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I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13: Angeline
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Jovie is not exactly "all grown up" though she has amazing powers and intelligence. I don't think she would object to telling Erick the truth about herself - she trusts him - but how many more chances are there going to be for private conversations? In order to get her explicit approval first, Arron would have to have two more opportunities, one with Jovie and one with Erick. I vote to seize this chance and get everybody in the same understanding right away. Jovie is not touchy; she will understand.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems that option is behind in the polls right now though, I guess monday will decide the turning point of the story! (and yes, it will drastically)
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polls over! Arron will ask Jovie for permission to tell Erick her secret. New chapter soon!
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Ten: Nightmares (Part One)

Arron decided that it was Jovie?s life that hung in the balance, so it was Jovie that should decided who should know the truth. He glanced around to make sure they were alone, and then lowered his voice.

?This isn?t the time or place to talk about such things, get some rest and we can discuss it in the morning.?
Erick?s face paled.

?Then something did happen, didn?t it??

?In the morning Erick.?
The sea captain looked at Arron for a moment, then nodded in assent. He trudged slowly to his room; his shoulders slumped as if under a heavy weight. Arron hadn?t counted on Erick?s quick perception of Jovie?s behavior, and he wasn?t sure if was a good thing. He contemplated waking Jovie again to ask immediately if she would let Erick in on the secret, but decided to let her have her peace for the night; it was a rare enough commodity as it was. Still, he didn?t like keeping things from Erick, especially about Jovie. Despite the Captain?s frequent absences, he was the closest thing she?d ever known to a parent, and Jovie was the closest thing Erick had to having a child of his own. True, he had in a manner of speaking raised Arron, but as Erick had often said himself, Arron seemed to have been born grown up already, with little need of guidance.

Arron felt strangely troubled after his two friends were asleep. Unable to think of rest himself, he wandered outside and gradually came to the front of the great Palace. The stars shimmered overhead, and Arron could see a handful of guards standing at the Palace gates in the distance. With the exception of a few stray words of their conversation, the night was perfectly still. A large, ornate fountain placed a few yards in front of the elaborate stairway that lead up to the palace gurgled soothingly. The boy sat down in front of it and leaned his head against the cool stone, with the intention of planning his next move for the job at hand. But the gentle trickling of the fountain was calming, and combined with the warmth of the summer night, Arron soon drifted off to sleep.

?Arron! Arron! Wake up!?

The mist cleared, and the young boy stared up into the eyes of a lovely blue-eyed lady who was gazing at him with tears streaming down her face and an agonized mixture of fear and concern. The child opened his eyes, wondering why they stung, and started coughing.

?Thank God!?

The woman exclaimed, and threw her arms around him. Her arms nearly enveloped him completely, since he was small even for a five-year-old, and she held him so tight he could scarcely breathe. When she finally let go he could see smoke wafting in the distance, accompanied by an orange glow. The whole forest behind them was on fire, but in spite of that, he felt dreadfully cold and shivered. The lady took off her cloak, revealing a scorched and tattered dress, and wrapped the boy up in it. He looked around himself, bewildered, then noticed an acute lack of something that should have been there.

?Mother?? He managed weakly, ?Where?s Sara, and Father??

The woman involuntarily looked over her shoulder at the blaze. She looked back at her son and tried to speak, but a lump in her throat prevented her, and the tears came faster. The boy stared at her wide-eyed, not able to fully take in what was happening. Slowly, his own tears began to trickle down his face, and his mother drew him to her again, crying and rocking him gently in a vain attempt to console the inconsolable. Suddenly she started and jumped to her feet, gazing anxiously around the woods. Faint voices, angry, harsh voices, could be heard; and a moment later the flicker of torches became distinct from the inferno in the distance. The boy clung to his mother?s side in fear.

?Mother, why are they doing this? What did we do??

The woman didn?t reply, but took her son?s arm and ran through the woods. Terrified, the boy tried to keep up, but his short legs couldn?t match his Mother?s stride. He was slowing her down, and the mob behind them was getting closer. In her desperate attempt to keep moving, the woman tripped and cried out. The voices seemed to ring in the boy?s ears as they bore down on them. Anxiously, the woman looked at her terrified son and whispered.

?Arron, quick, find a place to hide.?

There was a tree a few yards back that had a natural hollow between its roots, obscured by several bushes growing close around its base. The woman wrapped her shawl more securely around the boy and made sure he was safe from view. Footsteps were approaching, dangerously near. The woman gazed hard at her son as if trying to memorize his features, the boy started to cry.

