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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just love how Lebrenth goes on and continues discussing the story while we're discussing fish and their memory span. Wink

Back onto the fish topic. The only reason they have long-term memory is because the same thing happens to them over and over again. A lot of people remember things that way just be repetiting things to themselves constantly so it stick is in the long-term memory tank. *looks back at what Smee posts, and slaps self* Okay, I just repeated what you said. I think I better work on my memory. Very Happy

New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of the spell-swords behind them spoke up. “Perhaps we should lock down the academy?” she suggested hesitantly. “Then we could search for the assassin.” Even she sounded doubtful, and Persivian understood why. This was a magical attack; it was highly unlikely that the murderer would stick around. Jud’ami nudged him and shrugged. With a sigh the other wizard nodded. It couldn’t hurt.

Immediately the spell-sword stalked out into the halls of the living quarters. Using a similar spell to the one Jud’ami had used on the streets, she called out for the immediate lock down of the entire area. Her voice was not only amplified, but spread over the entire academy grounds, so that everyone could hear her message. No one was to enter, no one was to leave. Persivian nodded grimly at her efficiency.

Guia bunched herself up and leapt onto Persivian’s shoulder. Purring into his ear, she asked, “What shall we do now?”

In his deep slow voice, Jud’ami remarked, “I think it is more obvious than ever that everything that has happened is connected. Unless I’m very much mistaken, this is exactly how the captain died.”

Persivian nodded. “That was my thought as well.” Running his fingers through his hair, leaving behind even more red streaks, he commented, “I feel blind in more ways than one.” Then he bowed his head and considered. His friends waited for him to come to a plan, and their patience was rewarded.

“Jud’ami,” he said, “I think you should stay here for awhile. Supervise the care of Lehrar’s body,” his voice broke and he cleared it roughly. “Look for any other clues – hidden letters, gaps on his bookshelf, spell auras, anything that might point us on. If you run dry here, check with the library masters. They’d have a record of anything he’s been looking at recently.” The black man nodded, so Persivian turned his attention to Guia. “I would like you to assist the guards. Use your instincts, see if the assassin has remained behind.”

The cat dug her claws into his shoulder in consternation. “We both know that is in all likelihood pointless. Perhaps I should stay with you?”

“In all likelihood,” Persivian emphasized. “We must cover all the bases. Besides,” he added with both a shiver and a smile, “I won’t be leaving the compound.”

Jud’ami groaned. “You’re not going to see – ”

“We need to know what happened,” Persivian interjected. “Devanta is one of the only people who can help with that, and she is close by. And – ” he continued, his voice rising to halt further argument, “she also happens to be my friend.”

Shaking his head, Jud’ami conceded. Guia leaned against his cheek and gave it a single rough lick before landing with a thump on the floor and loping out the door. Briefly clasping his friend’s shoulder, Persivian exited as well. Swiftly he walked down the halls and across the grounds, to the larger, main academy building. If he noticed the way people skirted around his bloodstained form, he did not show it. Instead he strode confidently up the marble steps of the academy, rising with spires and columns to a grandiose height, cool despite the heat of the sun.

Pushing through the elaborate oak doors, Persivian stepped into the cool shadows of the building, the sounds hushed except for the whisper of padding feet on the tile. Breathing deep the musky scent of magic and knowledge, he passed under a high vaulted ceiling to a carven door across the way. Through it he passed, into a corridor filled with closed doors, where all noise ended completely, and the darkness gathered like a living being, overshadowing those who entered. Although it was not unfriendly in nature, most people were daunted by this place; few people liked the dark. Fortunately, Persivian was one of those few. He passed through the solemn surroundings without fear.

At the end of the long corridor was a circular staircase, winding down into darkness. His hand trailing along the stone blocks, his fingers following the lines of mortar and finding every dimple in the stone, Persivian descended into the ground.

