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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, I'll give it another few days for more suggestions...then I'll put up a poll.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right new poll is up, gotta get a new chappy out sometime. Be ye voting now?
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay I know this one had a long chappy gap but I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy.

Chapter Eleven: Princess? What Princess?

26th of Blarg, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Archie is sulking, Renault won't speak to me, and I couldn't be happier. You remember my little problem with the Elf princess right? Well I've found a cute little loophole I can exploit. The elves can't do anything to me for taking their princess into danger if I don't take an 'elf princess' into danger. And I'm not.

I'm taking a spotted Griphon. Okay, okay so I'm not that great at Transy. I was trying to turn her into a harmless cat, like Shredder, and ended up with a creme and cocoa creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle...Griphon. And now I'm planning on taking her with me just like she is...Griphons are excellent magical muscle and it seems she can't untransform herself, neither can Bob for that matter. He's not sure what went wrong but he's assuring me he'll figure it out.

In the meantime I'm trying to figure out just who this Darkwood Dragon is. I mean do I know them or do I just go in their and kill them without any of the tedious paperwork and apologies. I really hope it's the latter.

1st of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Today is our first day of venturing into the Darkwood, aptly named if unimaginatevly, and I'm already sick and tired of my companions. Renault and his charger bolted off into the woods saying he'd take care of the dragon and be back by lunch. He was back by lunch alright, apparently Knights in White Satin arn't equipped to handle Giant Spiders. Fortunately I am...Spiders EEEK! Right just had to get that out.

Well after stealing the spiders' lunch, Renault says he's greatful but seems more embarassed than anything, we pressed on into the depths of the forest. I havn't seen any signs of 'Slime Elves' but I've seen plenty of slime the further in we go.

8th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well I've seen Slime Elves and now I must say I am unimpressed. They get marks for slime production and fashion sense but not much else. Bob, thankfully, had turned himself into a large Raven to do some scouting shortly before we encountered the Slime Elves and has been sucessfully masquerading as Archie's familiar. The princess, also with a name I cannot pronounce so we're calling Aya, didn't even get a second glance not when the elves saw that this motley crew was traveling with moi.

Indeed the elves were more than willing to cooperate when they saw me shouldering my way through the trees and spitting branches out of my mouth. It's too bad the Darkwood Dragon is not home right now or else I might be able to figure out if we're any closer to slaying him. They say he'll be home in a day or so but that's just more time lost for me.

10th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well our plans just went down the tube. The Darkwood Dragon has returned but there will be no slaying of him...not if I have anything to say about it. I've lost enough family members to dragonslayers, I'll not be party to the death of my nephew. He's not exactly happy about running into his 'eccentric' aunt either. He's already tried twice to deny relation but he stopped when I said that if I was mistaken and he wasn't my nephew then I guess Renault could just take care of him.

He shut up then and grudginly acknowledged me. Apparently he's not happy to see me not just because I'm encased in armor and traveling with two humans, one elf-raven, one elf-griphon, two horses, and one unicorn. He's also slightly embarassed that I caught him 'working' for Slime Elves. Wait until his mother hears about this! My nephew, he goes by the name Feldin, is a respectible black dragon, nice venom, good scales, real pillage material.

However, he's got no ambitions to pillage whatsoever. He's quite happy to laze around here and let the elves feed him because he scares off those who would invade their woods. Oh he does do fly overs of the Elven cities, not the capital though, and put the fear of dragons in the elves, but besides spitting acid on rooftops and bellowing hard enough to shake stones he's useless.

Once he found out what I was doing here, didn't believe I was here to learn Transy foolish boy, his teeth nearly fell out of his jaws. He couldn't believe that Zalgum himself had called on me. Apparently, not surprisingly, he's been to court recently and says Zalgum is just not the sort to send for someone, especially someone like me. The old ways are dying out, I'm not just eccentric I'm a relic according to Feldin. Humph, I don't think I like that.

11th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well we're heading back out of the Darkwood, yes all of us, and Feldin is none to happy about it. However, he's more interested in what will happen when I show up at court. Now, as we trek back out of the woods, I'm contimplating the two problems facing us. One, we didn't slay the Darkwood Dragon. Two, Aya is still a griphon.

I think they'd probably let us get away with taking Feldin with us but I've got no idea how they'll react when they find out we can't change her back. Bob says there's a spring in the nearby Guilwood that removes all magical effects, he thinks that might work, or Archie says it's only a matter of my reversing the spell...which could go very wrong. Or we could just run...I'm all up for that. It would certainly save some time.

What to do...

Sorry it's short but hope you liked.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say run...and take the princes with you. Maybe the elves won't notice.....
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anymore suggestions?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, no need to go back to Aya's tribe before heading for court. On with the adventure, and worry about transforming her back later.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any need for a poll...otherwise I'll skip right to writing the chappy.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I f5 the above. Go for it Rai.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well then I should have it up day after tomorrow.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote chappy. Enjoy.

