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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1, 2, 3, A, B, C...don't know the rest of the words. La De Da. Cool
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted, and tied it.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

one hundred and thirty-three bottles on the wall, one hundred three bottles on the wall, take one down, pass it around, one- hundred and thirty-two bottles on the wall...well thats not really going to happen, but whatever. Very Happy
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good news, my avid fans (hehe, and everyone else too).

I am now free to start writing the next chapter! Unfortunately...there is a tie. If it's not broken tomorrow, i'll just roll with it as best i can. Expect a new chapter next week! (and if you don't get it, beat me with a stick to teach me discipline so i'll get on the ball again. Smile )


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aye, aye. *goes off to look for a decent looking stick for beating DF* Will expect that chapter. Very Happy
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Carefully selects poking-stick no. 5 in readiness*
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And I thought you had one poking stick... Razz
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Broke the tie, yay me!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So we're going to search for a trapdoor it looks like. *sigh* And I wanted to talk with the Cat. Very Happy
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

“Perhaps you should ask Guia?” Jud’ami suggested in a whisper.

“No,” replied Persivian, shaking his head. “Not right away, I don’t want to waste so much energy if we can find another way in.”

Jud’ami nodded and together they began the search. The sea wizard hunted the inner wall for a hidden door or passage. Persivian stretched his hands up and began searching the ceiling. It was surprisingly low, only about eight feet high, and the wizard could easily feel along it, grimacing a bit from the slick coat of dust that covered it. For several minutes both men were silent. Then Persivian felt a narrow ridge – the edge of a trapdoor. “Jud’ami!” he hissed. “I found a trapdoor.” After a bit more searching Persivian found a metal ring, which he pulled on gently. The door came down without a sound. Giving him a congratulatory pat on the back, Jud’ami clambered up into the second story. As soon as he’d made sure it was safe, he reached down and helped Persivian up as well, and pulled the door closed after them.

There were in a small room, with a slanted ceiling, a window and a doorway. There was a faint breeze passing through, which rustled Persivian’s blond hair and brought the scent of freshness and nighttime with it. Unlike the lower rooms, it was not at all dusty in here, and seemed to be clean and uncluttered. Jud’ami started for the open doorway, but Persivian stopped him. “Listen,” he whispered.

From the doorway came the sound of voices, talking quietly. Together the wizards crept to the door and peered through. It opened to a kind of loft, smelling faintly of alfalfa as if it once was a hayloft, which was very odd. Light shone up from below, because half the floor was gone, and opened up to a large room in the interior of the house. It was from the lower room that the voices came.

There you are, came a voice in Persivian’s mind. Took you long enough. The wizard started to answer, but Guia cut him off. Keep quiet, they might hear you. Come over here. By the edge of the loft the cat crouched and looked over the side. A glance back warned both wizards to move silently, though she didn’t look too concerned, only curious. Together the two men lowered themselves to the floor and pulled themselves to Guia, and looked over the edge.

The room below was large and well furnished, with a bed, a couch, a water pump, and a stove. A kettle hissed faintly, but was ignored; the two people in the room were too deep in conversation. Though they spoke quietly, it was obvious that they were worried. The man must have been Oculdo. He was a small but fit man, pale and brown haired. The scent of wood smoke hung around him. It was from the woman that the scent of minerals Persivian had noticed earlier came from…in fact, it was very familiar. Minaar! They had found her at last. But there was something different about her. The wizard couldn’t place it.

She looks different, Guia said in his mind. You can still see it’s her, but…she’s changed nonetheless.
This remark confused Persivian greatly, but he couldn’t ask his friend about it just yet. The conversation below had just become interesting.

“I can’t leave now!” Minaar said plaintively. “I thought when I came back, you could help me find them…”

“Don’t you know, if I could, I would!” exclaimed Oculdo. His voice was slightly husky, not too deep, and was very similar to Minaar’s. “But things are getting so heated in this city, I can’t risk moving about now. Especially with that man poking around earlier.” So, Jud’ami’s visit hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“Yes, but…”

“Minaar,” the man interrupted, his chair creaking as he leaned forward. “I can’t risk leaving this house, and you can’t possibly stay in it. I’m sure more people have been sent after you, and even now they may be coming! You know what could happen if they find you!”

The girl sighed and hung her head, and Persivian could sense the despair emanating from her. “I know, but…it doesn’t seem right to leave without them. Who knows what they could be used for in the wrong hands? Besides,” she fumed, “the whole point of the journey was to get any examples of my power away from here!”

“No, the point was to get you away from here, not a handful of gems and herbs, even after you boosted them. The important thing is you. You need to get away, with or without your things. You shouldn’t have come back at all,” he finished sternly.

Abruptly the girl stood and began pacing, the floor squeaking under her feet. “I wish I could stay. Warn the Emperor, or something…not go running off to hide in some forest while you risk yourself here! It’s not right to leave your brother in danger.” Ah…so they’re siblings, Persivian thought. Interesting. Guia interrupted his thoughts by saying, She’s changing again, her appearance. Too bad you can’t see it.
“How is she changing?” murmured the wizard.

She’s becoming…angry. Persivian barely restrained a snort. “I could tell that.”

