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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:12 am    Post subject: Made in Taiwan - COMPLETE Reply with quote

WARNING: Cyanide is bad for your health. Also, this story may be bad for your developmental health if you are not accustomed to a little violence and little language (totally within PG13).

This is a spy thriller with an experimental twist for running a storygame. Specifically we're searching for a solution through questions before we start putting up suggestions for polls. Furthermore, if an obvious solution is discovered, we'll guide the poll in a different direction... perhaps on how the main character, codename Black Dragon, likes his drinks mixed.

I want to emphasize that questions are the most important part of this storygame. Please word the question specifically and explicitly, such as "Is the blast radius of the grenade big enough to kill all of the bad guys?" instead of "If the grenade blast radius is big enough, maybe it will kill all of the bad guys."

Qik Pik Lock Picking Tool
Cufflink Cyanide pills

Normal Stuff:
Grey uniform
Sharp piece of metal
Oxygen Canister with hose
Doll Mask

Chapter One: Mafia Boss in the Closet
The American Super Spy codename Black Dragon investigates the disappearance of high ranking official in Taipei Taiwan. He enters a mafia boss's office at night and has a near death experience with a robot disguised as a human.

Chapter Two: Pop Goes the Weasel
Investigating the warehouse where the high ranking official, Mr. Child, was found turns into a flaming circus. Mr. Young was held there in a Jack-in-the-Box dressed up like a clown, and when the police investigate a crate full of flaming toys explode across the warehouse, threatening to destroy whatever evidence might be found there.

Chapter Three: Info Dump
A whole lot evidence, a great big mystery, and a lab full of lab instruments. Oh, and the interrogation of an evil dolly. Discoveries include the green goo identified as a potentially deadly bacteria, a signal coming from "Daddy", and a short history of Lili, a doll that thinks its a little girl.

Chapter Four: Teetor-Totter of Death
Dragon decides to follow the uplink signal to the source and discovers a zigzagging trail of relay towers, with a 2 hour time limit to reach the end before an unknown threat strikes. Dragon must fight through bad guys with guns and downtown traffic, seeking the true source of the signal linking the robots to their master.

Chapter Five: Descent into Madness
Falling off of a 101-story building can be very dangerous, but somehow Dragon survived, only to be captured his mysterious enemy. He meets Mr. Child, the real one, who explains that he was replaced by a robot. Soon after, Dragon meets his own robotic double, and he is a really short tempered jerk!

Chapter Six: Robots Can't Laugh
Dragon risks his life to try to teach the robot "Black Dragon" to enjoy life's amusing ironies. The robot, often called "Black", isn't amused, but he can't kill Dragon or else he will mysteriously die himself. Dragon pickpockets the qikpik from Black and makes an escape, only to discover he's deep underwater and there's a shark on the prowl.

Current Chapter
Chapter Seven: Grace Under Decompression
Dragon makes a daring escape with make-shift scuba gear. If he can get to the surface without being eaten, recaptured, or suffocated, he might be able escape.

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Last edited by Lebrenth on Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:57 am; edited 27 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:15 am    Post subject: Chapter One: Mafia Boss in the Closet Reply with quote

Made in Taiwan

Chapter One: Mafia Boss in the Closet

Black Dragon peered through the infrared scope of his zip-line harpoon sniper rifle at the darkened office building. He located Huan’s office on the same floor straight across the street. He switched the scope to gamma and looked for a stable spot to anchor in.

Shawn Lee AKA Chen Teng-Hui AKA Black Dragon was an international spy keeping an eye on the trouble in Taipei. It is now the year 2020 and over the last decade, conflict with communist China and Taiwanese Nationalists had the CIA “concerned”. Despite what the tepid official stance of the United States would suggest, Taiwan had become a vital stepping stone for espionage in China and was worth looking after. Most of the time, it was just a game of hide-and-seek with Chinese officials, but Black Dragon’s latest assignment was much more interesting.

Black Dragon pulled the trigger and shot the harpoon into the solid cement. He pulled at the anchor to test it, and it felt good. He suited up, grabbed all of his fancy spy gadgets, and clipped into the zip-line. Now he just had to wait for the power. The voice in his ear told him the small bomb was only a few seconds from blowing the transformer and putting the whole block into a black out. That was good enough for Black Dragon, so he jumped from the building and zipped across toward the office building. The lights were out by the time his feet hit the other side.

“Any update on the director?” asked Dragon of his intel coordinator.

“Not yet. I’ll keep you posted,” the anxious voice replied.

The director was Steven Child, and he had been missing four days already. He was the director of the American Institute in Taiwan, a private organization that was the last semblance of an American Embassy in Taiwan. An anonymous tip-off was the only lead, and the muffled voice claimed the director was being held at a dockside warehouse. Taipei police were already on their way, and if the tip-off was true, the director’s fate would be known within the hour. Dragon was taking that time to work his own angle, as he hung inverted above the office window and began using a laser pen gadget to make a hole in the glass instead of crashing through.

