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The Cult

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Joined: 10 Jan 2010
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Location: a chair in a cold dark living room


PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:49 pm    Post subject: The Cult Reply with quote

Biz Bit: Ok, it starts out strong then turns to complete many people cast in it so it just went downhill...there will probably be a second version with less characters to make it better. Enjoy the best you can. Please be gentle. I am quite aware of how much it sucks.

There was an uneasy tension in the air as the young woman raised her axe from the ground. Fresh crimson blood dripped down from the blade into the growing puddle that was spreading along the cold stone floor. She gazed around the room at the others that surrounded her. Each one of them was dressed in pure black. Every individual in the circle wore a pair of combat boots, a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket with their titles painted upon their backs. Everyone in the dark and cold room wore the exact same thing with the exception of the Lady and the Master.

The Lady was dressed in a blood red, silk dress. It flowed like a waterfall down to the floor, hanging just past her feet. A black masquerade mask sat upon her face. Pitch black hair hung down to her shoulders, shimmering in light cast by the single bulb that hung from the stone ceiling. Her bright blue eyes moved around the room, meeting those of the ones who circled around her. None of them wore any expression. No sense of emotion showed on any of their faces. In any of their eyes. After a moment, her eyes fell to the ground and the bleeding corpse that lay upon it.

The body laid on its back. A couple organs were visible through what used to be its chest and stomach. A deep crater sat there now, created by a dozen or so swings from the axe which the Lady held clutched in her hand. As she stared down at the obliterated remains of a human being, a slow clapping started several feet away. She gazed up and stared in its direction. The slow, steady clapping was coming from a section of pure darkness. Hidden in the darkness was her master. Their master. The clapping continued for another couple moments.

"Very good, my lovely lady of eternal euthanasia. That was quite a remarkable display," a voice said, seeping from the shadows. It was a deep voice that was strangely melodic in its own right.

"Thank you, Master," the Lady replied, nodding her head slightly in gratitude. "It is an honor to be in your service."

"If its such an honor, then maybe you can choose a better target next time," one of the others in the room said. "This one was nowhere near his standards. He was too weak and he bled out too fast. He was gone within seconds."

"Fuck you, Garrod," she said as she turned to face him. "Maybe he would have put up more of fight and wouldn't have bled as fast if you didn't dope him up so much first."

"Those chemicals and herbs are required for the ritual and you know that. Maybe if you didn't go completely chop-happy..."

"Silence," the Master's voice erupted from the shadows. The Lady and Garrod both turned their heads to look into the darkness. Deep in the darkness, two eyes could now be seen glowing. An unholy flame burned from them as they narrowed in anger. "Both of you just shut up. This is no time to be bickering. We've got work to do. Our window of opportunity is closing quickly. Not to mention that our special guest is going to be arriving tomorrow evening. Now, Garrod prepare another batch of sacrificial sacrament ready. Lady, toss the axe into the furnace. Garrod is right. Too messy. Fun, but too gruesome. Now all of you, get out of my sight."

The group dispersed with the exception of the Lady. She stood and stared at the darkness. The Master sighed softly. "Go, milady, we shall speak later. Go rid yourself of that weapon and we'll have Juda craft you another one. Perhaps a lovely dagger. Now go."

She paused for a moment before nodding and starting out of the room, her dress flowing elegantly behind her. She paused in the doorway for a moment and looked over her shoulder as the flames in the darkness disappeared. She smiled softly and left, heading to the furnace of the lair to rid the weapon and further please her master.

Joshua Wolf sat across from his client and let out a small sigh. He looked down at the papers on his desk and scoured them, trying to think of anything to tell the man besides that he had found nothing. He had been hired about a month before to investigate a group that called themselves The Patron Gods. He looked into them and watched them for a month but still didn't have much on them. They were a shadowy group and had managed to elude him multiple times. He had caught glimpses of them. Each dressed in black and wearing those leather jackets. Yet before he could get a clear look at their face or the name on their back, they disappeard. Yet he did catch sight of one. A single solitary member. He was fairly tall He looked up at the client, whose impatient brown eyes awaited his behind a pair of rectangle glasses.