The bottom, when he reached it, was chill and dry, silent and dark as a grave. There were no lamps burning here; had not the wizard already been blind, he would not have been able to see anything at all. The wizard did not hesitate. He strode forward with confidence down the shorter underground corridor. Unlike the one above, this had no doors leading off into separate rooms. Instead, it had only one door, at the far end. It was plain, without ornamentation, set on hinges that creaked with age and disuse. On this door, Persivian rapped thrice, and then entered.

Inside this room there was light. It illuminated from a single source, a deep stone basin carved with magical symbols, filled to the brim with water. Though there was no breeze, nor accidental bump, nor any movement near it at all, its surface was covered with ripples. Their small waves reflected blue, then white, then midnight black as they moved about on the water. Seated beside the basin, staring into its depths, sat a woman.

Devanta was young in years but old in spirit. Her skin was pale and white, having not seen the sun in years; her hair was lush and blue-black. When the wizard entered her room she did not move from where she was seated, and gave no indication that she had noticed him come at all. Persivian was not surprised by this. After all, she was a seer, one of few. Not only was she a seer, she was also the Matron Seer, the most powerful of all those at the academy. Despite her status it was obvious she received few, if any, visitors. She sat naked in the dark.

The wizard gently closed the door behind him and stood beside it, waiting. Devanta was peering into the basin with intent eyes. Anyone who spent time around seers knew better than to interrupt one while they were having a vision. Persivian himself had a scar Devanta’s predecessor had given him, when he interrupted her as she gazed into her mirror, watching the future. The woman had gone into a fury and pulled a knife on him. Afterwards she had apologized, but Persivian knew it was his own fault, and had never made such a mistake again. So he waited now.

Finally the girl sighed and blinked her eyes. When she looked up, it was to see Persivian staring sightlessly into the darkness. “Persivian,” she said hoarsely, in a voice unused to conversation. “I saw you here, but I did not see your purpose.”

“May I sit?” Persivian asked. When she nodded and patted a cushion, he sank down and grasped her hand. “I need your help, Devanta. Lehrar has been murdered.”

“When?” she asked intently.

He shook his head. “Not fifteen minutes ago,” he whispered. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. Gaining control of himself, he went on, “It happened in his own room, and it appears to be magical. Can you look back, to see what happened?”

Devanta sighed. “Yes,” she said. “Since it is you asking, and since he was a good man, I will aid you.” After squeezing his hand briefly, she broke the contact and sat up on her knees. Placing both hands on the rim of the basin, she began to sway back and forth, murmuring. The ripples in the water began to move with her, right, then left, in a rhythm that was clear in Persivian’s ears. The air thickened, and all the warmth gathered in the center of the room. After a moment it was icy cold at the wizard’s back, uncomfortably warm before him.

Suddenly the chanting stopped, and Devanta stopped moving. She sighed, and it was like air rushing through a canyon, gathering speed and force as it went. The water flared with a blinding light that even Persivian could see, and then it rushed to the sides of the basin, forming a watery depression in its center. Devanta leaned over and looked.

“Touch me,” she said, in a ringing, hollow voice. It seemed to be coming from more than just her. “You will see what I see.” Without hesitation Persivian reached out and grasped her arm.

He gasped as his mind was flooded with light. Slowly it separated, forming figures – a bed, a wardrobe, a man – Lehrar. The old wizard was at his desk, poring over a book, making notes in a journal. By his manner, he seemed frantic and excited. Suddenly he exclaimed, “There it is!” There was fear behind his delight.

At that moment there was a noise, of cracking glass. Persivian watched as his frowning friend got up and stood in the center of the room. Then he saw what the noise had come from. The mirror on his dresser had a single, long crack, splitting the glass in two from top to bottom. As the wizard watched, more cracks formed, spreading like spider webs across the mirror. In it Persivian could see the face of his friend, peering at it with a puzzled frown. He watched as Lehrar’s eyes widened in horror, and he tried to shout. It was too late. Lehrar went rigid, his head tilted back, his fists clenched, as he floated several inches into the air. Magical energy surged around him, and Persivian recognized the spell that had been used to kill Dolan. He frowned, because the captain’s death had been far quicker than this. Clenching his fists, he thought, Are they deliberately torturing him? Then he realized the truth. Lehrar was resisting the spell.