The reason he wasn’t at the warehouse instead was that the warehouse was a condemned building with no official owner, but insiders knew it was a popular place for the mafia to torture and execute people they really didn’t like. What the director of AIT had to do with the Taiwanese Mafia was what Black Dragon was interested in. Operating autonomously, he decided to work off of the hunch that it was a mafia hit and he would look for answers in the downtown office of local mafia boss, Huan Gang-Hu.

Dragon slid through the hole like an Olympic diver twisting in the air. He set his feet down without a sound and started searching. He quickly picked the lock of the desk with his Qik Pik and took pictures of any documents that looked interesting with his invisible camera (but it took him a little time to figure out which way to hold it). Lights from flashlights were waving around, which Dragon could see under the door. He moved on from the desk and unlocked the file cabinet. Immediately he found a secret compartment which contained a small locked box. He unlocked the box and found several interesting items, including a pistol, a microchip, a vial of green goo, and a strange sound just came from the closet, interrupting his discovery. It sounded like a machine, but his intuition was telling him it wasn’t a coffeemaker or something harmless.

Black Dragon took the pistol and checked if it was ready to fire. He opened the door and right in front of him stood Huan Gang-Hu. He opened his eyes and lunged for Black Dragon with a yell. Black Dragon grabbed Huan’s wrists rolled backward, kicking Huan over him. He was unbelievably heavy, and he demolished the chair he crashed into. Without flinching, Huan stood up and charged Dragon again. This time Dragon opened fire, unloading the pistol into Huan, but it did little to slow him down. The bullet wounds exposed machinery and wires. One of Huan’s arms seized up, but the other hit Dragon like a train.

Stumbling, Dragon tried to escape, but was grabbed from behind by Huan. Dragon fought to get closer to the window almost reaching the clip. Then Huan slammed Dragon against the window which shattered. Now he was fighting to prevent being thrown out!

DP: What will Black Dragon do? This DP will be run differently than other storygames. There is vital information that was not included in the narration, but if you can find out what it is, you will have a clear answer to what you should do. I’m encouraging you to ask questions which I will gladly answer. There is at least one way to get through this predicament.

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Last edited by Lebrenth on Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:49 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Intriguing start, Lebby. I like it, although I'm not sure how serious you're being with the story or if you're hovering around it being a comedy. The invisible camera!? *raises eyebrow*

He unlocked the box and found several interesting items, including a pistol, a microchip, a vial of green goo, and a strange sound...

I got a little confused around here... the sentence went a bit weird.

A vial of green goo sounds like a good way of clogging up a mech-man. You didn't mention if we took the items found in the secret lockbox though.

You also didn't really detail too much what all the 'fancy spy gadgets' we have, include. Do we have the all important grenade pen we can lodge inside mech-man's exposed wires?

Perhaps a backpack we're wearing doubles as an emergency parachute, so jaming in the grenade and piling out the window sounds like a good escape.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:38 am    Post subject: the first questions Reply with quote

Yeah, it's hovering around a comedy... the invisible camera is literally, and rather impractically, invisible. The sentence was intended to be disjointing... like the character going through the things in the box and suddenly getting interrupted, but it sounds like it was a little too confusing so I may edit that.

I already have a list of all the fancy gadgets, I was just waiting for someone to ask about them. The asking of questions is the most important aspect in the gaming side of this storygame, and besides that, cramming all of the details of the gadgets in the story bogs it down. If you have any further questions as to what the gadgets do, feel free to ask.

List of gadgets:
Invisible Camera
Mini Cuban Smart Missile
Dual Purpose True Universal Adaptor For Electronics (or DPTUAFE)
Cyanide Cuff Links
Inner Ear Communicator
Qik Pik Lock Picking Tool
Laser Pen

I would very much like the questions to be direct. I.E. "What gadgets do we have?" "How powerful is the laser pen?" That way I can answer them in an orderly list. Your implied questions, as far as I can tell are:

What is the invisible camera?
It's just a typical digital camera that is completely invisible. You can't even look at the pictures without uploading them to a computer or something.

Did Dragon grab the stuff from the box?
Only the pistol. He was interrupted and didn't grab any of the other stuff. It's sad really.

What are the fancy gadgets that Dragon has?
See above list. Sorry, no parachute or grenade pen, but you do have a laser pen and a mini smart missile in the shape of a cigar.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

An enjoyable read! The only part that tripped me up was
He pulled at the anchor to test it, and it looked good.
- I'd have thought it would have 'felt' good. But a minor nit, in any case.

The gadgets and the items he's found in the box would be obvious things to use in a DP, but given that he only has the pistol to hand, and is about to be thrown out of the window by a mechanical gangster much larger, heavier and stronger than him suggests that these are out of the picture for now. I suppose he could try to take his eyes out with the pistol.

One question I have is that I'm not sure whether Black Dragon is surprised or not to find out that Huan is a machine, so I don't know whether we should take that for granted, or whether we're dealing with a replica mafia guy. If he's familiar with this class of android, presumably he might know where the 'off' switch is, or at least where it's weaknesses are so that he can disable it.

