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Chapter 19: Mapped Out

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:07 am    Post subject: Chapter 19: Mapped Out Reply with quote

Chapter 19: Mapped Out

…He’s more alone than me, I’m not unique…why? Why should he have suffered more than me?...Surely that’s something for me to be grateful for but I don’t feel that way…besides he’s a spy…he’s mocking me and my authority. Inside Elvendor felt a stirring of anger, shifting deep amongst the veins of his heart that throbbed a little harder. With difficulty he controlled it in part, but a strain of cold vengeance remained.

“Fine, then we shall extract the information from you by torture,” he found himself saying firmly, “Simeon do you know of a way to?” Alex and Simeon were both looking quite shocked. Alex looked as though he were trying to say something, but under Elvendor’s piercing glare couldn’t. Simeon finally stuttered,

“No..I don’t think so but…”

“But…?” Elvendor’s voice queried dangerously.

“Zeriaph may know a way, even though his own control is weak compared to mine, he’s experimented using emotons at a relatively low level for the past eighty years of his life.”

“Fine, then we shall go there, after all if he had wanted to give us away he could have before. He presumably sees us as useful studies anyhow. Now move!” Regan however remained sitting where he was, not bothering to reply. Elvendor’s hand trembled and the bow tightened, it’s the same feeling as in the woods when I saw her flirting, but colder. Why am I having so much trouble controlling myself, it must be because I’m around others who never have controlled their emotions much…the feeling won’t go, I’ll kill the troublemaker now…No I can’t…

“Elvendor,” Alex finally spoke, disturbing his thoughts.

“What?” He snapped, Alex cast him a worried look before continuing cautiously,

“Well given his only companion over the last few years has been his raven wouldn’t it make more sense to threaten to kill it when it returns? He’ll only give information out if we target something precious to him, and he must have something or else he wouldn’t have a reason to live.”

“Perhaps I don’t,” Regan’s voice was monotonic, but his eyes had shifted slightly. Elvendor gratefully let the anger drain away in the light of a better plan. The grip on the bow slackening slightly,

“Yes that makes sense, good plan Alex.” He was too relieved to be annoyed that he hadn’t come up with such a plan himself, instead a half smile crossed his face as he started to work on a trap for the raven.

It was dark before the sound of fluttering wings near one of the small rectangular windows echoed into the quiet room. Gail peered in breathing heavily, exhausted from her flight. Sensing something was wrong as she squeezed into the narrow open window of Regan’s abode, alighting upon the cold sticky surface of the sill. Her eyes quickly picked out three figures hiding in the room, one below her carrying a net. Regan wasn’t in sight, with a squawk of anger and fright she tried to take off, but found to her horror that her delicate feet were glued fast to the sill by a transparent paste. Becoming more agitated she started to cry out, but the cry died in her throat as an elf stepped forward from the darker shadows, aiming an arrow at her chest and putting his finger to his lips. Then he motioned the third figure, the young man she and Regan had been pursuing, to drag out Regan from under the bed. He was bound hand and foot and gagged. The young man ungagged Regan, the elf speaking firmly to Regan as he did so,

“So Regan, do you value your bird’s life more than your own?” The bow tightened and images of the steel tip flying towards her, embedding in her, played out in Gail’s mind; her body sagged in anticipation of what was to follow. The pause was deafening and long, then just before the elf released the arrow Regan’s voice cut through the air; defeated,

“Fine you win. What do you want to know?” Gail didn’t understand what Regan had said but she breathed more easily as the bow relaxed slightly, grateful to her master for somehow sparing her. She continued to watch anxiously as the conversation continued between her companion and the elf, her eyes studying the elf’s face closely – for if she survived she would not forgive such an embarrassment against her master lightly, and she knew that neither would he.

“Who are you working for, why are you following us and what do you know? Beware lying to me, I can tell if someone is lying, particularly a human.” Regan nonchalantly shrugged and calmly replied,

“It really isn’t worth me lying about, you ought to have figured enough out yourselves since you managed to capture me. I’m working for Constantine, hence the crest above the door, and I’ve been following you since you left Kostenton City. I lost you several times in the Hills and when you went through the elfin forestland south of the mountains. The only reason I was given to follow you was that you were heading towards an important treasure called ‘The Jade’. I was to report to Constantine when you found it.”