Shut up and listen, I’ll explain later! the cat snapped. On Persivian’s other side Jud’ami stiffened suddenly and leaned forward further. He could barely hear the sailor whisper, “Very interesting.” Obviously he was seeing the same thing Guia was, which frustrated Persivian greatly. Although perhaps he did notice something…

“I don’t want to leave this,” Minaar said, half to herself. “There’s too much going on that I could help with…somehow,” she added bitterly. “No, I’d probably get in your way. You can control your magic, while I can hardly use mine! Unless it’s used for me…which of course is why I have to go. If those pursuers find the gems, where will I be able to hide? But if I stay to search for them I’ll be found even easier! Why does this have to be so difficult?!”

The chair creaked as Oculdo stood before his sister. “I know it’s hard,” he said consolingly. “But someday you will be able to control your magic, and when you do there will be nothing to fear. You’ll be able to help me, and the empire, when you do. But until them, you must stay out of their hands.” All three companions listened intently to this. Gradually, Minaar calmed down, and when it seemed she was through ranting, her brother continued.

“You’ll have to leave tonight,” Oculdo was saying. “Sneak over the wall, I’ll give you some supplies. You won’t have a horse I’m afraid, but maybe it’ll make you harder to find. And don’t be getting any ideas,” he warned. “You know your duty, as I know mine. I’ll warn the emperor when we find out who’s behind all this; you just don’t let them find you. Your power could bring their plan into fruitation.”

With a sigh, Minaar acquiesced. “Alright,” she murmured. “I’ll go as soon as I have some supplies. If you do see the wagon…let me know, all right?” Oculdo nodded. The girl continued, “Borgen? I am sorry I came back. I was just so unsettled by that wizard…I hope it was he that took the wagon, not the soldiers. He would look after it.” Minaar said it almost wistfully, and Persivian felt himself start inside, a thrill that came unexpectedly and left just as soon. He blinked and wondered…but his friend brought him out of his reverie.

We have nothing to fear from them, said Guia. And I believe our questioning time this night will not be long. Persivian thought she was right. Already the two siblings below were making ready a pack for Minaar, not speaking much but moving swiftly through their duties. Soon the girl would be ready to leave, and then she would find them eavesdropping and that could possibly be dangerous. By the sound of it the Emperor really was in danger, and it all had something to do with this girl, and her power. They needed to know what this plan the siblings had spoken of was, and who was behind it. When should they reveal themselves to ask?

No better time than the present, he supposed. Briefly clasping Jud’ami on the arm, Persivian said, “Time to ask some questions.” He sensed his friend’s nod, and together they stood up. Below Minaar and Oculdo didn’t notice, having begun talking once again.

“How soon do you think they can begin?” Minaar asked.

Sighing, her brother answered, “As soon as they find you, or another significant source of earth magic. That’s the main element they seem to be missing. After they get it, they can put their plan into effect.”

“And what, exactly, would that plan be?” Persivian asked from his position in the loft.

Both Minaar and Oculdo spun around to see the two wizards standing over them. Not initially recognizing them, Oculdo’s reaction was swift and immediate. Drawing back his open hand, a ball of green writhing energy formed in his palm, and he hurled it to where Persivian stood. The wizard recognized it as a powerful spell, both of earth and light, which he found interesting. It was a deadly combination, however, and one that he had seen before. Once it hit its target the spell would erupt into strangling vines that trapped the victim helplessly within its coils, while the light that flashed from it blinded the target and deadened its mind. The effects were almost immediate, and left only a split second for a counter spell, and no time at all for a weapon to be used to escape.

Persivian never needed to use that split second. He had recognized the spell and remembered its effects the moment it had been cast, and even as the green sphere hurtled towards them, Persivian called forth his own magic. With barely a gesture to show it, his own spell destroyed the other, consuming it with fire and letting it sprinkle to the ground as dust that glittered faintly before disappearing forever. Oculdo stared at him in shock.

At that moment Minaar recognized them. “Borgen, it’s him! Persivian the Sightless, and Jud’ami as well. Don’t attack them!”

Her brother squinted up at them and then saw that she was right. “Oh,” he said. “Um…” Still he looked wary.

Persivian held his arms crossed over his chest, with his palms towards himself, a common gesture of peace among magic-users. Jud’ami followed suit. “We aren’t here to fight you,” he said. “Just to find some answers.”

“What makes you think you’ll find them here?” Oculdo asked.

“Because it is of Minaar that we are inquiring.” This did not reassure the other man, and he scowled and stepped protectively in front of his sister.

“We mean you no harm,” said Jud’ami, his deep voice carrying easily in the room, calm and soothing. “Like you we have been searching for answers, trying to protect our Emperor and homeland. Everything points us here, to you. I think, if you can answer our questions, we can help you.”

Thank you Jud’ami, Persivian thought silently. Out loud he said, “You don’t know us, I know, but I am asking you to trust us, and to help us. We – ”

“But we do know you,” Minaar interrupted. “The three of you are well known as helpers of the empire and friends of its people. Perhaps, as you said, we could help each other.” When Oculdo turned to her in protest, the girl laid a calming hand on his arm. “Remember who they are,” she murmured to him. “Have you ever heard ill spoken of their works?” Lowering her voice still more, she whispered, “He risked his life for mine, Borgen. What have we to fear from him, or his friends?”

At last Oculdo relented. “Please, come down, so we can speak more easily,” he invited warily. The wizards found the ladder Oculdo had gestured to and climbed down, Guia on Persivian’s shoulder, and moved to stand in front of the siblings. For a moment there was an uncomfortable silence, as both party was distrustful of the other. It was the cat that broke the silence.

