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Wrath Chapter 11 - The Dead of the Night.

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:13 pm    Post subject: Wrath Chapter 11 - The Dead of the Night. Reply with quote

Warning! Read at your own risk!

This SGame contains unsuitable material! Twisted adult scenes! Perversion! Violence! Torture! Bad language! More perversion! Other disgusting stuff!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you are young, don’t like ‘naughty scenes’, lack a humorous disposition, or are otherwise unsuitable, then don’t read this SGame!

Chapter 11 – The Dead of Night. .

Starring, in no particular order:

Lord of the Night as Mr. Night.
Never and Solus as half the Twins each.
Harley as The yellow Biker Fairy.
Algu as Algu the Amusing.

Lebrenth as Lebrenth the zombie.

Key as Mr. Walker 2.

Algu the only barely amusing stepped forward, raising his hand and giggling hysterically all the while. Around him white sparks crackled, making him look like some sort of ultra strange perambulating lighting fixture.

Lord of the Night threw several more fireballs, which only succeeded in setting the wall on fire as the maniac clown deflected them in an almost contemptuous fashion.

“And now! Prepare to be clowned!” A bright glow started building up in his raised palm, and Lord ducked, wincing. Bright light had never been his thing.

With a dramatic flourish Algu swept his arm down and pointed at him.

There was a pop, and a small piece of red cloth unfurled. On it someone had stitched, fairly crudely, the word ‘bang’.

Lord looked at it, eyebrow raised.

“Wait for it…” said Algu, apparently not at all put out.

Lord of the night watched as the cloth floated gently to the floor. Some sixth sense prompted him to grab the recumbent fairy and hold her in front of him as he retreated backwards down the corridor.

The cloth landed on the floor, and exploded with a rather un-dramatic ‘pop’. From the blast emanated a beam of rather nauseas yellow light, which arced towards Lord of the Night, who was now pressed with his back against the far wall of the passage.

The beam slammed into the unconscious fairy shield, causing a hangover colored explosion.

Lord of the Night blinked. He was mildly surprised to find he was alive. He dropped the fairy to the floor and looked about. Algu was giggling wildly, apparently oblivious to the fact his intended victim was still upright. The two half twins were lying where they’d fallen, moaning and flailing about. He looked down and grimaced. Harley was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color. Lord checked himself. The parts of his clothing that had been exposed were also yellow. His fingertips were stained too, making him look like the worlds heaviest smoker. He couldn’t see his face, but hopefully that had been behind Harley.

The laughing stopped. Lord looked at the maniac clown, who had just noticed he was still standing.

“You!” he screeched. “You’re still alive and uncolored!” Algu stepped forward, but tripped as the half body that was Solus grabbed his leg. The Never half grabbed his other one.

“Uurrr eeaally isssd ffff!” Solus slurred with her half mouth.

“Speak clearly damn you!” said Algu as he thrashed about, trying to dislodge them. The two halves held on tightly, causing him to stagger about and allow Lord, who wasn’t one to miss an opportunity, to push the clown backwards so he lost balance and tipped over, disappearing down the stairs with a certain amount of screaming and large crashing noises.

Lord watched him bounce down out of sight for a moment, and then turned to Solus and Never. “Are you alright?”

“Whhht thee fck ddo you thnk?” they both howled at him in unison.

“Oh, pull yourself together,” Lord replied, skipping out of the way as Solus pulled a nasty looking blade from somewhere and swung it at his ankles. Ducking back down the corridor, he grabbed the yellow fairy and threw her onto his shoulders, and then pulled the twins into Algu’s room and out of the corridor, which was now burning quite well, a result of his fireballs.

Apparently the trap-spell had worn itself out, and he remained un-halved.

“We have to move quickly,” he said, picking the door up off the floor and fitting it back into the frame behind him. “It won’t be long before our comic friend recovers and comes back after us.”

He looked around. The room was relatively small and plain. A single lonely picture of a flower hung on a drab wall above a narrow bunk, which had a plain gray blanket covering it. There was a wooden wardrobe at the bottom of the bed, and a small chest against the opposite wall. Faded pink curtains hung either side of a window that hadn’t been cleaned in some time.

Lord grabbed the bed sheet and hurriedly tore it into strips. Dragging Never and Solus next to each other he pushed them together and wrapped the makeshift bandages tightly around them, creating a strange effect, rather as if someone had wanted to make a horror film but couldn’t afford a proper mummy.

“There,” he said as he finished. “That’ll have to do for now. Can you walk?” He looked up. The room was becoming hot, and the paint was beginning to bubble near the door.

