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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok, someone voted on the "Andolyn only" vote. the purpose of that one is so that i can automatically see poll results when i come to the forum. it isnt a story option...could whoever that was pick an actual option please? lol i'd like to have the next chapter up tonight. =)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*flails arms in the air* Done.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andolyn woke to find that she was both warm and dry. When she opened her eyes, she was in a large cave that was lighted by a roaring fire. Barden must have gone out in the storm to collect the wood for the fire. He really was her knight, Andolyn thought. Barden sat staring at the flames with his arms wrapped around his folded legs. His bold chin rested on his knees. The hawk that Kellan had given Andolyn sat behind the young man on a boulder. The basket Kellan had lined with furs had kept her safe and warm through the harsh night. Spade was still sleeping near the fire on the other side, but his color seemed to Andolyn to be nearly perfect.

“Well, hello there,” Barden smiled, hearing the girl stir. Andolyn rose and sat next to him. She shivered now that she had removed her blankets, and Barden put a warm arm around her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, leaning on his shoulder. Barden rested his head on hers in reply. “Barden?” Andolyn was struck with a sudden curiosity and looking for something--anything to talk about.

“Yes?” his reply was soft and tired.

“Where did you grow up?” she questioned.

“My past isn’t all that colorful, Andy,” Barden laughed quietly.

“I don’t care,” she moved to where she could look him in the eye. “You are important to me. It’s important to me to know where you come from.” Barden grabbed her head and pulled it back to his shoulder.

“Alright, alright,” he laughed again. “My name’s really Joshua,” at this, Andolyn raised an eyebrow at him, “I know, well, it’s Joshua Barden. I grew up in a town on a small island just off the coast of Bridlestrom. My hometown was an average size: small enough that everyone cared about everyone but big enough that we weren’t all related. My parents were hard working and funny, but kept to themselves for the most part. I have an older brother that I love dearly."

Here, the young man paused, looking at the fire as though remembering a long lost regret.

"I simply got tired of living in the same place with the same people, so I came to the mainland when I was sixteen. I got a steady job and a small house, but then I got bored. I’m not one to tie myself down for very long, so I decided just to roam the country as I would. I picked up odd jobs for people wherever I went to get by. A few months later, I met Spade. He seemed to be a kindred spirit, so we started exploring Ardara together, making trouble for everyone wherever we went. The rest is history, I guess.”

Andolyn sat up and examined him with her emerald eyes. “See,” she said flatly, “I find that to be very colorful.”

The two of them gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Andolyn fought with the idea of leaning closer to his masculine face. The inviting warmth of the man’s personality was much more magnetic than she’d realized before…

But no, Barden was one of the most caring, and for lack of a better term, cuddly individuals Andolyn had ever known, and she loved him dearly—but she knew she was not in love with him. There was another that had sparked her heart. He was carrying out his duties, but anxiously awaiting word of her safe passage to Handunburg from back in Darbinshire.

Barden felt similar emotions. Andolyn was dear to his heart, but he knew she was not God’s plan for him.

Pulling back, Andolyn sighed and stared at the ground, “very colorful,” she muttered. Barden reached over and pulled the stubborn girl’s head back to his shoulder. He smiled thoughtfully and stared at the fire.


Soon, Andolyn had convinced Barden to let her have a shift of keeping watch so he could get some sleep. The hours passed with little event, and Andolyn’s mind began to wander. How far her life had come in these few short years. Among other things, Andolyn’s thoughts went to the days of her childhood to when the Emporium was just being built…and to Ebony.

Ebony had come from a tribe of people known as the Allabain. Normally they were a nomadic people, but Ebony’s parents had chosen the woodland on the outskirts of Darbinshire as a place for their permanent home when Prince Radan came to power. The Allabain are known for their abilities in the arts of enchantment, and mostly because of their skill, they were rarely trusted. For the same reason, Radan had turned to genocide when they refused to join with his armies.

The Emporium was built originally as a safe house for the Allabain people, and for those who had managed to stay alive, the purpose still remained. Ebony’s parents built it so that to the outside eye, it appeared to be but a small cottage, but in reality, it was a city all its own. This served a dual role in that, were the Emporium ever discovered in the deep forest, it would not appear suspicious and could in fact be made to look like a normal cottage inside as well when necessary, but it was also bigger on the inside to satisfy the outrageous sense of humor that Ebony’s parents had always possessed.

When the girls were thirteen years old, Ebony’s parents were discovered and killed, leaving the Emporium to their young daughter. The McNeils had offered to take the girl in, but it wasn’t necessary as the Allabain take care of their own.
Living in the Emporium, Ebony still had a family, and she was well taken care of.

Three years ago, Andolyn and Roselyn had been ordered to the castle to begin their training as princesses. Not to be left out, Ebony had ventured to secure a job in the stables. Hiding her identity as one of the Allabain, she had remained safe and close to everything happening in the lives of her two friends.

Andolyn could never thank her enough for her constant companionship. No danger had been too great. Ebony’s family and her own had always found a way to keep the girls in contact, and Ebony saw fit to continue that even when doing so meant facing her greatest enemy.

From there, her thoughts went to Roselyn. Like Barden, Rosie would probably have categorized her life as “less than colorful”. Though born in the mountainous regions near Handunburg and Bellshire, Roselyn’s family, her mother, father, and two younger siblings, had moved to Bridlestrom when she was very young.
Though they were complete opposites, she and Andolyn were best of friends from the moment they had met.

If you were to look up the word princess in a dictionary of that day, you would probably have found Roselyn’s picture next to it. Her insatiable “girliness” as Andolyn referred to it perfectly balanced Andolyn’s own adventurous tomboy spirit. Whenever they played, Rosie would be the damsel in distress, and Andolyn would use her vast collection of pocket knives and other sharp objects to come “save” her.

It was easy to see why Rocas had selected Roselyn above all others—her lively imagination and witty sense of humor left everyone she came in contact with begging to see more of her.

Andolyn couldn’t imagine what she’d done to merit being blessed with such friends as she had, but she was grateful none the less. Her only prayer now was that she would see them again.


The storm raged on throughout the rest of the night and the following day. When Spade was finally awake, the three of them amused themselves by singing and dancing around the fire. Spade pulled out his real deck of cards and proceeded to irritate Barden by continually baffling him with tricks.

As the sun went down, the storm died down with it, and the trio set out again. Andolyn giggled at the snow that grazed along the bottoms of her booted feet as the horse struggled to move forward.

Barden was surprised when something soft hit him full in the back of the head. He whipped around, ready to take on any enemy that dared to follow them on this road, but instead he saw Andolyn giggling mischievously and preparing her next attack. Both of them dismounted, and a snowball fight ensued. Spade got in on the action as well, only from atop his horse.

As with most “fights” the two young men took to pelting each other as hard as they could with the frozen balls. Eventually, Spade took a direct hit to the head that sent him flying off his horse and harmlessly into the soft snow bank.

“I’m ok!” he shouted with his hands in the air.

“Where’s Andolyn?” Barden laughed. Just before the two of them could become concerned, the girl popped up from her hiding place in the waist high snow. The element of surprise gave her just the advantage she needed to gain the upper hand against the two young men.

The rest of the night went on in similar fashion, and by the time the trio made it to another cave, they were exhausted, but happy.


One more day of travelling brought them into the town of Handunburg. This “town” was more of a village it was so small, but the people were warm, and so were their houses. It didn’t take the travelers long to spot the inn, seeing as it was the most busy place in the village after the sun had set.

Barden entered first to check the three of them in. Once their things had been unpacked and the horses were comfortable in the stable, the three went to the tavern downstairs for some food. Still leery of strangers, Barden entered first with Andolyn on his heels and Spade close behind her. They found a table in one of the darker corners. Barden went to the bar to order their meals. He came back with a pint for himself and Spade and a glass of tea for Andolyn. Soon they were eating happily and watching the night’s entertainment.

When the lively song had finished—after the third encore—someone yelled out in the crowd.

“Where’s Alberich?”

“Yeah, Alberich!” another called. “Alberich, tell us a story!”

Handunburg was known for being somewhat disloyal to the crown, but given their mostly peaceful nature—and the fact that they were a heavily armed population—the royal family chose to leave them to themselves. Alberich, the town’s historian, was the sole keeper of the true history of Ardara, and it was his job to preserve it and pass it on to anyone who would listen.

The man was tall, well built, and in his early thirties. His brown hair was neatly clipped in the fashion of most of the learned men in Ardara, and his face sported a slight scruffy beard. He wore a long, brown robe, and limped when he walked.

As he made his way to a chair on the stage, Alberich began his tale. He told of the beautiful place Ardara used to be under the true royal family. He told of their kind, generous nature and their love of the people they ruled.

“There was no such thing as hunger in those days. No starvation. The king and queen made certain of that. They would give goods of their own table before seeing one of their people go hungry.”

Then the story turned dark when he began to tell of the treachery of the Hallams—originally advisors to the royal family. He spoke of the violent overthrowing of the family and the bloodthirsty traitors they had enlisted over the years to infiltrate every corner of Ardara and ensure the obedience of the citizens.

