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my plans as mayor
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:06 pm    Post subject: my plans as mayor  

hi guys, well before the election starts i thought i'd give everyone a breif outline of my plans as mayor
first of all i plan to have the city council meeting room burned down, not by myself obviously, and then blame it on chinaren and have him and his followers ejected from the council so i can get key to pass article 48, the enabling act, which says that in a state of emergency i can create laws without having to get them passed by the Reichstag, sorry the city council first.
After this happens ill pass a law saying that no other party can be created.
Then will come the day of the small daggers where i erradicate the intelligencia in my party.
Soon after this Key will pass away and i will combine my mayoral role and the role of king role and make myself the Father of IF
(anyone who has or is studying German history shgould get this)
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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:29 am    Post subject:  

:blink: Umm... sure?

But sax, what are you plans really for if you are elected mayor? Are you willing to give up a lot of time to become mayor? Do you have any experience in being in charge of a growing site?

Just a couple questions, and good luck!
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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:44 am    Post subject:  

...Hitler is your role model isn't he?
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:14 am    Post subject:  

Shouldn't this thread be in the Mayoral Elections forum?
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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject:  

I may not have ever been in charge of running a growing website but there have been several instances in my life where I have had to manage other people and myself effectively.
When I was sixteen I was running lighting, sound and pyrotechnics for a stage musical which cost 25,000$ so I can deal with high levels of stress over extreemly important and costly things.
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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject:  

Moved this thread to Mayoral Election.
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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:10 pm    Post subject:  

I would vote for you, sax, but I'm afraid your spelling would scare people away! :D
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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject:  

Out of interest sax what do you plan to do about the inflation problem on IF? I'm checking round all the candidates to see what their response is to this problem.

A Hitler style IF :grin: , not so sure about that...
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:00 am    Post subject:  

i hope to tackle the rate of rising inflation by providing more things for the public to purchase, lowering inflation and expanding commerce and buisness competition as well as making the site more apealing to those with special skills which will earn them profits.
If this fails or will take longer then my term as mayor to implement i will raise the issue of lowering the amount of fables earned via posting this will make money more valuable and help decrease the rate of inflation as well as make it more profitable for the citizens of IF to make more in depth posts.
Its really just basic economics
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:56 am    Post subject:  

Quote: i hope to tackle the rate of rising inflation by providing more things for the public to purchase, lowering inflation and expanding commerce and buisness competition as well as making the site more apealing to those with special skills which will earn them profits.

Ok you'll tackle the rate of inflation by 'lowering inflation' :lol: .

Right,some good points, lowering the amount of fables per post would slow down inflation, but would not create more in depth posts necessarily, maybe longer ones :) .

Also I agree with providing more things for the public to purchase...but have you any ideas at this stage as to what? And how would you go about 'expanding commerde' and 'making the site more appealing to special skilled people'? It's a little this stage to me...
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject:  

well those tyhree questions tie in toegtehr
if i create say something like a custom avator design or a custom signature design company those people who are interested in graphic design would be atracted to the site anmd because they would have jobs suited to their special skills then that would increase commerce and commercial competition because more then one person would be able to do it so you'd egt different companiues offering different prices and quality of work.
Also think about how this benifits storygames, we are trying to make storygames more interractive and making them more visual is a way of doing that therefore if we atract more graphioc artists to the site via commercial use then the interactivity of our storygames improves.
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:18 am    Post subject:  

Ok that's a very good plan, although I can forsee a few difficulties with it, if they can be overcome that would be an improvement to the site I agree. The idea is really limited to graphic designers though and I'm not entirely sure it would entirely solve the problem but it is certainly a start.

I was a little concerned with the idea of enticing past users back on with some sort of sounded a little unfair to new regular members of the site...but I may well be mistaken or have mis-understood the idea so am seeking clarification.

I'll probably be bombarding you and the other two candidates with more issues over the next few days :twisted: , as I'm stuck in the top of my house with little to do other than grill the Mayoral candidates whilst the living room downstairs is being sanded and laquered :) .
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:57 am    Post subject:  

Graphics was just an example the same can be applied to various trades

Is it not right to reward someone who helped found an organisation?
if you spent hours and hours helping people improve their storygames from when ther site first began while some of the other new memebers dont then dont you think its right they get rewarded

Its commonplace within society that those hwo work hgarder geenrally are welll rewarded for it.

Rememebr that back then the members of the site were hard core novelists and readers, they werent atracted by a flashy site with plenty of different fun things to do they were attracted suimply by the sites sole purpose and so would have the best affect on helping other readrers achieve their goals.