?Mother, I?m scared.?

She put a soft, comforting hand on his face and gently wiped the tears from his eyes with the corner of the shawl.

?I know, I know you?re scared. But now I need you to be brave; whatever happens, I need you to be strong and stay here no matter how much you want to run away. Can you be strong for me??

The boy stifled his tears and nodded. The woman smiled softly, and planted a Motherly kiss on his forehead. She hugged him close one last time, and whispered:

?Arron, I love you. Never forget that.?

She let him go and rushed away from his hiding place. Not a minute too soon, for before she could get out of sight of where her son hid, the crowd stormed through the trees and over took her. Two men grabbed her, and she fought back valiantly, exhibiting a remarkable amount of strength for so frail-looking a woman. But she was horribly outnumbered, and in the end she was forced to her knees in front of a tall man in rich clothes with a sword strapped to his side. It took four men to hold her in place, but she stopped struggling when the armed man drew his sword out of its sheath and brought the tip under her jaw, forcing her to look up at him.

He shouted something unintelligible to the woman, and drew his sword back.
The boy nearly panicked. He was on the verge of giving himself away, of running out to his mother and not caring what they did to him. But then he caught sight of her face. She wasn?t afraid. Even though his mother was facing a brutal death, there was no fear in her eyes. Even though he was only a child, the boy felt ashamed of his fear then, ashamed of his own weakness. The tall man seemed to move in slow motion, the edge of his sword first moving away and then towards the defenseless woman. She stared him straight in the eyes, unflinching, and in the end it was the executioner who had to look away. As the tip of the sword came closer, the boy felt a scream rising in his throat. He clamped his hands over his mouth, he?d promised her he?d be strong, and he would. He wouldn?t make a sound, even when the blade was a hairsbreadth away from its mark?

Arron sat bolt upright, breathing heavily and not knowing where he was. His heart was pounding in his chest. He looked around him; ad recognized the fountain he?d fallen asleep at. The sun was starting to rise over the hills; he?d been asleep several hours.

Part two will be here shortly, in the mean time, what do you think of this new insight to Arron's behavior? Does it make him make more sense? (I'm debating leaving this part out of the second draft so I need to know if it works)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice insight into arron's past. i think it works wonderfully, depending on how often these recountings of his past occur. could you italicize the dream, so that we are certain that is what we are reading? otherwise, nicely written chapter, GG.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing, I should have thought of that myself Embarrassed

Anayway, before I add the rest of this chapter, I need to know what you guys think specifically of Arron's emotional reactions in his dream/flashback. Is it too drastic? Or does it make sense with his somewhat cold demeanor now?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the flashback is great. I've always liked Arron's character, and the way he acts, but some insight into why he acts that way helps you to identify with him more I think.

Rather than taking it out of the second draft I'd suggest putting a few more in. I'm not sure if there are appropriate places earlier in the story, but some vague hints of flashbacks early on, even if they don't really reveal anything about him, will set up an expectation of revelations to come.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was thinking about that the other day Argo, I dobn't want to reveal to much at a time, suspense is a good thing Wink I think when I do the second draft I'm going to start out with a nightmare of Arron's; but put in a way so it doesn't seem like a memory...maybe a dream about being trapped in a burning biulding.

...I also think I'm going to make him a few years younger, that way his friendship with Jovie would make more sense, and they'd seem more like a team then protector and protected.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought it was fine as it was. Like you said, dribble it out a little.

Look forward to part 2.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*smiles and purrs* I've always loved this story. I agree with everyone else here, by no means take it out, but leave this nightmare in, it explains so much and it helps the readers finally understand the seemingly cold and calucating manner of Aaron. It makes him approachable in a way the charater wasn't before. But I agree with Argo, a few more, even if brief flashes of childish nightmares would help lead to an expecation, and will help make this memory not so sudden. Or, there could be perhaps be a trigger to this or these memories, a subtle linking between then and now, so as to explain why Aaron haves them when he haves.

For example in the dream above, perhaps there was a stream near where his mother was killed, and the sound of the fountain reminded some primative part of Aaron of the memory, or perhaps the statue on the statue reminded Aaron of his mother's killer.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really good suggestion, I'll try and incorporate that next time Arron has a nightmare or something. These really should take place earlier, but it's better to add them now and see how they go then leave them out.