As they listened Simeon at first became quite anxious, then sighed with relief as he heard that Regan had lost them in the hills. Elvendor however turned visibly white as Regan spoke the last part of his account. Simeon lowered the net he was holding and Alex gazed at Elvendor accusingly, saying,

“Have you been hiding something from us Elven?” Elvednor didn’t reply at once as his thoughts raced about his mind, how? How did he know of that?…Damn, our bags must have been searched! We must find it before the Mayor does, whatever it is. His anger shifted from the Mayor to his representative bound before him. Should I kill him? He deserves it! For a fraction of second his body once again began to obey the creeping strain of prejudicial anger that slunk deep within his heart, then common sense prevailed to dispel it from him. With a sigh he fully lowered the bow. I guess I have no option but to tell them now, we’ll just have to find this object before the Mayor does . Beckoning to Alex and Simeon he stepped outside the house, then turned to face them saying,

“I really know very little more about ‘the Jade’ but I don’t want Regan knowing any more information, however little. All I know is that my father told me I would come across it on my travels and that when I did I must ensure that nothing escaped from it. What it is though I have no idea, or why it’s dangerous.” Alex studied him carefully as he spoke and nodded when he finished, apparently satisfied with his explanation.

“Sounds interesting,” he said, “in the meantime what are we going to do with our spy?”

“Well we could kill him,” Elvendor quickly hurried on as he saw Alex’s worried look, “but that would bring down the authorities on us, or we take him with us. What we can’t do is let him escape and tell Constantine, or anyone else.”

“Well he can’t do any harm if we have his bird and he is with us,” Alex said, predictably taking the option that was the least repulsive to him. Glancing at Simeon, Elvendor could see that he too was in agreement with Alex, so giving a brief nod he strode past them and into the house. Walking over to the sill he unwrapped the flakey paper note attached about Gail’s leg, the raven trying but failing to strike his hand with her tied beak, then called to Simeon to capture the bird with his net. Turning he slowly walked over to Regan, animosity sparking between their eyes. As he began to untie Regan’s ropes, his face looking past his shoulder, he spoke quietly to him,

“Ok, we’ve decided to take you with us, but should you make a single move your bird will die. Nod if you understand.” Sullenly Regan nodded his acceptance as the last of the ropes fell off, slowly rising to his feet as Elvendor moved away, his eyes cold and fixed on the elf. Elvendor’s attention had however transferred to the note, which he unrolled and handed to Alex to read aloud,

“To Regan,

Am distressed you have not managed to locate the travelers, suggest you remain in for a few weeks and see if they turn up, they have probably been waylaid. If not head North and see if you can discover their corpses, or location.



“Hmm, well that doesn’t tell us much. We’ll have to think of a reply to draft back to the Mayor. But that can wait, for now we should head from the City whilst it is dark so fewer questions are asked,” said Elvendor as he silently exited the house. Simeon followed carrying the angry bound raven in a jumble of netting, then Regan shepparded by Alex. Alex slid the marble door shut behind him with a gentle clunk as he stepped out into the cold dark streets, pinpoint stars unblinkingly watching them from afar, as they set of towards the centaur capital, The City of Sapphire.

* * *

It rarely rained on the eastern side of the Dark Mountains, particularly at the Northern end amongst the many dwarven mining settlements. Tonight though a storm had whipped up from the normally placid and warm tropical sea to the north. Humid air foretold of the imminent downpour soon to follow, a blanket curtain of clouds forming a barrier above the two cloaked figures. The hidden strangers stood huddled together outside the scattered dwarven homes, strewn amongst the rocky troughs and wild grassy peaks that slnated ever steeper in the shadow of the mountains.

The smooth flat plains of the Eastern Downs were long behind Lilleyn and John, they had traveled along the road that had passed out into the ever steeper terrain, the no-mans land between the dwarven mines and the human farms, the abode of the highwaymen. Thankfully though we encountered none of them, Lilleyn thought as she glanced amongst the crude stone structures and hill dwellings that made up the town of Garth, several lit up from within by warm glowing fires. Not that I couldn’t have dealt with any highwaymen, only that we can’t afford to lose time to any guards that may be sent out to pursue us.

