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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Starwalker, that is a given.

I would say that one of the questions will be, "Where is Guia?" and another could be "Who are you working for?"

New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ravenwing wrote:
Starwalker, that is a given.

I would say that one of the questions will be, "Where is Guia?" and another could be "Who are you working for?"

Rule #1, never underestimate the power of human stupidity or forgetfullness.

Anthing can be overlooked when chaos, distraction are abundant and your mind is focused on a number of differant problems at once.
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Though I totally agree with you on that point. Persivian and Judami I don't think would put to waste all that effort in researching that spell. Wink
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course they're going to undo the spell before interrogation. That was never in question. The decision point is not what they're going to do next, it's what they're going to ask once they've removed the spell. Sorry if that confused you.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And our esteemed author has clarified everything. So is this where it ends. Stoat called this chapter Part 1?
New Story: Glassbreaker Presently on Hiatus until further notice.
Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

Samadhi Traveler 2005 Nano Wrimo winner (53,019 words)

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it's sort of a part one. I hadn't originally planned for a decision point to be there, but if I'd have kept writing to where I meant the chapter to end it would have been very, very long, and taken a while more. So I split my original chapter into two parts and will post each as its own chapter.

Of course, doing that meant I had to come up with a rather lame excuse for a DP...oh well.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The holding room was square, twenty feet to each wall, and barren except for the small barred cells at the far end where the prisoners were kept. Though the whole Keep was built from stone, every surface of the rooms inside were covered with paper thin sheets of metal, etched with spells to prevent the criminals held within from escaping. The bars behind which the prisoners sat held similar magicks. A great deal of trouble, time, and power had gone into the construction of the Prison Keep, but when Persivian extended his senses forward and sensed the two assailants they had captured, he was thankful for it. When it came to such dangerous magic-users as the ones before them, no expense ought to be spared.

As they entered Verrad looked up from his rest against the wall; in the other cell his companion stopped pacing. Persivian released his grip on Jud’ami’s shoulder and the two wizards stepped forward together, Minaar coming up behind. The prisoners also came to the front of their cells and the two groups observed each other silently.

Someone had been found to free the two men from the vines. Both were covered with scratches from the thorns, many still oozing beads of blood. Persivian could sense the binding he’d put over their magicks, still holding strong against their resistance. It would not wear off for a while, but it wouldn’t matter if it did. No spells could be cast behind the enchanted bars of the cells. Verrad and his companion were quite helpless.

“Well now, look who’s here to visit us,” Verrad sneered. “The sightless one, the black seadog, and the little witch. Welcome, friends, welcome.” Minaar tightened her grip on her sword.

“Only scum like you would keep friends like that,” she spat. Verrad’s lip curled in a snarl.

“Enough,” Persivian told them both. Keeping his flinty gaze forward, he said, “We’re going to ask you some questions, and you’re going to answer.”

“Is that so? What’ll it be first then? Shall we start with hot irons in our palms?” Verrad held his up and bared his teeth in a grin. “I’ve heard it’s the best place to start.”

“You have to know it’s futile.” This came from the other assailant, a dark haired wizard with a gravelly voice. “Even if you could make us talk, you’d never get your answer.” He yawned and said, “Still, if you want to torture us, I haven’t been stretched in a long time.”

Persivian smiled tightly. “Your bravado is impressive,” he said. “But do you honestly think we need a rack to get the answers we need?”

“I like the idea of hot irons,” Minaar said. Persivian frowned and turned his head towards her. Her voice had been hostile and eager. Not a good thing in this situation.

“As wizards, you both should know the Academy does not condone torture in interrogation,” Jud’ami said sternly. He watched the prisoners, but his words were directed at Minaar as well. “Besides, we have far more effective ways of getting answers from you.”

“Is that so?” Verrad smirked.

“It is,” Persivian replied. “But first things first.” Then before Verrad could react he stepped forward, thrust his hands through the bars of the cell and grasped the man’s head in his hands. Verrad tried to jerk back, but could not escape Persivian’s iron grip.

“What are you doing?” he hissed.

“Let’s see about removing that pesky curse, shall we?” Persivian said, and without another thought dove into the man’s mind, searching for the sblochiave spell. After a moment, he found it – a complex web of magicks that surrounded and entrapped a single bright nugget of knowledge. “There it is,” he murmured.

Verrad grasped Persivian’s wrists and gritted his teeth in pain. “They know about sblochiave!” he forced out. His companion looked at him in alarm, then at the companions. Jud’ami was standing back, ready to help Persivian when the time came, but when his eyes met those of the prisoner, he sprang forward, reaching with his magic.

Unfortunately he read the prisoner’s intentions a little too late. Even as Persivian cried a warning and the black man’s spell was rushing forward, the prisoner started to speak. “My lord’s – ach!” The sblochiave spell was activated, and Jud’ami was showered with the prisoner’s blood.

“Damn!” swore Persivian as he listened to the man’s body fall to the floor with a thud. Before him, Verrad opened his mouth. “Oh no you don’t,” the wizard snapped, and with his magic bit down on Verrad’s tongue. The man tried to speak, but could not.

Still, the effort of holding the enemy wizard, both physically and mentally, was draining Persivian as long as he kept his hold on the sblochiave spell within Verrad as well. “Jud’ami!” he cried. Immediately his friend joined the blind man’s efforts. Together they could hold the prisoner easily, but Verrad put up a strong resistance. Keeping him from speaking would be too much of a distraction while they tried to unravel the spell.

“Minaar, is there any way you can silence him?” Persivian asked, digging his fingers into Verrad’s head to keep the struggling man from escaping.

“…Yes! I can use – ”

“Just do it,” Persivian interrupted, his eyes closed and his concentration focused on Verrad. A moment later he sensed an earth-tinged tendril of magic winding around Verrad’s jaw, clamping it shut. With a sigh Persivian let go of his own magical hold, and he and Jud’ami were finally able to study the sblochiave spell.

The spell appeared in their senses like a massive three-dimensional spider’s web, strands of magic crossing each other in a brilliant cage that shimmered in the mind’s eye. Its complexity was such that it was difficult to even find the ends of the spell – it seemed like it was simply one long cord of magic, weaving in and around itself in a perfect impenetrable knot. The pattern was difficult to see; it was smoky and veiled, and seemed to shift. This was the effect of the shadow magic. The spell tried to trick the senses and distract the will from seeing the pattern, and a novice wizard trying to examine it would have quickly given up.

Persivian and Jud’ami were not novices, though, and they were able to see past the illusions of the shadow magic and examine the pattern. It was immediately recognizable as sblochiave, which meant that the alteration into a death curse had not changed it altogether much. Knowing this, the wizards began searching for the cornerstones. Their will shot over the threads of magic that made up the spell, looking for the places where the many single strands gathered together into a dense knot of power.

