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The Memories of a Half-Shadow: The Final Chapter.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:45 am    Post subject: The Memories of a Half-Shadow: The Final Chapter. Reply with quote

The Memories of a Half-Shadow An attempt at humor by your local HEM mod.

Aka I'm trying to be funny and it's hilarious...

Chapter 1: A City in the midst of the Desert of the Internet.

Dinranwen remembered the day she found the City of If well.

It was a dark stormy night.

Actually, it was day. And it wasn't stormy either. But it was dark, and a light rain was falling, so it should count!

A young woman was sitting at the computer bored out of her mind. Boredom is very dangerous for her. Everytime she gets bored, she does something stupid or crazy, sometimes both.

Suddenly a smile illuminates the girl's face, and pushing back the computer chair she walks to the armor in the nearby hall. From the armor, she removes a dark green cloak and carefully puts in on adjusting it so that her face is completly covered in shadows.

Looking around, she makes sure no one is watching and then clicks one key on the keyboard that she alone knew about.

Voossh. Light illuminates the room. The room is gone. The computer is gone, and the cloaked woman stands in the Matrix, the place of truth, the soul of the universe....

OPPs! Sorry, wrong movie. Back to the Story.

The cloaked woman was actually in her computer. On the internet, actually.

Clearing her throat, the woman speaks in a soft alto voice which shows signs of her youth. "Go to Search traditional roleplaying games."

The woman liked traditional roleplaying games and in fact a few years before she had been actively involved in a rp site. But she had become inactive out of boredom.

Now bored, she decided she would go back to that old addictive habit.

In front of her, the results where proudly displayed.

One in particular caught her attention.

"The City of IF," she read aloud, "...unlike traditional roleplaying games...What's this?"

There was the sound of a click.

And the cloaked shadowed woman found herself just outside a massive city. The city was filled with lights, joyous shouts, or were those screams?

Anyway, the woman read the sign that was displayed a map of the city.

Going to a large book just outside the city marked FAQ, the woman read all about storygames, fables, and a King named Key.

Still she was undecided, would she join or not?

A smile crosses her lips, the only part of her showing. Perhaps she thought.

She made a choice. She would join, and if she liked this City, she would stay and perhaps dabble in writing her own storygames.

If she didn't like it, she would simply leave slipping away like the shadows which she so often was inrapped in.

Going to the joining page she was puzzled of what her name should be.

She had had so many over the years. But which to choose.

Finally she decided on Dinranwen. It seemed approiate. The name itself was taken from Tolkien's language of the elves, and a better name, she decided she could never find.

~ ~ ~

Inside the City, she found that her talent for slipping in and out of shadows of great use. Apperantly the City wasn't as innocent as it looked.

Creatures lurked the streets, and characters Dinranwen couldn't even name seemed more crazy than sane, but still something kept her there, something attracted her to the City, something she couldn't name.

But put it this way, Dinranwen's cocky smile never left her face.

The first place she visited was the Newbie page.

There she was greeted by a Mage named Smee, who apperantly was the Major of the City. She also met a peculiar girl who was both black and white, she had introduced herself as Raven and Wing. A orange beast asked her if her name was related to his, Chinaren. She responded no, and decided immediatly she didn't trust this Chinaren and made a mental note to avoid him.

She met an girly looking elf, but after being warned not to call him a girl, she was introduced to him as Allegria.

It would be Allegria who would point in several directions for good Storygames. Dinranwen read everything Allegria recommended and liked everything she saw, or almost everything.

Dinranwen settled in
Sojurner's Journey with a cup of tea and began to read, still not sure if she would stay in this strange place or not.

It was the June of 2006.

And Dinranwen hasn't left yet, but the events that followed made a story that made Alice in Wonderland look normal.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Din. You are kewl.

I say, scince this is a linear sg, these kinds of comments are welcome?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, and thank you.

Comments are welcome.

In fact, I would appreciate feedback on what everyone thought of this little story so far I'm not sure if I really am funny or not.

But thanks MasterWeaver.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vaguely humorous. Kill chin and I will double over with laughter.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rule Number One of Surving in the City: Never Kill the Major.

Hire someone else to hire someonelse to do it for you so you can never be traced maybe....but never kill the major yourself.

In fact never kill anyone yourself, it's too tedius.

But thanks for the feedback, MW.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

decided immediatly she didn't trust this Chinaren and made a mental note to avoid him.

