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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:09 pm    Post subject: Werewolf-CH2 Reply with quote

They are not men. They are not wolves. They are something in between.

Welcome to New Chicago, the exact copy of the Windy City before the Outbreak. Now the humans are aware, aware that in the dark alleys, in the silent bar rooms, in the haunted apartments that there are Others. Others not like them. Werewolves, Vampires, Trolls, Ghouls, Wizards, Seers and all the others that were supposed to be fair tales. Now everyone knows where those tales came from. And they are all hunted down, like animals, freaks of nature that don’t belong.

Werewolves aren’t safe to come out under the moon where they are strongest, Vampires can no longer rest peacefully in their coffins. The bridges that all the Trolls are under usually come tumbling down. Constantly watching, hiding almost everything about their existence. It is a cursed life.

In High West, the uptown part of New Chicago, Jake is happy, for now. He is adopted, yes, but his family is fine and carefree and the neighbors are trained Other killers and friendly too. But something goes horribly wrong during the lunar cycle and Jake’s genes start howling for something more than cooked steak.

Thrust into a world of lies, hatred, blood and mystery, Jake is forced to live in hiding, hunted by those he once thought as friends. But in doing so, he has found new ones, much stranger and frightening new ones. And as the moons began to lose its hold, he begins to realize that he is not Cursed, he is Blessed.

Last edited by Guest on Sat May 19, 2007 6:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:12 pm    Post subject: Werewolf: Chapter One: Late Night Reply with quote

Chapter One: Late Night

The pub wasn’t busy this time of night. A few stragglers stayed near the bar stools, trying to get up but too drunk to stand properly and walk to the door. Sherry was asked to help several old men get the front and to their cars, but the last two she had tried to help seemed to like using her breasts as push up handles.

The four playing pool under a flickering but bright lamp watched the remaining men hit their heads against the counter in a drunken stupor. The pool players weren’t human, far from it actually. The tallest one with the acne problem watched the last drunk fall from his seat and knock himself out.

Smiling, Daniel flicked his cigarette and watched it sink into a half full cup of Millers Light.

“Think anyone would miss the drunk on the floor?” he asked, licking his lips hungrily. He was already beginning to sprout tusks from the two corners of his mouth. Sherry glared at him and leaned against the counter while cleaning a delicate glass cup.

“That old drunk is my son’s principle. They would definitely notice him missing, I don’t want to inspire a huge Hunt.”

A tall skinny young man named Corn snorted. “How’s Billy holding up anyways?”

“Fine I suppose. Real nervous about being around Humans. God knows what those will bastards do to him if they found out he was a Fang*.”

“Just make sure the little blood sucker doesn’t drain too many dry,” commented Corn. He eyed a shot and took it, slamming the pure white ball into a striped 7. The pool ball zipped across the table and sank into the right corner hole perfectly.

“You better have not used magic, Corn,” muttered a lanky Vampire named Trevor. He lazily tapped his feet to an imaginary beat while closing his eyes, thinking of the glass of warm red blood he would be sipping once he headed home. Corn took another shot but failed to sink an 8.

Sherry sighed and felt her fags with her tongue. She needed a good long drink soon. That bum sitting across from the Pub would do for now. Pulling up the neck of her tight fitting shirt, she carefully set the glass cup next to a row of identical ones.

Suddenly, the entrance door was shoved violently open and cloaked figure stumbled in, clutching a bloody shoulder. Gasping, she took a few more wobbly steps before tipping over. Her hat rolled from her head, exposing a rather attractive female with blonde hair laying across perfectly set features. Her green eyes were slightly dulled and spittle decorated the corner of her mouth.

“Crap!” hissed the last pool player who hadn’t spoken since he had arrived. “She’s a Claw*!” He dropped his stick and ran over to the wounded girl. Scarlet blood was leaking from her shoulder, forming a small but growing puddle of red. Sherry ran to them, her miniskirt riding up slightly as she hurried over.