They searched, unaware of Verrad’s pained gasps and attempts to break away or Minaar’s wary expression as she watched them stand, stock still, over the writhing prisoner. Suddenly he stiffened up, his knuckles whitening from the grip he had on Persivian’s wrists. Jud’ami, who stood with one hand on Persivian’s shoulder and the other resting on Verrad’s forehead, murmured something unintelligible. Persivian nodded once, and then Verrad screamed.

His cry was loud and long, echoing off the metal of the room in a cacophonous din of anguish. Once again he tried to wriggle away from the wizards’ grip, but was held fast. Sweat pored down the man’s face, contorted with eyes squeezed shut and mouth wide enough Minaar could see the back of his throat. Persivian and Jud’ami stood stock-still, but on closer inspection the girl could see their hands trembling with effort. At that moment Verrad fell silent with a gasp, and seemed to sag. But the wizards’ did not loose their grip. Together they nodded.

Verrad’s eyes flew open. They stared straight ahead uncomprehendingly, and if the lids could have parted any further they would have fallen out. His mouth gaped open soundlessly, until from it was ripped a sound that made Minaar shudder. To call it a scream would have been to understate the agony it conveyed. It carried on until Verrad’s throat gave out, and all that could be heard was a rasping exhale that to the girl was somehow worse than the scream had been. She had been eager to cause pain to the man who had helped put her brother in the condition he was in, but somehow seeing the effects of such excruciating pain turned her mind from all thoughts of vengeance. It was evident in the revulsion on her face – she wanted it to end.

Then it did. Persivian and Jud’ami, who had previously been so tense and intent on their purpose that their grip had surely left bruises on the prisoner, gasped. Breathing hoarsely they stepped away from the bars of the cell, fingers trembling as they released their death-grip on Verrad. The prisoner stumbled backwards, panting and twitching, until he fell to the floor in a heap. Persivian stumbled and caught himself on Jud’ami’s shoulder; they propped each other up to keep from falling. “That was more difficult than I imagined it would be,” he gasped.

“The spell was strong,” Jud’ami agreed, wiping his brow on his sleeve.

“So it’s done?” Minaar asked tentatively. “The spell is undone?”

Persivian nodded. “There were three cornerstones to be unraveled, the last one of the strongest I’ve seen. But it’s gone now, and he can safely be interrogated.”

“It sounded like you were torturing him,” she said in a quiet voice.

“Did it disturb you?” he asked in an odd tone. “You were so keen on branding his palms.”

“It’s not the same,” she snapped, her eyes not meeting his.

Persivian sighed and listened to Verrad, still gasping on the floor of the cell. “The spell was inside him,” he murmured. “How would you like someone rooting around inside of you?” Glancing darkly at the prisoner, the wizard said, “That’s what we were doing – delving into his mind.”

In the cell, Verrad propped himself on his hands and stared at the trio hatefully. “Are you happy now?” he gasped as tears and perspiration ran down his face. “Have you had your revenge?”

Now standing up on his own, Persivian turned his head to the prisoner and said, “I hadn’t had revenge in mind, but you would’ve deserved it anyhow.”

Struggling to his feet, the prisoner sneered, “I would never have guessed that you, of all people, would be the one to pass judgment or vengeance. Where is the great Sightless One, the fair and impartial judge, merciful, wise and benevolent?” He shook his head and sighed in mock disappointment. “To bad we have to add ‘hypocrite’ to that list.”

“Enough of this,” Jud’ami told him. “Hold your tongue or I will do it for you.”

“Now that’s just silly,” Verrad smirked. “I thought you wanted me to talk.”

Minaar gripped her sword and took a step towards the cell, anger on her face, but Persivian stopped her before she could speak. “Only the foolish argue with a fool,” he said. Verrad’s face darkened, and he opened his mouth to retort. Persivian gestured, and it clamped shut again. “You’ll not talk until you have something useful to say to us, and I think we both know you won’t do that without a little persuasion.” Turning to Jud’ami, he said, “I think it’s time interrogation begun.”

“Go ahead then,” the prisoner cried as they retreated out of earshot. “Give it your best!”

Ignoring him, Jud’ami said, “I’ll fetch a truthsayer.”

“There’s no need,” Minaar told them. “I can make him talk.” Seeing the wizards’ apprehensive expressions, she reassured them, “Without harming him, I swear.” When they made no further move to stop her, she reached into a leather pouch on her belt and drew forth four stones. One was the tiger’s eye that Persivian had returned to her. She also held out a bracelet of spherical blue beads, a shiny black oblong stone, and an unshaped striated piece of some pale purplish-blue mineral.

“More of your gems?” Jud’ami asked.

“Tiger’s eye, blue chalcedony, hematite, and blue lace agate,” she said. “Tiger’s eye to increase influence over another. The chalcedony,” she continued, holding up the beads, “gives you more authority over another. Hematite is the stone of mental mastery, and blue lace agate makes the target speak the truth.”

“Excellent,” Persivian said, picking up the black stone and feeling its aura. “These are very powerful.” Handing the hematite back to Minaar, he asked, “How are they used?”

“I’ll activate them,” she replied. “I don’t think we have the time now for me to teach you how. But only one of you will be able to ask the questions.”

“Why is that?” Jud’ami asked.

Minaar replied, “I’ll explain when you’ve decided.”

Jud’ami looked at Persivian. “I think you ought to do the questioning, my friend.”

When Persivian assented, Minaar said, “Alright then, here’s how we’ll do this. I’ll activate the agate on Verrad, so he won’t be able to lie to us. You must hold the other stones.” Minaar pressed the tiger’s eye and hematite into Persivian’s hand and fastened the bracelet on his wrist. “Normally these would work for whoever activated them, but I know them well enough to alter that for a little while. As long as you’re holding these, they’ll work for you. All you have to do is, as you wizards say, ‘will’ their powers to work on Verrad, and they will. I will activate them whenever you’re ready. Just remember, only Persivian can talk to Verrad when they’ve been activated. The stones are powerful enough that they’ll work on him, but if he’s distracted then he may be able to resist their power.”

The wizards nodded, and the three stepped towards the cell. Verrad glared at them but otherwise didn’t move. Persivian closed his fist over the stones in his hand and said, “Go ahead.” Minaar closed her eyes, and immediately the wizard could feel that the stones were in use. He could sense the magic awakening within them, like a gentle hum against his senses, and they grew slightly warmer to the touch. The blue lace agate Minaar held sent a ray of power that wrapped around Verrad. The wizard focused his attention on Verrad, and the hematite and tiger’s eye did the same. The chalcedony filled him with the bright aura of authority. As he felt it Persivian knew that with all four stones working on the prisoner at the same time, it would be almost impossible for Verrad to resist their magic. Knowing this made the man confident again. Soon we’ll know more, he thought, and with that thought the interrogation began.

“Verrad, can you hear me?”

“Yes.” Persivian could hear the difference in the man’s voice and posture. Before he had been rigid, defiant, his voice full of anger and fear. Now he was relaxed, and his tone was both deferential and vacant.