Over the last decade in the future
is a phrase that particularly intrigued me. What does that mean? Are you referring to the decade that immediately follows the present, or the last decade before armageddon? Or is this some strange form of tense that has been devised by people who regularly travel back and forth in time, or at least can see back and forth in time?

So, yeah, if you can answer those two questions first, Lebs, then I'll crack on with figuring out a DP suggestion. Thumbs Up

(editz to add) - Just seen your post, must have gone up while I was typing mine. So my questions are -

Is Black Dragon familiar with the type of android he's fighting?

Is he familiar with time travel / time displacement?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great! I'll fix that nit for you, I totally agree. As for the questions, you seem to have latched onto the idea nicely so I'll start answering:

Is Black Dragon familiar with the type of android he's fighting?

No, he's actually freaked out that it's a robot! He's never fought a robot before in his life! This story takes place in the year 2020, so robots aren't out of the question, but by no means does one expect to have one try to kill you.

Is he familiar with time travel / time displacement?

Positively not. Time travel has nothing to do with this situation, the author was just using a strange writing style that he's going to revise very soon. Probably when it isn't 3:53am. "Over the last decade in the future" means it is a decade in the future, and this is what happened in the time that you, the reader, haven't experienced yet.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dual Purpose True Universal Adaptor For Electronics (or DPTUAFE)

Question : Is the dual purpose of the DPTUAFE by any hope a Electromagetic pulse device that can disable any electrical system, which might work on our android problem?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am assuming the inner ear communicator is still in his ear.

I will hazard a stab at the DP - or at least one half of the suggestion - and that is to radio for help. Hopefully they can see him.

Meanwhile I hope he has the Quik Pik still to hand - the device he picked the lock with. Ram it into the part of the robot where he thinks it will do the most damage.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Smee wrote:
Question : Is the dual purpose of the DPTUAFE by any hope a Electromagetic pulse device that can disable any electrical system, which might work on our android problem?

... Yeah... Actually that's precisely what the device is for.... You can download things quickly and then totally wipe the device's memory clean. Especially handy for destroying your own files if you believe it is about to be captured. Well done Smee, I thought there would be more hunting. Of course, that was supposed to be a warm-up. I'll be putting up chapter two soon.

Crunchy, no need to assume, if you ask you'll get clarification. I think I'm going to start acting like Alex Trebec, except instead of asking for answers in the form of a question, asking for questions in the form of a question. But, since we're getting started, here's the answers: The inner ear communicator is very reliable communication. His "intel operator" already knows he's in trouble and may have already sent help. However, Black Dragon is on this mission solo, so help may not come soon. His intel operator is in a cubicle miles away from the location. Also, the qik pik is a delicate instrument that would not be a very effective weapon.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good concept. I like a mystery. Looks like Smee's solved this one so the only thing I have to add is... who decides what the DP is going to be, if the main DP has already been solved?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Might I suggest a possible alternative DP be coming up with an alternative, perhaps witty, but definately easier to pronounce acroynm for the DPTUAFE Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:25 am    Post subject: DPTUAFE renaming poll Reply with quote

Smee wrote:
Might I suggest a possible alternative DP be coming up with an alternative, perhaps witty, but definately easier to pronounce acroynm for the DPTUAFE Very Happy

Sounds good to me. There's something I'll miss about the old Dual Purpose True Universal Adaptor For Electronics name, but we can't carry on calling it a Dual Purpose True Universal Adaptor For Electronics all the time. Even the acronym for Dual Purpose True Universal Adaptor For Electronics is too long. Do we have any suggestions?

By the way, here comes another chapter:

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:26 am    Post subject: Chapter Two: Pop Goes the Weasel Reply with quote

Chapter Two: Pop Goes the Weasel

Black Dragon charged his Dual Purpose Universal Adaptor For Electronics as the robot’s hand strangled Dragon’s throat. The high pitch whine of the charger reached its apex and Dragon stabbed the robot's eye socket, causing an EMP pulse to erase the robot’s memory. It twitched for a moment before shutting down and letting Dragon breathe again. He took some pictures of the robot, but the sound of security approaching hastened him to retrieve the secret box. He let the gun slip from his gloved hand. Guns just get people killed.

Zipping back and retrieving as much equipment as possible, Dragon fled the scene and returned to headquarters. News of the director’s rescue had gone public. Apparently he was unharmed, and grateful to be saved, but he had no idea what the kidnappers wanted, except to humiliate him and the U.S.

At the laboratory, the microchip, the photographs, and the vial of strange green substance were analyzed. The microchip was very sophisticated but it had no production markings or any obvious means of tracking its origins. Its function it was concluded was probably to automate a robot, but to do what? The complexity was too much, like trying to learn a new language with nothing more than a page of unfamiliar symbols.

“If only we had a robot that uses this technology,” one of the researchers said. The photographs were more insightful, with schematics of a robot showing how it functioned, though not enough to recreate one. The goo contained a mixture of loose proteins and synthetic oil swimming with bacteria. The bacteria was still being tested, and the first results of the test would not be back for a week, then who knows how long to study it. In any case, it wasn’t easily identifiable.