Oh, and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to finish the chapter, RL has been difficult lately and I haven't had much time to write, sorry Embarrassed
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 10: Nightmares (part two)

Despite the warmth of the early sun Arron shivered. He tried to slow the beating of his heart while regaining his bearings. Everything was quiet; it seemed as if the rest of the palace was still asleep. A sudden grinding noise broke the peaceful morning and arrested Arron?s attention. It was the front gate. The great gate was being opened for a solitary rider on a horse. Arron couldn?t make out their features, but whoever was waiting to be admitted was terribly impatient, shouting at the guards and bolting up the lane the second the gate was opened wide enough to push through. The rider came closer, and Arron saw it was a young woman dressed richly but very disheveled. Her burgundy dress was muddy and torn at the hem, and her brown hair that had once been tied back was falling out around her face. Her long sleeves where frayed, and there was a small cut on her left check. She galloped off toward the stables, and Arron followed, wanting to see who this newcomer was. Perhaps they were a messenger, or someone else he?d need information from to begin his search for the prince.

When he reached the stables, the woman was busy brushing down her horse and hanging up the saddle. Upon hearing footsteps, she called out, assuming the stable-boy was approaching.

?Wallace? Where have you been? I have to speak to his majesty immediately and have no time to-?

She stepped out of the stall and abruptly stopped when she saw Arron. He got a good look at her face, and felt a vague misgiving that he couldn?t explain at the time. He got the feeling of looking over a cliff on a windy day. The woman jumped slightly at seeing a complete stranger, then grew irritated by his failure to provide an explanation of his presence.

?You?you aren?t Wallace?Who in blazes are you??


The woman rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

?Well, what are you doing here? I know every servant and chambermaid in the palace and I don?t remember seeing you before.?

?I?m here?on a special commission.?

?Special commission...??

The woman looked at Arron confused for a moment, then she noticed the sword strapped to his side and the dagger-sheath on the inside of his wrist. She looked around and noticed for the first time that she was alone with this strange man. She tightened her jaw and stepped forward. It was obvious that she had misunderstood his words and thought he was some sort of threat. Arron could tell that she was frightened, but most people wouldn?t have known it by the way she held herself. He found it very impressive.

?You mean?you were one of the kidnapers yesterday??

?What?! No, no, nothing like that. The king hired me to find the kidnappers.?

Arron thought of adding ?I?m not a criminal? on the end, but upon reflection realized that in some ways he was. The woman relaxed a little at his words, but still eyed him with an air of suspicion.

?But, you aren?t Nadorian. Why would An- I mean his Majesty, hire an outsider??

The irony of the lady thinking him an outsider merely because he was foreign wasn?t lost on Arron. He was sure that other than the King, and maybe the king?s brother, no one knew about the young prince?s secret. It took him a moment to think of an explanation that wasn?t compromising.

?There are?certain advantages to working outside the system for his highness. I?m not a citizen, so this can be unofficial and avoid creating a very delicate position for the King.?

?You mean his brother won?t know about it? That is a good idea for him politically, but if word gets out that he?s hidden this, and hired a foreigner to handle it?It sounds like he?s putting a lot at stake. Your help must have come at a very high price.?

?Actually, I have my own reasons for doing this.?

The woman blinked several times and looked at him in surprise.

?You aren?t being paid to recover a member of the royal family??

?Not monetarily, no.?

?Well, how then??

Arron thought very carefully, wondering if he could confide in this unknown woman. Despite the odd impression she?d made on him earlier, she looked like a trustworthy person. But it wasn?t merely his own safety that rested on his descression, and Arron wasn?t the type to let his guard down for a pair of big brown eyes.

?There?s someone important to me, she?s stronger than most would be in her situation, but she still needs to be protected. The King can give her that protection.?

A vaguely disappointed expression crossed the woman?s face.

?Oh, so you?re doing this for a woman who?s?important to you??

?A child. An orphan who needs a more stable life than I can give her.?

?Oh, I see. That?s very admirable of you. But I still don?t understand why the King hired you specifically.?

Arron couldn?t think of an answer to that question, so he didn?t respond to it. Fortunately, the woman seemed to have meant it rhetorically, and a moment later continued her musings out loud.

?The King is taking a great risk with you, He?s placing an inordanite amount of confidence in both your abilities and your honesty. And he isn?t the trusting type?Why you??

Arron wasn?t sure he liked the expression that took over the woman?s face as she spoke. No one had ever looked at him like that before, and it made him uncomfortable. He wished he?d never followed her here, and hoped she?d go away. But the woman showed no signs of wanting to leave. A slight smile crossed her face, and she stepped slowly towards him.