“Alright, I have a few questions for you. You will answer them?”


“Good. My first question is, who are you working for?”

“My master does not reveal his name. We call him the Shadow King.”

“Tell me all you know about him.”

“He is a shadow wizard of great power.”

“…Is that all?”

Verrad sighed. “He is not a trusting lord, and never tells any of his servants very much about himself or his plans. I myself am not close enough to him to have even seen his face – he is always masked. I believe he is a foreigner, though; he has a slight accent.”

“You mentioned his plans. What are they?”

“I know only my duties to my lord, but I have not been told his purpose. My duties are to locate and capture Minaar Jortierra and nullify her brother.”

Beside the wizard Minaar stiffened. “Ask him what he means by nullify,” she said in an angry voice.

“By nullify, you mean kill him?” Verrad affirmed this, and Persivian asked, “Why?”

“He was part of the group of wizards that had been assigned to investigate my master. He was coming too close.”

“Do you know what he found out?”


Persivian sighed. “You said you were to capture Minaar. Your Shadow King needs her alive?”

“Yes. She is an unprecedented source of earth magic, and is also unable to control that power effectively. This means she is the perfect supply of power. He will need to use her magick to complete his plan.”

“Is there anything else you can tell us of this plan?”

Verrad considered for a few moments. “My master has also taken a great deal of interest in the making of the Golden Star. He said that he needed to understand its making to be able to implement his own plan. I do not think I was meant to hear that.”

Jud’ami leaned toward Persivian and said, “Ask him where his master lives and operates.”

“Tell me, where does you master live, and where did you receive your instructions?”

“I was summoned to an estate near Elbberon, where my lord met me. He does not live there, but I think he stays there on occasion. He travels between his servants’ homes along the eastern coast. However, he does have a hidden place of his own where he lives. Only his most trusted servants know its location.”

“Do you know who any of those servants are?”

“I believe one of them is the lord of the estate, Baden Criado. The others I do not know.”

Excitement stirred in Persivian. Finally they had solid information. Still, there was more to ask. “When you attacked us earlier tonight, you had several comrades with you. During the battle more were called to you. Who were they, and how did they know to open the portal at that time?”

“The warriors were mercenaries. The wizards were fellow servants of the Shadow King, assigned to aid me. I know only their first names.”

“I may need those later. For now, I need you to tell me more about the ones who came through the portal, and their powers.”

“They were my master’s personal assistants and bodyguards, who stay with him at all times. I cannot tell you more about them, except how I called them. My master told me a spell, to call for aid if need be. You had destroyed all of my comrades, so I used it.” This seemed to awaken something within Verrad, and for a moment he tensed. Minaar increased the power of the stones, and he relaxed again. “You asked about their powers, correct?” When Persivian nodded, Verrad said, “My master is clever. He employs wizards of all types. It would take a great deal of time to detail the types of magic-users he has under him, but I will begin if you wish.”

“Perhaps later. For now, I have three more questions, and then we’ll take a break. The first is, how did you know to attack us at Oculdo’s house?”

“Oculdo? Oh, you mean the Jortierra brother. Oculdo was his hiding name. The address was given to me before entering the city, and I found it after speaking to you. We went there tonight to question the brother about the girl’s whereabouts before exterminating him.”

“So you didn’t expect to see us at all?”

“No, your presence was an unwelcome surprise.”

Persivian smiled grimly. “I see. All right, the second question – ” Verrad shrank a little as the wizard’s face hardened. “What do you know Lehrar’s death?”

“Lehrar?” the prisoner answered. “I don’t know of any Lehrar.” His scratched face was wrinkled with confusion.

Persivian glanced at Minaar, who whispered, “He can’t be lying, remember?” The wizard sighed.

“Okay. It was a long shot anyway, I suppose. Now, Verrad,” he said, turning his attention back to the enemy wizard. “Last question, and then we’ll stop for a little while.” Persivian’s white eyes fixed on Verrad’s, and the prisoner flinched. The sightless gaze felt like a physical force. “Where has Guia been taken?”

“Guia was taken through the portal. She is with my master now.”

“How do you know that?” Persivian demanded.

“I told you. The ones who came through the portal are always with my master. If they were there, so was he.”

The sightless man closed his eyes. “Of course. A little rest, Verrad.” The prisoner immediately sank to the floor and leaned against the wall, but his eyes remained on Persivian.

The companions drew back from the cell and began to speak in low tones. “Our opponent is obviously smart, not to trust his underlings with personal information,” Jud’ami remarked. “But still, we have enough to be going on.”

Persivian nodded. “I’m not sure what else we can ask him. Though, I may think of something in a moment.”

“It better be soon then,” Minaar said, sweat beading her brow. Glancing at Verrad, she said, “His mind is strong. I don’t think we can use these stones on him once we release him. If you want to ask more questions, it has to be now.”

“We can always call a truthsayer in if we need more information,” Jud’ami reminded them.

There was a lot to decide. Had they gotten enough out of the prisoner to move on? If so, where should they move on to? Persivian mulled over the problem, turning the newfound information over in his head, and tried to formulate a plan.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

Linear Story Nightrobber Now Complete!

Last edited by dragon_fire372 on Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find myself looking back on the days when four pages on Word was a "long" chapter...and laughing.

Anyway, here's the new chapter, hope y'all enjoy it. I've a few suggestions of my own, but I'll hold them to see what you come up with. Very Happy


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

Linear Story Nightrobber Now Complete!
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

but Verrad put up a hard resistance

strong resistance may look better.

To call it a scream would have been to understate the agony it spoke of

I like this sentence, but the last bit doesn't seem to feel right. Maybe agony it conveyed may work better.

Anyway, nice chapter DF.

Mmm, what else to ask. I can't think of anything just now. I will mull it over...
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, I liked this chapter a lot as well. Probably my favourite one that you've written DF. Personally, I thought Verrad was cool.

Just wondering though, you alternate the spellings of magic and magick. I was wondering if you had any intention of the alterations, or was it simply an accident.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think they should learn more about this spell to call for aid. It's at least possible that the spell could be repeated, leading them through the portal to the next link in the chain (or to the Shadow King himself), when they're ready to go and fight him.

Then they'll need to prepare...

Excellent chapter, DF Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The interrogation should continue for a while. I hope they had the sense to bring paper, or some accurate means of recording information. Here's a list of things he should ask:
- Tell me what you know about the aid spell, and how it works. Who developed it? (like Stoat said)
- How does the Shadow King recruit new wizards?
- Give names and brief description of every other servant of the Shadow King that you know of.
- Give as much information as you have about each location the Shadow King stays at.

I think that will take a long time, and the compulsion will probably end before they are through it all, but some useful information should be gained from it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for those edits China. You're right, they did work a lot better Very Happy

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, I'm posting a poll, mainly because I haven't put one up in a while, but also because I wanted people to think of some other factors in the story before decideing where to go.