The twins staggered to their feet with some difficulty. “Irt’ll doo,” they said. “Jst need to get my head together.” They pushed at their head, which was not quite joined in the middle.

“You’re not going to find dating so easy,” Lord said, grimacing. He strode over to the chest and, holding his breath, flung it open. Inside was a pile of clowning items which he frantically began to dig through. Red noses, squirty flowers, makeup, oversized boots went flying as he searched the trunk. Finally, at the bottom, a small wooden box.

“We hve t et out oh here!” Solus/Never said, as the sound of ceiling caving in came from the hallway. Smoke was pouring under the door now, and screams and shouts could be dimly heard as the patrons of the club discovered that the Slut bar wasn’t quite up to code when it came to fire exits.

The twins staggered over to the window and, after some initial co-ordination difficulties, managed to fling it open. They peered outside. “Come on,” they said, “There’s the roof of another building not far below us.” They started climbing through, but overbalanced and toppled out halfway with a couple of screams.

Lord secured the box and grabbed Harley. Pulling her over to the window he manhandled her through it, shoving her out head first before climbing through and jumping for it himself.

He landed with a thump on the still unconscious fairy, just as a voice could be heard from behind them.

“The show’s not over yet! Oh no! Here come the clowns! Mwahahahahaa!”

“He’s obviously quite mad,” muttered Lord, standing up and brushing himself down.

“Thsss way,” the Never/Solus mummy said, waving.

Lord of the Night grabbed Harley, who groaned, and slung her over his shoulders again. “I’m only doing his so you’re suitably grateful later,” he said to her.

He followed the lurching form of the Twins over to a metal fire escape, just as a loud explosion came from the building behind them. Renewed screams echoed through the air. “It’s a fun night tonight,” Lord said to himself.

They climbed down the ladder with some difficulty, and found themselves in a dark and refuse littered alleyway.

“I’m nver oing out wih you agai!” the Never half slurred. “Ook ah ma clohes! Ruined!” She pushed her head back together. “And ahv a splittin’ headache.”

“Here,” Lord of the Night said. “Let me tie that up for you.” He took a strip of cloth that was hanging loose and tied it around the Twins head, only leaving a gap for the eyes to see out. That done, he stepped back and looked around. “Come on, time for a tactical withdrawal I think.”

Picking Harley up again, he walked quietly to the end of the alley and peered round the corner.

The scene was brightly lit by the Slut bar, which was now blazing away merrily. A crowd of people surrounded it, some wounded and dazed, some taking advantage of the wounded and dazed, and others just looking on. Lord saw at least a dozen dead bodies, some of them quite well cooked, scattered around. Of the mad clown, or any fire trucks, there was no sign.

“It’s all clear,” he said. “Relatively speaking. Come on.”

They slipped into the street, just as a renewed bout of screaming started over at the burning bar. The people still able to started running away, fleeing in all directions.

“Whts gng on?” said Never, her voice muffled.

“Let’s not hang around to find out,” said Lord. “Oh, are you awake at last?”

“What hit me?” moaned Harley, groaning. “Why is everything upside down?”

Lord of the Night put the fairy down and watched her stagger about for a moment. “There’s no time to explain, suffice to say, our clown friend wasn’t very happy. We need to move out and rethink strategy.”

“What happened to Never?” Harley looked down. “And what happened to me? Why am I yellow? WHY AM I YELLOW???!!! I hate yellow!”

“Shhhh!” said Lord.

Too late. A distant voice reached their ears.

“I can see yoooooo!”

“Bugger,” said Lord. He looked back towards the raging inferno that was all that was left of the Slut bar. Silhouetted against the flames was the clown figure, slightly singed, but apparently unharmed. As he watched, the clown made a strange gesture. Several of the newly dead revelers immediately twitched, showing more style and co-ordination in death than they had on the dance floor in life.

“Oh no. Not zombies,” moaned Harley. “I hate zombies.”

“Let’s not hang around to meet them,” Lord of the Night said.

The two and two halves quickly moved, staggered and lurched off into the dark streets. Behind them, the roof of the Slut bar collapsed with a loud crash and a shower of sparks, making the world a little cleaner overall.


Algu chuckled to himself as he raised a small army of undead around him. Several were still smoking. As he finished imparting un-life to a woman in a skimpy leather bunny outfit, the sound of sirens filled his ears.

“Excellent. More meat,” he said, cackling and rubbing his hands together.

“Oh man! Me precious club!” A charred figure staggered out from around a parked car. His bright yellow hair was now sadly blackened and burned.

“Look lads,” Algu said. “It’s the landlord!”