“We need to know everything you know,” she said. “Your powers, the plot, who’s behind it – everything.”

Somehow, being ordered around by a cat in his own home did not sit well with Oculdo. “What right have you to demand answers after you’ve broken into my home and spied on my sister and I?” he asked, incredulous.

Guia started to reply, but Persivian cut her off. “You ask by what right?” he asked quietly. “My life and Guia’s was threatened protecting your sister. There is a plot against the Emperor, and it is our duty as wizards to protect him. Minaar has magical, uncontrollable powers that men are willing to kill for. Our friend and mentor died a horrible death trying to uncover a plot, alone, against the will of unknown enemies. In his last moments of life, he pointed us on the way to you, and you ask what right we have to find out why?” By now his voice was no longer quiet, and his white eyes were burning. Oculdo fell back a pace as Persivian cried, “What right have you to ask us that?!”

The tension in the room was palpable, but it soon gave way to shame, on the part of the siblings. “I’m sorry,” Oculdo said, looking away. “I didn’t…”

“Well, now that you do,” remarked Guia, “perhaps you will give us some answers. Please be quick…I don’t think we have very long.”

Cocking his head to her, Persivian demanded, “Why?” Her answer was an enigmatic shrug, and as he laid a hand on her back Persivian noticed her fur stood slightly on end.

“Where shall we start?” asked Minaar, after a final exchanged glance with her brother.

“The Emperor’s safety is our first concern,” Jud’ami remarked, and Persivian nodded.

Sighing, Oculdo began. “As you know, about one year ago, the Golden Star was raised. It was the late Emperor’s idea – he wanted a way to bring his people hope and strength as he lost his own. It took a lot of powerful magic to construct it – the substances that created it had to be conjured to the site, and a ring of priests stood around the wizards, calling down God’s blessing. At the same time, powerful earth and light wizards…enhanced the properties of the substances, so that they would work with magical effects without having to be altered at all. They would be stronger that way.”

“Whose idea was it to construct the Star in that way?” Persivian interrupted briefly. “I know the process of enhancing objects in such a way was known before, but I’ve never heard of it being used on such a grand scale, to such effect. It’s an obscure ability.”

“It was my idea,” said Minaar, meeting his eyes boldly. “I suggested it to Borgen when he told me of the project – ”

Jud’ami turned to the other man. “You were in on the creation of the Golden Star?” he asked.

Oculdo nodded, shooting an irritated glance at Minaar. He still did not fully trust the companions. “Yes,” he admitted. “Anyway, the Star was created, after months of planning, and the results were even greater than we had hoped for. Unfortunately, it did catch a lot of outside attention… and that is where the plot comes in.

“Less than a month after the Star was raised, the Emperor became ill, a strange wasting illness that no one could identify. The Emperor believed – though he didn’t say anything till he was in his final days – that the illness was magical in nature, for he detected a strange lingering aura around his mirror just before the sickness manifested.” Jud’ami and Persivian exchanged glances. Oculdo continued, “He lingered several months before death, and in that time lost both his physical strength and that of his spirit. The illness left him broken and heartsick, and he remained that way until his final days of life. It was only then he was able to muster enough strength to tell us his suspicions.

“His son, the current Emperor, took over management of the empire, and after hearing his father’s suspicions about his illness quietly ordered the High Casters assign wizards to look into it. I was one of those chosen, and have been spending the past few months gathering what information I could.”

“How?” demanded Persivian. “According to your neighbors, you’ve barely left this house since the old Emperor died.”

“Only in their eyes. My comings and goings were at night, hidden, and I used my magicks to search for new information and, I must admit, to spy, in search of the answer. What we’ve found…isn’t much. We know the one behind the plot is from the east, but who it is we can’t say. We also know that the perpetrator can use magic, of a peculiar kind. His is shadow magic, which as you know deals with secrets and mystery more than anything else. As he has acted as an assassin, it is appropriate.”

“And what he plans?” the wizard pressed, for Oculdo had paused in consideration. “What is the plot?”

Oculdo cleared his throat and looked at Minaar, hesitation clear in his eyes. “Get on with it,” hissed Guia, glancing around tensely. “We’re running out of time.”

Finally, the man nodded grudgingly. “We believe that the man behind the plot plans to copy the Star’s making to create something of his own, for his own purposes. While the exact plan has yet to be ascertained, we believe he means to end the life of our current, and heirless, Emperor. Undoubtedly, he will continue to use its power to bring the empire, cast into chaos and anarchy, to its knees.” He snorted, then said, “Dramatic enough, and dangerous for us, but the reason why he plans this is what we’ve yet to discover.”

Persivian nodded. “It is a plan that has been tried before, and it has failed before. But given the power the Golden Star has…could this unknown man really create another artifact like the Star that can have that huge of an effect?”

The two siblings exchanged glances, and then Minaar stepped forward. “That is why they are after me.” Finally, Persivian thought, I can understand where she fits in to all this!

The girl was looking down at her feet, but on her face was a willful yet bitter expression that had the wizards puzzled. They waited patiently for a few moments for Minaar to continue, but still she hesitated. Suddenly Guia exclaimed, “Hurry! We’re – ”

At that moment a crash sounded outside, making them all jump in surprise, except for Guia. She had stood on Persivian’s shoulder and was peering up at the door to the loft. “Yet again, it’s too late,” she said sardonically. Both she and her wizard could hear the clash of steel outside, and all of them could sense the spells being cast. Turning to look at the entire group, the cat remarked, “Prepare for battle.”