The poll will have three options:

1) all three companions stay with Verrad and continue questioning as long as possible. If you choose this option, post some questions you want to see asked and I'll see which I can get in the chapter. (btw, thanks for the interrogation questions that have already been posted!)

2) Call a truthsayer to continue interrogation as all the companions go to investigate another lead. Again, post which lead you wish them to follow, and suggest questions, as these will be the questions the truthsayer would ask in his/her interrogation.

3) Have a truthsayer ask questions while the companions split up. Once again (sorry for being repetitive) tell me where each person would go.

Before you vote, consider these points as well.

For one thing, it is taking a lot of effort for Minaar to keep the stones activated and Verrad under their influence. We don't know how much longer she'll be able to keep them in use.

On the same note, the longer the gems are in use the stronger Verrad's resistance to future mental influences will be increased. So, the gems probably won't be able to be used again, and a truthsayer will have to spend longer breaking into his mind and thus, further answers could be longer in coming.

Only three other things I wish to point out. Minaar is anxious about her brother's health and will wish sooner or later to see him, though I'm sure she can stand to wait. There are now a few other leads to research, which could be done after they leave Verrad, or during his continued interrogation at the hands of a truthsayer or two. And lastly, we must not forget the advice at the end of Devanta's message. She has information for us as well.

I hope you don't think I'm trying to influence anyone's vote with these points, I just am hoping that in bringing them up readers will see things they may have missed instead of voting half cocked. I'll leave the poll up for a few days, and then we'll see what happens! Very Happy


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey DF - good chapter Smile

As the sblochiave was described, it said...

– a complex web of magicks that surrounded and entrapped a single bright nugget of knowledge.

Shouldn't we be asking specifically what this nugget of knowledge was, or is it assumed it's just what we've already learnt about the Shadow King?

I like Stoat's question about the emergency aid spell - very good idea to investigate. Once we've got an answer to that one, then leave him to the Truthsayers.

Then briefly split up.

- Persivian off to see Devanta,
- Minaar off to see her brother (we don't need her worried and distracted)
- Jud’ami should look up Baden Criado's estate and arrange travel to the estate for all of them.

On the basis Devanta doesn't tell Persivian anything specific to do immediately then head to the Lord's estate. Otherwise do what Devanta says.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't see anything wrong with Smee's reasoning (apart from the fact he said all that and then didn't vote) Wink

So I'll go with that too.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Hey it was 6:42 in the morning - and besides, I think I suggested every option Confused

erm.. well I guess I'll be interrogating for at least one more question.

*votes for top option*
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted for number 1. (My question suggestions have already been made.)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted to continue the interrogation
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted to continue the interrogation. Why do these guys work for the Shadow King? Just money, or have they been promised something?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I also agree with Smee's reasoning. Very sound, Mr. Mayor. Very Happy

Great chapter once again DF. I loved the description of sblochiave. Very enthralling. :biggrin:

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll start on the next chapter soon. Looks like we have a lot more interrogating to do. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With a glance at Verrad, who was still watching him calmly, Persivian shook his head. “There are a few more questions that ought to be asked. Do you think you can hold him?” he asked Minaar.

“I’ll hold as long as you need me to,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Alright.” Persivian walked back across the room. As he approached Verrad climbed to his feet and waited silently. “I’ve a few more questions, Verrad.”


“You mentioned a summoning spell earlier, that you used to call for aid during the battle. Tell me more about it.”

The prisoner frowned and considered. “I don’t know much about it. The Shadow King gave me a trigger word and told me I could use it once, but only in dire peril.”

“You don’t know how it was cast?” When Verrad shook his head, Persivian sighed and said, “You don’t know how it works, then?”


The wizard raised his head in surprise. “How?”

“How does it work, or how do I know?”


“My master developed the spell. When he told me he had cast it on me I asked how it worked, and he decided to tell me. It creates a bond between the caster and the target, so the caster can feel the other’s location. When the target is in trouble he can say a one-time use trigger word. This activates a distress call through the bond, and the caster can choose how to aid his target. Shortly after the trigger is activated, the spell falls and the bond dissolves.”

Persivian nodded. “So the portal your master opened had nothing to do with the aid spell?”


Once again the mysterious shadow wizard had proved himself a clever adversary. Such a spell would be impossible to trace back to the caster. Persivian had hoped he might use the spell to discover the Shadow King’s location, but that was obviously not going to work. So he put the matter aside and posed another question.

“How did you come to work for this Shadow King? Was it money or a reward? Were you forced into it?” If Verrad had been pressed into serving the enemy wizard Persivian would have been a little more forgiving to the man. But this was not the case.

Verrad laughed in response to Persivian’s query. “Forced? My Lord uses many servants without their consent, but I was quite willing to serve him. He promised me something I couldn’t refuse.”

“What’s that?”

With glittering eyes, Verrad replied, “A chance to see the Empire fall.”

Once again something seemed to strike a chord within the man; he clenched his fists and his eyes flicked about the room. Minaar gasped, and Persivian could feel the effort she put into keeping Verrad under control. She succeeded to a point. His hands relaxed, but his eyes continued to dart.

Once the prisoner was calm again, Persivian remarked, “You hate the Empire?”

“Yes,” was the growled reply.

“May I ask why?”

“…Yes.” The man seemed to wrestle with himself for a moment. Then he spat, “It is a haven for cowards. The Empire coddles the weak and hides behind its morals, but when true power and ambition are shown, they are quenched.”

Persivian and Jud’ami exchanged glances of confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Look at who fills this keep,” he snarled in reply. “These are people of true power, but your Emperor keeps them chained.”

“They are criminals,” Persivian said, frowning darkly. “Ruthless men and women who committed atrocious deeds for the sake of their ‘power’.”

“They were willing to pay the price for greatness!” Verrad retorted hotly. “Not like these ants who scurry through the Academy! They were not afraid!” For a moment he remained tense and livid, but then he relaxed. “But their time will come soon,” he said. “They are recognized by my master, and he will offer them what he offered me, and when the Shadow King’s plans are realized, we will share the spoils!”

Persivian took a step forward. “What spoils?” he asked intently.

Leering at him through the bars of the cell, Verrad replied, “The spoils of war.”

Chilled, Persivian stepped back again. “So your master plans a war,” he mused softly.

“Plans?” Verrad sneered. “The war has already begun. It started before he ever found me. I have played my part in it eagerly, as have many before me, as will many after me. Others will do so…less willingly…but in the end, my lord will triumph!” After a pause, he turned away. Staring into the distance, he murmured, “It will be my pleasure to see you fall.”

Questions whirled in Persivian’s head. Wars? Plots? Magic, murder – who was behind it all? It was beyond frustrating that Verrad could tell them so little of what was happening, but they must discover the truth somehow. For a moment the wizard almost felt overwhelmed. Taking a deep breath, he told himself, One question at a time.

“You said that the Shadow King forces people into his service. Tell me how.”