The client was a larger man with broad shoulders and full cheeks. A crop of short brown hair sat upon his head, parted down the middle like a schoolboy. His jaw held a fair amount of stubble and it was fairly obivious that he hadn't slept in quite a while.

"Look, Mr. Locke..." Wolfe started

"Please, call me Z," the client interrupted.

"Alright, Z," Wolf said, "The truth is that these guys are good. I've only managed to uncover a single member's identity."

Z sat forward suddenly and stared expectantly at him. "Really?You find Brittney? You see any sign of my little sister?

"No. Sorry. I managed to find out that an individual by the name of Barg Hest has ties to them. I did a little research on him and found out that last year he bought some property down in the the industrial district. I'm going to head down there and ask some questions, see if I can find anything out."

Z gave a small nod. "And if you find my sister?"

"You will be the first person that I call if I do."

Z nodded and stood up before giving Wolf a nod. "Alright. Be careful, Mr. Wolf. Whoever this group is. They're up to no good. They could be dangerous."

Wolf nodded. "Thanks for your concern," he said. Without another word, Z marched out of the office. Wolf watched him leave and sat in his desk a moment. He adjusted his glasses and ran his fingers through his short black hair before looking over his files again. He studied where the warehouse that Barg had bought was and memorized where it was before standing up and marching out of the office.

As he left, something strange caught his attention. A young girl, probably in her mid to late teens. She was swaying slighty as she stood about two feet in front of the building, staring up at the sign that read: Joshua Wolf, Private Investigator. He looked at her for a second. There was something off about the way she stood and stared. The way that she swayed as if a flower caught in a breeze. He approached her cautiously and examined her. She was dressed in a pair of tattered blue jeands and a black t-shirt covered in unknown stains. She had golden brown hair that contained several platinum blonde highlights throughout it. As his eyes looked over her cautiously, he noticed something in her hand. A leather jacket.

"Can I help you, miss?" he asked her.

"Margaret," the girl said in an eeirly happy tone.

"That your name?"

The girl let out a giggle and continued to sway for a moment longer before stopping. She became still as a statue, the only part of her that moved was her arm. She raised it slowly and held the jacket out. He grabbed it cautiously and quickly moved back a couple steps. The girl began to sway once again and started to hum. Wolf looked at the back of the coat and the message painted on the back sent a small chill down his spine. Col. Barg Hest.

Quickly he dug into the pockets. Stashed in one of them was a piece of yellow paper wrapped around a keyring containing a single key.

"Magic," the girl said.

"What's magic?"

"His music."

"Who? Barg Hest?"

"No. The master's. It's magic. His music breaks hearts."

He looked at the piece of paper and noticed that it was a poster. The words, Patron Gods, were printed on it in front of shadowy figure dressed like the shadowy group. His face was hidden in a shadow yet two fiery eyes sat dead center of where his face should sit.

"Who is..." he asked looking up. Yet the girl was no where to be seen. Instead a stack of papers were where her feet had just been. It was almost as if she had just changed into the small pile. He looked around for a bit before shivering and heading to his car.

Barg sat in his chambers and let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair. He was sitting at a large mahogany desk that sat in the center of his room. It was fairly cluttered with pictures of potential sacrifices and several dozen papers, most of which were reports of his groups expenses. His chambers were pretty bare. It consisted of a small cot that sat in the corner, his desk, a chair and a small dresser to keep the several sets of black clothes that he owned. The walls were cold and empty. The dresser and desk were empty of any personal items save for a letter opener designed like a small knight's sword. The Master had previously forbidden Personal property and decorations. They had a tendency of distracting people from their duties. There was also the small fire-hazard posed by posters being near the emergency lighting system which was housed in a small indentation that ran along the walls.