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha! I am victorious!

I dunno why I said that, it just sounded fun.

Anyway, here's the brand spanking new chapter just for you, enjoy! The decision point is really open - you can use it to suggest a battle plan, or to try to get out before the assailants come, with or without Minaar and Borgen, or you could try to negotiate with the attackers, or whatever. It's up to you. Wink


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooh Excellent chapter. Very Happy

I'll have to think about battle plans though. I'll be back.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonderful chapter, as always DF Very Happy

Now - what can the plans be?

I would say don't stay clumped up together in the upper storeys of a house. You're prone to being penned, smoked out or set fire to up there.

Would Persivian (or one of the other Mages) be able to make the four of them fade to invisible before they split up? I know that in the past Persisivan has been able to make himself unseen.

Then, they could perhaps have a chance of mounting a guerrila attack against the forces, distracting them for long enough that at least Minaar can get away. It's her they're after and the main task has to be thwarting the evil plot.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter DF. Um. Well, a couple of them should prepare to hold off the attackers, while the other(s) should try and find a way out, or prepare a teleport spell or something.

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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, a very informative chapte, DF.

We have 4 mages, and a cat to do battle against who knows how many foes. I agree with China. We need a distraction to allow for some kind of escape. Would Borgen know of any other way out of the house?

New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We need to take advantage of darkness again.

Persivian obviously isn't effected; Guia will be fine, and Jud’ami has the talisman for darkness.

Minaar got away during the darkness on the road, so it's safe to assume she'd do ok too.

Get Jud'ami to help Oculdo, whilst Persivian goes on the offensive.

I can hardly use mine! Unless it’s used for me

Minaar's powerful, but unable to use it. Is this something Persivian could link into for a power boost - or would that take some time, and study to learn how?

Just some thoughts. Smile
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Use the advantage darkness offers as much as possible.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey DF. I was wondering if you're going to put up a poll anytime soon? Very Happy
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does Oculdo have a nifty escape route to his tricked out house? I think escape would be best, especially since we know nothing at all about the aggressors except that Guia sensed them intuitively.

I like the idea of using darkness to our advantage, but I'm still more concerned about escape. We're doing really well if we can just get Minaar somewhere safe.

Also, if we suspect a magic-user who uses this little known shadow magic is with the aggressors, we should avoid using a darkness spell, since it isn't likely to be effective and may even strengthen our opponents. I'm still hoping for stooges like from the attack on the road!

Keep it up Dragon Fire! You're descriptions and magic system are remarkable! I look forward to your next chapters!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You'll probably get really tired of hearing this - but I've been rather busy. I'll put a poll up, but don't expect a new chapter till the end of next week at the earliest, unless I really outdo myself.

Ok, poll options are as follows: 1) Since it would be really dumb of Oculdo to have a home with only one way to get in and out, especially given what's going on, he probably does have an escape route. Option one is ask him about it, and get everyone out - no fighting if at all possible. 2) The basic opposite - make a stand, using Persivian's power of darkness to your best advantage. Since there are three powerful wizard and a very resourceful familiar, as well as three spell-swords at the entrance and Minaar who, as she as already proven, can defend herself well, you stand a good chance. There may even be the possibility of capturing a prisoner for questioning. However, there is a risk, since you don't know how numerous and powerful these enemies are, and how many are wizards.

Thus, we have the middle ground. 3) Send Minaar out the escape route, with perhaps one of the wizards as an escort, while the others stay in the room and distract the enemies long enough for her to get away. We'd still use Persivian's powers of darkness to our advantage.

Those are the options - if anyone's confused, let me know. Also, if you vote for the third option, please tell me who you want to accompany Minaar in the escape, if anyone.

Also, if we suspect a magic-user who uses this little known shadow magic is with the aggressors, we should avoid using a darkness spell, since it isn't likely to be effective and may even strengthen our opponents. I'm still hoping for stooges like from the attack on the road!

It makes me glad to know y'all are willing to look deeper into Persivian's world than just the story at hand Smile . Anyway, we hope for stooges, but it is possible for wizards to accompany our enemies, so take care in your vote. And about the whole shadow-darkness thing - As far as magic goes, shadow and darkness, though related, are quite different as far as spells. Shadow is only half darkness - it is made of light as well. A darkness spell would not strengthen shadow magicks for that reason. After all, when there is total darkness, you see no shadows.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think they're all great options. I will await the poll before I make my choice clearer.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL, i am so dumb! i forgot to put the poll up. Ok, i'll put it up now - for real this time.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After some thought I've voted for make a stand and fight.

We are behind in this mystery and we need some straight answers. Prisioners or even just the clear look at our attackers that we get from making a stand could be vital in gaining on those we persue.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted to fight.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am going for the distract option. We can find out about our enemies, and make sure Minaar is safe.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh dear. I need a tie breaker people! Hurry!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woah. Did not expect this. You know you could just PM somebody on this site to break the tie. I did that as favor for someone else's SG. Or you could break it yourself.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, no extra votes, so distraction it is. I'll start the new chapter hopefully tonight.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't see the poll before but now the tie is broken Confused
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. Change in the poll. I dont' know if Dragon Fire is going to change his or her mind about the choice now. We will have to see.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay, tie broken. I guess it isn't distraction after all. Smile If I had started the chapter already you'd of been out of luck, but...<shame> i hadn't started it yet. Stupid prom decorations argh!

