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Joined: 13 Jan 2011
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Location: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS!

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:13 am    Post subject:  

I was glad for the change of subject.

"Well now that we are away from a major town, she should be here soon," I said, checking the sky, "She'll have tailed us until she thinks we're vulnerable. Like right now."

I glanced around the campsite, checking over the numerous hiding spots where someone could be.

"But if you're asking about whether to kill her or not, I'll do it, if it coems to that," I scratched at the stitches that were still in me, "But in the mean time, could you help me with these?"
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:31 am    Post subject:  

"Ah yes the stitches. I suppose this is a good a time as any to take them out." I replied as I got up and made my way towards him.

Sitting down besides him, I took out the scissors from his backpack then looked him over.

"Okay so, because of your recklessness, it feels so good to be the one saying this by the way, you have stitches all over your upper body. Well done Nate," I chuckled, spinning the scissors with my finger. "Now take off your shirt and we can begin."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:36 am    Post subject:  

I slipped the shirt off over my head, my skin gooseprickling from the cool highland breeze.

I surveyed the stitches, noticing I had a line on my left bicep, two on my shoulder, and the one line across my stomach.

"Okay I'm ready," I said, breathing in a little, "Get started."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:48 am    Post subject:  

"Okay. Now don't start whinning about pain. No mercy is shown here today." I joked.

Getting a proper look at him my cheekiness vanished and I could feel my cheeks heat up. He was well toned and I couldn't stop my eyes wonder around the outlining of his chest.

Not now Maddie. Get a grip on yourself. I thought, forcing myself to concentrate.

I traced over the stitches with my finger and made small cuts to loosen them. Slowly I began to pull away at the wire, making sure to be gentle. Occasionally my eyes would wonder, but I snapped myself out of it and continued to work.

After all the stitches where taken out I placed the scissors in the bowl and slowly traced over the faded scars.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:05 am    Post subject:  

I felt a thrill run through me at the points of Maddie's fingertips, her fingers cool against my chest. I felt her hand move across the smoothness of my scars to the centre of my chest, and sighed at the sensation. In that moment, all I could percieve was myself and Maddie, much like that night back at the hotel, but this was different. Less frantic, more laid back. My vision narrowed, and all I could see were her lips. Those lips filled my mind, and I began to lean closer to them, to her.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:23 am    Post subject:  

I jumped backwards from Nates sudden movement towards me. Losing balance I fell onto my back and I stared up at Nate with shock. I tried to move but I lay frozen, my mind trying to process what had happened.

"Umm..." I began to say. My face was so hot I could see the red on my cheeks. "Uh... Your stitches... are done."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:28 am    Post subject:  

I jolted into awareness as Maddie moved. Her face was bright red, and I could feel that my face was burning as well. I grabbed my shirt and slipped on hastily.

"Th-thanks," I managed, before awkwardly helping her back up.

I was at a loss for what to say, and I was certain Maddie felt the same way, so I opted to lay down.

"I'm going to get some rest," I stammered, my face still burning, "Ilsa could some at any moment. You okay to take first watch?"

I rolled over to hide my embarassment, "Wake me if she comes, okay?"
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:32 am    Post subject:  

"Y-Yeah... Uh... sure," I replied, looking away from Nate. "I'll take the first watch over by those bushes... G-Get a broader field of v-vision."

I grabbed my bag and half ran to where I had told Nate I would keep watch. My face was on fire and I tried to cool myself down by pouring water over my face.

"Calm down Maddie. Its probably not what you think." I muttered to myself.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:38 am    Post subject:  

I lay in my sleeping bag, acutely aware of Maddie across the camp. The sounds she made as she sat watch. What just happened? I asked myself, going back through the last few minutes. The feel of her fingers across my skin, the speculation as to how her lips felt, tasted against my own.

I grunted in frustration, trying to drive the thoughts out of my head, but they wouldn't leave. Eventually I fell into a restless sleep.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:54 am    Post subject:  

It wasn’t long until Nate was fast asleep, I could always tell when he was. I wasn’t aware that I had noticed so many of the little things Nate would do, until today. I brushed thoughts of what transpired away, I had to be aware of the area, I needed to concentrate. After all, we were not alone.