Well, I laughed at this bit!

So far it seems interesting more than humorus.

Your tense slips here and there though, you start off as : "She looks up and down..." and end up "she looked puzzled" kinda thing.

Anyway, I will await the next chapter!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good try, but humour is a gift. I find it the hardest thing to do. Your story, as others have said, is amusing, but not funny yet. However, I can see a spark of funnyness (if that word exists, if not, you are hopeless Wink ) emerge in the story. Keep working on it and it'll be good.
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Everyone! I know this chapter wasn't humorous, well not much anyway, but I kinda ment it that way. I justed used this chapter to use a lunch pad. I am hoping that more of my humor, what little I have, will immerge more and more over the next couple of chapters.

I also hope to surprise everyone with some unexpected turns of my character in the future.

As it is, I don't even hope to even be marginally funny until at least chapter three as Chapter 2 will be mainly bringing the story up to date, but still I Hope it is at least a start! Smile

After all, I have never never, ever ever, not even once, not even briefly tried to write a humorous story (except briefly with Disillusioned and Disenchanted and let's face it that wasn't funny).

Chapter 2 won't be up until after Christmas as I have some unexpected relatives drop by and House Rules state I can't get on the internet when Guest are over, and I only barely managed to get on today as the Grown-ups are shopping for my sister and I.

So see you after Christmas Everyone!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

.... unexpected relatives drop...

You mean you did't expect them to be relatives? Wink Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Think she's back now?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not a funny person. Well, I am in person, but not on the internet. And only if I know you well because well I don't like ptting myself out there like that! So props to dinranwen!

Right now, and I know you know, it wasn't as funny as it was entertianing and cute. Which is always a good setup to a good comedy!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Work on your backhand and you'll be fine.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I don't hit much.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm back and the new chappie will either be up either later Today or tommorrow.

Until then....*sets a cream pie on a table*

This pie will self destruct in 5...4...3...
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2: Don't Flatter the Mods

In the slums of the NewStorygames district, in a small shack just bordering the Fantasy Forest, the figure of cloaked woman sat partially in the shadows with only a small candle to light the parchment on which she wrote.

Din sighed rubbing her eyes for the zillionist time but finally crossing her eyes and dotting her tees, Din took the sheet of parchment, and walked outside into the muddy streets.

A large plastic hammer and a couple of nails soon appeared in her hands conjured from the shadows.

Nailing it to the paper wall of her shack, Din eased herself back into the shadows so she was nearly invisible and waited.

Suddenly a weird wind blew from the Idearium mines passing through the Fantasy Forest in whirl of pixie dust causing several citzens to go around shouting...."I can fly, I can fly." Just before they all landed with a sicking squish seconds later.

Wirling on the piece of parchment, Din smushed herself back in the shadows as far as she could go...she didn't know what was happening, but she knew that even if she was half shadow she still had bones that could break from attempting to fly on a not so magical wind that smelled like rotten fertizlizer.

With a swirl of dust that made her blink and cough like no tommorrow, Din opened her eyes to see something she didn't expect.

There were her parchment had been hanging was an oversized greecian Lyre crying it's heart out with large bumming, "Buh who? Boo Who? Who Ba? How Buh?"

"What in the Wizard's Orb...?" Din muttered stepping out of the shadows only to dive back into them as a swarm of mods and other hub nobs began to circle around the new storygame like a bunch of Editing Vultures just waiting to gloat over the mistakes of a beginning....Well, maybe not like vultures, after all they were just trying to help, but still Din couldn't stop the image from appearing in her head like an unwanted advertising jingle that repeats itself your head over and over again.

Once the dust settled down, Din eased her way out of there, very, very slowly.

She was almost scot free when a motorcicle with only one wheel and three seat nearly knocked her over.

"Hi..." Shouted Rave as her and other half dismounted from the Crazy Vechile.

"Din!" Finished Wing blinking slowly as they stared at the new storygame.

"Mind if we..."

"Read this?" The twins asked but before she could respond Rave and Wing answered in their usual singsong tone.


"We will..."

"Extermly enjoy this."

"I don't doubt that you will." Din muttered leaving the scene as the twins began to examine the Tear Strun Lyre closely.

"A mistake..."

"I found it first."

"No I did, you nitwit."

She heard them yelling at one another as she scuttered away nervously, but in hurry to get away, she ran into the fifth most important person you don't want to get mad at you or they'll make your life miserable....Chinaren himself.