Armed with new gadgets, and a handy fake ID set to NPA agent, Dragon made a trip to the warehouse to look for more clues. Officers did not stop him as he entered the crime scene under investigation. He just flashed the badge, shook a few hands, and asked for any information he wanted.

The warehouse was falling apart with rotten wood. At one corner there was a large hole in the floor where victims were thrown into the water and set adrift. Mostly the warehouse was full of crates, some of them balancing precariously on rickety high shelves. Most of the exits were boarded up or led to a walkway that had already fallen into the sea. The large main door was the only functional entryway, which faced south. The southeast corner was completely obscured by crates, and there were several aisles of crates in the middle. The northeast section was caged off, and that was where the AIT director was found.

The director was put into a giant jack in the box, dressed up and made up like a clown. When they opened the box a spring threw the director up suddenly. A jumpy officer shot him with a taser, but luckily the taser malfunctioned. Once he was released he walked out on his own two feet, not a scratch on him (except the two punctures from the taser).

There were a few signs of trace evidence, but they weren’t feeling too lucky yet.

“Sir, this crate is shaking!” an investigator called out. Everyone crowded around it, someone with a crowbar approached it.

“Wait!” Dragon yelled. “Get the bomb squad here, this could be very dangerous.”

The word ‘bomb’ caused everyone to become still and quiet, which was interrupted by the sound of girlish giggling from inside the crate.

“It’s just more toys!” the officer said. “All of these crates have old toys in them.”

Dragon put his hand on the officer’s arm, stopping him from opening the crate.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Dragon said. It turns out the officer didn’t have to. The crate exploded with a burst of fire, shooting flaming wood everywhere. Inside the crate, hundreds of burning toys of various shape and size zipped around spreading the flames throughout the warehouse. Everyone evacuated as quickly as possible; everyone except Dragon. This was intended to destroy the evidence… but what evidence?

With the flames consuming everything, there wasn’t much time to find out.

DP: Dragon is risking his safety to try to find clues, or put out the fire. Time is an issue, so time consuming tasks may not be viable, e.g. “Is there anything under the floorboards?” (because it would take too long to pull up all of the floorboards). The list of gadgets available is listed at the top under “inventory”. Remember the object is to ask questions so you can make more informed decisions, you don’t have to assume anything. If you ask the right questions, it will become obvious what the best course of action will be.

Click here for inventory and synopsis
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there a fire extinguisher or a bucket nearby that can be used to grab seawater to be thrown onto the flames?

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thunderbird wrote:
Is there a fire extinguisher or a bucket nearby that can be used to grab seawater to be thrown onto the flames?

Yes, there is a fire extinguisher and buckets, but the fire has already spread enough that you could not keep up with the rate it is burning. The warehouse is a real tinderbox of flammables.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Then may we use such devices to extinguish the flames on some of the leftover 'toy' material that leapt from the exploding box? (to preserve evidence... not sure what kind of evidence or clues we're looking for exactly...)

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone opened any of the crates to see what's inside, previous to the 'toys' incident?

Also, you mentiond 'a few signs of trace evidence'. What evidence, precisely?

Finally, if they're in a caged-in section, is it possible to contain the fire in one portion of the warehouse, by locking it into a vacuum?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thunderbird wrote:
Then may we use such devices to extinguish the flames on some of the leftover 'toy' material that leapt from the exploding box? (to preserve evidence... not sure what kind of evidence or clues we're looking for exactly...)

Most of them go out quickly but the larger ones seem to be fueling the flames from within. Two of them, which look like little cowboys, are shooting from flames from their guns. Extinguishing a few of them will give you extra time, but you definitely could not put all of them out before the warehouse was totally consumed in flames.

Shady Stoat wrote:
Has anyone opened any of the crates to see what's inside, previous to the 'toys' incident?

Yes, mostly toys have been found, but there are also crates full of vacuum cleaner parts, weather balloons, and nails.

Shady Stoat wrote:
Also, you mentiond 'a few signs of trace evidence'. What evidence, precisely?

Human teeth, blood, hair, and a few smudged fingerprints. The reason the investigators aren't hopeful is because they think these traces are actually from the victims of the mafia, not from any of the members. Then again, they don't know that. Assuming Dragon survives, he'll likely hear more about these findings later. There might be more trace evidence waiting to be collected if the warehouse doesn't burn down.

Shady Stoat wrote:
Finally, if they're in a caged-in section, is it possible to contain the fire in one portion of the warehouse, by locking it into a vacuum?

I really like that idea, unfortunately the caged section will easily let flames in and out through the bars.
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Last edited by Lebrenth on Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can the weather balloons be used to collect anything that isn't on fire at the moment and the extinguisher used to make sure it doesn't catch fire, while also being used to extinguish some of the toys (they too are evidence)?

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:17 pm    Post subject: balloony Reply with quote

Thunderbird wrote:
Can the weather balloons be used to collect anything that isn't on fire at the moment and the extinguisher used to make sure it doesn't catch fire, while also being used to extinguish some of the toys (they too are evidence)?