The scent of blood exhilarated her, but it would have been extremely insulting to take a lap while the Werewolf was lying there dying. Daniel stomped past them and suspiciously checked out the window. “I think it’s time we closed.”

“Juan! Is there any bullet or shard?”

The Mexican’s fingers dug into the large hole making more blood spout out. The small spray hit him in the face but he never flinched until he found the silver bullet buried in two strands of muscle. His fingers burned as if in a stove as he ripped the slug out as his finger tips hissed and steamed.

Daniel swiped it from his hands, curled his nose at the smell, and dropped the bullet into his pocket. “I’ll get my tools just in case she was followed.” The others nodded and he left, rummaging under the couch just to the right.

“Hunters ambushed a pack of us while we were heading back to out apartments,” muttered the young woman, swimming in and out of consciousness. “Guess they’ve been tracking us for days.”

“You’re gonna be alright, it’s go-“

“Cut with the corny crap and get her a chair, pendejo!” shouted Juan. “That one over there! No, the other one! Yes, that one!”

They quickly hoisted her onto a hard bony wooden chair. The uncomfortableness would keep her awake. “Did they follow you?” asked Corn as he stalked around the window pane. He was tempted to cast a ward, but Trackers would notice the magical flare. It wouldn’t be worth the risk.

“Stupid! Would you stop staring at that blood,” snarled Juan angrily. His own had been hurt and all Werewolves were close since they were few in numbers. The fact that one had been shot made him steam with righteous anger, though he did wonder what the female werewolf had done.

“Can’t help it,” muttered Sherry. She got up and hurried over to the bar to fetch the girl a drink, something strong would do just fine.

“We fed off some man living in a trailer park,” explained the girl, shifting in her position as she winced. Juan glanced at the wound and was relieved to see the hole slowly but surely closing and healing. Hopefully there would be no poisoning.

“He was a scumbag, we thought we’d be doing a favor.”

“Hunters in this uptown don’t give a rat’s ass whether you killed a terrorist. You’re different and dangerous, that’s all they know and care to know.” Daniel patted his large double barreled shotgun and club. “I got us covered guys.”

The girl noticed Sherry coming over with a drink while she stared at the blood. She glanced at the Vampire and laughed. “Go ahead.” Sherry handed her the glass and scooped some blood with her fingertips. She sucked on them contentedly as she sat down.

Then, at that instant, the glass pane shattered into millions of pieces. The spinning shards screamed by the occupants. One buried itself in Sherry’s neck, sending rivets of blood into the air. Gurgling, the Vampire tugged the blood covered shard out and let out a strangled snarl as she started to heal.

Daniel cursed like a drunken Human sailor. His shotgun was closed and ready for blood as he swung it towards the vague direction of the window pain. A hail of gunfire raked the whole corner room. The pool balls shattered along with the legs of the tables and the walls gained new smaller openings.

There was a loud bang and a dark figure advancing from the outside flew back without a head. There were screams of “Man Down!” and “Get them freaks!” as more dark cloaked figures advanced with rifles and blades in hand.

“Least it ain’t the official law enforcement,” said Corn as his hand vibrated. A large fireball began to form just two inches from his palm. Licks of fire reached out and tasted the air, gaining strength from the abundant oxygen.

The Mage threw it like a hardball and there was a flaming explosion outside as the pickup truck leaped into the air, the bottom in an orange blaze. The rest exploded in the sky, high above the Pub’s neon marker.

The firework illuminated five Hunters rushing at them. Three held modified rifles with visible silver rounds inside the clear cased clips. The other two held long curved blades, one made of solid steel and the other made of pure folded armor. Daniel muttered an obscenity at the site of the hated metal.

Trevor stepped forward, baring his fangs and reaching into his long leather coat. He was spun around as a loud crack filled the air. He stumbled backwards as he clutched at his bleeding chest, gasping for air.

There was a sharp hiss and a wooden and blessed stake imbedded itself in his eye. The Vampire screamed and screamed as red life fluid rushed down his face. He was silenced when a large shotgun blast sounded followed by the explosion of his head in a dark shower.