?You?re someone special, aren?t you? Someone important.?

Arron didn?t say anything, and wondered what it was about this woman that made him uneasy. She just stood there, looking at him, not saying anything either. A sudden slam of a door startled them both. A young boy had entered from the rear, carrying a bag of feed over his shoulder. When he saw the girl he jumped.

?Oh, forgive me miss, I didn?t know you would be here so soon. I would have-?

?It?s alright Wallace, just run and tell his Majesty I need to speak with him.?

The boy turned to leave, then noticed Arron for the first time. He hadn?t been one of the privleged group to know about the crisis with the prince, so the sight of a forienger surprised him.

?Who?s he miss??

?Never mind, just run along and do what I said.?


The boy set the bag of feed down and left. The lady turned her attention back to Arron and smiled.

?So, who are you??

?I?m not really anyone of im-?

?No, I mean what?s your name??


Arron ran his hand through his hair and found something suddenly fascinating about his boots.

?I?m? Arron.?

?Arron, it?s nice to meet you.?

The lady extended her hand, and Arron looked at for a moment as if he hadn?t seen one before. At length, he took her hand and shook it briefly, then quickly turned to go. The woman called after him.

?Wait a moment, Arron!?

He turned back and looked at her questioningly. The lady smiled again in that unsettling way.

?Aren?t you going to ask who I am??


And with that Arron simply left the surprised young lady and headed out the door. He didn?t have time for this, there were things to do; and right now the most important one was speaking to Jovie. He cuaght sight of her passing a window and gestured for her to join him outside. She came immediately, and Arron noticed that something wasn?t right. She was looking at him anxiously and fidgetting distractedly with the ribbon holding her hair back.

?Arron, are you alright? You aren?t hurt or anything are you??

?What? No, of course not. What are you talking about??

?After you left last night I had this feeling, it doesn?t make any sense at all but, I felt like something horrible was about to happen. It was so awful I couldn?t sleep.?

Arron watched her carefully. He knew Jovie?s moods very well, and knew that she was doing her best to hide how shaken she was.

??And you thought it had something to do with me??

?Yes, I even got up and looked for you once, but you weren?t in your room and I didn?t want to wake Eric??

At the mention of Eric?s name Arron remembered what he needed to speak to Jovie about. He tried to assuage her fears while steering the conversation toward the task at hand.

?Jovie, you can see that I?m fine. Are you sure you weren?t reacting to what happened yesterday? Eric told me you seemed depressed.?

?Eric noticed??

?Yes, and he was very worried about you. He asked if anything had happened to you while he was away.?

Jovie stiffened and looked up sharply at her friend.

?What did you say??

?I said I would speak to him later about it, because I wanted to talk to you first and ask how much of what happened you wanted him to know.?

Jovie was silent for a long time, furrowing her brows and staring off into the distance. Arron sat and waited for her to make up her mind. Despite his reassuring words, and his real belief of them, something nagged at him. Jovie had had a premonition before the attack, and he wondered if her abilities could be growing that rapidly. It wouldn?t be the first time such a thing happened. For some Ampera, the advent of there abilities was sudden, like a dam bursting, and one strength exercised could stir others and bring them to the front. If this was happening to Jovie, then she needed to learn how to control herself quickly. Arron was greatful that he had insisted on bringing her with him, there was no way Abby could have handled anything like this.

Jovie sighed, breaking in on Arron's thoughts, an expression of resignation on her face. He felt a vague sense of dread welling up in him. Whatever choice Jovie made, it could have drastic repercussions on both their lives. Jovie must have realized it too, becuase she seemed to have dificulty forming the words. Arron sat quietly and waited for her response.

What Does Jovie Decide?

Alright, I've finaly got the rest of this chapter out Shocked
Two things: First, should Jovie opt to tell Eric everything? Nothing? Part of the truth? And second, how does this mysterious woman strike you? I'm still debating how a big a part her character shoudl play and I need to know if she seems interesting or not, or suggestions on how she could be.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally! I feared that you had dropped this again! Well worth the wait though

hmm, the woman first. She is...interesting. Obviously Arron is at least infatuated by her, so, perhaps, after his success she could become a greater part of his story, but, as you already said, he has a lot on his plate right now. No time for her to be there now.

Jovie-she trusts Eric, he is like a father to her, so, she allows arron to reveal all but the fact that she saw it coming. She doesn't understand this power herself yet, or have the ability to control it. Don't worry Eric with that bit yet.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say let it loose. It's hanging over them now. Best 'clear the air'.