Barg leaned in the chair, staring up at the single light for his room before it suddenly went out. He sat up suddenly as the indent in the wall was suddenly lit up a a line of flames that ran along the entire stone carved trench.

"Taking a break, I see," the Master's voice said from the darkness of the doorway.

"Yeah," he said. From the darkness of the hallway two girls emerged. Each was dressed in their proper attire, leather jackets and all. He looked from one to the other as they walked toward him. Each one sticking to a different side of the room. His eyes darted between the two of them, being sure to not let his guard down. After all, the Master never paid visits to any member's quarters, the sole exception being The Lady's. The only time that he made an appearance was when blood would be shed. "I was looking over our most recent financial records and decided to take a break for a bit. Relax, you know."

The girls stopped on each side of him and stared down at him. As he looked up, he noticed something else wrong with them. Each one was wearing a pair of black sunglasses. Something very strange considering the low lighting. He moved his attention from one to the other. They were starting to make him very uneasy..

"Yeah. Relax. I'm sure you've had a pretty trying day. Hell, you seem to be having a pretty rough week there, pal."

Barg arched an eyebrow and nodded. "I guess it could have been better," He said as he looked to the doorway.

"Of course. It must be really hard screwing up in such a major fashion and pretending like you're still in control of things."

"What the fuck are you talking about, bro?" Barg asked, standing up quickily. The girl to his left moved back a couple steps before delivering a powerful kick to his gut from the side. He grunted and doubled over, his skull coming within fractions of an inch from colliding with the desk. He looked over at the girl who was wearing a sick smile on her face. She brushed a strand of long, brown hair out of her face as she looked acorss to the other female who forcefully pushed him back into his seat.

"Two things, Barg. One, please watch your mouth in front of the ladies. Two, never call me bro," the Master growled.

"I apologize, sire," Barg said. "What did you mean though? How did I screw up?"

"You allowed yourself to be seen. Photographed. Now more people besides our special guest will know of you. Of us. You have put this entire group. Our very society. This guild of greatness in danger."

"I did no such thing," Barg stated. "I made up for that. The invitation was still deliver to the guest. I no longer have my jacket. There is no real evidence tying me to..."

A snap resounded from the darkness cutting Barg's explanation short. Before Barg could comprehend why he had been cut off, he found himself on the reciving end of a quick fist to the skull. His chair tilted from the force of his body moving but he was quickly caught by the female on the other side of him.

"Yes. But what of the man known as Z. He knows your name. Where your warehouse is. You have screwed up major, Barg."

"I'll fix it. I'll bring him here. We can silence him. No one will know. No one."

The fist that struck Barg just moments before slammed onto the desk, startling the seated comrade. He looked over at her. as she leaned down and glared at him. In one smooth motion, she removed her sunglasses to reveal a pair of light brown eyes. Without removing her eyes from him, she pulled a pair of rectangled glasses out of her pocket. Sliding them on, they seemed to magnify the hatred they contained. Fear started to quickly fill Barg. There was something about her eyes that let him know he should worry.

"The situation is being handled, Barg. We can't have any more of your bumbling," The girl stated.

"Juda," Barg stated, doing his best to hide his fear. "I sincerely doubt a pathetic, A-D-D, shut-in bitch like you could do much better on a job. After all, all you're good for ismaking some pretty weapons."

"Master, permission to beat the living shit out of this punk?" Juda asked.

"Granted. Enjoy yourselves, ladies."

Juda reacted quickly and grabbed a hold of Barg's long black hair. With an amount of strength that would surpris most to see come from her, Juda slammed Bargs skull into the desk. Her lips curled back into an animalistic grin as she held her former comrade still and allowed the other female to deliver a blow to the back of his skull.