Juan leapt into immediate action first. His clothes were torn from the inside as he Changed in mid leap. His human like face was suddenly and loudly transformed into a snarling beast that resembled a wolf’s. His hands were thickened and lengthened as yellow claws grew and began to slash ahead.

As the rest of his body changed, he plunged his right fist into a Hunter’s rib cage and yanked back with a handful of blood covered rib bones. The dying Hunter’s screams echoed throughout the building as blood sprayed in a blossoming arc to paint the ceiling and walls.

“They got a Lycan and a Mage!” screamed a Hunter. He unloaded half of his clip into the direction of Juan. The Werewolf yelped as five tore through his flesh and bone to rest somewhere in the middle between his muscles as they burned away at his flesh.

Ignoring the pain, the Werewolf leaped into the fray, facing off against a blade wielding Hunter with a gas mask on. Sherry was tackling a large Human. He had a coarse beard with irregular jutting eyebrows that made his eyes look incredibly small. They were like black pins as they stared down at Sherry.

A first timer.

The breath was knocked out of him as the Vampire pile drived into his chest, knocking him over and sending the couple tumbling across the room. The building was filled with snarls and gunfire as the small battle waged on and smoke rose in columns from the growing debris and the steaming guns.

Daniel was cut across his chest, his flesh curiously rotting as the effects of the iron began to take its toll. The wielder on the other hand was looking in horror at his leaking stump where his arm used to be.

It was his last visual memory before his head was blown off. The Troll snarled and began to mutter his Healing. The Troll groaned as he saw two Human vigilantes charging towards the pub with small rifles in hand. He should have never came to this part of New Chicago.

There was a scream as the girl they had saved flew from her chair, her whole right side steaming and spitting blood. Half of her face was blown away and a laughing Hunter leaped over the upturned chair and raced at Daniel with his silver loaded gun smoking.

The Troll Changed at that instance. His skin turned a slight green and hard scales randomly began to dot hit body as the two remarkable curling tusks jutted out from the corners of his mouth. Bones cracked as they lengthened and hardened as muscles realigned and grew thicker and stronger. He stood a full eight feet tall and the huge oaken club in his hands rose up.

The Hunter stared at the club with a mixture of confusion as being used to guns and blades. “A club?” he whispered.

“I’m old fashioned that way.” Daniel smashed the Human’s head in literally. There was an explosion of blood right after the Hunter toppled over. The Troll gasped as his spine was torn to shreds from the many impacts of iron bullets. He twitched and spasmed as he came tumbling down, black blood leaking from his back.

Sherry let out an anguished scream right before an unseen silver blade sliced her head off cleanly. Her body stood still for a moments before a geyser of scarlet shot upward and painted the ceiling. Her rotting hands still clenched the Hunter’s throat. He slowly suffocated as her body collapsed over him.

Juan let out a howl as he rearranged a masked Hunter’s face with a ripping of his claws. He spun in a furred blur wildly slashed at an oncoming vigilante. His teeth found home in the woman’s neck as he knocked her to the floor. Corn shouted something and grabbed his tail. The shapeshifter had a moment to growl in confusion before he was enveloped by a bright light with the Mage standing next to him.


Alright, where should the REAL story start off at?

a) Start of with Jake (the main character) living a normal life not knowing of his bloodline?

b) Start off with Jake already knowing that he has werewolf blood and is trying to hide it?

c) Start off with Jake on the run and explain the past through memoirs?

d) Other?

Last edited by Guest on Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exclamation Point! VERY well introduced, though there are a few style problems I disliked. Ending a sentence with actually, for example, but maybe that's just me. Principal does not end with -le, I believe, and there are a few other things that might be irrelevant. Great start, but you didn't give us the DP and we don't know who the proantagonist is yet... Don't leave us in suspense! Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Cross. This is just Really the Intro, Chapter Two will have a decision point.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fenris writing a werewolf story...who could have possibly predicted that? Wink
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice work, as usual Fenris. Although I do hope you keep up with this one, hint, hint. I like being able to finish reading stories. Wink Cool Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was a demonstration, these characters are mainly for see and forget, their not a major plot point, maybe I'll expand on the surviving two.