“Ilsa, you can come out of that bush now.” I said neutrally.

A moment later Ilsa immerged from the bushes, standing just in sight of my peripheral vision. She was well armed, equipping two pistols and a shotgun.

“You knew I was here?” She asked, her voice was cold, she was not happy about the situation.

“Of course, why else would I set up here?” I replied emotionless.

“Well, from that little display before. I gather to move away from Nate.” She replied mockingly. “Honestly, you are such a tease. Just give in to what he wants.”

I could feel myself blush from the comment, but I pushed it away. She was an enemy and I had to keep watch.

“If you are here to cause trouble, just do so. I tire of games.” I replied coldly.

She laughed and walked closer towards me. I gripped my daggers just in case anything was to transpire.

“Relax. I am not up to it tonight. I’m just scouting. I have things to do; I just wanted to see what I was up against. Clearly nothing too difficult.” She said, walking closer to face me. “I’ll be gone after tonight, so you two can get a little bit more acquainted. He is quite the lover dear. So do have fun.”

I watched her walk away, stopping myself from cutting her down right there and then. She turned and smiled at me for a brief moment and I could see the message in her eyes. Next time we meet, there would be blood.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:10 am    Post subject:  

I awoke surprisingly calm. The sunlight filtered through my eyes as I realised I'd slept all night.

Climbing out of my sleeping bag, I noticed Maddie fast asleep, propped up against a stand of bushes, hands clutching her daggers. I moved closer, careful not to wake her, and watched her as she sat there, her breathing slow and soft. Her face was smoothed of all the emotions I saw last night, replaced by a small smile. Whatever she was dreaming about, she must have been enjoying it.

Leaving Maddie to sleep, I decided to go up to the villiage. It was exactly the way it had been the last time I saw it, but the bodies had been dragged away. The only hint of what had happened was to occaisional charred rooftop. I did notice that the mine was in operation, miners trudged uphill from the villiage to begin their long day. The place appeared normal, and while I still felt a pain at what had happened, the place held no horror for me anymore. I supposed that sharing with Maddie had been enough for me. I traded with one of the miner's wives, a few bullets for a roast chicken and some smoked bacon.

I took the cuts back down the road to our campsite. I stoked the fire back to a blazing heat and prepared the meat for the fire.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:08 am    Post subject:  

I woke up realising that I had slept sitting up all night, clutching my daggers. I groaned as a stretched, my upper body sore from my bad sleeping position.

Looking over the campsite I saw Nate over by the fire preparing a meal. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I walked back towards camp, curious to see what Nate was cooking up.

"That smells pretty good," I said, arriving at the fire. "Chicken and bacon. Very nice."

I dropped my bag besides a log and sat down, watching Nate prepare the meal.

The events of the night ran through my head and I ignored what had happened between me and Nate. Instead, I forced myself to think of Ilsa.

She had said she had business to do and that she would not be around anytime soon. As much as this was comforting to me, it worried me greatly. There was no saying what she had planned and I was curious as to what business she had. Whatever it was I didn't feel an immediate urgency to tell Nate about it. He had enough to think about, with the mines and all.

“Listen Nate. I know how you feel about the mines; if you want we can go a different way. You don’t need to remember anything else.”
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:37 pm    Post subject:  

I looked over at Maddie and smiled.

"It's okay, I just wanted to have a look," I said as I pulled the meat away from the fire, "This place holds no fear for me now, just pain. I was planning on going to the Wind Farm, a place just north of here. The reason I came this way is because the villiage occupys a fork in the road which leads to the most direct route over the mountains."

I cut the meat into smaller pieces and sat down, offering a plate to Maddie. I pulled two packets of sultanas out and put one on her plate.