Turning to John she smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then slipped away from him as he whispered “Take care.” Then she was off, a darting shadow, staying out of sight from the four large wooden dwarven watchtowers that surrounded the settlement. The dwarves had low walls running about this side of the town but little else. A sentry group patrolled it, but they really relied on reports from the watchtower to deal with problems. The real protection for the dwarves, lay to the west, a towering, rough, ugly stone wall that ran jaggedly amongst the hills to cut off attacks by goblins, ensuring the mines could run smoothly.

The watchtower guards here were used to keeping a close eye out for thieves and robbers trying to sneak into Garth, but those theives were only humans, and humans are hardly adept at subtlety, Lilleyn chuckled to herself as she waited for the moment when she was in the guards blind spot before slipping over the wall and camouflaging herself behind a rugged tree. A fraction of a second later one of the dwarves glanced at that stretch of wall but saw nothing amiss. Lilleyn carefully crept about the outskirts, she could be a little less careful now, for the watch towers were focused on stopping intruders coming in, not looking for ones already inside. I must stay clear of the centre, most of the dwarves will be there, their towns are focused about the village pub more than the humans by all accounts. Indeed a lot of merriment and noise was drifting her way from there, so she headed for the far side of the town, like a ghost slipping amongst the houses. Finally she reached one on the outskirts where no fire burned, gently she knocked on the wooden shutter boarding thge window, then withdrawing a small pearl dagger she cut a hole into it and lifted up the catch on the other side. Silkily she slipped inside, looking for food, and soon finding plenty. Hastily she opened up a cloth bag and began tipping the slabs of salted meat, and chunky vegetables into the bag, ensuring she left some behind. I’m sorry, whoever you are, she thought, you’re rich and cared for, we need this more than you. She did pause briefly, taking in the metal pots and pans, then acting on an impulse she searched beneath the rough bed in the far corner of the dwelling, finding a bag containing countless Goldents. She nearly took it, but a huge gust of wind howled viciously outside decrying her act, stirring her guilty conscious enough for her to drop the mattress back down on to the rough brown pouch. Long ago I would have taken it, killing people for a living doesn't give one such a conscience...but I know that John disapproves. Still there must have been a thousand Goldents there…I knew dwarven families were rich from there mining but still…if they’re so rich why don’t they live in better dwellings, with better stuff? Turning she observed a smaller bed in the other corner, the bowls stacked upon the solid wooden table. Shaking her head she was about to move to the window when she heard amongst the wind loud footsteps and muttering heading towards the bungalow. Grimacing Lilleyn carefully shut and latched the wooden shutter, hoping the occupant wouldn’t notice the hand sized hole made to undo the latch. Then she pushed the stolen food beneath the bed and crept spider like up the wall and into the wooden rafters above. Dwarven houses aren’t thatched like their human counterparts, they are generally either caves in the rock or have a tarred wooden triangular roof as this one did. Performing a feat of amazing agility Lilleyn positioned herself amongst the horizontal beams supporting the roof, bent over backwards so that she could look down and be ready to spring if noticed.

The wooden door swung open, the click of the key drowned out by the fearsome wind which had if anything grown louder up amongst the rafters and was now accompanied by sullen growls of thunder. Into the gloomy interior walked a dark haired, silver bearded dwarf, his wrinkled features briefly lit up by a bright flash of blue lightning. From where she was, it looked like he had something strange in his ear, a flash of green catching her eye before he turned around to lock the door. After securing it he grumbled under his breath, kicking off his boots as the first patter of rain began to drum upon the wooden roof. Then he wandered over to the hearth, rubbing together some dry wood to spark the logs in it. It took some time but eventually after much coaxing the flames licked into life. The difference it made to the gloomy room was startling, cold stone became a comforting grey and shadowy corners became laundry strewn undergrowth. The dwarf added a few more logs onto the merry blaze then dragged a stool, from under the stout wooden table that stood in the centre of the room, near to the fire.

The dwarf wandered over to the table and reached under it, fumbling with something underneath. Peering harder Lilleyn saw his hand emerge with a marked piece of paper. He glanced about suspiciously, as though he were afraid the walls had eyes, yet he didn’t look up. Slowly he moved back over to the fire and remained there for some time, gazing sometimes at the paper, sometimes into the flames.