Sorry I'm late on the chapter, my job's been killing me! I'll put up a DP now for this chapter to buy me some time!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DP options are up.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like option c myself.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I would prefer to have Jake hating the freaks and helping to capture one. Great plot twist when he finds out what he is..
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooooh, that's a good one Masterweaver!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there actually going to be another chapter, or are we going to die of suspense here... We would like one every, oh, let's say, year or two, just to spice up our lives. Very Happy *signing off*
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's actually a two month time limit, you know.

On the other hand, it could start with Jake watching a star trek episode that somehow fortells his curse! (Random Idea, I know...)
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmmmmmm a werewolf story.....delicious. I think Jake should know what he is and somehow mess up. Like accidently change in public. curse the stupid hormones type thing.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As a third alternitive he could be a werefly for some time. Don't know how that would work, but hey, I'm just going to throw that out there...
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, okay guys. I'll PM the mod for the polls wait a day or two for the answers to come in then launch into the chapter!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fenris wrote:
lol, okay guys. I'll PM the mod for the polls wait a day or two for the answers to come in then launch into the chapter!

You can do polls yourself Fenny. Just edit the first post.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, yeah, lol, thanks Chin!
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll options are up~
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, excellent story. I found it pretty gory, but I like it that way Very Happy

Start off with Jake as a normal human, and then have him turn into a werewolf. I can't wait to read it, I hope this story goes on for a long time, cause it's pretty fun to read.

Good luck, Fenris!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll need it. I'm in Arizona right now, its hot out.
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, I came here to close the poll but it looks like its tied...someone break it and hurry so I can start writing!
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh. Looks like I came back just in time.

Excellent story. I look forward to more.
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Jack. I'll start writing the next chapter write after my STAR tests...
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

this is one hta is looking to be a good one it has that Underworld kinda feel to it i'm looking foward tot he next chapter for sure
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

To me, it has a stronger feel of the World of Darkness games by White Wolf.

Big fan of them. The Hunter The Reckoning and Part 2- Redeemer, on the Xbox were pretty cool for video game adaptations of pen and paper.

Always was a bigger fan of Werewolf The Apocalypse, though. Haha. I still have most of the books back home.

Oh well... Looking forward to more soon, as said before. And now I'm gonna go hide somewhere and nerd it out.
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, good, then you'll be familiar on the different forms the werewolves in these story takes.

I'll start on the next chapter after my STAR testing tomorrow, until then, peace! <.< that was lame...
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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dang it! I missed the poll! oh well, I can't wait to read what you have in store for us Fen.
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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, sorry about the wait guys, but I've been able to get a lot done bit by bit. A chapter release will be within this week, I PROMISE.

Also, this story isn't meant for kids so yes, there will be sex, drugs, violence, profanity and exaggerated gore...YAY!
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kang wrote:
this is one hta is looking to be a good one it has that Underworld kinda feel to it i'm looking foward tot he next chapter for sure

Jack_D.Mented wrote:
To me, it has a stronger feel of the World of Darkness games by White Wolf.

Of course, the reason they seem the same is because the Underworld directors/writers quite obviously stole all of their ideas from White Wolf. Hence why WW pressed copyright charges.

Jacky wrote:
Big fan of them. The Hunter The Reckoning and Part 2- Redeemer, on the Xbox were pretty cool for video game adaptations of pen and paper.

They made Hunter WW games? I've never heard of them. Have played both V:tM Redeption and Bloodlines though, both of which were good.
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bloodlines was stellar. I was a big fan of it. That was one of the first games I got for my laptop.
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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Two: The Kill

The car roof dented in as the beast landed on top of it like a cannon ball, leaving large paw prints permanently structured in the metal. The monster snarled in fury as its prey dodged between cars, hitting each one and sounding off alarms. The constant and screeching noise annoyed it no end and disoriented it.