"Anything interesting happen last night?" I blushed a little as I realised what I had asked, "I mean, after I went to sleep of course."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:38 pm    Post subject:  

"Interesting?" I replied, blushing slightly not only from what had transpired last night with Nate, but from what Ilsa had also said. "N-Not that I think of. It was fairly quiet."

I began to munch on the sultanas, avoiding eye contact with Nate. The fire was burning strongly and I could feel the heat on my skin. The temperature was cool and the sensation I got from the warmth was relaxing.

"So, why north? What is our goal?" I asked as I ate the chicken.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:45 pm    Post subject:  

"I hadn't really thought about it," I said as I chewed the bacon, "I figure that the further away from a big city, the less likely Ilsa is to attack. I'm not even sure we'll need to go as far as Windfarm anyway. She's likely to attack us in the pass."

I finished my meal with a stretch and stood to pack my things. Looking over at Maddie, I said, "Hey, the pass isn't an easy walk. I'd enjoy that while you can."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:50 pm    Post subject:  

I looked down at the plate contemplating whether to tell Nate about Ilsa or not. I still thought that it wasn't an urgent matter, but I felt bad at the same time for not telling Nate about Ilsa.

"Nate... What if Ilsa, is busy? With say... business she may have." I asked, wary not to reveal anything.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:54 pm    Post subject:  

I knew Maddie wasn't telling me something the minute I saw her reaction.

"Maddie. What aren't you telling me?" I asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion, "Ilsa was here last night, wasn't she?"
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:00 pm    Post subject:  

"No! I... " I yelled, jumping off the log.

I wasn't trying to be defensive about the situation, but I didn't exactly know why I had lied. There was more to Ilsa than she appeared to be, I was curious to find out what it was. I knew that if I had told Nate he would tell me that Ilsa deserves to die and that I shouldn't worry. But I could sense that she had information that I needed to know.

"She wasn't here. Just... Just forget what I said."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:17 pm    Post subject:  

"No I won't forget!" I knew now that she was definately lying, "If she didn't show up, then why are you so flustered? What did she tell you Maddie?"

I realised I was holding her by the shoulders now, and let her go. Slightly ashamed at my reaction, I turned away and stuffed my sleeping bag into my pack.

"Sorry, I just need to know," I said apologetically, "If she told you anything important, I need to know. She may have said something inconsequential that'll tip her hand for us, and being with her for as long as I was, I may be able to spot it."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:30 pm    Post subject:  

I was shocked over his little outburst and I didn't blame him. Grabbing my backpack I slung it over my shoulder and walked over to Nate.

"Nate, that outburst just now, it is not how someone who wants another dead would have reacted," I said, my voice calm. " You still love her."

I sqeezed his shoulder just before I started to walk towards the mines. My stomach was turning, but there were more important things that needed attention. I needed to build a friendly relationship with Ilsa, or as friendly as it was going to get. She had something I wanted, I just knew it.

"Let's go, I don't know the mines off by heart." I yelled back at Nate.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:47 pm    Post subject:  

I attempted to disprove Maddie's statement, but I had no way to do so. Now that my anger at her had subsided a little, I realised I did still love Ilsa, but the pain of her hate was still a raw wound. This was all complicated by what had happened with Maddie. I was certain that I had strong feelings for her, and her for me. I wasn't sure what would happen when Ilsa finally showed up, but I knew if anyone was going to kill her, it would have to be me. I had let her go that night, and it had changed her into a monster.

I followed meekly after Maddie, heading up the hill to the villiage. I gave a short wave to the woman I got the meat from, and then led Maddie through the villiage to the mine. The entrance was larger than the last time I had seen it, and I was certain it would be much deeper too. I turned aside and followed a path which led off up the mountainside.

"Maddie, watch your feet up here," I said as I secured a line between us, "The road isn't very stable, and it'll be icy up further."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:03 pm    Post subject:  

I nodded at Nates warning and proceeded up the mountain side, taking special care to watch my footing.

It didn't take long for me to slip, but I had caught myself just in time. Nate hadn't noticed, being too preoccupied with climbing. Gathering myself I noticed a small hole where my foot had slipped and I decided to dig the hole open a bit more.