Glad to see this one continuing!
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

reveal all but the fact that she saw it coming.

So you mean reveal that she was attacked, and how it might have some conection to the prince, but not that she's a second-generation Ampera?

And another thing, what about Jovie's premonition that 'something bad' was going to happen? could it have something to do with her secret? Or even the mystery woman? How should Arron deal with that?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Jovie's premonition was just of general badness, then there's not much Arron can do besides be wary. Maybe he can get some more information from her on the specifics of her premonition, if there are any.

It seems like Jovie would want to tell Eric what's going on. But perhaps it is better that he not know she's second generation, the less people that know that, the better.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess the tricky part about this is that Jovie is only a kid after all, and might not even be able to keep secrets like this from someone she respects so much. it's difficult enough for Arron, who's an adult, even if he does have good reasons for his silence.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the poll's over. Telling Eric everything won. Expect chapter 11 shortly....
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:50 am    Post subject: Chapter 11: Escalation (part one) Reply with quote

?I think we should tell Erick what happened, everything that happened. I think he deserves to know.?

Arron sighed, relieved that the matter was at least decided now.
?If that?s what you want Jovie. Go tell Erick I need to speak with him, but don?t come back with him. In case he?reacts, I don?t want you to be there.?
Jovie nodded and turned back to the palace. Arron thought it was odd that the first time Jovie visited a real palace, a place she belonged by birth, should be marked by so much secrecy about her heritage. He waited for Erick in the fields the prince had disappeared in, taking advantage of the opportunity to examine the scene. He found an area trampled down by the scuffle, there were footprints belonging to both a child and multiple adults, but not a single shred of any other evidence, save the eastward direction they headed in. He was just turning to leave, when something caught his eye. Very faintly, so light that it hardly left and impression, was an extra set of footprints, an extra child?s footprints. Arron followed them back to the edge of the woods surrounding the castle. They approached apart from the four assailants, stopped several yards behind where the actual attack took place, then headed back on their own.

He searched the area where the second child?s footprints ceased, and found more, definitely older, and again a third set older than those, all belonging to the same person. Around these mysterious tracks, Arron discovered several crusts of stale bread and an empty water skin, decomposing in the mud. He estimated that before the attack, at least three times this unknown person had approached, hidden themselves, and observed the young prince in the fields. A sick feeling rose up in the pit of Arron?s stomach. Had someone likewise spied on Jovie before attacking? Could that be why they had been prepared to deal with him? Did this mean the rest of the Ampera in Warden?s refuge were in danger? He sat down on a rock to wrestle with the possible answers, this situation was quickly escalating, and something very strange was behind it. Before he could form a conclusion however, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Erick had found him.

?Arron, Jovie said you needed to speak to me??

The anxious, haunted look he?d worn the night before was still there, and judging from his demeanor, Arron guessed his old friend hadn?t slept the entire night.

?Yes, I want to speak to you about Jovie. But come into the woods a little ways, this isn?t for anyone else?s ears.?

As they made their way into the forest, Arron had a flashback to that horrible day when he and Timothy had parted company. Was history about to repeat itself?

?Erick, you could tell last night that Jovie was?different, than usual??

?Then something did happen! Arron, what happened to Jovie??

?She?s alright, don?t make yourself anxious about that. But yes, something did happen while you were away, yesterday morning to be exact.?

?Arron, please, just tell me what it was.?

?There was an?attempt to abduct her, much like the prince.?

Erick started, more confused than alarmed at this information.

?Someone tried to kidnap Jovie? But why? And how did they know where to find her??

?I don?t have the answers yet, but this incident with the prince resembled what happened in many ways: Four men, in black, and even though I was with her, they managed to incapacitate me. Whoever is doing this knows what they are doing, and must have some definite plan.?

?Wait a minute. You just said that these people got the better of you??


?Then?how did Jovie escape from them??

?She didn?t, they never captured her.?

Erick?s jaw dropped slightly as he struggled to comprehend what Arron was saying.

?You don?t mean she fought them off herself?!?

?Yes, that?s what I mean, and part of why I believe that what happened to her might be connected to what happened to the prince?.you might want to sit down, old friend.?

Erick, already looking dazed, sat down slowly on a rock beside Arron.

?What could you tell me that?s more shocking then what you?ve already said??

?A good deal I?m afraid. You see, there is a reason Jovie was able to defend herself, even though she didn?t even realize how. She?s?special, even for an ampere. As difficult as this must be for you to hear, I have to tell you. Erick, Jovie is-?

