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IQ Issue 18. Election Special! ( Apr. 2008)

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:48 am    Post subject: IQ Issue 18. Election Special! ( Apr. 2008) Reply with quote

In this special feature the IQ will bring to you the shocking real-life interviews with the mayoral candidates!

Our reporters have been dispatched, and are still hunting down their victims, but we have already cornered several of them. Keep and eye out for further updates!!

Please note: The IQ posted the responses as they were submitted.

Our first victim was Lilith, found bathing with several young men in a local bathing house:

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself.

I'm Lilith. I've been here on IF since February 11th of 2007 and I have been the moderator of Fantasy Forest since April 14th of 2007. I generally am in the chat room when I am signed into IF, as I am pretty social. I'm a pretty active reader, and I do keep up with at least one SG of my own. I'm around a lot, so if you haven't seen me stick my head in yet and say hello, you will shortly. Wink

Why should people vote for you for mayor?

I am not saying that there aren't other good candidates up on the ballot, remember that. But I am honest, trustworthy, and responsible. I may have a lot of cases of the sillies, but when it is time to be serious, I work hard and get what needs to be done, done.

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?

The fact that I get stuff done and give it my all while doing so.

What would your style of government be like?

Government? Mmm how about anarchy? Naah, I'm just kidding. Well, I really don't think I could pattern myself after a "government style" per say, just do the best job I can to help IF and IFians through the Mayoral responsibilities. And of course, being fair and impartial to everyone is a big part of that .

Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?

I suppose the gracious and good sport-ish answer to this question would be "Good Luck to all. May the best person win." Wink

Finally, what would be your first job as mayor?

Bring back the advert trading. I want to get IF involved with adverting itself on other websites. I've already done one such myself, and I think if we can get more people involved on it, it may actually work to bring in the reader base we need!

The next candidate located was ChristalNightShade:

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself? (IF not RL).

Morning, Ifains. I've been around in cityofif for a whole year and four months. Giving everything I have to writing stories.

Why should people vote for you for mayor?

I only have a few promises, 1) To bring an artist's thread into the Ifain world, 2) that I'll change IF for the better (not that it was in a worse state). 3) That no one will abuse power

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?

My greatest asset for the job is to notice when there is something very serious going on in the IF world and to solve the problem.

What shall your style of goverment be like?

I should chose democrasy, everyone is equal.

Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?

There isn't much I've said to those that are competing against me, but may the best one win with the most heart put into the work.

What shall your first job be as Mayor?

To set the tax rates to a resonable payment.

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The next candidate, Sir Wax, has just been intercepted creeping out of the Blue Turnip ‘Special Massage’ house in old Muaddib’s district.

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself?

Greetings, name is SirWaxaLot. I am a knight that rollerblades around the City of If. I first came here about two months ago, stayed because i found this to be a great place for the worlds that i have pretty much devoted my real life to.

Why should people vote for you for mayor?

Well, i have experience in media, storytelling, gaming and the like. A vote for me would be a vote to enhance all of the above in the City of If, with my ingenuity. I wouldn't be able to do it alone though, most of my plans would be to head up different divisions for a certain task, participate in them, and see them through.

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?

I have many. I'd say my personality is probably my greatest, i try to have fun but get things done. Firm and fair. I like to teach as well as learn. I like to be a guiding light and show people their guiding lights. I also have progressive ideas and thinking that makes for a good Mayor.

What would your style of government be like?

Oof, that's a tough one. I rather like the concept of Robocracy Smile My robot legion will enforce everything when i am mayor, ahahahaha! Um, getting more serious-like, i think If is an Oligarchy or a Timocracy which is okay by me, however, even with a few in rule, there comes a time where one person has to be the main zeal to keep things moving and to get to move ahead in a forward motion.

Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?

Good luck.

Finally, what would be your first job as mayor?

Increase the user-base of If and instituting an ad campaign committee to do so. Basically, i would head up a team of select Ifians who would be the main contributors in which Ifians would collaborate with their artistic capabilities (video, motion graphics, graphic designing, writing and music) and we would work together to make our first ad campaign for If. If nobody would want to do this with me, i'd do it myself, but i don't think it would come to that.

