no later. They’re offering 90 Fables for willing hands and you can take it from me, you won’t find wages like that anywhere. But they have no intention of coming back to the island, whether it erupts or not.”

“Did you find anything out about the treasures?” Thomas asks.

“No one is worried about treasure. They want off the island.”

“That’s too bad, cause I did.”

“Did what?”

“The ladies of the Swashbuckler were very… shall we say, accomodating? One particularly lovely lady, Carmilla, says she knows where we find the Heart of Akala. Of course, a smart girl like her doesn’t give that kind of information away.”

“In other words, Mr. Charm ran out of ale,” Ethan says.

“She wants 100 Fables,” Thomas says coolly. “She says we probably won’t live through it so she’ll want payment in advance.”

“Sounds like a scam,” Jenn says.

“She’s agreed to take us to it herself. We can keep an eye on her. Even Chia could take her.”

“Hey,” Chia protests.

“What? That was a compliment,” Thomas replies.

“Maybe we don’t even need her help,” Jim says, not yet decided whether he’ll leave or not. “We haven’t even tried to search for it yet.”

“Nobody has found it,” Jeremy says. “We’ve all looked. The lava fields are dangerous. The 100 Fables will seem a small price compared to your life while we’re fumbling around looking for something no one has seen.”

“If no one’s seen it, how do we know it exists?” Ethan asks. “And how do you know she’s taking us to the lava fields?”

“The blind man says,” Jeremy says forlornly.

“Oh, I feel much better now.”

“Enough. We’ll vote,” Thomas concludes.

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Last edited by Lebrenth on Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Humm, either leave the island or go on a suicide mission. I'm totally up for the lava, who's with me? *flips a dagger between her fingers and sticks it in the Fabled Island map*
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter - plus I got to kill something, so I'm happy. And we got the egg nack as well. *sticks hand out for share of fables*

I'm all for investigating the Heart - at a guess I'd say it was near the centre. Thomas seems all for finding it as well, so I think he can cough up the payment.

And I don't think I'll be selling my shiney stick just yet.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pretty good chapter, Leb. Other than moving things quickly, you also achieved to introduce two new plot factors.


He can’t tell them that he’s not holding the sword… the sword is holding him. He can’t release. Jim pulls at the sword and sees something strange in Ethan’s eyes.

Ethan's psychotic behavior, which has made him a distrustful figure.

Two, the eruption of Akala, which sets about the evacuation. Always, traditionally, a volcano is representative of the end, the final eruption. At the least, its always significative as a source of danger. Perhaps this will be the last adventure of the treasure hunters? Both of the elements introduced seem to indicate so.

But will that stop the treasure hunters? No, not even Jim or Chia will desert the adventure. Why? Because they are treasure hunters, ready to go to the most extreme limit. They have a clue, what more can they need? Chia has to prove herself and Jim has to redeem himself- which is why they'll continue as well.

Btw, I have a feeling that the Carlisle sword and the captain have to do with the eruption. Perhaps Akala has angered at his death?

Good try at the DP, and I see you tried to introduce different options, but it seems to me a little too easy. It doesn't bring out much controversy or different opinion.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

... the eruption of Akala, which sets about the evacuation.

Wrong one. There are two volcanoes on Gadiri: Noburu and Akala. You've been watching Noburu erupt, not Akala. (On the map, Noburu is the one of the left, the smaller one. Akala is the large conical one on the right.) You haven't seen any activity from Akala.

Leaving the island is not a DP. That's anyone's choice until the next poll closes (in the standard two weeks). Then the ships sail and if you do get off the island, you won't be paid for it. The focus of the DP is whether to pay Carmilla for her help. If not, where will you go? If so, who will pay? I've opened another topic in this forum for that. If one person pays the whole sum, s/he makes hardly anything from retrieving the Heart. 1000 Fables divided by 8, minus 100 Fables is.... 25 Fables. And that is IF you get the Heart.

This may sound heavy-handed, but this is the most dangerous task you have yet faced. I didn't tie the Heart of Akala to a monkey's tail for you to chase the silly thing around. That sucker is worth 1000 of my hard-earned Fables, the most valuable treasure on the island and almost 3 times more valuable than your currently highest valued treasure. And from an in-story perspective, EVERYONE on the island knows that it is the most valuable treasure and EVERYONE has tried to get it.

Just a word of warning.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:55 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Shocked , volcano is threatening to erupt and we are CROSSING the lava fields?! Well, not really we, more you. I died so if it means me making more fables the lava fields here we come! Very Happy

Very good Lebrenth, can't wait until chappy 11.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still up for it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's do it. Is there some way for us to avoid paying this wench? Could I suggest beating it out of her? Or perhaps the blind man?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jack_D.Mented wrote:
Let's do it. Is there some way for us to avoid paying this wench? Could I suggest beating it out of her? Or perhaps the blind man?

I won't stop you.

Nice to see you again Jack. Let me send you your Fables.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm all up for paying Carmilla then killing her once she's shown us the location.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:19 am    Post subject: Ep. 10 Poll Reply with quote


All right, there isn't much to debate really, since it's clear the group wants to go after the Heart of Akala, so here's the poll. We'll leave it open until February 2, unless a clear majority arises and we don't have money issues.

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Draven Bones


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First off I want to say that this chapter was ok, Cap´m you´ve had better. BUT then again every chapter can´t be explosive otherwise there would be no valued payoff for reading! So I say that this chapter was great because it has much more then just two new plot factors. I enjoyed the Rocs death and I think the crazy man being the Roc was amazing! I didn´t see that one coming! The fact that the sword actually had affect on the bird was obviously because the man knew its potential!