Persivian focused on his friends face. It was contorted with pain, the blue eyes running with tears. Then the wizard lowered his gaze. Lehrar’s left arm was rigid, and slowly rising. It was pointing unerringly to the corner of the room, to the left of the door. Now Persivian was on the edge of his seat, trying to see what his friend was pointing at. But at that moment, Lehrar’s resistance gave out. A moment too late, Persivian shut his eyes. A spray of blood, a scream, a gurgle… then silence.

Devanta released the spell, and the room plunged into darkness. Once again blind, Persivian kept his eyes closed, feeling tears trickling down his cheeks. The pain of Lehrar’s death felt fresh, as if it had only happened seconds ago. In a way, it had.

After a moment, though, his resolve hardened. The vision he had shared with the seer proved two things: The attack had been purely magical and no assassin had stepped foot within the academy, and that there was something Lehrar had wanted to be found. He must have thought I’d ask for Devanta’s help, Persivian thought.

The wizard came to his senses only to the sensation of a wet washcloth rubbing his face. “Be still,” Devanta murmured. “You are covered in blood.”

After a few moments of the seer’s tender ministrations, Persivian was released. Still shaking, he stood up, with Devanta’s help. “Thank you,” he told her. “Thank you for helping us.”

Devanta nodded, and gave him a gentle shove. “Go,” she whispered.

But before he could leave, she called him back. “While you were gone, you missed my birthday,” she said. Her hoarse voice was impassive, and a little sad. “I turned seventeen while you were gone. That marks six years of my life, spent in this room.” Looking away, she asked, “Did you ever feel that your life has been wasted? I have spent so long lost in the future, and the past, that I sometimes wonder what I would find, if I ever ventured into the present. I wonder, if things had been different…would I have found you?”

Pity and sorrow welled up in Persivian as he listened to Devanta’s words. He could not imagine how lonely it would be, down here alone, year after year. The emptiness of living others’ lives while forfeiting your own…

“Go now, Persivian.” Her voice now grieving, she said, “I do not think we will meet again.” As the wizard stood, stunned, not knowing what to say, the door closed solidly in front of him.

When Jud’ami asked, five minutes later, why his eyes were so red, Persivian replied that Devanta had scrubbed the blood away. Then he asked what Jud’ami had found.

The sailor sighed. “Not much at all. No paper, nor book, nor any written thing at all, survived. It is all ash. I sensed in the ash the remains of a spell. Whoever cast it destroyed every thing with written words on it in this room. The mirror had a great deal of magical residue on it, and I think it was used to channel the spell that killed Lehrar.”

Persivian nodded as Guia ran into the room. “You’re back,” she said. “What happened?”

Quickly the wizard described what Devanta had shown him. He kept her last words to him silent. After he finished, Guia said, “You two investigate it, I’ll call off the lockdown.” In a flash, she was gone again.

Without hesitation the wizards set to work, examining the corner where Lehrar had pointed. At first, they couldn’t see anything. There were no hiding spells, nor locking spells, no disguise or illusion magicks to hide whatever had been pointed at. There was absolutely nothing to indicate that anything out of the ordinary was hidden here. They exhausted their supply of spells that were normally used to find hidden things, which between the two of them, was considerable. Finally Persivian, frustrated and angry, set fire to the carpet.

“Whoa!” cried Jud’ami, dousing the flames with a spout of water from his hands. Glaring at his friend, he scolded, “Now is not the time to lose your temper! You can’t – ” Then he stopped. He reached out to touch the floor. Persivian heard a spring being released, and felt a whoosh of air. Then Jud’ami started to laugh. He continued to guffaw until Persivian set the end of his trousers on fire.