The weather balloons are not inflated, and if they were it still would probably be easier to save evidence by throwing the things out of the building. You make a very valid point that the toys are evidence, though you naturally wouldn't be able to save all of them (without putting out the fire entirely).
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can he start throwing all the nearby toys into the water and then go after them later with his amphibian mask? That way he could get as much evidence out and no longer on fire without taking the time to collect all the toys. Would this destroy some of the evidence he could collect? Is there evidence on the toys or is the evidence just that they are toys, maybe from a particular factory or something?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are all the crates filled with toys?

Is there a way of collapsing the entire warehouse into the water?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Sugar Plum F! I'm so glad you've joined in. How's married life?

Sugar Plum F wrote:
Can he start throwing all the nearby toys into the water and then go after them later with his amphibian mask?

That would be a very fast way to put out the toys, if you're careful not to get burned, and you may still lose a few toys in the water. Maybe "throwing" is the wrong term? There's even a nice little slant to the floor leaning toward the hole.

Would this destroy some of the evidence he could collect?

The exact nature of the evidence Dragon is looking for isn't known. He's relying on intuition here, and he suspects there is something big... something that isn't trace evidence and that wouldn't be easily ruined by water.

Is there evidence on the toys or is the evidence just that they are toys, maybe from a particular factory or something?

The uniqueness of certain toys does make Dragon wonder if perhaps he could trace the manufacturer from them. The Giggler, the toy that made the laughing sound before the crate exploded, is a 3 foot tall doll of a girl and it is still laughing (perhaps a little more maniacally now). Even with her hair and dress on fire, she has distinctive enough features that it might be trackable, or at least matchable to another doll at a factory. Listening closely to her, she seems to be commanding the toys to "Burn it all!*giggle giggle giggle*".
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:58 am    Post subject: Just one Reply with quote

We have a knack for posting at the same time, don't we?

Crunchyfrog wrote:
Are all the crates filled with toys?

Mostly toys, but also a couple odd crates with stuff such as weather balloons, vacuum parts, and nails. Unfortunately there isn't the time to open everything up to make certain.

Is there a way of collapsing the entire warehouse into the water?

The terrible condition that the supporting piles are for the warehouse, it seems very viable actually. After a quick peek through the hole in the floor, it seems there is only one pile that's really holding up the weight of the warehouse anymore... but it would still take a considerable force.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have the X-ray goggles revealed anything, that opening some of the crates so far have not?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crunchyfrog wrote:
Have the X-ray goggles revealed anything, that opening some of the crates so far have not?

Yeah, some of the toys are definitely more than a spring and a set of wheels. The larger ones are complex robots. There's also a fire sprinkler system installed... but it's completely nonfunctional. There is a safe hidden in the caged section and it contains an inventory, random office papers, a set of keys, and a dead cellphone.

The qik pik quickly opens the safe, so I'm adding these items to the inventory. However, a thorough investigation of these items will take too long while the warehouse is burning.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How can we bring down the center pile then?

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Married life is great, thanks.

Would putting one of his cuban mini missiles through the pile work?

Can he make the slant of the floor more extreme so that the crates will simply fall into the water?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:36 pm    Post subject: Chappy coming up soon Reply with quote

How can we bring down the center pile then?

There's no obvious solution, but I'll skip to the next question.

Sugar Plum F wrote:
Would putting one of his cuban mini missiles through the pile work?

Dragon has only one Cuban mini smart missile, but it will definitely do the trick. Looks like it's time for chapter 3.

Can he make the slant of the floor more extreme so that the crates will simply fall into the water?

Kinda... but not really. The hole isn't quite enough to dump everything into quickly. You have a reliable, if a little soggy, strategy.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like a risky strategy to me - water destroys evidence almost as bad as fire, just in a different way.

But I can't think of a better plan, it was a good chapter, and I look forward to more.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:47 pm    Post subject: Chapter Three: Info Dump Reply with quote


The warehouse fire already roared menacingly, and using the fire extinguisher on a couple of toys was clearly not enough. One toy was a large doll with its hair and dress on fire, commanding the toys to “Burn it all!” as it giggled maniacally, but no amount of trying would extinguish it. Anyway, even hitting the toys like hockey pucks into the water wouldn’t be enough to put out the warehouse. Dragon searched for evidence that he knew was hiding somewhere in the warehouse. His X-Ray Goggles exposed the insides of crates and walls. Most of the crates were toys, which had complex robotic parts under the fur and plastic skin, but there was also a safe hidden in the wall. The qik pik opened it up quickly, but the fire wasn’t going to wait. It had to be stopped.

Water wasn’t a much better way to preserve evidence from the fire. As someone knowledgeable in such things might mention, the water would damage evidence or wash it away entirely, but it would still be better than charcoal. The rickety warehouse with the slanting floor wasn’t just falling apart on top. The piles supporting it were very weak, and when Dragon discovered this, he felt it was finally time to remove his cigar case from his suit pocket. Inside there were two Cuban cigars… or at least one. The second one was actually a secret gadget, a small guided missile operated by the intel operator still connected with Dragon through his communicator.