Digging the dirt away my hand hit something hard, cutting my finger.

"Ouch!" I yelled, rubbing my hand. It was only a small cut so I ignored it, taking more interesting in the item I had found.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:08 pm    Post subject:  

I stopped climbing and slid down to the ledge Maddie was on. I was actually surprised that I didn't fall further, as I hadn't done this in ages. She was crouched over a small hole, and it looked like she'd been digging at it.

"What is it?" asked, hoping she hadn't broken her ankle, or we would be on this mountain a long time, "Are you hurt?"
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:14 pm    Post subject:  

"No, I'm fine," I replied, carefully taking out the small chest from the hole. "I found something. Umm, we need to get to a flat area, I can't open this here."

I carefully slipped my backpack off my shoulder and set it inside the hole, making it easier for me to place the small chest inside it. Before I closed my bag, I notced something engraved on the chest's lid.

I'll see what that is later. I thought, closing my bag.

"Lets go." I said to Nate, gathering my footing.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:29 pm    Post subject:  

I looked further up our path. The next station was about a hundred metres up, and then the pass opened into a three foot pathway, which went around the edge of the mountain and disappeared.

"Okay, we'll take a rest when we get to the next station, and you can get that thing opened," I said as I climbed up the pegs I had already placed in the side of the mountain.

We continued up the mountain carefully, moving a little slower due to the additional weight of the chest. After about half an hour of climbing, we reached the station. It was deserted, but some firewood was stacked just outside the communal tent, so I took a few logs and stoked a fire. The snow was just beginning to fall, and I realised it must be coming to the end of autumn. After spending so long in the south, I'd almost forgotten how cold it could get in the mountains.

Rubbing my hands, I moved away from the crackling fire to help Maddie with the chest.

"This looks kind of familiar," I said, peering at it through the twilight, "We had a few of those in the villiage. Give it a good whack on the lid and it should pop open with no problem."
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:46 pm    Post subject:  

"Just a second." I replied, removing dirt off the chest.

It was a simple thing, made of wood with metal straps along the edges. It looked old and I was surprised that the wood had not collpased from the wet soil over it. As I took a closer look at the chest I noticed one of the metal straps and broken off, creating a sharp point on the corner.

That explains how I cut myself. I thought. But thats not what I'm looking for.

I picked up the chest, taking a close look at the lid and found what I was looking for. There was a small circular shape engraved on the edge of the lid. I rubbed the excess dirt off it with my fingers and passed it over to Nate.

"Whats that? A symbol or some sort of key thing?" I asked.
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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:55 pm    Post subject:  

I didn't need to see the symbol to know it was the seal of Cannonbeal Company, the company that now ran the mines, the same company that had sent those mercenaries. They had given out these as a gift to the villiage to try and get the mine without shedding blood. It was also the weak point of the box, the reason that the latch would open if you hit the box in the seal. The mechanism was placed in such a way that it would open if you pushed the seal, an easy way to make a non-chained lockbox.

"It's the seal of the rats who destroyed us," I said blandly.

I gave the symbol a thump and handed the box back to Maddie as it opened.

"Since you found it, whatever is in there is yours," I said, grinning, "Treasure Hunter's rules."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:08 am    Post subject:  

I took the box from Nate and opened it. Inside was a a stick of gum, letters held together by a rubber band and a Revolver.

I took the letters out and quickly skimmed over the content. From what I could see, they were orders given to whoever owned this chest and a few trading notes. I placed the papers down and looked at the Revolver. The handle had the word 'Amor' engraved on the handle.

Taking the Revolver out of the chest I looked over at Nate and I said, "The contains inside may be mine, but it seems to be more suited for you."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:20 am    Post subject:  

I took gun in hand, seeing the engraving. It looked familiar. I reached into my own pack, pulling out the ruined revolver holding them side by side. Despite the rust, they looked identical, right down to the engraving. This was my mother's handgun, a perfect match to my father's. He'd given it to her to use in case something happen, but she had despised violence. She must have stowed it with our finance papers up here.