Of course with the Orange Monsters pot belly and the bulge of Fat bucks praticually spilling from his pockets, it nocked Din right of her feet nearly causing her precious hood to fall from it's position of hiding her face.

"Oh Dinner..." Din heard Chinaren almost purr as the orange multimillonary began to droll..."I was just looking for you."

Din shuddered as she tried to mentally shove away the image of a long table filled with orange munsterities all starring at a platter that featured herself hug tied with giant oversized apple in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Chinaren, sir...." Din stuttered.

"Not at all my dear, not at all." Chinaren said glancing over her like a piece of Beef Tender Loin. "It was my fault entirely. Besides I was looking for you anyway."

Really, Din thought, I wonder why? "Really, Chinaren sir. Whatever for?"

"Well, Dinner," Din shuddered again as Chinaren took a fat buck out to use it as a napkin to wipe his drolling chin, "I just came from reading your new story game
Tear Strung Lyre and I noticed that you had lots of opinions on what should happen next."

"Yeah so," Din heard herself say as she felt her feet begin to inch her towards the nearest shadow she could find.

"Well, I don't know if you know this my dear, but here in If with have things called Polls, and you need to put one up at the end of every chapter. But since you are only in the New Storygames section you are going to have to have someone else put it up for you, someone much more experienced, a mod for instance."

"And who would that be?" Din questioned half afraid to ask.

"LordoftheNight," Chinaren purred smoothly, "You will find him in that castle over there."

Looking to where Chinaren pointed Din almost expected to hear some errie movie music to start sounding at minute as her eyes met the sight of dark castle littered with Gargolyes twisted bushes, a couple of hell-hounds, and a pertual storm landing on the tallest tower of the thing.

Din gulped, and then thanking Chinaren, she walked straight into a nearby corner...and disappered leaving a hungry Chinaren staring at the wall in confusion.

Minutes after she left, Rave, Wing, Smee, and Chinaren were seen by Tourist as they ran to Lordy’s manner shouting something about this would be too good to miss.

~ ~ ~

Resolving from the shadows of Lordy’s front door, Din lifted a pale hand to the doorknocker and with a resounding pound Din let the doorknocker fall. When the last of the echos faded, Din shifted nervously only to have her feet give way underneath as the floor on which she had been standing gave way as a trapdoor opened beneath her feet.

Before she could even think about screaming, Din landed with a resounding thump on the stone floor of a giant underground Hall whose appearance Din only found a little bit reassusuring. At least, with this many shadows caused by no widows and plenty of torches she would be able to make a run for it.

Brushing off the tender area on which she had landed, Din stood, carefully pulling down her hood once again so that not even her smile showed from beneaths its comforting depths. In front of her surrounded by flaming torches in the shape of hideous gargoyles, one LordoftheNight, a shadowy demon with firey eyes, leathery wings, long fangs, and red claws that glinted in the low light.

Behind her a group of mods were gathering having entered the more convential way, the front door.

Striding forward, Din hoped her stargery for staying alive would work on this dark demon with whom she only shared two things. One he was the NewStorygame Mod, and thus her landlord. Two, they were both shadows.

Clearing her throat, Din walked before Lordy and with a curtesy that made the demon smile a little too largely, Din began to speak her voice sweet as honey, “Oh Lord Of The Darknest Night, Know oh Wise One, that I have need of your services. If my Lord could see fit to put up a poll on my storygame,” here Din rattled of the options interested readers had provided, “I would be forever thankful.”

Lordy giggled in a way that almost made him sound like a greedy three year old rather than a dark demon who could kill her and have her for breakfast if he wished, as his head had slowly began to expand with every pleased strock of his large clawed hand.

Behind her, someone shouted, Din thought it might be Chinaren, “Hey Dinner! Don’t flatter the Mod, he’s got a big enough head already.”

Oh, if she had only listened…but her technique was working so when Lordy agreed to put up the poll, Din couldn’t resist flattering Lordy further.

“Oh Thank you Lord, thy kindness is too much. My enternal thankfulness for this kind small service.”

Then as Lordy’s head began to grow, Din had just about one second to wonder why she didn’t listen to those wiser her head before she began to run for the nearest shadowy corner not occupied by the running mods who were already rushing out the door.