"You wanna go first, Opal? Get your kicks?" The other girl nodded and Juda sat Barg upright in the chair, just as another martial arts kick came from the side and connected with his face. The chair fell backwards and Barg tumbled out with a thud. Opal Stretched her legs for a moment before pulling her long, brown hair into a ponytail. Her eyes fell to the ground and she watched as Barg started to push himself up. His progress was quickly halted as the tanned attacker moved fast and deliverd a solid kick to his gut. The kick lifted him into the air an inch or so into the air before he fell back to the ground in a heap. Opal followed up the kick by another. Then another. After a decent stream of kick after kick, she stopped and looked to Juda.

Juda adjusted her own light brown ponytail a bit before grabbing Barg and helping him to his feet. She moved him toward his cot and threw him at it. Without much, trouble, his body fell and crashed through the old cloth. Unforgiving stone met him with a thud. A snigger passed through Juda's lips as Barg let out a groan. With fury in her eyes, she lifted Barg to his feet once more and dragged him toward his dresser. She slammed his head against it and let him collapse to the floor in a heap.

"That's enough. It's my turn now," the Master said. A snicker floated from the darkness and blew out the flames of the room. Juda froze where she was. In the pitch blackness that surrounded her, she could swear that she felt her master's presence near her. She heard no steps but she knew that he was nearby. After what seemed like an eternity in the darkness, a loud scream cut the thension. From the first millisecond of sound, Juda knew that it was the unlucky Barg. There was a small scuffle nearby, Barg's screaming getting louder the entire time. It went on for a couple minutes before stopping suddenly. The single light bulb that hung from the ceiling turned on suddenly as the screaming stopped. Juda looked around and noticed that Opal was standing where she had when the Master stepped in. She was no longer smiling and actually looked quite confused. Together they looked at each other, then their eyes fell to Barg's desk.

Barg was laying upon it, his eyes mere missing from their sockets and his letter opener was buried deep in his chest about an inch under a deep gash in the former Patron God's throat. Juda and Opal looked at each other again then gazed up at the doorway. The Master was gone but in the doorway was standing his Lady of Euthanasia.

"Isn't he an artist?" she said before winking at the two girls and walking away.

Wolf pulled up to the warehouse and eyed it carefully. Around the entrance to it, the wall was plastered with the same kind of posters that had been with the girl outside his office. A quick memory of her flashed in his mind like a snapshot and he shivered a bit. There was something very wrong about that girl. He couldn't put his finger on it but he knew that there was something very off about her. Then again, she was probably a member of the group he was studying and they could be up to anything.

Instinctively, he reached into his glove compartment and pulled out the .38 revolver that he had there. Giving another nervous glance around, he got out of the car, locked the door and started to make his way toward the warehouse. A thousand alerts were sounding in his head, telling him to turn around. Screaming that he was walking into a trap. Yet he continued toward the building, the gun held ready at his side as he approached. He tucked his other hand into his pocket and grabbed the key that had been given to him.

"Don't let your guard down, Josh. Be prepared for anything," he said as the door grew closer and closer. He stopped in front of it and slowly pulled the key out. Slowly he slid it into the keyhole of the door. It fit perfectly. Another chill ran down his spine as he slowly turned the key. There was a soft click as it unlocked and Wolf readied his weapon.

"Wolf, wait" a voice said from behind him. He spun quickly and found himself aiming the gun at his client's skull.

"Z, what are you doing here?"

"I got a phone call. They told me to come here or else they would kill my sister. She's in there."

"They called you?" Wolf asked. "You do realize how trappish that sounds, don't you? You leave my office after learning one of their names then you get a call about your sister? Kinda odd, don't ya think?"

"That's why I waited for you," Z said and reached into his jacket. He pulled out a large handgun and held it in the air. "And that's why I brought this."

Wolf opened his mouth to say something but before anything could come out, a loud laugh came from nearby. Both Z and Wolf turned in the direction of it and saw a man walking toward them. His clothes were tattered and torn and stained with mud and other filth. Wispy gray hair stuck out from a beaten and dirty skull cap. A thick white beard sat on his face. There was a small bandage over his right eye with a small blood spot on it.