“Early in the reign of the 15th King and Queen of the line Kavanagh the traitors moved from the shadows where they had lurked for generations. Our king and queen and anyone loyal to them in Darbinshire were killed instantly. Those who chose to stand against them in the following weeks were slaughtered by the thousands. Civil war began between the criminal supporters of the Hallams and those of the Kavanaghs, but with no head to lead them, the true citizens of Ardara were eventually crushed. That was the beginning of the Underground. Led by a hand full of the Kingdom’s military leaders that survived the initial attack, the citizens of Ardara have spent the last five decades fighting and enduring every torture that wretched family can invent to regain what is theirs. The Hallams took the land by force, and though they have fought to bind us to secrecy with their laws and tortures, Ardara will not sleep forever!”

At this point, the townspeople listening—though they had heard the story many times before—started to get angry and restless.

“There is hope!!” Alberich threw his hands in the air to calm them, “a legend has been passed down through the leaders of the Underground since its beginning. That legend holds that one of the infant daughters of the king and queen, Maira, survived! It is written that she escaped and eventually bore two children—twins. They are said to have been hidden, and only the princess’s most trusted advisors—who were charged with keeping the newborns safe—knew their identities.”

Here, everyone in the room, including the silent travelers at the back table, leaned forward in expectation.

“Now, it is our duty to pray for the safe return of the children of Maira Kavanagh, and the downfall of tyranny!”

Cheering ensued, but Andolyn was in a state of shock. She now knew the name she had searched for, but didn’t feel any closer to finding peace for Ardara.


I know that was long...but I owed you all for the last one being so short. Wink
Anyways, we now are finally getting some information! What do we do with it? Send a hawk to Kellan or Damien to see what they know about it? Corner Alberich to see if that was the whole story? Sit and wait awhile? you decide!!
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wowee! Long chapter but a good chunk of information in this one dear! So.. CORNER THE STORYTELLER!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Lil!

Any more suggestions before we move on?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The night dragged on, and slowly the villagers went back to their homes to settle in. Alberich remained silent at a table in the far corner of the room. He was surprised when a young stranger came boldly to his table. The young man supported himself on a cane of the finest quality Alberich had seen in a long time. He handed the scholar a piece of paper.

Room 207. She needs answers to questions that cannot be asked here.

The message was simple. Alberich looked up to question the young man, but he had vanished.

Later that night, when nearly everyone had gone, Alberich slid silently through the halls of the inn until he came to the room that was instructed in the note. His hand found the dagger that lay hidden in his cloak, and he knocked on the door.

Barden answered. Alberich was surprised at the young man’s height and build. It was not often he found someone he could look in the eye without stooping.
Barden motioned for the man to enter. The room was dark, but when the door was fully closed, several lamps and the fireplace lit up with a motion of the hand that had brought him the note. The two young men Alberich had already encountered hovered nervously; it didn’t take the scholar long to realize why.

On the other side of the room, near the frosty window, sat a graceful young woman with piercing emerald eyes. She scanned Alberich questioningly, and he moved toward her. As if by instinct, both young men slid defensively closer to the girl.

“It’s alright,” the woman spoke quietly. “There is no danger to me here.” With her permission, Alberich sat near her. “My name is Andolyn Grace McNeil.” She said. At this, Alberich stood and bowed deeply.

“Milady”, he had never dreamed of meeting the woman that had brought such hope to the cities in the west.

“Please, sit,” Andolyn blushed. “You spoke of children in your story. Do you know how to find them?”

Alberich’s eyes grew downcast. “Unfortunately, as I said in the tavern, only the advisors who became their guardians knew the children’s identities. Some say they became leaders in the Underground; others are more to the idea that the guardians fled Ardara with them. I can’t say really, but I do know this. It is written that, as with all those of the royal bloodline they will be identified by the symbol of the royal crest tattooed on their skin.” Alberich held up a pendant to show her what he meant. “Normally with royal births, the whole symbol would be placed on the arm, but if the legend is true, they were the first set of twins. The mark would have been split between them.”

Andolyn stood and backed away, her eyes wide. Spade clutched his arm and looked to the princess. Barden had once again missed the exchange and peered at the symbol.

“How old would the children be?” he studied the silver design. Alberich fumbled his words, alarmed by the girl’s behavior.

“Uh, well,” he stammered, “given that almost fifty years have passed since the overthrowing of the kingdom, I would say they would be,” he paused to think, “just about twenty years old by now.”

Andolyn’s face went ghostly white. She looked at Spade for some form of comfort, but he looked as horrified as she felt. How? How after all these years? How could they have just run into each other by sheer chance?

“Andy?” Barden had noticed the girl’s distress. Brought back to the tiny room by his voice, she rolled up her sleeve with shaking hands. There it was, just above the brace that held her wrist in place, was her half of the beautiful, intricate design. Now it was Alberich’s turn to be taken aback. He fell to his knees.

“Princess!” Andolyn pulled him back to his feet.

“That isn’t all,” she shook her head. Spade stepped into the light, and raised the sleeve of his left arm. They put their arms together to complete the crest.
Barden was completely speechless, but in the dim lamplight the truth was unmistakable. Their golden hair was identical in shade, and now that he thought about it, Barden noticed the similarities in the impish faces of his friends. He composed himself quickly.

“Dude!” Barden wore a smug grin, “if you’re a prince…what does that make me?? I mean, we are a family after all!”

Alberich was back on his knees with overwhelmed tears in his eyes.

“I had hoped that one day we would find at least one of you,” he shook his head, “but to think, both of you! Here! In our little inn…”

Again, Andolyn pulled the man to his feet.

“Please,” she whispered. “You do not owe us this respect. We have done nothing to deserve it,” here she looked at Spade with a heartfelt smile, “but we will!”


Kellan grew frustrated with his fingers. They weren’t opening the letter he had just received quickly enough. The hawk on the table behind him was growing frustrated with Kellan’s fingers for not giving her a treat for bringing him that letter.

Finally, the frustrated man got the thing open. The parchment was as ordinary as any Kellan had ever seen, but the graceful handwriting that flowed on its pages made all the difference.


We finally made it to Handunburg. The road was hard over the mountains, but Barden got us through. We had a snowball fight at one point. Spade is doing well. He’s still weak, but the cane you made for him keeps him going.

We found out something interesting when we got here. Turns out Spade and I are twins! Who would have thought? According to the town historian, we think we know who the former rulers of Ardara were…and we think Spade and I are their grandchildren. I know it’s crazy, but everything adds up. Spade and I have tattoos that we’ve had for forever that make up the Kavanagh family crest, and we’re the exact age of the children that escaped…

We’re so close, Kellan. Now we just have to figure out what to do next. I hope to hear from you soon. Pass some news to Roselyn if it’s possible. Tell Ebony I miss and love her. Oh, and give Lunaria a treat. She’s been a good little friend.

Andolyn Grace

Kellan sat back in his chair; this was a lot to soak in. He had to say, he wasn’t surprised that Andolyn was royalty. It suited her well, but Spade?? That was almost too much for the blacksmith to absorb. It looked as though he would be making another trip to see Ebony soon; she’d kill him if he didn’t tell her what was going on.

The hawk nipped at Kellan’s strong hand. Lunaria, Andolyn had named her. It was a pretty name. Kellan grabbed a piece of the meat he had been eating before the hawk’s arrival and tossed it to her.


What DO they do now? do they wait in Handunburg for an opportunity to arise? Wait for Kellan to form a plan with the Underground? Lay low and let their escape blow over? You decide!!
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9744 Fables

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wait for Kellan to come up with a plan? Pah! No way. As it is said in the story, Spade and Andolyn are the rightful rulers! So.. in Handunburg, you need to collaberate with the storyteller and figure out a way to get a message to all of the people that would be loyal to the line of Kavanagh. Which shouldn't be hard since they were once much-loved by their people. Once you've got assured loyalty on your side, search for any and all information as proof and march straight into the 'Prince's' front doors and confront him with something he CAN'T refuse!

Great chapter Andi! Great flow and easy read. Kellan's frustration amuses me for some reason... Razz


© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Andy!

Finally got a chance to read this, been busy busy with studies T_T.

I have to agree with Lil on this one, there is no way that they can just sit and wait, they have to do something. Time to get some plans a rolling. =3

I would not exist if it twas day, so therefore I do not wish for light.
I want the dark, I want the night.
For my name is MIDNIGHT!

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Vikas Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


It was brilliant reading those 2 chapters together. I LOVED IT!!

Hmm.. The DP? I think Kellan tells Roselyn and Ebony, and The storyteller tells the loyalists at The Inn. Get support from people, form a mini-army if possible, but no sitting back now. Its time for action!
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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12390 Fables

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks guys!! Very Happy since you all now know the secret...see what you think of the reality!!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, what did Spade do this time? Razz Great photos Andi, you're gorgeous and sassy in both. Wink

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Vishal Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOAHHH!! I KNEW that the mark was something important!! Sorry it took me so long to catch up, but hey, exams are done!!!!!