With a yelp, he set these out as well, then showed Persivian the small depression in one of the floor tiles under where the carpet had been. Then he demonstrated how, when opened, it sprung open to reveal a cleverly hidden and completely non-magical hole in the floor. “Ingenious,” Persivian muttered. “If it had been hidden with magic the fire spell might have found it.” Inside the hole was a slip of paper an inch long gold disk. Written on the paper were a few words.

Find the girl

On the other side of the paper was a very familiar address. It was that of Borgen Oculdo.

Jud’ami turned to Persivian. “Do you ever get the feeling you’re running around in circles?”

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

Linear Story Nightrobber Now Complete!

Last edited by dragon_fire372 on Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, nice connection. This story is wonderfully woven together. Very Happy

We don't know where the girl is now - the only option seems to be to investigate the address with a little less caution now. We need a lead to follow.

Keep it coming - really enjoying it.

Happy Writing Very Happy
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, this story is very clever, and you tell it very well Very Happy

The decision point seems a clear one now. We have an address, we need to find the girl. I think we head straight there and do not take no for an answer this time. Whatever we need to do to get inside, we should do it Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We also need to find the girl. It's naturally very likely to be the girl we met earlier, of course, and we already know she has a connection because she had the address. We are confident she's coming to this city, and she even had interest in the star, right? So we need someone to watch for her. It would be really spiffy if we had some sort of spell that would allow us to create her image from memory (Guia saw her, right?) and show some of the servants so they can help us keep watch. We could station them at certain places, such as gates and the star and the address that was on the envelope. We ought to keep watch of that anyway. But if not, then perhaps speaking with the guards would be prudent. The attack on the girl came from a conspicuous group. Perhaps the guards could tell us if they saw similar gangs that seemed to be looking for someone.

As for the address, as our best lead, we should investigate it thoroughly, but I'd hate to blunder into a trap, so careful observation of the place first might be a good idea.

Also, though I know it's paradoxical to contradict a seer, I think it would be a nice gesture on Persivian's part to see her again and get her some flowers as a late birthday present. She might even like a little pet if it isn't too distracting... maybe a goldfish for her basin or something. Smile

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, though I know it's paradoxical to contradict a seer, I think it would be a nice gesture on Persivian's part to see her again and get her some flowers as a late birthday present. She might even like a little pet if it isn't too distracting... maybe a goldfish for her basin or something.

That's wonderful Lebby Very Happy

*Skips around with the fluffy bunnies Very Happy *
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes indeed. Perhaps you could bring her some clothes? Not that I mind naked young ladies of course. Wink

I f5 the above. The address is the obvious choice. Go to it!
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems an obvious choice to investigate the address.

I like Lebby's idea that we have somebody in the group, Gaia being the best choice to look out for this mysterious girl. Of course it seems very obvious it is the girl we met before. But we don't know who she is exactly quite yet, which adds into the whole suspense. Cool

New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A new chapter is on its way, though I have no idea when it'll be posted. I've at least started on it. The plan is: investigate the address, while getting touch of some city guards to keep watch over certain areas of Maylin, mainly the gates, near the Star, and at the address (discretely). Have them looking out for a girl, probably Minaar (who Guia will describe). Anything I missed, let me know.

BTW, we don't really know if Minaar will be heading back to the city. After all, she was heading away from it when Persivian met her. It is highly possible that she would turn back at the loss of her horses and possessions.

I'll try to get the new chapter up soon!


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see your still alive, dragon. I was afraid this story was not going to be continued just when I was all caught up in so deeply.

I don't think Minaar will turn back with the loss of her possessions. She seems to be a very determined woman, and lets few things deter her from her mission. But that is just my impression of the character.

Hope to see that next chapter.

New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We don't know how vital those items were to her mission, so I guess there's always hope she's returned.