"Those won't be savin' ya in there," the man said. Both Z and Wolf raised their guns at the mysterious individual causing him to stop in his tracks. He let out a small chuckle. "You two feel threatened by a harmless old coot like meself?"

Wolf gave a look to Z and nodded before lowering his gun. Z stood there for a moment before slowly lowering his as well. The old man took another couple of steps toward them before stopping and running one hand through his mangy beard. A slick smile sat on his face as he stared at the two gentlemen.

"Who are you? And what exactly won't be saving us?" Wolf asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Folks 'round this parts call me Hantai the Hobo. And its those guns that won't be doin' ya a plit lick of good in there. You may as well be carrying a handful of nickels," the old man said.

Z let out a laugh and held his gun in the air, just to give the man a better look at it. "This is a .45, pal. No one can stand up to this. It'll put a hole in anybody that crosses my path. Trust me, I'm pretty safe."

"That may get you through his little helpers but it won't do nuttin' against the Master," Hantai stated. Wolf and Z exchanged a small look before looking back at the Hantai.

"The Master, eh?" Wolf said. "A girl named Margaret mentioned him. He's the ruler of the Patron Gods, isn't he?"

"No. He is The Patron God," Hantai blurted out, sounding a bit frightened. "He is going to be the almighty ruler of this realm. Everyone will bow before him, just like the others do. They will bow or they will die."

"Wow. I had a feeling they were some sort of cult. Seems like he's got them brainwashed into idolizing him," Wolf said.

Z nodded. "Yeah. Probably promisd them a piece of the pie to keep them loyal and get them to help him with whatever he wants."

"You two are fools. You will be made to suffer. Mark my words," Hantai stated. Suddenly the door to the warehouse flew open. It slammed against the inside wall with a loud bang that was quickly followed by a girlish giggle. Hantai's eyes opened wide and he satrted to back away from the building. "You two are doomed. If ya enter, you'll never exit. Ya hear me? You won't come out." Turning around, he place a hand on the top of his hat and started running away at a speed that was qutie remarkable for an old bum.

Cautiously, the others turned to the door and peered into the darkness within. Another burst of laughter seeped out of the open doorway before the voice within actually spoke.

"Come on in," the voice said. It was a high-pitched female voice, reeking of unnatural giddiness. Wolf readied his gun and looked to Z before nodding. Z pushed his glasses up on his nose and readied his gun as well. Together, they stepped into the darkness, keeping their eyes open. A loud burst of laughter echoed around the pitch blackness before the door slammed shut.

"You shut that, Z," Wolf asked.

"Nope," Z responded.

"I was afraid of that," Wolf said with a sigh. He kept his ears opened and listened to the darkness, trying to figure out where the girl with the manic laugh was. Nearby he could hear some shuffling footsteps. They were too light to be Z's. Wolf focues on the steps, studying them as they shuffeld around nearby. They moved around behind them before moving up one side of the room and in front of them. They stoppped at what sounded like a few feet away before a dozen lights came on overhead.

A young, teenage girl was suddenly exposed standing about a foot in front of Wolf. She was about a foot shorter. She wasn't dressed all in black as he had expected one of the group to be. Instead she was dressed in a pink tuxedo with a green undershit and a purple tie. She had bright red hair that hung just down to her shoulder. A demented smile sat upon her face. Her flesh was pale and her eyes were an odd crimson color and seemed to be glowing. In one hand she was clutching a spoon and the other was wrapped around a deck of cards. Wolf looked at both the cards and the spoon before staring into her eyes.

"You know what? I'm really tired of asking this question," he said, sounding rather frustrated before raising the gun and aiming it at the girl's skull. "But just who the fuck are you?"

"My master has deemed me Lune the Looney," She said with a small giggle. "And I've been been wating for you, Mr. Wolf. You too, Zorlock. My master was anxiously awaiting your arrival."

Wolf glanced over his shoulder at Z and arched an eyebrow. "Zorlock?"