The Mini Cuban Smart Missile was simple to use. Merely bite off the end (exposing the pilot camera), set the end on fire to light the rocket, and let the operator do the rest.

“You ready Fong?” Dragon said to his operator.

“Fong’s not here,” said a young high voice, “This is Dong.”

“Dong? What happened to Fong?”

“He had to go, I’m taking over,” he said, and Dragon frowned at the sound of his very young voice.

“How old are you?”

“Just light the missile already, I’m ready for this.”

Dragon didn’t like it, but there was no time. He bit the cigar, and grabbed a flaming toy to light the end. He puffed a few times to make sure it caught and held it up.

“You sure you’re ready? When will Fong be back?” Dragon said, but the missile shot out of his hand, jetting through the flaming building and down through the hole. Dragon watched it circle a moment coming back to line up with the last steady pile of the warehouse.

“I would move if I were you,” said Dong.

“Yeah all right,” Dragon said casually, walking toward the door. The explosion came before he left the warehouse, and with the last good pile broken, the warehouse slowly began to fall. Dragon hopped from the falling warehouse to the dock and turned around to watch the show. The warehouse crashed into the water, immediately putting out the fire. Toys, crates, and debris were floating everywhere. The police walked up to Dragon.

“Find anything?” an officer asked.

“Nope,” Dragon said, lying about the contents of the safe, which included a dead cell phone, some office papers, and the keys to the sunken warehouse. After a stop by his car to deposit the evidence, he put on his amphibian mask and jumped into the water. There was a certain dolly that he wanted to collect before the police got to it.

* * *

Swimming through the murky water was kind of cool. The toys were everywhere, a lot of them swimming around like they were actually afraid of drowning. Pushing through debris and entering the now very dark warehouse, it was like looking into the afterlife… charred wood floating around in dark water, a warehouse with its dimensions stretched by the water and low light, children’s toys looking at him from every side. Then he spotted what he was after. The doll laid on her stomach with something in her hand. Unfortunately, the water seemed to have shorted her circuits.

Dragon approached her anyway to see what she had in her hand. She was surprisingly heavy in the water, as he picked her up by her leg. Then she began moving. Her head turned till it was on backwards, looking at Dragon. Her eyes lit up with red light. Dragon was surprised it was working and didn’t react to the red eyes, but when her arm swung at him with a butcher knife, he threw her away. Where the heck did she get that thing? The doll’s torso spun like a top, propelling her toward Dragon. He pushed off the ground toward the surface of the water, feeling only a bump through his shoe as the doll passed underneath.

He couldn’t use the DPTUAFE since he wanted the doll’s memory intact and the gadget wouldn’t work underwater anyway. He looked for something else to use while keeping an eye out for her. It felt like swimming with sharks. The best he could find was a loose board and some rope. Dragon dived back down, but he couldn’t see the doll in the murky water, he could only feel the turbulence of the water. Did she escape or was she going to come after him again? In a moment he got his answer, as the doll spun toward him.

Dragon tossed the rope as he prepared to defend himself with the board, but as the doll made contact with the rope, it caught onto her arm. As she spun, she wrapped herself tighter and tighter in the rope. She wouldn’t stop fighting the ropes, but she couldn’t get out either. Dragon shrugged and collected the bundle and took away her knife.

Dragon swam back out of the warehouse with the dolly. Dripping water everywhere, he buckled the doll in the passenger seat of his sleek silver spy car. It was state of art, of course, with its own collection of gadgets and a self destruct button. Dragon put on his sunglasses and drove away from the mess. It looked like it was time for tedious lab work to determine what the next move would be.

The city was busy, but maintained a calm face. It was only behind closed doors or in dark places that the bad things were happening… assassinations, blackmail, political subterfuge…. For now, it was a peaceful drive to headquarters, a secret (of course) installation that hid itself in a mountain. The entrance looked like a rock cliff at the dead end of an empty road. Besides a transponder that sent a ‘friendly’ signal to the door, the vehicle had to drive around 50 kph and the door would open at the last second. You had to be certain it would open for you.

The rock face dropped suddenly and let Black Dragon into the lit parking garage. The furious doll and the evidence were taken by agents to be researched. Dragon left the secret base by a secret door that led to a secret backroom to a grocery store that was secretly owned by the U.S. government. It also had secret grab bags for kids once a week.

* * *

The next few days Dragon spent most of his time in the TU lounge, ordering strong drinks and dancing with the girls. It was a happening place, a good stimulating atmosphere to kill some time, and maybe find a pretty Taiwanese girl to keep him company. It would be a few days more before he had answers.

And they flew by quick. Before he had a chance to get himself in any real trouble, they were asking him to come back to headquarters and help them sort out their findings. For instance they finally managed to get the doll to stop giggling. It was waiting in the interrogation room, and for a thing that had no human rights, that was a bad place to be.

Dragon couldn’t help but smile when he went in, and prepared to interrogate the dolly. It was now bald since the hair burned off and it was wearing a tiny straight jacket. It was charred and had a gash in its head where the scientists examined its insides. The eyes weren’t glowing anymore, but she… in spite of having no facial muscles, looked defiant.