I don't think she'll be obvious about it though. She seems known around the city.
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. I do wonder what these items she had do in relation to her mission. Persivian noticed they were very powerful. But she wasn't using them when she was attacked. Perhaps she was delivering them to somebody. Or what I think is a more likely idea is that she was trying to hide her power or something.
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The wizard ran his thumb over the wrinkled piece of paper and inwardly seethed. Jud’ami was absolutely right – they were running in circles. Now, however, they had a definite lead. “We’re going to investigate this address, together, and this time we’re getting inside. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Jud’ami nodded, looking slightly apprehensive, and it was Guia who pointed out what was on his mind. “We can’t rush off right now, though,” she pointed out.

“Why not?” demanded Persivian, sounding uncomfortably petulant but unable to alter his tone.

“Think about it,” Guia replied, with a hint of scorn.

Persivian sighed, but of course the cat was right. They had other things to consider. Such as, what if the girl (who the wizard was almost certain was Minaar) came back to the city? They needed to keep a watch out for her. Also, there were practical considerations to their visit to Borgen Oculdo’s house. When should they go? Should they go alone, or with soldiers and spell-swords? Persivian sighed again.

“What do we need to do to prepare?”

* * *

Later that evening the three snuck through the streets in darkness. Clouds had blown across the sky, and the breeze from the harbor was chill for the season. Even so, they made not a sound.

Persivian, Guia, and Jud’ami crept in the alleys, followed by three spell-swords known for their discretion. The afternoon had been spent giving out descriptions to the guards and posting lookouts at the city gates and center square, as well as other well-visited areas. They had been armed with Guia’s description of Minaar, and had been told to keep a watch out for her. If the girl Lehrar had written of was not Minaar, Persivian didn’t know what they would do.

After their preparations, it had finally been time to visit the mysterious address. Jud’ami led them, while Guia walked close to Persivian, guiding him as usual. Though considering the darkness of the streets, especially since the group had brought no light of their own, and he was hardly worse off than them. Watching him maneuver around the obstacles in their path ahead, the spell-swords wondered if he wasn’t more comfortable than they.

At any rate, they soon arrived at Oculdo’s home. As Jud’ami had said, the windows were shuttered, the doors locked. There was no hint of light showing anywhere from inside. They might have thought it long abandoned, if one of their escort hadn’t pointed out the faint mark of footprints below one window, both entering and exiting. Persivian also noticed a barely perceptible odor around the place, a mixture of minerals and herbs that seemed to come from inside the house. While the spell-swords examined the window, the wizards and Guia stalked around the building, searching for traps and wards.

“Do you think we’ll find anything?” Jud’ami asked.

Persivian nodded, listening for noises in the house. He could here none, but he was almost certain there were people in there. His guess was two. Then he told his friend, “Whatever is in there, it had better be in a talkative mood.”

Guia hushed them. “The others are ready. Come.” Her lithe form melted into the darkness, and the two friends followed. They found the spell-swords clustered around a window, which they had triple checked for spells and then somehow eased open, without making a sound. They nodded to Persivian and Jud’ami and stepped back, allowing them to go first. Inside the house, it was pitch black. Jud’ami placed a hand on the windowsill, but Persivian stopped him.

“Let me go first this time,” he whispered. “You can’t see in the dark.”

“Neither can you,” Jud’ami pointed out.

Putting his mouth close to Jud’ami’s ear, he said, “I’m used to it.” Then he winked. With surprising ease he hoisted himself up and dropped gracefully inside, Guia right beside him. Jud’ami and two of the spell-swords followed, the last remaining outside to keep watch.

As soon as he was inside Persivian stood stock-still, extending his senses to every corner of the room. It was empty, but for one doorway and a great deal of dust. He could taste it in the air, and it gave the impression of an abandoned dwelling. But faintly there was another scent, the same he had noticed before. He took a few steps inside.