Taking a look behind her just before she allowed herself to completely dissolve into the shadows, Din immediately regretted her choice to do so. Behind the herd of mods, Lordy’s head had swollen to the size of a giant airballon just before the demon gave a cocky smile and a “Your Welcome”, only to have his head explode with the effort.

Din disappered only to reappear her shack and to her disgust, Din saw that her backwards look had cost her one of her cloaks. There was no way she was going to be able to get out the stains…

“Oh Don’t Worry,” a giggle came from somewhere nearby.

Turning, Din saw the familiar form of the rather cute pink not-quite Chia smiling and giggling at the expression on Dinranwen’s face.

“Don’t Worry,” Chiacutie giggled exidetly as she fluttered her and there with a radomness only the chia could claim, “he’s head will regrow…” another giggle escaped Chiacutie, “in a day or so. It’s happened before.”

And then without a word of explanation Chiacutie ran off chasing a merchandise cart that was louded with hot pink short skirts.

Din sighed, but going into her hovel to change her cloak, Din only hoped that it was true. She was going to need another poll in a month or two.

~ ~ ~

This is so boring, Din thought as she leaned back in her chair with only its two back legs touching the floor as she leaned against the wall.

Outside the rustle of leaves on the ground told what month it was in If, it was September right after the famous slump of 2006 in which many of the citizens whom Din had grown used too over the past months disapered without word of their leaving.

One could only wonder what had happened to them. Yet, without the usual commenters, lurkers, and mods to make life interesting, Din was bored beyond what her active mind could handle.

Sighing, Din straightened the blue dress she wore in true renasasance style with long sleeves, a high collar that came just below her throat, and a hem that would have almost touched the ground if it weren’t for her tall leather boots.

Then walking up to the pegs on which she hung her collection of cloaks, Din settled her favorite one, a dark purple cloak with silver clasps and an extra long hood, on her shoulders since the blue one she would have normally worn was inviserably stained by the famous “I made Lordy’s head explode” espisode.

Striding off the usual way instead of using the quick ease of the shadows, Din walked to a local pub that bore the large wooden sign called The Chat room.

It would be here that Din would meet Kalana Rai, a dragoness she looked up to but never dared talk too, and they began to talk having found their love for other worlds enough to spark a long and confusing talk on the subject.

In the end, Din had invited Kalana Rai to join her rpg,
Sword of Ergos, if the Dragoness could, and decided with a “See ya tomorrow,” that she may have just met the one person, well dragon, in If who wouldn’t eat her for a snack.

This invite would also lead her to the close acquitance of Morzan a medieval knight dressed head to toe in Armor, Solus Serpen a young elven maid sister to JezSharp who controlled the Tourist Information Booth, Whitey a pale cream centaur whose dirty hands and large arm muscles were probably the product of her long work, and finally Smudger a grumpy hunchback who was more often heard turning the air blue than smiling.

Although she didn’t know it yet, these new friends would be her life ling out of boredom for the next month that was until she made the singular most stupid thing she had done in her shadowy life…..okay, so it was the third most stupid thing she did but that isn’t until Chapter 3…give me a break already!

Last edited by dinranwen on Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing Din - you joined before Jez and Sol. Nearly a month before them.

And who needs a head nowadays anyways?
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

I'm not that grumpy!! But I got a mention Very Happy , well done Din. Keep it up. Surprised , your head never expolded when I asked for a poll to be put up lordy. Do you not like me or something Sad .
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice Chapter Din, althougth I hadn't quite imagined my alter ego as an elfin Lord...actually perhaps that isn't a bad idea (as long I wear dark glasses & a cream suit)... also whilst I spend a lot of time in Fantasy Forest I actually live in Tourist Info.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is great...I love it. At least I know a bit of you and the rest. and it is interesting... I found this place a month ago had trouble getting in but atlast i'm here... keep on typing.

One thing how do you add a pic to the block where my name stands, so I can come out of the shadows too? Smile

I think i'll stay this deer..Smile its cute.

And thanks again phang...three cheers for phang.Smile *is there silence*

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like the story so far - surprised I wasn't also in the Demon Castle of Big Heads. Wink

Chrissy McNightShade, it's called an avatar, and can be changed by clicking 'Profile' at the top of the site. By the way, what country are you from? Something about the way you write resonates of odd grammar and obscure'fense.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well...i'm not from your timezone....I am south African, I'm born Afrikaans. I speak Afrilish...meaning English and Afrikaans. Smile But I read only English stories. Born in a small town.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:57 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Smudger wrote:
I'm not that grumpy!! But I got a mention Very Happy , well done Din. Keep it up. Surprised , your head never expolded when I asked for a poll to be put up lordy. Do you not like me or something Sad .