I loved the chapters An! Superbly done. I have a feeling that we're getting closer to the end of this story Wink

Anyway,.. For the DP, I'll go with my brother. Blow the trumpet and make some noise!! Smile

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Tikanni Corazon
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Andi!

Firstly, my apologies for not getting to this sooner. I was indisposed for most of last week, and it just completely slipped my mind. So for that I'm very sorry. But, in doing so, I have the pleasure of agreeing with Vishal. Reading the two chapters together was a very enjoyable read. Very well done. And the pictures are wonderful too. Thanks for sharing them. Smile

I very much enjoyed the slippet about Ebony's culture and history. It gives yet another facet to this wonderful tale of yours, and in doing so, I'm wondering if Ebony's character may become a bigger part of the story than it already is? Possibly I'm just reading too much into that though. Wink

I found one small thing in the first of the two chapters, and it's something I'm not even sure if it's valid, but I thought I should point it out anyway, just in case...

The Allabain are known for their abilities in the arts of enchantment, and mostly because of their skill, they were rarely trusted.

As I said, I'm not sure, but I think that, going by the rest of the text, this possibly should be 'were' rather than 'are'. But I'll need that to be confirmed.

And in the second, I found these...

There it was, just above the brace that held her wrist in place, was her half of the beautiful, intricate design. Now it was Alberich’s turn to be taken aback. He fell to his knees.

One of the parts in red needs to be removed. I personally think that removing the former would sound better, but both will work. Smile

Kellan grew frustrated with his fingers. They weren’t opening the letter he had just received quickly enough. The hawk on the table behind him was growing frustrated with Kellan’s fingers for not giving her a treat for bringing him that letter.

This is an opinion based critique, but I think the two sentences would sound better if the double usage of being frustrated with Kellan's fingers was fixed. It would need a little rearranging though. Maybe something like...

Kellan grew frustrated with his fingers. They weren’t opening the letter he had just received quickly enough. The hawk perched on the table behind him had started to look a little disgruntled at not being given a treat for delivering the message.

As there is also a 'frustrated' in the following sentence as well, the writing would flow alot better if you get rid of at least one of them. Also gets rid of the double usage of 'letter'. But it's just a suggestion. Smile

For the dp...I'm going along the same lines as the others. The people of Handunburg seem very much loyal to the former royal family, and with the tattoos as proof, I'm sure they can soon get the entirity of the population behind them. And, as the town is also mostly left to itself by the crown, with them being a mostly peaceful folk, an uprising would be the last thing an enemy would suspect. I say get the villagers behind them, and then move on with their new followers to the next town to gather more forces. One imagines that the people of Handunburg by themselves will not be enough to overthrow the crown.

As I said before, very well done, Andi! Looking forward to more soon! Keep up the good work! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well...everyone's in agreement on what should happen next...and i'm REALLY on a roll!! maybe writing is a good distraction. lol anyways, on with the story!!!


Another week passed in the quiet town of Handunburg, and the travelers had become quite comfortable there. Not having to hide themselves was a commodity the trio was sure they would never again experience, but here they were in this tiny mountain village, and they were not only accepted by the people, they were loved.

Alberich had sent word to the Kavanagh loyalists in the surrounding villages of the return of the heirs to the throne. For now, the only thing to be done was to wait for support to arrive…which for this particular trio was a welcome reprieve.

Barden and Spade had developed a good way of making honest money being the nightly entertainment in the tavern, and Andolyn found herself helping the tavern girls with little chores around the place.

One evening, Spade sat with Alberich and Barden on the front porch of the inn while they waited for Andolyn to return from the market. Off in the distance, they could see the girl walking with a basket of bread and other goods in her left hand, a simple cotton dress flowed down to her ankles, and her long hair was bound in a messy bunch of curls at the back of her head. Children skipped in circles around her as she went.

“She’s perfect,” Alberich breathed, “Utterly remarkable.” Though they agreed with him, the two young men looked at the scholar for his reasoning behind the statement. “She is her grandmother made over. She loves the people as if they are her own children.”

As if to emphasize the man’s observations, one of the children fell and scraped a knee in front of the princess and began to cry. Without hesitation, Andolyn dropped her basket and ran to the little girl. She picked her up and held her, promising everything would be alright. The child’s mother started to come to the girl’s aid, but saw Andolyn and turned to go back in the house with a contented smile. With the child on her hip, Andolyn picked her basket back up and proceeded down the road.

“She will be the perfect queen for our nation,” Alberich nodded, satisfied.

“Evening, Boys,” Andolyn sang as she walked past them, still holding the child and the groceries. “We’re going to make cookies, if you all are interested.”

Spade jumped up instantly to follow them to the cookies, and Barden only shook his head, laughing.

Several minutes later, Alberich and Barden went to the kitchen to see what was going on. The scene they entered into made Barden laugh even more. Even Alberich couldn’t stifle a small chuckle. Andolyn and the child were utterly covered in flour, happily cutting different shapes into the dough. Spade sat nearby hungrily watching them, until Andolyn saw fit to fling a flour-covered dough ball at him. All-out war ensued.

Fistfuls of flour flew in every direction imaginable. It was then that Barden wanted to get in on the action. The Battle was fierce, the boys against the princess and her new little shadow. When the little girl aimed a flour ball directly at Spade, Barden made a dramatic show of jumping in front of Spade and taking the hit.

“Barden!” screamed Spade, now kneeling over his fallen comrade, “NOOOOOO!!”
“Go on without me!” Barden answered pitifully, “for the cause!” With a new fire, Spade fought back, making the child squeal with delight.

Alberich was overjoyed to be watching the contagious youth of the true rulers of Ardara. The two of them had come through much, but still saw it of utmost importance to pause their quest and play with a child. These were the ones who would lead Ardara to its former glory.



It thrills me to know that you are well. Things here in Darbinshire are dark, as ever. Since your narrow escape, the prince has made patrols through the city more frequent than ever. I have moved into the Emporium to avoid detection for the time being. Ebony is well and sends her love. Roselyn has been forced out of the castle. I know not the reason, but to my knowledge she is leaving Ardara all-together. She plans to visit you before she goes, however, so watch for her arrival.

In the matter of a looming battle, the Underground is ready to move whenever we receive word. Be safe, Princess.

Yours humbly,

Andolyn had received many a letter from Kellan over the past month, and had sent many of her own. The two had become very close when September faded to October.

On the day of October the fourth, Andolyn bounced down the stairs of the inn to the tavern where Alberich and her two companions were discussing plans of attack on Darbinshire with the town’s officials. Without hesitation, she flung her arms around Spade’s neck and produced a small package.

“Happy Birthday!!” she sang happily.

“What?” Spade took the package, laughing, “How did you—oh, right.” Andolyn sat in front of him expectantly. Spade pulled the carefully tied ribbons and opened the wrapping paper he wasn’t sure where the princess found. When he opened the box that fell from the paper, a vest woven from the finest, silk-like fabric Spade had ever felt slid into his hands. It was crimson red with intricate black designs woven into the surface. The fabric was so light Spade could hardly tell he was holding it.

“Well?” Andolyn looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Given the nature of his upbringing, birthdays were never really acknowledged in Spade’s family, much less was he ever given a gift on the occasion.

“It’s,” he stammered, “It’s beautiful, Andy. Thank you…I’m sorry, but I didn’t think to get you anything…” his face was hot. Andolyn only beamed, and threw her arms around him.

“I know,” she said sweetly, “but having my family here and well is gift enough for me.” With that, she bounced out of the room and out of the tavern.

“You know,” Alberich stroked his beard thoughtfully, “It’s been quite a while since we had a good party around here…” The others looked at him with mischief in their eyes. “And it’s been a while since we’ve had a reason as sweet as her birthday to throw one.”

“Well then, that settles it!” Barden raised his glass. “Nettie!” He called to the tavern girl he knew was listening in on the conversation, “you think you’d be able to keep Andolyn busy in town for awhile?”

“Yessir!” the girl stepped from her hiding place and saluted him before running out the door after the princess.


The market at Handunburg had become one of Andolyn’s favorite places in the world. Everything could be found here. If you needed anything from food, to artwork, to the sort of gadgets you would find in the Emporium. Artisans and merchants from all over Ardara came to trade in this tiny town’s market. It was here that Andolyn had found the vest for Spade’s birthday present.

Though Andolyn loved looking at all the new merchandise, Nettie seemed to be particularly interested in showing her everything the merchants had brought today. They could have given her commission for the way she was up-talking everything she could touch. As the hours wore on, however, Andolyn began to grow anxious.

“You know, we should really get back to the tavern,” she said after placing yet another trinket back on the merchant’s table. “The boys will be getting hungry by now.”

“Oh, they’ll be fine,” Nettie promised her, “besides! My sister Hattie is still there. She’ll make sure they’re fed.”