DP: This decision point will actually use a poll! After collecting and considering the different clues, we’ll poll to decide what direction Black Dragon will go to investigate his findings. Naturally, you don’t have anything to work with now, so you’ll have to continue asking to determine what has even been found. Simply ask “What did they find out about …?” and I’ll fill in the information. This might mean that you need to go back through and figure out what evidence has been discovered. You can also ask more specific questions, and even questions that would take a little extra work to answer as long as it can be answered within the laboratory.

Poll suggestions will only be accepted if they have a bearing to the evidence discovered.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter, and I look forward to seeing a poll on this SG. Great to know we've arrived in the bat-cave Razz

Questions then...

- Has anything been recovered from the dead phone from the safe? Was it dead, as in simply needed the battery charging? Or completely destroyed?

- Any leads in the office papers from the same source?

- What was discovered from the examination of the doll's internals?

That'll do for now.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:00 am    Post subject: Q/A for Chapter 3 Reply with quote

Groovy! I love questions

Smee wrote:
- Has anything been recovered from the dead phone from the safe? Was it dead, as in simply needed the battery charging? Or completely destroyed?
The cell phone merely needed power and it quickly divulged its secrets... which weren't many. It seems to belong to the current owner of the warehouse and it just had correspondences with businesses, construction, and building inspectors. Also everything on the phone suggests it's been off for several years.

- Any leads in the office papers from the same source?
The toys are not listed anywhere on the inventory, but the last recorded entry was 3 years ago. Either the owner doesn't know about the toys or he's keeping it a secret. The warehouse is officially condemned, so he wouldn't be legally allowed to store anything anyway.

- What was discovered from the examination of the doll's internals?
The doll is the most advanced robot of any of the toys found at the warehouse (a team went in to recover more afterwards). It has a very advanced AI and remarkable amounts of data stored in it. It's also waterproof, which is handy considering the circumstances it was found in. None of the parts are labelled in such a way to indicate a manufacturer, but they have a similarity in design and composition to the microchip found earlier.

It was discovered to have a remote uplink to another source, which was studied carefully before being disabled.... They suspect that the uplink has revealed the location of the secret headquarters, and if his superiors find out about it, Dragon is in for some trouble. It might be possible to use the uplink to find the source of the signal.

Like the other robots, the dolly is designed to spray liquid, such as gasoline, which it can ignite to cause a fire. This dolly is also capable of independent reasoning and commanding the other toys. It has been forcibly reprogrammed to respond to questions... it must say something... but it might take special persuasion to get the full truth.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can the warehouse owner be interrogated as well to find out what's been going on in that warehouse for the last 3 years, or if he knows whether its been in use?

What happened to that strange bacteria in the goo they were researching?

Does the Dolly have any information on what its objective was? As in, what it was supposed to destroy and why?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does the Dolly know who made it and where it was created?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like to have a good think about these chapters before I post. Not sure about 'good', but I've at least had a think now, and I've come up with some questions...

1) Is it possible for Dragon to replace the gadgets he uses? Like replacing his cuban missile?

2) What DID happen to Fong?

3) Has the butcher's knife the dolly was attacking him with been investigated for evidence? If so, has anything been found?

4) What gadgets does the car have?

5) Have the non-toy crates been investigated, and has any evidence been found in them?

Now onto the dolly...

I like Thunderbird's questions. To carry on from those:

6) Does it know how many models of its type have been made?

7) Is loyalty to its 'makers' built into its hardware, or is it capable of changing sides in order to preserve its own continued existence?

Sorry, keeping you busy Lebby. Great chapter though. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Intriguing, and fun. A note about the chapter itself - I found a major jarring with the scene change from being underwater to being in the car.

Anyways, on to the questions.

I find it suspicious that the warehouse owner's cellphone has been sitting in the safe unused all this time. That suggests the warehouse owner hasn't been back to the warehouse for several years. Who would leave their cellphone in a safe and never come back for it? Unless something has happened to the warehouse owner?

So that leads me to ask - has the warehouse owner been found and interviewed? Have the contacts found on the phone - construction and buildings inspectors - also been found and interviewed?

It was discovered to have a remote uplink to another source, which was studied carefully before being disabled.... They suspect that the uplink has revealed the location of the secret headquarters, and if his superiors find out about it, Dragon is in for some trouble. It might be possible to use the uplink to find the source of the signal.
I'm not sure I understand this right. If who's superiors find out about it? What do you mean by Dragon is in for some trouble?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, that is a lot of questions... Great! Ok, so let's dig in:

D-Lotus wrote:
Can the warehouse owner be interrogated as well to find out what's been going on in that warehouse for the last 3 years, or if he knows whether its been in use?
The owner has been located and contacted by phone, but he hasn't been very helpful. He's rude and says he's tired of explaining that he has nothing to do with the stuff that happens at his condemned warehouse. Then he hangs up. If desired, a more persuasive interrogation could take place, but that would take a poll.