Anyway, I am starting the new chapter right now, so in a few days we'll see how Persivian and the rest fared in the attack.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool thanks Very Happy

*sits down to wait for the next chapter*
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*grabs 'waiting stool'* LOL. Hope to see that next chapter. DF.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jud’ami rolled up his sleeves and watched the loft door intently. Persivian grasped his ball of darkness again and prepared his spells, while Guia crouched on his shoulder with her tail lashing. Oculdo turned to Minaar and said, “You should leave. If they get you…”

“There’s no time. Besides, I can fight,” the girl snapped. She grasped a sword in her hand – it was the one she had taken from the dead soldier on the road. Her other hand fished in her pocket for chunk of pyrite, which she clasped in her left hand. Pyrite…defense against negative powers, Persivian recalled. I really must ask her about those gems.

“Remember, we are behind these people as far as information,” the blind wizard said. “If the opportunity to capture a prisoner comes to you, take it.” The others nodded.

In the other room the sound of battle could be heard. Sword clashed on sword, and spells were hurtled with abandon. Searching with his powers, Persivian’s suspicion was confirmed – there were magic users coming against them. But the spell-swords were putting up a fight. None had managed to find the trapdoor yet.

Guia cocked her head and her green eyes narrowed. “There are only two spell-swords left,” she said. Another moment of fierce battle, and then, “One.”

“When they get to the loft, I’m going to call darkness upon us,” Persivian said. “Jud’ami and Guia will be able to see. Oculdo…”

“I will shield us,” he said. “I don’t have time to cast a seeing spell now. Your spell would be stronger than mine anyhow.”

Persivian nodded. “Minaar?”

“I’ll use my stones,” she said. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Just as long as you make yourself useful and don’t get caught,” Guia snapped. They all winced as they heard a loud crash and pained cry. “Here they come.”

Through the walls of the room Persivian could hear the clumping of booted feet as the assailants ran through all the rooms of the house, circling their position before coming to the room with the trapdoor. “There are six,” he said. “At least…four of them are wizards.” This he detected by searching their auras, seeing who had any magical residues that would be left by casting spells. Then the assailants reached the room with the trapdoor, and it only took them a moment to find it. The sound of clumping footsteps ascended to the second story room. The defenders waited tensely for the attack to come.

No one rushed the door to the loft. Instead the six attackers stayed in the first room until all had come together on the second story. They weren’t total imbeciles, but waited for their numbers to be complete before daring to enter the loft. As one unit they burst through the doorway, six men, four of them with spells waiting for a target before being released, the others brandishing swords before them.

The moment the assailants entered the loft Guia let out an impossibly loud, screeching yowl that set everyone’s teeth on edge. It served to both unsettle their opponents and the let Persivian know the exact moment to call the darkness upon them. Inky blackness settled upon the combatants before the attackers had even fully seen their targets. The two swordsmen couldn’t stop their forward momentum in time and stepped with brief cries off the edge of the loft, falling fifteen feet to the floor below. One managed to turn the fall into a jarring roll even in the darkness, the other lay still. The swordsman who had recovered from the fall rose dazedly to his feet before lurching forward to the unarmed magic-users. He did not make it so far. Persivian’s robes had barely rustled from Minaar’s passing when the last swordsman’s head rolled away from his body. It settled near the stove, and the scent of burning hair filled the room.

These actions barely concerned the wizard though. His attention was focused solely on the four wizards on the loft above him, who had sensibly stopped when the darkness fell. One of them seemed familiar…but he couldn’t spare a moment to place him. Behind him Oculdo was in the grip of his magic, holding a shield around the defenders that would turn away many magical attacks. Jud’ami had conjured a miniature hurricane in his hand, the wind swirling in a tiny maelstrom that held all the fury of its full-sized counterparts. He hurled it to the enemy wizards above. One tried to block the spell, two others prepared to launch the offensive. Persivian had a moment to regret not having the advantage of the high position, but dismissed it as he focused on the fourth enemy wizard.

Fighting a few regular warriors, unless one is completely surrounded, is usually no great feat for a wizard. Their spells are devastating to those who cannot counter them, and normal folk know better than to start a fight with a magic-user unless they outnumber him at least four to one and are close enough to get a hold of him. Even then, they should prepare for some casualties. But fighting another wizard is tricky. One has to juggle being able to shield themselves from, deflect, or in desperate cases simply dodge, an opponent’s magical attacks, while being able to keep a little on the offensive themselves. That is why wizards will normally not duel one-on-one. It is a risky affair, and the effects can be draining. In a group, the wizards can delegate tasks between themselves and enforce each other’s spells if need be.

But that isn’t even the most important reason to not fight alone. The stronger a wizard is, the more powerful his will when casting spells, determines how they will fare in a fight against another magic-user. Evenly matched wizards can duel for hours until one of them makes a mistake or their endurance ends. But the shield of a powerful magic-user will always block feebler spells, and the effects of a weak-willed wizard’s spell could never hope to counter those of one who is strong.

Thus, when the fourth attacking wizard attempted to lift Persivian’s darkness, he failed miserably. There was no way his power could hope to compete with a wizard as strong as the Sightless One, and by attempting it he only broadcasted his exact position to Persivian and revealed who was the better caster. Feeling the aura of his opponent, blazing with the effort of magic, the blind wizard raised his hand in concentration, palm up, as if beckoning to the other wizard. He clenched his fist, and the opponent combusted. Incredibly hot, burning blue flames unseen in the darkness consumed the opposing wizard until he fell to the fire, his life snuffed in an instant. The flames died as suddenly as they had appeared, their work completed.