“That’s what worries me,” Andolyn mumbled. Hattie was a “special” type of girl, one that liked to be noticed. Whether that attention came from the low cut blouses she wore or the fact that she always managed to spill something on any attractive man she was waiting on, it didn’t matter. That and the fact that the last time she had tried to make dinner she almost burned the entire inn and tavern down made Andolyn slightly nervous. “Is Keelin there today?”

“Of course!” Nettie was happy to give Andolyn anything to make her stay out longer. Keelin was a beautifully fair girl with a mind to match, and though he hadn’t said anything, Andolyn knew Spade had taken a particular fancy to the girl. She sensed the feeling was mutual and knew that if anyone would, Keelin would take care of Spade, at the very least. That only left Barden and now Alberich for Andolyn to worry about.

The truth was “the boys” were well taken care of since the entire town except the market traders were at the tavern preparing the biggest birthday party Handunburg had ever seen.

Suddenly, Andolyn ran straight into a hooded figure, causing everything they both were carrying to go flying in all directions.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Andolyn apologized as she fumbled to pick up everything that had fallen.

“You still need to work on watching where you’re going when you walk,” Andolyn knew that voice. When she looked up, she found herself face to face with the princess Roselyn. “Hi!”

“Rosie!!” Andolyn almost tackled the girl. “Kellan told me you’d be coming! I didn’t expect you this soon! What happened?”

“All in due time,” Roselyn shushed her. “For now, Happy Birthday!” she handed Andolyn two small packages, one from herself, and the other from Andolyn’s family in Bridlestrom. “They knew I’d be seeing you soon.” Without even opening the gifts, an overjoyed Andolyn wrapped her arms around Roselyn again.

“How are things in Darbinshire?” Andolyn’s curiosity was getting the best of her.

“Well,” this was not exactly the conversation Roselyn wanted on this happy day, but it was Andolyn’s day after all. “Rocas decided he no longer loved me, and he wants his brother to rule, so here I am.”

“Oh, Rosie! I’m so sorry!” Andolyn frowned.

“I’ll be alright,” Roselyn battled the tears that threatened to explode from her eyes at any moment. “It’s strange though, Radan’s been far too happy these last few days. I can’t imagine why, unless he’s got some sort of plan he’s devising.”

Andolyn had found the information she wanted, but at the price of making her friend cry. While searching for a new topic of discussion she realized Roselyn had yet to officially meet Barden and Spade.

“You have to meet my boys!” Andolyn jumped up, dragging Roselyn with her and ran for the tavern. Knowing she could delay her no longer, Nettie had already begun the trek back, and was able to give the party just enough time to hide before Andolyn came bursting through the door.

“Barden? Spade?” Andolyn squinted into the dark room. Suddenly the lights came on, and the entire town jumped from behind bar stools and tables with shouts of “Happy Birthday” for the shocked princess. Streamers and banners of every different color covered the ceiling of the tavern. Barden and Spade stood on the stage, ready to lead everyone in a rousing chorus of the “Happy Birthday” song followed by the ever irritating, off key, “And Many Moooooooreeeee!!!” from Barden and Spade themselves.

“Did you know about this??” Andolyn turned on Roselyn.

“Well, of course I did!” Roselyn looked away sheepishly. “Ok, no. Not really, but man! What great timing is THAT??”

“Thank you so much!” Andolyn embraced Barden and Spade when they approached her.

“Hey,” laughed Spade, “Thank Alberich. This was all his idea.” Andolyn didn’t need to be told twice. She pulled the tall man into a hug.

“Thank you!” her emerald eyes glittered up at him. He smiled back. Those eyes really could be her grandmother’s, he thought to himself.

Soon, music had begun to play dancing ensued. Andolyn, Barden, Roselyn, and Spade lingered next to the bar eating a bite of the cake Keelin had prepared for the twins. Roselyn was busily inspecting Spade to see if he truly was Andolyn’s brother. She was satisfied when she heard the two of them laugh in chorus; she was then dragged to the dance floor by a rather attractive gentleman.

Even as they stood there, Spade’s eyes kept wandering to the thin girl, happily dancing in the middle of the floor. Keelin was the envy of Handunburg, and her graceful charm had entranced the young thief. Andolyn cleared her throat as she slid next to her brother.

“Go,” she ordered simply.

“What?” Spade acted as inconspicuous as he could, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Please,” Andolyn scoffed, “You’ve had eyes on her since we set foot in this town.”

“What makes you think she’d want to dance with me?” Spade turned dismissively back to his ale.

“That,” Andolyn spun him around to see Keelin gazing at him with a shy smile.
Andolyn pushed her brother playfully to where he had no choice but to dance or run screaming from the tavern. Inside the thief would have liked to choose the latter, but outside, he tried to maintain his usual cool charm—that is until he tripped on a chair leg. Keelin only giggled as she grabbed his hand, hauling him to the dance floor.

“Well, what about that,” Barden shook his head. “He really does have a way with the ladies.”

“As if you don’t,” Andolyn eyed him with a smirk.

“You know,” Barden began as he returned her smirk, “Rumors have been flying around town about the two of us.”

“So I’ve heard,” replied Andolyn, taking his now outstretched hand and following him to the dance floor. The two of them twirled and spun with the greatest of grace to the soft ballad that was now being played. Andolyn felt the need to initiate conversation.

“How do you feel,” she started awkwardly, “about those rumors?”

“Well,” Barden’s face turned seven shades of red, “I, um…” The two gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, both trying to interpret the other’s thoughts. Half of the people around the couple stopped to watch them.


Well, now! I know that was a long chapter, but it didnt contain MUCH pertinent info, so I hopefully didnt overload everyone...for the DP...WHAT HAPPENS HERE??? Kellan and Andolyn are heating up, but will the friendship that was born in so much turmoil turn out to be too much for them to resist?? you decide!! =)

light DP for once. cant wait to see where you all take this! XD

Last edited by Andolyn on Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh ho... Well.. perhaps Barden hasn't actually thought about Andi that way.. but thinks of Hattie that way? Wink Someone that would be terrible for him? (I'm mean and a bitter b-word with romance a lot of the time. You don't have to take it.)

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Andi!

Another wonderful edition to your tale! A couple of lines/paragraphs really stood out for me actually, particularly this one...

Another week passed in the quiet town of Handunburg, and the travelers had become quite comfortable there. Not having to hide themselves was a commodity the trio was sure they would never again experience, but here they were in this tiny mountain village, and they were not only accepted by the people, they were loved.

I did really love this opening paragraph. It's simple, yet descriptive, and has...almost an innocence about it, completely untouched by anything bad or evil. It's wonderful, and draws the reader in like a warm hug. Very well done! Smile

There was only one thing that I found, and that was that 'flour' was mispelled a couple of times in the scene where the gang were making cookies, but that's all and an easy enough mistake to make. Smile

For the! Andolyn and Barden. As tempted as I am for them to just go ahead and have a good snog, I'm going to say that Andolyn seems to have a distinct attraction to Kellan, and I don't want any awkwardness to get in the way of hers and Barden's friendship (though I do absolutely adore him, and would love nothing more than for him to sweep her off her feet!). I say they laugh the idea off, and keep going with their merry dancing.

Fabulous as always, hun! Keep up the good work! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

how very!! fixed it, Tika! XD

thanks, girls, for commenting!! i'm glad you're enjoying it. =)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone else?? =) this girl's ready to go!! lol
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry for the late response, but I just read through this. Brilliant chapter An! I absolutely loved i. It was light, for once xP

DP? Barden and Andolyn kiss, just as Kellan bursts thru the door with his reinforcements. I know, that would lead to a lot of tension, but would make the story a bit more interesting Wink

Either that, or they both have a nice laugh and move on to other not-so-important-stuffs.
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No no no no no!!!! Atleast not till this 'conflict' is over.

Save the romance, please, and get the job done soon Wink

And I don't think you'll need my comments at all. Every chapter keeps getting better, and you're leaving me with nothing new to say. Very well written and I loved it. Apologies for getting here VERY late. Exams just ended and I'll be online a lot more frequently now, so expect to see me around here a lot Smile

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOOHOO!! glad to see you two!! and i totally understand the exams thing...mine begin in about 2 weeks. alright...polling!!
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:18 am    Post subject: Voted Reply with quote

Voted, and I must say, I'm liking this more and more.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks for the votes everyone!! =) we'll jump right in to this one.


“Well,” Barden’s face turned seven shades of red, “I, um…” The two gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, both trying to interpret the other’s thoughts. Half of the people around the couple stopped to watch them.

“That’s just weird,” they simultaneously stated, stepping back from one another.

“I love you,” Andolyn started uncertainly, “but…”

“But not anything close to that way,” Barden finished for her, relieved to hear they had been congruent in their thinking, as usual.

“Right,” the princess stood awkwardly for a moment then grinned at him.
With that out of the way, the band began a lively tune and the two continued to dance as though the conversation had never happened, only this time with slightly more spring to the steps they took.

Out of every birthday she had ever experienced, Andolyn could remember none on which she was as happy as she was that day, but the biggest surprise had yet to come.