“Oh, your standard persuasive methods. Blackmail, hostages, torture, all those good things. But that’s only the least of it. My master can use his magicks, so that some people don’t even realize they’re aiding him. And there are those among his willing servants who when their powers are joined can bend the minds and wills of others. There are many ways to use the unwilling.”

“And I suppose your master is utilizing them all,” Persivian said bitterly.

Verrad smiled a nasty grin and replied, “Of course. He is strong.”

At that moment Minaar gasped. “Persivian, his resistance is increasing! I have to let go of one of the stones.” The wizard felt the aura of the tiger’s eye fade away. Verrad jumped slightly, and Persivian could sense the change of demeanor that signaled a slight return of will. With cruel eyes, the prisoner turned his gaze to the woman.

“Speaking of servants,” he remarked slyly. “I feel I ought to tell you…no, it would be too unkind.”

Minaar looked from Verrad to Persivian with confusion, shifting from one foot to the other. The wizard asked, “What are you saying, Verrad?”

“Well, I was going to tell her something…but I don’t want to disillusion the poor girl. After all, no one likes to hear that their brother is a traitor.”

The room was utterly silent for several seconds as Minaar gaped at the prisoner. Then Verrad chuckled. “Oh, goodness, I’m sorry. I guess I … let the cat out of the bag, didn’t I?” He turned his smile upon Persivian, who despite himself felt the anger rising. Since they’d lost the influence of the tiger’s eye, the prisoner was far more aware, and he was taking advantage of that awareness to goad his interrogators. Persivian did not want to lose him now – they still had questions to ask.

“Explain yourself, Verrad,” he commanded. “What are you saying about Minaar’s brother?”

Verrad sighed and shook his head sadly. “He serves my lord.” Raising his eyes to meet Minaar’s, he said, “Your dear brother is a servant of the Shadow King.”

Persivian began to speak, but his words were drowned out by Minaar’s angry screaming. “It’s not true! My brother is no traitor, you – ” at which point she spat out a stream of curses that had Persivian and Jud’ami awestruck. The heat of her anger scorched the air around her, it seemed. Then the blind man sensed a strange thing, the same thing he had been noticing about her, but was unable to put his finger on. Minaar was changing. He just didn’t have the eyes to see quite how.

The room seemed incredibly hot to Persivian, and was filled with the scent of sulfur and magma. He felt Minaar’s presence moving up, stepping closer to the cell where Verrad sat. The prisoner sat pressed against the far wall, trying to stay away from the woman’s wrath, but though his eyes were averted and his arm was raised in front of his head, as if to ward her away, he was laughing triumphantly.

His scorn only incensed her further, and the heat continued to build. It made Persivian’s eyes water, and he knew that it must be worse for Verrad. If she wasn’t stopped, Minaar may very well kill the closest link they had to the Shadow King.

On his other side Persivian sensed Jud’ami raising a barrier between Verrad and Minaar’s magic. The prisoner was protected, now the girl must be stopped. Persivian raised up his hands and called upon his power, and felt the cold growing between his fingers. To him it was just a feeling of frost gathering in the air between his palms; to any observer, it was a glowing ball of shifting ice, intensely cold to even stand beside. With his will he commanded the ball to flatten out and spread, like a wintry net. Coils of darkness ran throughout it, to bind and hold opposing magicks. He fed his own strength into his creation, and cast it over Minaar.

She still stood before the cell, screaming at Verrad with fury, her hair flying wildly about her face. Shadows had gathered around her, and her eyes were black throughout, lit by a glow like fire, or molten rock. But as soon as the net touched her, she gasped and was silent. The shadows fled, the odor faded, and suddenly she was just a young woman again, shivering and small. All that remained of Persivian’s net were the threads of darkness, still holding her powers in check. There was nothing left of his ice, or the girl’s heat, save clouds of steam that rose hissing to the ceiling.

After a moment Verrad lifted his head and peered through the watery barrier that Jud’ami had set between him and Minaar. His eyes flicked between Jud’ami and Persivian, who were both watching Minaar warily, to the girl herself, who was still breathing hard but also looking at the ground in shame. “My goodness, I fear I’ve upset her,” he smirked.

Minaar stared at him with tear-filled eyes. “You bastard,” she whispered.

With a grin Verrad started to reply, but just as he began to speak he started, his eyes closed and his head nodded forward. The enchantment from the stones had all died out; Persivian felt their auras fade. Their part in the questioning was over. “Damn it,” Persivian whispered, clenching the warm gems in his hands.

“What’s going on?” The prisoner sat up in his cell, staring wildly at his interrogators, fear in his eyes. “What have you done to me?” He looked between the three, and he shrank back, whispering, “What have you made me say?”

With her arms crossed over her chest, Minaar smiled at him and snarled, “You have told us everything we needed to hear. Now who’s the traitor?”

Verrad stared at her with frantic eyes, then at Persivian and Jud’ami. They regarded him in such a way that he could not doubt the truth of the girl’s words. “No,” he whispered. Scrambling to his feet, he cried, “What have you done? You have condemned me to death and worse! I have betrayed my lord, and we all shall pay for it now!”

“We will allow no harm to come to any within our walls,” Persivian said. “Even criminals.”

“You don’t understand,” Verrad replied. “What will you do when your walls crumble?” He stared at the companions with burning eyes, clutching the bars of the cell he was in. Then he shook his head and slowly released his grip, backing away into the corner of the cell. “I will redeem myself in his eyes,” he whispered, but Persivian could hear him nonetheless. “But you are all damned.” With that he turned his back on the three, and said no more.

Persivian listened to the room’s silence and sensed the anguish of the prisoner, Jud’ami’s watchfulness, Minaar’s guilt and anger, and considered again what must be done. He must lead his companions if he could ever hope to free Guia and stop her captors. But now there was so much to be considered, and he couldn’t help feeling a little overwhelmed. Still he knew that this situation was far bigger than he or anyone else, and so he made his decision.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting chapter. Minaar with dark powers, her brother possibly a traitor... very involved stuff. I'm not sure how useful the extra information was, but I think we should follow up the obvious lead, from the previous chapter.

Travel to Elbberon and find Baden Criado. If they can deal with him, then they may be able to find out where the big bad is.

After what's been said about Minaar's brother, I think he's best left where he is at the moment. Hopefully, the three wizards will be enough to deal with the servant. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I think Stoat has summed up my thoughts nicely which, of course, is why the f5 term came into place to begin with. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this Verrad more and more. Of course, there's always the possibility that he was able to lie to them, even with the power of the stones. Therefore, there's no reason to start hounded her brother straight away.

However, keep him under observation, as well as the prisoners. Keep an eye on Minaar as well though - who knows what this dark power could lead to.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They have probably learned everything they're going to from Verrad, so the condition "when you have found it" seems to have been met. Maybe it's time to go to Devanta - if she's still there. The fact that her message was written in blood is ominous
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Mother Goose. He has a lot on his mind, but he can't have forgotten a message from a friend written in blood that led him to where he is at the moment.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great chapter - I enjoyed reading about the Shadow Lord's powers, and the dialogue from the prisoner was very good.