"Parents were sci-fi nuts, alright?"

Wolf let out a chuckle before looking back in the direction of the girl. "Why is your master anxious to meet us?"

"And where the fuck is my sister?" Z shouted, moving up right beside Wolf and aiming his gun at the girl as well.

The girl giggled and shook her head. "I can't say anything before the show. No spoilers allowed."

"What show?" Z asked.

Lune giggled. "The one you are to be the star in, silly."

Wolf arched an eyebrow. "I'm not starring in any show of yours," he stated.

"Uh-huh," she said with a nod. In the blink of an eye, she threw the deck at the two men. As the deck hit them and exploed past them, arised in several places of their flesh as if the cards had been razors. Z moved back stunned and Wolf covered his face in pain. He moved his hand and readied his gun to fire but the girl was gone. He looked around for a brief moment before an unbearable pain shot through his leg. He looked down and saw the spoon buried deep into his flesh.

He let out a violent scream and knelt down. Carefully he tried to pull it out but it was firmly inplanted in his calf. He stared at the steel in complete shock. Somehow, that girl had summoned enough strength to stab him with a spoon. His body began to shake in pain and fear of what would happen next. With some hesitation, he grabbed the spoon and yanked it from his leg. A violent scream escaped his lips as the steel escaped his flesh, destroying any chance of Wolf's walking right for quite some time.

"You alright?" Z asked.

"She stabbed me. The bitch stabbed me," Wolf shouted. "With a spoon. She stabbed me with a fucking spoon."

"She what?" Z asked. Wolf heard him take a single step toward him before hearing the other man drop to the ground. Looking over at Z, he saw the man start to get up but was stopped as the girl dropped from nowhere and landed on the man's spine. Wolf to face her but was stopped by a pair of hands on his shoulders.

"Don't fight. It's easier," Margaret's voice said.

Wolf looked up and after a moment, aimed up and fired. Margaret's body quickly went limp as a bullet tore through her skull. A loud shriek erupted from Lune and she quickly tackled Wolf to the ground. Wolf let out a grunt as he hit the ground.

"Motherfucker. I will end you for that," Lune screeched as she started to scratch and claw at Wolf's face. Wolf closed his eyes and started to squirm and move, doing what he could to avoid getting hit with his attackers razor-sharp nails. She continued for several minutes before a voice echoed from the remaining darkness.

"That's enough, Lune," the voice said.

"Yes, Master," Lune said before rising off of Wolf and walking into the darkness.

"Joshua Wolf," The Master said taking a few steps forward. The steps were fairly light and sounded as if they were coming from behind his head, near the body of Margaret. "Elder brother to a Gideon Wolf. Raised in southern California. Became a private investigator to impress your father. Recently hired by a Zorlock Oscura to investigate a secret society rumored to be into devil worship and behind a string of disappearances, kidnappings, and murders. The footsteps stopped right next to Wolf's skull. He opened his eyes and looked up into a pair of gray uncaring eyes. "Has failed to produce desirable results."

With a small chuckle, The Master raised a foot and stomped down on Wolf's face, sending him deep into the darkness of unconsciousness.

The Master's sordid clan stood around the unconcious and chained body of Joshua Wolf. He started to stir and let out a moan of pain as he did so. The Lady smiled down at him, finding the sound of his pain rather intoxicating. The private detective pushed himself up to his knees and then looked around. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the people surrounding him. They stood staring at him with expressionless faces. They were all like zombies staring off into space as if he wasn't even there.

He gazed up at The Lady and she flashed him a wicked grin. He studied her face for a moment before his eyes widened in surprise. He turned pale as if he had seen a ghost.

"You're Z's sister, aren't you?" he asked.

"That she is," The Master's voice said from the darkness. "She is indeed the sister of the man who hired you. Which is really a relief that he did, otherwise I would have had to come up with a complicated way to get you here."