Behind him came three slight thumps as the others followed him in through the window. Persivian winced, although the noises were faint almost to the point of silence. Still, they were clear to the blind wizard, and he shook his head.

Guia went in front of him, sniffing around the door before continuing on. Persivian went more slowly, though there were no obstacles; caution was a wizard’s friend, especially in situations like this. It took him back to a time when he had served the emperor, on missions similar to this. He had tracked down fugitives, acted as a spy, sought out sacred artifacts, and executed justice, in his time of service. Years ago he had sought to leave that world of subterfuge, and his time in the southern forests had, it seemed, dulled his reactions and judgment somewhat. His skills had grown rusty in disuse. But already they were coming back, and he knew instinctively how to step so the floor wouldn’t creak, how to breathe so the dust wouldn’t make him sneeze, how to keep his senses alert for the slightest motion or spell that would give them away.

Unfortunately the others behind him (save Jud’ami) had no such ability, and Persivian flinched every time they made their presence obvious (to him at least). Finally he turned around and stopped them. To the spell-swords he whispered, so quietly they barely heard him, “Stay here, guard our backs.” Jud’ami stayed with him, for he had been on several missions with Persivian when they were younger, and knew what he was doing. Besides, Persivian really didn’t want to be caught alone in here.

Eventually though Jud’ami had to stop him. “I can’t see anything now, not even your outline. I don’t think I can keep going – I can’t help you if it comes to a trap.”

“It was dark before,” Persivian said.

“There was some street-light coming in through the shutters. Not in these rooms though.”

Persivian nodded, but was loath to leave his friend here alone. Then he mentally kicked himself. From a pouch he extracted the enchanted stone he had pulled from Dolan’s body. “Use this,” he said. Robes rustled as Jud’ami took the stone and hung it around his neck. There was a sigh of relief, and Persivian knew it had worked. Together they continued on.

The layout of the rooms was strange. In every room there were two doorways, save the one where they entered. Some of the rooms had a window, and they were fairly small, mostly empty except for dust. Walking through them Persivian knew that every room through which they passed was set against an outside wall – none of them led to the interior of the house. There was one room that had three doorways; the extra third had once been the front door of the house. It was sealed shut now.

The window through which they had entered was at the back of the house, opposite the street. Persivian and Jud’ami walked the entire perimeter of the house through the rooms, turning all four corners until they found themselves at a dead end – the last room had only one door and it seemed to be right next to the room they had first entered. In fact, when Persivian laid his ear against the wall he could hear, faintly, the spell-swords whispering. It seemed the address was a dead end.

Both wizards, however, doubted it. Based on their estimations of the size of the building, they had yet to reach the inside of it. The house had also had a small second story, and they had found no stairs. And besides that, they had not yet caught up to Guia, and she had not passed by them going the other way. She had to have found a way in.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry for the weak decision point, but I was desperate to post something. I haven't visited this site in a very long time, or read anyone else's stories, and I so wanted to get a new chapter up. <sigh> the next chapter should be more exciting. Hopefully soon I'll be able to start writing more regularly and catch up on all the wonderful story-game chapters I haven't yet read.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We forgive you Fire. Wink

Um. Now then. Check for hidden doors seems most obvious. Otherwise climb up the outside wall? It would make less noise. Maybe.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't worry Dragon - life is like that, but I'm glad you managed to get a chapter in. Very Happy

I F5 Chinaren - seems like the best thing to do, no point giving up just yet, after all the effort to get there.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter, Dragon. I F5 the others, adding only that it would be nice to see a bit of magic in the door detection. It's always nice to see a bit of magic *grin*
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. Do not worry, DF. Every author has those kinds of days.

I F5 everyone. If Guia got in, the wizards probably can. Maybe there was a hole in the wall fit only for a cat. Persivian may have to widen the hole with a bit of magic if they want to go through that way. Of course finding a hidden door may be easier. Cool

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with using magic, what point is there in being a wizard otherwise?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well just to point out, this story wouldn't be much of a fantasy story also without some use of magic. Cool That does seem to be the template for fantasy stories.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was just about ready to send a P.M. to see where you had gone to, Dragon Fire!