I have a suspect feeling that Minaar is heading towards being one of those unknown workers of the Shadow Lord. The manipulation by Verrad smacked of more than just out of spite. Especially during her loss of control, and the power she used. He was laughing. We know the Shadow Lord wants her. Would she do/tell what he wants on the bargain he leaves her brother alone? She needs watching as much as her brother.

Other than that, my previous comment stands. Only change - get Minaar to help Jud'ami prepare for the travel, keep her busy and occupied and not dwelling on what they've discovered.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry it's been such a long time since I replied to anything. It's been one thing after another...but enough excuses.

There doesn't seem to be much need of a poll. I think our plan here will be to send Persivian to Devanta while Jud'ami and Minaar prepare for the companions' trip to Elberron. I'll start writing the next chapter and hope it doesn't take to long.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

10 days since your last post and 26 days since your last chapter. But that's all right since I just caught up Smile!

So why don't we interrogate Minaar's brother? He's been implicated and we have the means to get the truth from him. At least see if he has Sblochiave cast upon him. If he does and we go through the same methods, we might discover a lot more. If it's willing service, then it's likely he knows a great deal. He'd at least know what the Shadow King intends to do with Minaar's power, if he gets it, and we may have the means to set a trap. Oculdo is helping the Shadow King? How? Bringing his sister to him? Or calling the Shadow King's men to his sister? Either way we could lay in wait and ambush more of the Shadow King's agents. Maybe Oculdo has a one time use portal spell that we can force him to use.... A lot of possibilities here....

There I go again trying to complicate things.... If you're in the process of writing, please don't let my mumblings interfere.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There’s nothing more to do here, Persivian thought to himself as he observed his companions. Sighing, he turned to the door and said, “Let’s go.”

The moment the metal door clanged shut behind them Minaar spun on the wizards and said, “My brother is no traitor.”

“You told us yourself, he couldn’t have lied,” Jud’ami reminded her gently.

“I don’t care!” she exclaimed. Immediately the wizards tensed, their magicks at the ready. Minaar bit her lip and took a deep breath. When she looked up again, the anger was gone from her face. “I know my brother,” she told them. Her dark eyes met Persivian’s white ones, and she implored, “Please believe me.”

Persivian sighed and folded his hands in his sleeves. Despite what Verrad had said, the wizard had a difficult time believing betrayal of Borgen Oculdo – no, Borgen Jortierra, that was their real surname. Not only had the Shadow King wanted the man dead for finding out too much, Guia had shown no signs of mistrust against him. Guia…if only she were here now. Persivian shook his head and focused on the matter at hand.

“Verrad did say that there were people who served his lord without meaning to or knowing they did so. Your brother must have committed some act of betrayal – if the agate is to be trusted, that is. But perhaps he did so unwillingly, or without his knowledge.”

“Yes!” Minaar exclaimed. “Borgen would never turn traitor willingly.”

“So we hope to believe,” Jud’ami said.

The girl turned her frowning gaze on him and demanded, “What do you mean?”

“We hope to believe your brother is innocent, as you do,” Persivian clarified. “But until we can question him with a truthsayer present, we cannot assume anything.” When Minaar turned her wounded gaze upon him, Persivian said, “People have died over this, and more may in the future. We cannot afford to take chances.”

For a long moment Minaar remained tense, but finally she sighed. “I understand,” she said, looking down.

Persivian continued to regard her defeated form, before mimicking her sigh. “Please lead me out of here,” he said. “We need to continue on.”

As he laid his hand on Persivian’s arm to guide him, Jud’ami asked, “Where are we going next? To see Devanta?”

“I will,” was the wizard’s reply. “But I don’t think there’s any need for us all to go. We can accomplish more separated than together right now.” Persivian didn’t mention that he had an apprehensive feeling about the message the seer had sent. He wished to make the visit alone.

Unaware of Persivian’s thoughts, Jud’ami simply nodded. “We’ll start making arrangements for a journey to Elbberon, and find out which estate Baden Criado is lord of.”

“Also, get some truthsayers up to Verrad, and have them find out the names and descriptions of every other servant of the Shadow King that he knows of, as well as information about locations he stays at. And have them ask how the shadow wizard recruits new servants. It won’t help us, but whatever they learn can be passed on to any of the other wizards who were working with Borgen to research the plot.”

“I know one of Borgen’s friends who knows others assigned by the High Casters,” Minaar said. “She could let the others know what information we’ve found out.”

“Good,” Persivian said. “Give her name to the truthsayers then, but remember – this must be kept as secret as possible.”

Jud’ami nodded and reassured his friend, “I know who will be the most discreet.”

As the companions emerged into the cool early morning air, Minaar asked hesitantly, “May I go see my brother? I would like to check on him.”

“We will take you to him before we leave,” Jud’ami told her.

Minaar pursed her lips and looked away. “I see,” she said tightly. Looking up at them again, she said, “You don’t trust me either, do you?”
“It is not you we distrust, Minaar,” Persivian sighed. “But the power you displayed back there was…incredible, and all the more dangerous because you had no control over it. We can’t risk you – ”

“Yes, yes, I understand,” the girl replied with narrowed eyes. “Can we get going?”

Persivian looked away. “Of course,” he said quietly. Her reaction hurt him, but they had no choice. She was simply too dangerous to be left alone right now, especially if her kin was a possible traitor. He wished she would understand…

The wizard was broken out of his thoughts by Jud’ami’s dark hand on his shoulder. “Go see Devanta, we’ll take care of the rest. Find us as soon as you leave the seer, alright?”

With a nod, Persivian replied, “Yes. I’ll see you soon then.” Without another word he made his sightless way down the paths, to the academy building and his young friend. Unconsciously he fingered the ring she had sent him, tracing the petals with his sensitive fingertips and wondering just what it was she had seen. What name would she give them? Why was the message so urgent that she had written it with blood and not ink, and not even taken the time to dress before coming out of her quarters? Within the darkness of her own small domain she had no need for modesty, but it was very unlike her to disregard her appearance so much as to come up in a blanket. After all, she was the Matron Seer of the Academy, and she knew the responsibilities of her position.

Something was wrong, and the wizard didn’t need Guia to tell him that. He quickened his pace.

In a few minutes he was climbing the steps to the hushed academy. Without hesitation he went through the door, along the corridor, and down the stairs. He did not stop until he was standing for the second time that day in front of the ancient door to the Matron Seer’s quarters. Knocking three times, he stepped across the threshold.

Persivian’s foot slapped in water. The wizard froze. “Devanta?” he called, but there was no reply. He stepped again, and the cold liquid splashed on his ankle. “Devanta, where are you?” he called again, fear creeping into his voice. The door creaked slowly shut behind him.