The beast let out a short howl of the hunt, its lunar eyes easily tracking its prey but flinching each time another volley of screeches joined the cars’ opera chorus. It would end this, it would end this now.

Charles hit the Chevy he was running past. The hulking truck flickered to life and began sounding its protest. Out of breath and scared out of his wits, the young man tore though the empty parking lot and to the thick underbrush ahead.

To turn back was suicide. The whole diner was just a shed of blood. Scarlet life was still splashed all on the walls and making small pools on the tiled floor. The image of screaming and bleeding men and women running from the monster was forever imprinted in his head, to haunt him the rest of his years, or seconds.

The Chevy behind him stopped shrieking in a crushing impact sound. There was a snarl of satisfaction from the monster behind Charles and he let out a human whimper. He didn’t want to die, not many did.

He stumbled and fell, tripping over an unseen object. His face hit the asphalt in a cracking impact and he let out a small dog like yelp.

“No, no,” he muttered. He tried to push himself back on his feet. To carry on, to move on. Then something stomped on his back and two of his ribs shattered from the impact with the hard ground. Blood dripped from his pink lips and spotted the black asphalt.

Drool cooled the back of his neck as whatever it was leaned in and growled. He glanced backwards, out of fear and fatal curiosity. A large wolf stared back at him, but it wasn’t a wolf. The snout was too short but the features were the same, but more muscular and cunning. The brown fur decorated the anamorphic body like armor and hands that were claws scraped the ground while an arch backed allowed the teeth to be viewed in full glory.

“You’re already dead, you just don’t know it,” hissed Charles.

The creature answered by ripping off Charles’s head in a snapping and squelching sound. A short but long reaching geyser of blood decorated the ground in a gruesome display of red and pink. The monster snorted and stepped off the body and tossed the head away. Heads didn’t interest it, the heart on the other hand…

Before it could rip open the deceased hunter’s chest, something slammed into its back hard enough to have it sail forward, yelping in pain and surprise. Just as it spun in the air and landed on its feet, two young men jumped out a large jeep which had just attained a new decorative dent.

“It’s huge,” hissed the taller one named Daniel. His pistol was held ready to fire at any moment as his bright blue eyes flicked nervously towards his more experienced companion.

“She’s huge, you mean,” answered Jake. The shotgun in his two hands was filled with silver leaded shells. “Mrs. Catherine Collert. She lives…lived right down the block from my house.”

“That’s dar-” He didn’t finish his sentence. The were snarled and leaped, having enough of the conversation of her past life. She was a blur of gray and black as she shot forward with a bone chilling cry. Daniel was the target and she did not miss.

Her reaching talons scored a hit on Daniel’s shoulder. Tearing into the flesh and separating muscle. The junior hunter screamed in pain as he recoiled back as his twitching hand let the gun drop to the floor.

“Shit!” Jake whirled around, trying to trace the blur of matted fur. He squeezed the trigger and the shotgun kicked back as it fired off its deadly children. The ring of silver bullets zipped forward and more than half of the circle embedded themselves into the alien flesh of the werewolf.

She screamed as the silver did its work, the chemical and allergic reaction with her blood caused the wounded flesh to sizzle and burn like a steak being cooked over an open grill. The smell wafted into the air and Daniel scrambled for his gun.

Mrs. Catherine rebounded off a BMW and bowled it over. The metal screeched and ripped and bent as it tipped over to lie on its roof, surrounded by broken glass and shards of dented metal. The werewolf charged forward, dodging and weaving in irregular patterns. Jake fired again and again, each time missing. It wasn’t long before the click of an empty gun announced his bloody end.

“Son of a bitch!” Jake slipped on the slick blood on the ground and saved his own life by accident. His quick downing spared him from a gruesome decapitation. Her claws slashed air and raked against the jeep door.

“That costs a lot to repair you bitch!” screamed Daniel. He fired wildly with his pistol, the ready bullets punching into the werewolf’s chest. She roared and fell backwards as her whole torso seemed to go up in smoke. Daniel laughed and ran to the back of the jeep, leaving Jake alone to handle a very pissed off werewolf.