The odds thus evened, Persivian turned his attention to the efforts of his companions. Jud’ami’s attack had been rebuffed – barely – and their opponents were launching a few attacks of their own. Oculdo was frowning with the concentration of holding up a shield, deflecting the attacks. If he had been alone, he would have been in great trouble indeed. But with Minaar calling upon the powers of her gem, reinforcing his strength and that of his shield, he was holding up remarkably well under the assaults of the other two wizards.

Up on the loft their enemies were doing well also. They also had a shield-holder, whose knees were shaking but seemed able to endure Jud’ami’s ruthless attacks with the help of his companions. The other two wizards were pressing their attack, loosing spell after spell down upon them. Lightning sizzled upon the shield, and the other used a combination of fire and earth magic to bombard the companions from above. The spell-swords were very good to have lasted so long against these opponents.

Skilled as they were, thought, the attackers were not as powerful as those they attacked. Jud’ami used his sailor’s combination of water and wind to wear down their assailants, and the enemy shield grew shakier and shakier. Even as Persivian observed the battle, Jud’ami sent a whirling spear of wind into the enemies’ midst, and the other wizards had to leap aside as the powerful spell broke through their defenses.

All of this happened in the space of less than thirty seconds after the assailants had first entered the loft.

After only a glance to send his will out to assess the situation, Persivian decided how best to jump into the battle. The other wizards had the advantage of the high ground, but he could change that. Persivian raised his hands as if holding up a burden, arms parallel to the floor. Then he tilted them, so his arms made a slope down towards himself. He smiled grimly as the effects of his spell became apparent to those above, who let loose startled cries as the floor beneath them grew slick with his ice. It built itself up behind them, forming a slick ramp that had them sliding despite themselves to the room of the floor below.

The lightning wizard collected himself in time to cushion himself and his companions as they fell, so they managed to land on their feet. But the sudden descent was enough of a distraction to let the shield falter, and Jud’ami’s next miniature hurricane hit its target, the earth/fire wizard, dead center in the chest. The spell stole his breath and collapsed his lungs, shoving his prone body into the wall with a crash.

Now that they were on even footing and faced a number of opponents twice their number, the assailants became desperate. They were bereft of their sight, and could only use their sense of the other wizards’ auras as spell targets. Minaar further confused their aim by activating her gems in different locations within the shield, causing some spells to go awry. The lightning wizard sent bolt after bolt of electricity arcing into the spell, hoping to overwhelm the shield with the ferocity of his attacks, but Oculdo held up well. The enemy shield, on the other hand, was buckling under the steady onslaught of Jud’ami and Persivian’s spells. As the sailor sent bullets of water streaking towards their enemies, Persivian called a circle of flame to envelop their enemies. Neither attack went through the shield fully, but a few scattered droplets broke through to pelt the enemy wizards, leaving nasty welts, and the flames still scorched their feet. Persivian and Jud’ami exchanged smiles in the dark. The shield was failing.

Both wizards changed their spells, Jud’ami raising a whirlwind of water that surrounded and buffeted the other shield without mercy, while Persivian called down a hail of frost, each spreading cold fire wherever it touched. Under the onslaught the enemy wizards buckled, unable to withstand the powerful attacks. The wizard holding the shield abandoned his companion, pulling his defenses tightly around himself like armor. With a swift cry, the lightning wizard raised his hands above his head as the full fury of Jud’ami’s wind and water, and Persivian’s ice, fell upon him. He crumpled to the floor.

Victory seemed imminent. They had their prisoner, and it seemed all that was left was to incapacitate him and see to the wounded. They had won a fierce, though brief, battle, and yet had hardly been taxed at all. The attackers had probably expected Oculdo to be alone, and they would have had a far simpler time taking him out if they hadn’t been there. Persivian was glad that for once, they were in the right place at the right time.

Or so it seemed at first. But as the hope of victory entered Persivian’s mind, the cat on his shoulder let out a warning squall that sent shivers up the wizard’s back. Then a surge of magic emanated from the air surrounding the last opponent, and with a burst of power a portal opened up into the room.

“Get back!” he cried. “Reinforce the shield!” One, two…five more stepped through the portal into darkness. Immediately the shield around them was intensified, even as the companions fortified their own. By their auras, all the new opponents were wizards.

Now the tables had turned, and Persivian and his friends found themselves fending off attacks of far greater power than those previously. The enemy group had three reinforcing their shield, so Persivian’s attacks simply bounced off. Jud’ami had stopped attacking to lend his power to Oculdo to keep them safe, but unless something changed in a hurry, it was ended.

When it became clear that little offensive action was being taken against them, one of the enemy shielders and one of the attackers joined their powers, and began to try to force Persivian’s darkness to lift. By the pattern of the casting it seemed that their new opponents could not see any more than the first ones could, but if they succeeded in banishing Persivian’s spell, the companions’ advantage would be lost…

“Guia,” the blind wizard muttered. “Tell everyone to close their eyes.” Then he stepped back to where he sensed Oculdo standing and whispered a swift instruction in his ear. The earth/light wizard nodded and tensed himself. Persivian waited until the instance before the other wizards released their spell, then whispered, “Now.” At the same time their enemies released their magic to destroy his spell, he called the ball of darkness back into itself, lifting the spell himself. The power the enemies let loose exploded out of them without purpose, wasting their energy and knocking them out of their shield.