Dont get me wrong, i like diversity and the site branching out a little but i dont want it branching out so much that the actual reason for the site is lost.

like certain types of medicens if they are in their pure and undiluted form they are like poisen, mix it with just the right amount of water and it saves lives, mix it with too much and it helps no-one.

just the same as too much hardcore writting would kill the readers because it wouldnt be about apreciating a good story the site would just be about critisizm of it, we cannot allow those things which keep the readers entertained, the water if you will, to dilute the cause of good writting so much that the regular members of the site are some kinds who dont enjoy reading who just come tot he site and post so they can earn fables and play games and those real authors with actual potential will go without the help they need.
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:46 am    Post subject:  

I know graphics is just an example, I was just trying to work out what other trades besides graphics could function long the same lines...

Ok, I'm fine with perhaps bringing back some of the older Ifians, particularaly if they were one who helped out with the site and are true sg'ers...however what sort of promotion/award would you entice them back with... :? Presumably they had a particular reason for why would they want to return for the sake of an award...?

I'm a little unsure that those who are water 'dilute' the site to a great extent...they just don't perhaps add much to it in terms of sg'ing.


Just a thought...would your spelling/grammer undergo an improvement if you became Mayor since that is what the site is promoting in new sg's?...I felt I had to ask as that's one (fairly large) reason for me not currently voting for you, it would seem a bit hypocrical for the Mayor of IF to be mis-spelling etc. whilst insisting sg's were more readable :? .

[Edit x2]

I'm also interested in what plans you (and the other candidates) have regarding the community feel within IF as that is the other main attracting factor (and arguably the main) and so should also be a key factor in the choice of Mayor. Unlike with fables though I have no real ideas on how to improve the site in this respect so will listen with interest to what you propose :) .
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:39 am    Post subject:  

well first of all yes my grammer and spelling would improve if i were mayor because i would be a representitive of something larger than myself. Personally i don't mind if my spelling and grammer is shocking because i personally am a messy and unorganised person but that is only because now people would be seeing me as myself rather then as a representitive of IF.

I also think it's a little unfair that i suffer persecution largely because of my spelling and grammer. I understand your point about the hypocrasy of telling people their spelling and grammer require improvement if i spelled my own title as mare but I think voting for a candidate should be about what they can bring to the table and how they can improve IF rather then if they can use grammer and spell correctly. It would be like voting on a president purely on the way they looked, however i do understand the nescesity for our mayor to present himself well.

I love the feeling of community within IF and I believe that recently it has receeded from what it used to be when the site was still, however I think if we encouraged people to work toegther with each others story games and to have more story games that are co-written I think that there will be more of a community spirit. After all one of the times i felt closest to all of the members of IF was when we wrote the true story of IF, we all worked together to create a hilarious cognitive story and it gave me a great feeling of acheievement and enjoyment as well as belonging.
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:50 am    Post subject:  

Quote: It would be like voting on a president purely on the way they looked ...well not exactly, jow a President looks isn't really applicable unless his campaign was that the country should only have good looking people within it, I think the spelling/grammer thing would be slightly more crucial to IF as the site maintains high standards of spell/gramm (or at leas tries to :) ). You are right however that there are some other aspects a Mayor can bring that are more important.

I like your thoughts on community spirit as well...*hmmm...goes away to weigh up options on candidates*
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:46 am    Post subject:  


I think I shall support you.

*Shaves head, dons glasses and jackboots.*
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:02 pm    Post subject:  

Ein Volk
Ein Reich
Ein saxon215!
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:20 pm    Post subject:  

Um. Smee/Key? I think you need to alter the settings to limit Guest posts on this forum!
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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject:  

Twas only Saxon himself - but yes - will do.
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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:17 pm    Post subject:  

*ahem* the questioin of the election...

what do you think of THIS!?!!?!?

(You have to wait for it to buffer first*)

*i think that was the wrong word...
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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: well first of all yes my grammer and spelling would improve if i were mayor because i would be a representitive of something larger than myself.

You can count with my vote then! Anything to improve that spelling! ;)

Quote: I also think it's a little unfair that i suffer persecution largely because of my spelling and grammer.

sax, are your feelings hurt? :( Sorry, I never knew. Well, you can fix it then by spelling better.

Serious question: Do you think you will have sufficient time a day to complete all your mayoral chores?
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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:17 pm    Post subject:  

See, now he gets votes because of his bad spelling.

*sigh* what is the wooorld coming to?!?!?! ;)
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