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How to Create your Story - Tutorial

What is Storygaming?

Storygames are unlike traditional stories because they can go in any direction chosen by the players; they're also unlike traditional online roleplaying games because each story has an author who creates a coherent story arc out of the choices that the players make. They're a unique blend of story and game.

You can write or play storygames in our Storygame Forums

How to play

You play in the storygames by posting suggestions in each storygames forum, or by voting on one of the choices that the storygame author creates. It works in four steps:

  • Author creates chapter — The storygame author writes a chapter that describes the events happening to a particular character. The chapter ends at a "decision point," where the character has a chance to take some significant action.

  • You post — You and the other players take the viewpoint of that character (the same character for everyone) and post your suggestions for what the character should do in reply to the chapter. For example, if the episode describes the character finding some strange inscription in a lost temple, you might be invited to say what you do about the inscription. You would post your idea for a possible action (e.g. trace the inscription with your fingernail, show it to the village wisewoman, etc.) in the forum for everyone to read.

  • Author creates options — The author distills the responses into two to five possible actions and posts them as a poll.

  • You vote — You vote for one of the actions. You don't have to vote for an action you posted in favor of (nor even for one you suggested). The action that wins the vote becomes the basis for a new chapter written by the author, and the cycle begins again.

  • Storygaming is also a fun and interactive way of developing plot-lines for linear or Gamebook style stories.


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