But Arron never got to finish his sentence.

Sorry to end it there, I'll have the rest by the end of the week

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Erick raised his hand, cutting Arron off.

"Don't say it Arron!"

Arron stopped, startled by Erick's command. Erick sat, staring at the ground, an inscrutable expression on his face.

"I...I think maybe you're the one that needs to sit down."

Thunder rumbled in the distance, Arron sat beside his friend and watched him struggle for words.

"Arron, about Jovie, there is nothing that you need to confide in me about. A part of me hoped that you would, if only to know that you respected my discretion, but I understand why you kept things to yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Jovie....I know Arron, I've always known."

The world seemed to slow to a crawl for Arron. The storm that had heralded its approach a moment before began to close in. Clouds sprawled across the sky, obscuring the sun. A cold wind breathed the memory of winter frost through the forest.

" know that she's-"

"I know both who and what she is, there is no need to put it into words."

"But how did you know?"

"Honestly Arron, you don't have much faith in my intelligence, do you? Did you think I would take no note of the fact that the very day the war in Malya ended, a refugee came to me for help? Did you assume that the fact that your teachers were so desperate to get Jovie back was lost on me? Do you really think me that dense son?"

"Then...all this time, you knew about Jovie?"

"I have known about her, and a few things about you too."

Arron looked sharply at the Captain and jumped to his feet.

"Be careful Erick, friend that you are, you are treading on dangerous ground."

Arron fixed Erick with an icy stare that most people had never been able to contend with. The Captain met his gaze, and to Arron's utter shock, tears welled up in his eyes."

"Arron, I was right, wasn't I? Nearly the first moment I met you and Jovie, I could tell you had been through something dreadful, and I was right. I could tell you had scars."

Arron was struck dumb by his friend?s words, and his feet were rooted to the spot. "Could he really know?" He thought silently. In any other man, the thought would have been accompanied by fear, but Arron felt only a vague sense of surprise...and anger. Erick continued.

"I believed that even though they didn't show, your scars were as bad as mine, but in that belief I was mistaken. The scars you have are worse than mine Arron, because you let them fester. The burdens you carry, you insist on carrying alone."

"What exactly do you claim to know about me I haven't told you?"

"It's what you've never told anyone that I know. Not even your former teacher, Timothy, he didn't even know. At first it was just a suspicion, but the dates lined up to well to let me leave the matter alone."


"Yes, not the dates pertaining to Jovie, but the ones before her birth, before the war in Malya, and right after Jarrells rebellion. I knew there was someone you reminded me off.?

Arron's eyes widened as he looked at his friend, then slowly closed in resignation.

"Erick do you wish me to understand that you know..."

"I know everything. Why you always keep to yourself, why you seem old before your time, why you've never given anyone your surname."

Erick took a deep breath. Time came to a standstill, waiting for Arron's reaction, waiting for a moment its fate hinged on. Erick looked his friend in the eye, and spoke almost inaudibly.

"Arron, I know who you are."

Okay, a bit of a weird dp, but one that could go in several directions. So Arron's had the tables turned on him, who exactly is he? He could be connected to some of the characters we already know, or something completely new.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, there hasn't been any responses yet. I'll let it go another week and I suppose I could put my own poll up or maybe re-write the chapter...
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey GG, well and truly missed this one!

You need to go through and spell check the last bit, it has some fairly horrible spelling mistakes in.

Now, for the DP...

The problem is, due to the long delay between chapters, I've forgotten who's who! Could you put a synopsis in and then I can make a suggestion.

Sorry! Embarrassed
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing China Wink

Part one:

Arron rescued Jovie (King Kazhere's kid) from the end of the war, which cuased a violent altercation with Timothy, his teacher. Arron won the fight, leaving Timothy and the Army captain Margo to wonder what happened to him. Timothy convinced the Ampera's leaders to let him search for Arron, and was accompanied by his rival, Anne. Meanwhile, Arron was befriended and quickly abandoned by Nate, a shady Ampera sailor. While wondering what to do, Nate's battle-traumatized captain, Eric Millstone, saw him and was reminded of the person who saved him from Jarrell's last stand. Arron joined Eric's crew, which was quickly attacked by Timothy and Anne. Arron held off the attack, and suggested that Eric release him so as not to endanger his crew. Eric refused, insisting on protecting the two children, and the crew evaded their attackers. They arrived in a foreign port, only to discover that Millstone's friend Jim Warden, known for hiding Ampera, had been imprisoned and condemned to death. Arron helped rescue Warden, and trusted Jovie in a young girl named Abby's care. The attempt was successful, and Arron used the situation to his advantage to fake his own death and throw Timothy off his track.