After hours of dancing, singing, and eating, the party had ended, and it was time to start cleaning up. Andolyn grabbed a broom and began to sweep up the mounds of confetti, but Roselyn grabbed her arm and tugged her to a quiet corner where Alberich, Barden, and Spade were waiting for them.

“Let the girls handle that,” Alberich suggested, “Not everyone has been able to give you their gifts yet.” Alberich handed Spade a long, thin box. When the young man tore away the packaging, a thin sword gleamed back at him from the blue silk that cushioned it. The only thing finer than the opalescent hilt and handgrip was the fine steel of the blade that bore ancient Ardaran runes etched deeply in the sides. If not for its age, Spade would have sworn the handiwork was Kellan’s—perhaps an ancestor of his had been the craftsman.

“That sword belonged to your father,” Alberich informed him. “I have been its keeper since I was given charge of its history fifteen years ago. I hope it will help you in your quest to attain your position as king of Ardara.”

Spade almost dropped the blade with this proclamation. In all truth, he hadn’t really thought about what his bloodline meant. Never had he wanted the crown for himself; his goal had always been to remove Radan and his family from the throne, but never had he contemplated what would happen after that.

Barden, too, was struck with the strange sound of his friend as king of Ardara. It was a role that Barden would never have pictured for the free spirited man he knew Spade to be, but then, there was much about Spade that Barden had yet to learn.

“Thank you,” Spade managed to choke out. Alberich only nodded at the boy.

“You never opened mine!” Roselyn reminded Andolyn.

“I didn’t, did I?” Andolyn reached in her bag for the two gifts Roselyn had brought her. She tore open the one with Roselyn’s name written on the paper. Inside was a box that held a pair of sapphire and opal earrings. They had belonged to Andolyn’s grandmother; she was forced to leave them behind upon fleeing the castle. With tears in her eyes, she hugged her friend. “Thank you, so much.”

“I thought you might want those back,” Roselyn beamed.

“Those will go beautifully with my gift,” Alberich slid a small chest toward the princess. It wasn’t wrapped, but the box itself was of exquisite beauty. The dark, cherry wood was ornately decorated with silver. Anxiously, Andolyn slid the tiny bolt that held the wood closed. Inside was a petite silver locket with opals and sapphires embedded in the edges and indentions in the velvet that matched the shape of the earrings that had just been returned to her. Around both, in the blue velvet was a thin, circular space that Andolyn couldn’t identify. With shaking hands, Andolyn lifted the locket. She handed it to Barden to open for her since her right hand was still in its brace. A curious expression crossed the bard’s face as he gazed at the picture inside. He passed it back to the princess.

Though the face was much younger, Andolyn felt her heart skip as she stared into the face of her grandmother.

“I would like you to meet the queen of Ardara,” Alberich smiled.

“I don’t understand,” Andolyn’s mind raced. “That’s my grandma.”

“Yes, it is,” Alberich mistook the girl’s confusion. Roselyn pushed the other package she had brought toward the girl. She didn’t know what it held, but she didn’t like the distressed look this last gift had brought.

“Open this one,” Roselyn insisted, “It came from Bridlestrom just before I left.”

“It’s from,” Andolyn frowned, “Grandma.” To any normal person, receiving a gift from one’s grandmother wouldn’t be such an outlandish idea, but since Andolyn was on the run, it was strange that Grandma had gone to all the trouble to track her down just to give her a birthday present. A note was attached to the top of the package.

My Dear Andolyn,

This birthday is especially pivotal in your growth into the woman God meant for you to become. This birthday, you are struggling against one of the most fearsome foes you will ever face.

Seeing you again showed me that the time has come for you to know who you are. With your loving heart and joyous soul, you will lead Ardara to places I never dreamed. The legacy I leave you is one of a broken nation that once was beautiful. With the help of God and the wonderful young men you have as escorts, you will succeed in anything you set your heart and mind to accomplishing.

I am growing weaker. This is no secret. After my family was broken, I hadn’t the heart or strength to fight further for Ardara’s crown. When Maira’s advisors arrived years later at my hiding place in Bridlestrom with you, I was thrilled to be given the chance to rebuild. I am no longer able, so the duty falls to you, my child, and with it, I give you my crown. Wear it proudly when you are queen. Use the gifts God has given you, and rebuild our nation.

This must be so much to take it, my dear, but it is information you will need. There is so much more I wish to tell you, but for now, being concise is of the utmost importance. You have a twin brother, Andolyn. His name was Anthony. I do not know whether or not he lives, but should you ever meet him, give him half of my love. Keep the other half for yourself so that between the two of you, you will have it all.

Be safe, my dear. Grandma loves you.

Andolyn was in a state of shock. She passed the note to Spade. As he read it, Andolyn opened the worn package. She now knew what filled the slot in the chest. Crested with the brightest of opals and sapphires, her grandmother’s elegant tiara glittered up at her from the crumpled paper.

Now was Alberich’s turn to be shocked. The scholar almost fell over his chair he stood so quickly. Through almost fifty years of searching, he and the order that had been his predecessors had searched for the crown of their beloved queen. They assumed it had been lost in the battles or destroyed by the traitors when they took power. He now understood the girl’s astonishment at seeing the face in the locket.

“All this time,” Andolyn shook her head, “all this time, it was her. The queen—my true grandmother—was Grandma that I’ve loved all my life.”

“Well,” Alberich composed himself, “why don’t you try it on?” But Andolyn laid the tiara in its proper place in the cherry wood chest and closed the lid.

“Not yet,” she whispered, “I haven’t earned it.” More than satisfied with the young woman’s answer, Alberich sat back in his seat.

Spade handed the parchment back to her as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

“I got to meet her,” he smiled, “my real family.” Alberich looked him squarely in the eye.

“Your parents that brought you up,” he started, “your sister, your grandmother, and half this town are your real family. Real family is composed of the people who love you—whether or not blood ties you together.”

Spade never forgot that statement; it was a comfort and a holding place for every day of the rest of his life.

WEEEEELL, after that massively awesome DP last time...i'm going to make this a two part chapter & not have a DP for this one.
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Tikanni Corazon
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Andi! Smile

Your tale continues to be brilliant, and I'm loving these links being forged between the characters. The revelation that Andolyn's grandmother is the lost queen of Ardara is a fab edition to your story. I did especially like this line...

“Your parents that brought you up,” he started, “your sister, your grandmother, and half this town are your real family. Real family is composed of the people who love you—whether or not blood ties you together.”

A wonderful couple of lines, I have to say, and so true as well. Very nice. Smile

Just a couple of little things here...

This must be so much to take it, my dear


It wasn’t wrapped, but the box itself was of exquisite beauty. The dark, cherry wood was ornately decorated with silver.

Now this could just be me, so don't feel it has to be changed in the slightest, but the latter of the two sentences seems to be missing something, possibly a little more description of the box maybe. Or possibly putting the two sentences together? Maybe something like...

It wasn't wrapped, but the box itself was of exquisite beauty, the dark cherry-wood surface ornately decorated with a patterning of silver.

...But everyone has their own writing style, and everyone who's read any of my works knows that I can make single sentences last for around three rows of text with my penchant for the over usage of commas, so, as I said, don't take it as an actual critisism. Just making my opinion known. Smile

I just realised that there's no dp as of yet, so I look forward to part 2, whatever it may bring! Wink

Still loving it, Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

fair warning...this is a HUGE chapter, but there's a certain point i need to reach for the next DP...we're SO CLOSE!!

Weeks passed after the eventful birthday, and chilly October traded its beautiful leaves to November’s cold rains. Roselyn said her goodbyes and headed off to a University in the neighboring country of Elbriar.

“Take care of yourself, Rosie,” Andolyn charged her the day she left.

“You do the same,” she had replied. “I know you’re planning something big for the next few weeks, but be careful. Radan’s been far too happy these last few days. I think he’s got something up his sleeve.” With warm embraces for them all, Roselyn was gone, promising to return as soon as she could.

The young men of Handunburg grew restless. They knew now that their rulers had returned, but without a plan of attack any venture to march on Darbinshire would end in disaster. Barden and Spade spent many endless hours discussing the ins and outs of the castle to better plan entrance—and escape, should the need arise.

During one of their meetings, as she had done many times before, Andolyn ran into the tavern, kissed Barden and Spade each on the cheek, and raced up the stairs to her room clutching a letter from Kellan that Lunaria had just brought her.

“I wonder when she’ll realize,” Spade said more to himself than anyone else.

“What?” Barden chimed in, “That she’s falling for that blacksmith?”

“Exactly,” Spade nodded with a sly smile. “And that he’s completely smitten with her.” The whole group laughed heartily.

“The end of November is the anniversary of the Hallams’ rise to power,” One of the Generals, Alistair, who had served under the refugee Kavanaghs in the early days of the Underground brought the meeting back to its focus.

“That’s right!” Barden remembered, “They always have a huge festival in Darbinshire to celebrate.”

“What better time to march than when half the guards are slobbering drunk?” Spade chimed in.