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Next we stumble across Lord of the Night, busy carrying some lumpy sacks over to the river:

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself?
Most of you should already know me – if not, please accept my congratulations on finding such an impressive rock to live under. As Chinaren has no doubt already mentioned, I am the Lord of the Night – or lordofthenight as my email proclaims. I’ve been a member on IF since 11th August 2005 – nearly three years ago – and a watcher for far longer. I was even around intermittently back on the site which gave birth to IF – InterFable – though I very much doubt anyone will remember me from back then. In addition, I’ve been a Councillor for nearly two years, and moderate more forums than anyone without admin privileges.

Why should people vote for you for mayor?
I alone of the Candidates have the experience required to do the job. I’ve been on the council longer than any of the other candidates have been members, and indeed have...enjoyed watching them develop as authors on this site.
I can generally be found on IF three or four times a day at a bare minimum, usually spending several hours each day on the site. I have had the ear of every mayor to date, and I am always willing to listen to ideas and advice from anyone. However, I am not afraid to make hard decisions if the situation gets out of hand. If you want a reliable, hard-working and active mayor, then a vote for me will guarantee it.

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?
As previously mentioned, I believe my experience to be of greatest importance. Of the ‘new’ ideas I have seen the other candidates put forwards, I’ve already witnessed the majority already take place in one form or another. I was awarded the role of the Lord High Chancellor and have stayed in that position for about a year, yet still have time to moderate the City Auditorium – which includes the governing of the SGotM award – and have been a member of the Head Eaters since its foundation. I haven’t even mentioned my role as Grand Auctioneer or Moderator of New Story Games, as my space is not limitless.
In effect, I know how the site works, what trends there are and how to get things done.

What would your style of government be like?
In an ideal world each citizen would be granted equal power, there would be no need for moderators, no need for any form of government besides the King. Sadly, we live in an imperfect world, and people need leaders. Without someone to set a path, all would go astray. For those of you without access to the council forums, a look inside would reveal how different we all our in our opinions, and even with a reduced number it is almost impossible to come to a decision.
That being said, I personally prefer a combination of a democratic and oligarchic system – the council debating upon a given subject, with the mayor stepping in to make the final decision should a solution not be reached.

Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?
The decision to run for mayor is not one that should be taken lightly – it is a difficult position, and a very time consuming one. That you are all prepared to make such a sacrifice is admirable. That being said, I hope this election will be won by whoever will do the best for IF, rather than merely being won by whoever can call the most friends to their support, whether by bringing people to the site, or intercepting them early in chat. I trust you all feel the same way.

Finally, what would be your first job as mayor?
The idea of my ‘first job’ as mayor seems foolish to me. I intend to be mayor for six months, not in an attempt to suddenly gain in power and then thrust my ideas upon the site. While I may not agree with all the changes previous mayors have made, the council at the time agreed they were the best decision. I do not intend to gain power and rewrite the city guidelines like some sort of Tyrant.
So far the other candidates have innocently proclaimed they intend to increase the number of members, and the advertising of the site. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a long term goal of every mayor and council member to date and it almost seems degrading to imply it’s never been a main focus of the site. If I were to choose a ‘first job’ so to speak, it would merely be ensuring the site runs smoothly. I see my role as mayor as a mediator, rather than trying to spark up every discussion available in the first month. That I can already do as a member of the council.

And nearby, Phang, chewing on a Lordy meat pie!

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself? (IF not RL).
Ah ha ha. I am Phang, perhaps oldest of all the candidates in IF least, last I checked. You may not know me, but I'm always here...

Why should people vote for you for mayor?
Well I believe I am more...sensible and refined, shall we say, with a better grip on reality and sanity than most IFians (who protest too much). The people need someone like this to run, because believe it or not this is a'll notice my esteemed predecessors were all those of the grounded variety.

Though I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a little durreth, this is IF.

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?
Well...perhaps the fact that I'm on here quite alot of the time. I may not post much, but believe me I've a web of information about this place...don't trip now...

What would your style of government be like?
A purple dictatorship. I mean...dystopia. Nay, nay, I meant utopia! Full honesty!

Then again, utopia is in the eye of the beholder...and spammers will meet a hell, coloured 9900cc - some may know I'm not one for extra chances.

Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?
Indeed. Good luck, suckers!

Finally, what would be your first job as mayor?
Well...what would my people want me to do, in highest priority? I must research...
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Located next was Crossfire, sitting in the middle of his small garden in a tin tub full of soapy water, and scrubbing himself thoroughly with a small, sad looking kitten...