There was no light in the room, and the coppery scent of blood hung in the air. “Oh God,” Persivian whispered, stumbling forward. His feet slipped and he automatically raised his hands before him, and yelped with pain as his fall was broken by the broken edges of the pedestal. The stone basin was in shards on the floor. Just like Lehrar’s mirror… Shaking Persivian stood up again, his fingers rubbing across his palms as he tried to think. “Devanta!” he cried, sending his will out in all directions, but the seer was not in the room.

But wait…there was something in the sleeping room, through a doorway across from the basin. He staggered to it, tripping over every cushion on the floor. Never had he felt so blind.

A curtain hung in the doorframe, but it had been neatly pushed aside. Persivian stepped up out of the water and examined the room as best he could. What he sensed made him stop and lean against the doorframe in despair. There was a body lying on the cot, and it wasn’t breathing.

Slowly Persivian made his way across the small room. He fell to his knees beside the bed and reached with trembling hands toward the body. His hands touched the cold skin of the girl’s hands, folded across her breast. They moved upward, leaving streaks of blood across the midnight purple cloth of the Matron Seer’s ceremonial robes. His fingers tangled in the dark hair, carefully brushed and arranged, and finally touched the girl’s face, red marring the paleness of her features. “Devanta, my young friend,” Persivian whispered. He reached up to make sure her eyes were closed, but drew his fingers back with a hiss when they reached into hollows instead of orbs. He felt around the back of her head, and realized what had been done.

Blood congealed on a pool on the ground beneath the cot, from the hole in the back of her head. Her eyes had been torn out by magic.

“Oh God,” Persivian whispered again. She was only seventeen…he held his hands up before him. Once again they were stained with the blood of a friend. Slowly he clenched them, blood welling from the wounds in his palms. It mixed with Devanta’s as it dripped down his wrists.

For the third time that day, one of his closest friends was lost to him, and he had been too late. Too late to stop it, too late to save them, too late to do anything but grieve. “Oh God!” Persivian cried, his fingers clutching his head in torment. Give me anger again, he wished. Rage was easier to deal with than this horrid despair, but it wouldn’t come. He hung his head and sobbed.

Outside, the mourning bell tolled.

~ * ~

How long he sat beside the seer Persivian did not know. Reality had shrunk for him, and contained only one thing – overwhelming loss.

Finally though he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Persivian!” a deep voice cried. The wizard felt himself being shaken and raised his tearstained face.

“Jud’ami,” he said. His white eyes were wide as he pawed in the air, until his hand touched his friend’s face. “She…her eyes…” he gasped.

“I know,” his friend said, his voice filled with both sadness and alarm. In all his years of knowing Persivian, he had never seen him looking so vulnerable, shaking and lacking all of his usual confidence.

“Good God, what happened here?” Minaar said, standing beside the shattered basin, but Persivian did not hear.

Jud’ami placed a hand under his elbow and raised him to his feet. Persivian trembled and turned his head to where Devanta’s body laid. “I ruined her gown,” he said absently, his hand running through his hair.

“It doesn’t matter,” Jud’ami said, trying to turn him away. “We need to get you out of here.”

“No!” Persivian exclaimed, jerking away and stumbling backward. Both his companions stared at him as he turned his head this way and that. “No, we can’t leave. She left me a message.”

Stepping towards him, Jud’ami asked, “How do you know that?”

Once again the wheels began turning in Persivian’s head. He gestured at the seer’s body and said, “Look at her. She put on her ceremonial robes, she brushed her hair – she laid down on the cot and arranged herself for death. She knew this was coming!”

His two friends considered the body and realized the truth of Persivian’s words. “She must have had a vision of her death,” Jud’ami said.

Shuddering, Minaar murmured, “I can’t imagine knowing that would happen to me. And she just…got herself ready for it.”

“She was the Matron Seer,” Persivian remarked sadly. “She more than anyone would know the truth of her visions.”

“Yes, but couldn’t she have tried to prevent it?” Minaar asked. “Isn’t that the point of seers, so people can try to prevent unwanted futures?”

“Normally, yes,” Jud’ami said, his voice low and confused.

Persivian frowned and rubbed his temples, considering the possibilities. It would stand to reason that whatever knowledge Devanta had found would be easier communicated alive rather than dead. So why hadn’t she at least tried to forestall her fate? “I don’t understand it,” Persivian muttered. “But if she did leave a message, then we have to find it. Perhaps it will help to explain…”

“All right then, let’s start looking.” Jud’ami stepped over to a small table beside the bed and began moving things around; Persivian could here the clinking and rustling.

“Well, what exactly do we look for?” asked Minaar.

“A message, anything unusual, just…anything,” Persivian replied. “I don’t know. But she wouldn’t have told me to come here if she didn’t intend to tell me something, even if she wasn’t alive to do it.” Heavily he stepped into the main room, the water splashing about his feet. Then he stopped. He could detect a slight magical aura, some sort of low-level artifact by the feel of it. “Minaar, check over there,” he said, pointing. Her footsteps as she stepped through the water were clear in his ears, until she stopped and stooped down.

“There’s something here,” she said, and her hand brushed against the stone floor as she picked up the object.

“What is it?” Persivian demanded. “Describe it to me.”

“It’s a small glass marble,” she said, holding it up before her face.

Jud’ami appeared in the doorway behind Persivian. “A marble?” he repeated.

“Here, you look at it,” the girl said, handing the object to the sailor, who held it up to the light and examined it. The small sphere was an inch in diameter, perfectly transparent but for the small violet glow at its center. “Ah…it is a seer’s recording glass.”

Although seers were notorious for their memory for detail, many times the visions they had would bleed away before they could be properly written down and deciphered. So the seers, having no other magical abilities besides their gift of sight (which was enough to handle) asked the other wizards to devise a way for the details of visions to be recorded and then heard again. The result was enchanted glass marbles that could preserve the voice of the user. Since you didn’t have to be a wizard to use these tools they fit the seers’ uses perfectly, and were widely distributed to all those with the sight.

“Of course, what better way for a seer to leave a message?” Persivian mused.

Jud’ami pressed the marble into Persivian’s hands and said, “Activate it, my friend. Let’s see what she says.”

The blind man closed his eyes and nodded, and then activated the glass. After a minute pause, Devanta’s hoarse voice filled the room. “The vision I had tonight was long and unexpected, and I only told you a small portion of it. This is the rest. I saw the ground rushing along beneath me as I flew towards the eastern coast, through the icy tunnels and away from the setting sun. I saw that which I told you, and then I saw myself.” Her voice was shaking as she said, “I saw myself die.” Persivian bowed his head as the seer continued, stronger now, “As I saw it, I knew the reason for my death. I would be visited by a vision, one of the great Enemy who you now hunt. I would see him, and he would see me. I will pass the name to you, before he…” she fell silent. For a long time there was no noise but the sound of water moving from side to side. Then she said, “It’s coming…” she gasped, and the sound of her voice changed entirely. It deepened, and like when she had shared her vision of Lehrar with Persivian, it came from more than just her. “I see three…the sea, the deep earth, and the darkness. The darkness searches, the deep earth guides, but the sea cannot follow. The waves uncover many things, and the wind can hear what others do not.” There was a pause, and then a gasp, as Devanta continued, “From the East come fleets…but then they flee. One is left behind…the Shadow King’s name…Kreysk dom Sella.” This last came as a whisper, a harsh expulsion of breath that sent a shiver down Persivian’s spine.