The banishment of the darkness was accompanied by a flash of light so dazzling that their assailants cried out in agony. Even Persivian in his blindness could feel the light through his eyelids, and were it not for the warning, his friends would have fallen too. The intense light faded after a moment, but the attackers could still feel its painful effects. “Now, attack!” Persivian cried, as he conjured daggers of ice and sent them speeding to their opponents, who clutched their eyes in pain. At the same time, he wove a spell of darkness around Minaar, so that she would be merely another flitting shadow to the casual onlooker. Despite the momentary distraction of their opponents, there was still a chance they could fall, and if they did Minaar would not be captured as well.

Guia, who had previously been aiding Persivian, leapt from his shoulder to Jud’ami’s, to help him keep up the shield. She normally didn’t aid other wizards in such a way, but was familiar enough with the sailor to do this task for him. Jud’ami took over full management of the shield, allowing Oculdo to use his own magicks more effectively. Minaar continued to reinforce their shield with her gems, not seeming to realize the spell Persivian had woven around her. Oculdo stepped up and folded his hands in a grasping motion, eyes unfocused. Immediately, great thorny vines burst up from the floorboards, thin and strong as steel cables, to wrap around the two wizards who had been thrown from the protection of their shield. Soon they were completely ensconced in the painful bindings. Then the wizard used another light spell to dazzle their minds, so that they could not cast another spell for hours at least, possibly days.

As Oculdo was dealing with their fallen opponents, Persivian turned his attention to the four remaining inside the enemy shield, which they had managed to hold. In the precious moments Oculdo’s burst of light had bought them, he felt the shield for its weakest location, and sent a tendril of fire probing it. After a moment of resistance it pushed through the shield and lashed out at the nearest wizard, grasping his neck and tightening. In a moment it had severed the head and cauterized the remaining flesh at the same time.

Three to four, he thought. Maybe we’ll be able to pull out of this after all. The thought was fleeting, and Persivian pushed it out of his mind before the hope could distract him from battle. The remaining wizards had linked power to bring the shield to full strength, cutting off the flames of his spell and blocking any further attacks. Only one wizard on their side still attacked, conjuring darts and daggers to accost them, but Jud’ami’s shield repelled them with ease. Meanwhile Persivian and Oculdo did their best to probe their assailants’ defenses, but the shield was very well strengthened, and neither Oculdo’s missiles of light, nor Persivian’s bursts of flame, made it through. After a moment, they changed tactics. Persivian tried to freeze the air and layer ice on the floorboards where their enemies stood, while Oculdo caused the earth to rumble beneath their feet. The third opponent stopped his attacks to help the others, and the effects were deadened within their circle and they kept their footing.

It seemed they were at a standstill. Neither group of wizards could penetrate the other’s defenses with magic, and they both knew it. Both groups largely ceased their attacks, only sending low-energy spells to check each other’s weaknesses. Persivian sensed movement behind him. Cocking his head, he realized it was Minaar, starting to step forward with her sword raised. He willed his magic to push her back. When he felt her scowl at him, he shook his head imperceptibly.

That was when he felt the magic growing around their opponents. It was like a whirlwind of power, spiraling into the attackers in a spell that Persivian didn’t recognize. At the same time, he felt a damp chill spreading out from where they stood. “They conjured mist,” Jud’ami muttered to him. “What in Lord’s name are they doing?” Persivian couldn’t answer.

Then he jumped in recognition. This was shadow magic! Reaching with his mind, he realized it was pouring out of the portal, being fed into the enemy wizards as if they were a conduit for someone else’s power. No, not a conduit, more like an amplifier, for the unknown spell fed on their strength.

Suddenly Oculdo raised his head. His eyes were wide and panicked, and he trembled in sudden understanding. “The shield!” he cried. Immediately he and Persivian fed the shield their power, but it was not soon enough.

For a moment, it seemed time had paused between one tick of the clock and the next. In that second, several things happened. Persivian felt his powers deadened, and the magic he was trying to feed to the shield moved sluggishly, repressed by an outside force. Beside him, Oculdo fell to the ground in the effort of pushing his power where it could no longer go. Then he felt the true nature of the mist. It was not simply a conjured fog behind which to hide; it was another example of shadow magic, sneaking past their shield to weaken their defenses and repress their magic. That was the way shadow magic worked – subversively, deviously, attacking not from the front but from angles to the side, nearly undetectable. As Persivian realized this, the spell that had gathered in the other wizards reached its culmination, and with a soundless boom, rocketed out in all directions. It was a product of the combined powers of the three remaining enemy wizards and the source, who had to be, Persivian realized bitterly, the very enemy that Oculdo had been telling them about, who wielded the power of shadows. Its powers burst through their weakened shield with barely a pause. Minaar cried out as it approached, Jud’ami tried to step in front of his friends, but movement, in that timeless moment, was nearly impossible. Persivian threw his hand in front of his face and felt the nature of the spell. It would mean their deaths.

But the moment from eternity did not cease in such a way. Instead, it ended with Guia, launching herself from Jud’ami’s shoulder, straight into the onrushing spell. Persivian felt the flight of his closest companion and tried to cry out, but his voice was drowned out by one of the most powerful sounds he had yet heard in his life.