Please say a couple of words to introduce yourself.

I am the fantastic, transcendent, bombastic and impossibly wise Crossfire, ruler of a very small amount of places I survey (with your help, more!) but incredibly beneficial to them all.

Why should people vote for you for mayor?

Because I will promote and provoke change within the City- not just change that I want, but change that you tell me you want- and, once I fix up a few problems of efficiency in the City Council. I will do so quickly!

What do you think is your greatest asset for the job?

Well, no one has ever told me I'm discourteous or slovenly in my appearance!

Aside from that, I am readily approachable and, unlike some of the previous Mayors will actually answer questions put to me with verve, grace and alacrity!

(That means quickly, energetically and well- by the way, I promise to use less "big words" in informal conversation if I am elected Mayor!)

I also really want to be it, and I will be so happy to get the position that I will introduce far-reaching and helpful reforms, give the average IFian greater variety of choice (yes, that actually means something) and attempt to decrease the need for fifty percent City revenue spending on psychiatric help!

Wait... that's three. Or maybe four.

I don't promise anything impossible, so I won't say I'll learn how to count.

Lordy is definitely remaining Treasurer (as well as, hopefully, a man of impeccable courtesy, grace and charm).

What would your style of government be like?

I would be:

Harsh when required
Inventive when inspired
Kind when pleaded
True when needed

Nice to those who aren't to me
Eternal in my serenity.


Would you like to say something to the other mayoral candidates?

I would. Good luck to you all, and much happiness!

Sir Wax seems to be the favorite to win (two of the other candidates like him, and a former Mayor! Whereas I only have one and a former Mayor), but I hope I can, with your help, come from behind to beat him!

What would be your first job as mayor?

I'd gather all of my more reasonable suggestions (also a modification that allows you to save searches, or create little portable widgets containing all varieties of things that interest you!) and implement all the ones that don't require a City Council discussion, in addition to some of more minor changes that IF has told me about recently.

Then, once I've streamlined the decision process somewhat, start implementing the others along with any sensible others you make to me during my half-year or longer term![/color][/size]
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The IQ brings you a special update on the Mayoral race!

The mayoral race thus far has been the hardest fought, bitter campaign to date in IF, with smear tactics, allegations of evil-doing (LordoftheNight about himself) and heavy canvassing in the Inn and beyond.

Round one began with things looking good for Lilith, with a strong early lead that was never overcome. After several days, Lilith retained her lead with an overall majority of 52%, still in the safety margin, though Wax started to pick up a few votes.

Shortly after, LordoftheNight’s voters kicked into high gear though, and Lordys’ votes surged past Wax and neared Lilith, who fell back below the magical 50%.

It seemed to be all over, but just as this reporter was packing up to go home, Wax staged a surprise comeback, flying up the ratings to within one vote of Lordy in second place. With only moments to go, and in the biggest twist of this whole election, Lily herself put her vote in for Wax, bringing her two closest competitors level in second place, and making round two a three horse race.

In an unofficial interview following this unprecedented event, when asked why she voted for her rival, Lilith replied that she thought Wax was the man for the job!

The candidate later withdrew this statement, but everyone knows words are hard to ‘unhear’ and the story streaked around IF with lightning speed.

Round two opened, and for a short time it looked like Lily would come through her fau-paux unscathed, taking the first vote from our very own Schoolmarm. Such was not to be though, and it soon became clear that Wax had benefited from Lily’s unofficial, unexpected support with votes surging in for the newcomer.

Shortly afterwards, in another surprising twist, our own orange furball threw his official backing behind Wax, rather than his long time political ally, LordoftheNight.

Following this lead, LordoftheNight himself effectively withdrew from the race, urging all to vote for Wax as well, though several votes were still thrown his way.

At this point there is one day left in the voting, and Wax is on a comfortable lead of 63% of the vote, to Lilith’s 26% and Lordys 10%.

Will Wax take it? Will Lily stage a late comeback? Will Lordy do the Can-Can wearing only a pair of frilly yellow undergarments?

Only time will tell, but whatever the outcome, this race will be one for the history books, and the eventual victor will emerge bloodied but unbowed, to lead IF into a new era of prosperity and brutality for all!

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