It had been settled. With the end of November would come the march that would be Ardara’s salvation or its undoing. Spade would send word to Kellan to prepare the Underground, and together, they would take on Darbinshire Castle.

At the end of the day, Spade thought it was strange that Andolyn was absent from dinner, but he guessed she had probably forgotten to tell them she was eating with one of the families in town. He didn’t even worry all that much when Barden and Alberich said their early goodnights, and she hadn’t returned. It was when he was heading to his room and the rain had started to pour that Spade truly became concerned.

He settled himself restlessly into his bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. He shut out his vision and allowed the rest of his senses to heighten. The smell of the fresh November rain wafted through his room, mixed with the smell of the wood fire down in the tavern. The crisp air from his open window caused the tiny hairs on his arms to stand on end. Many sounds floated to his sensitive ears. The rain softly pounding the roof and window sill, an owl warm and dry in his hole, and was that—sobbing?

Spade sat up in his bed and crawled to the window. There was no mistaking it. Someone was on the roof above him, and they were crying. The nimble thief hoisted himself up and out of the window, then with a series of summersaults, landed gracefully on the rooftop.

Andolyn didn’t act as though she noticed his presence. Her golden hair, now darkened with water, was strung haphazardly around her face. The raindrops that landed on her upturned cheeks glittered in the moonlight that broke through the thick clouds. Spade stealthily crawled to the girl and sat next to her.

“Andy?” Spade’s turquoise eyes were heavy with concern. She didn’t speak, she only handed him the letter she had received from Kellan that morning. Has she been up here all day? He wondered. How did we not know that?


I wish my reasoning for writing this letter was for the simple honor of corresponding with you, but to my great heartache, it is not.

I received word from a member of the Underground stationed in Bridlestrom this morning that things are not well there. It is with my deepest regret and sympathy that I inform you that your grandmother passed away earlier this week. I was told it was a peaceful passing, and she felt no pain.

I was blessed to meet your grandmother on several occasions during the last several weeks, and though it will not console you in the slightest, I loved her, and I know that she loved you dearly. She always made it a point to know your whereabouts and how you were doing.

I wish so much that I could be there to help you through this difficult time, but duty demands that I remain here to coordinate between your army and the Underground. Tell Spade I hope to hear from him soon. Take care, Milady.


Spade felt like he’d been hit with a battering ram. Though he’d only met her once, and only recently discovered what she meant for himself, he loved the woman that Andolyn idolized. Unsure of what to say, Spade placed a hand on Andolyn’s shoulder.

“No stars tonight,” he mumbled.

Unable to hold back any longer, Andolyn leaned on her brother and sobbed openly. As he held her and laid his head on her trembling shoulder, Spade allowed several silent tears to escape his eyes as well. They remained this way for the better part of an hour.

“What am I going to do, Anthony?” the girl didn’t move, she only spoke.

“I don’t know,” Spade spoke honestly. “What are either of us going to do?” Andolyn sat up and looked at Spade with questions in her eyes.

“She was my teacher. I learned everything I know about the important things in life from her. I learned to be the person I am from her.”

“Well then,” Spade offered, “She’s not really gone. She’s still there.” Spade pointed to Andolyn’s heart. “And there,” he pointed to her eyes. “No, she’s not gone.”

Andolyn couldn’t help the shadow of a smile that crossed her lips. The two of them sat in silence for a long time, forgetting the rain that poured down on them.

“Do you really think we can do this?” Andolyn started again after some time. Spade’s answer was a sunken shrug.

“I’ve never really thought about it,” he said after a pause, “being a king, I mean. It was enough of a shocker that we’re really twins. I felt a connection to you, but twins? I guess it does make sense when you think about it.”

“If you said, ‘Part of me knew all along,’ I was going to punch you.” Andolyn cringed.

Spade laughed before continuing, “And then to find out we’re royalty? Now that was the real shock. To be honest, I don’t know that I’d be any good at it.” Andolyn almost laughed. “You, on the other hand,” he gazed at his sister lovingly, “seem to have been made for the job.” This time she did laugh.

“Yes, because everything about me just screams, ‘Queen of Ardara’,” she teased.

“More so than you think,” Spade’s answer held no humor. “You really are fit for this.” Andolyn didn’t reply. She didn’t know how he could be so sure. “Now me, there would be a revolt the day after I became king if that happened—especially given the option between the two of us. Everyone loves you too much…And since there’s no way to prove which of us is older…” Andolyn shoved him playfully.

Suddenly, an arm came over the edge of the roof followed by Barden’s head, and clumsily, the rest of his body.

“You all do know what time it is, right?” Barden complained as he laid on his back to rest.

“We were just enjoying this lovely weather,” Spade lifted his hands, and a rain-soaked leaf smacked him in the face. Andolyn laughed in spite of the thousands of pieces her heart had crumbled into this most dark of nights. She pointed to the one broken spot in the clouds where a single, tiny star dared to shine through.

“There’s one,” she leaned on Spade’s shoulder, her pain eased by the presence of her ever-vigilant protectors once again.


“The queen is truly dead, then?” Alberich’s tone was one of great sadness as he stroked his beard. “Perhaps it is better that her very existence be kept to those who knew of it already. Ardara has faced the tragedy of losing her once, best not to force it upon them again.”

“It will give her family opportunity to mourn her quietly as well,” Barden clapped Spade sorrowfully on the back.

With solemn nods, the small group that met again in the tavern agreed to silence.

Andolyn had yet to surface that day. Spade wondered if she was on the roof again, or if she had just remained in her room. At lunch time, Barden brought her a tray of food Keelin made for her. He knocked on the heavy door and found that it swung open easily. On her bed, in the dark corner of the room, Andolyn lay watching him. He knew she was grieving, but the princess also looked pale—sickly almost. Barden sat next to her on the soft mattress. He pushed an unruly curl out of her face.

“Are you alright, Andy?” his voice was as soft and tender as she had ever heard.

“I miss her, Barden,” she whispered, “The last time I saw her, I had to rush off. I didn’t really even take the time to give her a proper goodbye.” Barden shushed her quietly.

“It’s not as though you could really help that, is it?” he lifted her scarred hand. The mark was slightly reddened. “Andy, she knew you loved her. No rushed goodbye would have changed that.” He leaned and kissed her forehead. “I’ll leave you alone for now. Call if you need anything.” Andolyn nodded before rolling to face the wall.

Later that evening, Andolyn, in her soft cotton dress, made her way down the stairs for dinner. The group ate in silence at their usual table. When they had finished eating, Andolyn dismissed herself from the table.

“You going to bed already?” It pained Barden to see her hurt this way.

“I’m not feeling very well,” Andolyn rubbed her forehead as she turned away. Barden thought she looked even paler than she had that morning, but it must have been his imagination…


Spade started awake in the middle of the night to the sound of a soft voice in the hallway. He jumped up, holstered a deck of his cards, and made his way cautiously to the door. There hadn’t been a threat from Darbinshire in Handunburg in years, but then, there hadn’t been such refugees as this in Handunburg in years either.

Nothing could have prepared the young man for what awaited him on the other side.

Andolyn braced herself next to the doorframe. Shaking and struggling to catch her breath, Andolyn held her left hand—the source of the blood that covered the front of her dress and her face.

“Help me,” she breathed before falling to the floor. Horrified, Spade held his sister and began calling for help.

“Barden! Alberich!” he screamed, paralyzed by shock.

Awakened from his deep sleep, Barden stumbled to the hallway, but was instantly sobered by the scene.

“What happened??” Barden ran to Spade’s side.

“I—I don’t know!” Spade’s voice was strangled with terror.

“Here!” Barden pulled his shirt off and wrapped Andolyn’s hand tightly. “We’ve got to stop that bleeding.” Andolyn shivered, but sweat covered her brow. Barden’s hand went to her forehead. “Gah, she’s burning up.”

Alberich appeared in the hallway. His face was calm, but his eyes were full of fear.

“Bring her in here,” he pushed the door to his room open. Barden lifted Andolyn and carried her into the large room. Spade, covered in blood himself and still in a state of shock, remained on the floor where he found his sister. Alberich offered him a hand, and Spade took it, standing shakily.

When Spade entered the room, it was a panicked frenzy. Barden grabbed anything within reach to hold over Andolyn’s hand while Alberich tried to get a response from the comatose girl. The scholar ran to a nearby table and began frantically writing on a piece of parchment. He turned to Spade.

“Run to the apothecary,” he instructed. “The chemist lives above the shop, so just yell for him. Tell him I need a generous amount of everything on this list.” Spade nodded and sprinted from the room.

When he returned moments later, Alberich took the herbs and began mashing them vigorously in a small pot. Barden stood, having tied yet another cloth over the now open wound.

“I don’t understand!” he ranted, “That was a scar only this morning! It gave her some trouble when they first cut her, but that’s been almost four months ago!” Alberich stopped suddenly and looked Barden directly in the eye.

“Who cut her?” he demanded coldly.

“Well,” Barden was taken aback by Alberich’s sudden fury, “Radan’s men. It happened the day we met her.” Alberich breathed in deeply to calm himself. He turned knowingly to Andolyn and began dressing her hand with the mixture of herbs Spade had brought.