Part two:

Jovie now about ten years old, is attacked by mysterious assailants and inadvertently kills them, not knowing her strength. Arron tells her who she is, which she takes surprisingly well. Later that day, Eric returns, and brings a visitor with him who turns out to be the King of Nadoria, who has had countless Ampera killed. He asks Arron to help him find his kidnapped son, whom he is ashamed to admit is an Ampera, and Arron begrudgingly agrees, although demanding the King return the favor he owes him later on. At the castle, Eric notices that Jovie is behaving oddly, and while Arron debates whether or not to tell him the truth, he makes the acquaintance of a mysterious woman and is somewhat smitten with her. Obtaining Jovie's permission, he decides to tell Eric about her, but is surprised when Eric reveals that he figured out who she was long ago, and also knows Arron's true identity, which he has tried his whole life to keep a secret.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yet another story whose author's loss to this fair city, I morn. Cheated, jaded, I feel left hanging on this story which hooked me in, drew me close, and leaves me craving more like a sailor who has drank of the sea. My only hope is that the brillant mind that created this tantilizing tale is alive, well, and if they have any sense in their head publish this work which has quickly captured my imagination and broke my heart in two.
Possibilities are the food of the imgination.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I decided the best way to deal with this situation is to add another part to this chapter and go from there

Capter 11 (part three)

Arron met his old firned's gaze streadily.

"Erick, get to the point."

Erick nodded and began speaking like one who knows he's taking a great risk.

"When I first met you, I told you that your face was like that of a man who saved my life."

"Yes, I remember."

"His name was Daniel Castle. He was a captain among the Ampera sent to stop the massacare of my home town."

Arron shifted uncomfortably.

"What does that to do with me?"

"Arron, you know full well what it has to do with you. That man was your father."

Arron shook his head impatiently.

"So I'm the son of an Ampera captain, many of those soldiers had children who also shared their talents."

Erick sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before continuing.

"Old friend, there is no point in trying to hide the full truth from me. I've spent years tracking your past in my travels, and I know about what happend to your family."

Arron stoped, and sat slowly. He didn't look at Erick while he spoke.

"They were murdered."

he said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Arron. It was a most brutal and cruel thing they did. They burned your house down with your family still in it."

"You know why?"

"I do."

"All becuase my father was an Ampera."


Arron looked slowly at his friend, a dull panic rising withing him.

"It was becuase your father was an ampera.." Continued Erick, "...and so was your mother."

Arron was never sure afterwards how long he and his firend sat there, saying nothing. He only had a vague memory afterwards of what he did next.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Short, but hopefully none of you saw that one comming. So, what does Arron do now that his secret is out. I'm going to go ahead and dismiss his attacking Erick as an options, since that too far out of character for him.. He might threaten him though, or he could break down and try to face his grief. In any case, his ralationship with his friend will be drastically affected by the next choice.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm up to Chapter 10 on this now, and taking a breather, so will post something more coherent on this soon! Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool Cool , No rush, thanks for reaing Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I too shall be working to catch up... not sure how far into this I got the last time I was reading it either so it might be a full read through to do so. But I do intend to, so at least at first, please tread slowly here so that I may.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing, I've left this story off for a long time, so I don't expect everyone to remember all the intricate details Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I finally caught up, and I'm glad I did Smile

Arron's not used to relying on anyone but himself. I think Erick's intrusion into his secrets is going to cause him to panic.

Despite their long friendship, I think Arron's going to be worried that, like everyone else in his life, Erick is looking to use him - and Jovie too, now. He's going to test the friendship, maybe not deliberately, but through voicing his suspicions and fears. Maybe he'll try to get some distance from Erick in the upcoming mission to help the king.

He and Jovie are both Ampera-squared. That means they're both automatically a danger to those around them - or a weapon to be used by those around them. Except that both of them are choosing not to be. And this, I think, is Arron's way out of the dilemma, in the end.

Just as he believes he has free will over fate, he has to recognise that others do too. People seek to destroy those with power, or use them for their own purposes, yes - but it doesn't mean that Erick has to. Erick has a choice, and his friendship over the years has been true and reliable (or so we might assume, given their current relationship). He sees Jovie as the daughter he never had, and logically it seems unlikely he'd do anything to hurt her, or those she's close to.