Coming from the cat was a humming purr that grew louder and more intense with every passing moment. It seemed to shake the walls, though nothing moved. It pressed against his eardrums, his eyelids, every inch of his skin, but he felt not a thing. Finally, and in an instant, it ended with a soft hush sound, and Persivian could feel himself fading.

The clock ticked again. The shadow spell rushed forward, and Guia’s leap carried her through it, without further sound. Persivian desperately wanted to go to her, to aid her as she had always aided him, but he felt himself falling, and blackness settled over his mind. It was not a shadow as he may have expected, but an absence of light that came upon him like an unwelcome salve, and then he felt no more.

* * *

It was to silence and cold that the wizard opened his eyes again. The stench of smoldering flesh filled the room. They were still in Oculdo’s home, and nothing but the wind outside and the breathing of his companions could be heard. Cautiously he sent out his will to search for the enemy wizards, but there was no trace of them beside the lingering auras left by their spells. Only the bodies of the dead remained, and the two Oculdo had trapped with his vines.

In a sudden rush, Persivian jumped to his feet. “Guia!” he cried, but there was no answering meow, no brush of black fur against his ankles. He could sense the presence of Jud’ami, now stirring, Oculdo lying comatose, and Minaar, crouching beside the wall, hugging her knees. But of Guia, there was no sign.

“Guia,” he moaned in despair. They had gambled, and they had escaped with their lives, living prisoners, possible answers. But the price was his friend, the familiar he had known since his childhood, and all Persivian could feel was terrible emptiness. Silently he sank to the floor and held his head in his hands.

He felt Jud’ami’s warm hand on his shoulder. “She is…gone?” he asked hesitantly. By the grief in his voice, Persivian knew what his friend meant: Was Guia lost to life, as their mentor had been?

The void in Persivian began to fill with growing rage. “No,” he whispered to Jud’ami. He clenched his fists until his nails bit into his palms. He could feel a bright spot in his mind, far away, and his initial grieving panic bled away with a wild mixture of relief and anger. “No,” he repeated.

“She isn’t dead.” Minaar raised her head and met Persivian’s white-eyed gaze without flinching. It wasn’t a question.

“They have taken her with them,” said Persivian. Slowly he stood, and blood welled in his palms as he squeezed tighter. “Captured her, in her weakness. To use as bait.” He spat the word like a poison.

“Persivian…” Jud’ami said. He was obviously joyously relieved that Guia was alive, but he had also been around his friend long enough to know that he did not get angry lightly or easily. This was as furious as he had ever seen his friend.

The blind wizard, for his part, took a few deep breaths, not destroying his anger but simply controlling it. He knelt behind Oculdo. “He won’t wake,” Minaar said. “He breaths deeply, his pulse is steady but very slow. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” An edge of hysteria crept into her voice, and she snapped her mouth closed so it would not show again.

Both wizards examined Oculdo briefly, then nodded in agreement. “When the shadow spell was rushing us, he tried pushed every drop of power he had into the shield, as fast as he could. The mist sucked it away before he realized what it was. All of his magical energy was pulled out of him.” Glancing up at Jud’ami, Persivian said, “It can be a dangerous thing for a wizard to overexert himself in such a way, but with the proper care he will recover.”

Persivian bowed his head and forced his body to relax. But his mind continued to spiral tighter. Fed by his anger over Guia’s capture, over their narrow defeat, over Oculdo’s present state, he allowed his rage to grow until he shook. “This has gone on long enough.” Raising his eyes to his two remaining companions, he startled them with the blazing vehemence they showed.

He stood up to face them. “Enough has been lost to this man, this shadow wizard. From now on, he is done winning.” The wizard’s voice was tinged with frost, but his eyes burned like fire.

Jud’ami nodded, and his face settled into an expression of determination and wrath. “I am with you.”

Minaar, looking between the two wizards revealed in their fierce and powerful glory, began to smile. There was no amusement in her expression, nor laughter. It was more a smile of battle lust, of the long-awaited chance to fight back, to stand beside these allies. “No more hiding,” she murmured to herself. Standing swiftly, her bloody sword laying across her shoulder, she said proudly, “As am I.”

Persivian’s sightless gaze jumped between the two, the cloudy eyes veritably crackling. “The hunt has begun.” A moment later, he smiled as well.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A nice fight, and a nice chapter DF! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonderful, wonderful stuff Clapping

Awesome fight - I was transfixed reading every word. Shocked

No Happy Writings or smiling faces...

Lets hunt... Mad
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's possibly the best fight scene I've seen anywhere in IF. Outstanding writing, DF! Clapping

I agree with Smee. On with the hunt! Mad
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with the others. That fight scene had me riveted. Very Happy F5 Shady, and Smee. No more hiding. Besides I want to see Guia again, I miss her sarcastic comments.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congratulations DF! You have been awarded the First Ever Chinaren Hall award for Great Fight scene!!

A PM will be flying your way soon, though maybe a bit slow, as my internet connection seems to be stuck on 'slug' speed just now.

FYI, Smee and Ravenwing nominated you for this award.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

<humble bow>

Thanks for that, y'all. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Shocked I've been waiting to write that chapter since, I dunno, maybe chapter four, so I'm glad it was worth the wait.

BTW if anyone out there reading the chapter was thinking, ok, I'm missing something, where's the decision point, I'm sorry. It's less of a "what do you do" and more of a "how do you do it"

Anyway, thanks for your ego-boosting compliments!


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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What should be the title of Part Two?
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