“What the hell, Daniel?”

“Hold her off, mate! I’m getting Big Daddy!”

“Oh shit,” hissed Jake. He ducked a violent and desperate clawing and pounded the butt of his shotgun into the spinning skull of Mrs. Catherine. “Hurry up! Hurry up!”

She growled and swung wildly, catching a lucky hit. Jake’s breath was knocked clean out of him, rushing out of his open mouth like a one way train to paradise. He flew far and smacked straight into a large pickup truck and his head smashed through the window. He was out like a light.

Mrs. Catherine snarled a snarl of satisfaction and looked around. Her fingers dug into her chest and began yanking out the silver one at a time as she flicked them to the ground. Where the hell was the other one? What was this Big Daddy? God, she was hungry.

“Yo, bizit!”

There was a loading sound and the ringing echo of a rather large slug entering into an empty chamber. Mrs. Catherine would have cursed if she could form human words. She leaped, using her abilities to their fullest extent. She became faster than a speeding bullet. The car she had been crouching in front of exploded in a ball of fire and screaming metal.

Heat roared over her as the parking lot was lit by the fire of carnage, revealing the blood stained ground, the headless corpse, and a growling were facing off against a hunter.

The fur was singed on her back and she recovered quickly, bounding towards a flustered Daniel. The Junior hunter saw her coming as he was busy trying to shove a large .50 caliber silver shell into the barrel of a crude but bad ass looking gun.


The werewolf did a fancy spin in the air and knocked Daniel flying with a swing of her arms. The hunter flew back and hit the cement hard. There was cracking sounds and he rolled over on his belly groaning, his already wounded arm bent at an extremely awkward angle. He tried to form an appropriate word for his situation but failed as blood bubbled up to spill out of his moth.

She seemed to chuckle as she padded towards his twitching body. She crouched over him, her jaws dribbling a small string of drool as her canines gleamed in the moonlight. Her shining red eyes viewed Daniel with a lustful look. The look when a fat man sat before a huge steak with only a knife for a utensil.

Mrs. Catherine raised her claw; she would make this a slow kill. First the two arms to snack on while she went to check on the other hunter. Speaking of which…

Jake blew a hole in her chest, literally. Bits and pieces spiraled into the air like confetti as blood splashed all over the asphalt along with what remained of her intestines. She snarled as her healing factor began to try to work major overtime. Her flesh sizzled as silver shards burnt away at her. It was over and she knew it.

“I love this job,” muttered Jake.

Mrs. Catherine let out a final howl and stumbled forward, her last fuels of strength waning, giving her one final push. Jake didn’t see it coming. Her talons dug into his chest and he screamed in pain as he stumbled backwards, allowing the claws to slice downward then unhook.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! Where’s the antidote! Wait…,” Jake paused in his rambling and glanced at his fellow hunter. “DANIEL!”

His friend wasn’t moving. He lay still on the red ground, not even twitching. Maybe he was unconscious. Jake rushed forward gently rolled him over. What he saw wasn’t pretty. Four ribs were broken and had punched through the skin to breathe fresh air for the first time. Another snapped rib was imbedded where the heart was as a ridiculous amount of blood leaked out. Daniel was just as dead as Mrs. Catherine.

“Dammit,” muttered Jake.


“Mrs. Catherine. Age 27. Married but with her husband found dead in a bathtub. Heart was missing.” Donner flicked to another small page. “This was her first full moon I believe. Lucky for you guys…er…you.”

Jake sat heavily on the hood of his jeep as he watched clean up hunters cart away a rotting werewolf. She was slowly beginning to revert back to her human form, the hair slowly sinking back to her blood stained arm. “Yeah…lucky us.”

Donner sighed and tucked away his notebook back into the pocket of his black designer jeans. He tugged his heavy coat tighter against his large frame. “It’s tough, kid. I know how you feel.”

Jake raised an eyebrow.

“Well, ok, not really but I’m just trying to offer my condolences. Cigarette?” He held out a skinny white object to Jake as he blew smoke through his nose as another lit cigarette hung from his lower lip.