“Oh, er hello Algu.” Lebrenth backed away as the clown smiled evilly.

“Someone led people to my room. Someone who should have known better,” the not-funny man said. Zombies shuffled around, encircling the former bar owner.

“Oh man. Listen, I can explain man! I can explain!”

“No need,” Algu said. “I forgive you.”

“You do?” The large man perked up a little, hope blossoming.

“No. Just joking. Get him!”

Lebrenth turned to run. He didn’t get very far.


“I think we lost them,” said Harley.

“Shhh!” Lord of the Night peered out from behind the dumpster they were crouched behind.

The three were still in the seedy area of town, completely lost amongst the dark and narrow backstreets.

“Oh wait, I was wrong.” Harley sighed as another group of undead lurched around the corner.

“Retreat!” said Lord. He raised his hand and pointed, casting a fireball that devoured one of the living dead. The others staggered towards them, hands outstretched in the classic pose, moaning eerily.

“Hey, this is a dead end.” Harley’s voice floated back from behind him.

“In more ways than one,” snarled Lord of the Night. He raised his hand and pointed again, but this time only a small lick of flame dribbled out of his finger. “Damn! Out of manna.

“Looks like we’re in for a last stand,” Harley said, wielding an efficient looking iron bar she’d picked up during their flight.

“It can be your last stand if you want,” said Lord, searching around for something to use as a weapon himself. “I intend this to have a hearty breakfast tomorrow morning.” He found a fairly solid piece of wood and swung it experimentally.

“Hey! Watch it!” said Never/Solus. “You nearly hit us!” The twins were holding efficient looking daggers, one in each hand. The blades twinkled in the dull light.

“Come get some zombies!” Harley challenged, waving her bar about.

The undead complied, growling as they approached in a bunch. The nearest one swung at the yellow fairy, who ducked and replied with an iron bar to the head. The zombie went down with a final groan and a splatter of brain.

The battle commenced in earnest. Lord of the Night stabbed, hacked and, in one desperate moment, bit as the living dead swarmed forward, gray and black hands grasping and clawing at him.

At one point a zombie in a smart suit attacked him. “Hey! Didn’t I kill you already?” The undead in front of Lord looked familiar. It hissed and tried to disembowel him for way of an answer. Lord dodged and smacked his wood into the things arm. “Yes! I know you! You’re Mr. Walker! What are you doing with all your teeth back in?” He jammed his stick into ex-Mr. Walkers’ face. “Oh, there they go again. You really should be more careful you know.”

Mr. Walker pushed forward, only to meet his end, again, as Lord tripped him up and energetically bludgeoned the zombie’s head with his club. “This… time… stay… dead!” He’d just managed to reduce the skull to a gray and red pulp when his phone rang.

He glanced at the display and cursed, kicking out at another zombie as he flipped it open. “Hello? Lord of the Night… take that you foul beast… speaking.”

We trust all is going to plan.” The voices spoke as one, and the phone grew warm in his hand.

“Multitude! How nice to hear from you. All well in the Pit I hope?” Lord of the Night stabbed the wood at a blackened corpse that was lunging at him, impaling the thing.

The Pit is as it was, is and ever will be. What is your situation?

“Progressing your Auwfulness, progressing.” Lord of the Night yanked at his wood, which was now wedged in the zombie. “Bugger.”

We are on schedule then?” The phone was getting hot now, and the plastic was starting to get soft.

“Pretty much,” Lord of the Night lied, losing his stick as the zombie twisted away. “Listen, now’s not really a good time. Could I call you later?” He skipped backwards as twisted black fingers reached for him.

We shall expect your call soon.” The line went dead, as Lord tried not to do the same.

The group was slowly forced back as the zombies crowded into the alleyway. Some of them were wearing firefighters’ uniforms, with recent claw marks.

“Looks like Algu’s been on a recruiting drive,” said Harley as they backed away.

“Over here man!”

Lord of the Night glanced around, to see a familiar figure approaching from behind. “Is that you Lebrenth?” he asked.


“He’s one of them! A zombie!”

“How can he talk then?” asked Solus/Never, slicing the fingers off an ex-waitress.

“I’m only half infected,” the large man stepped forward.

“How did you get behind us?” asked Lord, inspecting the former bar owner. “And how come you’re only half undead?”

“Escaped from Algu when he was distracted and bashed a hole in the wall. Now, do you want to chat whilst your brains are eaten, or get out of here?”

“Lead on!” said Harley. “Quickly!”

Lebrenth shambled off, and the group followed him, leaving the remaining zombies lurching slowly behind.