I know how you feel with the DP, and don't worry, you have plenty of creditability.

I would be concerned about getting extra attention if we used magic. I don't know, specifically, how the wizards sense the magic around them, but I wouldn't want to make ourselves too noticeable. But I think time is of the essence and that wizards already have their own auras, and as far as they can tell, no spells or wards have been cast to protect the place.... So yeah, go for it!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If we had time to worry, I would say be cautious about magic. But like you have figured, Lebrenth, we don't have time to waste at this moment.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with the above folks. Unless we can communicate with the cat of course Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good point, Ingroth.

We know Gaia can speak...but as in mental telepathy or something like it, we don't know...yet. We will have to see.

Though I think it may be possible, since Gaia has been with Persivian for quite some time.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

She sent mental commands when they were showing the stranger into Jud’ami's house.

Sounds like a good plan to me.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Dragon Fire! Have you been checking your private messages? You ought to accept your nomination for SGOTM this month! We're not sure how long Ingro will wait!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let me guess. Lebby you nominated this story for SGOTM. Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes he did, and I was flattered. Gosh, don't you people have anything better to do that read my dumb story? Razz Anyway, thanks for sticking with it, and I really hope I can start writing more often! I won't come out with a new chapter till I can finish the next one for A Nightmare Realized, and who knows when that will be.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your story's not dumb Dfire, it rocks! Of course I'm parital to blind heroes, just ask smee...

I say ask the cat for some help, she seems to have been invaluble so far...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great to see you catch up with this one Kalanna - good choice too. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great story, DragonFire! Clapping

Can't believe I've missed it for so long...

Magic is good, and if you can figure out where Guia went that's good too. But if you know there's a second story, maybe you want to look for a trap door in the ceiling...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting idea from the Mayoral visit. Good to see you make it here too. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, never would have thought about lookin above for a trap door....Good idea, Key. Cool

But I though we were still outside of the building? Confused

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, we're inside, sorry if that was confusing. Confused

I'm going to put a poll up, with these options: magic, Guia, or a hidden trapdoor or passage. In the next few days I'll have a new chapter up for NR, then another few days should have this new chapter up (I hope)

By the way, thanks to everyone who voted for me! It means a lot. Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. But if we were to choose Guia, would that mean we would try contacting her to see about a secret door or passage. I think you need to be a bit more specific on the choices. Though it seems a lot of them can overlap.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, you're right, sorry. Confused

Ok, option #1 - magic. That means we first use a locator spell to magically search for doors possibly hidden by magic, then if one is found use magic to break through it. If said door is not found, probably remove a wall so we can get through. Flashy but efficient.

Option #2 - Guia. Persivian and Guia have known each other a long time, and Persivian was able to learn how to contact Guia mind to mind. Since sending isn't one of his natural talents this is difficult and slightly draining, (though not enough to incapacitate him, only enough to be an inconvenience), and such a spell might be noticed by a high-level magic user if one is nearby. However, it would guarantee that they know if they can follow Guia, and they can get her advice.

Option #3 - the ever practical but time-consuming search for a hidden door, either to the interior of the building or to the second floor. They would not use magic at first unless nothing else could be found, hence time consuming. However, there don't have to risk the chance of being discovered prematurely, and they can save their magical energies till they really need it.

I hope that clears it up. In one of the next couple chapters I'm hoping to better explain Guia and Persivian's relationship. Probably not the next one - maybe the one after it.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I think we need to risk it and contact Guia. At least she would be able to tell us the most sensible, and probably the safer way of getting in.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tied it Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How shameful, Ingroth. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted for old-fashioned searching. Guia will contact Persivian if she finds something and I think we can spare a little time to be more careful. We do know our adversaries use magic.
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