“That is the end,” came the seer’s voice, shaking so badly the companions could hardly make out the words. “May you find luck and blessing in your quest.” Persivian’s hand was tight upon the glass as Devanta whispered, “Farewell.” With that, the marble fell silent.

Jud’ami bowed his head. “May you find peace in your final rest, Devanta, Matron Seer,” he intoned, his deep voice solemn and echoing in the small room.

“Amen to that,” Persivian murmured, clutching the marble in his hand.

“I could never be that brave,” Minaar said, shaking her head. “If I knew the next vision I was going to have would lead to my death, I’d do anything to keep from seeing it.”

“She was courageous,” the wizard replied, listening to the slight sounds of the water, their rising and falling breath, to the silence. Then he shook his head. “We have our name,” he announced, his eyes staring forward but his voice holding the attention of both his friends. “And a little more besides. Now we need to decide what to do with it.”

Jud’ami spoke up, “The name sounds foreign.”

“That does fit the information Verrad gave us,” Minaar said.

“Yes, that is true,” the sailor replied. “But what about the rest? I was never very fond of riddles.”

“Nor I,” Persivian said. “But we are confronted with them, and must do our best.” He shook his head, and then asked, “Any ideas?”

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry it was so long in coming! Sad

The decision point here...basically whatever you want to make of it. I especially would like to hear your interpretations of Devanta's vision...
I see three…the sea, the deep earth, and the darkness. The darkness searches, the deep earth guides, but the sea cannot follow. The waves uncover many things, and the wind can hear what others do not.
and the rest of it as well. Of course you'll probably need to know the real meaning of the vision to make a real decision for our characters, so I'll probably reveal that before a poll (or the next chapter) goes up.

Anyway... read, reply, enjoy.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There was a body lying on the cot, and it wasn’t breathing.

I think the fact it was a body implies that it wasn't breathing. Wink

Her eyes had been torn out by magic.


As for the DP, I have no real idea. Confused I was always crap at riddles. However, I would do some research on the name if nothing else, find out where it came from and why it was left behind.

Nice chapter.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter, DF. Looks like Devanta was right - they were never going to meet again in life Shocked

So, the riddle. Well, it's very mysterious and atmospheric (as all good riddles should be), but it does speak clearly in parts. It talks of going east, and of the enemy being across the sea. Then it goes into:

I see three…the sea, the deep earth, and the darkness. The darkness searches, the deep earth guides, but the sea cannot follow. The waves uncover many things, and the wind can hear what others do not.

The deep earth guides. Could that be some sort of tunnel, leading straight to the Shadow King's lair?

The waves uncover many things. A passage from the coast, perhaps? As the tide goes out, it may be possible to reach a tunnel-mouth, to a cave system that stays dry despite its entrance being filled with water at high tide? Just a suggestion. It would be a reason why 'the sea cannot follow' at least.

The wind can hear what others do not. That's difficult. Perhaps they should be guided by standing on the coast and listening? Although personally, I'd favour researching lost tunnels over listening to the wind Wink

The darkness searches. Could be referring to a tunnel, could be a reference to the Shadow King himself. He's looking for Minaar, he's searching for power, he's hunting down the people who are interfering with his business. That could fit.

All I have are fragments of ideas, really. Riddles aren't my speciality either Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funny she says she sees three: darkness, water, earth, but what about the wind she mentioned? Well, I guess the wind is kind of invisible....

I'm with Stoat, a cave near the coast, perhaps in a bluff where the wind whistles or something.... I would assume it's the location of something the darkness wants, since it's searching. First thoughts would be a powerful artifact. The city has a harbor, doesn't it? Perhaps there's a tunnel leading under the city to the Star they've been interested in. Or perhaps the tunnel or cave is a secret passage into an imperial stronghold. The prison comes to mind, and so does the Capitol.

If we are near water in this city then we need to search for a cave, otherwise we really don't have much to go on. Maybe we could search for secret passages near the Star. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned up missing soon.

And the ships from the east, seem to be portending the Shadow King's invasion and the fact they're turned away an affirmation that Good will prevail....

But those are all unconfirmable speculations, perhaps of little consequence.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shocked . Very tired...
I can't really think properly about the poll at the minute, but I thought I may as well post to say I've joined the story. An hour or two of reading, but not regretable Wink.
I think the cave idea is right, though not sure where it leads.
Looking forward to next chapter Smile.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm afraid to say that I only read chunks of the story over solus's shoulder, but I did read the final few chapters and was able to slip into the plot from those hopefully Smile . Really enjoyed the Chapter although like China I'm useless at riddles and atm I'm kinda tired so can't think of much by way of suggestions other than to enquire after Kreysk dom Sella or test out Minaar's brother.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could the three be: darkness - blind Persivian; earth - Minaar with her mineral magics; the sea - Jud'ami the sailor?

Persivian is certainly seeking, and Minaar may be able to find a way to guide. Will Jud'ami be prevented in some way from assisting?

Not sure what the waves and the wind mean, or what Devanta intended them to do with the message, but going east to the sea does sound logical.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm... I'm torn between Goose's and Stoat's ideas.

I wonder... Is prophesy limited to one meaning? Perhaps it means both things concurrently. Maybe this is a pattern that will be repeated any number of times, with different referrents.

Personally I think it should be 2 things at once.
The cave tunnel, with its Darkness, cut off in the sea.

The Sea (Jud'ami), the Darkness (Persivian), and the Earth (perhaps Minaar) are people, as well.
Minaar will end up leading Persivian, but Jud'ami may get left behind.
There is also the Waves (probably Jud'ami again) who finds things out while separated, and the Wind. I reckon the Wind is an animal, like a dog. Find a dog with something to do with the Wind.

My reasoning is: Persivian (the Darkness), being used to blindness, will have no problem with the Darkness in the cave. Maybe its a labyrinth where people get lost, and the darkness magically smothers light? Minaar (the Earth) guides, compass-style by using her affinity with stones. Jud'ami (the Sea) can't follow into the Labyrinth, but finds stuff out. Maybe its as mundane as him stopping the boat drifting away incase they need to go out where they came in. They may also find the dog or other animal (the Wind), that can hear things others cannot. It will be useful with the Wind making a whistling noise outside human hearing, that may be another entrance, or even a tiny hole, where Judami can drop a stone for Minaar to follow out of the labyrinth.

I'm not trying to write the story for you, Dragon, but its an idea.
(I know it's a stretch, but I'm not good at riddles either. Confused)
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Hunt for the Shadow King
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