The slim figure, dressed in a fetching black cat suit, looked on from the rooftop as the small group ran through a newly created hole in the wall, following the horribly dressed half dead. The zombies moaned and trudged after them, but were quickly outdistanced.

Rai remained where she was as the undead stopped and stood about, as if waiting for something. Sure enough, a few minutes later, a rather unusual figure strode into the alley.

“Curses! They got away! Bumbling idiots!” The clown shook his fist theatrically at the dead. “Oh well, never mind. Next time. Algu shall not be thwarted!” He turned around and tripped over a body.

“Curse this clown curse!” he swore, standing up and brushing intestines off his jacket.

Treading more carefully, he stormed out of the small lane. The zombies followed him, moaning.

“How interesting,” said Rai.

As lithe as a cat, she stood up and threw a thin rope. The grapple on the end caught on a fire escape on the opposite building. Like a more graceful version of Spiderman, the assassin swung off into the night, following the Clown of the Dead from above.


Lord of the Night, the two halves of Solus and Never, Harley the yellow fairy and the semi-undead Lebrenth staggered into a small town house in a quiet suburb of Big City. They had escaped the slums after several hours of wandering, and skulked along the city streets, trying to avoid being noticed, though there were few people out in the small hours of the night. It was now growing light, as dawn approached.

“What is this place?” asked Harley.

“A safe house of mine,” replied Lord as they entered a small, sparsely furnished room. The walls were plain white, there was a rather horrible looking orange sofa, a couple of chairs and a table. There was also a large wooden trunk pushed against one wall.

“A place to rest, finally!” Harley slumped onto the sofa, only to be shoved to one side by Solus and Never. Lebrenth stood by the door as Lord went quickly over to the chest and flipped it open.

“I think we can say that episode was not a success,” he said, sorting through various supplies. “Ah, here we are.” He pulled out a sewing kit and threw it at Harley.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” the fairy asked.

“Sew the Twins together,” Lord replied.


“If you can think of something else, I’m happy to entertain ideas,” Lord said, sitting down on one of the chairs and fishing out the box he took from Algu’s apartment. “Now then, let’s see what we have here shall we? If we are lucky, we have the Stone.”

“It’ll be the first bit of luck today then,” said Never as Harley started to un-bandage her.

“What about our half zombie friend?” asked Solus.

Lord opened the box and looked at the contents. “Oh, I see,” he said. “Um.”


Not very funny this time, but I struggled to write this chapter. So, what does Lordy have? Is it the Stone of the Dead? Something else? Let’s hear your ideas!

Please feel free to add this to your favorites again, as everyone has dropped out.

Bids started, but not complete in this chapter included the below. No payment due yet for these:

Random bid: His Majesty, 140 - fables for Lordy to encounter at least three different people named Mr. Walker on at least three separate occasions.

corruption bid Lilith, 120F - to corrupt this and make Mr. Walker really none other than our beloved King Key himself!

Random bid Nenners, 200F - Rai to develop an obsession with the clown character.

Neil Hartley Books.
My Amazon page.

Last edited by Chinaren on Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Wrong witch C'ren.

I think Lordy has found the stone of the dead - he's just not sure which one it is. In fact, there's nearly a hundred shiny stones in the box, and only one of them is the stone he's looking for.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, i think that he found a bunch of balls, but hey are ben wa balls, and there is a note in the box also, suggesting where the balls can be placed, and to think harder about where a clown would actually hide something he cared about deeply.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


without the threat of death,
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are exactly 137 balls made out of steel, and engraved on their surface are 139 insults! Both sentences and single words. Examples include:

Moronic stealer-from-clowns!
Big-headed box-stealer!
... And some other rather non-original insults.

Great new chappy of course... Hahaha!!! E-hrmm! Solus has a blade? A Greatsword? *Notices everyone staring at him* ... Ermmm... I'm innocent!
Yes, no, what, hello?

Falcon Lord, a linear story by algu!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:22 am    Post subject: Re: Wrath Chapter 11 - The Dead of the Night. Reply with quote

Chinaren wrote:

“What happened to Never?” Harley looked down. “And what happened to me? Why am I yellow? WHY AM I YELLOW???!!! I hate yellow!”

Surprisingly you got that right. I do hate yellow on me. Good chappy!!! I was wondering when we would see Rai again.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it's where he keeps his pet spider, Masterweaver. Algu's devastated, of course, and willing to give anything for it, except the Stone of the Dead.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote





Ermmm... Lol? In real life, I have a phobia for spiders... Yeargh...
Yes, no, what, hello?

Falcon Lord, a linear story by algu!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a jack in the box. But one with a message...