What happened to that strange bacteria in the goo they were researching?
It killed the bunnies. It's a fast moving infection that is extremely resistant to antibiotics. It isn't very contagious, however. It would have to be injected or inhaled to be a threat to a person, but to be inhaled it would have to be made aerosol which it doesn't do on its own. For instance, a bunny was injected and kept in close quarters with other bunnies, but only the bunny that was injected died... and yes it did die, in about 26 hours.

Does the Dolly have any information on what its objective was? As in, what it was supposed to destroy and why?
The dolly is evasive. When asked "What was your objective in the warehouse?" She'll respond "Burn everything!" "Why?" "Daddy told me to." "Who's Daddy?" "The one who made me." "Who made you?" "Daddy." "What's Daddy's name?" "Daddy."

Does the Dolly know who made it and where it was created?
Yes, "Mommy and Daddy" made her. She was "born" in the hospital in Keelung City on February 9, 2012.... The doll seems to think she's a person.

1) Is it possible for Dragon to replace the gadgets he uses? Like replacing his cuban missile?
Sort of... mostly they use Dragon as a tester for their gadgets, so they give him what they want him to test. He can make a request for stuff, but usually he has to improvise with what he is given. Another mini Cuban smart missile can not be obtained at this time.

2) What DID happen to Fong?
Apparently he was caught playing WoW during Black Dragon's mission, so he's been terminated... as in fired. Unless he reveals secrets, than he'll be terminated the spy way.

3) Has the butcher's knife the dolly was attacking him with been investigated for evidence? If so, has anything been found?
It's an old knife, but high quality. It was manufactured by the Che-Kuaan in Taiwan. Nothing especially interesting has been found.

4) What gadgets does the car have?
machine guns, missile launcher, self-destruct, smoke screen, front mounted harpoon (convenient for saving gas), GPS, cigarette lighter, radar diffusing frame, and the coolest part, it is fully submersible. It can drive underwater. Additionally, if you hit a curb or railing just right it can roll over and play dead.

5) Have the non-toy crates been investigated, and has any evidence been found in them?
Yes, but nothing has been found. They were the last things stored legitimately and were never picked up again.

6) Does it know how many models of its type have been made?
She would respond "Every little girl is a snowflake from heaven... but my 36 sisters do look awfully similar."

7) Is loyalty to its 'makers' built into its hardware, or is it capable of changing sides in order to preserve its own continued existence?
It's loyalty to its maker seems to resemble the loyalty a daughter would have for her Daddy if he lavished her with everything her heart desired. Threatening her life presents a very difficult moral decision for her.

A note about the chapter itself - I found a major jarring with the scene change from being underwater to being in the car.
I made a transition sentence... thanks for pointing that out.

Has the warehouse owner been found and interviewed?
Yeah, and he's a jerk. A more intimate interview could be arranged, but it wouldn't be a legal one.

Have the contacts found on the phone - construction and buildings inspectors - also been found and interviewed?
The listed contacts seem to check out, most of them are respectable public figures. There are some numbers that are no longer in service, but there is no way to track them.

I'm not sure I understand this right. If who's superiors find out about it? What do you mean by Dragon is in for some trouble?
... Sorry, I put the horse before the cart... or is it the cart before the horse? Anyway, If Dragon's superiors find out that the dolly has given away the secret headquarters' location, Dragon is in trouble. Trouble can range from a really nasty mission assignment to a nice pair of cement shoes and a long walk off a short pier.

If anyone would like to word the questions to the dolly directly, it might be fun and you may be able to corner her into divulging some very useful information. I'm thrilled that I had so many questions! This is how I prefer to storygame.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Black Dragon: "Now, Dolly, darling, I'm sure you want to go back to your daddy, don't you? Why don't I take you back home? You tell me where, and I'll drive you there."

Let's see if we can get a location out of this doll. Hopefully it won't be the warehouse again.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find it suspicious that the warehouse owner's cellphone has been sitting in the safe unused all this time. That suggests the warehouse owner hasn't been back to the warehouse for several years. Who would leave their cellphone in a safe and never come back for it? Unless something has happened to the warehouse owner?

In the last few years in Taiwan, cellphones are not chained down to just one company. For instance, in America you usually have a two year contract with one of the top four companies. In Taiwan, most cellphones are pre-paid phones. This makes it far more versatile and inexpensive. The owner of the warehouse might have kept a phone at the warehouse in case he needed to get ahold of anyone who might be there. That would make it so he didn't have to collect a number from every client using his warehouse and hope they were there at the time, he just needed to remember his own numbers and tell his clients to pick it up if it rang. But enough hypothesizing on what the phone habits of the warehouse owner may or may not be, I'd like to asked the little dolly some questions.

"Dolly, do you know where your other sisters are?
What did your daddy have them do?
Do your sisters like to burn everything too?
Do you have any brothers?
What does your daddy and mommy look like?
When did you last see them?"

Do the other toys retrieved have the same type of parts as the dolly? Where they made by the same manufacturer? Is there any toy or robotics factories in Keelung? [/quote]
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