Chapter Twelve: Dwarves, Wyverns, and Me

12th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Well I've had it up past my crest with waiting around and taking little side trips. I settled the whole argument pretty quickly by pointing out that if I didn't get to Godspine Reach soon we were all in deep trouble. The argument became pointless after that and we're readying for take off now.

13th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

And once again, we've got problems. I'm so fed up with this, so tired of every moment having yet another thing crop up and get in my way. I swear if my life were a story it would be filled with completely pointless and random things! I don't even know how we ran into those dwarves. One minute I was flying along fine, Feldin right behind me carrying the horses, that's one job I didn't mind giving up. The next I'm all alone in the sky and had to back track to find him.

He'd spotted something shiney and interesting looking and all those pillaging instincts I thought he didn't have kicked in. Must be something to do with being in the company of a real dragon. Anyway to make a long story short he swooped down and got himself tangled up in a Dwarven dragon-trap. I was a little brighter than that...I sent Renault, Archie, Bob, and Aya to get him loose rather than landing myself.

Where there is one dragon snare there are more...

14th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I could not be happier. These dwarves are swell people, really nice folk. And I'm not just saying that because they fed me an entire caveworm soaked in Dwarven White Ale and fawned over my armor. I'm saying that because, despite the fact I'm traveling with elves, they've volunteered a party of their stoutest warriors and a Master Artificer to go with me. I said yes to the Master Artificer, Borak, and his brother, Fulak, who's a Dwarven Axe Master.

Borak also mentioned that, in honor of my superior intelligence in recognizing the value of well crafted armor, the other Master Artificers are making me something very special. I'm as giddy as a hatchling trying to figure out what it is....

20th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

The Dwarves made me a sword...a dragon-sized sword! The looks of shock and horror on the faces of my companions were so worth it as well. Renault remembers all too well the fact he was giving me training and that I had spent time in the Eastern lands with those dragons. Feldin can't believe that his aunt could actually use a human weapon to better effect than her own talons. Archie is already trying to figure out a way to stop me incase I ever decide to go on a rampage. And Aya gave a single squack and hid behind Feldin.

We're ready to go now and will be leaving in the next day or so as soon as the Dwarves get their clockwork Wyverns working. Apparently they ride the things into battle now...I'm impressed.

23rd of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Today is my last day of freedom. Tomorrow we'll cross the Rim of the World and be in the Dragonlands at last. Once there...well we'll all have to start acting a little differently. Renault, Archie, Bob, Borak, and Fulak are willing to act like slaves, I've convinced them it's the only way to stay alive...and it is. Then the horses, unicorn, and gryphon have all realized that if they don't behave they'll end up as meals. All and all my escort is...motley at best. Not at all the impressive thing I would have liked.

I'm more like an elderly lady with her ten cats than I am the mighty warrior with her entourage of magical creatures and beaten foes. Feldin is already grumbling about how his friends are going to act and how he'll never hear the end of it. I politely reminded him that Sir Renault Dragonsbane was a member of our party and could easily put 'an end to it' and he shut up.

As much as I just want to go marching in there, screaming a death chant and waving my big sword around, I doubt that would go over well. I'm thinking of taking the Citidal by night and making everyone get up at some impossibly odd hour to accomidate me...especially and including Zalgum himself. That young whelp has a lot to answer for and, while I'm not very happy about meeting him while he's surrounded by alert and sober guards, I wouldn't mind meeting him in the least when everyone at court is slightly groggy.

Still, he'd only pay me back for the inconvinence later. And no doubt he'd be able to do it better since he's the King and has more resources at his disposal. But then again he did send for me, the eccentric old relic in plate's his own fault if I'm...well...eccentric.

What to do...what to do...

Cami wants to meet the Dragon King on her own might she do this (make herself look good while Zalgum doesn't) without over-slighting the king?
Sorry about this being a shortie but the DP's interesting...hopefully you liked.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you look like an old Lady with her ten cats...then act like it.

My Sensi said once , "Play your weakness so your enemies ignore your strengths." Of course he was talking about the fact that at the time, I was quick, fast, and flexible but weak, inexprienced, and probably was about to get my but whooped by someone five years younger than me and four feet tall...but that's beside the point.

I say arrive at the thing, sword hidden, and maybe a little dusty, rusty, and definetly excentric.

Deaf even. Arrive when you get there, and when they tell you what time you are to meet 'his majesty' conviently 'mishear' the time, and arrive at either a really early time (say they say arrive at four in the morning, a simple honest mistake really). If this offends his majesty, well he'll just have to forgive an old fragile dragon whose senile beyond his years.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I don't get another suggestion for a poll option by tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and write the final chapter on Din's time mix-up suggestion...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And the adventures of Camwyre come to an end. Enjoy.