Aspi speaking was awesome particularly because she was basically telling her to shut up and take it the preditor hunter she is.
I agree the eruption of the volcano is due to the death of its imbued magic man!

As far as being back in town! the group seems to not be in good shape. and I see a couple of options.

Everyone is going crazy and if we stick around long enough to go hiking off into the jungle leaving our nice little boat behind for anyone to steal then I believe we must agree that even if we find the heart of akala our chances of getting off this rock are going to be pretty slim!
However everyone leaving means no one else is looking for the booty and that means less competition! woohoo!

The thing that scares me the most is the bar maid! Following some drunken whore into the jungle to find the most valuable object on the island isn´t my idea of a good idea. I mean think about this! This wench just so happens to know the location of the most valuable object! AND SHE NEVER WENT TO GET IT BEFORE!!¿¿¿ yeah right!, Like the Cap´m said
And from an in-story perspective, EVERYONE on the island knows that it is the most valuable treasure and EVERYONE has tried to get it.

Let´s just pretend that this chic wasn´t living off of cleaning the lu and picking up after drunken sailors not to mention prostituting to them. lets pretend she just so happened to have been wondering around in the woods and tripped over the tiny rock........why didn´t this all inteligent sober vergin sale this tempting offer to someone else¿? I imagen that this girl wouldn´t have been able to keep her mouth shut for long which means she just reciently came upon the the whereabouts of such booty, which also means she either killed to get the info OR she was walking along in the jungle and happened to spot it, making the stone not that far and not that difficult to find! BUT I dont buy it!
The monica luinski is trying to pull a fast one! Now the scary thing is that she is even offering to show us! which tells me that the stone is in a difficult place to get to and more then one hand is needed which would give her credit to not going after it herself! Lets say it´s in a cavern or cave under the island She is full of shit anyway because once again why does she trust a booty sackin drunk like the types to go in and buy her a drink¿? this girl has either the best disciplined intuition I have ever heard of or she is crazy as a gay bird! I´ll take the latter.

POINT! I don´t think we should leave the island and I don´t think we should follow the drunken broad.........WE SHOULD GO WITH CONSISTANCY!!! The crazy man is the wild card here and he will shed light on this darkening hour. I representing Aspi say we should go talk to the crazy man.

That is the decision point for me. I want the treasure, by not risking dying in a volcanic explosion lead by some one who doesn´t even have enough self respect to seek a different profession.

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Draven Bones


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

for the record I put torture camilla and the blind man because I am assuming the first option of the poll ment heading off in the woods without talking to the blind man!

Plus with all the chaos of everyone trying to leave I doubt they are going to notice the interrogation of two unvalued people!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Draven Bones wrote:
for the record I put torture camilla and the blind man because I am assuming the first option of the poll ment heading off in the woods without talking to the blind man!

Plus with all the chaos of everyone trying to leave I doubt they are going to notice the interrogation of two unvalued people!


You probably missed the explanation. Talking to the blind man is always an option as long as you are in Gadiri Harbor. It just costs money! For 5 Fables, you can purchase 3 treasure clues. I thought the cost was minimal, but there has only been three takers on the offer. I have already arranged for a secret for every single treasure, and the blind man will gladly tell anyone for the set price.

You can see which treasure secrets have been purchased or discovered in FITH (bottom of the second post)<<< Click to go to Fabled Island Trading Post. I think I'll go put an asterisk next to all of the secrets that were purchased from the blind man (he only has one secret per treasure so it's no good asking for a secret about the same treasure twice).

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You make a good point, Draven, but how does the blind man know these secrets as well? And how does the Trading House owner know of the existance of all these treasures; how can he set prices for things he hasn't set eyes on?

And remember, a man turned into a roc in this story.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

D-Lotus wrote:
You make a good point, Draven, but how does the blind man know these secrets as well? And how does the Trading House owner know of the existance of all these treasures; how can he set prices for things he hasn't set eyes on?

And remember, a man turned into a roc in this story.

OUCH! I'll readily admit that the Trading House owner (named after me) and the blind man are meant to serve the gimmick of the storygame, but does it really discredit everything else? I created the list of treasures and their clues so everyone knew I wasn't just making everything up as I went, that everything on the island had a set place and a challenge.

Anyway, just because a roc transformed into a man doesn't mean you shouldn't question the motives of a stranger.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Didn't mean that at all. I just meant that Carmilla is probably a gimmick like the other two. Right?

The man turning into a roc only means that the story is fantasy, which was meant to add on to my point that not everything is logical. But it came out wrong. I should have thought you'd be offended if I implied that you weren't being logical all the time. Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

D-Lotus wrote:
I should have thought you'd be offended if I implied that you weren't being logical all the time. Wink

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OKay, now I have caught up! Didn't see this chapter for some reason at first.

I voted to take the wench. I am sure I can think of a way to keep her busy at night. Wink

As an aside, I would like to move our ship to the other side of the island. If the volcano gets worse people could panic and take it by force. I want a way off waiting for us if needed!
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Draven Bones


PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It impresses me how ready people are to pay off the wench for a whore guide, I mean tour guide. It also impresses me how she wants payment in advance yet she is willing to show us personally.

I representing Aspi am gonna keep a spear tip close to the spinal column of this woman. AND I am gonna be ready to kick her into the nearest pit of magma on any slight whim that she even twitches in a way that I don´t like

yeah, unpleased BONES
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It impresses me how ready people are to pay off the wench for a whore guide,

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty face. Or pretty somethings anyway. Laughing
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