"I have to bury this," I said simply, "I'll take these and put them back."

I placed both pistols back in the box gently, and moved to take it from Maddie.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:26 am    Post subject:  

"Nate. You should keep them," I said as he took the chest from me. "They would have wanted you to."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:45 am    Post subject:  

I stared at the two guns as they sat there. Something occurred to me and I pulled out the papers. Unrolling them, I noticed a letter in my mother's swirling font.

Quote: Dearest Nathan,

I know you are very young right now, but hard times are coming on us. If the worst has happened and you should find this box, please take my weapon. It is very dangerous out there, and I would feel better if you had some protection.



I noticed that the bottom of the sheet had a few dark spots. I touched them and realised it was still wet. I touched a finger to my eyes and found that I was crying.

I put the letter back in the roll, then removed the contents from the box. I curled the two guns in the oilcloth lining that had served to protect the inside of the box, and slid the letters into a pouch. I tossed the stick of gum to Maddie, smiling.

"Mum says hi," I said as I tossed the box down the mountain, realising the sun had completely set, "Now, what are we going to do about sleep tonight?"
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:53 am    Post subject:  

I took the stick of gum and put it in pocket. Now that my mind was at ease, I started to notice the cold air. I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm myself but failed completely.

Unstrapping my sleeping bag from my backpack, I unrolled it and slipped inside, clutching it to my chest.

"I think I shall stay like this until sleep takes me. Help yourself to some food, I'm not hungry tonight." I said to Nate.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:00 am    Post subject:  

I set out my own sleeping bag beside Maddie's, not particularly hungry myself. Slipping into it, I shimmied closer to her until we touched. I could feel the warmth through the sleeping bags and felt at ease.

"So have you ever gone this far north before?" I asked, gently as my face was quite close to her ear.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:06 am    Post subject:  

I moved away from Nate a bit and looked towards the campfire.

"Never, I spent most of my life down south in the orphange," I replied quietly. "When I turned 16 I left and started travelling around, but never in the Northern areas, there was never any initiative for me to go there."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:30 am    Post subject:  

"Well, there's something you should know about the north," I said, shuffling closer again, "We might not freeze tonight, but as we get further into the range it's going to get colder. We'll have to stay close together to conserve our body heat."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:33 am    Post subject:  

"I... see" I replied, moving further away from Nate again.

Ilsa's words were playing in my head so I tried to avoid eye contact with Nate. My cheeks heat was more than enough to keep me warm tonight, I could feel it circulating around as I dug my face deeper into my sleeping bag.

"We should be thankful it is not that cold yet." I said.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:37 am    Post subject:  

I realised why Maddie was moving away when I remembered last night. I felt my face heat up and I rolled over and pushed my back against hers.

"This is a nice compromise," I managed to say, "We won't be as warm but, well, you know. See you in the morning."

I drifted off to sleep quite quickly, being used to the cooler climate.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:42 am    Post subject:  

After several minutes had passed I still couldn't get to sleep. I could feel Nate move each time he took a breath in. Everytime he nudged closer to me the more I heard Crux and Ilsa in my mind.

"Yes... fantasic compromise." I muttered to myself frustrated.

I decided to roll away from Nate after a while longer, knowing that I would not get any sleep if I were to stay. I rolled off to the side until I hit a rock.

"Much better." I whispered, before I closed my eyes to sleep.
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:48 am    Post subject:  

The first thing I noticed was the cold. I looked out of the tent to see that it had snowed more during the night. I climbed out of the sleeping bag when I realised Maddie was not at my back. For a moment I thought she had gone outside, but when I turned I saw that she was lying in an uncomfortable position with the interior tent peg under her. Sighing, I rolled her off the peg.

"Come on, time to wake up," I said, nudging her with a foot, "It's time to go."
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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:51 am    Post subject:  

"No. Later. I didn't get to sleep because of you." I mumbled half asleep.

I felt something on my back and rolled away from it. Getting comfortable again, sleep slowly started to take me once more.
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