How long is it going to be before he decides to sleep? Lilleyn thought bitterly, is he going to sit there all night?, John will be getting worried about me. Besides my joints are aching. The only good thing is that the heat from the fire is rising up about me here, but even that will become unbearable after so long. She was coming very close to abandoning her boring vigil and simply killing the dwarf when knocking echoed from the wooden door causing her to stiffen. The dwarf didn’t hear it at first, but when it came louder with muffled cries of ‘Open Up’ he hastily scrambled to his feet, kicking over the stool and hurried over to the table, where he hid the paper. Then he walked over to the door and called out in a deep and irritatingly cracked voice,

“Who is it calling upon Grum at this hour?”

“We are…Watch…caught…pursuing…search.’ The words that weren’t stolen away by the heady gale and pounding rain sent an eerie chill of fear running down Lilleyn’s spine. Had they caught John, what had happened? The dwarf below moodily unlatched the door, muttering in English, “Come in, come in, but I tell you she’s not here, I’d know.” The leader of the two guards, whose uniforms were sodden dripping bundles, was a reasonably pleasant looking chap who was politely apologetic,

“I’m so sorry ambassador, it was captains orders, no-one is safe whilst she’s on the loose. Thank goodness we found and took down her accomplice, although he wasn’t armed as it turned out. Therefore we’ve concluded it was his partner, an elf, who is the danger.” Both of them carried strange looking barreled weapons. Somehow the tiny armaments were almost more frightening for the fact that they didn’t look especially dangerous.

The words they spoke were struggling to sink into Lilleyn, the cold throb of fear that had pounded within her chest suddenly ceased its hammering and spread to a terrible numbness. Strangely she found herself able to control her anger, by remaining detached from the reality of what had happened. Maybe it didn’t happen, if I lose my temper now I’ll make a mistake and lose my own life. There is a time for retribution, a time to payback. If I remain here though whilst they search, they may miss me and I could escape, but if they look up and spot me then I lose the element of surprise… Perhaps if Lilleyn had been a more cautious person she would have gambled on not being spotted, but her mind worked differently, and her controlled anger was still baying for blood. She didn’t like to be on the back foot if possible, so she waited poised, as the men moved to the centre of the room. The silent officer, who looked to be no more than seventeen, bent down and saw the sack beneath the bed and began to pull it out. “What’s that you’ve got there Dean?” called out his partner, walking over. As he did so she moved. Using the beam as a springboard, she flipped herself so that she was descending silently feet first towards the stone floor, her blonde hair streaming up to the skies. Her left hand reached down and eased her sword out in a fluid motion, making a slight zinging noise as came out causing the Watch men to turn in surprise, her face beautifully innocent and terrifying.

She saw the two men raise their weapons towards her as her sword arched round; saw two shard of metal fly from them as her sword sliced through their necks sending them crumpling to the ground; felt her right arm take the impact from one of the shards, what were those things? She thought, shocked that she had even been hurt. She glanced over her left shoulder as she turned, and saw a small circular hole in the wooden door where the second bullet had gone. Then her left arm swung round, the tip of her sword quivering an inch from the approaching dwarf who now held a rough black dagger. Somehow his fragility stopped her from instinctively cutting him to shreds, that and the curiosity over the paper he had had earlier, For if what they are saying is true then I need a new reason to live, a new purpose to follow. The thought of John lying riddled with those little holes caused burning tears to encroach upon her eyes but she wouldn’t let them flow as she stared defiantly at the dwarf.

“Drop the weapon,” she hissed. The dull black dagger fell to the floor, bouncing upon the stone with tiny clinks. “Lay on the bed face down.” The dwarf obeyed without speaking, his face growing red. Dwarves don’t like being ordered about, and particularly by elves, and certainly not by a female elf. She slipped under the table and saw the draw that the paper was kept in. In his haste to hide it, the dwarf hadn’t locked it, so she slipped it open and withdrew the map. As she slipped out she caught sight of the dwarf’s face staring at her, portraying fear, anger and terror.

“Don’t take it, don’t do it!” He cried, “kill me if you wish but destroy that, you mustn’t follow it.” Lilleyn glanced contemptuously at him,

“You know I won’t do that dwarf, why should I let you keep such an important secret when I can use it, why should I not…” she glanced down at the paper, upon which a route in red was traced into the Dark Mountains, “follow this trail, tell me?”

“You mustn’t, death and terror lie that way, I was supposed to destroy that map but it was precious, I deceived myself that someday I could return and salvage…”

“Oh so there is something worth having there is there? You’ve just admitted so yourself,” she said triumphantly as she sheathed her sword and slipped her smooth pale right foot from her sandal.