Chapter Thirteen: Joy and Tears

24th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I cannot quit smirking to myself. I sent Feldin ahead to warn the king we were coming and request an audiance time with 'His Highness'. Feldin returned naturally and told me Zalgum would see me promptly at three. So what do I do? I arrived at three in the morning, sword tucked away in my hoard, cohortes and baggage dumped all over the throne room, bellowing at the top of my lungs about young hatchlings and their hideous manners.

Zalgum wasn't very pleased but could hardly fault Feldin, though he tried. After all, he wasn't very keen on explaining to me that he ment three in the afternoon, not three in the morning. Infact, the great king Zalgum took one look at me and got even greener.

After sorting out that early morning debicle he promptly assigned me a set of caves and ordered my party and I to get some sleep and that he'd send for us later. Well the day has come and gone and night has fallen and there's no sign of him sending for us yet. I can feel it, like an itch in my scales that Zalgum is up to no good. I just don't know what...

25th of Kamti, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I know now. Last night, long after everyone had gone to bed, the Guards came for us. I was still awake, still trying to figure out what Zalgum could want, could be up to...I know you're wondering why I didn't fight. Well you try fighting when one moment your half drozing in the moonlight, the next you're on the bottom of a ten dragon dog pile and somebody's half chewed gum is stuck in your left eye. Not even I can fight well under those conditions.

Still I was aquitting myself well when I was coolly ordered to stop if I valued the lives of my nephew and companions. I stopped. As I've already said I've got too few family members left to keep killing them. Perhaps, in my old age, I've finally figured out that blood really can be a binding tie. And besides...I think the others might actually be something I'd nearly forgotten what it was like to have. Friends.

So now, in my cold cell deep in the roots of Godspine Reach, I wait and I plot. Zalgum thinks he's stolen a march on me. I think not. If he'd only listen Feldin he'd realize the meaning of the term 'agony aunt'. I'm old, unhappy, and perfectly willing to put everything I've learned to the test. Let's just see how well our little whelp-King can stack up.

26th of Kamti, Last Year of Zalgum the Green,

I know what he's planning...and I'm sickened. I never thought I'd see the day when one of my kind would make such a deal. I admit, I'm not much of one to talk, I've sought powers no other dragon has weilded. High Magic, Transy, even Artifice...but not this. I'd not sell my myself into slavery to weild power, I'll sign no contract I didn't draw up myself.

Zalgum, fool he is, came to my cell to make an 'entreaty'. He said if any dragon would understand I would. He made a pact with...something, there are things even I cannot make myself name. He steals the essence of dragons and gives it over in exchange for the power of those same dragons. He says I should understand and yet, like all whelps speaking to their elders, all I can see are the flaws and foolishness of his pact. When I said as much he was morose for a moment. Then promised he'd put my power to good use.

I've got to stop him...yet now, for the first time, I'm feeling my years. What a time twilight picked to manifest itself...

27th of Kamti, 1st Year of Camwyre the Great,

I'd love to enjoy this moment...but I can't. My armor has mended...but the flesh beneith it has not. I'm old and that battle took everything I had...and some I did not. I don't know who, some sympathetic soul certainly, released Renault, Feldin, and the rest...but I couldn't have done it without them. How? Well lets just say it involved a tooth pick, a block of ice, a peach pit, a bannana peel, and teamwork.

I've given copies of my journal to the others, so that future generations might remember that dragons are people too, each with faults and flaws. I've chosen my heir, and can only hope Feldin doesn't make too much a mess of the job. Now all that's left is to slide quietly into the end of my life. But I don't think that's just for me. I've found an old spell...


I, Sir Renault Dragonsfriend, pen this in rememberance of the dragoness A friend whom we all shall miss, but shall never forget. She's seen to that. Now, when anyone looks to the peak of Godspine reach and the King's Perch atop it, they shall see her as she was in life. She's figured out some way to preserve herself against time...vain creature she was.

Still I've never had the pleasure of watching a greater warrior, I only wish she could have remained long enough to enjoy the changes her actions have wrought. There shall be no more dragons slain upon my watch...and no more villages pillaged that don't offer offense. Feldin has given his word.

To any who might read this volume I would like to ask you to commit one thing to memory. Camwyre had many triumphs but only one would have been important to her. She will always remain the richest dragon of them all...

Thanks for being here guys...hope you liked.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crying or Very sad

Such a sad ending, yet a very nice and fitting one.

Well done Rai. Another one under the belt! Very Happy Clapping Cheers
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very well done. Very well indeed. Congrats Rai on another great story finished and done.
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Mother Goose
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congratulations! I loved the dragoness Camwyre - wish she could have gone on forever, but I suppose everyone's time must come. May she be remembered in the annals of history and the Hall of Fame!
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