A forfeit has to be played out by Lord of the Night in order to get the stone.

Just Algu's little joke.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren wrote:
Lord of the Night yanked at his wood, which was now wedged in the zombie. “Bugger.”


It's not the Stone.. of course not, that would be too easy. But what is inside the box is a copy of "The Amateur Necromancer's Guide" and "Necromancing for Dummies"..... which are both worn and cracked, signs of obvious use and abuse.

And now Algu is completely devastated because he doesn't have his handy dandy guidebooks anymore.

PS Oooh.. my first post ever in the Wrath SG. *wanders off cackling*

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
It's not the Stone.. of course not, that would be too easy. But what is inside the box is a copy of "The Amateur Necromancer's Guide" and "Necromancing for Dummies"..... which are both worn and cracked, signs of obvious use and abuse.

And now Algu is completely devastated because he doesn't have his handy dandy guidebooks anymore.

I like this one. I get to pick up a handy army of zombies.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good one! Maybe something that gives him his power? Not the stone though, I agree that would be too easy. What do clowns use? Maybe a string of ribbons that never end sort of thing.
Just browsing, thank-you.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

okay i think we found a stash of clown porn. that seems fitting.

i actually really liked the part where lordy is on the phone killing and chatting!

Overall i found the chapter quite good Ren - though i am feeling what you say about finding it hard to write - barry is the same - maybe we need to form a support group for humour writers with dry ink wells...

i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy
~ Very Happy ~
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy

Wink True, true, Ne-ne... poor guy... just can't help himself....

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy

Wink True, true, Ne-ne... poor guy... just can't help himself....

Oh girl he wants to help himself.. help himself to a big peice of lily pie that is...

would you like some cream on that Ren?
~ Very Happy ~
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy

Wink True, true, Ne-ne... poor guy... just can't help himself....

Oh girl he wants to help himself.. help himself to a big peice of lily pie that is...

would you like some cream on that Ren?

*blows Cren a kiss and winks* Wink

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy

Wink True, true, Ne-ne... poor guy... just can't help himself....

Oh girl he wants to help himself.. help himself to a big peice of lily pie that is...

would you like some cream on that Ren?

*blows Cren a kiss and winks* Wink

*passes Ren a cherry, hot fudge sauce and a big ol' spoon*

Enjoy !
~ Very Happy ~
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Ne wrote:
i noticed the same flaw as lordy..

Lily was still breathing, but the front of her, the part that had been facing the explosion, was now an obnoxious yellow color.

Aww,.... you've got me on the brain Cren... that's so sweet....

On the brain? is that a euphenism?

*imitates seedy ren voice* Lily i 'as you on my 'brain'.. you know men think with their....

Very Happy

Wink True, true, Ne-ne... poor guy... just can't help himself....

Oh girl he wants to help himself.. help himself to a big peice of lily pie that is...

would you like some cream on that Ren?

*blows Cren a kiss and winks* Wink

*passes Ren a cherry, hot fudge sauce and a big ol' spoon*

Enjoy !

*goes into the corner to throw up*

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I appreciate the attention, but please keep this on topic people.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren wrote:
I appreciate the attention, but please keep this on topic people.

Right just to validate our spewings of crud i vote that Ren does the above mentioned in the story Wrath.

Eats a sexual lily dessert. with cream.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ren isn't a character in the story, so he can't do that. Anyway, I'm sure that's the sort of thing you should bid for.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The White Blacksmith wrote:
Ren isn't a character in the story, so he can't do that. Anyway, I'm sure that's the sort of thing you should bid for.


Currently IM and Ren are gods that have fallen to earth and are walking around with transvestite Zephyr, young meanie and horn bag Lily...

geez louise...

*calms herself*

seriously read Wrath its the ShIttake![/i]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe he only reads the better half of the story Ne (those with me in, just incase anyone here has a momentary brain lapse).
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The good bits of the story are bits which don't have me as a tiny child in it =P.

Nice chappy by the way, Cren.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are we going to get a poll for this?
Just browsing, thank-you.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

C'ren? Hello....? Poll? Now?
Yes, no, what, hello?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, RL is overwhelming me a bit atm. Poll is finally up then, engulf the planet of voting.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If the mood takes me I may write another chapter today, so get your votes in quickly if you want to sway the decision. Currently we have a little wiggly spider called Masterweaver in the lead. Hehe.
Neil Hartley Books.
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Our little wiggly Masterspiderweaver.
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Who Voted: Chinaren, Crunchyfrog, Lilith, LordoftheNight, Mastermind, Mephistopheles, NeverNeverGirl, The White Blacksmith

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