“Yes but you don’t know what lies there, I won’t make that mistake again but you might!” She wondered whether it was worth hearing out what that danger was, but she could hear other voices calling out and reporting their findings above the wind and knew that time was running out for her to escape. Her right foot gripped the dwarven dagger between her big and second toe and in one fluid motion she flipped it up and threw it into the dwarfs skull with enough speed to penetrate it and stick there.

“Sorry,” she whispered to the limp corpse, “but my husband’s dead, I’m now living for me, for revenge, I won’t have anyone stand in my way.” Her anger and loss for now made her feel light, although she knew it was merely forestalling the incredible grief that would rollover her later. I can now live as I used to, be it as free agent, living for power and revenge. Judging by how many people are about tonight though revenge will have to wait until the time is ripe, until I can do the most damage to Kostenton. She walked over to the corpse and noticed the glowing sliver attached there, swiftly she bent down and tried to remove it but it felt fixed, until her hand brushed the circular black button at the swollen end. With a faint hiss the object detached itself from the dwarfs ear, allwoing her to pocket it. Then she slipped from the room and vanished into the night where shadows were her friend. The watch were all around but in the dark they didn’t stand much chance of spotting her until it was too late, by the time they regrouped another two their number had been slain towards the western side of the town.

* * *

Regan sat, pen in hand staring sullenly at the paper before him as he awaited Elvendor’s instructions. They had traveled swiftly for a few days, quickly reaching the large blue oval shaped City of Sapphire, Elvendor having checked with the records that his parents had indeed entered the Capital by the southern gate. Finding they had, they had taken up a couple of rooms within one of the quiet suburban hotels. I’ve never known a town so quiet, Elvendor mused as he put the finishing touches to the letter in his mind, one that he would shortly have sent to Constantine. I guess its because centaur kids grow up all study and little play, you certainly don’t see many about at night. He looked out of the large open window that faced out onto another immaculate marble square where a couple of grey centaurs were sweeping and cleaning the stone, then up into the night sky. Great, why have I saddled myself with so many people? Why am I plagued by an object I know nothing about. I suppose I could just ditch everyone and travel alone, or turn their minds from it and forget it exists… But deep down he knew that his curiosity wouldn’t allow it, and that the Mayor may well find the source of power if he didn’t. Ignoring it isn’t an option then, he sighed inside, then turned to Regan who still sat waiting to write,

“Ok write the following…”

Last edited by JezSharp on Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blackmail through the bird. ha. never tought of it. good i like it, but i have no clue to what to say he must write i'm only good at departure and the sence of loss messages. sappy stuff-- that's me. Smile Lets hop MM has an idea...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stick close to the truth, tell him that Regen has located them and that he's tracked them to the City of Sapphire.

That was me.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a breach in the Great Registration wall!

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry! Fixed it.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ive been reading tis for a while now, and finally caught up! I say he should say that the man is searching back north having failed to find them.
Just browsing, thank-you.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought I had posted my comment, but it appears not.

Actually, I f5 the Fox. A kind of note saying he has still lost them, but will backtrack and try and locate them should put the Consti off the scent for a bit. Dunno what to do with him though, having him around isn't the best idea.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok I'll put the poll up shortly, so far the options are:

- Heading back south (towards the swamps they came from) to see what's happened to them.

- Heading North to The City of Sapphire, is on their track.

I was wondering if they could for instance write a question into the message to gleam any more info etc. If anyone has any ideas on that then post them, or if someone comes up with a good idea for dealing with Regan.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JezSharp wrote:

I was wondering if they could for instance write a question into the message to gleam any more info etc. If anyone has any ideas on that then post them, or if someone comes up with a good idea for dealing with Regan.

Mmm, that would be a good idea, if they can pull it off without making Consti suspicious. I will think on it...
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll will go up tomorrow, so last chance for any suggestions etc.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up, will close Wed/Thur next week as I'm trying to speed up the sg a little.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll will be closing tomorrow, need someone to break the tie.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok Locking down for the next Chapter.
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What should they have Regan write?
That he has gone North after them to the capital
 50%  [ 2 ]
That he has decided to stay put, but wants to know what other plans are in place
 25%  [ 1 ]
That he has gone South to hunt for the travellers bodies
 25%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Chinaren, LordoftheNight, Mastermind

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