“Alberich,” Spade asked slowly; his wits had returned to him, “What’s going on?”

“She’s been poisoned,” the scholar sighed deeply.

The memory of his encounter with the soldiers flooded Barden’s mind. His ears seemed to ring with the captain’s wicked threat: You’d better be thankful His Majesty didn’t tamper with the weapons this evening…

Before he knew what he’d done, Barden had put a fist through the wall of the room.

“How did I not see that??”

“I’ll kill them,” Spade stood to leave the room, his icy rage revealing his dangerous potential. “I’ll kill them all.”

“We need to assemble the men, we’ll march tonight!” Barden moved to follow Spade. Before either of them could take a step, however, Spade felt a soft tug on the back of his shirt. He turned to see Andolyn gripping him as hard as she could. Her eyes were bloodshot and a frightening contrast to the pallor of her face. She shook her head feebly.

“He might have an antidote somewhere,” Spade knelt next to the bedside, a different person speaking to his sister than the vengeful man he had been only seconds before. Again, the princess shook her head.

“Festival begins…in five days,” Andolyn’s voice was barely recognizable, “moving the day of your march…will only…jeopardize the mission. You march…the day after tomorrow.” Andolyn looked at him with resolve in her emerald eyes before losing consciousness once again.

“She’s right, you know,” Alberich’s quiet voice came from behind him. “If you left now, you might be able to make it back with an antidote in time—or you might not—but either way, you would throw away any chance at a successful operation.” Here, Alberich nodded solemnly. “It took a true leader to realize that, and it took a true ruler to put herself behind her country.”

Utterly deflated, Barden plopped himself in a chair in the corner of the room. With tears in his eyes, Spade lowered his head to the bed where Andolyn lay and wept bitterly, feeling as though he was being stripped of everything he loved once again.


Well, now...we're drawing closer to the final confrontation...what do the heroes do? Do as Andolyn wishes and wait for their scheduled departure or leave now? Leaving could mean throwing away any chance of success...but waiting could mean Andolyn's life. You decide!!
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you kill off Andolyn, I'm going to be really angry at you. Razz So what if they can't run the operation now? It doesn't mean that Barden and Kellan can't infiltrate the enemies fortress by faking that they're guards with those uniforms they stole just before they rescued the creator of The Machine. Wink Enjoy!

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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see why leaving now is a definite death cert to the operation. Besides, Andolyn really does need the antidote. We also don't know for sure that he has an antidote, or how we get our hands on it, but there's nothing else we can do for now. So I'd say that we leave right away, but Lilith's idea sounds good too. Wink

Great chapter again, btw. I'm really enjoying your writing!

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Vikas Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Judging from the way the 2 men reacted, they would leave immeadiately. Like the two above me, I dont see why leaving now would guarantee failure but it's true they have a better chance of winning the war if they wait. I suggest they leave with their army for an all out attack, but not with the aim of felling the kingdom.

If they get the antidote, retreat, regroup and wait for a better time, probably. If we cant save her, go ahead and crown yourselves.

Brilliant writing, amazing DP, but sad, sad, chapter Wink
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Andi!

Wow, things are really coming to a head here! The excitment is building for a truly brilliant conclusion, me thinks, and I look forward to reading it. Wink The chapter was touching and heartfelt, as well as dramatic. And I don't think our Andi is cruel enough to kill off Andolyn, so I'm pretty sure we can all rest easy on that being a possible conclusion. Wink

Also, I really loved that part when the single star appears amidst the parted clouds. Really nice little touch there. I think it's the little things like that that really give life and personality to a story. Very well done indeed! Smile

I found a couple of things, most of which aren't mistakes, nor even complaints as such, but merely observations that will help polish your story...

“Well then,” Spade offered, “She’s not really gone. She’s still there.” Spade pointed to Andolyn’s heart. “And there,” he pointed to her eyes. “No, she’s not gone.”

As I said before, nothing wrong with this selection of sentences at all. But, as the case is with probably every writer, one can always make it better. First thing, double usage of 'gone' in close conjunction. Though it doesn't exactly jar upon reading, it immediately caught my eye. I think that the first 'gone' could be replaced with 'left us', and the flow will be that much smoother.

The second thing is to do with the part marked in red. This is a big moment, one senses. Their grandmother is dead, and through Spade's comfort of Andolyn, one can feel those bonds between them growing all the stronger. I don't know if it's meant to be, but to me, the moment seems very poignant. For that reason, I think the tale would benefit from a little embellishment in the marked area.

I hope I'm not overstepping here with my opinions and suggestions. I honestly wouldn't bother if I thought your tale wasn't good enough to reach the goal you have of getting the story published, and anything I suggest is only to add that extra bit of sparkle to an already glowing storyline. Smile

“If you said, ‘Part of me knew all along,’ I was going to punch you.” Andolyn cringed.

Should be 'you'd' I think.

Okay, for the dp...I'm agree with Andolyn's (in the story) thinking. They shouldn't go and put their mission in jeopardy, even though the princess herself is in such a perilous condition. Alberich is a scholar with knowledge of healing remedies and cures. I say he tries to find an antidote himself, or something to staunch the flow of the poison. Just to keep it reasonably at bay until the opportune moment when they launch their attack, and in turn get the chance to find the real antidote.

Really enjoying it Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll Time, I think?! Wink

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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is no way Barden and Spade would sit and wait for 2 days while watching Andolyn waste away. They might give waiting a try, but they won't be able to do it. They'll definitely go tonight, I think. Whether or not it's the right thing to do, I have no idea.
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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sagittaeri, did you read this whole thing?? If so, I'm extremely flattered & must say kudos. Lol that was a LOT of reading. Lol
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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yup, I read the whole thing. Took me awhile, too, but it was totally worth it! Wink
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PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

aww!! what a high compliment!! thanks! =)
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After spending an hour staring at the floor, soaking in all that had happened that night, Barden stood suddenly. Spade, who had fallen asleep clutching Andolyn's hand started awake at the movement.

"I can't do it," Barden yelled. Alberich gave the young man a questioning look. "I can't just sit here and watch her die. Even if I have to go by myself, I'm leaving tonight."

"No," Spade's eyes held a hauntingly glazed look as he gazed at Andolyn. "You'll not go alone. We'll muster the men. Anyone willing to leave immediately will accompany us."

Alberich's eyes fell. He knew the foolishness of what they were about to do, but too, he understood the desperate love these men had for the girl. He stood quietly and left the room.

Another two hours passed before Alberich returned. Though Barden and Spade both desired to leave now and save Andolyn's life, neither of them had the heart to walk out the door and start the journey.

Alberich leaned on the door frame.

“Would she want you here?” his question caught them off guard. “I've gathered the men and sent word to Kellan of your plans to leave early. Since you are leaving, I personally think she would want you down in that tavern preparing your men for the battle they are riding into.”

“We can’t just leave her here,” Barden protested.

“As if she’s going to run off?” Alberich shot back.

“But she might…” Spade couldn’t bring himself to complete the sentence.

“That is my problem to worry with. There is nothing you can do for her here,” Alberich’s voice was quiet but firm. “If you go to Darbinshire and give your all and take back Ardara, you will have fulfilled her wishes. You will give her the very thing for which she has placed her life on the line.”

Barden stood. He was anything but happy with the idea of leaving her, but he knew Alberich was right.

“What do we need to do?” he sighed.

“You need to go downstairs and plan the attack with your men. You need to show them their leaders. You need to take their heart for battle and convert it into something you can use.”

Reluctantly, the two young men did as they were told. On his way out the door, however, Alberich caught Spade’s arm.

“I know this is difficult for you, most of all, Spade,” the teacher’s eyes were full of sympathy. “You have the most to lose in the coming days.” Spade felt hot tears sting his eyes as they rested on Andolyn’s prostrate form.

“I could have stopped this,” he whispered, “I was with her when it happened. I let them get to her.” Alberich took Spade’s shoulders and faced him.

“None of that,” he scolded gently. “If you think for a moment that she blames you, you don’t know her at all.” Spade nodded. “Besides, you have bigger things to worry about.” He glanced briefly at Andolyn.

“I know ruling Ardara is the last thing you want, but look at her, son. There is a high likelihood that she will die.” Spade flinched at the words. “I am going to do everything in my power to prevent it, but should I fail, the responsibility of ruling this nation will fall to you. You have to prepare yourself for that reality.”

From his belt, the teacher produced the sword Spade had left in his room—his father’s blade. Solemnly, Spade took it and fastened the belt around his waist—a perfect fit.

Speechless and stunned, Spade made his way down to where Barden was doing a fine job of rallying the troops. Upon seeing Spade, Barden made a sweeping motion in his direction.

“And here is your future king!” he cried. The men and the few women that had joined them cheered heartily, but Spade felt as though he would be sick. He breathed deeply before raising his arm and revealing the small tattoo. The people cheered ever louder.