"Where am I? What do you want?" Wolf asked as he looked to the shadows.

"Simple. You are about five stories beneath the warehouse and you are here because I want to complete my ritual. You see, Joshua, tonight is a special night. After, I endulge myself in your blood in the light of the full moon, I will become unstoppable."

"So you're one of those vampire nuts that are running around? Figures that someone as fucked up as you would lead a cult of such freaks."

The Master laughed. As the laugh died down, several loud footsteps started to echo from the darkness. The Master stepped out of the shadows and flashed a smile that was complete with two fangs. The Master was dressed in a black suit jacket and red undershirt. He had on a pair of black slacks and a pair of black italian boots. His flesh was pale, almost grey. He had short black hair that was slicked back, making him almost look like a Dracula knock-off.

He appeared to be meticulously groomed. Not a hair was out of place and his suit was perfectly clean and crisp. The only imperfection that he appeared to have as an X-shaped scar on his cheek.

"Gideon?" Joshua asked as he saw The Master's face. "What happened? Everybody thought you were dead. Your bandmates were slaughtered. How'd you survive?"

"No. I'm not Gideon. Not anymore. As for those pathetic pieces of nothing, I did it. You see, the hunger was unbearable."

"Gideon, what are you talking about? How could you kill your friends like that?"

"Easy. You see, days before a couple of girls and I went back to my place. I don't remember much after that but I do know that when I woke up, I was different. So I ate. They were delicious too." The Master let out a vile laugh, causing a shiver to shoot down Wolf's spine. "And you see, if I dine upon the blood of my closest living relative during a blood moon, then I will become a hundred times stronger than I already am."

"You're insane."

The Master laughed again and pulled a wooden pipe out of his pocket. He lit it and started to smoke as he simply stared at Wolf. He looked to The Lady after a moment and gave a nod. She nodded back and walked into The Master's special shadows. She returned a couple minutes later, dragging Z's limp body along with her. She dragged him just into the light and lightly kicked his side.

"No, Joshua. I'm not insane. I'm just ambitious. I wanted to be in a band and I did it. I wanted to hit it big and I did it. I wanted an army of loyal fan, of worshippers, and I got it. I want to be a god and I will do it."

"No. You won't. And these worshipper's will leave you eventually, Gideon. Once they see that how crazy you really are, they'll leave you."

"My Lady of Euthanasia, please exterminate your brother."

The Lady knelt down and pulled a dagger from a sheath on the side of her leg before slamming it into Z's chest and dragging it down. Z let out a small gurgled sound of sturggle before falling limp as blood poured out of him. The Lady rose once it was apparent that the man was dead. She walked back to Wolf's side and aimed the blade at him. He stared back up at her, a sudden defiance burning in his eyes.

"See, Joshua? I have their absolute loyalty. Now, Lady, please drain my brother of that lovely crimson liquid. I only have an hour before I must feed."

She nodded and knelt down beside Wolf. Wolf gave a glance at his brother then stared into her eyes. He swallowed hard as she placed the blade against his chest, directly above his heart.

"Please. Don't do this, Brittney. He's just using you to get what he wants. Once he's done, he'll cast you and the others aside."

The Lady smiled slightly and leaned in close to his ear. "I know," she whispered. "But I will continue to follow and love him until he does."

She sighed and pushed the blade into Wolf. He coughed a bit before falling limp against her. She pushed him off of her before standing up. She glanced over at him and continued to smile. He took a few steps forward and wrapped his arms around her.

"Very good, my dear. Now in less than an hour, I will be a complete undead superstar and the world will be ours."

She nodded and pulled him close. She knew that Wolf was right. Eventually, her master would tire of her and toss her aside as he had many women before. Yet, she didn't care. She would continue to serve him as long as he desired. She would continue to be his one and only Lady of Euthanasia.
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've read and commented before but I still would like to say that the idea as a whole could be adapted to fun little sg mystery where we follow the investigator into the depths of understanding the madness in this cult.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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