“Not old enough.”

“You’re a hunter, which means you can smoke.”

“Ah. But no thanks.”

Donner shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He tucked the spare away for a later use. He patted Jake shoulder then curled his nose as he stained his palm with blood. He absently wiped it on the hood of the jeep and glanced at the two dead bodies. One a hunter, the other a civilian.

“She killed a lot of civilians back there. A lot. It was a diner.”

“That’s why we were called. An officer was able to get a message off before he was torn to pieces.” Jake closed his eyes. “I need to get some sleep. I have school tomorrow.”

“Hunter by night and student by day, huh? Must be rough. Did you know Daniel well?” Donner blew some more smoke and glanced at the twisted body of the hunter.

“No…I just met him a week ago. He was new, had some spunk.” The victorious hunter ran his hand through his dark hair and quickly withdrew it once he remembered than he was just staining his hair red. “Contacted the family yet?”

“Had no family.” Donner flicked the cigarette away and stepped on it. “Orphan that volunteered at an early age. His parents were done in by a group of vampires, nasty business. I was just a junior cop. I knew the kid…”

“Oh…I’m sorry.”

Donner coughed. “Yes…well…actually, the kid was a downright asshole to you if you weren’t a hunter.”

“Ah,” said Jake.

“So yeah, don’t care much, still sad though, but it won’t keep me from sleeping.” The police officer laughed and yelled out an order to a confused officer. “Hey! Buddy! Put Daniel in a body bag! Geez! No, not the one without the head. Yes! That one! Good boy!”

“New guy?” asked the hunter.

“Yep,” answered Donner. “I’ll get a ride for you, alright. You get some sleep.”

“School starts in an hour,” informed Jake wearily.

“Damn! It’s that early? We’ll get you some new clothes.”



Lameo I know, but I don't have time to lengthen the chapter out.

When and where does Jake change or find out that he's a werewolf.

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He falls asleep at the end of the last period, wakes up with the moon shining through the window and a friendly cleaner unlocking the main doors for him. As a reward for this altruistic deed, he turns into a half-human monster and rips out the cleaner's heart, gobbling it up with tasty-num-num noises. He goes home, fighting with the werewolf urges to hunt and kill, and struggles for the rest of the night, before falling asleep. He dreams in flashes of the events of that night, and is tormented in coming days by visions of the cleaner's heart being ripped out from a first person view. He wakes up covered in blood and has a REALLY LONG SHOWER.

He doesn't look well at work, and just before the next full moon, a message is sent to his house by a werewolf. What does it say?

Pretty good, eh? Very Happy Nicely written again, Fenris, and as I probably said somewhere above... WANT... MORE... Wink

Thrash, dash and crash alike.

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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, what sort of Lycan system are you talking about here? IE - do werewolves change just on the full-moon, the day before and after, or when they get pissed off?
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow thanks Zeph!

Thanks for the suggestion Crossfire.

And to answer your question lordofthenight, I kinda wanted to reveal it in the incoming chapters...
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think at school would be excellent.

He falls asleep in class. His prick of a teacher sends him to the office.

The principal (also a jackass) chews him out.

The stress gets to Jake, who can't control his bestial rage that consumes him. He transforms and rips the bastard to pieces, placing him in a pretty sticky situation when he calms down and morphs back in a blood soaked office.
Eadgar's Saga Chapter 2 POLL

Abattoir Chapter 2!
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it's kinda hard to choose how he works it out if we don't know what brings it out.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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Where should the story start off at?
Start of with Jake (the main character) living a normal life not knowing of his bloodline?
 33%  [ 2 ]
Start off with Jake already knowing that he has werewolf blood and is trying to hide it?
 0%  [ 0 ]
Start off with Jake on the run and explain the past through memoirs?
 16%  [ 1 ]
Have Jake Kill/Capture a Werewolf then find out he is one?
 50%  [ 3 ]
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Who Voted: Jack_D.Mented, Lilith, Mastermind, Masterweaver

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