Up in the room with Andolyn, Alberich smiled softly upon hearing the noise. The boy will make a king yet…


The next morning was filled to the brim with last minute preparations. Andolyn woke only briefly to wish them farewell. Her fever had yet to break, and her hand—though it had slowed—continued to bleed.

Spade stood before a mirror in his room. Gently, over his black shirt, Spade put on the vest Andolyn had given him for their birthday. It fit him beautifully. He slid the belt with his father’s sword around his waist and examined his appearance.

Gone was the carefree wraith that had haunted the byways of Ardara for so many years. However reluctantly, Spade had returned to the young warrior he had been since boyhood, but he was now so much more. Looking in the mirror, Spade pushed his hair out of his face and stood tall and proud. For the first time in his life, Spade was proud; he was proud of his past, proud of his little family, and proud of the man he had become.

If he only knew just how much he looked like his father in that instant…It was not a path he willingly chose, but for his sister, and for his country, Spade—no, Anthony—Anthony Kavanagh, would be King and lead his small army to take back Ardara.


The overall mood of the Handunburg army was one of sorrowful silence. No one wanted to speak what everyone was thinking. No matter the outcome of this battle, their princess would be hard pressed to survive.

Despite the deep snow, the journey to Darbinshire was uneventful at best—a day and night of their journey had passed already. Barden couldn’t say he minded very much. It gave him time to think. He glanced at Spade. The young king stared straight ahead as though deep in thought himself. Barden couldn’t imagine what he must be feeling at that moment. Andolyn held a huge part of his heart, but nothing like that of a twin—and then to add being king out of nowhere…it was really a lot to handle.

He’s doing a great job of handling it. Barden thought to himself. I’d probably be insane by now.

The truth was, Barden felt a bit low about himself at that moment. He had come from a good home. His parents loved each other dearly. Going out into the wild world was his own decision, and before meeting Andolyn, no true danger had come into his life. Spade had been on the battlefield from the time he was able to hold a sword. Then there was Andolyn. Her childhood had been perfect—aside from the fact that her true family was murdered by usurpers—but her recent years had been one torment after another…and now they might lose her forever.

Maybe I’ll have a chance to prove myself in Darbinshire.

They were coming up on the place where the three of them had begun the snowball fight what seemed like years ago. Barden could almost see Andolyn popping up out of the snow bank with a frozen ball in her hand, ready to fire. He heard what sounded like a sneeze from Spade’s direction. When he looked over, he could see the tracks of tears on the young man’s face. It was only then that he became aware of the moisture on his own cheeks.

I should have known he’d be thinking of her too.

The sun was setting, and Barden recognized the cave where they had taken refuge from the storm. It was a large cavern with a wide mouth that jutted out to form a porch-like structure that shielded it from the wind—perfect for an army of one hundred men and their horses to stay comfortably for the night.

“We should stop here,” Barden stated, breaking Spade’s thoughts. He pretended not to notice the young man wiping the tears from his face. “From here, it’s only a day’s journey to Darbinshire.” He informed one of the generals behind him.

The man nodded and ordered the ranks to unpack their things.

Barden stopped at the entrance to the vast cavern. Memories of the last time they had been here flooded his mind.

Spade lay there…And that’s where she lay. That’s where I built the fire. That’s where we talked...

He replayed the last night they had been here in his mind. He could almost hear her say the words that had made him know that he was accepted. See, I find that to be very colorful.

That girl could see color on a checkerboard. He smiled at the thought.

That night, few spoke. Barden and Spade remained silent except for further discussion of the following day. Lunaria landed in the cave somewhere near midnight with Kellan's reply to Alberich's message. According to the plan, the soldiers—dressed in travelling clothes—would sneak into the city a few at a time and enter the Emporium. There, they would prepare themselves in armor and use the same passage to gain the entrance that Barden, Spade, Andolyn, and Ebony had on that fateful night in August. Using the element of surprise, they would take down as many guards as possible while Kellan led the Underground in a direct march on the castle gates. Had circumstances been different, Spade would have wanted to lead the direct march, but his business was with Prince Radan himself, and that meant leaving the brute work to his soldiers.

The next day passed as slowly as the one before and the one before that. By the time the sun had set, they had reached the place where the snowfall had begun on their previous journey. Spade looked off to the side of the road. It was easy to see Andolyn dancing in the freshly fallen snow, her beautiful hair glowing in the moonlight, and her eyes twinkling to outshine the stars. And her smile—that smile that could melt hearts of stone—it had melted Spade’s.

Two hours later, they reached the edge of the city. Several members of the Underground, all clad in cloaks, met the large group in a meadow outside the city.

“The roads are all being guarded,” Barden recognized Kellan’s voice immediately. “We’ll have to enter through the forests surrounding the city. Some of you will go the river route. Each group of two will be assigned a member of the Underground as an escort. Move quickly, but be stealthy and as inconspicuous as possible. Festivities haven't started yet, so it's going to be a lot more difficult than we originally planned to stay out of sight."

Once the army had been divided, it was time to begin infiltration of the city. The first five groups of three moved off in separate directions. Spade and Barden walked with Kellan. Taking into consideration the wanted posters that still hung on every building in the main part of town, Kellan had brought cloaks for each of the young men.

“How is she?” Kellan didn’t bother to hide his deep concern.

“Not good, Kellan,” Spade choked. The man nodded, but didn’t press the matter further. Spade’s voice had given him the answers he needed.

It was all the resistance leader could do to hold in his anger. He had fallen for the girl; there was no denying it. Andolyn was a gentle soul with a heart of fire. Her personality contained a myriad of incongruent pieces all fitted together, forming a beautiful picture that was uniquely hers. Each day—each new letter—opened the blacksmith up to yet another facet of this vastly complex young woman. Never in his twenty-four years had he met a woman quite like Andolyn Grace, and he loved her.

Naturally, the very thought of someone harming her, much less threatening her life, was enough to bring Kellan to a homicidal state. Kellan would have preferred to face the prince with Barden and Spade, but someone had to lead the charge on the outside. As leader of the Underground, this responsibility fell to Kellan. He would do his best to meet up with Spade when the wall had been breached.

By the time his thought process had been completed, the silent trio had reached the Emporium. The round door rolled to the side, and they were greeted by Ebony when they entered. She embraced Barden and Spade warmly then lead them to where the others were waiting. The Underground’s army, which was larger than Barden would have guessed—another five or six hundred men to add to their number—and all in cloaks, was gathered on one side of the large hall in which they now stood. Kellan, Barden, and Spade made their way to the circle of couches where the rest of the leaders were discussing the night’s plans over a castle map that one of the Underground had stolen. Now it was simply a matter of waiting for the rest of the soldiers to arrive.


In Handunburg, Alberich still remained with Andolyn. He lifted her limp form to get her to drink some tea and alleviate the painfully rattling cough that had plagued her for the majority of the day. Andolyn had only regained consciousness once since her plea for the young men to hold their march. When she had awakened, the whites of her eyes had gone blood red, a terrifying contrast to the emerald green of her irises. Her lips had become increasingly blue in tint. Alberich wasn’t sure she would survive the night.

Just then, he heard the soft sound of the door opening behind him.

“Keelin, hand me that towel on the table, please,” he said without looking up.

“I’m afraid Keelin is unavailable at the moment,” came an unfamiliar voice.
Alberich turned to see a thin man standing in the doorway. A wicked, pointy toothed grin lay on the man’s lips as he quietly closed the door behind himself.

Alberich stood and placed himself defensively in front of Andolyn. Willand released a taunting laugh while he slowly advanced with a dagger in his hand.

Of all the times for them to be gone!! Alberich thought desperately.


OH NO!! The heroes are walking into what will now be a fully functioning guard instead of the drunken remains of one, and Alberich is facing Willand alone while Andolyn fights for her life in more ways than one. Massive chapter...apologies...Not really a DP for this one, just an opening for suggestions you might have for the next chapter!
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Vikas Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woahh... another brilliant chapter An!!

The fact that Alberich has to deal with Willand now throws up a lot of possibilities. Did Willand know that the army would have left? If so, how did he know? Do we have a traitor? Wink

Spade and his troops would probably go ahead with their plans. They need to act as quick as possible, while Alberich needs to find someway of defending himself and the princess from Willand. Do something- throw a bottle of antidote on his face, kick him in between his legs. He probably doesnt have a chance and should logically be killed, which would mean curtains for the princess, but I'm hoping something stupid happens and they survive. Laughing
Vikas Muralidharan

Be sure to read HATE in Romance section Wink

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Vishal Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well... That's a bit of a dampener really, but it was well written. I don't see anyway out of this. Alberich has to do something, somehow get the dagger into his own hand, and then the situation changes. Make him talk, and well, get information.

As for Spade's not-so-little army... Well, they'll just have to go ahead with their plans. They wouldn't expect a full strength army, but hopefully, the our army can hold everyone off atleast until we get the antidote for the princess Wink

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Argh! You cut-it off at the exact wrong time! This is not good! Good chapter full of good stuff but the suspense at the end is heart-wrenching. Yikes!

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