Ah, you just didn't throw in enough flattery Smugde. You see what Din put in the story - that wasn't exageration.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks everyone for their comments.

And Lordy, yes I know Jez and Solus joined before me, which is why I wrote and quote:
This invite would also lead her to the close acquitance of
. I just wanted to give the impression that it was after I started Sword of Ergos that I got to better know some of IF's many characters.

As for Jez, I didn't know your If character so I improvised. As for the other thing, about you living in Fantasy Forest, I will change it.

Smudge, I know you're not that But my first impression of you was that you were extermly grumpy.

As for you, Phang, I never really met you at all, I think We're in two totally different timezones or something, but I promise to throw in somewhere later.

In fact, I'm going to try to put in any character I ever met and got a good impression off in If. A large task, but I will work it out.

Christalnightshade, nice to see you ready, and I'm glad Phang helped you out. As for the shadow thing, My avatar (the picture below my name) is actually a picture representive of my longest rpg character ever, Rain de'la'Nari.

My avatar for myself is currently, the picture below here.

Another thing you can do is post your location in your profile. Mine is usually Lurking in the Shadows, or Nearby Shadowy Corner.

As for the flattery, Lordy's right Smudge, what I posted was pretty much an exact quote of my first communication with Lordy.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The diffrent time zone...what i mean't by that was that

South Africa is two hours earlier than Uk's.

Location: Info street. Found Jumping from story to story.(get it)New posted Forums...Strolling streets.

Occupation: ShapeShifting...Smile....Busy being diffrent.

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(I understand that phang wasn't there at that time. Smile Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:46 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

I'm an old man at heart Din. Very Happy , being grumpy is second nature. This is very good Dinranwen and keep going, sometimes funny is natural other times you just need to practice it to perfect it. Go Din Pirate
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooo... The single most stupid thing...

From Din?

This has got to be *sees Din glaring* one of those things that just happen and it's just weird and I'm shutting up now.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This invite would also lead her to the close acquitance of Morzan a medieval knight dressed head to toe in Armor

Alright now that Im caught up...

Thank you for the mention Din. An excellent RP and I believe it is the longest running this fair city has ever had and Im glad to be a part of it.

The story isnt my type of humour but some of it made me chuckle a little. Lordy giggling for one.

Anyway keep up the good work.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dinranwen wrote:

It would be here that Din would meet Kalanna Rai, a dragoness she looked up to but never dared talk too,

Aw I'm approachable. I stopped biting people's heads off years ago.

Having fun with this one Din...

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This story made me laugh *tears of joy*....Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crystal, please tell me you'll get rid of the reindeer. It makes you look underling. *shudders*
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please tell me you'll get rid of the makes you look dirty. *throws up*
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

These are not cobs webs. These are thought webs.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well...i don't actiolly judge ppl by the way they look... so why do you judge me. I real life I'm a sweet and a jolly girl.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your name does not match your avatar. I'm freaked out.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well... I didn't mean it that way. Just if you have a suggestion to how my avatar must look like.

Last edited by Guest on Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New chappie will be up, detailing the third most stupid thing I did as an Ifian.

Anyone want to guess? Or are y'all just going to sit there holding your breath until the new chappie?

Thanks for the Comments everyone. So far this has proved perfect for what I'm using it for, a practice ground for humor. In real life, I have quiet the sacrastic wit, and am known for being almost akin to deadly in my witty comments to those I don't like or those people who I like but just enjoy seeing them bristle for the pure pleasure of the experience. I am just trying to figure out I translate the humor I naturally have in written form.

So Smudger is kinda of right, This all is just my little way of Practcing and Perfecting my humor.

If all goes well, and with lots of practice, maybe my next attempt at humor will actually be funny.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

O O I want to guess... Is it something to do with the polls. Smile
I can't wait for the next chappy.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or advertising?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wrong and Wrong. *Giggles* You'll see. Chappie will be up tommorrow as my spell checker has decided to rebel and I am being forced to use another computer....for which I have to wait. But see you tommorrow everyone.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oops had cabslock on. Smile
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