Given time I think Arron will come around, but for now he'll try to gain space from what he perceives to be threatening him.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay I am now also all caught up.

I had thought, early on when he first found Jovie that he might also be the product of two Ampera parents, and that suspicion was reaffirmed when he had reached level 3 training but still had not been classified as a physical or mental Ampera - (all the others usually show which side of the ability they major in by level 1 training as far as I remember)

That would, I guess, mean there was a good possibility that he was gifted in both sides, but surely, wouldn't he have realised that he was many times more powerful than his Ampera colleagues by now? Also, in the way that Ampera can sense when they are in the presence of one another, are they able to sense the extent of each others abilities, and ultimately whether they are in the presence of a full-blooded second generation Ampera?

I would suggest that because of the way this story has been told, and there are only hints so far that he's exceptional with his powers, that he disbelieves Erick. He tells him he has got it wrong, or at the very least, demands that Erick proves his theory.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting, I hadn't thought of Arron being ignorent of his own past. As for the way Ampera sense each other, they just know when thry are in eachother's presence, they can't tell how powerful they are, although Jovie is much better at locating her fellow Ampera than most.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*claps hands and gives Greek_girl candy* You do realize this one of my favorite stories ever!

I'm going to agree with Crunchy, the idea of him not knowing his past appeals to me somehow.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, That really is interesting, now that I think of it. I;ll try and work with that and will probably have the next chapter out by next week.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up, I'll let run till friday
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

can some one please break the tie?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is closed now. I'll get the next chapter out right away
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Twelve: The Confrontation

Arron stood to his feet, struggling to keep himself under control. In a fit of anger, he turned his back on his friend and slammed his fist into a nearby tree. A loud crack resounded through the forest.

“How long have you known?”

He asked at length, in a voice that veiled his anger.

“A few years.”

“If you knew all this time, why did you hide it from me? What use was it to keep it secret?”

“Arron, are you honestly implying that I meant to use this knowledge against you?”

“What else am I to think? You pried into my past, without my knowledge, and you held back for years the fact that knew the ugliest truths of my life.”

“I know these are painful memories to awaken son, but-”

Arron looked Erick dead in the eye.

“I am not your son.”

He said quietly, and left Erick alone in the gathering darkness.

Arron made his way into the grand hallway of the palace. As he approached the doubled doors leading to the throne room, a servant attempted to forestall him. Arron ignored his protests and barged through the doors. The King and the young woman from before were conversing earnestly. They looked up, startled, as Arron stalked towards them. The large double doors slammed shut, sending an echo through the entire hall, just as he reached them.

“You Majesty,” he said curtly “I have gathered enough information to begin my search. I will require four horses and supplies for the journey, in addition to a few weapons.”

“Uh. Of course,” the King sputtered, taken off guard, “You may have anything you need, but why four horses?”

“One for me and both my companions,” Arron replied, then gestured briefly at the young woman, “And one for your niece.”

The woman stared at Arron in shock.

“How on earth did you know who I am?”

“Your clothes are torn but they are still to fine to belong to a servant, such as a messenger, and no one else would be allowed to see a king on such short notice. In addition, in the stables you nearly called the King by his first name. Only a family member could get away with such informality. His Highness only has one child, and one married brother. Seeing as his brother's wife has three sons, you are obviously to young for that. Hence you must be the kings niece. You are Lady Angeline Dragonsbane, if I am not mistaken.”

Angeline looked at Arron and crossed her arms.

“Fair enough. But what makes you think I'm should go with you on this little adventure?”

“Cover, mostly. It will allow me and my friends to pass as your servants. Furthermore, as you pointed out earlier, I am a foreigner. No one will be happy to answer questions I put to them. You, on the other hand, a high born Lady of this land, will command respect and cooperation from most everyone.”

“Then you don't have any scruples about taking a lady into a potentially dangerous situation?”


Angeline stared at Arron carefully without responding. The King reacted with outrage to Arron's words.

“Out of the question! I am not going to send my brother's child on this mission. If you think you can order a king around simply because-”

“Angelo,” The lady interrupted. “if you don't mind I'm perfectly capable of making this choice myself.”

What does Angeline decide?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. Difficult one to decide, not knowing the character of Angeline that well. If she didn't want to go with Arron, she wouldn't have interrupted the Kings refusal to let her go. It'd be a bit strange if she followed the line: 'if you don't mind I'm perfectly capable of making this choice myself' - with 'er, yes Angelo you're right, I'm not going with him.'

What else could she logically say after that than 'Ok I'll go'.
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